PhD Program in Orthodox Studies



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elcome to the PhD Program in Orthodox Studies of the Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS), the first program of its kind to be established within an WEnglish-speaking framework in North America. It is my personal humble honor and joy to be the Director of this fledgling program, leading a group of eminently qualified scholars versed in the culture and ethos of the Orthodox Church, who will help to prepare future educators and theologians. Building on the remarkable success of the AHOS M.Div. Program, by which, since 1980, more than 4,000 students have drawn from the living waters of our Holy Orthodox Tradition, it seemed proper to take our contribution to theological formation to the next and highest level. By raising the bar of further education in our Archdiocese in particular, and more generally in North America and beyond, it is hoped that our specialists in Orthodox theology will help to elevate the knowledge and ethos of all the Orthodox faithful in this continent, and abroad, helping them to acquire the Orthodox phronema so as to meet the great challenges of our times. It is my pleasure, moreover, to extend my invitation also to scholars of various backgrounds whose desire it is to discover the rich Biblical and Patristic tradition of the Orthodox Church, for one of our fundamental goals is to promote informed and balanced dialogue between Orthodox Christians and the world around us. Indeed, it is our conviction that such a dialogue can only be fruitful if it is based on the inexhaustible treasury of the Orthodox faith. The Prospectus in hand will offer the reader an outline of the purpose and structure of the AHOS PhD Program in Orthodox Studies. Hoping that this program represents a true Springtime of Orthodox Christian education and leadership, I remain

Respectfully Yours,

The Very Rev. Dr. Michel E. Najim

Professor of Patristics and Church History Director of the AHOS PhD Program in Orthodox Studies

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NATURE AND PHILOSOPHY OF PURPOSE Blessed by His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph, Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, and approved by the California State Bureau of Post-Secondary Education, the PhD Program in Orthodox Studies of the Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS), is the first of its kind to be set in an English- speaking framework in North America. Its general purpose is to train specialists in Biblical and Patristic theology, with the specific aim of transmitting the wisdom and ethos of the Orthodox Biblical and Patristic tradition to our theologians, pastors and educators; who in turn will be better suited to raising the standards of Orthodox Christian education throughout North America, and beyond.

METHOD AND PLACE OF TUITION The AHOS PhD Program in Orthodox Studies offers students the hitherto rare opportunity of being supervised at the highest academic level in their researches by Orthodox Christian professors proficient in those languages in which the Biblical, Patristic and historical sources were first written, and, secondly, of being tutored individually by Orthodox Christian scholars eminent in their field of specialization. Utilizing the latest technological means, in order to facilitate personal and frequent contact with course instructors and supervisors throughout the year, the AHOS PhD Program intends to provide the opportunity for on-campus training, both in Pennsylvania (at Antiochian Village, 140 Church Camp Trail, Bolivar, PA 15923), and in California (at the Antiochian Orthodox Institute, 1020 Baseline Rd, La Verne, CA 91750). The two campuses, each of which is adorned with a chapel, will bring faculty and students together twice a year (each time for a two-week period), for intensive instruction, in the form of courses and seminars, and for individual tutorial-style supervision of papers and PhD dissertations. The highest priority of the AHOS PhD Program in Orthodox Studies is to ensure that our students receive the personal attention that is characteristic of a traditional Orthodox Christian formation.

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COURSE DESCRIPTIONS INITIALLY, the AHOS PhD in Orthodox Studies will be focused on the field of Patristic Theology, as evidenced by the credentials and experience of our core faculty members (see Faculty Academic Profiles below). In time, however, the scope of the program will be developed in such a way as to include other equally important areas of specialization as well. The first two years of the PhD Program are comprised of six Doctoral Courses and two Doctoral Seminars, while the third year onwards will consist uniquely of Doctoral Research. An outline of the structure of the first three years of the AHOS PhD Program is given below.

