Iraqi Security Force Order of Battle Published at Montrose Toast Written by DJ Elliott

Iraqi Order of Battle (OOB) Appendix I – 2011 Notes ICOD: 30 June 2011

Jan03: [very late entry] Peshmerga training squadron with IKARUS C 42 in Sulaymaniyah. Jan03: "aero medical emergency services" based in Sulaymaniyah. (MedEvac aircraft?) Jan03: [fm 28 Dec] "Ten thousand members of the Kurdish peshmerga forces have been sent to to protect Jalal Talabani – the Kurdish president of – and all other Kurdish officials there from the possibility of a military coup, says a senior official from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), one of Iraqi Kurdistan’s two ruling parties." (2x Pres Bdes and 14 IPBs in Baghdad plus the 56th is reported Kurd heavy.) Jan03: [fm 7 Dec] "Kurdish sources say the two parties' 80,000 fighters, known as peshmerga -- Those Who Face Death -- will be welded into a single Kurdish army of eight divisions." (probably combining the 2 IA and 2 FP Divs plus the 21 KRBG Bdes.) Jan03: "I came across this picture online which shows quite a few of the captured Iraqi Armour by the kurds, you might find it interesting, though I don't know how much of it is operational." (Bde sized. Link provided by commenter.) Jan03: Saxons in Zahko in summer 2010. (Zerevani? ERF colors) Photo provided by commenter. Jan05: "Soldiers of 1st Sqdn., 9th Cav. Regt. began a four-week training program implementing squad, platoon, company and battalion-level training, with the intent to rotate 3rd IA Div. battalions every 30 days until the IA division is fully trained on conventional offensive and defensive maneuver operations. The inaugural training cycle will culminate with a battalion-level live-fire exercise conducted by IA soldiers of the 1st Bn., 11th Bde., 3rd IA Div." (Keywords here are "conventional offensive and defensive maneuver operations". 3rd Div is retraining for external defense.) Jan05: The Maysan Operations Center, led by 10th Division, conducted its first Command Post Exercise at Camp Sparrowhawk, Amarah, Iraq, Dec. 30, 2010. (First mention of a Maysan OC - HQ of 10th Div is/was in DhiQar at Nasariyah.) Jan06: Gazelles, EC635s, and Ford 350 truck mounted Type 63 107mm MRLs are new to Army Day Parade compared to last year. BTR4s and AN32s did not make it in time for parade. Multiple comments/e-mails Jan06: "Iraq has had a long standing interest in these. Requirement shown to the Chinese is for 24 aircraft, 2 squadrons." "The FC-1/J-17 does not come as a surprise (but the news was new to me). Yemen has shown serious interest in them and a deal is due. They are looking at the Chinese L-15 trainer as the lead-in for the J- 17." Iraq is also in advanced discussions for the Chinese JF17!! Doh! probably one of the most interesting bits. He was saying the chinese are marketing it is a "cheaper F16 with better AAMs". 3 different e-mails from 2 different non-attributable sources. Jan07: "As black, Russian-made armored vehicles rolled into Fire Base Stack in Hillah, Dec. 20, it was evident that significant changes were occurring on this small special operations compound, previously occupied solely by U.S. forces. The day marked the transfer of authority of the fire base, known locally as Bayt Al-Wazeer, between the U.S. Special Operations Forces unit and the "Scorpions" of 2nd Company, 3rd Battalion, Emergency Response Brigade, an Iraqi special operations unit that has been conducting training with U.S. forces on the compound for many years." (Is the ERB using the BTR94s? BTR80s? Or what? Note this is the former Hillah SWAT...) Jan08: Counter-battery radar training. 5-weeks. (Appears to be at IA FA School.)

Jan08: Dep MoI says CoM has aggreed to recruit 200,000 more police for Baghdad. (May be more than 14 FP Divs planned. IA and/or FP Relocating and police replacing? Major increase in IP or exagerated report?) Jan11: 4th Bn/3rd RGB soldiers training at Taji. Based in Khanaqin. Jan11: 7th IAD appears to be rotating all its bns thru the same training that 3rd IAD is getting, only at Al Asad. Starting with 28th Bde. Jan11: Military Simulations Operators Course. (Computer simulation wargaming) Jan13: "In addition to training at the schoolhouse and small unit tasks, U.S. Soldiers of 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 25th Infantry Division train battalions of 5th Iraqi Army Division in field-level exercises for the Tadreeb Al Shamil, an Iraqi-directed plan to train the northern forces. Lt. Gen. Ali Gadon, the commander of Iraqi Ground Forces, mandated all battalions of the 5th IA Div. complete a rotation at KMTB. Each battalion goes through a 25-day training cycle learning to better operate at the squad, platoon, and battalion levels." (3 IA Divs identified as rotating all their bns thru this trng: 3rd, 5th, and 7th.) Jan15: "The new site allows the IA soldiers to train on simulated combat scenarios, allowing Iraqi leaders to evaluate units’ performance on individual and group tasks. Every battalion within the 10th IA will rotate through the 25-day training regimen." (3rd, 5th, 7th, and now 10th.) Jan16: "U.S. artillerymen recently began a new training program on Forward Operating Base Constitution with the Iraqi Army to assist them in combating terrorist indirect-fire-attacks. The fire finder radar system training is a 30-day class designed to teach the IA how to operate and maintain a system that will allow them to detect and track incoming artillery and rocket fire." (Counter-Battery training.) Jan17: Peshmerga reducing to 70,000. Resolving a dispute between KRG/GoI. 130,000 to be pensioned or get government jobs. (What is the deal with GoI? How many of those Gov jobs are IA/FP?) Jan17: "Iraq’s maritime security forces recorded another first recently with the completion of a 24-hour patrol in the Persian Gulf aboard its newest patrol boat. The Iraqi Navy’s Patrol Boat 301 departed Umm Qasr Jan. 6, and returned the following afternoon coinciding with the celebration of Iraqi Armed Forces Day." "The patrol was the first-ever 24-hour perimeter defense patrol of the Al Basrah Oil Terminal conducted by the Iraqi Navy since the Coalition Naval Advisory Training Team initiated operations, said United Kingdom Royal Navy Lt. Richard Hurman, a CNATT training officer. The patrol was planned and conducted entirely by the Iraqi Navy, and was the result of several months of effort." Jan17: "The first shipment of BTR-4 armored personnel carriers built in Kharkiv under a contract signed in 2009 to supply over $550 million worth of Ukrainian armaments and hardware to Iraq will be delivered to the client in February, an informed source told Interfax. The delivery was planned for late 2010 at first, but Ukraine and Iraq suspended the supplies for full testing of the armored personnel carriers to tactical and technical characteristics. "The time of the second delivery will be specified when the client accepts the first shipment," the source said. According to the contract, Ukraine will supply over 400 pieces of armor, including BTR-4, and six Antonov An-32 aircraft and will repair aircraft within 3-3.5 years. The Ukrainian media said several days ago that the Iraqi Defense Ministry refused to accept the armored personnel carriers produced in Kharkiv and the largest defense order in Ukraine was endangered. The administration of the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau put the blame on gun producers from Kamianets-Podilsky. The shortcomings were exposed when Iraqis were examining the armored personnel carriers." (Ukraine tried to deliver An32s with used engines and avionics. Apparently they did the same with the BTR4s.) Jan18: "The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government Dr. Barham Ahmed Salih and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Kamil al-Maliki agreed to resolve all outstanding issues between the Erbil and Baghdad via the Constitution in order to achieve the higher interest of Iraq, also agreed to resume the export of oil from Kurdistan Region fields. That came during a meeting, held Monday, January 17, between Dr. Salih and al-

