MINIT-ED Hackonsack Msadowianda~Oovolopinont Cam- mission has ruled that garbage dumping must and in tha moodnwlaiidi by 1f7*. And naw tha federal government has ruled that all sludge dumping In tha ocean muat ba aided by Dec. 11, m \ . What a wonderful world Mils would be H Commercial ITeafcer these achievements were as easy ta cams by as it Is (ar the bureaucrats te iaeue their pronoun­ cements. Te meet either deadline it would have and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW t S Cents p«r copy been necessary te plan 10 years ago. Par three years Bergen County Sewer Authority has been talking about building a plant that would con­ vert sludge and solid waste into a fuel far Public Service's Ridgefield generating plant. S*< o-xl Cloet pov'oga po>d o' Rt/thprford N I And last week — three years later — the Pwbi>th«d o ' 251 Bd i rndhues' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,1f77 Sub****.on VA *> Pubir^wd Wawbiy aitfhority's engineer, Ivan Bogart, said there Vol. 56. No. 11 wuuid be no difficulty in submitting "a plan" by January. Bahl K ill T h reat T o Prosecutor

A N e s t S i t e S o u g h t F o r Despite the plee by an b y Detective Charles plainant. Ann Abazia of St.. North Arlington, assistant public defender Muldoon after Leonardis Sollas Court, that the youth represented by Attorney that Judge Join C. Garde was apprehended at New had maliciously damaged Joseph J l.afrano of North O w l s dismiss the charge of threat Jersey Avenue after he fled her car by smashing the Arlington in a malicious B ergen9s O nly B arn to kill brought against the scene on a bicycle. windshield with his fist on damage to property com Frank Leonardis of 305 Kevin Schnepf. 19. 533 th e afternoon of Ju ly 24. plaint, was found guilty as Milbura Avenue, by Ernest Ridge Road was fined $100. Since the young mar had charged by Officer Sibilio Rizzuti of the same address, assessed $15 in court costs, been in court several times on A ugust 11 and assessed the court, during Thur­ given a suspended sentence previously, the court told t U 5 in fine and costs sday’s session, found of three months in county him "to keep aw ay fro m the Codefendant Thomas J probable cause for the com- jail and placed on a year's girl." Schnepf had also paid Mahoney. 39 Union PI., plaint after hearing probation after the court for a new windshield “about North Arlington, was found testimony by the com­ heard testimony from both $150." said Miss Abazia. n o t guilty, following a plainant. The case will be Schnepf and the com­ John Higgins. 21 Devon (Continued on Page 4) referred to the prosecutor's office for possible grand Haledon Man Accused In Jerry’s Hold-Up jury action. Leonardis, 24. was ac­ Lyndhurst Police on Oc­ bery attempt of a tavern in Haledcn. was served with cused by Rizzuti of pointing tober 4, filed three counts of Palisades Park soon after three complaints at the a gun a t th e m an ” 14 inches armed robbery against a The men robbed the barten- Bergen Courty Jail where from my face”, on the mor­ Haledon man after in­ dar, Charles Bowen and a he has been incarcerated ning of September 20. in an­ vestigation into the armed patron, and emptied the since the Palisades Park in­ noyance at noiae the elder robbery of Jerry’s tavern on cash register at Jerry's, cident. man. a retired carpenter Stuyvesant Avenue, last then herded the men into Detectives Charles made while repairing a month led to identification t h e restroom before Muldoon and Ramon Fran­ hammer in the basement of of an accomplice from escaping cis had the case under in­ the building. Carlstadt. who was shot Anthony Robert Gaita. 21. vestigation and served the The complaint was signed dead in another armed rob­ of 36 Mangold Terrace. com plaints

Appointed To School Board Scerbo Says Leader Erred A Lyndhunt family that “While he was repairing Ralph DeNisoo. Jr., was the last board of education holds a BA degree in thrives on mice and rats has the tire," said Thomas, appointed Tuesday night to election. He is the son of Business Administration On Halfway been dispossessed—and "Fred heard this noise that the Lyndhurst Board of Ralph DeNbco of Lyndhurst from Fairieigh Dickinson House Relief he promptly identified as to replace Pilar aad the late Helen Paluzzi University. He is a com­ puter programmer at the South Deepen Mental al UriaMi DeNbco ia a graduate o l W e s te r n Electric Cor­ Health Center said last n en W -u p In poration in Newark T fa A u n t High School and week that Hie Commercial While a t high school and Leader erred when it repor­ at Fairieigh Dickinson, For -tar yean we Church Story ted that the tenants In the been visiting Lyndhurst DeNisco participated in site la practical the owls halfway houae the center - - t a - d w early in the morning." said starinf op at the camera it will take up a new home. Editor, The Leader Hacqutllan Co. slto on has opened on Newark Ave. Thomas, "so that we could was exciting." Any tail building or pole 1 am sorry to tell you that the insigned article property near the mouth of were on relief. observe the faacinating The picture was taka on near the meadows would be under the title “Stuyvesant Apartments?” on the Kingsland tumel of the behaviour of the owls. One Peter Scerbo, director of July ( of tMs year. It is ideal.” the front page of the Oct. 6 number of the Com­ Erie-Lackawaoia Railroad. day we entered the silo and the center, said that ap­ reproduced today (or the mercial Leader, contains very serious errors For some reason not climbed up to where we first time in the Leader. Thomas is the father of plication for a temporary which call for correction. disdoaed Conrail the gover­ thought the nest was. We "These are Bergen Coun­ three daughters. Two of relief grant was made but nment agency that has con­ found it. But it was mostly ty’s only bam owl family so them are following their Paragraph 3 states: “According to reports, was abandoned. The center. trol of the properly now, hidden by the flooring. far as we know,” said father’s interest in the the church property (owned by Reed Memorial) Scerbo said, decided that it decided to knock down the Taking a chance I thrust my Thomas, who is SS. ”We naturalist's world. has become available since it is being merged would finance the costs in- bif silo, once used for Instamatic camera through want to keep them. If The Society fo r the with Westminster Presbyterian Church ..." cu red in the operation until dispensing coal throughout a hale in the floor and snap­ anybody has a suggestion as Preservation of B irds of The facts {ire that the mentioned church Social Security picked up South Bergen. ped the trigger. When the to a good homesite. will he Prey is international and property has not become available since no the bill. This, he said, was And the bam owls have picture was developed there please contact me at 327- has 500 members scattered merger has taken place between the two chur­ successful and the relief been desperately seeking were the faces of these 3470? I am sure that if the throughout the world ches. Even if such a merger should occur, by was not needed. out a new home The Comms'rial Leader An attempted rescue is the separate votes of the two congregations, and with the approval of the Presbytery of the repeated that Mrs. Benedict, baihg made by Stiles How An English W riter township welfare director Thomas, the Ridgewood Palisades, it is quite unknown, at the present has questioned state of­ realtor who is the son of the time; which church property would be disposed View ed B arn O wls In 1 7 8 8 of — if any — and in what way. ficials about the situation. late Congressman J. Parnell They told her that relief Iboraas. and Fred Allan, an (An English curate, possessed of aa regards the superstitiously think attends We deeply regret that the Commercial Leader payments could be granted iteur naturalist of Ram­ G ilbert W hite, in 17SS well-being of itself and off­ the windows of dying per­ did not check the validity of its information with and that the state would sey published "The Natural spring. But a piece of ad­ sons. The plumage of the any of the Sessions or the Pastor. But, in fact, reimburse the township for While Lyndhurst has slept History of Selbome,” a dress, which they show remiges of the wings of any number of communities could have correc­ the entire amount Thomas and Allan have great book for natural lata when they return loaded, every species of owl that I ted the misinformation. Paragraph 5 adds: The halfway house is the spent many nights crouched that has gone through over should not. I think, be have yet examined is “However, it is known that the plan has already center of controversy. ■ r the silo, observing the 150 editions. The following is O eN nce passed over in silence. As remarkably soft and pliant. been discussed in the Town HaU and it is Residents in the vicinity eh . borrowed from his discourse they take their prey with Perhaps it may be receiving serious study.” All this has not been baseball and football and have protested its location. “Why not?" asked Tomas, on bam owls.) their claws so the? carry it necessary that the wings of known to oir churches and their represen­ was an umpire for Little Lyndhurst’s efforts to who serves as Eastern U.S. “We have had, ever since league games and coached in their claws to their nest; these birth should not make tatives, until revealed by Commercial Leader. remove the halfway houae director of the Society for I can remember, a pair of midget league football. but, as the feet are much resistance or rashing, are now being debated in the Preservations of Birds white owls that constantly necessary to their aacent The publication of this erroneous information that they m v be enabled to He is a member of the the courts. Here are four Of Prey. "Theae are the only breed under the eaves of —*— the tiles, they - is very detrimental to the communities of our 000 ateal through the elr East End Democratic club tenants approved for the known bam owls in Bergen this church As I have paid first on the two churches At this time, questionnaire to urtfeprd upon a nimble and and an Air Force veteran. house. County. They are an asset good attention to the man­ the chancel, and watchful quarry. register our members' comments and to our communities and we ner of life of theae birds moiae from their “While I am talking of suggestions concerning the possibility of a don’t want to lose them.” during their season of to their bill, that tha owb. It may not be im­ merger, is oirculated. The article states that the Proclamation Ihom ai aid Allan said breeding, which lasts the may be at liberty to proper to motion what I waa basic questions have already been decided. I am any taU buildir* or pole summer through, the take hold of the plate on tba told by a gentleman of the certain our members will keep asking questions KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS cotdd attract the homeless following remarks may not wall as they are rising un­ oomtry of Wilts As they about the source of such misinformation and the Christopher Columbus’ great voyage to tba owls They ire confident perhaps be vsiacceptable: der the eaves. were grubbing a vast hollow motives of its publication. New World in 14t! required vision, courage m i that If ar" site is found a About an hour bdore sun­ “White owls seem not pollard-ash that had been feelings of the determination. His 'discovery rtiwiped the down (for then the mice But apart from hurting the home will be established for (but in this I am noi the manaon of owls for cen­ the article course of world events. His name is deservedly the owls and their war begin to run) they sally positive) to hoot at all: all people of our religious communities, honored in history. turies. he found st the bot­ service, and against the mice snd rats of forth in quest of prey, and that clamorous hooting ap­ tom a mass that at first he hurts the credibility of local news Columbus ventured into the area will be pressed hunt all round the hedges of pears to me to Dome from could not account for. After thus, the paper itself. disregerding the advice ef As an Idea of how the meadows and small en­ the wood kinds. The white some examination, he found Therefore, on behalf of our two churches I men, because be bad faith v»klabie their contribution closures for them, which owl does indeed snore and it was a congeries of ths request that a correction be carried in the next own convictions. «*n be to a community. seem to be their only food. hiss in a tremendous man- bones of mice (snd perhaps number of Commercial Leader, hopefully also Morristown recently impor In this irregular country we ner, and theae menaces of birds and bate) that had on the front page, which corrects the above t*d some bam owls and can stand on an eminence w el answer the iitention of bean heaping together for error* aad dearly states the facts: no merger *>U*ed them in their cam- and see them beat the fields intimidating; for I have ages, being cast up In hat taken place between tha two churches and ovor like a setting-dog, and known a whale rriUgaepm peiieta out of crops of many no churcii property is available at tile present Credtt Allan's pursuit of - often ibop down in the grass arms on such mi nwlnn. generations of inhabitants. time Lyndhurst maiden—Mary or awn. I have minuted imagining the chuneh-yafd For owls cast up the bm a, We trust that in the future the Commercial C>ta ne se of Page theae birds with my watch to be hill of goblins and h r and feathers ef what Leader will varfy with us news related to our Jve.—with triggering the for an hour together, and spectres. White owia (ba of­ Oms devour, after ths man- churches. Wa shall ba glad to cooperate since ■iscovery of tha little have found that they return ten scream horribly aa they ref hawks ( a t i d U to their nest*, the one or fly along: from thl* we favor respondbie journalism. on one of hit visits other of them, about once in screaming probably am* thalr throats swel as lag sa Appreciating your kind correcting action in » Lyndhurst Allan suffered five minutes, reflecting at the common people' a egg. 1 have known this matter. , • Hat ib e ea Valley Brook the same time on the adroit im a g in a ry specie* owl e f th b aperies Uvea i J. I w *. near tbertto. neas that every animal is screech-owl, which 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1*77

D ual O ffice H olding A ttacked B y Dem s State Senator John M "particularly pleased" Job 'is one of those rare public Skevin today officially had accepted the desig­ officials who has not forgot- Assembly Richard Visot- statesmanlike stance" on in­ ter is dual elective office inefficiency since it over­ government " opened his re-election cam­ nation "not sim ply because te rr that he o w e s h i s cky and Robert Hollenbeck troducing legislation to end holding denies the people a taxes one s capabilites, and F o r additional infor- I am proud to have his paign by announcing that allegiance to the people who today chided their opponents dual elected office holding in more complete represen­ if it is not stopped, it could mation please contact Jim Joseph F. Job, Sheriff of name associated with mine, elected him " on their efforts to wear a New Jersey tation, it give rise to greater seriously impair our form of Howe, 4HM762 Bergen County and one of but because he will lend his number of political hats at “ I g ave up m y council seat the county’s leading vote- determination and drive to Job also referred to the same time Both of their shortly after I was elected to getters in his own right, our campaign effort ." Skevin's many special opponents presently hold an my first term in the Assem­ RUTHERFORD DRUG'S would serve as his cam For his own part. Job assignments as a State elective office: one is a Com­ bly," Visotcky said "It did paign manager released a statement in Senator, including his chair­ missioner in Lyndhurst. the not take long to know that Tremendous Hudson Vitamin SALE In making the announ which he praised Skevin as manship of the special State other a Councilman in you can not serve in both Senate Commission on the cement. Skevin said he was a m a n "w ho has the Bogota capacities and give your best Save in Hudsonis VITAMIN C 509 MCw/*o~ HiJ F " $ i L courage to represent the Incidence of Cancer, and Visotcky and Hollenbeck to each office It is a disser­ people even on those oc­ said. "If an elected official's 100 TABLETS Rag. $3.99 NOW A . / 7 N O W F O R T H E are cosponsors of a Bill that vice to the taxpayer to hold High potency natural Vitamin C Vitam in Sale! casions when it means performance in office is the was introduced by Assem­ two elective offices at the F IR S T T I M E withstanding political standard by which he should VITAMIN B12100 MCG s o < 3 0 b ly m a n P a u l J'. C onti I lo same time For this reason I 100 TABLETS kg. M.W MOW 4 . 0 7 pres sire ” Job said Skevin be measured, there is no % which prohibits the holding w as glad to cosponsor a Bill Necestary for the health of the nervau* *y*tem 30 FREE TABLETS with $ < | Q O had been guided by his con­ doubt John Skevin should be of two or more elective of­ that would prohibit dual and the manufacturing af red blood cell* purchato of 100 Rag. $4.19 NOW 0 . 7 0 stituents' views on all major returned to the Senate to High Potency Vitamin and Mineral formula M ore walls fices at the same time The elective office holding " HI-PO VITES (Natural) $ e c o legislation 1 continue the job he has equivalent to Theragran M for less m oney importance of this Hollenbeck said, "the dual 100 TABLETS Rag. $4.90 NOW 9 . 3 7 “John Skevin," Joe said. begun ” legislation was readily elective office holder is 27 important vitamim and minerals in one tablet ULTRA CEE 500 ME $ 0 Q Q with genuine 1 0 0 CAPSULES Rag. $4.99 NOW * 7 7 recognized by Common deluding himself into E-KAPS (100 % Natural) Timed Releote C for up to 8 hour* protection . W a ll- T e x . Cause, (a citizen's lobby) believing he is the indispen- 100 Ml. SO £ .£ . ‘ Y ’ Swim Classes Start who cited the sponsores for sible man. This of course is ZINC * 1 Q Q 100 CAPSULES Itag. $2.99 NOW A . O O 100 TABLETS Rag. $1.49 NOW 1 . 0 7 their ‘'heroic and absurd The truth of the mat­ The Meadowlands Area YMCA is sponsoring (d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) Important growth and healing mineral a Swim-Gym Program in cooperation with the 200 Ml. $ a a a CEEBEVIM t o IQ Everyman Schedules Memorial 100 CAPSULES Rag. $3.99 NOW O . 1 7 Passaic-Clifton YMCA. The program will be of­ 100 CAPSULES $4.29 NOW 0 . 7 T "A Memorial Program” Joseph g Carey, assistant (d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) Water soluble B Complex with C. fered for 10 weeks starting October 22 from 9 y030 Equivalent to Albee with C AM. to 12 Noon. Bus transportation will be will be the theme of to t h e Pastor of the Everyman's of Rutherford Rockaway, N.J. 400 Ml. $ ■ * • • THERAVIM % a OO 100 CAPSULES tog. $7.99 NOW / .O O 100 TABLETS Rag. $5 9 9 NOW ‘ * • 7 7 provided from various points in the South this coming Suiday. Oc­ Presbyterian Church, will (d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) The ultimate therapeutK formula - a Hudson or* Bergen Area to and from the Passaic Y. The tober 16. 1977 The non- be the morning's speaker program includes swimming and gym instruc­ denominational program Mr. Carey is now com­ YITAMINE E 10001.U. $ c c o tion featuring floor hockey, volleyball and gym­ 50 CAPSULES Rag. $6.99 NOW W e O t DUO KAPS * 4 O Q will begin at 9:15 a m. in the pleting his ministerial (dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) 100 TABLETS Rag. $3.99 NOW 0 . 4 7 nastics Boys and girls, ages 7 to 11 may Masonic Temple. 189 Park studies at Princeton 14 VHommt and AAmerolt more than One-A-Ooy Avenue. Rutherford Theological Seminary He SUPRES.m 12 HOUR COU) CAPSULES A A ( register by calling 935-5540 The cost of the 10 CAPSULES Rag. $1.19 NOW 9 9 plus iron program is J35 which includes instruction, Everyman's now in their previously served as youth For colds ond hay fever relief up to 12 hour* - ■ COMPLEX * o n o A. LE G RA N D membership and transportation. Registration fifth-sixth year of com­ assistant at the Calvary Equivalent to Contac 100 TABLETS Rag. $2.S9 NOW * . U 7 & SON * ends Thursday, Oct 19 For more information munity service, will honor Presbyterian Church. Orlan­ VITAMIN B 1 250 MG $ « 1 0 Special formulation a Hudson exctuwe please call the Meadowlands Area YMCA at 935- all deceased members and do. Florida He has concen­ 100 TABLETS Rag. $3.99 NOW <5. 1 7 VITAMIN A 10,000 LU. QlatirM) t l 9 0 19 Pvk Ave., Ruth. 5540 friends of the group on this trated in work with young Necessary for a variety af bodily function* 100 CAPSULES Rag. $1.49 NOW 1 . 4 7 Sola ENDS OCT. 21 occasion people and recently com­ ADAVITE ' Essential in your continued good health pleted directing a special 30 FREE TABLETS WITH PURCHASE $ A f f j ORANGEGLAVORCEE250Mt i d B O project of work with Of 100 Rag. $3.99 NOW w ,/ # 230 TABLETS Rag. $5.89 NOW * . 0 7 High potency vitamin formule- Equivalent to migrant workers children in Delicious chewobie Vitamin C Florida, assisted by ULTRA B-50 s $ a a a nineteen young people of the VITAMIN 0 6 50 MG * 9 0 0 6 0 TABLETS Rag- $4.69 NOW v * / # 100 TABLETS Rag. $2.99 NOW * . < > 7 High potency balanced "6" formula - Rockaway Church Necessary for a variety of bodily functions The ultimate in 6 Complex Equity Savings & Lending soys: Music will be proviced by Everyman's Orchestra and 72 PARK A V E N U E refreshments will be served WEE DELIVERY CAU 93 9 -0 0 7 6 following the program.


APPLIANCES 71 RIVIM A v 8 . TS 1TB LANOAU ford '73 M A R I 9V Lincoln Com 74 LAOUNA Chavy WN 7% HD ford C oppor T$ C IN TU RV 8u. pb AM 40 751 7 dr HI v s. at/to p t WM v | au.o kxxfcd SI 147 pwr tl.g /brill Alt lOAOID m. SA 87*4 AS IS WAS ph AM 20 015 m. SA P> P*> Alt 31 767*. AS IS SA 87V8 WAS EQ U IP M EN T 8797 AS I) WAS IVA Slm . *2490 43190 *3*40 • '? * AS IS WAS S* 8117 AS IS WAS V4590 *1990 . i?990 *7790 71 LUXURT LI MANS Pan sisvo tieeo n w o *7 9 4 0 77 OLDS "er- 4 d. Odd 79 CHCVRUI Ch*.y 71 M O N T I CARLO » 8rn V I auto p i 7* ORAN TORINO 7* TRIUMPH r.llo- V'8. auto pv pb Alt V 8 auto p % V 8 auto p i pb mon brk b AM 4* 799 m. YOU NAME IT. Ford Stotaon Wpn V'8 » 000 mi SH. 87*5 pb AM 14 003m. S* Aril loodvd 57 815 m. SA . SA 16X) I AS IS WAS «*•"> P * p b Alt <1 mon ilrg to, hi AS IS W AS 4 7390 • 77* .AS IS WAS 810* AS IS WAS Si 790 -7790 *1440 17 s e t m, s » * 7 1 ? AS 30 J»7m, AS IV U N O SI 7eo '.7990*7190 *1 MO 74 PINTO Fw4 tad is w as i4 * o * 1 *4 0 TS ORAN TORINO ■7* VALIANT H r* 74 O0ANAOA Ford 4 p b AIT Mn A m J ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION M 24 *4* et * * 0780 AS IS WAS S43*0 *14*0 KEARNY VERNON BUDD L A K E S O Koamy Avenue Roula 515 Roma 46 4 SmNhtown Rd 991-0101 Opp Vernon Municipal BMq 991 1600 754-4004 SUSSEX-WANTAGE NORTH HALEDON High Mountain Plaza Su*a#x Shopping Plaza 427-6400 & 875-4142 LCMOCft ' ■ m i . N o r t h ROUTE 17. o f R t e . 3. RUTHERFORD • 935 2400 THUMOAY, OCTOBER 11 W 7 - 3 Parking Facility Planned O ver Secaucus R .R . T racks A massive parking station facility, is given permission no matter how the agency HMDC on whether Ham's above the Erie Lackawanna to build $250 million of apar­ decides. Citizen protests plans 4o fill in underwater Railroad tracks in Secaucus tment houses near the against the apertmo* house acreage to support 2.750 may riae shortly if plans tracks. complex have bean fiery. units of housing is usurping now in the engineering The question is now being Another block was thrown a “public right of way . ” stage are carried through. hotly debated in Secaucus. iito the way of the develop­ The railroad parking plan A major element in the Coirt action is eipected to ment this week when could include a railroad plan is whether Hartz Moun- follow the decision given by Frederick Woeckener, coun­ station that would serve the taki Industries Inc., which Hackensack Meadowlands sel for the citizen group, vast complex Hartz has wants to build the parking Development Commission. demanded a ruling from built in the Secaucus meadowlands. According to company officials, Conrail. the federal agency that operates the railroad, is in favor of the parking facility NOW AVAILABLE but wants a rail station in­ SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS cluded.. Hartz says it is willing to add such a LOW-COST BUDGET TERMS station. Martha P. Thomas of 168 Chestnut Street, Rutherford, formerly a citizen of Argentina (right) registers LEAP Grants to vote minutes after becoming a naturalized citizen, with the assistance of Mbs. Joyce Pezzulle of the Bergen County Commissioner of Registration's staff. Each month. Commissioner Mimi Sarthou Total $7.66 M stations members of her staff outside the courtroom in which the County's naturalization ceremonies 5,000.120.000 take place, providing the new citizens with an immediate opportunity to become registered voters. Freeholder—director During 1977, more than 76 percent of those who have been naturalized in Bergen County have taken Jeremiah F. O'Connor has advantage of the facility. announced the latest group of 26 LEAP (Local Em ployment Action Program i grants../totalling *7 66 65 New U nited States Citizens million, employing 639 Sixty five Bergen County To encourage new citizens had a special significance become citizens by coming Bergen residents and ser­ residents celebrated to take advantage of the op­ because the Board of of age or by being ving thousands of others “Citizenship Day" by portunity to vote. Com­ Freeholders had proclaimed naturalized "These grants are -for becoming registered voters missioner Sarthou stations the day as “Citizenship In the first nine months of projects in the arts, within minutes of receiving members of her staff outside Day." to commemorate the 1977. 986 naturalized citizens education, social services, their naturalization papers the courtroom in which the signing of the United States registered to vote outside the law enforcement and repair on September 23. Bergen naturalization ceremonies Constitution in September courtroom. Ms Sarthou work on public facilities.'’ County Commissioner of take place each month 1787 The Freeholder reported This represents O'Connor said "This is Registration Mimi Sarthou T h e naturalization proclamation took recog­ Borrow up to $20,000 for any purpose: Debt Consolidation more than 76 percent of the another example of the has reported ceremony on September 23 nition of those who have • Weddings • Collage Tuition • Medical Expenses • New 1.295 who were naturalized Board of Freeholders retur­ Business Venturas, and 1001 other uses! E ven if you h a v e a during that period. Those ning our federal tax dollars second mortgage and would like to reduce your monthly Artists Display M em ory O f Great who did not register outside payments ... at substantial savings ... or extend the term t o Bergen to provide the courtroom may well of your present loan. facilities and services for Paintings have done so subsequently at residents while providing Soldier Honored their municipal clerk's of­ The South Bergen Center P S . Our other low-co^t loans are pretty good, too! much—needed jobs for fice. Ms Sarthou pointed fo r Cultural H istory will On F rid ay . N ovem ber 11. Major Murphy 's widow For more loan information, please call (201) 845-1652 those who have been out of out work for sometime." exhibit paintings by staff 1977 a t 8 P.M . P ost 227 will AU Service organizations The Board of Freeholders members at two Borough present it’s Veterans Day and the public are invited. "It is interesting to note SECONDARY MORTGAGE LOANS \ received a grant for $33,450 banks beginning Oct. 11 Program. The high-light of Post 227 Commander Ver­ that the percentage of to create an Office of The center, an affiliate of the program will be the nal Smith request all that naturalized citizens who register is substantially Cultural and Historic Af­ the Rutherford Museum, will dedication of the main hall have them to appear in higher than the average for Rational Cnmmunihi Dank fairs responsible for display artistic inter­ to Major Audie L. Murphy. uniform all citizens." Mrs. Sarthou •i new Jersey development of county pretations of the art, World War T w o M o s t Pdat 227 is proud of this commented. "Apparently, program in theae areas. The literature and life in Italy at Decorated soldier. dedication and hopes that it 24 PARK AVENUE, RUTHERFORD, N.J. re m in d thoae who have to make an program should include The National Community Perm ission for the will the Boro of Rutherford, of effort to gain the privilege of exhibits and displays of fine Bank office at 1 Stuyvesant dedication was obtained the State New Jersey and the e n tire citizenship value the status and performing arts, Ave. A similar display of through the U.S. Third In ­ N ation th a t A m erica more dearly than thoae who genealogical and historical ■paintings on Spanich culture fan try Division. Third Infan­ is . .The Home Of The achieve it by being b o m research and published will be on exhibit at the try Division Aaaodsttpn and Hank's Ridge Rd. otficj. Mrs ^ai^sJa Morphy. Brave. here." she added. < ~ ..w .■<

wMk 20 Pack their school lunch box mg a t ... profsaskmal musicians %ho I would perform in nursing homes, clubs perks and senior citizens centers and in schools throughou the W DAIRY county. This is viewed as an extension of the Artist- s—In—Residence program begun recently by the COLD CUT CENTER college. It would give unem­ ployed musicians an oppor­ 10 SPRING DELL, RUTHERFORD 935-9085 tunity to rehearse and per­ 215 RIDGE RD. NORTH ARLINGTON 991-0825 form and would present quality concerts to many 1316 MAIN AVE. (PIAGET AVE.) CLIFTON 772-5787 Bergen residents who might not otherwise have the op­ ' W atch For O ur W eekly and Daily Specials portunity to attend musical events Additional funding was also given to the Artist- s—In—Residence Program for the visual arts, giving an O P E N additional 12 artists studio space and a retail outle t for ‘ work Other projects to be fun­ 7 D A Y S ded include an English as a second language program that also provides 7 A M 'TIL M ID N IG H T on-the—job, training, sup­ port staff for a women's center, transportation ser­ vices for the handicapped, repair and construction SKIM or LOW FAT FOREST DAIRY work at a residence camp, a magazine on the arts, an in­ Carry on a glorious tradition and reptedge your love wtth a I ventory of volunteers in M i l k Extra Lg. Eggs Eternity ring. All the diamonds were personally sal acted by our own social service programs diamond traveler Stanley Marcus and the settings are truly unique. Each one ia a patented design that haa a slander bridge between the stones but without the conventional prongs, to show off all the Free Montessori brilliance end beauty of tha diamonds. Vlelt the Diamond Island ’/a G al. and a Marcue consultant will show you an eternity. Intro Session 6 9 7 9 1 Sea our complete selection of wedding rings In Mont-Vale Montessori the Wedding Ring Gallery from under (100.00 Day Care Center is offering a free introductory session A. 18K Diamond insert ring $1,495.00 on the Montessori way of BORDEN'S H A N S E L B. Platinum 3 tier diamond wedding ring *3,2*0.00 rearing very young C. Platinum diamond eternity ring 11,260.00 children Open to all who Ic e Cream & G R E T E L D. 18K gold dlemond eternity ring SSM.OO are interested to learn more E. Platinum diamond eternity ring $2,0(0.00 about the Montessori method of education, it will B o i l e d H a m ' 1 , all flavors From the Window* of the World colleftion. be followed by a ten-week Teacher Training Program. The Mont-Vale Day Care^ Center, celebrating its I 3 9 Silver Jubilee anniversary, a k e t u 1 V i g a l. JEWELERS is offering a Teacher 6 9 1 Training Program after IS ■IITMWMS. iJL „ yean of successful day care 53 f. RkJgaWood Avenua/^43 3325 I Park A v a n ue / 939.0079 under the direction of ■ACUWSACK, NJ. ^ Mildred Wedin and her 152 Main Straat/487-1220 ZOSt JST gW Jo^S staff. Ask for our cold buffet ■mini punt — ,— ------Haute 17 North Route 4 «ne H a d o n M C * Amnue Sessions will be held at / JM-S000 M*ck*n»ck, NJ. / U S4SM Moot-Vale Day Care Center, MARCUS CHARGE • MASTER CHARGE • AMERICAS tfH K SS • iAMUMERICARD (71 Sanford Avaue. Irving­ catering brochure. ton 4 T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 13, 1977 plks Sponsor D inner H onoring G raziano Meet The

