Further Information

The University of Campus Hummingbird Avenue Belmopan, Cayo Belize (501) 822-1000/822-3680 www.ub.edu.bz

Business Campus Education Campus Central Farm Campus Punta Gorda Campus University Drive University Drive 65 Miles G.P. Hghwy Jose Maria Nunez St. P.O. Box 990 P.O. Box 990 Cayo, Belize Punta Gorda Town , Belize Belize City, Belize 501) 824 3775 Toledo, Belize (501) 223-2733 (501) 223-0256 (501) 702 2720

Professor Emeritus Clement K. Sankat, Editor in Chief Ms. Santree Sandiford, Author and Editor Department of Marketing & Communications Mr. Nectaly Vela, Graphic Designer Department of Marketing & Communications Cover Design by Zayri Cocom

This Annual Report is a publication of the Office of Marketing and Communications of the . For more information, please contact the Office at: T: (501) 822- 1000 ext. 236 E: [email protected]

All rights reserved 2019 Table of Contents University Overview

1 enrolment procedures; fuelled with new academic At the fiscal level the spiralling downward trend program offerings and greater accessibility to the in University financial reserves was stemmed. From the Chairman of the institution. Across the University there is a sense of expectancy and renewed hope, a feeling of pride Driven by “A Transformational Leap for the that the University was achieving more than Board of Trustees University of Belize - Vision 2022” has had broad modest gains towards it goal to make “Education buy-in and support from students, faculty and Empower our Nation”. The University’s brand staff who have hailed the bold action plan as a great recognition has been taken to the next level. way forward. Launched internally and publicly in 2018 this Transformation Plan has begun to lift The Board of Trustees is appreciative of the UB to higher academic achievement - many new energy, earnestness and performance of the programs have been introduced -Bachelor degrees University’s President, Vice President, Senior in Chemistry, in Mathematics, in Marine Biology Managers, Deans and Chairs. We congratulate and in Information Technology were approved. A all who have made the University of Belize the Masters in Educational Leadership and a Masters Tertiary Institution of choice where we attract, in Business Administration became some of the retain and deliver a smooth, seamless experience highly sought after newbies. In December 2017, always putting our students first. memoranda signed between the Governments of India and Belize and between GOB and UB has given real traction to the execution of the India- Belize Center for Engineering (IBCE). Through these agreements the Government of India donated BZ$1.09M in high tech equipment and GOB underwrote the cost of constructing a new building on the Belmopan Campus to house the equipment. This signals and paves the way for the move to Belmopan of the Engineering faculty. During the 2017-2018 academic cycle it was proposed that the mandatory retirement age for the University be moved from fifty five to G. A. Harrison Pilgrim BA, MBA, CLU sixty; proposals have been drafted for a general Chairman, UB’s Board of Trustees The University of Belize (UB) , established by an for national development”. Under Professor review of the twenty year old UB Act; sweeping Act of the National Assembly, opened its doors in Sankat’s leadership the University’s programs adjustments were made to a costly and patronising August 2000. It, like many national universities, are increasingly designed to meet national needs, retire/rehire faculty policy; and long outstanding came out of the amalgamation of existing encourage sustainable development and prepare Annual Reports for 2014-2016 were tabled and government-run institutions. It has been funded Belize to meet the global challenges of the 21st approved by the Board of Trustees. primarily by annual Government subventions Century. and from fees and tuition paid by its student users. This funding formula is often perceived to create The synergy created was symptomatic of the barriers to entry as users must find significant proverbial “opportunity meeting preparedness” - sums of money to register and complete study at UB being the opportunity and the highly-trained, the institution. regionally experienced Professor Sankat coming prepared to face and overcome the myriad In April 2016 UB attracted the services of a retired challenges of a fledging place of teaching and and highly motivated academic leader whose learning. mantra in relation to University Management included a recognition that the institution must be Student population in April 2015 stood at 4,598; ‘relevant, responsible and accessible’. This vision at the beginning of the 2018 academic year it had resonated with UB’s commitment to “excellence risen to 5,035. This increase in student numbers in higher education, research and service was driven by a vibrant and visible University profile, by more effective marketing and

2 3 and more efficient levels and with a strong focus »» Rationalizing our graduation ceremonies on our 4Rs – Relevance, Responsiveness, Reach with one major ceremony in Belize City at the From the President: and Responsibility. As I said then, “The UB over New Civic Centre, while maintaining another the next five years and beyond will demonstrate ceremony at the PG Campus. to all the capacity to be bold, not afraid to take TRANSFORM, INSPIRE AND measured risks and to live this Plan which »» Launching of our 5 year Accreditation Drive. energizes us to execute and win.” This has been »» The re-convening of our Assessment and our driving focus. Promotions Committee and the promotion of EMPOWER - NEW BEGINNINGS As you read this Report, I am hoping you will UB’s first Professor. glean that the transformation has begun in all »» Upgrading of our neglected physical facilities the facets of endeavor that are necessary to build on our Campuses - especially our roadways a University and to one day in the years to come and parking lots. Some repairing of our make it a great one! buildings, the addition of new, but modest There are many “new beginnings” here that I affordable buildings, painting, lighting, out hope you find encouraging if not inspiring, eg fitting etc. » Working steadily to balance our budget »» Bringing our new Transformational Plan » Vision 2022 to the Nation’s attention with the - directly addressing the matter of the support of our Hon. Minister of Education, Government Subvention to UB that was not Culture, Youth and Sports. touched for nearly a decade and the matter also of tuition fees that was never adjusted »» Inducting our new students to UB through since the beginning of the University. This is Matriculation Ceremonies at our Campuses a work in progress. »» The launch of new or significantly revised »» De-linking the universal tuition fee concept programs especially at the Bachelors level for and linking the cost of our tuition fees example in Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory more directly to the cost of delivering our or the Certificate in Agriculture. specialized programs. »» Developing and launching UB’s first» » Beginning a conversation with Faculty and postgraduate program, the MBA, from the Staff on the matter of contracts, a contributory FMSS. pension plan etc., as well as increasing the mandatory retirement age from 55 to 60 years »» The creation of a UB Development and and on the matter of contracts for “retire/ Endowment Fund (UBDEF) and our first big rehire” personnel at UB. fundraiser, so that all of Belize and beyond can contribute to the future well-being of the »» Signing an agreement with the Indian My dear readers, I am very pleased to share this This is a young UB Team who are being mentored National University - the 1st President’s All Government/Government of Belize to 2017/2018 Annual Report with you entitled to continue to produce such Reports well into the Inclusive Fete at the Bird’s Isle in Belize City. restart the moribund India Belize Centre for “Transform, Inspire and Empower – New future. Engineering (IBCE) Project to be housed at the Beginnings.” This is the first full year of my »» The Award of five tuition bursaries to What is defining about the Year under review, Belmopan Campus. stewardship as President of the UB and hence deserving Belizean Students from the 17/18 was that it was the 1st Year of our another personal milestone, as it is for the proceeds of this fund. »» Getting agreement that the Department University as a whole. I hope you will find this transformation plan, entitled “A transformational of Engineering will move from the ITVET Report more informative, focused and inspiring, Leap, Vision 2022.” So it was a year of tremendous »» Celebrating the successful completion of the location in Belize City (which is no longer especially of our transformative efforts at UB. hope and expectations – a clarion call for the re- EU funded Sugar Belt Project executed by the the property of UB) to the Belmopan Campus invigoration of this National University. In my FEA and which saw a new program in ECE and integrated into the FST there – once Let me at the outset thank this “in-house” first six months (February-July 2017) at the UB, developed with the training of very many the physical facilities have been built in Team who worked with me to produce this we worked together on the conceptualization teachers in ECE and Secondary Education for Belmopan. Report – Ms. Santree Sandiford, Marketing & and approval of this Plan by the Board of the Northern Districts. Communications Officer, and Mr. Nectaly Vela, Trustees; a plan that re-imagines ourselves as a Website Administrator and Graphic Designer. national University, delivering at a much higher

4 5 »» A focus on our Research outputs with this being highlighted and a list of publications consolidated in this Report. »» The very timely completion by our External Auditors of the 17/18 Annual Financial Audit Report. There may be more but as I reflect I could not feel but thankful for the tremendous team effort here; the Government of Belize, the Board of Trustees, The Administration and the Faculty and Staff for their commitment to this effort of transformation. Change is not always easy as individuals lives can get touched in the process and hence this was carefully managed if not completely minimized. But beginning the process of change at UB in 17/18 was essential for the Institution’s future sustainability and competitiveness. I am therefore very pleased to report that this has begun and my heartfelt thanks go out to all who positively contributed to this goal - Team UB!. As I previously said, “If you change nothing, nothing will change” as these wise Mayan words have resonated with me. Thank you for the Year 17/18.

Professor Clement K. Sankat President

6 7 Transformation: The Way Forward The University of Belize, in the past 18 years, has contributed, in a substantive way, to Belize’s development. As Belize’s national university, it shall be the choice university for Belize’s most The UB talented and exceptional students, using its teaching and learning framework to transform its students into accomplished and innovative graduates. VISION As the University looks towards the future, it will ask: how can it best address the current human resource, development and research needs so The University of Belize is committed to being as to make Belizeans competitive in the global a recognized University in the region and the system? premier degree-granting University in Belize, responding to national development needs and To become a service-oriented and student priorities of Belize and its aspirations for higher centered University that addresses the challenges education. of Belize and Belizeans, the University of Belize will increasingly focus, in the next five years, on 9 strategic priorities as articulated in its strategic The UB plan – A Transformational Leap: Vision 2022. The University will advance its transformative MISSION activities across four core pillars: Our Four “Rs” The University of Belize is committed to excellence in higher education, research and Relevance service for Belize’s national development. offering students, a global education where they are and where they want to go Responsiveness Meeting the current and future national needs “Transformation for UB means through innovation, outreach, service and collaborating with our community, research with our industries and with our Reach regional and international partners to advance Belize globally.” Engaging with and strengthening our communities, enabling our partners and enhancing our enterprises, both local & Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat International Responsibility Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat with High Comissioner of India to Belize H.E. Muktesh K. Operating an efficient, cost-effective & sustainable Pardeshi University

8 9 Transformation: Vision 2018 A Transformational Leap: Building programmatic developments across Vision 2017–2022 is the most recent articulation of UB’s Your University all faculties, partnerships with businesses, plans to achieve its strategic goals government, alumni and the international community to leverage possibilities for research, Your Future outreach, income-generating initiatives and teaching; moreover, the University will focus on communicating with all stakeholders and Our Plan will commence embedding sustainability in its financial practices and operations to further the A Transformational Leap: Vision 2022 cause of financial efficiency. Transformation: Vision 2019 As Belize’s national university, the University of To embed efficiency and sustainability in all Belize aspires to build a distinguished tradition of aspects of its operations and teaching and learning academic excellence and relevance to create an programs that continue to support national innovative and sustainable future for Belize and development and harnessing itself into a modern Belizeans. and efficient university, capable of evaluating ourselves through focused stakeholder feedback. A Transformation Leap: Vision 2022 is the University of Belize’s operational plan and was Transformation: Vision 2020 launched in the 2017- 2018 academic year. This (L-R) Chairman of Board of Trustees, Mr. Harrison Pilgrim, Deputy Prime Minister of Belize and Minister of Education plan envisions that by 2022 the University To put graduate and post graduate teaching and Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports, Hon. Patrick Faber; Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat; Attorney-at- of Belize will be a recognized University in research at the heart of the University, which law Ms. Lisa Shoman; Dean of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Dr. Bernard Watler; and Vice President of UB, Dr. Mariot Simon at the launch of the Transformational Leap on May 24, 2018 in Belize City. the region and the premier degree-granting will serve to build the University’s reputation for University in Belize, offering more programmatic producing high level graduates and for research options for Belizean students, a student-centered with impact that will enable the University to teaching and learning environment and a much- better serve the country through knowledge strengthened sense of connection to the country and information – Recognizing and rewarding and its people through enhanced communications Academic Faculty/Graduate Students who are and partnerships. contributing significantly to this endeavor. Transformation: Vision 2017 Transformation: Vision 2021 Agreeing on a way forward by all stakeholders, this To transform the University’s ecosystem, initial phase focused on Teaching and Learning including its infrastructure and its HR policies, and Quality Assurance. Innovative and relevant into one that provides opportunities for students, undergraduate programs being conceptualized faculty and staff to successfully participate and and developed with a 2 + 2 framework. The be fully engaged in the educational, cultural and University also launched its accreditation drive social life of the University. and commenced with pedagogical training for full-time lecturers. Transformation: Vision 2022 Striving steadily to enhance the quality of our programs and in our drive for student centeredness, and in our HR, Finance, Academic and communication processes so as to seek Institutional International Accreditation

Hon. Patrick Faber delivering Keynote Address at Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Ms. the University of Belize Juliane Pasos introducing new programs.

