146 144 145 143 142 14L 135 133 139 138 137 134 132 124 140 136 131 126 125 127 129 128 130 Number of I the Claim. 1 John Harding, George EdwardEyre, George EdwardEyre, James Westbrook, George EdwardEyre, John Hewett, James Reed, George EdwardEyre, James ChicheleyPlowden, Elizabeth Arnold, James Gregory, Surveyors ofHighway Edwd. Gregory, George Gardiner, Charlotte Wallis, William Button, William Rixon, William Pitt, William Rixon, Thomas Budden, Charlotte Cooper, William Bennett, Henry Pocock, shaw, Wilts Warren's House,Bram- shaw, Wilts Warren's House,Bram- shaw, Wilts , shaw, Wilts Warren's House,Bram- Bull Hill,Boldre Beaulieu Rails Beaulieu Rails Beaulieu Rails wood, Surrey Warren's House,Bram- Rails, Boldre Beaulieu Rails , Boldre Beaulieu Rails Beaulieu Rails Fuzzy Lodge,Beaulieu Beaulieu Rails Beaulieu, Hants Beaulieu Beaulieu Rails Lymington, Hants Sack Factory,Beaulieu Sway, Boldre Chatsworth Lodge,Nor- Rails Hants Parish ofBoldre, Claimant. Name andAbodofthClaimant. Wm. Thring, Messrs. MooreandSt Messrs. MooreandSt Charles Blake, E. AMoore, Messrs. MooreandSt Messrs. MooreandSt Wm. Thring, Wm. Thring, Messrs. MooreandSt Messrs. MooreandSt Messrs. MooreandSt Messrs. MooreandSt Wm. Royle, Messrs. MooreandSt Lymington Lyinington Lymington Lymington Lymington Lymington Lymington Lymington Lymington Lymington Lymington 68, LondonWall Lymington Lymington Lymington Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, Barbe, — — — — — — — — Agent. Ancient messuagefarman d lands rectory,andan ancient Freehold house,hindsanpremises A mansion-house,with5cottages. Messuage," calledPennerleyLodge,an Cottage andland,atFuzzyLodge Factory, dwelling-houses4cottages T\vo cottagesandgardens,partf Two cottagesandland,atEasEnd Cottage andland,BeaulieuRails Cottage andlanatBeaulieuRails, Cottage atBeaulieuRails,Boldr Cottage andland,atBeaulieuRails Cottage andland,inBoldr Dwelling-house andland,inBoldr Cottage andland,atBeaulieuRails Cottage andland,Boldr Dwelling-house, lateSperlock'sand Double cottage,atBeaulieuRails House andGarden,atNorleyWood Ancient manorcourt-house,dwelling- Cottage andlanatBeaulieuRails, House andlanatBullHil A messuage,buildingsandlandat House, officesandlandlateHay- I cottages,allintheparishofBoldr messuage andlancalleParsonag e called BurnsfbrFarm,atBramsha w Farm, at'Bramshaw mises, calledBlinrnansatBramsha w house, outbuildingslandandpre- lands inthesaidparishe Laud orTenementsinrespectfwhicheClaims. ;md Wilts,andiversmessunge called Warren'satBramshaw,Hants and lan Boldre Boklre land, atBoldre Boldre farm, andlandscalletheNewtown Boldre land, inBoldre near BullHil Boldre Bokire Park Estate,inthetythingsofSouth Boldre Boldre wards, inthevillagofSway Baddesley andWalhampton,Boldre Pitmore Pond,Boldr Boldre Newtown Park,cottageandgarde — Property. 100 141 38 139 32 345 0. 14 0 15 0 A. KP Quantity. 6 2Bl 0 32 720 0 3.8 020 220 0 136 0 24 2 0.9 003 600 700 3 08 500 022 3 026 1 03 — t i •