The Register, 1961-11-03
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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 11-3-1961 The Register, 1961-11-03 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1961-11-03" (1961). NCAT Student Newspapers. 183. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. meA^W.^Me^ m VOLUME XXXIII No. 4 Greensboro, November 3, 1961 !Whe Cream of CdBeyp Staff Members College To Celebrate Attend ACP 70th Anniversary Conference November 7th Five members of THE REGIS TER Staff left Wednesday evening for Miami Beach, Florida, where they are attending the 37th annual Dr. Lewis N. Pino To Deliver Association Collegiate Press Con ference. The five attending the conference Address In Moore Gymnasium are Clarence Richardson, Tabor City, business manager; Leon A&T College will mark 70-years Thomas, Raleigh, layout editor; of service at the annual Founders Troy McMillan, Fayetteville, ad Day exercises to be held here on vertising manager; and Tommy L. Winters Tuesday, November 7. Gaddie, editor-in-chief, Hope Mills. The indoor services, set for the The conference officially opened Major William Goode, right, will shortly take over the helm at A&T Charles Moore Gymnasium begin Thursday, November 2 and will College as professor of military science and in command of the Army ning at 10:00 A.M., will feature a close tomorrow, November 4. All ROTC Detachment. Presents main address by Dr. Lewis N. conference sessions are being held A native of Norton, Virginia, he reported recently at the College fol Pino, director, Undergraduate Sci at the Fontainebleau Hotel. lowing an assignment in Germany. He talks with Major Lawrence D. ence Education Programs, Na Delegates are concerning them Spencer, currently in charge of the detachment, who is to be assigned to Concert tional Science Foundation, Wash selves with workshops and discus a new post in Colorado. ington, D. C. sions on all phases of the newspap Lawrence Winters, noted concert A well known organic chemist er publishing. These workshops are baritone and opera singer, will ap and science education specialist, Dr. Pino came to the NSF in 1959 being conducted by professionals pear here Friday, November 10, Funeral Services Held 1961. The concert has been sched and was elevated to his present many of whom are now or have uled for Harrison Auditorium at 8 r-^st early this year. A graduate of been associated with some of the For Paul V. Jewell P.M. the "University of Buffalo in New leading newspapers in the nation. Recently the star of the 1961 Los York and from which he received the Ph.D. degree in chemistry, he In addition to the workshops, Funeral services for Mr. Paul fessor of Mechanical Engineering Angeles production of "Showboat," delegates will hear speeches from 1957 to 1961. has taught at Allegheny College V. Jewell were held Monday after Mr. Winters has toured many coun and served as dean at Colorado throughout the three-day period by noon, October 30, at Saint James Between these two periods of Presbyterian Church. service at A&T College, Mr. Jewell tries and performed in the lead College. journalists writers and other well- ing cities. His talents have been Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, fifth known people. Mr. Jewell, a native of Cam taught at South Carolina State Col bridge, Mass., ditd Friday after lege, Maryland State College, and lauded by critics throughout the president of the college, said the Last year, the convention was noon in the L. Richardson Memor Tennessee A&I University. Americas and Europe. observance will pay recognition to held in Chicago, ill., at the Conrad ial Hospital where he had betr. UI He also worked with a consulting the founding fathers and to those for several months. Engineering Firm in South Amer He has sung leading roles with Hilton Hotel where the REGISTEK who have contr'kuced to the growth was represented by four delegates. He served A&T College on two ica, and with the P. R. Mallory opera companies in New York City . - uevelopment of the institution. The REGISTER placed first in different occasions, first as profes Corporation in Indianapolis, Indi and with the Hamburg (Germany) P sor of physics and applied science ana. There he helped in the de The program begins with a for the annual contest held by ACP Staatsoper. He has frequently b<r from 1926 to 1928 and then as pro- velopment and installation of High mal military review by the Joint last year. speed heavy duty bearings for air- a guest soloist withJ^ crafts. He also helped with the de San