Maliki , where they discussed the latest political developments in Iraq in addition to the outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad." (A deal has been made - what are the details?) Jan18: "The process started last October with the purchase of four Ellason Weather Radar 600’s. The first of these radars was installed at the Baghdad Iraqi Air Operations Center where the Iraqis have been training on system ever since. ―It’s the first Iraqi weather radar system in the country,‖ said Bono, ―It gives them the ability to track and observe rain showers and thunderstorms.‖ But the Ellason Weather Radar 600 isn’t the only system to provide real-time weather data. The currently uses a TMQ-53 Weather Observation System on loan from the U.S. Air Force, but recently purchased eight new units to be set up throughout Iraq. Once the new systems are in place, the only thing missing for the Iraqis to run their own weather operation will be training." Jan18: "...Contingency Operating Base Taji, where the Iraqi army tank school is relocating." Jan19: "The Interior Minister in Kurdistan Regional Government Kareem Sinjari, in a press statement said that his ministry formed a 5000 men force to protect the oil refineries in Kurdistan Region’s three provinces Erbil, Duhok and Sulaimani." (KRG Oil Police?) Jan19: 203rd Training Squadron uses T-6A and is based in Tikrit. (Renumbered the training squadrons with the split from the AAC? Was Training Squadron No 3. NATO cover for air defense/training?) Jan20: Ukraine denying penalties for breach of contract. 26 BTR-4s to deliver in February. An-32s delivery delayed to unknown date. Jan20: "ANAD is planning to produce a total of 586 M113s, which are of the A2 variant. The FMS calls for 21 M88s." "The vehicles to be repaired are from an excess stock of M113s at Sierra Army Depot in California." "Workers will be repairing the M113s at a rate of 50 vehicles per month throughout fiscal year 2011 until all are completed, said Dean. The first delivery of M113s to Iraq is set for July." (mix of 440 APC and 146 Ambulances?) Jan21: 3-21/5 in trng at Kirkush. Jan22: 14th Cdos training. (Definately a heavy training push ongoing. 9th is conversion trng. 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th are rotating all their bns thru CA Trng. 11th, 12th, and 14th trng appears to be focused on their cdo units. Jan23: "The Iraq Army Aviation Command accepted delivery of four new Mi-171E helicopters at its headquarters in Taji, as two were delivered Jan. 16 followed two more Jan. 23. This latest delivery brings Iraq Army Aviation Command’s total inventory of Mi-171E helicopters to 14, as part of a foreign-military-sales purchase made by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense." "Iraq’s fleet of multipurpose helicopters now includes 30 Mi- 17 (which includes a number of aircraft that were already in the Iraqi inventory) and 14 Mi-171E helicopters." Jan25: "Lt. Brigadier, Raad Fakhri, from the Interior Ministry's Embassies Protection Directorate..." (Notice the rank. Means the Embassy force is Bde sized.) Jan26: "An Iraqi Government spokesman said on Wednesday that the Council of Ministers have approved the purchase of 18 F-16 Falcon military aircraft as part of a weapons deal signed with the U.S. administration. Ali al-Dabbagh said in a news conference today following the Cabinet meeting that the U.S. will deliver the aircraft to Iraq within two to three years." Jan26: "VSD, LLC (VSD) has been awarded a contract from Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division, Orlando, Fla., to provide the design, fabrication, installation, and testing of the Iraqi navy training systems and the training development and delivery for the 60-Meter Offshore Support Vessel (OSV). Total contract value is $15,050,000 and work is anticipated to be complete in November of 2011. VSD will develop, construct, and deliver training for and manage the team of contractors in the development of four simulators to include the Full Mission Bridge Trainer, 30mm Fire Control Trainer, Engine Control Room Trainer, and Small Arms Trainer. The training effort will involve OSV operation and maintenance to Iraqi naval personnel in one

