The Daily Egyptian, November 03, 1988

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The Daily Egyptian, November 03, 1988 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 11-3-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 03, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 75, Issue 54 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 03, 1988." (Nov 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern IUin0is University at Carbondale Thursday, November 3,1988, Vol. 75, No. 54, 16 Pages Bentsen blasts Quayle, Republicans By Scott Perry Su.ffWriter The race for the Vt'hite House made a brief pitstop in Car­ bondale Wednesday. taking on fuel for the final stretch of the presidential campaign. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, speaking before an en­ thusiastic crowd at the Student Center, set his sights on get­ ting the Michael Dukakis record straight with the voters and shooting down Republican vice presidential candidate Dan Quayle. "I'm a Quayle hunter," Bentsen said. "And we o~ned the season in Omaha this yea:." Bentsen was welcomed to Southern Illinois and the University by Chancellor Lawrence Pettit and by his colleagues u. the Senate from Illinois, Sens. Paul Simon and Alan Dixon. Bentsen outlined the goals of a Dukakis-Bentsen ad­ ministration, saying education and economic strength will go hand in hand in returning America to its top spot in the world. Bentsen said creating a strong trade poliey would open up markets that would make the country grow and expand. sian .. hello by ....,., A. SmIth This expansion, Bentsen said, would be fueled by the lloyd Bent.en, Democratic vice presidential c.andldate, ad­ Dan Quayle aa his running mata. Sen. P!lu1 hn. Nakanda, young people getting out of dr..... a crowd In the Student Center Ballrooms Wedn.. day. who was a prea.ldential candida.. In tM Democratic primary, college and looldng for jobs in Bentaenwnphaslzed hi. qualification. klf'the vice presidency II...... to Bentsen'• ..,..c:h. Simon spoke 10 .... orowd earlier the workforce. while attacking Vice President George Bush on his choice 01 ebout tM Importance of voting. .. ._. "Good jobs at good wages is what it is all about," he said. B"ntsen said excellence in education would be a first Bentsen stands tall-along with crowd priority of a Dukail:is-Bentsen By Kathleen DeBo Center Ballrooms to see even &eeing the political guests, the P.8rty image-makers think, "It administration. Staff Writer the stage. audience gave an excited It sells, package it - if it look& "Attending college should Jim Waddal, a researcher at welcome to Illinois Sens. Paul good, nominate it," referring not be a privilege, but a right Most people at the Southern the University fisheries, said, Simon and Alan Dixon. The of all Americans." Illinois Rally for Sen. Lloyd to Republican vice­ Bentsen Wednesday seemed to "The average height of reaction to Chancellor presidential candidate Dan Bentsen said under a loan Americans is obviously higher Lawrence K. Pettit was not so Quayle. plan proposed by Gov. have no problem with the than I thought." warm. He was greeted with a content of the speeches - the After the rally, NoreeJ!. Dukakis, "We will make that mixture of claps and boos. Vollbach, a Morris Library dream a reality." problem was trying to see the When the first speaker asked A frenzy of clapping folloWed Under the Dukakis plan, vice-presIdential candidate. the crowd to "Please rise" for Dixon's introductory speech. =~':~ts!:~: ru:'!3. got to students would pay for their Some crowd members had to the national anthem, a ripple loans from deductions from stand on their tiptoes. When of laughter went through the Bentsen kept the crowd "He gave me a good f1m! their paychecks. The loans enthusiastic Bentsen sup­ crowd. The audience had not going with comments such as, handshake," she said. "And could be paid for immediately porters waved their signs, it been supplied with chairs and "Don't just watch his (Bush's) what he said about the or paid over a lifetime. became impossible for people was already standing. lips - watch him, judge him." Bentsen said this ty;>e of in the back of the Studellt Despite the diffiCulty in Bentsen said the Republican See STANDI, Page 5 program would go beyouJ tlte present program and it would be much easier to qualify for. "When you first get out of Food Service ponders college you are not making the Same old union talk money it takes to payoff suer a debt," he said. bid on Marriot contract Bentsen attacked the provokes faculty fight Reagan administration for By Klmbwly Clarke the j'lb" Jones said. cuts in funding Pell grants and StaffWrittor Union members received a By Jackie Spinner said he wOilld work to raise letter from Jones in which he Staff Writer federal funding. When the Marriott catering stated that the Food Service News Analysis "You as unive-~ity students contract is up at the Student Three representatives in are taught to search out those Center in February, President :'t:n~ ~:rs~ !