Ed Rich, Exalted Ruler of tivities the I/)dge has been at Darlington Seminary in in the forefront in its Candidate* the Lyndhurst l>odge of Elks instrumental in assisting Mahwah will speak and give charitable activities Carl Cestaro, Secretary of No 1505, announced that a veterans of all wars in the the benediction at the din­ the Lyndhurst Republican Present officers of IIk dinner will be given in honor various hospitals, made ner Past* Exalted Ruler. Organization, announced l/xige are Exalted Ruler. of John J Graziano at the numerous contributions to Joseph Melillo, will deliver today that the organization Kdward Rich; Esteemed Elks Club on October 29 The Roystown of New Jersey, the main address. will be holding a “MEET leading Knight. George Mit­ dinner is being tendered in has been of assistance to Other members of the Din­ THE CANDIDATES chell; Esteemed Loyal Mr Graziano s honor for his crippled children and others ner Committee are: Patrick NIGHT" on Thursday. Oc­ Knight. Louis Giunta; services as Treasurer of the who are disabled, made con­ Melillo. Jam es St George. tober 27, 1977 at the Lyn­ Esteemed lecturing Knight. Elks l-odge for the past 34 tributions to Camp Moore Harold List. Sam Chimento. dhurst Italian/American Kichard Pietrowicz; years Graziano also was sponsored by the New Jersey Leonard Leider. Roy Circle Club. 192 Copelanti Esquire. Kenneth Summers. Exalted Ruler of the Ixxige State Elks Association, and Rawson. Leonard Rosa. Avenue. Lyndhurst at 8:30 in 1943 and in 1955 was through the years has George leonardis. Al Zuk. Chaplain. Thomas Curcio; pm. Inner Guard, Peter Prince; D is tric t Deputy Grand remembered those locally James Breslin. Jr.. Ben Republican State Assem­ Exalted Ruler for the North who may be in distress in Tiler. Guy Pe zzol a ; Parisi. Ed Rich, and James Secret arv i , m « c, blyu‘> candidates'-•anaiaaies reierPeter j.J. Central District of New Je r ­ any and all stages of life Bader sey. Several scholarships have George; Treasurer John' William RUS9° °f "Pat” LyndhUr5t Schuber 8nd of been given to deserving Lyndhurst I/xige has been Graziano; Trustees: Ben­ The Lyndhurst Ixtdge has Bogota, along with youngsters in existence since 1925. has jamin Parisi. Patrick been one of leading Republican State Senate the received many honors from Melillo. Roy Rawson, H er­ fraternal organizations of Chairman of the Dinner candidate Harold A. Pareti the national and state Elks bert Kleckner. Michael Ric- the state of New Jersey for Committee is Jack Di Blasi. organizations, and has been of Carlstadt will present many years and has been a who will also be Toast- their views on the various leading force not only in the master that evening Rev. J e f f e r S O l l Parents Night important issues facing the community of Lyndhurst. James C Turro. cousin of voters of Bergen County's but in the state of New Je r ­ the guest of honor and “Back to School Night" introduced the faculty. 36th district sey Among its many ac­ Professor of Biblical Studies was recently held by the Mrs Lanzerotti. Kin­ All are cordially invited to Jefferson School PTA for dergarten teacher, won the attend grades K-4. Mrs Camille attendance award. You May Be W orth $10,000 Kovalski. president, conduc­ ted the meeting The budget PTA D iscussion One of Palsy's Shop Rite Lyndhurst store for the year was presented On Child Abuse , patrons is worth $10,000. by Kathleen Maloney, Debbie Naidiello ef treasurer AM the shopper has to do is produce the lot­ IJncoln School PTA held its regular meeting M arolda ol Mrs Ceil Vcea, m em ber­ tery number 516-134. Tuesday. Oct. 4 Child Abuse was the subject of Ball at the ship chairman, reported on According to an advertisement appearing in The members enrolled in the discussion. Detective Sgt Frank McSweeney spoke today's Leader, the shopper bought the winning and showed films on the subject. Detective Capt. T ange PTA; and urged all those M ah eg an ticket worth $10,000 but never cashed it. parents not enrolled, to help Golembeski was present and spoke a few words. The shopper has until Oct. 20 to present the make this a 100% member­ Also, Mrs. Evelyn Pezzola, spoke about the Child winning ticket and claim the $10,000. ship year Shield Program. Refreshments were served after­ Telephone (609 ) 292-72M immediately if you Carl DeGisi. principal, wards by our hospitality chairman. Mrs. Rochina have the number. welcomed the parents and Cornacchia. Lee Pacifico W rites

About H alfw ay House

Editor. of dollars the Federal Gov't, Methinks they are being too The court trial concerning has told them to get rid of. nice and too soft in both in­ the Psychiatric Hospital (or Try It! stances. As our alert and Residential House, or Half­ astute Gordon Wilson pain­ Remember the way House — call it what Look at our own Ms. ted out at the last Town Hall you willt on Newark Ave. Pezzolla and her dogged meeting "We elected you has been postponed from determination to get funds Commissioners to represent Oct. 6th to this week of Oct. for the Youth Center — us. not the Lyndhurst Youth 9th. and we are wondering come Hell or High Water. Advisory Council (of which good things that why the delay? Perhaps it Why, she not only received Pezzolla is a part) or the will never go to court — ? *23.000 of your money from “S.B.M.H. Board —remem­ If this Hospital is allowed the Freeholders a few mon­ ber this!,, to stand, it will be meat un­ ths ago (with the R E C. Incidentally, many good fair as there, are several Organization help) but now jobs will be created with used to go with valid reasons why it should had the gall to ask for, and these funds — are they to be not be allowed: receive. 165.000 from them given to individuate who 1. There is too much op­ again two weeks ago. need the jobs, or to married position to it by the Town­ Another usurpation of the women who are financially speople due to fear. Commissioner's powers, secure, as has been done in 2. Being a P e y c W r tc ma* L aM. a A e —»•—* «— tba p a d . 1 Autumn? Hospital, it Is In violation ot these funds without con­ (with the help of others) the Zoning Ordinance. sulting them — (I would like 'aoan will be orgeatdag a 3. It was started without to know who then has given “Concerned Otisens" Com­ the permission of the neigh­ her the authority to mittee to Combat these con­ boring residents, the Board represent our town in ob­ stant flagrant violations of of Commissioners, or the taining funds!) However, the townspeople's and tax­ A t G a r d e n Planning Board. How this is our lenient Commissioners payer's rights in Lyndhunt. arrogance of the wont kind have forgiven her far this This is the only way we can — it proves my contention little (? ) oversight, Just as save our tax dollars, aad S t a t e that the “Groiq)" is running they have forgiven the S B oir town! the town! Mental Health Board. Lee Pacifico 4. Most important — once F a r m s again Home Rule is beint N ew com ers T ea At W ashington eroded as this is a state plan that the S.B.M.H. center is The Class Mothers, Kin­ introduced Mrs. Joyce implementing and, if we dergarten. and Newcomers Donovan. Kindergarten t h e y allow them to dictate to us Tea was held on Tuesday. teacher October 4. 1977 in the here, toon Lyndhurst will Kill T hreat have a “Home for Abused auditorium at Washington s t i l l d o ! W ives", a “ Drug School, under the direction (Continued from Pag* 1) Rehabilitation Center,*' an of Judy Figliolina. Second review af the case on tapes “Alcoholic Center", a Vice President. After the in­ by Judge Garde. “Home for Unwed Mothers’’ troduction of all Officers and Douglas D’Addetta was (and why not a Brothel?), Committee Chairman and assessed MS in fine and etc... members by Lucille Wilson. casts on the court's finding Don’t scoff as tfeese are all President. Mn. Figlioljha him guilty of Officer Pure, Sweet introduced all the new Kin­ Richard Jaanski's charge H*fU. U 1 in the making — just ask * the Bergen County Board of dergarten mothers and class that the youth was (kinking APPLE CIDER A*OFF Freehoiden! mothers and announced all beer in public in violation of By the'way, do you have i their duties for the year. Mr. the township ordinance. Our Om Kitckea Fresh pet project that you need G. Travisano. School Prin­ Jaanski and D'Addetta both capital for? Simple — run cipal welcomed all the testified, but in spite of the DONUTS Ml Varieties - lei if I over to the Freehoiden and mothers to the annual tea, youth's testimony that he they will accommodate you with a short speech on the was ’.‘carrying an empty Creaaery Fresh gladly with the taxpayer’s role of Parent—Teacher and beer bottle” the judge money as they have Student. Mr. Travisano also believed the officer. T U B BUTTER Rej. *2.79 2 L i Tik Karen Sandfort CHOCOLATES

cA tOTF ORCOFF j V t i b k ^ J smuiox (Me Kith the highest jufity checeiite.

SPECIALS ON SALE O C T . 1 3 - 1 6

Pleaslm j Yoa A M eases Us LYNDHUCST HWANM INSTAUS p m c m - I. to * . a n W M am C H vnalnd vice president, Joeeph Melons president, PMMp J. M , Naw Jersey’s In* mod lata past governor, touts J. Stellate, Jr. Immediate paat praaldant and De Mosel «-*-*— r— « emur i »—I ^ patgaim - Garden State Farm s nor, « member <1 the local dub, Installed Joseph Melons at lyaaldmt of the KJwants Club ef lynghuiat, Leuie J. Stellate, Jr. Immediate past president, Paul D/XI Fl V S T O R E S De Masei, 1st wieo president, William CHune and vise piealdsnl, Raymond Sears, traasuser. Cad PI OM sesrafry. The heart al Hvitaoa, John Badlalph. BU OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 A M TO 10 P M COPYRIGHT BY GARDEN STATE FARMS INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Kane, Charles J. call ah an, ladle Conners, Alfred taiwhaidl, touts Mian, An- theny CHune, ta u t l lhorwie n and W arren Bofle. Y, OCTOBER 11,1*77 5

1 Do you think that a person who works his way (E ommerr ial Ifca h e r O b i t t u J v t t S N K f t t llf t through college appreciates his education more r M* "Am. II tv* ■ You Said it mt TW«KM atvir.S than a person who doesn't? Official Newspaper North Arlington's Official Newspaper by Jack Pignafello Asked al Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford. ef lyndhunt since 1931 1 5 7 Ridga>' Rood, 2S1 Ridge Read North Arlington, NJ. Lyndhurst, NJ. 07071 991-1839 998-3304 L * Tel. 4 3 8 - 8 7 0 0 - 1701 Managing Bditor — Beverly Murphy

o East Huthrrford e Carlstadt a (D jp N f u j h £ r a b ? r le&fcer-jFm Jke&tf • of Rutherford •

Official Newspaper Of Official Newspaper Of Rutherford last Rutherford and Carlstadt 31 Ames Avenue Publication Offices Rutherford, N J. 07070 276 Grove Street, East Rutherford Office Manager - Agnes luke 417 Second Street, Carlstadt. Tel. 4 3 8 - 5 1 0 0 News Editor — Rose Bastion

(,uy Ssvino, President Johe Satino. A.R. Cornell AmyDMee 1-tHtor A Pubfsbrr AAmbiiai Director New* Director 1

The Leader Newspapers circulate la Sealh Bergea sad are tbe official newspapers ol North ArUagtoa, Lyadbarsl, Ratberford, East Ratberford, aad Rabort Fuller, Im lmt— acceuntlng msjsr. Lorraine Peart, freshman business major. Carlstadt. They also have a growing readership la Wood Ridge aad WalUagtea. la Orange. ma|ar, Rutherford. the five-community district Hve SI.MS peraeas among *»,«SS families. These I think you have to appreciate it more, I work during the summers and pert time If you know how it feels to work for your contiguous municipalities herder ea the Haehcasack Meadows which ia tbe aext because you’re really working for it. I’m during school, and the only drawback is that education, you'll get a lot more out of it. generation will provide a growth patten tbat will be marked by the eatire aathn. now working part-time in the library, and it sometimes I don’t have enough time to get because you'll really know what you're The Leader Newspapers are members of tbe Ratberford Chamber el Commerce, helps me to deal with the responsibilities very involved in campus activities, but the the West Hudson South Bergea Chamber of Commerce, tbe New Jersey Press missing if you're payingfor it. Association, the National Editorial Association aad the QaaHty Group Weeklies el that I’ll face later on. experience of working is good for you v New Jersey.

For Senator Scardino

One good term deserves another is propriation and a staff, has, in the an old saying that government in­ minds of some, the elements of cumbents are fond of quoting. disaster for the communities. A bet­ In the case of State Senator An­ ter course, it would seem, would be thony A. Scardino Jr. of Lyndhurst to go along«as the mayors now go — the saying is apt. indeed. Scardino's critical of the Hackensack energy, imagination and conscien­ Meadowlands Development Com­ tious service have been of immense mission without becoming part of its service to New Jersey and have operation. reflected much credit upon Lyn­ However, on most issues in Tren­ dhurst where his political career ton Scardino proved to be not only began. sound but progressivdy imaginative. The fact that in Lyndhurst Senator His sponsorship of legislation to aid Scardino is receiving the support of the deaf put the state in an area Pal Sabah, sophomore education major, Gtf- Alan Davit, freshman accounting major, Jan Patrvno, sophomore marketing major. Republicans as well as Democrats which it had too long neglected. His Newark. Upper Montclair. bespeaks the estimation in which he efforts to reduce pharmaceutical I do office work to help put- me through I'm working in the student loan office, and Since its your money, you're going to try to school, and I know I’m working harder here is held by his community. This fact costs for the elderly and handicapped I'm going to work harder to stay in school get all you can when you spend it. I think were commendable. His questioning because of it. Some of the people here who because I'm paying for it. If someone else people who work their way through school in itself tells volumes about Senator are coming for free don't really care about of the income tax necessity and his was paying. I might be tempted to cut definitely appreciate their eduction more Scardino's service since it is among getting good grades or even passing, classes than others his neighbors that a public servant is vote against it showed he was not because it isn't casting them anything best known. dogmatic in following the party line. C.ivir^ up tV mayoralty he held ■ Jhe New Jersey Education. far four y m n in Lyndhurst was dif­ Association endorsed Senator Scar-” ficult for Senator Scardino. Most ob- dino despite las refusal to support the ^^ffim scT speaK s loudly sacrifleed this honor because be now manner in which he has If feds duality in office holding is not the dose observers of our state desirable is further proof of the government. O ur W izard can clear—eyed vision with which he ap­ Sefiator Scardino's supporters had proaches public service. best put out their best effort. In for­ In endorsing Senator Scardino’s bid mer Mayor Harold Pareti of for reelection it is possible to ’ Carlstadt Senator Scardino has a knowledgeable, hard-working, com­ put a new home disagree with him on certain issues. 4 His Meadolwands survey committee petent foe. It will take a tot of recommended that the mayors’ com­ beating to beat Pareti mittee representing the 14 However, in this election Senator Meadowlands communities, be Scardino seems to have the best in your future energized with a $ 100,000 ap- weapons.

Save O ur Barn Owls

Stiles Thomas, son of the late hospitable place for us. The bam congressman, and Fred Allen of owls, for instance, live upon rodents Ramsey, have been spending many which they seek out in their ceaseless of their nights in Lyndhurst. visitng a flights through the nights when the family of bam owls. The nights in mice and rats come out of hidir^ these times are viewed with ap­ Nature supplied the owls with big prehension because it is then the van­ eyes and big ears so that they could dals and the burglars begin their make their forays at night against depredations. some of man's most persistent But under the cover of night others enemies. move — men and women of godfrin- It is heartwarming to know that tent and generous hearts. there are men like the Thomases and Such as Stiles Thomas and Fred Allens who can find so much satisfac­ Allen. tion out of a campaign to preserve a Crouching in the fields arowd an family of man’s friends — the bam old coal silo near the mouth of the old owl. Lackawanna Railroad tunnel under Now the big thing is to find a new Orient Way, Lyndhurst, the two men home for our bam owls. observed the bam owls with deepest As Thomas, who is eastern appreciation. regional director of a society There are certain Birds of Prey dedicated to preserving birds of prey, which are essential to the wellbeing (if put it: man. Unless they are allowed to “We’ve got to save them. They are forage among the insects and rodents the only family of their kind in the w^rld would soon become a less Bergen Courty.”

Solving Sm oking Problem HP^PW IPV Rutherford teachers are arotaed Almost every doctor in the land far­ over ifae Board of Education edict ces patients to give up smoking when whk^i curbs cigarette smoking in the under certain treatments. There Don’t w.iit .iny longer for the home ol your schools. Teachers insist that their remains no doubt cigarette smoking dreams. With the Wizard of Ours you con rigid* {have been invaded and one of is good for nothing except to line the purchase .i new. home now, before the price of theneilts the policy “an-insult." pockets of the companies that estate goes higher OTcourse the problem would never manufacture and advertise them. Mortgages ore magical .it Kearny Federal, have come into existence if the As leaders of youth teachers should where our experienced counselors help teacher* had come up with the have been the first to enreU in the you every step of the way and the solution to a vexing problem them- fight ,against cigarettes. That a Wizard conjures up the best deal in loV setver They ootid have done this by Rutherford Board of Education has monthly payments. ^ agreeing among themselves to give had the good sense and the courage up cigarettes during dass hours. to do what the teachers have neglec­ Cigarette smoking is an adcUdive ted to do reflects only credit upon the habit. It ha* been condemned by the Board of Education and raises o b ­ surgeon general of the United States. tain questions shout the educators.


Laryngectom ee Classes First In A rea

North Arlington Rotary The decision to sponsor Many people who have Fairiawn and in Teaneck. the expenditure necessary CJub is sponsoring speech the program yas reached had this type aI surgery but it is felt that the to its operation. North classes for laryngectomees following a talk by Hay become depressed and have necessity of traveling often Arlington Elks Lodge 1992 residing in North Arlington Workman at a meeting of little desire to learn or discourages persons from offered its facilities for the and neighboring com­ the club several months speak agafei. However, with participating In such a class instruction. The munities It is the first ago Workman , is the the assistance of program. Rotary Club purchased the teaching unit of its kind in president of the Bergen r'mechnaical Revised, talking William Coi^e, past club teaching manuals and the the Sodh Bergen-West Hud­ County Laryngestomees can be taught. pr«»ident, worked for the specialized equipment and son area Association Classes are held in approval of the project and devises.

The initial class was held September 20 at 7:30 p.m. Timmy O'Shea of North Arlington was the first to register Classes are held Guido Tango, president of Km North Arlington Rotary Club, presents chock I* Ray each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m Workman, president of the Bergen County laryngectomee Association, Inc. At lor M l There is no coat entailed is Carmine Toisiello, past District Rotary Oovomoi. At right are Imowon Hon weed, All officers, instructors director ef tho North Arlington program and speech instructor, and id ward Sullivan and assistants of the wf»o is also a speech inettvdor. Lary-ngectom ees Association are laryngec­ tomees It is believed th a t persons who have un­ dergone such surgery are * especially encouraged to lea to speak again when they hear and are assisted by a person who has had the same surgery.

Information on the classes may be obtained by calling W orkm an at 568-5237

Such fund raising ac­ tivities as the annual pan­ cake breakfast and beef­ steak dinner are used by the Rotary Club to support such Lou and Rita Anderczyk, owner, of Lou's Lounge in lyndhunt and sponsors of the champion toam in tho Summer community projects as the Men's Basketball League in North Arlington, accopt trophy from Captain Nick Maixolla. Also in picture art Bill laryngectomee speech n t i _ Rudiwici, Fred Esposito, Bernie Marrazio dnd Steve Bollander. Not present are two other teammates, Joe Joiak Ray Workman, president of tho Botgon County laryngectomees Association, Inc., and Mark McClean. f outlines program to first dass ef tho North Arlington laryngectomee group. I Sm oking Policy TRA SAVINGS AT GENOVESE' X TRA SAVINGS AT GF NOVESE ' X TRA SAVINGS Steam s Faculty SALE ENDS TUES.. OCT. 15th by Angelo Cucdiiara teaches health in the For years students at elementary school and he Rutherford High School has told his students that he have been trying to get a smokes, how he got started, smoking area for them­ and how it’s hard to quit He THE PHARMACY STORE & A WHOLE LOT MORE! selves so that non-smokers has shown anti-smoking would not be subject to filmstrips and has had class smoke-filled bathrooms or talks( discouraging the habit. having their clothes He Said at the end he lets smelling of bad cigarettes the students decide for Their efforts have them selves repeatedly failed because of Richard Hitt, a reading -TRASAV the Board of Education's fpacher at the high school strict no smcking policy for told the board members students Teachers, that smoking is the smallest however, were not restric­ problem they have in the W E H t i ted One could usually find a school He said they have teacher in a clouded lounge bigger problems with during a free period But alcoholism and drugs "The now the tables have turned new policy is making a The board has implemen­ mountain out of a mole ted a new smoking policy h ill" which is not going over well High school science with the faculty. The new teacher Virginia Hall men­ ruling states that staff, tioned that there was never teachers, students and any problem with smokers visitors will not be allowed before until this new to smoke in school smoking policy came into buildings effect. All the teachers Last Monday night after agree that faculty morale is the board's regular monthly down. m eeting, a group of eight The board will consider teachers representing the the opinions of the teachers faculty members of Ruthr- and make a decision in the ford's public schools presen­ next few weeks Dr Sar­ ted their dissatisfaction sfield believes the policy before the Board of will be changed. Education. There were smokers and non-smokers and all disagreed with the new policy S o c c e r The teachers said they are smoking in front of students more than they did before. In the past they N e w s could light up a cigarette behind the closed doors of By Harry McIntosh their respective lounges. It was business as usual Now they must go outside for the N A S A, soccer the buildings for a sm oke coaches over the weekend I and are watched by more am pleased to say our kids, students than before. boys and girls, are learning Teachers are getting uptight fast and cannot get enough not having a cigarette with a cup of coffee during lunch or a break Most teachers . I was also pleased to are leaving the schools and' welcome Mayor Ernie going out to lunch Cerone to our soccer classes One educator felt the new Friday night. He was very smoking policy lowers the impressed with the turnout teachers to the same level of kids and happy to see as the students TVy are them all having a ball (soc­ being made equal. cer). Superintendent of Schools I would like to see more Luke Sarsfield gave some of par«Ms at both the Friday the board’s reasons for the night and Saturday morning new policy. They included classes Thanks to three the warning by the Surgeon great dads who helped us General that cigarette out -ft Jefferson School on smoking is hazardous to Saturday morning one’s health, thot smoking could be a fir* hazard, The soccer d a a schedule teachers should set exam- stands the same until fur i pies and not smoke and the Ifeer .notice On Friday night board wants to protect the at Wilson School, the tim is rights of non-smokers. Sar­ 7 to I P.M. for 10 and ii sfield admitted that he has year olds and I to • for 12 not received any complaints through 14 year olds. On from non-smoking teachers. Satiwday mornings at Jef- D avid A lexander, a ferstn School, six and seven teacher at Plerrepont year olds meet from A to U School. MM that even if Noon st the school and sight teachers set an example by to nine year aids from 10 to nai smoking, most children 11:U at the coutty park in wborne to smakinc pariftts Iai4rweather and at the THURtQAY, OCTOBW U. 1T77- 7 Byrne Questioned On His Incom e Tax Stand Correspondence between the governor, then a can­ “ The Taxpayers' RTA received this letter that the creation of the s p o rtation HMDC and the municipal Gov. Byrne and the Ruther­ Authority, testing the didate, said flatly that Association is releasing con­ from Byrne, then a can­ Sports Complex will add to facilities—whether or not ford Taxpayers Association Executive budget to insure committee of the HMDC to because of various con­ tents of the letters so the didate: the already heavy burdens the Sports Complex is to be insure that the views of the was released today by that it is no higher than ab­ ditions he did not believe an voters can determine for carried by the sewerage, erected surrounding towns arc Henry N. Neglia, president solutely necessary, and themselves some of the Dear Mr. Nasello: disposal and transportation Concerning the income of RTA. income tax necessary. How restoring cuts made in the presented In the vexing questions about the I am concerned about the facilities of the region. I tax, I do not believe that deliberations snd decisions “The correspondence his office now explains what Legislative Fiscal Office tax problem ” financing of the Sports Com­ believe that substantial new New Jersey needs a state of the Commisdon I alao speaks (or itself,” said he espoused an income tax which has already proven it plex and will be watching efforts must be made to income tax at this time in can save money by un­ believe that the present tax Neglia. "The correspon­ was explained in a letter On Sept. 27. 1973. Thomas the financial developments provide adequate sewerage, order to fund needed state covering inefficiency share allocation of tha dence began in 1973 v.hen last Dec. . 1 Nasello. -then president of closely I am also concerned waste disposal and Iran- programs or to meet th e 1 believe the HMDC can HMDC requires review to requirements of the court provide a balanced and or­ determine whether surroun­ decision in Robinson vs derly development process ding towns will receive their Byrn e States Position- Cahill. Disclosure by the in the Meadowlands area fair share of the revenues of present administration that and avoid piece meal, the Meadowlands area. On Nov. 11 Neglia sent a Governor Byme campaig­ Legislature enacted a new the new legislation. The Governor Byme remains there is a record surplus of haphazard development Again, thank you for your letter to Byrne, now gover­ ned for office during a school finance measure. Gross Income Tax Act is confident that the Hacken­ (300 million, and I believe which could destroy so inquiry and if I can be of nor. asking for his positions prosperous period in Which These tyo developments onfV one of 14 bills designed sack Meadowlands Develop­ the surplus -is actually much of thia territory and any further assistance to on the tax question and the the State enjoyed a $300 farced us to seek additional by the Legislature to ment Commission can closer to 9300 million, sup­ its environment I would your group, please do not sports complex. million budget surplus. The revenue sources. provide property tax relief provide a balanced and or­ ports my contention that like to see. however, better hesitate to contact me. On Dec. 1 of last eyar he Governor indicated that he We are very disturbed to for our State’s residents. I derly development process. N ew Jeraey should be able communication between the BRENDAN T BYRNE received the following saw no need for an income hear your concern over urge you to consider how We encourage you to share to avoid adopting any new reply: tax while existing revenue management of the State’s the total package will affect with us any concerns you tax in the immediate fu tu re MODE LS sources could produce a finances. The State budget you and other New Jer­ may have regarding the I h a v e formulated a for Dear Mr. Neglia: budget surplus. However, he has. as you note, increased seyans. not merely the ef­ performance of the HMDC program, w h ich coupled Television, Fashion The Governor has asked explicitly stated throughout substantially over the past fect of the income tax itself and the development of the w ith th e available surplus, Commercials, Shows me to reply to your Mter of the campaign that he would decade. We would like to Meadowlands should meet New Jersey's Advertising We a lso a p p re c ia te needs This program in­ November 11 regarding not oppose an income tax point out, however, that the Thank you for sharing Apply This Week 1 -5 P.M. hearing your comments cludes obtaining federal comments he made during should it prove necessary to State operating budget has your concerns with us. Beginners & Professionals prevent our schools or in­ regarding development of CAROLYN G HOLMES finds that are available for his gubernatorial campaign. increased by only 10% since (Suite 404) We are dismayed to hear stitutions from closing. Governor Byme assumed the Meadowlands area Executive Assistant New Jeraey. judicious use of your misinterpretation of I am certain that I need office three years ago. This bond funds for necessary 225 West 57th Street N.Y.C. Governor Byrne's campaign not detail the problems the reflects a strong commit­ New D ate For H ea M arket capital improvements, full utilization of the capacity of 212 586-3556 position on a State income Governor has faced since ment to economy in govern­ The Rutherford American froffl 10:00 to 6:00 on the agencies such as the Port tax. A re-examination of his assuming office. The nation­ ment, particularly in light Legion Post 100 Arts and American Legion grounds. campaign statements should wide economic recession of inflationary trends. Crafts Flea Market, which Riverside Avenue and West convince you that he has evaporated the State budget I hope I have clarified our was scheduled for Sunday. Pierrepont 'Avenues in never indicated opposition surplus. The State Supreme position on tax reform. I October 9th. was rained out Rutherford. Dealers, clubs 48 PARK AVE. to tax reform in New Jer­ Court ordered our public have enclosed a brochure and has been postponed un­ and fraternal organizations sey. schools closed until the detailing the provisions of til Sunday October Mth are invited RUTHERFORD

/ )AUSALE ENDS TUES.f IU»., UCT.OCT. 18th1 933-3434 SUPER . _ No*y for the first time.. DRUGS tQtfftwWovenWoodi C M f f m GENOVESE mtnduantSmvrn Itttmu TTIff;f t 1 1 ?~Ki • ■ ■ ■ ■ w V # 0 THE PHARMACY STORE & SO MUCH MORE rfteet* M ore walls Cthaio»tfUMm f o r to s s m o n e y w i t h g e n u i n e Save 1/3 Ym if* off rtyular a f t * sa le prico le Pro ve if to yo u rself if r WMOr«- -* iM ua, 30 v o rsa til• co/or and pattorn com binotions for e v e r y a G enovese decorating stylo- Irmdatos tool

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1 * 4 f *

“They gave us t h e m o n e y to buy our \

W ashington, D C., October 5 ... In a special Whit* Hous. ceremony m * n e w c a r . ” Jimmy Carter presented a word, to four people for "exceptional environmental contribution." connected with Raritan tiver Center in Ptacotoway. Occasion was the 24th landscape Awards Program of tho American Association of Nur­ serymen. From this aroa, at the far left is Herman Panacek, Jr., lingoes. New Jersey representing on. of tho firm. re.pon.ibl. for land,cap. installation. When we needed money for f l Also pictured (right to left) a n E f Felch, III, Divnion Manager ef Building a new car, our friends at ' ^ Operations for the Raritan River Center, Luciano Micoii, landscape architect for the project and Thomas W. Speakmon, vice president of Rickert Nurseries, Yor- Commercial Trust w ere ready dley. Pa., one of the installation firms. with an auto loan for us, right aw ay.

