Climate and Energy Strategy County 2011

1. Introduction

The greenhouse effect is a natural process and a prerequisite for life on earth. Greenhouse gas emissions, such as water vapour and carbon dioxide, exist naturally in the atmosphere. Without the greenhouse effect, earth would be almost 35 degrees colder than it is today. Also, climate changes are natural in the history of earth. The problem is that emissions caused by man will now change the pace of these changes in a more rapid way, which threatens to cause serious global impacts (e.g. flooding, increased sea levels etc.). The levels of several greenhouse gases have increased, primarily as a result of our combustion of coal, oil and natural gas. Increased levels of greenhouse gases will cause an expansion of the greenhouse effect and, thus, a warming of the planet. There is a broad scientific coherence on the relationship between emissions of greenhouse gases and global warming.

In , the dominating sectors of green house gas emissions are transports, energy and agriculture. The largest emissions come from the transport sector (39%), followed by the energy sector (32%). The third largest source of emissions in the county is agriculture (19%). Another sector where green house gas emissions are relatively high is work machinery (7%).

In 2008, all county administrative boards in were given the assignment by the Government to elaborate regional climate and energy strategies. The climate and energy strategy of Uppsala County was drawn up with the purpose of reducing the climate change, promoting energy transition, increasing the share of renewable energy and promoting energy-efficiency and a more efficient transport system.

The County Administrative Board assumed that the most important goal of the climate and energy strategy was to realise a fast and sustainable decrease of green house gas emissions. In the climate and energy strategy developed in 2008, the risks of climate change and the consequences thereof were not dealt with in a more profound and extensive way.1

During the course of work, the County Administrative Board of Uppsala County made deliberations with representative of regional bodies, municipalities, the business community and universities in the county. Companies and organisations in the affected sectors – transports, energy supply and agriculture and forestry – also contributed to the work of the strategy.

The present strategy is a revised and shortened version of the climate and energy strategy developed in 2008.

1 In 2009, the Government assigned all county administrative boards to develop a climate adaptation policy. The County Administrative Board of Uppsala County thus undertook a separate work dealing with these issues called “Climate and Vulnerability Analysis for Uppsala County 2009 – Future Climate Change and its Consequences”.

2. Energy and climate goals

To set goals is a difficult task. Part of the difficulty in setting targets for reduction of greenhouse gases is to define geographical limits and calculate emission sources. A great part of emissions that we in Sweden cause, perhaps as much as half, comes from goods that are produced in other countries. Depending on the size of the population, the existence of bigger industries and other significant sources of emissions, the conditions for setting goals for counties and municipalities vary. Also, calculations of emissions of greenhouse gases are based on statistics. The quality of statistics can have an effect on the result. Statistics of emissions should therefore be interpreted with a certain degree of caution.

2.1 Climate goals on a global level

The international process to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was initiated on a global level by the UN at the beginning of the 1990s. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted in 1992 and it has been ratified by 192 countries. The Kyoto Protocol from 1997 is the world’s first binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial countries. The agreement sets a goal to reduce global emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 5 percent annually for the period 2008-2012 compared to 1990. The Kyoto Protocol came into force in 2005.

The use of flexible mechanisms, such as trade with emission permits, is allowed by the agreement. Except for trade with emissions permits, other flexible mechanisms are Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) and Joint Implementations (JI). CDM means that a country that has commitments according to the Kyoto Protocol invests in a country which has not made commitments, where the investing country receives credit for the reduction of emissions. JI involves investments of a country committed to Kyoto in a country that has also made commitments, where the investing country receives credit for the reduction of emissions.

Today, EU and Sweden are working to be able to achieve the goals of the Kyoto Protocol. The goals must, however, be interpreted in a complex global context. Different geographical conditions and activities, population density, import patterns and the use of flexible mechanisms also have an effect on how goals are set and how they can be reached.

2.2 Climate and energy policy and goals of the EU

The Lisbon Treaty from 2007 stipulates that security of supply, competitiveness and sustainability should be central goals of EU’s common energy policy.

In 2007, the European Council adopted energy and climate change objectives for 2020. To reach the goal of limiting the average increase of the temperature of the earth by 2 degrees, the European Council points out the necessity to have an integrated climate and energy policy.

The Heads of States and Governments agreed on the following objectives for 2020 (in comparison to 1990):

• to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% (another 30% within the framework of a global climate agreement), • to increase the share of renewable energy to 20% - of which the share of renewable fuels should increase to 10%, • to make a 20% improvement in energy efficiency.

The long-term commitment of the European Council is to reduce emissions by 80-95% by 2050.

2.3 Swedish climate and energy policy and goals

The Swedish climate policy contains goals, national instruments and EU common instruments. Measures and instruments have been strengthened gradually since the beginning of the 1990s by decisions in energy, transport, environment and fiscal policies. The Government will now increase the pace of the energy transition work with the aim of Sweden becoming independent of fossil energy and thus contributing to a reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases to levels acceptable from a climate perspective.

The basic goal of the Swedish climate policy is the environmental quality goal A limited climate impact. This goal is to limit the rise in temperature to no more than 2 degrees. In terms of concentration of greenhouse gas emission, the level should be limited to 400 parts per million carbon dioxide equivivalents.

Sweden’s energy policy, which forms the basis of the climate policy, is built on the same three pillars as EU’s energy policy – sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply.

The EU’s goals form the basis of Sweden’s energy and climate policy. However, the Swedish Government has decided on even higher targets with regard to emissions of green house gases and share of renewable energy. A new climate and energy policy was elaborated by the Swedish Government in 2008 and adopted by the (The Swedish Parliament) in 2009. The Riksdag decided that the goal of Swedish emissions of greenhouse gases, from activities that are not part of EU’s trading system with permits, should be a reduction by 40% by 2020 in comparison to 1990. Also, the Riksdag decided that the share of renewable energy should reach 50% (it is now 44%) by 2020 in comparison to 1990. With regard to energy-efficiency, the Swedish goal is the same as for the EU, that is, 20% improvement of energy-efficiency by 2020. Also, the Swedish Government sets a goal for renewable energy in the transport sector of 10% by 2020, which coincides with the EU’s goal of 10% renewable fuels by 2020.

The goals of Sweden are to be reached by three action plans; to realize a fossil independent transport sector, to encourage the development of renewable energy, to create condition for a further energy-efficiency

A long-term priority of the new climate and energy policy is to have a vehicle fleet independent on fossil fuels by 2030. Another long-term priority is that the use of fossil fuels for heating purposes will be discontinued by 2020. Regarding electricity, the long-term priority is to pave the way for wind power, cogeneration and other forms of renewable power production.

The vision of the new climate and energy policy is that Sweden should have no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

2.4 Regional and municipal goals

The work at the regional level is directed by the climate and energy goals set at the international level, at EU level and at the national level. The ambition of the Uppsala County within the climate and energy area should be high.

As is the case on the international, European and national level, climate and energy goals are closely intertwined with other goals. This is clearly noticeable in a region such as Uppsala County, which is expanding. Apart from environmental goals, a regional climate and energy strategy should take into consideration goals related to growth of the region, nature and cultural preservation, development of the countryside, community planning, social issues, social protection and preparedness for crises.

Of great importance in this context are the environmental goals of the region. The environmental goals for Uppsala County 2008-2010 include a reduction of climate impacting emissions by at least 4% as an average during the period 2008-2012 compared to 1990. Many of the muncipalities of the region have elaborated climate and energy policies and set environmental goals which include climate goals.

3. The situation in Uppsala County

Uppsala County is one of Sweden’s fastest growing counties. The population has grown steadily over the past few years and it amounted to 335 882 persons in December 2010. Population wise, Uppsala County is thereby the sixth largest county in Sweden. The county consists of the municipalities of Enköping, , Håbo, , , Uppsala, Älvkarleby and Östhammar.