10 11 Our Students Campus CZL BZE BMP PG CF OW UB at a Glance Outreach 108 1579 2587 394 48 50 Students Staff Student Enrolments Social Media Degree Level AA BSc. Dipl Cert MSc. Engagement 2437 1962 82 163 5 150, 000 Citizenship Domestic International 36.1% 4660 96 4, 757 523 Faculty of Management & Total Students Total Commencement New Returning Website Visits Social Sciences (FMSS) Status 1148 3609 94,000 Faculty FEA FST FMSS FNAHSW 1429 1008 1720 667 Web Searches 26.3% Gender CZL BZE BMP PG CF OW 3K 120 Faculty of Education & 4, 757 Full Time Academic F 62 1085 1664 261 8 38 Semester I Arts (FEA) M 46 485 923 133 40 12

CZL: Corozal, BZE: Belize City, BMP: Belmopan, PG: Punta Gorda, 21.2% CF: Central Farm, OW: Orange Walk Full231 Time Staff Faculty of Science & 4,Semester 226 II Technology (FST) 20 Global Top 5 Countries of our Partners International Students 172 14.1% Mexico Adjuncts Faculty of Nursing, Allied 917 Health & Social Work 50 Belizean Nigeria Course Enrollment Faculty Designation (FNAHSW) Partners Honduras 30 80 10 Transient, Professional El Salvador PhD Master’s Bachelor’s 2.1% Development Panama Over 30 Course Type Graduates Research Belize’s Leading Environmentally 60 Publications Sustainable Other AA 47% University 50 Diploma Certificate 10%

40 BSc 36% Diploma 7% 30 BSc Total: 1147 20 AA

10 Female 63% Male 37% 0

12 13 17 Year 18 In Review

14 15 Learning through discovery and students’ participation in Across the curricula, 18 program proposals/ the creation of Re-Designing our UB Curriculum & program specifications were considered by the knowledge are at Expanding our Course Offerings the core of UB’s Academic Council. Of these, five were new Transformational programs which were launched in 2017-2018 – B.Sc. Leap: Vision 2022. A key priority for UB in 2017 was to transform its in Medical Laboratory, B.Sc. in Pharmacy, B.Sc. in educational offerings by triggering an upgrade in Business Administration with a concentration in the scale of its curriculum, while also providing an Marketing, Finance and Management, Certificate engaging experience by incorporating technology in Agriculture and the University’s first Master’s and international benchmarks through new Program – Master of Business Administration; business models and strategic partnerships with seven remained under active consideration to be other international Universities and stakeholders. launched the following year, including a Master’s Teaching & Learning in Educational Leadership, B.Sc. in Hospitality, UB launched its Accreditation Drive in 2017 and B.Sc. in Agriculture, B. Sc. in Statistics, B. Sc. in A Transformational Leap: Vision 2022 places priority on providing students with began a major review and monitoring of its courses, Biology and a Certificate in GIS. a stimulating and in-depth knowledge of their discipline and a learning experience program development and approval processes, informed by industry needs with competent academic leaders, engaged in relevant broadly related to quality assurance and quality The 2017-2018 academic year also saw a total of research across traditional and emerging disciplines. Local internships and whenever enhancements so as to ensure the University is in 4 course offerings expanded to other campuses, conformity with its self-accrediting obligations. making the University more accessible to possible, international student exchanges are supported. Support was also provided to a university Belizeans. These included a Bachelor’s in wide effort to create a more sustainable range Business Administration with concentration in 2017-2018 saw the launch of UB’s strategic through new curriculum design and course and number of course offerings. A significant Management, which was expanded to Corozal; transformation of teaching and learning, against expansion contributor to this process included consultations Business Administration with concentrations in a backdrop of rapid change. The University between faculties and key stakeholders so as Management and Finance, which was expanded invested in an integrated-based approach to its »» Provide new international opportunities for to enable wider and deeper consideration of all to Belmopan and to Punta Gorda. The Associates teaching, enhanced its teaching, learning and students aspects relevant to not only the programs, but in Tourism was also expanded to Punta Gorda and assessment through new curriculum design, »» Develop additional career readiness resources also their international benchmarks. a B.Sc. in Public Sector Management to Belmopan. digital innovation and course expansion and and opportunities applied innovative training solutions for learning The Innovators Award was presented to outcomes that were relevant to Belize’s context, »» Enhance the University’s e-learning tools yet transferrable to the global market. and environment and improve educational the University of Belize from the Caribbean flexibility through e-learning Association of Pharmacists (CAP) during Redefining quality course offerings the 37th annual convention. The award was the culmination of the work that went and creating new ways of student- into the implementation of the Bachelors in focused learning Pharmacy Program in Belize.

With students at the center of the University’s current and future strategic directions, the University built upon its existing initiatives to enhance its e-learning tools and environment, provided students with career-readiness resources and opportunities while further developing its study abroad platform. Learning & Teaching Key Objective

In 2017, the University’s strategic goal to redefine quality course offerings and create new ways of student-focused learning were achieved by: UB President meets with Costa (L-R) Jyana Venkata Kishan, Mrs. Genea Palacio, Dean of Faculty of Nursing, Allied Health and Social Work Ms. Leolin »» Enhance the quality of its course offerings Rican representative to sign its MOU Swift-Castillo, Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat, Ms. Lydia Harris-Thurton, Yusuf Abubakar and Mrs. Patricia Lopez with EARTH University, Costa Rica

16 17 The Office of the Vice President is working with Assessment and Feedback the Deans of each Faculty to use these evaluations to inform strategic and pedagogical development. The University of Belize implemented a University Wide Student Experience Survey. Approximately 1057 evaluations were carried out in 2017, which allowed for assessments of course offerings so as to enable monitoring, feedback, support for academic integrity and student centredness. Our students rated UB very positively in the 2017 Student Experience Instrument (SEI) with regards to their educational experience. Overall Satisfaction, Course Quality, learning resources and learner engagement ranked high among the benefits of a UB educational experience. Tables 1 and 2 below are from the 2017-2018 University wide datasets.

Feedback indicated that students found the UB “Mr. Lewis is an exceptional lecturer. He brings Social Work students being accepted in the Belize National Association of Social Workers educational experience engaging and that it ideas, which are interesting and sparks critical provided them with a supportive and structured thinking… He goes beyond being ‘just a lecturer.’ I BSc in Social Work Receives US Evaluation learning environment. am fully engaged and focused.” - student feedback The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in the United States approved the University of Belize’s Bachelor of Social Work’s academic credentials as comparable to an accredited Baccalaureate degree in Social Work in the United States. Student Experience Survey 2017-2018 - 2 Teaching Overall Course Learning Learner Skills Course Quality Quality Satisfaction Resources Engagement Development (L-R) Pedro Choco, Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan, 77% 78% 78% 83% 69% 82% Lilian Blanco and Mr. Romaldo Lewis made presentations at the Students who completed their course offerings in 2017-2 were very satisfied with course quality, Third Mexico-Belize followed by Leaner engagement. In terms of their learning resources, teaching quality and overall Binational Seminar held course satisfaction, the data set showed satisfactory responses by those who participated in the in Chetumal, Mexico on University wide survey. However, ranked lower in comparison to the other responses was that of October 4-6, 2017 skills development.

Student Experience Survey 2017-2018 – 1 Teaching Overall Course Learning Learner Skills Course Quality Quality Satisfaction Resources Engagement Development 83% 78% 80% 78% 72% 82%

Students who completed their course offerings in 2017-1 were very satisfied with teaching quality followed by course quality. In terms of their learning resources, learner engagement and overall course satisfaction, the data set showed more than half the responses by those who participated in Internationalising UB through our Binational Seminars with Mexican the University wide survey were satisfied with their course offerings. However, ranked lower in Universities comparison to the other responses was that of skills development.

18 19 Participants at the Launch Online Learning of UB’s first Master’s Program. The University of Belize enhanced the use of its online learning management system, MOODLE, for blended learning; with an aim for a more integrated digital environment into the University’s Teaching and Learning Framework.

The UB promised in its Transformation Plan to (L-R) Dr. Bernard Watler, Mr. Gilroy Middleton Jr., Mr. Kevin Geban, Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat, Hon. Tracey Taegar-Panton, Dr. Mariot Simon, increase the number of courses developed for Mr. Harrison Pilgrim, and Dr. Vincent Palacio online delivery. In 2017-2018, courses from the various Faculties were represented and assistance was provided to Faculty members through workshops, training and consultations to support In 2017, UB’s Faculty of Management and Number of participants who successfully completed the Internationalizing UB the delivery, development and administration of Moodle Coordinators Sessions Social Sciences held its inaugural ceremony Blended, Online and Self-Paced programs. for the University’s first Master’s Program The University of Belize has 14 active partnerships – Master’s in Business Administration; a A greater focus, however, was placed on expanding FEA in 10 countries to support academic and research program that was developed jointly with pre-university and short professional course collaboration via memoranda of understanding UWI Cavehill. UB’s President, Professor offerings across Faculties. A total of 442 students (MOU), articulation pathways and industry Sankat, in his address, stated, “The Masters 19% FMSS benefited from MOODLE and approximately 16 partnerships. in Business Administration program is e-learning courses are now available on MOODLE, very significant to national development of Some of the MOUs signed in 2017-2018 include: including courses in Caribbean Literature, Survey FST Belize. It is imperative that Belize, as a small in Literature, Instrumentation and Performance, » Memorial University of Newfoundland developing country, richly endowed with Fundamentals in Management, Introduction 56% » 13% (Institutional Collaboration- Faculty exchange, natural resources, generate new employment to Psychology, African Literature and Latin ODL research, student exchange) and wealth so as to create a better future American Literature. for its people.” Keynote Speaker, Honorable » India-Belize Center for Engineering As well, the University also expanded its » Tracy Panton explained, in her address, (Development of Engineering Department E-Learning Platform to incorporate wider “This carefully designed Master’s Degree 13% - learning spaces and laboratories at the rollout, strengthened interface between the program in Business Administration will Belmopan campus) application and end-user, an interface providing seek to address developmental needs of student guidance, help desk functionalities and [Belize’s] growing economy to provide the »» Commonwealth of Learning (Development of requisite exposure and tools that will help us online submissions. These teaching and learning E-Learning Across Faculty educational programs (Masters’) and courses initiatives contributed to the richness of the to navigate an ever changing, more complex and training of education professionals to world of international trade and commerce, online student experience for those participating enhance leadership and to manage public and in these courses. [which] is instrumental to expanding private educational organizations.) our reach, improving our competencies Participants »» Vancouver Island University (Institutional and competitiveness while creating new receive certificate opportunities for business facilitation.” after completing short collaboration – Faculty, staff and student course in Microsoft Exchanges; Collaborative research projects and Excel in July, 2018. joint initiatives and exchanging information and publications) The achievement of this program is a testament to the University’s ability to be a leader in education, serving Belize’s national development needs and priorities. Dr. Simon, UB VP

20 21 Participants The project including Sen. was a success Hon. Godwin thanks to the Hulse, Minister support of the of Agriculture European Union, (centre), at the Government 54th CFCS Meeting of Belize and held in Belize City University of Belize.