D ave W hite and his staff at the Lyndhurst Office have a special Auto Loan Sale for all their neighbors, with a reduced 91/? % rate for new cars, and with lower m onthly paym ents.

If you re planning to buy a new car this Fall, se e our friends at the Lyndhurst Office of Com m ercial Trust. M m

Kathleen C atanese

L y n d h u r s t The highest honor of Scottish Rite Freemasonry was conferred on this group of local area Freemasons on Wednesday, September 2B, 1977, at the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel. The degree conferral climaxed the onnual session of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite for the fifteen northeastern and mid western State*, comprising the 512,000-member Northern JURISDICTION Of THE United State.. A total of 211 received the degree in the 1977 Class. The Thirty-thiid Degree is awarded for "out­ W E HASTC A LO W ER LO AN RA TE standing service to Freemasonry or for significant contribution to humanity, reflec­ ting credit to the Fraternity." Left to right: William Mattes, III 13 Crostv w Terr Whippany, Allison S. Petrie, 124 No. 14th St., Prospect Park; Norman S. Thompson. F O R Y O U ! 149 Page Ave., lyndhunt. NOW THROUGH NOVEM BER 18th.

O n l y 9 ) 4 % Annual Percentage Rate for all new car loans

If you’re ready to buy a new car, The G reat 954 % A uto Loan Sale - w e re ready with the m oney at a lower now at the Lyndhurst Office of rate, to help you get the car you w ant, Com m ercial Trust. W e have Your kind r i g h t n o w . of banking, at your kind of bank. ’ - v C o m m e r c i a l I w t ^ 734 Ridge Road •Lyndhurst, N.J.

equal opportunity lender 935-4050 PftlZE WINNERS. N odin* Dolli S an t*, Jofforson School, ly n d h u rtt, first grodor, Member F 0 t C rocoivos pnxo for tolling 205 boxes of candy. Mrs. Alma DoFillipo, president Forecast: RefreshmentJeffecson FT A, ond School Principal Carl DeGisi make tho aw ard. • V Brookdale Root Beer is a year 'round favorite. You will enjoy its hearty old fashion goodness no matter what the season or temperature.

■Gave $ .09 and m ore p er m e/ Brookdale offers quality with economy. Compare our price with other fine brands. O U t'/a M c n D O T BEER

Brookdale Beverages. Clifton, N.J. 472-6900

Diet Brookdale Root Beer also available V / »» T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 13. 1W7

PBA Attorney Represents Keam y Cops In Suit the trial each party will unquestionably affect their John Garippa a Keamy b y the police officers easy in the past for any ol drop the charges against the careers.” attorney, will represent against Kuklevich arises disgruntled resident to file other. What is not under­ Garippa maintains law of­ Kearny Police Officers because of their belief that such capricious charges stood is that such charges fices at 145 Midland Avenue, Thomas Wilgus and Roy their attempted prosecution with the expectation by such against police officers Keamy Bosveld against Andrew was based on motives other individuals that at the time Kuklevich of Keamy in a than the usual ones of bring malicious prosecution suit an offender to justice for damages Garippa. who is also the attorney for North Arlington The action resulted from Kuklevich's prosecution of PBA . has defended a large number of local policemen the police officers who on such assault and battery arrested him in front of his charges. home in June. The officers “ Our policemen have were brought up on charges been the subject of of assault and battery V i capricious and questionably Defended by Garippa. they motivated assault charges were found not guilty in the past five years. " said T V present suit brought Garippa " It has been too

Q P Holding Fashion Show

O i Wednesday. Oct. 19, at Bernice Manzo — premise 8 P.M ., the Home-School raffle; Fran Dunn and Joan Cormenann Rusignola poses with her father Borough Prosecutor Carmen Rutignola Association of Queen of M c A d a m s — tic k e ts ; in front of the SS inch bull nose dolphin she caught while vacationing in the Peace Grammar School. Maureen Fitzhenry and Bahamas. The 17-year-old who had never gone deep sea fishing before, battled fer North Arlington, will hold Cindy Abbattista — table some 45 minutes before reeling in her priie. The trophy is hanging on the wall at the its first Card Party Fashion prizes; Clair Braney — High Seas Restaurant on River Road, North Arlington, in which her father it a Show at the High School refreshments; Rachael partn er. Auditorium. 191 Rutherford O’Brien and Rose Pula — PI decorations; Margaret Gathering at Carbone's Rostaurant, Harrison fir tho Kick-Off Lunchoon of tho Region Deley — food baskets; Bar­ Local T alent Featured In C hurch C oncert Fashions will be by III 1978 United Way Campaign are seated, left to right. Henry Hill, Municipal and bara Speer and Barbara LaBelle Boutique of Jersey Schools Chairman; Mn. Jeanne D. Perry, General Chairperson; Rev. Archie Palmer, City. Donation for the affair Panzino — fashion show First Presbyterian engagements Harry Fein- and William Adams of Clergy Chairman; and, standing, left to right, Calvin O. Trevenen, Business and will be $3 with refreshments Tickets may be obtained Church of North Arlington berg, the leader, formerly North Arlington, who also Professional Chairman; Frank McGuire, Special Gifts and Civic Choirman; and being served. from any member or by will present a unique har­ played with Borah double as soloists at other Donald Kieffer, a loaned executive from Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. who is General Co-chairmen are calling 998-8231. R eser­ monica show on Oct 14 at 8 Minevitch Harmonica engagements Both are heading the Schools Campaigns in Keamy, North Arlington, Harrison and East vations for prepaid tables P M It will feature the G ar­ Rascals Charles Hutler is a parishioners of First Mrs. Dolores Valente and Newark. Unitod Way Week will be obersved, October 23-29. will be accepted den State Harmonica Or­ soloist Presbyterian Chirch. Santa Wolfee assisted by chestra. the only one of its Also performing will be Another favorite hand will size and type on the eastern the "K eam y Kids", a senior be the husband and wife seaboard citizen harmonica group team. Hank and Marge The Orchestra, famous for whose superb playing have Smolenski its style and melodious earned them an invitation to Tickets are available music, plays before play on television. Among from the church offices and capacity crowds at all its this group are Alex Gray trustees S h o p R i Sum m er School Band Perform s At Hom e W i w On Wednesday, July 27th.. Conquering Hero by G.F. C a s s e M a r c h of the Band II of the Rutherford Handel; Eleanor Rigby by Misslemen, a trumpet trio Summer Music School, un- John Lennon and Paul was performed by Tom der the direction of Mr McCartney: the Big Rock Drexler. Jeff Merkle. and William Hutzel performed by John Kinyon and Rock MikeAndler an afternoon concert for Roll. Row Your Boat, an Chestnut Hill Nursing Home arrangement of Row Row The Rutherford Summer inCifton Row Your Boat. Gypsy Music School has been in The band performed the Polka was performed as a existence for 37 yaars and following selections Royal flute ensembly by Jackie has concluded another suc­ March by John Kinyon; Sudd, Donna Johnson. Q iv cessful term of music in­ B a v t r a in D ance, tia Santos. Vera Favata. Folk struction until next year. traditional. Hail to The Linda Hiatt, and Caroline The program under the direction of Raymond Heller is unique since it offers , _ FOM BAR-B-OUC n ° students an opportunity to fC PORK RIB WASHINGTONDOROOIOCN continue learning their in­ ShopRite 'IS QQ EDO LOIR______« HA f ABET strument or instruments af­ RlS ENO BONELESS T w h o c e u n t r n m m o p p i e s « K ? r ter the school year has en­ ITALIAN BREAD 0 9 $ 1 1 7 P0RKtt»»7££?»M 1 • a caufonnm n a i l - PORK LOIN W I I CENTS* HOAST I Dr c aSPC i o tAHTLSTT ded. a time in which most > m> ■ LelR eno chops *> m Revlon UNAMKIT! ' FRESH CIIICKR MBTMBT1. IWP.S£ RO AST SPARE RIRS. students in many towns can­ ANY SIZE PKG G r a p e s "Sensor Perm" w e d o i t ? not continue to progress due C e l e r y ^ to the fact that their townb CHICKEN C a r r o t s CAL#0NMA may not have a Summer c7yielti)secHair Stylist LEGS THIGH! C h i c o r y " v z s r ' 140 KIlXiK HOAD music program or private NORTH AHLINOTON. N.J 07032 lessons cannot be afforded SKINLESS AND BONELESS Rom ainec.v 991-3(t2U/IM 51 In Rutherford, a minimal Aflpoirtment Not Always Necessary CHICKEN Y a m s TOPOUAUTV tuition is charged for five SENIOR CITIZENS Sham poolSet BREAST * r * O n i o n s “• «oli°UNO c,ilM •‘I " S t e w COV T GRAOf A * C a n d y ^ OVEN CHICKEN S h o u l d e r • o s a r “ * 1 S h o r t R i b s £ . S lo • POUNOS • P l a n t s ROASTER . 7 9 * C h u c k "bomeiess' B e e f WITH RIB CAGE Top R ounds. . 1 FRCSR TVBKiV WIRtS FRISH W t STERN FRESMTVftKCI MHMttTttXS rich-. » 414 CHICKEN Q Q S i r l o i n js.’sss:, * * 1 4# Fftisa TVtKIV TRIM* wen s * IT* BROCCOLI FttSMMLFTttKIT-fttT------>11 59' BREASTWHOE0 $ I Roast ■ .*1#\ YOU ARE INVITED Roast •• Tongue .j&srcruo. 99* Health and Beauty Aids TO MEET THE CANDIDATES The Frozen Food Ptacc LISTERINE f o r BANQUET DINNERS MOUTHWASH $149 ALL VARIET'ES 4% A r MAYOR and COUNCIL (2 ) EXCEPT HAM M 1 1 Ol M OR BEEF P^OB ^ O.B. Tam pona*v* 1 M PUMPKIN CUST ARO •MS SMITHS C o l g a t e TOOTHPASTE til 9 9 * Pie MOLIOAV PIE PREVIEW W* 1 " STOUTFERS The Non Foods I a l s o f o r Pizza CHEESE B age ls 2 ^ 6 9 * APRICOT o S I The Ice Cream Ptacc PRESERVES M • > I

STATE SENATE S h o p R ite T o w e l s 5 - r -* 2 M artinson.. Paint sassasa ,J3 M FLAVOR KING Q Q C T i s s u e s r r 4 *2 Savarin.r^ TheNakeryPUce P o p e O i l *2M HIIIS B ros. o n ICECREAM 0 9 MPROONtSaO O O N LENTILNNNEST J _ _ - Soup— aar — 39«Coff ShopRite WHITE BRUD SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15TH . 2 p m The APPV Place The The b e i Ptacc 3 97' a t CHICKEN AMERICAN SINGLES ShopR

C «.ll| l»-o< bo. m tM M , T h t R N i kllaatat ZESTA 39 n o a N m j i N •FILLET OF $««• MEMVM « * t o m $ M | SALTIRES with rms fll/ftf. Ainti iftir-UfijQhh** amri jk Coupon Swmi M ant- 'I » —Rm N«r>w COUPON BOSTON S6R00 b. 1 SIWIMPto*i!SSnd ■L LimManepviMMi’•m.l, EHRcin* hea r hnu/1hfy itdenH to s p e n d you*__ ( r + \ o«i b rwh “**sm Oct»» isrr *Pr—R l i a l S E i AwaN. Btarttwf Maw.. O at IB , 1B77 to I l f as wNh lea*— d P f f . J Syx dollars, a n d crthnt- itrfta-hnt-LaoaL HBBtNal atmmmm i i —Itr m*rr mm I.BINIW,"* ‘— >■■« —urn---—Tr-.^ «H»w ------» mm mm\ issue*. Alro, fhetr- <&tnds»r> dte/mwr* TA* NPOOe corporation torr SH O P-RITE of Lyndhurst RUTHERFORD TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION P. 0. Box 361 Vdll«y Brook and Doloflold Aves. Rutherford, New Jersey i n u n m m Y, OCTOBER 11,1*77 11

ayer- Finnegan V illani-M cCann Our Lady Queen of Peace The marriage of Miss Chirch was the setting July Elizabeth Mary McCann, 17 for the wedding of Mss daughter of Mr and Mrs. Sharon Ann Finnegan, Gaorge McCain al North daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arlington, to Join Louiae Robert Finnegan of Itt VUlani. son of Mr. and Mrs Eagle St., North Arlington, Louis p. Viliam of Hacken­ to Lt. James Stephen sack, took place September Stayer, U.S. Marine Corps, 17 at Our Lady Queen of son of Alphonse J. Stayer of Peace Church in North Brooklyn. New York, and Arlington. A reception the late Mr. Sfayer. The followed at Beppy's in North Rev. John R. O'Cbmell of­ Newark. ficiated at the ceremony and Nuptial Mass. A recep­ Mrs. Kathleen Franz was tion followed * Westmount matron of honor. Country Club. Bridesmaids were Msses Miss Mary Beth Finnegan Linda Fales and Melinda was her sister's maid of Kiimaman. Richard VUlani honor. Bridesmaids were served as best man. Mrs. Kathleen Cana van and Ushering were George Miss Patricia Kiemey, both McCann Jr. and Juan sisters of the bride, snd Tobon Mss Orida Gandara. Cap­ tain Dennis Geoghan, U.S. The couple have returned Army, was best man. from a wedding trip to Ber­ Ushers were Captain Fred muda and are residing in Krumm, Lt. Coleman M rs. Jam as S. Slayer Englewood. Lyons, and Lt Arthur Got- . . „ ... and Katherine Gib^s School, man. all of the U.S. Marine “ t0 S»?TeV,!,e The bride is a private M id iatl Scoppatuoio Corps. Safayer is stationed at the is employed by Time, Inc , duty nurse's aide. Her Following a two week Marine Corps base in Earle. in New York. Her husband husband, who attended Scoppetuolo-D oherty wedding trip to California The bride „ of is an alumnus of Nazareth Bergen Community College. < and Las Vegas, the couple Peece High School High School and St Francis is employed by Ei^lewood The wedding of Miss Brady was best man. College in Bro

C o m * In, write or call your nearest FIRS T NA TION A L ottlce tor application and full details.

Since 1907 — Only Locally Owned and Operated Commercial Bank FIRST NATIONAL BAN K AND TRUST COMPANY OF KEARNY M e m b e r F 0 I C |t01|7N-H11 Main Offica — Kearny and Midland Avenues/Kearny/991-3100 Colonial Offica — Midland Ave./991-1130 Mid-Kaarny — 254 Kearny Ave/991-3634 South Kaarny — 135 Central Ave./991-3560 Wort Kaamy — 2 Guys Passaic Ave /991-3556 Eaat Nowark — N. 4th St./991-3103 North Arlington -— 600 Ridge Rd/991-3557 Lyndhurat — 456 Valleybrook A\tfflf91-3559 Harrison — Harrison Ave. Cor. 5th/991-3100 Routi 46 at Union Boulevard, TOTOWA, N. J. O pon Saturday — East Nawarit, Lyndhurat, Mid-Kaarny A Harrison 9 a.m. to 12 noon/Waat Kaarny at 2 Guys 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (jualoffftotrtoM) 12 - - T H U R S D A Y , OC T O B E R 13. 1977 ,

f you've been searching for PREP CLOTHING WHAT YOU WANT IS WHAT WE GOT!!!

3 P IE C E ; VESTED Congressman Joseph G. Minish, 11 th District, Is shown with tho "Jerusalem City of Peace" award given his at a testimonial dinner in gratitude for his lifelong dedication to huminitorianism and his leadership in the streng­ SUITS thening and development of the State of Israel. The affair, hosted by the Metropolitan New Jersey Division, State of Israel Bonds, was held at Town and Campus, West Orange. Shown above with Minish and his wife are Maurice M. Veneri and Sidney M. Weinstein who served as testimonial co-chairmen. WM I CUT I KEEP TMS VALUARE CMPM POLY-GAB TWILL Cookie Luncheon ■ BLAZER BUTTONS ■ Hie Girl Scout Council of 6 and continues until Oct. 16. Bergen County held a The first Girl Scout (Jacket may double Cookies ever sold was back "Cookie Luncheon" to of­ as a sport coat) ficially start the promotion, in 1*34 The Philadelphia of Girl Scout cookies The Girl Scout Couicil contrac­ theme for 1978 is — “If you ted a local commercial believe in the future ... buy bakery to supply them with PATCH POCKETS Girl Scout Cookies today ..” cookies. The recipe for those Patches are awarded to first cookies was furnished DEEP DOUBLE SIDE VENTS Me Ihlll8NO SKATE RENTAL CHARGE ■ girls selling specified by two Girl Scout volunteers DURING PUBLIC SKATING | amounts of boxes. This year HOURS in Septem ber. | That sale was so suc­ October and November Just ® the patch follows through cessful that the next year purchase an adi^iission ■ with the theme of the future nearby councils asked ticket and surrender and pictures a space visitor this coupon Philadelphia to include them I selling cookies. in their bakery order Free Alterations rr yCALL iH FOR PUBLIC SKATING TIMES e Our space visitor actually ■ appeared at the luncheon By 1938, the Girls Scout [2011 and performed in a skit, Cookie popularity had grown trying to sell cookies to Mrs so that Girl Scouts U.S.A. m i] 785-1111 > Sandy Wieshus of Bogota. had to step in to insure Route 46 at Union Boulevard, TOTOWA, N. J. ■ She will appear at various proper use of the Girl Scout / a H D n,.l. idl times in the towns during the name and insignia by the *75.00 Plus A Complete Line Of sale week, which starts Oct. various cookie companies — Slax, Reg. & Slim — Self Belted and Euro Models PHARMACY 299 STUYVESANT AVENUE LYNDHURST, NEW JERSEY TEL 438-1026 •DRESS SHIRTS NOW W E'VE G O T IT AL L ! PRESCRIPTIONS • SUR0 CALS • COSMETICS •KM T SHIRTS ♦ CONVALESCENT AIDS

C A N DIES •SPORT SHIRTS And for all your personal, gift, and holiday needs we now feature: •SWEATERS A / t C f e f c f . C o s m e tic s . # ^ l o n d o n • n e w YORK • M m s* Call for an appointm ent or stop by to see our cosmetician for all your personal m ake-up needs. •FLANNEL SHIRTS A nd naw we're m aking the "Country Garden Planter" collection available for only $6.50 with any Elizabeth Arden purchase — an irresistible valuel And more good news — w i t h e v e r y Country Gordon P l a n t e r — a c o m ­ • OUTERWEAR plim entary jar of Visible Difference refining m oisture-crem e complex. — Radios, TVs, Stereos, Panasonic Equipment Tape Recorders a t GREAT SAVINGS!

*C 6 0 4 0 AM /m Clock Madio Solid Stato. OUR W C I ONLY $ 3 9 .9 5 SIZES 10-20 (rog. $ 4 9 .9 5 )

TK-5ISA OUTStOeH-y Diagonal 100 / Solid Stato aw OUR PRKf ONLY $ 144.95 fsugg. m/g. prica $ 159.95)

R i 8 1 2 7 AM/fM Stotoo Hadia w M i u d t - i n SNraa «-Trac* Moyar/Ratowhr • Mffrii 7 f mummnk "ThrweNrs” S I-100 ip a a ta n . ItU Hacg OUR LOW MKX OMY $ 19 9 .9 5 fa«W - rotaU prica $2 4 9.95J MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR BELLEVILLE TURNPIKE AND KEARNY AVE. • Expanded Card and Sift Dept cards, gift w rapping, and gifts for KEARNY all occasions. 991-5484 VISA MASTER CHARGE MON.-THURS.-FH. 9.30-9 a r o p e n a TVES.-WEI.-SAT. S-.3M BIU. M A C Y C H A R G E PHARMACY ______Serving the Needs of the Community Since 1906 * m**0 * • u v r - O C T O B E R 1 J. 1*77 13

Dem Leader Says G .O .P. Boll Batem an C harges Scardino On T ax Issue Republican Senatorial Senator Scardino quietly the Southern Bergen district opposed a similar tax ad­ comes. living on savings that Democratic county chair­ would do to their pocket- for his proposal, the can­ candidate Harold A. Pareti, voted for and approved along with Assembly can­ vocated by the then have been put away; savings man, Barbara Werber, books didate owed the voters seeking election in the 36th Governor Byrne's budget didates William "Pat" Republican governor of jhe that Inflation eats away." charged today that "In the northern part of something more than thin legislative district (Southern which we all know was baaed Schuber. Bogota Borough state. "Pareti said. Republican candidates for the county. Republicans are political gruel. He's just Werber noted that a recent Bergen), has charged that on the revenues which would Council President and Peter The three candidates are State and County offices no longer mentioning another man playing num­ report issued by the N.J. tax­ Senator Anthony J. Scardino come from the income tax." J Russo, a Lyndhurst Com­ running as part of the here were beginning to Bateman's name in their ber gam es with the people. payers association indicated wants it both ways on the tax Pareti charged. missioner Bateman for governor team separate their campaigns campaign literature," Wer­ He has been a Trenton there was an overall According to the can­ "Senator Scardino has in the district which com­ from Republican guber­ ber aaid. "They’re naming lawmaker for tt years. This property tax decline since didate. Senator Anthony Jr talked from both sides of his prises the following 13 towns natorial candidate Raymond alone: a reversal from their is just another example of the tax reform package of Scardino who has claimed he 'mouth on the income tax in the southern portion of Bateman's because of his original ‘we'll run on how he has been influenced' 1070-77 was initiated by opposed the income tax levy long enough My running Bergen County: Bogota, controversial "alternative Bateman's name and coat­ by political pressure. He Governor Byrne and a and now has waffled his mates and myself are Carlstadt. East Rutherford. plan" for the income tax. tail' strategy." the isn’t a new figure in politics, democratically—controlled position and shifted to in­ against the tax and will not Fairview. Garfield. Lyn­ Werber noted that recent Democratic county leader but once again. Bateman has legislature. dicate that he is opposed vote to renew it when we dhurst. Moonachie. North polls taken showed added. failed to take a hard look or a The plan would also cause only to this income tax plan, take office next January. Arlington. Palisades Park. Bateman's once sizeable W erber saw the straightforward stand as it chaoe in the schools. Werber approved the governor's When I was a member of the Ridgefield. Ridgefield Park. lead quickly diminishing. Republican defections as a relates to the issues. ’' said, and could create again budget which anticipated the State Assembly in the past I Rutherford and Wallington She cited this, along with boost for the morale of her The county chairman at­ a constitutional confron­ revenues from the tax Bateman's plan, as major party's candidates and in­ tacked the Bateman plan, tation with the courts “It seems incredible to me Public Relations People reasons why county cumbents seeking reelec­ maintaining that it would The county chairman that Senator Scardino can Will W elcome This News Republican candidates were tion hurt homeowners and senior charged Republican can­ hope to get aw ay with his Public relations directors include names of key person* defecting from their original The Bateman plan — citizens There are a very didates with failing to dual position on the income and publicity chairmen of nel; what columns or great number of senior present alternative tax. I question whether he strategy of running on which would freeze state aid organizations, businesses programs use news of citizens living in Bergen. proposals to Democratic j can oppose the tax and tell Batem an's coattails. to schools, eliiminate the and agencies in Bergen . B ergen County; and th e p e r­ Werber said, well over leadership. "It's the old his constituents that he op- The county chairman homestead rebate and in­ County now have a guide to son to contact for each Each 100,000. in fact. "Bateman gam e of attacking the in­ | poses it while voting to spend predicted Governor Brendan crease the property and over 100 news media willing newspaper listing identifies wants to repeal the cumbents without coming up the money that it raises. ” Byrne would overtake sales tax—was called an to carry their messages the Bergen County towns in Homestead Rebate and the with viable programs." she I Pareti said Pareti, a five Bateman in the polls, once "irresponsible program" by Orange Pages: A Directory its circulation area All in­ ISO senior citizen tax break, added. "Republicans in I time former mayor of voters felt the full impact of Werber. of News Media for Bergen formation in “Orange while increasing the sales Bergen thought they could I Carlstadt is opposed to the what the alternative plan" "After months of waiting County" lists 8 dailies. 49 P ages' w as verified w ith the tax. He's nickeling—an- just ride with the top of the income tax and has Harold Pareti w eeklies. 21 AM and 19 FM media during July. 1977 by d—diming people to death ticket. But Bateman promised to vote to repeal it "While loudly proclaiming radio statio n s. 12 television M a r i e M a c B r i d e o f Seniors need these tax goofed," Werber said, “And when he is elected on his opposition to the income stations and 4 cable Ridgewood, author and credits badly." Werber in­ now they're standing out in November 8 438-5350 438-5371 tax because it hurts the television outlets publisher of “Oranges sisted "Most are on fixed in­ the cold." He is seeking election in 438-5377 people in his district. The listings of the media P ages " 4 OFFICES TO BETTER SERVE YOU ★ 57 PARK AVE, RUTHERFORD Eighth D istrict H old Conference