The population density in the county is relatively high by Swedish standards, 41 persons per square kilometre compared to 22 persons per square kilometre in Sweden as a whole. Uppsala is the country’s fourth largest city but a large part of the population also lives outside of the big population centres. This means that a large number of people commute to work. The most common route, to a nearby county, is between Uppsala and . In some parts of the county there is easy access to housing and in some there is a housing shortage. The types of housing vary in different parts of the region, with a large amount of apartment block in the municipality of Uppsala and a large number of small houses in other municipalities of the region. The number of persons moving in and out also varies between the municipalities.

Uppsala County is not a typical industrial county. The industrial work lies mainly in the areas of forestry, metalwork and the pharmaceutical sector. More than 50 percent of the county is covered with woodland. The woodland is owned by a few big companies and many private landowners. The agricultural land covers approximately 25 percent of the county’s area. Large parts of the county are important agricultural areas, but the number of farmers has been decreasing for many years due to increased large-scale farming.

3.1 The development in Uppsala County

By 2050, the population in the county is estimated to have increased by 30-40% and by the year 2100 by even 70-80% compared to today. We will almost double the population by 2100. Over 200 000 new inhabitants will, until 2100, have to be provided with housing in the county and work within the labour market region that the county is part of. This implies that there is a continuous need for new constructions. Uppsala County has thereby a unique opportunity to take into consideration climate and energy issues when making future plans for housing, work places and infrastructure.

Expansion and modification of existing buildings and infrastructure should largely be governed by the possibilities of achieving climate and energy-efficient solutions. New buildings and infrastructure must be designed and positioned so that the long-term effects of climate change are minimized.

3.2 Emissions of green house gases in the county

The three dominating sectors of emissions of green house gases in Uppsala County are transports, energy supply and agriculture. The largest emissions come from transports (39%). The climate- impacting emissions from the energy sector (32%) are about the same size as those from transports. Agriculture is the third largest source of emissions in the county (19%). Work machinery also account for a relatively large share of emissions (7%).

It should be noticed that emissions in other countries from the production of goods for export to Sweden are not included in the statistics; neither is shipping nor air traffic.

Waste and sew age 1% Agriculture 19% Energy supply Use of solvents 32% 0%

Work machinery 7% Industrial processes 1%

Fluorinated gases 1% Transport 39%

Emissions of greenhouse gases in Uppsala County in 2008. Source: SMED (Sveriges MiljöEmissionsData)

Domestic non-military shipping Domestic flights 1% 0%

Wear from the road Other transport 0% 9% Wear from tires and brakes 0% Mopeds and motorcycles 1%

Heavy trucks and buses Cars 22% 58%

Light trucks 9%

Emissions of greenhouse gases from the transport sector in Uppsala County in 2008. Source: SMED (Sveriges MiljöEmissionsData).

Refineries Heating in houses 0% (w ithout electricity or Boiler stations district heating) 5% 5%

Fugitive emissions from fuel handling 0%

Energy supply through electric and thermal plants and industry 90%

Emissions of greenhouse gases from the energy sector in Uppsala County in 2008. Source: SMED (Sveriges MiljöEmissionsData).

Intestinal gases from ruminants 22%

Cow manure 7% Pig manure 1% Horse manure 1% Denitrification of Manure from sheep etc agricultural land 0% 69% Chicken manure 0%

Emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture and forestry in Uppsala County in 2008. Source: SMED (Sveriges MiljöEmissionsData).

In Uppsala County, the emissions decreased with 5% between 1990 and 2006. Emissions within the housing and service sector have gradually decreased as heating with oil has been substituted by district heating, heat pumps and bio fuels. On the decrease are also emissions from agriculture and waste landfills. Within the waste sector, decreasing emissions are due to reduced emissions from landfills as a result of the collection of gas. Landfill bans and a landfill tax have also contributed to the decrease of emissions in the waste sector.

The decreasing trend in the county is, to some extent, counteracted by the continuous increase of emissions from the traffic sector. Especially, emissions from passenger traffic and heavy transports are still increasing.

tonnes CO2-ekv

2 500 000

2 000 000 Waste and sew age Agriculture Use of solvents 1 500 000 Work machinery Transport Fluorinated gases 1 000 000 Industrial processes Energy supply

500 000

0 1990 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year

Changes in emissions of greenhouse gases in Uppsala County from 1990-2008. Source: SMED (Sveriges MiljöEmissionsData).

tonnes CO-ekv 9 7,7 8 6,8 7 6,4 6,4 6 5,6 5,1 5 4 3 2 1 0 1990 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year

Emissions of greenhouse gases per person in Uppsala County, excluding emissions from international air traffic, shipping and emissions from consumption of goods produced in other countries 2008. Source: SMED (Sveriges MiljöEmissionsData) and Statistics Sweden.

3.3 Energy consumption and supply

In 2006, the total energy consumption in Uppsala County amounted to around 13 000 GWh. Households, industry and transports are the areas that consume the most energy. A large part of electricity use in the county is consumed by households. Oil products are being used as fuels in the transport sector. Other fossil fuels, such as peat and hard coal, are used in the combined heat and power plant in Uppsala.

Within the industry sector, electricity and oil products are being uses for heating and industry processes. A few big industries dominate the statistics.

According to Statistics Sweden, the energy consumption per person has some what decreased in the county. Above all, energy consumed within the industry sector has decreased. At the same time, we use more energy for transports.

3.4 Possibilities to reduce climate impacting emissions in the county

The possibility to affect reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the county varies between different sectors and is largely dependent on national and international resolutions and measures where the development and introduction of new technology plays a key part.

In this passage we will make an estimation of how large a part of the county’s climate impacting emissions that can be influenced through local and regional measures, how large a part that is accounted for in the trade with emission permits, and how large a part that can only be influenced through the introduction of national and international measures. The short term refers to the next five years and the long term refers to the time span between 2030 and 2050.

Emission permits EU’s trade with emission permits is the world’s first more extensive trade system for greenhouse gases. The system means that the total allowable emissions of greenhouse gases are determined at EU level. The trade system with emission permits was introduced in January 2005 and it involves approximately 12 000 plants within industry and energy production in the EU.

In Uppsala County, large combustion plants as well as five companies are included in the EU emissions trading system. Carbon dioxide emissions from companies within the EU’s trade system for emissions permits in Uppsala County amounted to 370 000 tons in 2006, where 280 000 tons were emitted from combustion plants and around 90 000 tons from industries. These emissions account for 20 percent of the county’s combined climate impacting emissions. The corresponding number for all of Sweden is 34 percent and for the EU 40 percent.

The emission trading system of the EU provides good opportunities for action at both the national and international level, but the emissions within the trading system cannot be affected by national or regional authorities.

The transport sector The possibility of influencing emissions in the traffic sector is largely dependent on the development of more fuel-efficient vehicles that can be driven on renewable fuels. It is also important to have an infrastructural development that offers alternatives to travelling by car. The county’s possibility to reduce emissions in this sector in the short term lies mainly in improving public transportation. For companies, the public sector and individuals there are both the possibility of choosing public transportation and the chance to buy new vehicles that consume less energy and can be run on renewable fuels. The amount of time that people drive their cars could also be reduced.

A doubling of travelling by public transportation would mean a reduction of greenhouse gases from the traffic sector of around one percent. During a period of ten years it should be possible to transfer completely to renewable sources of energy for public transportation. This should reduce the climate affecting gases from public transportation to a number close to zero.

In the short term, emissions from the traffic sector could be reduced by around five to ten percent through regional measures without any large changes to social or lifestyle patterns. This reduction is possible if more people choose public transportation, buy cars that are run on renewable fuels and if they drive fewer kilometres. There are already several vehicle models that are run on renewable fuels such as ethanol. Several vehicle manufacturers have announced that they will start developing different types of electric vehicles within the coming five years. A transition to cars fuelled by renewable fuels will gradually reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the traffic sector. Heavy vehicles and work machinery will most likely be fuelled by synthetic diesel made from bio fuel in the foreseeable future.

