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Anthropologically introduced biases in natural history collections, with a case study on the collections from the middle Lagerstätte

Anna F. Whitaker and Julien Kimmig


Natural history collections are critical for modern scientific investigations, which are greatly expanding on the potential data applications of historic specimens. How- ever, using these specimens outside their original intent introduces biases and poten- tial misinterpretations. Anthropogenic biases can be introduced at any point during the life of museum specimens, from collection, preparation, and accession, to digitization. These biases can cause significant effects when the user is unaware of the collection context, as specific collection biases are often known anecdotally, but not ubiquitously. In this case study, the University of Kansas collection of Spence Shale Lagerstätte material was examined for anthropogenic biases using a collections inventory, inter- views with stakeholders, and a literature review. Biases were found related to collector interest, locality preference, and researcher interest and specialization. These biases create a distorted view on the diversity and ecology of the Spence Shale, and need to be considered in future research.

Anna F. Whitaker. Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada. [email protected] Julien Kimmig. Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum & Art Gallery, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 16802, USA. [email protected]

Keywords: Natural history collections; invertebrate paleontology; collections bias; soft-bodied preservation; Cambrian

Submission: 25 June 2020. Acceptance: 20 November 2020.

Whitaker, Anna F. and Kimmig, Julien. 2020. Anthropologically introduced biases in natural history collections, with a case study on the invertebrate paleontology collections from the middle Cambrian Spence Shale Lagerstätte. Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(3):a58. https://doi.org/10.26879/1106 palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/3238-collections-biases

Copyright: December 2020 Paleontological Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which permits users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, provided it is not used for commercial purposes and the original author and source are credited, with indications if any changes are made. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ WHITAKER & KIMMIG: COLLECTIONS BIASES

INTRODUCTION history collections are nonrandom and represent a ‘presence only’ dataset, and must be treated as Natural history collections (NHCs) are under- such (Wehi et al., 2012; Lipps, 2018; Hedrick et al., going a transformative role within science during 2020). Examining sources of anthropogenic bias the twenty-first century. More so than ever, the can help determine whether absences are true specimens they contain are being applied to “big absences, or false signals due to introduced condi- data” interdisciplinary problems such as disease tions. control, the global biodiversity and ecological cri- This paper provides an overview on anthropo- ses, and mitigation and measurement of the effects logically introduced biases in natural history sci- of global warming (Suarez and Tsutsui, 2004; ences that create discrepancies between the Winker, 2004; Baird, 2010; Pyke and Ehrlich, 2010; published literature, museum collections, and the Bakker et al., 2020; Hedrick et al., 2020). New reality of the natural world. As a case study, anthro- technological applications and methodologies, pogenic biases in the University of Kansas collec- such as genomics, computational statistics, CT tion of the Spence Shale Lagerstätte material are scanning, and machine learning are bringing identified through a collections inventory, types of renewed interest and application to historic collec- material in the collection, comparison with the pub- tions, decades or even centuries after they have lished literature, and identification of the collection been established (Wandeler et al., 2007; Nelson context by discussion with the collectors, collection and Ellis, 2018). Natural history collections span managers, and researchers who have used it from the seventeenth century on, making them through time. By identifying these biases, this work invaluable representations of a record of anthropo- will serve as a guide for future researchers using genic change on a global scale (Nelson and Ellis, the Spence Shale material, as well as an example 2018). The value of these historic specimens lies in for others concerned about collection bias in their their ability to be used in time-series data, repre- studies. senting multiple collecting events of a locality or generations of a over time (Lister and Cli- INTRODUCTION OF BIASES IN NATURAL mate Change Research Group, 2011; Habel et al., HISTORY COLLECTIONS 2014; Holmes et al., 2016). Despite the nearly unlimited potential of natural history collections, The challenge of accounting for collections they are under threat from lack of funding, cuts to bias is due to the extreme variability in types of stewardship positions (curators, collections man- bias. Natural history collections can be biased in agers, researchers), and lack of space. However, infinite combinations relating to specimen taxon, there are several reasons natural history collec- preservation type, when the collection was made, tions must be maintained: e.g., historic collections the field collector, the collecting institution, etc. To are impossible to replicate on the same scale, they discuss these issues, this paper is organized represent taxa and localities that no longer exist, according to when a source of bias enters a collec- and they are cost-effective to maintain in compari- tion (Figure 1), with examples from across biologi- son to trying to accumulate new data sets (Allmon cal/paleontological collections. and Poulton, 2000; Suarez and Tsutsui, 2004; Field Bias Lister and Climate Change Research Group, 2011). Field collection is the moment a living organ- While the application of collections-based ism or natural object is removed from its environ- data grows, the potential distance between the ment and becomes a specimen of study. There are contextual knowledge of the data and end users is numerous biases introduced at this stage, often also increasing. Database aggregators and digiti- compounding as the distance between collection zation efforts are mobilizing data on exponential event and use in study occurs. To begin, the speci- scales, allowing researchers access to millions of men’s physical characteristics influence selection. specimen records across thousands of institutions Overly large or bulky specimens may be left in the (Nelson and Ellis, 2018; Hedrick et al., 2020). field due to the difficulty of transporting them While this increases the potential scope of the (Nekola et al., 2019). Paleontological material that analyses, it means the researcher is often removed is too large, or too remote to remove without spe- from personal familiarity of each data point. cialized mechanical equipment (e.g., cranes or Museum collections data have inherent vices that helicopters) must be left in situ, or be accounted for researchers must be made aware of, lest they mis- in the budget of the collecting trip. Amateur collec- interpret the resulting signals and patterns. Natural tors, or collectors from smaller institutions, are less


FIGURE 1. Examples of anthropological actions that create bias in natural history collections and when they occur. likely to be able to fund such coordinated efforts specimens, but should be cataloged and marked with external contractors. In modern and col- as such. Thus, even for taxonomically-oriented lections, smaller specimens requiring specialized research, poorly-preserved or unidentifiable mate- equipment (microscopes, sieves) to locate may be rial should be considered for collection. ignored due to practicality. In contrast, coring or Specimens collected live (and to a certain drilling samples may exclude large specimens and extent fossil) in the field can be biased based on favor smaller specimens. In paleontological taxo- the stage of their lifecycle (Panchen et al., 2019), nomic collection, complete or articulated speci- as well as towards the most common times of field- mens may be favored over incomplete/ work: during the off-time of the academic calendar, disarticulated specimens, leading to a complete- holidays, etc. (Nekola et al., 2019). Additionally, the ness bias. While completeness of specimens is geopolitical landscape affects collection opportuni- crucial, or at least beneficial, to most types of ties; this is especially the case in times of high geo- research (e.g., systematics, ), there political unrest, leading towards variable collection are other research questions that can still be inves- over time (Panchen et al., 2019). tigated despite incomplete preservation, e.g., mac- The purpose of the collecting event often roevolution, , stratigraphic/geographic defines what information is associated with the distributions (Lieberman and Kaesler, 2000; specimen. A major bias results from the fact that Allmon, 2005), and sometimes an incomplete fieldwork is often taxonomically-oriented, meaning specimen might be the only representative of a some groups of organisms are favored over others. species at a locality. Poor preservation is also criti- This undermines the future use of the data for cal for understanding the limitations of preservation occurrence-based ecological and diversity work, as processes, and provides a vital comparison to some taxonomic groups will have artificially inflated high-quality or ‘ideal’ preservation (Kimmig and specimen records (Lieberman and Kaesler, 2000; Pratt, 2016). Taxonomically unidentifiable material Allmon, 2005; Nekola et al., 2019). Taxonomic col- can also be used for destructive sampling, e.g., for lection events are more favorable than strati- stable isotope analyses or for testing effects of graphic, systematic, or bulk sampling events due to preparation and preservation before use on other their inherent selective nature: excess material can