★ 200 RIDGE ROAD, LYNDHURST “Strike It Rich" will be Woman's Clubhouse in Jer­ Woman's Club Philip G. Labasi. State Clubs will submit entries Eighth District par- sey City. North Arlington Mrs Edward Maguire. Public Affairs chairwoman. illustrating child safety in tiapating in the workshop ★ 15 ORIENT WAY, (2nd. Floor) RUTHERFORD the theme of the Eighth District Fall Conferen- Junior Woman's Club mem­ Eighth District Advisor, has The second workshop will conjunction with the state night include Arlington. ★ 205 MDGE ROAD, NORTH ARUNGTON ce/Workshops of the New bers attending will be Mrs announced that registration be on the National Bum Vic­ project Winning entries will Bayonne. Belleville. Clifton. Jeney State Federation of Robert Miskell. president; will begin at 7:15 p.m. One tim Foundation, the New be compiled into a coloring Garfield. Lyndhurst. and iERVINQ ALL SOUTH BEROEN INCLUDING Womm’s Club. Jiaiior Mem­ Mrs. John Charowsky, Mrs Workshop will deal with the Jersey Junior State Project book for possible use in ser­ Rutherford Sub-Jtaiio clubs RUTHERFORD..EAST RUTHERFORO..LYNDHURST Robert Cosenza, Mrs subject of rape, conducted for the 1977-78 dub year vice projects by the districts participating are Arlington. CARLSTADT..WOOD-RIOQE.HASBROUCK bership Department. The . HEIGHTS. WALLINGTON NORTH ARLINGTON Jersey City Jiaiior Woman's James Nisavoccia and Mrs by the National Association Jersey City Jtaiiors will be clubs. Clifton. Nutley and Ruther­ ______t______KEARNY ______Club will host the event next E.W. Youngans. adviser for the Prevention of Rape busy this year educating the Other Junior Clubs of the ford Thuraday at the Jersey Qty from the North Arlington Special guest will be Mrs. public as to the many ser­ MORE AREA K REALTY SALES - vices of the foundation SELL THRU “K” TODAY!!! Special guests for the Em ployee-Com m unity M ood Drive A t M a a s s workshop will be Mrs Richard Rivard, state project chairman, and Mr. Clara Maass Memorial experience is rewarding for red cells and the clotting factor so desperately Dave Gulick. executive HEADQUARTERS Hospital in Belleville is con­ the- donor in more ways director of education for the for ducting its annual Em­ than one. You'll be helping needed by hemophiliacs foundation. ployee-Community Blood insure yourself and your For additional infor­ • M a sk s Judith Peshke. conference family for the future If at mation regarding the blood Drive Tuesday. October 18, chairman, has announced a any time during the next donor program on October • C u to u ts from 1-5 p.m. in the School special presentation by the year you or a loved one 18 at the Clara Maass of Nursing Auditorium. Nutley Junior Woman's • P a r ty F a v o rs needs blood, it will be there School of Nursing Club of its original play The blood drive, held in - aa much as is necessary Auditorium, please call • M ak e-U p SOLD Jane M. Wittman in the Pocketful I of Pride". The cooperation with the North Igay, stressing community 73 Atkins Twrace Jer*oy-Eaaex County Bloall Just oaf pint af blood can Clara Maass Public • W ig s go a to n e wm» (ow w i^s M onona Department, 7S1- pride, la being c upywritad P «• a« iw«n- for national production. The commuMty as helping others. The Mood 1 oto. ext 817. The • Accessories Nutley Juniors ware awar­ weU as hoapital personae!. can be brokea down tar cuelem built candidate for State Assem­ RUTHERFORD: Big Family? Dress SH O ES ' I atone front colonial an beauM- I tut landocapod grounds boaat- Wa have a hard to find S bly in district 38. Genuine Leather Businessman's Dress Shoes I 1 ln« IM ngroom with lot bum- bedroom Colonial, fully alum “Rather than encouraging at a price you can finally afford! No more I I I no IkafMaoo, lormal dining tided with living and dining | roam, madam kitchen and rooms, huge country kitchen one to be more efficient in $40 or $60 for one pair of Good Shoes! | powder room plus * law and 2 full bathe. Owners the capacity of teaching, "Executive favorite" Shoes with character. I bedrooms snd mod bath. moving out ef stale and must Extras Include largo recraatten sear If lea. ONLY SM.SOO time and money is spent for ir . H u rry unnecessary written reports, ONLY SSS.» speakers, workshops and I K . ftu > MMIY O ffla U«TW8t • JL other time-consuming ac- |tiv ities."h esaid . N O T A ‘ “ MULTIPLE LIST “I feel, as a former State Assemblyman and candidate for the State Assembly, too COLOR TELEVISION much time, money and energy is being wasted SERVICE $7.95 through this 'Thorough and Efficient' program Let us KX INFORMATION CAU do away with the un­ necessary burden and return - to doing a full time job of on principals and teachers, William "Pat” Schuber of !££MAILKTIlNiqici teaching.'' Russo said. they can uphold a worthy Bogota for State Assembly KEARNY, NEW JERSEY “Gaining of monies and and efficient program " and Harold A. Pareti of funds by administrators "In my opinion.'1 he con­ Carlstadt for Stale Senat^ should not be their incentive cluded. "this is the feeling of The district includes the for program s and many teachers who, unfor­ towns of North Arlington, curriculum established in tunately. are unable to ex­ Lyndhurst, Rutherford, BEST FLEA MARKET EVER the schools.'’he continued. press their opinions openly."' Eaat Rutherford. Carlstadt, “ Efficiency could be Republican State Assem­ Moonachie, Wallington. gained by reducing size of bly candidate Peter J Russo Garfield. Ridgefield. ROUTE 3 DRIVE IN THEATRE classes and retaining is teamed with Ray Ridgefield Park. Palisades CUTHKEOKO, NJ. valuable teachers, thus Bateman for Governor. P art and Bogota. Across from Msodowtanrii Sports Complex giving the advantage to take GENUINE Every Saturday A Sunday care of the .needs of the in­ Past Presidents’ A nnual Party LEATHER dividual children Without I through Christmas | UPPERS in your ail the disturbances, paper On Wednesday. October 0f the Eighth District. New choice of traditional fouow sarvta road mons work and pleasures placed 28. the Past Presidents' Club Jersey State Federation of 1 businessman's styles or in 9 AJ*. to 5 P.M. (201) 933-43*8 Women's Clubs, will hold its I the more up-to-date junior annual card party and 5 exec. look. The DURABLE, man | made PVC sole and heel will last almost Chinese Auction at the forever. Never needs replacing! And just MEADOW MANOR Woman's Club of Jersey SIZES to FIT YOU RIGHTI }»tolfc I I_ look inside! You get EXCELLENT SHO? P MlEJ RIVERSIDE City, 37S Fairmount Avenue ACC0UNTIM S8IWCI KENNELS All proceeds from the party BELLEVILLE D0 9 Obodience School OK ANO UNION CENT E l Bookkeeping—Taxae" will be donated to various JORAIEMON AND idaal for toMM huglnwamen and •Starting Oct. 13 charities mdtvMuall Bgglnmvi A A^vwmmmI CImmos Mrs Robert W MattNes. M A IN ST. REASONABLE RATES lOwMka $40.00 President, and Mrs Richard IHABANDH SM-7M1 A Shatter. Social Services I SUBPLUS OUTLETS 7S»-»ii6 9 3 3 - 5 8 4 0 C tairm an. will be in charge *eienftn§ and waokand appointments available of arrangem ents U - THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13.1W7

W inners Nam ed For Coloring

Jam es Duffy. President of because these three children not easy!' Shown. from left, are: 5. Keamy Federal Savings, an­ were rewarded for their a r­ Kearny Federal Savings Kimberly, age of Keamy; nounced three winners in his tistic talents, but also has offices in North Arling­ Duffy; Kim 12. and Charles. Association's Coloring Con­ because over 500 gifted en­ ton. Lyndhurst and Ruther­ 10 both of North Arlington test They are: Kimberly tries were received And ford as well as its Main Of- Each child won in his own McNab. age 5. of Keamy. believe me. the judging was ficeinKearny age group Charles Passaro. age 10. and Kim Clancy, age 12. both of Linda Inspecting Engines For A ir Force North Arlington bine engines, will go to in applied science degree All four offices of Keamy Airman Linda C. Moore, Loring AFB, Maine, for through the Community Federal were deluged by daughter of Mrs William A. duty with a unit of the College of the Air Force. brightly colored drawings in Moore of 123 Riverview Strategic Air Command. response to a Coloring Con­ Ave., North Arlington, has Completion of the course The airmsn is a 1970 test ad run by the Savings received a new assignment earned the individual graduate of North Arlington and lx>an Association last following graduation from credits towards an associate High School. month Children in three age the jet engine mechanic categories were instructed course conducted by the Air Auxiliary Holds Flea Market to color "The Wizard of Our- Training Command at The Ladies Auxiliary of sale Saturday from 10 A.M. s". Kearny Federal'sofficial Chanute AFB, 111. Schuyler Engine Co No. 2 to 2 P.M. in the Schuyler Advertising Spokesman Airm an Moore, now of North Arlington Volun- Ave. firehouse, between Prizes for each age group trained to inspect and teer Fire Department will Eckhardt Terr, and Leonard were a 20" bicycle for repair turbojet and gas tur- hold a flea market and cake PI , North Arlington. children up to eight years old, a 26" 3—speed bicycle for children nine to eleven NORTH JERSEY years old and a 2 7 ” 10—speed bicycle for w iu«ino u m in i (ion to ngni) lumoony m cm n, ago S, of Koomy, Kim Clancy, 0 9 0 1 2 , o f children twelve to fifteen North Arlington and Chario* P auaro, ago 10, of N orth A rlington rocoivo cortrficatot entitling thorn to brand years of age now bicyclos from J a m o s Duffy, P resident of K oam y Fodorui Saving*. Tho thrao child ran oach won first prize All entries were judged on NO Talent Necessary in their age category in Koamy F odoral't C oloring C ontest, out of 500 entries rocoived. the basis of originality and neatness by the Senior Art Thrao A go D ivisions Director of Turchette Adver­ 3-10 Yr» UffioMfas W allington Loss A Setback tising Agency in Nutley. N J 11-15 Yr* Toon "W e felt that the contest 16-27 Yrs. Wallington High School s Coach Don McClain s Pan­ Wood-Ridge to clash with Division. was a great success", ex­ HOLIDAY INN, Rt. 46, Parsippany football team in quest of plained Duffy, not just thers split their fint two the division-leading Blue Wallington and Ridgefield SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 repeating as champions of games against BC.S L Devils. Wood-Ridge. after s t a g e d a s c o r e l e s s the Bergen County National Division com­ losing its season opener to stalemate through three Mike Neuscheler. Rick Scholastic league’s Olym­ petition. losing to Secaucus Becton Regional in a non­ quarters and almost half of Curasco, John Olmstead PRIZES, SAVINGS BONDS, pic Division, received a set­ and defeating Palisades division game, bounced the final period H ie Pan­ and Bob back in its opening of its TROPHIES, CROWNS, Park back with routs over Bergen thers were in poor field Doidge to advance 26 yards division season on Saturday Wallington has another Tech and North Arlington, position deep in their own to set ip a first down and when they suffered an 8 to 0 SCHOLARSHIPS tough Olympic Division by scores of 42 to 10 and 18 territory when they found goal to go at the Panthers’ i-* reversal at the hands of assignment this Saturday to 0. respectfully, to take themselves in a punting five-yard line. NATIONAL FINALS Ridgefield High School HELD IN PHILADELPHIA The Panthers will be at first place in the Olympic situation. The kick put the George Polites was -FABULOUS PRIZES visiting Royals in good field checked for no gain and position at Wallington's 31- Curasco went four yards to For entry info call (201) 759-0750 or write N J. Globe, P.O. Box 308, yard line Weight Watchers Hold Contest the one At this point Doidge 07109. Entry blanks can also be picked up at the Holiday Inn, Parsippany Ridgefield then mustered wait across on a quarter­ Area Weight Watchers nutritionists will judge the two-year subscription to the lone offensive threat in back sneak for the touch­ will put their creativity, cook-off Weight Watchers Magazine the game, covering the 31 down their pots and their pans to Entry blanks are yards goalward in eight Ridgefield 0 0 0 » « work this month as they get A microwave oven will go plays. With all the plays on Wallington 0 0 0 0-0 available at all area Weight Touchdown Ridgefield Doidge ready for the Weight Wat­ to the first prize winner and Watchers classes and en­ the ground, the Royals used Extra Point Ridgefield Dodge < run i chers recipe contest and to a C u is in a r t fo o d tries must be submitted to cook-off processor to the namer-up class lecturers or by mail The contest for a legal ' All finalists will rteceive a no later than Oct 22. main course dish was an­ nounced by Mrs Lenore BIG DISCOUNTS Lippert. area director for M inish W ants CHEVROLET Weight Watchers, at the NOW! Lecturers Seminar held recently at Weight Watchers Loan Pay Back International, Manhassert. NEM197& L.I It is open to all Weight Congressman Joseph G. "the maximum interest Watchers members in Minish. 11th District, New charges allowed by law," CHEVR0LETS Bergen and Hudson Coun­ Jersey has called for the and told Califano that those ties in New Jersey, and "immediate restitution" of who will not pay should be Rockland County. New all money owed by govern­ immediately discharged York ment employees who have The text of the letter IMMEDIATE Members may enter as defaulted on federal student follows: many recipes as they wish; loans DELIVERY they may adapt familiar In a letter to Joseph A. “I would like to register favorites to program, or Califano. Secretary of the my deep concern over the submit new and original Department of Health. handling of H E W em­ dishes that conform to the Education and Welfare. ployees found to be in Weight Watchers weight Minish recommended that default on federal student reduction eating plan Califano take strong action loans. the to recoup the over 8400.000 “The method of collection, preliminary contest will go owed the government by its as outlined in recent news on to a cook-off1 Nov 9. own employees. reports, indicates that the They'll actually prepare A recent computer cross­ Department is taking a “kid Chevy Classic Cpe., stnd.: V/8, auto., their recipes for a panel of check of H.E.W employees gloves" approach to a PS/B; options: 6-way pwr. seats/dr. judges at the kitchens of the and federal student loan problem which requires an locks/wind./trunk opener/antenna, AIR, Public Service Electric and defaulters revealed that iron hand. AM-FM stereo, plus more. Demo stk. more than 300 of the Depart­ #1794. 882 mi. List $8016.55. $6253. Gas. Hackensack. Entries “Those who have chosen Excl. taxes and licensing costs. MANY will be judged on the basis ment's present workers to default on their student of their originality, taste, have not repaid the money loans while receiving OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! appearance, practicality the government lent them to federal salaries, do not and food value, by a panel obtain an education. Some meet the standards which composed of Weight Wat­ of the employees earn more SAVE 176 should be requred of those PricDt txclwd* iiih a m iKanuna cmi than 840.000 per year chers staff members, area working for the Federal Minish recommended that food editors and Government. the defaulters be assessed LYN-MAID Factory Store 545 Valley Brook Avo. Lyndhurst — 438-3151 CHEVROLET A FINE T H E " PLACE FOR SELECTION OF OVER 100 ROBES-GOWNS-PAJAMAS USED CARS TO Long / Short / Warm / Cool CHOOSE FROM Fancy / Tailored AT M i TIMES! Special Group l u e M I M M K LEASING StKUtetayNci

*• !1&99 ’13.99 RENTALS

• Mmriay — IMOTOMO TUCSDAY, W ONtS QAY - 1 * 0 0 1 0 * 0 0 THURSDAY, FRIDAY - I * 0 0 1 0 * 0 0 LOW RATES! SATURDAY - IOiOOTOSiOO iwuwatMY, OCTOBW » , 1W7- IS

grad who went to play in the National Football The rush was well worth it as Jim Sheridan, League, had an exceptional game in the Philadelphia Farrell's brother, had a good game at defensive end •Hawk’s Corner- Eagles' win over the Giants last Stnday, much to the for BC and recovered the Tulane fumble that set up a delight of his family and friends who sat in the rain winning field goal for Boston College By WALTER ' HAWK" ROWE at Gainst Stadium. Matt Dean of North Arlington has to be one of the South Bergen high schools have more than their Lyndhurst's freshmen football team has a 1-1-1 Fans of Walters are still talking about the crushing most courageous and determined athletes around. share of talented cross-country runners this season. record. The Golden Bears beat parfleld, tied New block the big offensive tackle put on Giants defensive Dean, the former catcher-outfielder for the Lyn­ Tony Cannavina of North Arlington heads the list. Milford and then lost to Tenafly, 2M«. Frank Ser- back Ray Rhodes to clear the way for the Eagles' dhurst American Legion team, sat the bench as a second touchdown. Cannavina, whose only defeat this seascp has been to video and John DeLellis coach the team. freshman on the Fairleigh Dickinson University Bergen Tech’s Scott Samos Id, won two races last Chris Zovistoski was the Lyndhurst standout baseball team, but he came back as a sophomore to week and set a North Arlington course record with a against Tenafly. He gained 160 yards, played The Becton Regional High School coaching staff develop into one of the Knights' top hitters. said farewell to former basketball coach Bob Stolarz 13:48 clocking against Bogota. Ironically, Cannavina linebacker on defense and did the team's punting and Bad luck hit Dean last week. He was playing cen- at a party in his honor last Friday night at The snapped his own mark. kicking off. Two fumbles led to Lyndhurst's downfall terfield for FDU and the Knights had a six-run lead Rutherford VFW Post. Queen of Peace's Greg Bloom led the field in a against Tenafly. over Seton Hall in the sixth inning of a fall baseball Stolarz, who coached the Wildcats to a Group 1 sec­ meet against St. Mary’s. U rn Doran of the Gaels had game tional title last season, has resigned at Becton and earlier won firsts against Eastern Christian and Bec­ Jim Crupi, the well-known hone trainer from Lyn­ Dean dove for a lopping fly ball, but in a bizarre taken a teaching position at the South Bergen ton. dhurst, had another winner at The Meadowlands last accident he was hit over his right eye by a team­ vocational satellite school. week. Crupi’s Lucky She, at 7 to 1, won the ninth race mate’s knee. last Thursday night. The 8-2-# Trifecta paid $832.50. A deep laceration was opened over Dean's eye, he The New Jersey Nets have their ticket office in the sustained a concussion, went into shock, and it was National Community Bank building on Park Avenue. Richie LaManna, the foijner Lyndhurst High later diagnosed at the hospital that the bone surroun­ Rutherford, so many of their front office personnel School football player, and assistant coach at Ruther­ ding the eye was shattered in three places has relocated from Long Island. ford High School for the past nine years, had an op­ Dean, who played at Queen of Peace High School, ■ftd Pase, the Nets' public relations director has portunity to be a head coach for a game recently. was operated on last week, but he expects to return moved into the area. He is now living in a Lyndhurst to classes shortly. The people who knpw Dean the Other first place winners were Mike Trusio of Lyn­ With the Bulldogs head coach Doug Loucks busy apartment complex. best, his teammates, aren’t concerned about his dhurst, who topped the field against Port Lee and assisting his wife in the birth of a daughter, LaManna recovery They know what type of a person and Ridgefield Park, and Becton’s Alfred Frank, who was coached the Bulldogs against Harrison. Farrell Sheridan of Rutherford had a very active player Dean is. No. 1 against Park Ridge LaManna’s debut was a success as Rutherford weekend last weekend. Sheridan is an assistant coach romped to a 52-12 victory. LaManna normally at DePaul High School and the Spartans beat Butler Hie funny meeting you here department: Jerry St. Mary’s freshman football team, after a coaches (he RHS offensive team. in a battle of unbeaten teams last Saturday Frain of Rutherford was attending a business conven­ scoreless tie with Cedar Grove in a game played in Sheridan quickly left the happy DePaul lockerroom tion in. New Orleans last week, and when he was the mud, has since beaten Paul VI, 24-0, and Bob DeMarco, the former Wood-Ridge resident-who and drove from the Wayne High School Field to walking out of his hotel Saturday, he met Jimmy Param us Catholic. 12-0. played at St. Mary’s and Dayton University before Newark Airport in time to catch a shuttle flight to Garrett, the former Rutherford resident who is an Quarterback Greg Pavick passed to widj receiver going on to a successful professional career, is Boston. assistant coach for the Saints Joe McGuire, who also plays varsity football for the coming back to South Bergen sodn. Sheridan arrived in Boston at 6:30 p.m and made The two talked about old times, but the memories it to Boston College's Alumni Field in time for the didn’t help Garrett. The Saints lost to the San Diego Gaels, for a touchdown and two conversions in the DeMarco, now a salesman for a chemical company win over Paul VI. Billy Hooten and Kevin Tormey Golden Eagles' game against Tulane Chargers the next day in St. Louis, plans to visit old friends when he returns scored the other toucheowns . for the 15th anniversary dinner-dance of The House of Pavick threw touchdown passes to Pat McNeilly Jim’s Social Club on Saturday. October 29, at The and Tim Ryan, a 60-yarder, to beat Paramus Rutherford Woman’s Club. /-.-v i ^ ^ Catholic. Paid Nunziato, who was playing in spite of a broken finger, intercepted a pass to stop a DeMarco almost was talked out of retirement FIVE DOLLAR VALUE COUPON Paramus Catholic scoring threat. earlier this year by the Los Angeles Rams, the last t n RtdHm ablt ot Tim* of Purchase Only. Reserve quarterback Emil Stefanacci replaced team the former AH-Pro center played for. DeMarco, J \ Pavick, who was hsaken up. late in the game and however, said no to the Rams. Only 1 drove St. Mary’s to the Paladins’ one-yard line before TABLE tim e ran out. Stan Walters of Rutherford, another St. Mary's coupon par \ PADS EAR^^A R N^UjR^ purchase Onr $40 pwchaM wj Q ueen O f Peace W ins Again \ The Tri-County Con­ won their third straight touchdown was the margin succeed as Tri-County 575 RIDGE RD. N. ARLINGTON, N.J. ference football coaches, in game, beating Paterson of victory as QP handed champions, hosts QP on a preseason poll, picked Catholic. 13-12. last Satur­ Paterson Catholic its first Sunday at 2 p.m at Queen of Peace as one of day night at Breslin Field. setback in four gamse Memorial Field. Ruther­ the teams to beat They Lyndhurst Paterson Catholic took a ford. may have been right. Larry Gallady's extra 12-6 lead in the third quarter point kick following Queen when it marched 64 yards, The unbeaten Queensmen o( Peace's fourth quarter scoring on a 28-yard touch­ down pass from Joe DeFranco to Felix Irish Still Seeking DelaTorre. But the Cougars lttJilinW iy O f Seaaon ^ r e - t h e St Mary’s High School'* the game, all in the first football team has scored its half Two came when St. ted in the third quarter and first touchdown of the 1077 Mary s drove 31 yards to ended in the fourth for their season, but the Gaels are score after a short Paramus winning score. Glenn still looking for their first Catholic punt Flora's three-yard TD riai victory Bob Nunziato. who played with nine minutes p lace to g o The 6-6 tie with Paramus a fine game at fullback and remaining in the game tied Catholic Monday was St. linebacker, gained 10 yards the score and Gallady Mary's second straight tie to the Paramus (^atholic 20 followed with his winning after an opening game 10-0 Field judge Joe Sferuzza .kick. loss to Immaculate Concep­ then penalized the Paladins Queen of Peace had taken for Secondary tion. The Gaels played to a when a PC defender inter­ a 6 4 lead in the first quar­ scoreless tie with Paul VI in fered with St. Mary's ter when Flora capped a 63- their Tri-Couity Conference freshman receiver Joe yard march with a one-yard opener McGuire as he jumped for a TD sneak. St Mary's snapped a pass at the goal line The Paterson Catholic's of­ M ortgage loans scoreless streak of nine penalty advanced St. fense then came to life The straight quarters when it Mary's to the home team's Cougars wnet on a 72-yard crossed the Paramus '0 TD march in the second Catholic goal line in the Nunziato. picked up seven quarter and scored on a 14- second quarter, but the yards to the three and -then yard pass from DeFranco to Gaels had to settle for a tie scored on a slant off right Chauncey Brown when the homestanding tackle. The Cougars then went o f $io,ooo to Paladins scored a touch­ The score remained 6-0 as ahead in the third quarter, down in the fourth quarter St. Mary's quarterback Dan but the Queensmen came and then had another Boland tried to complete a back with their rally in the nullified by a penalty pass to McGuire for the two- final period. Coach Bruce Bartlett's point conversion, but it was St. Mary's, the team * 2 5 , 0 0 0 . inexperienced offense ear­ caught by a Param us Qieen of Peace wants to ned only four first downs in Catholic defender New Jersey homeowners! We’ll lend you up to $25,000 against the equity in your house. Compare our low rates Sports Calendar with those of any other lender. Then, borrow from us when you need to, and you’ll save a fortune. You’ll WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 12 Wallington at Wood-Ridge, 1:30 P M also enjoy smaller monthly payments because you’ll CROSS COUNTRY Becton Regional at Leonia, 1:30 P.M. have more years to repay. And bocause we don’t Creaskill at Becton. 4 P.M. North Arlington at Bogota, 1 30 P M. charge prepayment penalties or application and Wood-Ridge at North Arlington. 4P.M. appraisal fees, you’ll save even more. Rutherford and Ridgefield - OCTOBER M Use the money for home improvement, at Emerson Boro, 4 P.M. Queen of Peace at St Mary ’s, 2 P M • • • • • • • • bill consolidation, your children's THURSDAY - OCTOBER U MONDAY - OCTOBER 17 education, your vacation, your daughter's CROSS-COUNTRY CROSS-COUNTRY wedding, even a boat or recreation Lyndhunt at Englewood. 3:45 P.M. Bogota at Becton Regional. 4 P.M. vehicle, you name it — just about any SOCCER Union Hill at North Arlington. 4 P.M. worthwhile purpose. Pope Pius XU at Lyndhurat, 3:45 P M. St. Mary's at Immaculate, 4 P.M. Once you examine the facts and VOLLEYBALL SOCCER figures, you’ll agree. We’re the first Rutherford at Secaucus. 4 P.M. Lyndhurst at Fort Lee, 3:45 P.M. place — the only place — to go for OIRLS* TENNIS VOLLEYBALL your secondary m ortgage loan. Rutherford at Park Ridge, 4 P.M. Rutherford at Palisades Park, 4 P.M. . . • • North Arlington at Wallington, 4 P.M. To get all the details, call your FRIDAY - OCTOBER 14 • * • • Personal Banker or visit any of our CROSSCOUNTRY TUESDAY - OCTOBER It conveniently located offices. Cresdrtll at North Arlington, 4 P M Lyndhunt at St. Mary’s (R). 4 P M. > St. M ay ’s at Neumann Prep, 4 P.M. SOCCER Rutherford at Craaakitl. 4 P.M. Bergsn Catholic at Rutherford, 4 P.M VOLLEYBALL Check our VOLLEYBALL Wallington at U ooia. 3 46 P.M. Low Monthly U nited Jersey Bank Lyndhunt at Tenafly, 4, P.M .' Dumont at Lyndhurst. 4 P.M. Payments... OIRLS' TENNIS Rutherford at Park Ridge SOUTH BERGEN Hawthorne at RuUierford. 4 P.M < OIRLS' TENNIS and Compare! 3 OFFICES IN CARLSTADT • • • • Hasbrouck B atata at Rutharford. 4 P.M Main office 192 Paterson Plank Road SUNDAY -OCTOBER If Branch offices: 118 Moonachie Ave and 643 Paterson Ave C E tm COUNTRY Y*- Phone: 933-7800 Rutherford at Memorial Invitation. 10 AM. POOTBALL Rectan Ratfonal at Rutharford, 4 P.M. RidgefteW Park at Lyndhurst, 138P M Ridgefield at North Arlington. 4 P.M. & Hasbrouck Heights at Rutherford. 1:30 P.M. Bogota at Wallington. 4 P.M. Ih THURSDAY, OCTOBER U. H 77 Wood-Ridge Overcomes Vikings By 18 — 0 Loses A fter : tw. •« i it .* ...... t. I______v ju r North Arlington High the U-yard line. Chick then threatened for the second carries went to the nine- gain to lose possession yards rushing in IS n n School is still looking for its reached pay ir t from that Ume. The Vikings recovered yard line where the Vildngs Senerchia. who gained against the Vikinfp E a r l y L e a d first football victory of the point on a "keeper.'' a Blue Devil fumble at the had a fourth and one over 200 yards Wood- im wii , « « *_ » season after losing its third Before Wood-Ridge's third letter's 35-yard line. Half- situation for a first down Ridge's victory over Bergen ______m.'J. Coach Arnold Perrone had touchdown and a shocking straight, an It to 0 setback touchdown North Arlington back Tom Walsh in five Walsh was stopped for no Tech. was credited with 218 **a*» to change Lyndhurst High 14 to 0 lead. The movement at the hands of Wood-Ridge School football team's offen­ cumilated on a 10-yard pass High School. The loss was sive ways due to injuries from Howie Scardelli. a the first in the B.C.S.L.’s and the move threw an senior V5"-l50-pound wing- Olympic Division for the early scare into undefeated back. to senior end Mark Vikings who lost tough Tenafly High School last Spina. *'3"-175 pounds for a decisions to Hasbrouck Saturday With junior touchdown Primerano lat­ Heights and Leonia of the «.-• ii tailback Bobby Jankowski ched an to a Cappiello pass National Division of the and senior fullback Gary for the two-point conversion B.C.S.L. Esposito nursing a con­ In the second quarter Coach Dan cussion and tom ligaments, Tenafly took possession at W ickenheisser's Vikings respectfully suffered in the mid-field and after reaching will be looking for a 14 to 0 loss to New Milford, the Bears' 30-yar line quar­ dplication of (ast season the Golden Bears had to in­ terback Gerry Clark got this Saturday. In '7# the stall quarterback Paul into the act Clark teamed lone North Arlington victory Primerano into a running up with halfback Dave came in form of an upset back slot and pass receiver Miller for a 30 yard pass when they upended Bogota, The Blue and Gold sur­ and run touchdown Clark 22 to 16 and inflicted prised the toygh Tigers with ran across for the two damage to the Bucs in their two first quarter touch­ points and Lyndhurst held a title hopes North Arlington downs and a 14 to 0 lead 14 to 8 halftime lead will clash with the Bucs at But the host Tenafly eleven The second half was all Bogota The latter picked up flooded the air waves with Tenafly—Two touchdowns their first win last Saturday, three scoring passes and ad­ in each of the final two scoring in every quarter in ded two scores by the run to periods produced a 34 to 14 routing winless Bergen gam a 34 to 14 decision triumph and set up a crucial T ech, 34 to 14. Lyndhurst, now winless in division meeting for the Wood-Ridge used a power­ three games on the road, Tigers at Cliffside Park this ful ground game which net­ will make a belated home Saturday ted 397 yards in shutting out debut this Saturday against A 55-yard march featured the Vikings. After a defending B C S L a 23 yard pass from Clark to scoreless first quarter it ap­ American Division cham­ end Ronnie Mullikan for a peared that North Arlington pion. Ridgefield Park The touchdown, ending all hopes would be the first on the Scarlet dropped their of a Lyndhurst upset John scoreboard The Vikings opener to Saddle Brook and Galicich's placement gave drove to th e B lue D evils' 10- then lost to Cliffside Park Tenafly a 15 to 14 lead yard line and in their quest before finding winning ways Before the quarter ended for a first down were with a 17 to 13 win over G ar­ Clark tossed antoher repelled as Mark Ratta and field last Saturday Lyn­ scoring pitch, from 10 yards Bong Ho Park were stopped dhurst dropped its season out to fullback Gerry for no gain opener to Garfield. 9 to 0 Papett The placement at­ , The Blue Devils then T he Golden Bears tempt failed and Tenafly proceeded to go 90 yards in displayed their best offense led. 21 to 14. just nine plays. Dennis of the season en route to Tenafly opened the fourth Seherchia was the chief their first touchdown With quarter with a 65-yard gainer in the drive, carrying senior 5'10"-155 pound quar­ m w em ait paying off on a for 14 and 32 y ards and c a t­ terback Joe Cappiello at the 25-yard scoring run by ching a 30-yard pass from controls Lyndhurst moved Miller, the Tigers' standout quarterback Matt Chick to the ball 76 yards to ball carrier who had 97 the five-yard line. From Tenafly s four-yard line yards in 14 carries there Chick passed to Sean Cappiello then passed to Galicich's toe upped the Metcalfe for the touchdown Primerano from four yards Tiger's margin to 28 to 14 In the third quarter Wood- out for the touchdown A The final winners' score Ridge w ent on to m ake it 12 placeman kick failed for came as a result of a 45- to 0 after taking possession the seventh point yard advance topped off by via a punt Metcalfe was Lyndhurst moved the pig­ a 10-yard touchdown run by then shook loose on a 37- skin 50 yards for its second Tim Huff yard touchdown gallop A 58-yard nm by Metcalfe set up the final score in the High School Football Predictions last quarter Metcalfe, who had 97 yards gained in but By Walter "Hawk" Roe five carries, was downed at Ridgefield Park 22 Lyndhurst 6 Rutherford 21 Hasbrouck Heights 15 Becton Regional 115 Leonia 6 Wood-Ridge 14 Wallington 13 Queen of Peace 21 St. Mary's 8 Bergenfield 20 Bloomfield 14 Q if ton 30 Fair Lawn 6 Jack Frost Is On The Way! Hackensack 14 Paramus 7 Passaic Valley 20 Teaneck 0 Giffside Park 21 Tenafly IS Saddle Broock 17 Dumont 14 Garfield 20 Englewood 8 FREE New Milford 14 Fort Lee 0 Mahwah 21 Hawthorne 8 C H EV R O llT De Paul 20 Pompton Lakes 3 Nutiey 7 Kennedy 0 Keamy SNOW 15 Eastside 7 Msgr Farrell 20 Bergen Catholic 0 Lodi 14 Glen Rock 8 TIRES! 1 9 5 5 Reunion Planned r ic tu n t By High School G rads The committee to hold a Bosco, Betty Bannerman reunion of the class of 1955. Buscoglia and Jo an H yer North Arlington High Laurence Those interested School, is seeking responses 1 THIS are required to w rite M rs from members who would Bosco at 113 Erie A ve., attend such an event in the Rockaway. N.J. 07886. You Spring of 1978 may be able to s u p p ly OFFER GOOD WHEN YOU PURCHASE A LYNN TTie committee is com­ names and addresses of posed of Judy (Bianchini) some of your classmates. VALID ONE WEEK ONLY! USED CAR!

