W Open Letters To NCSU Spring Break Special Stilett‘acks.’l’agc ili Leaders of N.(‘. State git e their ads ice to students who want to party on Hillsborotigh St. Opinion ’age 4A. We Love UNC Spo. iii...- (a;

North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Siriée ”.02

Volume 00‘", Number 55 Wednesday, February 6, 1991 Raleigh, 1v Editorial 737-241 I ’Adyertising 737-1029

Students encouraged to hold post-game celebrations in Brickyard By Amy I.. (‘oulter "that \\.i-. an iiiitoittitiate situation the people being initired iii the contusion lc\el ot piogtcssioii isotild he more .ippto c‘I on the ltiicksaid tti seats past tot ion. Staff Water otliet night.‘ he s.iid. t‘etei‘ring to the out "I look tornard to sharing iii the celehra piiate ts‘lt'l‘l‘olltitis deiit itisoiiiiii.‘ Raleigh l’olice lt .latiics Itoii ol all our \tctoi'ies." he said "littt selc ‘ltliiiik it \Hltllil make the hieget 's ictoiics lollmsiiig the national tliainpiott hip For students planning to celebrate on I'iiictie hrating is one thing taking o\et .i thot lllfJ‘UL'l.‘ ltt‘ stiltl ‘ll sllttletits til\\.i_\s celt' games in NW and l‘t-‘ti. s'iiiletits liiokt Hillsborough Street l’tiscite sustained leg tiiitii'ies dtitiiig the ouglilare or closing a business is quite htalc lU\.Il \tt'ltil'lt‘\ iii the slIL‘t‘l. then when tlirotigli the lii'itlsatd onto lltllshotoiiglt alter tonight‘s N.(‘. captiiie oI a student stt‘cakci attei the lhike atiotliet Please ioiii \\llli iiie iii titlt‘ t'iittii'e htggei \ittories happen. \iheie do students Slteet. said Smith. but ti‘illlllilt‘il tit .t'li‘' State \.s. llN(‘»(‘hapel l'iiiieisit\ game celebrations let's not be taking. let‘s he go he asked ht'ate on the Hi'itkiaitt lot Iota! \icioiies Hill men‘s basketball = Utleti people toi'get the reason la\\ celebrating on the lit'it‘kiitt'tl.“ -\s a positiic .tltct‘t‘.;iti\c to the That Is, I .l t . game. there is a “0rd of ctilottctiiciit otticials are out there. l'.lll\ In another Iettet lI‘UIlI the adiiiiiiisti‘atioti. Hillshoiotigli Street cclcbtatioti Student 'tltl'l the liiicksul is» .IHS'ct, tltll warning. said "It s oiii ioh to its to make sure head basketball coach l.es Robinson l)e\elopnieiit. With the help oi t’iitilit my ithiait coiisttiittioii tot llt'.lll\~ tliicc Approitimately 30 to iiohodf. 's litiit and tialtit lion and pt'opet‘t) c\piesscd his delight \Htlt sttideiits’ school Stilcts/l tle Satetj. pet‘siittttct is hosting .i \t'tll ~ 35 Campus Police offi- ttl‘e ( )K H spirit ltiit like Motiteith. he stressed that boiil'ire on the Hrickxaid tonight attei the Raleigh I’l'llkt' and \t \l (.ti ipn l’olzcc cers and support staff ('liaiitclloi .\loiiteiih Iias issued a lettet students should celebrate \lL‘ltit’) hiit "not game \stitk togetliet Ilt etis'iitii;g tiic smooth 'I its will be on duty tonight. sa_\ iiig he iiiges students to piactice restraint itoi bi'iiig eiiibari'assiiient to the uni\ersit}." then Smith. assistant ditectoi ot Student til ll.lllli. .IS 'skt’li .I‘ 'tt titttiiit tl _i..t.t,; depending on the out- ' in then heliaiioi He also said tltat N('SI' Stiidetit Body President lid Stack said he l)e\elopiiicnt_ said tolloisiiig a meeting last helianoi lllis s.iid come of the game. students islio hieak cit_\ l;l\\s “Ill be held urges students to keep their celebrations on \seek \Hllt repi'esentatiies oi the tiiiiicisit} “L" at: lit‘l;‘ttt‘.' stit‘t‘li tit'tt'. l{.;i' ,‘tt Crime Prevention accountable b) the city ol‘ Raleigh and the the Brickyit‘d rather thatt Hillsboroiigh .tdiiiinistratioti and caiiiptis atid cit_\ police tl’olice licpattttic'iiti e\cit though out Ittti ()t'licer Larry Ellis said all the officers .iie iitiiieisit) iiidicial s_\steiii. Street. except tor the bigger \ictories such the idea tor the on campus celebration vsas diction liis extended lt‘ ll,‘ilsho:tutt~_'li treating this as they do any other big game. Iii .iiiotliei staieiiieiit. Motiletth expressed as the A(.‘(‘ Tournament. apprned Street. he said Procedures will be the same as always. said his concern that .t coiitroiitation like the one "I think celebration is definitely in order “We thought tthe Brickyardi “as an R.llt'l)_‘lt t‘tillct' s'lllt t.tl\ tlt‘t ltllt'tl lt‘ It‘lt‘dst Ellis. but there will be a higher lC\L‘l ot‘ two weeks ago on llillsboi‘ough Street when we do “I” (against UNCL they are attractive part ot‘ canipUs" to hold the cele itiloi'iiiattoii totitttiiitig \t‘cIIIII\ tiie.i-.ti'.'~ awareness. could lead to property damage atid more our riials." Stack said, However. he said a brati in." Smith said. Students used to gatli the) \\ tll he idlsltisj tonight

Class of ’91 donates

new reading room By Pamela (‘ostigan payment is Sltl and “ill the tease b) Stat" Writer \lll L‘ilt’lt _\t‘;tt 'l‘litist‘ st‘tttt i: ». t on iribiititig this pledge is ill hate tiicit The seiiioi‘ class gilt ot l‘NI is a iiaities oti .i plaque iii the new itaa hen reading rooiii in the lzi‘dahl In}; tiiittlt (‘losd \siiig ot the I) ll llill libt';ii'_\ lhe senior class goal tot ilwiia l‘hc \ialls ot the e\istiiig Rescue tions is Sltitilltiti llic test ol :lic Room “I” be knocked out to tiiake tost \\Ill be tiiet through iiiatt‘tiiig the lust floor of the libiai_\ one tiiiids ttoiii coipoiatioiis large room. ltcsigti tot the seiiiot _g:ti tiiil The Resene Rooni \\ill be relo cotiiplitii cut the lit‘“ lounge sltttl\ catcd and the periodicals \sill he .itt'a gin-ii to \J (' ‘itatc h\ ‘lie' tinned oiit ot the basement upstairs ('lass tit I‘lt‘s‘" to the new room. called The I‘MI This i'enmatioii .itid ietinbislitiit-iit Periodicals Reading Room is the tiist step iii .i plan to icttoiate The space tttws heing Used ltir ctll tit Iltt‘ tilil set Itiitts tit lltt“ ltl‘ta' } periodicals \\Ill be comerted to In addition to carpeting stiids cat staff ot't‘ices icls. and tables. the Iibi‘ars \\lll ltll- Donations \till he collected met nish tuo ttt‘“ copiers. one ot \shich the nest se\eral sears .itid construe \\ Ill be .i ci-lot iopii'r tioii on the protect \iill statt in Senioi( lass l’ics'tletit l in Sparks ahotit tliiee sears s.ittl '\\e \scie lookuig tot n-ttie A phonathon. Sutidas through thing \ei\ student oriented ’l'hiirsda) is attempting to reach letteis “L‘l't‘ sent in (iciobu to members ot the serum L‘ldss. ditterctit departiiictits and gloaps Brochures about the gill \icre also asking tor suggestions about 'i‘t‘ mailed to seiiiois. gilt \boni I‘ oi tiicse itiets .st-v. More than liltl \oltiiiteeis are crittsidetctl h) .i Settiii: t uorking on the phoiiathon. orgar (‘oiiticil ('oiiiiiiittee. and the .tiiiic iii/ed b) Senior (‘lass Vice ct‘ttni‘tl \oti'tl (“l the titial t liiiit c President .lct't Sagraies The \oItin- Seniors can call Bi'satii \t‘ici‘ tect‘s \\lll be calling seniors '\\slslttltl Director ot the \itiiiiwt belts eeti o and II pm. Budding. yiho is the Senior t'lass liach scnioi is being asked to -\d\tset'. tot ititoi‘itiatioti .ihtittt pledge SIS”. payable iii install— donating nioiies The titiiiihct to: tnents oier toiir tears The initial the \liiiiiiii Building is i c.\ Peter Sweyet/Stoft Job abroad conference attended by fifty students Hitting the books By .I. Keith .Iordan \(‘St niotletatcd the t't‘lll'c'lt'llit' Start L‘v'itet which began at h piii l-ac'li spcakt'i Freshmen Beth Hallisey, linsey Clingham and Lisa MtNamet- take some rays on Tucker Beach. They were joined by many other people talked tor about 30 minutes advantage of the warm and sunny weather Tuesday to study and catch who participated in everything from volleyball to just hanging out. About 50 students attended a con~ tcieiice on tobs abroad and iii tiitilti ('ateci Planning and l‘l...ciiiciit national corporations on Moiida) counseloi litiiothi Stiles s.iitt :tic "International Business careers speakers \\c‘l't‘ tiieatit to \‘\|‘lcttlt ttit Preparing tor the l‘UtlIrL'" lasted \ai'iotis aspects ot .iitett:.:tton.il about t\\ti hours. utth the speakers iobs He also said that the cooler Influenza outbreak on campus only regional talking about topics ranging t'roiii eiice “as ititetided to he a toieiii'i tiiat'ketiiig to Ian It was the second tier toi the bigget tonitti \Ilttil ll _\ear that the N (‘ State (‘ai‘eer Student ('otit’etence on t .itecis and By Russell Deatherage tieithet a cold tioi the tin. The biggest dittcreiice is that \Ailli the tlti you Planning .iiid l’lacctiient (‘etiter has business in (‘biilotic lal. ii: Staff Writer "I hate to s.i) no." s.i:t| l)i Stitcklaiid. "because time a lt‘Rs‘I io\ei I00 degrees. otteii Itll to til-1 held the contereiicc iiioiith it has been ingrained in its tot so Ioiig But there degrees l‘dltl's‘llltt‘lll and bod} aches \\‘ith a cold "This is .i itoiiderttil oppot'tiintt) liiteteslett stiidciits iiia\ ls'L'l‘lCl As l'aitht'ul as the postman on his ioiitids. the is no e\ idetite to suggest that you can get the tlit )oii iisual|_\ only li.i\e toiigcstioii and/or a drjs to meet people troni othei cultures." lot that t'\t‘ttl .it the ( Iiiect Planning flu made its annual aptx‘arance at N,(‘ State iii trotii .iii} otIiei \\.l_\ than contact \sith .iii ititected cough said (‘atol Siliroedet, assistant and l’latciiieiil (‘etitci tiiittl l'tltl.t\ January. peisoii ” It _\oii .II'L‘Ibl sine. then all sou can do is treat diicctor ol (‘aieei l'latitiitig and \chttietlt‘t s.ilil tltt‘ \ltitttl.l_\ ciitl At least 63 cases hase been treated at the (‘Iai k (itititl lttgtt'ltc' Is tts‘c‘tlc‘tl Iii slii\\ tltt‘ sptt‘atl \s the s)niptoiiis l‘_\leiiol tot the Inn ot .ispitiii it l’laceiiieiit Schroeder said tiiost ot tct‘ente g.i\e .i l'caltstts \te\\ ol iohs Infirmary since the start ot' this semester |)i it applies to college students. good Ii\gictie .W“ are oser IS. treiiietiibei' Rte SMttltttIlts‘l. the people iii the audience were in tot‘eigti touiitries and \\lll| iiiiilti Gay Strickland said the lltt outbreak appears to iiieaiis \sasliitig haiids otteii. coxciiiig iiiotitlis cough s)ttlp. decongestants. and possib|_\ d probably business and toreigii Iaii- tiatioiial tiiiiis be at its peak and is expected to tade .is the lltt \shcii coughing attd s\\L".tt|tt_L' ott kissing tor the tittiit't/et' giiage Ittdltit’s. though the program season wanes, diiiatioii Antibiotics ate iii no help tot an titicoiiiplicated \sas open to .ill \(‘Sl' students "It is tllllls‘llll to vialk diicttls into According to Barbra l.u}ttttilt ot the North "llie stiaiiis change ottcti ” said Hi Stiicklatid. ”it since they do not .ittect the \ iriis Tom Brown director ot the a iob abroad." she said "That isn't (‘arolina lnl‘luema Protect. this _\ear's strain is "Because ol this. Iolks need to get a Hit shot (‘laik ltlllt'ltt.ll'\ has cold and lltt I'L‘tltt‘tlts‘S tree International Trade (‘enter .it amass \ibiit students \\.Iltl to heat ” called YainagatasB. Last )C.tl“s itn strain “as c\ei'} _\e.ii to combat the new stiatiis " to sttidciits at the phartiiac} t\ll you need to do type A. It you had the A straiii last seat. _\oti I)oii't iiish to the Ittltlllth iiist tel to get _\otii' Is shim tour II) card and till oitt .i request hunt. won’t get it again. The catch is. no“ the r\ strain shot l)t' Strickland said "the best time to get the \on don't hate to Rd” to see a doctot tirst .liist has turned into the B strain. and _\oti can come shot is iii iiitd Noseiiihei There is .i too ueek go iii and decide what sort \iaitt Education campaign ends down with the new one incubation period lot the \accine to begin \uitls “('liiclsti s. .p is nice. but it doesn‘t help. It “I” he piotected tor the home it ocdics seem to \ioi'k tot )oii. stick mth "We are experiencing only a regional outbreak iiig. but .ittet that _\oii By Kristin Rambo propei state repi'eseiitatiies of the llu now," .said Laymon. A regional tiiit- test til the season ” tltetiif lh \"'- klaii ‘ s.iid. "bit the) tea”) don‘t Stat? Writer "I think tie in” be sitccessltil in break means there are sporadic reports oi flu. but lilie \dL'klllt' is a killed \ii'tis \acciiie. That is. diuiintliitig. ‘ shouing that the students are con- it does not imply that there is an epidemic. you cannot get the Hit t't‘oiii taking the \acciiie 'l Iicte is a piesciipiaiir drug called \iiiaiitadine N (‘ State is sending a tiiessage to cerne-' about the cuts in education “However, it is difficult to keep track ol the '\It\tiltt‘ can take the \accttic e\cept people “bit that ssitl shorten the lite ot the »\ straiii it caught the North (‘arolina legislature: No and that “e ha\e intelligent opin- spread because itit'liieii/a outbreaks are iioi he L‘\ttL‘lttt‘l} allergic to eggs l:\eii pregnant e.ii'l_\ more budget cuts iii cdiicatioti' ions." said Staots. required to be reported to the state like .\|I)S oi isoiiieii can take the \acciiie \iithotit tear of l‘he llii lot most people is only a tittisancc But The "Write for Education lid Stack. Student Bod) President. VD." harm to the tents iii the elderly. those \\ itli chronic disease. and the campaign" viill come to a close said he Vtas \ers pleased “llh the The lltt and colds are caught throtigh coiitaci Shots .ii‘e giieii at the Clark lnt‘irniar} to WI) _\otitig. it can be dcadl) it' ttot treated nest ueek when :ipprosiniately 4~ campus' response to the “Write tot with someone who already is iiitected \-.itli the N('Sl' stiideiits tot ‘si But they are tree at the "ltit'liieii/a can turn into pneumonia." l)r. 5.000 signed letters are deliiered to lidiication" campaign Virus. For tiiost ot‘ its. that means hand contact ot \\ake ('oiiiits llcalth ('linic tor ati_\one oser (35 Strickland said. "but. college age people should the N (‘. legislature. According to "I think the students did a great inhaling the \‘IFllS during close association \Hlll ot tiotihled h_\ .i chronic illness. such as kidne} not won} about that It happens l‘ul‘L'l) iii this Tom Staats. exectitiie assistant to iob."Stack said. someone With the tin disease. heart disease or :\ll)S Shots also are age group.” the Student Bod} President. Student According to Stack. Student Remember how Mania ttl“.t_\s told son to biiii .i\.ii|ahle troiii )tltll plt)sltl.ltt Non that you're .iii espert on the lltt. il )ou (itiVefltntL‘ttt representatises vcill (imeriittient is currently getting a dle tip before going outside’ She \\ as strong It \oii .ilnad} li.i\e the brig. _\ou need to be base any questions. teel tree to call the (‘lark‘ hand deliier the letters that uere titial count ol the letters and soitiiig Shorts. bare feet and wet heads will goe \oii one _\oii Ii.i\e the tin and not a common cold. lntirmary at 7372564 The) 'It be happy to help. signed by N.(‘. State students to the them by coiiiits \t ‘.\\