YEAR ONE — DOCTORAL COURSES 1) PAT (THE & HIS) 892. St. Maximos the Confessor, August/September (3 Credits) Very Rev. Professor Michel Najim A study of Maximos’ theology, outlining the unity between Logos – lovgoi (reasons) and cosmos; the interconnectedness between creation and anthropology as a “portion” of God, and the movement according to his “logos” (reason). In defending the two wills in Christ, Maximos emphasized that nature cannot exist or be recognized apart from its essential activity. Special emphasis will be placed on the fall, the passions and death, and its interrelationship with man’s separation from God. Our salvific relationship with God is founded on the acceptance of God’s providence, and on cooperating (synergy) with God’s plan (oikonomia), and the liberation from our passions and unnatural egoism. The Holy Church in the process of theosis strives to assimilate the faithful to God, and to be contained within the Creator through the purification of the heart, illumination of the nous, and the vision of God (praxis and theoria). Students will make two seminar presentations of two approved topics, and the course will conclude with a research paper on Theosis in Maximos the Confessor, which will serve as the final examination, read and discussed in tutorial-style format.

2) PAT (THE & HIS) 893. Mystical Theology I: The Biblical and Patristic Theology of the ( 3 Credits) Orthodox Church, August/September Professor Christopher Veniamin A study chiefly of Greek Mystical Theology in dialogue with the contemporary problematic, with special emphasis on the doctrines of Christology and the Holy Trinity (3 credits). This overview will move diachronically through the Language of the Old and New Testaments, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyons, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Arius, Athanasius the Great, Eunomius, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, , John Chrysostom, and Augustine of Hippo. Students will make a seminar presentation of an approved topic, and the course will conclude with a research paper on The Knowability of God in Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa, and John Chrysostom, which will serve as the final examination, read and discussed in tutorial-style format.

3) PTH 894. Philosophical and Patristic Theology, May (3 Credits) Most Rev. Professor Hierotheos Vlachos The aim of this course is to examine the common and different elements in classical metaphysical philosophy and Patristic theology, especially in the 4th century. This is important, because in this century two major trends met each other, one related to Jewish thinking and the other to Greek philosophy. Comparison will be made between Greek classical philosophy, as articulated by Plato, Aristotle, and the Platonic philosophers, and the experience and thought of the Church Fathers, especially of the 4th century, but also extending to Fathers of subsequent centuries, including Dionysius the Areopagite, Augustine, John Damascene, Maximus the Confessor, Symeon the New Theologian, and . Students will make two presentations of an approved topic, and the course will conclude with a Research Paper on “Empirical Dogmatics according to the teaching of Fr. John Romanides”.

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4) PAT (THE & HIS) 895. The Place of Psychology in Christian Ministry, May (3 Credits) Professor Renos K. Papadopoulos The aim of this course is to investigate (a) the role psychology (widely defined) plays in contemporary life, (b) the impact this role has on the way people conceptualise their very basic stance in relation to central issues in their lives, and (c) the implications of all these for Orthodox Christian Ministry. Central to this course is the discernment of the epistemological assumptions behind the explicit theories of the psychological approaches that will be examined. Consequently, emphasis is placed on the development of epistemological acumen, especially as it is applied to discerning wider societal discourses and “dominant narratives” that form the presuppositions of the theories that will be examined. Students will conclude with a Paper that will further analyze the implied anthropology of their chosen psychological theory or application or approach, and will demonstrate the implications of this anthropology for Christian ministry, specifically within the context of the Orthodox Biblical and Patristic tradition.

YEAR TWO — DOCTORAL COURSES 5) ETH (PAT) 896. Christian Ethics, August/September (3 Credits). Very Rev. Professor Michel Najim This course seeks to explore the roots of Orthodox Spirituality and to study the contemporary moral issues from three perspectives: 1) Spirituality/morality in the Patristic tradition; 2) Practicing Patristic morality in modern society; and 3) Facing contemporary moral issues. This course consists, principally, of a close reading of ethical Patristic texts. Students will make two seminar presentations of approved topics, and the course will conclude with a research paper on moral issues, which will serve as the final examination, read and discussed in tutorial-style format.