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Sports R esults Rutherford Downs Tough Leonia Team „ — Football — VWeen of Peace 26 Bayley-Ellard Rutherford High School and Harrison o( the Olympic in the National Division, cash in First, Leonia s good field position when a wrapped up and Rutherfor­ 6 gained ita third football vic­ ot. Mary’s ' - * u ~ raui — vi Division will invade Memorial Field quarterback Dai Hehre put partially blocked pint game d's potent defenae had to 0 Paul VI 0 tory of the yoing seaaon on Emerson Boro 18Becton Regional The Bulldogs of Coach for their annual skirmish on an aerial show which them the ball at the face another 6 Saturday but dkh’t escape Doug Loucks are now faced with the Navy Blue I White Bulldogs' 21. Helped by a challenge—again suc­ Ridgefield -8 Wallington enabled the Uons to reach 0 the Lions' lair at Laonia with an aaripvrxnt which the Rutherfordians' seven pass interference call which cessfully. Leonia took the Rutherford 7 Leonia 2 without a scare. Tha Tenafly four previous Rutherford Rutherford escaped with yard line At this point gave the Lions a first down kickoff following the 34 Lyndhurst 14 Bulldogs came home wtth a teams could not fulfill—a some anxious moments in Wood-Ridge Hehre tossed an apparent at the six-yard line. The Bulldogs' score and advan­ 18 North Arlington 0 7 to 2 verdict over Leonia victory over Hasbrouck ita dose win over Leonia. touchdown pass but a dip­ home eleven couldn’t ced 73 yards to reach the — S o c c e r — for thdr first triumph in the Heights. The defending who are now two and one ping violation nullified the capitalize as Rutherford one-foot line At this point Englewood 14 Lyndhurst 1 National Division of the champion Aviators, also In the second quarter the points. braced up and look over on Leonia had two crack* at Rutherford 2 Cresskill B.C.S.L. Rutherford had three and nothing an the Uons had two scoring op­ Just before halftime in the the line and were twice 1 earlier setback Ridgefield season but two and nothing Saddle Brook 4 Lyndhurst 2 portunities but failed to scoreless tilt Leonia got in Rutherford received a repulsed Garfield 4 Lyndhurst 0 break in the fourth quarter Rutherford then was for­ when a Leonia pitch-out ced to punt deep in its end Cross Country — Becton Loses To Em erson went astray with Rutherford zone But Mark Petroniom 1 21 St. Mary's 38 Becton Regional High P.M. kickoff. The Lions, taking over at the Lions' 42- si^reme defenae-man and 19 which gained 64 yards punt and Emerson Boro Hasbrouck Heights 44 School's football team drop­ like the ‘Cats, started with a yard line A series of short punter, was anothared by a Park Ridge Quarterback Mike Ryan . proceeded to post insurance 27 Becton Regional 28 ped from the unbeaten pair of victories over (Olym­ gainers advanced the ball 29 horde of Lions, and Leonia connected on a pass to the points The Cavos put the Ridgfield Pa 24 Lyndhurst 34 ranks last Saturday when pic Division competition, yards to Leonia’s 13-yard was credited with a safety speedy Ralph Rivero which ball in play at their 47-yard Bogoda 22 North Arlington 35 Emerson Boro defeated the beating Bogota and North lfne., From this point, and two points. gained 40 yards to Emerson line After short advvices Becton Regk 24 Wildcats, It to . The loss Rutherford’s juiior 6 0’ -175 Petronio rose to the oc­ Hasbrouck Heights 31 6 Arlington, before having Boro's 24-yard line. moved the ball in play at Leonia ' 23 Rutherford 38 came for Coach Rod their National Division Fullback Herman Morales pound quarterback Fran casion in the final seconds their 47-yard line After Manning, on a “keeper” : 15 Queen of Peace 35 Milazzo's eleven after a pair debut ruined by Rutherford then ran wide right and when he plucked a Leonia short advances moved the went the remaining yardage desperation pass deep in : 15 St. Mary's 50 of independent victories last Saturday, 7 to 2. seeing daylight went in for ball 21 yards to the 'Cats 32 over Wood-Ridge and for the touchdown Senior Rutherford territory IXimont 16 Lyndhurst 47 Becton Regional stood the ‘Cats six-pointer. Harry th3 Cavos' Basile duplicated Ridgefield of the B.e.S.L.'s with the host Cavos for center Tom Carroll respon­ Fort Lee 20 Lyndhurst 47 Cormona s attempted place- his first touchdown run, • I t 7—1 Olympic Division. The three quarters before going ded with the placement to • • • *-« S t Mary's 19 Becton Regional 40 kick for the extra point going up the middle from 32 it R u th e rfo rd M an n in g defeat at the hands of the up the Bulldogs coimt to 7 to Estra Point Rutherford Carroll down to defeat. In the failed and the game was yards out to wrap up the Hs’ Cross Country — Cavaliers was the opening 0 i p la c e m a n second period Emerson deadlocked. 6 to 6 decision Sriety Laotua Petromo tackled in et* Bogota 24 North Arlington 31 game for each in the The decision was far from Boro got on the scoreboard Keller then plunged Late in the game Becton Bogota B.C.S.L.'s National 21 34 first to gain a 6 to 0 lead. goalward into the end zone Regional moved the ball Division. 20 North Arlington 41 Ibe tally came ss a result for the tie-breaker touch­ with regularity, reaching The Wildcats will be 1 30 Queen of Peace 34 of a 58-yard advance after down A run for the two- the Cavaliers' three-yard PARENTS: looking for their initial gaining possession via a All Leoder Sport. PHOTOS AVAILABLE G rils’ V olyball - points after was stopped line. division triumph this Satur­ Dint. short and the score CALL Ridgefield 2 North Arlington 1 Kmerson Boro 0 • • i*~i« day when they entertain Bee ton's offense came to remained. 12 to 6 H eclo n JACK PIGNATELLO Lyndhurst 2 Saddle Brook 0 0 < 0 » « Leonia The game is slated life as the equalizer was Shortly after Becton 744-9133 Rutherford 2 Cresskill - Touchdowns Kmerson habile <2i ft Keller 1 for Riggin Field with a 1:30 produced in just two plays relinquished possession on a Touchdown Becton Morale-. Secaucus 2 Becton Regional 0 2 Lyndhurst 1 ■ Girls'’ Tennis — Rutherford 4 Glen Rock 1 Rutherford 3Vi Creskill 1V4

Callaway R uns O n Thiel Team Richard Harold Callaway, Bud Manes is coach of the Rutherford, N.J., is a mem­ Tomcat overlanders, curren­ ber of the 1977 Thiel College tly 3—1 in dual meets and cross country team members of the Presidents' Callaway, son of Mr and Athletic Conference Mrs. Richard H. Callaway. d S a l h p a y Sr. 8 Wood St.. is one of the Callaway is a junior top harriers on the western majoring in political scien Pennsylvania liberal arts ce He is past treasurer of college's squad his freshman class

G irl Scouts N eed

Som e Friends — You! Uniforms needed — and scouting to hold an exchange i s h e r e . accessories! Mrs E. Steeg on Saturday. October 22 in and Mrs. L. Hoxie. Ruther­ the Girl Scout room at the ford Girl Scout leaders are Borough Hall from 9:00 until hoping to collect enough noon. uniforms, acoeiaorkt an­ If you luva a uniform or d/or He ms pertaining to accessory to donate you may accounts by phone- drop it off at the home of Mrs Steeg. 233 Washington DAN Avenue. Rutherford any phone; anyw here . AMIOLA OFFERS DOG P ayyour b ills b y p h o n e them as your Dial ’N Pay accounts. A ny phone, arty w here, OBEDIENCE Prefer a separate Dial 'N Pay savings It’s fast, it’s convenient, and it's easy. account? It s easy to open one. m ost anytim e Dial ’N Pay is a new Howard service We’ll also ask you to sign an that lets you pay your authorization form listing who you will Call from home. From regular bills with a simple want to pay through Dial 'N Pay. For work. From a phone phone call. Bills such as your protection, these will be the only booth on the highway. What Mora Can department stores, utilities, accounts you can pay through Dial 'N And if you're calling You Ask For? credit cards, your mortgage Pay. The list may be added to at any from anywhere in New *30.00 or personal loan, even time. You may even pre-authorize Jersey, the call is toll-free! ENROU FOR payments to other bank regular, set-amount payments and we'll Hours are 8 am to 8 pm, Mon-Fri., and 9 am to CLASSES accounts. No checks to do il automatically. write. No stamps to buy 2 pm Saturdays. You can even tell us to NUTliY and lick. No envelopes to send a payment or make a transfer as I t c o s t s l e s s many as 30 days after you call. AU BRIIDS scrounge. Just c^tll Dial ’N Pay, fell us who you want to pay th an a p o stag e s t a m p ! NJ. DOC COIUCI H o w t o g e t 654-6632 and how much. We take it from there .For each Dial 'N Pay transaction you make th e convenience o f T r a n s f e r m o n e y b e t w e e n —to pay a bill or D ia l'S Piay Ritterhuder - y o u r acco u n ts by phone transfer money — there’s a 10c service Stop by any Howard office, or send us No frenzied dash to the bank charge. Less than the the coupon, or call 201-456-5900 and OKTOBERFEST to transfer money from cost of a postage we'll send you full details and a sign-up your savings account into stamp—to say nothing kit. No obligation, of course! Sehuetzen Park your checking account, or of the time and . 4 ■ to pay your savings account aggravation you save! G rand Ball Room from your checking account. Just call Dial ’N N o m inim um balance 32nd Street and Pay and tell us. It’s done I. Mail to: - T For your Scotfree checking or for your the same day. I The Howard Savings Bank K ennedy Boulevard Dial ’N Pay savings account. And there’s no minimum or maximum amount which ‘ Marketing Department :I 768 Broad Street B e n i s w h a t y o u n e e d you may pay or transfer, either! N orth Bergen, N ew Jersey | Newark, N.J. 07101 touseD ialW Pay t t b com pletely safe an d I *0om pa Bands A Sait free checking in y our co n tro l | Name. - »------account and a Howard Only you know who you owe, how much, | Addruss— ...... — — Regular 5 Vi% pass and when it’s due. Nobody gets paid Authentic Bavarian Food book savings unless you call and tell us. And, since j City.------account. If you your account number and personal ‘ Refreshments already haye these number are as unique to your account j State------7. i|._ Howard accounts, as your signature, only you can tell you may designate *Schuhplattler Folk Bancors us who to pay. L______

S a t u r d a y , ■ ■ SAVIN G S BANK! October 15 - S P.M .

S u n d a y , f t a t h B.. .. M .. .. MomborFDIC d Octabec 16th - 9 New Jersey’s biggest bank with offices in Essex, Bergen. Moms. Passaic, Monmouth, Camden and Burlington Counties : *Ufji dwm - MLM it ft* Ml Ml-TAplnm; M /KM * hr I IH T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 13. 1*77

Council O pens

N e w Y e a r Doris Would Have Committee Named F r e e h o l d e r D o r is need little medical treat­ hospital superintendent I medical services if West Hudson Community needed. Mahalick announced today ment. but they need a great am particularly pleased to We have asked the Council held its first Board of that she will recommend to deal of social support to see this building used for this Managers to create an meeting of the 1977-78 year total the Board of Freeholders the overcome their disease ’ program Not only will we be program for alcoholic Tuesday at Trinity Parish treat­ appointment of an advisory "Thanks to the hard­ putting the house to a good ment so that at every House. Kearny step committee to assist in set- working members of this social use. but we will be the alcoholic will be best ser­ ting up a social adhoc committee and our providing a lovely, non- Jeanne D Perry of Kear­ ved by the availability of detoxification program for staff people, we now -have threatening. homelike at­ ny, Region 111 general many types of services alcoholics in Bergen County funding from the state mosphere with beautiful chairperson, for the United working together "A number of interested through Title XX. with mat­ grounds where people will be Wats campaign, was in­ "The next step will be to individuals an d ching funds provided by the comfortable Ours will be troduced A film on the hire a staff coordinator, who organizations have been county through our Com­ the fifth social detox United W ay was shown w ill put thft p ro g ra m working for some time to get munity Development program in the state. The Rev Archie Palmer. together When the staff has ths program underway.'' Program The Board of Because of the site, we ch|urman, presided been hired and trained and Freeholder Mahalick said Managers of Bergen Pines believe that will be the the building has been com­ They have seen the need for County Hospital has agreed most pleasant and hopefully pleted. the program can a detox center in a social set­ to provide a site for the the most effective begin accepting patients. We ting. ^rather than strictly program in the house for­ "The proximity lo Bergen hope that will be sometime •medical Most alcoholics merly occupied by the Pines will also offer an ad­ before the end of the year " vantage in that the Pines has its medical detox program ____ Registering For and can provide supportive Pictured ar* Allen Dvwfcin, left, and Danny Kay*, own*r-brok*r of K Realty Inc. 100K SMOOTH N«w Yw Cm H*v* UNWANTED Record Breaking Year For K Meadows HAIR RiMOViD Area residents of the positive commitment.'' Dr Constant growth and ex- years have been the con- Realty organization whose 5 Meadowland communities, Reid was quoted as stating. pansion throughout the stant pattern for the K o ffice s are known along with members of to meet the educational throughout the South business, industry and labor needs of our communities." Bergen Area and South Je r­ will now have the oppor­ Starting date for the sey tunity of continuing their College in the Meadowlands education as a result of the t BIRTHDAY? Again 1977 has brought for is Monday. Oct 17 Classes y opening of the College in the a tremendous list of South are scheduled for Monday Our k lV l Meadowlands this Fall. r r* Bergen Area sales and the through Thursday evenings ANNIVERSARY? "‘This College was company and staff are en­ from 5 to-10 P.M. ih the “halo" of Celebrate at the FABULOUS established. " according to *y GINA OF joying a very active autumn Hackensack Meadowlands AOATA BCAUTY SALON Dr Alban E Reid, "‘through High Seas Restaurant & Lounge selling season Development Commissions light... with a i/ocal Employment Action 185 River Rood, North Arlington • 991-5593 Conference Room located in GINA'S iliCTROlTSIS DOUBLE FLATTERY: Program (L E A P ) grant of •nr IS fri. Fro/tu In addition to their the Lyndhurst Corporate Great Entertainment Wed . Fri., Sot. the Bergen County Com­ soft lines, soft color regular sales staff, Dan Center at 1099 Wall St West SUPER DINNERS munity Action Program. In- with our gentle Kaye and Ron Darby have Inperson registration only WYman 1-1308 fvulite Specializing in "Seafood Italian Style" c.. sponsored by the Bergen recently added two ad­ will take placethe preceding Roux makes this splcial County Board of Chosen color lotion ditional real estate week on Tuesday and Wed­ lightener for "off-the- Freeholders " representatives to their nesday evenings, Oct 11 and scalp blooding (frosting, The purpose behing the MAX group Donna Virgilito and 12 from 5 to 8 P M at this tipping, painting, etc.)— outreach program is to Allen Dvorkin both will be same location enable Bergen Community and we use it artfully for SENI1R CITIZENS availab le to serve area College to bring continuing For further information on the lovely light-and-dark homeowners and purchasers SPECIAL education into the this and other programs call effect you wont. Cool, with their housing needs Toe*. 1 Wed. Meadowlands "We have a 4471500. Ext 227. or 4471530 com fortable, because it MAW COLOR LOTION never touches your scalp. In addition Richard For the gentlelady look, And it works in minimum V Snyder has joined the K our gently waved coif— time! Come see how we SHAM POO staff in the position of First Lady Beauty Salon and our gentle color lo­ tion. Unlike tint, it won’t can beautify your hair! $2.50 off assistant to Kaye and Dar­ 864 KEARNY AVE. lighten your natural & SET regular price by. His varied duties will in­ color. Unlike rinse, it 9 9 8 - 0 1 2 6 clude real estate processing KEARNY, N.J. won't wash out. It does of all at the World-Famous Kree of mortgages and coor­ give you a lovelier, more p erm an en ts Institute and enjoy a lifetime natural looking blend of R ay ’s $ 3 . 5 0 dinator between banks and career The demand for perma­ the gray hairs with your nent hair removal treatments attorneys. The entire K OPEN SUNDAY natural color: softer, are greater than ever before HAIRDRESSER Realty group looks forward Age is no barrier Men and more fem inine looking. HAIRSTYLIST HAIR COLORIST woman Oay or evening classes Come in and let us show Alyce’s Beauty Salon to a continuing a c tiv e 8 A M — 2PM y o u . EAkNv AVE OPP GAIiS Come, write or phone (212) Autumn and Winter and an K • ARM y N J 070J2 18 Park Ave. 933’-9330 Rutherford 7J0-t700 for free booklet "R” NAon Tui'S Fn and Sat Thuis >» even better 1978' Garo Arllnlan. World Acclaimed NO APPOINTMENTS Authority. Director S A L O N 81 991-9800 INSTITUTE 1500 Broedway feor «3rd S I) Now York. N V lOOM M M M i 43B-MC4 NOT • LA ST DAYS • TO ROBERT HALL Worry CLOSING FOREVER 61 4 Ridge Road I ^ E c n o N s " North Arlinqfon 100% W ARRANTY 2B0 Thit 12 month/12.000 mil* NADS Warranty i« available on '74 to '77 U>ed Can A Trucks covering repair or replacement of all powor-troin components ond it good nationwide at 4,000 dealer* Just coll toll free number See ut for detailt at BEST AUTO SALES! You can depend on BEST! O f f & w 75 MONTE CARLO '74 NOVA '73 DUSTER '75 IMPALA Chovy — Blue vinyl top Chevy 2-dr sedon. 6 -cyl , auto, Plymouth. Gold. 6 -cyl. auto Chevy station wagon. 6 -pass , & c trons.. pwr strg , man. brks , 8 -cyl. outo P/S P/B, tran*.. pwr strg /brks.. vin. H V 8 , auto, trans pwr 46 076 mi S 2 2,557 mi. 47,977 mi. strg /brks.. AIR 61.116 mi $ 3 9 9 5 $ 2 3 9 5 $ 1 6 9 5 $ 2 7 9 5 V 2 m o r e '74 MONTE CARLO '73 LTD '77 GRAND Chevy — Maroon w white '71 VW BEETLE HUNDRED S OF BARGAINS Ford 2-*. Hdtp., 8 -cyl Volks wagon 4-cyl . 4-spd mon. vmyl top 8 -cyl aulo P/S, PRIX SJ outo - P/5, P/B. air. Pontiac. V/8 . outo trans.. pwr trans . mon strg /brks.. radk>. P/8 , o ir, 5,2787 rm as traded strg./brks., AIR. hatch mn r f . on- 53.593 mi 63,195 mi ti-theft »y»tem . vin. rf.. AM-FM iu M rs sms, Mans, sums, k m s , sens, winter w t o v u i $ 2 9 9 5 $ 1 5 9 5 ?7£r-k$ 5 9 9 5 $ 1 5 9 5 IU WOMQTS COATS, IKKTS, MESSES, PMTSl SETC, BUMSES, KMS '76 ASPEN '76IMPALA '75 MAUBU Dodge 4 dr sedon. 6 cyl auto '74 CADILLAC 1 1 1 m r mmeis, pins, sm s, sms trans pwr strg mon brks Chevy 4-dr. HT. 8 -cyl., outo. CLASSIC P/S, P/8 , o ir., COUPE DEVILLE 16.110 mi. Chevy cIoimc 4-dr tedon. 8 -cyl.. Block w rod int. 8 -cyl. - auto - m aas imnsjtiftm wests 68,193 mi. os traded ooto. trons.. pwr -trg./brks . $ 3 3 9 5 P/S. P/B, air. tilt wheal. P/W $ 3 1 9 5 Zz: $ 3 4 9 5 ; ~ „ . $ 3 9 9 5 FV EP YTKiNG GOFS NOTHING HFI.D BACK '72 NEW '74 IMPALA '75 IMPALA '75 GRANADA Chevy 2-dr., HT V/8 , auto. tron- Chovy 6 pots wagon 8 -cyl. - JNADVEk USED SFECIALS OASIY Ford 4-dr sedan. 6 -cyl., auto YORKER v . pwr strg/brks, AIR Chrysler 4 dr , V/8 . auto trans outo - P /S /P/ i, dir, o-l cao- front., pwr strg /brks . AM. 63.914mi pwr strg /brks , AIR d , 61,116 rm. 27,431 mi 60 999 mil ^ ^ OFFICE EQUIP. AS TRADED $ 8 9 5 $ 2 9 9 5 - $ 2 9 9 5 $ 3 4 9 5 ADDERS - OIIVETTI i UNDERWOOD P r lc « % m c M m U n s Mtf Ucansln* costs. BIUINO MAOflNES - TIME RECORDERS COMFUTitt SHARP, CANON, MONRQt AUTO LAST DAYS * UST MYS WUST StU GUI 10 I HI fenPf W UlS Q P IN iJAIlY ! O A M Ml << P.M -Sflt. T; L 6 P 1 T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B 1 K 13. 1 f7 7 ~ I ? United States and supports American manufacturers C u r t a in s 9 Draperies At K & C Shop 100 percent He also confided that KltC Curtains at 21 Park towels, table cloths and turns from their original from 9 A.M. to ( P.M., Rutherford ia a fine place in Ave., Rutherford, has a place mats, throw pillows store in Westwood and are Thursday and Friday from 9 which to do buriness, with large and lovely selection of I and bedrest pillows, are to ably assisted by the wives to 9 and Saturday from 9 to the clients smiling and very beautiful items for the be found in profusion. of each, Kathleen Klag and 6. For any information just pleasant and that he Is L e v i s home Ron Bergamini and Edith Bergamini. call Ron at 935-7177 happy to have opened hia Curtains, draperies, bed­ George Klag, co-owners, The store is open Monday, Ron states that he buys store in such a welcoming spreads custom made or manage the store, taking Tuesday and Wednesday all goods made in the atmosphere ready made, are available in beautiful patterns and colors, warm and vibrant Stellato Attends Conference of W ear a for beautifying you- home Regional Golden Rule winner... for the coming winter mon­ LEMON TREE CORP. ths. Bathroom nigs, towels, Louis J. Stellato, Jr. of Ip­ The Regional Conference 824 Kearny Ave., Kearny Levfls* accessories, hampers and polito-Stellato Funeral small pictures, kitchen is part of. a continuing Pancrteta* Home in Lyndurst. recen­ education program offered L unching tly attended the 1977 to members of the CANDY & CIGARETTES Slacks Regional Conference of the association. This year's With Former International Order of the “ business-oriented" WHOLESALE .. the Winchester, sessions were tailored for P resid en t Golden Rule which was held a great all­ the funeral home oprator C0 (V IE |N Ed Tobias, council can­ at Williamsburg. Va. CASH didate, opposed to one-way desiring to update himaeif purpose alack by ff , politics in Carlstadt, has in accounting and com­ N munity relations Levi's* Panatela*. been invited to attend a lun­ TV International Order of Stellato said, "I have lear­ CARRY cheon being held for Gerald the Golden Rule. is an SAtfE! Available In both Ford and Ray Bateman Oc­ ned much from these association of ftneral direc­ sessions and am anxious to tober 20. at the Imperial 9 9 1 - 9 7 4 1 knits and wovena, share what I learned with » Manor, Paramus. The for­ tors with approximately my staff " in a lull range mer president will be the 1300 members selected by guest speaker at this nor­ of rich solid thern New Jersey campaign invitation from com­ colors and fresh fund raiser. munities throughout the world. Admission to mem­ patterns. It's a ' October Feat bership in the Order is wardrobe basic. October Fest! On Friday, predicated upon a careful Oct. 21. 1977. the Men's Club screening policy which in­ of the First Presbyterian cludes a requirement for the Church. Carlstadt. is spon­ written recommendation by 1 5 .0 0 soring an October Fest. con­ the families served by a sisting of bauen wurst. prospective member Once P alm a/ del filar to potatoes sauerkraut, coffee accepted, cortinued mem­ and cake all for the low price bership is based upon an- Puerto Rico’s C om plete R esort 2 0 .0 0 of $2 75 for adults and $2 00 nual reaffiliation for children Birch beer is in­ requirements to insure the Secluded on the New Southeast Shore cluded Its to be held in the fact that member firms 2.700 acres of natural beauty, six miles of shoreline with three miles church's community hall mantain the Order’s high of crescent beaches. Twenty tennis courts. Eighteen-hole 6,660- from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m standards of professional yard golf course. Four swimming pools. Bicycling Yachting, sailing, Everyone is welcome excellence deep sea fishing. Equestrian center, miles of riding and hiking trails. Varied indoor and open-air dining. Spacious rooms and tasteful, tile-roofed villa accommodations for two to seven persons, each D a v id M cLe an with living roonvdining area, kitchen. Special 5-day. 4-night golf and tennis plans available at $140 per person, double occupancy, European Plan to Dec. 15. Low-priced family and honeymoon plans Chosen As Scholar also available. David J McLean, a senior grade point average for the Consult your travel agent or call our New York reservations office at Washington and Lee two previous academic (212) 581-9780 collect. In Puerto Rico call (8 0 9 ) 852-3450. Or write Palmas del Mar, P.O. Box 2020, Humacao, Puerto Rico 00661. Jk tu td fo v tit University. Lexington. years The Baxter Scholar­ Virginia, has been named ship. one of Washington and MENS SHOP the George Addison Baxter Lee’s longstanding honors, Scholar for the 1977-7S was established by the . Vilky Brook & teymMl Am., tymlhutsl^ academic year The award is Board of Trustees and is among the university's most awarded annually by the prestigious and is awarded faculty on a competitive to the undergraduate student basis ptth the highest cumulative Dayki, ia presidm of P i ' SlgTftr Alpha, the national p o litic a l science honor society and a member of ODK, the national leader­ FIVE DOLLAR VALUE COUPON ship fraternity He is an RedeemoMa at Tim* of Puiehoee Only. Honor Roll and Dean's List student and is the recipient of the Elizabeth B Garrett NEW O n ly 1 Scholarship in Politics and' c o u p o n the Robert E. Lee Scholar­ FOAM p « r ship for academic excellen­ p u r c h a s e ce. David recently completed CUSHIONS a five-month internship with •war $30 puichoee Congressman Harold C Hollenbeck J \ COME HEAR THE WORD! David is the son of Mr. & />■ ( V \ 575 RIDGE RD. Ni ARLINGTON, N.J. Mrs Ian McLean. 352 River­ 71 \ - ' We invite you to share the joy of side Avenue. Rutherford, \ \ God's written Word with us each Sunday. and is a 1974 graduate of Rutherford High School PLEASE JOIN US! I * Sunday School 9:45 a jn. • Classes from pro-school to «Mt • Worship Service 11:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ARUNGTON 660 Kearny Avanua, Keamy Rev. Joseph R. Kutter. Pastor 991 7669


