Dr. SR Rajasthan Ayurved University Campus KARWAR, NAGAUR ROAD, JODHPUR (RAJ.) – 342037 Tel: 0291-2795346, 347
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AYUSH UG/PG ADMISSION COUNSELLING BOARD, RAJASTHAN RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR COUNSELLING AND ADMISSION IN Part-I of MD (Homoeopathy) FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-20 IN THE HOMOEOPATHY COLLEGES IN RAJASTHAN Website : www.rajugpgayushcounselling.in E-mail: [email protected] OFFICE: Dr. SR Rajasthan Ayurved University Campus KARWAR, NAGAUR ROAD, JODHPUR (RAJ.) – 342037 Tel: 0291-2795346, 347 MD (Homoeopathy) ADMISSION COUNSELLING- 2019 AT A GLANCE Information brochure is available on www.rajugpgayushcounselling.in and forms can be filled online at the website www.rajugpgayushcounselling.in 1. Online Application Form for registration is available from : 02.09.2019 Fee details and important dates: 02.09.2019 Online registration and submission of Application Form including to uploading of photograph and signature (up to 11.50 PM) 11.09.2019 Last date of successful final transaction of fee (through Credit/Debit 11.09.2019 Card/Net Banking upto 11.50 PM) Fee Payable by Candidates in INR General/Unreserved & OBC/MBC-NCL Rs. 2000/- SC, ST, & STA Rs. 1200/- (Applicable Service/Processing charges & GST are to be paid by the candidate.) Counselling Schedule To be announced later Candidates can apply for registration for PG Admission counselling 2019 in “Online” mode only. Submission of Online Application Form may be done by accessing counselling board website www.rajugpgayushcounselling.in The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted in any case. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate. Candidates must follow the instructions strictly as given in the Information Bulletin on counselling board website. Candidates not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified Candidates must ensure that e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own as all information/ communication will be sent by counselling board through e-mail on e-mail address or SMS on given Mobile Number only. Instructions for filling Online Application Form: ™ Download Information Bulletin and Replica of Application Form. Read these carefully to ensure your eligibility. ™ Follow the 4 steps given below to Apply Online: Step-1: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down the system generated Application No. Step-2: Upload scanned images of Candidate’s Photograph in JPG/JPEG format. Step-3: Make payment of fee using appropriate payment mode through appropriate payment gateway and keep proof of fee paid. Step-4: Print at least four copies of Confirmation Page after successful remittance of fee. All the 4 Steps can be done together or at separate times. Note:- 1. The final submission of Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-2 and step-3 are not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained. 2. No request for refund of fee once remitted by the candidate will be entertained by NTA under any circumstances. 3. The entire application process of PG counselling is online, including uploading of scanned images, Payment of Fees, and Printing of Confirmation Page. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page to Counselling Board through Post/ Fax/ by Hand. 4. Candidates are advised to keep visiting the Counselling Board website regularly for latest updates and to check their e-mails. 2. Registration Fee: REGISTRATION FEE All candidates are required to deposit registration fee of Rs. 2000/- ((for General & OBC candidates) and Rs.1200/- (for SC/ ST candidate of Rajasthan state domicile + applicable e-mitra charges, through Internet banking / Debit card / Credit card or at any E-Mitra CSC Kiosk Centre (authorized by the Government of Rajasthan). The registration fee is neither refundable, nor transferable and nor adjustable for any future State PG admissions. Any plea in this matter shall not be entertained. Please keep the information submitted in application form confidential and do not share with anybody. If you don’t register during registration period, you will not be allotted any seat. Please also note that registration will be available once only. 3. AIAPGET-2019 merit holder candidates may apply for counselling and admission to Homoeopathy PG Institutions in Rajasthan if eligible based on applicable rules, regulations, reservation policy and other criteria specified by Govt. of India/ Govt. of Rajasthan respectively. 4. Admission Board will propose its own merit list considering AIAPGET-2019 merit list and based on its applicable rules regulations, reservation policy and other criteria. 5. Counselling will be conducted by Admission Board based on merit list of registered eligible applicants as per rules on schedule dates ……………… at Dr. SR Rajasthan Ayurved University's main campus at Karwar, Jodhpur and offer of admission will be made to the meritorious candidate as per rules and basis of counselling etc. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ADMISSION COUNSELLING IN Part-I of M.D. (Homoeopathy) Course FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-20 COMMON FEATURES 1. Qualification for Admission: 1.1 Homoeopathy Degree (Bachelor of Homoeopathy Medicine & Surgery) of Universities of Rajasthan OR any equivalent examination recognized by CCH New Delhi. 1.2 No candidate shall be admitted to M.D. (Hom.) course unless he possesses the degree of:- (i) Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery or equivalent qualification in Homoeopathy included in the Second Schedule to the Act, after undergoing a course of study of not less than five year and six months duration including one year compulsory internship; or (ii) Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (Graded Degree) or equivalent qualification in Homoeopathy include in the Second Schedule to the Act, after undergoing a course of study of not less than two years' duration. 1.3. Candidates must have completed the Twelve months rotating Internship /House Job, as the case may be, after passing the qualifying examination as stipulated by date 31 Oct. 2019 or as decided by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. 1.4.The online application form and prospectus will be available on the Board website www.rajugpgayushcounselling.in from 02-09-2019 to 11-09-2019 2. Admission Procedure: i. Admission will be subject to the rules & regulations of the respective institutes. ii. Admission Board reserves the right to correct any inadvertent error in any merit list and also in the prospectus. iii. The Admission Board shall organize counselling of the candidates and allot the Institute and Subjects taking into an account the Scheme of distribution of Reserved seats, Merit lists of respective categories, the order of the Merit of AIAPGET 2019 Preference and Availability of seats. The right of admission of any candidate who does not complete the prescribed internship by date 31 Oct. 2019 or as decided by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, will automatically stand cancelled. iv. Vacancies arising due to any reason shall be filled by reshuffling on the Basis of Reservations and Merit-cum-Preference List from the candidates in the Waiting List. v. No TA/D.A. will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the Counselling. 3. Selection of Candidates for Admission: Selection of the candidates for Admission shall be made by a Counselling Board constituted by competent Authority. Selection of the candidates shall be made strictly on the basis of AIAPGET-2019 Merit. 4 Counselling, Merit List, Subject Preference and Allotment: i. The candidates will be called for counselling according to Provisional Merit List. ii As per the Categories, subjects shall be allotted according to Reservations, Merit in the respective Subjects, Preference, Availability of seats etc. iii. For equal marks in AIAPGET-2019, the final merit will be decided at the time of counselling by BHMS original Marks-sheet, therefore candidate must fill-up his BHMS marks in application form. In case there is tie of the marks in AIAPGET-2019 merit list preference will be given to the candidate passing BHMS examination in first attempt in the higher percentage of the marks. If a tie still exists, the allotment shall be made giving preference to seniority in age. iv. The selected candidates must carry all requisite certificates / documents in original along with 02 sets of self-attested copies of the same for verification, at the time of reporting to Counselling Board along with demand draft of the Non-refundable token fees of Rs. 20000/- (Rs. Twenty Thousand) in favor of Chairman, AYUSH UG Counselling Admission Board, Rajasthan payable at Jodhpur to be submitted to Counselling Board, failing which their admission shall stand cancelled. 5. Reservations, Subjects and Admission Capacity: (a) Subjects, Reservations & Admission Capacity are different in different Institutes. The distribution of seats in a particular institute will be as per the rules & regulations of the respective Institution and State Govt. of Rajasthan, Govt. of India and CCH, New Delhi. (b) Certain Seats are reserved for PH Candidates horizontally. These seats shall be filled from the Candidates belonging to the relevant PH Category on the basis of Merit. 1.2. (A) Only those students who have qualified in the AIPGET-2019 can participate in the counselling for admission in AYUSH PG courses for the academic year 2019-20. (B) Minimum qualifying marks for AIPGET-2019 will be as specified in existing PG Regulation (ASU) as given below: “The qualifying criteria for AYUSH MD/MS/ courses shall be as per CCIM and Ministry of AYUSH,