6) PAT (THE & HIS) 897. Mystical Theology II: The Biblical and Patristic Theology of the Orthodox Church, Including the Christology of John Damascene and Gregory Palamas, August/September, (3 Credits) Professor Christopher Veniamin This course will continue the investigation begun in Mystical Theology I, looking at such terms as “theology”, “theologian”, “salvation” and “deification”, and will include an examination of Cyril of Alexandria, Dionysius the Areopagite, Maximus the Confessor, Symeon the New Theologian, Gregory the Sinaïte, and Gregory Palamas. Special attention will be given to the central doctrine of Christianity: Jesus Christ, as true and perfect God and true and perfect man. This latter will be discussed in seminar format, and will consist principally of a close reading of St. John Damascene’s Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, and St. Gregory Palamas’ The Homilies. Throughout the course, the Orthodox Patristic tradition will be compared and contrasted with the Western Christian traditions, and particular consideration will be given to the nature of revelation. Students will make a presentation of an approved topic, and the course will conclude with a Research Paper on “The Knowability of God in St. Gregory Palamas: Traditionalist or Innovator?”, which will serve as the Final Examination, read and discussed in tutorial-style format.

YEAR TWO — DOCTORAL SEMINARS 7) PAT (THE & HIS) 898. A Study of Theosis in the Greek and Syriac-speaking Fathers, May (3 Credits). Very Rev. Professor Michel Najim By means of a close reading of texts, with discussion and student presentations, this course will consist of an in-depth study of both the Greek-speaking Fathers and the Syriac-speaking Fathers. Offered in seminar format, a wide range of themes will be covered, including, the spirituality of the heart in the Syriac tradition, the distinction between love and affection, Theosis in an unhellenized Syriac language, the created and the controversy around the uncreated energies in the Syriac tradition, that is, between those who believe in the possibility of “seeing God spiritually”, and those who deny the possibility of seeing God; the relation between the vision of God and worship in the holy of Holies, the heart as the link between the center of the body and the center of the spirit, the Spirit as our inner being, the power of surpassing and the movement in which we submit ourselves unto God, the austere spirit of Syrian Monasticism and its forms, and its missionary activities. Students are encouraged

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to participate in class by means of questions and comments. Coursework will consist of 1 Project, approved by the professor – 25%; and 1 Final Examination (2 hours, written or 1 hour, oral) – 65%. 10% of the overall grade will be based on effort, and will take into account the student’s overall disposition and attendance.

8) PAT (THE & HIS) 899. The Ascetic Ethos of the Fathers: Seminars in Patristic Literature, May (3 Credits) Professor Christopher Veniamin The aim of this course is to investigate the ethos of Orthodox Patristic tradition. This course will consist of an in-depth study of The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus (representative of early Patristic literature), and of Saint Silouan the Athonite (representative of the Patristic literature of our own day). Offered in seminar format, a wide range of themes will be covered, including the Passions and Virtues, the nature of Orthodox Obedience, Repentance and Humility, Married Life and Monasticism, the Different Forms of Prayer, the Development of Intrusive Thoughts (logismoi), the Nature and Function of the Human nous, the Rôle of the Imagination in the Ascetic Struggle, the Spiritual Father and Child Relationship, Theosis or Glorification as the goal of the Christian life, Personal or Hypostatic and Liturgical Prayer for the World as the expression of the Life of the Church. Students are encouraged to participate in class by means of questions and comments. Coursework will consist of 1 Project, approved by the professor – 25%; and 1 Final Examination (2 hours, written or 1 hour, oral) – 65%. 10% of the overall grade will be based on effort, and will take into account the student’s overall disposition and attendance.

YEAR THREE — DOCTORAL RESEARCH The third year of the AHOS PhD Program in Orthodox Studies consists exclusively of supervised research at the doctoral level. A proposed topic having been approved by the Faculty as worthy of original research, the PhD Candidate will spend the third year of the PhD Program solely on researching and writing, and as such requires frequent personal contact with one’s supervisor. The supervisor will ensure that the work undertaken is of the highest academic quality, based on a thorough investigation of sources in the relevant original ancient tongue(s), and in consultation with the most important secondary sources available in their respective languages. In order to qualify for the final examination (see PhD Examination below), the student must submit his or her completed doctoral dissertation in not more than seven academic years from the date of matriculation.