3 WHITAKER & KIMMIG: COLLECTIONS BIASES be discarded in the field, it is more difficult to trans- and compare them to modern population sex port bulk material, systematic sampling takes more ratios, other sources of bias, including collecting time, and comprehensive sampling may require bias, need to be ruled out in both collections. For multiple localities. example: in a study of fossil moa, a highly skewed Other biases are created through risk-versus- sex ratio (determined by genetic sampling) was reward conditions of the collection event. Localities observed in two localities (Allentoft et al., 2009). with known high productivity are often revisited, While the analyzed material represents a nearly rather than attempting new localities with poten- holistic sample of the available museum collection tially lower productivity (Nekola et al., 2019). Addi- material, the validity of whether the observed pat- tionally, there is a diametrically opposing influence terns is a primary signal is contingent on whether of local vs. destination collection. Localities closer “the museum collections are representative of the to home or near access points are easier and less original collections”, i.e., a potential curational bias, costly to visit (Panchen et al., 2019), while iconic as well as whether the collected material rep- localities are touted (Nekola et al., 2019). These resents an accurate sampling of the composition of biases are often based on the research area of the the fossil deposit (Allentoft et al., 2009). In fossil scientist, as well as funding available. specimens that cannot be genetically sexed, analy- Rarity of a species influences their collection: sis of sex must rely upon interpretations of morpho- rare specimens are often over-represented com- logical differences. Sexual dimorphism in the fossil pared to common specimens (McGowan and record can be represented through discrete char- Dyke, 2009; Nekola et al., 2019). Perceived rarity acters (presence/absence) or continuous charac- can be caused by several factors; such as the ters, and interpreted behaviors (Kimmig and charismatic nature of comparatively rare speci- Spielman, 2011; Mallon, 2017). The same collec- mens, e.g., theropod are rarer ecologi- tion biases toward larger, showier, or ornate speci- cally than sauropod dinosaurs, but are over- mens could impact fossil sexual selection collected (this pattern has been dubbed ‘Stromer’s analyses, and considered in future studies. Riddle’) (McGowan and Dyke, 2009). This can cre- Acquisition and Curation Bias ate disproportionate reconstructions of ecology and biodiversity (e.g., Davis and Pyenson, 2007). The collecting or funding institution controls Many natural history collections exhibit a what components of collections are retained and Pareto distribution, where a majority of the sam- maintained over time. The institution is guided by ples are accrued by few collectors (Isaac and its collection policies and by oversight from collec- Pocock, 2015; Panchen et al., 2019). Therefore, tion staff (collection managers, curators, division minute eccentricities, errors, or preferences of the heads, directors). Collection policies must be flexi- collectors can be amplified in a collection. It can be ble by nature, and reflect the current direction and difficult to identify a collector-induced bias, unless it priorities of the institution. Collections may be is seen firsthand or a comparison can be made of deaccessioned if they no longer align with the material from a different collector. museum mission, or reassigned to different pur- Another collection bias rooted in field selec- poses (teaching collection, exhibition) if they no tion is sex bias. The sex of specimens can affect longer represent viable sources of data. research conclusions in , genomics, com- Museums routinely engage in specimen parative anatomy, stable isotope ecology, and mor- exchange, breaking up collections. Without pub- phological evolution (Cooper et al., 2019). A bias lished reference to the original composition of the towards male specimens has been observed in collection, or in-house documentation of the several taxonomic groups, including modern birds exchanged material, researchers may be unaware and mammals, and is especially pronounced in of the fragmented and distributed collection. species with males with ornate or showy charac- Orphaned collections often represent special- ters, such as birds of paradise, and less pro- ized research collections belonging to university nounced in species with reversed characteristics faculty, or sections of a larger collection (Golden, (Cooper et al., 2019). However, this does not 2000). When institutions are considering being explain the bias in other mammals, like small potential adopters of orphaned collections, they rodents, which suggests the field selection proce- must assess whether the incoming collection would dures were somehow biased towards capturing/ fit with the mission of the institution and whether it selecting males (Cooper et al., 2019). In to complements the current collection’s strengths or address population sex ratios in the fossil record, fills a weakness (Golden, 2000). The mission and

4 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG collections policies of institutions are by nature Collections and specimens are processed, flexible and constantly updating to reflect the inter- curated, identified, and made accessible in non- ests of the current stakeholders (curators, random orders. These methodologies overlap with researchers, collection managers, directors, etc.). preparation, study, and digitization biases, as Therefore, there will be a bias towards accepting material can only be studied once it is made acces- ‘easily-accessible’ collections (i.e., easy to move, sible, either physically or online. easy to integrate into existing storage situations) Preparation Bias and collections that complement the research inter- ests of the accepting intuition. Collections that rep- While field bias mainly influences what is resent a large volume of material (by weight and by brought into the collection, preparation bias influ- number of specimens), such as invertebrate and ences what information is lost or altered during this paleontology collections, are not favor- transfer. able from a logistical standpoint, despite being nec- The intention for preparation influences the essary from a research perspective. procedures. Exhibition preparation is to maximize Orphaned collections often contain different the presentation of the specimen, i.e., removing a biases than collections in their adoptive institution, paleontological specimen completely from the as they have been housed in a different institution matrix, or preparing one side of a specimen (in slab and were often collected by different people then form). This can restrict the future research done on the specimens in the adopting institution. If not well the specimen; removing it from the context of the documented when integrated into the new collec- matrix removes ecological and taphonomic infor- tion, the original bias might not be apparent and mation, such as the articulation of the specimen, can become overwritten once accessioned into the associated species, sedimentological information, new collection context. Because orphaned collec- and small-scale stratigraphy. tions usually belong to smaller institutions or are a Another outcome of preparation is the resto- subset of a collection, they can contain numerous ration of specimens for aesthetic purposes, often biases (e.g., localized or narrow zone of sampling; repairing damage or adding replicas of missing difficult collections that require maintenance, etc.). parts to present a “whole” or “perfect” specimen Additional bias is introduced by the curation of (Le Cabec and Toussaint, 2017; Vidal et al., 2020). the collection and changes of curators and collec- While this may be appropriate under certain tions managers over time. This is especially the museum circumstances (e.g., improving the under- case with large diverse collections. A curator is standing of a complex organism on exhibit for visi- often specialized in a certain clade of or tors), it can interfere with the scientific plants, which can lead to bias towards the curation interpretation of the specimen. Display specimens of this clade. This bias is often reflected in may also be composites, created from multiple improved identification of the clade of interest, incomplete specimens. Historically, there was a whereas other clades are comparatively neglected, lack of differentiation between research specimens leading to poor higher-level taxonomy or potentially and exhibit specimens, creating modern problems unidentified specimens. The more curators and when referenced or type material was prepared in collections manager work in a collection, and the a manner befitting exhibition. For example, in a more diverse their background, the smaller this review of 18 “complete” Xiphactinus audax on dis- bias. While numbers vary vastly between museum play or in storage, 13 had restorations, and six collections, there will always be unidentified or were composite specimens (Bardack, 1965). badly identified specimens in a collection. Exhibits were valued for their showmanship, which Limited staff and limited time to deal with new means scientific interpretations occasionally took a accessions and backlog can also result in unpro- back seat for dramatization and “artistic interpreta- cessed and uncatalogued specimens. This can tions”. lead to researchers working on the collections of Restoration is not limited to exhibition speci- the museum not having all specimens of interest mens. Disarticulated or fragmented specimens are available to them, not knowing that certain speci- often reconstructed during research preparation. mens exist, resulting in potential misinterpretations This can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy: the fos- of the diversity of a locality or missing taxonomi- sils are constructed based on prior knowledge, cally informative specimens. These as well as influencing decisions and the interpretation of the other curation methodologies and limitations can outcome (Le Cabec and Toussaint, 2017; Vidal et potentially create biases. al., 2020). An example of this is the La Chapelle-