training session in Morgan City, La. The effort also includes support for Iraqi engineers who will monitor the ship’s construction. The training shall ensure the Iraqi sailors have a working knowledge of OSV operation and maintenance to sustain operational requirements and systems availability throughout the OSV service life." Jan26: First mention of 12th ERB in Basrah. Jan26: 5th Div is mentioned as one of the 4 IADs being trained for external defense. (Simular training has been identified as ongoing in 3rd, 7th, and 10th Divs. Is 9th not included in the external defense training? If so, then 7th or 3rd may be mechanizing.) Jan27: The official summary does not agree with the press reports on the F16s. (No numbers for F16s provided.) Jan27: France offering 18 Mirage F1s for sale with delivery starting late 2011. (Counter-offer to the authorized negotiation for 18 Mirage 2000s? Debt settlement from Saddam era stored/undelivered 18 F1s before any new buys? Could explain why the sudden authorization to buy 18 F16s - redirecting the money from the French to the US.) Jan30: Jan2011 SIGIR Report released: "The current SA which governs the bilateral security relationship between the two countriesexpires at the end of the year. Any effort to renegotiate it would likely have to begin soon." "Current plans also call for OSC-I to base security assistance activities at five locations near Iraqi military sites: Baghdad, Tikrit, Umm Qasr (Iraqi Navy), Taji (Iraqi National Logistics Center and Iraqi Army), and Besmaya (Iraqi Army Training Center). SAT personnel may be stationed at other locations according to FMS case-implementation requirements.141" (Furthest north is IqAF in Tikrit, which means upgrading IA requires IA units to relocate to Besmaya/Taji.) "In their meetings with SIGIR in January 2011, Basrahs local Iraqi Army and police commanders commented on the continued need for international support, even after the scheduled departure of U.S. forces in December 2011. According to Lieutenant General Mohamad, commander of Iraqs army units in the province, the Iraqi police require additional investigative and forensic training. But he noted that evidencecollection techniques taught to them by U.S. and U.K. trainers have increased the number of criminals brought to justice. He also noted that while the Iraqi Army and police are self-sufficient in meeting their basic training needs, they continue to need assistance in developing their medical, transportation, and logistics cadres.185" "The plan for transitioning FPS personnel to the IP service has slowly evolved since 2008.323 In November, the Minister of Interior announced that he had approved MOI funding to train approximately 76,000 FPS as police officers in 2011.324 Under the transition agreement, all FPS contractors are to become Iraqi Police in late January or early February 2011. Currently, the FPS comprises approximately 91,650 personnel. Of these, about 17,330 are fulltime FPS police, and about 74,320 areMOI contractors. Twelve MOI training academies will be used throughout Iraq to conduct the FPS training. The plan calls for 11 training cycles, spanning several months, with 6,700 contractors to be trained in each four-week cycle. This will take approximately 18 months to accomplish.The curriculum will incorporate elements of both the basic recruit training and the FPS curriculum.327" Jan30: 1-40/10 is first bn in 10th Div to graduate. "While the training course at Camp Dhi Qar was the only such training iteration in southern Iraq, three other Iraqi divisions conducted identical iterations in central and northern Iraq during January. The synchronous training allows the Iraqi army to share information and lessons learned across the country, making the process more efficient and effective in the future. Of the four identical courses, units from 3rd AAB, 4th Inf. Div., are currently overseeing two of them. The 4th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment currently runs the 7th IA Division Training Center at Al Asad Air Base." (These are the 4 bns finishing up this training so far: 1-11/3 at Ghuzlani [Ninawa], 3-21/5 at Kirkush [Diyala], 2-28/7 at Al Asad [Anbar], and 1-40/10 at Ali [Dhi Qar]. Jan30: $900 million down payment on F16s authorized. (no such authorization for French or Chinese as yet.) Jan31: 2nd & 3rd Swiftboat PB delivered 26 Jan at Umm Qasr. Only 12 are expected to be delivered by 2012. Feb02: 3rd Div first graduating Bn [1-11/3]. "The 5th, 7th and 10th IA Divisions are also conducting similar

training during 2011, as Iraqi Ground Forces Command continues to modernize its army, added Hussain. According to Hussain, the Iraqi Army is planning to rotate 48 battalions through Ghuzlani and similar training centers spread across the country by the end of the year." (confirmation of 3,5,7, and 10) Feb02: 2-21/5 Bn starting AIT at Kirkush. (second bn of 5th IAD.) Feb02: 2-11/3 Bn starting AIT at Ghuzalani. (second or third bn of 3rd IAD.) Feb02: "Responsible source in the ministry of defense called all (aerial controller and aerial auguries) from formal Iraqi army to review inquiries ministry of defense, on 15/2/2011 to interview them and return them to the service." Feb03: 1st report of 4th Bn/1st RGB, located at Laylan. Feb03: "The Iraqis who checked the hardware scheduled for delivery in December and January reportedly complained that the BTR’ guns were faulty and found that the An-32’s had been assembled from parts made before 2009, while according to the contract the aircraft should be new. In addition, the Iraqis were dissatisfied with the quality of training for their personnel who were sent to Ukraine under the contract. Ukrainska Pravda suggested that it would be physically impossible to replace the faulty and outdated equipment by the end of February as promised to the Iraqis. It quoted Salamatin as saying that if the entire contact is eventually under threat, the former managers of Progress and Ukrspecexport would be blamed as they had failed to comply with Iraqi requirements (, January 21)." Feb03: "The 1st Train the Trainers (T3) Course for the Iraqi Oil Police held a closing ceremony at the Forward Operating Base (FOB) Camp Dublin in Baghdad, Iraq February 03. The T3 course was conducted by the Italian Carabinieri of the NTM-I Gendarmerie Training Unit on a training program lasting one month and started last January 2." Feb04: "We queried our sources within the Iraq Train and Advisory Mission (ITAM) and they have stated that they are not aware of a LAV purchase being made." (RFI response to inquiry as to a rumored LAV-25 purchase.) SSG Kelli Lane, Press Desk Officer, Media Operations Center, US Embassy- Baghdad Feb04: 34/9 Mech Bde converting. 34/9 Mech Bde training on M1A1 tanks at Taji. All his troops had prior experience on T72s. (2-34/9 was the T72 bn in 34/9 - that makes it the new Tank Rgt.) Feb05: Adding Signals Company to the BSTB structure. Feb06: "Responsible source in the ministry of defense-army flight command called all engineering officers and technicians ranks to review Almuthana airport volunteering center from 1/2/ until 1/3/2011 from 9:00p.m till 12:00p.m, from Monday till Wednesday to interview them and return them to the service." Feb07: Mirage F1 MF2000 configuration for French F1 offer? Feb08: "Navy force command / Arabic golf academy for navy studies called all accepted students in navy collage and navy practitioner training center to join the academy headquarter in Basra from 12/2/2011 till 20/2/2011." Feb09: "According to Iraqi Ground Forces Command, 48 Iraqi Army battalions are scheduled to attend Tadreeb al Shamil at GWTC and Kirkush Military Training Base in northern Iraq by the end of 2011." (This is just the north and sounds like more than just 3rd and 5th IADs. Those 2 divs are only 16 line bns each including their Cdo Bn...) Feb13: "Responsible source in the ministry of defense called all graduates from medical collages and institutes from, both genders to volunteers on military medical category. Presenting will be in military