MM F N • WBKS - m WOK’S C U t n ITART OCT. 22 M OCT. 27 Convenient times arranged for everyone. We offer the most KEEP THAT GREAT GM comprehensive group Instruction program YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN In the Metropolitan Areal EMPLOYEES OF LYNN CHEVROLET AND THEIR FEELING WITH FAMILIES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE GENUINE GM PARTS form and^nformation: (201) 785-1111 Carol Noir W cK - [Vector of Ice World SKsW fl Program I r m 46-1 K E A R N Y A V E

/•//^ - K E A R IM Y 9 9 1 -8 3 5 0 * % ti f r fi (f t / Route 46 at Union Boulevard, T0T0WA, N. J . (Jutf off Rout* 80) ______O p en i,'.ll!y ill 11 2U THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13,1*77 Seniors Are Invited To Hear Of Colleges

The Guidance Depart­ 3:30 P M at New Jersey In­ and two and four year selors. Friday. October 14 — Urban League of Bergen ment of Rutherford High stitute of Technology at colleges will be represetned The Catholic College Coor­ County is sponsoring a School has issued a bulletin Newark. N.J.; Saturday, The names of the schools at dinating Committee is spon­ Health Career program for to all seniors and juniors Oct. 15 — Campus Tours all of these events can be soring a College Fair at students in grades 9—12 acquainting them with the given by Susquehanna obtained from the student's Felician College. Lodi. N.J. opportunities to visit and University, Selinsgrove. Guidance Counselor: Mrs. from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M from 9:00 A M to Noon at get acquainted with college Pa.; Saturday. Oct IS — Botti. last name of student Saturday, October 15 — The Hackensack Middle School campuses and career Science Day at Rutgers. (A-D. U, Y. Z); Mr Pepe programs Newark, College of Arts It (K-K); Mr Smith (Lr-O, PTA Invites Parents Students, who think they Sciences & The College of V); Mrs Jones (P—T, W); will be commuting to a Nursing; Saturday. October Dr Bloom, Dean of Studen­ The Rutherford High Mr. William D Bauman, nearby college after 29 — Campus Tours at ts The dates are as follows: School PTA will host its an­ Principal, will greet the graduation from high Lafayette College, Easton, Friday & Saturday. October nual Back To School Night parents and also explain the school, may sign up in Pa.; Tuesday. Nov. 15 — 14 and 15 — Over 400 on Monday. October 17th. procedure for the evening. Because of split sessions, Guidance Office "B" for an Open House at Mountainside Colleges and Technical As in the past, the parents Hospital Co-Ordinator Honored. At a rm nt testimonial hold at tho South alld ay bus trip to Rutger- Hospital. Montclair Schools will hve their Ad- it will be necessary for the parents to attend at will follow their child's Bergen Hospital. Hasbrouck Heights. N.J., Mn. M a^aret K. (Mills was honored s—Newark on November 1. To receive an interview missions Personnel daily schedule and thus on her retirement. Under M n. Mill's guidance tho hospital's "Meal, on W heels" The program includes atten­ by an admissions counselor, available to interview staggered times. The 11th, and 12th grade parents are have the opportunity to program was initiated lour yean apo and expanded to serve over 90 elderly ding Icasses, a talk by the students have the following students, iparents are meet the individual clients in the area along with over 10 volunteen who deliver these nutritious Admissions Director, a free opportuniteis to attend a welcome) at asked to report to the high school auditorium at 7:15 teachers. meals daily. Referrals to this program are made by area physicians. Starting luncheon, and a tour of the College Fair at which Coliseum, sponsored by the from left to right receiving a gift: Alfred Zukowski, Administrator, Mary Buildings. possibly hundreds of one National Association of P.M.; and the 9th and 10th All parents are urged to grade parents ar 8:15 P.M Ochiuzzo, Food Service Supervisor, Margaret Mills, honored recipient, Alfred Other visitations for stud- and two year career schools College Admissions Coun­ attend. Kiefer, President loard of Trustees, M argaret Herron, Volunteer Coord inator. nets and parents include: Thursday. Oct. 3 — Open Hourse from 2 :0 0 to 4:00 P.M. at St. Barnabas Medical Center, School of Pracitcal Nursing at Living­ ston, N.J.; Saturday. Oct 15 — Open Hourse from 9 00 to Becomes Editor Rosemary Azzaro of 529 Sollas Court, Lyndhurst. a senior at Rutgers Univer­ sity, has been named copy editor of the pictorial year book of student life Editor in chief of the book is Robert G Caputo a junior, of Somerville

Daughter For Dr. Candios Dr and Mrs Joseph A Candio of Allentown, Pa., formerly of Lyndhurst, an­ nounce the birth of their first child, a daughter, whom they have named Christina Marie, on Septem­ ber 3, at the Allentown Hospital. Dr. Candio is the son of Mrs. Josephine Candio of Lyndhurst and the late Dr. Vincent Candio whose office on Ridge Road, ajso Lyndhurst The baby’s mother, the former Mary Am Kozarich, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Kozarich of Court Avenue. Lyndhurst

Begins 34th

Arthur Bates Paulmier, Organist and Choirmaster of Grace Episcopal Church, Rutherford, for the past 34 years, is beginning his 35th year, this month in that position there. He is held in high esteem for his artistic organ registrations, im­ provisations and as choir director of the Juiior and Senior Choirs of the Church. He is a gifted teacher of piano and organ and his students often travel a distance to study under him. EXiring his years at Grace Chirch he has made choir rehearsals both interesting and instructive for those privileged to sing in his choirs Many have gone on to further their music studies He has seen many of his Junior Choir mem­ bers march <)own the aisle to the tune of the wedding march during his years with the church A graduate of Lafayette College and the Guilmant Organ School, he is an Associate Member of the American Guild of Organists and a Fellow of Trinity College. London Elect Cooney To Red Cross ■The Board of Directors. Rutherford Chapter. American Red Crass at its r«pnt meeting elected John M . Cooney of North Arling- to the unexpired term of Charles W Palmer.

1 Coohey is treasurer of the File Co. of America He was the ■ of the North Arling- Voiunteer emergency [ and is presently its [Officer. be First Aid . foe Ratherford which serves the eptnmunlteli .of Nroth Arlington. Rutherford 1^ I H I What Occupies A Police Department The Rutherfard Police week during the period of calls included 25 larcenies. cases of break and entry in. sons. 72 Park Ave. Ta* office 11:14 A.M.*—M alicious Department received some- October 3, 7 A.M. to October 23 auto accidents. 12 calls The following are just a few Monday. October 3—3* 7:54 P M —Malicious 2 18 P M —Dispute. 188 mischief. 131 Hacfcatt PI. MO calU for assistance last 10. 1 P.M. Some of theae for the ambulance and I of the m any calls that cam e calls. damage. Preble and Jackson Ave 1:14 P.M .—AmtKManee. M l 7 :4 7 A M —Malicious Stuyvesant Ave. 2:33 P M —Aito accident: Orient Way , w ..mischief. B. Altman's 0:41 P.M.—Tenant dispute. Grauso & Testa, over $200 5 05 P M-Dispute, ir driveway. 28 Spring Dell. damage. Grand and Hobart Prospect PI TWENTY DOLLAR VALUE COUPON 8:30 A.M.—Officers out of 11:30 P M.-Malicious Aves 7:35 P.M .—Disorderly 0 town, funeral escort in damage. Boing Springs 3:08 P.M.—Fire, Highland group. 38 Beech 9t. U m h w U« at Tim* of Purchase Only. Ridgefield. Bank Cross and Rte 17. 9 20 P.M.—Odor complaint. 9:14 A.M.—Break & entry. • 1213-A M-Noise tfom- 6 23 P M —Larceny o f, Kip Ave. parking lot. f t 280 Park Ave PLASTIC O n l y 1 plaint-knocking. 75 St Clair bicycle. 521 Stuyvesant Ave. 10 29 P M - A ito accident: 10:« A.M.—Grand larceny, Ave 7:17 P.M —Malicious M iraglia, 1 dog injured. c o u p o n a 300 Rutherford Ave. 1 23 A. M —Malicibus damage. 175 Prospect PI Beech and Sunderland Avea. SLIP 12:10 P.M.—Aito accident: mischief-t^ee broken. E 9:40 P M .—A ssist E 1130 P.M .—Keep the peace, p u r c h o a o a Collaro & Steele, under *100 Passaic Ave between Ridge Rutherford Police. 243 8 Grove St. COVERS damage. Riverside Ave. Rd and Sylvan St. Sylvan St 1:44 A.M—Suspicious per­ 3 PC. KT 1:20 P.M.—Ambulance. 200 Tuesday. October 4—32 2:43 A.M.—Investigation. son. 4 Meadow Rd F i Park Ave. calls 444 Edgewood PI 3:13 A.M.— Malicious 4:35 P.M —Aito accident 10:18 A M —Break It entry. Wednesday. October 5—28 m ischief. 100 E. Passaic 575 RIDGE RD. N. ARLINGTON, N.J. Gluhm It Wetter, over <200 47 Park Ave. calls Ave. damage. W. Erie Ave. bet­ 10.29 A.M—Petty larceny. 9 07 A M —Auto accident 5:03 A. M.— Larceny-! ween Park and Union Aves Borough Hall Simonelli & Schench, over arrests. Jackson Center. 6:33 P.M.— Suspicious per- 12 45 P.M —Bank escort. *200 damage. Chestnut St Thursday, October •—34 calls 8:10 A.M.—Auto accident: Montgomery, Perez. Duffy 6 West, over (200 damage. 1 injured. Rte 3 Kastbound 9 58 A.M —Petty larceny. 9 Hawthorne St 11:29 A M —Oxygen, It Clark Ct. 11:42 A M —Aito accident: parked-Leahy I t inknown, over $200 damage. W Passaic Ave SALE TODAY THRU SATURDAY. O C T . 1 5 . 127 P M —Suspicious per­ son. Mountain Way and Woodland Ave 1 50 P M —Soliciting II summons issued). 82 Home Ave SAVE 13.95 W ith Rebate 415 P M —Unruly youths. Sylvan St and Spring Dell 5 05 P M —Malicious mischief. Lincoln School 6 09 P.M.—Alto accident: Doilon & Sacks, over 8200 PITTWAY damage. 90 Jackson Ave la ta x 9:40 P.M —Ambulance. 137 FIRST ALERT Woodland Ave 10 50 P M —Petty larceny. Professional 88 Park Ave. \ F ire & 12:26 A.M.—Assistance-keep the peace. 21 M^>le St. S m o k e 1:04 A.M —Assistance. Park jC Ave near Ames Ave. D e te c to r 1 49 A.M.—AUto accident: SALE PRICE $24 Chowansky I t Perine. over LESS REBATE $5 $200 damage. Rte 3 West­ bound. 3 35 A.M.—Injured man. 256 YOU Union Ave Friday, October 7—3* ACTUALLY calls. PAY 9:17 A.M—Burglar alarm. 21 The Terrace 11:38 A M —Petty larceny. • Battery operated • U l_ listed • Gives the earliest poaaHWe 82-84 Park Ave. . Warning of fire in your home 1:10 P.M —Auto accident: parked-Schroeder & in known over $200. Park Ave 125 P.M —Suspicious per­ son. Borough St. 4:57 P M —Noise com­ plaint: barking dog. 112 Park Ave. 5:54 P M —Break I t entry. Montross Ave. 8:22 P.M —Assistance (4 arrests}. Lincoln Park 9 03 P.M.—Auto accident: Deutacher. 1 injury. Donald­ son and Riverside intersec­ tion 12:58 P M —Alto accident: Dozier & Hdwig. over $200 damage. 3 injured. Rte 17 North at Highland Crass. 1:34 A M-Ambulance. 52 Clark Ave 3:50 A.M.—Noise complaint. 58 Ettrick Terrace. Saturday. October 8—40 calls. 7:07- A.M.—Petty larceny. 7 Station Square 8:13 A M —Malicious mischief. 183 Wheaton PI. 9 03 A M —Larceny from motor vehicle: recovered, 143 Mountain Way 10 37 A.M —Funeral escort. St Mary 's Church 11:33 A M —Dispute. Memorial Field (football game). 12:19 P M —Aito accident: Romano I t Fromm, over $200 damage. 2 injuries. Rte 17 Sotth ramp and North service road.

1 ^ f O l . . ANTIQUES I AIII X S \ ! f

Ol tnhrr • ' V 12 - T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 13. H77

perfect musical for the en­ P aper M ill A udience W ill G reet Ed A m es tire family |G erm an Fasching W eekend Scheduled At G reat G orgel Angelo Del Rossi, and Hollywood star and which include "Freedom,'' A German Fasching In Germany, the Fasching Barthalt Orchestra, both of orchestra has been rated the Executive Producer, at the other members of the cast familiar to audiences from GREASE is currently run­ Festival, complete with ning through October 23 and celebration is a scene of New York City; Casimir number one polka group Paper Mill, is extending an after the performance the popular television com­ happy oompah music, dan­ will be followed by revelry, costume and Wulkowicz and his Mischief three consecutive yean invitation lo the audience on The strong drama takes mercial. "The Flag of cing, entertainment and parade preceding the highly Makers of Reading, pa.. the opening night of place during the Civil War in Dixie,"' "Violets and Silver SHENANDOAH October 2* delicious foods, is scheduled through December IS. The religious Lenten period. Jimmy Sturr of Florida, Singer Brenda Lee will be SHENANDOAH, October 26, the heavily fought over Bells" and "Pass the Cross for Feb 3, 4, 5, at the color­ Box Office at the Paper Mill Bands providing music in­ N.Y.. and Frank Yankovtc on hand to take the enter­ to meet Ed Ames, handsome Shenandoah Valley in to M e" and the rousing dan­ ful Playboy Great Gorge Playhouse is open Monday clude the Bavarian B araa of Cleveland, Oh. The Sturr tainment spotlight. television, stage, recording Virginia Appealing songs ces make SHENANDOAH a Resort and Country Club in through Saturday from of Nassau, N.Y., the 10:00 McAffee a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and on Knickerbockers and Adam Sunday from 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. to accommodate the overwhelming number of The BEST in FOODS reservations for GREASE and SHENANDOXH. If you and LIQUORS BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON ( 7 ^ DON’T FIGHT! have had difficulty in HAPPY HOUR 4 to 6 PM reaching the Box Office at l The finest in Italian Foods / (201) 3764343, please call HUETTEMANN’S again k Hot Sandwiches Italian Dishes / There’s plenty of Delicatessen and Grocery ^ OHMS ‘YUM CHA’ O iir B o o k 226-226‘A Paterson A*enue East Rutherford, N J . for everyone! S h e l f ALI. KINDS OF GERMAN STYLE BOLOGNA Imported & Domestic Table Luxurious A Specialties ALL-ARTS

"Clowns " by John Towsen WE FEATURE POPULAR BRAND OF presents Romberg's Before you know it you're there, at the Jade Fountain (Hawthorn Books. $14.95) is YUM-CHA table Just minutes away from the stadium, a delightful history of fools Beers - Wines * Liquors I yet out of this world in atmosphere and dining enjoyment and jesters, medieval “The STUDENT PRINCE” mimes, jongleurs and min­ Try YUM-CHA our Oriental delicacy The "all-you- BEVERAGE COOI.ED b> Y1o4rrn Rrfrigrration j can-eat " Chinese smorgasbord (served Mondays strels. Pueblo Indian delight Sot.,Oct. 15, 8:15P.M. Son., Oct. 16, 3:00P.M. makers and Cheyenne con- & Tuesdays) an assortment of intriguing Cantonese and Sot., Oct. 22, 8:15 PM. Son.,Oct. 23, 3.00 PAA. taries, harlequins and Polynesian dishes So light, so tasty, you will never break Pierrots, theatrical buffoons, training Before or after the game, enjoy dinner at the zanies, and circus tramps hrah Hwse Auditorium Jade Fountain And it won't cost you a fortune cookie! * JB'S Until now. no one has at­ 32 Hdp Rud, Rutlwrfird tempted a comprehensive survey of the clown throughout history and L o u n g e Information-Reservations 438-3569 throughout the world John Towsen provides a lively and amusing accoint of clowns STARTING WEDNESDAY from their earliest ap­ and every W ed., Thurs., Fri. pearances up to and in­ cluding some of the best con­ temporary clowns CLbWNS is richly Lunch A 60 GO illustrated with over 200 12 noon - 2 P.M . blackandwhite photographs, rare period prints, posters HALLOWEEN PARTY and paintings, plus 32 color plates Oct. 29-Costume Prizes, Buffet iMfc — P K Thomajan Open For Lunches D aily

M o n . - S a t . 1 1 a.m . - 3 p.m . leva™* Bu- LINCOLN Arlington a98 4644 KITCHEN OPEN NIGHTLY MON. THRU SAT. i h m j t u h m y 318 Belleville Turnpike g n u i s S m ■CH A UU a m is ■ I No. Arlington 991-9694 M o d e ro n u , n t a i n 4 B t t l . "The Originators ot Yum Cha" 602 Ridge Road | 321 River Road NORTH ARLINGTON CLIFTON ,oP0 * 7 , 1 3 * 1 3 S m x M SATUBOAr 1.43-7 13 *13 991-5377 I 473-0177 WAV 1.30-3.30-3.30-7.30 *30 fJ^arruE $ no.

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Theodore J. Wales, O b itu a r ie s Kearny Publisher fTheodore J. Wales, the University of Alabama.1 B eatrice G olem biew ski D ies, publisher of The Observer, He also was a former em­ died last Friday night at ploye of the Internal Memorial Hospital in Revenue Service Form er Lyndhurst R esident Hollywood. Fla He was 63 As publisher of The Ob­ Stricken two weeks ago at Mrs. Beatrice Golem- In Lyndhunt she had Survivors Include two server. Mr Wales was biewiki, whose husband, his Hollywod. Fla . home. dedicated to service for the been a' charter member of .daughters. Mrs. Sheila Mr Wales underwent major Clarence, served on the tbe Evening Department of Browder of Long Branch community The smallest Lyndhurst Board of surgery last week item mailed mention in the the W man's dub and was and Mrs. Amy Frati of Mr Wales, who had lived Education, died Saturday Mantua; a brother, Alfred columns of Hie Observer once its chairman. at 5 Clinton Ave in Keamy night in Fitkin Memorial D. Mum of Lyndhunt and a and. under his direction. Hoapital, Neptune, of com­ Mrs. Golembiewski s late for 10 years had been The Observer served as the sister, Mn. K. Ruzika. residing in Florida for the plications She was 57 years mother, Mrs. Amy The funeral waa Wed­ mouthpiece for activities in old. McKinley, was a well past year He. however, the West Hudson-South nesday at the Damiano commuted to Keamy at A native of Union Qty, known Lyndhurst school Bergen area Funeral Home, Long Bran­ least once a month Mrs. Golembiewski lived in teacher for many yean. ch. He became publisher of Once a top polo player. Lyndhunt until tl years ago the Observer in May 1075, Mr Wales in recent yean when she moved with her A HAPPY DAY. Isuh Conti is shown on his 100th birthday last fetiruary when ha succeeding the late Ralph limited his athletic ac­ husband to West Long Bran­ , celebrated among four gonorations of his family. At tha for left is Albert Jr. with his Bever. who had died in tivities to golf He boasted ch. Gabriel Tufano, Always • daughter, Jennifer. Albert Conti stands to the right of his father. December 1974 an eight handicap and in In West Long Branch Mrs. Joining The Observer 1974 he was chairman and Golembiewski resumed Ready To Help Neighbors staff in 1M7. Mr Wales ser- champion of the annual golf many of the activities she A busy man who always He waa a member of St. Louis Conti Is Dead began in Lyndhurst. She had time to do a favor for a Mary’s R.C. Chirch. was president of the West friend died last Thursday in Mr, Tufano alao belonged Long Branch Woman’s Club River'side Hospital, to the National Education Marked lOOth In February and was past chairman of Secaucus. Association, the New Jeney the Evening Membership of Louis Conti, a msn who well known contralto. A mass was said for him Education Association, and the Woman's Club. He w as G abriel B. loved every day of the 100 Mr. Conti was bom in Tuesday in Our Lady Queen the Secaucus Teachers yean he lived, died Friday Naples Feb. IS. 1S77. and of Peace Church from Tufano. 41, of Rutherford. Aaociatkm. Mrs. Majewald Mr. Tufano was main­ in West Hutton Hospital, came to this comtry at the Parow funeral Home. tenance supervisor for Surviving are Ma wife, the Mr. Conti spent a joyous turn of the century. He set­ Burial was in Holy Cross Services were held Friday Eastern Airlines and taught former Catherine Agostino; Feb. II when he celebrated tled in Providence, R.I., Cemetery. for Mrs. Aniela Majewski, in the Secaucus schools. two sons, Gabriel M. and his 100th birthday. There where he practiced his 78, who died Tuesday in the Mark K., both at home; Ms were four generations of trade of weaving. Community Medical Center, A resident of Rutherford 12 years, Mr. Tufano had mother, Theresa Tufano of Contis present Mr. Conti's sons, Albert Mrs. Robertson Morristown. Mr. Conti, a retired become popular among bis Jersey City; a brother. and Horace, came to New Mrs. Majewski was bom weaver, lived with his son Services were held Mon­ neighbors for his firendly, Joaeph of Little Falls, and a 'Jersey to find employment. in Poland and came to this and daughter-bt-law, Albert day for Mrs Emma M helpful attitude sister, Ann Siciliano of Albert as a chemist for country 60 years ago, set­ Rutherford. and Vera Conti in their Public Service. Horace in Robertson. 93. who died tling in Wallington. She North Arlington home since the Public Health Service. Thursday in the Passaic- lived in Mine (fill for the Mrs. Edwards Maas was Tuesday in St they were married 31 years Despite the advancing Clifton Nursing and Con­ past year. She was a Mary's Church, with burial ago. He shared their love years Mr. Conti maintained valescent Home, Passaic parishioner of Most Sacred Mrs. Rose Edwards. 81, in Holy Croaa Cemetery, died Thursday in St. Mary for music. Albert Conti is a keen interest in life. The Mrs Robertson was bom Heart R.C. Ctnrch, Walling­ North Arlington. noted in the area as he ser­ Italian language newspaper. in New York City and lived ton. Hospital, Passaic. Mrs Edwards was born Collins—Calhoiai Funeral ves as concert master for II Progresso. was delivered in Wood-Ridge for three Her husband, Karol, died to him daily. He read it with years, Troy, N Y., for 33 in Jeney City and lived in Home, 19 Lincoln Ave. han­ the Nutley Symphony Or­ ved as advertising previously. keen interest. years and 18 years in tournament sponsored by Wallington for the past 60 dled funeral arrangements. chestra and his wife is a manager, managing editor She is survived by a son, Mr. Conti was a member Rutherford before moving the West Hudson-South y e a r s . S h e w a s a and co-publisher for 10 Edward J. of Wallington; of sons of Italy Lodge 120 in to Lyndhurst a year ago Bergen Chamber of Com­ parishioner of Most Sacred years Literally a self-made two daughters. Mrs. Ed­ Newartt. merce Heart R.C. Chirch and was Her husband, the Rev man. Mr Wales gained ward (Victoria) Zak of Gif­ Besides his sons he is sur­ Active with many a member of its Living Vincent Zales Jr. Was Builder John, died in 1925 prominence in the field of ton and Mrs. John (Mary) vived by a daughter. Olym­ organizations. Mr Wales Rosary Society. advertising Kwasnik of Mine Hill; a pia Cicerone of Oklahoma She is survived by a was a former president of Her husband. James, died Vincent A. Zales. once a Hospital He Ii ed in Little Starting his career with J brother. Joaeph Grzywna in City, Okla , three grand­ brother. Albert Piratzky of the West Hudson Kiwanis previously. busy builder in the South Falls a year after living for Douglas Gessford of Poland, three sisters. Mrs. Lyndhurst Club He was a member of Surviving are two Bergen area, ded Thursday mire than 60 years in Lyn­ children and one great gran­ Newark, he represented Anna Maj, Mrs. Katarzyna The funeral was at the the North Jersey Country daughters. Mrs Joseph in Passaic General dhurst dchild. His wife, Clarice, New Jersey newspapers in Kluza and Mrs. Elisabeth Steever Funeral Home Club and the Lago Mar (Helen) Billemeyer of died in 1944. the state and in New York. Skal, all in Poland; and Country Club in Florida eight grandchildren. Waretown and Mn. Stephen Mrs. Gavattone Mr. Zales w«s bom in He handled accounts of The funeral was from the (Catherine) Novak of Poland and came to Jersev John C hecki, M em ber O f large chain markets such as Surviving are his wife, the Marion Rossi Cia vat tone. Bamberger’s. Kresge's and former Rita Tortoreti. three Kamienski Funeral Home Wallington; four grand­ Qty 82 years ago. He was a Wallington, with a Mass at children and two 77. died Wednesdsy in self-employed bunder for P r o m i n e n t F a m i l y others. sisters and two brothers 50 years prior to his The funeral was held Most Sacred Heart Church. great—grandchihfc-en. Hackensack Hoapital. Mr Wales studied adver­ The funeral waa Saturday Mn. Ctavettoae waa bora retiremoit 13 yean ago. He John Checki. 66. member Assessor Angelo, Nicholas. tising and sales psychology Monday from the Fred Hun­ Wpa a Wprjd W ar I Arntf fit the well kawm iom ftunt David and Daniel of Lyn­ from the Kamienakl in Maly. She eune to tha at Columbia University, and ter Funerml Home in Funeral Home, with a Mass United States In l»lt and v e te r a n . He w as a family. ,d id ) Monday fn dhurst. Joseph of North retail and marketing under Hollywood Burial also was Mn Isabella SabeUa. SI. parishioner of St. Michael Morton Hospital. Dallas. and Terry of at Most Sacred Heart Chur­ lived in Moonachie before A rlin g to n Prof Vernon Grizzard of in Hollywood 'died Wednesday in Clara R.C. Church. Lyndhurst. Tex. Rutherford and two sisters. ch.. moving to Carlstadt 26 Maass Memorial Hospital. where he served as an usher Bom In Lyndhurst. Mr Mrs. Theresa Pizzo of Lyn­ yean ago. Belleville. James Cyra for many yean. He was Checki. a welder, lived 30 dhurst and Mrs. Marie Mn. Sabella was bqm in Survivng are her son. also a member of the chur- years in Hasbrouck Heights Gudone of Paramus New York and lived in Lyn­ James Cyran. 50, died Charles Rossi of Mahwah; a ch’s Holy Name Society and moved to Dallas two Mr Checki was a veteran dhurst for the past 51 yean. Wednesday in St. Mary daughter. Marie Becker of years ago. His wife, the for- of World W ar II She was a member of the Hospital, Passaic. Carlstadt. 13 grandchildren, His wife, Martha, died in mer Clara Gentile, and two Funeral arrangements Rosary Society of Sacred Mr. Cyran was bom in and 29 great—grand- 1964. sons. John Jr. of Dallas and have been made by the Heart R.C. Church, where Passaic and worked as an chidlren. Her husband, An­ Survivng are a son. Vin­ Ron W of Baton Rouge. Nazare Funeral Home. she was a parishioner She inspector for the Cur- thony. died in 19(1. cent Jr. of Qnerson; two La., survive Ridge Road. Lyndhurst was also a member of the tis— Wrigl^t Corp., daughters. Mn. Constance Other survivors include church’s Trinity Society. Wood-Ridge. for 2S yean Mass will be tomorrow at six brothers, former Tax 9:30 a.m. in St. Joseph's Kabert of Little Falls and Her husband. Vincent, before retiring four yean Mrs. Dorothy Frank of died in 1SS0. ago. He was a parishioner R.C. Church, East Ruther­ ford, with burial in St. Piscataway; two brothers. Royal Brigade She is survived by three of Most Sacred Heart R.C Joseph of Lyndhurst and sons, Charles of Rutherford. Chirch. Joseph's Cemetery. Lyn­ Plans Auction dhurst. John of Toms River; a Mchael of Saddle Brook He is survived ' by two sister. Mrs Helen Snyder of The Booster Club of the and Vincent of Hasbrouck brothers, Stanley and The Diffily Funeral Lyndhunt; and 16 grand­ Royal Brigade Jr. Drum & Heights; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph, both of Wallington; Home, 41 Ames Ave.. children. Bugle Corps will host a Agnes Stellatella of Lyn- and a sister. Mrs. Rutherford has charge of Chinese Auction on Friday, The funeral was Saturday Aiurst; seven grandchildren Genevieve Jankowski of arrangements. Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. at the and two great—grand­ Lodi. from the Ippolito—Stellato Memorial derations to the Funeral Home. Lyndhurst, V.F.W in Hasbrouck Hgts. children The funeral was S atu r­ Price is $2 00 and refresh­ Carlstadt Ambulance Corps with a Mass at St Michael The funeral was Saturday day from the Kamwalki ments will be served from the Nazare Memorial Funeral Home, with a Mass would be appreciated. Chtrch Home, with a Mass at at Most Sacred Heart Chur­ Sacred Heart Chirch ch. STEEVER Funeral Home G e t All Straight Ih lk T he F acts Successor To Collins Memorial t Thoughtful people have always been concerned about Ftinerals 233 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst. N J about prices and saving money. But now, more than front people who want you to know. ever, it is important to get all of the facts before 201-939-3000 making a major purchase. We b eliav * you're entitled to know now tha (acts that, someday, could,affect your decisions whan Sometimes a law price is not the bargain it seems planning a funeral. Dependable Service Since 1929 to be at first glance. It is important to find out vfort PAROW you get for the price. fo we re offering a booklet that explains, In plain language, funeral costs . . . options .. . aad the NAZARE Funeral Home At Ippolito-Stellato, our price always includes the countless details that can add to your confusion Serving Every Religion best merchandise available for the money ... and the aad uncertainty . . . if you're not prepared for most complete, personalized service our trained sterff Memorial Home Inc. HENRY S. PAROW can t JOSEPH M NAZARE. Msn»e»r This booklet doesn't attempt to seU you tnything. D ir e c t o r bat It will give you enough information so yoa 103 ftidge Mood Lyndhunt, N .J 185 Ridge Rd North Arlington can plan wisely. 436-7272 998-7555 Foe yoar free copy visit us or call (at


