Power-Primed with ROCKET FUEi. ~ &JP

NOR~~~ESTERN • OHIO ST A TE W\lliam A. Wo~d~.,Tt· S NYPP, Editor Jo,,n F. H _ummeL __ ------A~vertising Man DNational Adve-;,.- .---- Circulation M ager on Spencer Co."'ff1 Repre_sentative anager Th · New y 'k M adison A e niver it p . or 16, N. y ve., orthwe l . Y _residents ___ · 10. tale , nU · ni ve.r si"t Y O fficial------4 Ohor , estern 111 ve rs1ty• Offi cial. s __ ------5 The th1955 Oh" 1md Ohio tate Staff ;------6 Lu.dents Welio tale f'.ootball Squad ------7 Photographic p~.rn Oh10 State Alumni------8 Athleti c De ogress of ren·i ------9 cene al partmentorth B U1" ldm" g ' Pro«r-----' ______10 S o~t h western Foowetbs terll 11P ni. ve r ity "______am ll hrn_S tate Football a layers ------14______12 Fro m s·mclair Research Gagiv:': r•;iu - powec-pcimedcomes with new t '~~:i-u.i;.Sindai, ,owER-X ~dmmiO stration of Tila)J_rs ------16' Jg, 34, 36 · · · co,k:, · ,s great gasoline he ortln e tern W~ 1g Ten -----~~- • , 38, 42 The Marching Band ildcats ------__ 19 orthwestern . Program ______20 ru ve · ---- 1io State Football r i? Lory --======------29 New 1-!tgh itJ Oc!ane M OJor thwe tern . . oster ______32 New S'uper Power N;: P~cke'. Gelaway Ohio tale ar ~~veCrs1ty Football - R~-; ------40 otre Dame H Y oaches _ er ______-434 Pusf- 1-h;gh '" Miearle onors 1954 Ch; ,;pi-~;;;------______-4 45 prooFwifh RD·/fq" ••• 9all-h/i f' (5'

Sinclair De a Iers Brin . g You All Oh" S /--' 00 0 S I NC:.LAiii POIIIIER•X The Newsuper Fuel 3 The University Presidents Northwestern University •

TED B. PAYSEUR Director of Athletics


LOU SABAN Head Football Coach •


Northwestern University GEORGE F. SEULBERGER Faculty Representative


RICHARD C. LARKINS Director of Athletics

LEFT TO RIGHT : , Nate Johnson, Al Pesek, Bud Svendsen, , Gene Miller. OHIO STATE COACHING STAFF

W. W. (WOODY) HAYES Head Football Coach

DR. WENDELL D. POSTLE Front row, left to right: Jim Hietikko, assistant freshman coach; , varsity backs; , assistant varsity backs; , varsity ends; William Heu, tackles. Back row, , head freshman coach; Harry Strobel, guards and centers; Faculty Representative W. W. (Woody) Hayes, head varsity coach; , defensive line coach. 6 7 ....- .c >- .. 0 0 ;.: 0 < Students Welcome Alumni "' 0 .; .. c .,.~ E c 'ii ~ ..... a. :~ .. ,;. .:: ..c