5 WHITAKER & KIMMIG: COLLECTIONS BIASES aux-Saints Neanderthal skull: at the time of the ini- tives, in which these soft parts are reported, but are tial restoration, Neanderthals were considered to in fact not actually present. For example, preserva- be the linear mid-step between ape and human, tion of water-vascular systems and gut tracts were therefore the skull was likewise reconstructed with reported in some from the Fezouata features to reflect this inherent bias (Le Cabec and Shale Lagerstätten in Morocco, however, upon fur- Toussaint, 2017). While it is traditionally the ther examination the interpreted structures were responsibility of the researcher to vet their data for artifacts of latex casts, and weathering (Saleh et inaccuracies, the abstract use of museum collec- al., 2020b). Exites were identified in tions data and reliance on published references from the Mazon Creek, but were also arti- can impede their efforts. Reconstructions can be facts of physical preparation (Béthoux and Briggs, especially problematic if there is no record of their 2008). Appearances of specific soft-bodied tissues alteration, as future researchers can incorporate and organ structures are critical for establishing the these into their analyses unknowingly, which timing of evolutionary lineages and characteristics, emphasizes the importance of documentation and therefore false positives need to be minimized. collection management. Preparation and preservation can also influ- Air scribing and air abrasion, two common ence geochemical analyses. Experiments with preparation methods in paleontology, can remove modern bone specimens have shown common or alter the fossil surface. Delicate structures, such museum consolidants (Paraloid B-72 and Butvar as appendages or thin bone can be completely B-98) can affect stable isotope δ18O values destroyed by these preparation methods if used (France et al., 2015). Similarly, procedures heavy-handedly. Even ‘softer’ methods of prepara- intended to prevent contamination of consolidates tion, i.e., the combination use of alcohol, water, prior to radiocarbon dating (e.g., water, methanol, , or and using needles, brushes, or or acetone washes) tested ineffective against vinyl cotton swabs to remove matrix, left scratches and acetate-derived materials and cellulose nitrate lac- abraded the surface in experimental studies quers (Brock et al., 2018). Environmental hydrocar- (Fernández-Jalvo and Monfort, 2008). bons from storage materials could be a source of To compound the problem, historically there biomarker signal contamination in fossil material have been precedents to remove the inflicted evi- (Gold et al., 2016). dence of preparation marks, such as using a treat- ment of hydrochloric (Le Cabec and Study and Publication Bias Toussaint, 2017), which itself may remove valuable The large discrepancy between the amount of information. specimen information published in peer-reviewed Acid is a common preparation method to literature and the amount of specimen information extract or separate from matrix in situations in museum collections is well documented. One where physical preparation is not suitable. In car- estimate of this disparity in paleontology collections bonate preservation settings, where there are both found there are 23 times more localities repre- carbonate and silicified organisms, dissolving the sented in museum collections than published in the matrix will also remove the carbonate fossils, leav- literature (Marshall et al., 2018). The current esti- ing the silicified material (Pruss et al., 2015). Silici- mates of specimens held in natural history muse- fication can be taxonomically biased, therefore acid ums is 1.2-2.1 x 109, with less than 5% available preparing a partially-silicified fauna could create a through data aggregators (Ariño, 2010; Bakker et bias affecting ecological results (Pruss et al., al., 2020). The publication record of museum col- 2015). lections is a magnitude smaller, and so is only cap- Not only can preparation remove characteris- turing a minute percentage of the capacity of tics, it may lead to false interpretations. Dental museum collections. The disparity between publi- microwear, the study of the scratches and pits on cation records and museum collections is problem- the surface of teeth, records the diet of the atic for diversity estimates that are sensitive to the on the scale of weeks to months. However, air evenness (how the specimen counts of the species abrasion preparation can alter the count of the compare to one another) of the data source. microwear textures, altering the lifestyle interpreta- Because published records are likely more even tions, as extreme as misinterpreting a grazing life- than what is represented in museum collections, style instead of a browsing lifestyle (Johnson, this can distort these diversity estimates (Davis 2018). Additionally, preparation can mimic the and Pyenson, 2007). preservation of soft tissues, leading to false posi-


The publication record is entirely dependent and inadequate facilities to support the level of on how researchers approach their field, which is inquiry (no microscopes, CT scanning facilities, subject to shifts in interest and application over etc.). time. Koch (1978) noted “the published fossil Two of the foundational fields of the natural record owes much to studies which had as their sciences are taxonomy and systematics, which is primary function the solving of biostratigraphic the process of defining, categorizing, and estab- problems. It is reasonable that the published lishing the relationships between natural organ- record may be biased in favor of biostratigraphi- isms. Systematic and taxonomic studies are cally important taxa because these taxa have been contingent on type specimens held in museum col- studied by more persons and to greater taxonomic lections (Lieberman and Kaesler, 2000; Allmon et detail than fossils, which are seldom used in solv- al., 2018). Primary type specimens should be held ing stratigraphic problems.” As research trends in a public trust in perpetuity (as per Recommenda- shift in response to funding opportunities, new tion 16C of the ICZN), but formal requirements for applications, and industry, the published record publication of a new species are within the purview and the specimens they reference will also shift, of the journal (ICZN, 1999). Many journals state creating an ebb and flow of biases. they will not publish papers that include privately- Charismatic taxa and taxa evoking a positive held specimens (e.g., Papers in Palaeontology), emotional response receive more public attention creating a study and publication bias against mate- and financial support than non-charismatic or neg- rial held in non-museum collections. Researchers atively associated taxa. (Amori and Gippoliti, 2000; may also be restricted by their professional societ- Frynta et al., 2010). Even when harmless, there is ies, as some include restrictions on private speci- a strong emotional response of disgust towards mens in their ethics statements (e.g,, The Society “ugly” taxa (Frynta et al., 2019). Researchers are of ). The ramifications of not immune to the pull of charismatic taxa and are such constraints, especially for amateur paleontol- attracted to study certain taxa for similar emotional ogists, remain an active discussion (Haug et al., responses as the public (Lorimer, 2007). Research 2020). Currently, the ICZN Code (1999) does not interest and financial support can inflate publication require allotypes (specimen of the opposite sex of records, collection volume, and even taxonomic the holotype) to be included as a type specimen division, increasing apparent diversity (Nekola et (Rec. 72A, ICZN, 1999). Studies that use type al., 2019; Isaac et al., 2004). Primates are charis- material as species representation incorporate matic, well-known to the public, have established large scale sex biases - 75% of bird and 61% of sources of funding for conservation efforts, motiva- mammal types (holotypes, syntypes, lectotypes, tion for establishment of species for protection leg- and neotypes) are male (Cooper et al., 2019). As islature, and therefore attract much attention. This discussed previously, sex affects a multitude of has led to an exponential increase of primate spe- research outcomes, and this is amplified by limiting cies over the last 20 years (Isaac et al., 2004). analyses to types (Cooper et al., 2019). Type and Additionally, the ease of access to collections figured material is also on average larger in dimen- severely affects studies. The inaccessibility of sion than the means of bulk sampled material specimens, be it that specimens are ‘under (Krause et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2015). While this research’ by another group, or access to the collec- does not interfere with broad scale analyses com- tion is limited, can lead to false absences or mis- paring to other type and figured material, it should identifications in datasets. If databases are not be kept in mind when the type material is used as a available online or if specimens cannot be sent on strict representative voucher for that species. loan the research potential of the specimens is lim- Digitization and Database Bias ited to research by those with the ability to physi- cally travel to the collection. Often, those with the Digitization is seen as the future of natural his- capability to make significant collections visits are tory collections, but there are major challenges senior researchers with a funding source and associated with digitizing the sheer volume of strong inter-institution influence. Junior faculty may material represented in museum collections, and be unable to commit to the same research enter- therefore the “abstracted record” of the material will prises. The location of the museum can be subject not match the physical museum collection record to external limitations that would discourage visit- for a long time, if ever (Berents et al., 2010; Allmon ing researchers, such as travel restrictions, geopo- et al., 2018). Until that theoretical equality is met, litical unrest, location relative to other institutions, there will be a bias of which material is digitized.