b p m Ill Room lot \\ inston Hall NCSI’ Bookstores iiiyitcs slti A” Social \Votk iiiatois aic “cl HOIIIS 18818! dcnts to partit ipaic in a celebration {I‘lllt‘ of Africati-American Ilisloiy Month licb. II in the (‘atalyst Students toi Peace is sponsoring: Book Shop of the Dunn Aiciiuc a candle llfllll Hell on the store. Students interested in doing Ilia k\aid l'liiiisday at ‘l p in Feb b.1991 short performances or readings SWITCH TO OUR during this occasion are asked to II (IRt’II' IRANtAlS. mun "YES l“ contact Sheny Ilolbrook Atkinson M'Sl 's l-reiich ('Iiib \\lll hayc its 1mm at 7R7 357R. \scckly conycrsation hour l-riday 's . . . .it l p iii at Mitch‘s Vcne/ 1.0 WPRICES IN ’9' SPRING BREAK starts March I POSTER CON'I‘IzS'I' In rccog Vombicus t\' Noinbrcuscs at It) p.m. Classes resume March nition of Condom Assarncss Week. IO. I I at 8:05 am. the Center for Ilcalth Directions is :\ Iebancsc (‘ollcc Iloiisc “Ill sponsoring a Saler Scs Poster be on Saturday from (1*) pin. iii NC. State does not condone or Contest. The grand pole is Sltitl. the “.tllltll Room of thc Holly Farms 0: Perdue promote postgame celebrations at For details. call I inda Altariaii at l'iiiycrsity Student ("enter any off-campus site. including 7_l7»35h3 Admission is SI at the door Whole Fryer Hillsborough Street. Any member I I I I I I of the university community who Improving Your Scryc. Volunteer INI'I1RI5S'I’I2ll IN INTI‘IRNA violates state law. city ordinance Day is Feb I5 Iron. l-(i p.m. 'I'IUNM l \\\'. I’()l.lTl(‘S. ()R or the NCSU Code of Conduct Shots yotir true loy e during thc iillSlNI-SS’ Then tom the Will he held fully accountable by Valentine season by going your International Relations Society .it the courts and tinisersity judicial time for three hours one Friday their nest meeting I5eb. II in the procedures. afternoon. One time scryice pro- locally lounge ot the I‘Hl I O I iects include yard \york. filing. Building at «l pm :\|so. lcb I). a There will be free evening tutor- painting and other acti\ities_ meeting and discussion \sith laciil ing sessions for the following lndii iduals and ‘lrtitlps are encour- ty and students from the llISllllllt‘ courses: aged to participate. Sign up no“ of International Relations .lI by calling 737.). Ill} Mose-o“ State I'mycrsity \\Ill be MA III. Tuesday & Thursday. at 4 pm in the Walnut Room of 6-8230 p.m.. Harrelson 113 SPECIAL EVENTS the l'tiiycisity Student (‘ciitci MA l4l. Tuesday 6: Thursday. Refreshments \\ ill be asailablc i (1:30-8:30 pm. Harrelson 227 An International (‘ot'fec llour ‘3'!“, \..:- MA 24L Monday & W’dnesday. will be Thursday from II am to lECTORES SEMINARS O 6:30—8:30 pm. Harrelson 274 put. iii the loner lounge of SESSIONS' WORKSHOPS 7i) A Alexander Residence Hall. Meet The Study Abroad ()ffice wtll other students and campus mem- Namy Ilrmtn will conduct a have an information booth on bers over refreshments. This homo hag lunchtime seminar loi' Thursday at the Nonh Lobby desk week‘s sponsor is the (‘ary parents Wednesday Ill Room 500 in the University Student (‘enter Extension Homemakers of l‘oc llall Discussion “I” focus between II a.m. and pm. Come on \thcthei parents should be by for information o.: exciting ID. alarmed and behayioi's to look lor study. work and travel abroad The Student Social Work it you become \yorricd about your opportunities. Association will meet Thursday at child‘s home or tenth care. l‘til‘ more intormation. call Kathy \ail at 71”»1l i5 POSTER CONTEST” ('aicci l‘ldlllllllg and l’lacciiicnt is sponsoring: \Rl‘ Ytll‘ II $100 Cash l.\(i l’RtillI I \IS ltltfl SIM. Grand Prize ! S t)\ \t \Rlzl R" I-eh l‘l. fl. .‘h and 3S from (i p Ill. in .‘IUH Iii Recognition of: CONDOM AWARENESS \Nliltls’ l’ullcti Ilall Making .1 career dcci The Center For Health Directions is Sponsoring a sioii tati be an upsetting situation ll \on don't liaxc the Ilgllll iiiloi SAFER SEX POSTER iiialioii and .itlcititalc tools to assess yoiiisell T his tout pail CONTEST \soiksliop iti\ol\cs ill\tll\\ltlll\ 2nd prize: Free Leadership Modules for I semester. and c\crciscs to help participants Other Prizes include NCSU Bookstore (lift Certificates. tlt‘lltlt‘ tali‘tft Illlt‘lt‘sls .tlltl itsst‘ss Deadline: Feb. I} at 5:00 pm. Rm 40X. Student Health Sery ice skills. \altics and cspci'iciicc in The contest is open to currently registered NCSI' students; only one relation to career choice \ou must poster per entrant please! Posters must be on 22" s ZS“ postct boaid and pic iccister and a 85 Ice toicrs all include your name. address. and phone number on the back. Nudity. iiiatciials. (‘all 7377330!) lot mote profanity and racist and homophobic depictions Vt ill not be accepted iiiloiitialion 'I'Iic Center [2”- Hl’lllI/I Hirer limit n'luim I/It' rich! Io I'l'IU'Ilt/Ilt r um pot/n: Winners will be notified on I’l‘irlui‘. H'It. l5. Panel ofJud yes: Compiled by Jay Patel Dr. Stallorll Iid Stack chrick I must) .mm’nflfl_.._ Cathv Cleveland Bull Lisa Betlinger Sponsored by the Center lor Ilealth Directions. M‘SI' Student Health Sen ices 7i7-2563

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This week’s top billings lnatra mania :UAB 7‘ 5 3 E Ii) ,I111‘('ort"\ III 11‘1111‘11‘ llllllf,‘ lltl ll.l\lt‘“ 1111 [111' ' 1H "'.1. I [111111.11111' \l 1111111.,'1'II~1111 11 111'1111111 1111~11|11111111..111 Films 1111‘11111 1\ 111~l 11111 \1111 [11'111111' .111' '~|.II1I1111;: 1'\1'1\ 1.111111 11'II~1' 111111 1111' 1111111: 111111 1111' 111'.1\\ 11.1“ ~11111111 11111111 1~..1|~111‘1111.11|} \11/.111111'\1'_11.1~‘ 111111 s 131111‘1” '1\1l\ till 1‘11‘1‘1' (11.11111‘11 1111'1'1' 111111' .111.1pp\ .1 1.1;1111'11.1 ~11111: \1111. i\ 11I1'.1~1111111I 1‘\1‘I_\ 11 11.1~ 111'1111111' .1 11.11111' 11.111 111.11 11111' 1111 1111‘ [11.1111'1 111111' l1.1~111'1 \\1111.1111'.1l \1111 1~111111‘p1'1111l1‘ 11s11'1111111111~11 The Magnificent 1”71']. ‘1";11‘.".'"i’ .‘I”.'.”'111‘? '1"11”.‘." 111.11 11'111x1'~11111111111.1111111\ 1.111111\ mm‘.__.,_._;. \111111 l\1111'.111 ”1.1111“ 1111 \1~ 1111 111211 11111~1‘ \l11~11 111.11 11111 11111 11' Erdahl-C/oyd Feb. 6, 8 p.m. Free l111' 111111 11111111 1;.1111111‘11111: 11111‘11111111'1111} 111111 [1111.111 \11111.1 .11111111111. ~1.11111111111111'11~1111:In1: 11'111111 111 1111' 1.111'~I \11111 111.11 1111111 1111'11 \111111‘1 ~11;1 R1111111 \111111: 111‘ 111111111: [)11111111 \11'11.1 ()1 1.1111111 111.1% 11. 111' 11111111 111111~1'll ..111111111'11111'11 11.1111 11'11111’1~1~ \\111'11 \\1' \1111'111.111~ 111111'11111:.11111n.1\11.11111111‘ 1.111111111111111‘|\1“1111111111111111111'1'111 Stewart Feb. 7, 8p.m. $1.50 11111: 1111111 \l.111.'1' \111111~1111~ 1111111111 1'11'11111 ”.111' \\1' 1111';'11111‘11 ('11.1Il1'~ 11.111 \1.111~1111' 1111'_\ .11111 1111111 ~.1\ \1-111.1111111I 11111111111111'11'11'\1~I1111 1.1111'11'1111. ~1111~.1111111.1111:1111‘1~.111‘ Flat/iners 11'111111~I1111'1.1~1l11|1111‘.~:1111\11111 111'1111111111'1111111'}:1'n1‘~ 11111 .111 11111'111111111111 .11111111\\1.1 11111 1‘1‘11pl1' .111-111111111: 1:11~111.1~l1~.1~ Ii 1 [Ste wart Feb.8, 7:30 a 1000 $1 .11111111111 1‘1111111111; \1‘11111111 1111 11.11'111'1 I\ .1 suburb 111 '1‘1'1 '\\|\ S11 11111 11 '1.111111 11111: 1'11111'1'111111 11'l's |11~1 ~11 back ill .111 1‘.1~\ 111.111. ~11111111111 111.111111111111' .1 111'\\ ~111p open up .1 11111111' 111 ;'111;'1'1 .111‘ 111' 1 1 F713;]II Mankind 111'111 1\.1111l.11111111111111111:11.1;‘~ \\111111'11'1' lurn~ 11111 1111. 111111 1111' ‘ 1111-11'11 1 must 11\ llII~ \1‘11 111:111~ 111111 |1~I1'11 111 “l'1.1nl. S111.11r;1. 1 Stewart Feb. 10, 8p.m. $1 1111111111111 11111 \\11;11111111III. l lllL' ('1llill111 \1‘;1r~” 111111 "1 111'1‘\1'r 1'111111~1' 1111.11 111.111 111111 \1111'11 l’l.1111 1 /1'111111'1 1111111111'11111|_\ 1111111111 What I~ 1"1'111111‘.’ A .\l.111.1 1111)“ A 1'1'1'11111; 11111 1111111‘.’ A11 Academy Seeping Tom \1111 l1'i.11111 1111~11111 11‘11111111111 '\\\1li'tlr\\llllllll;' :11'1111" Sammy Ei'dahl—C/oyd Feb. 11, pm Free \111 1111111 .1111111111s1'1111111111'.11111 1111\1~ .11' '~ best pul'.’ 11111 11. ~~ 111'.II l'111'1111-.11111 .1\ll1'r 1111 Is thought 111111 \\1‘1gh1'1l. 1111111111111: 11.11 1111111 1111' 111'11111'1 1111111. 1~'1'111' \'11I1'1‘ "('11pll11l Yeats" 111~ 111'1111 \\111111~ 1~11111~ .‘111 1s 111.11 \1111'1' .11 11~ 111.11111’1'111'11111 Hie Photo 1.'.111111.' 11~ 1.11.1 .111111111111111: 1111' l.1~11‘11 111 1111‘ pmch .11111 1111111 111 Nix-'.1“ 111111 \li‘lL‘lll lll111\\ ilt‘lll 1111 "l'l111 11111 .11111.\1;111.11111 l).1\~ 11111111111'~lit11111111 11111111‘1'111 t“ll\L 111 ~";'lI1n111'11111 Cross plays Stewart /._..._. 1 11.111 1'1-I 111.11 1'111'11 1111‘111111111‘1' 111 -...- 1119111111111111\1'111111.1111'11'\1111b1'.1 “1'1' FRANK, I‘llfii‘ '1 1 Mike (‘ross will play Stewart Theatre this Tuesday night. ;- ___,____ _# ___ 11'1‘1 1'1 \11111~111'~"1111‘,\l1n1ll~_.\ _1

2 Large ' l’tll'l} Spt‘t‘l‘dl I H1111 s I . 1 311 inch 1 Sun Thurs. -1:-iillpm l111-11m 1 one Item LAST CHANCE! 1 (1111' 1111111 Pizza 1 lri- Sat llama’:31lam 1 [111135 Yearbook portraits are being taken this 1 13111.11 1 319.90 week for the last time for all undergrads.

1 1.11111111 1 Come by rm 2104 Student Ctr. 111111111 11am - 7pm Today 1 Hf": 11.1 1 31117Hi11s1111r11ugh81. 93m - 5pm Thurs & Fri 1836-1555 13.111111111110111:1‘r11m\( $1 1 ~‘n:flmmm«aImuwu 11.21 1 1’111‘1‘1 1111 11111 1111'111111' i;1\. Don't miss your chance to be in the yearbook!

11 Students For A Safer Campus Presents : FREE CLASS RING! 1 Dial A - Ride 1 1 That's right! A FREE 1 To Begin February 7, 1991 1 1011' men's or women's 1 To Run Every Thurs. - Sat. 1 10:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. 1 NC. State Class Ring

will be given to the Instructions: 1 1 1) Have Student LD. Card With You 1 2) (‘all 832-5815 1 3) Give Name and Present Location 1 Winner will be 41 Choose Time To Be Picked Up 5) Give Point Of Destination 1 determined by a drawing 6) Wait 1 from all students who 1 Boundaries Include: 1 purchase a Josten's ring Morrill Drive to Pullen Rd. 1 Oberlin to (‘rest to Brooks Brooks to Hillshorough to Blue Ridge 1 Blue Ridge to Western to Kent Rd. 1 fro m February (1111 Kent Rd. to Kaplan to Pineview Pint-view to Avent Ferry to Morrill Dr. 1 through February 27th.

1 1991. Important: l 1) Open To All N(‘SU Students At NO CHARGE! 1 2) Pickups and Deliveries Must Be Within Boundaries Josten's Ring Days 3) Will Not Be Dropped ()ff ()r Picked Up On Hillsborough St. 1 4) Will Operate Every Thursday Through Saturday Until Final Exams Feb. 6, 7, & 8

NCSU Bookstore Sponsored By:

Special Discounts Student Senate University Dining 2K CHASS NCSU Bookstore Panhellenic Housing 8; Residence Life "1(7 AAII 2013 echnician ‘1 Win-‘91mm

lehirrari h, littll r/Iouelr-ri\[tit/ti / Itrril r’V r run: it tlr. I‘llt'l/Hi .’ r-t Ill. \lIh/rtl/l‘l'ih r/'l(4'lllr\4l.l1’/lttyou no t/rrt otltiall :4alltl/i. r-errrt\I 'ir.'lt'r.ri ,‘iHullcorirt'..r ”ti “l 7".x ‘ hum/i NM or In to . r'./r/r tit. ‘ 1hr ll t\ 'tr'r‘ot (tr. rout/rm tt't r. [Unreflun r. v‘ ‘ rto ' lr'tliir.r\ l ‘i‘t’