In the long term, emissions from the traffic sector could be reduced substantially, but this would require strong national and international measures.

If the current initiatives of the car industry to produce electric cars as well as vehicles powered by biogas and other renewable fuels are successful there is a good chance that the Government’s goal of a fossil fuel free vehicle fleet by 2030 could be achieved. A requirement is, however, that these vehicles can be run on electricity from renewable energy sources. Also, the production of biogas and other renewable fuel must be developed.

The energy sector Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of heat, cooling, and steam occur both on a small scale, through the use of oil or electricity that is produced from fossil fuels, and on a larger scale, at thermal power stations that burn oil, peat, and the fossil-based part of refuse-derived fuel.

Small-scale oil-based heating plants are expected to be changed for renewable fuels or heat pumps within a number of years because of high oil prices.

Large-scale heating plants should be able to be changed for renewable fuels with the exception of the possible need for oil reserves or when demand peaks. This mainly concerns Vattenfall’s peat heating plant in Uppsala city which is expected to be changed for renewable fuels by 2020 when the existing plants that use peat as fuel will need to be replaced.

In the short term, energy use could become 20 percent more efficient through regional measures and a reduction of the county’s total carbon dioxide emissions by five to ten percent, in total, could be achieved. This is conditional that, first, there will be a large expansion of wind power and, second, of solar power, which should lead to Sweden becoming a net exporter of electricity.

A predominant part of the county’s energy use should come from renewable sources of energy in the long term (2030-2050).

Agriculture and forestry The agricultural sector mainly impacts on climate change through emissions of methane gas from cattle and manure handling and from nitrous oxide being emitted during plant cultivation. In the short term, the reduction of emissions from manure handling and changes in cultivation techniques should lead to reductions of emissions from the agricultural sector by ten percent, or the equivalent of two percent of the county’s emissions in total.

In the long term, the emissions could, possibly, be reduced by a further ten percent or two percent of the county’s emissions in total.

Work machinery The reduction of emissions from work machinery is calculated to come close to ten percent in the short term, or one percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the county, in total, through more efficient use of machinery.

In the long term, a reduction of nearly 100 percent should be possible through the transition to renewable fuels.

Industry, sewage and waste Greenhouse gas emissions from industry, sewage plants and waste disposal are mainly assigned to the trading in emissions permits, thus limiting the possibility to affect these regionally. However, it is necessary to achieve reductions in this area at the regional level as well.

Conclusions According to our analysis, around 50 percent of the county’s emissions are dependent on decisions and measures at the international or national level. First and foremost, this is due to the fact that emissions from the transport sector can be efficiently effected by international and national measures. The possibility of reducing emissions of the transport sector at the regional level is mainly through community planning of public transportations. Trade with emission permits accounts for around 20 percent of the county’s emissions. There is no possibility of effecting emissions subject to the trade with emission permits at the regional level. Furthermore, we must accept 15 percent of the county’s emissions that occur in agriculture due to emissions of green house gases from the cultivation of arable land and ruminant animals.

Since 50 percent of the county’s emissions are dependent on decisions and measures at the international or national level, another 20 percent is accounted for in the trade emission system and since we must accept 15 percent of emissions from agriculture, this imply that it should be possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through regional measures by at least 15 percent.

Other possibilities Apart from the above-mentioned areas, the role of the public can not be underestimated. The choices people make can have a great influence on the way energy is being used, thereby reducing the effect on the climate. The public has the possibility of reducing its effect on the climate by adopting a more climate-friendly lifestyle, for example by reducing the use of fossil- fuel powered vehicles and introducing energy-saving measures in residences.

Also, the county has a unique opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as it is an internationally very well-developed centre of excellence of knowledge and research within the climate and energy area. Uppsala County hosts two universities; (UU) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), several research institutes, development firms in the climate and energy area and energy producers. The county also has active municipalities and regional bodies.

4. Strategic areas in Uppsala County

A strategic area in working with green house gas reductions is community planning. Community planning involves the design of the physical structure of society and how people, companies and organizations use it. Therefore, community planning determines to a large extent the need for different kinds of energy. Consequently, the design of the physical structure of society and the use of it determines the impact on the climate. Therefore, attention should initially be made on how the social structure - both the existing and the structure of the future - should be designed and how climate and energy issues can be included in physical structural planning and regional development plans.

When creating the climate and energy strategy for the county, areas that generate the largest greenhouse gas emissions in the county are of strategic importance, namely transportation, energy supply, agriculture and forestry, work machinery and industry, sewage and waste.

The transport sector accounts for the largest emissions of green house gases in the county. To reduce these emissions, policies and measures across a broad spectrum are needed which include infrastructure, public transport, freight traffic systems, new technologies, new fuels and a change of attitude to the choice of transportation.

Energy supply accounts for the second largest emissions of greenhouse gases in the county. The objective here is to phase out climate-changing energy sources for renewable ones. The reduction of energy consumption in households, the public sector and enterprises is also important.

The third largest source of emissions in the county is agriculture. It can be mentioned here that agriculture and forestry are important in the climate context as suppliers of biomass for the production of various types of renewable energy. The replacement of fossil fuels with bio fuel in agriculture and forestry can provide a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Machinery used primarily in the construction industry and agriculture and forestry make up the fourth largest source of emissions.

Greenhouse gas emissions from industry, sewage and waste management account for a small part of the county’s total emissions. There are only a few energy-intensive industries. Through extensive anaerobic digestion and biogas production at wastewater treatment plants, and the fact that in the county there are no domestic landfills with significant leakage of methane, emissions are also low in this sector.

Uppsala County is a centre of excellence within the climate and energy area. Knowledge and skills in climate and energy have thus been given a strategic part to play in the strategy.

Finally, a strategic area is the role of the public. The public has a great power of reducing the effects on the climate by choosing a climate-smart lifestyle.

4.1 Community planning

The physical make-up of society is crucial in determining how much energy is consumed and therefore how big the carbon footprint becomes. In the design of the future structure of society it is important that the requirements from a climate and energy point of view are given priority. In regions where a large population expansion is expected, an extensive development of social structure is required, which creates good opportunities to take into account climate and energy considerations. Even in the existing social structure, measures can be taken to adapt it to the requirements made from a climate and energy point of view.

Most passenger transport that takes place in the county today is done by car and the majority of freight is transported by heavy vehicles, which in addition to increased emissions of carbon dioxide, may also have other negative consequences in terms of congestion, noise, traffic accidents and air quality problems. A redeployment of passenger transport from cars to public transport and from trucks to rail and sea - combined with lower overall transportation needs - would reduce these problems and also save time. Infrastructure and building structures affect transport to a great extent. In order to reduce transport between residential areas, work, school, commerce, service and leisure activities a holistic approach in terms of social structures in society is needed.

A strong climate and energy perspective in community planning also means making way for the production of renewable energy such as wind power, as well as stimulating the construction of buildings with smart energy solutions.

Uppsala County can provide the infrastructure needed for public transport and district heating - and with its eight municipalities it is also small enough to be coordinated effectively. Uppsala County has a densely populated rural community, which involves the use of cars, but it can also facilitate the improvement of a well-developed public transport system.

Buildings and infrastructure should be designed so that the total energy consumption in society can be reduced and so that the use of renewable energy types is facilitated. This applies to housing and transport infrastructures in the form of streets, roads, railways, terminals for both passenger and freight services as well as supply systems for water and sewage, electricity, telecommunications and broadband networks, district heating and cooling. The joint planning of different types of infrastructures should take place to protect the potential synergies that may arise. The expansion of these systems needs to be planned for larger geographic areas, and take place within the municipality and region-wide. As regards transport we should start to think in several stages; if passenger transportation in some cases may be dispensed with, such as through the use of distance work or technical solutions, if transports could be coordinated collectively or otherwise, and what impact ticketing, toll systems and quality have. There is also the question of what types of energy that are being used in passenger as well as public transportation.

