FRESHMEN TAKE TOP HONORS in UNCF DRIVE Guided by Perennial Winning- Class Leaders Nurse Chandler 80 Students Listed Philharmonic Group and Mr
VOL. XÍX, NO. 2 CLARK COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA APRIL, 1961 FRESHMEN TAKE TOP HONORS IN UNCF DRIVE Guided by perennial winning- class leaders Nurse Chandler 80 Students Listed Philharmonic Group and Mr. James J. Green, the Freshman Class caught, fund On First Semester In Two-Week Tour raising fever in the recent camp us-wide UNCF campaign and Honor Roll on vvednesuay, reoruary 1, walked off with top honors in Eighty Clarkites scored aver uwenty selected singers tram the competitive three-w e e k ages of 2.000 or better to win me tamed Piniiiharmomc ¡soci drive to raise funds for Ameri listing on the honor roll for the ety ot mark College, under the ca’s pioneer cooperative educa first semester, but of the entire inrecuon oi Di. J. deKoven tional fund raising venture. number only freshman Flores jtwiinngswortn, assisted by Mrs. The three weeks of benefit R. Green reached perfection G. B. Grissom, iiett Atlanta for hot dog sales, dances and fund with a straight A average. raising gimmicks brought in a a two-week, tour at seven Leading the four classes were nortneastern cities; Washing record-shattering $1,992.99 from Ruby Hamilton and Harriette students, and faculty gifts sent L. Richardson, seniors; Johnny ton, D. €., Philadelphia, Bronx, the total to an all-time high of Scott and Danny Mitchell, jun N. Y.; ¡Shrub Oak, N\ Y.; Buck $4,000.00. Hili Falls, Pennsylvania, Wap- REPRESENTATIVES OF WINNING UNCF GROUP iors; Linda White and Woodrow Newly - appointed campaign Ross; sophomores; and Flores pingers Fails, N. Y., and Mid chairman Dr.
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