Francisco, a^ ^ ^^ Corps, Air Force and Army ROTC cadets, to be held on the ROTC velopment of the cyclotrone for Companies 0rchestra atomic energy. Drill Field, adjacent to the gym Dean L. C. Dowdy S Mr. Jewell took time out to pick ¥ie has also recorded for Colum nasium, beginning at 9:00 A.M. up a master's degree frorr ftras bia Records and the Westminster To Present Paper State University. Wthf to Sigma Recording Corporation. there, he wi*sgan work on his Equally at home singing German Xi. TTUL the University of Indiana At Convocation ..aere upon his death he had com Leider and French art songs, Mr. pleted all of the residence require Winters has been acclaimed as a Mr. L. C. Dowdy, dean of in ments and was in the process of singer of Negro Spirituals. struction, will present a paper at editing his doctoral dissertation. News Briefs Mr. Winters has been a show the Centennial Convention of Land- At the University of Indiana he concerned himself with The Growth stopper at home and abroad with Grant Colleges in Kansas City, A Language Arts Institute, for and Development of Scientific and his robust and stentorian voice. He Mo., this month. Technical Information. elementary, secondary and college has received many favorable teachers of English will be held at The paper will be conce reviews by such papers as Variety, with the diversity of Art* ZZx Col- (Continued on Page 5) A&T College Saturday, November the New York Post, the Los Ange 11. ence Programs in L? les Times and many of the well acted mem- The one-day program will fea 1626S ' known magazines. ture Lambert Davis, Chapel Hill, Mr! Dowdyj;; Committee of Recently, the New York Post de director of the University of North ber of the **" * ' Missionary scribed Winters as one who "sings PAUL V. JEWELL Carolina Press. He will discuss , r ;'sas Conference which with virility and freedom and "The Teacher and Problems of ^^Ihvene from November 12 To Visit acts with deepest sincerity and Publication." agh the 16 will be the first ma conviction." il national event of the centen Drama Group The meet, to be conducted on nial year. Campus the theme "Enrichment For The major purpose of the con Reverend Ichiro Matsuda, a mis Teachers in the Language Arts," vocation will be to assess and to To Conduct sionary to the United States from will inciude two panel discussions evaluate the work of Land-Grant Japan and a representative of the on, "What the College Teacher Ex Fall Tour Commission of World Mission, will colleges both at home and abroad. visit this campus November 27-29. pects of the Entering Freshman," Scheduled speakers include the Harrison Players will make their His past two years have been and "Phonics For Teachers." President of the United States, his initial appearance this season at spent doing pastoral, evangelistic, The program is to be conducted torian Allan Nevins, Dr. J. L. Mor Winston-Salem Teachers College and community center work in the November 14 in Agatha Christie's Mountaineer Mining Mission, Mor- under the supervision of Mrs. Car rill, and others. Dr. Nevins will "The Mousetrap." gantown, West Virginia. This mis rye H. Kelley, associate professor review the Land-Grant movement The group will then return to sion, which is under the National of English and chairman of the and its significance. Dr. Morrill, Harrison Auditorium for a two- Missions of the United Presbyter Planning Committee. Dr. Darwin president emeritus of the Univer night stand November 15 and 16 ian Church in the U.S.A., works at 8 P.M. closely with public health agencies T. Turner, chairman of the A&T sity of Minnesota and now a Ford Their fourth appearance will be to aid the underprivileged people English Department, is coordina Foundation consultant, will present at Fort Bragg November 17. of the area. Reverend Matsuda has tor. a critique of the Land-Grant sys The double cast play, under the also been pastor of two churches in i direction of Mrs. Sandra Motz, in the area and active in community tem. In addition, he will evaluate cludes Gaston Little and James affairs. LAWRENCE WINTERS REGISTER STAFFERS RETURN its contribution to the American Allen who will play the part of While on this campus, he will act educational effort. Trotter. as interpreter for Christian Mis Several former members of the Special events will include an Other players and their roles are sions, vocational counselor, speak His programme will include REGISTER Staff recently returned Claude Barrant and Lavern Madi works from Schubert, Strauss and exhibition of art, books published er, and resource person.