Digitization efforts are often funded by sources Other biases can come from auto-populated fields external from the museum, i.e., large-scale initia- in databases where the data is missing or incom- tives (e.g., the National Science Foundation’s plete. Databases that derive from published litera- Advancing the Digitization of Biodiversity Collec- ture (e.g., Database, which is tions program) or smaller efforts that target specific manually entered by volunteers) perpetuate the collections or sub-sets of collections (Blagoderov study biases that have been created by these pub- et al., 2012; Nelson and Ellis, 2018). Digitization lications and might have biases towards certain workflows emphasize prioritizing specimens taxa depending on the people in charge of data according to institutional policies, user demand, entry. While standardization is becoming more type status, rarity, fragility, metadata completeness, prominent, there are still many concerns to be taxonomic interest, ecosystem importance, and addressed (e.g., Wieczorek et al., 2012; Groom et research projects (Berents et al., 2010; Blagoderov al., 2019). et al., 2012; Karim et al., 2016; Seltmann et al., Mitigations 2018; Hedrick et al., 2020; Marcer et al., 2020). Errors associated with data input (e.g., tran- Solutions to the introduction of bias for incom- scription errors in locality, collector name, year of ing collections are preventive measures and dili- collection) can disproportionally represent abun- gent documentation. Many of these solutions are dances in collections. Changes in stratigraphic and intuitive and apparent, as they represent good col- taxonomic nomenclature can dissociate specimens lections management and data maintenance pro- from their original collections or correct taxonomic cedures. Unfortunately, the methods for dealing group. Duplicate records (i.e., records of the same with established collections in museums are more specimen wrongfully included multiple times, often akin to coping mechanisms than solutions. Each as a result of a taxonomic change creating records collection will have its own unique biases, and bearing both the old and new assignment) can arti- identifying them constitutes the majority of the ficially swell abundances of taxa or localities. Taxa effort, and is also the most important aspect. The that are subject to more intensive scrutiny (i.e., responsibility for mitigating biases is distributed their taxonomy is being revised and changed more among all stakeholders: collectors, museum work- rapidly) will have a higher likelihood of these errors ers, researchers, database users, institutions, etc. occurring, and therefore this digitization bias origi- Biases, like those created by outdated taxonomy, nates in a study bias. One of the larger biases that cannot be fully addressed unless it is at multiple is introduced at this point is the cataloguing of lot levels (e.g., creating funded, permanent positions specimens, as museums have not found a uniform for taxonomists, incorporating taxonomic updates way of doing this. Some museums will give each as a designated responsibility of collection man- specimen in a lot a number, whereas other muse- agement positions, and emphasizing the duty of ums will just give the whole lot a single number. researchers to correct incorrect or outdated identifi- This can lead to problems when a study requires cations when using collections). A list of recom- abundance information, as when a lot is assigned a mendations for reducing biases at multiple levels in single number, it is impossible to guess how many natural history museum collections is provided specimens are in it, whereas when each specimen below. This list is by no means complete, but rep- within a lot has a number it will allow for accurate resents a sampling of actions and considerations data. Giving each specimen in a lot a number can museum workers and researchers can implement be problematic, when specimens are broken, and to reduce biases. additionally it is much more time consuming than Field Bias giving the lot a single number. Database aggregators can compound the • Holistic sampling (Cook et al., 2017) and biases present in digitization and publication. Data- “Next-Generation Collections” (Schindel and bases that source from museum collection records Cook, 2018) champion the association of mul- are only as current as the last time the collections tiple integrated data samples from an organ- were updated, making them susceptible to the ism and its surrounding environment. The same digitization problems (incorrect taxonomic caveat of this “collecting event cascade” is assignments, stratigraphic nomenclature, etc.). In keeping all the data from one event correctly addition, taxonomic errors can occur if the underly- associated with multiple specimens across ing taxonomic information is not up to date, or if multiple databases, disciplines, and institu- data entry errors occurred at the museum level. tion collections. This collection methodology


would add invaluable context to museum collections manager or curator of the collec- samples, but is restricted by financial and tion check before final publication. logistical limitations and takes time to suc- Preparation Bias cessfully implement and integrate. • Standardized forms for field collection that • When preparing specimens, documentation of record not only the presence or actions taken, all types of preparation made to the sample but additionally absences and inactions (e.g., should be kept. Samples used for destructive juveniles specimens not collected, collections analysis should be cataloged, and noted above stratigraphic level not made due to “Destroyed by sampling”, as well as retaining safety concerns). Noting taxa not present if the resulting data and sampled material (thin known, vs. not collected, could make the dif- sections, prepared slides, etc.). When possi- ference in preserving the research integrity of ble, pictures, casts, or 3-D scans of the speci- a collecting event. Field collection notes men should be taken before sampling to should be immediately associated with the preserve morphological features. specimens from that collecting event through • Specimens on exhibit should have clearly a relationship database. delineated restorations or modifications where • When collecting bulk samples, a proportion of necessary, that do not interfere with the inter- the material should be kept unprepared for pretation of the specimen, and are justifiable future comparison (Lister and Climate Change based on the aesthetic necessity of the exhibi- Research Group, 2011; Planavsky et al., tion. Type specimens, or specimens that rep- 2020). resent unique or rare individuals, should not be modified at all, as their research integrity Acquisition and Curation Bias should be prioritized. • Documentation should be a priority and not • Micro-CT scanning and synchrotron micro- limited to the purview of collections staff CT scanning can reveal past reconstructions (Mulkerin, 2013). Loss of institutional memory and delineate between fossil and introduced can be circumvented by establishing exit inter- material (such as metal, plaster, wood, and views with staff and faculty leaving their posi- consolidants) (Le Cabec and Toussaint, tions. Memoirs, field and lab notes, and 2017). Interpretation of characteristics and journals of researchers and staff should be structures can also be supported through conserved, transcribed, and digitized. Annual SEM, micro-CT, Raman, and other imaging reports of divisions and collections should techniques instead of purely optical micros- include methodological changes, events that copy (Saleh et al., 2020b). New methods of impacted collections care (natural disasters, preparation, such as Laser Induced Break- leaks, etc.), and large scale procedures (e.g., down Spectroscopy (LIBS), are capable of rehousing and accessioning orphaned collec- discriminating fossil material from matrix, and tions). These files should be kept in multiple inflict less damage to fossil surfaces than tra- formats and backed up regularly. ditional methods (Roberts et al., 2012). • Gaps in collections should be identified and Digitization and Database Bias reflected in collections policies to work towards overcoming. • Digitization bias can be mitigated by improv- ing efficiency of digitization efforts, e.g., auto- Study and Publication Bias mating tasks, crowdsourcing metadata • Researchers should inquire whether the processes, conducting a ‘wall to wall’ museum has fieldwork notes or records, and, approach and not opportunistically sampling if the collector is still living, potentially reach (Blagoderov et al., 2012). Digitization efforts out to them to inquire about additional collec- can be targeted to reduce spatial, temporal, tions and the methodologies and practices and taxonomic biases in databases (e.g., they employed. Hedrick et al., 2020). • Prompt notification of publication and return of • Databases should follow established stan- specimens to museums for curation by dards, e.g., Darwin Core, and constantly researchers. update their underlying databases. Research- • Making sure that the collections numbers are ers who notice taxonomic discrepancies or up-to-date and correct, if possible have the errors should contact the repository.


