TUESDAY, JUNE *0, W M Avarsga Daily Nat Preoa Run m l Wl ■ ^ A, ^ A A 1 ^ m a d — ^ J1 B A A- .a A- 1 TIm ■awaa jHanrlfieBtfr lEnpning For the Month of May, I960 Today cleody with shswaf aad dally nawapapar baatdaa aattliiff up Toung people of the North Thomaa J. taw la o( Middla Uialr campialgiia and eourta. Prao- ■eattered thoadenitonaai taolght Tumpika, caat, who accompanlad ^,9 2 4 2 /ltlaU i'JjF ju i'F r i l u u F u i U ^ J l r r a i l l Methodist church will serve a Receives Degree Six from Here tical Idaala ara Uia baala o f all olMdy, some ehowetei teosorrsw, About Town *nd itrawberry shortcake Dr. David H. Nelson and William Member of the Audit E. Hill, who are now in Loa An­ Boya’ State oparationa roundid scattered ehowem. supper tomorrow evening from out with auparvlaad athlatic, mual- Bnreaa of Clreulations Manchester^A CUy of Vittage Charm ■ • n m tlo a a wOl doa* thla cvt- 5:30 to T:30. ____ geles attending the national con­ At Boys State vention of the Ancient Arabic Or­ cal and entertainment programa. lo r tba fourth onnual deo* DisUngulahed Connactirat ciU- M t rtT*T ot tho Bolton Oongro- Members of the Women’a Polish der, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, reports a fine trip to the Pacific sans will visit Boya* State dally MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21,1950 (TWENTY PAGES) n t t o S chnioh. Ttiurodoy e v ^ Alliance, Group 246, ere requested Youth Government Pro­ to give Inapirlng talks to the boys (Claaslfled Aiverttalng oa Page IS) PRICE FOUR CBNIB oiz to eight o’clock. to meet tonight at 7:30 sharp, in Coast. VOL. LXIX, NO. 222 headed by a visit by Governor front of the John B. Burke Funer­ ject Starts Sunday at l i S r Ihomaa C. Johneon who U Bowles. There la a dally tick call MMfgl dtolrmon, or Mr». B<^n al Home, to pay their respects to Teachers of Zion Lutheran Mrs. Helen Plescik. who was a Connecticut University with adequate medical care and all fTB oiTlek n>»y *>• celled. The church school have planned a delegates are covered by Insur­ liedleo Benerolent Society mem­ member of this society. meeting and outing this evening. ance. bers ere In cherge. The vacation blble school at this Six local boys will be among Rising Flood Waters \^ould Cut Britain’s How Chosen Sergeants Keith H. Clark and church opened yesterday with a the 250 Connecticut youtha who Britain Set to Take Applicants are selected from The deughter bom June 15 In Paul C. Barron of this town arc good attendance, and will continue among other officers added to the through June 30. Seslsons arc will gather at \the Unlviralty of the sophomore and junior high I t rrencle hoeplW to Mr. and Connecticut campus. In Storra, school classes. Qualincat^ns are In U. S. and Canada Mrs. Winston A. Cheveller of 237 76th Infantry Division recently, In from 9:00 to 11:45 a. m. starting Sunday, to take part In based upon leadership ami achol- Center street has been named the Division’s current recruiting the ninth annual Nutmeg Boys’ kktlc abilities with Initial selections Ellsebeth BuUer Cheyaller. Mrs. ► drive, which is now in its second Richard Schubert, eon of Mr. Aid Funds by Half State sponsored by The American of oandidatea made by the local Exact a Heavy Toll Cheveller was the former Miss week. and Mrs. Max Schubert of 69 Active Role in Drive Legion, Department of Connecti­ high school principals. Helen M. Ennis. Cooper Btreet, has been awarded Manchester Chapter. No. 17, D. cut, and local organizations. Begun in 1935, on a national the Rice prize for excellence in Dedicated to the principles of level. Boys’ State programs are he feared the Harrison Mills dike, The Vacation Church School at A. V., will meet in front of the mathematics, according to an an­ By The Associated Press ■ good government and citizenship, now conducted In 48 states as a about 40 miles east of Vancouver, Emanuel opened yesterday morn­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main nouncement made recently by irioodlng rivers in northwestern attending boys will actually set up leading Americanism 'Youth Pro­ B. C., would not hold. Workmen ing with a most favorable attend­ street tonight at 7:15 in tribute President Victor Butterfield of and Western Cana­ If She Rejects Pool piled rocks, sandbags and bales of ance. The school will continue for to Mrs. Elizabeth Bulla, mother and run their own government, for gram. The National Boys’ Forum FUR STORAGE To Seat China Reds da threatened today to sweep over Wesleyan University. Middletown, hay Into an old flood gate which the rest of thU week and all of of Chapter Commander Wilfred where Richard Schubertf will re­ a solid week. The theme of the from which two delegates from thousands of more acres of farm each Boys’ State attend, is s fol­ 3 % on Furs up to $300 Valuation had been breached by the river. next week, 9-11:30 a. m. There Bnlla. turn In September for his Junior program Is that government Is just lands. what the citizens make It. low up from the state program. Flood Director Acton Kilby said Is still time to register and an In­ year. The waters already have forced Senators Draft Pro­ Those to Attend The forum Is held in Washington, 1% on each $100 over Line Up Behind Lie Cru­ many families to evacuate their bulldozers, road graders and a vitation is extended to all children Local nur.ses are reminded of Richard J. Duffy Unscheduled Obstacle Overcome huge fleet of trucks were being 4-14. Transportation Is provided the meeting this evening at 7:30 Attending Boys' State from here, D. C. at the end of the summer, homes and have Inundated wide Senate Okays Boost posal to Strip 340 The Board of Directors will hold and the sponsoring organizations and is patterned after the federal $300 valuation— $3.00 minimum sade to Oust National­ areas of low lying crop lands. used, but he believed "we haven't from SUver Lanes, and children In the Memorial hospital dining Its second regular June meeting Richard J. Duffy, son of Mr. got a 10 per chance." Million from “ Kitty” are requested to be at the Commu­ room on up-to-date polio treat­ and Mrs. James F. Duffy of 90 are: government. The floods have caused five at 8 tonight In the Municipal ists from the U. N. deaths. Farm Land Imperiled nity House at 8:45 a. m. ment. Cambridge street has received a Fred T. Blish. 5 Laurel street, Fur Trimmed Cloth Coats, minimum $2.00. (Valua­ Unless I.abor (rov’t. Building, opening with a public Kiwania Club; Adrian W. Schmld- And Eml Russians’ Strengthen Dike Menaced were 1,500 acres of In Social Security bearing on the proposed extension Bachelor of Science degree at tion up to $75.00). Over $75.00, 3% of valuation. In the Cansdian province of low-lying farm land, the Canadian Edward Paul Baling, Jr., son of commencement exercises at the hauser. 165 Henry street, Klwanis Reverses Stand on of water mains on Hillside. Earl, Club; Andrew D. Gibson, 404 North Boycott of Peace British Columbia, hundreds of sol­ Pacific Railway Main Line along Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Baling of Cole, Asylum, Radding and Farm­ University of Connecticut. the shores of the Fra-ser, and the Srbiiman Plan for 80 Bowers street, was graduated Main street, Exchange Club; Cloth Coats, minimum $1.50. (Valuation to $50). diers and civilians fought the ris­ Pass A.lmi..i.lr.lion BJ]| ington streets. A graduate of Manchester High HALE'S Organization; Secre­ ing waters of the Harrison and vital Lougheed Highway. from Worcester Polytechnic Insti­ School In 1945, he served in the Emanuel G. Pazianoa, 2 Pearl Over $50.00, 3% of valuation. Pooling Europe’s Steel street, Exchange Club; William D. Fraser Rivers. Bill 81 t o 2 ; r U4*e tute, Worcester, Mass., at Its 82nd Navy during the war. tary Gen’l W ill Speak (Continued on Page Neven) commencement. Sunday, June 18. A session for the making of vot­ Shcekey, 62 Norman street. Dll- Headquarters A flood emergency offlctai said And Coal Prodiietion He received his B.S. degree In ers will be held by the selectmen worth Cornell Quey Post AL; Har­ Insured Pick-Up Service In London July 3rd Teeth of Uo-relating XO Pass H ou se electrical engineering. and town clerk at the town clerk's old Moore, 333 Center street. Dll- office tomorrow from 5 p. m. to Couple Celebrate FOR Black Market in Stolen Aet to House Bill WiisliinKton, June 21.— (JP) worth Cornell Quey Post AL. London, June 21.— (IP )— Policy Reviews Ancleraon-Shea Post. No. 2046 8 p. m. only. Thoae qualifying by Also Town Manager George Houses Hits Oil City, Pa. Within a Week — Top - ranking Republican and Auxiliary will meet this eve rcBldence and literacy, and who 30tli Anniversary Waddell will address Boys’ State The British government to­ Washington, June 21—{ITt Sen­ .senators drafted a proposal ntng at seven o'clock at the are citizens may apply to be made on Monday. June 26. to Inform day was reported shaping up Oil city, Pa.. June 21. (/Pi ate approval by 81 to 2 carried the ' today to strip $340,000,000 electors. Re-Open Fight Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Mr. and Mrs. John M. Derby them of town government. t i l COM plans to take an active role Slate police today reported promise of higher old-age pen­ out of Great Britain’s recov­ Open AFI Day street, to pay their respects to of 12 Vernon street, residents here While at Boys' State, delegates a call from a man who told Bearing Veto Proof Tag MM* in the campaign to oust the sions for pilllinns of persons a ery funds unless the Labor Every Wednesday Mrs. Elizabeth Bulla, mother of Mr. and Mrs. LawTcnce Dillon for the past seventeen years, apply a program based on the con­ m a n c m Over Formosa them: long step closer to reality todd roughly double benefit pay­ The Men’s Club of St. Mary’s get-together waa a family re­ be observed and planned a surprise New Considerations by Pasles ("orporations in a separate move, Senator Will Feature: to seek election to various offices, if any houses had been stolen ments under the old-age and sur­ Lodge (R., Maaa.), Bounded out church will hold a strawberry so­ union and was held on the lawn party for them Saturday night, ed by U.N. Secretary-Gener­ no reference Is made to established DO YOU NEED A lately. Sure enough, there was vivors insuranee system In the Senate sentiment on the chancas cial Thursday evening in the par­ where there waa plenty of apace which waa attended by about 40 al Trygve Lie as a "common Washington Lead to Federal Social Security System. Freshly Ground political parties, except to stress me. Washington, June 21 (/p) The of overriding administration op­ ish house, with George Malson of for games, music and tables of relatlvea and friends from Boston, aenae" means of getting Russia to The measure Is a major part of tho two-party system. end the boycott she has clamped Possibility of U. S. Robert J. Schnitzer of Venus 11,010,000,000 excise tax slsshlng position to hla plan to tap $5,000,- LAMB PATTIES Waddell road serving as chairman good footl. Relatives attended South Ozone Park, N. Y., Hartford Delegates will publish their own the Administration program. It bill, bearing a "veto proof" tag to and Manchester. on 30 U.N. organs in anger over reported someone hauled away 000,000 of Marshall Plan recovery of the committee. They will begin from Hamden, Hartford and Man­ Change of Decision his 12 by 16 foot summer cot­ would add about 10.()00,(X)0 per­ he paid for largely by corpora­ LB. 59c to serve at 5:00 p. m. and continue They were also greatly pleased TRUSS? the China representation ques­ funds for part of the coat of re­ chester. tage In Pine Grove Township sons to the 35,000.0(K) now covered tions, Is now set for a vole tn the until 7:30 or while the demand and to find that their son Sergeant Ranges, Refrigerators tion. and would lllx-rallze requirements arming Weatern Europe. Ranish Fatigue With Washington, June 21 —(fl’i— sometime between May 21 and House next Wednesday. The penalty proposed against Oisiiiliio Spring food holds out. The meal will con­ John M. Derby, who la with the Lie announced at Lake Success for qualifying for benefits. Air Force at Lubbock, Texas, waa last night that he is returning to Sweeping reviews of U. S. policy May 28. Top Democrats said It would Britain would be tn the form of sist of hot Frankfurter sandwich­ WINE-LIQUOR Washers and All Expert Care underway In Washington and 5tany Thorny QiX'ntlnni LAMB for STEWUNG es. potato and tossed salad, straw­ Green Cub Paek able to come home on furlough, Europe shortly to make a speech Investigation showed the paas, with the excise imposts be­ amendment to the Econom­ Tokyo have tom wide open again Before final aetlon Is taken by ing cut—probably September 1 — berry shortcake and coffee. accompanied by hts wife. Other Appliances July 8 in London and to visit the caller, who was not Identified, Congress, differences between the ic Cooperation Administration LB. 39c the dispute on whether this coun­ on fur coats, jewelry, movies, Awards Badges Mr. and Mrs. Derby had been and BEER If you are over fifty and feel ninety— the cause of youi summer session of the Economic had bought Schnltzer's dis­ Senate bill and a similar hill pa.ss- (ECA) act which aeta the rules and Social Council in Geneva. try should help (Thiang Kai-Shek pocket books, cosmetics, travel for the European recovery pro- Mrs. George H. Waddell, hospi­ out Saturday evening for a short fot Any Occosion mantled house. State police ed by the House last year will Dm COM fatigue is lack of proper support for your rupture. . . defend Formosa. ticketa, telephones and scores of gram. gs of (sennine tality chairman of the Republican time, and when they arrived they Reds Ask Britain’s Help said Schnitzer will get the have to be Ironed out by a confer­ Manchester Green Cub Pack 91 were surprised to find the gather­ \' I \ • im MAHCMSrrW COM» Displaying rigid Army dbM-ipllne, Princese Patricia’s Canadian light Official Informants emphasized other items. Senators Study Plan Women’! Club, announces that If expert AKRON MODERN TRUSS Fi n ERS guarantee The decision on Britain’s new house back— In plecea. ence committee. S p ^ g Lam b ...... 79e ing of friends and the house de­ infantrymen step over a fallen comrade who collapsed In the sun today that present U. 8. policy la it rains tomorrow afternoon the held its last meeting of the season policy may emerge at the Geneva Many thorny question! remain The House Ways and Msans A rough draft of the plan la corated for the occasion, al.so a /I//V./i7 IL their work. Free information is yours al our store— during a drill at Calgary. AlU.. June 16. He Uy uncyjnscioae lot flatly against any military assist­ ShouMer of Genuine lawn party meeting planned by at Camp Johnson In Bolton Sun meeting if Russia or her aatel- to be settled. One of the sharpest (Committee completed five months being passed around among sena- buffet supper prepared. These Private Fitting Room-^Experienced Attendants. 25 minutes. (A P wirephoto). ance to Chiang tn hla Island tora as the Aral atep toward plac­ the club at the home of day afternoon. The boys and their lites again challenge the right of Issues In dispute is whether to of labor on the bill yesterday, by Spring Lamb ...... 53e John G. Pentland, 484 Porter plans were quickly carried out by PACKAGE STORE strong hold. The fact that policies provide for disabled persons In tho ing the proposal before the Bea- the Nationalists to sit for China. are being reviewed, however, at voting a corporation Income tax street, will be held In the Federa­ families turned out in full to en­ their sons-ln-Iaw and daughters. 35 OAK STREET TEL 6597 Sole Agents Ohio Governor social security program. The ate Approprtationa committee. In the past Britain has ab­ least opens the possibility of a re­ payment speed-up calculated to tion room of Center church house. joy the perfect weather and pleas Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prentice, Mlsa House bill would do this hut not In Its present form, the amend­ Now Bools In Manchester stained In votes on the China versal of this position. put about 14,200,000,000 extra In Natalie Derby and Mr. and Mrs. the Senate measure. ment would cut Great Britain’s F ro n Bcdier . .2 bchs. 25e ant surroundings. The formal part question although the British rec­ West Europe Begins A t the State department, the the Federal Treasury over the St. Bridget’s itrawberry festival Donald Peterson of Hartford. MILKMAID Jolts Politicos Other key differences that will Marahall Plan aid In half during of the program began with every­ QUINN’S PHARMACY ognized the Red i^gime at Peip­ Far Eastern review has been un­ next five years. will be held tomorrow evening have to be thrashed out by the the time Britain ’’falla.to partici­ one" seated around the Council Beauty Aids ing last January after severing dertaken under tho direction of Plug I^Bopholes from six to eight o’clock, rain or conference committee Include pate In the Bchuman Plan for pool­ Softlin Ring, while the Cubs repeated relatioiu with Chiang Kai-Shek. Assistant Secretary Dean Rusk. ThU came juat a day after the shine. If It rains, the parish hall benefit formulas, tax rates, eligi­ ing Western Europe's coal and Papor Napkins, 2 pkga. 25c their Cub Promise tn unison. Arthur Drug Stores Red China haa held off from Merger Talks Today He recently took control of Far With Shocker committee approved a $433,000,' of the church will be used. bility requirements and federal steel.” George Williams, Committee exchanging diplomats with Britain Eastern affairs for Secretary and prodded the British to help (OonUnoed on Pnge Two) Britain's share of Marshall. P)6n H m Best Canned Fruit chairman for Cub Pack 91, an­ Acheson. (Continued on Pnge Twelve) funds authorized by Congreaa is on the Russian-led project to get Representatives of Six In Tokyo, Secretary of Defense Lausche Tells Newsmen nounced his plans to move to Cal­ $685,000,000. Buy of the Week! the Chinese Communist delegates Johnson and General Omar Btwd ifornia thus requiring him to leave MEN'S Baby Sitter He Might Back Taft; BriUsh Labor Coo| the Pack. The Pack will mlsa the BINGO - Into tho U. N. Nations Gather in ley. chairman o f the joint chiefs of U o of Gold The British Labor Party’s exseu- WANTED Williams family as they have con­ Walkouts Idle Oonaell Paris to Decide on staff, are conferring with General Party Interest W ill Douglas MacArthur on tho whole Uvs committee has shown a BARTLETT PEARS tributed much to Its success in the EVERY WEDNESDAY- 8 P. M. A fter Lie’s previous talks with Cites Bruises U. S. Official Kills marked eoolnesi toward tha pool British government leaders on his Cloal - Steel Control rsnge of U. S. security Interests Not Overcome Duty Experienced Meat past year. STRAWBERRY plan, which was advanced by For­ 33c In the Western Pacific, Including The boya worked up healthy ap­ gurthers 8ave-the-U. N. mission to Wash­ eign Minister Bchuman of I^anca. Large CUa Cutter for Hale's petites by competing in various 777 M«in St. MoncKettef, CoTin. 2-I44I ington, London, Paris and Mos­ On State Ward Paris, June 21.—(/P)-Six na­ the Formosan situation. Columbus, O., June 31 — (fl5— Furthermore, R\isk has brought Self in Frankfurt Prime Minister Attlee haa amid tho games and contests. 'There was cow, Foreign Secretary Ernest tions of Western Europe begin se­ TINKER HALL new element Into his study by Ohio Democrats were stunned to­ L«bor Government Is not ready to Health Market plenty of competition and a great Bavin announced Britain would cret talks today to plan exactly conferring with Senate Republi­ day by a hint that their party take part in the pool, although It Eclipse or Zarex many prizes to urge them on. support Red China for member­ what they will do to merge their Apply Mezzanine WEDNESDAY ONLY Elaine Day Says Mrs. can leaders. This was tn line with la “fully prepared” to seek closer ■Some games were participated in PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 ship tn the Security Council. coal and steel Industries, leader—Gov. Frank J. Lausche— Vice Counsel’s Body Is economic Integration of EuroM. F M t Syrups That council has been idle most the State department’s poUcy of Rear, Main Floor by dens while others required in­ Colson’s Eyes Were might vote for the Republican Sen­ U. S. W ill Study ” We frankly want to put pres­ o f the time since Russia first The six governments — of seeking bipartisan consultation on Found in His Apart- 27c dividual action. Soon the odor of 9 :0 0 to 12:00 ator, Robert A. Taft. sure on Britain to join the pool,'* FESTIVAL walked out Jan. 10. Five of the Glassy, Staring, After France, Western Germany, Italy. foreign problems In the Far East outdoor cooking won out and Belgium, The Netherlands and Lausche tn a shockingly frank mentv a Gun Lying one Senator — who asked that ha im J W IU MI family groups gathered around 11 council nations recognize Red aa well aa In Europe. statement didn’t eay he would; but A-Boml) Effect Wadnsadsy, for Good Thlnga W O M E N ’S Trip to Hospital Luxembourg—must decide on the Rusk has talked over the For­ not be Identified by name — said. the picnic area to partake of good China but only three—Russia, In­ he didn't say he wouldn’t. Bs WHt, Cone To PIneharst! powers to be delegated to a new mosan problem with Senators Taft Nearby; See No Motive If we lose In the appropriatiem food and drinks. dia and Yugoslavia—have support­ He told newsmen In White Sul­ Seconds of $1.59 ST. MARY'S CHURCH ed the Peiping membership hid up international authority to super­ (ft-Ohlo), Bridges (R -N H ), Brew- committee we’ll carry our fight Hartford, June 21—(/Pi — When phur Springs, W. Va,. that "my On Foodstuffs to the Senate floor.” to now. vise the merger. ter (R-Me), Mllllken (R-Colo), Frankfurt, June 21 (/I*) The Mrs. Evelyn L, Colson returned Britain, objecting to a French genera] disposition would be to Lodge’s original plan waa to ear­ Seven affimative votes are need­ Knowland (R-Callf) and Wiley U. 8. High Oimmlaalon announc­ with her 'husband from Hartford proposal to give the International vote for the Democratic candidate mark $100,000,000 of recovery ed to seat the Reds in the Security (R-W ls). ed today that Clay H. Henderson. group final authority, has refused for U. S. Senator,” Joseph T. Fer^ Delaney Slated to Head funds for military purposes. It VOTERS OF THE EIGHTH SCHOOL Polo Shirts Council. Lie has been working Hospital the night three-year-old That group Includes some of the 38, a U. 8. Vice Consul In Frank­ Thursday, 5:00 ta 7:30 to join in the talks. But the guson. Then he added: behind the scenes to swing other Herbert Pixley waa admitted, his Senate’s bitterest critics of admin­ furt, committed aulclde yesterday. French Foreign office will Inform istration handling of China policy Best Candidate Gete Vote Henderson, an official an­ Over-All Probe With (OonUnned oo Page Ponrtaen) AND UTILITIES DISTRICT votes. Including those of France body generally bruised, "her eyes “ 1 will vote, when I determine the British of the progress of ne­ and some of Its strongest advo nouncement said, waa found dead Purity of America’s and Effypt- with the hope of set­ were staring and very glassy." gotiations through a nightly tele­ the Issues, for the candidate I be­ tling tho question by the end of This was testified in Superior cates of aid to Generalissimo of a self-inflicted gun shot wound gram which the French will help lieve will serve the nation beat. If FRANKFURTERS Court this morning by Elaine Davy, Chiang In the defense of Formosa. In his apartment. Food by Congress Vote For POTATO SALAD July. prepare. The Republican! are reported to I decide that candidate Is Fer­ Dispute Clouds U. B. Wont Veto 16-year-old Colson baby sitter and Henderson who was born In Po- 5 0 < All six countries meeting here have told Rusk they will hold their guson, I will vote for hlr.,. If I Washington. Jun6 21—(45—Rep. Britain has approached Egypt. night club dancer as the trial of fire on the Formosan issue for the believe It Is Taft, I will vote for COFFEE (Ooattnaed on Paga riir<«) James J. Delaney, 49-year-old New SoUd colors: White, Blue^ SHORTCAKE Ecuador and France on the China Mrs. Colson was resumed. (Contlnned on Page Two) present. The Idea Is to wait until him. I will not allow my party Draft Future York attorney and former prose­ Walter Leclerc Maize, U m e and CoraL question but got no commitments. The East Hartford woman Is Johnson has returned from Tokyo interest to overcome my Interest SEALY MATTRESSES ...... $29.95 and up The French position is compllcat- charged with mistreating two In my country.” | cutor, waa reported elated today to Sizes: Small, Mad. ■ Larga and the administration haa 75 CENTS State wards, the Pixley boy, whose chance to determine precisely Everybody granted that Gover­ Slate Peurifoy head a congressional Inveatlgatlon Negro Segregation Is- For Tax Collector (OonUnued on Page Fourteen) death brought her arrest, and House to Act what Its future attitude toward nor Lausche Is privileged to vote of the purity of the nation's food. David Tlede, 2, who appeared in the Island will be. for whom he pleases. One of the first things that may Hue Threatens to De­ KEM P’ S, Iiic. court yesterday. Several factors apparently will But In the opinion of Democrat­ Answer Today be Investigated la the poeslble ef­ ic party workers, striving to elect fect that food grown on land fer­ lay Senate Action Tonight at 7 :30 at the Annual District FINE BEDDING 9:00 To 12:00 Sponsored By The Men’s Gub. Said Boy Hurt “ Playing" Rent Today enter into the final decision. Per Miss Davy said that as Herbert haps the most Important of these all their candidates, Lausche’a po­ — / tilized with a by-product of the Meeting, Hollister Street School 763 MAIN STREET TEL. 5680 News Tidbits lay unconscioua on Mrs. Colson’s will be MacArthur’a views as ex sition amounted to sheer political atomic bomb would have on hu­ Washington, Juno 21 — 0Ph-~ MEN’S Official of State ciept. mans who eat It. bed, just before the boy was taken See Favorable Note on pressed to Johnson and the extent heresy. A touchy civil rights dispute In the Called From (A*) Wires to the hospital, the defendant told to which Johnson presses for their And for such words to come Denies Payoff Deal The House unanimously ordered Senate today clouded the future of H E A V Y K N IT neighbors assembled there that the Bill to Extend Curbs acceptance by the President. If from their titular state leader, the Inveatlgatlon yesterday and di­ the peacetime draft act now aet who la asking them to give him rected Speaker Sam Rayburn to m-OMAn "Three or four cars” of workers boy's Injuries were received while MacArthur strongly favors Charged by Senator to expire at midnight Saturday. roa BABY he was "playing.” Until December 31 strengthening Formoean defenses a third term as governor—why It appoint the seven representatives There appeared to be little argu­ CONN at strikebound American Enkh to make It. While Rayburn made Hora'a a ae»- Corp. rayon plant In Morristown. The witness said that when Mrs. and if thia ia reflected formally In was just unthinkable! ment about continuation o f the r The Lausche statement dropped Washington, June 2 1—(/P)— Sen­ no announcement of the aclectlonO vaidblapJaeee# Tenn., are struck by bullets In Colson returned from the hospital Washington, June 21 —(/P)— A some new decision of the joint ators Investigating the 1945 Amer- selective service registering of all with her husband, ahe waa "pale” "local option” rent control bill chiefs of staff, the pressure on the like a bomb on a conference of persons cl(Me to him said Delaney, many practical aaaa. Priasatily a barrage of stoning and gunfire... aala case turned to John E. Peuri­ young men from 18 through 25 ADMIRAL but also "very calm.” comes before the House today, administration to cu n ge Its attl a Democrat, probably will be the years for possible emergency mili­ President Truman, will campaign mtioing sac for sciaiitiie hading foy for a formal reply today to chairman. Four of the seven mem­ for Democratic ticket In New Hav­ She didn't appear to have been with pa-ssage apparently certain tude will be very great. (Centlaasd aa Page Faurtaaa) tary service. Sonator McCarthy’s charges he bers will be Democrats, the other progress, it can first ha aaad as a en this fall, he tells Senator Wll crying. Miss Davy said under ex­ after a brief argument over some Instead battle lines formed over made a “payoff” deal with a de­ three Republicans. hi-chair. Chair locks instantly in TELEVISION liam Benton . .. Fedeiral Judge amination by Assistant State’s of its provisions. a test on President Truman’a dl- Attorney Joseph E. Fay, Jr. The product of a compromise fendant In the case. The resolution creating the com­ placn on labla. srfaoaa David A. Pine In Washington post­ Peurifoy, deputy undersecretary When Fay sought to Introduce a between the Senate and the House mittee gives It wide latitude for (ConUnued on Page Two) widt basa provldaa 16-inch Combination — pones for second time trial of three of state, denied the accusation screen writers charged with con. picture of Herbertv taken after an after separate bills had been pasS' its Investigation. It directs the firm, noo-dpping ta* $ 3 7 9 -9 $ autopsy, Attom ey Robert L. Hal- ed, the measure would: when McCarthy, Wisconsin Re­ committee to inquire Into: entity. with Dynamagic Radio tempt of Congress. publican, made It last weak. 1. The nature, extent, and affect With traacherous rapids of loran, defense counsel, protested 1. Ehctend until next December News Flashes That denial stlU stands “ and of the use of chemicals, com­ Irregulars of Famous Coim swirling Colorado River behind vigorously. 31 the federal rent control pro­ and Triple-Play Radio. Flus Exdsa Tax. gram due to expire at the end of « ( tha UP) Wlra) pounds, and synthetics In the prO' Bar Approval them, members of first 1950 Grand Deadbes Brulsea I am going to repeat It In my tes­ $1.00 T-Shirts. White only. Make Your Plans "It’s a hideous looking pictuae this month. timony,” Peurifoy told a reporter ductlon, processing, preparaclon, Canyon Expedition are on last lap 2. Permit cities to continue the and packaging of food products. Sliee: Small, Med. and Largw .. .Official preliminary census fig­ and I ’m surprised that he offered tn advance o( a closed meeting (9 Of State Dep’t. 16-inch Television Con­ It,” Halloran declared. controls imtll June 30, 1951, It a. m. s.s.t.) with the Bsnate For- 3. The natun, extent, and effect ures show Cleveland's populattou they take affirmative action, Flying Saucer Buzzaa Base „ .. ^ In 1950 U 909,546...Fog shrouds Judge James E. Murphy permlt- sole with Doors. W’al- Oakland. CaUf., June 21— (AV-The Oakland Tribune (Ooattnaed ea Page Three) $2 9 9 -»* To Attend The Now York O ty, snarling airline (Ooatiaaed oa Pag# Blavaa) GOP Governors Balk (I'ontinued on Page Twro) (Conttnaed tm Page Two) said a “disc shaped object" roaring at an estimated speed of nut Cabinet. 