Dragon Kill Points: Loot Distribution in Mmorpgs
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Dragon Kill Points: Loot Distribution in MMORPGs Ernst Gunnar Gran Sven-Arne Reinemo Simula Research Laboratory Simula Research Laboratory P.O. Box 134, 1325 Lysaker, Norway P.O. Box 134, 1325 Lysaker, Norway [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT players of EverQuest (EQ) [5]. Originally EQ had two dragon One of the major reasons for playing Massive Multiplayer bosses that could only be slayed by a party of many cooper- Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) is the possibility ating players. The rewards were, however, few, so to do fair to show off your abilities to other players. The more rare loot distribution the player guild Afterlife came up with the your equipment is, the higher is the show off value of your system Dragon Kill Points (DKP) in 1999. The basic idea character. And because rare items are hard to find cooper- behind DKP is to award players points for attending boss ation between several players is often required. This intro- kills. When loot is acquired, the player with the most DKP duces a conflict between the players, and a way to distribute gets the item in exchange for some or all of this person’s loot is necessary. DKP. The introduction of this DKP system has later led to We introduce the problem of loot distribution in MMORPG, a myriad of related systems, and the abbreviation ‘DKP’ and we suggest and give a preliminary evaluation of a new has become a common label for all of them. and improved Dragon Kill Points system. 2. REQUIREMENTS AND PITFALLS 1. INTRODUCTION It has become a common understanding that building a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games add a DKP system is an act of balancing a number of, sometimes new dimension to game play allowing for social interaction conflicting, requirements and avoiding a set of pitfalls. Even between humans. Recent research has shown, however, that if the requirements do differ among communities, there are it is not only the act of playing with others that is impor- some important basics. tant, but also the act of showing off one’s skills to other First of all a DKP system should stimulate players to ex- players [1, 2]. Being skilled is often referred to as being change DKP for loot. If players start passing on small up- elite. Achieving such eliteness happens in two ways. First, grades, saving DKP, to have a better shot at more valuable it is related to the statistical properties a character gains as items later, the whole group might lose valuable upgrades its experience increases, the level of a character. Second, it as items are left unwanted. Second, the possibility to give a is related to the equipment a character possesses. As a char- bonus based on certain criteria strengthens most DKP sys- acter reaches the maximum level, further growth in elitness tems. Bonuses are important in order to motivate players can only happen through improved equipment. Acquiring to take part in actions that are not immediately favorable even a single new valuable item might, however, require the to themselves. Furthermore, the complexity of a DKP sys- cooperation between many players, which again introduce a tem should be low so it is easy for players to understand, conflict between the players. Who is eligible for the loot? trust, and adopt the system. In addition, one could argue Recent MMORPGs like World of Warcraft (WoW) [3] and that a DKP system should contain an element of surprise, Age of Conan [4] have simple ingame mechanisms for deal- i.e. there should be some degree of randomness in the dis- ing with loot distribution. The options typically ranges from tribution of loot. This prevents reservation of items, and free-for-all where anyone can pick up loot, to Master Looter at the same time retains a degree of excitement. However, where one person in the raid is eligible to pick up and dis- from the point of view of some players, the presence of ran- tribute all items among the present players. Most players, domness could conflict with the requirement of fairness. The however, find the ingame loot distribution mechanisms to be perception of fairness does vary among casual and elite play- inadequate for encounters requiring more than 15 players. ers. While elite players is likely to see item reservation and The problem of loot distribution was discovered early by lack of randomness as fair, randomness gives casual players a chance to get quality loot. A DKP system needs to take into consideration the different views of fairness, and try to please both the elite and the casual players. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for The most common pitfall with DKP systems is inflation, personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are where significantly more DKP points are allowed to enter not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies the system than to leave the system. The consequence is bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to that newcomers and casual players will have a hard time to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific catch up with the elite players in the DKP race, leaving them permission from the authors. NetGames ’08, Worcester, MA, USA with only the items the elite players do not want. Therefore, Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-60558-132-3-10/21/2008 ...$5.00. inflation must be avoided in order to keep a raid incentive for new and casual players. Collusion is the second most e t g r a o s s p s common flaw found in DKP systems, and most often occurs y u p t e e u i n n n t s o s m n o i in bidding systems. Collusion is price fixing between players a lex s t l s o e io si r u u p d n t o a u t n m n r l ll through a covert channel during play. This makes it possible m i f s i o o a a o i t n for a group of players to agree on a low price on an item, S B C R F I C D RDCP + + o + + o + + often class-specific, in order to save DKP points for other Roll n/a n/a + + - n/a n/a n/a items later on. The last of the three most common pitfalls Bidding - + + - o - - - distortion Fixed Price - + o - o - + + is . Distortion is caused by class imbalance. Items Zero Sum - - o - o o + + that are specific to a popular class become more expensive Ranking List o - + - o n/a n/a n/a than items specific to an unpopular class due to the differ- ence in demand. Distortion should be avoided, as the class ’+’ = Good, ’o’ = Average, ’-’ = Poor imbalance actually might be needed for some encounters. The five most common systems in use today are roll-only, Figure 1: DKP systems summary. bidding, fixed price, zero sum, and ranking list. Their pros and cons are summarized in figure 1. In a roll-only system the distribution of loot is based on the randomness of a dice, ML will depend on how the players earn DKP. It should be where the player with the highest roll receives the item. In set high enough to reflect the value of the items won, but a bidding system the players interested in an item have to still low enough to only come into action for players with low bid with their accumulated DKPs, and the player with the DKP. The introduction of ML implies that a players DKP higest bid wins the loot. A fixed price system requires the might drop below zero, therefore a player with negative DKP raid leader to price all relevant items in advance. Then will not be eligible for more loot until DKP is once again loot is distributed to the player with the highest amount of above zero. DKPs. In a zero sum system the number of points entering and exiting the system is equal. Whenever an item is looted 4. EVALUATION AND CONCLUSION the number of points equal to the items value is deducted A summary of the preliminary evaluation of the RDCP from the DKPs of the player that recieves loot. Then the system is given in figure 1. The systems from section 2 same number of points is split evenly between all players. have been included for comparison. While RDCP might be A ranking list system maintains a list of all players, where the most complex system, the required DKP management the player at the top of the list is first in line when loot could be handled by ingame logics. In all other respects is distributed. A player that receives loot is moved to the RDCP scores well. The inclusion of randomness together bottom of the list. with the p% DKP cut prevents hoarding and lets the RDCP system balance the treatment of regular and casual players. 3. ROLLDKP,CUT% Furthermore, the use of p% cut reduce inflation. RDCP also The Roll DKP, cut % (RDCP) system was introduced provides support for bonuses, and players can not influence by the authors for the WoW guild Blotslauget as a DKP the price of items, thus avoiding the pitfalls of collusion and system meant to satisfy both regular and casual players, distortion. and to motivate the guild members to work for the better of In this paper we have introduced and analysed the prob- the guild.