~ ~ the collective bargaining country and stressed the John C. Guyon wants to em­ asking why they were bla~ issue met Tuesday to integrity of its staff, but the See BLASTS, Paga 5 ploy one food service that will for current problems in Food discuss who had the most hundreds of press releases take care of the whole Service. grassroots, but in the end University, Edward Jones, "We don't know why or how the real grassroots - the 50 See FIGHT, fage S This !\lorning director of University we got on the ropes, but we or more faculty members Housing, said. wmt it explained, we want to who attended the meeting - "We need to prepare our­ be a part 01. the process in bad its say. selves as though we are bid­ What started as 8 forum Kesnar Hall stinks diJ.lg for the contract," Jones finding out the problems," Bob to discuss why collective after gas spill said. Balter, union president, said. bargaining was good for A meeting was held Wed­ Jones said being on the ropes SID and what union, if any, -PageS nesday night between the means that regardless of bow could best represent manage-ment of University the service got there, they are faculty, ended up in a Food Service and the union there. showdown. Bears coach stable members to discuss the "Everyone needs to do their But nobody really said possibilities of a catering job, we need external efforts to anything new. after heart attack outline procedures and in­ J service taking over the jobs of The Illinois Education ventory, get ordering in shape, - Sports 16 Food Service. Associa tion trumpeted its Qua uy. collective and get menus working, we bargaining I. tlglltln' "If we are going to compete need to run a tighter status as the fastest Sunny,SOa. with the catering servicfs, the growing union in the , words. question is who is going to do s.. PONDERS, Pa,. 11 Tone & Tighten YourEuropean Body with the ~......, . Newswrap Body Wrap ., . Process. ' Keep Your Budget . Do You Want To: . world/nation On Track ~ T~, ~nd~=hB~6" " ,At Sidetracks Measurements in Just Iranians observe 1979 One 2~ IIIIIIr Sessioa? 3-9 • Reduce lIIIsi9h\1y Cellulite? • Reduce • . U.S. Embassy takeover 50( Drafts $2.50 Pitcr.ers Stretcll Marks? \ ~i~::ea~=% MANAMA, Bahrain (UPI) - Iranian demonstrators marking 9-Close further informatioo- call the ninth anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover Wednesday 60(Drafts 53.00 Pitchers us or come in and see us. carried chunks of charred debris they said came from the Iran ·9,--~q.l Air jetliner shot down by an American warship :n July. The Islamic Republic News Agency said thousands of Iranians 997-3927 taking P,B:rt in the rally denounced the United States as "the No.1 enemy' and set fire to an effigy of Uncle Sam and an American flag in front of the former embassy grounds. Israeli political parties seek religious support JERUSALEM (UP!) - Israel's two major political parties, each unable to form a government alone because they lack Private Practice - enough voter support, courted religious factions for their Assistant State Attorney - 2 Years backing Wednesday in trying to set up the next ruling coalition. ~o Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres E There Is No Substitute For Expe,-ience and their negotiating teams met tltroughout the d8y with the four oIII ultra-Orthodox religious parties that made a surprisingly strong showing in parliamentary elections Tuesday. CD '"o DAVID WATT Aquino moves date of U.S. military departure ~ C PUNCH' PUNCH' MANILA, Philippines (UPI) - President Corazon Aquino, placing her nation on a potential collision course with the United g 11481 JAS~~?J:TCJ~~lRY 11481 States, said Wednesday a treaty on U.S. military bases expires one year before the deadline considered final by Washington. ~ VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1988 Aquino's statement put her in conflict with U.S. officials who c Democrat Denlocrat Democrat f> •• d tor br the W.n 101 Judge Commin.. Democrat Oemocrat Democrat have said the Pentagon has until September 1992 to vacate Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Base. Iran, Iraq discuss return of prisoners of war GENEVA (UPI) - Iraq and Iran traded charges Wednesday on the repatriation of at least 70,000 prisoners of war following the resumption of U.N.-sponsored peace talks aimed at reaching WHY YOU G~drat~s a permanent settlement to the PersiLn Gulf War.
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