9:00 To 12:00 operations and hampering traffic rba Edi-^ Plus Exdsa Tax. in busy harbor.. .High intensity 1,000 to 1,500 miles an hour made five “passes” near Hamil­ At “Qean Bill” Plea llghU are turned on at B radW ton A ir Force Base early today. Field last night, experimental^ « a * By the Democrats ditf* ia al- TUrTot I 2 V2 INCH MEN’S BIG FIELD DAY See Judy’s Screen Future to n pcsetiAl Gibla aat Car lha and five airplanes of American L. A. Transit Workers Ckmvicted of Basting Amputee _ ^ . Airlines fleet make unocheduled White Sulphur Springe, June growing child aa it ean ba asad REG. $3.59 TAN Monteoano, Wash., June 21— (ff)— Fr$"k Chase, 52, la Financing Is An Important Part of Planning eitbar at a dinoar tabla or far pl«|K WEST SIDE OVAL landings with 167 passengers. In Doubt After Slashing 2i._(/p>—A DemocraUc drive for President Truman aigns-bill to Gain Compromise Win sentenced to life imprimnment today for kidnaping and mis­ endorsement of State department Gnatd tail can bo iiwBaail ADMIRAL That new home yojn are planning must have proper rmlt Japaaene flaaoee of Sgt. itantly. Tabla also can treating an amputee war veteran. The veteran waa Chase’s policies appeared likely today to wrence W. Whelen,. Jr., of Mer­ face atlff Republican oppooitlon ia ju ic in g . Our flnanciiig plan is designed to lit your In- ba a s ^ at a ooovao- T B L E V n lO H Saf., June !24, Storting At 2 P. M. C stepson, 30-year-old Henry Chum. Hollywood, June 31—(/P>—UtUe^ Her doctor said the wound la zu- Chino Pants iden, to enter this country . . . . By The Associated Press the big New York evening daily, perfieiaL the closing seaalon o f the 42nd crae. W e have recently extended the maximum term iaot‘*cbair'‘ CDrae«bar Noar-record If not record peace- the World Telegram and Sun. glrl, what now? TABLE MOnEL Spons(M*ed By Repubican Activities Commutes street cars, clanged and bus That waa the question on Hol­ Some say this msans tbs star, Annual Oovemora* conference. of our mortgages on new homes, or homes recently •rban faading tba time rappUes o f pork next fall and Get Immediate Balse No More Quints boma honked again today In Loa lywood’s Upa today aa It recovered who has had marital and health Gov. William Preston Lons, Jr., to 25 years. That reduces the monthly payments child. Selaciad Noetb- The A F L ^anslt workers in Los winter are Indicated by Agricul­ Angeles as striking workers. re­ Callander, Ont., June 21— (/P>— Mrs. Oliva Dionne, moth­ from shocking news that Judy troubles recently, too, is washed of Maryland, a member o f tha ara Hard Maph and ture department report . . . Carl Angeles g o P a five cent an hour CMaiderably. With our new plan you may find it will RACES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS turned to the throttle after a five er of the qaintupleta, denied today published reports that Garland, a ebUd aUr who lost none up at 39. conference Reaolutiona oommit- ttardy censtractioa SheltoB, member of clan that ter­ pay raise immediately in their actaaDy cost you less to own a home than to pay rent, she ia expecting another child. Rumors had circulated that of her luater with maturity, slash­ Profitable Star tee, made It clear he would Ilka 1^ yaara « f aadsCih 2 -7 7 rorized southern Illinois in prohi­ day strike. strike settlement. An additional to have the governors exprsss inquire. $ CONTESTS. FOR MfeN ANA WOMEN ed her throat In a fit of despair Others contend MOM would bition days, denies cbsrges he mo­ The big West ast city’s million three cents an hour w ill be granted multiple births were indicated by X-rays. “The reports are confidence that tha departmsnt Is over her career. never cut adrift an actress whose DRAWING FOR BOY'S AND GIRL’S BICYCLES lested IS-year-oId girl In Indian­ conunuters and 200,000 visiting after a year. completely fatae," ahe told a reporter. “There ia absolutely recent films have groseed about free of Omunualst taint aiMl la Open Thnndaya Until 8 P. M. ExelBO Mlsa Qarisad's studio, MOM, etafdy ftaafar- apolis. Shtinen had fallen back on car The bakery strike bit Loa An­ nothbig to. them.** $6,000,060 aaeb. p^ting American foreign poBsy T ex p o ^ and hirad busses during tbs T a * • susptodsd her Saturday apd re­ 169 ir._^|S W Id. Ticketa for TlieBC Prixes Must Be Signed By Parents. geles. Portlsad. Sssttls, Brsmsr* moved her from the cast of her One thing Is eertaln: the **Ut- in the right dlreettan. lack of public transportation. ton, and E verett.The bakeries sf- Two Inffnsnttal RspubUean gev- latest pteturs after ehe failed to Ue Girl With the Big Voice" has fected in the five-cities produes No Comment On Vatican Interference DRAWING FOR 2 UPHOLSTERED CHAHtS But a baker's strike In fi've West tbow up for a reheareal with Fred ■imost everybody's sympathy. amors—Frank Carlson at Waii ^ about 00 per cent o f the bread In Vntican City, June 21— (fl*)— New s sources here declined who is chariman o f the uuafer- Coast cities continued, and no Astaire. Monday night, during a It’s no secret that her health SAVINGS AND LOAN KEBIP'S IBRUNMER'S-TV settlement bad been announced in the areas they serve. to comment today on reports the Vatican had intervened in confersnee about ner problems haa suffered in recent yearn, snos, and Jamaa H. Duff o t Pm n- The Pittsburgh milk drivers sylvanla, whs heads Its Basciu- a Pittsburgh milk drivers strike. negotiations between the U. S. and Hungary to exchange with her husband and advisers, ahe gince May 1M9 she has been re- 358 East Center Street Open Mon„ Wed., Fri. *TiT9. were stlU working on a proposal to New talks were ■' foreseen- American Businessman Robert A. Vogcler for the Crown of ran into the bathroom and slashed possible in the CIO American ihsr throat with a-l(rokea glass., SEE TELEVISION EVERY NIGHT ' Newspaper guild strlks against St. Stefan. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WED^IESDAY. JUNE 21, 1950

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1950 Pngani was fined $9 by .fudge year’a taxea in fotrr installments PAGE TH REE Driver ArreRtecl Wesley C. Cfryk in Town Coiirt Tax Bill Set during the current year. Youngsters Are Lost Here Baby Sitter - . , - j this morning. The speed-up would crowd msnt benefits In the state dropped .nigvriA l f P I * rAA-Aaaaajiia A m d O l l t Pagani was driving siulh said, onhe about 800,000,000 extra dollara in by 2,605 to 88,809 during the same thf Treaaury receipts for the fls- Quits State Board; His Successor Again a Drop period from 31,513. During the waa blinded by the lights of an on­ To Pass House cal year ending June SO, 1961. Trying to Find Cowboys Cites Bruises Group to See corresponding week In 1940, there k h o e h l e r Edward Pagani, 60, of 81 Fo.ster coming car and struck the north­ and would mean various other ex­ were 69.266 applying under the street, was arrested for violation bound vehicle of George F. tra dollars In the next five years. In Idle Here Within a Week Two East Hartford youngstera^trolman John L. (Javagnaro found On State Ward Blood Center C\>nnectlcut Law plus 14.590 under ■yWwtyTMli • im m rtm « of rules of the road following a O'Biien, 154. of IS Hudson street, After that there would be no ef­ the curtailed GI law. KARNIVAL of ProsecutJr Philip Bayer told the j who probably wouldn’t walk a mile the boys and offered them a ride. head-on collision at 9:15 p. m. yes­ fect on revenues. ;No more money for a cigarette tried to walk sev- They accepted. Women made up 51,3 per cent of terday on Summit street near the court. Patrolman Samuel Maltem- (Continued trnni Page Une) would be collected in the long-1 (Continued from Page One) I cral miles yesterday afternoon ’The older brother served as Decrease of 7 .4 Per Cent the claimants last week as com­ intersection of W’adaworth street. po made the arre.st. run. LaBelle Heads Local Red pared with. 38.9 per cent last year. DCVCLUrSD _ j 000 a year boost in taxes on big ! "to aee the cowboya on the televia- apokesman and told police at head­ ted this and other pictures to be Is Reporleti Over the Living Room Values FILMS AND PUNTED ' corporations. j I ion.” , quarters the atory of their trip. marked for Identification. Cross Members Who Initial Claims ' The boys, who are brothers with After the youngsters gave their Previous Week Initial claims, which represent I The big money pickups from Miss Davy described In detail Will Attend Program A Kroehler trailer truckload Dispute CJoiidM . the oldest being !i years old. decid­ names, local police notified East the bruises she said site saw on new periods of unemployment, to give you wonderful variety Per Roll corporations, along with amaller ed to visit their grandmother in Hartford authorities who In turn Herbert's body at the Colson home : Employment continued to show numbered 3,757 for the week, 4,- and value I BIggeat Kelth- I Manchester to watch her television contacted the boys' parents, who John D. LaBelle, chairman of 127 for the previous week and 9,- ^ amounts by plugging tax law loop­ Draft Future where a doctor was examining the new gains here last week, accord­ Kroehler aale In Our htatory... ' westerns. So they set out from were by that time combing the boy. the Manchester Blood Prognram 504 for the same week a year ago. Includea mailing of thousands Arthur Drug Stores BAREFOOT Sandals holes and otlier revisions, would Bast Hartford. ing to the weekly bulletin issued wootls near their East Hartford Exhaustions totsled 850, mak­ ' more than meet President Tru­ She said there were three dime committee, will head a group of of elrciilara direct to your (Continued fr^im Page Oat-i I When they passed through Home. sized bruises on the left side of by the State La>or Department. ing the total since January 1. let their feet BREATHE! man's requirement that the excise local Red Ooas chapter represen­ hi>mea, showing every asle bar­ I Buckland and refused a woman’s A relieved father made a quick his face, at the chin line and a Tbe unemployment figures releas­ 24,300. gain In full and natural colora. , reductions must he offset by new rective to end Negro segregation offer of cool refreshments, police i trip to Mknche.ster and returned tatives who will visit Hartford ed today show that 429 persons Bridgeport led the state branch revenue from other sources— If bump on his forehead. She des­ tomorrow to attend an Open in the armed .services. entered the scene. The woman no- ' home with his adventurous— but cribed the facial bruises as bluish were idle here, a decrease of 7,4 offlcea with the highest number of the tax bill Is to get his" approval. tified Police Headquarters and Pa- I now very tired—sons. purple. House at the new Connecticut Re­ per cent over the previous week. elaimnnts while Manchester con­ CLEANING Russell Raises i M u e ______gional Blood Program center. BUDGET ITEMS In the fiscal year ending June On the boy's left thigh, she There were 270 females Included tinued to be next to last. $ 2 - 9 8 The is.siie wa.s raised through a The Open House will follow a in this total. Layoffs were reported In gar­ Tcmia To Suit Tour Needs! , 30, 1P.M. the bill woulil yield about proposal by Senator Ruaeell (D -1 made no claims as said, she saw "a very large and DYEING Sl.700.0u0.000 far above the Sl.- luncheon at the Hartford club, at Unemployment Compensation ment, toys, textiles, optical goods, Ga» —already approved by a ma- to final Senate action. Hospital Piioles a very severe bruise." as Mrs. which Richard P. Swigart, head of SIZES 5-3 010,000.000 excise slash, commit­ Col.son undressed Herbert. claims were filed by 427 of which bathrobes, bearings, engines, jorlty of the Senate Armed Lucas disagreed owest In 18 Months hRlr frifZi* oover, frtnirw Most practical children’s shoe ever made for warm Senator Saltonslall (R„ Mass.). "It was a funny color," Miss i conceded privately that the Deni- Democratic Leader Lucas illl.t, fried Boss. Rockville; Burton Fel­ ter In the state, will also be held Reaching the lowest point In Cupboard ahelves painted with biiA;* . . . nt this iprrinl CLEANERS I ocrats have the votes to gel the told a reporter he la confident ! deputy G.O.P. floor leader, agreed Davy remarked. "I never saw a at eleven o’clock tomorrow morn­ eighteen months, the number of enamel are easy to clean and often weather wear. Qualit)—correct lit. fine leathers, and lows, 129 Cooper Hill street; Ro­ bruise like that before. Thera New Haven. June 21 — Joseph celebration at which President prior. Offers you quality clean­ I bill through the House. . Senate tliere are enough votes "to kill I with Lueas saying the Russell ing. CJharles Oookett is the Truman was a speaker. Jobless clBlmants for unemploy- require,no shelf paper. ,IUS.MAlN ST; OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOO bert Eagleson, 115 West .street; were reddish spots all through it." W. Alsop of Avon, senior member ing and spuftlng. excellent Democratic Deader Lucas, of Illi­ this," We asked the Senate to j amendment "would be a step Manchester representative to thu three colors to choose from: Brown. Red. White. I backward." Mrs. Thelma Patterson. Hartford: Herbert's mouth was closed and of the Board of Control of the pressing, prompt pick-up nois, said it would pass there, work overtime in a night session James Loney, 90 Bigelow street; State Coordinator’s committee. Connecticut Agricultural Experl- \ too. tonight if necessarj’ to complete Toft la Silent his teelli were gritted together. Hartford Is Center and delirerj free, Andrew Mooney, no , address; ] Miss Davy told the court. He was ment Station, haa resigned hii ; , n ie corporation tax payment action. . He referred to FTeaident Tru­ Judith Ann Krause, 83 Stark- I The (Connecticut Regional Blood post after 40 years of continuous speed-up plan was offered by Rep. Lura.i probably would settle for "sort of yellowish." Program center in Hartford Is service. He is succeeded by Dr. .314 M.AIN ST, man’s executive order that "there weather street. A woman neighbor was heard j Mills (!>., Ark.l. By a graihial an agreement to vote sometime I shall be equality of treatment and Admitted today: Mrs. Rose Fen­ where blood collected by Bloodmo- Edmund W. SIhnott, Director of I Call Ts M 58.38 I process, it would require at the tomorrow. by Miss Davy to tell those pres­ biles In communities throtighout the Sheffield Scientific School of ; WERBNER’Q ' opportunity for all persons in the ton, 413 Middle Turnpike, east; ent, the witness said, that Mrs. THE STANDARD ADAPTATION OF ' end of rtve years that corporations n te s “( Ivll Klglits" armed serrtces wiUiout regard to Mrs. Hazel Anderson, 29 Summer the state, is tested and typed prior Yale University. | (ireen Stamps , pay within six months of the cur­ Russell, who insists his propos­ Colson "waa punishing the child to delivery to local hospitals. The appointment comes from ' SHOE STORE ^ race, color, religion or national street; Fred Sorrow, 20 Durant and she had shaken him and 10'‘f Discount rent year all the taxes due on al is a "true civil rights measure origin.” street. Other representatives from the the Sheffield Scientific School. , 825 M.MN .<;TREET dropped him." local Red Cross chapter who will Other members of fhe Station i Cash and Carry their previous year's income. The Itecause it protects our traditional Saltonstall aaid that all the Discharged yesterday: Fred I corporations now can pay last right of the individual to select Miss Davy said that she saw attend the Open House are Mrs. Board are appointed by Wesleyan 1 armed aervicea have been moving England, 172 School street: Tho­ Mrs. Colson two or three times Francis Watts, Miss Anna Samp­ University, U)e University of Con- i in that direction and "it la work­ mas Zlnker, Rockville; Mrs. Ed­ after Herbert went to the hospi­ son. Mrs. David Caldwell, York nectlcut and the Governor. The I ing well and making headway." na Zitkovltch, 13 Trotter street; tal, but neither Herbert nor Da- Strangfeld, Mrs. Edmund Klely, Governor, the Commissioner of ' prize designs I Other Republican leaders, in- Harold Sokolov, Rockville; Mrs. vrld was discussed. Farms and Markets and the Direc­ Edith Fitch, East Hartford; Miss Mrs. Ralph Wing. Mrs. Byron BURTON'S . . . FOR BEST . Burton’s... For Best I eluding Senators Wherry (R-Neb) Dr. Joseph L. Messlin of Water- Shinn, Mrs. John Sklba. Mrs. Wal­ tor of the Station are members I and Taft (R-Ohio), refused to say Marjory Yoakovlch, Stafford bury, a pediatrician, testified that ex officio. Springs; Mrs. Erma Brodle and ter Gorman, Mrs. Ralph Brown, I how they will vote on the Russell when he saw the Plxley boy Sept. Miss Hazel Trotter. Mrs. O orge Mr. Alsop has been a member FROM THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ! proposal or what the outcome son. East Hartford; Edwin Hell- 2 he had nothing more than would of both houses of th4 Connecticut strom, 607 Vernon street; Walter Reynolds, Mrs. Edson Bailey and I would be. be found on any 3-year-old boy. Mrs. Arnold Thompson, executive Legislature. For 26 years, he serv­ Sleber, Rockville; Miss Beatrice ed on the State Public Utilities May Be FlUboster Edgerton, South (Coventry. secretary of Manchester chapter Dr. Edward J. Platts, head of Commission, the last 12 yeara as NEARLY 3,000 FURNITURE DESIGNERS IN 31 NATIONS COMPETED TO I The nearness of the draft dead- Discharged today; Mrs. Irene the anaesthesia department, Dr. Its chairman. He waa a member of I lins offered a wida open chance for Phillips, 290 Hackmatack street; ENDS TONIORT John Hamblett. head of pathologv, the Connecticut State Planning BRING YOU A BEAUTIFUL, USEFUL NEW IDEA IN LOW-COST FURNITURE. THIS IS I a flltbuater but Lucas said he did Mrs. Muriel Schindler and son, “Fortunes of Capt. Blood” and William Slover, superintend­ Board for the four years of its iXt^CoxuD not expect one to develop from Rockville; Robert Eagleson. 115 FL C 8 "Kin The Umpire^ ent of Manchester Memorial hos­ existence. From 1911 to 1939, he I cither side. West streets Paul CJeissler, 300 was a member of the Board of T H E s t a n d a r d ADAPTATION OF THE PRIZE-WINNING DESIGNS. North Main street; James Loney, pital, will also attend as will Mrs. Trustees of CJonnecticut State Col­ I He said few Senators, if any, 90 Bigelow street; Mark Turklng- William Slover, who has been In lege, now the University of Con­ I would care to Jeopardize the na- charge of donor recruitment for ton. South Coventry: Nancy Hem­ necticut. , - 1 tional security by such tactics be­ ingway, 47 Elm street; Lynda the local Blood Program. Mr. Alsop’a successor is one of JUNE JAMBOREE cause expiration of the draft, even Ruddell, 68 Branford street; Kar­ the nation’s outstanding botanists, though It waa renewed later, might en CTummings, 44 Burnham street; I 3 n n ! | his studies of inheritance of form r i Z j C raise serious legal and technical Connie Shorrock, 276 Middle Turn­ STARTS TOMORROW U. S. Will Study in plants having gained world­ problems. pike, east; Philip Emery, 21 Cam­ wide, recognition. In 1948, Dr. Sin- I "We also have been getting bridge street; Dr. Alven Yules, 25 ONE ENTIRE WEEK nott served as president of the o( DRESSES! pretty good cooperation lately in D, Forest street: Catherine Robb, A-Bomb Effect American Association for the \ pushing legislation looking toward 198 Center street: Holiday Advancement of Science, the larg­ adjournment July 31," Lucas add Smith. 246 Henry street. est general scientific organization esiiins ed. Birth yesterday: A daughter to On Foodstuffs in the world. He was president \ Cottons 5 .9 8 . . Val. 8.98 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorton, Bol­ during the association’s centennial Houae-Senate DUEer ton. Two moves to strike the Russell Births today; A'son to Mr. and (Conttooed From Page One) \ amendment have been filed one by Mrs. Michael Pierro, 126 Maple CLAUDfm Haw miM eaa a ba? \ Lucas and a group of Democrats street: a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. of the use of pesticides and in­ Washable Spuns . . 5 .9 8 . . Val. 8.98 and the other by Senators Salton­ Manfred Clayton, Storrs. secticides with respect to food snd COLBERT food piquets. \ stall and Knowland (R-Califl both ROURT G.O.P. membera of the Armed 3. ’n»e nature, effect, and extent MORE PEOPLE Services (Committee. RYAN a ef the use of chemicals, com­ 5 .9 8 .. Val. 8.98 To Hold Party pounds snd synthetics In the msn- \ Polka Dots Even alter Senate passage of its ufacture of —fertilizer, with draft bill there are other import­ On Church Lawn emphasis on the effect on soil, veg SMOKE CAMELS \ ant differences that would have to — P L r s — etatlon and the health of humans | Keith’s Will ba ironed out with the House. and animals consuming food pro- ' JOHN PE4M1T Gladly Open Sheer Cottons... 6.98 ..Val. 10.98 The House voted only a two- After a lapse of twenty-five duced on the soil. | DALL in CUMMINS than any I year extension and deferred actual yeara, one of St. Mary's Men's Would Accept Post | Budget Account Delaney said he knew nothing ! induction of any you*g men until Club's old-time strawberry festi­ “GUN CRAZY” For Your \ about reports he will head the ' Convenience Congress gave its approval. The vals will be held on the church committee but would willingly ac- ! other cigarette! Half Size Dresses.. 6 .9 8 ..Val. 10.98 Senate bill provides a three year lawn, Thursday evening. Contrary cept the assignment. He handled \ extension of the present law. No the House resolution setting up one has been drafted since January to the general trend, the price re­ wi/liom mains where it was twenty-flve DRIVE IN the group, and normal procedure mni uMtong tk i who do... \ 1949. but military leaders wsnt s would make him chairman. Imported Voiles.. 1 2 .0 0 ..Val. 16.98 law kept on the books. years ago, for a complete supper writh all tbs strawberries one can PIKE THEATRE In the event he lands a commit­ NANETTE

tee assignment, Lelaney said, he eat. plana to inquire into the use of — ------The mcel wiU be served from la Teehaleslse FABRAY ALL SALES FINAL: fertilizer produced in connection Nanette, Broad­ House to Act 6:00 p. m. until 7:30 p. m. General Smsb. Cnla WSi. ReUsa with atomic energy products. way muslcal-com- chairman George Maison baa as­ IM N la “APABTMEirT FOS "There is no way of telling now . edy star, made U» l u m t On Rent Today sembled a large committee from PEOOT” what the effect of this fertilizer the Camel 30-Day Naeklina li adgad with tiny ambroidarad icol- the Men’s Club including a num­ may be on the human body,” he Uildneaa Test. ber of "old timers” who helped Als. "Stage Ceack Wai^’ Says Nanette: ”lt lops—tiroighl-cut skirt will not twist or rida up. told newsmen. “Perhaps we may convinced me ! (Continued from Page One) serve .the strawberry festivals a Wilk Ropaleag CaasKy find out.” Of Rur-Mil multiAlamont rayon crapa, if comas Camels suit me quarter of a century ago. • May Show Act Deficient to a 'T'.” in whita, pink, navy, block. HMUHT l l .M Otherwise the controls would end. An Innovation this year, how­ •san.aoanf' Republicans who actively sup­ 3. Retain controls on perma­ ever. will be a public movie show ported the resolution said they be­ nent accommodations In fJhlcago r B E E i»ai»i mm* U lieve the investigation may show CLEAN, STRAIGHT LINES . . NEW AND UNIQUE SLOPING in the parish house following the Ceaitat Saa.: “TOCMO FRONTS . . HANDSOME, EXPANSIVE MIRRORS . . . SALE PRKE transient hotels. supper. The leading attraction wiU MAN WITH A HOBS” the need for changing the pure 4. Allow counties to decontrol aag "B. O. laTestigaMea” food and drug act. Are You Interested COMBINING THE SMARTNESS OF GLEAMING BRASS WITH their unincorporated areas at any be ‘ Raiders of the Desert” etarr- Ing Andy Devine, Turhan Bey, The law now requires that man­ THE DOUBLETONE CHARM OF LOVELY KORINA AND time. Cltiea and states now hmve ufacturers of medicines and drugs In Selling Land In RICH, PIN-STRIPED AMERICAN WALNUT this authority. Marla Montex, and Richard Arlen. make a showing in advance that UCi AM MACf The program, which begins their product will not harm hu­ promptly at 7:16 p.‘ m., also in­ mans when used according to di­ Residential Areas? Bodica Is anhancad with oppliqutd ambroi­ cludes three shorts. The movies EASTWOOD rection. There Is no law requiring dary on Alaneon typo loco, homlina is higb- Europe Begins will be concluded at nine o’clock such a showing by food manufac­ 3 Pieces as law as lightad with doop matching loco. Of Bur-Mil BO that-famUles can get their chil­ turers unless the pure food snd Contact multifilomanf rayon crap#, in wh'rto Merger Talks dren home in reasonable time. Margaret John drug administration challenges MVUHT $3.91 In the event of rain, the supper Sollivan Wayne the product. will be served on the lower floor WeadeB Montgomery Representative Smith (D-Va) Jarvis Realty Co. $21.00 (Conttained from Pags One) of the parish house, the movie pro­ Corey suggested that the widespread use Down I gram foUowlng in the parish hall can of such pestkillers as DDT might Phone 4112 have agreed to the principle that “NO SAD SUE raia *3.39 upstairs. “RED have an adverse effect eventually surrendering a little of their own SONGS on "life Itself.” He told the House sovereignty to the international RIVER” that Insecticides that kill Japan­ (Bed239 - Dresser - Five Drawer Chest) FO R M E” board la a means of preventing ese beetles might Just as easily SiVIN SIZiS FOR lACH HIIOHT OROUR war through Imprortng living kill bees, which are Important In conditions. Parking F«r 800 Cars Rear ef pollinating many agricultural pro­ NOW OPEN e Panel Bed ...... $37.50 France's master economic plan­ NOW Th-ater. ducts. • ‘2-Uraiver Night Table...... STATE. With the bees all gone, he said, ■ $39.50 ner, Jean Monnet. has a working • .T-Drawer Junior Che.st...... treaty draft ready for the dele­ ■ l-R food might disappear. THE Here U fhe biggest furniture news o( the deyl $59.50 gates. The draft provides for The committee may look Into Our store proudly presents the Slandcrd Adaplellon by • Regular Dres-scr and Mirror , that angle, too. $109.50 "supra-national” authority even GLOW SHOP Xdmond I. Spence, Inc., beced oa the Museum ol Modera • Double DreHser and Mirror. more powerful than the national OltMlI Art’s Prise Design. This beeutifully-styled, $139.50 Rockville-Somers Road • Vanity and Bench...... governments in dealing wiUi coal U. S. Official Kills cereluUy-constructed bedroom lurnilure is manulecluted $109.50 and steel. Route 83, Ellington, Conn. azclurtyely by the lohnson-Cerpet Furniture Co., Inc., • 5-Drawer Chest ...... Monnet’s draft also defines how $94.50 oi Roenoke, Ve. — meken ol Umout F ashion a nation may appeal from any Self in Frankfurt Specializing in Pattern • Che.st Mirror ...... $14.95 T r*n d Bedroom FumHnre. decialons. Glam and Fine China. • Desk Chest ...... $124.50 Expraasen Oonfideoee OVUS'I ri-TOS'y, Van Johnson (Conttoued From Page One) Mary Gregory Bottles, French Foreign Minister Robert LOW IN CX3ST NOTI: HtifM MwwftJ WMi fli«M O*. Dresden and Mission Schuman, who firet proposed the Elizabeth Taylor cahontas. Ark., haa a mother and Plates. Rose Medalion DEPENDABLE IN CONSTRUCTION coal-ateel merger May 9, keynot­ brother living in Ventura, Calif. ed the talks In a 10-minute open The vice consul’s body was discov­ Tea Pots, Cups, Saucers. BEAUTIFUL IN DESIGN session yesterday, expressing his in "THE BIG ered last night after a member of VERSATILE IN ARRANGEMENT confidence in succeoa. /« the (toniulate staff In Frankfurt Many other fine pieces "We feel that we are not al­ HANGOVER had been eent to investigate his of Glass and China, Cut FULLY DUSTPROOFED lowed to fall, to abandon the task absence from his office. A gun THREE DAYS ONLY . JUNE 22-24 PLUS . . marts 8aa.! Marta Glam and Lamps. STURDY OAK DRAWER INTER­ without finishing It,” Schuman FARLEY GRANGER WILDCAT” aai lay nearby. IORS. DOVETAILED said. He urged speed. la "SIDE STREET’ “■ALOME WREME 8ME DANCED" He Left Noton In London, meanwhile, Coiwcr’ "Mr. Henderson had shot himsslf BONDED FOAM RUBBER VitNITY vatives and liberals In their first throught the right temple and'ap­ BENCH Maftyaf thz H u it )', huTT)-, hurn ! Here’s a rare opportunity to add parliamentary coalition since the parently had died about 3 p.m. Standard A daptatioa general election In February, de­ yesterday afternoon,” the an­ GENUINE PLATE GLASS MIRRORS manded by joint motion in the nouncement said. "Tw o other WITH Vt INCH BEVELING units are planned for noe in various these two basic figure-proportioned slips to your lingerie FRANKLY FOR Houee of Commons that Britain hand guns and two sporting rifles 5-COAT, STAIN-RESISTANT FINISH parts ol the home, as well enter the Paris talks. were found in the apartment” as file bedroom. To fully apprads Would Bind BritUk THE BURNSIDE THEATRE Henderson left three notes, the CLEVERLY ELEVATED FROM Vi'ardrobe! Prices are pared in this first-in-ll-years nation-wide sale of Prime Minister AtOee’s L abor; ____« KTWEM MAacmw iRgg t-w raJ High Commission said. One was FLOOR FOR EASY CLEANING ate this beauhiul new funutw% FASCINATING! government haa said It has k ep t: TisMa Wayge. Montgomery Cim ‘ addressed to his mother, Mrs. V ir­ EXCLUSIVE DESIGN. GENUINE ' you must tec it! I out of the negotiations because ginia R. Henderoon, one to a BRASS LEGS AND DRAWER PULLS these Seamprufe favorites—scientifically sized for short, average participation would have bound woman acquaintance and one waa CloMd Wednenday At Noon $1.59 each 2 (or $3*00 the BriUah to accept the dteUtes an open letter. — - BONDED WITH MOISTURE-RESIS­ Thursday Until 9 P. M. of the International authority no “Nothing In these indicated any TANT GLUES X snlnga By Appointmeat . . • and tall figure types. Just give your height and bust measurement matter what details the current reason for his act except mentlcm Phone 4159 «r See Yonr Balmman The peasant blouse in a sweet variation combining talks worked out. of his deafness which necesaitatod sheer cotton with white eyelet embroidery that A victory for the Conservative- •ltd they fit you everywhere, automatically. Come in today, while our is priced so low even W E arc astonished! It’s of Liberal motion would force A tt­ A t ltBB ; EBd fine batiste, with elasticized neckline so it can be lee’s government to resign and worn on or off your ahoulitera . . for squaxe bring a new election.. The two owposlUen parties, totsthsr with Bupply lasu! Size?: tall, 3 2 4 4 ; average, 3 2 4 4 ; short, 3 2 4 4 . dancing, resorting or any kind of cavorting! All othsr allied votes, command SOT SUNDAY: “No Man Ow r ^ ___ w h ite; Bizes 32 to 36. votes In Commons to labor’s SIB. Debate la to take place In the “ A N ight At the Optra” -» Mtrz Bros. : House on Monday. I



