Pole Flees Korean Truce for U
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/ . \ i'- -■-?■ \ --,1 ,- '^i- = r= PAGE SIXTE^M TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER *, MM! lH m trl|fe 0trr lEvntins l^eralb A Y cruc Daily Net PrcM Run For the Waek Baded ^ Tht Weather Sept. (, IK$ Fameent nf U. ■. WaatOnr ■etioa A meeting of the general parade tors, wUt ba Inatallad u praaident committee of the Manchester Fire of tha Auxiliary. 8ha auccaada AbouKTown Department will be held tonight Legion to Seat Mrs. Raymond L. Oossalln. Mrs. 10,665 near, dnal tonight, tanny wito at 7 :30 at the firehouse, corner of Wilbur T. Little'’, past president pt littto ehanga In tonapamtom lin- Mnnbera of the Center Thes the unit and second vice president' . Mamber nf tha Audit Hilliard and Main Sts. .. Weddings e t pians are reminded that, tryouts New Officer^ of the district, will be In charge of S T O R E O P E N Btmnn OtrenlnttMa for "Abie’s Irish Rose" wHPIm held The cafeteria of the Lincoln the iratallation. The team consists HE^heeter— A CiiCity of Village Charm tomorrow at S p. iti. in Cepter School will be operating tomor of past presidents. Church. ' ( row as usual, with Mrs. Blanche Cook-Brosnan Installation Ceremony Also to be seated are the fol Newman as manager and Mrs. Miss Margaret Shannon Bros- ; lowing Auxiliary officers; Mrs. AiUL D A Y VOL. LXXII, NO. 289 (Clnaailied AdverUaing nn Pngn II) M j^ eftE S T E R . CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1953 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Klock, of 'Eileen Halliday as her assistant. nan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tonight for Petersen Francis A. Dwyar, senior vice Henry 8t., their three young sons, 'The kindergarten seseions at the Thomas Edward Brosnan, .8 3 And Mrs. Fairbanks president; Mrs. Earl C. Petersen, and Bobby Oraif, of Washington school will be’ from 8:30 to 11:15 Washington St., and Clarence Ro Junior vice president; Mrs. Joseph 8t., have returned after a tour of a.m. lOid from 12:30 to 2:45 p.m. land Cook. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Peteraen will be installed F. Wallett, secretary; MIsa Bar Clarence R. Cook, of Los Angeles. 'VFEDNESDAY The Riker Grin— Anti New Moustache the Gaspe Peninsula. aa commander of Dilworth-Cor- bara Wallett, financial secretary; R esearch Manchester Lodge No. 73. A. F. Calif., were united in marriage nell-Quey Post 102 of the Ameri Mrs. Charles H. Romanowskt, .Mr. and Mrs. John K. Frahcr. and A. M.. win hold a stated com yesterday in St. Bridget’s Church. can Legion at Inatallation exer treasurer; Mrs. Robert 8. Curran, SEPTEMBER 9th. T m Jr., and children have moved from munication at the Masonic Temple The Rev. Wliliam Wrinn, of cises tonight. Officera of the De aergeant-at-arms;' Mrs. Milton Oak St, to their new home on tonight at 7:30.s Following the Hampton. N. J.. cousin of the partment of Connecticut, under Hansen, assistant - Sergeant-at- Pins Cause Bristol Rd., Windsor lx>cks. business meeting 'the fellowcraft bride, celebrated the nuptial High the direction of State Comdr. arml: Mrs. Ruth M. Hlckox, chap Pole Flees Korean Truce degree wili be confer)^ with Sen Mass and performed the ceremony James H. Stelnaon, will conduct lain and Mrs. Richard J. Vaughan, Shop For These Wed, Specials ior Warden John L. Vbn Deck in at 10 a. m, Mrs- Arlyne Garrit'y, the ceremonies In the Legion historian. The clinic schedule for the Man charge of the workf At xhe con Gueits will Include post and Of Cancer chester Visiting Nurses Assn, for who pla.ved the traditional bridal Home on Leonard St., at 8 o’clock. clusion of the meeting there will music, sang "Ave Maria.’’ Vases Petersen succeeds Wilbur T. auxiliary units In the state. this week is as follows: tomorrow. be a social hour and refreshments. 10 a.ni.. tumor clinic (by appoint of white gladioli composed the Little aa post commander. He Rome, Sept. 9 (/P)— An decorations. served with the 9th Air Force in ment only), and from 2 to 4 p.m., The Manche.ster Branch of tlv American renearch group *,o- well baby at the Community Y; The bride who was escorted to Europe during World War 11. day pictured cancer as an in- w e n t held its first meeting of e altar and presented in mar Other officers to be seated to IVIake Friday, 9 a.m., chest (by oppoint- the sea.son today at the Soiitii fertinus disease, like tuber- for U. ment only). riage b.v her father, was attended night include Robert T. Petersen, Methodi.st Church, Sewing was for by her cou.sin. Mrs. Raymond F. senior Alee commander; George