Town planning in the form of new buildings and infrastructure must primarily be concentrated to bus routes and/or railway lines, at the same time as existing areas are allowed to grow. By concentrating on already existing routes, opportunities are provided for the expansion of both public transport and individual transport in a cost effective manner. A continued increase in the

population in Uppsala County creates a basis for the public transport system, at the same time as new forms of freight transport in urban environments will be developed. The development of the public transport routes also creates opportunities for a coordinated development of the transport infrastructure and different supply systems. Likewise, it provides a basis for commerce and services in the vicinity of settlements, as well as recreational activities.

Both along the rail/bus routes and in the existing towns and communities, it is important that, on a long-term basis, land is earmarked for transport infrastructure and supply systems. A clear example of an infrastructure that requires long-term planning of land areas is the development of high-speed trains.

Shipments of construction materials, aggregates and other materials from mining areas should be given further consideration, as well as long-term access to terminal handling, recycling and important areas such as ports.

It is important to integrate climate and energy issues as subject for discussions in planning matters. In Uppsala there is considerable expertise on climate and energy, which provides good opportunities for training and increased knowledge of the issues by planners and decision makers.

Strategy for Community Planning

A strengthened climate and energy perspective in community planning and the development of a holistic perspective of the social structures that have an impact on energy use and the climate

• Firmly establish the climate and energy perspective in the planning process

- Municipal plans shall take into consideration climate and energy issues - Develop new forms of energy-efficient building structures in areas close to public transport routes (rail/bus route construction)

- Work for an energy-efficient traffic and transport system based on renewable energy – with priority given to pedestrians, bicycles, trains and bus services

- Facilitate the production of renewable energy by reserving land early for that purpose

- Encourage climate-smart and energy-smart solutions for the construction and renovation of buildings, through the use of “green roofs”, timber building construction and passive houses

- Develop improved regional planning documentation for the energy transition towards renewable energy such as wind, solar power, solar power and bio energy as well as for material handling and recycling

- Prevent the adverse effects of climate change through the inclusion of such issues in the planning process at all levels

• Develop a climate and energy perspective in regional development planning

- The climate and energy perspective should be taken into consideration in all development areas identified in the regional development plan

- Develop Uppsala county into an international centre of excellence in the climate and Energy area

- Develop a variety of demonstration projects within the climate and energy area in the county

- Support existing and new businesses within the climate and energy area

Players: Regional councils, municipalities, The County Administrative Board

Develop cooperation on the physical planning in the county and neighbouring counties

• Formulate a county-wide perspective for county planning

• Develop joint planning of residential and service areas, transport infrastructure and supply systems for water and sewerage, electricity, telecommunications and broadband as well as district heating and cooling

Players: Regional councils, municipalities, county administrative boards

Develop the implementation of the Planning and Building Act so that climate and energy aspects are better taken into consideration

• Promote clarity of the implementation of legislation where the climate and energy perspective is afforded special status

Players: Municipalities, county administrative boards, regional councils, the Government

4.2 Transportation

The transport sector accounts for 39 % of the county’s total greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce the climate-impacting emissions from the transport sector, policies and measures across a broad spectrum are needed which include infrastructure, public transport, freight traffic systems, new technologies, new fuels, and a change of attitude to the choice of transportation.

It is important that significant reductions can be made to these emissions. In particular, the possibility to reduce transportation should be considered. The vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the county come from cars and trucks. To achieve a greater reduction in emissions from transportation requires that efforts are made to reduce transport demand in itself and shift transport to vehicles powered by renewable fuels, and this should be done in a way that develops the region’s growth potential.

A better-developed infrastructure, improved alternatives to encourage walking and cycling, an increased and more attractive public transport system and a transfer of freight from road to rail combined with a very rapid transition to renewable fuels are the main features of what must be done. In the long term, cars and trucks will remain important forms of transportation but they will be powered by renewable fuels.

4.2.1 Infrastructure

In the Stockholm-Mälar region five counties - Uppsala County, , Västmanlands County, Örebro County and Sörmland County – have decide to cooperate and create a common view on what the region has to do to be more competitive. The Mälardal cooperation (A Better Situation) is about creating a sustainable region with easy access to work and international markets. It is also about creating a polycentric region where it is possible to complement the strengths of each part.

The demands from the region on governmental infrastructural investments are determined by the need to increase both passenger and freight transportations within the region and to and from the region due to a continuous growth. Furthermore, the increased public transport commuting to and from work and studies will have to be improved. Finally, our transport system should be able to manage an increased population. The expansion of the transport system should be directed towards strategic areas where there is already an existing infrastructure.

Strategy for Infrastructure

To strengthen the transport infrastructure from a climate and energy perspective

• To accelerate infrastructural development

- To realize the proposal of the cooperation of Mälardalen "A Better Situation" - To increase the capacity on Ostkustbanan

- To improve the railroad between Örbyhus and Hallstavik - To build a new railroad between Uppsala and Enköping earlier than planned - To preserve the harbours - To expand basic infrastructure for electronic communications

• Develop infrastructure

- To reserve land and to extend the railroad traffic systems in Uppsala - To reserve land and to build more parking spaces close to railway stations - To reserve land and build bicycle paths alongside the major roads in the county - To reserve land for railroads around Uppsala - To reserve land for terminal areas for reloading between the railroad and trucks in connection to larger cities - To build all railroads with at least double tracks - To plan so that Uppsala and Arlanda will form part of the route for high-speed trains - To investigate the possibility of modernizing the Lenna railroad

• To be more attentive to the infrastructural needs of passenger and freight traffic in the physical planning.

Players: Municipalities, regional councils, county administrative boards, the public traffic authorities, the Government

4.2.2 Private transportation

Pedestrians and bicycles Uppsala County and, especially, the city of Uppsala is characterised by extensive bicycling. There are favourable opportunities to develop bicycling even more through the development of safe bicycle paths, by giving priority to bicycles in certain passages, by being attentive to lightning conditions and by improving maintenance. Many improvements could also be done for pedestrians.

Maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian paths should be given high priority, especially in the winter time due to extensive use of bicycles all year round. Through an improved maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian paths the number of accidents that happens to bicyclers and pedestrians could be significantly reduced.

Public transportation With regard to public transportations, about 25 million journeys are made per year in the county. The bulk of these journeys, around 14 millions, are done with public transportations within the locality of Uppsala city.

One of the highest traffic railroad routes in the country, with regard to passenger transports, is between the city of Uppsala and Stockholm. The newly started “Upptåget” between Gävle and Upplands Väsby has been a success, in particular the route between Gävle-Uppsala. A new railroad between Uppsala city and Enköping would mean a lot to increase public transportation with train between these cities but also for travelling in this part of the Mälardal region.

Regarding public transportation with buses, the buses are run by Uppsalabuss in the city of Uppsala and regional buses are run by Upplands Lokaltrafik (UL). Marketing and economic incentives, for example attractive prices, are important to work with to increase travelling by buses.

To develop public transportation, by rail or by buses, infrastructure has to be improved, for example, the geographical reach has to be enlarged, the transfer between bus/rail routes has to be improved and the number of tours on each route has to be augmented. To develop public transportation in the Stockholm-Mälardal region, common timetables and a joint system for tariffs and payments need to be put in place.

Passenger cars Sweden has the most fuel consuming cars in the EU. In the county, green house gas emissions from passenger cars account for 60% of the total emissions from the transport sector. Even with an extensive development of public transportations and an increased use of bicycles and more pedestrians, cars will still play a significant part in a well-functioning society in the long term.

The automobile industry has intensified the development of cars run on renewable fuels due to an increased environmental consciousness, fears of oil deficiency and increased oil prices.