FIGURE 2. Location of the Spence Shale A. Location in the western United States. B. Topographic relief showing the main mountain ranges and collecting localities. The Wasatch Range contains the High Creek and Blacksmith Fork localities, and the Bear River Range contains Emigration Canyon, Oneida and the type locality Spence Gulch. C. Enlargement of the Wellsville Mountain Range (MH=Miners Hollow, CFC=Calls Fort Canyon, DC=Donation Canyon, CC=Cataract Canyon, AC=Antimony Canyon, HC=Hansen Canyon). Modified from Whitaker et al., 2020.

• Potential feature for users to ‘flag’ or annotate onomic collection, as no bulk sampling or taxonomic entries for update, review, or syn- systematic stratigraphic collection has occurred onymization. (however, specimens retain associated strati- graphic information, if known). In addition, the Har- A CASE STUDY IN PALEONTOLOGICAL vard Museum of Comparative , the Natural COLLECTION BIAS: THE SPENCE SHALE History Museum of (UMNH), the Smithsonian LAGERSTÄTTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF National Museum of Natural History (USNM), the KANSAS NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, the Idaho Museum of Natural History, the Back to the Introduction Past Museum (near Cancun, Mexico), and the The Spence Shale is the middle member of Ohio State University School of Earth Sciences the Langston Formation, dating to the Cambrian also hold significant collections of Spence Shale (: ). Located in northern Utah material. These collections are dominated by trilo- and southern Idaho, USA (Figure 2), this fossil bites and echinoderms, and contain few, if any soft- Lagerstätte preserves large amounts of , bodied specimens. echinoderms, and , as well as lightly- Collection and Publication History sclerotized and soft tissues (Kimmig et al., 2019). The University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, One of the first scientific collections of the Division of Invertebrate Paleontology (KUMIP) Spence Shale was made in 1896 by Robert S. holds the largest collection of material from the Spence (1844-1916), an attorney practicing in Spence Shale, totaling approximately 5,700 speci- Evanston, Wyoming, who sent the material to mens as of 2020. This material is considered a tax- Charles Walcott at the USNM (Walcott, 1908;


Resser, 1939). Another local resident, Knud Han- and Schiffbauer, 2017; Kimmig and Strotz, 2017; sen Fridal, Jr. (1881-1961) who resided in Box Whitaker et al., 2020). These can be considered as Elder County, Utah, also sent Wellsville Mountains a second generation of publications, where the material to the USNM (V. Gunther, personal com- focus shifts from simply observing characteristics mun.). Walcott described the Spence Shale in or recording the fauna, to using this data (species 1908, wherein he demarked the type locality, counts, faunal compositions, etc.) within a broader Spence Gulch, named after Mr. Spence, and noted application of biodiversity, comparisons to other the abundance of fossil material and the potential Lagerstätten, and evolutionary trends. for excellent preservation (Walcott, 1908; Kimmig The overwhelming majority of specimen col- et al., 2019). Walcott made extensive collections in lecting from the Spence Shale has been performed the Spence Shale, depositing them in the USNM, by amateur paleontologists (over 95%), pulling this but did not publish on the fossil material (Robison Lagerstätte into the ongoing complex discussion et al., 2015). His former assistant, Charles Resser, regarding the legality, ethics, and stewardship of published a listing of the hard-shelled fauna, as geologic and paleontological heritage in the United well as the first record of soft-bodied fossils, sev- States (e.g., Lieberman and Kimmig, 2018). A eral specimens of the priapulid worm number of the Spence Shale Lagerstätte localities spencei, based on these museum collections are on public land, namely the Forest Service. The (Resser, 1939). The first stratigraphic work was Forest Service implemented new policies under the done in the 1920s and 1930s at localities near 2013 Paleontological Resource Preservation Act Blacksmith Fork (Mansfield, 1927; Deiss, 1938). (PRPA) to limit collection by amateurs by placing World War II forced a hiatus on research, ending limits on the amount and type of material allowed the first half-century of Spence Shale investigation to collect, as well as prohibiting the use of powered (Robison et al., 2015). and large hand tools (Gunther, 2016). Because of During the second half of the twentieth cen- the amount of work and material needed to extract tury, the Spence Shale received renewed interest, the fossils of the Spence Shale, Glade Gunther mainly due to the influx of fossils collected with considered this legislature highly discouraging to soft-tissue preservation by amateur collectors, the future of amateur collecting and research col- namely the Gunther family, Phil Reese, and Paul laboration in the Spence Shale (Gunther, 2016). Jamison. Resulting publications focused on identi- The Gunther family moved to the Brigham fication and taxonomic placement of the Spence City area in 1965, and between the years 1965- Shale fauna (e.g., Robison, 1969; Conway Morris 2015 collected at least 10,000 specimens from the and Robison, 1986; Babcock and Robison, 1988). Spence Shale and other Cambrian deposits in The paleo-environmental and stratigraphic context Utah and surrounding states, contributing to 75% of the Lagerstätte is slowly emerging, but still lack- of the museum collections of Spence Shale mate- ing compared to the depth of knowledge of other rial (Gunther, 2016; Kimmig et al., 2019; Kimmig, Cambrian deposits (Maxey, 1958; Liddell et al., personal observ.). The Gunther family collectors 1997; Garson et al., 2012; Kloss et al., 2015). In (Lloyd Gunther, Metta Gunther, Val Gunther, and the early 2000s only a few taxonomic papers were Glade Gunther) first contacted Stewart Williams at published (Sprinkle and Collins, 2006; Briggs et al., the Utah State University (V. Gunther, personal 2008), and the Spence Shale was included in a commun.). Williams recounted the collection his- couple of large-scale datasets of Cambrian Lager- tory in the Wellsville Mountains, but cast doubt on stätten (Hendricks et al., 2008; Gaines et al., any hope of finding new material. He mentioned 2008). However, in the 2010s, interest in the Knud Fridal’s name, and Lloyd Gunther managed Spence Shale increased once again, and papers to locate Knud’s sister (May Hansen Fridal, 1885- describing new taxa from the Spence Shale (e.g., 1974) in the phone book. Unfortunately, Knud Robison and Babcock, 2011; Conway Morris et al., Fridal had passed, but his fossil collection and 2015a, b; Kimmig et al., 2017; Wen et al., 2019) fieldwork notes were kept intact by his sister (V. and revisions of taxonomic interpretations (e.g., Gunther, personal commun.). Consulting his notes, Maletz and Steiner, 2015; Legg and Pates, 2017; the Gunther’s were able to rediscover localities that Whitaker et al., 2020) were published. In addition, had been lost since the early 1900s, including Calls increased numbers of papers focusing on macro- Fort/Miners Hollow, Cataract Canyon, and Hansen evolution, paleoecology, taphonomic pathways and Canyon. In the summer of 1967, they relocated the preservation of the Spence Shale were published Spence Gulch type locality (V. Gunther, personal (e.g., Garson et al., 2012; Hendricks, 2013; Broce commun.). Val Gunther discovered the Antimony