UB Focuses on Agricultural UB Sugar Belt Project – Improving Education at the Caribbean Food Early Childhood & Secondary Crops Society 54th Meeting in Education in Northern Belize Belize The Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS) held its The University of Belize (UB) in collaboration 54th Annual Meeting in Belize, July 8-13, 2018, with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and this was a first for Belize with the host being and Sports and the European Union (EU) held the Ministry of Agriculture. a special closing ceremony to acknowledge the achievements of the Sugar Belt project on In his speech, President Sankat spoke concisely Saturday February 24, 2018 at the Muffles College on the history of the University’s engagement in High School Auditorium in Orange Walk Town. agriculture and highlighted how UB is responding to the needs of the Agricultural Sector through: Through the Sugar Belt Project, a total of 395 persons had the opportunity to upgrade their Sir , Keynote Speaker receives plaque from »» Programs that promote self-employment, skills and receive certification in teacher education Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat. knowledge and skills development for the including at the Early Childhood level during the practice of entrepreneurship and market period June 2015 – February 2018. 20 teachers President Sankat along with Zoe Zetina, Luis Hernandez and driven agriculture Francisco Tzul from the Central Farm Campus received certificates; 28 received an Associate’s Degree while 116 in-service teachers participated »» Placing sustainable development and natural resource management, environmental and in Continuous Professional Development in climate smart themes into our training Early Childhood Education. Meanwhile at the secondary level 20 teachers got their Diploma in »» Strengthening leadership, knowledge and Secondary Education, 111 received a Bachelor’s skills – through communication, farm/ Degree in Secondary Education, and 100 parents agribusiness management, community and were sensitized about the benefits of Early Early Childhood Education teachers from Sarteneja, Corozal industry engagement, project management Childhood Education. training The project valued at approximately €1,2M (BZ$ The Central Farm Campus also welcomed the 2.6M) was funded by the European Union along delegation from the Caribbean and the Americas with the Government of Belize and the University to its campus, where they learnt of the work UB of Belize. Its overall objective was to improve the is doing in Agricultural Education and toured the quality and relevance of early childhood and farm facilities. secondary education in northern Belize. Central Farm Campus students at the CFCS meeting Proud teachers at the Closing Ceremony

22 23 Regional Language Center students showcase “Delivering student centered their culture at support services to enable success Multicultural Fair and an enriched learning, living and social experience for students are UB’s first priority…” Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat, UB President Central Farm students were present at the National Teaching & Learning Agriculture and Trade Show in 2019/ Creating pathways for Students’ UB’s Wellbeing Centre is available University Success throughout the academic year and and the Student Experience gives students access to a range of Students are our first priority. The goal of nurturing the personal development At the core of the Transformational plan is the personal development programs, to and wellbeing of our students is fundamental to UB. This year, we commenced to University’s focus on nurturing the personal our counselling teams and to our gym improve on-campus experience for the entire campus community. The University and professional development and wellbeing of & fitness programs. also focused on improving the University’s infrastructure and ICT capabilities. its students, faculty and staff. From the onset, the plan ensured an ‘One UB Family” approach with execution across organizational portfolios Our competent staff in our Office of Student UB builds students' with representation from all units together with Affairs, our wellbeing center, including those aspirations and awareness student representation. responsible for our sporting facilities, assists with of the University as a reinforcing identity and promoting unity, health, desirable and achievable Therefore, to accommodate the various ways fitness and wellbeing of our students, faculty and pathway for professional students learn and engage with the University, staff. and personal success. the University of Belize hosted several events and activities on its various campuses to make Dr. J. Perriott, Dean of learning more inclusive and engaging. In 2017, Student Affairs UB delivered peer-to-peer guidance/tutoring Dean Perriott along student volunteers at the Matriculation Ceremony in Belize City programs, opportunity fairs and support service and provided easier access to academic support Involvement in campus life in order to enjoy groups on the campuses. These events ensured Welcoming, supporting and retaining a memorable Student experience. This event committed and capable learners all students have access to clear, concise and is held for the participation and the benefit of compelling information about the right course all students, faculty and staff of UB. This year, selection and student opportunities open to The new Academic Year 2017-2018 began with there were many games and activities and 16 them. Our student services and communication Faculty, staff and the leadership team formally Booths were organized for displaying student mechanisms were particularly focused on welcoming students at the historic and first organizations that students can join on Campus. Sydellie Leslie (l) of the Writing Center helping student with ensuring our first year students were well- research and writing skills matriculation ceremony on 16th August, 2017. The booths highlighted student clubs, services informed, connected, welcomed and supported and opportunities at the University of Belize. Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat, told students to start their programs and throughout their first that the matriculation is a formal ceremony “to critical year of University. mark your enrollment as a student of the National As well, the University also increased its academic University of Belize. It symbolizes your right of support. This included a revised informational passage into this University, that you have met skills module to help students better understand the standards for entry into our University and and navigate academic demands and student life that you are now all enrolled as a student of the at the University. UB”.

This was accompanied by a Semester Kick- Our Lady Black Jaguars were once again the Off, which promotes Students Participation/ President Sankat meets with students in Punta Gorda ATLIB Football Champions

24 25 The UB Experience “The combination of UB’s academic rigor, internships and practical experience, academic leaders as well as its global opportunities give its students a truly unique Belizean perspective.” - Stephanie Windsor

Stephanie Windsor, Bachelor in Information Technology student

“I chose Information Technology The University of Belize, I real world. because it is much more than discovered, offered exactly what it appears to be in the eyes this. So, I took the chance and More importantly, my of the unfamiliar. It is powerful was very pleased that all the experience as a student at UB and frankly, the closest thing commentary turned out to be was unforgettable. I was not only there is to a superpower. It is true. surrounded by encouraging and a male dominated field, and in supportive classmates, who my opinion, the playing ground I studied under expert lecturers, excelled at their studies, but also, needs to even out. Information who were always willing to who participated in University technology is challenging which help their students cultivate an activities and events hosted by is why I like it. understanding and a passion the student government and for the challenging field; and student affairs office. The I.T. program at UB came the training I got through highly recommended, from my internships and student students and those in the opportunities as a UB student industry that I knew. I wanted have definitely helped me to professional training in the field develop the skills I needed to and needed plenty of guidance. transition and succeed in the

26 27 Promoting and supporting Student Incorporating ICT for Improved Going greener across Belmopan’s Study Abroad Programs Student Experience campus for improved student experience In 2017, 12 students travelled overseas to To facilitate technology into UB’s teaching and undertake part of their degree. This includes learning structure, the University partnered with The University’s focus on campus development student exchanges, semester abroad and study FULTEC and launched the FULTEC Computer lab with the implementation of the Transformational tours. There were also several students who inclusive of seventy-five (75) new computers that plan has shifted from a building-by-building studied overseas under professional or research was purchase through competitive tendering for approach to an increased emphasis on scaled placements. just over $300,000 BZD. developments. Of key significance for the 2017- 2018 academic year was the formation of the Also, with the aim of increasing participation The University also increased its bandwidth Beautification Committee, where the objective in the various student mobility programs, the throughout the University from 16 MB to 248 of the committee is to beautify the landscape at University introduced a number of initiatives in MB. Also noteworthy, it connected the FMSS and all of UB’s Campuses and to make same a place 2017, which included implementing support in the FEA campuses in Belize City to its Belmopan for knowledge dissemination on our various the application process as well as hosting several campuses through the ownership of its Fiber flora. Also, the University launched the Animal opportunity fairs, where students were able to connection and as a result, all ICT services are Bio-diversity Signage, where students, faculty, become familiar with UB’s existing study abroad controlled from the ICT office in Belmopan. staff and visitors alike can learn about animal programs. Moreover, the University purchased sixteen (16) diversity and their importance at the Belmopan campus with colorful information signage on The University has exchange partners in Central President Sankat with new Nurse Rosa Thompson on October 23, EPSON pro EX9220 projectors and mounting America, Canada, Europe and the United States. 2017 at UB’s Wellness Center equipment, which were installed at our Belmopan the various invertebrates. As well, at the launch campus as part of our first phase of increasing of the National Service Day, UB dedicated this Supporting Students’ Well-being & Empowering students for the jobs technology in the classroom. The Scarlet Macaw to the greening of our campus. Faculty, staff and Health and skills for employability and Jabiru buildings, which consist of eight rooms students were encouraged to bring a plant, which each, were equipped with the projectors. were planted on campus grounds, all in an effort to work together to build UB and to beautify The University of Belize seeks to improve The University implemented Wellness Week in Additionally, the University began to improve our campuses. These activities bring a range of employment outcomes for graduates and April 2017 and hired its first full-time nurse Ms. our network services at our Belmopan campus opportunities for renewal and regeneration of our strengthen engagement with employers. Rose Thompson. from a 100MBs to 10GBs network. The purchase green spaces. This approach is expected to bring of the necessary equipment commenced at the more student life to the campus through activated The purpose of the Wellness Week is to increase Through the embedding of employability end of 2017-2018 and will resume in 2018-2019 outdoor academic and social engagement spaces. health and wellness awareness by providing skills and career development learning within the curriculum combined with ‘real-world’ financial year. The installation will take place in health screenings, demonstrations, counselling Dr. Latha Thomas and her Beautification applications and industry based activities and 2018-2019. support and information on preventative health. Committee need to be recognized and networks and extended internships, UB students Med Lab students and their lecturers conducted Finally, the University upgraded all its services congratulated. 14 glucose, triglycerides, hemoglobin and are provided with the tools and support to with regards to the following: urinalysis test and sixty-three (63) students and commence, grow or design a career. Investing in new indigenous learning » ICT Steering Committee seventeen (17) staff members took advantage of » spaces this opportunity. Lecturer Ms. Audrey Pascascio helping students »» Clean Installation of Windows 7 Twenty-five (25) students took the opportunity prepare great resumes As the student population has grown and »» Microsoft Office 2016 to take the HIV test, 37 donated blood on the diversified, the University has placed increased day designated for our Blood Drive, 70 were »» Kaspersky Antivirus importance on investment in new buildings and vaccinated for Hepatitis B, MMR, and Tetanus. modern teaching spaces as part of our Campus Some students also were given the HPV vaccine. »» Chrome/Firefox/Notepad++/Gimp/Google Development/Regeneration Plan. Additionally, Health Education seminars were Drive offered by Nurse Thompson. Healthy foods were The University is using innovation and creativity on sale for the week and a seminar on Health »» Relevant Software based on Departmental/ to develop such spaces, so as to treat with its capital Student Needs Eating was also offered. and financial challenges. In 2017 work began through the renovation and revitalization of existing buildings – most notably, the partnership

28 29 with Digicell for the creation of an Audio Names and Program of Study of PACT facility at the FMSS campus in Belize Broadening Access to UB Scholars City and the expansion of a MED Lab, the refurbishing of the Belmopan Gazebo and The University currently manages five (5) Name of Students Program new learning spaces for the Faculty of scholarship programs: The Black Jaguars Athletic Maria Pech NRM Nursing at the Belmopan Campus. In PG, Scholarship, The President Scholars’ Scholarship, Luwin Tzib Mathematics the University completed the refurbishing The Barton Scholarship, The Diane Sylvestre of our student spaces with the leaking Scholarship and The PACT Scholarship Program. Monica Coe NRM thatched roof replaced. As well, phased Currently there are fifty-seven (57) students Deadra Bennett Social Work painting of all the buildings across the obtaining their UB degree via these scholarships. Tara Scarborough Biology campuses also commenced in 2017, with In the same vein, five (5) students received work also done on our parking lots and bursaries from the UB Endowment Fund, which lighting of our campuses. was as a result of the first Endowment Fete. Additionally, the Government of Belize, through Broadening student the Ministry of Education, supported 2, 384 accommodation options students with scholarships at the University.

In 2017 the University began developing Also, in 2017/2018, twenty-five (25) employees partnerships with private providers to and thirty-nine (39) dependents benefitted from Tuition Waivers at the University. ensure our Transformational Leap target (L-R) PACT scholars Monica, Tara, Deadra, Maria and Luwin with of more student accommodations worthy Number of Scholarship Recipients by President Sankat of the national university will be achieved. Scholarship Type A public call for expressions of interest for the private sector was advertised on the Scholarship Types Number of various media outlets and the University Recipients developed a proposal for a 100 room Barton 2 residence, “Mexico House” hopefully to be funded by AMEXCID from Mexico. This Black Jaguars 45 will assist with recruitment of students not Diane Sylvestre 2 only from across the country of Belize, but will also allow the University to expand its PACT 5 Recipient of President’s Scholarship Dianera Shol (c) flanked reach regionally and internationally. President’s Scholars 3 by CEO of Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Jose Alpuche; Minister of Agriculture, Sen. Hon. Godwin Hulse; President Sankat and Director of Central Farm Campus Dr. Gordon Holder