LANGUAGE PROGRAM (Prerequisites) ANCIENT Greek is a prerequisite for the AHOS PhD in Orthodox Studies, in addition to which one other ancient tongue is required, such as Latin, Syriac, Hebrew, Coptic, Armenian, Romanian, Slavonic, Georgian, Arabic. Proficiency is also required in at least one modern language other than English. French and German are strongly recommended, but proficiency in other modern languages might also be acceptable, depending on the character of the proposed topic of research.


THE stages through which students accepted into the AHOS PhD program must pass before achieving the academic title, PhD in Orthodox Studies, may be described as follows:

Matriculation (Supplicant Status). Students are initially matriculated into the AHOS PhD Program as Supplicants. Supplicant status signifies acceptance into the first two years of the AHOS PhD Program, which consists of 12 credit hours of regular coursework for the first year; and 6 credit hours of Coursework plus 6 credit hours of Seminars/Tutorials for the second year of the program (see Course Descriptions above).

PhD Candidate (Doctorandus) or ABD Status. Upon successful completion of the first two years of doctoral studies, the student attains to the status of PhD Candidate (Doctorandus), which is oftentimes referred to as the “All But Dissertation” or ABD status.

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PhD Thesis Supervisor and Topic. In the third year of the PhD in Orthodox Studies, the PhD Candidate will concentrate exclusively on writing his or her doctoral dissertation, having chosen a topic approved by the Faculty as worthy of original research at the highest academic level, based, that is, on a unique investigation of sources in the relevant original ancient tongue(s), in consultation with the best secondary sources available in their respective languages, under the aegis and supervision of a specialist appointed by the AHOS PhD Faculty.

Appointment of Examiners. The PhD dissertation being submitted in a timely manner, that is to say, within the maximum period allowed of no more than seven academic years from matriculation, the AHOS PhD Faculty will appoint 1 internal and 1 external examiner, who, together with the PhD thesis supervisor, will read the thesis diligently and prepare questions for the Defense (Viva Voce).

Graduation Ceremony. On the appointed day, the successful PhD Candidate will present him- or herself before Congregation, that is to say, before the Metropolitan, Board of Trustees, Faculty, Students, and the wider community, whereupon he or she shall be recognized as, and proclaimed, Doctor of Philosophy in Orthodox Studies. The Graduation Ceremony will be followed by a celebratory Graduation Banquet.

PhD FACULTY ACADEMIC PROFILES & APPLICATION FORM The Faculty of the AHOS PhD Program currently consists of four core members: the Very Rev. Dr. Michel E. Najim, Director of the PhD Program and Professor of Patristics and Church History; Dr. Renos K. Papadopoulos, Professor of Psychology and Christian Ministry; Dr. Christopher Veniamin, Assistant Director of the PhD Program, Registrar, and Professor of Patristic Theology and Dogmatics; and the Most Rev. Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos of Nafpaktos, Professor of Ascetic and Pastoral Theology. The academic profiles of the abovementioned core AHOS PhD Faculty members are given in the pages following, as is also the Application Form for the AHOS PhD Program in Orthodox Studies.