MOM wera having troubla was her cutting; "It's a shame aha was Hauffh-Vandale removal from the caat of "Barkleya called to work so soon. • Judy Is See Judy’s Screen broke. In Mary Plckford'a day Gladioli decorated St. Ann’* of Broadway" in IM S becauae she rhurrh, Hartford, for the wedding was "physically unable to play the you wound up owning Unlti*d Future in Doubt Artists. But In Judy Garland s .Saturday morning of Miaz Lillian r61e." Vandale, daughter of Mr. and In March 1MB Judy announced day, with all the taxes, you wind up with nothing, despite a big Mr*. Michael Vandale of Putnam fto n f*C * On#» she and her aeMnd husband, Vin­ atreet, that city, to Sherman cente Mlnelli, director of some of salary." It’s r p to Judy Haugh, *on of Mr. and Mr*. Frank m M bC treatment for a nervoua her best films, were separating:. Haugh of 100 Spruce etrect. oonAtlm. In addition, she hai They are now reconciled. Miss Garland's contract Is still The bride who wa.* presented liad to diet to combat a tendency Sent to Boston to Beat In force and studio executives aald In marriage by her father, wore a In May, after a month of costly they expect she win make more SEAT COVERS toward plumpnew. headed crown with an Illusion veil shooting on "Annie Get Your fllma under It. Probably; It will k V *nd a bridal gown of «atln and Hc-laoed In I Fllma be up to Judy whether or not she Plantir coated fibre. . for Judy baa frequently aald ahe Gun," she was dropped for "not \ Chantilly lace. She carried llltea does. waata to continue her career. Her reporting to work.” MGM sent of the valley eentered with a roaches and sfidans. her to Boston for a "long rest" She la a proven trouper from a white orchid. atudio conaldera her ore of Ita show business family. In vaude­ Mcceat attractlona. Yet It has re- and financed medical treatments. Matron of honor wn.* .Mrs. Mar­ Two months later .Tudy was back, ville at three, she sang her way cel LcMay of Babcock afreet, and ^ e d her In three films In two Into a movie contract at 12 and Vaara because ahe “cauaed ug cm- 15 pounds heavier and asking for ktla.* .loan Breton of Wllaon. Ml.sa work. was a star two years later. She Gladys Cotirnoyer of Webster, barraaament, delay, Inconvenience Is still on top. And Jtidy's and loaa of morale amonjf co-work- .She rested six months, made Mass., and Mr*. Georgette Gur- “ Summer Stock,” which Is getting friends are betting she'll fight to tin of Wyllys .street were brides­ ** One ipokesman snld ene stav there. added aa much as 20 per cent to good reviews. h>it was suspended maid*. Kathleen Haugh wo* again Saturday for "continually flower girl. The honor attendant the coat of a film. > r t e - (’elaying" rrhear.sals for "Royal The Aleutian Islands, separating carried white and pjnk rose* with Ton'll like the handsome pUld pat­ Just what, exactly, la the trouble, I lie Bering Sea from the Pacific, haa been the subject of speculation Wedding." her gown of starched chiffon over tern* . . you'll enjoy the comfort Her manager. Carlton Alsop. once were called Catherine pink taffeta with lace trim. and coolnes*. .Neatly tailored . . . and nunor. Thia much Is fact: Archipelago. •nie first Indication that ahe and was quoted as saying after the The bridesmaids' gowns were of easy to rlean pl**tle. IN STA LI.E D starched chiffon over chartrcuie f r e e : ..... f- taffeta and they carried Talisman roses. Chiffon and laee over THREE VALUE PACKED DAYS-HUGE SAVMGS-ALL DEPTS. whit" taffeta was worn by the (.UARANTEEI) flower girl. All of the attend­ —LIMITED qrANTITY— — IJMITED QrAN-nTY— — LIMITED QrANim r— — LIMITED QCANTITT— — LIMITED QUANTITY— ants wore white starehed chiffon hats trimmed with lace T^f^ttone 81 X 99 Type 128 72 X 99 Type 128 Hand Printed Reg. 49c Reg. 39c Printed Reg. $1.98 Hand Isaac V. Haugh was best man. ■ 0 / 8 4 7 0 and ushering were Donald Haugh. Muslin Sheets Kitchen Towels Printed Cloths Marcel LeMay and William Sher­ Ml RIIP, MILieW-TONI man of Rast Hartford. For a reception at the I,yric TIRES Hall, the bride'a mother chase a B.00\14l Pin* Tax $1.87 $1.77 24c Ea. 28c Yd. $1.00 dusty ro.se dress with white ae- Sir.#*. and Tour 581 MAIN ST.. MANCHKSTER Popular Hix« of ThIa F a ­ Large Sire, Attractive Flor­ Slightly ImperfecL Bright, ressorles and a corsage of red Old Tire. Famous III Serviee Qualify, mous HI Service. al Patterns and Some Nov­ Prints and Stitpea. 20 Pat­ Colorful Squaree, Floral and roses. The bridegroom’s mother Cases 42 x 38. elty Patterns. Ideal for terns to Choose From. M " Plain Center*. 82 x 82 and wore *n aquamarine lace dress Brisk White Muslin. Beau­ CHAM PION . . *erlnlmed by TELEPHONE '»771 tifully Finished. CASES TO MATCH ....41c Shower Gift. Wide. 84 X 84. with white arcessorles and a yel­ low rose corsage. For a trip to qillllon* a* America’* greale*t Niagara Fails, the bride wore a lire value. 1.5% more m ileage... .More power . . . more mileage. hrown and tan butcher linen dress. more non-*kld safety . . . great­ .\n rngln**crcd muffler hacked by Muslin Sheets SALE MEN’S PlasticBROADCLOTH Fabric The couple will live in Manrhes- er blowout protcT'llon. 10 years of experience. Yoiill like •REPEAT OF A SELL OUT! ter Its deep-throated powerful nim- [ [ Mr. Haugh was graduated from i hling lone, $4.44 Manchester High school and CRI. ' School of Rlectronlcs. A veter­ Automatic Fa an of three years with the Navy as a radioman, he Is now with the \ Br tei DRESS SHIRTS Gray Manufacturing Company. CAR RADIO HOUSE DRESSES SANFORIZED “coiTNTRY rLimm;n*• “ SUN LASS" : V- : I.UKinbuhl-T.anz Wonderful value. Top qual­ '1 Mr. and Mr.s. Frne.st Lanr. of 219 I ity feature* . . . powerful bv BErrV BARCLAY b y B E H Y BARCLAY Summit atreet annoiince the mar­ re<-.eptlon, automatic volume V \SmVK BEACH BALL riage on Sunday, June 18, of their control . a tubes plu* daughter. Miss Evelyn Doris Lanz. rectifler. $ 2 9 . 9 5 ,\S SKKN IN "SFVKNTKKN’’ ,\S SKKN IN "SKVKNTKET:r lis i PINAFORES to Rudolph Emil Luginbuhl. son of I Mr. and Mrs. Christian Luginbuhl | 5 9 ® So new and flattering. tJie large shirred collar that taper* Feminine as i an be with it* fmating of eyelet lace . . . of Ellington. Us slender Btrn|>s that enms your shoulders. A aure-to- On their return from a motor to a V at your waist One of those becoming dressea Prot^tA floor from Telp-Aeritil Booster that always feels so cool and right Of all combed. San- he-a-favorlte for son iiml fun with Its matching JaekaL trip through the New England dirt, mud. vluRh and Doubles antenna Miirfaee . . . In- fortred broadcloth hy .1. P Hlevens. Pink, blue, malza, Of all romhed Sanforized ehambray. Aqua, pink . s m goggles] states the couple will be at home ucAr. erease* volume... reduces statle.. aqua. Sizes 9 to 15. (8.98. brown. Sizes y lo 15. $7.98. AWATors mil to their friend* at 281 Center IN CAtl. OllUM Improve* reception. 9UAUTT street. The latest thing! 63c MATSHIELD Deaths Last Night Paint and Fit* right over hump of car floor. Heavy qual- pre**iire Ity black rubber. all In one Attica. N. Y.—Don Collins, 70, Regularly $1.78 ...... 9 8 c container. V dapper international swindler, gay I (ivk rum-runner, and smooth prohibi­ Free! Free! tion days blackmailer. He died | « Siinday in the Attiea State prison. GENERATORS 4 Big Merchandise He served seven prison terms. Retiullt to fartorv Fine Count Broad­ Auburn, 111.—Mrs. Delia A. O AlYorlflratlon. Will Prizesv! Nothing to cloth. Fused' Collars. Hudson, 92, retired Presbyterian Ifivo Mimo iwrvlro ^ VENILATIliG FAH foreign missionary and the moth­ Fp AK orl|(lnal riTS ANY WINDOW I10WS« Our Regulifr $2.98 and Buy! Just Fill Out White and Some Col­ er of four prominent educators; nionf. IN OR OUT. COOIS CNTIRI $.1.98 Frocks. Nation­ ored. Limited Amount Dr. H. Gary, president of Illinois ] H O U S I IN MINUTES ally Advertised Entry Blank Thursday in Some Sizes, So riollege, Jackaonvdile; Dr. Ellis Names. Sizes 12-20 and Friday. Come Early For This Herndon, director of Student | Gtiarantpcrl FUEL PUMPS Health, Ohio State University; and .18-48. Amazing Value! Dr. N. Paul, deam of the Ohio I A precision - engineered Easy to line State University Graduate achool fuel pump nsnemblcd $1.29 . . . professlon- f e ' and Dr, G. Donald, Northwestern | with high grade part* Exchange *1 - like re­ MEN’S REG. $1.98 University geography professor. thnuighoiil. For Most Car REG. $1.00 NO-SE.AM sult*. Paints furniture, radiator, REC. $1.89 BOYS’ STURDY ear by merely pressing the Pla*tl- CREW SHIRTS For Ford Kole magic spray head. 10 eolors. ANY DESIRED DIRECTION. Knit Crew Neck Shirt*, Color­ — ULTRA DUNGAREES NYLON HOSE Never Undervalue ful Pattern*. Fine Combed Fine Quality, Well Reinforced, Famou* Quality, Sheer Me*h. New Yam Shirt* In Solid Color*. Youth CARBURETORS Exchange — SILEMT Summer Shade*. Size* 9-ia|/|. Sanforized. Size* 6-16. Size*: Small, Medium, Large. Give* more power on less ga». f hev. - Piv. Power jet gh-e* proper mlxfiirc at *11 speed*. Rebuilt. $4.95 DELUXE Exchange DOMESTIC VALUES I MEN’S and BOYS’ VALUES I ACCESSORY VALUES COAT HANGERS SCOOTER Plastic Drapes, Reg. S1.98 ..... 97c Reg. 2.49 Boys’ Swim Trunks . . 1.44 V Neck Irreg. Colton’'Jerseys . . 50c All metal coat hanger that goes S', H.P. clear across the haoJt seat of your Pillow Cases, 42x,36...... 4 for 1.00 Cotton Half Slipn, eyelet trim . . 88c ear . . . holding many, many Reg. 2.98 Men’s Swim Trunks . . 1.88 BACK IN 1874, the young CURB Outboard chemistry .student, Zeldler, pro­ garmenta^^. Clienille Spreads, Reg. 5.98 and 1 Children’s \^te Trim Rayon SIGNALS $2.89 Reg. 1.98 Men’s Swim Trunks . . 1.00 duced a new chemical for which Motor % 7 .9 8 ...... 4.99 Panties...... Tor 1.00 no one saw any use. So, he made Protect* fender* and some notes and filed away the Hobnail .Spreads, Reg. 4.98 .... 2.99 Reg. 69c Men’s Gripper Shorts . . . 29c Chilth’cn’s Cotton Dresses, 3-6x .1.77 formula. 65 years later, 1939, an­ white walls. $84.95 Girls’ Summer Blouses, Reg. 1.98, 99c other young chemist came upon IVIattress Pads, full and twin .... 2.88 Reg. 49c Men’s Knit Brief-a* Shirts 33c I It. It's amazing DDT. Gi\«* quicker 1’oung people are activo starling, mentally, on the go, alert, TRAFFIC quieter oper­ doing. No wonder It’s youth­ ation, lower SPECIAL PURCHASE! ful to enjoy chewing gum. It FENDERS OUT THEY GO! ALL OUR $1.98 fit* right in with people of Idling speed. energy and action. Big 8-Inch CRISS CROSSED OR AND NO TREAT Is more pop­ EASY STRAIGHT PRISCILLA ular than delicious. Inexpensive BUDGET ELECTRIC WRIOLEY'S SPEARMINT CUM. The TERMS keen flavor satisfles that call for a FAN Dit of sweet and the pleasant chew­ Head adjusts up and down. Will SUMMER ing gives you a little lift. Try It. give years ol trouble- Ofi Hedstrom-JJnion CUSHION DOT free nervlee. ^ J s V O VELOCIPEDES CHiWINQ GUM sturdy 10-ineh bicycle that the BLOUSES CURTAINS youngster* love. Bright red or blue . . . with gleaming chrome. Clearing Our Stock'. Short and Long Pine Quality. The Criza-Cwe* Caa %• Tha Dally Chawing of Thit Gran


andorsement, thara aeamad Itttla Toledo, O., reaumed yaaterday produce a break In a aeven-county and abandoned It. Jones said. the dealers and the AFL Dairy last night without results. Botl* waa fined $10 on a charge of In­ when 166 AFL longahoremen vot­ milk atrlke. In Ifittshiirgh Mayor David L. Workers union talking for three toxication; Walter RogowaM. 27. doubt that tha aacreUry of stata Transit Workers sidea agreed to make enothar try Talks of Suit had mada hay with hla appaaranca ed to walk paat picket Ilnea and Near Beaver, about 20 miles Lawrence kept representatives of hours and 20 minutes In hla office at 4 p. m. (o.i.t.) today. Rockville | of S62 Adams street. Manchester, return to work at (Jheaapeake and northwest of Pittsburgh, police waa fined $10 on an intoxication STRETCHES YOUR DOLLAR DURING at tha confaranca bara. Win L. A. Strike He told tha governors that He Ohio docka. At Toledo, Lorain. said two Independent milk truck charge and given a 30 daya sus­ Against Town Falrport, and Huron, however, driver# making deliveries wer# pended Jail sentence on a charge haa no security worrlea about hla forced from their trucks by pick­ aasociataa. Ha blamed any troubles (ConGnued from Page One) other fellow untoniata continued Jewish Drive of breach of the peace and placed their atrlke. ets. on probation for three montha. that the department may be hav­ Woman Qaims She Was ing on tha fact that it haa taken present the operatora which might The C * O men atayed away State Police Sergeant Thomas TwIHglil Le»m>* Game end their wage-and-hours dispute. from their Joba because of a pick­ E. Jones said one driver, Donald Opens Tonight The undefeated Bolton AC baae- W over personnel from two hastily- “Manhandled” hy a recruited war agencies, the Office The nine day strike by editorial et line set up by employes of the Gib»m, an employe of the Reed ball team will meet the Ellington workers of the World Telegram Lakefront Dock company since Brotlrrrs dairy at Midland, told AC this evening at 6:15 o'clock at Local Policeman of War Information and the Office Woman Ju*l Relumed of Strategic Services. and Sun continued after two par­ last Friday in a wage nnd bar­ him he was ilragged from hi# truck I Henry Park in a Twilight I^eague leys yesterday. A union spokes­ gaining procedure dispute. and beaten. | game. He said that since 1647, when From Israel to NEW ARRIVALS. . . A charge by Mra. Beatrice M. the loyalty boards first were set man said another meeting might The officer said the ptekrta to,'k ■ There Is N o Magic The Managing Personnel of the Baraw, 32, of 54 Perklna etreet, be held today. The dispute cen­ Speaker This Evening Rockville Little League meets to­ up, the department has been mov­ Milk Strikern (Walt Gibson's truck and dumped Its: Idnys that she waa "manhandled” by a ing quietly but efficiently toward ters largely about wages and a load of milk, butter and eggs. I night at 8 p.m. at the CTub m member of the Police department eliminating all the aubveralvea It contract Job security clau.se. ^’on-Vnion DriverX Another driver, Lester Reed, I in huilding a navinge account. To for a huslneaa aesaion. Weather par- W ASH ABlf may reault in a civil auit against aeckrtll*. .tuiw mltting the PAC team will play the could find. He- said he la sure The new CIO International Union Pittshurgh. June 21 -J’, Trou who works for the Kniman dairy ! the Towrn of Manchester. It waa there aren't any Communists in the of Electrical Workers will take up ble took to the highways in West­ near Heaver Falls was ordered to i OlMStone. director Mooee team in the Rockville Little said In Town Court this morning. achieve NurceNH you neetl only a com­ crafts for the Jewish Follw insti­ League. egency now. talks again with the General Elec­ ern Pennsylvania again to,lny as leave his truck which pickets, Mra. Baraw waa arrested June then drove over sn embankment bination nf determination and financial tute of New York Oty, who hw Women's Guild | BEMBERG TENNIS 15 by Patrolman Joseph Sartor tric Co. in New York next Tues­ marathon peace talks failed to r«eenUy returned front day. The union recently won the •The Women's Guild of the Union DUNGAREES and charged with failure to obey management. moaths in Israel as truest of the Congregational church will hold a j the signal of a traffic officer. right to bargain for 54,000 GE mayor of Haifa, will spesk at the Rising Floods workers in 49 plants. In Its first backyard picnic this evening at J*. lOYS’ reg. 1.19. a I In Town Court this morning, o ^ n a meetlnp of Uie Jol ai^ 6:30 p.m.. with Mrs. W. A Kloter SHEERS OXFORDS Mra. Baraw pleaded nolo con­ contract it seeks an un.specifieil Cbunty drive in behalf of the 1950 as hostess loxar top denimt, 9 tendere (no contest) through her Take Heavy Toll _wagc increase as well a.s welfare The saving of money in relatively Ltnlted Jewish Appeal campaif^. (irocery Social Red — Navy attorney, John Mrosek. In recom­ and other gains for its members. The meeUna will be held at ^ e Senferlied. 4 to 10. The Veterans of Foreign Wart ; Children’s and Missea* EACH mending the acceptance of the (Continued Fram Page One) GE officers were to meet toilay ea.sy when your financial plan includca B’nal Israal meeting house on Tai- Auxlliarv will hold s grocery so- , plea. Prosecutor Philip Bayer told with the lUE's rival union, the eott avenue this evenina cis! this evening at eight o'clock $C.98 Innersole the court that there was "some (independent) United Electrical. regular deposits in your savings ae- Some 40 homes In the area have Mrs. Gladstone went to Israel at the VFW home on Elm street Arch Supports BOYS* POLOS dispute concerning the claim of Radio and Machine Workers of with her husband, a well k n o ^ which Is open to the public. the accused that she was man­ been evacuated. America. This union formerly rep­ rniint. Why not start building your New York cantor to study the Highway Men Certlflcatoa RIG. 39«. Sm., Mad., Irg. 3 for handled by a police officer" and In northern Idaho, the Kootenai resented nearly all GE workers, prorress of the arU and sciences In a course completed recently added that there is a "possibility River continued its ominous rise. but now bargains for 37.000 In 40 saaings account today? of the new Jewish state. Aa guest sponsored b\‘ the Rockiille Chap- > Beautiful new Florale . ■ ■ Prtnti . • • SAVE 29r PAIR of a civil suit." It could not be Three protective dikes north of plants. The Independent wss oust­ of Tarael’s top rankina officials, ter of the American Red Cross i Polka Dote. Caloea en4 tlarloa that COVIRT SHORTS teamed today whether this possi­ Bonners ferry were ripped out, ed from the CTO on grounds of stamp thaaa draisai aa tba aemiiiar’s Mra. Gladstone had access to high with Martin A. Fenn. authorized RM. S9«. Siiet 4 le It. bility will be’trana\ated Into a civil sending water over 350 acres of Communist sympathies. aovemment leaders and was priv- instructor in charge, the following ] bsat Duya. niaaa IBVi $■> MVi- action. farm land. Another 300 acres waa Ooal and iron ore shipmenti at ilegad to sit in at roundtable dls- members of the State Highway (A nolo plea, without admitting flooded by seepage. Wrinkle-reiisfant cuMrtons of the most vital prob­ Department received Standard NEW SUN DRESSES MEN’S SOCKS $1 guilt, subjects the accused to a Child Is Drowned lems of the times. She is well certificates. Fred Balzer, George ^ . 5 0 pr. Judgment of con\-ictlon as in a A 10-year-old child toppled into RAYON SHARKSKIN known as artist, sculptress, cos­ L Bardtnl. Michael T Bamo, An­ With or without bolero. Maea 1S-S6— Sport, dreu Sizes 10-13. 4 pr«. I case of a plea of guilty, but does flood water near Mission, B. C.. tume designer and actress. She drew Braccidiferro. Louis J. Cour- $8-44. not preclude the accused denying and was drowned. It was the first WANTED FREE ALTERATIONS! was a star of Broadway’s musical ure, Joseph Hockla. Howsrd E. Siren 7 - 5. the charges In a collateral pro­ fatality in the province. aucedas ••Pins and Needles" and Holgerson. Otto A. Hem. John E. MEN’S T-SHIRTS ceeding, In this case a civil suit.) Experiencetl IVIpat OPiN Floods have taken four lives In ■VMY hsa designed costumes for Mau- Howlett. Fred C Lure. James A. Combed whites. M., L for Mrosek told the court that there Washington State. nca Schwartz's Yiddi.sh Art Thc- Murrav, Emil A. Ma.«indoa. Wil­ $ 2 . 9 8 2 I "was evidence of subsequent mis­ Cutlpr for Hale's fVININB liam J. Navratil. Harry- M. Pal­ WOMEN’S handling by the Police department Elsewhere In the nation, summer MON. TH6U| ater. announced Itself with less vigor Health Market SAT. TO ef The United Jewish appeal for mer, .To.seph Prucha. William F. Other Sun Dreseee At $5.95 STRAW HATS and abuse of the accused." Bayer Savings rnicha. William Regan. Michael pointed out that the police deny but with considerable moisture: 19S0 must provide for the settle- , showers and thundershowers fell .Apply Mezzanine meat and housing of 85.000 new-1 E. Shirshac. Rudolph J Supina, Men'* Lightweight. any such charges. A MUTUAL SAVinOS nAHK Jr . William .'ivarha. Henry J. DRESSES across an area from New York and Rear, Main Floor comers at Israel now ItNing in , SIzen 6»/i - T/J. $ 1.50 Judge Wesley C. Gryk entered All Oepiislt* In Till* Hank Are Goaranleed lo Putt By Tks Winrhfll a finding of guilty and fined Mrs. P c n n a y 1 vania aouthwestward recaption camp.s as well as recep­ .500 of These In 14 styles. across Tennessee, Kentucky, and tion and care of 1.50,000 new im­ Baraw $2. Saving* Rank*’ Oe|Mi*ll Oiiamnty Fund of Cooneettcat. Ibo. the extreme southern portion of 1%. J W IU lfcO M migrants who will arrive during ' Hff I n i . A i y > p M’ashproof Cuttons * The alleged "manhandling" oc­ MAIN AT PITKIN ST. F.A.ST HARTFORD the coming year The total ■ r curred at the Center where Patrol­ Indiana, down into southern Okla­ Sun Racks Included homa and north Texas. amount of the fund totals $272,- HEART AnACK OR man Sartor was on- traffic duty. ♦58.800. Mrs. Baraw, police said, refused Women's Guild Party Iflim txrn u to obey the policeman's order not i INDIGESTION? to cross the street against traffic itg krn PiV si* *»)oI Clomfort in In sn-Tard Blues Firms. 4 YDS. $ Greens 2 FOR $ Gassified Marlow’ i* Famous We’ll Help You ,39r Yd. Value fi9c Value! Advertisements “ HIT” PERMANENT Keep SMARTLY SEE PAGE EIGHTEEN BED PILLOWS Choose from o huge soloctloni* Wanted—Real Estate 77 Creme Oil Permanent Large Size. 20 x 26. HOME AND bualneaa llatings Floral Ticking. wanted. Madeline Smith. Realtor. And COOLLY Dressed COTTAGE 2-1642 or 4676. Wave... LISTINGS Wanted. If you want you're sure to .lo c i'* * * ' Come Early If you wani to aci.. let ua help you. Alice score high SETS Clampet Agency, 843 Main street other these! w I t h t b 11 Perma­ Runs Rainbow Phone 4993, or 2-0880. ktnd-to-your - nents in Mucy kHchori* BONA n D B buyers are waiting budget per­ From manent $4.06 1. Send un all your aummer thingn that need DRY CLE.ANING. SAVE 49r bright colors for the following homes. Larger . f \o?**^ 3 bedroom home. In gbod condi­ A triumph of Bendix anglneailng skill and de­ tion and moderately priced duplex sign. Here, in a compact cabinet, la the new X. We’II DRY CLEAN them our careful thorough “8ANITONE” way, or two-family home, also In good 14 " Rectangidar dark tube for pictures of life­ AU of the Bendix engineered feature# are yourt Large, full-aised pictures, life-like and brilliant, A compact eonsole receiver that becomes a bean* send them back to you SO clean, SO smartly pressed! condition, with central location. like quality. Enjoy all the many Bendix I'ea- are provided by Its 16” rectangular dark tube. tiful furniture piece when not In use. Elegant Haircutting $ 1 PLASTIC PILLOW tures that make it an outstanding inatrument In this handsome eonsole receiver. Sep all tha .00 Please phone Douglas Blanchard. picture on the 14” rectangular dark-*ilBe. Single Bingle knob tuning, one twlat for station, pic­ doors that open hack, protect the 16” rectgiigu- By Talented Staff * Call 2-0030 for Pick Up and Delivery Real Estate EervlC#. 3-9849. for the home. Size 16 1-8” wide, 19 1-2” deep, ture and’ aound... .aU preadjuated. New wood­ tar dark tube aad completely enflote the dm- PROTECTORS 18 1-4” high. 91M.9«. knob tuner selects picture and sound within Or Ua# Our Cash and Carry Service and SAVE 10»%.. range of tha Bendix built-in antenna. Large en grille encloeea large ape^er chamber, exem­ pltfled tuning dials that provide plcturea and plifies tone and beauty of cabinet. Size 21 3-8” sound beyond imagination. Slae IIH” wide, 21 ■ 6 I.arge Size. 21 X 27.' apeaker providea natural-tone sound. ' Size 1 9 4 " wide. 1 9 4 ” deep, 38" high. $199.95. wide. 19 S-4” deep. 36” high. $259.95. l-$” deep. M 4 " Ugh. $27$.96. Phone 2-3991 for Now’s the Time To PROTECT Your Furs and Woolen Garments Zipper Closing. With Our Fully-Insured COLD Storage Service. ” Pert’i” anrsetlve pseects AppointmerU frim odd* O touch of color Thgnks! i . to your wrindow*. Soloci Although I did not win the BENDIX “L/u e V G PICTURE” t e le v isio n is a pro d u ct of b e n d ix a v ia t io n corporation SALON HOURS Ihit ttounce-ftylo block office of Tax Collector In EXCLUSIVE IN MANCHESTER AT ^ 6:66 . 8:36 scrim in rod, blue, green. the 8th District, I want to W ED. t m - 1 2 M SOc Value! la cM . tiM : $.•## sincerely thank all those who voted for ne. CLIFF’S RAD IO and TELEYISIO ir T C L . 2 - 4 S 0 4 Free Parking CLEAHeKf^ LAUMDOtEKi W . T . G R AN T CO, 463 HARTFORD ROAD CORNER McKEE STFEET M.kNCH ESTER Joseph Volz iV^s ■ as sA " rA * ■ In Rear of Salon HARRISON STREET PR^*a6iddP • i MANCHiSSTIfift EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. JITNE 21. 1950 PAGE rriNc ’

Warren of Cahtomla wbo, la a most intitancea it was either lack tively high experience which Hattrljprtpr conference at White Sul­ of skill by operator or Inability to Started 1960 poorly, compared Lone Drivers’ exercise proper judgment. with 1949. phur Springs, stepped out square­ The rej^rt states that 7fi fatal The report concludes: "Even Elect Walter Leclerc Stipnitto l|praUl ly with a denundaUon o f Senator accidents and 2,4S6 personal in­ such casual analysis indicates thst flV; - ■ ■■ - -• .V •>. , rUHUKUBO HI rUB McCarthy's tactics. Governor Mishaps High jury accidents were caused during the National Committee on Traf­ PRINTINO CO. Ota the study period out of 9.874 fic Safety is not far amiss in U Hl««u Warren said tl(kt ha was not cases, or 26 per cent of entire ex­ stressing that ‘speed’ and ‘drunk $110 District Tax Collector lUaetiMUr. Uoom. aware that Senator McCarthy TBUH*8 rSKUinUM. Study Causes of One-Car perience. But, out of 2,106 one-car driving’—or loperating Incompet­ MV had offered any specific evidence accidents, there were 60 fatala and ency to be (general—are primary P M .. T f M .. U«B l Acciflents; S^eed, In* / • PmwdM UelobM L W L at aU to back up hla charges that 1,006 personal Injury accidents, a causation factors of present-day Chosen on Sixth Bal­ Reasons total of 1,066 or slightly more than traffic accidents." ■ PaMlMM B»wt there were a large number of competency ” — 50 per cent. Eliminating pedes­ lot in Spirited Con­ ■bM m aad Bolittra. HaurM at tka eard-canying Oommimista In the trians and bicyclists Involved Pgal aOlea at Haaeaaatar. OeaaM aa Hartford, June 21 — Excessive test With Nearly 500 laaaac: Claaa lUU Mattar. State Department. He said he leaves 1,569 drivers involved In one-car mishaps which cost 64 $250 hoped none o f the Eepublican speed and questionable capacity of Present at Meeting I -. tUHHCiUPnUN RATS* too many operators to drive with lives and 1,006 persons injured; a Your plans come true Oaa Taar br Mail ...... tw.w campaigners in California this ...... a a.iw acceptable skill on public traffic- total of 1,070 casualties or 42 per SHOE ■Is OMBUia by Hall . cent of entire casualty experience Walter N. Leolcrc. prominent ' Oaa oMatb by Mall ...... » tou fall would rely upon McCarthy- ways are alleged approximate •acla Oapy ...... I .V* ism In their campaign oratory. causes of 2,106 cases Involving for the period. North End funeral director, was ; .« M REPAIRING Waasly, by Caitlar He didn’t think McCarthylsm is lone drivers, according to a survey High I'aUlity Rato elected tax collector o( the Eighth , ■abai daliaarad. Oat Taar ....tixuu by the Highway Safety Commis­ High severity of one-car acci­ Of the Better Kind at less than you expect Waal of Miaa. Foraiga ...... tU.Ub helping either the Republican par­ School and Utilities District on I sion based om monthly reports of dents is shown by the fact that of $185 the sixth ballot last night at the | HEMHBM o r ty or the country. the Department of Motor Vehicles the 87 traffic fatalities charged D O NE W H ILE annual meeting of the district held | containing statistics on Connecti­ the period, 64 resulted from one- V ^ TUB aSbUClATBU PHSIH A t the same Governors Confer­ YO U W A IT in the Hollister street achool audi- , Xha Aaaoelatao Plata la aaolutitaly cut's traffic accident experience car tases, 73 per cent of the per­ torlum. Close to .500 reaidenta of aatitlad to tba uaa ol rainiblioatioa ol ence, Governor James H. Duff of iod's fatality experience. at WATKINS STOREWIDE during first four months of lOfiO. the district filled the auditorium •11 aawa diapatebaa eraditad to It. or Pennsylvania, who will be cam­ The report emphasizes that sever­ Eliminating 37 pedestrians kill­ SAM YULYES DOl otbarwiaa oraditad la lAia papaH ed In one-car cases during the four to vote in the election that turned •ad «■«<' tba loeal atwt pubtlabad bara. paigning for the Senate this fall, ity of one-car cases is twice ss 701 MAIN STREET into a four-cornered race laat week high as average experience, indi­ months, leaves 27 car occupants All rl«bU ol rapubHoatioD of apaeiai Ukawlse attacked Senator McCar­ $325 when Joseph Volz, Constables Alapatebaa btrala art alao raaawad. cating apparent excessive speed killed In mishaps involving only thy for making "random* blanket resulting in high impacts which the vehicle In which they were rid­ .lames Duffy and Ronald Llngard announced their candidacy along Vuli atrttoa oliaat of N. chargee without specific data to Increase injuries to csr occupa/its, ing, constituting 30 per cent of oa. too. pedestrians or bicyclists Involved. all persona killed during compara- with Leclerc. JUNE BRIDE back them up." According to the Charter of Pabliabara Kapraaaotatliaa: Tba Driving under the Influence is N otice i I joHua Matbawa Upaclal Asauc) - Naa Meanwhile, in Washington it mentioned in the report as a very the District, a majority vote la York. Cbicaso, Datrolt and Hoaton. probable factor in many Instances, required by a candidate before the Walter N. Leelerc self, one of the very Republicans election can become official. but operator's condition Is refer­ ST. BRIDGETS Zoning Board of Appeals $100 h buh e k a u d it bureau U> who has been waiting to see if red to in general terms aa "Incom- I^eclerc drew top vote on each bal­ Decorator-styled dRCUUATlUNS. that filled the auditorium to near | McCarthy might not sventually petency"—at least at time of ac­ In accordance with the require­ lot but did not gain the majority STRAWBERRY capacity dispersed quickly. Irav- | Tba Baraio Pnoting Jompaay. loc.. be going to prove something cident. ments of the Zoning Regulations until the sixth ballot. Llngard Ing comparatively few to vote on •••aniaa do lloaocial raapooaibUlty for Ask the Reason of the Town of Manchester, the withdrew from the race after the typugrapbical arrura appaarlni lo ad against somebody somewhere has the remaining buslncsa. The survey asks why 1,509 driv­ FESTIVAL Zoning Board of Appeals will hold second ballot, having trailed the aartlaamtoU and otbar .