30 31 Dr. Nestor Chan Voices of Our Academic Leaders Dean, Faculty of Education & Arts For the academic year 2017-2018, the Faculty embarked on numerous scholarly Dr. Bernard Watler activities including the hosting of the International Caribbean Studies Conference Dean, Faculty of Management & Social Sciences that saw the participation of numerous international scholars. As FEA continued to respond to the many challenges facing teaching and learning at all levels of the Belize Some of the accomplishments over the period 2017-18 include: education system, the FEA poised itself to develop and launch new programs such as the Master Degree in Educational Leadership and the Associate Degree in Early »» The Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (FMSS) hosted its 8 th Annual Childhood which went countrywide using an Online and Blended Modality. In addition, the Faculty Research Conference in April of 2017 under the theme “Research is the gateway to partnered with the Lego Foundation and the Play Futures Organization to conduct the Exploration 6 innovation and transformation”. The event showcased the extra ordinary talents of research initiative. This sought to use Green Blue Spaces to promote learning through play by using our students in researching problems and issues that confront Belize. The Faculty’s the natural environment. Experts from Australia, Canada, the USA and Holland visited UB FEA to Researcher of the Year Award was awarded to Assistant Professor, Dr. Romaldo Lewis. conduct workshops in partnership with our own scholars. A manual was developed based on the »» In an effort to respond to stakeholders needs, the Bachelor in Management program was phased findings of this research group. The Faculty of Education and Arts continued to expand educational out in August, 2017 and replaced with a Bachelor in Business Administration with majors in access for its students and Lecturers. This past academic year, Bridgewater State University in the USA Finance, Marketing and Management. This new four-year degree program was in response to the hosted four students in the Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. In addition, two Faculty Members and expressed needs of our stakeholders and produced graduates that hit the ground running with the two students went on a mobility scholarship to the University of Valladolid in Spain. These faculty requisite analytical, problem-solving, strategic thinking, communication (oral and written), and members focused on developing proposals on program participation initiatives with the University of leadership skills. Additionally, it has allowed our students to choose a major and gain specific skills Valladolid as well as the review of the UB Bachelor Degree in Spanish Education. These scholarships and knowledge in a particular area so as to be more competitive and marketable in the workforce. came about through the CARPIMS Program funded by the European Union. This program was launched at our Belmopan, Belize City and PG campuses, as well as in Corozal on a cohort basis. Mrs. Leolin Castillo »» In this same vein of responding to the needs of stakeholders and national development, the Faculty launched the first ever University of Belize Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) program Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Allied Health & Social Work in January 2018. This was seen as a momentous and trailblazing occasion for the University. The The major highlights of FNAHSW for the academic year 2017-18 included the program started with an initial intake of 24 professionals from across Belize. implementation of two new programs: Bachelor’s in Pharmacy and Bachelor’s »» In August 2017, the Bachelor in Public Sector Management program was re-introduced on the in Medical Laboratory Science (inclusive of the transition cohorts for the 2 new Belmopan Campus after being dormant for a couple of years. This was in response to the Ministry programs). For the said year, the faculty assisted in the activation of CASMET of Public Service’s need to develop a cadre of qualified and knowledgeable Public officers that are (Caribbean Association of Medical Technologists), three faculty members published capable of transforming the public sector delivery of goods and services. their scholarly work in reputable journals, and a fundamental milestone was formal documentation indicating UB’s Bachelor of Social Work students’ ability to matriculate into the »» Finally, the Associate’s Degree in Tourism Studies was expanded to Punta Gorda in August 2017. Master of Social Work program in the United States. Additionally, the nursing department graduated This program addresses the human resource needs of the growing tourism industry in southern the largest number of graduates from the Bachelor of Science in nursing program, with 11receiving Belize that is fuelled by the insurgence of cruise lines off the Placencia Peninsula and the opening honors; 2 Magna Cum Laude and 9 Cum Laude. The University of Belize-Department of Nursing of the new highway allowing easy access between Southern Belize and Guatemala. These two offered its first ever RENR (Regional Examination for Nurse Registration) preparatory course. Four events merged with the district’s cultural diversity and abundant natural resources are producing students enrolled and were successful at their first attempt, with one of them being the country’s an enabling environment for the expansion of the tourism industry in the area and the University top performer. The faculty commenced collaboration with the University of Nicaragua (UNAM – of Belize has been playing a critical role in the region’s development. Managua) and the Ministry of Health in the development of Belize’s first Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Program.

32 33 Ms. Julianne Pasos Mr. Roy Polonio Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology Campus Coordinator, Punta Gorda The Faculty of Science & Technology this academic year pushed forward in the The Punta Gorda Campus made remarkable strides in improving the teaching review of its academic programs to make them current and address gaps. The and learning conditions and while enhancing networking/partnerships during program review process included but was not limited to stakeholder consultation, Academic year 2017-2018. In 2017-1 we launched 3 three new programs, needs assessments study and external review by national partners and namely Certificate in Applied Agriculture, Associate’s degree in Early Childhood international universities. This year the Academic Council and Board of Trustees of Education and Associate’s degree in Tourism Studies. During this period, we also the University, approved the implementation of NINE new and revised programs hosted and coordinated activities, thereby strengthening relationships, with two within the FST. (2) international groups: one from Texas A&M University (USA) and the other, a student volunteer group called NTHU-Belize Educational Service Group from National Tsing Hua University, Republic The approval and implementation of these programs were possible through the hard work and of Taiwan; both of whom have been visiting UB Toledo annually since 2016. The Texas A&M group dedication of the faculty members under the guidance of Director Dr. Gordon Holder for Agriculture, (professors and students) reached out and offered support and to school age children and teenagers in Ms. Karen Bautista for Science and Dr. Sherlene Savery for the Math, Physics and Information need of speech therapy. Technology Departments. The program review continues as we work on the Engineering, Natural Resources Management and Physics programs to revise and/or update to the Bachelor level. Locally, we had improved networking with the District Education Center Management to increase success in the internship component of our teacher training program. Additionally, the PG Town Members of the MPIT department kept pushing forth with the UBITs Stimulation Program which aims Council, Belize Electricity Limited and the Business Community all made donations in support of our to enrich and improve the existing knowledge of programming at the primary and secondary level. on-going campus infrastructure upgrade projects. During this period, through help from the Belize Within the sciences, faculty members work diligently on research projects such as the ongoing IAEA Defence Force, a local business and full support from President Clement Sankat, our Campus Student Ocean acidification project, a Paleoclimatology study in Belize through a partnership with Auburn Center was renovated with a new and complete metal roofing; building reconfigured to accommodate University and the watershed management plan for the Belize river project. Other ongoing research 2 expanded classrooms with wall fans, LED lighting and new furniture. In an effort to engage the projects were undertaken with SIRDI and STACA. Several faculty members presented at national and community we also hosted public functions, including the first ever Pi Day, Open House (Open Day), international conferences. 5 members published articles in recognized international journals and Golden Oldies Banquet; raffle fundraiser, marketing expo, mayoral debate and a book launch. We several others have submitted papers for publication. established a customer service survey instrument for UB – Toledo staff; presented staff appreciation certificates and provided personal and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff in During the academic year, FST hosted a series of seminars/symposiapromoting the work being done finance management by means of presentations/workshop conducted by Dr. Albert Williams, NOVA by our current and past students these include the Math symposium, GIS symposium, the Research for Southeastern University. The above –mentioned accomplishments of the PG Campus aligned with the National Development Conference and Biology Chemistry symposium. In an effort to promote Science University’s mission and vision confirming that we aim to provide affordable and relevant education/ & Technology, the Faculty coordinated the annual Science Expo in November and Earth Day in April. training opportunities in southern Belize. This year we are very proud that our own, Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan, was promoted to Professor within the University of Belize, making him the first UB instituted individual at that rank. Mrs. Zoe Zetina Acting Director, Central Farm The University of Belize Central Farm (UBCF) campus despite its numerous challenges, faculty and staff worked in 2017-2018 to use scare resources in ways that will enhance student learning and increase income generation. As such, over the last year UBCF:

»» Prepared for the introduction of the Certificate in Applied Climate Smart Agriculture and this was presented to the Academic Council and the Board of Trustees for approval. »» Engaged in the European Union Funded “Productivity Enhancement of Banana Farms through integrated soil fertility management in the banana belt area of Belize”. The UBCF, through a refurbished Micro-propagation laboratory, will be able to provide micro-propagated banana plants to the industry. »» Central Farm also introduced the Certificate in Applied Agriculture and delivered this program to the first cohort of students in the Toledo District under the leadership of Mr. Tzul, Lecturer. This initiative was led by the then Director of UBCF, Dr. Gordon Holder, whom the UB sincerely thanks.

34 35 Hon. Patrick Faber Mr. Harrison delivering the Pilgrim welcoming Keynote Address at the students at Belmopan the Belize City Matriculation Matriculation Ceremony Ceremony

“This country is depending on you. The entire country is “Welcome to history in the making! Welcome to the looking up to you. You are among the cream of the crop of University of Belize! Welcome to Life! The longest journey Matriculation this country’s students... begins with the first step. Today, each of you have set your Matriculation sights on a destination and you have braced for the trek... Nobody should tell you that because of your age your contributions to Belize’s development; to the development You are not alone on this voyage into academia. Today you Ceremony - of your family, the development of your UB community, join a community of educators, researchers, mentors and Ceremony - to the development of the wider community in which teachers. Nurture new relationships, build strong learning you live, your contributions to Belize and to the world circles and along with other students you are ready for Belmopan are not important and big; don’t let anyone tell you that every challenge... Belize City you cannot do it. I tell you my dear students that there are people in high places; people that profess love and So prepare to enjoy the flight; put a little pep in your step care for you; people whom you respect, who believe and face tomorrow with optimism and passion. Turn little they know what is best for you, better than you do; and obstacles into stepping stones and never be daunted by that’s a fallacy. I’m saying you are the person in charge: setbacks. Be guided by the mantra that “failure is not an the driver, the pilot of your destiny. You should not let option.... anybody discourage you from whatever it is you want to UB, like life, is a journey of maturity, learning and decision be. And so as you start this very important journey; apply making. After you take that long and winding road and yourselves now and start to chart that very successful wake up, what will you see? What footprints will you leave path forward for yourselves. Please do so also for this behind with the knowledge you gain at UB? Together, let’s very important institution, the University of Belize.” leave behind us a positive memorial to our presence, our Hon Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister interactions and our stewardship. Let’s build UB together. “ of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture was the Keynote Mr. G.A. Harrison Pilgrim, Chairman of the UB Board of Speaker at the Matriculation Ceremony in Belmopan held Trustees was the Keynote Speaker at the Matriculation on August 16, 2017. Ceremony in Belize City held on August 24, 2017.

Students signing the Matriculation Oath

Students signing the Matriculation Oath

36 37 Our Sports’ Ambassadors The University of Belize Endowment-Scholarship Fund In 2017, the University of Belize established an Endowment Fund (UBDEF) that would allow the institution to improve services and support to its students through financial assistance with the aim to access a UB education. As a result, five bursaries were awarded to deserving students on June 21, 2018. The students were selected based on financial need and academic excellence.

Delroy Coc, a child Zamarie Griffith of the South, was is pursuing a awarded a bursary Bachelor’s Degree that he utilized in Biology. She is to pursue his aspiring to be an Bachelor’s Degree Environmental in Information Scientist. Technology.

Aspiring Paediatric Nurse Rocio Roberto Melendez Calderon used her is pursuing a award to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree in Medical in Nursing. Laboratory Technology.

Maria Chun, is feeding her passion for Math President Sankat feels that the UBDEF is a way for the by pursuing a University of Belize and the private sector as well as the Bachelor’s Degree general public of Belize to contribute to the development in Mathematics of the nation and achieve a positive impact on the society, Education. through supporting our students to study at UB.

The five bursary awardees flanked by (L-R) Mr. Harrison Pilgrim, Dr. Sharmayne Saunders, Mrs. and Mr. Perdomo from Traveller’s Rum and President Sankat at the Award Ceremony.

38 39 UB students participating in Belize’s 36th Independence ‘Fultec Systems Computer Lab’ Day Parade in Belmopan unveiled at UB The University of Mrs. Diana Fuller said that Belize had a landmark having the computer lab ceremony for the naming named ‘Fultec Systems of the students’ computer Computer Lab’ was an lab at the UB Belmopan added reward to support Campus to the ‘Fultec the development of our Systems Computer Lab’ National University. on December 18, 2017. They see ‘Fultec Systems Computer Lab’ as a place Mr. Harrison Pilgrim for everyone willing to reiterated congratulations make a difference. to Fultec Systems for agreeing to partner with This was also the thought The University of Belize to when they decided to pave the way for growth assist with $5,000 to the and development of the UB Endowment Fund National University. President Sankat and Mrs. Diana Fuller from Fultec Systems specifically to assist a He hopes that another signed MOU to confirm partnership student who chooses to partner in the Belizean Community would pursue advancement in Information Technology. consider following suit for one of the other labs Mrs. Fuller also presented the first $10,000 that is on UB Campuses. a part of the MOU to initiate their commitment to the clauses agreed upon. Mrs. Fuller said, “The UB’s President Professor Emeritus Clement key to the improvement of self, community and Sankat, who takes every opportunity to invite country is to be inspired - to aspire to whatever the Private Sector to invest in UB, applauds Fultec your purpose is – to make a difference in this Systems Ltd. for accepting the call to give. Our world.” Private Sector partners reap the rich reward of getting innovative, creative and competent After the unveiling, those present were able to University of Belize graduates as their employees. view The Fultec Systems Computer Lab that is Partnerships like these go beyond the day of the equipped with 70 new computers. The expansion event, it benefits current and future students. of the lab sets the stage for the strategic focus of UB’s institutional development through improved facilities and services provided to students.