medical school in bab almuadam area. Specialties: 1. Human medical collage. 2. Medicine collage. 3. Pharmacy collage. 4. Nursery collage. 5. Technical medical institutes. 6. Nursery high school. Feb14: "Iraq's government spokesman says the country is delaying the purchase of 18 U.S. fighter jets over budget problems. Ali al-Dabbagh told The Associated Press on Monday that the Iraqi government would postpone the expected purchase of the F-16 fighter jets and would instead use the money to beef up food rations. The Iraqi government gives food rations to many of its citizens. Al-Dabbagh said an initial partial payment of about $1 billion was to be spent this year on the fighter jets. Iraq relies on the United States to control its airspace. The purchase of the American fighter jets was to help it protect its sovereignty after the scheduled departure of U.S. forces at the end of this year." Feb14: "Iraqi special forces Staff Lt. Gen. Hussain, deputy chief of staff of training, with Ministry of Defense enters a conference room in Stability Academy, Baghdad, Iraq, Feb. 7, 2011. Stability Academy hosted the Lion's Leap 11 Final Conference." (Stability Academy??? First mention of this Academy.) Feb14: "Maj. Gen. Baha, left, commander of the 4th Iraqi Federal Police Division, meets Feb. 4 with Lt. Col. Matthew Moore (right), commander of 5th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, United States Division – Center and an Ophelia, Va., native, at Joint Security Station Falcon, Iraq." (Why is the boss of an FP Div HQ'd in Basrah meeting with a US bn commander in Baghdad? Elements of 4th FP Div are still training in Baghdad or they are shifting some or all of them to or fm Baghdad? Falcon is in 17th IA Div AOR adjacent to 2nd FP Div AOR in SW Baghdad. SW Baghdad has been used as a training ground for new FP Bdes before...) Feb14: Elems of 5/2 IA Bde shifted out of Mosul. Feb14: "NATO Training Mission-Iraq (NTM-I) conducted a graduation ceremony for 136 Iraqi policemen who completed the second Oil Police training course at Camp Dublin Feb. 10." Feb16: Wassit Operations Command ??? Feb17: Wassit Operations Command ? (OC in every province?) Feb17: "Iraqi Army soldiers assigned to 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Mechanized Brigade, 7th Iraqi Army Division and a U.S. soldiers assigned to 4th "Black Jack" Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (4-10 Cav) charge towards targets in Camp Al Asad, Iraq, Feb. 10, 2011." (This IDs the second bn to go thru this training in 7th Div. When did the 28/7 become "Mechanized"?) Feb17: 52nd Bde Night Live-fire exercise on 15 Feb; T55 present. Only 100 participated. (1st night live-fire ex since 2003.) Feb17: "Iraqi army soldiers with 3rd Battalion, 52nd Brigade, 14th Iraqi Army Division set up their mortar position during live fire rehearsal on Tealeaf Island near Basra, Iraq, Feb. 12. Iraqi forces conducted live fire exercises while U.S. soldiers assigned to 36th Infantry Division and 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 4th Infantry Division were on hand to provide assistance in support of Operation New Dawn." Feb18: 21st Squadron with Bell 407s is being called an attack squadron. (Apparently scout helos are being considered as attach helos by AAC.) e-mail Feb18: "Trumpore is currently working with the NCOs with the 5th Brigade, 2nd IFP Division to develop a train-the-trainer program that will enable the Strike Team to pass along the skills they have learned from U.S. forces to other similar teams throughout their brigade." (Strike Teams in FP are equivalent to Commando [recon/cav] in IA.) Feb18: Logistics and Maintenance are a major focus for US training of ISF ATT.

Feb18: "As succeeding iterations of IA battalions rotate through GWTC during Tadreeb al Shamil, the U.S. role will diminish, Gillam said, with Iraqi cadre assuming more of the training responsibility for the Iraqi units." (Effectively, we are training 4 IA Divs to act as training divs for the rest of the IA.) Feb18: 9th DBE Bde/ IV Region has Iranian border now. (Where is 14th Bde?) Feb18: 5th IA Div staff training for transition to external. Feb19: "The ATC training program, which first started in 2006, mirrors the U.S. Air Force ATC training program developed by Air Education and Training Command at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. The IqAF program currently has 55 officers in the training pipeline at Kirkuk, Ali and Taji airfields. Of those officers, 15 have been certified and six have been licensed by the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority -- the equivalent to the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States." Feb19: 4th FP Div meeting with 5-4C/2-1 AAB battalion commander in Baghdad. (Why? 4th FP is supposed to be Basrah centered. Are they shifting the 4th FP Div to Baghdad vice Basrah? Prep to reduce IA in Baghdad? Or replacing 1st or 2nd FP Div so they can take over the south?) Feb20: "To help lay the foundations for maximizing his unit’s efforts to enhance security throughout their area of operations in Baghdad, Maj. Gen. Baha, commander of the 4th Iraqi Federal Police Division, recently visited Joint Security Station Falcon to meet with Lt. Col. Matthew Moore, commander of 5th ―Longknife‖ Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, United States Division – Center. The purpose of the meeting between the two leaders was to establish an ongoing working relationship to further the training of the 4th IFP Div. The Iraqi unit had previously been working with a U.S. Stability Transition Team, but that team was reassigned to another location and the ―Longknife‖ soldiers stepped up to the task of providing mentorship." (What 4th FP Div AOR and formations in Baghdad?) Feb21: "Iraqi policemen take part in their graduation ceremony in Camp Dublin in Baghdad February 21, 2011. About 700 policemen and officers graduated on Monday after finishing four weeks of VIP's guard training course by the Italian Carabinieri forces." (IA MP uniforms. Not IP/FP.) Feb22: First report of 6th IAD's Cdo Bn. (1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, & 9th IADs have not been reported with Cdo Bns so far.) Feb23: "Iraqi soldiers assigned to 1st Battalion, 28th Mechanized Brigade, 7th Iraqi Army, watch a mortar fire demonstration by U.S.soldiers at Camp Al Asad, Iraq, February 13, 2011." (Mech??) Feb26: Operation Shining Star - 52/14 Bde night, livefire, river-crossing exercise using T55 tanks and mortars on 14 Feb. Feb26: "More than 580 Iraqi Federal Police students graduated from an Iraqi Federal Police dignitary protection and personal security course at Camp Dublin, Iraq, Monday. The IFP developed the course after the Ministry of Interior identified a need to establish personal security teams to support the Arab League Summit this March and to provide protection for Iraq's civilian leadership in the future. "The IFP took the initiative to organize and to teach a course that would fulfill that need," said U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Michael Smith, director of United States Forces-Iraq's Training and Advisory Mission- Police. "[Hosting] the Arab League Summit is the first turning point in guiding Iraq to its equal place among the Arab countries," said IFP's Maj. Gen. Ali al-Ithari, commander of the newly-established Security Detail Force. The course instructors trained the graduates on specialized close-distance protection techniques and advanced driving techniques, said IFP Lt. Gen. Husayn Jasim Muhammad al- Awadi, who commands the IFP." (Asssociated photos show some IA or Peshmerga uniforms. Are the IPBs and Presidentials xfering to FP?) Feb28: "BAE Systems, Inc., Anniston, Ala., was awarded on Feb. 23 an $8,563,336 cost, no-fee contract. The award will provide for the refurbishment of 440 M113A2 armored personnel carriers to a