-aadini mattai Jumped off the McCarthy smear- President Ray Warren presided Sofas by Tomlinson IB Tba Mancbeatai Etaning Uaoalu. ers were Involved In onc-car ac­ On The Church Grounds a public hearing In the Municipal other candidates by a large mar­ wagon. This deserter is Senator cidents during the period without gin. After the fifth ballot on at the opening of the meeting un- 1 Building, Monday evening. June $350 til the name of Johnson was sub- 1 Wednesday. June 21 Styles Bridges of New Hamp­ any other factor involved -either Wednesday June 21 26. 1950, at 8 P. M., on the follow­ which Leclerc had his largest 229 0 0 vehicle, pedestrian or bicyclist— mnrgiii before gaining the major­ milted a.* Moderator by Leon shire, who not only ciitlclaes MC' ing applications: Thorp. Reports of the president, leaving three factors to be consid­ Serving 6 to 8 P. M. ity, Volz withdrew. It had been Oarthy's tactics, but specifically ered— the highway, the car and Nicholas Oarelll for permission a three-man contest up to this treasurer, tax collector and chief Schaman PUn And Wu: to keep chickens and to erect coop Choice 18th Century defends Conrad Snow, head of the the driver. Highway defects are Rain or Shine . j Pricea point. engineer were read and accepted for same at 176 Middle Turnpike as printed last week In the Her­ What pogglble JugUflcation can State Department's Loyalty discounted as negligible consider­ /F Include Details of the Voting ation. The remain Adults 50c— Children 25e West, Residence Zone B. Fed. Ta.T. There were 411 votes cast on ald. there be for laheUng the Bchuman H . . - - ; i l l Board, and John E. Peurifoy, to assume all or varying share of Tax Included James Nichols for permission the first ballot and were distribut­ District Officers Chosen Plan for A pooling of European Deputy Under-Secretary of State, fault. The report concludes in to erect porch on rear of attached ed as follows: Leclerc 135; Duffy Warren was reelected as presi­ TABLES ooal and ateel production a plan two officials against whom Mc­ garage which will be closer to side 118: Volz 114; and Llngard 44. dent of the district. Howard Kee­ ney and Frank Nackowskl werr to abolish war from the continent Carthy has been making lurid al­ line than regulations allow at 251 Attorney RajTnond A. Johnson, West Center Street, Residence at Europe? Isn’t that quite an moderator, declared no election and returned without opposition to a legations In recent days. Zone B. ordered the tellers to pass out three-year term as directors. Paul ' aRAggeratlon of Its potential lm> The Diamond i^he will In all these Instances, judg' 1950 PACKARD — $2388 The Texas Company for per­ ballots again. The second ballot Cervinl, clerk and treasurer of portanceT ment la being reached on Senator Plus State Tax. mission to erect free standing saw 417 votes cast with Leclerc the district, was reelected to that capacity. Cervinl has served as ' H ie ansarer la that It can and McCarthy and his campaign by Delivered in Manchester — With Heater, Defroster ground sign 21’ high closer to Treasure Forever drawing 1.56, Duffy 126. Volz 119 street lines at Center and Olcott and Llngard 36. lax collector since the death ol ought to be so viewed, for two Republicans. They are repudiat­ DOWN $579 —- $59 MONTH Streets, Business Zone. Llngard H'lthdmwa Joseph Chartier in January. raaaons. ing Senator McCarthy not be­ A salary Increase from $300 to Less than one per cent of the Diamonds mined are fine While the tellers were passing The more obvious of these rea- Anthony Agoatinelli for permis­ 1500 for the president was voted cause they want to help the Dem­ BIG TRADES— DRIVE ONE TODAY sion to convert single dwelling to enough to act in a Michaels fine mounting. Michaels out voting slips for the third bal­ are Sale priced! formerly 24*®® to 24*®^ ■ona is of the lesser Importance, lot. Llngard withdrew. upon and passed. The clerk and ocratic administration. They are two-family which will contain one Diamonds are flawless. treasurer wa.s voted a salary ot n e obvious reason la that the On the third ballot only 308 vote.s repudiating him because they do undersized apartment at 270 werr cast — 108 for Leclerc, 100 $300 yearly and the .Mancheslii Hackmatack Street, Residence Ninz fxquIiUta table stylfn . . . roffoc tables, end Miuman Plan la desired to not think their own party can win BRUNNER'S, INC. EASY PAYMENTS INVITED for Duffy. 99 for Volz and one for Tru.sl Company was named Ever.v om> nf tho.ip hip:, di-pp luiinpc sofa,'' arc a,<5 .<;mart and 1995 21ons AA. tahlea. rominorta (ahli-N. miat»: drop-leaf I'em- d r»w Oermany. and its ooal and with McCarthylsm. And what 358 East Center St. Open Mon., Wed., FrI. ’Til 9 Llngard. The fourth ballot found depository for the funds of Ihe diffprent as the one piclurefl. All are hair-and-entfon filled, bnskea, tl»r tahira Mahogany plywood topa with ■tael production, which la the eco* See Television Every Night. AH Makes. Edward Krasenics d.b.a., as I.«clerr getting 166 of the 395 district. with luxurious .spriiiK-down .seats. Moss and boiicle fringa roff.r tahira proU-rt»d with glaaa. 8i>nic with makes them think that is the Suburban Realty Company for ex­ Tax Rate Continued each aomlc backbone of modem war, votes cast. Duffy recorded 117, pipings and deep fringe vnlance.s are other decorative fea^ aolld mnhogany bnara; othrni hand rarvad. Note fact they themselves cite, which tension of permission to conduct Volz 111 and Llngard one. ! The tax rate of two and one half the rxpenatvp drtalla! tato a family of nations In is that he has yet, after three Real Estate and Insurance busi­ Volz Withdraws mills was continued. . Officers o' tures. Kvery Tomlinson sofa on our floor.x is reduced' which Oermany will be neutral* months, to make any one of his ness in home with sign for same Voting slips were issued for the the district were authorized to on dwelling, at 49 Perkins Street, fifth ballot and 384 votes were toed. I f France and the other na- infinite series of charges stick. JEWELERS . . . SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 borrow sufficient funds to meet Residence Zone A. cast, I>*clerc maintained his edge tletia of western Europe get Into 968 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER obligations. $26!i.OO TTiree-fushion Sofa sketched omeraM green Peter Pantaluk for extension of with 164 votes while Duffy had The purchase of a new truck (or B cloae arrangement with Ger­ matelassp, moss fringe inpitig...... permission to conduct electrical IN HARTFORD AT PRATT AND MAIN 115. Volz 104 and Llngard contin­ the sewer department at a co.st $229. many. the nation which three Wooing With Weapons business in home at 40 Foster ued to get a confident vote from not to exceed $2,000 and a com- times In the last century has em­ Street. Residence Zone B. a resident of the district. Volz mjnutor for the sewage plant on $".2o.OO Two-Cn.-'hion Sofa,Cmerald green lirocatelle. hoiiclo Congressman Gore of Tennes- then withdrew his . name from the barked upon aggressive conquest, Michael Klukenskl for permis­ Hilliard street, also not to exceed fringe trimmed, kick-pleated valanci-...... $279. s had it quite right the other BINGO « - “T contest, setting the stage for Le- $2,000, were also voted. OM of Europe's standing threats sion to conduct barber shop with f day when he gave hla explanation sign for same on building and clerc's winning margin on the Interest primarily centered a l war will have been eliminated. sixth ballot. of just why the United SUtes has barber pole approximately 25' around the contest expected for $.S2.').0(l Two-fusihon S Down — $59.00 Month Nathan Sandals for permission ticular problem of German ag to erect two-family dwelling aa at the prospect of becoming a bat­ Beautiful dark green finish. Eqalp|>rd with Heater, Overdrive Usually Budget greaslon, but it also has lmpoi;j per revised plans on Brookfield tleground for a showdown be­ and Clectrlcmallc Clutch. DrLuxe Radio. Low .Mileage. New (Left) The original yacht tance in that contest of civil) Car Guarantee. Street, Lots No. 13 and No. 14, i 2 9 - 9 5 tween the United SUtes and Rua- Residence Zone A. chair with white enam­ Term s tlons which we caU the cold ^ ’sr. eled hardwood frame; sia. And, since the thought of The Allen Realty Company for The ultimate victory in that con atomic bombs rained down is not choice of blue, green, red,- permission to divide plot of land yellow canvas. Stock lim­ test o f civilisations will go to into two lots, one to have less a pleasant prospect, there is a ited. that side which develops moat in­ growing tendency toward neu­ area than regulations allow; the other to have less frontage than ner strength and vltaUty, which trality in western Europe. " 1948 PACKARD $1495 orders its own allalra most con regulations allow, on Easterly And our ability to bring new 4-DOOR SUPER-SEDAN. $345 Down — $49.00 Month side of Vernon Street (250' North structlvely and productively, atomic weapons to the defense of Packard Blue. Equipped with DeLuxe Radio, Heater, Defroster. of Middle Turnpike EUmt), Resi­ which best demonstrates Its ca­ Overdrive. dence Zone A. western Europe la supposed to pacity to deal with the problems Gorman Motor Sales, Inc., for (Right) Steambent slat seat nire this longing for neutrality. o f a modem and smaller world. permission to use portion of lot and back for comfort; white enameled with red seat. In this, the vital field of the That is why the existence of for the sale of new and used cars the weapon! was announced. on Main Street, comer of Middle Solid hardwood frames. contest betwesn East and West, Turaplks Wsst, Business Zone. Stock limited. We have some doubts both sa 1948 PACKARD $1395 the Marshall Plan, the> Point Four Center Street Corporation for Program, and the Bchuman Plan to the basic reason for Europe’s 2-DOOR CLUB SEDAN. $295 Down — $47.00 Month permission to erect gasoline sta­ Chairs by Tomlinson are all posltiva weapons for the instinct' toward neutrality and sa Mftrooo. With Heater and Defrotiter. Good T tm . Ready to tion and to have free standing 2 4 -5 0 West, each. In its way, damon- to the efflcscy of the supposed timveL ground algn closer to street lines cure. than regulations allow on Center 2 4 - 5 0 ■traUng the capacity o f the West Street, Northwest comer of Vic­ (Left) Light-as-a-feather Decorator Styles'" to build that atmosphere of ac­ Wc do not think that a fear toria Ro6d, Bualnesa Zone. Aluminum frame; white wood arms: choice of green complishment and progress which that atomic bomba will be each Edward W. Krasenics for per­ or red canvaa; rubberized is basic to security and peace. dropped on itself Is the only rea­ mission to erect gasoline station hair In Mat cushion. For­ at Sale savings son, or even the main reason, why 1947 MERCURY $1295 on South side of Middle Turnpike merly $13.95. West, -800 feet West of Broad Four table atylea with genuine western Bhtrops doesn't want war, CONVERTIBLE COUPE. $245 Down — $45.00 Month Street, Business Zone. mahogany tope . . . glaaa pro- $148.00 English Queen Anne Wing Chair $115.00 Square-arm Lounge Chair, Emerald R^abHcans Or McCarthy Besntirol New Sea Green With Black Top. Radio and Heater. aad contlaued prspsrstion for Alfred Ooda for permtsslpn to Super new idea in sunweor . . . Ouett-shon Mark's "ty-top" . . . tecUon for coffee table. Hand (sketched), grey, green and gold mate- green damask, boucle fringe trimmed. Good Tires. Good Motor. carved bases, inlaid with holly When Senatmr Margaret caiaaa war. W e don’t think the people erect five-car garage 60'x24’ to be tailored oi color-fast, beoutiful waffle plqu4, edged wilfi frosty- Uuwe, R trim ...... $98. $ . used for atorage of equipment at and lemon wood Inlaya! Note 1088 98 Smith o f Maine led her six Stn- o f Europe have aa instinct to white piqu4. Easy wrap-around styling with side-lie. lightly boned drawers in Sheraton coffee ta­ $149.00 Ball-and-CIaw CTiippendale W ing $149.00 Square-arm Pillow-back Lounge ate toPeaguee In a pubUc repudi­ ’39 PLY. SEDAN $250 ’40 BUICK SED. $345 665 North Main Street, Residence hang back from war just because Zone A. . (Right) Ught-aa-a-feather to keep Hs shape and yours lastingly beautiful. Cotton-lined cups ble and step table! Chair: grey and green matelasse, moss Chair, rose-red damask, boucle trimmed, ation o f McCarthylsm, that was a they don't want to be killed them- •SO PLY. COACH $95 ’37 PACKARD CPE. $65 Frederick Tedford to erect Aluminum; blue, red or'yel­ $110. low canvas, $9.96. Or white with elastic bands, designed to hold your strapless bra neatly in trim ...... $125. a # * w hat daring act. Some other selves. We suspect that they '37 PACKARD SED. $65 ’37 FORD $85 dwelling having less area on $110.00 Boll-arm Lounge Chair, Jtufted back, enameled metal, red canvas^ place. Two styles—longllne and sbortie (open midriff). Small, $149.50 Queen Anne Tufted-back Barrel KapiiibUcans Urere atm toying don’t want to be killing anybody ground floor than regulations al­ rose damask, moss t r im m e d ...... $6.50. Limited stock. Chair, r ^ damask, moss fringe...... $95* the Idea that Senator Joeeph else, either. W e suiipect they low on Let No; 8, Spring Street medium, qnd large sizes. Solid and figured cot- 4 SG .5 0 $98. $110.00 Knife-arm Lounge Chair, tufted (West of Gardner Street, Resi­ $110.00 (!!hippendale New England W ing worth supporting don’t want war, even if It la guar­ EASY TERMS— ^^TRADES lens in Sunset Red, Skipper Blue, Frosty White. back, Emerald green damask, moss dence Zone A A . Chair, turquoise and rose satin stripe, hs might turn up anunu- anteed that they wlU win i t Ernest T. Bantly for permission trimmed ...... $95. lor future poUUcal cam- We doubt further, that shy OPEN MON„ WED„ FRIDAY ’’H L 9. to use dwelling for business and Hardwood birch frame in $110.00 Roll-arm Lounge Chair, Emerald •A ll these Tomlinson Floor Samples have number at new we^^ona wUl Wad professional offices at 17fi Bast luxurious Spring-down seats and balr-snd- Osntor Street, Realdtace Zone A. varnish finish (bentwood green and red satin stripe, moss trimmed, the repudiation them mere doaely to o a What hack), and green-and- $98. ootton Oiling! __ is spreading Europe would approetato from ua An peraona Interested may at- orange canvaa stripe. thia hearing. toRM R^pubUcana la what OoBgroMmaa Gore aayai Formerly $8.95; limited Board o f Appeals, stock. a IpC cam- leoo amphaais on the military BRUNNER’S, w 358 EAST CENTER ST. Raymond W. Goalee, .*6f weapons, and more empha||a «n MANCHESTER Chairman Pro Tern. 9f4 MAIN STREET our own',dcsire for peace*' William H. Stuck, W ATKINS S u n S h o p Secretary. tllTEIIIS,^M a *to h $S a ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21. 1950 PAGE ELEVEN p a g i t e m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21. I960 iSIalt' Peurifoy eral Investigation of MeCarthy's committee and the Senate Itself committee to carry out their rec- tng of the Stale department'a se­ disposal plant to be provided. It general manager, and he will also city's principal intersection. Po­ Publisher's Widow Dlvorred publisher of the New Loudon. S. treasury bonds by her husband. charges the State department la approves the contempt recommen­ onimendatiuns regarding tlgliten- curity set-up abroad. Raymond E. Gomum has previously been rstimate.t I discuss with Alexander Jarvis the liceman Thomas Novak Identified Conn., Dayi was granted a divorce Victor O. Hcimbiichcr. He ruled Uncollected Parking Tags harboring Communists and fellow dation, it will go then to the Jua- that such extensions. In all, may . mutter of extension of sewer the driver as Henry C. Dinger, 74. Fort Lauderdale. Kla., June 21 In Circuit court here yesterday. trav elers. tlce department for possible court Discuss First Phase that the pla

1.4 OVERALLS Button suspender styles for tots. Double bib) two large patch pockets; button side openings. Woshtost red or blue stripes. SAVE NOW in Wards 3-DAY SALE 2-6X OVERALLS For brother and sis, both I But­ ton suspender* and double bib; button side openings. Color-fast SUMMER WORK NEEDS blue and red stripes on white. M'W Better Appliances 'Sanforized—1% Shrinkage. DENIM DUNGAREES 4o98 GREEN BANDS 824-82R TeLBlffl Cost Less! Main Street Maneheater PRICi SLASHED ON OUR GOOD QUALITY, 824-828 Tcl. 5161 SHARPLY REDUCED I WARDS PIONEERSI Main Street Manchester BUILT TO SAVE YOU $55 8 CU. FT. DELUXE M-W REFRIGERATOR

i ! O K O* Tam» $5 Down, $2.50 Waak/y On Sale ihreugh Saturday onlyl W ardt M DOWN* holds your 199 reinforced Pioneen-of laboralory-leit- You'd oxpod to pay for mor* for this big •d 8-oz. blue dentm —engineered to B eu. ft. r*frigorotof, with th* n*w horizontol take the punithment of tougheil }obi. frpezerl It holds 42 lbs. food and ic*; th* Every main Mam double Mwn, every Take advantage of thii tale-iaving today : ; . this i$ the foweif price of the ice cub* troys hove plastic grids which mok* - ¥ year for these hard working ihoctf Every pair it made of sturdy grain leather STO R M COAT on Layaway! the ic* pop out instantly. Th*r*'s o wid* plastic strain point barlacked. “Graduated chill tray banaoth fraazar, and plastic Poltems" to 6f you eomfortobly what­ uppers that are double-tanned for extra strength and to resist the harmful drip tray for dafrosting. Naw shalf aironga- ever your size—Sanforized for per­ effects of soil acids . . . or elk-tanned for coolness ond lighter weight. In ment allows spoc* for toll bottles. See this super-value today . . . It's a money-saving spaciall manent fit. Strong, roomy peckett, rujf- brown or block, with comfort-curve tops. Choice of rugged cord lire soles proof button*. Stock up now and save. . . . or Wardolite soles that outwear leather. In size* from 6 to 12, Here's I950's New Version U R S1 — at a New Low Price Vvll wiaik trees* VeaeteMs eiteaer Seeled M-W meSer flvM yM DKEn keea* U *H. el aeede «e elite#, teed dewy Ireeh. • year erereeely.


MECHANIC SOCKS SPEED SHORTS! MT OF SMI 4-TiaU 2 9 9 8 WITH to u t $1 3fc UNDIRtHIRTf OLD Till* 44-^ Stock up—save on cool " Z Z '. 4 pair for Swiss rib-knit shirts. ^ the b*«» NIWM-W ECONOMY WASHIR Word* famous Mechanic socks . . Now They're cut plenty long. 3 FOR at saving*I They’re sturdy, comfortable obsorbent-rideal for the man who 49c SPIED SHORTS ' • Cemporabl* to 39.98 ceuls 95 SALE! AIR CUSHION On Ttimi: |5 Dewe UT OF works on his feet. Longweoring 2-ply, • Mad* by originDter of the sterm-ceat cotton with reinforced heels and toes, Hrst quolityl Active Bigger, softer, longer wearing — 4-TIUi man's favorite for wear y smeether riding I "Floats over wnH Toua 5|95 seamless sole* for extra comfort. Get 4 4 c 9 Rayen-ond-celton cavalry twill coating Washes 8 lbs. clothes efficiently with, gentle and comfort. Taped Ry. bumpsl" Evan-wearing tread permits eia Tuu* the working men a supply. 10-13. non-tongling, agitator action. Holds 17'/z gal­ ■ Plus Tax • Laskin moulen-dyed lamb collar easier steering, greater stability. lons to load line. 8-position Lovell wringer, • Fully linod with warm wool alpaca pressure selector adjusts for .1 to 300 lbs. Pressure release frees wringer instanllyl • Innor canvas front halps retain shape * Automatic Drsdii Pump Model ....18.98 WORK SHIRTS! C O O L c o n o N 4 " ; • Elastic shirred back-waist for SALE I TRAIL BLAZER TRIPLE SEWN! WASH SLACKS smoothGr fit, better appearancf MT or M-W o n s RUGS CLEANERI No need to sacrific* safety for a 4 - m is • Wool knitted cuff wristlets WITH to u t low pricel Troil Blazer give* both! 16.00-16 • Grey, green, navy, wine, tailpe Built enhrely of first-quality mote- OlO TIM* Pkit Tea 5 9 ’Oe ®Tereui $$ Oewe rlolsl A feature voluel • Cheese yours nowl Misses* sizes Revolving Beater-Brush with 2 rows of M-W 40"' GAS RANGE ( 9 5 bristles and super-strong suction removes Some Style Coot In Rayon- HAS LAMP AND TIMER I SALII 4.DILUXI niBIS Our biggest selection of men's and-Weel Corbardine • • 3 7 *5 0 all dirt from rugs. Lightweight, streamlined 4-Tlre* 10% Down ; . . glides under most fumitural New front Built-in concealed lamp and Minute-Minder Timer make cooking wash slacks In yoorsl Now plaids, 1.00 Monthly aOO-MFhefkw Ward* full-eut Homaitaodart—buiff to adapter mokes it extra-easy to attach all oasier with this oxtro-lew priced rangel Big 20x18x13* event 1 ^Ive you longar waar, mora comfort— end stripes. . . more handsome col­ cleaning toelsi Extra quality. . . low pricol porceleined broiler. 4 newest-type burners. Concealed oven vent. DRES Don't let worn Iqbas steal , tiro yef aetuolly priced oe few o( many "bar- ors thon wo'vo ovor offorod ot MOUNTED miteogal Gat axtra lire mileage gain couninr" shirfsf Full weight blue this lew price. You wont 'em cool— "inturanca" urith a set of Woni* chambray, triple sewn at ovary main sure, but those hove good looks FRII Dehfxa Tubetl Sole prieedi - seam, ro'mforcad a t ovory strain point you didn't expect in cotton slocks- —Sanforizod for parmanont fit. Today Flat seams . a . M ploots . i s SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK! —stockupon Homesteaders...they give cuffs . . . Talon Zipper fronts. *lalanee In Weekly er Monthly Payments SALE PRICES ON LESS THAN 4 TIRES OR TUBf > O you more for your work shirt dollar. Sanforizod to stay right size.

'■J i. iK'l T'


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1960 yesterday to Join his young chil­ Injured, were taken to their rela- Jacket shaft o f the Big Calumst f A l M TWELYB In the Coventry-Andover area ef­ user will dial '‘llS " and then dial dren who are with their maternal tlve.s iu Ualitui ilia. mine. Calumet, Mich., wlU not go fective Sunday morning at seven the listed ,Covontry number. And Dtp Lockward all peraona over #6 on a pay-as- taxed $54 a year Inatead of the ceedsd In beating proposals for dis­ New Telephone from Coventry to call any Man­ grandparents In .Santa Ann. Cali­ to the bottom. The earth's motion Mirrors, Gloss o'clock. caiises It to lodge against the side Senate Approves you-go basis.” $45 he haa been paying on hli first ability li\surance and other major chester telephone, a telephone user fornia. ' tian't Hit Botliiin WHAT — *ie D. Lloyd Hobron. local telephone Mrs. Lockward. the former marhie dropped Into the Red of the shafL faraltBrs Tips, WOKS — U W Beneflts under the present old- $3,000 of pay. amendments that would have added will dial ".5” and then the listed W attarn W F H A — 10B.1 i r you are a UNION MEMBER matuiger, pointed out today that as Quits Hospital Helen Harper, was kUlsd... when WDBO age retirement program arc paid This was the principal amend­ to the cost of the program. Service Ready a result of a plan approved In 1948 Manchester number. satf PIstgGlMi^ AatoGlMi WTIC — I0«0 Seeiirilv Boost the car In which the family was z'Zl'oday*8 Radio /• e' from a tnist fund built up by a ment adopted by the Senate. The by a substantial majority of the A supplementary Coventry tele­ WTHT — ItHO phone directory containing all the traveling to California waa In col­ mooo—vn* ■ M te n DasrHglit Tim* payroll tax on employera and .em­ effect would be not only to In­ A Real Hot Story Your Family Can Save Money subscribers In the Coventr>'-An- Joins His Children in lision with a truck. Dr. Lockward (Crmtlniied From Page One) ployes to persons who have become crease tax collections hut also to Begin Toll-Free Calling dover area, the new extended local new Coventry telephone numbers Whits Gloss Co. iH being distributed to subscribers ('.aliforiiia; Recoveretl sustained head injuries and shock. eligible through contributions boost the maximum pension imder Lebanon. N. H.— WPi— Associates On Furniture Purchased at To Coventry - Andover service between Manchester and The children, one of whom was 24 Blreli SC Ms m ImbIw contributions for public sssislnnce covered employment. the hill to $80 a month. agree that as a newwoman. Re­ Coventry will be started at the throughout the Manchester ex­ w n C — Mr. District Attorney. change. ,\11 Coventry eubsertbers From Injuries WDRO—Strike It Rich. (dinet ' As the bill was passed by the porter Clara B. Orecnoiigh of the Area This Sunday same time the Coventry exchange Opea Dolly 8 A. M. • V. ■. WDRC—Robert Q. Lewis. Under present law, the maximum will be given a Manchester tele* WTTHT—Family Album. Cain Opp<«es I n would Increase monthly (TIaremont Daily Eagle is pretty YOUR Union Furniture is inaugurated on Sunday morning. latSaSteg M v A m WOCO—Request Time. 10:00— la $•’>6 and the average benefit now i phone directory as well as one for Howard J. Lockward of W TH T—Lawrence Wclk. Even as the Senate pa.Msed the , „ „ average of 85 to 90 per being paid Is $i! . Both House and hot. She was really on fire when Toll-free telephone service will Special arrangements, he pointed W H A T —Your PlaybUl. 6 1088 MAIN ST. I Willlmantic. ! Parker street who has been a pa- Plenty Of PsrMai W H A Y —News; Moonlight Mal- bill, with only Renatora Butler ( R - . current bcneflelarles un- Senate bills would raise the maxi­ she covered a cottage blaze here. I out, have been set up by the com- HARTFORD be introduced between Manchester ! tieiit at the Clark. General hosplt- LEARN Inee. Nebl and Cain (R-Wash; voting ! atirvivors In- mum family benefit from $8.5 to She got so close to the news that Project I pany to li.mdle the calling between On PrsmtsM W n C —Stella DaUas. W T IC -B ig Storj-. agalnsl It. stepa were taken to- system telephones and telephones In the ' the ' two exchanges. From Man- ' The 99-foot Rathbone Elm at ' Bl, Las Vegas, Nevada since-Tuet- WON8— Jack Downey e Miislr Sl.'-.O. a bystander had to tell her that . (lay, Jiine 13, was released from TO DRIVE WDRC—Music. ward further and possibly more ^ her hat was 01, ftre. Sposiorsd ay 1A.M. Lsdgs No. 1744, WsHsrs CemmiHts new exchange which will'bo e.stab- , Chester to call any telephone in Marietta, O . is said to be the na­ HUalc Shop. ' fundamental ehanges In the -So. lal For those retiring in the future, Democratic Leader Lucas of Ill­ j the hospital on Monday, and left 10:.10— Ilshed by the telephone company 1 the Coventry e.xchsnge. s telephone tion's largest. IS to SO—anybody can team .Security Sy.atem a nev.- benefit foruuiln would ap- inois and Senator Myers (D-Pa) WDRC- -Dance Orch. led an effort to inrreaae the tax­ to drive any car In our dual­ * WDRC—New England Note WTHT—Newspaper of the Alr Without (ilssent. .Semite dt- pro?«‘ niHteJy double Ihc benefits able wage base to $4,200 but were control Instruetion car. Com­ book. W TIC—Richard Diamond. I reeled Its Klnnnee Committee to | provided by present Ihw . defeated, 45 to 36, on a roll rail petent, courteous Instructors. ‘‘DENTAL PLATES RB- W nC —I»renio Jones. 10:45— I niRke ft thnroujjh study of the' xhe present payroll tnx of 1 85 per hour. W H A T —Chester, the Curioun WONS -Jack's Waxworks. vote. Under their propciaal the PAHIED WHUJE TOB 1 whoh proRrHiu It will esperially p^r r.nt earh on employer and eni- top benefit would have been In­ WAIT.'. OLD. DENTAL Camel. W THT Hall of Fame sluily the poftsibilltleH of shiltinR j p^oye would be continued until NO TRAVEL ’n5IE CHARGED WOOD—News; Request Time creased to $87.50 a month. PLATES REMADE IN 11 ;0«— I to sy.stem of universal eoveniRe | Tlien it wo\ild rise Rrftdually ^hird dimension beauty ” NEW PLASTIC SAMK WKNB— News: Scoreboard Va­ News on all stations They and other Demcx’ralle TEL. 4288 1 financedft on n pay-as-you-Ro Imslrt. ^ employer and DAT.” rieties. Senators who are strong support­ MANCHESTER DRU’INO 11:15— 1 A1.V. to be enibi .i.'.'d In tl>« | alike in 1970 and therc- Bt^uty in Front, Back and Profile 4.4^— W T H T -J oe Hasel. l.stiidy is tile relalionshlp of the ^ ' • ers of the Administration's welfare ACADEMY FAGAN ^lynC_Young Widder Brown. W H A Y — MiKinllght Matinee I .Soc ial .‘Security System to prtvnie * ' , . , j , j, program also were rebuffed in some W H AY— Story Queen. WTTC—Mindy Carson. ' pensmn Planv , ^ ■ ' Taxes>would be collected ,3 on Indi- ^ other attempts to llbernlixe the DENTAL LAB. WDRC—Old Reronl Shop WDRC World News. hill more than the Finanee com­ Grande Baroque 198 1'nimlrall at Aeytaas WCCC—Jr. Disc Jockeys. H ik e IVnneflls .8.5 I . c . ' ye a r, instead o f J.I.OOO as at pr.'S- WONS Rep, Convention mittee had proposed. Aliya Hotel Batldtaig WONS—Holltnvood. U S A ■ ,mhb.'nn'',w!li. y .duef in’ tl,e''sen: ITMe higher ngure was written Senator George ID-Oa), chair­ 1 1 :'1.5— Found only in Sad Floor—Hartford 6SS— WDRC -Puhlic Sirvpr T'fo ' nte. said It, a'.statement after the 1 ' " ‘ o the hill yesterday ro "' man of the eonimittee, with the WDRC—NewiT Old Record Shop gram: Sign Off hill passe.l that he fav-.ied .level- ' r''"ns to the provision in the Hoii.se haekiiig of Taft and Senator MilH- ip a e m W HAY —Meet the Band. 11:50— opmenl of a sy.^'tojn "under which i bill. This mcana that a man makinR kin iR-Colnl, the ranking GOP W n C —Portia Faces IJfe WTIC - Music. old age peii.sions will be paid to j as niiieh as $3,600 a year will be members of the committee, suo- THIS WEEK StSO— WONS—News. THIIRS. - FRI. - SAT. W”rH T—Superman WUUCE 8:.30 P. M. WCCC—News. Request Tune Freqiieney Modulation W Tre—Just Plain Bill. W FH A— 108.7 M< . COWBOYS — rOWGIRIA W H AT—Meet the Band WDRC— FM »8.7 MC. i BANTLY WON8—Tom Mix. P. M. ' 18 BIG 6:50 Sereno Gammell: Weath- 1 WESTERN e v e n t s : ht*6— YEARS STSRUif. WDRC—Curt Massey and Mar- er O IL CO. 6:4.5 Conrert Hour. ' SUtYSWHIIE AND BRIGHT tha Tilton. Res. Seetlnn ...... 81.50, fax InrI. W n C —Front Page Farrell WTIC — KM 96.5 MC. Gen. Adm...... 81.20, lax Inel. I 1 p. m.- .333 M AIN ST. W H A Y - Sports WDRC— KM On the air Children ...... 50c. tax Inel. \ 11:25 p. m. WCCC—Sports; Charlie Bloss- como in • FREE PARKING e field Same as tVDRC WKHA— Evening and let us show you FOR [M tS S SAKC P. M p l a i n v i i j j : Range and Fuel 6:00 Raring and Sports • - - . > WDRC— News 6;1I> -Farm Report, Weather. STADIUM WONS—News. 6:30—Western .Serenade. Route 72 Plainville, Conn. pm iimm iiMUk Oil Distributors WCCC— Music Hall. 6:45—Keyboard Kapers RTTHT—Joe Girard Show 7:00—Dsnee Time. W H A Y—News 8:00— National Guard See the highest type W n C —News. 8:15— Guest Star, \ W KNB—News. Sports Review. 8:30— Marine Band. 8:45— Lest W'e Forget. of beauty personified WDRC—Jack Smith Spnrtseast. WTIC— KM On the air 5:25 s. n ] 1 a. m. In form, design WDRC—Jack Zalman Same as W'TTC. W'ONS—Sports. (•■•'J docr'i'ion W H A Y —Supper Serenade, Television w n c — Strictly Sports; Weath­ WNHC—T\. er. P. M. •sM— 4:00—Homemaker's Exrhangf, Grand Colonial WDRC—Record Album 4:30 - Teletunes. r o V E .N I E N T 5:00- Mr. Magic. WONB—Jim Britt 5:15—Time for Beany - "I !• A V M E N T S A V E ^ w ooer—News; Music HaU. 5:30 - Howdy I'oody. W TH T — Sereno Gammell; 6:00 —Sidewalk Interviews. PLAN Weather. 6:15—Life with Snarky Parker. W TIC—Emtl Cote Glee Club 6:30—Lucky Pup. REGAL MAKE.S IT EASY FOR YOU TO W KNB— Sports Newsreel. 6:45—Faye Emerson. 7:00— Kukla, Fran A Ollle. SAVE WHEN YOU SPEND. HERE ARE WDRC— Lowell Thomas. 7 ;80—Showroom. A g , WONS—Evening Star Extra. 7:45— Newsreel. W TH T— Sports Headlines. 