Canyon locality in the summer of 1974, discovering lection cannot be made at this time. When such a an abundance of fossils (V. Gunther, per- study is made, this paper will represent a compari- sonal commun.). The Paleontological Society son point to identify biases and effects on research bestowed the family with the first Strimple Award in in this Lagerstätte. An interdisciplinary approach 1984 for “outstanding achievement in paleontology was applied in order to understand the bias in the by amateurs” based on their work in the Utah for- Spence Shale material held by the KUMIP. mations. Methods The University of Kansas became a major repository for Spence Shale material in the late First, an inventory was taken by physically 1970s, when Richard A. Robison became an affili- locating each specimen present in the collection ated professor in the Department of Geology. Pre- assigned to the Spence Shale formation in the viously positioned at the University of Utah, he KUMIP Specify database. At the time of the survey, began studying the Spence Shale and accruing there was no uncatalogued material from the collections (part of his research collection was Spence Shale. Specimens on loan/not present in placed in the University of Utah invertebrate pale- the collection, and without a databased image, ontology collection, which was later acquired by were counted but not given a preservation score. the UMNH) (Robison, personal commun.). During Trace fossils were not counted and not scored for this time, Robison was approached by Lloyd Gun- preservation. Each specimen was scored based on ther, who invited Robison to view his personal col- the amount of preservation (Appendix 1), isolated lection, beginning the close relationship with the fragments were assigned as 0, articulated speci- multi-generational family. When mens under 50% complete were assigned as 1, Robison transferred to the University of Kansas, he specimens articulated and over 50% complete brought along a component of his research collec- were assigned as 2, and specimens that were tion, and donations from the Gunthers’ and others incomplete due to breakage of the rock were continued (Robison, personal commun.). This assigned as 3. Second, the collection at the KUMIP material is the focus of the case study. was compared to the available data from two exter- Bulk sampling was not conducted by the ama- nal databases: The Paleobiology Database teur collectors and none of the major museum col- (PBDB), which is user-input information from pub- lections of the Spence Shale include bulk lished sources; and iDigBio, which pulls specimen collections. Two dissertations by Campbell (1974) data from museum collection databases. Species and Wright (1999), used bulk samples to examine occurrence information from the PBDB was gath- the paleoecology and fauna, but neither study was ered from the geologic names “Spence Shale”, published, and either the specimens were not “Spence Shale Member”, “Spence Tongue”, and retained (Liddell, personal commun.), or informa- “Lead Bell Shale” to account for the changes in tion was not available. One bulk sample collection stratigraphic assignment. The purpose of this com- is retained at the Idaho Museum of Natural History, parison was to understand the accuracy of the from fieldwork conducted at the Spence Gulch databases as compared to an updated genera list, locality during the 2019 field season by J. Kimmig, the KUMIP Specify database, and the specimens R. LaVine, and L.J. Krumenacker. in the collection. While certain fields of the KUMIP Specify database are accessible by the public, the Aim of Study iDigBio results illustrate what conclusions would be • Identify gaps in the KUMIP Spence Shale col- drawn if the information from the KUMIP database lection to direct future collection efforts was incomplete (i.e., no specimen pictures), or • Identify and anticipate potential sources of without personal familiarity and access to the spec- anthropogenic bias imens. Third, the anthropologic history of the • Identify discrepancies between the museum Spence Shale was compiled by comparing the pat- collection and external database records, to terns and timing of publications from the Spence guide efforts to resolve the inconsistencies Shale to socio-political events, as well as placing them in the context of the affiliations and research • Establish a reference framework for future affinities of the authors. Collectors, researchers, work in the Spence Shale and collection managers who interacted with the Because no large-scale, comprehensive Spence Shale material were interviewed about stratigraphic collection of the Spence Shale has their methodologies, motivations, and contempo- been made, a direct comparison of the “true” com- rary views on the collection. Understanding how position of the Spence Shale to the museum col-


TABLE 1. Composition of the KUMIP Spence Shale col- tory have not been assigned a completeness lection by specimen count. score. The high completeness pattern is driven by Specimen Percentage biomineralized taxa (e.g., trilobites, echinoderms). Taxa Group Count of total Of the biomineralized fossils, 88.42% are com- Echinoderms 2141 38.30% plete, 6.36% are incomplete, 1.85% are isolated fragments, and 3.37% are partial due to breakage. Trilobites & agnostids 1848 33.06% Non-biomineralizing taxa represent 43.48% of Hyoliths 671 12.00% the specimens that are complete, 19.02% are Brachiopods 342 6.12% incomplete, 25.18% are isolated fragments, and Problematica (, Banffia, 166 2.97% 0.72% are partial due to breakage. Of the non-bio- Siphusauctum, Armilimax) mineralizing specimens, 11.59% represent indeter- Soft-bodied 115 2.06% minate taxa that have not received a completeness Hemichordata 82 1.47% score. Indeterminate 53 0.95% Of the type and figured specimens, 45.1% of the fossils are complete, 19.6% of are incomplete, Scalidophorans 47 0.84% 34.6% are isolated fragments, and none are partial Lobopodians 37 0.66% due to breakage. The higher proportion of isolated Algae & 37 0.66% fragments is largely driven by the soft-shelled Molluscs (, , 32 0.57% arthropods (mouthparts, feeding appendages, car- and ) apaces, and valves are counted as isolated frag- Porifera 19 0.34% ments). Total 5590 100% Comparison to data aggregators. Presently, there are 74 genera published from the Spence Shale (Robison et al., 2015; Kimmig et al., 2019; the collection was formed will identify potential Wen et al., 2019; Kimmig and Selden, 2020; Whita- gaps in the collection, as well as biases that can be ker et al., 2020) (Figure 5). The is quantitatively tested by future work. included, but its affinities as a cyanobacteria are Results disputed (Robison et al., 2015). The PBDB con- tains records of 67 unique genera from the Spence Taxonomic diversity. The University of Kansas Shale from 12 publications (Appendix 2, Figure 5) Spence Shale collection contains 5590 databased (Walcott, 1908; Resser, 1939; Maxey, 1958; Sprin- specimens. Trace fossils were not included in the kle, 1973; Campbell, 1974; Willoughby and Robi- study. By specimen count, the collection is domi- son, 1979; Rigby, 1980; Briggs and Robison, 1984; nated by 38.30% echinoderms, 33.10% trilobites Sumrall and Sprinkle, 1999; Sprinkle and Collins, and agnostids, with the remaining 28.6% repre- 2006; Briggs et al., 2008; Wen et al., 2019). Fifty- senting a diverse assemblage (Complete dataset two of these 67 genera are accurate, i.e., they are in Table 1; Figure 3). present in the most up-to-date faunal record of the Specimen distribution by locality. The following Spence Shale. The PBDB is currently sampling localities represent the majority of specimens: 24.49% of the publication record on the Spence 42.68% from Antimony Canyon, 15.17% from the Shale. The generic faunal composition based on Wellsville Mountains (not specified further), and the PBDB is dominated by trilobites (28 genera, 12.02% from Miners Hollow (Complete dataset in 41.8%), and soft-bodied arthropods (11 genera, Table 2; Figure 4). 16.4%), with brachiopods (6 genera, 8.9%), echi- Completeness/tissue analysis. 5,413 specimens noderms (5 genera, 7.5%), and a diverse fauna (17 present in the Spence Shale collection were inven- genera, 25.4%) composing the rest. toried. Specimens that were on loan and did not The iDigBio database records of the KUMIP have a database image were excluded from this Spence Shale collection returns 74 scientifically- completeness/tissue analysis (177 specimens). valid genera (excluding ichnofossil genera). Of Over the entire collection, 83.84% of the rep- those genera, 71 are fossil genera, and three are resented specimens are complete (articulated and modern genera mistakenly assigned to over 50% complete), 7.65% are incomplete (articu- specimens (Appendix 2). Of the 71 valid fossil gen- lated but less than 50% complete), 4.23% are iso- era, 57 are accurate, i.e., they are present in the lated fragments, and 3.10% are partial due to most up-to-date faunal record of the Spence Shale. breakage. Fifty-nine taxonomically-unidentifiable specimens (1.18%) that are included in the inven-


FIGURE 3. Percentage of taxonomic groups in the KUMIP Spence Shale collection by specimen counts.