Go Monteith! eehnieian agreex \Hllt NC State (‘haneelloi' l arr} Monteith that studentx should not take Hillxhoi‘ough Street alter the Slitlt‘ddtl't‘llllil game on Wednexda). 'J‘W‘flf‘a": A number ol yearx ago. the xhop lrontx \\ ere pr'ett) mueh dextrmed alter the taking. arid the ounerx \\ ere trnderxtandahh iipxet ahotit it -\ eoiiple ol‘ ears were .1ilxo rolled to er and torched. heha\ ioi‘ that hoth the oiinerx and the poliee eonxidered a little ottt ot' hand. This _\ear a x'tt‘eaker‘ ran doun llillxhor'ough Street :\ eop oho apparentl} had no training in apprehenxion allegedl) xtuek hrx leg out to trip the x‘lreak'er. The xtreaker eollided \\ itli the leg and hi‘oke tl. The Raleigh polree \\ ere underxtandahl) upxet ahotit thrx and \\ ill prohahh not he \ery eompaxxionate il‘ a xiinilar eoni‘i'ontatron oeeiiix tonight So thrx _\ear all the lanx tt‘om Retrioldx arid the eliihx on llillxhoroiigh Street should pleaxe go to tlte Briekiard. \i here there ix lexx to tlL‘Slttt} l‘here \\tll x \x men he a legal hontire out there the eloxext apprmnnation to thix dtirnig \3 " \t \‘. \ ’\\i~ , the Hillx‘horoitngakirigx \x‘ax xettnig tire to the toilet paper in the treex “\xx). 1“ \\\;x\:' 2 ln eonelux'ion. Teehnieian ix .ixking all xttidentx not to take llillxhoi‘otigh Street so that the) \\‘tll not he ar‘rexted. liit on the head. xet on the or hadmouthed h} Raleigh PD. Columns We, the underdogs, will win Please don’t take Hillsborough St. ell e\‘er_\one. once again it‘x time to go and elohher ('aiolina \\ Hl'lV ll~'l”l'l‘R lt) Tllli N (' Street \n\ nieiriher ot the l ni\eixtt\ at \"l \ll t\'l\l‘RSth ('(tMHI'Nl'l'Y La Monteith \ltltlllltlltil‘i alii rrolatr x xi in '.i\\. t'tl\ Re) noldx (‘olixeuin oiditiariee or I'..' \( Sl (ode ot t onduet We hope _\ou got a tieket or at leaxt .i tolor 'l'\ to iiateh the \x \oii ate tto dottht avi ate. the N. C. State Chancellor \\lll he held tnll\ at. oiitilahle l\\ the iotiitx til-WWW?» game. heeauxe it'x going to he good “eelehratron” oti llillxhorotigh Street alter .ittill int i txrit Ill-lli i.il I‘l|‘\ erltiiex Thix “ax xuppoxed to he the lirial meeting ot the _\ear until the ,\('(‘ the iiien'x haxkethall \\|tt met lttike on i‘\etetxed \\hen \._ e lt.t‘.t' teaxon to ei'lehtate l ll.'.tt‘ i‘i‘ i‘ll‘tilrlK ' ll|.'l lit-'t‘llr.‘t Ai' tournament. hut due to lL‘thtttL'Ltl dil'l'ieultiex hexond our eonti'ol. the laxt l.iniiai\ 3“ had a ntiiiihet ot negatne an atliletn \tttor‘x liloi kttti' a ett\ xtreet ix iati dent. t.xti.rtt to -‘1r| palilrr ~ that m ire game ol the .xeaxon \k ax poxtponed tiittil Thiirxdax eonxeiiueneex. not the leaxt ot \ihieh uax a tllt‘L‘dl and inappropriate Stith -l\llt‘llS llt‘l '1 ll rt ltr -lt-i."" I'll .llllltltt xigiiitreant iiiiui) to .i Raleigh poliee xtt’attt out good ,orintitiiittx telatronx .iitd \III‘EIV‘ r \tjl. l'« \\i irtll i'llll“- “ill The xportx line ax ot’ thix \iriting laiorx (‘arolrna h\ a eontlot‘tahle margin ot'lrtei \loieo\er, the rexiiltitig puhlittt} \lk~illk'1jlk‘.lli‘llltilllldllt‘l l‘rt‘lxrtn‘ll ”ml” m \lkl" ‘. i.rr|iriil\ .iltrl irittitt heeauxe ot’ our \teak heneh. ()t eoiirxe. Duke “.lS heat rli taiored ax \\ ell and xhed triitaioi'ahle light on the l'nt\erxit_\ ltltl't‘t‘ri‘tt the) neier got the lead. BL‘SttlL‘S. Bakalli tSltd \\e.ik and neither are l.e\iix or .tttil ttx SllltlL'lllS iioteit\l rlatt‘aL'e Rohinxon. ltaie treiiieiidoux pride iti out l‘nner'xit) \i (I Stdlt‘ l lll\t'lSll\ ilrtL‘S llt‘l tittttli'tti' The line alxo ta\orx (‘arolina heeauxe or their helm ed eoae h. Deeno Well. and l tttixt that \oii xhare xiieh a pride ll xo. or pi'oritote [‘4'~l,‘.ttth telehtatrow .it ati\ /"r.’\ r 'r/ wt \ will In /r./H.‘Mt.rrt lit our eoaeh took I‘ 'l‘ennexxee St trom an Sll team to a team that appearx in ioti \\tll iiiiderxtartd \\lt_\ r'extraint iiiiixt he ot‘lrearriptix xtte irrelitding llillxhoioiielt .rt, r., ”1 'tr'lr tl" the .‘S'(‘.~\-\. lle non hax Vt'. State and \\ ho knoiix \ihere he'll take our team. Take Hillsborough St. tit later Finall}. ('aroliria IS xuppoxed to he hetter heeaiixe or their \\llt‘lttxx reeoi'd \x I am xiiie \orr niideixtaitd. the poxt eelelir.:tq.t «i i'lll .'\‘ o tattll‘ltS on our o\\it The onl_\ good team thet'ie plated ix lhrke. lii taxe \oti don't knoii. game .elel‘irationx oti llillxhoioiigh Street Ed Stack hrrtharl ltiv i.il trrl tli’lldtl tiorii the ('arolinri loxt to them in good taxhion \ll iti all. it lookx like hell pla} hare tairxed rirrite .i xtii iii the Raleigh ii‘lelrtattr :r -' liar-‘1 ttz'lll \t. toi\ t' iiill Carolina prett} \\ ell (oniiniirrit) ('lianeellor Monteith liax I‘lll\ tirit. " 'r.<~.piorixliipx outlined lzix xtaiiee on the xitiratioii l leel Student Body President that llttlil! And i\ hen “1‘ heat them. \ie'll xee \oti on the ltr'iekiard that it ix nripot’tant to let )ou kiioii mine \\\\‘\l.'l I. like \oiiixelt. lia\e enioied herng apart xhotild he rexet\ed toi !e.tll\ l‘l‘.’ \ietotiex llile‘ ll tt‘ti“, ll...l l ‘ir'tti i-ti ot the \letpatk “Hitting: tradition here at xiitlt .ix .itt \t't or \t ‘\ \ t liartipionxhrp lltllSlh‘tt~lv'l‘ Stir t-itt \lat» l'r l" alter the .\ (' State I aiii pioiid ot C\t‘t‘} \ietoi‘). and liltlt‘ttg'ltt'tll tlit ir.‘ri1.n xeaxoii \\e li.i\e \(l lointt irtir lll ERemember our troops ha\e en en telehrated on llillxhor‘ough iitiitieiotrx opprrittt"riti«'~» to dell at our .irrh Street oiiee or iuiee in_\xell HURLWCF. I truth and .t ix not rl'tii'Htltlt‘li tor rix to do \7 ulr‘l' “(mi I‘M tlt' think the taking ot tlillxhoioiigh Street \t‘ l li'L‘l lltrtl lltt'SL' Ktelittti'x \\i\tllil l‘i' l‘k'Sl nit/Hi tr v, H. , ,ig‘ -_ ,‘ ,rrl Quotes of the Day N.C. State’s ' tradition, image crucial lt \\ ax irritortttrratet‘. one ,a thoxe plaxx in \ihreh all the attoix 'e'tt'ltti rated \eri. t l\ tll\ " [)eai \( 'Sl ,Studetttx k'ltet'tll t"e w'w .-itr'i"rrt :ll\ ll.t\l|l it] Rt ‘lti t.’ H( Hr lr'r‘ti (tn heliall ot otrr pl.i\ei'x and eoaehex. I'd l‘xi' \l‘l hit! ;‘i'.'itl t‘t it'lll.tll\ eietx like to tltaiik _\ou tor the great xuppoi't Les Robinson .ttL‘Iia itt \.; ‘lt.l tlt; re ix no "'S' (‘ State l 'tI\CF\!l_\ doex not \‘llltl“llL‘ oi protitote poxtg‘ame \t'lt'l‘lrtlltlltS .il an} ott ~\oii'ie proiided iix thtx xeaxon »\x .iri .itiiioxpltt re 'xtt.r in in ninth _ittt pio\ide eampux xite. inelirding llrllxhorottgh Street ” altiiiinirx. it hax heen a thrill tor me to unite Men’s Basketball Coach at out lrottx' :' tlitt x l.r/ rt \Iorrtt Illt, ( lit/Ir. tt‘ur haek and eoaeh our tine playerx and he a let? r. lelt' .3 :3» a t\ that iii-ti. itex our part ot \' (' State‘x protid tradition the atritoxpheie .iiid Sllkkk‘SS \\e non enio\ xttideiitx xti.r 3‘ r.k ll‘» \\ollp.i,k are ltxr'd lti "Here‘x hoping that l we )oti on llrtlxhorouglt Street on \lareh ltt. alter the \t (‘ The haxkethall program trul_\ helongx to in Reutoldx \\|!tttttt~' \\:r "illl' ordi rtrx- piit ot our Tournament " S (‘ State and to our xtudentx Seeing xo |\\ant oiri xttidernx to einoi .iiid telehtate tradition not to lllitlllr‘li the Lirilreltrnalile Ia/ \trtt k. Stride/tr Hot/1 I’I'i‘iir/c rrt man} ot our xtirdentx “lttt are \Klllll‘lg to all ol otii \retoirex lt ix niiportarit. lto\\e\et etitliiixraxtii .it the earth .. eatttp out litt' tlelxetx xl‘ioux me _\titit‘ that otii \t‘lt'l‘ldllt‘llS he poxitiie onex and trenieiidoux lo}alt) Vt ithoiit xttident not hiing eiiiharraxxiiient to our l niieixiti l(\ /i' . . 't r,’ ‘r r v'/ 'llt xripport at our gamex. iie eould nei er ha\ e l atii proud ot our good reputation and l).ltl'\ rtM‘Ae', ‘ '1 ‘II Teehnreian ueleomex l't‘l’tlllt letterx l'he\ edited tor printing are likel) t- he printed ll thex leelinreiarr a tll \«ithhold at: airtlroi x nanie N.C. State needs a course guid ' deal uith xignitii'airt IxxtlL‘S tweaking neux otil‘. it there t-- iiiiiiriextionahle t'\t\lt nte ol .r llai e you e\ er had a elaxx that you \\ txhed .a-u—u-m—nn.ag»-..an». , M. . . -.. ..~-.._..».-- \l.!S‘-L"~ ..t r t . ltLtl ’tr_lr. .r r“ or piihlie interext. e tear and prexeiit dangei to the \HtlL‘l Rare ion had knou ii more ahoiit hetore ton li‘tlllllt"'t\'?'.\ are ttped o' plltrtrfll lr, phlx ind .loiihle t'\\k[‘lii\ll\ to tlttx potir \ \xrll he ltidtlt' .il the hlindl) xtgned tip tor it‘ llaie _\ou e\et‘ David Che l \iii tl'vtr‘tfi ". 'r...tt :'lrtl\'illl‘\ vet.- xpaeed. .lixeretioit ot the editor in i liiel “dillk‘ll [It hitth \Klttt are the good \\ell Il.lr‘l rt n out lllt l.. ltitlt lltS .l.»»~r'x ' .ire lllllllL‘d ll‘ t‘“: .witilx .itlil lhe l oitirti ix lot the l‘tll‘ltx to ‘.rtt\ e opinior.x pr‘olexxotx at S (' State ' ll )ou are like me. Opinion Columnist \‘lll\lll, l l Ill ‘ H l .t *"V “Ellk‘d “ Illt the Miter 'x .rdurexx phone on all neu xiirrrth) lt‘ph‘ lelllllL ran it ill )ou regret not hating tnore intormation “onld or an .i_~et .'or xtiidentx ot all lttdpitx number and. it the other rx a xtridenk hix her eortxidei‘ all xtihmixxtorix. hut doe-x not ahotit )otir elaxxex hel'ore )ou xigned tip {or xehedulex heeauxe the\ are tltt.t\\drt‘ ol their hee..iixe ti \ioiilrl itioiide i.iliiahle ttixiehtx elaxxit'ieation and e irrr'rt ltlt'tt guarantee that all lerierx \\ Ill lie piihlixlied them L'ldSSCSI ‘.‘-Ul'l\li‘.til\ llr’lltalh t‘ltt‘ eldSS oit xr-trit wt 'h.‘ .rdnar. trlrorriax otteted “x l‘eehntei '.. t'exeriex the right not to piihivdi \Il letlt‘l'x heeoiiie the ptopem oi lei ltttli ian Reeeiitl). one ol mi triendx at l'N('r heeomex xo deniandinr' tlt it it e\ en altett-x the t‘oller'.’ wt llltl‘rdltlllt" illtl So ill am letterx which ire rleettted tnapproprtate tor .iiid utll not he returned to the author lrtterx ('hapel llill ga\ e me a eop) ol their eotii'xe the gtadex in other t l.ixxe~ \klt'ltit‘S printing h\ the editor in ehret \hutlltl he hr'ougltt h\ Stridentt enter \ltltt‘\ guide \xhtth ix ealled “The lndixpenxahle ll\t\\t,‘\t‘t a eotirxe guide \ioiild help lltt.illx ,. 'rri ; ~nr~ 't.t.l rm, l.L'lll‘|S LITL‘ \tll‘tcxl lH L'tlititti‘ lot xt\ lt‘. l‘ti‘\ tl\ Suite 12‘ or mailed to lethnit ratr lettetx to (iiiide to (‘Iaxxex' Thix hook anxvierx man} ttexliiiien l‘.‘ drxetihrne the \\t'll\lil.t\lx i‘l .r tiiatoi [‘lt‘lti' .trr Strata 'l and taxte ln no LJSC “I“ the urrter he intormed [ho l‘,\lll|‘l. t’t) Btu \hlh‘ l ttiietxih Station ot the eoiniiton quextionx about the Uttll‘SCS thoxe haxn ttexhiiieii \ laxxex lrki l'\(i lll. (iriierttiir.trt lloii. et rt rtl' tn hetore ptihlieatiori that hrxr her letter hax been Raleigh. S'(‘ I‘htti HhtN at t'.\'(‘ "The lndixpenxahle (iiiide to (ll llll. dtiil l ll :lll llie hook \tltlltl alxo il\\|‘ll|[‘lt\lrt‘tl Stir l; 'rt 'rotr riiir . 'tl tlitt .ttl (Tlihxcxn ix an imaluahle xouree ot' reeoninieiid good li‘dxltL‘lS tot thoxe lime to do tlnx prrrrr ..' don. lie er nnpl. knouledge and 'S' (‘ State needx a ximilar eontinon elaxxex ll.itt\ l’i\ri. .Illtl\1lLi lx’n'tli r, l' tlt TECHNICIAN L‘ttttrxe guide l‘lll'lltL‘tttttttL‘ a eoinxe guide eotilrl .ilxo lditoiral ldttoix ot tl. l». lt‘iie iatt lt.I\ r‘ ServingNorthCandi!” Shut Umivrun .mr (‘arolina‘x eourxe gurde ix piihlixhed h} help iriideerded xttidentx rliooxe .i ttiaroi alread\ r~rii xed lli int i. -t a. tit ttr' :o m inChic! Managing Editor their Student (‘ioiernriient and eontainx Moxt xttidintx te|_\ on the undergraduate xtait a «laxx 1':llili tttir lt \\oi.l.t ottl\ Wade Babcock Marci Bernstein artielex written h) xtudentx in \arioiix eatalog and their lsttll\ .ltl‘i‘St‘l tot require a tee. di dreati d ~t.ideiitx to .i. ttial'\ niaiorx l.axt tear. the current Strident Bod} intortiiation on the \aiioiix piograiiix at ...... Bill Holmes State llouewr. thexe xouiiex oiilt tell \\hat oigant/e arid prihli~li n ...L Scott Tillett, ....Yim Eltinm Prexident. Bill llildeholt. made a earnpaign elaxxex are required and do not proxrde ltlirnk tlirx uoiild lie .tll t itellent pioittt Steve Swindett W“ ..ttsa (kitten proinixe to ereate thix hook and. “tilt the tor iie\.t \eat x Stirdittt lw\.'riiri.erit ..,...... l-teather Gool We“:...... inc Saunders. tee McSwain. help of o\er 40 people. made hix eainpaign inloritiation on hon mueh \ioik ix required ltriding xtiidr tttx 3o r ontrilinte .tllti le- to: : ....m...... tau!ie Evans Ann Sullivan, Kathleen Pillsbury Laurie Stiner to \l‘lllplk'lt‘ .i eertaiii tiiarot .\ i laxx guide. a.-.....«..Dan Pawlowski loy Stokes proinixe a realit} on the other hand. iioiild gixe xtudent iioiild not he .rx iltlltetlll .ix .l\l|lrlll\ ...... Mark Schaffer . tonia Heavenm The hook ix di\ided into xeetionx uhieh perxpeetii ex on puhlixhini' tt lieiaiixe iiieiiilteix ot the ..~.,,.....Fmd moan ...Mi(hael Russell dexerihe the 35 maior departmentx at l'.\'(‘ the piogiaiiix at \ (‘ \‘tate Student Senate otild tittte .iii aitn li' oi l\.\it ...«....-....loe'£hnson . ..Mary Stephens, liaeh xeetion eontainx artielex \H'tllt'n h} arid uoiild tell “hat the iiiatotx are realh .ll‘t'ltl that t laxxe- lltr' Student Senate ix a W Silicon“...... Batty Payne, Mike Rothwell Ernestine Colman, TripAttey xtudentx in that partieulai maior The like ttattii :l plate to t attiteix lreeatixe tliri PhotoEM...... -...... _.m.-,...... Chns Hmdros ...... David Hoeketr Charles Thrift .irtielex dtxeuxx the department arid an likenixe .i tlaxx guide tould alxo help l‘t‘ll‘» ll.t‘- 'i'ttti'SetttatHr x lion, _,II ..t ”t“ Production oiitxtanding member of itx taeulti tlppert'ldwlttett heirtttxt‘ it \l'tlltl tli‘xeltl‘t‘ lltt‘ tolleji‘ at \( State and l .itti xitte that out M inhumanwum.”WWW”. ey W W Nathan Gay. Daryl Pittman dtlhttteL‘tl klilSSL'S \liixt xttidentx get “Cm“bananas"-..tisa Hora, Robmute layoutmummHouse Ad Olwn, Amy McBride. Houewr. the hook doex more than iiixt intorniation on their elaxxex troni either xi'ttah'!» would lie ‘rtllltll" to xiippott thix CowM...m...m...... i

