Various En+Oute Villages / Industries In.Condal, Ofrorali, Upleta,,J;Sla'nit
g/Land/ No. c/T l?a -77 Da16.17 office of the Deputy Conservator of Forest, Rajkot Foresi Division, Rajkot, Date'2J06/20'16 To, The Officer (RoU) Gujarat Gas Limited, grh Floor, Avdhesh House Opp. Shrl Govind Gurudwara, S.G Highway, Ahmedabad-380 054 sub r Diversion of 4 6632 Hect prorected of Forest rand r e road srde sirip pranra.on decrared as protected forest for tayina of 20115 Cm dia Steet & 9 Cm of [/DpE naturat g; irpei,n.." io srppty n"turat gas to various en+oute villages / industries in.condal, Ofrorali, Upleta,,J;sla'nit.otia sanagni, ,amtnOorna, Lodhika, Paddhari Taluka tn Rajkot Dislrict, Guja"t Stir" ii f"uou, oi6rjarJdas limiteO Refr of Gujaral, 1.g9lel1Telt Forest & Environment Department Letter No FCA /101S / 1013/15/SF-83F, Dt.04.02.2016. 2 G-ov'amment of cujarat, Forest & Environrneni Depa(menl Letter No. FcA / 1015/.1013/15/sF-83F, Dt.03.05.2016. 3. Gujarat Gas letter No. GUJARAT GAS /Ralkoucondal, Dhorajl, Upteta & Jasdan Suroundings / PF/2015 dtd 30 10 2015 Sr, I am directed to invlte a reference your to etter no GU,IAMT GAS /RajkoUGondal, Dhorajl, Upleta & Jasdan suroundings/PF/20i5 did. 30 10.2015 on lhe above mentroned subleciseeking prior approvar of the Government under section-2 of the forest (conservation) Act, r oao as p".n,inexuil-A aflached herewith. Govemment of Gurarat' Forest & Environment Depa(ment, Gandhlnagar vide its circurar mentioned under reference has powers delegated under "Generar Approvar" ro the conclrned divisionar forest officer to grant approval under forest (conservation) acl, i9B0 for laylng of underground opiical fiber cables, telephone iines, drlnking waier, electric llnes, piperine petroleum cNG/pNG and pip-e ine along the roads wthin existing right oi way not fa ling in National Parks and wid ife sanctuanes, without feiling of liees, where the maxlmum size of the lrench is noi more than 2 0O meter depth and 1.00 meter width subje;t to certain condiUons.
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