Discussion rounding the Wellsville Mountain localities is pri- vately owned, and permission is needed to access Konservat-Lagerstätten are sites where the localities. The local amateur collectors and extraordinary depositional environments have researchers who built a rapport with the landown- been conducive to preserving tissues and features ers had more success receiving permission and that would otherwise not be preserved (Seilacher, being able to collect frequently (Robison, personal 1970; Allison, 1988; Butterfield, 2003). These commun.). Robison devoted great effort familiariz- deposits are often referred to as “snapshots in ing himself with the local amateur paleontologist time,” capturing instances of diversity and ecology and geology collector scene, viewing their collec- without the overprinting of time-averaging. There- tions and visiting their collecting localities (Robi- fore, understanding introduced biases to these son, personal commun.). In turn, the collectors felt Lagerstätten collections are critical for correctly comfortable donating their material to Robison, first interpreting them. Studies often interpret the at the University of Utah, and later the University of museum collections as one-for-one duplicates of Kansas. These factors created a preference the physical fossil record, as well as assuming col- towards local study and publication, and in the lection efforts across multiple formations are identi- choice of collections repository. cal (Saleh et al., 2020a). The Spence Shale has a The method and focus of collection in the markedly different collection history from many Spence Shale shifted over time. Initially, the Gun- early Paleozoic Lagerstätten, and this must be thers collected fossils they could readily identify taken into account. The major biases of the Spence from float material, focusing on large and “nice” Shale in the KUMIP collection are caused by col- complete specimens of trilobites (V.Gunther, per- lector interest/selection, accessibility of localities, sonal commun.). After approximately four field sea- and researcher interest/study bias. sons at Miners Hollow, the productivity of the Field bias. The crucial influencers of the collection surface material was declining. They turned to composition were the amateur collectors. While quarrying the fossil-bearing strata, first with hand researchers occasionally provided specific targets tools and later with larger equipment (V. Gunther, for collection efforts, the majority of the collecting personal commun.). The later collection efforts was opportunistic and self-motivated. The land sur-


TABLE 2. Breakdown of Spence Shale collection by locality.

Percentage (%) Percentage (%) of of total Number of Number of biomineralized Number of specimens per biomineralized soft-bodied specimens per Locality specimens locality specimens specimens locality Antimony Canyon 2386 42.68 2314 72 96.98 Wellsville Mountains 848 15.17 790 58 93.16 Miners Hollow 672 12.02 277 395 41.22 Oneida Narrows 635 11.36 629 6 99.06 High Creek 494 8.84 482 12 97.57 Spence Gulch 416 7.44 411 5 98.80 Emigration Canyon 57 1.02 57 0 100.00 Cataract Canyon 38 0.68 20 18 52.63 Hansen Canyon 19 0.34 12 7 63.16 Utah 6 0.11 1 5 16.67 Two Mile Canyon 6 0.11 6 0 100.00 Calls Fort 3 0.05 1 2 33.33 Promontory Mountains 3 0.05 3 0 100.00 Donation Canyon 2 0.04 0 2 0.00 Unrecorded 5 0.09 4 1 80.00 Total 5590 5007 583

focused on Miners Hollow. Through collaboration in the Spence Shale, and he also provides scientif- with Dr. W.D. Liddell, Professor of Geology at Utah ically interesting specimens to researchers. State University in Logan, and understanding of the A locality bias is present due to the difficulty of stratigraphy of the outcrop, the Gunthers were able access and preservation issues at some of the to hone in on intervals containing soft-bodied fos- sites. At Cataract Canyon, there are well-preserved sils, which they, and other collectors, worked fossils present, but the shale fissures into diagonal extensively (V. Gunther, personal commun.). This fractures, making collection difficult (V. Gunther is clearly evident in the proportion of soft-bodied and Jamison, personal commun.). Hansen Canyon material compared to biomineralizing material from contains remarkable specimens of Glossopleura Miners Hollow, where soft-bodied fossils represent gigantea, but the hike to the locality was so strenu- 58.78% of the material collected (Figure 4). ous that the Gunthers chose to concentrate their Other amateur collectors followed similar pat- efforts on other localities, namely Miners Hollow (V. terns, focusing on the Wellsville Mountain localities Gunther, personal commun.). Cataract Canyon and selecting well-preserved specimens and “rare” and Hansen Canyon have the lowest number of specimens (Jamison, personal commun.). Paul specimens sampled of the major Wellsville Moun- Jamison clearly states he doesn’t “collect poorly tain localities. Miners Hollow is universally pre- preserved or partial specimens of common taxa… ferred due to the relative ease of access, faunal Once I have a few good specimens of a common diversity, and preservation quality (V. Gunther , taxon, I generally don't collect more unless they personal commun.; Jamison, personal commun.). are exceptional in some way. For example, I will When researchers visited the field them- only collect a hyolith if it has an operculum and at selves, it was their personal specialization that least one helen, or if it has soft tissue.” Of the drove the collections bias. Robison recounted tak- inventoried hyoliths, only 6.12% of the specimens ing James T. Sprinkle (UT Austin) to a Spence represent fragments (i.e., an isolated operculum) Shale locality, despite warning him that the particu- or specimens with less than 50% of the shell. lar echinoderms he was interested in were difficult The Gunther family and Paul Jamison both to find there. Upon reaching the field site, Sprinkle collect out of private interest and provide interest- immediately pinpointed dozens of the echino- ing specimens to Science. Currently there is only derms, proving especially capable of locating the one commercial collector, Jacob Skabelund, active taxa he was familiar with (Robison, personal com- mun.). The Gunthers were occasionally directed to


FIGURE 4. Specimens in the KUMIP collections by locality, breaking down number of specimens of biomineralizing and soft-bodied taxa from each locality. collect large numbers of a taxa, and compensated all collectors, because of the easier access and the financially for their work by the requesting quality of preservation, leading to increased num- researcher (Robison, personal commun.). Robi- bers of Miners Hollow specimens in the KUMIP col- son would also facilitate contact between collectors lection. and researchers with a taxonomic specialty if he It is difficult to establish when many of the believed they would be interested in a certain spec- Gunther and Jamison specimens have actually imen, e.g., Dr. James Sprinkle and been collected, as donations were often done in specimens (Robison, personal commun.; V. Gun- bulk, especially in 2017 and 2018, and represented ther personal commun.). This created research col- years of collecting trips. Sometimes actual collect- lections focused on certain taxonomic groups, ing years have been recorded, but often the speci- meaning those university collections are not indica- mens just include location information. tive of the true diversity of the Spence Shale, only Preparation bias. The traditional method of recov- disproportionally enriched with a fraction of it. ering specimens in the Spence is fracturing blocks, The changes in collection focus over time in the hopes of splitting the rock along a surface have led to less material being collected by the containing fossil material. It was a longstanding amateur collectors in the last couple of decades, belief that the matrix of the Spence Shale was too and to concentrate their efforts on soft-bodied fos- hard to completely prepare out a specimen (Jami- sils, seeing increasing donation of soft-bodied fos- son, personal commun.). However, recent collec- sils. The Gunther family has also moved away from tions by Jamison and Skabelund have challenged the Spence Shale and is mostly collecting in the this belief, recovering three-dimensional Green River Formation nowadays, which has left material showing details of preservation, such as Paul Jamison as the only major amateur collector axial spines, not revealed by the traditional splitting active in the Spence Shale. Additionally, collecting method (Jamison, personal commun.). While this efforts over time have shifted to Miners Hollow for method requires an expert preparator, it can be


FIGURE 5. Composition of the Spence Shale fauna by number of genera, comparing the most recent faunal list based on Kimmig et al., 2019; and results from the PBDB. Genera in the PBDB not present on the most recent list are colored in red. The proportion of genera from each taxonomic group is expressed as a percentage above each count.