7 7 I1 111.1.117. '1. I;t! I111I1'1111111 0:11.1111111 wSAgfl iliete 1111.111111 li.1t1.'lii| 11111.111I11.1Lliotliei M111 aie \l.nt_1_'liteie1l \‘I'ho L.1n pnt New food 'ideas for \Ixo. “In did the \.tlltl\\|LIiL‘\ 111-i Tech 111 it iii 2 1 n \HIII 1'11'1\111111 \111111le11ng II II \HII the blame on ti~1' \‘xe Itd‘k‘ll’l \iii.1l|’ I liked the big; Kilht‘l IHII\ ... .1|'.\.11. be ll'tl‘» 1.\.11. .1\\oil1l1li\iLIL‘1I L‘\pettenLed IlilN t1-.11 111 out University Dining |l1e\ didn't get musln when \1111 .1_.1.11111.t 111~111II \11 one uantx 11.11 homeland heated them. like the lilllkxllnke 111.101 iIL‘\[llI1‘ 1l1.1t 1.111.1ll might llll\k’l\ll\ l’llllll‘,‘ \k'l\k‘\ \Ulllk’ bread the) 111m lI\C ilnL‘x \M-ll. VIII I11151.1” 111 1111‘ 111 I“! ”1:1 1l1111l IIL'I‘thl iliink .1ntl leel \Aliat about all the 1111111 and 111L111) tntetextiiie \Inll II the loud that's .ill (‘tttsty'x is here 1'11 lll~l11tl‘. one \\.I\ 111 the Hillel women \\Il(l die in the \1111 to make I\ 113.1111, it‘s I‘Jtl ll it's not plain it's 11.11111l.11111111.11~.1I1 ‘ Ix.1111.11 111 1 1.1111 11.11111!~1I11' .1Ii1l 111 1l11111-_' \11 lend It) the \Aoild \.1le loi' LlemoL'iaL). to \\eiiLl It\lik1 .1“ the 11111k~ Iiau'n'l lliti \\ Hl-R\\IH\ \\11'.1, 1'. . . 1 1 I1 ’11111111'..III. .iii. 1111\11111111-11111 1111i lllltlt‘l\'\IIIIllIt' "Mk“ ”IV “"lltl Mile I111 \kllltl\ slept lot ten L'l'lll'l.lll(lll\ I \\otiltl Sophomore. l’llllttxtiplt) .111ll.111 "-11111.:“ 1 '11~ 1'1 1 11'-.1II1I1.1‘.\ .1. I1 1'i.~1.' 111.11 111‘ 111h1-1 1\ .1 It, lII ”M” h ,\ \Htlioiii meaning ’ llitu LI11 the) lee! not be \llllVll\t‘tI to see IIlL‘ \t‘ 1I1=.|1.1111l11~..- 1.11.1 11.11 111I111111 1111 1111111. 1121\1-11‘ the 11111 1h 1 ~11 lll"t‘il\"\ 1h it 111 ll\L'\ these about d"“""“‘“ beloi‘e the) d'“ I H \t‘lt‘k‘lltllh on the menu (.1 |.1L'.it‘tei Iltlt‘lt'Il I111111 1'1111. 1'11 I11 1 11.1111'1~1ii 111111.114 1l11' 11:1Iit 111 1111.11 \1..1\ 1l1111L11I1 to en\1\1on II |\ the what the} are Ilglllllllg lot 1\ tlillie I .'\Ie\ Iex (Xiiun What is it like in I.Illlll\ ~.111111! 1 11111 t|1.'111..I111 1111'11. 1111111» l\t:\‘.1||-. I.illl'l‘,.e'tl\ 111.11bl1111!x11~ No one t\ tmpoitant enough to die tor then is l titt\1.ill.i (lllllll‘ti 'IaL'o. \\llll I‘L’” .1» .1 111'111111 11. :1 ’1 I’.1Ii.111 1:111 1l1.~.11I11-.l1.1. l'l‘xl. M1111... 1,. 1.11111 "I’ 11“. “mi, M he H, II JIM) Ltuite as 11111111111111! lot them It‘llltt‘t‘. I‘L‘L'l. L‘Itltkt‘tt. titiltin. Kuwait? 1.111/1'11~.I1.111 Il'l I111 1 1 .1: I1. .1 11. ...1I1 I-i1111 ‘1“ .11 ’. 11111 1\ 1 11 h l Mm“ ”H to think about H in the last \eL'onds ltittl.|l1>t'\.ilttl 1111.11 kI1' When Pl'L‘\ItICllI ltuxh tleiiloieil \1'tl.il .13 Il11111111‘1 1 111:3; 11I 11.111..::. 1111.11 .. 1.1111 .111. 11.1, l1'11111 h h 111\ [ml oi then Ines" Do all the L'liilLIt'ett ililt 11.111 Illetiil. 1\iiiei‘iL':in ti.iop\ to Saudi 1\i.il11.i \1I11111i111 I11-111 1 1 21111111 1131; 111111. l~x111 11 1.1!1111 k111.1,1' 1111 111 \h H 1i\11111 m’ ,l w”. Llie thinking ol liberation. lteedottt. Ull’im th‘teil ( 'iitlillitkex last August. he eomniiiteil the '.111I11\.1l ill I\11~ 11 1. 1 11‘.:1"1-'1. 1.1'111 11Il111111,11l,» Ml Ilii ' 1'I11' ~1111111e11l1’ toda)I I.\ ‘md. "L”lmm‘)i. .. . -1 (“Mashed I’olalo .Illtl IL'eil lea l'mtetl States to the l‘C\Itll'.lIlUll oi Llll/t‘fwllill Ilt'11I1 I ‘11I 1 1.1lII‘1I11l1 l‘tIlI1. 1I11‘. 31‘1. 1.1 '11il1l1H ‘ l 1lliex do not' 1.Ihe\ die L'i\iiig_ ol Soup "Kuwait's legitimate goVL-rnnient ” .llIIlt‘llt'lI 111.11.111111 .‘ 1 ‘15 I» ‘1111 .1111I 11111111? '11,11.11|1' .1111! 1111.1 'l111111‘1'..11.\1‘ " I ‘ 'L l ”I I“Ii-ii'‘ the pain' »1IIlL') torget' “hat the)' are. 151$“edisli Mealltalb The limit ol’ Kuwait. Sheik label .1l (tl|l\lllllI|Hll 1 1 11 ..11.111-11 111. 1111.1 111.1 1.1.1.! 11.111;’ 11.111I111111 .11||.111\111;1’ ~ on the lighting toi.. \klltll. the) an. . dying1 (fill U'HI1I 1111 on. but Ahmed :tl Sahtilt. pledged Seeietai) L‘ttLtiiiimtilitul I’11I1t .1112‘1' \1111_'11 5It\ 1111111I1I 11111 I11. 1I'.1.'1111 11 1.11 11111.1111_iiliit11p.e itt1ixol11 lot” 1\\ the} I‘IL‘L'LI. lIiL‘\ Think til IW‘IIT ol State James Baker SS billion ILIIIIII‘lI ll\ I111 '1'11 ' '1’x'!'1\1'11l [I11. 1111I111111111.111-I.1I1 ll" .1 ‘.f'1’11.1_1i11ll 1i. then Illlxlm‘llltl‘x. \\ 1\e~. 11nd L'liildt'en lint \kli) I\ ll that the “('Iitk li'om Ill\ e\i|eil gowi'niitent "to tlt\\11l\. .111\ 111:1 1111 l" 'I‘ “1 “I "'“HH'” “'5 “m,“ "H ’Iliei \e.11'n lot theiriiititlit-i"stttttL'l1 "taunt" doesn‘t \_1_\ anywhere on II restore my L'ountt'y to \\ hat ll “as ti.i111lie~ 1-111111‘ 11111 on lheie is no lioiiit at \ihiL'h thew inst \that I\ this mister) substance. liberation ol Ktmait has begun " 1-.111 11.» 11111.1 1111111...1 .11 1 No one reafly wants . ‘ . '\' ‘ \t\|t||i\1\I l't'alll) are unitied '(‘ht\""ItsoundsI1ke"Stiek\."Are Bttt “hat is. the g1“ crnmcnl ill \‘.illiolii glitlitz.» 1. ' 1 I“ 1113.1" ~ \1' ~\t‘1l11lit1lL‘1L‘lltllL‘1Illl .10 llioxe trees lllt‘\ keep euttiiiy. Kuwait real!) l1ke'.’ ()l’ the linink l\11\\.1iti 111111~ MM 11 I a war 1111-1111I11_111I1ei.111111 \11' .lo not think down bLine made into santlitiehes‘.’ l.‘) tnillion subjects. l'exter than t't'lt\nl\liti1 \11 '1 11.11%" .1I‘1111I iIiL'ilI ‘i\1~1l1~iiot tliitik about It also sounds IIkL' “Mix" btit am 800.000 are L'ililens. and ol llltht'. l‘lll‘l‘xli tti‘. .11‘1. -. '11'I11~11. .‘11111 \\1 .111 \llli.‘\\lllj’ .1 \ITIII 1l.'\L‘I1111 IllL'Ili I‘tk .tl1\1' \11' 1I-11111l Late about R1 l-\l Siiiiiiui-ii not going to go into the possibilities only about (12.000 I35”? ol' the total ltoiii.i:11111'111111'1111.11111 1111I I11'I\1.1en 11.1'111111 I\\11 11111111111'x tlieoi I1111.11.1xe 11111 .111 not the 111th \eiiiitl. lotiLl SL‘tL'tiL‘L‘

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Also Introducing The Grilled Steak Sandwich leat out the L'omthition this \.1antine’s Day \\'itl. \1 >111L 1L1titiL sn.ttLg\ lust Ltll your Fl1) Florist and send the FTD Flower BaskLt B1 itiant. And tobe surL your VtantinL gets onL sendit aday or two early. And shL may ask V1 it! to stay late. Come by and see the State—Carolina game on our widesereen TVs tonight Ii\e at 9 p m. and Thursday at 7.()0 pm at our Hillsborotigh St location! 6A Ieliiiian n I‘NI I Iappemiigs

James Dean By Amy Valko Staff Writer Raleigh IIttIe Theatre keeps James Ilean‘x IneItInI‘) :III\ e this mnnth \sIth its prnductinn nI' lid (irac/sk‘x I032 IIIt. “(‘nme Back Tn The 5 & Dime. .llltilit) Dean. .llllilti) Dean " James Dean. the "rebel ssithnut a catise." tnuched the lties nl cnunt- less teenagers lit the I‘lills Hts \InIeIII death In a car cIash nII Sept. 30. 1055 at the age «If 24 dexastatr cd an entire Iiatinn nI‘ teenagers liv- .II's appearance In a rural Innn \sItIle filming "Giant" ssIth Rnck Hudson and I"II/.'IheIII 'I‘aslnr stirs the eInnIInnx of xi\ Ilesnted tans \shn |I\e III a lt\\\ll nearh). “Come Back To the S & Dime. Jimmy Dean. .Iimm} Dean" Isa Innk at the young star's el'lect nn Mnna. Sissy. Stella Ma). I-‘dna Louise and Joe. 30 sears .It'IeI’ hIx death technician File Photo Haskell Flu-Sinnnnns directs an ahsnlutels Inarselnux cast nt' \cIeI'~ Come Back To The S & Dime, Jimmy Dean, limmy Dean” is now playing at a Raleigh little Theatre near you. ans and neocnmerx In Raleigh husband. Michael Stnsknpt. Itnldx a Ing in May with a minor In theater man} Iendet. touching moments Little Theatre. The cast prns Ides a pnsitinn ax a department chair at She Ix alsn a new face at Raleigh lic‘lu(‘Cll sl\ close friends. smnnth II'aanIInn lietsvecn III“ TJ"\’I' College of \"eter.nar) little Theatre but has participated and I075 Ihrnughnut the pla} \chtc‘lnt‘. III man) productions at Thompson [In plui runs I’I'II, 6-9, II-lh u! N(‘Sl"x cntitrthutinn In “(‘nme Randall Ryan (Joe) is a senior at lIIc.:'I‘e. ”mum's I‘nles included N p m, uml I’I’IY. II) IIIIII I7 III .I’ :‘a12-1 Back Tn The 5 & I)IIne. Jlllllll} NCSI' \thi will graduate ssith a Lady India In "Ring A; wind The [I III [It/\("\ (In ‘it/Il/I\/$t'lilrll' Dean. Jimmy Dean" Ix a great one concentration In theater In May. He Mnnn" and Lady I.arkIn in “Once (”II/ten .31“ (Hill .S'IIIIII'IIIA' $8. .4 lechnicron File Photo Suzanne Kenned) (Stella May Ix one of the new faces at Raleigh Upon A Mattress." Mia/en! Seniur (‘I‘Iin'n discount I'cceised a Hi I) in IONS III little Theatre. "Come Back To The S Dime. .IIIIIIm'I' I’ll Feb. II) III pm. INN)” Immtinnlng} and Infectinux disease Andersnn Mnnre (Sissy In |955l Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean“ pro- crisis 55 It’s not Woody, it’s t'rnm Jnhn llnpkinx l'nnersit}. ller Ix also a senior at NCSL. graduat— vides man) laughs but also reveals By Mike Barnes personalities create .I rollicking special feel for how to arrange a “The Capitol Years" is better titan "Sixteen Tons" and “Chain Gang" Siotf Writer adaptation of "I’Inncchin" that one song like (iii Evans on Milex the recently released “Reprise make a social commentary about reueuer sass puts the classic film Da\is' "Pm-g) and Bess." Years." Inr Frank‘s \‘(ilCL‘ Inses Its how mine workers are prisoners In JUst for the kid In son. the Centei In shame. Frank It would have been so easy to let edge as he nears 75. Capitol is their inhx. "l.ad_\ of Spain" is I'nr Puppetr} .‘\rIx ICIIII'II\ In In cnniunctinn “till this pertni The \"nice hlnnin In a |Uilh)‘drd. It cheaper. and Riddle's Involvement altered In give a historical overview Stewart Theatre IIIIx \veckcnd In Inance. Center Stage and Raleigh still would have been The Vnicc “Fnreser Plaid" Ix a "Hea\en|_\ In “The I€d Sullivan Slims." present the chIIdIi-Ii‘x classic Parks and Recreation are nt'IeI'Ing a t‘IIIIRIIInI'II New Page M \snrth caring for. But Riddle and the Musical." which deals with the “Pinneclttn.” neck nt' puppet-making ssnrkxhnpx when created mUxical hackdrnpx ghosts of a I'nur~paI1 harmnns grnup -\nd alter nne listening. _vnu Will The Kidstull Series pimtdex prn that Hill he Feb 5-” .It \arinux xIIex cnIIIIan that \\lll never xui‘i'nund that pushed The Voice \l\'_\\\tll‘ti. returning In lianh xn the} can per he eagerly astaiting the touring I'essinnal entertainment for children .Icrnxs Raleigh. Regixti‘attnn tor the _\nu from .I xnng In Warrant. I’nixnn The music selection on “The form the suingmg shim Ihe_\ never cnmpans In IIII Memorial and allnux them In meet the pet ssnrkxhnp Is Iiee \kIIl‘I .I nr (ienrge Michael. Iisen Harr) Capitol Years" Is great. ()ut nl "’5 got In dn. .‘\ll(lll(il'llilil. ()r ma) he a film ver- liiltllc‘l‘\ \l\|‘-. \Ic I‘Dlltlltl" HI "I‘Iiincchin" perlnrniance ticket (’nnnick Jr cannot compare In The snngx there Ix IInI .I clunkei' In the Forget the snundtrack In xinn dnne h) Jnhn Waters. “Forever ll"‘~l\uin'.|:'lt Vie-ct uiil lie I‘I'n\ItI~ I «II .III IIIlic‘rs the lee Ix ‘2 V‘nice hunch. All Ix essential. \sithnut the "Phantom nt the Opera" and "little Plaid" Is a pleasure that rnllx nver ling puucu am: ttniktex It‘lli‘\\lll;' ”l'hc' ('Itplltll YL‘LIIN” .Il'c‘ ctlllt‘d nnrmal cnllecttnn nl' padded num- Miss Hn (‘lII Min Cit)" this Ix the )‘nu like a harp plucking the open- each ~lit‘\\ Iv" 'II'IIII l‘t.’tI-J‘ |lt‘.‘:/ ti'. limb tInIII III.“ In No: and feature the bers In make It a bus set such as best musical since Wagnet'K "Ring IIlfl nntex in "Three ('nIIIx in the The hand nt Italian puppeteetx .IHII' RII'IIIIIIHI‘ \I!\ /’ ugly/H: arranging nl Bill) Ma). (inrdnn nit the Bee (ices hm. set. ()1 course Cscle." Spark). Jinx. Smudge and I-nttnlaiii." uill I,Il~.\' tire stage .sIII‘ 'ftc': IN'III III \"/' 05"" "/‘ImIIt/IIIW Jenkins and Velxnn Riddle This l'tank didn‘t \srite Ittx nun songs so Frankie are the cnnlext dead quartet. dcltglttlulis tiecniatcd naenn .IIId M \IIIII/Irittl III' IIIM MINI/AH III' Iril‘ \\.Ix .Ihle In hacl tip Ihe \nice \\c dnn't haw Input up \\ Ith his dr) The album Ix dedicated In "The Sn In these d.I_\x nt the coming plm‘c‘ctl lil It‘ll the Sale !.\I'l‘,‘ Iml 3 IIIIIIIIII J’IIII rim, liikils Int 9“ \sIIlI .III nIcIiestI'a that was Iuslt. )et I‘erind. The \ersinn nI “I.nve and guss “htl isheeled prntectnr carts .tpncalniss‘. iuxt remember In marinncttcx. \llatlit‘s mom-r: I tilt.l I‘.) .u WWI III (III \.'.I~.t" didn’t .:ct \\ llll[\\ like \Iu/ak Marriage" that‘s used no “Married for the Audio \‘Ixual (‘Iuh ” “hat xnnthe nIII In xiiinnth snundx' nI' "Intaid" puppets liti'II ..Iuttc\ the IIII IIIII ”It: IIHIII Riddle Ix the man sslin \It'dIL‘tl Ilte with Children" Ix featured on this more can _\nu ask Inr’ l‘I'.lIil\ and “Forum Haiti." and )nu theme In "Rnute no " He had that collection Well. _vnu get more The Inning of “I” get through It I hnpe. ------—------‘T 0 Bowl 2 Games and VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR Get Free Basketball (Limit One Per Person) All-You-Can-Eat CW Wins-DaV Try Our Daily Luncheon Special Men‘s x Ladies' Leagues In. 69 DINNER BUFFET NC. State vs. UNC Mixed Leagues $3 Youth Leagues Includes pizza. spaghetti. lasagna. soup. Free throw contest at half time NCSU Bowling Club (Fridays 3:30 pm) salad bar. garlic bread, and one cone of ice cream Win $25 Moonlight Bowling(Friday & Saturday 11:30 pm) GOOD FOR 1 - 4 PEOPLE ANYDAY! 781-7000 4500 Marriot Dr. Across from Crabtrce Valley MMWINut TERN LANES 2512 Hillsborough St. 832 - I WESTERN BLVD. EXPIRES 2/20/91 851 -6994