fully mission capable plus condition for the government of Iraq. Work will be performed in Anniston, Ala., with an estimated completion date of April 30, 2012. One bid was solicited with one bid received. The U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity." Feb28: "State-run Antonov State Enterprise (Kyiv) is ready to deliver the first two An-32 light transport aircraft to Iraq this week." "...four more planes are to be delivered to Iraq by the end of the year." Mar01: "WESTAR Aerospace & Defense Group, Inc., Huntsville, Ala., was awarded on Feb. 25 a $10,294,818 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract. The award will provide for several logistic services for nine OH-58 and five 206B3 helicopters belonging to the government of Iraq. Work will be performed in Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Iraq, with an estimated completion date of March 25, 2011. Mar04: "...the Bridge Regiment, 9th Iraqi Army Division." 9th Bridge Rgt being built up. (This is in addition to 9th FER which was fully stood up over 2 years ago...) Mar06: 4th RGB deployed around Kirkuk. (1st report of 4th RGB) Mar06: Elems of 35/9 Bde in Kadhimiyah? (Previous reporting had them in Besmaya or SE Baghdad augmenting 11th & 17th Divs. Replacing 22/6 so they can move to Ninawa? Start of 6th Div move?) Mar07: "The Iraqi Army Aviation Command transferred more than a dozen military helicopters from Kirkuk to Habbaniyah, Iraq, beginning March 1. Following the end of the flight-training contract between the IqAAC and the U.S. in January, nine OH-58 Kiowas and five Bell Jet Rangers were relocated by Iraqi pilots over the course of four days." (12th Training Sq) Mar10: "After several months of guiding 5th Iraqi Army Division soldiers through the 25-day training cycles of Tadreeb al Shamil, U.S. advisors took a step back, allowing Iraqi instructors to take charge of the exercises at Kirkush Military Training Base." Mar15: "Iraqi Army's Peshmerga division" (The Bdes ID'd in Kirkuk are 1st, 2nd, and 4th RGBs. 4th RGB was the one augmenting. 1st and 2nd were already there. 3rd RGB is in Diyala. Note that this indicates that 4th RGB is merger of 12th & 43rd Pesh Bdes in Irbil.) Mar15: 8/2 still attached to 1st IA Div. Mar15: "Soldiers of Signal Regiment, 12th Iraqi Army Division concluded a nine-week communications training course with a radio-telephone operator class at Contingency Operating Location K1, Kirkuk, March 10." (If 12th is this far along then...) Mar16: "Ibrahim said it was imperative to increase the number of oil police, currently at around 40,000, which he said made up about 70 percent of the force required. ―We need 12,000 police officers to fill the shortage,‖ Ibrahim said. ―If the expansion of the oil sector continues, we need to increase the number according to the expansion, just like all the neighboring countries.‖ The oil police chief said another problem was that in most of Iraq’s southern oil fields, security forces had enlisted the help of about 3,500 civilian guards, whom he regarded as a weakness. Mar20: First mention of Basrah 6th ERB. (had it listed as EB with location unknown.) Mar21: 34/9 training at Taji on M1A1s, then to Besmaya for EOC. 140 M1A1s by Aug11. Mar21: Outright stated that the focus is on 4 divisions - "3, 5, 7, and 10" to train them for "external and internal defense". (The first official confirmation of which 4 Divs.) Mar21: Contract modification for 3 more 35m patrol boats, with an option for 3 more, plus associated technical services for the Iraqi navy. If all 6 boats and all services are ordered, Iraqi Navy orders will stand at 21 boats. Work is expected to be complete by August 2012. Mar23: ―This training program that we developed is similar to what other units are doing in Iraq as part of the All Inclusive Training Program, but because this is a separate effort between the Regiment and

