The Albert Schweitzer Leadership Award is presented to individuals who have distinguished themselves through their service to mankind and who have contributed significantly through their leadership to the education and motivation of youth.

Joseph “Beau” Biden III began his life of service as an attorney with the US Attorney’s Office before serving as the Attorney General of Delaware from 2007 to 2011. Additionally, he served as a Major in the Delaware Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq for a year in 2008, serving in an administrative post with the 261st Signal Brigade. Beau was awarded the Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit for his service.

During his time in office, Biden took aggressive tactics to tamp down on HON. JOSEPH R. BIDEN, III child sex crimes perpetrators, netting 180 convictions. He also went after banks and mortgage lenders for their roles in perpetrating crooked loans. Attorney General of Delaware, 2007-2015 Biden died of brain cancer on May 30, 2015.

Biden has been described as “quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known,” by his father, Vice President , who also said, “More than his professional accomplishments, Beau measured himself as a husband, father, son and brother. His absolute honor made him a role model for our family. Beau embodied my father’s saying that a parent knows success when his child turns out better than he did.”

“Beau Biden believed the best of us all,” Obama said. “For him, and for his family, we swing our lanterns higher.”

The Honorable Joseph R. “Beau” Biden, the former Attorney General of Delaware will posthumously receive the HOBY Albert Schweitzer Leadership Award on November 4, 2015 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, CA.

For sponsorship and ticket information, please contact MTA Events at [email protected] or call 818.906.0240

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