.. ~ ii...... ! 0 E ..c"... .. E D D .; .,.0.. 0 u 'ii .,. u .... .; r.: f ~ .. D a. "' i.n i.n ~ I ,;. - 0 c z"' < Q 0 ~ :::::> tn 0 .~.. Q .. > ti OI ..c > .. V') ,;. ..- c 0 .... 0, .. D c > "' ::: !:? c" D ·e 0.. >- D u E ::, 0 1- E ...- u .. c V') 0 .,.0 :t "' .0 .:: ea::: ... "' 0 .. ... 0 w 0 ..> .... 0 ,; E c 0 'ii .. ..c > "' == ... - ~ ~ i :;: .. ..c.. z ::, 0, ~ c Q. a Members of the general homecoming committee from left ta right are as follows: front row-Pat Casey, rally; Joan Temple, sec­ :::::> ..c :ii == E w .. 0 Q 'iii ..c retary; John Keatts, chairman; Carolyn Gotter, art work; Dick Johnson, publicity; bock row-Stan Greenwald, dance; Ken Dameron, .... 'O ..c ... w ...... queens; Paul Miller, house decorations z .. c" ..c.,. c· ·-r 1- 0 c c '5 D a u W ELCO:.lE HOME! will hold open houses ·o that you ma) 111eet the Liil · The HOMECOMI JG committee of 1955 wel­ dergraduate and see the wonderful HOMECOM - 0 comes you, the OHIO TATE ALUM I, who. r G decorations. :c since 1882 have met annually to renew our HOME­ Welcome back! The ·tndent senate and the 0 COMI JG tradition . Once again you will revive HOMECOMING committee extend to you their I old memories by vi iting familiar place and seeing heartiest greeting and invite you to enjoy ever., i.n old friends. minute of our 1955 H01IEC011II G. i.n L-i t evening, at the Stadium, thou ands gathered ~ for the traditional bonfire rally and the burning of - Northwestern' effigy. 'vVe "set the earth reverberat­ Members of the 1905 and 1925 Ohio State ing, with a mighty cheer" when Coach "\i\Toody" University football teams held a joint banquet Have introduced the "BUCKEYES." Friday night at the De bier-Hilton Hotel and are attending today' Homecoming game a The Ohio nion was jammed a 3000 tudents gue t of the Athletic Department. The 1905 danced and then cheered the HO IECOMI TG queen and her court. team, captained by Ralph \V. Hoyer of Co­ lumbus, played a 12-game checlnle. winning At half time today, the lovely 1955 HOMECOl\1- 8, losing 2 and tying 2. The 1925 team, cap­ I G queen and her court will be introduced, having tained by Harold (Cookie ) Cunningham of been named in a popular election similar to those l\Iiami, Fla., won four game , lost three and held annually ince OHIO TATE wa admitted tied one. In addition to Mr. Hoyer, other 1905 to the \Vestern Conference in 1912. team member in the land · include Dr. George On hand for the 16th straight year i Clanc~ W. Gillie of Fort Wayne, Ind .. Jame E. Lin­ I aac, '39, former cheerleader, to lead the OHIO coln of Cleveland, Philip I .. Rothrock of Co­ STA TE cheering section. Clancy wa the origina­ lumbus, Charle. . \. \ \'hippie. Columbus and tor of the Block "O" cheering section. Harry F. E11·ing. I lattieshurg. :\Ti.:;!- After today'. game, fraternities and sororitie!-

9 Photographic Progress of Arena and Field House

New Basketball Ho·me Nearing Completion

THE Ohio State University athletic department i, the econd deck is 68 feet above the floor level. in the midst of an enormous building program Another of the desirable qualities is the complete which includes an ultra-modern ba ketball arena and absence of posts or obstructions. Uni roken visibility field hou e, the latter for indoor practice. The two is possible from any eat in the arena. The balcony buildings are being financed through athletic receipt and roof are supported by eight column , Hro each primarily football. in towers, located in the corner of the building. The roof is of '·arch" type construction. made of alumi­ Plans for the basketbal I arena, named the t. John Arena, were drawn by the Univer ity architect's of­ num and acoustically treated. fice and the project i under the financial direction Each of the four towers is lime ·tone and the side of · niversity Vice President and Bu iness Manager 11·alls are made of aluminum insulated panel. \Vin­ Jacob B. Taylor. clows are of corrugated glass. The interior color

The t. John Arena is a 261-foot square edifice. motif will feature a maple playing floor. with match­ 120 feet high at the peak, containing 6,400,000 cubic ing finish for the individual seats. The steel work is feet. The capacity i 13,392, with all eat being painted in gray. to be trimmed in green and the built around a single ba ketball floor. Construction balcony will be carlet. i in a double-decked arrangement. with 9,400 eats down tair and 4,000 in the balcony. There are 11,- There are six ramp from the floor level to the 780 permanent eats, of individual wood, theater­ main concourse. A many as 16 stairways lead from type construction. while the remaining 1,612 seats the main concourse to the balcony. The building has are located in three sections of roll-away bleachers, 15 exits including a large ramp at the a t encl over two sections along the side of the floor, and the third which truck may unload equipment. located on the encl behind the west basket. If nec­ essary, a fourth section could be added behind the The field hou e is a 200-ft. by 400-ft. structure, ea t basket, although this area is elevated, providing containing indoor practice facilities for various athle­ space for a "natural stage," used for graduation or tic teams. It will house an eight-lap track, a base­ conventions of niver ity groups. ball diamond, batting cages, sliding pits and a tennis court. The field house will not have permanent seat­ One of the many di tinguishing feature of the ing, although 4,500 can be comfortably accommodat­ arena is the closeness of the seats to the playing ed for a track meet. floor. The mo t di tant seat, behind the basket in the top row of the balcony, is only 150 feet from The arena and field house project is expected to the center of the basketball floor. The final row of be completed by July 1. 1956.