Another Bureau Is Being Created ORDINANCE NO 16/0 # 5% after 20 yeersof service This sum snail be added to the salary heretofore set forth and shall be paid AN OROINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 14 J2,En»OINANCES at the^eou^lar^pevoer^ i4, subsection 3. paragraphs 14-* which are funds to acquire a per Joan l^semann. Freeholder SUB SECTION X ANNUAL SALARIES OF THE REV SEDOI»DlNANL»> The Women's Rights and Women's Rights Infor­ OF LYNOHHO«.T NEW JERSEY 1966 ADOPTED ON AUGUST U, %ilow*nces. Sick Leave and Vacations' be am ended to read as follows Information Center will mation Center the recipient manent Women's Center in liaison to the Community ’ receive nearly $60,000 in for these Community Bergen County. Development Program a The m em bers of the Police Departm ent shall be entitled te a clothing The Board of Comm issioner s ot in* Township o* Lvndho allow ance tor the calendar year of 197 7 in the am ount of 1300.00 for the care, Development funds from The intended center, in The establishment of a Community Development and State of New Jeri*y Ho ordain as follows iraar aoh 14 * ' Annual m aintenance and replacement of uniforms. addition to its informational permanent center ad­ SECTION 1 Thai Section 14. Sybs*tUon_ Program funds to establish a each of the six Community Salaries of the Hevi»ed Ordinance o'iT5'V£l.5..SV ",ndl».r« ,> «"■>» and referral service, will ministered by the Women's amended to read as follows riMirtment are b The member sof the departm ent shall be entitled to vacation benefits as permanent women's center Development Regional Com­ a The annual salaries of the members of the Police Department a provide meeting rooms, a f o llo w s in Bergen County, mittees." Mahalick said at a Rights Information Center hereby established for the years 1977 as follows library and office space for will provide exposure as well Freeholder Deputy Director press conference • A srff J a n u a r y 1, 1*77 M ore than 6 months but less than 1 year ot service 5 working days women's groups and women $19,200 00 Doris Mahalick announced The Women’s Rights Infor­ as access to the many C h ie f M ore than 1 year but less than 5 year sof service 10 w or* m g da vs owned enterprises as well as IS.500 00 M ore than 5 years but less than 15 years ol service 15 werte i ng da vs women's organizations af­ Deputy Chief 17.100 0 0 Wednesday mation Center which has C a p t a in s M ore than 15 years but less than 20 year sof service 20 working aa vs a place for women to sit and filiated with the eenter," Lieutenants 16.400.00 M ore than 20 yearsbut less than25 vearsof service. 25 work ing da vs. The resolution we are in­ been operating since 1973 as 15.700.00 have a cup of coffee with a Freeholder Joan Steinacker Sergeants. Defectives M ore than 25 rear set service: 30 working days troducing and will/approve an information and referral Patrolm en (0-1 vr.) 11.400 00 friend '’ siad Freeholder noted, adding. "Many 12.900.00 today will designate the service is expected to use the Patrolm en (1-2 *rs.) 13.900 00 Patrolm en <2-3 v*s.) Vacation benefits shall accrue and be determ ined as of the anniversary groups providing vital ser­ 15.000.00 Patrolm en (over 3 vr s.) date of employment of each year No member shall be entitled to 5 days vices remain uiavailable to vacation for 6 months service unless hired prior to April 1. 1977. All other provisions of wragraeh 2 4 12 of the Personnel Policy Practices and the public because they lack Regulations of the Township of Lyndhurst ' shall apply to member* of the k H aband Surplus O utlets^ 0 |„ to tl* sal*r,.i »' *»>» n u t K M » ' • • " Police Departm ent except as modified bv this paragr aph. established offices, which w . are '“'1 "">• «">*»«« •' " annual sum ,s 00o«- and abovr Ih... regular u l.n .t Tl»» » > »i.ll b. c The m em bers of the departm ent shall be entitled to 13 paid holidays per this grant will help provide annum which shall include the following New Year s Day. Lincoln s Birthday. "This administration has — - » W ashington's Birthday. Good Friday. Easier Sunday. Memorial Day independence Day. Labor Day. Columbus Day. General Election Day EXECUTIVE^ 1 long been concerned over the OeM rrnwnt Mull » m t.w e to r.c „« an aaa.lion.Ic.tnpw.M M nol $«M 0~r I annum lor .. cla.m w a grao. ol C Of b « t « r Paym ent of holidays *tall be m lieu of the com pensatory tim e off for any OUTFITS IN , holiday worked All holiday pay shall be included in the base salary for all men 1 I County. We established a ""“ T in action to tl» lalan.i ano otnar comoaniat.on M lorth h.r.m . for pension and retirem ent purposes SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this Commission of the Status of U ltra than oa pa,a to each regular , lull t.m e m em ber ol me Police Departm ent, Get the SUIT JACKET. I an additional sum based upon his annual salary as follows ordinance are hereby repealed Women a year ago to in­ 1°o after 4 years of service SECT ION 4 This ordinance shall take effect after publication according to 2°o after 8 years of service la w TWO PAIRS OF SLACKS, J vestigate women's needs," 3° e a f te r 12 years of service O ctober 13. 1977 Freeholder D. Bennett 4 ^ 0 a f te r 16vearsof service and the ■ Mazur said TWO-WAY VEST j

4-Piece W ardrobe!! IVear it 6 D ifferent Ways | ALARM A new 2 or 3 Piece OutfitU for everyday at the office! and Sunday for ONL Y § SYSTEMS 4 3 8 - 9 5 0 2

Bogle Inc. Lyndhurst Realtors & Insurors All Pieces 100% Top Quality | Woven Polyester!! £ NORTH ARUNGTON RESISTS WRINKLES! 300 Stuyvesant Ave., $52,900 Ths SUIT JACKET.: Youthful _ Lyndhurst A vary special four bedroom Cup* Cad with garage in desirable north and tac­ looking 4' : notched lapels, inset ■ tion. First Hear features spocious carpeted living roam, eat in kitchen, tiled breast pocket, 2 side flap pockets, j 2 handy inside pockets, center bathroom and tw o h»droam« on fint floor. There are two carpeted kadrooim on mo t A 1 T O R Tel: 939 1076 hack vent, fully lined, and it’s the second. Inspect and submit your offer. BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED in j Shorts, Regulars, Longs. X-Longs, and Portlies. Sizes 36 to 54. $57,900 Th. TWO PAIRS OF SLACKS. Two Family — Top ef the Hill location. A beautifully op pointed four room apar­ Matching check pattern and contrasting solid. Botn tm ent with three spacious rooms on second, two car garage. have Ban-Rol* no roll waists. Talon* zippers, 2 deep pockets. 2 back pockets, Hookflex closures. Both JHeya# «SV>fca/ce are lOtTr N0 4 RO N ! Waists: 29-54. Inseams: 26-34. Tbe TWO W AY VEST: Check pattern one way or LYNDHURST reversed to solid color. Wear as a Banker's 3-Piece Suit _ vest or reversed in the sporty accent style. 232,038,7 581 $58,900 No-Fault Divorce Beautifully appointed six reem home, detached garage. Top ef tho Hill. You ^ h . WHOLE < SET COM PLETE lor $64.9571 FEE $325 PLUS COURT COSTS «, SHERIFFS will like the lew I BELLEVILLE FEES (APPROX $125 ) GRAND UNION CENTER Commercial — $122,500 wee. Next te M i. let IOO « ISO JORALEMON AND \ - ARTHUR D PAJONK Ridge Road — Suitable for professional ATTORNIV AT LAW together with two family dwelling and garage M A IN ST. I b jr> B I P G E N B L V D . R lO G tF IE L D . N .J 07 fe‘j CALL 943-4377 OR 18715*4 SURPLUS OUTLETS, 759-9116 For Additional Information or Appointment O'CONNOR AGENCY R e a d MEMBERS ARLINGTON-KEARNY AND SOUTH BERGEN MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE A SAVINGS PROGRAM T h e 600 RIDGE ROAD, NORTH ARLINGTON REALTORS 998-3600 Is Your. KEY To Happiness! RUTHERFORD

1 FAMILY COIONIA1 RUTHERFORD 5 0 X 100 lot. in residential area. First floor contains,' AN ADOKiSS TO IMPRESS living room, dining room, kitchen and 3 bedrooms and ■LP IT HAPPEN Imagine owning this gracious 10 room colonial in one af balh on second floor. Home in excellent condition. Rutherford's mast prestigious locations. This spacious 5 ONLY $ 49 ,5 00 Build Your Life The Way You bedroom colonial features 2 full baths, first floor family room with aulhonlic cathedral ceiling, banquet size WORTH ARLINGTON OFF BELLEVILLE PIKE Want By Securing Your Future dining room, hugs living room with antique fireplace, The South Bergen Savings Way! and spacious entrance foyer. Tour this professional/ lan­ 1 Woof, Living. No slars lo dimb. Ideal for retired couple or dscaped 100* X.175' estate today. starter home, living room contains bnck fireplace with bull in book cases, Formd iftnng roam, kitchen, 2 bedrooms A tile JUST USTED - $ 5 2 ,9 0 0 . balh. Attic can be finirfwd into 1 ar 2 rooms. I Cor | Convenient to schools and trorap art^ion. Exceptional vdue describes this large 4 bedroom home 5.47?” = 51? $49,900 on on oversized 75' X 100* lot. Beautiful naturof chestnut Earnings Compounded Only trim throughout, wood burning fireplace in dining room, RENTALS' Ooy of DoponI lo Day of W ithdrawal large eat-in kitchen, and ipaciaut living room. C dl now. NORTH ARUNGTON - 2Vi Rooms & bath. $ 175. All utilities. Adults preferred. $ 5 9 .9 0 0. I Om tJrmJt h id Qmsrltriy’ NORTH ARUNGTON - 5 Modem rooms and balh. $275 plus Call now on this chu rning 3 bedroom colonial with new heat. — F s a c modem eat-in IcMchen. new tile balh, and lovely inground OPEN 7 DAYS pool. Taxes just $990. W E E K D A Y S to I P .M . SATURDAY « SUNDAY to $ P.M. [ARMINGS PAYABLE QUARTERLY m O M M M JfS We have a gcyd sdactian of 2 family homes Parting as MEMBMS OF 2 BOARDS OF RtAlTORS Higher Earning Savings low as $35,000. O'HARA AGENCY

Certificates Available 132 Ridge Read, Berth Arlington ELLWOOD S. NEW, INC. 998-2916


Urdlcalee le M rr Petlret Cerr S m

MtOmSKMAl NURSING STAR • AGIO NEHAMITATKM PROGRAM ’OTSKAL TMtAPY • CONVAUSCINT • OWNICAUY HI SOUTH OKVeOf FRACTURf EQUIPMNT I • POST-CrfRATIVi SPfCIAl 0KTS r ■CAUat - IMSUROR 250 Valley Boulevard 20 Willow Street 23 Park Plata, BloomfMd 7 4 3 - 7 7 7 2 Wood-Ridge, N. J. East Rutherford, N. J. 4 # Chestnut St., Rutherford 9393400 9395500 *'!»> ^ ese m a a •> "J. * tomkm M r*, SAVINGS PWIeeee>nei Cue « .. Mom « l, ijjS-,i O tr n m m M T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 11, O T 7 - 29

NORTH ARUNOTON NEW LISTING RUTHERfORO O n . family, 7 an., aluminum RUTHERFORO Big Colonial! •-ding. Kmc* kHdan. With Loads of Charm! 1 -ou$ bedrooms on 24 Orient Way Rutherford house is the buy of tho year for firi) floor. CH only. Second floor hot 5 extra large UEAlTOW' $62,900 roomi Other features 4 Modem 9 3 9 - 4 3 4 3 room apt in basement, garage, »eperate hoot, h/w, beautiful residential aroa. ABBOTT Asking $112,000.

REALTORS 9 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 Open Eves A Sundays ABBOTT' 70S Rid ge Rood As m Lyndhurst, Now Jersey

REALTORS 9 3 3 - 3 3 1 3 Opon fves. A Sundays 70S Ridge Rood RUTHERFORD HOMETOWN AGENCY'S Lyndhurtt, HOME OF THE WEEK STATELY COLONIAL WITH 3 BEDROOMS Totally North Arlington modem eat-irvkitchen. Full bath. 2 Half baths, den and family room. Extremely well kept home. JUST LISTED Maintenance froo inode and out this lovely 6 large mocbm room PRICED TO SEU AT $ 7 1 ,5 0 0 Cope Cod, 3 bedrooms, extra large family room with fireplace and sliding glass door, 2 air con­ ditioners oil on first floor. Plus Q h I u i k spoce for 2 large roorht an second floor. Finished basement. New furnoce. Aluminum siding 21 Many extras. Excellent location. Must See t . T ^vWy f91" * Av* this 1 family i. situatod en la,. 50 AW. VAN WINKLE & CO. Asking S59.900 X I SO p lo t I features living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms A birth on first floor, J ("Every office independently owned and operated.") T O M S AVAILABLE *" « “"W -* •«•»«•— I", porfe* mortw 4 SEE VINCE AND ( f CONVINCED dowghter arrangement. Call nmr. Wo havo tho key. O w n . arwiovs for quid, 2 Station Square, Rutherford 9 3 9 -0 5 0 0 VINCENT n o r ™ ARUNOTON - Lovely Bungalow Excellent residential location. AUTERI Features living room, kit chon, 2 Redrooms * ceramic HU bath on 1st floor. RRICK I ALUM. SIDED CAPf COO. CONSISTS OF Ut. REAL ESTATE RUTHERFORD Urge finished room upstairs. Finished basement. Attached garage. Owners COMB. KIT — DINETTE, 2 RTS, ENT. FOYER FAMILY ROOM, RATH « OFFICE OR 3RD RR. 2ND FL HAS 2 RTS i 476 Rivende Avo 933-0306 have purchased retirement home. MUST SELL Call for Perfect home for professional use or IAROI WALK IN CLOSET RN BASE. W/REC RM. 1 OR.» mother/daughter. RATH « LAUNDRY RM. NEW FURNACE WITH 4 ZONE LYNDHURST - 3 rooms, mod HEAT. LARGE SO* X 100* LOT. EXC. LOCATION. CLOSE TO bath. $200 mclues H/HW RENTALS Located near all transportation. 1st Floor LR., SCHOOLS « TRANSPORTATION. D.R., Kitchen, 1 Bedroom, enclosed heated parch ______PRKH> RIGHT AT $09,900. NORTH ARLINGTON - 3 LYNDHURST - three room a p t. - Nice location, d e e e to a n d full b a th . 2nd Floor h a s L.R., Kitchen, 2 rooms, $200 includes H/HW. shopping. Heat It Hot water supplied. Available new. $115.00. B edroom s a n d full bath. PROPERTY SOLO; THE 1 FAMILY AT 172 FERN AVENUE NORTH ARLINGTON - 2 LYNOHURST HAS REEN SOU) BY HOMETOWN AOENCY studio opts, unfurnished. $235 THROUGH THE COOPERATION OF SAVINO AGENCY Three room apartment. Very modem, convenient location. v. I. and $ 2 1 0 per month plus utilities. PRICED TO SEU ANO THE SOUTH BEROEN MU. $ 2 3 0 .0 0 . AT $69,900 LYNDHURST - 4 mod rms. $275 plus utilities. UST WITH US ANO GET READY TO MOVE'------FOUR ROOM AFT. - Completely decorated — move in condition, 2nd floor — OPEN 7 DAYS - Mon.-Fri. 9-9 MEMBERS OF SOUTH BERGEN M LS. LYNDHURST - 5 mod. rms. Heat, hot water, gas Ml polled by owner, available NOW 34 Hour Phono Service ARUNOTON-KEARNY M LS. $300 includes H/HW. S275.M I « « ., ac I ■> V LYNDHURST - 4 m . includes FIVE ROOMAPT.- Close to New York transportation — excellent JUSTIN REALTY CO. H/HW $275. k ty b & y ® residential location — heat A hot w ater supplied $300.00. REALTOR [H + * LYNDHURST - 3 m». $225. in­ Available Now. bsai-os MOMfraweN0MCT0WN ACOtCYic n cludes H/HW. 300 Union Avo., Rutherford, N.J. (ItfcerW R Yen Oleln 613 RIDGE ROAD 9 3 9 -7 5 0 0 LYNDHURST. NEW JERSEY 07071 O S - JJ7 I LYNDHURST - 6 rms $265 in­ REALTOR' cludes H/HW. D M em ber M.L.S. 0F« J MT» - Ivs M y J l f PJR. E. RUTHERFORD - 1 befrm. H Savino Agency furnished with kitchen & living room privi leges $40 per week. 4 3 8 -3 1 2 0 -1 "ABBOTT REALTOR- 2 5 1 Rjdge Rood Lyndhurtt, N.J. W ll make your home

REALTORS 9 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 a nationally advertised Opon Eves. A Sundays OUR 53rd YEAR 70S Ridge Rood Lyndhurtt, Now Jersey b r a n d . NO. ARUNOTON Buy Thru Nisi Inc. ™ RUTH. ONE LEVEL HOME off Belleville Pike — living room with log burning fireplace with built- 4 Rm. Colonial 32,900 in book cases, dning room, kitchen, 2 good tile botfrooms & tile balh - itairway to at­ Colonial 6 Rms. S5.900 Lovely Tudor 72,900 tic for more rooms — garage — a good buy at $49,900. Two Family 90,900 Roomy 4 Bedrm. 61,900 LYN0. Colon al 49,500 NO. ARUNOTON Cape 47,900 Two Fomily 54,900 NORTH END 9 0% (RICK ONE FAMILY HOME only 2 blocks from Ridge Rood — kxge Funeral Home 135,000 PASSAIC living room, family lize dining room, modem kitchen, 2 berfcooms & tile balh on 1st floor Two Family 45,000 — 2V4 rooms & complete berth on 2nd Roar — steam (gas) heat — ideal for kege or U N IO N CITY related families - will no! last - act today - offered at $64,900 Two Fomily 47,500 H.M, •’ Roocn 6 Rms. 49,000 Two Fomily ■ * ‘ 59,900 KEARNY Young Lgr. Colonial 87.900 7 Rms. Stucco When you need to sell your house, the more 47,900 TRADITIONAL CAPE COO in best rMidential < — qudity home with centrof air con- Stare & Apt. 136,000 publicity it gets the faster it should sell. That’s why cfitioning far mmmer comfort - center hall < W.E. mg* iMh t you need the impact of a CENTURY 21 sign Two Family Mod 74.900 colonial fireplace, family d ie dining room, madam tile kitchen with cabinets and drth- working for you. Hi W ay Property 75,000 wother, paneled family roam, full tile bath, rmw deck on let floor - 3 twin d ie 6 Rm. Colonial Our sign has selling power, because there’s so 59,900 b ed ro o m & tile balh an 2nd Roar with stall thower — gas heat — wdl towaM carpeting Split Level 69.900 much behind it. CENTURY 21 is a name buyers — capper plumbing — 2 20 wiring — white picket (once lets off Ihit delightful home with WAU. recognize as the largest reaJ estate sales organization Cnee. Home 96,900 2 cor garage — excellent opportunity far gracious well appointed re«id»nco — $65,900. Two Fomily 91,500 in North America.The sign means top level One Fomily 45,000 professionalism in ail phases of the transaction. UTTLf FERRY ATTENTION It means fast action, fast results. And it carries all Reduced One Fam. 59.900 NEW fVIM NO HOURS MAYWOOD the advertising power of CENTURY 21. M *0 ., THURS., FM. UNTIL 9 P.M. Lovely One 1 umily 81.900 So sign up the neighborhood professional. AU DAY SATURDAY A CENTURY 21 sign in front Lgr Colomal 69.900 Wfn** “ vifim fi oy AppotnTmtm BUSINESS of your house is a mark Bergen County m of quality service Gas Station 149,000 991-0905 REALTOR buyers recognize. Luncheonette 27,900 Liquor Store 136,000 CHARTER MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ? Rest & Bar 117,500 RENTALS BARNET AGENCY 5 Rms. & Rec. Rm. *475 Mod. V/i Rms *290 777-7420 New 3Vi Rms •350 Garden A p t 4'/* •349 Gordon Apt 3'/j •289 C A U TODAY! ARLINGTON WfeVe Here For \bu.r FRANK P. NISI Each office Is indcpeodt nily owned end operated. REALTORINSURANCE 14 Amos Avenue, Rutherford REAL ESTATl^BI^^TNSURANCI m 431-4421 Hasbrouck Heights 130 MMXAND AVINUE ” ““ lt« ftlvd 288-2676 2 t - T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 13, W 7

The eleven museums of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. D C , hosted over It million visitors last • . . . Leader Classifieds . . . AUTOS FO* SALE AUTO FOR SAW H W WANTED