our 8th IA Division partners, we were able to expand the training to include 5 companies and a battalion headquarters,‖ said Col. Reginald Allen, commander of 3rd ACR. (8th IA Div) Mar23: "The Iraqi air force took a big leap toward air and ground force integration after an AC-208 Cessna Caravan successfully attacked a target called in by Iraqi Special Operations Forces at the Aziziyah Training Range March 23. A two-ship formation of Iraqi air force Cessnas from Squadron 3 at Kirkuk Air Base, Iraq, fired a single air-to-ground missile after receiving ground target coordinates and direction from Iraqi forward air controllers inserted near the target area by Mi-17 helicopters from Camp Taji. The exercise marked the third time ever that Iraqi air force aircraft fired an AGM-114 Hellfire missile in three years as the scenarios increase in complexity and scope between joint Iraqi military forces.― Mar24: A joint "Intelligence and Operations Center" is being established to coordinate all the various ISF intel collection and disemination. Especially disemination which is a weak point in the ISF. The various intel commands do not talk to each other. The 1,026 M113s are not fielded yet. They are fielding this year. 23 of 24 M109s are fielded. They are going to the Tank Rgts. MOST of them to the 9th Div. [I take this to mean 3 Armored Bdes in 9th IAD and 1 Bde (possibly in 7th IAD) are getting a 6-tube battery each.] 8 of the 120 M198s are delivered. External Training [IMoD calls it Comprehensive Training]: IMoD request in late 2010 with an eye towards future threats. Has good COIN force but needs work on conventional. Training is on what USA would call "Block and Tackle" aspects of offensive and defensive conventional ops. Battalion level training lasting 1 month per bn with 4 bns training at a time. 4 Divs requested by IMoD: Ninawa 3rd, Diyala 5th, Anbar 7th, and Dhi Qar 10th. Sustainment issues also addressed in this training. Nearing completion of the 3rd iteration. [I.E. 12 bns completing]. Will be IA run training by end of summer. Building the culture of training and honest evaluation of capabilities. 9th and 8th IA Divs saw this and wanted the training as well. For 9th, the equipment fielding of M1A1s and M109s causes too much interferance. However, the 9th is observing the training for implimentation later. 8th worked with US 3ACR to get their own version of this training above and beyond IMoD's request. There is a gap in capabilities in integrating combined arms that needs further work. There will be an enduring relation even after USF-I leaves. Possible frameworks include: Joint Training Exercises/Operations and ISF to US schools. Mar25: April for 26 BTR4 delivery now. (orig contract was for Sep 2010) Mar27: Iraq still looking for fighters and air defense. "Hakim Al Zamili, currently a member of the Defense & security committee in the parliament, announced that Iraq is going to sign contracts for American & European Fighter jets & Air defense systems, in a bid to build the Air Defense sector before the American withdrawal. He stated that the F-16 deal was cancelled because of the 3 years delivery schedule & to divert money to collapsing food rationing system." "He also Zamili that the next phase will also contracted a deal to acquire air defenses developed, within the trend to arm the Iraqi army with state-of existing weapons on the world stage, refusing to disclose details of this deal and when it will be signed. The officer, a senior U.S. said that Iraq will remain without air cover for a period of at least a year after the withdrawal of U.S. troops late this year. In a related context, the source of the "morning" that the types of aircraft to be contracted out will be one of the origins of American and European." (China off the list? Air defense systems? SAMs or just ground tracking? In arabic.) Mar27: "Emergency Battalion, 5th IA Div" (ISR/Cdo Bn? Or support elements?) Mar28: JSS Falcon new home to 7/2 FP Bde. Mar28: The IGFC is in Baghdad but, none of this training has been reported in Baghdad to date. More Divs receiving? Mar28: 4th FP Div in south Baghdad. Trng with 6-9C/2-1.

Mar30: "The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of 6 AN/TPQ-36(V)10 FIREFINDER Radar Systems, 18 AN/TPQ-48 Light Weight Counter-Mortar Radars, 3 Meteorological Measuring Sets, 36 export variant Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems, 6 Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems, 3 Position and Azimuth Determining Systems, government furnished equipment, common hardware and software, communication support equipment, tools and test equipment, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $299 million." Mar31: 4th FP Div's Logistics Bn in Baghdad at JSS Jihad. (first report) Apr01: "Fourteen Iraqi Army soldiers from the 9th Mechanized Division recently began the M88A2 Operator New Equipment Training Course at the Besmaya Combat Training Center here, March 7. This course marks the first time Iraqi army soldiers have worked with the M88A2 heavy equipment recovery combat utility lift and evacuation system vehicle. The 55-day course teaches them how to operate the M88A2 HERCULES, which will be used to recover the M1A1 Abrams to bring them back to the shop for repairs. Apr04: 37/9 Bde training on M1A1s. (All 4 of 9th Div's Bdes are now reported as receiving M1A1 training.) Apr04: "Missan police department mapped out a new security plan after the withdrawal of army forces from the Amara city, local police chief said on Monday. ―The police prepared a security plan after the 10th division of the Iraqi army withdraws from Amara city,‖ General Ismail Arar al-Majedi told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. ―The plan includes removing army blocs and checkpoints,‖ he added." (5/4 FP Bde is there plus enough provincial EB/ERBs to build an MoI Division. Makes sense.) Apr04: [Late entry from Mar30.] First 26 BTR4s accepted. Delivery in April. (Associated photos show BTR-4 APCs and BTR-4Ksh.) Apr05: "Of the 302 graduates, 35 NCOs are Kurdish Regional Guard Brigade Soldiers." (Intelligence training at the Intelligence and Military Security School at Camp Taji.) Apr05: 5th Emergency Response Brigade. (Baqubah) Apr15: 12th Division's Intelligence Bn. (Estimate means the 12th Cdo/ISR/I&R Bn. Could mean expansion of MI Co to Bn.) Apr16: 1-9/3 at AIT. Apr17: US IPs depart 2nd Sq. (Notice timeline. Now consider that jets are much more difficult than Hueys.) Apr18: "Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas will offer Iraq subsonic L-159 assault planes and the upgrading of helicopters during his visit to Iraq in May" Apr18: 99 of 140 M1A1s delivered by end-month. Apr18: Lions Leap at Besmaya. (BMP1s now in 4-34/9? M1A1s, Hueys and Mi17s also playing. If the M1A1 playing is in 4-34/9 then it is a first report of them having tanks. Also the 4-34/9 was Tahla equipped - not BMP1s. First seen of M1A1s and BMP1s working in same exercise. Plus helos from 2 different AAC squadrons. Brigade TF exercise. Lion's Leap is supposed to be 12th IAD in Kirkuk. Unless it is a larger training program for IA...) Apr19: Elems of 19/5 in AIT/external defense training. (First cycle: 11/3, 21/5, 28/7, & 40/10. Second cycle: 9/3, 19/5, ?/7 & 39/10. Extra: 30/8.)