8:00— Arthur Godfrey 44^ Rose Point A (;OU|»UE OK ITEMS THAT PROVE IT! W KNB—Mindy Carson. B:0»-Blind Date 1 M— 9:80— Plalnclothesman. e t s WDRO—Bwlah. 10:00—Wrestling. P. BsUaalinc A Sons, Newark. N. X WONB—Haws. 11 ;00—W restllng. JEWELERS ' W TH T—Storyland. W H AT —Symphony HaU. W TIC—One Man's Family. .>.3.3 Main St. Manchester WKNB—Melody X. DUPONT HOUSE m iil WOOO—Symphonetts. Court Cases 9 tU — Addsd resal* vtlut la luiurious worsltd wool or nylon Interiors with Quiet itsedy lolni In en all-welded, WONB—TsUo-TseL Robert E. Emerlck, 17, of 31 crackproot, scuHprool Dore.lib trim. sln^e-unit Monobllt body-ind-frame* W n O—Newa. Salem road, was lined $5 by Lea upkttp costs tad loe|*r ctr with eidusiva lecessed floor. Hudson'i traditionally brilliant par- WDRC—Jack Smltk ^ o w . Judge Wesiey C. Gryk in town IHt, dus to ertri-sturdy eoestruc- lormanca with ovartlzad, h l|h- WASH SLACKS cteans rfsetf/ tion thit protects iiiinst road compresslon angina. court this morning after pleading ihoek and striin. WONS—Gabriel Heatter. guilty to the Illegal discharge of For loafing homo boouty, make sure your W THT —Lone Ranger. flreworks. Prosecutor Philip 2390482323234853484853234848485323485353234823484848535348534853484848234814235348235323482353485323010002000000020202010100010100232323482302485353 TRADE WIND TROPICALS W TIO—Kostelaneta Conducts. painter uaea Du Pont Houae Paint. Made of an Bayer said he was arrested June Marvelously smooth power from the w r o te—Club Fifteen. excluaive Du Pont combination of pigments and 19 following complaints of neigh­ TEXTILE STORE'S I only angina precisely balanced si W KNB—Hellenic Hour; News. oils, it literally sheds dirt and dust during every s unit WCCC—News; Music HaU. bors, A charge of Intoxication hqavy rain . . . leaves your home handsomely white, sparkling bright for years. Normally, WDRC—Edward R Murrow. against Leo Cronin, 49, of 159 f l i t North Main street, was continued this ''Seif-cleaning” action starts in a few montlm BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK! I WMITI WONB—I Lovs a Mystery ^OMIT Made of a genuine Kraaon Summerlzed fabrie. SM— from day to day. A companion PAtTICiU fOWOlR on most surfaces. However, excessive soot or WDRO—Mr. Chameleon. charge of panhandling was drop­ heavy sliade, or stains from metal surfacec such Sanforized for laating flt. Top Quality for laat- W ONS—Dr. Klldalre. ped. Plore H. Brereton, ,56. of as copper screening, may interfere with or dci- Warwick. R. I., forfeited a $.50 53484848534823485353234853534853535348484853482353235353552353235323482348485353535348235323482348234848483023485323235348538923 ing wear. \'at-Dyed for laating color. Plaids... W TH T—Dr. I. Q. lay the process. W H A Y '— Music from Holly­ bond when he failed to appear DRAW Chccka. -SlripeB. Sires 28 to 42. on a charge of reckless driving. 9 With Du Pont Noose Consider the other advantages of Du Pont wood. Psint. i f ms whits pow­ . W n C —Halls of Ivy. The following cases were con­ / Ail poiats colled duel der forms on the turfsce House Paint. As it keeps your house beautiful W KNB—Show Time. tinued; Leo Arsenault, 19, of 101 end dirt doting the first eftv e few months. tm months. for years, it also protects against rust, rot and BtlB— Whitney street. East Hartford, decay. Smooth, easy application, excellent CURTAINS rl speeding, June 28; and Robert W H A T—John L. SuUlvan. spread and high-hiding—all these factors work Bits— Kargoll. 23, of New York, speed­ GRAY AND TAN CHINOS WONB—Braves vs. Chicago. ing, July 1. in your favor when Du Pont House Paint Can be u->ed with Traverse lluds to pull B tlB - goes on. It ’s available in "Sclf-elcaning” tints aerosn yoUr «ln d o «« or us a side druiie. Unusual leeurity from tha only hydraulic brakes with s rtsarvs WDRC—Dr. Christian. Japanese Marry Tounger as well as white. .All the ness, pinin shades. 00 Inches W H AY—Voice of the Army. mschsnlcal system on same pedal. •llka-nas*" sarlerir a W n C —Tht Falcon. Tokyo— OPi— Japanese are mar­ And hero’s tip for your painter: When work­ lon g. DcepUonal protection yrtUl thousands v aitra miles bt- bo>-section steel girders com­ causa Hudson uses more costly W TH T—Hartford Chiefs Baae- rying younger than ever before, A Seit-Cleenlng leoves ing on new wood or excessively weathered paint Incrasaad seonomy and pletely surrounding tha pas- metal alloys. langlhanad angina Ufa from baU Game. A survey by the welfare minis­ ** surface clean end films, a prime coat o f Du Pont House Paint sengar compartmant—■ Minimum wear and repair osrar lang white... heaps it sperklmg thainduitry'i only pinnad-in- S:4»— try shows that one out of every Primer is recommended. It assures maximum Hudson asdusisra. angina Ilia because of chroma-alloy an­ 9 Reins oft this white tor years. This clean- gina blKk—toughest in the industry! position pMon rhi|^ W H A T —Organ Nocturne five girls married Ihst year under powder—end wtth H. ing proceu tt graduel end adhesion and performance of the finish coat. pair 2 -PAIR 20 years of age. Fifteen years ago much of the eocumulated does ftot adversely affect WDRC—Oroucho Marx. less than one In 10 was that dkt end grime. the long life of the paint. In 5 Galinn Lota. young. The ministry said the same W H A T —Moonlight Matinee. Gal. $ 4 - 9 5 W n C —Break the Bank. trend was found among men. .Mso Heavy Planlic Double Wirllh, Same Price ...... ?.".98 Sizes 44 to 50 in these Slacks at 2 Pairs $6.00 BUILT-IN BRAWN PLUS Naturally at this low price . . . SLIGHT CHARGE FOR AI. RAYON MARQUISETTE TERATIONS. FIELD DAY dnnoifC

•itii'r A " r- •; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MA.NTHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. .RTNE 21. lOr.fl PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1950 fAorfouwnsnv water main tiistallalions on Hills- e.stimnled $t per foot for a total Need Dfgeatha AM unemployment and self-employ­ dell will report on this situation arid that hreoka up the woody later. Tha agency, up to the pres­ side, Earl. Cole. Aayliim. Raddine of $7,672. A total taxable affecterl | Australian wood-eating white ment endpd for moat veterans on fiber. TaKs away tha protogna and poration, property on Church Stuciy Service ent. haa maintained a heavy flow iiiitl Farmington streets, the Board fronlngc of 2 till feel is Involved: ants keep. In their Intestines, cer­ ;i BiU Marks July 25, 1949. During the past alx the white ants, being unaMa to Githolic Group atrert. « Police Chief! of SUte Ohio Governor of businaas In veterans' sffa'rs. voted the Installation or a cost of $.3 .11U2 per front foot. ts In nrol.ozr-B which secrete an digest tha wood, die. Exsentor’a Deed years of the GI Bill, approximate- W e d d i n g s To Be Here Tomorrow Federal Housing Proje-'ls The Job calls for the laying ol Twenty .seven owners are to he ,-T----- O bituary C. Elmore Watkins, adminis­ ly 125.000 Connecticut veterans Center Future I.U13 feet of six Inch pipe at an served. Closes Its Season ATTENTION Sixth Birthday drew readjustment sllowancea The Directors dlscus-cd further j trator of the eetate of Iva Walking Boland-Hclfroii Jolts Politicos to C. Gideon and Helen M. Rice, For the first time In its hla- that totaled about $40,000,000. the matter of the eventual control ; Gibbons Assembly, Catholic property on Bruce road. tory, the Manchester Police Director* Also Accept of Manchester'a two federal hous­ Ladies of Columbus, closed Its Quitclaim Deeda department will be host of the Many Local Vets Have ing projects, but took no definite D e n l l u With Shocker season last evening with a dog Manchester Trust company to Connecticut Police Chiefs' Aa- Citizens of Manchester Resignation of Walter action In regard to them. At the A TTENTION Sterling Conatructlon company, Boclatlon at a meeting to be Benefilted by .Act Says preseni time the government has roaat at Center Springs park. (Continued from Page One) Idunchester M n. M w y riAtf jummrn Miss Lucy Barrera and Miss Mar­ property In two tracts on Vernon held here tomorrow afternoon Ford as Director stated It would like to transfer lira. Mary Foley Newman, at the American Legion Home Perform your Civic duty by RcKisteriiiK as a Voter Director Ford ownership to the town under a jorie Taylor, co-chairmen, and street and Middle turnpike east. national and state Democratic Dale BtHik' wtaow of WUllam Newman of SV their committee assembled an as­ W. G. Glenney company to John­ on Leonard street. Wednesday, June 21, from 5:00 to 8:00 p. m. at the The Board of Directors last purchase agreement. The town, Citizens of Manchester Raymond toad. Wart Hartford, leaders In Columbus. The meeting Hundreds of Manchester veter- | however, la not yet certain It sortment of salads, cookies and son Construction company, prop­ Dinner will be served at Town Cierk’s Office. For transportation cali: ’ n ght accepted the resignation of uid cash quickly to em­ * R M last nifht at St. Francis hos­ other good things to go with the erty on Middle turnpike eaat. 12:30, and then the business was called for the express pur­ vn., have benefited under the GI ; would care to assume all of tlie Tonight Walter Ford as director of the ployed men or womso willing 60INC ON VACATIONT Perform your Civic duly by RcRintering gg g Votgr pital afUr a lingering illness. Frankfurter sandwiches. End Trade Name meeting will be held. The af- hill which today marks Its sixth | rental restrictions govcmnient pose of helping Ferguson beat District 1 . .444S lyear of operBtlon. It waa sniioiiuc- Strawberry Festival 31. Brid- terms encompa.-a and further ne- ^ and ab/e to repay convenient Mrs. Newman was bom In At a brief business session, Mrs. Henry Gryk withdraws trade frtr Is ex]>ected to end at ap­ I Manche.-ter Veterans' Service Cen­ monthly inatalmentt. Cash PrniQd BiBinH tnon*v gmDrMft ^^'rdlu>sday, June 21. from ,'i:00 to 8:00 p. m. gt thg Taft In the Nov. 7 election. led this morning by Director Wal- gel's church, 6 to 8 p.m. Also goiiatioii on these lines may occur ctgg' BWB) from horn* «t(n g Buckland. the daughter of the late Stanley .luros. the president, an­ name as O n ter Springs Realty. proximately 4 p. m. ter. and expressed its thanks for quickly— It’e '•yes” to 4 out of 5. Town Clerk'N OfTico. For Irflosporlalion call: When he recovered hla balance, ; District 2 2-9289 Iter Ford of the Veteran.,’ Service Youmeth strawberry .supper. .North VetmmmI Naiitinwlilg Caih-CrMlti Mr, and Mrs. Timothy Foley, and nounced that seven of the niem- Permits I his long service in the agency. Development Commission Others not involved. Come in, Cartt. Oood fne rath at ovar 475 Democratic National Chairman ' Methodist church. .1:30 to 7 p.m. Peraonml offu** ta U 8. and Can­ Mr. Newman lived In Man­ hers plan to attend the retreat at J. .S Titus, alterations, .17 Lock- Ireuter. Ford filed his resignation prelim­ The question of appolntuiont of phone, Of write ftwegaf today. William M. Boyle, Jr., comment- j District 3 2-0874 More tlvan 90.000 Connecticut Hatiirday, June 24 ada No roll to (at Card- -ymi Diatrirt 1 . . 4445 chester before moving to West the Cenacle in Middletown, June wood street. $12.'). inary to the taking of employment the proposed Town Development pav rifilv for tha raah ymi ed: IWoHd War II veterans who have Field Day, sponsored by the Ue- Hartford. . . w 2.1. She also requested that Fred Tedford, four-room dwel­ Parents Return District 4 aa s local agent of the Meti-opoll- Commission was deferred to the Difitrirt 2 . Mrs. Newman Is survived by one "Any official has the right to . 5010 Ibeneflted by the eihication and : publlcan Activity commuter, at 2-9289 names of new members be turned ling, Fern street. $10,000. lan Life Inmirance company. ne.xl meeting, and in the mean- | son. WUUam Newman of Hartford, vote for any one he wants." Itraining and loan guaranty provi- ; the West Side Oval. in at the first meeting in Septem­ R J Griswold, garage,^ 16 Sponsored By The Democratic Town Committee. At the aaiiie time, it was Indi­ while the general manager, with , COMMIVW rNAf uitft TO Trr* Difitrict .1 . 2-0874 two daughter. Mrs. Caroline Kele- From Csraduation Lions of the GI Bill are among j ber. as a speeial initiatory rere- Ryron road, $700. Sunday, June 2.1 cated that the Board is Interested the town counsel, will draw up a | har and Mrs. Paaquale Martelli of monv is planned for the fall. I those who will note today the Briti'li-American Club All Day si^gested resolution for appoint- , Difitrict 4 . Lixth anniversarv of the pn.a.aagc ' in the future of the Service Cen- t i i i A o n a l FINANCE CO. . 5010 Wast Hartford, also one sister. Miss Mary Frailer, bookshop Mr. and Mra. Harry C. Straw of Propose Slash iKitlng al Garden Grove. ' ter, whether or not it should be ment and draft the limits of the M • STATI THtATII tUllDINO Mrs. Ann Hand of Bloomfield, and ehsirman, nnnounred the pnr- 2.1 Brookfield atreet and their son lo f t’.iat loglslalton. duties of such a body. (lliiiivli FoNtival To kid RcadliiMment Monday. June 26 ■ continued at its current -budgetary T53 MAIN tm iTy MANCHISTIIIy CONN. Sponnorrd By The Democratic Town Committog. two brothers Timothy Foley of rhsse of six new hooks for (he Douglas have returned from Can­ cost of over $7,600 per year, and Following a well attended pub­ Olol 3430 * YIS MANopar Buchland and Patrick Foley of The C;l Bill, officially known as Strawberry festival, .‘temnd Catholic bookshelf in the Mary ton. N. Y., and Ann Arbor, Michi­ In British Aid fongregntional church. I General Manager George H. Wad­ lic hearing on the question of . taaat inada H rtil4fab $f all turrtva4in| tawnt I M Angeles. Cal., also three Chenev Library. To Be Tonight gan. Irubltc I,aw 340, the Servicemen’, I Rr.idJ'iBtmrnt .\ct. wa.- defined bv grand^ldren. Mrs. John Oaly. program ehalr- IXiuglos. who was graduated Funeral services will be held (Continued from Page One) I t'oiigreR- as "an Act to provide man. announeed s meeting of her .Mrs. Robert J. Boland | from St. Lawrence University, from Marcanfs Funeral Home, At the mulsiimnier fe.stival this ATTENTION! 1 Federal government aid for the eomnnttee at her home on Wind­ Canton, with high honors In chem­ evening at the Covenant-Congre­ was rejected Monday by the Sen- ' I readinstment In civilian life of re- 5S0 Farmington Ave.. Friday sor street. Rneklsnd, for Monday Miss Blanche Irene Heffron, istry will enter the University of QMieTiteg at eight-thirty and from evening Mrs Richard Post stated gational church on Spruce street ate Foreign Relations and Armed I turning World War II veterans. " Miss Kathleen McLaughlin of 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Michigan In September, for post Services Committees. j NEW VOTERS WILL BE MADE An Important feature of the leg­ S t Thomas the Apostle church at that surgieal dressings will he graduate work for hia Masters de­ nine o’dock. with burial In Fair- folded each Wednesday after­ Hcnry street, who has spent many V. Heffron of .112 Center street He Is considering- revising his | islation. in addition to providing ON SALE gree. I education and training for voter- ]l vlaw eemeterv’, Weat Hartford. noon during the summer at the years in India with her missionary was married to Robert Jo.scph Bo­ During the absence of his par- original plan and offering It in a | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 Tha Marchant Funeral HomeMome knights of Columhns home. parents, Rev. and Mrs Willarci J, land, son of Mr. and Mra, .Michael new amendment to the bill author­ an- at government expense, and enls, Harry Straw, their elder son. government-gnaranteed and in- THURSDAY will be < ^ n for friends this eve- ; .MeLaiiglilln. will apeak on that Jo.seph Rohin') $ 2 9 9 *9 $ loans numbered 1.392 and farm W a rw ic k kHl H M S •• g I win also be open Friday morning W. Johnson. the Communista are the actual loned bouquet, Thb Vocotioa Spvdol MglftAB ggt MMT BOm.1. gALC gAVlfMgl Okoir O • a A ■ loana totaled 35. lahat la .lit aa from 10 to of the funeral. rulera of tha China mainland and Francis Boland waa best man nut Cabinet. ' Plus Excise Tax. Fountain aa« al aat llaa will be unlveraally recognized In • PICNIC SUPPLIES The total amount birrowed by naUlr Abdandaal I for his brother and Arthur Heff­ veterans in GI loans is $175,,137.- OFFER IS IIMITED! Alamaader MeDonnId that role eventually. ron and Richard Boland were Pen Public Records A Foreign Office apokesman 794. Of this amount $;8.098.770 Mn. Mary A. Murphy of 3 West ushers. • FREEZER SUPPLIES I 2 V2 IN C H With Hood Pnlnt to yaanaU. No Oantar atreet received a telegram said the British delegation can­ was guaranteed or Insured by the GET YOURS TODAY! PALMOLIVE ahlitallaa. Oar aaa-1 A l a reception for 160 guests at M dU tAR taluiM wcvlaa k tna. yerterday annoimclng the death of Inooiporatlons vassed "Interested parties" before Oak Lodge, the mother of the government. Paper, Paper Containers, Etc., for preparing fruit and Vets Good Risks her brother, Alexander McDonald, Center Springs Realty company. a meeting of the' U. N. Children’! bride received in navy blue lace which occurred at Albuquerque, Incorporated, authorised capital Emergency Fund In New York orchid corsage, and the bride- vegetables for quick freezing. ADMIRAL "Veterans,” Manager Wood de­ New Mexico, where Mr. McDon­ $90,000 in 600 sharea at $100 par Monday and told them Britain srroom's mother in light blue clared, "have proved to he good ald haa bean for hla health. starting with $1,600 paid In and would support Red China if a ma­ crepe with American Beauty TELBVISIOH loan nsks. So far the VA has had ZINC OXIDE Bom in Mancheater he aerved In Henry 8., Bernice B., end Anne T. jority favored it. roses. to make good only two tenths of a OINTMENT, Europe In the flrat World War Oryk Incorporetora. For an unannounced wedding TABLE MODEL cent out of every dollar guaran­ and was wounded. Deb-Nen Shoe company. Incor­ trip the bride chose a navy blue Larsen’s Feed & Hardware teed or insured. He leaves his wife, M n. Cara porated, authorized capftal $50,- About Town faille suit, white accessories and The GI loan program has an­ McDonald of Pueblo, Colorado, 000 In 1,000 sharea at $60 par and orchid corsage. On their return 34 DEPOT SQUARE TELEPHONE 5406 other seven years to go. ending .lOO'-a where burial will take place. He starting with $5,000 paid in. Dav­ the.v will live at 3.1 Pl.vnioiith Lane for the majority of veterans on ASPIRIN ' also leaves a brother, Paul Mc­ id and Lillian Rubin, Sumner Ma- Today la the longest daylight and be at home to their friends af­ July 25, 1957. Because the pro­ Do\alette dow and Max Rosaman Incorpora­ of the year, marking the flrat day gram still ha.- a long life ahead of TABLETS, BOTTLE Donald of Hartford and a niece, ter July 10. TISSUES Mra Dorothy Zapatka of 6 Pion­ tors. of BUinmer. Both bride and bridegroom are pill. It. Manager Wood advises vetorana eer Circle of this town, whose Permits graduates of Manchester High Excise there Is no need of negotiating father, VtniUam McDonald, died In George Patten, 10 by 21 foot Tlie son born June 16 In Me­ schfKil The bride Is employed by Tax loans for homes, farms or business Mardi last. addition and alterations at Army morial hospital to Mr. and Mra. the Travelers In.siirance Company purposes without careful advance Wri!ave FRESH FILMS! and Navy club on Main street $7,- Dorain Shainln of 36 Lakewood and Mr. Boland la as.socinted with 169 planning. Picture lime ii here! Be lurt you f-OI. 600. Circle South, haa been named Boland Motors, Inc. Readjustment allowance- for MEN’S Theodore J, Luseier, four room Richard Dorain. They have three alwiys hjve plenty of films on HOUSE PAINT gnd hand. Our iiock oi Iilms it most rSPIRITS Ol dwelling Hillcrest road $14,000. other ehtidren, Peter, Carol Anne BRUNNER'S-TV Meet Tomorrow Funerals Aaron Pekowaky, two dwellings and Beth. Legal Notices 20/20 LADIES’ 125fi. Roll complete — and always FKF.SH! The dinner, ticket, and finance 358 East Center Street Open Mon., Wed., Fri. T il 9. STYLES CAMPHOR on Bldwell atreet. one of five romnilttcea in charge of the testi­ Bring your exposed rolls to ua (or . d Pepuitt Stylti M n . Helm B. Pleeclk rooms and garage at $10,000 and OUTSIDE WHITE AT A COURT OF PROH.VTK 1 Miss Rosaline Chapdslaine will monial dinner to Fire Chief Albert SEE TELEVISION EVERY NIGHT •t Manche$t«r nithin $nd for the WAXED ORA-TOR Fl^wral services were held for one of four roome at $9,000. present her "Tiny Tots" In a re­ 9S EXPERT FILM FINISHING Mrs. Helen R. Plesclk this morn­ B. Foy will meet tomorrow night JM$trlGt of Manrheatpr, on th^ 30th j LENSES .. Taoth Bm h 2 3 < Warrantee Deeds cital, Friday evening. June 23, at at nine o'clock In Hose Company dev of .Tun#. A^D.. Ifl'Q PAPER ing at S:S0 from the J. B. Burke Rolling Park Incorporated, each eight o'clock in St. James's hall on INTERIOR WHITE Prooeni. JOHN t, WALLETT. | In trnvtl 4 Q l Funeral Home, 87 East Center One on Pine street. General separately to John D. Somerville Park street, tickets for which may Judge. Airforce Type Frames cenlaintr V W street, and at nine o'clock from et al and to Joseph Plsch et al, chairman Harold F. Maher re- BatAte of John H. Flaukott. lRt$ of | 4 SASI UNSIS 21* be obtained at the door that eve­ questa all members of these com­ (Limit t) St. Bridget's church. properties on Helalne road. PORCH AND DECK GRAY JtfkncheMer In »alG' dlRtrlrt, decemaed. 1 POU.SIIED and GROUND > Get Ready for the ^ SOc The celebrant was Rev. Bronis­ Abraham P.. and Helen Pelaer ning. mittees to be present. Upon appliratlon oT The Hartford* [ PERFECT PROTECTION FHF.EUOM FROM PRISM Connecticut Tru-**! Company. Executor, FREEDOM FROM LENS law Gadarowskl, deacon. Rev. to Robert 8., and Barbara Smith, praying for authority to compromise 1 For the firti lime in aunslua ACTION rBARBASOLl George P. Hughes and sub-deacon, property at 631 East Center ENAMEL AND GLOSS the doubtful and dl*puted claim which | hialory you ean buy iheae -0/29 Rev. James P. Timmins. Mrs. Ar- street. WHAT WE DO CLEAR VISION WITHOUT Miid executor baa agalniit the M. A. lenaet in Airforce Type framei at Ciont Tm Safatrt Shave Cream J lyas Garrlty was the organist and Marriage Uernses Gumnilnt' Conf*lructlon Compkny of] DISTORTION tbit low price. The alickrr on the Pearloid iweatbar and noM X-POSE SUM soloist. John Maclejko of 96 Davis RED Pr(^vldenr#. Irland. It 1$ lens ia your giUranlee ihst iheae A $3.95 ORDERED; That th# foregoing ,Rp-I pada. Palmolive Burial was in St. James' ceme­ street, Rockville and Mary Rustic lentet TAR LIQRID Wemitrhl Bvyl 39* of 29 Florence street, wedding pltcatlon be heard and determined at Cold plated fraoiea and tery and the committal service MEN'S FOR ONLY $6-48! th# Probate ofTlee In Mancheater In Shampoo 6 COMBS— waa read by Rev. Gadarowskl. A July 1 at St. Mary’s church. Value! MEET o r EXCEED lemplea. BINGO M-id Dlatrlet. on the ,10th dav of June, f Sage green lenML L U i... 5 9 * 6 STYLES! Frederick Garfield Clark of East AN-MtUf read a. Ha-id delegation from the PoUah Wo- A. D.. IP.'ih, at ten o’clock In the fore- j any eommercial alandarda (or eye Individually boxed. Sth g Hvml.» And All 4 Qe ihen Aaaociatlon attended the fun­ Orange, N. J., and Doris Bernice nrx»n. an 8 be- | CA.SE INCLUDED Prlakwaldo and Walter Lodjeskl. Henry atreet. 1. Carefully take up rag from your flW ! fore the day of .aid hearing, to ap­ AntlMpHr KolUn John McCartan to Alexander PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 pear If they see rsiie<‘ at raid time and j Jarvis, property on Columbus 3. Carry full inanrance against A N Y hazards. place and be heard relative thereto, POISOH IVY 15* Burn ^ im it ty. Tot I§ Injured; street. and make return.to this court. LOTIOR Berkeley 8. Gently but completely remove all dirt and grit. lOHN .1, WALLRTT Judge. I Ointment Brunig Moske to Community c 39* METAL Wmdproof Falls From Auto Construction company, two tracts 69 6-FT. RULE on Indian drive and Greenwood D I A M O N D ’S 4. Wash thoroughly on both sides with purest detergents. 4 9 * drive. Old and Dangerous Kelbm O Q e 5. RIaae out all anda and dirt with rain-soft water. A-Inch Aipsd tactm l. O w Lighters Dorothea Barber, aged four, Johnson Construction company OaaaldOart Hershey daughter of Mr. and Mra. Edwin to Bruno and Mary Kraetschmar, TREES REMOVED BUY yOBR HAIR PAIL ARC SUR PICRIC 8. BeolM boek of rag to prevent Umpnesa. ECONOMY Barber of Box 83, Wapping, suf­ property at 675 Middle turnpike and SHOVEL SCT CLASSES PLATES VIVHTON* JlNIiH fered abraatons and contusions of east. S ii ITJ>£MON5TRATED HEREI Arm y Navy Lawn Grading, .And All Types THOROUGHLY and COMPLETELY 60c BARR tha left forehead, left elbow, right 1. Dry In onr specially constructed dry room. (if Work PIntdt A O c E. J. Holl to Austin and PhylHt 'cd/on...29* eaia . . . :?'8. 1 5 * tura-rira dapandgblMy caiekwaa knee and right hand when she fell Schllllngor. property on Otis atreet. Hulldnrcr Work ALKA rioMel tbu> araa You!) woat 997 MAIN STREET TEL. 2-3906 8. Moth-proof rag — guaranteed for one year, REDUCE DANGER Sale SenMlicnl ret bsoehST this prtow wllb lymineua ItwaUik# haaidv out of a moving car this morning. Rolling Park Incorporated to Me have a new machine to ALARM pUrI ItOiGtbSMM- Shf was treated in the emergency Rosalre G. Inkel et al, property on cut weeds and ha.v and also re­ SELTZER CUADANmO »0t Idl-Oaca* g. Return rag and lay on your Moor,-replacing furniture. new dead lawns. of COLDS CLOCK room at Manchester Memorial hos­ Helalne road. Smart PlstUc diKonallyl Any -towred pital and then discharged. Hedge Trimming Ellen McClorey to Silk City cor- 10. Give the Leavitt guarantee of enthusiastic aatlafaction. 4 9 * LIQUOR SPECIALS 1S‘ NAIL Miihout cbaf»t anylima BRUSH • f g g f A. Latuli|)|>e & Son wMi tha N fW • A$lfSTO$ WtOt yaam LIQUORS D AILY 8:00 A. M .. 11 :flO P 'Mirollt*.' $ 4 • COLGATE That, for onr money, la SUPERIOR rag eJeanIng service. 780 Vernon St. Call 6077 SAVil.. I I • Otd-kKCI BAMI GUAID Your And for YO UR money, there’s n j flner rag cleaning servica 3:.30 to 8 P. M. DENTAL MAONITIC TAPI to be had —nt A N Y price! Guckenheiinrr Popular CREAM ' 1 , m CORPIR JEEQ W b is k rv Beer and Ale u Better RUG STORAGE with ANTI-HISTAMINES SEEW ELl DRYER Ca89 24 Cans If Taken at READER \ Sofa a IndlvMnally Wrapped a FnUy Insured Deal Pontiac FUEL OIL CMC* ngM mg nAtuoit 1 5 9 5 " Won to Wall Carpet Cleaning In Tour Home MUUntt, IStablat. »» BOWL COUPON $ 2 8 8 $ 2 9 0 COVER SET a CawK Hmio. iw« Moa INHISTON, J * Pfarlle; QOC Dealership tCANCHESTER RESIDENTS CAUL ENTERPRISE 1486 (11.0 C-fiHCl Make taeoHiaga o t favar- MCOHETlMRlMEa w l i ; S pltct . WW I RfVERt RECOKDER FEATURES a tXaewUt* UmU 0« Oow * iw radio programs, paxtirs, m McWa-Ur- tW lP T lN . Wtoblat...... » » 9|getoa fiS in t Suto*T*seGlVUgtngg. l iiteMg^aM»UO^$* muinass coofttCBcas, aod a IMtf M. Vlaila Ca«a. other avaots. Do it aatily M. a, CrMl«.. AHTMRINE, ««abirt.-...3 » I • IN — pwadeX w pHrtlapaaf diiylaylau a Stoadflea Central, to LOW M COST and acooomicaUy with tha RANGE OIL. COAU g NatwHcfcas tlmgly rsTATIONEBV M a — M— . a a— N im «a w w « f • greup atw, amaziogly low priced a Power, Conttom-Saoea Meier EASY TO NANOU RESISTAB, I BALCH-PONTIAC • COKE IIOHT WIIOHT otog It la and dry ^ n id ra o t 8PECIAI. WnilwShVohm ■ Raveta Tapa Racordar. Ao a Fell Perwora mnd Re-wli>a $aeea, DRENE AMAintRN. I olMcfll I INCOPORATED Cream-Oil 14 Envelop s a hoar of listaoiag oa avary a Tkee ana Peelato kaicalor Ht tiaady *— al watai. fairtia ak taackai w |>OWDER I HWHPOwnni >«MlaaM4 raal. "Erasa** what yon 14 Sheets SHAMPOO J 'ONLY' LOHOPflCAACr a Quick Stoftinf ona Sleaalea Dial 5135 avrtUy doa. a»a(» sad. at »aa« tula. NOW »aa Hair Tonic I PUFFS ■ choost, aaiog tha aa— tapa 155 CENTER ST— MANCHESTER—TEL. 2-4545 ua aaJi aay Uiaa al day aad fa aol wkfc lae*. ADHESIVE I PAPER MOUND. HIOM a k,y Pertehty LSI SIw QQ< POUSH. A M A I daaca tkal yaa* kaad aad fcak an COMOllTiiy TAPE I NAPKINS ^8-ounee MT. 98c «ONMI M TODAY PO« A PRH DIMONSTRATION OPEN DAILY .. .8 A. M-10 P. M. MORIARTY NCHITH END PHARMACY 15'Is.’ . 14' b t - S a f l — D«L T bL W4S 1«M MAIN STRECr BROTHERS . Opas a— toys A ll Day FALLOT STUDIO SATURDAYS____8 A. M.-7 P. M- VISIT OITR RUNUT PLANT e 70 Eaat Center St. Manchester HARTFORD I -I PAOBStTrEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21. 1950 x- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1950 PAOl a t vTOTm f Find* Aoa Under Bed area for *ix-ye*r-oId Tommjl Simple^ Charming Hutchinson. However, it was 'n1;r New Haven. June 21—(*>)—For mother, Mrs. Howard Hiitchlnsonl •even hour* yeaterday police and who found him- fast asleep on ih-f volunteer* aearched the City Point floor under her bed. First Round Pairings Announced For Club Championship BARSTOW Says: Mozzer Pitches Cards Tie Marks Rec LOCAL Sitles Defeat Young Bob LaFrancis **jnrS THE T R U T H r League Game SPORT CHATTER DoveSi) 3 to 2 [• t-w m ■■ , • SEERSUCKER CHIUJREN'S through the teen age need a quart Jelley make an attractive and de­ water. While vinegar also may be By licious accompaniment for broiled Jifosy Future IT’S NEW— IT'S EXCLUSIVE . 6-1 Win Over Dodgers Uefending Lhampion CLOTHES, M thown at very low ’ of milk a day. used. EARL W. YOST price* *t the MONTGOMERY lamb ehops. Walnuts Rally for Five ngram Scattrni Four Sport* Editor WARD COMPANY, make an easy NEW .SUMMER D R E S S UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERY second on two hits and on arror Hitn for First Twi dummerr for Mother In fast wash­ FABRICS are fascinating in tex­ Two apenaltlcs Ihl.s week at j FABRICS, fifty inches wide, are The New Fans 12 Batsmen, Gives and one In the fourth on a *tngle Runs in Sixth Inning Field of 3 2 to Take the i’lNE PASTRY SHOP. 6601 selling at reduced prloes at Donnie Warren 1* aMiatlng CX>ach.he wa* Impressed with the play of ing and no Ironing Overall.^ and ture and color in CSieney’s latest Up But Two Biiigles; to Smith, a passed ball and a To T i e Army & Soflliall lA'agiie Win Hill Billies Part in Major Golf creeper-alls (with grtpper, fast- lines. Silk paper taffeta has the Center Street, arc delicious to lake Cheney's. Summer's greater leisure double by Austin. Austin got two Joe Belli* with th* American L*- hoy*. snapped crotch! in sires for 6 crisp rustle of heavy taffeta com­ on picnics and equally luscious at offers an ideal opportunity for WESTINGHOUSE Smith and Austin Hit hits, a single and a double, and Tourney at Country home beautifying with some of Steadings gion Junior baseball toam. The BattI* between the two Ion* un­ Steadings months to «x. are Jl.19 in gay red bined with hot weather lightness. home. BAKED BEANS AND drove in two. runs. L. Pet. Meet Aces BROWN BREAD make the gorgeous damasks, brocades, W L Pet. locala will bo out after their sec­ defeated team* In the Church or blue stripe. Seersucker shorts Checks, dots, and big flgure.s on Hard in L. L. Contest Mozzer had a shutout going A.'* ...... 