applied to previously collected split specimens, as groups, such as the brachiopods, are under-repre- parts and counterparts can be prepared out and sented due to lack of research interest. Six species rejoined (Jamison, personal commun.). Preparing are currently known, but have not been subject of specimens after collection also changes the collec- detailed interest or revision since Resser (1939). tion method: instead of uncovering a productive They are one of the taxa collectors consider “com- layer to split, Jamison focuses on looking for mon,” and their collection is undesirable (Jamison, “bumps” that indicate a fossil is encased in situ personal commun.) Therefore, it is highly likely that (Jamison, personal commun.). While the soft-bod- the true diversity of brachiopods is much higher ied compression fossils are largely unaffected, the than what is currently represented in the collection splitting collection method could lead to historically- (Kimmig et al., 2019; Robison personal commun.). overlooked diagnostic characters in the biomineral- Digitization and database bias. The publication ized taxa. record of the Spence Shale is under-represented and distorted by the PBDB. The references provid- Study and Publication Bias ing an overall faunal list are older (Walcott 1908; Researcher interest and specialization has Resser, 1939; Maxey, 1958; Campbell, 1974), and driven the publication history and published diver- the newer references are focused on specific taxo- sity of the Spence Shale (Figure 6). A majority of nomic groups, e.g., echinoderms and soft-bodied the published literature (50 out of 81 publications) arthropods (Sumrall and Sprinkle, 1999; Sprinkle is primarily taxonomic or systematic in nature and Collins, 2006; Briggs et al., 2008). While the (Appendix 3). The publication record and taxo- composition of the fauna by number of genera of nomic diversity of the soft-bodied material are the PBDB is similar to the latest review paper (Fig- greatly disproportionate to the number of speci- ure 5), the shared genera between the PBDB and mens, especially the soft-bodied arthropods. Kimmig et al., (2019) is only 77%. That is to say, Despite comprising only 2.06% of the specimens, despite there being similar numbers of genera, soft-bodied arthropods represent 21% of the they are not recording the same genera. The generic diversity, and are the subject of 18% of the PBDB also misrepresents the relative diversity of taxonomic publications on the Spence Shale. Other some taxonomic groups: it overstates the number


FIGURE 6. Publications over time that refer specifically to Spence Shale specimens or use quantitative data from the Spence Shale in an analysis.

of trilobite genera (28) than what is currently known the lag in updating the collections records after (25) due to taxonomic inflation and redundancy, publication. and under-represents the soft-bodied arthropods Mitigations (11 genera recorded in the PBDB, compared to 15 currently published). Without large-scale stratigraphic or bulk sam- The iDigBio aggregator of the KUMIP Spence pling, quantitative comparisons cannot be made Shale collection records accurately reflects the between the museum collection and field abun- number of specimens present in the collection, but dance. As yet, the direct effect of the anthropo- introduces error in the transfer of information from genic biases cannot be established. However, the Specify database to the iDigBio aggregator. In based on the history of collection methods in the cases where specimens are not identified to a spe- Spence, it raises significant concern when com- cies or genus level, a modern genus is occasion- pared to other BST Lagerstätten. A recent Burgess ally substituted (e.g., KUMIP 107343, identified to Shale ecological study used abundance (number the level as Trilobita in the Specify database, of specimens), and species richness (number of is incorrectly identified to the modern insect genus species) as a biodiversity metrics because the Trilobia in iDigBio). This is a common problem unit- authors established that the mode of collecting ing taxonomic systems across database systems, (centimetric stratigraphic sampling) and the sam- especially when combining multiple types of biolog- pling effort (number of specimens collected) rep- ical collections. While this type of error may be resents sufficient data for diversity comparisons more difficult to catch than simple misspellings (Nanglu et al., 2020). Given its collection history, (because the taxonomic status is flagged as valid), these same assumptions cannot be made about data cleaning is an integral responsibility of the the Spence Shale. researcher. Eighty percent of the genera are accu- Comparisons of the ecology between locali- rate compared to the most up-to-date faunal list, ties cannot be attempted, as the vastly different but several genera known to be in the collection sampling intensities bias the faunal make-up, and (i.e., Utahscolex, Armilimax) are excluded, due to the apparent taphonomic conditions. Due to the consolidated collection effort of soft tissue at Min-

18 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG ers Hollow, the proportion of soft-tissue fossils negative study bias. The collectors donated fossils, compared to biomineralized fossils is 20 times which were ideal, or near ideal specimens, and larger than the proportion of soft-tissue collected those they thought would be scientifically important from Antimony Canyon, the locality with the second (i.e., soft-bodied material). Some localities are eas- highest number of soft-tissue specimens (Figure 4; ier to access, transport, and remove material from, Table 2). From the outside, without knowledge of creating an unequal distribution of sampling efforts. the bias, it would appear that Miners Hollow rep- Specialized interests of academic researchers resents ideal taphonomic conditions, and a unique drove publication history and taxonomic identifica- paleo-depositional environment among the Wells- tion, creating well-established diversity in some ville Mountain sites. Establishing the causes of taxonomic groups (i.e., the soft-bodied arthropods), exceptional preservation in the Spence Shale and underrepresentation in others (i.e., the bra- means accounting for the collecting bias, not con- chiopods). These biases do not completely under- fusing it as a true signal. mine the usefulness and importance of the Spence The responsibility for mitigating measuring Shale, but they should direct future efforts and sci- and resolving these biases is distributed among entific investigations. This work, outlining the col- the collection stakeholders. Collection biases can lection context, history, and current status of the be overcome by future fieldwork: conducting large- publication record and databases, sets up testable scale sampling, targeting previously under-studied hypotheses to quantitatively analyze the effects of taxa, and keeping bulk samples intact and associ- these biases. The Spence Shale fossil collection is ated. Preparation bias can be mitigated by incorpo- a remarkable record of both a mid-Cambrian eco- rating new techniques, collecting in situ samples, system and a devoted contribution to paleontology and revisiting previously-collected material. These by a group of amateur collectors. Collection biases objectives are best achieved through a partnership need to move beyond being considered anecdotal of amateurs and academic collectors to inform best trivia, towards being quantitatively measured and practices, and maintaining local knowledge of the recorded. formation. Digitization biases regarding the publi- cation record can be mitigated by targeting this col- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lection for data entry in the PBDB and updating We thank V. Gunther, P. Jamison, and R.A. with future publications. Taxonomic revisions in the Robison for the invaluable discussions on their KUMIP Specify database is the responsibility of the experiences in the Spence Shale. We are also collection manager, and difficulties with taxonomic grateful to S. Olsen and P. Welsh for her helpful identities will be improved with implementing data- comments on an early draft of this work. The base standardizations, e.g., Darwin Core. Faunal authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of composition biases created from a lack of study the reviewers, whose comments resulted in can be overcome by targeted interest and taxo- improvements and clarifications to the manuscript. nomic revision efforts. This work was supported by an Association of Earth Science Clubs of Greater Kansas City CONCLUSION Research Grant, a University of Kansas Biodiver- The Spence Shale collection at the University sity Institute Panorama Grant, a Geological Society of Kansas is expanding beyond its original sys- of America Graduate Student Research Grant, and tematics and taxonomic origins and becoming a Paleontological Society Kenneth E. and Annie increasingly important for larger discussions of Caster Student Research Award to AW. JK’s work macroevolution, , and paleoecology. in the Spence Shale has been supported by a This mirrors the trajectory of natural history collec- Paleontological Society Arthur James Boucot tions at large, which means those who use the col- Grant, an Association of Earth Science Clubs of lection need to be cognizant of its history and Greater Kansas City Research Grant and a West- context. The Spence Shale collection does not ern Interior Paleontological Society Karl Hirsch accurately reflect the ecological and faunal compo- Memorial Grant. JK thanks the USDA Forest Ser- sition present in the raw fossil record, as is the vice for permits. The University of Kansas Biodiver- case with many similar collections (e.g., the sity Institute is thanked for providing funds to pick Wheeler and Marjum Lagerstätten) (Kimmig per- up large parts of the Gunther and Jamison collec- sonal observ.). This is due to collector bias, locality tions discussed herein. bias, researcher specialty bias, and positive and



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Specimens from the Spence Shale Lagerstätte in the KUMIP collection. (Available at https: palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/3238-collections-biases.)


Genera lists based on Kimmig et al., 2019, and the PBDB and iDigBio. data aggregators. (Avail- able at https:palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/3238-collections-biases.)


Publication record on the Spence Shale. (Available at https:palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/ 3238-collections-biases.)