Unveiling the Fultec Systems Computer Lab Students utiziling the new lab

40 41 Dr. Arlenie Rogers conducting research on Sea Cucumbers

Research & Innovation

A Transformational Leap: Vision 2022 outlines the University’s commitment to putting research at the cornerstone of its activities. To support this strategic vision, Making a difference the University of Belize will focus on innovation and robust through relevant partnerships with industry and business, and the regional and international community to address the social, cultural research in and environmental challenges of Belize. response to Research Excellence national challenges and seeking out With the implementation of the Transformational Leap: Vision 2022, UB’s aim is to deliver high quality research and innovative solutions research training outcomes that are relevant and meaningful to pressing and improve the future of Belize. In 2017, UB researchers focused on the core area of safeguarding and protecting the issues facing our natural environment of Belize. communities

Students learn about the different species of birds at the Belmopan Campus

UB ERI in conjuction with its partners Panthera conducted coordinated a national wildlife monitoring and conflict resolution program for Jaguar protection and conservation.

Photo Credit Panthera_UB ERI_BAS

42 43 Framework through research. using camera traps. By early this year with our ERI team Research excellence The University commenced 2019, the University will have a completing the 2017 ecosystem Protects the Health & on the national and deepening and establishing better assessment of the status health assessment, conch and Vibrancy of our Sea’s international stage sustainable relationships of wildlife, particularly jaguars, lobster population assessment Natural Ecosystem with business, industry and along the Southern highway and Spawning Aggregation The University of Belize government in conjunction in the Maya Golden landscape monitoring, which enabled the The University of Belize through conducted nationally and with developing the systems, around the Golden Stream university to produce the 2017 its Faculty of Science and internationally recognized infrastructure and culture corridor. In the Central Belize Ecosystem Health Report, 2017 Technology in 2017 engaged the research in 2017, which will to identify, facilitate, and Corridor, data collection for Conch and Lobster Report and International Atomic Energy gain the University respect in realize new opportunities, farms, testing various methods 2017 Spawning Aggregation Agency (IAEA) in several key its research reputation. Our which included establishing: of reducing jaguar attacks Report. The results in these research with regards to the researchers received regional/ the Committee on Graduate was analyzed and a report reports have been shared with protection of Belize’s sea. global recognition in their Studies, the establishment of will be produced on how best the Fisheries Department and respective disciplines also. the Institutional Advancement to mitigate jaguar-livestock the co-manager of the Turneffe This includes ocean acidification Office and the Appointment conflict in a human dominated Atoll Marine Reserve and the research on Belize’s marine In recognition of their and Promotions Committee. landscape. Turneffe Atoll Sustainability ecosystem, strengthening contributions to their respective Complementing the deep Association (TASA). monitoring and response for disciplines, University of Belize expertise of our academic The overall aim of the project is sustainable marine and coastal researchers published in divisions, the University also to ensure protection of Belize’s During this year, the University environments as well as several international academic began building professional forest, its plants and animals This year, the University also through its Central Farm research on Marine Pollution and research journals. services and multidisciplinary and the full benefits the forests completed the second year Campus also launched the and Micro-plastics studies. teams to support new provide to the country and trial for Orbicella faveolata and “Productivity Enhancement Strengthening Our relationships. Belizeans. Acropora coral restoration, of Banana Farms through In October 2017, the University Integrated Soil Fertility of Belize (UB), in collaboration Research Structure a type of species that that is Enhancing Belize’s important to the structure and Management in the Banana with its partners the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Coca Developed in 2017-2018, Wildlife Protection “In 2017-2018, the function of the Belize Barrier Belt.” the University, through its Reef. Cola and the Department of University of Belize The project is a joint action of President’s Office, outlined the Environment (DOE), launched conducted & produced the Banana Accompanying University’s new approach and In 2017, University of Belize Corals in the genus Orbicella the Belize River Watershed Measures (BAM) program to mechanisms for supporting the Environmental Research over 35 research faveolata and Acropora are Management Plan (BRWMP) – provide financial assistance to University’s focus on research Institute (UB ERI) partnered with publications” among the primary reef the first of its kind in Belize. The the Belize banana sector. It seeks excellence and strengthening Panthera Wildlife to collaborate building corals in the Caribbean primary objective of the project to promote and to foster social its Teaching and Learning on wildlife monitoring activities Sea. The research team used lead by Dr. Abel Carrias is to sexual restoration techniques and economic development, develop an integrated BRWMP and successful fertilization and leading to the reduction of and to develop ecological and settlement was achieved. poverty, focusing on workers, hydrological monitoring tools their families, and communities while assessing the status of Excellence in Diversity Research Coral restoration is being in the banana belt area of Belize. the Belize River Watershed, On February 27th, 2017, UB Faculty of Education and Arts’ Lecturer, undertaken in collaboration The specific objective is to through physical, biological, Mathias R. Vairez Jr., along with three research colleagues from Prairie with the Universidad Nacional increase the efficiency of banana and social data collection and View A&M University, Prairie View, Texas, USA were the winners of Autonoma de Mexico’s production and to increase analysis and with the aerial the International Award for Excellence in Diversity Research from the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y knowledge capacities of farmers surveys and mapping in order Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations Journal Collection, Limnologia. and the Banana Growers’ to guide decision making and Volume 17. Association for Integrated Soil the implementation of a sound Extending industry- Fertility Management (ISFM). management strategy of water The research article entitled “Does Diversity Really Matter? The engaged research to The project was conducted in resources in Belize. Interplay between Students’ Race and Their Teachers’ Level of Cultural develop Belize’s Food partnership with the EU, IICA, Responsiveness” was selected for the award from among the highest- BGA and UB. ranked articles, emerging from the peer-review process and selection sector criteria, of Volume 17. UB’s long term marine monitoring program continued

44 45 belt region for the management Partnering with the and health of Belize’s sugarcane Recognizing Outstanding Sugar Industry to industry. Research of National translate research in Importance solutions and innovative The University also completed its water quality and dung During 2017, the University best practices beetle research in the Billy hosted six University and Barquedier National Park, in Faculty Research Symposium, UB through the Faculty of Stann Creek District. The study where UB students and Science and Technology lead by Dr. Latha Thomas, Dr. faculty members highlighted partnered with the Sugar Thippichetty Thiagarajan, collaborative, interdisciplinary Industry Research and Dr. Caroline Herron and Ms. and policy oriented research Development Institute (SIRDI) Karen Bautista was done in on issues and topics of national on ‘Biological Composition collaboration with Steadfast and regional importance and and Ecological Assessment Tourism and Conservation impact. of the Northern Sugar-Belt Association (STACA) who These symposia will enable Region.’ This Initiative involved manages the National Park. assessing major insect pests government, private sector and fungal diseases affecting Through the data collected, and civil society to make sugarcane in the northern sugar- park rangers were trained on more informed decisions water quality and dung beetle for policy formulation and collection methodology, thus program implementation and strengthening STACA’s capacity the development of new and in managing the National Park impactful projects that will seek to improve a variety of Belize’s effectively. pressing issues.

Faculty of Science and Technology lecturers, Dr. Latha Thomas, Dr. Thippichetty Thiagarajan, Dr. Caroline Herron and Ms. Karen Bautista Biology-Chemistry Symposium Students of Engineering/Architecture finding innovative ways to build climate resilient housing.

Bachelor in Biology FMSS Research Symposium students of Natural History of Vertebrates class were treated to an educational fun day of birding activities on Saturday, January 27 at the Belmopan Campus. Caribbean Studies Forum

46 47 2017-2018 Research & 2017-2018 Research & Publications of our Academic Publications »» Hernandez, Jose C. D., Garcia, David A. and Rabbani, Farshad, “Tree Traversal to Achieve Generalization for Data De-identification”, International Journal of Open Information Technologies Faculty (2307-8162), Vol 6, No 11 (2018) 8 In 2017/18 academic year, a number of scholarly publicaions emanated from the UB. A listing of »» James T. Brewster II, Apolonio Aguilar, Gonzalo Anguera, Hadiqa Zafar, Matthew D. Moore such publications in given below: & Jonathan L. Sessler (2018) Synthesis and characterization of an amethyrin-uranyl complex »» Beck, M., Unterrenier, A., & De Four-Babb. (2017). Keeping our boots on the ground: Independent displaying aromatic character, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 71:11-13, 1808-1813, scholars maintaining academic identities. Professing Education 16(2), 67—83. »» McNab, J. & Rogers, A. (2017). Holothuroidea species found in Belizean waters. SPC Beche-de-mer »» Blanco, Lilian and Thiagarajan, Thippi, 2017. Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by Information Bulletin #37 – March 2017: 111- 114. the Yacatec Maya in the Northern Districts of Belize. International Journal of Herbal Medicine 5: »» Nganga, C. W., De Four-Babb, J. B. & Beck, M. Z. (2017). Spirituality as a humanizing pedagogy 33 – 42. of practice and praxis. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 »» Chicas, S. D., Omine, K., Ford, J. B., Sugimura, K., & Yoshida, K. (2017). Using spatial metrics and Annual Meeting, April 27—May 1, 2017, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. surveys for the assessment of trans-boundary deforestation in protected areas of the Maya »» Omine K., Chicas S.D., Sivasankar V. (2018) Current Advances in Paddy Plant Microbial Fuel Cells. Mountain Massif: Belize-Guatemala border. Journal of Environmental Management, 187, 320-329. In: Sivasankar V., Mylsamy P., Omine K. (eds) Microbial Fuel Cell Technology for Bioelectricity. »» Chicas S.D., Sivasankar V., Omine K., Valladarez J., Mylsamy P. (2018) Plant Microbial Fuel Cell Springer, Cham Technology: Developments and Limitations. In: Sivasankar V., Mylsamy P., Omine K. (eds) Microbial »» Omine K., Sivasankar V., Chicas S.D. (2018) Bioelectricity Generation in Soil Microbial Fuel Cells Fuel Cell Technology for Bioelectricity. Springer, Cham Using Organic Waste. In: Sivasankar V., Mylsamy P., Omine K. (eds) Microbial Fuel Cell Technology »» Daniels D., Gómez R. K. and Posada-Perez L. 2018. Genetic transformation of the banana hybrid for Bioelectricity. Springer, Cham cultivar ‘FHIA-18’ (Musa sp.) via particle bombardment using argon gas. In: International Journal »» Panti N., Daniels D., Guerra D. and Williams S. 2018. Effects of different Paclobutrazol-Cultar of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering. Volume 4. Issue 9, September 2018. concentrations on the micropropagation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) variety CPCL99- »» Daniels D., Itza C., Pat J., Guerra D. and Williams S. 2018. Enhancing the protocol for efficient 4455. In: Journal of advances in Biotechnology. Volume 07 Issue 01. sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) micropropagation using the BioMINT Temporary Immersion »» Choco, P., Blanco, L.and Thiagarajan, T., 2018. A comparative analysis of ethnobotanical use of System in the variety B79-474. In: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research. medicinal plants by Q’eqchi’ Maya of Sothern Belize and the Yucatec Maya of Northern Belize. Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2018. International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 6 (4): 01 – 08. » Galvez Guerra D., Rodríguez Morales S.J., Beovides Garcia Y., Milian Jiménez M., Posada Perez L., » »» Posada Pérez L., Padrón Montesinos Y., Gálvez Guerra D., Daniels D. and Gómez R.K. 2017. Complete Rubio Cabrera A., Robaina Jiménez A., Bauta Toledo M., Turiño Gomez F., Daniels D. and Gomez germination of papaya (Carica papaya L. var. Red Maradol) somatic embryos using the rita® system R.K. 2018. Propagation of dasheen planting material of the genus Alocasia by in vitro culture. In: and phloroglucinol in semisolid culture medium. In: In Vitro Cellular; Developmental Biology – International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering. Volume 4. Issue 8, Plant. 2017. August 2018. »» Puc I., Alegria J., Daniels D., Guerra D. and Williams S. 2018. Effects of four different capping systems »» Galvez Guerra D., Rodríguez Morales S.J., Milián Jiménez M., Galvez Guerra J.R., Posada-Pérez L., in the micropropagation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) variety B79-474. In: International Gómez Kosky R., Rubio Cabrera A., Robaina Jiménez A., Daniels D., Bauta Toledo M., García Ruíz Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research. Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2018. J. 2018. Efecto del manejo a brotes in vitro de Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott y Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott durante la fase de multiplicación. In: Biotecnología Vegetal Vol. 18, No. 2: 85 - »» Rathinavel L., Jothinathan D., Chicas S.D., Mylsamy P. (2018) Fungal Fuel Cells: Nature’s Perpetual 90, 2018. Energy Resource. In: Sivasankar V., Mylsamy P., Omine K. (eds) Microbial Fuel Cell Technology for Bioelectricity. Springer, Cham »» Hermond, D. S., Vairez Jr., M. R., & Tanner, T. (2018). Enhancing the Cultural Competency of Prospective Leaders via a Study Abroad Experience. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting »» Rogers, A., Hamel, J-F., & Mercier, A. (2017). From life-sustaining to life threatening: The case Education, Practice, and Research, 8(1), 18-27. doi: 10.5929/2018.8.1.4 of the sea cucumber fishery in Nicaragua. SPC Bechede-mer Information Bulletin #37 –March 2017: 48-50