Apr19: "Iraq’s Defense Ministry announced on Monday that Iraqi Land Forces have started training their troops since early 2011 in order to leave cities and shift operations from anti-terrorism to border protection operations. 20 comprehensive training exercises were carried out in the different regions of Iraq, the Defense Ministry said. Iraqi Land Forces are carrying out training missions to leave the cities, Defense Ministry Land Forces Chief Brigadier General Ali Ghaydan said. ―A 9th Division Regiment in Baghdad conducted its first mobilization training on Monday with the participation of Brigadier 34 Regiment troops and Army Aviation‖, Ghaydan said. ―Training exercises constitute a shift in Iraq’s Army operations from deployment and anti-terrorism operations to mobilization and operational trainings that should upgrade Iraq’s Army capacities to defend the country’s borders‖, Brigadier General Ali Ghaydan added. ―Iraqi Land Forces started since early 2011 comprehensive trainings including four divisions in northern, southern, western and central units‖, Ghaydan stated. ―Regiments will conduct 16 training exercises at the end of this year in addition to the four training operations that will be carried out this month‖, he added. Iraq’s present army is formed of 14 military divisions divided upon three commands namely Land, Air and Maritime Commands. Most of Iraq’s military divisions are Infantry Divisions counting for more than 300 000 members. Iraq’s Army possesses around 170 tanks made in Russia and Hungary mostly provided to the Iraqi Government as aids from the Nato Alliance. It has as well around 6000 US Hummer military vehicles in addition to armors made in Poland and American steering wheels. The Iraqi Army owns a number of Russian and US made helicopters in addition to vessels at Um Qasr harbor to protect Iraqi oil export operations." Apr20: EDA Board updated for 2010 ICO Iraq. Multiple entries for 2010 now - vice the 24 M109s it had stopped at in Jan 2010. The large items are dated 22 Jun 2010 and 24 Sep 2010. Now have a breakdown of the 1,026 M113 FOVs: 120 M198 155mm towed howitzers [54 on 22Jun and 66 on 24Sep]; 14 MRAP non-standard [22Jun]; 20 M88A1 [24Sep]; 1,026 M113 FOVs - 618 M113A2 APC [440 on 22Jun and 178 on 24Sep]; 68 M113A2 Ambulances [24Sep]; 192 M548A1 Cargo Carriers [24Sep]; 66 M1064 120mm Mortar Carriers [24Sep]; 80 M577A2 Command Posts [24Sep]; 2 M577A2 Emergency Medical [24Sep]. Apr20: 3rd class of OP graduated 19 Apr - 252. Starting to select instructors. Apr20: 26 BTR4 variants delivering. Apr21: "Plant Commercial Director Mykola Belov told reporters in Kharkiv on April 20 that the shipment, which started on April 19, would be complete on April 21. The armored personnel carriers will reach Iraq within a month. Ukraine will supply 20 regular APCs, four command APCs and two medical APCs, he said. The second shipment of 62 armored personnel carriers will be ready by September and supplied in a period coordinated with the client, he said. In all, Iraq may receive about 400 BTR-4 vehicles by the end of next year, Belov said." Apr23: Scout-Sniper training of 17th Div Commando Bn. "The intent behind the course was to establish a corps of scouts and snipers within the Iraqi army, some of whom will be relied upon as instructors when U.S. forces leave under the Status of Forces Agreement in place between the two governments..." Apr28: Iraq’s Interior Ministry says is ready to take over internal security from Iraqi Army Apr28: OP graduation on 19 April. May01: [Late entry from April] Central government cancelled the idea of bringing Kurdish RGBs into 15/16 IA Divs. The process was stopped as KRG was collecting names and registering applicants for 15 and 16 Div. Maliki’s office shut it down. e-mail May01: First report of M198 155mm Howitzer training in IA - 20/5 Bde on 27 Apr at Kirkush.

May01: [Late entry from April] The first four RGBs are out, four more are being built, and that a further four are authorized by KRG president/budget. RGB 1 to 12 are planned ATT. US is assisting but only via IMoD, not direct to KRG Min Pesh. US will not build camps for Pesh, etc. US won’t provide same equipment sets to RGB as to IA. There is a complex payment issue too: KRG argues that IMOD is one of the fed expenses skimmed off the Iraqi budget before KRG gets its 17%, so in theory some of those fed expenses should kick back to Pesh Ministry, not come off the KRG budget (made up of the 17%). There is a lot of talk of mixing component parts of Pesh bdes to make RGBs, to integrate KDP/PUK. Maybe true, a bit. e-mail May01: 1st Mechanized Brigade, 4th Iraqi Federal Police Division, south Baghdad. (Only one 1MFPB. Was attached to 2 FPD.) May03: "Iraq has requested a possible sale of (750) 50-Watt Vehicular Multiband Handheld Radio Systems, (900) 5-watt Multiband Handheld Radio Systems, (50) 50-watt Multiband Handheld Base Station Radio Systems, (50) 20-watt High Frequency (HF) Base Station Radio Systems, (100) 5-watt Secure Personal Role Handheld Radio Systems," "The proposed sale of the radios and communications equipment will advance Iraq’s efforts to develop a strong Federal Police Force." May03: ―Members of the 3rd Battalion, 32nd Brigade, 8th Iraqi Army Division, completed three weeks of training April 27. The 3rd Battalion is the second Iraqi unit to complete training as a part of Eagles Rising, a comprehensive training program developed by the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment to enhance the combat capabilities of Iraqi soldiers." May09: "the April issue of Air Forces Monthly confirmed the delivery of the first 2 EC635T2, serial number 0931 & 0935, armed with Ingwe ATM, Nexter NC-621 20mm cannon & Herstal HMP-400 12.7 machine guns. Iraq signed a contract for 25 of this Light attack helicopters." May09: Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin MS2 Tactical Systems, Eagan, Minn., is being awarded a $26,029,218 firm-fixed-price/cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to provide a turn-key Long Range Radar 2 site for the Iraqi Air Force. May09: CAMP TAJI, Iraq (May 9, 2011) — Iraqi and American officials celebrated the delivery of two Mi-171E helicopters here Wednesday. The delivery marked the ninth and tenth Mi-171E helicopter aircraft to arrive from a 14-aircraft purchase made by the Iraqi government for nearly $190 million last year. Two additional M-171Es were delivered to the base last week. In total, the Iraqi Army Aviation Command currently has 16 Mi-17 (legacy model Mi-171s) and 18 Mi-171E helicopters in its inventory. The remaining four Mi-171 helicopters are scheduled to be delivered before this fall. May10: "The brief concentrated on points regarding an extension of NATO's mission in Iraq through the end of 2013." May14: Karbala celebrated today (Saturday) the handing over of the last post from the U.S. forces, making it the first province to have "no U.S. military presence according to the withdrawal agreement between the two countries." May15: "Joint Security Station Hussayniyah was officially transferred to Iraqi government authority in a ceremony held May 14. The 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, who has operated from the base since 2010, relinquished its responsibility to the 33rd Iraqi Army Brigade who will use it for its future operations." May20: "The Iraqi air force is one step closer to taking ownership of JBB. A trio of officers and 11 enlisted airmen arrived May 15 to in-process here. The group is part of the advance echelon team of 60 Iraqi airmen projected to arrive." (Starting the turnover of Balad to IqAF.) May20: 3-37/9 Bn guarding Bayji refinery. e-mail