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Academic Profile Education • University of Thessalonica, Th.D. • University of Thessalonica, M.Th. • University of Balamand, M.Div. Previous & Present Positions • Professor of History & Patristics, AHOS (since 1992) • Professor of Christian Ethics, PTS (since 1992) • Dean and Professor, St. John of Damascus School of Theology, Balamand (1979–1987); Visiting Professor (since 1999) • Claremont Graduate University (2000–2005) • Professor of Church History, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA (1994–1998) Fields of Expertise • Patristic Theology, Antiochian Patristics (Greek/Syriac/ Brief Bio Arabic) HE Very Rev. Dr. Michel Elias Najim is the • Church History (specializing in Antioch) TDirector of the AHOS PhD Program, Professor • Christian Ethics of Patristics & Church History at AHOS, Professor of Christian Ethics at PTS, and Dean of St. Nicholas Theological Dialogue Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA. • Orthodox–Roman Catholic Dialogue (2000–2012) Fr. Michel was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, and • WCC / Mission and Evangelism, Faith and Order (1983– joined Balamand Ecclesiastical School in 1962 under 2009) the tutelage of Patriarch Ignatius IV, and graduated • Antiochian Chalcedonian and Non-Chalcedonian from St. John of Damascus School of Theology in 1974. Dialogue (1985–1987) He obtained his M.Th.(1976), and his doctoral degree in theology (1985) from the University of Thessalonica, Doctoral Thesis where he studied under Fr. John Romanides and Prof. • “The Theotokos according to Saint John of Damascus” Nikos Matsoukas, while serving as Dean of the School (1985) of Theology in Balamand. After moving to the USA Publications with his family, he worked with the newly-converted Evangelical Orthodox at St. Athanasius Academy, • Liturgical Books, Vol. 1, with Fr. Patrick B. O’Grady from 1987 to 1996. Unassuming in his demeanor, (2015) Fr. Michel is a bearer of the authentic Antiochian • Antioch and Syriac Christianity (2002) heritage, a deeply dedicated churchman and scholar. He is personally acqauited with many spiritual and • Understanding the Orthodox Liturgy, with T.L. Frazier ecclesiastical figures. Throughout his ministry, Fr. (1995) Michel has taught thousands of clergy, including • The History and Legacy of Arab Christianity in the Pre- hierarchs, lay theologians and professors. Islamic Period (1989) 109 AHOS Catalog Dr. Renos K. Papadopoulos PSYCHOLOGY AND CHRISTIAN MINISTRY

Academic Profile Education • PhD in Psychology (University of Cape Town) • Diplom in Clinical & Educational Psychology (University of Belgrade) Previous & Present Positions • Professor of Analytical Psychology (University of Essex) • Director of the Centre for Trauma (University of Essex) • Honorary Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Family Psychotherapist (Tavistock Clinic) • Consultant to various international organizations with reference to refugees and survivors of political violence, torture and disasters Fields of Expertise • Clinical Psychology Brief Bio • Psychoanalysis r. Renos Papadopoulos is Professor of Psychology • Family Therapy Dand Christian Ministry in the PhD Program. • Epistemology He is Professor of Analytical Psychology in the • Trauma and Involuntary Dislocation “Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies”, Director of the “Centre for Trauma, • Interface between Psychological Discourses and Asylum and Refugees” in the University of Essex, and Orthodox Spirituality Honorary Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Family Doctoral Thesis Psychotherapist at the Tavistock Clinic. In private • “The Dialectic of the Other in the Psychology C.G. practice, he is a training and supervising Jungian Jung: A Metatheoretical Investigation” (Univesity of psychoanalyst and systemic family psychotherapist. Cape Town, 1980) As consultant to the United Nations and other organizations, he works with refugees and other Publications survivors of political violence, torture and disasters. • Jung in Modern Perspective (1991) He offers specialist training internationally and his writings have appeared in 15 languages. In 2016, he • C.G. Jung: Critical Assessments, 4 Vols. (1992) received an Award from the European Family Therapy • Multiple Voices: Narrative in Systemic Family Association for his “Outstanding Contribution to Psychotherapy (1997) Family Therapy”. His research also includes the • Therapeutic Care for Refugees: No Place Like Home interface between psychological discourses and (2002) Orthodox spirituality. At AHOS, he offers both annual seminars on this interface in the Master’s program in • Handbook of Jungian Psychology: Theory, Practice and Pastoral Counseling, and the unique core PhD course, Applications (2006) “The Place of Psychology in Christian Ministry”, of • Involuntary Dislocation: Home, Trauma, Resilience, and which he is the founder. Adversity-Activated Development (in press)