48 49 2017-2018 2017-2018 Research & Publications Research & Publications

»» Rogers, A., Hamel, J-F., & Mercier, A. (2018). Pearlfish Carapus bermudensis from the sea »» Thomas, L., Thiagarajan, T., Herron, C., cucumber Holothuria mexicana in Belize (Central America). SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bautista, K. (2018). Consultancy Report on Bulletin #38 – March 2018: 73-76. the Biological Composition and Ecological Assessment of the Northern Sugar Belt »» Rosales S., Daniels D. and Tzib L. 2018. The effects of Neodymium and Ceramic magnets on the Region. Dept. of Science, Faculty of germination and growth rate of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) in ex-vitro conditions. In: Science & Technology, University of Belize, International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering. Volume 4. Issue 9, Belmopan, Belize. pp 1-36. September 2018. »» Tuyud V, Thiagarajan T, Salazar D, Chun »» Sivasankar, V., Omine, K., Chicas, S.D., Senthil Kumar, M., & Gopala Krishna, GVT. (2017). J and Perez L., 2018. Antibiotic Resistance Groundwater benzene levels and risk in Madurai, south India- A Kriging based analytical approach. Patterns of Pathogens Isolated from Geo-environmental Engineering, Seoul Korea. Surgical Site Infections at Public Health Facilities in Belize. Journal of Antibiotics »» Tanner, T., Hermond, D. S., Vairez Jr., M. R., & Leslie, L. (2017). Does diversity really matter? Research 2 (2): 1 - 12. The interplay between student’s race and their teachers’ level of cultural responsiveness. The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations: Annual Review, »» Unterreiner, A., & De Four-Babb, J. (2017). 17(1), 1-10. Post-football player career transitions, athlete identity, and higher education. »» Thiagarajan, S. (2018). An Analysis of Performance of Commercial Banks in Belize during Post Paper presented at the American Global Recession Period. Journal of Finance and Bank Management, 6(2), 33-47. Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting, April 27—May 1, 2017, »» Thomas, L., Gillet, A., Vasquez, G. (2018). Effects of land use on dung beetle community structure in a pasture ecosystem of Belize, In: Book of Abstracts, 11 th Natural Resources Management and San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. Research Symposium, March 1-2, 2018, Belmopan, Belize. »» Vairez Jr., M. R., Hermond, D. S., Gomez Jr., F. C., & Osho, G. S. (2017). Factors that »» Thomas, L., Gillet, A., Vasquez, G. (2018). Impact of pasture development on dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) community structure in Belize, with first report on Digitonthophagus gazella contribute to the disparity in academic (Fabricius, 1787). International Journal of Agronomy and Agriculture Research. 13(1):84-89. achievement of students from southern Belize. Caribbean Quarterly, 63(1), 83-108. »» Thomas, L., Hyde, B., Rhaburn, S., Wiltshire, J. (2018) Effects of habitat types on dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) community structure in a protected area of Central Belize. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7, 8(D):14798-14804. »» Thomas, L., Sabu, T.K. (2018). Dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) community structure across a forest-agriculture habitat ecotone in South Western Ghats. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology. 3(5):1879-1890. »» Thomas, L., Sabu, T.K. (2018). Species list with pictorial key for dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) of Nelliampathi in South Western Ghats. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 7, 10(F):16121-16128. »» Thomas, L., Huang, P., Paquiul, I.O., Perez, G. A., Young, E., Caballero, R. (2017) Dung beetles as Biological Indicators of Habitat Modification in forests of Central Belize. In: Book of Abstracts, 10th Natural Resources Management and Research Symposium and 2nd Global Trees Symposium, March 30-31, 2017, Belmopan, Belize.

Lecturer Mr. Jair Valladarez of the Faculty of Science and Technnology

50 51 Mr. Francis Burns Voices of Our Administrative Director, Physical Plant The Physical Plant Department undertakes most of its major project and maintenance during the summer time. During the period August 2017 to July 2018, Leaders the projects below were completed. Mrs. Hertha Gentle »» Installation of 49 solar lights on walkways, 9 spot lights on parking lots and Director, Human Resources Belize Electricity Limited repaired or replaced street lights that were out of service on the Belmopan Campus. The Human Resource Department (HRD) recruited fourteen professionals with academic qualifications and expertise in the area of concentration for lecturing and »» Painting of the Jabiru Building, Scarlet Macaw Building and three wooden Buildings that were five professional administrative staff. The HR Department supported two lecturers purchased for classroom and office space. (Mrs. Melanie Smith Santiago and Mrs. Roberta Thimbrel) and one administrative staff (Mr. Jhon Florez) with study leaves to pursue PHD’s in different areas. Mrs. »» Two hard-wood, 40ft by 20ft buildings were purchased for classroom and office space for the Melanie Smith Santiago was approved study leave to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Nursing department. Another 30ft by 20ft hardwood building was also purchased for in Sociology; Mrs. Roberta Timbrel pursued an Interdisciplinary Health Sciences PHD and Mr. Jhon the Faculty of Science, for both office space and a small lab. Florez to pursue a PDH in Pedagogy (Curriculum Development, Communication and Language). »» The Chemistry Lab for the Faculty of Science was renovated and expanded to accommodate both The Department also supported the development of employees from within the University, four Associates and Bachelor level students. personnel were promoted for the academic year August 2017 – July 2018, and they are Ms. Shereen »» The once thatched gazebo on the Punta Gorda Campus was renovated to a steel structure with Bodden, Mr. Darwin Henderson, Dr. Romaldo Lewis and Ms. Shanera Sanchez. The University’s staff galvanized roofing. and their dependents are entitled to tuition waivers in the pursuit of further studies at the University of Belize. Tuition waiver is provided to employees to pursue Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree. »» Minor renovation was done to the zink structure building that houses two classrooms, with future For the academic year 2017/2018 tuition waiver in the amount of $96,082.00 were issued to staff and plans of redoing the entire building out of concrete on the Punta Gorda Campus. dependents from the Human Resource Department (67 staff and dependents received assistance in semester 2017- 1, 47 in semester 2017 - 2 and 6 in semester 2017-3). »» Painting of the Preschool and the ERI buildings on the Belmopan Campus were completed. »» Major Repairs to both water tank and pier were completed at Calabash Caye Field Station. Mr. John Salam Director, Public Safety Department Mr. Abdulaziz Sanderson Director, Information Communication Technology The University of Belize, Department of Public Safety Emergency Response Team organizes and participates in several exercises throughout the year to prepare At the start of this year, ICT increased not only network capabilities, but technology for emergencies. Police Department, Fire Department, Health Department, in the classroom as well. Noteworthy is that initially, faculty and students could NEMO work with other departments at the University to ensure that emergency not fully utilize the technology over the previous network as internet connection evacuation and response procedures are up-to-date and effective. At least twice a was slow and allowed limited connections. Therefore, ICT improved all buildings year, the Department of Public Safety conducts an exercise to test the emergency east of the Jaguar Building which utilized a 100Mb connection over the network. response and evacuation procedures of the four (4) campuses sites. The University will be notified of In other words, network connection was facilitated to 10 buildings including our this exercise, and the notification will summarize the emergency evacuation procedures and indicate 16 classrooms where a majority of classes are held. The network now utilizes a 10Gb (10,240Mb) fiber where full versions of the procedures can be found. For each test documentation will be kept which connection which has greatly improved it. As a result, faculty and students are no longer limited as to will describe the exercise, the date and time of the exercise and whether the test was announced or how many can be connected simultaneously, hence increasing satisfaction and efficiencies throughout unannounced. the eastern section of the University. The most significant achievement, however, was the acquiring of 70 Dell All In One Desktop Computers . After the tendering process, the computers were successfully installed in the completed refurbished and expanded laboratory named after Fultec.

52 53 UB’s Capital Funding Project

Let’s Build UB Developmental With the implementation of the Transformational The facility expansion proposal includes: Leap: Vision 2022, the University of Belize began a Works Done capital funding campaign to fulfill its commitment 1. A Medical School Building to becoming the preferred degree-granting 2. A Faculty of Health Sciences Buildings in 2017-18 University in Belize through new programmatic offerings and the supporting infrastructural 3. A Multipurpose Conference Facility developments for its students, faculty and staff, which is at the core of UB’s growth initiatives. 4. A Facility for the School of Engineering in Belmopan The University experienced a 6% growth in student enrollment, an increase which surpassed 5. Class room facilities for the PG Campus our expectations. This, when coupled with the 5 new programs launched in 2017 as well as a suite 6. A School of Business Building for the Faculty of of new programs expected to be launched within Management and Social Sciences the five-year plan, which includes more Masters 7. New & Improved Student Spaces, including a programs, Bachelors programs, some Associates residence, communal spaces & cafeteria and Certificate programs, it precipitated the need for facilities expansion. 8. Office Spaces for Faculty & Staff across all faculties and campuses.

54 The Library conducted its Annual Reading 2017 where UB President program so Emeritus Clement Sankat Leading Belize’s Future Celebrating our unique that very young Generation Cultural Life students can along with academic Deans “Read to Succeed” and Directors addressed Non-resident Ambassadors Professor Sankat was invited The Faculty of Education and accredited to Belize on the by the leadership of John Paul Arts hosted an “Evening of Arts” invitation of Minister of Foreign II Junior College in Benque to where there were exhibitions of Affairs, the Honorable Wilfred deliver a Distinguished Lecture artistic displays. The evening Elrington. This was a time when on May 2, 2018 to Faculty started with a visual art display the Ambassadors gathered in and students of the Junior where the audience appreciated Belize for the 36th Anniversary College. The President spoke drawings, paintings and art Outreach & Engagements Independence Celebrations. on “My Journey of Leadership works of various Belizean and Service: Innovating, artists. In 2017, as guided by its Transformational Leap: Vision 2022, the University of Belize A key area emphasized during Transforming, Reflecting and – as Belize’s National and only public University, recognized engagement as central the session was the need for Learning.” Also, our Inno’on - La oh Student to our purpose as an educational institution and to the fulfillment of our vision and international support to build Club hosted a ceremony to the capacity of UB and to allow Also, the University hosted over honor Mother Languages. Mr. our mission. Our engagements strengthen our teaching and learning framework and it to deliver its Transformational 300 primary school students Jeremiah Chiac, President of ties our research work and its focus to our local communities and their challenges so Plan 2022. The President from 16 institutions, both rural Inno’on - La oh, welcomed as to create more applicable solutions for Belize’s national development. addressed this matter with and urban, at its Calabash everyone and reminded the the Diplomats and pointed to Caye Field Station through audience that the reason ongoing development with its Young Marine Explorers why United Nations declared audiences about concerns various countries. Education and Outreach February 21 as International Creating a Program. This program gives Mother Language Day is, “to as well as plans for the Several diplomats spoke of areas space for development of the three cities. students the opportunity to promote linguistic and cultural discourse of interest and collaboration experience marine and coastal diversity and multiculturalism,” with UB, which the University on local Strengthening environments and to have and the role of the Inno’on - La saw throughout the 2017-2018 firsthand encounters with the oh in encouraging linguistic development international academic year. organisms that live within diversity and multilingual engagements through them. education and creating The University of bilateral agreements awareness of language and Belize’s Faculty of cultural tradition. Management and In 2017, the University of Belize Social Sciences strengthened its international The four mayoral candidates for Belize City Council along with (FMSS), Faculty engagement with the signing of Moderator Dr. Leroy Almendarez and President of Student of Education and Government Eluide Miller 10 new bilateral agreements. The Arts (FEA) and objective of these agreements the UB Student is to promote and expand Governments international understanding, coordinated three cooperation and outreach by fora for the Belize stimulating and supporting City, Belmopan educational, professional and & PG Mayoral intercultural activities, program Aspirants at its 3 development and projects campuses. Each among students, faculty and candidate got a the University as well as the chance to make respective communities that The three mayoral candidates for the City of Belmopan (front) presentations support them. along with loderator Dr. Leroy Almendarez, President Sankat, and answered Student Government President for Belmopan Shiyanne Perez, questions from One major event was held on President Sankat (r), Ms. Vicki Quetzal and Mrs. Sharon Palacio- very engaging Wednesday, 20th September, Moro of Student Affairs (l) and lecturer Ms. Audrey Pascascio. Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat along with Diplomats and senior officers of the University of Belize at presentation to non-resident Ambassadors to Belize on September 20, 2017.