A. cubsit or Kyphilifl, caused by the Red Cross. The potlink Hicke\\of Manchester, as matron Scoville. junior vice commander: a tinv organism. Presenting a The Isidies Aiixiliar.v of the Zip- luncheon wa.s followed by the af ser Club will hold an important of honorNSusan Harriett Brosnan, Henri Peasini. adjutant: Kenneth old series of papers to the sixth ternoon busine.ss meeting. of Walling<prd, and Jean . Mar-1 Wigren, finance officer; William meeting tonight at 7:30 at the International Congress of Weepiii’, W ailin' anti Winhin' clubrooms. guerite Hickey, of this town, were .Mrs. Clarence R. Cook, Jr. Downey, service officer: Harold George Vince, 147 Birch St., has .iunlor bridesmaids. Charles J. Olds, chaplain; Rene Gosselin and Mirrohiology, the groii)) Vinson’s Successor Asks Army been engaged as a music Instructor Wood. Jr„ of Wallingford was best pillow s The^DUVCW will meet at the Charles L. Wigren. committeemen. N a y l o r claimed to have isolated the in Enfield schools for the coming man for Mr. (’ook. ¥tid u.shers who Sept. 15 they will be at home to Past Comdr. Francis E. Miner, home 'of Mrs. Beatrice Manning. school year. He will replace, (he micro-organism. served were Raymo'niKG. Bro.snan, their friends at 1319 3-4 Westgate is chairman of the installation AnU-Herum Obtained For R.efiige 47 Maple St., tonight at 8 o'clock. regular mu.sic instructor who na.s of Wallingford; William, H. Pick A penny auction will be held. Ave.. LoS Angeles. Calif. committee. Ita membera aald they have ob Causing Speculation been granted a year's leave of ab ett,- Norwood, Mass.. antiNIohn A. The bride is a graduate of Man Mrs. Theodore L. Fairbanks, sence. Vince is a graduate of Man Ribadeneyra. New York Cit tained an anti-aerum from hod>ee chester High achool. St. Jo.seph’a wife of the past commander who la of .animala Infertq^d'' with the 1 chester High School and the Jtrirsa The bride wore a ball^ina College. West Hartford, UConn a member of the Board of . Direc 828 Main 81., Maarhester 9-M50 From Reds Hartt School of Music in Hatlfoid. ’-ui^th gown of pale pink ny diaeaae and that the anti-aerum ' ^ Washington, Sept. 9 UP)— President F.i.senhower has onl.v School of Law and Columbia Unl- Weakena and aometimea deatro.va with ifise motif, and shoulde ,ver.sity Scliool of Library Service. 'a little over three weeks to name a succe.s.sor to the late Chief length veil draped from a crouji of the rancer-vauaing organiam. Seoul, SepCft ■APolhh The Ladies Aid Societ.v of the is on the staff of the School Justice Vin.son if he wishes the appointee to be on the job at memlier o£ HALE'S Buckingham Congregational sweetheart roses. She carried a ofH<aw Library. UCLA. I The r.eporta wer'e read by Dr, ations white missal with marker of white Virginia Wuerthele-Caae, Dr ' the time the Supreme Court opens its new term. Truce InsL Church will hold its first fall meet ThX^ridegroom. a graduate of j I That tlmr la noon on Monday.'— -------------------------------------- -—— in Headquarters ing tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. at the gladioli, gyp.sophifa and whitg rib Eleanor Alexandrr-Jarkaon, Dr. Soiith Korea from bon streamers. LoyolaH^s Angele.s High School: | W. L. Smith and Dr. G. A. Clark, 'Oct. 5 the date fixed by law for •P^.rsohftge... with. ..Mm ,. .EWUp..M. •LofMa. Ubiversity and-.4he -Sebnol-j -4-i-toim-epentiHe-. foMwahtie#,. -Vinaos ™ Ub-j^UiC^Ci; S t r y m i b . POR Rose. Plans will be made for new ■ ” 'The irfafron^’fTioniw’wu gb'wn'f CO. all ” laaoriaTeif vVtth the’ TTpiby-' ed in frosty green taffeta, with of Law, UC^^, is a member of | aMSMsMANCNtriM Tntni ) jwaa arranging detalla before heh V T I O D C J E 3 3 . I 1 1 C a n F i ^ g i political asy- season activities, the first of which Phi Alpha Delta. He aerved three , terian Hoapital, Newark, N. J. j was stricken with a fatal heart will be the chicken barbeqiie on the which she wore a pink .sa.sh and They aald their atudy of rancer lum bv .medcan Air bonnet and carried a shower bou years with the S. Navy. He, attack early yesterday; He was 83. church grounds. Saturday, Sept. is a member of California State ' Indured in white mire and guinea Since Congress is in adjourn ; Baao commander, the U, S. • 12, beginning at 5 p. m. quet of pink asters and gypsophila. plg« "haa led to the concept that j Army announced. "The Junior bridesmaids’ floor Special Price ment. Kiaenhower la expected to LONG WEARING DOWNPROOF AND cancer doea not conaiat^of a ftll the vacancy by recess appoint Action Bars I The Pole made hia dramatic Linne Lodge, ji^o.