0 1.000 Cltih; The Pairinga dark or light background are thoroughly satisfying meal (with­ brocatelles, matcla^ses and satin* J ^ O S r into the sixth inning but weaken Garden Grove ... 6 0 1.000 ond win of the season tonight Softball League wilt take place and bra sets, sires 7 to U, are FREE 5 1 .833 Kaceys .... 1 .800 adapted for business or dressy out heating up one's own kitchen I In figures or stripes which are *o ed and gave up one run. Foley led Paris Curtain ... against East Hartford at the lat­ Thureday night at Memorial Field. Biijak and Blank IJkely I1.9S in striped seersucker of rod. Standings Jarvis Contractors 4 3 .671 ,St. Bridget’*, winners of six Dovairtte* S .400 Bobby LaFrancis heads * field bright blue, or navy or in white frocks, from suits to dance dresses. and STRAWBERRY TARTS cele­ kind to the budget at the CHENEY y IS THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR W. L. Pet. off with a hard smash just inside ter's field. 3 .400 BROTHERS REMNANT SALES­ Walnut Tavern . 3 3 .600 ! straight, will oppo*e the North N.H.'s ...... Starting Batteries in of 32 golfers who will tee off in the with p;aid trimming Seersucker The distinctive quality of new brate the season as tlessert. Yankees ...... 3 1 .760 the first base bag that roled far 8 .250 ROOM. into right field for a triple. When Nassiff Arms . .. 3 4 .429 ^ I Methodlata, winners of *11 five North Ends first round of the Club Champion­ pajamas covered with circus fig­ ; silk shantung is interestingly IN THE WORLD THAT Red Sox ...... 2 2 .600 Former winners of the Sunnyslde* . 5 .140 (^Quentin Hagedom hit a one hop­ Army and Navy . . 2 S .400 ! previou* atarta. Twilight Tilt Tonight ures are 11.19 in sires 2 to 8 and printed with shaded black dots on SUMMER FUN ACCEISSORIES Dodgers ...... 2 2 .500 Championship Tournament at the ship Tournament st the Manches­ For the boy'* room, there'* Cards ...... 1 3 .250 per back to Mozzer. Foley was Red Men ...... 1 5 .187 J1.S9 in the half-and-half red and lavendar or beige background or are numerous at the PINE nothing ao exciting as HOP-A- I caught off third. Hagedom going Silk City ...... 1 5 .167 Country Club In this year's field Fred Seraflne will pitch for the Don Ingram pitched a nl Having been Idle fol two weeks, ter f'ounlry Club Flral round pair- white or blue and white clown out­ in white figures on bright brown. PHARMACY, 664 Center street. include Earl and Paul Ballsleper LONG CASSIDY WALL PAPER, Scoring four big run* In the I to second. After Mark Solomon Kaceys Friday night against the four-hitler to post a 8 to 2 ) Rockville's Hill Billies return to Ings have been made and all fits. tn sires 7 to 11. seersucker The tie silk t\-p<“ of print, newly Dependable for all-summer enter­ shown at $.79 a roll at the Mc- walked, A1 Lovejoy hit a fly ball Rallying to score five runs tn and the defending king, Bobby La­ Italian Americans at Robertson over the Dovalettea last night matches must he completed by pajamas are $1.67 and flowered fashionable this summer. Is repre­ tainment are the plastic wading first inning off Bob Daigle, the to Steve Provost in right field that Francis. The Ballsiepers, incldenU I'ark. This should be a game well action in the Twilight l.s-ague to­ OILL-CONVERSE COMPANY. the sixth inning, the Walnut Street Robertson Park. night when they face the Silk Monday. June a?. nightgowns are $1.79. sented in many alluring combina­ pools that can lie act anywhere on Ctards went on to win their first got away and Hagedom scored the Tavern tied the Army and Navy ally, are two time winners. Paul worth watching. Incidentally, the The sandy-haired, bespectacled Decorated with the famous cow­ In recording hla flrit win. In­ City Aces at six o'clock. tions All are moderately priced at the lawn, priced at $19.'5. $8.95, boy and his horse and with other game in the Little League last only Dodger run. Club 8-8 in an exciting Rec Soft- won in 1936 and repeated In 1938. first douhleheader will be played iJiFrancls, csjitaln of Manchester the CHENEY BROTHERS REM­ $11.95, and $14.00 depending on Earl took the event in 1934 and Friday at the North End ball gram walked one and atruck out Johnny Bujak la slated to hurl p l a y in g c a r d EAR RINGS western designs, colors on s gray night by a 6 to 1 margin over the Cardinal* (fl) ball League game that was called for the HB’s with lMlger8 down the nightcap opponents. an error and left the tying and for the Aces. His catcher will be the drop hearts, spades, diamonds, of branching candelabra, each $3.49; swim rings at $.69 to $1.19. ing plaid paper makes an easy Kohen, 3b . . . . . 1 1 0 1 starter, apparently had the game posted medal scores of 73 hut to their second loss after winning . 2 1 2 12 sewed up aa he entered the sixth winning markers stranded. Mac Hernie August. or clubs are equally nice for bridge holding two rnndlea, at $18.30 for and bench halls up to jumbo size renovation when cowboys are out­ Austin, c ...... Members of tb* Laglon Junior McGuire went the route for the llsefs « as seeiled as iiiedallst by grown. their first two starts. In gaining Hedlund lb ... . 3 0 0 5 with what appeared to be a com­ MUt Stratton of the police de­ Leading slickers with tlie tlub.s plat'ers. Thcv're $3.0fl. with tax, a pair, is one of the choice new at $.98 A brlghlly figured life pre­ his first win. I'Bseball team who played with Doves, being tagged with hla sec­ are Bottle Murray, Ralph Schu- tlie >yHtciii of malclilng cards. at MATHER’S AT THE CENTER. Mozzer, p . .. . . 3 0 1 0 fortable five nm lead. But Don, partment was assigned to patrol i l i f t s o f STERLING SILVER server at $.98 has a neck strap Mozzer struck out twelve Dod­ Mancheiter High during the past the area at the Uttle League dia ond loss. mey. Jack Halloran, Freddie I’i'lzes will he awarded to the and back tie for safety in learning .STERLING SILVER FLAT- Murphey, ss . .-3 0 0 0 who had kept the Tavern hits well intdallsl. wInnerH and runner-ups ; displayed at MATHERS AT THE gers to tie the league record held 3 0 ■eason include Red Case, Gus mond last night. McGuire gave up three of his Booth, Oeorge Kepler and Jerry to swim. Swim caps with ring seal WARE. the epitome of Joy-bring­ By Sue BumeM Pontlcelll, cf . . 2 0 scattered up to this point, gave In each of the three flights. In ad­ Milk is a '’must" in children'* CENTER. Other candle holders by George Markham of the . 1 0 0 0 Agustinelll, Carlo Petricca, Jimmy eight hits in the first frame as the Wllliamf. to keep hair dry are $.69. Sun \ ing wedding gifts, is particularly A smartly styled daytime dress Yankees who turned the trick Provost, rf ... up a walk, a single, a fly out and dition to the championship flIghL diet because of the calcium It sup­ arc $6 10 and up A very beautiful It’s the New . 1 0 0 0 Roach, Spec Flavell Tony Tleman Hltleas Wonders In the Little Sunnysldes dented the plate wlUi Rockville needs a win to get in­ glas.ses arc sight-lnmirlng polarold lovely in the many patterns at that has a simple charm all its twice, once against the Dodgers. Sutton, cf . .. then another hit. He was lifted In lliere will he a first and aecond plies. Youngsters all the way I Sterling cream and sugar set, lin- louse favor of LaBlanc at this point. The and Bill Willis. Leadge are the Dodgers. Coach two runs. Pete Gustamachlo to fourth place while the Aces can for real protection. Of course, the DEWEY-RICTIMAN COM­ own. Tiny sleeves are cool and The loss left the Yankees In sole opened with a rousing double to flight. The finals will be a 86-hole led with gold. Is only $14 64. A PANY. 767 Main Street, Ameri­ comfortable— pattern provides a Totals .. . 1. 21 6 5 18 6 2 Tavern crew then made short order Wally Fortln'a team dropped Its move up to third with a victory. graceful, footed cigarette urn of there are all the sun tan Intlon.s possession of first place while the Church Softball League mana­ last two starts and In addition renter and scored on a two-haae match while all olhera will be de­ j ca's leading silver eraftsmen— three quarter length for cooler Dodgers moved into a two-way IMdgers (1 of LaBlanc by collecting four hits, nice alse ia $4 27 in Sterling A and sunburn trenlments one may AB R H PO a walk and a fielder’s choice for a gers will hold an Important meet­ twelve hatters in each game went error by Whalen on Tom Madl- cided 1 ver the IS hole route. The How miM COR a cigarette be? Gorham, Towle, Wallace, Interna­ weather. Attach your favorite tie for second with the Red Sox. gsn's fly ball. Matick got Madigan 1 prices Include tax. need. Jewelry or a flower bouquet. Small. I f ...... 2 0 0 0 total of five runs. ing Friday night at 8 o'clock at down via the strikeout route. finals me llsteu on Sunday, July 23. tional, Liint and Frank Smith — There was a crowd of better than homo with a single to left. Pete Match play will prevail with no are represented by classically un­ Pattern No. 8607 is a sew-rlte Qulmby, as .. . 2 0 0 0 Neither team was able to collect the East Side Rec. New dates for 750 on hand. Final tryouts for boys 13 to 15 Malick singled, advanced to sec­ handicaps \ A new and superb answer to New In the field of toilet nieetles adorned or richly ornamented perforated pattern for sizes 12, Sweet, 3b . . . . . 2 0 0 2 more than one hit after this up­ several postponed games will be for women is Frances Denny's After the first Inning it settled 1 1 who are not members of any team ond on Ostrout’s bobble as lead- Following U a list of the pair­ MORE PEOPLE I the problem of washing windows patterns in knives, forks, and 14. 16. 18. 20; 40 and 42. Size 14. Foley, 2b . . . . . 3 0 rising, due to the on-coming dark­ ma%e at this time. "MAGIC SONG " SHAVING down to be a good pitcher's duel 0 0 and who want to play in the Rec off batter In the sixth, and rode V*itfr4s>’s BesalU ings, The man in the upper brack­ I after the screens are on is the in- 5267 .spoons, and in individual big serv­ .short sleeve. 3 >.4 yards of 35 or’39- between A1 Martin and Mozzer. Hagedom, cf . . 8 1 ness. CREAM" The delightful fra­ I By Mrs. Anne Cabot Soloman, lb . . 2 0 0 5 Junior Baseball League this sum home with the third and winning et must contact hla opponent to ! genioiis COLI’.MHIA KRAMK- ing pieres, so that one can start Inch. REFRIGERATOR Mozzer allowed just one run while Both teams played well with The North Methodists, defend­ Hertford 4. WllkHi-nArre 0. grance .adds pleasure to the effl- Here arc two hcguilding blouses . . 2 0 1 1 mer are asked to report at ,Mt run on a base knock by Ronald arrange a playing date. LERS WINDOW SCREENS, just a set, match a selected pattern, or For this pattern, send 25 cents, Martin gave up two. Lovejoy, rf .. Moore standing out defensively. ing Church Softball League cham­ Scranton 9, Albany 1. rienev of shaving summer-exposed I that spring from a single pattern Kiiminate epecial fthopping Freiheit, c ... . . 3 0 0 6 Nebo Friday afternoon at 1 for Trlnks. Club Championship SMOKE CAMELS recentiv displaved at the JOHN­ give a piece that’s matched or in coins, your nairw, address, size The Cards put the gai.ie in the He made two putouts and had 10 pions, play Burnham’s in Wapplng Tony Cecere walked to open the rU('*i K. WmiamBport K (10). arms and legs without leaving un- I . the popular sleeveless silhou­ trip* . . . keep frozen food'; , . 0 0 3 0 practice. Rlnghanitnn 7. Rimira 2. l,ower Bracket Upper Bracket SON PAINT ' COMPANY, 699 adaptable to any set. desired, and the pattern number bag right off in the first inning Daigle, p . . . . assists without a miscue. Thursday night. Burnham's trip­ Hightlv "stuhhle ’ The cream is ette (you’ll want to make now), all the time in the refriner* Martin, p ----- . 3 0 0 0 first for the Doves. On the first Amerlraa Bob LaFrancla Lou Galaaso Main Street. The aluminiini to Sue Burnett, The Manchester getting four runs off Daigle who Amiy and Navy (8) ped the North End five in a game pitch Tony went down and scored $1.,M) at QUINN'S PHARMACY. I and the classic long sleeve blouse Ator that nutomnticnlly H<»- AB R H PO A E The East Side Juniors will prac Rt. Uoult 1. rhlladvlplita 0. Clartnce Anderson Bob Boyes than any j screen, which can't rust, is cut to Stains made from medicines Evening Herald, 1150 Ave. Ameri­ started but couldn’t get anyone as Ti t U's perfect throw went In­ N*w York I. Cl*TfUnd I. ' (for fall) Accent both sew-ensy Totals ...... 22 1 2 15 5 3 2 0 last week at Buckland. tice Thursday night at 6 at Nebo. Ricky Anderson John Oianda fit any window, and will never I often can be removed with hot cas. New York 19, N. Y. frost* itaeir before fro.^r out. After the first man walked, Smith, rf .... 4 3 2 to center field when Glanskhti Washington 4, Detroit 2. charmers with dainty cross stitch « 0 KnrI Baltaleper Henry Smith ■ sag. Snap locks fasten It at the There are still openings in the water or wood or denatured al- Send 25 cents now for the build* up. Seo it TOD.AV' Bruce Smith hit a double play Innings Scott, If ...... 4 0 0 failed to cover the hag, • Boaton &. Chicago X 't e e .n -ac.k s e w in g c l a s s e s , roses, and win admiring glances...... 000 0001—1 0 0 Coach Joe Lovett’s Little League Bill Shaw reports that plan Natioaal Hill Thornton Clarence Thornton other cigarette! , Lop and bottom so that either end eohol. Spring and Summer Fashion. 48 ball to third but Jim Foley let the Dodgers Lynch, cf .... 3 1 2 A1 .Sleurpa reached on a bobble Dick Gorman just about to start at the SINGER Pattern No. 5267 consists of tis­ ...... 410 lOx- 6 1 1 1 0 0 Yankees will practice Wednesday arc progressing for the formation New York !1. 8t. U>ul6 2. Paul Ballsleper I can be detached and kept out of pages of new styles, fabric news, throw from third get by him and Car^ . . Sharpe, cf ... hy Madigan aa lead-off hatter In Art Stevens SEWING CENTER. 8.32 Main sue pattern, sizes 14, 16 and 18 in­ E N JO Y IT there were men on second and Moore. 3b ... 4 0 1 2 8 night at 6 o'clock at Memorial of a State Semi-Pro Football Brooklyn 9. Cincinnati 2. Henry Rockwell the way while the window Is A ".Spare Miser " is the cleverly special features. Free pattern TODAY Runs batted In: Austin 2 Moz­ League. Five teams are said liie seventh. After Jacobs whiffed, ChlcAgo 4. Bn»ton 8 (10). Tom Kelley Sher Gosles washed. Screens can lie kept in .Street One of the most prominent cluded. material requirements; hot third. Daigle then walked the next zer ;Two-base hits: Lovejoy, Aus­ Henneguln, lb 4 0 1 8 0 Field. Sessions are also scheduled mni mmont the millioiu wko d o... iron transfer for embroidery, col­ devi.sed CLO.SET DOOR HANG­ printed Inside the book. be all set and ready to start oper AI advanced to second on a pass­ rhlladelphta 7. PltUburgh I. Honk Haefg Art Smith I place through the winter with no high .srhoot junior girls made her ER. that holds twelve garmenLs YEARS TO PAY two men forcing in Mike Falkow- tin; Three-base hits: Foley; Sacri­ Shields, 2b ... 3 1 0 2 1 Friday night at 6 and Saturday lalcraatlaRal or chart, sewing and finishing di- 2 skl with the first run. Jackie Hed- atlons this fall. A sixth member Is ed ball and scored on a ringing Phil Froh Bill Lockttmod j fuss of removing and rc-inatalling. Easter suit there thi.s" spring and and which ran be extended while fices; Kohen; Left on bases: Dod­ Stileu, sa .... S 0 0 3 1 morning at 10 at the Orford Vll single to left by Ed Zapatka. Os- T oron to 4-1. HprlngflfM 1*2. Sher Porterfield rection.s amount of butter or margarine and Itmd then hit a grounder to Sweet 0 being sought. Interested trams In Htaadlag* Mike Nolan, Jr. FRAN the course enables others to fol­ garments are being placed or re­ YOU CAN •* SUR|..mir« gers 8. CJards 4; Bases on balls: Msiorca, c ... 1 0 0 1 lage field. dude the East IJartford Crusad trout followed Zapatka's single Doc McKee Mike Nolan. Sr. low a good example with more Send '20c In coins, your name, serve piping hot. at third and as the ball went Dellaripa, c ... . 3 0 0 0 0 Raelera A ROSARY FOR THE BRIDE moved. and then folded flat Daigle 3, Martin 1. Mozzer 4; era. Rockville Legion, Mlddletow; with a base knock, Whalen trying NS Is f»rt. QRL Fred McKone Walter Murphy WARREN address and the Pattern number Mtetl AOA-M—4.4 cteic Inf through him into left field, two Bellucci, p .. 1 2 0 0 0 is a significant gift for the wed­ time to devote to the course The against the door Wnthoiit mussing Strike-outs: Martin 6, Mozzer 12; Former Police Chief Sam Gor­ Bliiejarkets. Waterhury Warriors to sacrifice, was hit by a batted W Ukc*' llaritt »7 15 .713 — Eskel Buckland Stan HlllnskI Popular raeord- eight two-hour lessons eonie twice to Anne (.'abot. The Manchester DISTINCTIVE JEWELRY with ■Tr.,1. Mark more runs scored. Mozzer then Hits off: Daigle 1 for 4 run.i in 0 LaBlanc, p . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 tng arttst reports: ding dav and the new status. At i Evening Herald. 1 l.oO Ave Anier- the clothes hung on it The Space louse came through with the only hit of don was a spectator at last night's and Manchester. Stafford hall for the second out and In­ Binghamton 29 23 .649 Ray Lamheck Phil Holway MATHERS AT THE CENTER a week to finish the course in four an ospectally cool look for sum­ innings; (None out in first I Mar­ Albany 37 34 .529 appredat* cig- I ie.as. New York 19. N. Y. Miser I'osts only $1.29 at the No­ the inning driving in Dana Austin Little League baseball game at Thompsonville may be the sixth gram gut McGuire on a ground Bundl Torca Tom Prior aietta mlldnets. I there are lovely rosaries of crystal weeks. Tlie special price to 'teen­ tion Department of the J, W mer are the enchanting pendant tin 4 for 2 runs in 5 innings; Hit T ota ls...... 32 8 7 24 10 m ica 27 24 .629 First mgkt Needlework H ans - Anne Cab­ SEE ALSO THE BIG 7-FOOT WESTINGHOUSE with the fourth tally. Martin then Memorial Field. Sam reported that team. ball to first. IlartforO 34 27 .471 12V4 ■meka Camels. beads with Sterling chain and agers is $8.00 for the series. HALE COMPANY. and earring sets at MATHER’S by pitcher, by: Lovejoy oy Mozzer; Walnut Tavern (8 ) Qustamachio, Malick ami Norm Resks Joe Won Tliay agies with ' A ot's Big New Album Is here. Doi- AT THE CENTF3R A central AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS — PLUS FEA­ came in and struck out the next Martin, ss ... 5 2 2 2 1 Wllllainaport 20 27 .429 14^ crucifix priced from $.1 10. Passed balls: Frelhelt 1, Austin I; Trlnks collected six of the eight Klmlra 20 2fl .417 \tt\ Joe Skinner Jim Prior m y t h r o a t — N■'•V j I en.s of fascinating new design.s, two men and got Falkowski to pop . 5 0 3 2 1 SUTTON STICK DEODORANT LINOLEUM. ASPHALT. TILE, pearl and a pearl drop on gold TURES — ALL FOR $219.9.1 — JUST REDUCED Losing pitcher: Daigle; Umpir(*a: Zanis, 2b ...... hits given up by McGuire. So ef­ Hcraiiton 17 .12 .374 Joe Cerlna Carl HuUInc tboy’n mild and ' g gifts, decorations, and si cial fen- are matched in chain-necklace up. Martin gave up one run in the . 5 2 3 0 0 tests grand I" C*anned pears filled with mint is a new product with super-effi- .and SANDRAM PLASTIC are the FROM $234.95. LET’S TRADE! Stevenson-Oowles; Time: 1:20 Shipman, If ... Sharp Shooting Jack Lacey fective was Ingram that no Dove Chet Braun Frank Olekook elciiey in preventing odors with a I tiircs Plus I gift patterns and and earrings at $15.75. Another Opalach, 3b . .. . 3 1 2 0 3 I>*-lrolt 37 1« .491 — I directions 25 r«;nt.s. full range of modern floor beauty halter was able to get two hits. Mike Karpuaka Jos Hsndlsy delightful fragrance. The con­ “summer romance" model is set Krebs. 1 b ...... 4 0 0 8 0 New York Doug Stetson avriilahle at the MANCHESTER Hunnysidea (8) C leveluid Dick DsMortln venient stick form will appeal to I I FLOOR COVERING COMPANY, with moonstones surrounded with Irish, c ...... 4 0 1 10 1 AB R H PO A E Del SL John Jim Tsys How nHd cu I dgarette b«7 1 0 0 1 To Appear Here Sunday IFistoii ladies and gentlemen who travel, j Wear ne\i' shne.s, saiidpa(ier the in the attractive new quarters at sparkling white sapphires. Sports Srhedule Jarvis, p ...... 3 Giilst'm'rhin, 3b 4 1 Woshlntton John McBrIds Stan Zavsrella . 4 2 1 1 0 to golfers, and to stay-at-homes ! soles light ly before the first wear- I 721 Main Street. Dual-toned BARSTOW'S Kozicki, cf .. . Madigan, lb . . .3 1 I'htraso Second Flight Rivers, rf . ... . 4 0 1 1 0 It's only S'lS at the WELDON ! iu g shade of one color, smartly con­ Whenever you buy beef bonee for JUST NORTH OF P. O. EST. 1922 Tonight Ff-aturrd in one of the leading . by this Inily great marksman Malick. as .... .2 1 Bt. L ouis George Smith Bob Davis DRUG COMPANY. trasting hues, or clever combina­ a meat soup have them c'racked MORE PEOPLE Silk (Jity vs. Rockville, 6 p. m. iliiring hl.s feature act on the Bezzini. If .... .3 0 Phllsdriphls Fran Springer Bjrs I Sometimes glue ran be removed Exclusively Westinghouse Since 1934 T ota ls...... 37 8 13 24 7 spots on the gala Outdoor Sports­ N tions of harmonizing colors may in several places so that the mar­ —Oval. Sportsmen's show Sunday, Final Glan.tantl, 2b .3 0 — Ray Owens Bill Haver Army * Navy 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 0—8 men's Show being .staged Sunday llruuklyli X i 2U .423 Tn prevent slipping when you i hy soaking the stain in warm be chosen in any of the coverings. row can help flavor the soup. Soups Red Men vs. Groves, 6:15— details and a complete ouUlne of R. Trlnks, c . . . .3 0 Ht. L iu la 32 31 .404 1 George Benton Charlie -Wlllet Walnuts .... 1 0 0 1 1 5 0 0—8 VVhh h type is used depends on of this sort should cook slowiy. Charter Oak. by the local Sportsmen’s club at the day long sehedule will (Tlpoll*. rf .... .2 0 I'lUlsdrlplils 31 31 .G9G m Runs batted In; Smith, Moore, one's use ot the room to be done, SMOKECAMELS Zions vs. Second Congos, 6:30 Center Springs will be that world found in a progra(n to be dlstrlb W. Trinks. cf . . .2 0 Boston 20 26 .646 4 Rivers, Zarvis 2, Shipman 2. Irish (.'hlrsco 3* 26 .510 4 the length of wear, anticipated, ■nny SADDLE SHOES AND Memorial. uted on the ground.-). Inj^ram. p ...... 2 0 2, Lynch 3; Two-base hits: Zarvis, renown sharp-.shooting expert Mn.ssnro, rf ... . 1 0 New York 26 26 .490 7 Poker Face Joe and one's budget. Frank and SANDALS are cunning but sturdy Thursday, June 2t rULsIiursli 2U 36 .:i67 14S friendly advice and pilcc.s will be in the Infants' and children's than any Shipman: Three-base hits: La­ from New Haven. Captain 'Jack Totals ...... 25 3 aSELF-CLEANlNG Dodgers vs. Cards, 6:15—Me­ Blanc, Henncquln; Home runs, Lacy of the Winchester Western Dovaletlra (2) Clncuinsli 16 39 .263 16 given without obligation If you shoes at MARLOW’S SHOE DE- I morial. iBll Wears Big Grin Shipman; Stolen bases: Smith 3. Repeating Arms Co, This sharp­ Cecere, If ...... 2 1 0 2 2 0 — bring your floor measurements to PARTMENT. Correctly fitted, as North Methodists vs. St. Bridg­ League Leaders R ochester 86 26 .618 th« store. are all shoes for children or adults, other cigarette! Sharpe, Moore, Hennequin, Koz- shooter has traveled all over the Kltngle, c ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 Hprlngfleld S3 28 .613 — et's, 6:30—Memorial. icki; Left on bases: Army and country making exhibitions of his McChirry, as ... 3 0 0 3 2 0 Baltimore 3S 26 .528 Cleveland, June 21—OF—Joe Dl< the brown and white saddles, the Friday, June tS National League Jersey City 39 24 .527 8V« h ' If you are looking for a new two-strap white sandals, and the Navy 9. Walnuts 9; Bases on balls: shooting skill and lecturing on Sleurpa. 3b ___3 1 0 4 2 0 Magglo's usual poker face crocked West Sides vs. BA’s, 6 p. m.— Bellucci 1, LaBlanc 1, Jarvis 7; the safety features connected Batting Musial. St I^ouia, .364; Jacobs. 2b ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 .Montresl ai 34 .536 «-ay to serve carrots, try mashing one-strap patent leather sandals msi among tie mittione mho do.. Hyrecuse 24 26 .510 4V» into a broad grin as^he favored Oval. Strike-outs; Jarvis 8 ; Hits off with handling of fire arms in Robinson. Brooklyn, .360. Zapatka, lb ____3 0 1 6 7 0 .400 them after they are cooked laea- are $2.99. NBs vs. Doves, 7:30—Robert­ Ostrout.cf ....3 0 1 1 0 1 i'oronto 22 XI lOVi photographers by kissing the base­ son well with salt and freshly- Bellucci for 3 runs in 6 1-3 Innings, general. He is a good will ambas­ Runs — Jethroe, Boston. 49: Uuftslo U 37 .427 14'» BILL STERN son. LaBlanc for 5 runs in 1 2-3 innings: sador for the sporting public and Torgeson. Boston, 43. Whalen, rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 1 Taday's Uaascs ball he beltsd over little Marino ground pepper, add a generous HOUSE PAINT Kaceys vs. lA ’s, 8:45—Robert­ McGuire, p ...... 8 0 0 0 1 0 Easts ra Hit by pitcher, by Jarvis 1: Wild has probably done more to popu­ The Inquirer Popular sports- Runs Batted In — Sauer, Chi­ Plcrcttl's head for his 2,000th son. Pitches: Jarvis 1; Umpire; Cowles larize small bore markmanshlp cago. 46; Ennis, Philadelphia, 45. Totals ...... 26 2 4 21 8 2 Scn-iiton at Hartford (8 p. m.) major league hit. caster says: "My Paris vs. Silk City, 6:15—Char­ Sunnyside ...... 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 Wilkes-Barre at Albany. voice gets a work­ Time 1:40. than any other single man living. Hits — Lockman. New York, KliuU's St Utica. ‘It's been a long time coming Specially Blended To Meet Climatic Conditions ter Oak. Captain Lacy has been a na­ 74; Robinson. Brooklyn, 72. Dovalctte.s ... .1 0 0 0 0 0 1- -2 out for hours at Runs batted In: Malick, Rltrinks Williamsport si Blnslisiiiton. this season, and It brought a feel­ Center Congos vs. North Meth­ tionally ranked sharp-shooter for Doubles — Robinson, Brooklyn, Aaierlesa a stretch. It's Zapatka: Two-base hits: Gulsta- ing of relief,” the Yankee Clipper Kent It'* Record Dept. Recommends In Connecticut mild Camels for odists, 6:30—Memorial. Rufini Features more than a score of years and 23: Musial, St. Ls>uls, 19. BusUdi (Liobson T h) at aucafo Id. machlo; Stolen bases: W. Trlnks, (I’Isrce 4-8). me! They a(?ree Sunday, June 25 has amassed a record ot cham­ ‘Triples — Musial, St. Louli, 6 ; Ostrout; Sacrifices: Malick, In­ Ths hits have been so fsw and Army * Na'vj' vs. Groves, 10:15 pionships and medals that would Slaughter, St. Louia, 5. Naw York (Raschl 1-8) at aereland - NEW RECORDINGS OF NEW with my throat 1" St. James Win gram: Double plays; Cecere to (Wynn t-4). far between this season that It —Charter Oak. take up this entire column if list­ Home Runs-- Campanella, .Sleurpa; l.,efl on bases: 8)inny- Washington iConsiiegra ,1-0) at De­ almost seemed I never was going AND OLD SONGS ed. Jack is one of the world's Brooklyn and Ktner, Pittsburgh, troit (Hutcliliiaon 7-3(. Steadings sides 4, Dovalettes 4; Bases on to get there. I feel groat about get­ most accurate marksman over 14. balls: Ingram 1: Strike-outs:■ In­ Philadelphia (Brlasle 2-t) at St ting Into such an exclusive club, “NO OTHER LOVE” Jo Stafford W L Pet short ranges and in the course of Strikeouts — Spahn, Boaton, 79; txiuia (WIdmar 2-4—nightj. St. Bridgets ...... 6 0 1.000 gram 6, McGuire 1; Hit by pitcher, MatlaaU though." \ “ HAPPY FEET” Dean Martin his exhibition performs some un­ Roberts. Philadtiphla. 68. by: McGuire. W. Trlfika; Pasaed The big bomber, who at 35 Is In North MethodlsU .5 0 1.000 believable feata of skill and dar­ Pitching — Miller, Philadelphia Cincinnati (Ramsdell J-T) at Brook- “ENTERTAINER’S RAG” Rav Turner Per Gallon Center Oongoa .... 4 2 .667 bails: R. Trinks 1; Umpires: Glea­ lyn (Newcombs 7-3). his 12th season with the New ing. At the Grand National 5-0 1.000; Roberta, Philadelphia son, Bralnard; Time: One hour. Ht. Louis (Lanier f-31 st Nsw York York Yankees, got his 1.999th hit \ “ A PERFECT DAY” Zion Lutheran .... 4 2 .667 matches conducted annually at 8-2 and Hiller, Chicago 4-1 .800. (Jones -4-6). SL James ...... 8 4 .429 in a four-run third inning lost ■ Jo Stafford and Gordon MacRae In 4-Gal. Lots Camp Perry he is a familiar fig­ American I,eague Chicago (Scbm ltx 8-.'ll st Boston South Methodist ..2 5 .286 ure and has held and aet many (Chipman S-U)— night. night against the CJlevsland In­ BatUng — Kell, Detroit, .381; Pittsburgh (B<,rowy 0-1) st Phils Second Congos . . . 0 5 .000 different records In the many Spurts iu Brief dians. The bit drove in Phil Rii- Temple Beth...... 0 6 .000 trips that he has made to this an­ Dropo, Bolton, .364. (ielphia (Roberts 8-3j—night. zuto and Gene Woodltng, who had Runa — Williams, Boston 69; iBtsraatlsBsl nual event. His marks have been Toronto st Bprlngfleld. singled. St. James scored a 16 to 11 'win set at one time or another in all Stephens, Boston, 65. Then in tha seventh. Joltin’ Joe Runa Batted In — Stephens, Madison, Wis.—The Pacific Upholstering over the Tempip Beth nine In a of the different positions, at all OrrardI Serious Threat sent a tooper over Pierettl’s head With Each Houfe Lot of Church Softball League game last ranges and In both slow and rap­ Boston 47; Williams, Boston. 45. Coast All-Star track team defeat­ to bring home WoOdllng, who had KEMP’S ® Its “P-F Time I night at Memorial Field. Stubby Hits—Kell, Detroit, 86; Stephens, ed the Big Ten's beat in a meet Incorporated doubled. That mad# it two grand. and id fire divisions. which saw Wisconsin's Don Oehr- Waterbury, June 21—(/F)—Ernie Hou.se Paint Purchased— ? Rufinl collected two home runs for Moat of his energies In past Boaton, 74. 763 Main Street Green Stamps Given Tel. 5680 rr»n i ' < > tha winnera. Joe Paluzzl alao ham­ Doubles — Kell, Detroit, 19; mann run the fastest half mile of Gerardl, the Putnam haberdasher Furniture and Music Home of Frl^daire years have been devoted to pro­ who holds the New England ama­ mered out a round tripper for the moting the use of Winchester Zarllla, Boston, 14. the year—1:60.7. Drapery Saint*. Triples—Dillinger, Philadelphia, New York—Ths International teur golf championship. Is oft to G O BY BUS TO r r s FUN TIME . - TIME FOR Arms and in the intereata of gen­ a good start In his quest of the Rufinl and pitcher Joa McCSua- eral safe conduct and handling of 9; Doerr, Boston and Henrich, New Boxing Club said It may move IH' O n e 't" Paint Brush key each collected three base hit*. York 4. to the wrestling field thia fall. state championship now belonging a t y » » « c a n v a s firearm*. At present he heads a to Holly Mandly, Jr, of Manches­ G A N serri (Joldmen and Dobkin each hit group of adult instructors who Home Runs—Williams, Boston, Tampa, FIs.—Sam Bailey was Fabrics safely three times for the Temple. 20; Rosen, Cleveland, 17. signed as head basketball coach at ter. One 1” Paint Brush hold weekly tnatniction -sessions In a qualifying round yosterdoy RACING IS.65 St. Janwa for more than 100 young boys of Strtkeouta — Reynolda, New University of Tampa. SHOES Baelag at the par 69 country club of Tasss las. Including: Happy-Time Togs For The Girls e AB R HPO A high school age and younger In York, 49; RaMihl, Nsw York, 44. Loavsa lt>46 A. M. Hatun, c ...... S 1 2 1 0 PItohIng — Byrne, New York New York—TIUen 2nd (88.9<}) Waterbury course, Gerardl and Ar­ Centor Travel Agey. Caaib. Baoag the New Haven area. He haa alao 4SS Msia street Trig * Adio. Made with Superior quality Chinese bri.stle. Gardner, aa . . . 