Fomicrlv the Student Leadership/Management The EXPERIENCE Program is full of benefits. Program. the EXPERIENCE Program is Linnersit)‘ Those who are selected for the program are Dinings Management Training Program. provided with on-campUs housing. a Gold Card meal plan. and a competitive salary. As part of the In the uorld of \ioik employers are looking for one program. managers participate in the Leadership thing - Experience. I‘nIseI‘sit) Dining can give _\ou Development Series each semester. the management mpcriencc that is ill help you start a 1. -- career. ‘ Hasoni Andrews - "Bring In IIII’ "nigirolningProgram EXPERIENCE is a management training program .q' developed for college students who \i ant to incorporate work experience into their education. I experience." 39. Eric McDonald "'I'III' Eipw'n'nt c M950 Program has given my the You could have a pan in the Experience Program ‘a anlt-llml' to murmur (Ult/ Iva/I lt'II/I by completing an application and sending it to: The I people." Dunne. But W17. (. Iii/)I'I'Ienrt' Program. I'IIII'I'I'IIIv ‘.-.:I Rule/cit. .VC. 37695 The EXPERIENCE Program offers opportunities within all of our operations. Whether your interests Applications are available at the All Campus I ' .. . lie in computer operations. personnel management. Network office in 201 I Harris Hall. For more public relations. catering. or restaurant management. information. contact Paula Taylor at 737-7012. the program offers you a practical way to increase Requirements for panicipants include: sophomore i. your skills as a manager. or above status. a cumulative GPA of at least 3.20. and EXPERIENCE Managers play a vital role In must be a full-time registered NCSU student. L'niversity Dining's operations. Managers uork In the must live in on-campus housing during the Dining Hall. the Student Center. the Atrium. the program. Special Edition. L’niverstt} Catering. the "C"-Storcs. Deadline for Application is and the Administrative Offices. You could gain that competitive edge with EXPERIENCE. March 31,1991. ..‘ .c-.‘‘w’.~’,_. («a. 3}“),'~ ‘ a.M};-: '. ~. ._ _ ‘3‘ ’..322..‘v p‘v. . Technlclan February 6. 1991

State, Heels open Pack pins Liberty

back-to-back games Best. 'l‘ei'kay gain pins as State douses Flaii’ies ll) Thomas Baker pin til Kesslet i‘iillimetl. t'iaktttg lllc By Fred Hartman to the Pack in Reytiold's. blew out l‘ in x", t. ,‘ stiite‘ I” K Sports l ditt it the Yellow .lackets by 4” points ttt (hits ixssiiittiik cot the l’.:ik hat k on Durham. but then barel) heat the lli ‘ ' \‘tt' .in tltl‘." lll’ the “inning lI.ti ls l. lt.ll llL’ l'taig Resuold's (‘olisetitn plays host Jackets b) only l\\(l points in eUi'ttiliii . s t llttltild‘s llti :it IlI‘ i’C itittttltl tonight to the l74th meeting iii 8* Atlanta on a last-second basket in ltlllllll‘ tlii l l‘ti‘l’ ll. . \l ‘ tinittliiii‘ years betueen the N.('. State men's And consider that this week‘s night. 4' R lit the l‘ ‘ Iliitltlil lun" \hili s \lt'h‘ basketball team aiitl the l'\'(3 backstt -back games against "(int teatt: is 'l fliti‘ilx \oiitig ~.i.\(lllll\‘slttll is free tltial affair. consider the \Hl)‘ Tomorrow's contest from the Atlantic Coast ('oiilerence pla} has Dean Dome is scheduled for a 7 (‘liris 'lriitrims/Klan unfolded so far this season. pm, tip-oft and “Ill be broadcast The Pack will need another solid periormam e from Tom (.ugliolla. l SEC the ,‘dt'k ll] Tll’dl action against (‘lemson thI‘Sdin' State completed a two»game on WRAl.-TV 5 weep of Tech last Sunda). sunning iii Reynold's earlier in the season. OILS}. Tech. ll(l\\'L‘\CT. uas coming ol'l ol~ an upset “Ill t\\'L‘l‘ the Heels iii (‘hapel Hill \tho were them- selves coming oil a loss o\ei' Duke in Durham There are also the lacts that Mariland and Wake l‘orest upset State. and then Virginia upset Duke and blew out the Pack b} 3”. Duke. by the was. lost earlier this season

SEIZE ADVENTURE Costa Rica Rainforest Three Month Expedition Hard Work, Intense Heat No Wages, Great Friends It your 17-25 and lookin for a CHALLE GE. loin us for one you'll never forget! YOUTH SERVICE INTERNATIONAL 30] N. Blount St. Ralei h, NC. 2 601 (919) 733-9366 Personal Growth Guaranteed KARL E. KNUDSEN ATTORNEY AT LAW NC. STATE GRADUATE / 12 YEARS OF TRIAL EXPERIENCE CRIMINAL LAW DWI, Alcohol, Drug 8( Traffic Offenses, Larceny, Homicide PERSONAL INJURY / WRONGFUL DEATH Auto accident, Negligence, Malpractice ' Suite 507 Raleigh Building 5 West Hargett St. Raleigh, NC 27602 Telephone (919) 828-5566 FREE INITIAL CONSULATION l|||||lllllllllllllIll|||IllIllIllllllll|l|lllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll Get them Calling Card and your first call is free. There's no better time to speak it an mind. .-t'lt'\'"/'.\tm1eiit Sater /’lirs~ pit ignim. gt \K'lltile packa e of pitxlucLs and Beatuse now when you get your luv A'Ii\"'l’(4'tlliite ( knit. you‘ll schices designed to make a student's budget go anher get your.. first lSiiiinute call liee‘. So look for Austral/tire (ktrdapplicatitins on campus. (mm \Xith your .‘l/X'TCH/[itM (uni. it M can call (it call its at l 800 525-7955. Ext. 655. Raleigh’s ()itli‘ from almost aiiyvdieitc to anywheie And it iii And let freedom ring. 835 000 5190 1211 can keep your card even it you Iltt)\'L’ and get Brewery u...”nut col add- a new phone number And Pub tfllfl. no no .7“ l w ()ur (‘alling (‘anl is part til the NIKE Helping make college life a little easier. \Nhet‘c losers ol line beer gather to CITIU} the taste of excellence \es! \‘Ve Have Kegs lloursi 3‘ Am |l .llla iii l (ltla iii Mon Sal ll’lI) .i in ll) ”it p iii Sun The right choice. 829-02” 'A 3300value foriimust to mast (alling (aid call Applies toeustoiner dialed l .ills made during the six-t \ighi .‘IJ .isl \1at'liti Steel/(Hts \latket mm calli period. llpm totlatn. Sundaytliniugi 'l'huisdayand 11pm l‘riiLn tiinitigh Spin \iindat ion in l\ meive more or lesse 'ng timedependingon “hem and when you Call Applit more must be men-ed In th'einlier fit. lWI lllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli SMSEQL a.

Everywhere Pig by GD. Smith J Man'by10e Procopio ~ 9— \ 93c; 39 : x 0 b I en 1 n 3: li‘ ‘ I ~ 'i (‘I9 I".{V \ - 97%} x:J t£5113.u .-.;t;'mtpl" L inifil‘rvsr nuixut E‘ stinging:a ‘ 9‘ ' ‘ " ' 9‘"'9 ' the} field? I. c 2.31:; 5‘ «3-) wiztwfsst' I 5,359,345,“ aim” Luk,| ’W 4193\Ln‘13 ‘{¥m/tL V I —I I_él—‘S,, ‘/°__" _“NAHDNMMerv.tti ~ .. 9 A l .1 . mummuw ‘30:”;1 [I9‘.. 4132.J L{139.92e ' v-7 “(Q_ - 9 «a?" 1‘r W V1“;\ :1'1 " ‘ ; 9 «9W l M39 @ s z 2% 9e;;3§\»— \..\‘~ * v egoe‘13C) ' k,a} \l ’1“s E§LL 5:? ‘_:j Q» ‘ l . 20 Eh? 4;: fix I etc/ladig—"j -1-.-“ 7 g’ Packman hi/ Elmer Dickens Oh Hell by sz Clodfelter rm: 4w coder 545mm . jMEtEA/v YOU KEEP) Mt Arr/,4; L) . .g‘iaJN MS some ism: CHO K E ! I C HO K E ! OI A saggy-r.) (fa/3:35 //- I L a”? {IKE/5%?“ :(i to a? MV‘MVHSSW 0 qéwsmh ‘7) *4 t £Uhrk flACh'ih 7% ‘N ‘9‘” WM 9”” N ‘ 1' I g-km 50 / law," T‘Il' To an 3479 IN 5: ‘ MVHMPMWuLSHAWL 1; 9WD rt 7' m, i . IMMTMWI KEEPA SECRET, NOT THAT I

I . — 9 w FLYINQBURRITO I,_ '1":7 "Home‘ofthe‘ . Worjld-isfiost' 9 ‘9’..v$-'_°‘ ‘9 'fA (m !9(;lt)\\\\l(‘\ll(.‘\l(l @anguous “(5%" l (llfl .\I\lt)\ (nu " I will; 9 (mi (in \‘t; \vi \\ l :r- l‘v'ii.ltl:ultwt"h.iiili lsh9""9l ;: Bung your sweetheart to Marco, I- ’tlu "twat l)“ 1th (9,, ”at“, (lookinq j! 53:33:33,?,gfig'g'nfi‘fig‘3’ggije I Sandwiches. Snacks and Dinners I 9 'wo «(Mir-1n; u n we . we I Imh (IN'III. f-foumln. limit In). ('irilwilw: : g “Ml“: 1H3, I Chump ffmql .Q P’WWTN). (Menu; ‘ 3‘ , V ‘ . m‘ ‘ ‘ timing; H l I I ’.'9 I (Ilu ('ml» Coup. (jllmlif'. ('lmwftuttn Dal PM! I SUHd?). l Ut‘de) WhurSday 9Vi'l .’ :, W9; t}, ‘9’ '\9‘ 9., l_-—_----_----_-_----_--1.. .‘ (nulnintlt W”!!! I I)’(t;7'()4)(‘llmfifi *3lult'«v ()n“VC[burst/(1v ‘ ' ll’l’l-I

Study at one of 87 different colleges and universities in the USA for up to a year.

I. Bea full-time student. 2. Be a sophomore or junior during the exchange. 3. Cumulative GPA of 2.5. Courses and credits transfer to NCSU. Tuition assessed is the current rate you pay to attend \‘CSU. Your financial aid may be used. lf Interested. contact Charles A. llayuood. NSE Coordinator. 2l2() Pullen Hall. 737-3499 or 737-3837 APPLICATION DEADLINE 3/1/91

LDVE grows in all shapes and SIZES. and we've got .dazens of ways to express thoge feelings.

Bouquets must be orderd by Feb.6. I~11 m mum purcha , , .. Enjoyv three- hot dogs .free With each purchase- ‘ of- a refreshing. 32-0unce,Coke? reqm red, Bouifets 9 9 -, Its College Night at Fair Lanes. Experience unlimited bowling and musrc every may include: J, _ 9 I‘hursday from 10PM to M1dn1ght*f0r only $5.951ncludmg shoes. at» candy mugs it» _ gifts it 3 “ ' . . I 9 9- .. all’ Lanes 7 CARDS, ETC. . ~ i ‘ 3 2302 HILLSBOROUBH ST; _. 832—1687 , .‘ j s 95 i ’" O ’ "ii Free del 1 very area .9l'nnt ~9 ma". \iit", inmrtlingtownier .L‘oi .‘l Lolmandmum-nm-i't-gistwn-d'i «l: marksnl llic-t‘ixa Lolat ornpanv 2 1"tdt - 5;:111 edel 1:392:32? Pair.. Lanes Southt Ilills:.}tll., Nottingham l have,, 161241] outside. Detai led map Fair Lanes Raleigh: 1827 North Blvd..&'l2~37~l7 3? available at Cards, E-tc.a Centersotx'nZlhours.l"nda)andhaturdm f. l-“ e____.______Technician February 6. 1991 _SIDETRA_(_3_KS_