Strategy for Private Transportation

Create the conditions for a doubling of the number of journeys made on public transport in the county by the year of 2020

• Increase the geographical reach that public transport services provide • Create smoother transfers between bus/rail routes • Increase the tours on each route

• Have attractive prices

• Introduce a joint system for fares and payment for public transportation in Stockholm - Mälardalen

• Improve accessibility for buses and taxis through separate bus and taxi lanes

Players: Municipalities, regional organs, traffic authorities, infrastructure owners

Increase the share of climate-adapted cars and eco-driving

• Encourage public procurement of green cars according to Swedish legislation • Give priority to environmentally friendly taxis at railroad stations and airports • Develop and encourage the use of car pools in the private and public sector and other cooperative alternatives

• Stimulate ecodriving in the public and private sector

Players: Public organizations, public and private employers

Improve the conditions to increase bicycling and encourage more people to walk

• Develop safe bicycle and pedestrian paths in population centres and alongside heavily trafficked roads in the countryside • Develop bicycle parking in strategic places • Co-plan the development of bicycle paths in the county with the municipalities • Improve maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian paths

Players: Municipalities, the National Road Administration and the National Rail Administration

4.2.3 Freight transports

The vast majority of freight transports to and from the county is made by road. From a climate and energy perspective, long-distance freight transport by rail or boat instead of by road is preferable. The possibilities of increasing freight transports by rail are limited due to capacity limitations. The increase freight transports by rail, it is therefore important to improve railroad infrastructure and develop different kinds of co-transportation solutions from roads to railways.

Even if a significant part of freight transports could be transferred from road to rail, a large part of freight transports will be made by trucks, not at least for a well-functioning local and regional distribution of goods. It is therefore essential that trucks should increasingly be run on renewable fuels. Also, terminals for local and regional co-distribution of goods should be developed.

Strategy for Freight Transports

Facilitate the interworking of goods via different forms of transport

• When possible, trucks should be run on renewable fuels • Transfer long-distance freight transport from road to rail and boat • Set requirements for the co-distribution of goods in larger urban areas as soon as possible so that it is carried out with vehicles powered by renewable fuels • Develop terminals for transhipment between different modes of transport

Players: Municipalities, the National Road Administration, the National Rail Administration, shippers, carriers

4.2.4 Renewable fuels

There exist a number of renewable fuels, such as ethanol, RME, other biodiesel and biogas. To be able to achieve the goal of the European Union of 10% biofuels until 2020 and to reach the long- term priority of the Swedish Government of a fossil free fuel vehicle fleet by 2030, more renewable fuels will, most likely, have to be introduced.

The supply of biomass from the forest is high in Sweden, but there is competition for biomass from other sectors, for example heating.

To cultivate arable land in Sweden to produce ethanol or RME can only marginally contribute to the needs for biofuels of the transport sector as arable land is needed for food production. Even if more arable land should be cultivated for the production of biomass, it will not be sufficient for the biofuel needs of the transport sector. Cultivation of biomass can also involve risks of weeds and diseases if the same type of corps is used every year. This will generate a monoculture that could have a negative impact on biological diversity.

Biogas In Uppsala County, there are six production plants for biogas. The two biggest plants, the biogas plant of and the sewage treatment plant of Uppsala, distribute biogas as automotive gas via a common purification plant by the sewage treatment plant. During 2007, the biogas plant of Uppsala municipality produced 4,8 GWh biogas and approximately 11 000 tonnes digestate while the purification plant produced 10,5 GWh biogas and approximately 11 700 tonnes digestate. The substrate of the biogas plant of Uppsala municipality is mainly waste from restaurants and households and a small amount of slaughterhouse waste. There exist two filling stations for biogas in Uppsala. One of these filling stations is intended for other vehicles than local buses.

Around half of the 110 buses of Uppsala city are run on biogas while the rest of the buses in the county are run on diesel. There are a 50 biogas-powered cars registered in the county. This equals 0,04% of the total registered cars in the county during 2007. Of the new registered cars in the county in 2007 the percentage of biogas-powered cars was 0,1%. There exists one biogas- powered truck in the county.

A transition to biogas of regional public transportations would, if fully implemented, require 100GWh. If the urban traffic, which is powered by diesel today, would shift to biogas, it would require an additional 25-26 GWh.

A future development of biogas production in the county could, in the long term, provide taxis and local distribution vehicles with biogas.

The substrate of biogas production can, in the first place, be sought from food waste, residues from forestry, agriculture and industry as well as, possibly, algae from the Baltic Sea. The total biogas potential for the county has been estimated to at least 500GWh/year, excluding the biogas potential from forestry.

Strategy for Renewable Fuels

Increase the use of renewable fuels in the transport sector

• Clarify the conditions for the use of different renewable fuels in the county • Plan for the expansion of production facilities and distribution networks for different renewable fuels • Make use of the county’s extensive expertise in renewable fuels • Uppsala Buss and ’s local buses (public transport services), should by 2015, only be run on biogas or other renewable fuels • Examine the possibilities to change to renewable fuels in the public sector’s vehicles, taxi and distribution vehicles

• Extend the cooperation concerning biogas within the county and with other counties through the cooperation Biogas East • Increased the use of biogas through: - a large-scale expansion of biogas production in the county - support to small-scale biogas expansion within agriculture - an expansion of filling stations • Develop a biogas strategy for the county Players: Public authorities, producers, consumers

4.2.5 Synergy within the transport sector

The dialogue between different actors concerning transportations and traffic issues should be expanded to take into consideration the increased importance of climate and energy issues. The County Administrative Board, the Regional Council, municipalities, transporters, the business community and other organisations should together create an arena for such a dialogue.

Strategy for synergy within the transport sector

Deepen the dialogue in the county with regard to transports from a climate and energy perspective

Players: The County Administrative Board, the Regional Council, municipalities, traffic authorities, transporters, businesses

4.3 Energy supply and use

The county’s energy supply accounts for 32% of the county’s greenhouse emissions. This percentage also includes the average carbon dioxide emissions in the country, which the county is projected to cause through electricity consumption. Energy supply accounts for the second largest emissions of greenhouse gases in the county. The objective here is to phase out climate-changing energy sources for renewable ones. The reduction of energy consumption in households, the public sector and enterprises is also important.

The potential to reduce greenhouse emissions is expected to be considerable. One measure that can be implemented relatively quickly is the replacement of fuel oil and peat for heating purposes through the use of renewable energy sources. Similarly, the potential for the development of large wind power facilities and solar energy is considerable in the long term. The possibility of introducing energy-efficient measures also has a very significant potential.

4.3.1 Production facilities

Nuclear power Nuclear power has a great significance for the supply of energy in the country. In the county, there is a nuclear power plant – Forsmark - in the municipality of Östhammar. Forsmark has been run since 1980. The total capacity of Forsmark is approximately 25TWh per year.

Hydropower Except for some small-scale hydropower facilities, the central hydropower plant is located to Dalälven. There are plans to expand the existing hydropower facility located to Dalälven. The expansion of this hydropower facility would generate approximately 170 000 KW.

Wind power Wind power only generates a marginal contribution to energy supply in the county today. However, the production potential of wind power, in relation to energy consumption of the county, is assumed to be significant in the long term. In the county, nine areas of national interest to wind power have been identified by the County Administrative Board and the municipalities. A prerequisite for the development of wind power is an improvement of the electricity grid.

Wave power There are no wave power facilities in the county and the county does not have any plans in the foreseeable future to establish a wave power facility. However, research and development of wave power is being conducted at Uppsala University.

Solar power A limited number of small-scale solar collectors for heating purposes exist in the county. Solar cells for electricity production exist, in so far, only for private use or for special purposes. The last couple of years, the County Administrative Board has noticed an increased interest in financial support of solar cells. In August 2010, one of Sweden’s biggest landbuilt solar power facilities was inaugurated in the county in . Extensive research and

development activities concerning solar power have been conducted at Uppsala University for several years.