LYNDHURST - 4 Room , COMMNATION HWt-A-l® ANO Scout - p/•, p/b, air cand., 4 CHINESE AUCTION COUCH, rust color. Hus 1 dial™, wheel drive 25,000 miles, ef Sr. Clast Rutherford Mgh matching color. Saatllce $*3.00. $4500 Coll Pot ot 933-4100. r.H.vot.d kitchen. N I HW « to.king |o i suppli.d. MAORNST School — af cafeteria in Ruther­ Also Xenmere Oas Oryor. NUTLEY AUTO SALES ford High School. Oct. 28th 7 Vlrtuolly now. 1 Toer old. IMP ALA 1972. Sport Stdon. Available Immediately P.M . to 9 P JR . Tickets$1.00. $*S.OO. Cell ***-4151______90 WASHINGTON AVE. V 8, Vinyl roof. Wood groin in­ S37S.OO. *33-144*. SHAPER - OPERATOR Power Steering. Aching, terior FOR iA U lY N D H U tST - 3 mom *p t. can- NUTLEY, N.J. S I 3 0 0 438 7403.______EXCELLENT CONDITION - trolly located near FALL RUMMAOE SALE at • Mint be experienced able lo let up. and n o d blueprint, STEREO, 1 year oM. Spe*ers 1 9 / 3 PONTIAC GRAND SAFARI Rutherford Congregational WAGON - 47,000 mi., 9 included. Brand Nemo, lieyd. prof. Referenct Church, U nion and P rttp t ct , a u t o , p/b, air cond., I I intomcted ea* 434-2771 a l­ po ss pit, coll 939-7773. Place, Rutherford. Thursday, 235-0788 p/w, p/tailgote, am/fm stereo, Oct. 13 - 7 WM. te 9 P.M. and ter 4 M l. 2 new radial*, luggage roc, Friday, Oct. 14-9 AM. to 2 $2400. Call 998- perfect cond. RADIAL DRILL P.M. Quality U sed Cars 9 3 0 8 NORTH ARUNOTON - 2 now PRESS OPERATOR LYNDHURST RUMMAOE SALE - I unfurnished studU apta. $235 Established I I years. Make an Oct. 16th and 17th. 10 a .m te $600 - $1800 •nd $ 1 1 0 e m M k , plu> Must have own tods. Set up and operate. o ffer. C a ll 434-5444. AUTOS 4 :3 0 p.m . e t 185 Montrots utilities. Available Nev. I. Cell 4 3S-aoaS. Ave., Rutherford. SAME LOCATION FOR 10 YEARS m u m * to m r Repossessed DRIVE WAY SALE - Rutherford, INSTANT CASH (or your old liberal company-paid benefits 17 Hackett P I., 3 familie s. An- Equal Opportunity employer-M/F tiquet, appliance*, somethin* 434-4710. TRUCKS FOR SALE AUTO PARTS A s u m i t s 1 YR. GUARANTEE V I(N O N , N .J. - 3 loo m Sum- Apply in Person for everyone. 9 cum. to 4 p.m. mor bwngolo. fleetricty No No early birds. Rain date Oct. newspaper, IBM cords, w ater. 1 0 0 x 2 0 0 lot. $16,000. 22. corrugated boxes. Newspaper ASSUME Call 472-6058. MODERN AUTO drives arranged. Newspapers | ji > r ' i T l Shrivor Division Envirotech Corp. YARD SALE - Oct. 15 8 16th, with magazines $ 1 . 0 0 (per PARTS PAYMENTS 850 Hamilton St., Harrison, N J. 10 e.m. to 4 p.m 735 Third hundred) pounds — CaN 271- CMC TRUCK CENTER D ISC O U N T 2293 Mon. thru Fri. 7 to 5. Sat. 7 to 4. PRICES! WIOOW WANTS APARTMENT - dates Oct. 22 8 23. • BRAKES • M u m m Rutherford vicinity. Write Box NEW ANO USED 210 Nows Leader, 38 Amot Avo., YAM SALE • CLUTCHES • SHOCKS DEALERS WANTED SAT. OCT. IS 10 AM.-5 PAR • MACHINE SHOP DRUMS Rutherford. TRUCK SALES Individuals, mole or female, wanted by I.P.S. for the sale of name hem e e f M rs. Conigko, 23 TURNED HE ADS RE SUU T • Alt* MIVICI 438-2332 brand photo products and processing mckjdmg Grove St., RwfM otd. Logo • HIGH PERFORMANCE MATURE BUSINESS WOMAN 939.7708 939 7790 KODAK WE STING HOUSE variety ef merchendise. 730 Volioy fcoo* A., R.dge *0 PARTS & LABOR desires modem 3 room apart­ American Save an Animal • TOOLS RENTED ment, near transport ahon. H 4 EVEREADY KEYSTONE AQUARIUMS PACT* *3* 77*1 • PAINTS DUPONT & JJS Gutheil * H W sup plied. CoN 212-997- POLAROID HOLSON ALBUMS ME TAl HAKE • MINI BIKES R ein d a te Oct. 22 ANNOUNCEMENTS 6966 or 516-R04-3346 nights Purchase of merchandise only Minimum purchase is $ 5 2 2 7 . Be a part o m S to r 8 weekends. of the fast growing bilkon dollar photo industry. MECHANIC ON DUTY YARD SALE. OlOANVia OVER featuring ever 180 tanks el TRUCK C f N tl* THUCr^ Call Mr Green (Toll Free) 1 -800-848-1200 fresh water 8 salt water, (VASUSMfO 8 7 RUTGiRS ST BKLLCVILII SOO differen t bargai ns. A l 331 Garage, for outo within or a>llect 614-228-1753 tropical fish, alee at discount 1930 OPEN SUNDAY 9AM 7PM Arts I Crafts Flea Market Travers Place, Lyndhurst Sat., WE HAVE 1*8 walking distance of Mt. or write I»UCKS IN STOCK 759 5S55 , „ Oct. I S and Sun., Oct. 16. 10 Sunday Oct. 16th Pleasant Apts., Wallington. Open NR 8 PM . Rutherfartf Annie* Lefiea Call 778-1482. INTERNATIONAL PHOTO SUPPLY a.m . te 4 p.m . CioimJs, llim u* t 164 N. THIRD ST. COLUM BUS, O H IO 43215 YARD AND KEARNY IPETLAND WANTED Na fee Owlets CX POSITION WANTM t4 i o a w i y a v i . — I — — I B GARAGE SALE T o u c h Bibs Auto Parts 22 M 8 25 . KODAK DISTRIBUTOR POLAROID ,KJ. SAT. OCT. 22 10 AM.-S PAR. BABY SITTING Hiah School EVEREADY WANTED HOLSON will pay $60 CYAC Invite* All Singlet 18-35 girl wishes to babysit. Homo of Mrs. Vtllcud, 205 To Their M onthly M eeting on WESTING HOUSE ALBUMS Sylvan Stroot, Rutherford. For Any Full Size Cor Cohv Reliable. $1.25 per hour. Call Oct. 16 For more information 991-1839 Individual Mali; or Fem^iM neHdocj *«.ll o r p ait tim e lo d is ­ Benefit of American Save an f o o t b a l l plete Used ports for all mokes coll Jo e 2 5 6 2 0 7 3 .______Animal League. of cars. tribute world famous Kodak film and other photo products By Paul Swibtnski through company establish*:-! locations Make this your FOUND - EYE GLASSES, Terri 54 Stover Ave. Keamy MISC. SERVICES IRONING A HOME CLEAN­ The North Arlington ING - Woman will clean year lyr independ* n.a- $4996 Ou inve.-.Opent Guaranteed 12 1 9 7 4 Bregen. Purchatod at Fifth Touch Football league com­ * 9 9 1 - 4 2 4 6 house or office. Experienced. montRRnerchandi';t* Rfpurrhase agreement A vonue Shop. C all 939-6462 LIONEL TRAIN References. Reasonable betw een 6 P.M . and 10 P pleted its third week of play Prices subiect to change C A LL Mr Martin (Toll Free) 1 800 8«8 1200 or Collect A614-228 1751 YAMAHA M. a n y t im e Rates. 997-1170. Monday to Friday. 9 a.m to 6 p.m Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. E.S.T. last Saturday REPAIRS Parts sold separately WOMAN SEEKING WORK -tak­ EXCEUINT CONDITION ______ENTERTAR#RENT In the Senior Division, two otwrite FIRESTONE PHOTO CO., ing care of elderly or con­ FIRESTONE BUILDING SINCE 1946 LOWMUAQC undefeated teams battled valescent - light housekeeping,* FRANK ROCHAT 162 N 3rd £t. Columbus. Ohio 43215 $500.00erbeRt offer for first place Eagan's AUTO WRECKERS 6 V» hrs per day. Sloop out. 438- HAVING 408 Route 17 Carlstadt, N .i. . Restaurant came from (New Location) 1PM-4PM 0212 CALL 933-6152" A P A R T Y ? behind to slip past 438-3087 BABYSITTER - Wtth references FOR THK BEST IN Delaney s, 14-13 The losers BiLlS AUTO WRECKERS w ill sit w eekdays in your home. BOOK A TOY & GIFT PARTY UNIFORMS, white end colors, all sixes $5.00. front and bask, M mw * m ie lS f led, 13-6, at halftime, thanks HIGHEST PRICI PAID FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT Call 935-9042. FOR CARS OR TRUCKS Generous A words long line bras. $2.00. Short line to a kickoff return by Aury bras $2.00. Half siso slips half ANY CONDITION LARGE airy room . G en tle m a n I WILL TAKE CARi OF THE Concepcion and a power DEMONSTRATORS ALSO NEEBEB price. Everything dosed out for RAMBLIN’ pr and DAT ED ; OCTOBER 4.1*77 ordinance was introduced and P t O r I S SION Al passed on its first reeding And that 1 4 * . I * AM. to 4 PUBLIC NOT ICE said ordinonce shall be taken up to r * 0 * 0 X 1 0 0 MUSICIAN m i . ™ i n further consideration for final NORTH ARUNGTON - Ultra modem 6 room apt. in 7 PASSAge at a regular m eeting of Ihe PeBMC Nrtteo IS hereby given that at a Regular M eeting ot the Mavor am Cos* Boerd ot Comm issioners to be held year old 2 family. Extra large living room, dMng room. NUTLEY, N J. AUAOCS M llM U cil et ths Bart uO North Arlington, held on Tuesday. O ctober 4. 1*7/. the above on Tuesday. October 25. 1*77 at S 00 OrdMenco eras IwfroQuced and posted on Its first readm e and thot the see Or o'clock in the evening, prevailing master bedroom, and ultra modem eat-in kitchon. $300. 0 7 1 1 0 •Banco M l B e Upen up tor further consideration tor final pessaee at a Regular time, or as soon hereafter as said 9 3 5 - 7 8 7 4 •Recline Cl ttte Maver and Council to be held tt the Council Cham bers. Borov* m atter can be reached, at which Hail, North ArlieoMl. Bergen County. New Jersev sn Tuesday. October ta, 1*77 a t tim e and place all persons *vhu may Bj8 8 BtBI. Or as loon thereafter os the m atter con be reached, at which tim e and be interested therein shall be u v en WOOD-RIDGE — large 4 room apt. i an opportunity to be heard alece OU Persons who m av be interested therein shell be given an ocoort unity to be concerning the same residential neighborhood Heat, hot water and heerd concom ing the some BOARD OP COMMISSI ONERS included. Just minutes to N.Y. and local tram , and shop­ Townshipot Lyndhurst From 10/1710 I l/3a 4l*m.o DOLORESM. HAGGAN ATTEST ping $ 237. A stetoit Boroueh Clerk HERBERT W PERRY day . Monprallt o*. C«N bot- Township Clerk M o n t l L D ated: October 4,1*77 Lyndhurst. Mew Jersey D eted October 13. 1*77 Ellwood S. New, Inc. 939-8000 407-5740 Published: O ctober IX 1*77 Published October 13. 1*77 *M :«1I« F e e *6 40 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11.1*77-27

Brono Garcia liOAL NOTICI Mr. Bruno G erdt, ot SB B a y lis s S t r e e t , N o rth .**•••■*»• *•»»»• •»«mm#Mm*m«n*»r A *>lt>w>» m i fU n W » *♦ ** Officers ot the PI re Deportment ere A TlinglO fl, aiea UCSOOtr 7 tt elected pursuont to tho OrtUnence in St M ichael'l HoiDitAl Wth c i m m i* wdprovnM . Mtf uid ® noipilll, fTt#mb#r* shell tM eopotnteO annually N em rt. H e W M 75. «t lt>e onnuol merino Of the Mavor and Council bv the M ayor with tha advice He Is (urvtved by Ma wife ano i >nsent ol Ihe C o u k II. a n d u o o n former Rafaela Cer- M id aopom iment shall be m em bers ol LEGAL NOTICE WANTED TO BUY said B ureau Our ing the term of their of- deire, a aon, Louis, of lic e . SECTION 2. C haoter34. Section 11 ot METERED FUEL OIL A Enfland; a d a u g h t e r , Mrs. ______beds; plus 1 sdece for each doctor on ""tarry Hhivwcio 'CUSTOM KITCHH the Code ol the Boroutfi ot Rutherford staff; Plus i space for each 3 em­ M R . STE A M HIGHEST KEROSENE DELIVERIES Dolores Hopson of North is hereby am ended to road as follows.■ i ployees other than staff CRYSTAL CABIIKTS BURNERS CLEANEO A Section 3«>tl S. 10 N ursing Nomas Oteil ba at lowed STEAM PRICES Arlington; and four grand­ RECORDSANDFEES in tha zones at tat forth in this or­ • Alto yeur old cabinets SERVICED. children. parking space — one space per 760 Petersen Avenue Said aoolicalion and other at com New Jersey, held October 4, 1977 and UPHOLSTERY CtEAMNO No Fun. Alio Scotch EDWARD J. WIIK JR. resident; plus one space par employee PAINTERS E. Rutherford, N J. oanving data is on die and available tor will ba further considered tor final (c) approval bv the Health D epart­ Guard avail. inspection m the Munn ipai Bulling, passage alter public hearing at a StMm extraction method PAINTING AND m e n t ANY TWO ROOMS 1 & 77B-2777 borough ot Carlstadt New Jer w y regular meeting ot said Mavor and (d> approval bv the Fire Depart­ DECORATING oner to said m eeting Council to be held m the Municipal CALL: BOBZULLO HALLWAY $32.50 77B-B4V2 m e n t CARPENTERS 80 Boiling Springs Ave. Building in said Borough on November (e) approval bv the Construction C all Mr. Allen ■ 4*2-1917 East Rutnerford GANESCHEMICALS. INC 1*. IV ? at S 00o clock P.M. 441-130* 1 ATTRITION — O f f ic i a l . Fully Injured Carlo Engeier. HELENS SOROKA We Will Do Any TOP PRICiS FOR P it M g r SECTION 3. That Article 13 be 933-3272 Boroutfi Clerk am ended to read as follows Odd Jobs! JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS Dated October S. 1977 13.2 DEFINITIONS Copper,1 Brats, Batteries, oated. octooer ij. i*// Rutherlord. New Jersey Hospital — a facility for the No Matter I' Octooei U. I* ' Load.I N ewtpapert • 1.29 general medical and surgical treat­ 100 pounds f e e S J.* 4 Published Octobei U ItJJ - m ent of patients, for in-hospital or oU How Small f=*?e J » f l 7 patient care, but not to include treat­ J. Resciniti 750-4401 to bo dono LEGAL NOTICE m ent tor drug addiction, alcoholism, or How Big 42-44 Clinton St Jutt CaH John m ental health disturbances Anything FINKE BROS. The Job Is 0 ho't the ono. LEGAL NOTICE inconsistent w ith this definition will not CUSTOM BUILDING CONTRACTORS TOWNSHIPOF be considered a perm itted hospital use. Coll now for free et- 750-3020 LYNDHURST Nursing Home — a facility for j m edical or convalescent care or tor COMPLETE HOME REMODELING tim ote & low rc.tev BOARDOF N O T IC E e J C A N T R Ill A ADJUSTMENT long-term care of chroriicallv ill Board of Education ALTERATIONS - ADDITIONS (OMPLITI HOWf IMPROVIMINTS North Arlington. patients, but not to include treatm ent Fully Insured. for drug addiction, alcoholism, or men ■ ECONOMY 2 N O T IC E N e w J e r s e y Alunrinum Siding Wasonry O F H E A R IN G tal health disturbances. BATHROOM - KITCHENS j 2 3 5 - 0 7 8 9 C• 111 ngs (o ro en trv ADVERTISEMENT Transitional Residential Facilities PAINTING _ tem porary living quarters for PORCHES— SIDING— BASEM ENTS Additions New Rooms P l EASE TAKE NOTICE that we FORBIDS Ponennq shall applv to the Board ol Adiustment groups of persons, no more than 4 in num ber, who are still receiving some DORMERS — GARAGES RESIDENTIAL ot the Township ol Lyndhurst on the Project N um ber 01-SI-27023 LANDSCAPING Wf STAND BEHIND OUR WORK 2etn day ot October 19/7 lor a Cer North Arlington Board ot E&ication type of m edical or psychiatric care or FREE ESTIMATES 438-2017 CAll TODAY FOR fRU tilicate ol Approval o« Location mac supervision. NO OBLIGATION ESTIPPATf COMMERCIAL O w n e r SECTiON 4. All ordinances or parts coroonce with ordinance no 1424. sec Sealed bids tor single overall con­ 118 VANDERBURG AVE. RUTHERFORD DAY OK NIGHT FULLY INSIIRIt tione 24(0) of ordinances inconsistent with this or tract bid lor the miscellaneous dinance are hereby repealed as to such LANDSCAPING 0350013 Said ordinance was originally adop- ______alterations ______to various schools. North FREE ESTIMATES led as ordinance no. 1123 on June 4. Ar|,naton, N.J will be received bv the inconsistencies. m aintenance ond design, SECTION 5. This ordinance shall PIANOS expertly tuned, ItS I North Arlington Board ot Education at SNOWPLOWING Call after Tlvs application is ueing made m take effect after passage and repaired, rebuilt, refinished, the oflice ol Board ot Education. 222 publicationasprescribedbv Law connection with block 164. lot 4a lb. Ridge Road. North Arlington. N.J DellaVolpe Brothers Herb Adrian, bought & sold. 3rd genera­ aiso known as 738 New Jersey Avenue 6 P.M. 070J2 until 7 o'clock P.M.. Eastern PUBLIC NOTICE Rutherford, Hew Jersey tion technician. Over 40 years A hearing on the above matter will Time November 7, 1977. and then at Registered Contractors De held on O ctober 2b 19/7 at 8 00 p.m said office publicly opened and read 9 3 5 - 3 4 6 8 of my own experience. Giglio. 033-6712 at the Town Hall. Lyndhurst. New Jer PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given 750-2614 a lo u d that at a regular meeting of the Board Established 1947 The Inform ation tor Bidders. Form ot Com m issioners ot the Township ot A A A HRE ot Bid, Form ol Contract. Plans. MU anUMRS oUSI AVE Lyndhurst. Bergen County. New Jer • UNDERGROUND TANKS & a t LINES INSTALLED MASONRY OVERHEAD GARAGt DOORS Soecitications. and Forms ot Bid Bono. sev, held on Tuesday. September 27. JOHN JURoENS. Perform ance and Payment Bond, and • INSIDE TANKS REMOVED PROOFING • A p p m .tu ts 1977 the above ordinance was in­ e other contract documents may be troduced and passed on its first reading JitOUtfl Ii lv/ • EFFICIENCY TESTING DONE ON BURNERS exam ined at the following and that said ordinance shall be taken SAL MAZZOLA ElECTRIC DOOB OWNERS FIRE RATIO C 8 IL IN G S Lehm an Architectural Partnership. u p lor further consideration tor final $10 - $15 Service MASONRY CONTRACTOR INSTALLED PAINTING - . 301 South Livingston Avenue, Living passage at a regular meeting ot the o Stoops o Patios ston. New Jersey. 07039 and or North Board ot Comm issioners to be held on M cDANIEl ENTTRPfllSES INTERIOR, EXTERIOR. Call ”Jo«" 481-1337 O Fireplacet O Sidewalks LEGAL NOTICE Arlington Board ot Education. 222 Tuesday. October 25. 1977 at 8.00 66 7 4 9 7 6 INSURED. 001-7174. Ridge Road. North Ariiialon. New Jer o'clock m the evening, prevailing tim e, 10/20 e Additions sev. 07032 or as soon thereafter as said m atter FREE ESTIMATES Copies m ay be obtained at the olfice can be reached, at which time and C A L L 822-3074 VENETIAN BUNDS, PLUMBING ft HEATING ORDINANCE NO of Lehman Architectural Partnership place all persons who mav be in­ located at 301 South Livingston terested therein shall be given an op WASHED * REPAIRED. AN ORDINANCE TO AMENO AND Avenue. Livingston. New Jersey 07039 por turn ty to be heard concerning the NOME lMI"ROV*M*NTS upon paym ent ot 150.00 lor each set. al SUPPLEMENT AN ORDINANCE s a m e . CHARLES HUDSON BERGEN CO. Plumbing and Heating ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE TO ter 12 Noon 10 18-77 350 Belleville Turnpike Any unsuccessful bidder, uoon retur ESTABLISH. EQUIP AND B O A R D O F CANGELOSI Keamy S u p p lie t REGULATE A FIRE DEPARTMENT ning such sat prom ptly and m good con COMMISSIONERS PETRELLA I N T H E BOROUGH OF dition. will be relunded his paym ent, T O W N S H IP BERGEN-ESSEX Sinks. Bathtubs A Radiators and any non bidder upon so returning MASON 991-4900 RUTHERFORD. N O . 1 S 3 0 . OF LYNOHURST Elecfrtcal Supplies such a set will be refunded 12S.00. CONTRACTING AMENDING CHAPTER 33 OF THE ROOFING CO. F %t jbl-shed m 191 2 CONTRACTOR MUNICIPAL CODE OF Bidders are required to comply with ATTEST.: Herbert W Perry PIPtS CUT ANO THREADED the requirem entso^P.L. 197SC 127. BERGEN COUNTY GLASS RUTHERFORD T ow nshio Clerk Sidings - All Types D r ’ • The owner reserves the right to Patiot, sidewalks N O W . THEREFORE. BE IT Lyndhurst. New Jersey MIRRORS MADE TO ORDER waive any informalities or to reiect FBiS fitim atei Retaining Walls ORDAINED bv m e Mevor and Counti’ any or all bids Each bidder must ot mm Borough of Rutlwrford Doted October 13.1977 fu/fy Inturid Auto Safely Glass Installed East Rutherlord UCIUM , rBMl- M wt.on 11. w.sntn nffc «.«. bid. —«*•••» security — In *— the W ater Proofing Publish**: O ctober 13.19T7 y j 3 j juitturd Ave Glass For Every Purpose . iu iiTh.r amount, form and stOiect to the con Fee: *48.30 Brick Steps Lyndhurst, N.J Call 93 3 93V J Plumbing Supply ford is hereby amended lo read as j B (< w # rt FREE ISTIMATIS 216 Ridge Road Lyndhurst follows c-rTlrtMM Attention of bidders is particularly 9 3 3 - 4 1 6 9 7 7 8 9 3 9 3 W E 0-0143 eucuB SB i called to the requirements as to con 734 PATERSON AVE INACTIVEMEAABEW5 ditions ol employment to be observed C«i 933-5914 A. Anv active fireman who has Jnd mimmum wage rales to be paid er t33-0tt« EAST RUTHERFORD reached ihe ageotsixt» t Twenty (20) veers active ser FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, FREE EST. 2 8 8 - 5 0 2 0 VARIOUS DISTRICTS ANO • STORM WINDOWS L y n d h u rs t W a x in g vice. One halt e n ot the allowance m AIR CONDITIONERS subsection A lor activeI women PRESCRIBING CERTAIN AND DOORS REGULATIONS AND Interiors & Vinyl Taps ib) Twenty-five (25) veers active • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS C le a n e d oulSSKw.933-3244 service. The tun allowance of subsec RESTRICTIONS CONCERNING THE Serving All North Jersey lion A tor active tirem en. U S E O F LANDS AND THE 438-3663 LYNDHURST Special Rates (2) Anv fireman who becomes an LOCATIONS AND USE OF 438-3359^-^ P ic k u p & FREE ESTIMATES BUILDINGS. TRAOES AND VIOLA inactive member ot the tire depan Delivery Service en yowr m ent must rem ain a resident ot the INDUSTRIES FOR EACH OF SAID ROOFINO A SIDINO Borough ol Rutherlord in order to DISTRICTS. W E t E P A I R 126 Boston Ave AEROPEX BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of BROS. INC. Gutter*. Leaders A Repair* receive the scheduled allowance. Don't wait fer 1B0 W ashington Ave. N orth Arlington. N.J SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall Commissioners of the Township oI e W a t h e r t VACUUMCENTER. Alum. Storm Window*, Doe take etleclon January 1.1978 L y n d h u r s t: Fire — Re-Wire e D r y e r s N utiey 9 9 1 - 2 3 3 4 738 Keamy Aug . Ky SECTION i. That Article 4 be am en Hackensack Reeling Co. NOTICE e R efrigerators The toregomg ordinance was «n dad lo read as follows COMPLETE LINE OF Repairs all make* ef domestic 83 Fir.i St. 487-5050 troduced at a regular meeting oI the DISTRICT REGULATIONS e Freezers vacuum ilsanm We have a AU WORK OUARANTEED M avor and Council ot the Borough of 4.1 USES PERMITTED IN ANV Ji VERONA e Air Conditioners tow new and used deanars Rutherford m the County ot Bergen, DISTRICT Building Materials New Jersey, held October 4. 1977 and b. The following uses mav be E. CROSSLEY SERVICE 6 6 7 - 7 0 0 0 and hoses e»r will be further considered for final established in any district as con­ 667-9371 BERGEN-ESSEX passage after public .hearing al a ditional uses to be granted bv the ELECTRIC regular meeting ot said Mavor and Board of Adiustm ent with reference to RECYCLE Houis Mon to Fri | 6p n ROOFING CO. tat 10 a m lo 5 p m Council to be held m the Municipal the Planning Board: Wiring for e ALL NEWSPAPERS Building in said Borou*) on Neve moor ( 1) private schools, including nur ALUMINUM SIDING Roofing ... Gutters I lt/7 at 8 (luo clock P M light 4 Power SI .25 p e r w ry schools •STORM 9 9 7 - 1 0 7 0 .032 seamless gauge HELENS SOROKA (2) transform er stations. Dumping Specialising in •ADDITIONS hundred pounds Boroutfi Clerk stations or other oublic iMilitv in- WINDOWS FRI! ESTIMATES Dated Octooer S, 197/ staiiations 2 2 0 V Services •CARPENTRY e MAGAZINES FULLY INSURED Rutherlord. New Jerwv 4.4 USES PERMITTED IN RC •STORM Insured •MASONRY e BRASS 1 53 Sanford Avi DISTRICT DOORS KIUEN it tuuer 1 j I »/ e COPTER ..I P u u i'S b. Condi tional uses allowed subiect B ilf If A Fire Alarm •REPLACEMENT a e PAVING FLOOR SERVICE Lyndhurst, N.J. to approval bv the Board ot Adjust­ Inetailotion A e ALUMINUM . m e n t WINDOWS O SANDING 9 3 3 - 4 1 6 9 (DAil uses allowed bv special per _ Maintenance Senior Citizen's Ratei RICHEST PRK(S PAID) O REflNISHINO m i l tn th e R -A d is tr i c t. LEGAL NOTICE 12) Transitional Residential CAU Up Te 7 Years Financing — Free Estimate m u m w a s t i m e . O INSURED F a c i l i t i e s CAU 7 5*-S e i4 ANTHONY J. 4 . 5 CONDITIONAL USES 9 9 1 - 6 5 7 4 DAVENPORT HOME IMPROVEMENT CORP II tn. Sill'ngm I ORDINANCE NO PERMITTED IN BUSINESS 4 7 3 -7 6 3 8 ____ DE A N G E L O D I S T R I C T ' for free estimates 4 8 2 -9 3 6 1 AN ORDINANCE TO AMENO AND b Conditional uses allowed subiect B&J TRUCKING ROOFING to approval bv the Board ot Adiust SUPPLEMENT CHAPTER 34 OF m e n t 2 4 hr. B R IN G IT IN RUtllSH REMOVAL sonnet GUTTER T H E MUNICIPAL C O D E O F (IE) Transitional Residential PROFESSIONAL We ( building*, ottfa. • RUTHERFORD ENTITLED FIRE Newspaper. SI 25 pv 100 fe.. F a c i l i t i e s lo iim tn li, garog.i Alto 3S2 1 P R .E VENT IO N CONTRACTOR dumlnum. brau. cappar. laad. L y n d h u n t (11) H ospital and Nursing Homes delivery Mrviae. 1 N O W . THEREFORE. B E IT 4 4 USES PERMITTED IN M l boltarict and iron. ORDAINED Ov the Mavor and Council < Porches • Sundecki - FREE ESTIMATES DISTRICT (Light industrial) KEARNY SCRAP MET Ai 033-0464 or 434-1437 of Ih* Borougnot Rutherford a Uses perm itted bvritftl k Call 7S9-B9B1 SECTION I Chapter 34 Section l ot (4) H ospitals and nursing homes Garages . Dormeri 47B Srhuyler Awe. tin ( ode ot Ihe Borous*< of Rutherlord 4 7 USES PERMITTED IN M 2 •s hereby am ended lo read as toilpws DISTRICT (Heevv industrial) Roofing • Aluminum Siding COMPUTE ROOnNO S e c t io n 34 i a. Uses per m itted bvrt#tt e PAVING ESTABLISHMENT OF e HOT TAR ROOPS (t) Hospitals and Nursing Homes . Bathrooms & KWcheni • Remodeling W E BUY • EXCAVATING COMPOSITION 4 8 USES PERMITTED IN W tPftOM ISI ONiY • LEADERS e GUTTERS ' The Bureau ot Fire Prevention is WASTE PAPER COMMERCIAL GENERAL WHAT W l CAN DIUVtR recycling • LANDSCAPING e SHINGLES hereby established anfl shall be INDUSTRIAL OISTRICT "Superior Q uality 4 Service" , Finish Basements & Attic. • Additions operated under the direction and con a. Uses per m ittodbvritfit Water problem* fteived FME ESTIMATES RUOfti Scotchpuarded. irui ol the Mavor and Ceunoi Said (t) Hospitals and nursMo homes 20% DISCOUNT Sit. OTIZ8NS newspaper, IBM cart, Fer Service A Experience DEL RUSSO ROOHNO CO buieau shall consist of a Chief ot the SECTION 2. That Article 5 — Scrubbed 4 Stoomdgongd "Special Winter Ketee corrugated bones. AM ANDO VACATURO Fire vent ion Bureau (who shall SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS l e f t in R g f s l i 7S9 6640 7 4 3 -1 6 6 2 ai»o be Ihe Chi. l Combustibles insuec be am ended lo include B«e tallowing: ton Assistant chief and eignt (8i m 5.9 H ospitals shall be allevMd in the suectdrs. all ot whom shall be mem tones as set forth in this ordinance sub­ * C H A R O C IT * Ltti Danny's oers er mective members of We Fire $1-25 p N.H. BROOKS ject to the following requirem ents N »d»r O n r§8 er Vlae Clw rfe A A H HOMf IMPROVEMENTS Deportm ent All members ol the Fire (a) m inim um lot site: 2 acres CaH 271 -2293 Mon. Hw Fri. EXPERIENCED ROOHNO CONTRACTS Prevention Bureau sl^H be retom (b) m axim um coverage. 30% W l GOARANTCI 9 js :u /: 7 lp 5. Sat. 7 to 4. Window Washing and m eneae to Ihe M aver and Council of tc) setbacks: front yard — 15 feet; Our w e* Te Bg Tkg OalSen ond Leedsrs the Borough at Rutherford tar appoint rear yard - 50 teat; side yards - V» Finest In Ike A rea JOMMI BAMAT0 8 g J ment ter a term ef one O l veer com height of the building but not igss than BUSINESS and RESIDENTIAL Re. nen^wsere m enting on nig first Btv at January ol 30 tget each * R jM C iftlLI RATIS - PAPUST0CK each and every year bv the members td) height. 40 feet m the B .M t and 7 9 R O M A Afl.PATlRSOH ■ PHene 4S1-1SSO Webster 0-7IM of the Fire Department The nan bin M 2 tenet. tM foetmthoC-Oiaaaa d m g r » to m m o n e a t i o n s h a ll b e m a d e a t (el parking: 1 space tar each 3 4 8 M W









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