110 PhD Program in Orthodox Studies

Prof. Christopher Veniamin, D.Phil. (Oxon.) PATRISTIC THEOLOGY AND DOGMATICS

Academic Profile Education • University of Oxford, D.Phil. in Theology • University of Thessalonica, Lic.Th. (4 years) • St. John of Damascus School of Ecclesiastical Music, Byz.Mus. (Thessalonica, 4 year degree) Previous & Present Positions • Professor of Patristics, St. Tikhon’s Seminary (since Fall Semester, 1994) • President and Founder of Mount Thabor Publishing (since 2005) • Program Director, St. Nicholas Retreat Center (1992, GOA Diocese of San Francisco) Fields of Expertise • Greek Patristic Theology • Dogmatics / Systematic Theology • History of Christian Doctrine Brief Bio • Church History Dr. Christopher Veniamin is the Assistant Director • Orthodox Spiritual Life and Registrar of the AHOS PhD Program, and Professor of Patristic Theology and Dogmatics. • Early Apocryphal Literature A spiritual child of Elder Sophrony of Essex, Professor Doctoral Thesis Veniamin was born and raised in London, of Greek • “The Transfiguration of Christ in Greek Patristic Cypriot parents. He is currently the Professor of Literature: From Irenaeus of Lyons to Gregory Palamas” Patristics at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan (1991) PA, where he has served for more than 20 years. He received his first degree in Theology from the Publications University of Thessalonica (where he studied under • The Transfiguration of Christ: In Greek Patristic Literature Professors George Mantzarides, John Fountoulis, from Irenaeus of Lyons to Gregory Palamas (forthcoming) and Fr. John Romanides), and his doctorate from the University of Oxford, where he was blessed to have • Saint Gregory Palamas: The Homilies (2009, 2014, 2016, the Most Rev. Dr. Kallistos Ware, Metropolitan of repr.) Diokleia, as his doctoral supervisor. • The Orthodox Understanding of Salvation: “Theosis” in Professor Veniamin has known Sts. Porphyrios and Scripture and Tradition (2013, 2014, 2016, repr.) Paisios, is familiar with many of the Elders of the • The Hidden Man of the Heart (Editor, 2008, 2014, repr.) Holy Mountain, and with other notable figures in contemporary Orthodoxy, academic and ecclesiastical, • The Enlargement of the Heart (Editor, 2006, 2012, repr.) including Archimandrite Zacharias, Metropolitan • Ecclesial Being: Contributions to Theological Dialogue (Editor, Hierotheos Vlachos, and Professor Constantine 2005, 2006, repr.) Scouteris.

111 AHOS Catalog The Most Rev. Hierotheos Vlachos ASCETIC AND PASTORAL THEOLOGY

Academic Profile Education • University of Thessalonica, Lic.Th. (4 years). • University of Athens, D.D. (honoris causa). • University of , D.M. (honoris causa). Previous & Present Positions • Preacher, Edessa Metropolis (1969–87) • Preacher, Thebes Metropolis (1987) • Youth Director, Athens Metropolis (1987-95) • Visiting Professor, Balamand (1988-90, 2001) • Member of Standing Holy Synod, Church of (current) • Greek National Committee on AIDs • Greek National Committee for Radio & TV • National Center for Infectious Diseases • Greek National Anti-Drugs Agency • Greek National Council for Medical Ethics Fields of Expertise Brief Bio • Ascetic Theology and Spiritual Direction he Most Rev. Metropolitan of Nafpaktos and St. • Pastoral Theology TVlassios, Hierotheos, is Professor of Ascetic and • Priestly Ministry Pastoral Theology in the AHOS PhD Program. • Liturgics His Eminence received his first degree in Theology • Patristic Theology from the University of Thessalonica in 1969. He was ordained deacon in 1971, and priest in 1972. He served • Dogmatic / Systematic Theology as Preacher (hierokyrix) in the Metropolis of Edessa, Publications from 1969 to 1987, in the Metropolis of Thebes and • A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain Levadia in 1987; and was also Director of Youth • Orthodox Psychotherapy Ministry in the Metropolis of Athens from 1987 to 1995. He was consecrated to the holy episcopate on • The Science of Spiritual Medicine July 20, 1995. • The Mind of the Orthodox Church He taught Ancient and Modern Greek, and Ethics- • The Seer Asceticism at the Theological School of Balamand • The Person in the Orthodox Tradition, which received an (Lebanon) in 1988 to 1990, where he also taught award from the Athens Academy Bioethics in 2001. In 2008, he was awarded • St. Gregory Palamas as a Hagiorite the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree by the Department of Social Theology in the University of • Life After Death Athens; and in 2016, he received the honorary Doctor • The Feasts of the Lord of Medicine degree from the Department of Medicine • Bioethics and Biotheology in the University of Ioannina. • I Know a Man in Christ His Eminence has represented the • Empirical Dogmatics, Vol. 1 on numerous committees, pastoral and social, including those concerned with AIDs, drugs, bioethics, and the • Empirical Dogmatics, Vol. 2 media. He is also a prolific author. • St. Paisios of the Holy Mountain as an Empirical Theologian