The capacity to store solar energy in the form of warm water storage in geological repositories should be studied and developed.

Other electricity production plants At the district heating facilities in Uppsala and Enköping electricity is being produced in combination with heat production.

District heating and cooling District heating is well-developed in the county and exists in most municipalities of the region. In Uppsala city, around 95% of the buildings are provided with district heating which equals around 1 300 GWh. In the county, district heating accounts for more than 50%, or around 2000 GHh, of heating supplied to buildings. The district heating facility in Uppsala produces approximately 200 GWh of electricity and the facility in Enköping produces approximately 100 GWh of electricity. When the biogas production facilities in Uppsala are run with a surplus, they produce electricity. The facilities of Vattenfall in Uppsala also deliver about 85 GWh steam and 30 GWh of district cooling. The demand for district cooling is expected to increase.

Wood, in some form, is the dominating fuel in most district heating facilities. In Uppsala, however, the district heating facility uses mainly waste and peat. Coal is not being used as ordinary fuels.

Local district heating Local district heating is mainly produced through bio fules or heat pumps. When new communities are built is important to investigate the possibilities of district heating. If large-scale district heating could not be installed, local heating with bio fuels or heat pumps can be an alternative. Heating with heat pumps is a less favourable alternative, compared to bio fuels, since heat pumps require electricity. When local district heating is concerned, it is important that new buildings are provided with water-borne heating systems to enable heating with different sources of energy.

Small scale heating Small scale heating in scarcely populated areas or in smaller communities is produced through heating with wood, pellets or oil, or otherwise with electricity or heat pumps. Heating with oil or electricity should, in a nearby future, be phased out, without any incentive instruments being introduced. The reason is that oil and electricity are comparatively costly energy sources to use for heating purposes. In scarcely populated areas, heating with wood could replace other energy sources. In densely populated areas, heating with wood should be avoided for health reasons.

In the long term, an increased share of heating should be generated from heat pumps or solar power. The need for heating will also be reduced through energy-saving measures. In new buildings, new forms of energy use will be introduced through the building of nearly zero energy buildings or passive houses.

4.3.2 Fuel for power supply

Fossil fuels With regard to fossil fuels, coal is not being used as ordinary fuel for electricity or heating purposed or in any industrial processes.

Fuel oil is still being used in the district heating plants as a reserve. Also, fuel oil is being used in cold winter days in a few industries, in medium-sized heating stations – as for example schools in small communities – and in a number of small houses when demand peaks. According to preliminary estimations, there are only a hundred medium-sized stations left in the county. For economic reasons, the remaining oil fuelled villa boilers will most likely be phased out the next years.

Bio fuels Regarding bio fuel, there is enough bio fuel in the county to support existing district heating plants fuelled with bio fuel. Studies show that there is a further potential to use branches and tree tops when felling trees that does not compete with the needs of the industry. Theoretically, it is possible to produce approximately 500 GWh fuel in the form of Salix and, slightly less, of Reed Canary grass or other suitable bio crops on around 5 % of arable land that, today, is not used for food production. A realistic prognosis is that bio fuel will not be produced, to any large extent, on agricultural land – except for substrates such as straw - due to a future increased global demand for food and doubtful attitudes of farmers.

Peat As regards peat, it contributes to the greenhouse effect but it is classified, by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), as a group of its own, neither bio fuel nor fossil fuel. Peat is mainly used in a major heating plant in the county and it will be shifted to renewable fuels by 2020.

Waste Sorted combustible waste is predominantly used as fuel in the district heating plant in Uppsala. Waste can be divided into household waste and sorted industrial waste. The fossil part of waste fuel is calculated to reach 20%. With regard to waste, maximal recycling and properly sorting need to receive special attention. In addition, the transport of waste should be taken into consideration.

Concerning waste heat, the district heating system in Älvkarleby is provided with waste heat from the paper pulp factory in Skutskär. Gyprocs drywall factory supplies waste heat to the district heating plant in Bålsta.

Waste heat The amount of energy released as waste heat from Forsmark nuclear power plant is twice the electricity production. A transformation of the cooling water system of Forsmark nuclear power plant could enable the supply of water-borne heating to nearby communities, or the supply of waste heat for other purposes, such as greenhouse cultivation.

Strategy for energy supply

Stimulate the development of renewable energy sources

• Upgrade and make more efficient existing hydropower plants • Create opportunities to expand wind power as much as possible within designated areas in the county • Stimulate the expansion of solar electricity and heating from solar power and the possibilities to store heating from solar power • Stimulate different forms of using forest waste • Make plans for the expansion of the electricity grid in view of the development of wind power and the planned increase of the effect of Forsmark nuclear power plant • Investigate the possibility of making use of the cooling water from the Forsmark nuclear power plant

Stimulate the development of district and local district heating

• Extend district heating networks so that the bulk of urban buildings are included • Prepare for local district heating in the planning of “small towns” • Survey the possibilities of using industrial waste heat for district heating production

Replace fossil fuels with biofuels

• Draw up an inventory of the stock of oil-fired boilers in the county and establish a plan for their connection to distance or local heating or their conversion to bio fuels • Survey the use of fossil fuels in industrial processes and take steps to replace them with renewable energy sources • Replace peat with renewable fuels in the district-heating power plant in Uppsala • Reduce the content of plastics in waste fuel by increasing plastics recycling and through the promotion of renewable packaging and renewable bags

Players: Energy companies, corporations, municipalities, The County Administrative Board

4.3.3 A reduced and more efficient energy use, excluding transports

Energy consumption could be reduced, partly by reducing the use of energy, and partly through a more efficient energy use. Both of these measures create great opportunities to reduce costs and make energy-saving measures profitable. The energy-saving measures should be made visible and be easy to implement.

Buildings and facilities The energy use in Swedish housing and premises equals approximately a third of the total end energy usage in Sweden. Although several studies point out a great potential for energy- efficiency, both with regard to new constructions and in existing buildings, energy use has not decreased since the 1980ies. Statistics for newly constructed multifamily housing show that energy use has, on the contrary, been increasing since 1995. Furthermore, newly built multifamily housing is not more energy-efficient than existing multifamily housing.

There are great opportunities to make the existing housing stock more energy-efficient, not at least in connection to renovations of housing blocks. As a rule, there are also great economic profits to be made from introducing energy-efficient measures.

Energy declarations should be made for all multifamily housing in the country by 2008. Support should be developed to the implementation of the measures suggested in these energy declarations. The support could be in the form of consultations with municipalities or through an activation of the consultancy market.

There are great opportunities to build more energy-efficient than what is done today. Through increased requirement levels in building legislation and higher demands from demanders, energy- efficient measures can be achieved in both newly constructed housing and the existing housing stock. It is necessary that building companies take on a common responsibility to produce energy-efficient buildings.

Electricity with a direct effect should not be allowed when building permanent housing. Water- borne heating systems should always be installed when building new housing or renovating existing housing. This is to enable a flexible form of heating in the future. Installation of sun heating should always be considered. If possible, preparations should be made for a future installation of these techniques.

There is a significant saving potential in working with the “right” temperature and an evenly distributed heating in buildings. Installation of heat recycling, switch of windows, sun protection, speed control of fans, adjustment of heating systems, thermostatic valves, flow limitation of external hot water and computerised maintenance control can give great saving effects and good profitability.

With regard to facilities for industry and service companies, equally high requirements should be made on new constructions as for housing. In addition, industry activities often require processes or equipments that generate excess heat. Buildings for such industries should therefore be adjusted so that excess heat can be taken care of as a resource, either for heating of the building or distribution to existing district heating or nearby buildings - if the temperature is high enough.

Activities The use of heating, electricity used in buildings and water account for a third of maintenance costs. Looking at costs as a whole, there are good chances for increased profitability.