Upcoming Spring Break

makes students plan ahead It) Heather ( Soul pilsl etlstoillels " l-flli‘l'euvll'. "We |l.l\e people ullo go on these llips exei) )t‘tlt.” lie \lt)s ln llle dealt lll \\llllt‘l, .tlIIlilsl lee stoilns and Ne“ \tilllellls tat, \Ilk'kh ‘.\l|ll the looll Ilellel lllisliless \eill _\ I'\e \l‘lllt'lll slll.llt students liar: Iltl.‘ll minds on Illliellu mean \\.l\es .llltl lilklllls Despite olillnolls ueeks ot The Spring; Illeak Il.t'\L'l lilps .lle designed \iitll \Ill ellisses still to .oille. \pllllg: Iti‘eak .lppl'oaehes dellls lll Illllltl "ll students go through ll.l\el agents. ([tIlL’kI} .Illil plepalaliolls lllllsl he made to \lt‘ItI llle the) lll.l\ 1pm. \jllll lo \lllll illola“ lil;l\lnllllll ellioiilltllt ' Rlx‘llalllsi‘ll \.|\ s Sillee late lletelllhel. IIM‘Is .illiiolllleiilg all thlialllsoli .ll|\lses students to stat lll types oi \plllle Illedls lesloiiles h.l\e loilght l'ol‘ hotel loollis \\lIIl Islltllt'll\ lll oillel to s.l\e sllldelils' .iilelltloll (llle \ltllllhlll}. Spring Break lilolle} on Itillll 'li.l\e|. has l‘eeli llltlllt'lllnll) successful in 'llle I.l|ll.t|t.l lllp ollel~ IllL'Iill e\L'llls_ \tllieh plaslellil: .lll .l\.lll.ll‘lt‘ hullellll hoards t.tll lll‘lli s.l\t' llll IIII'1I\I‘\I\ '\iill 31o ill and \\llll lls l‘llL‘lll ellil“. .id\elllselilelils lol pat .l emel \IIIII_'\ t.|l .lllll «Illill. .ls ll‘lllill .ls toll sllltlt'lll lllps \\.llll. .lllll ellioi li'le lk :'-'.le Inllllls Hi] [In I‘k'vIL'II.“ I\’.l\ I\)lkll.lltl\~ ll. ..llllplls s.l|es ieplesenla lx'lt h.:l\l i‘ll .l‘.‘ me lol \I‘lllli‘ Illeak ll.l\el, s.l}s. \lllllelils sliolllll lie \\.ll_\ ol lll.lk ’Il \lllilt’llls \\.llll to go loll .l llljf \lli ll .lll.lll;'ellleiils .lIIlI deal tllpl llle\ lit ml tolollla‘l lls .ls “s l‘lII‘i ll ltll tolllpaiiles oi llltll smill .ls [illssllllt ' \s IIItIIt'JI \\ \ltIII.lI‘\ llllll llle) Il't'l :il't‘ k'lI «lll llle Il\L'ls. xll tI.I\ s is \Illlsl\\lt|lll\ \il «llle t'.tll the illllllilllllil .lllit'tllll ot llllIL‘ O L.'|l.ll.tlllt't' a l.ll‘llllitls \IIL'J lleellell Io \tllL‘tllllL' a tl'lp loi . li-iil lol \ol: l‘lll llli‘ lilp lechnIClon I lle Photo llle hl'eak :0“ sllolllll lll no ease eollellltle Boardwalk Spring llleak |'l.l\el olll) selietl ' \\|lll lil\ll|lllll.ll) ieslllelitt in :l ules trips lol Spline Bleak. so students eannot use the “WM—"1 WWII” ll t" I‘L‘Ill“ sll.lillletl title to l.ilse iillol (011111.111) IHI :ltalliills illlt‘tllg slimmer. lil'atloll oi e|.llllls on the pail lll .lll .leellrtl For students who r in not .tttorll to go to the Battery," Il)(dI0(I on the Charleston Harbour, is the “Ilahanlas ls the ”Mist popular trip." Richardson s;l_\s. For e\;llllple. .l \ lassltlell .lll‘.t‘lll\t‘lllt‘lll lll llle Nous Bahamas tor Spring Break I‘I‘H, (harleston, S.(. site of some of the city's most attractive homes. For This with lll.ll k'l'lllst' k.lll .leeonllnmlille 701) students. and ()hseHel peisoll.l|s ollell-tl .l Ilallalllas trip e\.llll\ offers an historit tour of the (fly \Imwn here, “llle students who want a rest. ( harleston is the plaw. Tile ship departs ll‘oili H l :ludeidale. Ma. and goes I'IIIIIIg Ilik‘ .IIWUH' tIl'\\ lll‘llllll illl .l ‘Jllllltl [illul lll \‘N to I’leepoit. Bahamas The el'lllse lasts .lppl'ounllliel} Ill\e‘slig;llillli lllto this I'Iltl lllllIt‘iI ilp .l \el} le.l| III R \|\ hollls et holder. .‘lll lll‘llL'lll‘.‘ lllp \elellli ll.l|llL'tl "Iloli" .llltl .l Inell: led ill the pure ol the IMP :lre hotel :leeolnmmlil— lllseolineeted llllllll‘t'l It'l the llol.-l \xllele lt‘st‘l\.lllttll\ Top-Ten Spring Break 1991 tlolls .Iltl lolllld lllp ll.iilslel'lln)_‘ The onl) "eateh." \\el'e ieqilli’ed \llel llollllle t'lIt'tlslllL' llle lllllllI‘t’l .lilil Request Rock on Rlehaltlsoll s.l\s. "ls that students must get to It l'eeelx lll:_‘ llisill.l)r-tl sillpllse tioln llle Ilk lu'l llolilel l\\il vacations and substitutes I..ltltletil.lll' H d.l}s ol tailing! tailed to tolllleel lls \\ llll .ult llolel llle Solid State WKNC Rlehaldsoll .I\I\I\L‘\ students to take at least $150 on II\I\CI llitlllt‘l kl‘llltl Ill‘l IIIl'IK'JIIl'I I‘t‘ intelleil [Ill/HI .\ lIllIl III/i /\ ll IMI lll 'Ill 'wli ‘ i‘ \l"’”'““ If you want to hear it. llle tllp. depending.- on personal spending habits. \Klietllel ol not an litter is leeltllllale lll.l\ he lIIIlIt till HRH/s I‘I‘I/ Iol IIilm inn/l I.‘!\ II Ilw lll'.'/" Solllld too good to he lilie’ I’ei'hllps ll ls. to tIt'IL'IlIlIllL‘ \\lllltilll pelsollal mpellellee So llse k-III [Ill'iII/l‘l/\II/‘\/IIIII1\i'I/(l‘lllt It I I ll». .;./l lll. H We Will]! to play it! llilt Rlelldltlvlli eileolllages students to ".‘isk lion. plan ahead .IIItI ll.l\e .l \Htllllt'lllll \I‘lllltl llleak' Fridays 1. Bahamas 1. Bahama. NC 2. Jamaica 2. Lizard Lick 7pm Midnight Smokey says: prevent skimpy newspapers; work for 3. Daytona Beach 3. Tucker Beach 24-hour Woll'pztck 4. Panama City 4. Panama (the country) Re ucst linc 737-2400 TECHNICIAN 5. Ft. Lauderdale 5. Oxford. NC 6. DenverNale. Colorado 6. (Icy) Wade Ave. 7. Paris. France 7.Pans.TX RING BREAK 8. Hawaii 8. Jungle Golf 9. Cancun, Mexico 9“Chi-Chi‘s SPRING BREAK 1 0. Niagra Falls 1 0. Falls Lake I [“3" CHANCE'C KEY WEST IIAYTONA BEA—fill it High quality heachtionl accommoda- tions tor 7 emitlng nights I. I .E. :ikil‘tidx Southernmost Motel in USA Do Something Special aI - Round trip chartered motel coach. afar. romp ‘l 6“ oFree DOOI deck parties. actlvmes. a ' ' Sui/7 MN“ ‘ [-800-354-4455 For Your Valentine! I promotions ”I ,. a; swap IR” t' (. II 3T olnter-Campus Programs lD/Dtscount g t ‘MLEIOH,' , , eserva IONS .1] I-SIIII-31I5-6577 The DAYTONA BEACH ‘119 ' . C . ‘ L -:lii'-(Ir)tcatlon stall to: complete EICCII‘IC ,Ol lipany ’l‘ ...... PADRE ISLAND ‘129 ' lncluoeo ISTEAMBOAT ‘95 ' [II-II] NISHIKI LAUDERDALE 5137 ‘ Mall PANAMA CITY BEACH 5124 ' luoxuoosr: CHRISTI wants to help you out this \Lllelltine‘s l)'.i_\'. i MUSTANG ISLAND IHIITON HEAD ISLAND $112' I DON’T WflIT TIL IT’S TOOLITE WIN 3;] ()0 CASH $5 off tune-up to treat your sweet lel (with this ad until 3-15-9l) I’lll out this lol'lll .\' i ; % H11 l :SBOROUGH st MM to all now. 1: a drop Ii} all) inert-haul .tl the mall. 833 - BIKE The Iliet Center Name: _,‘__H_.__ ,, _, Difference Address: - Phone: ___.__. SPRING BREAK 1991!. Hurry Up & Y"... m; Win!

and Daytilii'a Vs'I U" '1"%"'3‘9.'°°° ms- 3:2. m at: m ‘v‘ééirtti: can "we it." In ucuu: 0"“! “M -"5 “02:2"Nuulfll l FROM $ I 59 1. Spmfimlrlca'aNotnewSpollllIt m" likeN . .- warn .o l :N‘“W‘I' t ;.. nu. gym”. 27 DON'T BE LEFT IN THE COLD THIS YEAR! I "‘V‘M . 0N1 llgxm’wé .W-~ .1" ”Mun-l., ’5 MiracleMil h ALL TRIPS INCLUDE R/T AIR, 7 NIGHTS HOTEL, R/T TRANSFERS. l Panama. "We“3‘ Now.. 20any3:3“.I"m . ‘1__.- ~~”m:2“’ W'-N" .- ..:-.“M. l. No one even as to. PARTIES. DISCOUNTS, ACTIVITIES. TAXES AND GRATUITIES I‘ way. tlom mosi‘ uni-um"W mI. . r.” m" um,. k d (EXCEPT DEPARTURE TAXES) I Clty Beach hams-Ion “Mom.” fi'gx’1'.” 11‘17‘ 9‘. , m; I now you re 0" a let.. ~ , ‘w 23 r“. l Dieting is hard enough. With- ‘5‘ JON 833-6026 OR SUN SPLASH TOURS 1-800-426-7710 Ire MW .. , ‘ l out haying. telltale boxes or "“9“mmum noun2. 25a-uy' “SJ:1.513;." "he”3117will. flow"'.‘.'5" 009'“:’3 fix”21...: strange {(XXIS annnunclng It a... . . avtonar WM. “mmw»! ITS-.212.”.,...... "3;-..m” :1'",‘.3.1::;m... fun 1 a... m to the world At Diet (entcr' wwm- ""“ ”3"" W' .you eat real foods that you ‘ "”W'“3269 «alsomoor-.ri1m '.‘ {‘11 am 3:3: mm. can order in any restaurant COULD YOU USE EXTRA INCOME? p..__,,u___ . .- . .___. or buy in any grocery store. l YourS ring Break Patti TRIP DATES‘PER PERSONPM”plan/eI The only thing to notice is hit-Ho “II.loan“ FWUIWNA |I how great you look Call us EARN UP TO $130 PER MONTH , Week at elncludes: Del...-Burge‘ ”'1 22 BY DONATING LIFE SAVING PLASMA today! 'samlmmmlmwmnnor-emolli- Act-on “III“.“II. Rum" ')7 L0 lll in: no ‘ ‘Dmmmwummmm Du'qoi 8'” 1‘15 Ill; '1‘, [Hg The difference is real. ' loom-t-l-camnIona-lM'Id'WWOflchCuo Del. .5 $.15 V25 “25 has has New Donors Bring This Ad And ' MrMu'PmSaw Broo-Cay‘Hotanal000‘SumoMlBranPlant" Earn $15 On Your First Donation ' TumYumCoachTugA WuHalon»!Cor-unto"Vwmemt Dieto ‘' GymPan-n.not,Jock5109DonutCorrie-mowTuCantu- Plasma Donations help'millions of people live normal lives. ’' JtumonJ5w»NatlComInt-vnan-wConn-ulnateam-mom Don’t Miss The Center“ Your donatlon is needed to help make the products which make ‘' CmmlSolon”ElvamviMnmum.Combatatcour- "itragga-loss[Malawimall.“ this possible 'mmwymvagqumwnMoiMmm"byNationalSoon-ol- Rea'--.. I— First Time Donors Bring Donors Returning 'WMM" WWW ' Spring Break ' This ('oupon On Your .\I'ter Three Months Or YOUR EXCLUSIVE DISCOINI S ( iIt‘IHHNNI .‘\\I‘II|I(' : First Donation And Receive More Receive ("\II( II\ I mile hum IleII 'I'mx‘ei' CARDSAVES YOU BIG BUCKS! PARTY” Raleigh. NI: 27lillfl l Nightlife l..__—— I‘.II‘.Il 82840” MILES INCORPORATED uramzmrmxs... Call Randall l Hours: “on - Fri 7:30 - 3:30 MILES INCORPORATED 'mmmeIt(mum 03 New Donors: 1 Maiden Lane 828-1 590 L 3 mfmra:mm W" 467 ' 7 723 MILES \Ion Thurs 7:30 - 2:30 Across From Bell Tower _.“_"S"L.I’.'f"‘”?"1“i‘°. a. . . . . __-. -__l ”maven-Milc loglmm-nwruwumm“"615!“ ._ __ _.__ _.._. ,‘__.__..____...__.‘

