Dear reader, Thank you for picking up this questionnaire and helping us to celebrate 30 years of M.C. Beaton! The support that libraries have given to M.C. Beaton over the years has been fantastic, so what better place to mark the occasion? As a reader of M.C. Beaton we’d love to get to know you a little better and hear what you think of her books. Every completed questionnaire will be entered into a prize draw to win an entire bookshelf of M.C. Beaton books! Thank you,

Little, Brown Book Group, publishers of M.C. Beaton M.C. Beaton Author Questionnaire Gender Male Female Age Under 18 26 – 35 46 – 55 66+ 18 – 25 36 – 45 56 – 65

How many M.C. Beaton books have you read in your life?

1 6 – 10 16 – 20 2 – 5 11 – 15 21+

Which of these categories of M.C. Beaton books have you read? [please select all that apply] Agatha Raisin series Regency romances Hamish Macbeth series None

Which of these categories is your favourite to read? [please select one only]

Hamish Macbeth Regency romances None – I don’t like any of them Agatha Raisin None – I like them all equally

Do you visit any of the following sites? [please select all which apply] Do you have a Facebook page?

Yes No

Are you on Twitter?

Yes No

Are you subscribed to M.C. Beaton’s newsletter?

Yes No I didn’t know she had a newsletter

Which of these book formats have you bought in the last 6 months?

Ebook Paperback None - I always borrow from the library Hardback Audiobook None – I haven’t bought a book in the last ooooooo6 months

What other genres do you like to read?

Please list your three favourite authors

How should we reach you if you are our prize drawer winner?

Name: Library: Email:


*we promise to only use your details if you are a winner Thank you for completing this survey. Please return to your librarian by 1st May 2015.