56 57 Electric Vehicle workshop Advancing Belize’s Enhancing opportunities held in Barbados, conducted agricultural sector leads to higher faculty by the CARICOM Secretariat. engagement The workshop, attended by The President of the University Mr. Cleavon Diego from the attended the 33rd Meeting Throughout the year, the Engineering Department, was of the CTA Board in Brussels, University enhanced and designed to train Caribbean Belgium. The Technical Centre increased the range of Universities in matters of for Agricultural and Rural international opportunities for Energy, Policy, Renewable Cooperation (CTA) is a joint faculty to gain industry insights Energy and Maintenance of international institution of and experience. Electric Vehicles. the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States Dr. Mariot Simon, Vice President, The University also had three and the European Union represented the University of staff participating in the Zeida Franco-Leon (l) and Dr. Abel Carrias (r) (EU). Its mission is to advance Belize at The Consortium for Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility including sample preparation, for Marine Infrastructure, from food security, resilience and Belize Educational Cooperation Scholarship, where they each extraction (surrogates standard June 4-22, 2018. inclusive economic growth in (COBEC) summer conference spent a week at the University of Valladolid (UVa). The purpose spiking), clean-up and Mr. Ubaldimir Guerra at Valladolid, Spain Africa, the Caribbean and the held in Bossier City, Louisiana The training is part of the efforts of this exchange was to support fractionation, quantification of The Dean of Nursing from Pacific through innovations in from July 25- July 27, 2018. The to build research capacity at the professional development organochlorinated pesticides the Faculty of Nursing, Allied sustainable agriculture. Vice President was a member UB through participation in and capacity of UB staff and by GC-ECD (optimization Health and Social Work, Mrs. of the committee which national, regional and inter CTA operates under the the University, to offer the of conditions, calibration Leolin Castillo, attended the engaged in discussions with regional projects funded by the framework of the Cotonou opportunity to build networks curbs and quantification of Caribbean Nursing Council the proposed consultant on Technical Cooperation Program Agreement. of international contacts and samples), maintenance and Meeting in Bermuda. This developing a funding strategy (TCP) of the International to increase the capacities, troubleshooting of the GC-ECD, meeting, held from February as well as in restructuring the Atomic Energy Agency The Board also met with the attractiveness and international and quality control/quality 27th to March 1st, focused on the COBEC organization. Members (IAEA). The participation of Secretary General of the African, dimension of UB. assurance/control charts. Regional Strategic Framework collaborated in addressing Mr. Valladarez in this meeting Caribbean and Pacific Group of for Nursing and Midwifery, educational needs among Additionally, Mr. Jair Valladarez will strengthen UB’s capacity States (ACP) Dr Patrick Gomes Two members of the Faculty Standardization and Regulation COBEC institutions and also from the Faculty of Science to perform ocean acidification (at ACP, House, Brussels and of Science and Technology and several other topics vital to in fostering greater access to and Technology participated (OA) research and monitoring reviewed the work of the CTA underwent training in pesticide the Caribbean’s nursing and the training opportunities. in a three weeks’ fellowship at and will complement work in and its future in the context of residue analysis. Dr. Abel health sector. the Cotonou Agreement which The University attended an Carrias went to Monaco for the University of Gothenburg, other projects. will be coming to an end. a two-week training course Sweden; The Sven Lovén Centre at the Marine Environment Studies Laboratory of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He was trained in organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls residue analysis in sediment and biota. Also, Mrs. Zeida Franco Leon, laboratory technician, went to the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR) in Santa Marta, Colombia for a two-month training course. Mrs. Franco Leon received training in analysis of pesticides in aquatic environment, President Sankat (left) along with CTA Board and Secretary General of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) Dr. Patrick Gomes (center) Lecturer Mrs. Tracey Sangster (front) along with students and participants at the Evening of the Arts

58 59 Ms. Franscine Sabal (circle), Chair of the History Department, attended the Commonwealth 1st UB Endowment Fete of Learning Training (COL) for Women Leaders in Education in Malaysia. The annual training At the Big Bird’s Isle, Belize City seeks to strengthen women’s leadership in the education sector.

Mr. Leonard Mortis (circle), Chair “The University of Belize Development & the UB alumni, the business sector, professionals, of the Engineering Department Endowment Fund” was recently established diplomats, members of the diaspora, along with in the Faculty of Science and to assist students across the country with UB’s faculty and staff to interact and to have a Technology, participated in a scholarships and bursaries and for other capital great time together. Technical Exchange on Disaster development at the country’s National University. Management in Baton Rouge, The financial struggles of students’ families are The all-inclusive fete brought a new dimension to Louisiana, USA during July 24- many and the University of Belize’s (UB) President Belize’s entertainment scene and happily raised 26, 2018. Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat has begun the bar here. It is expected that this will be an this fundraising drive, including this celebratory annual event in Belize’s Carnival/Independence event in Belize City during the September celebrations. The Fete was also graced with the celebrations. presence of the Governor General of Belize Sir Colville Young and the Deputy Prime Minister, The Belize-Trini Affair held on September 17, Minister of Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Professor Emeritus Clement 2017, featured the millennial generation sounds and Chairman of the National Celebrations Sankat (circle) attended the 111th of Belize’s Super G and Soca Queen Ernestine Committee, the Honorable Patrick Faber. The Meeting of Consejo Superior Carballo alongside Trinidad’s “Crazy” for a truly private sector of Belize including Travellers Universitario Centroamericano old school flavor with his classic single “Nani Liquors with the famous One Barrel rum and from March 13 to March 15, Wine” and Tobago’s Oscar B, a band member Bowen & Bowen with Belize’s National Beer, 2018 in Antigua, Guatemala. of the 90’s Byron Lee and the Dragonaires. Belikin came to the support of UB. Other sponsors The President attended in his All artists were backed up by the diverse and included Scotia Bank, LoveFm, Best Western- capacity as Vice President talented Gilharry 7 band of Corozal. The concert Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel, Belize Tourism Board of CSUCA. While there, he provided an opportunity for the public, students, and The Guardian Newspaper. attended a joint meeting between Presidents/Rectors of Universities from France and Central America. One of the major areas of information sharing and discussion was the engagement of France with institutions in Central America and the possibilities for even wider and deeper collaboration in areas such as quality and accreditation.

60 61 There were cultural Second President Lecture - A tribute to Fidel presentations done by Cuban Presidential Lecture Series artists based in Belize. H.E. Lissette Perez Perez and In 2017, UB’s President initiated Professor Emeritus Clement the ‘Presidential Lecture Series, Sankat unveiled the plaque in where the aim was to host honor of the late Commander enlightening, captivating and Fidel Castro Ruz on the first stimulating speakers who anniversary of his death. discuss a wide range of topics and issues pertaining to Belize’s and the regions development. It Entrepreneurship was developed by the President Education as a means of enhancing the intellectual life on the campus, The third lecture in the for our UB community and our Presidential Series entitled stakeholders. The 2017-2018 “Sustainable Innovation and Academic year, the University Entrepreneurship of Higher held three Lectures. Education in Taiwan– Asia University’s Perspective” was Professor Sankat accompanied by Board of Trustees member Dr. Fred Shyu (r) thank Student Advocacy & Dr. Chun-Wei Remen Lin (c) for delivering the Third Presidential Lecture presented on March 1, 2018 by Dr. Chun-Wei Remen Lin, Social Responsibility St. Augustine Students’ Guild. Tribute to Fidel Castro the Director of the Center for Creative Leadership and who On November 8th, 2017, UB His presentation focused is a Distinguished Professor held its inaugural Presidential on student advocacy and The Embassy of the Republic of of Industrial Engineering and Lecture Series, which was social responsibility. In his Cuba and The President of UB Business Administration at Asia presented by Nikoli Edwards. presentation, Edwards focused held the second UB Presidential University in Republic of China Edwards is from Trinidad and on Youth Advocacy, which Lecture Series, as a tribute to (Taiwan). Tobago, and is currently the has the potential to take you the late Leader of the Cuban worldwide, while spreading Vice Chairperson responsible Revolution, Fidel Alejandro The lecture was presented in the message of the need for for policy, advocacy, and projects Castro Ruz. Belize City and streamed live enhanced youth development for the Commonwealth Youth to the Belmopan Campus. The and allowing the voices of The event was held on Council, and was a past leader presentation focused on both of the University of West Indies, others to be heard. November 23, 2017 at the Jaguar Auditorium at the the academic and practical Belmopan Campus. During the formation of entrepreneurs in presentation, audiences were Taiwan through University given more insight on the life education. of Dr. Fidel Castro by an audio Professor Emeritus Clement visual documentary entitled Sankat, President of the “Oda a La Revolucion”. University of Belize, Keynote address was done by signed a Memorandum of the Ambassador of the Republic Understanding (MoU) with of Cuba, H.E. Lissette Perez Asia University which seeks Perez. Remarks were also given to strengthen collaboration by members of the Northern and possible exchanges for Maya Association, Ms. Adela Faculty and Students especially Pederson and Mr. Fostino Yam. in areas related to Business Mr. Stan Martinez presented on Studies, Entrepreneurship and behalf of the members of the Engineering. Nikoli Edwards delivering his lecture on student advocacy at the Jaguar Auditorium National Garifuna Council.

62 63 outcomes through effective Enhancing excellence in pedagogical designs Creating spaces to academic careers across Advance the University Sustainability the University »» to advance the students The Transformational Leap: Vision 2022 reaffirmed the Administration’s and customer experience As part of its commitment to through improving the commitment to securing a sustainable future for the University of Belize and its In 2017 to complement its achieve its strategic objectives, quality of teaching and core business activities. It outlined and commenced its plans for accreditation, for Accreditation Drive, University the University created the Office learning at UB. facilitating the attraction, retention and recognition of outstanding academic staff launched and implemented of Institutional Advancement. and for implementing a best practice framework for campus planning. its Academic Development It is expected that this training, This Office seeks to serve and Program to assist our once implemented, will be support the University of Belize instructors to be more effective conducted continuously. This through Alumni Relations, teachers. The University will is to ensure that our Faculty Research Funding, Endowment be developing and conducting members will be able to Funding, Capital Campaign, Pedagogical Skills Training for consistently enhance the global Corporate/Foundation Relations Accrediting our all its Full-Time Lecturers. The elements of our University’s and Development Support University aim of this training will be: teaching and learning Services. Under the guidance of framework and to support the President, our advancement »» to equip University of team develops and implements As part of our Transformational individual academic careers at Belize Lecturers with skills, strategies and programs for Plan, the University of Belize the University. theories and techniques that sustainable, long-term growth launched its Accreditation will enhance their teaching necessary to ensure the future Drive on May 7th, 2018, ability success of the UB vision. which we hope to achieve by 2022. With this launch, the »» to develop learning goals University emphasized its for stronger learning commitment to continuous quality enhancement. Therefore, to become accredited, the University will UB pursuing its internationalization agenda for sustainability, academic have to undergo a thorough strength, cultural relationships and resource sharing with institutions in self-evaluation and objective Central America. appraisal by an independent Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat, Dr. Carlise Wynne and Dr. Chaudron Gille along with and internationally recognized Board members, faculty and staff at the launch of the Accreditation drive. agency. The accreditation launch “Accreditation will not only enhance our quality and was facilitated by Dr. Carlise respectability in this national, regional and global Wynne, Professor, and Dr. community of Universities in which we operate, but Chaudron Gille, Associate most importantly the mobility and transfer of credits Provost of the University of of our graduates – to graduate school for example; the North Georgia (UNG). They presented on the value of employability of our graduates and the potential of our accreditation, the types of graduates for enhanced financial support; the licensing accreditation and the different process for graduates from our professional programs regional and international and very importantly our ability to attract prospective accrediting bodies. They students not only from Belize, but from the Caribbean then went over the standards including candidacy, and Central America and the world over.” documentation and quality assurance and requirements. Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat (L-R) Prime Minister of Belize Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow (3rd) welcomes Secretary General of SICA (Central American Integration System) Marco Vinicio Cerezo (1st), Secretary General of CSUCA (Central American Higher Education Council), Dr. Carlos Alvarado Cerezo and UB President Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat.