112 PhD Program in Orthodox Studies


1. Complete form, and send to [email protected]. 2. Attach all required documents (see Appendix, Section 2). 3. Requests for references will be sent directly to your referees by AHOS.

A – Applicant Information

Full Name: ______Date: ______Last First M.I.

Address: ______Street Address Apartment/Unit#

______City State/Province ZIP Code International Address: ______Street Address Apartment/Unit#

Phone: ______Email: ______

Gender: ______ID or Passport Number: ______Mother’s Maiden Name: ______

Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes o No o If not, are you authorized to study in the USA? Yes o No o

Birth Date: ______/______/______Place of Birth: ______Month Day Year City State/Province Country

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes o No o

If yes, explain ______

B – Education

College/ University: ______Address: ______

From: ______To: ______Year of Graduation: ______Degree: ______

College/ University: ______Address: ______

From: ______To: ______Year of Graduation: ______Degree: ______

Studies at AHOS?: Yes o No o ______

From: ______To: ______Year of Graduation: ______Degree: ______

113 AHOS Catalog

C – References

Please list THREE academic references:

Name: ______First/Last Academic Title Relationship

Institution: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

Name: ______First/Last Academic Title Relationship

Institution: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

Name: ______First/Last Academic Title Relationship

Institution: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

D – Previous or Current Employment

Company/ Institution: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______Supervisor: ______

Job Title: ______

Responsibilities: ______

From: ______To: ______Reason for Leaving: ______

May we contact your supervisor for a reference? Yes o No o

Company/ Institution: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______Supervisor: ______

Job Title: ______

Responsibilities: ______

From: ______To: ______Reason for Leaving: ______

May we contact your supervisor for a reference? Yes o No o

114 PhD Program in Orthodox Studies

E – Priestly / Ecclesiastical Ministry

Church: ______From: ______To: ______

Jurisdiction: ______Position: ______

Bishop: ______

Parish Priest: ______

Previous denomination, if any: ______

F – Financial Information

You must demonstrate that you have sufficient funds available for your academic and travel expenses. You or your sponsor will be responsible for all payments according to scheduled payment dates for each semester. How do you plan to fund your tuition and expenses during your education? Self-Sponsored o Scholarship o Specify (name, value, duration): ______

I certify that the financial information provided on this form is true, accurate, and complete, and that the funds are available and will be provided as stated.

Signature: ______Date: ______

G – Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to admission, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my expulsion from the program. I also understand that application fees are not refundable.

Signature: ______Date: ______

H – This Section Is For Internal Use Only

Reviewed By: ______Date Received: ______Last First M.I.

Proposed Supervisor(s): ______

Area of Specialization: ______

Bridging Course(s): ______

English Language Requirement Met? Yes o No o US Residency Requirement Met? Yes o No o Ancient Language Requirement Met? Yes o No o Language(s) ______Academic Requirements Met? Yes o No o Personal Statement Received? Yes o No o Application Fee Received? Yes o No o

The Antiochian House of Studies is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of California

115 AHOS Catalog



Before applying for the Ph.D. Program in Orthodox Studies, ensure that all entrance requirements have been satisfied. Please see Sections 1–7 below pertaining to the application procedure for the Ph.D. Program.