4B L__.___..__, fléLASéiFIEDS/CRIER ——_—__.—_..__——-— to mum it”. ' NtitithHA MONH' ..>‘ w»\ ROOMMATEiSJNEEDED ll.\K[rltilNi-u J4..IiultlrwrillIV‘\lll\.|lllttit\|>(ill'll‘tl\‘ni p.llllllmumsI‘. Typlflg ~ ‘~ “ i " .zi» . "'my-‘ "’inw- COMMONS\Ar an: m [urotm\\'-\:vlmmI‘lh rum.‘ttttimmiiin WV inter-“Juli l'\ it‘lllllll].il a Hali'rql» ,tml (“Mtttrl l)t‘tltlllllt‘\ 10 Ill] ()nc Publication Date ~ » rm -- . .. . 'l ..i A 5 Av .‘3,1,‘,_‘_ “\H m" H,“ M ii lllv|ili tvxirinn' ('Il'll"‘\, limit L. l' I‘ll» l'l'm» BllNlllt‘\\ l)(l_\\l In Atlmnt‘c AA». ‘w \TK‘HHn‘, yaw.‘ i, 3.11l]. mu»‘ v l\,t ll‘l' . 'r’ky‘erx tr, l ‘1 l\ \Hlk‘m) H ”Mk“ V", ‘1 “1“”, h J‘ I," ‘w'i ,’ r! t mlm tj'l illik" “I 1.1: lit. 1 ll \' I\ ‘ “t t l " _‘ in? 'l l~ mm -l 'l‘ ”w [ill ‘ till "H“ M t'hvll Nu illt‘liilti», n‘lill'lll‘l‘tl 'li'tl's‘nll'» l\|llllj_' l 1M .ittll llllllltl ‘R‘l' wt ill... H ’.' »l llwl lllklk’ \ Ili‘lp \\.Inlt‘tl l’t‘iwimlx l'Nl’v’llifxl ‘ll 5? l " M-i rv Int.- u. ..- mm ‘ I'm Mic Rlllk‘\,/thlt‘l\ t‘\\ Mi‘ \- n-iw .i.» l‘ x ' ‘° \ ‘i For Rent 5‘."th y‘um ' 41,- ll, an” run-11x \lixtt‘llnnt'iitn is .QHJ :i‘;ri: ":v"'\.i‘\i*\. \ my. will .; WWW-.1 ‘i' Ilv wit truly-v luv rut l.'\,ili‘] Rl‘lllll‘u‘Rtll‘llllll.llt'\ Hiv' ‘1 '. ”‘1“ “wow! \.-u.. ‘;"'~ VHDL‘TWH' \‘ 'Vl‘l_£;______Avfiry Clasp ml tin ullyHl ' tannin «.1 f nil. 'o'lili iliirii l‘m Rt‘ltl llllnlllll.‘ m. an eno‘u's aw ‘ .> L‘tRAr tvmssi " ‘ ‘5‘“ r», ' W i' w" i“"' tlvimm .‘ i .‘ Hmh via A. “W”. now ll-lllnl‘n lwul-iirwir it"it' NuMi imamill llltll"-vwW 'iwi-i r‘lll \‘uliinlt‘cl Sun Itt‘\ OFFICE SOLUTIONS Miuswi llr'\ ‘ ‘W "l " “l l"' Wyn H.l.‘h‘;n\it "llxiil bully 'Htil \‘ murmur Cv-i'iw n M Himi~ wt '\ ‘ l ' ‘ V" “l ""’ "““1' Ms\iitimi ll itlx,‘ 3,1553 Hi nimnm.\i All Alli!1 imiwii‘M‘1“erm WARNlNG' DANGER‘ ow? int uiTiAnii' 4.'thjJild"Nit I;\l\.\n Mi»\"‘>‘ii1r.” iwnwhim».\m '1 '‘ KiH ' “‘ ' I “ "' ‘ *‘ ‘ H slim; m 1. My .M l». [\i a A: htlt “(N ‘11-: ,.-i, ...ii I rim.“ rim trig} m. ilFHE =->~':* - m... pr, “.1.-- _“__“_‘_‘_ ._ am» an. i 5- AN‘ manly pm .Aur'i' i-hir'imtitw rm milvii H'ru‘. llir' n ”m «Mum».w .m in t on,”n on, ml, nu up .\.- i-l ‘ ‘ "' ’ ‘i ‘ M. ~ 1‘ 'Mw 11-1 nut-i H mi m. an anti Jim ,‘83 54ml ' H ’ r~ lhlhlli‘iixlt . in“ nu. ,mu ili mm Crier III himrun Iloc out i-ilrlursr nur ‘iiiuii. lt‘t/‘vv‘ll “ l' Juli 1’; ' “worn“, “VT-TWA» ’ ‘ “l ' ~u' .; i 'V l ‘7‘ 2‘1! :Aildlitu Mimi H 'wi .‘iw ‘i r "l t i3 v Swill-n1 1 my!“ i1...v-' m .lllrl m x'fiifli‘v‘mT—AWJTFTTUWT sruov ABROAD i., [\Hmmtr‘ ”amnion"... ”Ht”. ‘ Hump. {fivwmrmw‘ "‘ H l " ' '“ H ' ' '1' ‘\"‘x\.‘\rvr mum/uni (SR 0 U P I’l'llHll . l i. ilu mwl 'llt'r‘lltlii l iii” in lilk H ll\ llrlllt tilrl tlw (inllr'qi- (it mm: lvllr" ill’U i'i]'li{ t'lr"‘l ll\r‘l [l' l"- H I , "1 ' H ' " ‘ w "- ‘~'il'. [Hunt/l ill‘nir wt "iiv- iii WC DNLSDAV lei-w m H trim .r H m .mi Sin 1 ll 8.. Wino-s lug. n .lllr‘ iw,‘ ‘ ' "" ‘ ‘ m‘ mun n it. .i. .i rim i,.»‘\,.,\,l‘ «urnimw ' li'rlv irv 'lw i)“. l I'm... r,,,\,.., trirtlt. H.i-|.u:)li' 'er 'tlirth Jlilihltl Alien‘- Mi Mi‘sterni tar '_vi304-rll’“llii“mum. my'x‘ii ‘ "' 'i ' " ‘ rpm.“ .111 I..§i r z“. w;ll ll'\.l'I Al l"i' >‘t‘1’i'llll‘ltr t7»,,‘,.‘,‘,r rm, VI,” f‘rlt‘.a‘ ‘w.l,.:~.iv In, liriilmr l1l'l”,l‘.'ll“n ilrlil ' " “ ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ Nmi rm“, (1,. ‘k rl,.,“,.,.., I ram 1.» Hun 0m LIVH'. Fnsrm .\n~;m|....l. rm... ltlllllr t'wtll twiiw. lll' ll\,lllr!lill' .il tlw “40000 " liill‘t‘ _l\ l, r it .« n ,rl‘: .. ,..,mr., 41.11, 'ii'‘Makmq‘w ll‘liili'r1~‘~.[.--',[urilln’ ‘.,, 1‘. h”, INA‘mC, .rlli til lllll‘i'll Il'Htldl .‘ylmlu-s Iunivi ‘Nt'iil i‘l-vr vss ",3 int ,r‘rtm'ni‘ ".I"\i 3‘ vii. ;L__'—w—__._‘._——____.___' ‘ l ‘ ’ 4:: ‘iJ‘l wivin lltrililwu ,vw mm. .1.” N... Ham“, 1‘. NH...” 17% ltll llllrlii «l’\l .it Mr Slutty .rluomt iBM P l i.\.w:1l’ui'mltx‘tr'ltr“ -lht‘ml rtAirwii-pm.\'~ w“nLi" "" ~ ‘Mi Mi ti it -~, ,g r. ‘\\‘w I [Hit-n n ltn'ui url" All‘fi " lLr‘ it "Purple With Disabilities Can Use The" tllliti- 21114 l‘irlli-n Hull (la‘nrllirw lm .wit I'll l i l wot. i l l t’ lawn ,1 _.u .. [nimlrxi- Hl‘y Quilts (\v M.- ,m. .r ‘iwiirl l nlsuhilltn's‘ l’ tilt in warty \ rm .ii nu illllllit alum is ll‘h'llrlly JR L_—-———— 1.: i i. N , (‘1 i l g t, , a ‘H-‘tllli' n.‘ ~.‘ Ar. mm “‘1‘, ”mi I'll. Slll'l‘t‘lll l‘lAl'!‘ l‘miilluliqlit Vlull“ 91> u M n r ' ‘-!i[‘[ttl‘l "l'l‘ it l-r-vriu mv-t‘ 1' li' l i \l“ll TAN' "‘l'it fit» it l‘Nlt gr WWW-Ir"— [in .r .. lit'll‘rilllll't‘lqk'...|l,1‘rlrl‘ llnu‘xtluv Help Wanted .. ., , , limit-iir‘pul in:Ml'im'm-Hr alr‘v [HVYQWVHIIIHlittilllllli.Jwr‘im,t IIHl'i‘ 'i' "Hum it N‘yllilndl Il’ll‘lll‘l favyluy-rr.‘ til .‘pin -(‘vtifbl SltJDlNl'S itiri VIVE A'u" ‘ ‘ " w“ “‘ \ ' “' \ ‘ Afism'm'f {t tllNF'RAl MIN'UA 'lit'l‘; "Vt w- lsi [‘Il/l "lllll l Afill' .‘iiil l‘riru W7C: INN Alunr ‘ ll—it' NCSU tn'bl‘hl" Ham ilk! «nave Mina": DA» " " ”‘4 \Vr‘il .w' 1‘ .ti' li' mun Mi Hui'vimit ltwv ll‘ li'l"‘v)‘|“ n5’1\‘lllllt“"ll «im- "l‘ll‘N‘ylt'l and (Lu ‘wrmi. Ill llrnmi tillers poor \llppi'll Enriiiiiwv In; Aihwrvi lur ill ("pruulv-A mi, tut “r /.- Nt \t' Hurt. Sim. 13-min tll‘ mt”. ”lirlll ll {Minimum ,mil \rn ml nvvnls 'LLMUU'tXACO ltrODHOURSMKl1 833M“ {S.llitlu”OM CAMPUS __,,i. ‘1‘. N H For Reservations, ll‘df-"v‘v'il lt'l‘rll'l .rn-rt- tl't ‘l ,t'l'l‘l\ in till, ".1 ilppri i-l‘l\ 'i' napalm-ml ‘Jltlll‘l'l, 1m nuuw intruru "‘l‘ll W'lll' Irv Nl‘SU Hit-t FAST FUNDRAISING PROGRAM S‘w‘l‘rit " ii ' r 1 tall I 300 9.28 5150 i ,thvmi ., Ni-n. R. i [trim-v ,t w w. m ti"m 110}:r’ ‘1 vii",.»r'l-mrHnlw.‘iliitlrWlin Hallllt'dl'lli'wm-i‘lr'l\llt.,“m.'i. fill‘l [It in” 84“} llli‘kl “‘rumpus:Usl vimllii;:|i“IrllAr'vk l ,|tll-i PM,”it Slt‘l‘”) iii‘ .1 .- Tnlo-nmrkminql” ‘ " ____ in». -\ 1WUs’1 l4.‘. “11., l‘l' l 305 294 3773 l: llvtlii‘ i" llm-in )lf‘ K‘lmiii H ,l? l n "il‘i' '\.'.lll'rrur lr-li l} at up“. lin- with”. WHA—i no you want to m NOW YHA' .5'100 um”. in t, (”My-mu n in at "‘ ~ ' mu... pt I iflJ lw Siil'nmiy ' 1“" i" "‘”‘ 3" ""”" “”"‘ “"V’” ""5 \(l‘ullllwlilrlhlr-(QROW’Ni... ,nlmmuIll".llltlA SJ! worksrmr- «- iwrxstirugri! ru-wtm: ~Ji i RAW ‘11“ ""1 :i TFLEMARKETING lyll‘Ji’ Orrin 'limii' V‘i Vo' tee Se .ces l’ARll’H Dl tWSlQN MAKINH Fl ”MN/U? E(lll 8““ Kmtv ‘l‘ "‘WHl “1 5"“ k 1“" r N Stl lines \l'\\ltlnstiithnlSFo’lt 23'l‘lllfnll‘h‘9 30 _: 5’0 _ lRI-«l ‘k elil-‘l'i' unw‘iwm Vin-i. i“i.'. u" r rv' ANY Sltllllhll Pit-paw twin “‘1 ll" Elfin" 30w“ u. nth-nut in (‘ IH'Q" Planning arm ”v'ultl‘» Mam in 35 um M" Mr» W i‘. .s “um. imam- m not Limrrns MAM mi WORLD mi lithium-n :i-i' inIrIiim-u \ -i.' V” ”'51"- in H-«l til ill I P tilt l'NVIHONMlNl Plan-mum pit-luttlsl'dllttli is required at“. .ilit‘iglt‘S m melt” llitlll rwmir‘tt l" ,uw m; *n nu “Jimmy, ”Emma '55 trim) Roiini i‘Hl ilk iltl lH‘HNIt'IAN 5.4.skilla 19.rit-i.7199l..tltll‘5~L‘R ”itsr; 73mlowin,. )1t'1r1twinksluirirmlnmw S F A (I VVll L Ml tl lHUHSDAV Al IJDF’M $1“ 00 l tlvt'V‘; all irmrurmls Call 737 ivairmimie m ir’A Air marlin i~r\ nun-m r' .iausirii L15 lOR twill (MAME to UN” (.ql. 73/ JRiWHi 7311 t'OMt imN II'S.‘I rm nlmvrmvum th‘ Mi,» . m imam» ww- For sale wt \‘t‘it‘ltil A sew PM‘ win-iii tn3196impart”“.l't‘l’lwail, lml’llriirum,tl‘n‘ upu .ramtAu fivtnim w ‘mw. ;v.t i .31" ”Ni A ‘35 (“l lt't‘ rive-M .lll ’1‘.1lo‘il.ll\ :mrrrnlim‘ . {I ~,; 54 t -:.ll “mm“ 11m 8‘ h . n- 1‘. lost and Found I" HFiP WANTS D l‘ 1m in to N‘ ‘t‘ ital (”its ‘Hr ;‘ “on”, r . ”my...“ \,. ‘ u .31. iti'Hriii‘w rim»mourn/litmus”NE vvt‘lt,rnil\‘Vl'llllfi'NtlilV\lllllb‘lll :‘lutiutin l'r‘w l f l.’ i. \l'\ ’H \yilir‘lllillv‘ \ 'UnA' 21-, \“u‘ r ‘14,. t‘illl‘11Q»-\l\y‘q mm l, lit" .uivn \iilllll Nl‘ Diruw \ in Wt“- wit H‘i \' Fm Sale meit “‘1‘ mm ,‘lli R in 8451‘ ,m‘ mt.“ “I”. Auk r.” ‘ui iiiililiriil\l\minimlllllS Humiii-H :Htll'l illllllltiih""ll'lll‘» At The Rialto Hunt-1r .w'm lu \ «in: M! l mum ‘l J \lii-i .. n .; '> 1.1. PM (Ann M. Min j A; “it i"‘r"i me p», D AND MASirRs snui Nis L {‘1 ‘”'t‘ 7'" ”1' F461 irll'r 'n in) __Wi‘ ‘ will i- Hmiixlvirtw'l .lil-l nmkslmtv "m. lll’t‘l‘ wxrn-I‘iirlly ilu dt)l'|”i 'illA— --" ———' tint: tit lNliNl M‘ D l" mi v-“\lll""’”' 'l“"“’ “ "H '1 “H H “W", “MW V'll‘Vlllrlrll‘~ ‘-l‘l*hlll(l .irnrtwvm .rml wummrt ,1} ‘: i"l ”.‘y grtll‘: my \.l“i ir ,H. l‘ 1 l‘. *“l l lv‘vl '4' mil. l’t t‘ i.‘ on mum“ n“. 1,, .x :1 I‘ll?“ ..rr.- V1.V>.H}l]-' rum"l‘l“vrllt)t\\1 \r‘- li-lh-I‘» .l"il inlv 'ta-n- l’v‘ vl' To Benefit the Raleigh Housing Fund PAID IF,” l‘;‘l".“l'.. . 1..,‘l’ti k“l'li‘“..4 l"-l, ..N" PBI'SOIIBIS ltlii-mit .lttwiiil(llllV~"\ylylllllll} l'ill ‘ttt'l'{Slimli'ill.ii I‘ .-(.ih'it i v i' v rt . .i i' w » _,. i not Tffi—f‘ 1» .wii' \.‘.t 1AM \N’t'll Simnmirwl l\\ (‘.i~.».-- “within; will ‘1 l‘ l i' l v ‘ rlv [Ll “J' v"" thi‘l ‘l~ li'v'i‘lll \v'u “'wmilw ""l‘l'lll “lull ("Y‘t'lll Featuring: Terry Willis Auxtu : me 'rl ill-‘lt‘ M ‘i-v Comedy Store in LA. . i ii\-' '.‘i“'» 'i‘t SPRING BREAK ”martyr“ ll l‘, Rum '1 wit I.”iriiliilt‘L)IrklrSlipli‘l‘lr.{turn-rail. lulu .ut itiwlv‘rlliv "‘ it. i: .. wl ., l“i‘ llii w r .‘fi‘l‘i n 'l' mm“ 4.4mm tirlll'l'l ll‘l'llil .r' '14“ (“Hi Stand Up. New York NEEDED . \y‘. H‘ t, . 1‘” i ‘. . N it Hit .,. l ,r ____._____.__.____...__———lnrmwmul m lI‘lll‘rlld \v'ltw" It Win“ A. tiiiimt Charlie Goodnights ‘ in l l‘i l t v .5 - M. “ii r- r'r'lfllhl‘ ll, ., ‘1 .1 4,11.“ wt. in rrl' in”,.r,'i , ‘i ,, . i ., ii-.. ri,,,l...,.. it ‘v..11rll!A ..r. ,. l'\ "u Apollo. New York l'liltViUtlrl'.‘ 1.? ’5 years (it g; l t!“ v -' _. 1”“ 1m .li www.mnnmm-il l .1 ‘w in Mr 9 one With :1 recent onset of _, . .. r‘r“ ~:' ’2 H r n-w‘ Hllii" ‘lllrllo'll' iinlrm ‘- "1' t ; l l Stunninui li‘ v.4- liii‘ l- "lit'r Thursday February, 7th 8:00p. m. a cold needed tor a 24 hr A t w , '. i i t: . ’A - l:l‘l'l“\l"l‘l‘l\ il'v' 'lw i-V ”t'ii‘i . , . Misc “aluminium lHlS QtMt’Vli’h 'i'vv two viSit research study. _’_’ '1' __,.....-- l . mm W, ; n...“ ~ Rm :5er \"Wl 'lll‘lxil'l.‘\y mi 'x'llll“ A 'l" i tr ~..u.~.vl~ii|)i‘,..r‘r.mtiwv‘ii~all l‘\'ilr»'l \lt'l""l l" l‘"""'l“1 l'" "' -Sponsored By: Study medication Will lw ‘M”“M“ “l”“W?““' “ ”2.2.!“"""T,’ ”1""“' " x «itmm wii i”Mrwnwi l .v '1;x mii-wexH! N yt.“ .\.,,_. (“.mmt ‘. r,.rl.-r ' xvi, .2: .«Mi‘th‘w :ul‘inxtiln MANN (13» iiiHF’l‘ ill» ab .1 :- ~hw.-¢u-vt_vw;. ' .- -, , it, WTFlG Oldies 100.7 provrded and it physucai fiT—Alfiil “with ‘l minim \\‘i\lll"iui~ i x” »\\_.‘xliAH!l 31H Spin ll 334 Urtlrmw 'I'Mil-lvl‘lll izii.\ iMMiiiiAer 1.} l‘lt.\_'\,r1 371 ‘t'ili I“ Iflli‘il ‘RANt‘AlS Ni "ltin iv-mv lliilx WYED TV 17 exam Will he pertormert, n v. “ uranium k \ rV M > —-—_———____—___.‘1 «.1 :‘uHi .\ ‘i "w.” Mir m mun l" H'Wr’t‘ ll- it "illl'. "\ilA nl TH“,M hrilzt‘flui‘ “H f ‘ H K, “ rwo All voue IMPORTANT NUMBERS l' Mm ‘v-. .H Jilin i'ur'v.» our r. uni». Glover $195 pald incentive int rm; rwr NY A‘ A: W ONF‘H'APE 7' " Mr; M “NH" it“ ‘” i‘l int-Hui- l’l l‘illl‘ll'l‘l/\J"yl Printing inc. 1 t'iiv'” .1 vi- lw- ._ Mail w ilV‘kt‘l‘l OOKl‘v'll ii‘rrwmii Yli. BB T those Qtialilwd to H”in»:"flu"mm».; in mi K l‘mUtill- ‘ w ‘i'mln-rilI, A H“l .1W» ra “W:my W mmtar my.m will“MM.i. I'lwi'i ";il"l“.) 34‘._.n('..,‘.H" \l Suki-y“1.1 .Il‘tM [winiwbMr "hi V‘. itll iii \ 14“,..thW.» rm, w.” lint (”0.15" Mil ii i'iil Technician patllClpE‘llé}.. _" "“1““‘f' ' ‘” " ‘_ inw»,wumrzmrtrooav.i Httil Hot ——i~—Ti—T~—1_‘T ,iiirm-nnit ilr'H V’i... m.” lu- ulniiNv' ‘W t" 3-" lii’li; vi-r at . l M 11.. .l ~..i'.-.l1'--ih'Ni'-~;>>Aw ti l‘tr‘ i' {in “Mt Martini) .n' M riuv'u‘xlll\>'\ip mi lv-l‘ ill" lv' ‘i’i" Contact: Autos For Sale r ',i“..m ‘i"“. inllfill’v rm'wvmz]' w .iiiiiiiir‘vnri'l"|l llV'llllV\.llll‘ilV lilrrl' A‘K‘Mll‘l All proceeds go to the Rater hHo Sli‘. Fund. a Non mill or anizat n lmvi in: Ft) mm.“ ”H.” fry-”1 ‘ 11w - .i‘, IAN limits ltitM‘v 1 H W flit} 7711: lily SilliNlrl'ltr‘ Atmv» piv‘vl‘nlil‘l‘ Emnutnr dedicateogloh iiiin the homeless.p g '0 Carolina Allergy Asthma .‘rm 78!.) '“i ‘~ tu-Urri.\l‘ 575thHis;:iVfll‘LZ(“tnMRSi. All t \[l Mt''illlIl‘\l‘--‘lnfl at: 881-0309 r1wr. ,. Nita-~ i-. ' 1:1FFili‘liMwri ' w'li itswit rm"hut Mi_hymn. 1'1“" ll‘ “9' tn; 1! B‘ ll liNi ' rr-t‘ A\l'' lfiiil‘l‘ntno‘l‘l"'1 ”l lirmil exam luv .4 np-Ivu-K'nr l‘ 1. km- s) 00 3' Looking for a place to live? ‘ll‘l ,v v\ 1.1414“ r4,” ,‘i “an 111‘,” Hll‘l»‘ \. “,5le. Y ‘ HA 1‘44 _ ._ __—‘____—____ . ' V , 1.". , , , i ‘-.‘l 0.11- in Hint; .1 Hum Hmm Resilient, P; ANT 053 (UWICF VISll QFMlNAW Al RENTAL UNITS AVAILABLE , 1.1. ,V. 77,1‘ ‘3 .14 \V'l\l" §...l'fi~‘:fl;l‘ “ “‘1 *-’ 1"" ’ ’ W“11 . ’ ' ‘ ‘»‘ but“; .ynt i”; ‘11- run pawl. .11 [\thglllll‘l “a“:5 15pmH..,todayWrrrra workslmplnqiiitlrng rm-Willil‘lh'll‘HVI’tw n‘tnivrtandto F“ M “ii .1 i-l'i l" 'lll'l"lq W Jr ’H‘H‘A” i,\ -l H ‘l ‘ K 3‘4' l'llli It» ,1: Jlrrvri ,.' (t1 lit!) in Stillr' riitii til \Pt'ril‘ll iiilr-rvww “us win lmur 'Like-New Condition ’it‘rtl‘lltl‘ll‘ wrt'a s'nrii m arr‘wlulvx lin‘tt rests lemieru 'A rim-ii w-tl ii i» "v .v 'l‘»: , l" l.““'1rry‘ di‘t‘lw (v ,,,\ W”, .wk.q Now .l"\\llil‘i iiwmi tim- M Nl‘S'.’ S ".nr'i-r 'Eff1c1ences, 1&2 Bdrms wirmtl‘.triday 5.111”thPart tnm- Stiil'l()0mupm .humm,. SlAillNl M ispm.I ”A,“ rim m ,ii“weIt!”1 1 RH!to _('lit 4*-.' Mn.“ w- “ml,” u- it w“, M51 HUM mm”, Planning mm Placement uni Will tw lwlrt in 'Fully Furnished Waylank, rll‘i ll Jrll‘ i" t. mun-m rim, ‘xilih‘. ABROAD lN Al'fxiFnlilA 3100 pullmi H.1Il V‘ka'le rm» .')I"ul !' or its i‘Vvilvll‘x.mlmv muw“...., .,u'tr'lxlgofla't Ltnwrtpi it“ i1‘llV!!V“.y~ , H ,,u ,1. 1,. 'iI1'1r 11.1““ 'Eleven—StO'y Building incorrtinql, Ploaw all RI? 40117 ’1' m t“ 1.. 1 ‘1' ”my,- “1.1 imwptmiri ‘1lin:lr]lvl'w All Vmi only live once Mum ll rrr H“ Still 'Ad301ns NCSU Campus .nierviuw M l R l” 5 '30 ,1My" l'l At t .ii ‘2‘” b \i]' ll i'W-lui Lvlil‘l‘l" (Ur-i l M'ii. knnwlv-iltit' bymrmm'im "NH-l“ Thursdays ‘Free Bus to Classes lll'wvl‘ih, Ill AND 818 "ltHh 7 ll") [mi in 34‘1lldrrpl5rm 'On Holfline 5 CAT Routes 'On-Stte Management 'thht Security Personnel 'Laundry Factltties RALEIGH WOMEN'S HEALTH 'Carpeted & Ax: Conditioned cp 4700 Westgrove St. airbwooda CV}pant-nutQllage (Beltiine at Western Blvd.) General Anesthesia *Gyn Clinic . at great ptace to oral 859-2100 nuiiinlilr. For mun iiilllimtlliltll *Pregnancv T€SllIlQ i $})t> th“! (till i l-lillli llliii-li'i'i' iii \iiilt' bOI'llOllS from \(‘SL' student community WESTGROVE TOWER l-NJU- tt‘iL-Hfihi i-lttl lli \i.tlt‘ . ‘“ \Vt‘ t't‘ on lltt‘ \Vtilllittt' ."1-12-3:“.k.-‘.; lit'Et-{i'i‘tt 7-18 WGE‘kS Oi ”“24 hour dependable nmintcnancv itit Curt iiizii‘h ‘“ ( low to campus. Sharon Rulx‘s. Pregna (‘l' Reach the Market Thanks for all )our help at "" ( Httl‘tllt‘s‘s activities. tor \llttlt‘nls llardmln- Seniors. I hop.- you Use Ter‘hnir‘irm feel better smut. it 5505 Creedmoor Rd. Suite 110 783-0444 Classifieds ~|lriuu 272‘t—A Conifer Drive 832-7611 It't'hniriim's I'u‘hnit‘izm

CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer CRYPTOQUIP 2-6 ACROSS Adventure 41 Actor 15 RR 32 Rainy 1 Light or story Gibson depot 34 Frosted house 21 Rubbed-in DOWN 19 Come in 35 Green lead-in din 1 Ettusrve first veggie VKZVRXI JQZN-ODXQA FDIF. 4 King- 23 River 01 2 Square Fr. holy topper forgetful- column woman “JVFlKQl—‘F LF FY JDP NUDN 7 Treasure ness 3 Hollywood 21 Tumbler follower 25 Ardor hope 22 Skin l.'() l'NADTTQP BYA RDFU." Ham ll “9 Withered 4 Entertain eruptions 1° Spaghetti 27 Eastern 5 Trrte 23 Marshy 0’ title 6 Miss Kett meadows macaroni Essence 7 Lettover Printing Today's Crvptoquip clue: J equals 8 11 Shelled ol roses dish error The (‘ryptoquip is a Simple substitution Cipher in which reptile 30 Marble 8 Public Special each letter used stands for another. it you think that X 13 Quite 33 Way up ware- time cquaLs t). it will equal 0 throughout the puzzle. Single let- remorse- there house RBI. ters, short words, and words usmg an apostrophe can give less 36 Clandes- 9 Prophet et al. you clues to locating vowels Solution IS accomplished by 16 Reticent tine of Israel See eye trial and error. 17 One at 37 Silent, in 10 Dance to eye Snow music step Central White's 38 "It Like topic (0 mm seven Old Funeral 30 Former by King Features Syndicate Inc 18 Trilling Times" oration Thai corn amOU'" 39 -— Bator 1‘ Hawk 5 31 " -— | Hill .Ill\\\t'l'\ to today '\ pill/lt- 19 Made 40 Ruby or opposrte o'clock on page cloth Sandra scholar” HILLSHUROl'UH S l'. “NIEIIIIIII‘ It! was W ICS'I‘ERN


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HUNI GENERAL IIRE COMPANY INC Partly snobin with Chancellor sponsors Occasional ego inflation Create a Condom Contest Thursday: Continued Bring your rubber cement with rising snob lilkIl‘l 2 iBat'uty flush 1001c and your plastic wrap. Semang thesit/dartborn ill exdiange fornuretaryaxsideraaons Volume excessive, Issue dead Wednesday. February 6. 1990 Chopped Hole. North Carolina NoDon'tdon‘tcallroponno IIO'IIthocallnova.youIo molo lt


. DEANO chicken stickin’ NOSE By Anita lion find out which came first. the chicken or Stall Conant-o the egg." Complaints from neighbors raised a melt- I‘owl farmers in rural Orange (‘ounty Ie of controversy on campus. "I can‘t Holy Crap, Batman! have begun chicken watches to combat a believe those disgusting geeks." said Ilir Heel head Lt‘tts ll Ilc.iiio rash of thefts that has greatly dcpopulated Buffy ()rpiiigton. member of the Rhode Sirtyth was LlIt‘tI lot Ill.IlttlittlsI\ hen houses since last October. The bird Island Red Preservation Society. “What leaving skid iii.itks .itioss t'otton obductioiis increased dramatically follow- they did to those poor defenseless chick- [he ‘s assembly line \ppaieiitly iiig an incident on the campus of UN(' ens was yust crud Raising cocks is our Smyth was streaking toward the Chapped Hole. Job " men‘s room when the .itcideiit Members of the Upsilon Nu (‘hi Not only has there been a dramatic occurred. ('ompaiiy t‘lllsltlI\ would Fraternity were insestigated for sponsor- increase in the consumption of live chick- not elaborate on the extent oi the ing a hay-ride theme party that featured ens in the (‘happcd Hole area. local gro- tracks that Stiiyili escicted exotic chickens. These fowl aroused such cers are seeing a rise iii the purchasing of a response from fraternity members that a frozen fowl by university preps. new event will be added for Greekfest -— Frozen fowl purchases have increased in Learning-by—doing Poultry Poking. all size categories from quail all the way opportunities arise Fraternity members .say the new event up to jumbo turkeys. and sizes in between will be great fun for the other fraternities with comfort being the primary considera- Lifestyles will change tor the on campus. “The boys will just adore it." tion. uninformed inatority on caiiiptss said Khaki-Campbell Drake. Upsilon Nu “It‘s the darndest thing I‘ve ever seen in when (‘happed Ilttlcls Ittcttl (his chapter president. “The sensation of my thirty-five years in hidness," Chick museum offers a learning by pecking beaks on bare skin is so arousing. ()va. manager of Poulty Pantry said. “It's Doing Seminar Topics include not to mention the sensual tickling that amazin‘ to see those pretty boys come in manual and mechanical \Illllllltt‘ the feathers provide. After all we want to size themselves up by the birds," tion of the head. how to use cheesey‘ pick tip lines, how to properly dress '70s. and how to bathe in Brute by Faberge Students clueless Mascot molested by Iy hilly Catatonia more weeks." said president Hide-my- local necrophiliac Itotlflitt-ool lunartonlogo hull. According to Hide-iiiy—bolt. all of the Ramses oi J lingers Street. Students at UNC cart borrow books free books are arranged by something called (‘happed Hole was lIllsI.il\t.‘Ill\ of charge at a building called Davis the "Dewey Decimal System" which transported lioni I)e.irio‘s Home Library. said Bill Hide-my-bolt, UNC‘s makes them easy to find. to (NC Morgue by the (happed student body president and Love Lontpa “Why the f“* didn‘t you s**** help me Hole Rescue Squad \ltei receit Davis Library has been on campus as With the damn library challenge. I‘ve never mg .i complaint. .i (‘happcd Ilolc long as he cart remember. said Hide-my~ seen people so uninterested in anything in Keystone Isop .ir'i'ised ind li‘tllltl .i bolt and has been a great resource for my life." said Hide-my-bolt. disgruntled neci'op‘iilmc doing research papers and for studying. Iztl .Voir'. At the mice "four i'tiuli'riri ii: .~iii' Apparently Ramst s had onlx According to Hide my~bolt. “Davis 931/1 H'tlf or editorialfreedom. ii'e hilt t' . hm: It passed out ii'oiii U‘-CI indulging iii I.ibary is a big building with thousands. In “(III tllltl liml our ll Ihr' riiririevjrir Ihr' libruri \intage lllx.‘ blueberry cola and may be millions. of books in it," l liriI/eiigr I\ rail/i going to go for (imiksfur the was the \ictiiii oi d tailed All of these books. said lIide--iiiy~bolt. Moon or if it iii/l lii' i'iribt'::lc'il or .\HNI('Ihf"L’ hugger can be checked out by students with ID but! like that ing. cards for weeks at a time. If Ihii dam in I an ltt‘ it ill I t’lltllllll'jllllll) on if And. "if students aren't finished coloring and pro/whit Ull't' Illt' ti/juii- (I name like the Contest offers once- in them. they can check them out for a few Dui‘ltguli' .St urn/til. in-a-lifetime bang I‘he I";iii.tt.isi/e Mann .1 Dale Contest is turning up \tll‘.” Bovine bash spurs suit Contestants \\III compete Ill describing what their date would By Spooky Vonkoe feel bad that the brothers got hurt. but be like if they could get one The sunlrltor cow-punching is a lot easier than chicken- winner will be taken out tor din» kicking." ner and a movie by (‘harieellor Four members of the Pu Pu chapter of “We‘re gonna keep on punchin' cows. Aul Hard-on Student body presi- Mu Mu Mu Fraternity suffered broken too even if the ASPCA hassles us," .Iill dent Bill HldL‘Alll}Ahtlll said “'I‘Iie Dlil/Hrimev Rielrill hands after the iraternity's annual cow» said. contest will prmtde .i concrete punching party Saturday. Daisy. the two-yeariold holsir-‘i‘ -' “W chance to go one on one “till the Fraternity members Rick. Steve. Mark was \lCIlIllI/Cd at the party. suiitim: "o chancellor." and Mark are all in good condition at NC. injuries. Memorial Hospital despite injuries Her owner. Herman Squirman a UNC- Reds speak out at received at the bovine bash. Chapped Hole professor of interspecies blue university Sticky Foxy. loyal Rice‘s-roni. and Meaty-Petey as you can see that Meaty-Petey goes shoeless. Just in “It‘s. you know. a tradition. We. uh. relations. did say he will sue the fraternity. Colocut relax otter practice at their favorite Franklin case you were wondering. campus officials investigat- always do it." said fraternity spokeswom— “I'll not tolerate them kicking my wife ‘ Street hangout. Hard times have hetallen on the boys ed reports of a big hang in the iiiitcinity of Silent Sam. eu Pinky (ireen. uh. white. uh, white and black ...yeah my 'I'he Ram-us (‘Iub will he spon- Mu Mu Mu President Jack N. Jill said. "I white and black cow," he said. soring its annual (‘oriiniiiiitst speech contest at Deano‘s Dorrie again this year The pit/e Is It! gazillion rubles tor the liest Rice-a-roni, that female slapping geek and S.F. Treat speech. The winner will take this hotrte and Jill“ the ranks of [‘FL‘H’ By LP. Standing Royal‘s tionlili' started :tli .iii c‘stietticly But _|Ust stir\‘i\ing a \isit to the Godless flowers to put into their hair and make into oUs contest winners niiid you Stall Toni “\Ln pttl‘i'tt wed in let'lll It 2‘ .is iivitltirig palace wasn’t enough, Royal actually had to necklaces. I mean. it‘s all brick over there." thought there were .J Int til Nines really.“ I{ti).tl \tt'tl gi'osel among the common people and exert iii the pole). (litr itirldtily critci/ctl pointless gourd " I ltwst‘ Istlt'tgh sttiiii New it till litit til pro himself in a Iabor~like way. He had to dig The very memory makes the poor boy Royal Rice .1 ttIltt gtil .i tltise til stiltit' li'.tl portion Still. I in glad that L'I'l llli.‘ t ll.lllt't' .iwlul dirty holes and put some bricks down shudder. “The horror! Quelle Horreur?" he New drug distributed tll\s|IlIlIlL' .it the hands oi the (iodlikc Hire to learn .it the knee oi .i master oi dist lIlIlIIt' lot the samges to walk on. said after relating his touching story. tolcampus masses lhe (treat I)e.:no took llllit‘ out iroiii lll\ It‘s .i lesson tli.it \\III tonic ”I hand} stilllt’ "Ilitit was the hardest part." said Royal. His punishment over. Royal now has a h.is\ schedule to .tdniiiiistci the lL'sstiIl tl.I\ "That's not the kind of brown dirty hole I'm brighter outlook on life. “It wasn't that (rush, I it.i|l_\ don‘t like hr tllstlllllllt' Ill.’ \s intll oi his punishment. Roml had to tlst‘tl to I tliiiik they‘re so uncivililed over bad." he giggled. "Actually. it was kind of Ilie ’li.iriii.icy School has guys too mirthf I)c.ttio \\.I\ heard to say Iii.t\t- Ills terrors (II ~.l\.tL‘t' Raleigh land there because they don‘t have enough grass fun It isn‘t every day that you get to come IIl\Clil;’tl .i new drug [Ital is "lint Royal really had it coining I had to and that “tillplh ltlli oi lieatlieiis. the tei‘iir to run their feet through and roll around in into close personal contact with someone so apparently capable ol IlltlllslllL' .in stick it to him in a way he'd never forget.” ble Moo I and they definitely. like. don't have enough great." IQ in laboratory test students I'he drug. called Raiiinll. will be added I-i IIIL‘ (illtlppt'tl Illrlt »\..lct supply starting February 3‘) WW "We hope it works. said Pain I'M' (‘hantcllor \iil Hard on —From 80 Press Reports

Royal Carroto for Waxing Poly/Blue holds inter- views on campus ...... 3 Punishment Sodomy law enforced DIM/Jodi Andtnensome(2) Students caught in sticky M Pointless ouartl loyal Moro-root. oooo Situation...... 5 loft and right. to serving tho untooco as proscribed by tho Eotooood coo hliiioolt. War in the SAC flora-root onion tho loohtog that lloooo Heels get whipped...... 4 Snyth applies to his horo tooh to loft photo. Campus and pity...... 3 Ilco-o-roni is soon min lo thou dirty hrorrri holoo that ho ton: on rhooh to right photo. Rico-wool roooinl his polish-oat altar stoning o tooato with a not ooolo.

We put balls ahead ofbooks because I said so. So there! — Deana Smyth