8 1 1 8 0 4-1 .889; Trout, Detroit, McDer­ captured the 810,000 Added Ama- thur C. Williams of Brooklawn to Trstk Dama-sks, Get Into ”P-F" Canva« Shoe* performed hla act from time to the sx-Yale captain, tied for the Tel. SaSS jfek niRLS' Guatafson, ef .. 5 1' 2 4 0 time at the National sportamen’s mott, Boston and Sanford, New gansett Hurdle Handicap at Stripes, Satins, Frieze. and really enjoy outdoor fun. Paganl, Sb .... 2 8 1 2 0 York 4-1 .800. Aqueduct. lead with 71s. NiW INGIAND TBANSPORTAnON (0 SHORTS ...... $1.39-$1.98 Call McGill-Converse Paint Experts for Friendly Advice LIFE shows In Boston, New York and Matelasse and Brocatelles. / want the You'll stand better, walk better, Rufinl, If. lb .. 4 4 8 1 0 Philadelphia besides aiding many _L. Pleated, Ruffled, Plaid Trim, Ziboray, aa, 2b . 6 2 1 6 2 a to U. run better — feel bettor all over. fraternal and aarvlee organlza- 50” Wide. TRIPLE ’The X -^ y diagram show* why— Paluaai, rf, U .. 4 8 2 8 0 tiona by promoting 'Intereat In MeCluakay, p . 4 1 8 0 1 their affairs by staging hla spe­ 1 to 10-Yard I-^ngths (1) Rigid!igid W a d g e keeps foo4 Gau’no, If, 2b, if 4 0 8 8 0 924-828 Tel. 5161 PROTECTION -OU> SCHOOL bones in naturiiral, nonom post- cialty. GIRLS’ Some of the feata of marka- Main Street Manchester At SLACKS ...... $1.39-$L79 OOALlTr* tion — (2) Sponge Cushion pro­ Totals; ...... 38 1« 17 21 manahip that thia expert performe of your new * Posture Foundation tects sensitive area of the foot Temple Beth (11) 2 to S. , Handler, lb will teke your breath away and leave you marveling at hit aklll MEN! FUR STORAGE VAULT: COME IN TODAY - STYLES FOR ALL THE FAMILY «8b and accuracy. Lfirlng prone on a aoUd base, with hie trusty .22 cal­ Reduced PEDDLE mcGILL-COnUERSE IRC Goldroen, aa . SMART... FAST-DRYING MEN’S (High) iber rifle, equipped with telescopic PUSHERS ... .$l.39-$1.98 WOMEN’S ...... $2.89.. L„ Baum, If . HumidificaHon * Temperature $3.49 Dobkin, cf .. ■lies, this eharpehootar calmly Prices s to IS. MISSES’ ...... $2.79 Danbeck, if . snufft the flame from a lighted Morianoa, c . match, reduces an aspirin tablet MEN’S (Oxfords) to powder, dislntegratce minute * Fumigation CHILD’S ...... $2.69 $2.98 Moalar, p .. . HALTERS . .$.59 to $1.59 pearl buttons, snipe off small teg­ NYLON SWIM TRUNKS menta of chalk before your ayea Randean, Jersey Midriff. YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ ...... $2.98 Totals: ...... 88 11 IS 21 4 Fire-proof * Theft-proof SL James...... 8 1 4 0 0 4 4—16 and performa other ■eemi^ly Im- CHENEY Tample ...... 4 80020 0—11 poatlble feats. Some otheir breath­ AIR-CONDITIONED Runa batted in: HatUn, Gardnar, taking feats are cutting an ordi­ WITH NYLON SUPPOHnR Local Storage Means No Waiting in Putting REGULAR Rufinl 4, J. Palussi ^ Gaudiao, nary playing card in two places POIX) SHIRTS, I.79-I1.39 647 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6887 Goldman, Dobkin-8, Danbeck by shooting at tbs edge of it, blot­ UwMt priea we’ve'soen for Magic Nytan Oothes Away or Getting Them Out t o out the smell dots on a piece S to 14. Morianoa; Two baiM hlta: Oaudlno Tn»*»—fP8lo*l-*yln0rllfllM i ■"•I sfrong- Headquarters for Art Supplies, Wallpaper, 2 Danback 8, Morianoa; Three of polka dot material. A climax­ BROTHERS base hits: Rufinl; Home runa; ing feat of unbelievable skill Is •it tninict mods. Bosik woW bexor *yl«— Painters* Supplies Rufflnl 2, J. Palugiil, Dobkin: Stol the sho'-ting lengthwise Into sn comfortobla oN-ityloii aupportor. Ton, royal FUR STORAGE FOR EVERYTHING ordinary cigarette, removing the REMNANT SALESROOM Ask About Our FREE COLOR STYLING SERVICE! en baaea: HatUn, Pegejni, Rufinl, bkM, moroon. AH siios. Hurry for yours. Wo Zboray, McCluskey, Dobkin; Sac tobacco content without disturb­ HARTFORD ROAD. MANCHESTER tiflces: McCluskey: Double play* ing the paper wrapper In Uu- think you’H soy Hto/ro Hio bo**iooUBg DRY CLEANSERS FREE DELIVERY! FREE PARKING! n x iu least. Then hs will writs bis nsm* R. Baum- (unaaalatad), J. Paluaai trunks yeuNo ovor toon. HOURS: Daily 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. HSHER to Gardner; Left on baaaa: St In script for you. tracing out the Manchester’s Leading Paint Store! SaturtlayB— 9 A. M. to 4:4.5 p. M. BROAD STREET IMIONE a m Jamea 7, Temple Beth 7; Baaea on letters In a continuous pattern •SHOE DEPARTMENT* balls; McCluskey 2, -l^ le r with his bullet murks. Aloo Cotton and Rayon Swia* Trunks ...... ss.ssss.$l.ti CORRECTLY FI’TTED SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY Wild pitches: Moaler 2; Umpires: All of these unbelievable feats Skiba, Chappell. Iand many more will 8a performed


BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1950 yjkffl llU H lM f Dad’s Oarage Wife (aboard train vacation I A Quaker heard a strange nolee Master- Mary, has anybody tele­ 1'UONKKVILI.E MILKS RY PONTAINB PUX My dad's garage just busts w ith bound)—Horrors; I forgot to turn i in hie house at night. He found phoned while I've been out ? Sense And off the electric iron. I a burglar at work. The burglar Maid — Yse, sir, bjtt-I could not (------AatoiiobilM for Sato 4 H oaathoM Sa r f toaa thUjge— make out the nam e^To be on the '! Bdp Waatod—Mato 56 Artldaa far Sato 45 Bouaebeld GiMtda II Wantid—To Bay |8 H« Antiques and vases, old bed Husband — Don't worry. It's all departed hastily when the Quaker Orrarad lilA I to r Sato 75 Nonsense right. Nothing con bum very long, w^ked in with his gun and said, safe side, I said yo)i would let him SEE BALCH VETERANS Can study under 01 ONE 3 H. P. Electric motor, saw MOVING, Bargain 9-plec« modem BUYING UaBD furalture and springs; for 1 forgot to turn off the water ■'Friend, I would do thee no hsim have something on arcuunt to­ Qanified MANCHESTER Upholstering Co. BUI through International Oor- SIX ROOll single in good condi­ My bike and wagon’s parked In FOR BETTER BUYSl table with 12” saw, 100 roofing walnut finish dtning set, and houeehold goods, any quantity. tion with 3 year old oil burner and Auto Tourist—I clearly had the in the bathtub. for tile world and all that is in it, morrow. Re-upholsterlng. draperies, slip respondence schools. Cannot en­ brackets, several odd windows. white modem Gtenwood gas-oil The Woodehed. 11 Main etreet. rlgljt of way when this man ran there. but tliou standest where I niu nhiiut 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN covers. 48 Purnell Place. Call 3- roll after July 1961. 400 Courses automatic hot water heater, in And baby's cart, her broken chair. A drertiianentt 1947 BUICK SEDAN Tel. 4649. combination range. Ehccellent con­ Call 8-8164. full basement with hatchway. Lo­ Into me, and you asy I wot to Father—Why were you kept In to shoot.” Little Boy — Come quick. Mr. 9831. Open evenings. to select from. Write for catalog. dition. 210 Charter Oak street. blame. My mother's flower pots and palls 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ONE 14”, one 16” portable room cation fine for raising young Jamed tight in corners, hung on at school? Pollcoman! There's a man been H. F. Manlon, 607 Main street, Local Officer — You certainly The "Municipal Word” reprinted fighting my father for half an CLARSirUBD ADVT. 1946 PONTIC SEDAN COUPE CORNICES and valance boards. Hartford 8, Conn. cooler fans, two speed, any angle. GLENWOOD range, refrigerator. JKimma Without Board 59 children. Price only $9,880. Act nails. Son — I didn't know where the I 1941 BUICK SEDAN now. Douglks Blanchard, Real were. Azores were. this joke, which may explain the hour. DBPT. HOURS: Custom built, choice of designs. G. E. motors. May be used for Must be sold together. Work like Autolat Why? And so I think it's queer, don't 1941 PACKARD 6 CONV. COUPE Phone 2-3824, frem 9 a. m. to 9 MAN NEEDED to work in small exhaust or Intake. Adjustable ex­ new. Must sell immediately, $70. f u r n is h e d Room, suitable' for Estate Service 3-9849. you. Father — WelL in the future use of the editorial “we.” A little Pollcemnn Why didn't you tell t A . M. to 4:4S P. M. 1940 PON-nAC SEDAN COUPE Local Officer — Because hie Just j-emember where yoq put girl asks her father wliy editors me before ? p. m. manufacturing office. Must know panders. to fit any size window. Inquire Kinney's Shoe Store. one gentleman. Near Main street. father it mayor, his brother is Dad tries to squeeze his car in Many Others! Convenient Terms! elementary bookkeeping, be able Inquire 9 Hazel street. Telephone A BARGAIN ON NEW HOMES too? lUngs. always refer to Oisinselves as “we.” Boy - - 't'uuse father was gettln' Price $36 and $40, T. P. Aitkin. at prices you can afford. Also Chief of Police and I go with hie Her daddy says it is "so that the the best of it until a minute ago. Lwt.ood Po—4______Open Evenings Til 10 P. M. WEAVING of bums, moth holes to type. Attractive salary and Phone 6793. NEW FLORENCE 4-4 combina­ 2-2170. —Marjorie Allen Anderson and torn clothing, hosiery runs, tion oil-gas range, formerly alterations, garages, repairs of sister. Meg—They say an apple a day fellow who doesn't like what's Saturdaj’s 'Til 7:00 P. M. conditions. Write stating qualifi­ any kind. All work guaranteed. printed will think there are too XiOnr—OoIUa dof. vlcUilty Bolton handbags repaired, slpper re­ cations to Box X, Herald. THE ROSS Diamond Mart, 34 $289.98, one only st $229.95, in­ NEWLY Decorated room for busi­ Hal—Tell me about your new will keep tlie doctor away. Lady (at party)—Where Is that jr^tch. Btx mootha old. Call Man- placement, umbrellas repaired, State street, Hartford, Conn., of­ stalled. Watkin; Bros. ness couple. Full housekeeping Free estimates and suggestions She — The man I marry must Peg—Why stop there? An onion many for him to lick. ' pretty maid who was passing out BALCH PONTIAC, INC. gladly given. Call 2-4084 after be as brave ea a Hon, but not for­ girl. chaaUr 4348. 188 Center Street men's shirt collars revers^ and WANTED—Four painters. John fers wliolesaie prices to the re­ facilities attached. Frigidaire, 8 p. m. Joe—Why should I? a day will keep everybody away. cocktails a while ago'.’ ' replaced. Marlow's Little Mending M. McCann, Laurel street. Phone Ba RSTOW Says: "Buy Westing- continuous hot water. Nice porch ward; handsome as Apollo, but Wood for coffins is said lo pro­ Hostcs;i Oil, are you hx>king Tel. 2-4845 tail customer. If you need an en­ not conceited; wise as Solomon, but Hal—Cause I'm your buddy. LOOT—DA.V. hat Jt found raturn Shop. 7388. gagement ring, or want a dia­ house!” The only refrigerator in and yard. Phone 2-4442. CENTRALLY Located, six rooms Joe—My girl ain't no buddy's True is the obversation of T. D. vide one of the heaviest drams on for a drink? A OOOD DEAL depends on the the world that defrosts so fast meek os a lamb; a man who is Chinese forests. Lady - No. I'm looking for my to n B1«mU atreet Raward. mond for Investment. We gladly sun porch, bath and lavatory. Oil kind to every women, but loves business. A. in the Ottawa, Ont, Canada, dealer. If you need a good used CARPENTER AND helper want­ allow appraisals on our quality ice cream stays hard—you never AT THE CENTER — large cool steam heat. Suitable for doctor Citizen, "Destiny may shape our husband. car sea Sollmenc and Flagg. Inc., Boilding—Contracting 14 ed. Call Louis WhiU 2-4239 after diamonds and guarantee to save empty defrost tray—frost never room, in quiet home. 20 Wads­ only me. The hashing gal of today doesn't 7 p. m. worth street. or similar profession. Suburban He — How lucky we met ! Tons of dirt circulates in the ends, hut eating does things to our Dodge and Plymouth cars. Dodge ALTERA’nONS. additions and you 40% off the appraisal price. builds up—nothing else like it. Realty Co., Realtors, 49 Perkins ■ air of our big cities—but you middles. look anj'thing like she did 10 years Some mothers hire a baby sitter trucks. 634 Center street. Phone kitchen remodeling. Ail types of It certainly will pay you to see See it at Barstow’s. just north of street Phone 8218. don't have to listen to It if you ago—but that much time would when wbat they really need is a BAUARDS Driving School. Man- CONSTRUCTION HELP ONE OR TWO rooms furnished, Cynlcsl touch to this observa­ tell on anyone. Hon tamer. 8101. Open til 9. new construction. Burton A. Rice. us. Dealers Invited Vi carat dla- Post Office. Est. 1922. Terms, unfurnished. Private home. Gen­ tion by the Vancouver, B. C., Can­ don't want to. Some June brides won't be able eheatar’a oldeat A.AA. trained trades. d u p l e x 4-4. Central location, 2- to cook their cake—and eat it, too. and eertifled Inatructor. AAA. 1940 PLYMOUTH club coupe. New 2-2876. WANTED mondr as low as $100. Call me tleman, business couple preferred. ada I^ovlnce: "Some men leave ^ • -- - for WOODYCREST collect to verify. Hartford 6-1137. Phone 2-4S86. car garage. Excellent condition. footprints in the sands of time, Watch out for blowouts this About the only price »e A magician was divorced from typa dual controlled cara. Day or rebuilt motor. In exceptional con­ CEMENT, Stone and brick work. NINE PIECE Duncan Phyfe dining Shown by appointment. Elva summer! They make a lot of tour­ Those who live the fastest are haven't heard any kicks about is his wife. Incllcnting there is a limit avaolng appolntmenta. 3-3248. dition $498. Phone 6830. others just leave the Impression of Septic tanks and landscaping. Carpenters, Foundation Men BOLTON Building atone and flag­ room set in walnut, $28. Inquire COUPLE TO Share my home. In­ Tyler. Agent. Manchestei 3-4469. a heel.” ing plans fall flat. the first to reach the finish line. the one on government bonds. to what magic can do. LEARN TO DRIVE very first lea- Valentino Belluccl, 80 Birch Cement Finishers stone. A-1 loam, also rock drilling at New System Laundry on Har­ quire 20 Chestnut street. Phone streeL Experience Necessary and blasting. Bolton Notch Quar­ rison street. FOUR PLEASANT rooms with aon. 60 full minutes, no travel 1939 DODGE. 1946 motor good 8443. garage. Space for two future MICKEY FINN Not Quite! LANK LEONARD time c h a r ^ . Tou learn rapidly, condition. Call 8948 after 6 p. m. ALSO BY CONTRACT ry. Phone 2-0617. Stsmley Patnode we don’t try to prolong instruc­ CARPENTER Work. Jobbing of WESTINGHOUSE Washing ma- LARGE ROOM for rent, furnished rooms second floor. Large lot, ■^jjj^EjtTETKsrncr all kinds. New construction. Brick Layers, Roofers BLACK Baby carriage, Steeroma- chlne, in good working condition, good location. Many extras at no WHENI1MNK0F IT SUREIG.SER6EANT/ WELL.MAYBEHE tion. Long list of satisfied gradu- 1941 FORD tudor, super deluxe. Sidewall Applicators $18. Call 2-3214. or unfurnished. Close to bus step atM furnished on request. Man­ Radio, heater, W lte sidewalls. Workman's compensation carried. tic, In good condition, $12. Phone Call 2-1920 after 8. additional cost. Madeline Smith, THE DUDS THAT PHIL ITS A WONDER THERE REALIZES IT NOW chester Driving Academy. Tel. Many extras. Good condition. Call Call for an estimate on any in­ Apply In Person 4708. Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. rvnRNMUupTiwrT ik n o w 5 HASAPPOINTEPAS HASITTBEENALOT -AND WILL GET side or outside work. Fred A.B.C. WASHER. Good running LIGHT Housekeeping room for 4382.______3702. 8 H. P. GARDEN King tractor condition. 3 years old. $48. Phone HENRY STREET—An ottroctive IKRIPPLE WOULD P 0 7 UNCLE PHIL DEPUTIES ANP OPCOMPLAINTS-LONG RIP OF GOME OF Knofia. TeL 7704. • A. M., Daily On Job At rent, refined business woman pre­ C0HSTABLES-IT5 ;F0RE THI4/WE'VE THE DIMWITS/ a i j . m a k e s Sewing Machines with 21” lawn mower. 48” snow 2-4469. ferred. Tel. 6388. six-room home, located one block SOMETHING WRONG. < NEVER SHOULP 1938 PONTIAC sedan, motor in Florists—Narseries 15 FORBES ST., EAST H.VR’TFORD REALLV TRAGIC,* repaired or electrified. Reasonable good condition, $78. Call 2-2388. To Superintendent, Charles Woods plow. Other gardening tools can from new chool. Living room, MICKEyfMESONEOF ] HAVE MADE HM rates. Work guaranteed. Day be attached. Less than 3 years NEW COLEMAN 30-gallon auto- ROOM FOR one gentleman, near dining room, sen porch and large TME DUMBEST MEN J A CONSTABLE/ MICKEV/ Can be seen after 6. FLOWERING PlanU, 12 different matlc gas water heater with phone 8171. n l^ t phona 3-9419. kinds. Vegetable plants, 18 kinds. AOOOUNTI.4G Clerk. Man need­ old. See Mr. Johnson, Keith’s Fur­ bus. Five minutes to Depot kitchen on first floor. Three bed­ I'VE EVER MET/ ed to work in small manufactur­ niture, 1115 Main street. magnesulm rod. 8 year guaran­ Square. 116 North School street. rooms and bath on second. Fire­ Ready, all up to 18c dosen, $1 per tee, $89.98. Watkins Bros. MOTHS CAN'T Stand Berlou. You Trailers for Sato 6A hundred, 6,000 transplanted to­ ing office. Must know elementary Phone 6398. place, steam heat and many other can though. Odorless, stainless, bookkeeping, be able to type. At­ features. Property in. excellent guaranteed for five years. Wat­ mato plants, 8 kinds in boxes, Boats and Accesaories 46 YOU CAN buy a used washing seven kinds pepper plants. tractive salary and conditions. machine or refrigerator at Wat­ condition. Pri^e $18,000. Inspec­ kins Brothers, Inc., Manchester, RACK BODY 4’ x 8’ trailer, $60. Write stating qualifications to Apartments, Flats, tion by appointment. Robert J. Call 2-2676. Rich loam, and landscape work. JOHNSON Outboard motors and kins Bros. at a price to fit your Conn. All type nursery evergreens. Tel. Box X. Herald. Dolphin aluminum boats. Capitol pocketbook. Tenements 63 Smith, Inc. Phon 3480. STAMP Collactors. Quality sUmps 8-3091. 370 Burnside Ave., East EXPEPJENCED lubrication and Equipment Co., 38 Main. Tel. THREE ROOM apartment, com­ 8 ROOM Single. Approximately at low prices with discounts, on Garages—Services Hartford. Always open. 7988. USEID GLENWOOD coal or wood pletely furnished. Centrally lo­ car polish man. Apply in person. kitchen range. Good condition, 120 years old. Oil hot water h:at, approval. R. C. Hillman Stamp Storage 10 Balch Pontiac. Inc., 188 Center cated. Available now. Write Box coppe- plumbing, modern kitch­ I erasuMs. Ism SO GO., 399 Highland street. NEW AND used outboard motors $20. Watkins Bros. W, Herald. Roofing 16A street. ■md outboard boats. Marine glue, en. original floors and latches. GARAGE For rent. Spruce street NEW 1949 8!-j cu. ft. deluxe Kel- Price $13,200 includes several BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Eureka BY EINIAR MARTIN O. O. P. Means Grand Outdoor ROOFING — Specialising in re­ WANTED—Ebcperienced meat cut­ paints and hardware. Outboards FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER Party at West Side Oval next near Birch. Call 4724. repaired. McIntosh Boat Co., vlnator refrigerators, formerly Business Ixirations pieces of furniture and antiques. pairing roofs of all kinds, also ter. No others need apply. No $269.98, no\,’ $219.98. Watkins Business possibility. Large bam. TAKB A BOOP SANIPGR. OWCl’oS vatON* Saturday. Free ice cream, pop telephone. Apply in person. L. T. north end Purnell Parking Place. For Rent 64 AN' niMMB TH' ^ com, pony rides, games, contests 1940 CHEVROLET convertible. new roofa Gutter work. Chim­ Phone 2-3102. Bros. Approximately 1 acre. Elva nAi lAM / Q HOCM MWAKYM , 1940 Dodge coupe, 1939 Pontiac neys cleaned and repaired. 36 Wood Locker Plant, rear 81 BIssell Tyler, Agent, Manchester 2-4469. HRS AV8 and big prises for children and years’ experience. Free estimates. street. O FnC E SPACE rr'3 adults. tudor, 1939 Dodge sedan. W’rltten CHAMPION Outboard motor, 7.9 •eAUTIPUL/ \O tA * guarantees. Terms to suit. Cole Call Howley. Manchester 6361. H. P. Used five hours $180. Call FIVE USED gas ranges, $18 to '.VOODBRIDGF Street, near new WANTED—Riders to Pratt and Motors. 4164. 2-0282 after 3:30. $60. Watkins Bros. MODERN SUITE OF school, four-room Cape Cod ------^ FEATURING Guaranteed roofa Help Wanted—Mato home, with central stairway, r r Whitney Administration bldg., 8- CLEANING Out attic or cellarT 4:48, from Green vicinity or en- EXCELLEINT Garage for rent. and expert repairs as well as Or Female 57 OFFICES leading to expandable attic with Rear Johnaor. apartments, 879 gutter and conductor work. Try I'll buy your unwanted furniture, dormers. One-rai garage with route. Call 8063. STRAWBERRY Pickers. No ex- Diamonds— Watches— Center street. Manchester. Phone your ’’Local Roofer.” Call Cough­ Jew elry 48 china, glassware, etc. Trading lenter of Main Street. Has been ameslte drive, Rusco storm win­ ))> Hartford 33-1714. lin 7707. perience needed. Must be willing Post, 17 Maple street. Phone 2- a Doctor's office for 30 years, di­ dows and screens, fireplace, steam nil AotOBiobitaa FMr Sato 4 workers. Adults pieferred. Girls LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler 1089. rectly over Quinn’s Drug store. heat with oil burner. A bargain at io n must be 14 years of age, boye Repairs, adjusts watches expert­ Will rent in unit of 1—2—3 rooms $11,000. Robert J. Smith, Inc. 1941 CHEVROLET tudor, radio Motorcycle*—Bicyelea 11 Heating—Plumbing 17 must be 16 years of age. Anyone ly. Reasonable prices. Open dally. 9 X 12 BULLION looped cotton Jr 5-room unit. Phone 3450. and heater. Full price $498. 1941 16 years of age or under will be, Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce rug. non-skid (Laytex-backing), Plymouth sedan. 1940 Chevrolet 1948 HARLEY Davidson, like new. PLUMBING And Heating, special­ required to give written proof of" plain Spanish red color. Store izing in repairs, remodeling, cop­ street. Phone 2-4387. ARTHUR KNOFLA SIX ROOMS complete with large tudors, (3). 1941 Ford club coupe, Only 10,000 miles, with all chrome age. Toilet and drinking facilities used, regular $51, special $39.98. rear porch, garage, amesite drive, 1989 Chevrolet, 1946 Ford tudor. accessoriea Very reasonable. per water piping, new construc­ at the field. For further Informa­ Watkins Bros., Inc. 878~M8dfl St. Est. 1921 tion, estimates given, time pay­ Gsrden—l*arm—Dairy Venetian blinds, screens and storm Ssvsial others. Douglas Motor 4607. tion call 2-1406 after 8 p. m. Phone 5440 or 5938 windows and doors, hot water ments arranged. Edward Johnson. Producta 50 MOVING. Four rooms of furniture ALLEY OOP Nothing Doing BY V. T. HAMLm Bales, 888 Main street. Open eve- 1949 TRIUMPH — T:100 — 8200 Home Listings Wanted heat with oil burner, domestic vou eOT Ml VA SOT IT TAKU RBAL DOUGH ) Phone 6979 or 8044. SALESMEN And women for pro­ including practically new refri­ MONnV... KER MONiV'S r BUY that k i n d >\, II w B a.sP j alags until 9. miles. Good condition, fully equip­ TOMATO, Pepper, cauliflower, AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE. hot water, landscaped. Near new k^O'STBAK.' ' ■ 'it's VECY FC55IBLE V's'EU. 949 WILLYB SPORT JEEP- ing for light and power. 40 Foster packing, crating and storage. RELIABLE Young man desires $10. 81 Drive A. Phone 8021. rent. Please call 6114 or 8462. M E. J U N E ! Summer YOU Think Cm IN6 TO DO BUT TRIPS. Tcx/ae LuCkYIO aff SrnER — Immaculate. Heater, TRANSPLANTED Tomato plants, WELL BUILT home of 6 rooms SWIM.SAIL, FISH. STAYINO in SHAOYSlOa / street. Phone 3303. ^Service to all parts of the U. S. part-time manual labor, varied peppers celery, egg plant, cab­ breakfast nook, garage, recrea­ . whatS The It ACHING- MAPPy ABOUT ' Defroster, Overdrive, Whitewall : A. and Canada. Call 8187. Hart­ experience. Write Box Z Herald. THREE PIEQE oak bedroom suite, WANTED—Five room rent by ‘ BAD n e w s ? JOB AT IT? RIDE, PlAV te n n is - Ursa. Tel. 2-3778. bage, asters, zinnias, salvia, ager- tion room, storm windows, LAKEVIU-C ALL APPLIANCES serviced and ford 6-i423. atum, snap dragons, marigolds, dustproof and center guided draw- veteran, wife and two children screens, tile bath and fireplace. CotuEoe/ < >989 FORD 1-DOOR SEDAN— repaired, burners, refrigerators, petunias, calendulas, geraniums. era. Large 46” dresser base with being evicted. Phone 2-9789. Lot 110' frontage on quiet resi­ Rad. Heater, Defroeter. A ranges, washers, etc. All work LIGHT LOCAL trucking, ash re­ mirror and 8 drawer chest, reg. moval, woodland cleared and un­ Doga—Birds—Peta 41 Odermann'a Greenhouse. 504 WANTED— Preferably 4 or 5 dential street. Convenient to • / f Clean Uttle Car! guaranteed. Metro Service Co- Parker street. $199.95, reduced to $184.88. 3-pc. buses, schools, etc. Asking 913,- Tel. Manchester 2-0883. wanted trees removed with chain COLLIE With papers. Good watch red and blue t-iohair living room rooms unfurnished by mother and saw. W. B. Perrett, Jr. Phone son. Both working. Good refer­ 700. Phone 2-0006. NEW STOCK ON HAND FOR dog, good for stud service. $30. PICK YOUR own strawberries, suite, two cushion_sofa with chan­ FLOOR Problems solved with 7306. Phone 6146. 20c quart. Andreo, 629 Tolland nel back. Material guaranteed, ences. Phone 2-1668 anytime. IMMEDIA’TE DELIVERY! linoleum, asphalt tile counter. 75 ONE ONLY OP EACH . . . MANCHESTER ^-’ackaga Delivery. Turnpike. • reg. $339.00, now $309.88. 5-pc. Lots for Sale Ehipert workmanship, free esti­ COLLIES. Proper time to pick a chrome and plastic dinette. Four- ALL LANDLORDS mates. Open eveninga Jones’ Local light trucking and package LOT IbO X 122. High elevation, NEW 1980 WnXYS 6-CYL STA- companion between 3 and 6 leg chairs with dura plastic cover. FREE RENTAL SERVICE •nON WAGON—Beautiful Po­ Furniture, Oak street. Pl.one delivery. Refrigeratora washers months. Ready for training. Both NA’TIVE Strawberries for sale. 57 city water, near school, nice 2-1041. and stove moving a specialty. Florence street. These sets sell sis high os $89.95, tomac Grey. Overdrive, etc. male and female. E. F. Vonecker, our price is $69.88 for quick sale. Why do you need our services T neighborhood, $600. Phone 2-0649, Phone 2-0782. 809 Keeney street. Because we can give you the right NEW 1950 WILLYS JEEPS'TER SEWING MACHINE repairing, STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own, Montgomery Ward, 824-828 Main ASHES AND Rubbish removed. 20c quart. Bring owtj containers. street. Phone 5161. tenant without any trouble or ex­ U\ AL VEKMBBB • —Hurricane 4-Cyl. Engine. electrification, conversion to mod­ PUPPIES A.K.C. Boxers, red pense. List.all voconctea with us. TWO 'X>TS at Coventry Lake, PRISCILLA’S POP Time To Repent Overdrive, etc. em cabinets, expert workman­ General trucking, sand and Cockers, small cross breeds. Bos­ Spring street, east of Gardner. $200. Call 2-9068 after 5. gravel, fill, loam for sale. Reason­ 6 CU FT. Gibson refrigerator, Manchester and nearby areas. f \ HAD AN ACOOENT... POOR PRISOULAl, ship. ABC Appliance, 21 Mapla ton Terrier pups. 21immerman's Schendel Farm. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. NEW 1950 WILLYS JEEPSTER 2-1878. able ratea Prompt Service. Call Florence gas range. Phone 2-3637 TWO ADJOINING building loU at 1 BROKE MV MOM'S 'kOU ^ R E —Lightning 6-Cyl. Engine. Kennels, Lake streeL Phone 6287. STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own, after 4. FAVORITE VAfSE! FEEL &AO James Msert 4823. BUHD—BUY—RENT Lake Hayward. Inquire 29 Cot­ ABOUT IX Whitewall ’Tires, Overdrive. DB LONGS Refrigerator servlca SPECIAL, Goldfish 5c. Tropical 25c quart. Bring containers. tage street. DON’T Repairs on all makes, commer­ FYank Plano, 11 Plano Place. MAPLE 3-piece living room set, Contact The fish, plants and supplies. Kelly's matching tables and lamps, two VOU?. cial and domestic. Emergency 24- Painting—Paperiag 21 Aquarium, 29 Sunset streeL Open TWO LOTS, Bouthwest corner of HURRY TO DE CORMIER hour service Phone 2-1797. STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own. fibre rugs 8x10. Four pairs REAL ESTATE BUREAU Irving and Wtndemere etreete. INTERIOR AND Slxtsrior pslnt- until 9. 2Sc a quart, Walter Zutter. Tel. drapes, baby carriage, bathinette. Hartford—6-7391 Inquire 270 Oak street. MOTOR SALES, INC. Ing. Averagt room papered, 912, ANTIQUES Reflnlsbed. Repairing BOSTON ’TERRIER puppies, A. 8162. bassinette and lawn mower. Coll 42 Asylum St.—Room 37 FOR THE BEST done on any furniture. Tlemann, including paper. OelUn^ reflnlab- 2-1403. LOT OXFORD street. All utUltlee. ed. Excellent workmanship. Ray­ K. C. registered, mole and female. 4, 6, 6 UNFUUNISHTO rooms $1,000. "Better Buy Realty.” 2- FOR THE LEAST! ISO South Main street Phone Price reasonable. Inquire 19 8643. mond Flake. 3-9237. FRESHLY Picked strawberries. DUE TO OUR low overhead you Veteran, Insurance clerk, wife, 3434, 6858. We Buy—We Sell and We Service Academy street Phone 4387. 48 Village street. Tel. 4961. save on all new furniture, m g es, two sons. Wm. Bnlgg, Box 76, ) All Makes. DON'T GET caught in ths ruah INTERIOR XND Elxtsrlor paint­ refrigerators and televialdn> at Andover. Phone collect 3S87W4. \ ing, paperhanging, ceilings re- GREAT DANE pups, time pay­ Resort Property for Sale 74 Get your hand and powei mow­ ments, $20 down, balance weekly. Chambers’ Furniture at the New London 2-7128. ers sharpeneo an.1 repaired now. flnished. Fully insured. Expert BouselioM Goods 51 Green, 601 Middle Turnpike Boat. 84 MAPLE ST. TEL. 8854 work. New 1980 wallpapsr books. Great Dane and Boxer Farm, DESIRE 8-4-6 room unfurnished DON'T MISS this attractive lit­ ______MANCHESTER Pick up and delivery service. Vernon. Tel. RockvUle 1992-J3. Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., 7:80 p. m. tle cottage, opposite "Brook- 4-2I Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Main Edward R. Price. Phone 3-1003. to 8:30 p. m. apartm ent Working in East / HIGHEST CASH prices paid for THREE ROOMS SLIGHTLY Hartford, young couple with no haven” at LMce Pocotopaug. 4-2/ J street. Phone 7988. THERE IS no time like the pres­ Price $380. Lots, cottage sites . T. a. SM. u a I HY MICHAEL O'MALLEY a n d RALPH LANS 1987 to 1980 used cars. In good PART PERSIAN kittens, to be USED f u r n it u r e Machinery and Tooto 52 children. Write Box HJ, Herald. VIC FLINT Lota Of Activity clean condition. Douglas Motor CARS W’ASHED, polished and ent for your outside painting. For available. Call 62-467, Hartford, L w»ev—i prompt and courteous service call given away. Coll 8936. ONLY URGENTLY Needed, 4-6 room un­ (eviningi 2-7704.) 1/ HMM.HEBETMRS. "VDUSEEM'OeEUXNaNG"^ (Meanwhile, at Bobby Sales. 833 Main sueet. simonized. Reasonable. Phone 2- POWER Lawn mowon, forden •Thit old fiahin' holt haan’t changwl a brt tine# wa war* : KYLE'S NEW BLUE DENIM fOR >0MFrHMG,MR. FUNT-- 2196. 