64 65 UB Faculty and Staff are Employment practices further supported with Assessment and Recognizing our Faculty & our programs such as the Employee Promotion Committee The University of Belize Assistance Program, Staff continues to strengthen its Wellbeing Program, Manager The Assessment and Promotion Staff employment practices and and Supervisor Development Committee was established by workforce issues through a Program. the President of the University 15 Years of Service to UB range of strategies, initiatives in the 2017-2018 academic and policies. Increasing the Capacity year. Faculty members were evaluated for promotion to the Key policies and strategies that of our people higher grade of “Crossing the enable the University in 2017 Bar/Associate Professor.” to manage employment issues The Transformational Leap: included work on the revision Vision 2022 represents a On June 4th, 2018, the Primilee Dorothy Mario Dr. Philip Francisco Dezorie Elias of its Performance Management contemporary approach to University’s Board of Trustees Adolphus Augustine Calvio Castillo Cho Jr. Contreras Cowo Tool and on establishing enhancing and managing the promoted Dr. Thippichetty UB’s Contributory Pension capability of our staff, and Thiagarajan, Associate Plan, Staff Reorganization, addresses critical imperatives Professor of the Faculty of Rationalizing of Contracts for around: Science and Technology to the Faculty, Development of a rank of Professor in Biology – University Succession Plan, »» Leadership the first such Professor at UB. Revised Contracts for Service Linda Climaco Mayra Daisy Steve Benedicto Othelia »» Attracting and retaining the Lewis Oh Pech Valencio Castillo Cho Choc Providers and the revision of best talent “Valuing, supporting and Key Human Resource related encouraging our faculty & policies, such as leave, relocation, »» Supporting professional staff are important. Their remuneration, performance growth and outstanding and professional development. careers diverse areas of expertise With the guidance of the are what builds our Internal Auditor, the University Aurora Derrick Sheran Farshad Irimay Sherrette Obispo capacity and defines our Gongora-Young Gordon Palacio-Moro Rabbani Rivera Wade Alvarado began the task of correcting national University.” several HR anomalies that have Hertha Gentle, Head-HR At a very festive end of year gathering on 5 Years of Service to UB accumulated over the years. December 20, 2017, UB recognized several of its faculty and staff who have served us. Stacy Ordonez Soberanis Theresa Coye Since joining the University over 26 years ago, Dr. Charnele Hyde Marco Cordova Gerrydean Thiagarajan was instrumental in establishing the 10 Years of Service to UB Darwin Selvin Vidal Stewart teaching labs for the Biology and Chemistry programs Henderson Braulio Ah Ivanna Waight- and upgrading the undergraduate Education Degree Josue Ake Ana Escalante Apolonio Aguilar Victor Kuk Cho programs to a full-fledged undergraduate degree. Option Eduardo Barrientos Freida Palma Filomeno Canto Stanford Noralez Graciliano Cal of minors to improve the marketability of the graduates Darren Bovell Lin Smith Valerie Jenkins Jaime Hernandez Rosendo Che and to attract a greater student population to make the Leonardo Cocom Hazel Thompson Shelley Wentz Ashton Myers Marcello Cho programs more viable were accomplished. Ubaldimir Guerra Patricia Tzul Jesus Velasquez Carla Diaz Juan Cho Claude Jones Mathias Vairez Jr. Kenny Balan Danie Moreira- Lester Coleman What has differentiated Dr. Thippi is also his research Rufina Masibuwa Diana Wade Erica Aguilar Palacio Ferrol Franzua and publication, which has brought reputation and Gilroy Middleton Jr. Jermaine Williams Ivory Kelly Crystal Rodriguez Desmond visibility to the UB in the global world of academia. Ian Sangster Adelia Young Dalwin Lewis Trenelle Samuels - Manders Gregorio Ba Francis Burns Cecilia Martinez Reneau Rita Sebastian Linval Baptist Romaldo Lewis Nashira Bradley Maxine McKay David Guerra Owen Broaster Dorla Myvett Keisha Gentle Rubicely Balan Anthony Francisco Lloyd Carrillo Enma Robinson Carlos Choc Evelio Itza Sr. Delayia Cho Candelaria Chun Zeferino Sho Stacey Miller Anibal Garcia Catherine Wade Ryan Domingo Carmen Roberta Thimbriel

66 67 balanced budget at UB with the Deans and Operating Framework Faculties leading the academic initiatives so With the implementation of the Transformational necessary for UB’s growth. Faculty Leap: Vision 2022, the University focused on strengthening its operating model to improve »» Consolidate the University campuses for institutional and academic quality, financial more effective, efficiency and reach, and and stability and achieve learning and research accessibility of educational services while outcomes congruent with its mission and vision. working to promote ‘on-line’ education

Staff During 2017/18, service improvement projects, »» Restructure academic divisions to focus on aimed at enabling professional and academic core academic activities and expansion excellence and improving the student experience, »» Optimizing the University’s diversified mix of Day were delivered with increased efficiency by income sources and opportunities focusing on: The University of »» Adopting a quality assurance framework, »» Striving for a balanced budget Belize held a day for standards and processes and to develop a faculty and staff to more rigorous examination system UB’s Savings have fun together at the Belmopan »» Infrastructure development »» Reduction in operating costs per annum from Campus on April 27, more efficient utilization of resources and 2018. »» Partnerships for program expansion and more transparent and prudent procurement course offerings »» 75% of savings and income generation »» Income-earning operations and opportunities reinvested in academic divisions, student support services and opportunities and The University also incorporated into upgrading infrastructure to support all “In Unity there is its operational planning environmental strength –when sustainability with a key focus on ensuring UB’s Benefits there is teamwork energy reduction, reduced water consumption and collaboration, and recycling and getting “value for money” with »» Consolidated student support services great things can be respect to our procurements. »» Best practice with respect to staff & faculty achieved. There is on-boarding no better way to Efficiency, Reach & Sustainability: demonstrate Team Restructuring Our University »» Transactional process improvements Work than through UB’s Method sports and you will »» Efficient HR Management and procurement experience this »» Entrust the University’s Senior Management practices yourself today. So let Team with greater executive latitude to lead The overall goal is to create a more sustainable us demonstrate this strategy and major income earning and cost University. kind of power, today reduction opportunities so as to achieve a and every day by putting out our best effort and in unison, and as a Team. That’s why we say “let’s build UB Together”. Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat

President Sankat meets with Hon. Patrick Faber (left) Hon. Patrick Faber and executives from the Ministry of Education are apprised on UB’s Transformational Plan.

68 69 University Management Team - Faculties & Centers 2017-2018 As of 1st August 2017, The University of Belize offered over 60 programs across its four faculties Faculty of Education & Arts Faculty Dean Dr. Nestor Chan Schools Chairs History Ms. Francine Sabal Language & Literature Dr. Virgina Hampton Education Dr. June Young Regional Language Center Mr. John Flores

Faculty of Science & Technology Faculty Dean Ms. Juliane Pasos Schools Chairs/Director Information Technology, Physics & Dr. Sherlene Savery Mathematics Science & Natural Resource Management Ms. Karen Bautista Engineering Mr. Leonard Mortis

Central Farm - Agriculture Dr. Gordon Holder

Environmental Research Institute Dr. Elma Kay

Faculty of Nursing, Allied Health & Social Work Faculty Dean Mrs. Leolin Castillo Schools Chairs Nursing & Midwifery Ms. Lecia Bevans Allied Health Ms. Patricia Lopez Social Work Ms. Ava Pennil

Faculty of Management & Social Sciences Faculty Dean Dr. Bernard Watler Schools Chairs Management Dr. Vincent Palacio – Belize City Ms. Desiree Avila – Belmopan

Open and Distance Learning Director, Dr. Freida Palma

70 71 Senior Leadership Team Governance and the Board of The Senior Management Team, led by the President of Director of Finance the University, manages and monitors the University Sherlene Julien strategic objectives and risks, steers its businesses – its Trustees financial, human and physical resources and sets targets Minister of Education’s Representative ATLIB Representative and benchmarks for the University. Human Resource Director Mr. Harrison Pilgrim (Chairman) Dr. Sharmayne Saunders (Vice Chairman) President Hertha Gentle Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat Administrative Officer Vice President Denise Robinson Ministry of Agriculture Representative National Trade Union Congress of Belize Dr. Mariot Simon Mr. Jose Alpuche Representative Mr. Luke Palacio Academic Council Vice President (Chair) - Dr. Mariot Simon Ministry of Education Representative Belize Council of Churches Representative Mr. Deryck Satchwell Dr. Fred Shyu Dean, Student Affairs - Dr. Jean Perriott The Academic Council (AC) is a regulatory body established to a) oversee the academic affairs of the Director Regional Language Center (RLC) - University, b) formulate academic policies, plans and Mr. Noe Agreda procedures and c) evaluate and lead the implementation of the University’s strategic development plan as it relates to UB Alumni Association Representative the Academic Division. Ministry of Health’s Representative Chief Librarian - Mr. Erwin Woodye Dr. Ramon Figueroa Ms. Darlene Vernon Quality Assurance Officer (QA) - Dr. Ethel Arzu

Admissions Coordinator - Ms. Camilla Barker Minister’s Representative, Agriculture Sector National Council for Education Representative University Registrar - Mrs. Rose Pineda Mr. Gaspar Martinez Mr. David Ruiz

Director, Environmental Research Institute (ERI) - Dr. Elma Kay Faculty Representative Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Allied Health & Social Minister’s Representative, Industry Sector Dr. Maxine McKay Work (FNAHSW) - Mrs. Leolin Castillo Mr. Lynn Young

Dean, Faculty of Education & Arts Work (FEA) - Dr. Nestor Chan

Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology (FST) UB Student Representative Secretary to the Board - Ms. Juliane Pasos Ms. Shiyanne Perez Professor Emeritus Clement Sankat

Dean, Faculty of Management & Social Sciences - Dr. Bernard Watler

Campus Administrator, Punta Gorda Non- Governmental & Civil Society Recording Secretary - Mr. Roy Polonio Representative Ms. Denise Robinson Mrs. Michelle Lindo-Longsworth Director, Open and Distance Learning The four Faculty Deans. (L-R) Dr. Bernard Watler, - Dr. Freida Palma Ms. Juliane Pasos, Mrs. Leolin Castillo, Dr. Nestor Chan

72 73 We closed the Academic Year 2017/2018 with Ceremonies on June 14, 2018 and June 16, 2018 at Punta Gorda and Belize City. 1, 147 students graduated and the ceremonies were addressed by the Hon. Patrick Faber (Belize City) and Mayor Ashton McKenzie of Punta Gorda. This was the first year our graduation ceremonies were consolidated to two ceremonies, with the largest in Belize City at the new Civic Centre. Congrats to our Faculty, Staff and Students especially our graduates.

74 75 Financial Reporting Financial Overview for the 2017- 2018 Fiscal Year The University of Belize (UB) provides an overview of the financial position and activities for the fiscal year ending July 31st, 2018, and which should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements, attached. UB’s financial position continues to support the objectives of A Transformation Leap: Vision 2022, with the University steadily working to maximize its investment in teaching, research Mrs. Sherlene Julien Mr. Orlando Palma Ms. Chiung-Yu Lin Director of Finance Accounts Budget Officer and the student experience. Receivable Over the past year, the Office of Budget & Finance delivery and financial reporting, we endeavor worked diligently to provide timely and accurate to continue to raise the bar of excellence in our financial information to key stakeholdersefficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. (internal and external), while protecting the University’s assets, both real and intangible. We exercised prudence in our spending and continuously made efforts to identify areas for revenue enhancement and cost reduction. Systems were set up to streamline our supplier lists, reduce check payment costs through uploads and direct deposits to vendors and employees, and maximised bulk-buying, where possible. Payroll processing outside our established schedule was minimized and our TD-4s were reconciled and distributed in a timely manner. The strategic focus on student accounts was geared to reducing payment delinquency and increasing collections. In FY17-18 we implemented a summer discount, which resulted in an increased enrolment; we improved the student records management system to allow students to acknowledge their financial terms and conditions online and improved our collaboration with the MOE to achieve a 95% collection rate for GOB receivables as at year-end. We partnered with lending institutions to establish student loan schemes and worked with DFC to implement a loan scheme tailored to UBs students. The culmination of our efforts resulted in an unmodified opinion on our external audit review. While we have managed to meet our FY17-18 goals in the quality of our service

76 77 Operating Budget 2017-2018

0% 0% Income 0% 3% 3% 1% 0% 3% 1% 1% 1%

Tuition Fees

GOB Subvention

46% GOB Stipend for RLC Students

University Bookstore

Agribusiness - Central Farm

IMS - Calabash Caye Field Station

Open Distance Learning (ODL)

RLC JICA courses, translations, other

Childhood 41% Rental of Equipment and Facilities

Interest Income

Other Income

Capital Grant Revenue

5% 5% 0% Expenditure 1% 0% 0% Personal Emoluments 5% Travel & Subsistence Materials & Supplies 0% 2% Operating Costs 2% Maintenance Costs Training 5% Professional Services Public Utilities 4% Contributions Licenses & Subscriptions

1% Rents Inventory: UB Bookstore Contingencies Capital Expenditure 70% Depreciation, Bad Debt, Other

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 The University of Belize Office of Marketing and Communications Hummingbird Avenue City of Belmopan, Cayo Belize Tel: (+501) 822-1000/822-3680 Email: [email protected] www.ub.edu.bz