Through simple measures, energy use in buildings could, as a rule, decrease by 10% without extensive work. More systematic investments could reduce energy use with up to 25%.

Electricity consumption from technical equipment, such as household appliances and white goods, and lightening, accounts for 60% of electricity in buildings, which, of course, implies a great saving potential. To switch a light bulb to a low-energy alternative would save as much as 80% of energy use. An efficient maintenance control is the key to saving energy and to be able to communicate the result of energy-saving measures to end users.

Regarding industry, there are only a few big industries in the county and energy use is, consequently, limited within this sector. First and foremost, it is Skutskär paper pulp industry and a few small steel works that have electricity intensive activities.

A few big companies in Uppsala County take part in a five-year national program for energy- efficiency which gives the participating companies a reduction on the tax on electricity if they implement energy-efficient measures.

When testing and supervising environmentally dangerous activities, the authorities have the possibility to set requirements on energy-efficiency.

Strategy for energy use

Reduce and improve energy efficiency in existing and newly constructed buildings

• Both for new construction and renovations, existing technology should be used so that energy efficiency is maximized • Develop support for the implementation of measures that have been proposed in energy declarations through municipal counselling and activation of the consulting market • Tighten up on requirements for energy efficiencies in newly constructed buildings • All new buildings should be equipped with water-heating systems that can utilise different energy sources • Allow solar cells and solar collectors form a part of natural components in both new construction and redevelopments where it contributes to improved resource efficiency • The use of energy for cooling purposes should be efficient without having negative effects on the indoor environment. This principle of efficiency should also be applied to heating, lighting and ventilation.

Reduce and improve energy efficiencies in all types of businesses, households, public institutions and enterprises

• Map out and implement actions to be taken in all public, industrial, commercial and service operations

• Replace existing light bulbs, appliances and other electrical appliances for more efficient alternatives with due consideration to other environmental aspects • Develop the use of energy-saving technologies in the management operations of properties • Authorities should set higher standards for energy use for the examination and supervision of hazardous activities

Players: Construction companies, real estate companies, housing associations, the County Administrative Board, the County Council, municipalities, the public

4.4 Agriculture and forestry

4.4.1 Agriculture

The third largest source of emissions in the county comes from the agricultural sector (19%). Above all, emissions come from cultivation of arable land, methane emissions from animal metabolism, especially cows, as well as emissions from the handling of manure and the use of fossil fuels. The replacement of fossil fuels with bio fuel in agriculture and forestry can provide a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture and forestry are also important actors as suppliers of biomass for the production of various types of renewable energy.

The most serious climate-changing emissions from agriculture are nitrous oxide from arable land, carbon dioxide from organogenic soils (formed from peat and other plant materials), and methane gas from ruminant animals. Moreover, methane and nitrous oxides are released from the use/handling of manure, and carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and oils. Even the production of mineral fertilizers is a source of greenhouse gases.

Growing crops absorb carbon dioxide from the air and the carbon is stored in carbohydrates, which are either harvested or ploughed back into the soil. Seen from a climate perspective, the turnover of carbon in agriculture is nonetheless fast. It is only if the carbon storage in the soil profile increases on a long-term basis as a carbon sink arises. Changing farming conditions may in the short term both increase and decrease carbon storage in agricultural land.

The production of biomass for energy purposes from agriculture is still modest, but it will most probably increase. In the countryside strategy of Uppsala County, bio energy investments within agriculture and forestry are given priority. In the county, there are good natural conditions to cultivate multi-annual crops. Despite the fact that the prices on agriculture land have increased since 2006, there are most likely excess areas available for energy corps.

It is crucial that individual farmers have a clear economic incentive to invest in energy crops. The establishment of cultivation cooperation - nearby big heating plants or in connection to terminals for reloading to railways - can have a great potential. Through the establishment of such cooperation, the conditions to generate profitability are improved by making logistics and distribution more efficient. If cultivation cooperation is established in Uppsala County, these could be planned to maximize the positive effects and minimize the negative effects on the environment of land areas that are not fully used. In this context, it is important that the County Administrative Board and the Regional Council actively support farmers with information and advice on the possibilities for support from the EU’s program for the development of enterprising on the countryside.

Livestock manure is a direct source of emissions of methane and nitrous oxide to the athmosphere. One way of reducing these emissions is by unlocking the potential to use biogas from manure. There exist good technique to do this, but the production of biogas at the farm level is in a development phase. The advantages of biogas production are several. The key is to find practical solutions so that leakages can be avoided.

4.4.2 Forestry

The eco-system of the forest is the biggest so called “carbon sink” of the country, which binds great amounts of coal in growing trees and on the ground. This supply of coal has been built up during many years. When felling trees, coal is released to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide as the biomass is fired up or broken down. As the forest grows, the carbon dioxide that was released is bound again, which contribute to a continuous cycle of carbon dioxide to and from the forest and the atmosphere.

Approximately 25% of the energy use in Sweden comes from bio fuel, of which 80-85% comes from the forest. The main part of forest raw material used as bio fuel is branches, roots and tree tops as well as trees and parts of trees from first screening. To decrease emissions of carbon dioxide, raw material from the forest should be used to replace fossil fuel as much as possible.

An increased production is motivated to increase the supply of bio fuels - it is also viable. In the county the conditions to cultivate Salix – energy forest – are good. Furthermore, in the densely populated Mälar region there are many fuel users, which contribute to a high price on energy forest chips in this part of the country.

An increased production of bio fuels from forestry will, however, accentuate the conflict between production goals and environmental goals of the forest – such as nature conservation, biological diversity and water quality. A careful balance between the sometimes contrasting goals is necessary.

Strategy for Agriculture and Forestry

Switch to renewable energy sources in the agricultural sector

• Use renewable energy for machinery, grain drying and the heating of greenhouses and stables

Minimize as much as possible the emissions of greenhouse gases from natural processes related to agricultural production

• Develop and introduce cultivation methods that will minimize nitrous oxide emissions from the nitrogen in mineral and natural manures • Develop and introduce methods of minimizing methane from stored manure • Develop and introduce methods to minimize the emissions of methane from livestock

Take advantage of better opportunities for sustainable production of renewable energy and renewable fuels from the agricultural sector

• Support small-scale biogas production

• Increase the production of energy crops and support collaboration between small-scale producers • Facilitate the introduction of small scale wind and solar plant • Take advantage of the possibilities of producing bio fuels, such as RME

Expand the forest’s natural carbon sinks by increasing forest growth and do so without compromising the opportunities to produce biological diversity or other environmental goals of the forestry

• Replant quickly after felling and use processed plant materials for better reforestation • Remove and thin out at the right time • Fertilize with nitrogen and restore minerals in ash form to suitable land areas in the forest • Clear ditches to the same depth and location as the original drainage where it is needed to enhance growth

Players: Forestry and agricultural companies, energy companies, research institutes, municipalities, the National Swedish Board of Forestry, the County Administrative Board, regional councils

4.5 Work machinery

Work machinery is composed of large construction machinery, machinery for agriculture and forestry as well as tools such as lawnmowers, leaf blowers, etc. For the county, it is estimated that 7 % of greenhouse gas emissions come from this sector.

In addition to greenhouse gas emissions, other toxic emissions from this group are considerable. Emissions from work machinery such as nitrogen oxides in 2005 are estimated to have reached 16 % of Sweden’s total emissions of nitrogen oxides, while carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) are generally low.

There are further possibilities to make improvements of energy-efficiency in existing combustion engines and thereby reducing emissions. Nonetheless, it is necessary to transfer to renewable fuels within this sector as soon as possible. Alternative fuels that can be interesting to use in existing diesel engines is synthetic diesel that can be produced from biogas. The first generation biodiesel produced of biogas will, however, only replace fossil diesel by a few percentages. The production of synthetic diesel products based on raw materials from the forest is expected, though, to have a significant potential in the future.