3888, Eddie ’HieriaulL 9175 trsetoro, Johnoon’i outboozdo, furnished rent. Francis Gee. *X}iM*a what happnnad today, WaMol Junior Ml out the COCKER Spaniel pup, mole, red, Phone 6474. FIVE ROOM single, beautiful Uv- ^ ya, but I’m afraid we have! lCIRESS.eUT THE 010106N M MY ROOM.CAN 1 HELP VOU ? two nfonths’ 'old. Houle, Bunker Only 6 months old—good ■■ new. Dtsstoa chain sawo, sir coolod on- window and landod on hla foot!" ONE ISNT HEBE. WONDER 1M9 CHRYSLER 6, four door, DAN'S PHOTO Servlc., oommer- OUTSIDE, Inside painting and Phone 6-0358, after P. M. 6-6239. Ing room with fireplace, all on paperhanging. Free sstimatsa. Hill Road, Andover, Wllllmontic 6 glnes, etc. Don't moks ■ inlataka, one floor, two-cer garage. Lxtra radio, heater, $380. Call 2-3747. clal and candid, weddings. Sam­ 2-04W5. Mr. Albert for spointmehL buy your equipnrent w hen the Parna and Land for Sale 71 OU'I OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOPPLE ples shown by requesrt. Tel. 8337. Prompt servlet. Ressonabla Eazy Terms Arranged guarantee le backed hy authoris­ large, well landscaped lot over­ >948 Chevrolet Sedan (2) prices. Phone 7630. D. Frechetta. WOULD Some Uttls boy or girl looking Bolton Lake. Bus service VtMAT G WRON<3 WTIM TH' 3 a a » t& NO SILENT ' WHB4 1WlG CARNIVAL SUV ^ 6 6 A0 ,6 URKE/ REST ASSURED >948 Chevrolet Aero Coupe (2) ed eervice onu 25 years of know SIX ACRE form, reduced price for e u y r i .j u s t b o u o h t ouy, BLIT 7MATS GUTTERS and down spouts re­ like a kitten of thetr ownT Coll bow. Come In and look around. quick sole. 4 room house, furnace at door. Price 99,000. E. F. Von­ COMEG ID 60V MyCONTftACT, X WONT 5 EU.VDU FOR A >948 Pontiac 6 Sedan paired or replaced—copper gal­ 43 Allyh 8L, H o r t f ^ ecker, 809 Keeney street. S TH E B E S T BUtsICH OF TH' SWAVA & L E W T MA30R, HE’LL TRV TO SET Mere MESS0FRnrAGE/-«<- >967 Chevrolet Sedan (2) R epairing 55 8836. Opel ______We would Uka to oerve you. Open heat, artesian well, b a ^ garage, I HORSES IN TH 'STATE Ctr/WOULD EXPRESS vanized, aluminum or stainless sn Thura. Eves. TU 9 P. M. Sat oftemoono, and Thursday hen house, brooder coop. Must be ANP NOW HE HtSOPiNIONOF IT FDR A MATCHED €ET OP Vou ARB THE tlMBER FROM 1947 Pontiac Tudor steel. T. P. Aitkin. Phone 6793. Waterbuty, New Haven, hid d en BEER eOTTLE CARS/ VJHICH CHAMPIONS A R E 1947 Nazh 600 Sedan MATTRESS. Your old mattress as evenings until July l e t Oapltol cash, can Winimantic 76J3. Suburban for Sato 75 GCESTORiPIKr Heating and Sheet Metal work of steriUssd and reinada Ilka naw. BOXER, Spayed flsmole, fawn, 7 Ekjulpment, 88 Main street TeL AW OU7 FACK OlCHER VllTH HIM,ONLY HBiNNf •a-l'LL HANDLE THE 1946 Pontiac 6 Sedanette all kinds. MULE/ 1942 Buick Super Sedanette Call Jones Furniture and Floor months, with papers. Phone 5733. 7958. IN BOLTON, 6 rooms, garage and x x m dCAREHlSCAP FdlXOVi) — rtAg^M PH / • Oovering, 88 Oak. TeL 3-1061. WE BUY and sell good used luml- H i for Sato 72 other buildinga, artesian well, OFF VOTTHHO >941 Plymouth Club Coupe ture, combination rongoa, gas >940 Buick Sedan CLETRAC HO. EN, CaterptUor electric pump. 1 acre lot, beauti­ Boascbold SerrfeM Wsntcd—PeU—Poultry- ranges and heatera. Jones Furni­ 22, Cletroc with tnilldoser. E lec­ DUPLEX 4-4, 2-car garage, ex- ful Shade trees, 96,000. Also 4 Nice Selection 1934 to 1943. Offered 15A Help Wantad—Paauto 55 Stock 44 ture Storo, 36 Oak. Phono 2-1041. ceUent condition, central location, 0 0 .1 3 Terma To Suit You! tion of used plows, harrows, spe­ rooms end bath. large glossed in cial on new mounted mowers for July let occupancy, one apart­ porch, hot water best, orteeioa FLAT FINISH. Holland window RECEPTIONIST Wanted, part- WANTED—Cows, colvss and beet O. E. REFRIGKRATOR 1948, 10 ment other apartment available BY LB8UB TOSmS t)pen Evenings shades made to measure. All time, must haVe plsaring parson- :attls, oloo horses. Ws pay ths cu. ft. Excellent condition. Osll Fords, and Ferguson. Dublin well. Many more low coot places. WASH TUBBS One Too Many Tractor Co., North Windham early fall. Price 912,600. Elva Call R O. Denton, 0724. BY DOS«n.OMOFTII8« COLE MOTORS metal Venetian blinds at a new silty and be able to type. Write top dollar. Plsls Bros., 864 Bid 2-0479. T^yler, Agent, Manchester. 2-4469. fooa icK..Ma won ainwyn s o P»*T!Y HMM. ICOUlMSKOat TNAT low price. Keys made while you Box B, Herald. wall StreeL Phone 7406. Road, Wtllimantl& I. NEU'MEAUIN’! IPHGWnPARaD sDu *KUuic,.\ wan zck’s voce cowHirmoM amsTaeicK...... ____■ Tzlsphone 4166 ELECTRO Master electric range nuPFosEO TO Hawn I wait. Marlow's. FOUR-ROOM single. In very good Wonted—Real Kama 77 THIS TUUBi XU srOKIM TfRKitlK' 4(T ME MV / THar PENi 8UT-- leTn aCE» EXPERIENCED Oorastlsra want­ for sole. In excellent condition. Mulcal instniBieBto SS condlUon. Fun basement, auto­ 0N8> TWO. TMaat. Km . nje, FIDS no n ed for established department in Artldco tor Soto 45 OoU 4746. matic hot water, set tube, storm OONUnjKfUNU BEU JNO SIX'. specialty store. Reply to Box Q, windows, screens, Venetian blinds. TUUB PBOPERTYT Herald. ROYAL CORONA portable. Smith GLENWOOD Oil range. Ivory, 930; ONE CONN Alto eoxophone, 966. Oorons Standard typewriter and Simmons metal bed, complete, IQzoellent CoU 2-9888 before 8:00. Fairly priced at 97,660. Douglas Without oMIgsUon to you. ws 1948 Morcury Conv. Coupe REOIS’nUtBD Nurse for camp la adding mochlnea. Ussc machines 916. 329^ Center, upstairs. Blsnehsrd, Real Estate Service. will appraise « make vou a cash Hebron, June 27 to August 18. ■old or ranted. Repairs on oU SLIGHTLY used ^iinete, in good 2-994% offer tor property. Bse us before OA8 s t o v e ; kidney shaped deek, mokes such as Baldwin Acroemiic, sou esll ItoMtlfal Pheuaot Red. A-1 Throughout. A Jewel call MltchsU House, Hartford. 2- mskss. Marlow's. 6-ROdM house. Nlee location In 3139. mahogany, mocbinlate tool box Coblo, Eatey, Winter, McPhoil— Phone 7728 Or 1278 Priced Right for High Value. partly furnished, miscellaneous ■e low os W5.00. World-fon)ous Vernon. On bus line. Priced for BRAE-BURN RICAi.TT quick sale. CaU RockvUle 1691 Jt. SALESWOMAN Wanted for part HEDSTROM Baby carriage. Good Items. Phone 2-3166. baby grands, now and ueod. Just THINKING OF aelltiwT We area tlma work, at Burton’s. Expert- conauon, 918. Phone 6024. write or can for full Information. ONE YEAR OLD Montgomery 6-ROOM Colonial srith enclooed 4 to 8 room houeaa Buyve wen snoe prafsrrsd. Goes Plano Oo., 87 Align stirot, •unporeh. Fireplabe, oU burner, lag. Quick reoulte. Call Suburban SET OF Four golf woods, sUgi>Uy Ward vacuum cleaner. Very good Hartford, 6-68M. j:DWlU.UMeg: used. For further details coll 3 condition. Phone 2-1722. Venetian blindit storm windows Realty Oo^ KeoUora. Phone 8216. 4-21 Help Waatad—Mato 56 0020'ofter 6. - Waated—To B«y M and screens, garage. House needs ON THE OUIET V « Mt H. 9 M? aff- TWO FLOOR lompe, Thor woMt- paiht and paper. Owners arc mov­ fAPMOWt Siqg BFnCUCNT Oirl for toundry LOAM FOR SALE. 82.60 per yard ing machine, living room choir, ing and are offering this at a CltMiflcd Starts on Pafc 7 work. Apply in parson. 72 Mi^ls truck load lots. Nussdort Con' and china closet. Phone 2-4462 WANTED-Good, used gH raagt. greatly reduced price. - T. J. strsst. , ■tructton 00.. Phone 8408. ,ofter 6 p. aou Write Boa ^ Qrselw% Brakar. PksM 841% ■■ •I'l ■■

lStanrl;«at?r lEn^ning Ifpralii WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, I960 Liberty Bell Program in Center Park at 7 0*Clock Tonight

Louia F. Schadllch, aon of Mr. Sunset Council, No. 45, Degree rseemmended for the office of and Mra. Louts Schadlich of Cen­ of Pocahontas, will hold a special Engaged, to Wed Legion Post’s commander is a well known local * About Town ter atreet, was among the gradu- meeting Tu4sday evening, June 27 policeman. He has been active In Avmrsfc Daily Net Press Run The W m t k « atea of Teachera College of Con­ at 8:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Legion affairs, and Is at pressht IIIII-AAA.A ^ M ^ ^ ^ m. m m MMWftBl Lodg*. No. St. KnifhU necticut at New Britain. He ma­ Gladys Syphers of 68 Durant Annual Meet chairman o f ths Homs committee, For the Meath of (day, 1880 Foreeaat of 0. 9. Weather Betea* ot PythlM. win iBMt thia oveninc jored in induatiial arts and re­ street, called for the purpose of end cbaMRM of the Safety com­ at oight o’e lo ^ In Liberty hall, ceived his B.S. degree at the com­ paying Great Council taxes. The mittee, for which the local poet Tonight, fain lowest aear $2, auditing committee will meet af­ 9 , 9 2 4 Gotway atroet mencement exercises Sunday aft­ To Be Next Monday may get an award at the next k U P U l U U Tomorrow, fair, sonny, somewhat ernoon on the csrnpus. A graduate ter the special meeting. Department convention. Neoiber of the Audit warmers high Bear 84. Ityatic Rariew at Ita meeting of Manchester High school, he al­ When Officers Will Be Berea* of Chenlotfoae laat a lfh t oompleted plana for rep- so studied at the New London Rogcf Schubert was the winner Manchestmrr^A City of Village Charm laaaatatloa at the national con­ branch of the University of Con­ of the Rice prize in mathematics Elected; The Slate vention of the Woinan'a Benefit necticut. Recently he has been at Wesleyan University and not Alice Adamson Designed for hard wear AaaociaUon at AOanOc a t y next substituting at the Hollister street Richard. The latter will return for Dilworth - Cornell - Quey p o s t, (ClaaaUfod AdvertWag oa Pago 14) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1950 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS hla seninr year at Trinity In Sep­ VOL. LXIX, NO. 228 month, and for a picnic at the school. American Legion will hold its sn- Guest at Shower home of Mra. Grace Howland. tember. They are the sons of Mr. and repeated scrul^ibings Tueaday evening. July 18. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trdford and Mrs. Max Schubert of 59 nual meeting for the election of Miss Alice Adamaon of 47 Drive of 16 Litchfield street will sail Cooper street. new officers at the home on Leon­ Mother Pleads to Keep Child Tl*a Coventry Fragment Society Tuesday, June 27. on the luxury ard atreet next Monday evening. B, Silver Lana Homes, was honor­ win hold Ita annual atrawberry liner. S.R. America, for Kngland. James Herbert Walker of 503 The nominating committee, headed ed with a bridal ahower Saturday aupper from 5:45 to 7:00 o'clock They will al.so visit plsccs In East Center street received the evening by Miaa Janet Gilbert, sis­ British Labor Regime by Edward Quish, and consisting Top Officials Agree Northern Ireland thla evening at the Community congratulations of his friends on ter of her fiance. Charlea Gilbert. FLORHlDb Houae In North Coventry. The reaching'his ninety-second mile­ of Charles WIgren, Milton Hansen, An important meeting of the Thomas Sweeney, and Wilfred The party was held at the Gil­ menu will include hot baked ham. stone today. He Is in fairly good "S' FOR WOOD acaltoped potatoea. freah atring Fourth District Democratic com­ health for a man of his years, but Clarke, has proposed the following bert borne in Rocky HUl and at­ mittee will be held this evening at not as ambitious ns he was on his slate for the consideration of the tended by thirty-five guests - from baana. cabbage aalad, bread and _ a n d coMoiffii n o d tf butter, old faahloned atrawberry eight o'clock sharp in the Whiton birthday last year when he did a members: that place, Bristol, Middletown and With ‘Mac’ on Treaty Stakes Life On Its ahortcake vrtth whipped cream auditorium All members are re- little mowing with his scythe. Commander, Theodore F a 1 r- Mancheater. The hoateaa used a Specially dealgoed, qnick-dtyiiig alastk and coffee. que.sted to attend. banks; senior vice commander, white wishing well to deposit the ' finish for w o ^ cement or worn l i a » Wendell Hayden; junior vice Com­ choice collection of gifts for the Commander Richard Galinat ^ ceswss essT leum floors.^ It driee hard enongli to mander, Vincent MePadden; adju­ bride-elect, and presented each and 15 delegates from Anderson- Mias Louise Dawnorowta tant, Thomas Sweeney; assistant guest present with a nosegay of .wichitaod heavy foot traffic, Cao be Shea Post, No. 2046, will leave Schuman Plan Policy adjutant, Harry Jenkins; finance white marguerites. Friday morning to attend the Mr. and Mra. Peter Dawnorowtz, ia And Aid to Formosa officer, Fred Woodhouse; aervlce The white motif wag carried out :inth V.F.W. state encampment In of 182 Irving street, announce the officer, Richard Mooney; chaplain, In the appointments of the buffet Bridgeport, June 23-25. engagement and coming marriage $5.20 ^CecM h (sr f H i kisMsI Tshe '' cool comfort... refreshing style Robert Weitzel; and sergeant at table, which was centered with a Attlee Calls on Parlia­ of their daughter. Louise, to Ken­ Gallon ~~ B y Swiss far year HaweT GeneraPs Talk with neth J. Skinner, son of Albert armr, Arthur O'Neil. Recommend­ wedding cake. Iced In white and Chapter No. 1094, W.O.T.M., Refuses to Say What ment for a Vote of You'll like the cool comfort of this Skinner of Bolton. ed for positions on the Executive surmounted by a miniature bridal Dulles, Johnson, Brad*' Nations Study Design will .seat Its officers Sunday after­ The ceremony will take place committee are Victor Bronke and party. noon, June 25, at 2:30, in White CAinliiienee in Stand; Panalite and you’re sure to like Saturday. July 8. at St. Bridget's Cheater Hogan for three year MTss Adamson and Mr. Gilbert BLISH HARDWARE CO. ley Reveal Accord on Eagle hall. North street. All terms, and Herbert McKinney for xvill be married Saturday after­ church. 793 MAIN STREET He’ll Do About Taxes Defeat Would Meana the way the clean, crisp lines are set members are urged to attend, and a one year term. noon at four o'clock In St. Mary’s Vital Points of His Far For New Parliament an invitation Is extended to their Mr. Fairbanks, who has been Episcopal church. Parliament Dissolu­ families and friends. A social A son, their 5rat child, was Eastern Policy; GOP off with a bright tropical puggree band. lime with refreshments will fol­ born this morning In the Memori­ Adviser Says Red 'Proposal Keystone for Prefiiflrnt Muni tion and New Gen­ low the ceremony. al hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Denies Her eral Elections; Labor Michael Plerro of 126 Maple W orld Too Weak to Schumann Scheme to Aaked If He 'll ^sign 1 Solons Speed Temple Chapter, No. 58, O. E. S., street. Mrs. Plerro prior to her Fight Free Nations Merge Coal and Steel Or Vein Hill W hit’ll Has House Majojdty THE will hold a rehearsal tomorrow at marriage was Miss Jeanette St. Son Beat Rent Control 8:45 p. m. at Masonic Temple. Onge of Hartford. Of Western Europe Cutfi ExeUe lA ’ v i e s l/>ndon, June 22.—4JP)— Tokyo. June 22.—(/P)— Britain’s Labor government John Foster Dulles said to­ Pixley Boy Paris, June 12—(P)—Delegates Washington, June 22 (/Pl—Pres- To President decided today to stake its life day the “captive world” of . from six European nations studied ident Truman declined to say STETSON f * r on a vote of confidence in its Communism is too weak to French proposals today for whether he would sign or veto the Triinian to Si^n (.Quick­ Schuman Plan policy os S/^?/y seek war now with the free Defense Attorneys Asks European parliament to control tax bill now pending in Congress. I Prime Minister Clement Att­ world. The Republican advis­ State's Witness of their coal and ateel production. He noted that it may be changed j ly; Bell Falls Short lee called on Parliament for er to the State Department The parliament was the key a lot before it ever reachea him. Stories About Son’s Asked at a news conference O f Desired Results vote of confidence in his i told th* American Chamber stone of a French plan for the West European coal-steel merger .Mrs. Margaret Payne pleads with Police Sergeant Ray Racine, In a what he thinks about the bill, Mr. But Extension Gained stand. STRAWBERRY of Commerce the immediate Fights With Victim French Foreign Minister Robert Truman aaid he never expresses Norfolk, Va., police station, not to take away Judy ,\nn, S, who had Attire and five of his mintstsra danger to free countries Is that Schuman haa recommended as a his attitude on such measures un­ laid before the House of Commons they may be taken over from been found earlier after a two-day searrh. The rhild, tiM>, pleads WaHhlngton, Juno 22. UP) — Hartford. June 22—<45 — Mrs. means of preventing future wars til congressional action haa been motion asking unqualified sup­ within by small, disciplined Com­ with the policeman to let her stay with "Monuny” . She and "Mom­ Kathryn M. Smith denied in Su­ The six nations — France, Bel­ my” lost, as Judy Ann is In rustody of the welfare authorities pend­ completed. bill rxteniiing fodoral rent co port of tho government's dacisioa munist minorities. gium, the Netherlands, Luxem­ perior court today that her son, ing an Investigation. (A P wirephoto). Then, he added the tax bill Is trnia until December 81 ap«4 to remain out of the alx-natloa Dulles' address came amid bourg, West Germany and Italy— subject to a lot of changes. Richard, had inflicted brulaes on through C%ngreaa late yeaterday. talks in Paris on pooling Western theoa other rapid-fire develop­ all have agreed to put their coal 'Hie bill has just been completed Herbert Pixley, 3, the foster child Proaldent Truman waa expected Europe’s coal and ateel Induatrieo. ments involving the United and ateel production under the by the House Ways and Means yj of Mrs. Evelyn L. Colson. The child The motion was signed by A tt­ States’ position In troubled Asia: control of an over-all authority Committee. The House will vote to aign It promptly. lee, Deputy Prime Minister Her­ FESTIVAL Agree on Fomnosa died Nov. 1 at Hartford hospital. with powers to make its dictates Three Workers Shot on it next week. Once passed by Acting with rare apeod, the bert Morrison, Foreign Betnetary \ ■, Mra. Colson is on trial before (1) General Mac Arthur and stick. the House, the measure would go Houae arnt the bill to the Senate Ernest Bevln, Sir Stafford CMpps^ Judge James E. Murphy on charges DuUea conferred for 90 minutes. Britain Balka at Plan to the Senate which could rewrite on a 176 to 145 vote, and the Sen­ chancellor of the exchequer, of mistreating Herbert and an­ Britain, Europe’s largest pro­ ST. MARY'S CHURCH It waa learned they were In vir­ it entirely. ate five houra later oompleted Philip Noel Baker, minister at V ^ / ducer of coal, has balked at giving In Tennessee Strike; tually complete agreement on other child, David Tiede. a former The bill cuts excise taxes—the congreaalonal action by approv­ fuel and power, and George * >4V li fi 'X. ■ V an international body so much necessity for prompt American foster child In her home. ing. it, 40 to 24, Btre’uss, minister of supply. aid for Red-threatened Formosa Mrs. Smith was under cross ex­ power over her major industries Tho moaaure, workod out In a and is staying out of the talks. (Oontlnued on Page Four) Vote Next Tuesday and the need for a peace treaty amination by defense counsel Rob­ Rail Walkout Looms Senato-Houae conference. fell The motion by Attlee and MB Thursday, 5:00 to 7:30 for Japan. ert L. Halloran. She was among In what appeared to be a move to meet the British objection, the well abort of Prealdent Truman'a ministers Is in the form at aa (S) MaeArthur, it also was apeciflcatlona for a one-year ex- amendment to a motion submit­ Isarnad, was pleased with the out­ (Oontlaaed oa Pago Four) French yesterday suggested that By The Associated Press ■♦ with 60 to 75 pickets patrolling the coal-ateel authority be re­ Senate Tries tenalon without any reatricUona. ted two days ago by Cbnservativa come at his conference Monday Threats of a general railroad Lbe plant, However, lawmakera had no Leader Winston Churchill and sponsible to the proposed federal About 700 CIO textile workers . with Defense Secretary Johnson tleup and renewed violence at the Liberal Party Chief Clement Da­ POTATO SALAD FRANKFURTERS parliament. The authority's decis­ have been on strike at Enka since and General Omar N. Bradley, atrike-bound American Enka cor­ (Contlnned on Page Three) vies. Debate opens Monday and Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs ions would be reviewed in a public March 2K in a dispute over wages. To Hurry Up High Expense debate each year, top French eco­ poration at Morristown. Tenn., the vote Is expected the foUowtlig f pt of Staff. MaeArthur advocated Repeat Proposals Y 'AU tfis TomOy nomic planner Jean Monnet said highlighted tha nstlon's labor plc- day. SHORTCAKE COFFEE sending U.S. military equipment, The A F L Switchmen'a Union of at a cloaed aesston. tur* today. A government defeat would to the Chtneee fiaUonallsts on For- Of Primaries Three American Enka workers North America told the Rock la- Draft Ediet Suggests Method of Choies land, the Western Pacific, Great GOP Trains mean dlasoluttoa o f PnrtlsnMnt moea to be administered by an Monnet suggcste<) that national were shot from ambush as they and new general aleeUoos. Labor 75 CENTS American military mission. He attempted to cut across a field to Northern, the Chicago Great legislatures choose the members Western, and the Denver and Rio haa e working majority at eight maintained that American posi­ Brings Query of the Europesn parliament from report to work on the day shift. Strips Bill of Contro- Grande Western Lines yesterday Heavy Guns In the House, with some msmbsn /{ tions oii nearby Okinawa and the within their own ranks, much as The condition of one of the wound­ V e r s J a 1 Segregation on the sick list, but govsrnmsnt DUSE&SON Philippines would be threatened most of them now pick the mem­ ed was said to be serious. that they were turning down a clrclae expect aome Conaarvativan INC. Sponsored By The Men’s Club. . If the Chinese Reds took Formosa. bers of the European (^jnsultatlve State Highway police were or­ Presidential Board’s wage and Gillette Says Group Is hour recommendations. Proviso in Order to On Aid Plan will abstain from voting. O L V . E ^jt^^GREEN STAMPS (8) Johnson and Bradley flew asaembiy. dered to the scene to curb the vi­ Against Blading Oommllawt to Okinawa today to inspect that Ready to Investigate Monnet said, however, that the olence. The shooting climaxed a The board made its suggestions Beat Friday Deadline April 19. Since May 19. under the Britain stayed out of tha current battle-famed island which has been pool authority should be Indepen- night of tension during which Paris talks on ths Schuman Plan plant workers due off at midnight Launch Fight to Slash converted into an air base since it And Report on Any Waahington. June 22 — Ul’) — because of aversion to committing remained at-work to avoid a clash (Oontlnofri on Page Fnnr) waa wrested from the Japanese. Specific Complaints (Coattnued O B Page Tw o) Stripped of a controversial segre­ Marshall Funils; Tru* Gantner Swim Suits The Americans, MaeArthur said, gation amendment, a Senate bill (Oentlaaed oa Page Fear) are going to be on this strategic to extend the draft law was put man s Point 4 Pro spot between Japan and Formosa Washington, June 22—UP)—Sen­ on a speedup schedule today In an The Fashion Swimtvear of 1950 ator Gillette (D -Ia) said today Wants U. N. "for a long time.” Theater Ceiling Falls effort to beat a Friday midnight gram Also Attacketl HALE’S J (4) Dulles told a news conference Senate InvesUlgators will check nu­ deadline. his, Johnson's and Bradley’s con­ merous complaints of "alleged Sees Greater The Fashion Academy, which selects the world's That’s when tho present Selec­ Washington, June 22—(45— PreS' clusions will be pooled on their huge expenditures" in at least Arms Check ten best dressed women, selects Gantner for its cov­ tive Service law expires. Idsnt Tnimsn’i program for eco­ return to Washington and ‘T think four Senatorial primary races. eted 1950 award. Where smartest resorts are On Balcony Audience Democratic Leader Lucas of Il­ nomic and military aid to West' Peace Hopes they will form the basis for some He said the complaints involve presents the Itwoj sleepingest pillows in the world... a-sparkle, you'll see Fa.shlon Academy award GantL linois called the Senators to work ern Europe was under heavy RS' positive action but I cannot fore­ campaigns In North Carolina, U. S. Asks Setup to Reg­ ner swim suits. Swlmakina shown for young and an hour early (10 a m., e. s. t.) in publican attack today. cast what.” He explained: Florida, Pennsylvania and Illinois, an attempt to settle the Issue on lovely swimmers, or other Gold Medal swim suits The greatest pressure was be By "positive action” he meant and other undesignated states. Only One of Thirty In­ ulate Nations’ Armed time. It still seemed likely that Acheson Says West Is In quick to dry nylons. Sizes 32 to 44. ing brought to ^ a r In the Senate PLAYTEX‘''Extranump”and PLAYTEX*"Regular” Gillette is chairman of the Sen­ Governors Get jured Is Considered Forces aiid Weapons Congreaa would be forced to paaa Appropriations Committee. A de At Threshold of New (OoBthioed oa Page Four) ate Subcommittee on Privilegea a stop-gap bill to keep the act in termlned effort is being made and Elections, which has the duty effect beyond tomorrow. Serious; She Plunged Lake Success, June 22 -(45— there to cut down the size of the Period In Its Quest of policing this year’s election Big Pep Talk Will Meet Ohstaclee Marshall Plan program. Superfoam' Pillows! $ 7 . 9 5 to $ 1 6 9 5 36 senators. The United States asked the Unit­ The extension bill had several Cool pin-dol voile . wMi o To Orchestra Floor Congress authorized $2,950,000, Cambridge, Mass., Juns 22—UP) ihere't excitement end high fash* Ready to Act ed Nations today to set up an obstacles to hurdle before it could 000 for the third year of the EU' In a statement, Gillette said his be sent to the White house. Among — Secretary of State Dean Ache- Ion In this pert little simulated neatly tucked bodica buttoned Cotton Pique — Glazed Chintz — Nylon Materials Truman Invites Them Redwood City. Calif., June 22— international authority to super­ ropean Recovery Program. But News Tidbits group "is willing and ready to in­ them were: son and Philippine Ambassador to the waist. Shirred at shoulder (45—Thirty persons were hurt in a vise and check on the reduction one Republican oommlttee member O n . Carlos P. Romulo were two piece dress with its tucked- Satin Elastic Suits. vestigate and report on any spe­ To White House Lunch 1. A promise by Senator Russell (Called From {JP) Wires freak accident which dumped some and regulation of ordinary arms told reporters he la certain thia awarded honorary degrees today in organdy top. A lacy patterned line with pleating trim around cific complaints on matters which (D-Ga) to revive and modify his amount will be trimmed. —Lausche a Sour Note tons of ornamental plaster on and armed forces. proposal—beaten last night on a at Harvard’s 279th commence­ organdy with the flash and fire come within its jurisdiction.” Predict Big Cuts sleeves. Nipped at the waist with movie-goers In the balcony of the The proposal has been circu­ 42 to 29 vote—to permit service­ ment. Report Ruasia’a Communist Details on the complaints al­ "It looks as though we might of jeweled buttons. A pleoted Sequoia theater here last night. lated among delegates to the U. men to join units of their own race They were among 10 lemdere in a self belt. In green, navy, red, Party machine engaged in "Reign ready made were not disclosed al­ be able to trim from $100,000,000 front and club collar caught with Bulletin! Fifteen were injured enough to N. Commission for Conventional if they so desire. public life, science and education M 'v , ’.'- o f Terrori* purge among persona though Gillette said his group to $260,000,000 off the total,” he a patent leather belt. In brov.-n, wine. Sizes 14',^ to 24'/^. Washington, June 22—lAV— need hospitalization, but only one Armaments in preparation for a 2. A Republican move to give honored aa some 3,100 students it considers disloyal . . . Senate haa received numerous com­ said. red or navy. committee approves funds to plaints in writing and by personal President Tmmaa aald today was In serious condition early to­ discussion by the commission's Congress “ trigger control" over received diplomas from the uni­ he would vote the atraight day. The others required only Working committee (meets 2 p. m actual drafting or Inductions, as In the same committee, PresI versity amid academic rites three Sizes 10 to 18. modernize 10 submarlnea . . .Ohio report, of the alleged huge expend­ Cheese the riAvrax Smptr. Democratie ticket If he lived first aid. Eastern Standard Time). provided In a House-passed mea­ dent Tollman’s Point Four Plan to centuries old. $ 1 5 . 9 8 river steamship firm will sell two itures of money in connection give technical aid and assistance foam Pillow yea like best for 5-98 In Ohio. He added that he Mrs. Vangie Case, 34. of Red­ Conventional arms are rifles, ar- sure, The Senate bill would retain In an address before the Har­ liver packets for $20,000 , . . . with nominating primaries or . con­ to backward areas of the world wonderfal, relaxiae sleep! thinks Ohio without a doubt wood Chty, was still unconscious in tlllery, na\’ai and aircraft and al- this authority In the hands of vard University Alumni Associa­ Some 2,500 Ohio college graduates ventions for the office of United was under fire. will elect a Democratie Sena­ President Truman. tion. Acheson declared that the listed with state unemployment States Senator in several states." An effort Is being made to r de­ Trucka Sent First band and two children waa told may be involved in criminal violations of the anti-trust laws ing the contentions of McCarthy,. • Toni Permanent W ave R e fill...... $1.00 Edwin Thomson of Newington, for­ to a coaat-to-coast airwaves audi­ Before It went on, Circuit Judge fense o f Wake Island on military He said his purpose in discusS' aaidhya feather d eal k a v > $[•98 3ri(] $ 2*98 each doctrine that put garbage trucks Ing the Wake campaign was “ to Wlseonaln Republican, that tha tax Saper/aaat PUlaw is al> mer A ir Force captain, enters ence last night despite legal moves Clifford A. Bishop of Flint first through its distribution of racing news io bookmakers. Coy • Hodnnt Permanent Wave Refill...... $1.50 race for Republican ConireBslonal ahead o f radar. point out what happened before,' State Department horbora Com- la r g y -t ^ atildsw praaH to block It. granted and then dtsmlssed a re­ testified before the Senate Crime Investigating Committee. munisU end Rad aynpathlawra Plus Tax. nomination in First District. • • • The slight, wiry figure, who and to warn that “ unless we are The “right of privacy” of a oon- quest by Mrs. Kulinlch (or an in- The Senators hod flrat niaaaed 75c Laco Castile Shampoo...... «9e Tieted murdarew was at Issue. junctlen to koop tho drama o ff tho commanded tha Marina detach­ careful, it might biqipen again.” Crowd Witnesses Chase ment at Woke at the start of Radar aeelgned to the tiny to hear him behind dooea deen, • Trcssniy Balance There remained to
