Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015


Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015

Activities and Results 2014/2015

Belém - 2016


Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015

Production Communications Office – ASCOM/PMV Texts Raphael Pacheco, Natália Mello, Camilla Miranda, Julianne Moutinho and Ayamy Migyama Text Editing and Review Justiniano Netto Pictures Raphael Pacheco, Camilla Miranda, Denys Pereira, Natália Mello Editorial Design Jânio Veríssimo

Financial Support Institute of People and the Environment of Amazon (Imazon) Climate and Land Use Alliance (Clua), Rural Pará Program, with World Bank (Bird) resources, Amazon Fund and Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES


Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015

Extraordinary Secretariat for Green Municipality Program Coordination - SEPMV Green Municipality Program Execution Nucleus - NEPMV

Team Adnaloi Dias (NEPMV/Administrative Financial Director), Alessandra Zagallo (SEPMV/Private Officer Assistant), Arnaldo Braga (NEPMV/ Contracts Coordinator), Ayamy Migiyama (NEPMV/Project Coordinator), Bruno Marianno (Imazon Consultant/ PMV Support), Camilla Miranda (SEPMV/Institutional Articulation Coordinator), Denys Pereira (Imazon Consultant/ PMV Support), Edson Jesus (NEPMV/Administrative Financial Director)Felipe Zagalo (NEPMV/General Director), Gustavo Furinni (SEPMV/Territorial and Environmental Coordinator), Idnaldo Abreu (NEPMV/Human Resources Coordinator), Jânio Veríssimo (SEPMV/Information Management), Juliana Marruás (SEPMV/Chief of Private Office), Julianne Moutinho (SEPMV/Environmental Management Coordinator), Justiniano de Queiroz Netto (SEPMV/Extraordinary Secretary), Lucas Carvalho (NEPMV/Legal Advisor), Maíra Começanha (SEPMV/Budget Coordinator), Natália Mello (SEPMV/Communications Advisor).


Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015

The Green Municipality Program (PMV) is a program created by the Government of Pará with the purpose to fight deforestation, strengthen the sustainable rural production by means of strategic environmental, land tenure planning actions and structure environmental management, focused on local impacts, monitoring of deforestation, implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry. The Program has some principal goals: a) Reduce deforestation until reaching zero net deforestation¹1, by 2020; b) Remove all Pará municipalities from the list of largest deforesters in the Amazon prepared by the Ministry of the Environment; c) Increase the properties recorded in the Rural Environmental Registry – CAR, reaching 80% of the recordable area in the State by 2015; d) Engage at least 100 municipalities in the Programby the end of 2014. Since being created, the PMV has achieved significantly positive results. The year 2013 was the stage for several actions contributing to this. All goals and initiatives are followed up by a Management Committee, composed by 25 governmental and private entities. Below are a few highlights from 2014 and 2015.

1 The zero net deforestation assumes that the forest restoration process will be equivalent to or greater than the existing deforestation in the state


Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015

Deforestation reduction

PMV has contributed for deforestation reduction in the State of Pará since its creation, Deforested Area INPE/PRODES in 2011. Data disclosed in November 2014 by the Ministry of the Environment, through

National Institute for Space Research`s

(INPE) Prodes (Satellite Monitoring Project of Area Area km2 Legal Amazon) system – see chart 1, indicate a 20% reduction in deforested areas (from 2,346 km2 to 1,877 km2), a reduction above the Amazon average reduction (18%). Yearly/Annual Deforestation PRODES SOURCE INPE/PRODES The last report from November 2015, shows control over illegal activities. There were 1,