Today, large amounts of RME that is mixed with ordinary diesel are imported. Smaller amounts of RME are produced in the county. Locally produced RME is now used for a number of public busses.

Strategy for Work Machinery

Switch to renewable fuels and make technologies and use more efficient

• Make demands on the best environmental technology and renewable fuels in the procurement of work machinery

Players: Municipalities, the Regional Council, the County Administrative Board, businesses

4.6 Industry, sewage and waste

A limited share of emissions of green house gases occurs in industry, sewage and waste. There are only a few energy-intensive industries. Emissions from sewage and waste are also low due to extensive digestion and biogas extraction at wastewater plants. Also, there are no significant leakages of methane gas from landfills.

The emissions of greenhouse gases from industry come mainly from a paper pulp plant, two brickworks, two steel industries and a drywall producer.

The total carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes in the county amount to approximately 50 000 tonnes and the interested companies participate in the EU’s trade with emission permits. The possibility to replace fossil fuels in industrial processes with renewable fuels should be investigated.

Strategy for Industry, Sewage and Waste

Replace fossil fuels in industrial processes with renewable fuels

Optimize the operation of sewage treatment plants to reduce leakage of greenhouse gas emissions

Use all the digested sludge in the county as a raw material for biogas production

Dispose of nitrous oxide from health care facilities.

Players: Businesses, municipalities, The County Council

4.7 Knowledge and skills

In order to address climate and energy issues, a major investment is required in knowledge development and dissemination. Often climate and energy issues are portrayed as scientific or technological with scientific and technological solutions. But these issues have as much to do with how people and organizations act, which is governed by our knowledge and values. Research for a more climate-efficient and energy-efficient society includes not only developing new technologies but also building new social structures and developing new ways to live in an environmentally friendly manner. Investments in research and development in the climate and energy area should therefore be wide and held together by a systems approach. All stakeholders in society should participate in this knowledge-building process - universities, businesses, public institutions and citizens. Separately and together, they can help to develop new and creative ideas and approaches to current and future challenges.

Both Uppsala University (UU) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) conduct outstanding and extensive research on climate change and its causes and consequences. Uppsala’s two universities also conduct extensive research on energy, primarily in energy efficiencies and renewable energy forms but also on societal planning and lifestyle.

Today UU and SLU are cooperating via the Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, which consists of the Baltic University Programme (BUP), Centre for Environment and Development Studies (Cemus), Hållbarhetslänken (the Sustainability Link), Kollegiet för utvecklingsstudier (Collegium for Development Studies) and Uppsala vattencentrum (Uppsala Water Centre -UVC).

In Uppsala County, there are also many research institutes and companies with great expertise in the area climate and energy. The Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering and Vattenfall Utveckling conduct research on energy efficiencies in the production of food and energy respectively. The county has several energy companies and industries with considerable knowledge of how to streamline its production and use of energy. In addition, construction and building companies as well as fleet operators, public transport and taxi companies possess great expertise in streamlining energy use. Similarly, in Uppsala, a number of companies have been working on the production of renewable energy through the use of solar power, wind, wave and bio-materials - such Solibro, Vertical Wind, Seabased and Scandinavian Biogas.

The county’s public actors can also be active in the climate and energy area. Energikontoret Mälardalen (the regional energy executive agency) assists the municipalities of the county with great competens. Furthermore, Biogas East is a cooperation between different interest parties - researchers, companies and municipalities - to develop biogas. Also, the municipality of Uppsala, together with Uppsala University and SLU, has created Energihuset (Energy house) – a center for research, development, demonstration and tests of coordinated techniques and systems for sustainable energy extraction and use.

Strategy for knowledge and skills

Stimulate broad research and knowledge on climate and energy issues

• Develop and broaden climate and energy research into all areas of science and integrate them into a system perspective with the county’s universities and institutes

Players: Universities, research institutes

Strengthen cooperation between universities, industry and society

• Intensify collaboration between Uppsala County’s two universities, industry, public stakeholders and the general public • Coordinate and further develop the many initiatives and projects on climate and energy that are taking place in the county

Players: Universities, research institutes, industry, the county administrative board, regional councils, municipalities

Support businesses that are active in the climate and energy area

• Make visible the companies that operate in the area climate and energy by emphasising these companies and their products/services • Stimulate technological development and the application of research by consistently taking up climate and energy issues in all government procurement • Develop financial support for companies in the climate and energy area, for example through investment programmes directed at these companies

Players: The county administrative board, regional councils, municipalities

Make use of and highlight the knowledge and skills that public organisations and companies as well as citizens possess

• Communicate the opportunities for companies with broad climate and/or energy solutions, through regional networks, such as Biogas East • Make use of the excellent energy initiatives that have been developed in municipalities, through the expansion of footpaths and cycle lanes, by increasing investment in public transport networks for locally produced food, through eco-friendly construction, etc. • Intensify energy counselling for local governments and integrate this with their own local energy and climate policies

Players: Regional councils, municipalities, county administrative board

Increase the knowledge of the climate and the energy situation in the county

• Develop a detailed regional assessment of what the consequences of an energy transition can produce and the impacts of climate change • Develop knowledge of the public sector’s own energy use and strategies to reduce it

Players: Regional councils, municipalities, county administrative board

4.8 Climate-smart lifestyle

The choices we make in our daily lives are very important for the emissions of greenhouse gases. The environmental debate is very much in evidence and there is strong popular support for measures that reduce man’s impact on the environment and climate. Globalization has brought with it an increased awareness that we must act together to solve environmental problems. Nonetheless, we do not always choose the most energy-efficient alternatives. The reasons are many. One of them is that many people today find it difficult to choose correctly from a climate and environmental point of view.

Good examples of positive and sustainable ways of living and clear information are important for people so that they can embrace a more sustainable lifestyle, but we also need to be provided with the practical, legal and economic prerequisites that facilitate climate-friendly choices. In Sweden, we spend about 90 percent of our household disposable income after taxes on travel, food and accommodation. It is also in these areas that we have greatest opportunities to make choices that will produce less greenhouse gas emissions.

Strategy for a climate-friendly lifestyle

Share knowledge about the climate and energy situation to the county’s citizens

• Develop information for public stakeholders about climate and energy issues in the county • Create a regional “Climate and Energy Smart Portal” on the Internet where facts from a regional energy survey are collected and readily available • Support local and regional cultural events that discuss sustainable lifestyle, both for a critical review and to show the positive and possible alternatives

Players: Regional councils, municipalities, The County Administrative Board

Communicate opportunities and best practices on climate and energy-smart lifestyles

• Demonstrate good examples of climate-friendly accommodation, transport and consumption, through campaigns for example together with the Energy Office Mälardalen • Hold regular energy fairs and energy information in all the municipalities in the county • Present the opportunities and benefits of new ideas such as changes to working hours, working from home and working to and from work, so-called flexible work • Build up an organization that can market companies that invest in locally produced food and other goods • Facilitate the establishment and maintenance of allotment garden areas

Players: Regional councils, municipalities, The County Administrative Board, universities

Develop public sector efforts to consider climate and energy perspectives in their operations

• Initiate collaboration between public organizations - government agencies, the Regional Council in Uppsala as well as the municipalities and the County Administrative Board - to better understand how we can take on climate and energy concerns in public procurement and to define common objectives for the public sector in the county • Cooperate in the public sector for climate smarter business travel and work places

Players: Municipalities, regional associations, universities, government agencies

Review regulations that counteract a climate-smart lifestyle

• Design a travel deduction so that it can be used for the cost of commuting to and from work - a single standard deduction which is based on the distance between your home and your place of work • Promote taxes that provide incentives for environmental choices. There are today a number of taxes in the area of the environment. A linchpin is the polluter pay principle, the idea that the polluter should pay. So that these taxes will work effectively it is required that they, as much as possible, reflect a societal valuation of the costs that for example carbon dioxide emissions lead to.

Players: The Government