1 – Entrance Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. Program in Orthodox Studies typically requires a graduate degree specifically related to the candidate’s area of research. A Master’s degree in Theology (MTh), Divinity (MDiv) or Religious Studies, is preferred. However, graduates of other academic disciplines may be admitted to the Ph.D. Program upon completion of such bridging courses as are deemed necessary by the Admissions Committee. Incorrect or incomplete applications will not be considered by the Admissions Committee. Please note that applications are only valid for two consecutive years.

English Language Requirements Applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence of proficiency in English. This can be either an IELTS score of 7.0, a TOEFL score of 100 iBT, or a Cambridge CPE at grade C. English language requirements may be waived if the applicant is a graduate of a recognized university whose language of instruction is English.

Ancient Language Requirements Applicants who do not have proficiency in Ancient or Biblical Greek must acquire a sufficient knowledge of Greek by the end of the second year of the Ph.D. Program. Ancient or Biblical Greek is a prerequisite for the AHOS Ph.D. in Orthodox Studies, in addition to which one other ancient tongue is required, such as Latin, Syriac, Hebrew, Coptic, Armenian, Slavonic, Georgian, Arabic. Proficiency is also required in at least one modern language other than English. French and German are strongly recommended, but proficiency in other modern languages might also be acceptable, depending on the character of the proposed topic of research. Please refer to our Language Tutor for additional advice and guidance.

2 – Supporting Documents and References

All applications must include the following supplementary documentation before a decision can be made:

• CV/Résumé. This should include your personal details with a history of your education, research and employment to date.

• Personal statement. In not more than 1,000 words, the personal statement is an autobiographical account outlining the major events in one’s life.

• Description of Research Interests. A brief outline of applicant’s area of interest for research, not more than 500 words.

• Two samples of academic work written in English, of approximately 2,000 words each, including notes, but not including bibliography.

• Three academic references. Referees will be emailed a link to a web form, which will allow them to either upload their reference, or to complete it online. References should arrive in a timely manner, before the deadline (see Section 3 below).

• Academic transcripts and degree certificates. Please have the granting institution send certified copies directly to the AHOS with official English translations, if applicable.

• Certificate of proficiency in the English language, if applicable. See English Language Requirements above.

116 PhD Program in Orthodox Studies

2 – Important Deadlines

Applications received by February 28th will receive first consideration for acceptance. Applications received after February 28th will be considered on a rolling basis and only if places are available. If places are not available at the time of application, successful applicants will be invited to resubmit their application during the following application period. Applications for the Ph.D. Program are considered every two years.

4 – Applicants With Disabilities

Applicants with special needs or disabilities are encouraged to contact AHOS as early as possible, so as to ensure that their needs will be provided for by AHOS. If AHOS has not been informed of a student’s special needs prior to an offer being made, we cannot guarantee that suitable resources will be available at the commencement of studies – although every reasonable effort will be made on the student’s behalf. Please note that all applications are assessed chiefly on academic merit.

5 – Application Fee

An application fee of $75 is payable upon submission of the application. Checks must be written to the Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS), 385 Ivy Lane, Bergenfield, NJ 07621.

6 – Tuition Fees

The total number of credits for the AHOS Ph.D. Program in Orthodox Studies is 36. The cost per credit is $399. There is a $500 tuition fee per extra year (from the fourth year on), a $200 dissertation submission fee, and a $200 Graduation fee. There is a yearly technology fee of $100, and a Library access fee, also of $100. The total tuition costs over a three-year period is currently $15,439; which comes to $5,146.33 per year (for the first three years). All costs are subject to change at the discretion of AHOS.

7 – Contact Information

For further details regarding the AHOS Ph.D. Program in Orthodox Studies, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

Office of the Registrar (570) 470-7804 phone Ph.D. Program in Orthodox Studies (570) 319-1348 fax 106 Hilltop Road Waverly Twp, PA 18414 [email protected] email

117 AHOS Catalog