May20: "Antonov State Enterprise (Kyiv) may supply six light An-32 planes under a contract with Iraq ahead of schedule. Three out of the six aircraft have been already assembled in Ukraine but haven't been accepted by Iraqi side yet, Director of Antonov Serial Plant Mykola Podhrebelny told reporter. According to him, immediately after the enterprise receives the money for the first planes, they will start assembling the three remaining and may transfer them before 2012, which is a deadline set in the contract." "The Malyshev Plant made the first shipment of 20 regular armored personnel carriers, four command APCs and two medical APCs to Iraq in April 2011. The second shipment of 62 armored personnel carriers will be supplied by the end of the year." (Still unconfirmed by Iraqi sources.) May24: Iraq is ready to buy light attack aircraft, offered for sale by the Czech republic earlier this month, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said after talks with his Czech counterpart in Baghdad. The visit to Baghdad by Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas, which began on Monday, focused on bilateral economic and political cooperation. In mid-April, the Czech Republic announced its plans to offer Iraq 24 L-159 combat aircraft and help in modernizing the Iraqi helicopter fleet. May24: 5th Div training on M198s. (5th IA Div is the only division with confirmed functional howitzers.) May24: ―Confirmation in Iraq that the BTR4s arrived. Also Czech L159 deal not finalised yet! since it has to be approved by the council of ministers etc... etc.... etc...‖ sheytanelkebir (05/24/2011 12:40:49) May25: "105th Field Artillery Regiment, 5th Iraqi Army Division" (New unit ID with M198s.) Jun06: Anbar Province Spokesman Mohammad Fathi Hantoush told Alsumarianews that the army started pulling out from different region of Ramadi. The operation will be gradually finished in 7 days the source said which would allow police to take up its responsibilities. Jun08: Iraqi army soldiers selected from four brigades of 5th IA Division conducted operator training on the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier vehicle with assistance from U.S. soldiers from 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 25th Infantry Division at Kirkush Military Training Base, Iraq, April 27. During the M113 training cycle, focused on training the IA on becoming master drivers and vehicle maintenance specialists, students learned basic operating procedures and vehicle maneuvering skills, as well as troubleshooting vehicle malfunctions. ―The M113 course lasts ten days, so there is a good amount of information to fit into that time period,‖ said Maj. Rasheed Muwwakkil, a logistics advisor to the Iraqi security forces. ―All of the IA attending the course are extremely motivated to learn and take an active part in the class, especially when it comes to the anything hands-on and getting a familiarity with the vehicle.‖ While the 10-day M113 APC driver and maintenance course is aimed at successfully producing Iraqi army soldiers who can be called subject matter experts on operating and conducting user-level maintenance, that is not the course’s only purpose, said Muwwakkil. ―This training course, like many of the training courses here at KMTB, has a purpose outside simple instruction,‖ said Muwwakkil. ―This 10-day course is actually meant to be a train-the-trainer course. We want these guys to be able to take the training that we provide to them and be able to retrain soldiers in their own units later.‖ ―This is the fourth M113 course we have done, and it seems this way across the board, but the IA soldiers that come through really are getting better and better with each passing rotation,‖ said Sgt. William Swift, an instructor for M113 driver and maintenance training with Company B, Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd AAB, 25th Inf. Div. ―Since this is a train-the-trainer course, we have left all the logistics for the course to the IA, so they are troubleshooting all of their own problems and arranging for fuel, food, and parts if something were to happen to a vehicle,‖ said Swift. ―They are essentially facilitating their own training.‖ Iraqi military leaders chose the 5th IA Division to become one of the first divisions to be mechanized. All of the training and advising with IA units at KMTB has been to prepare soldiers for the new mission they will take on once U.S. forces transition out of Iraq later this year, Muwwakkil explained. ―This is all about getting them ready to take on the conventional mission

set of a nation’s army—things like border defense and protecting the people,‖ he added. ―That’s why this division has been selected to become modernized and mechanized.‖ Jun08: Iraqi army soldiers assigned to 5th IA Division’s newly formed 105th Field Artillery Regiment practiced crew drills on their M198 155mm howitzers at Kirkush Military Training Base, Iraq, May 9. U.S. soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 11th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Advise and Assist Brigade, 25th Infantry Division instructed the Iraqi soldiers during a dedicated field artillery training course at KMTB as the gun crews become the foundation of the growing IA field artillery corps. Jun14: 2 Mi-171 delivered. With 2 more next week, that will bring them to 22 total. Jun15: 5th cycle of bn training in USD-N. (3rd and 5th IA Divs training) Jun16: 43rd Pesh Bde on Iranian border in Irbil. (Rare that I get a Pesh ID...) Jun17: Korean T-50s in oil for aircraft deal? (If so, it indicates serious budget issues.) Jun19: 2nd IA Div FAR with M198s. (Might be error in reporting. Elements of 3IAD are attached and/or training using 2IAD facilities. 3IAD is training in external defense.) Jun23: 1-10/3 Bn in AIT. Jun24: The first company of the new Kirkuk expanded Combined Security Force ―Golden Lions‖ graduated from the Kirkuk Training Center during a ceremony in Kirkuk, Iraq, June 21. Graduates hosted several demonstrations showcasing the eCSF’s abilities to assault an objective and capture violent extremists, and conduct precision drill and ceremony. Iraqi Army, Iraqi Police, Kurdish Security Forces, and American Soldiers established the CSF in 2009 as a combined unit with the mission of working together to provide security in the area surrounding Kirkuk City. ―In 2009 you established a company-sized formation,‖ said Col. Michael Pappal, commander, 1st Advise and Assist Task Force, 1st Infantry Division, during his remarks. ―Today, we are all here, witnessing your growth from a company to a battalion under American advisement, not control.‖ The expansion to the battalion element capped a 30-day training cycle at the Kirkuk Training Center initially led by U.S. Soldiers, said Capt. Michael Neely, commander, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment. Jun28: "14th Provision Transportation Command" (Is the 14th IA Div starting to convert its logistics to the same model as 9th Div? I.E. Converting to heavy?") Jun29: "The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of follow-on support and maintenance of multiple aircraft systems that include TC-208s, Cessna 172s, AC-208s, T-6As, and King Air 350s. Included are ground stations, repair and return, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics support."