10 11 Builders of the St. John Arena and Ohio State University Field House IEWS OF NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY


383 S. Third St., Columbus, Ohio CA. 1-4547

As Time Passes- Completed 1922

Stands as Positive Evidence of the Enduring Strength Possible to Attain in Concrete by Using MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE AND MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE SAND THE MARBLE CLIFF QUARRIES CO. COLUMBUS , OHIO

12 13 (/)iAroJJJlll . . . THE EXPLORERS RESTAURANT AND DRIVE - IN "A New Trend in Food ervice. ~:

1080 Dublin Rd. HU 8-0651 COLUMBUS 8, OHIO

JOHN REARDON EDWARD QUINN JOHN LOHBAUER No. 25- Quarlerback No. 37- Fullback No. 67- Guard


Ohio Stale Games

Quality leader among the finest watches of the world is Longines-winner of 10 World's Fair GraJld Prizes and 28 Gold Medals for excellence and elegance, highest Observa­ tory Honors for accuracy. Longines Oslo A,1tomatic. l4K gold waterproof* case, Of special interest to sportsmen is .a series of Sweep. econd hund. 195, highly efficient Longines Automatic Watches employing an exclusive ~£-winding principle. They are shock-res·s~nt, anti-magnetic, witl1 BEN NAPOLSKI JOHN ELDRIDGE KURT KRUEGER unbreakable mmnsprings; many are water­ SOL/J ,1,VD SEIWICED No. 30-Fullback No. 66- Guard No. 64- Guard proof*. Jhese outstanding Longine· watches BY MOR£ TH4N a::A>riced fr&m $75 to $195. 4{)00 LEAD/NC JISWEf.ERS ll'HO .111: l ·n~ a, crystal. hnrk :,;n,1 itetn tue i1rnu:t. PROUDLY DI$PL.ff TH1$ EMBLEM

Olentangy Ice Rink 299 W. Dodridge Phone AM. 2-1 321 Open Day and Night Skates for Sale and to Rent Private or Class Instruction

WAYNE GLASSMAN ALAN WEYHRICH CLIFFORD PEART 18 Hole, Par Three Golf Course 75 Tee Driving Range No. 33-Fullback No. 77-Tackle No. 89- End 14 15 KENNETH VARGO FRANCIS MACHINSKY No. 40-Halfback No. 59-Co-Capt.-Center No. 79-Co-Capt.-Tackle BUCKEYES Photos by House of Portraits


• !V !U' W> NP :W !V Sii' W W ¥ ·V' W W iW W 5W' :¥'--+ W W W iW W #.; THE GREATEST JAZZ SHOW OF THE YEAR!

FRIDAY, NOV. 4 8:15 P.M. FRANKLIN ELLWOOD DICK GUY JERRY HARKRADER VETS MEMORIAL BLDG. No. 24-Quarterback No. 75-Tackle No. 44-Halfback The Best Teammate for Excellent Cooking - The New Automatic Gas Range * DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET Featuring Paul Desmond No range con toke the place of a fine cook. But it seems most all fine cooks prefer I ~,.n• gos ranges for cooking. These beautiful '~ new ranges ore loaded with features that * GERRY MULLIGAN SEXTET --3 will help you prepare better meals, rotis­ Featuring Zoot Sims & Bob Brookmeyer - serie llroilers, griddle tops, positive light· ·-- -- ing, every shade of heat, and automatic _._ llii.. ovens and timers. They make cleaning up easy, too, with disposable drip troys and CARMEN McRAE - oven bottom liners, lift-up tops and many * Metronome "Singer of the Year" other features. The new Gas Ranges let you use all your cooking skill - so easily. See Your Gas Range Dealer * AUSTRALIAN JAZZ QUARTET Tickets-Heaton's Music Store DONALD VICIC JIM PARKER WILLIAM MICHAEL No. 33-Fullback No. 62-Guard f.lo. 89-End 16 17 Administration of the Big Ten

By K. L. W ilson ROGER WINDEY ROBERT KING AL VIOLA No. 56-Cenler No. 47- Halfback No. 68- Guard Conference Commissio n er

All matters not pecifically reserved to the faculty representative or under the Directors' jurisdiction ar in the area of "General Regulations", passed upon by the two groups in joint session. Typical of Northwestern Players these regulation are the limit on the length of K. L. WILSON playing and practice season . A notable feature of conference legislative machin­ U JCflO I G of the Western Conference fa ll s ery is a procedure known as the ''White Resolution". Fnaturally into two parts-the making of rules and Under thi procedure no substantive legislation of regulations which is legislative and the aclmini tra­ the Conference may be effective for a period of 60 tion and enforcement of tho e rules and of Confer­ day , during which time it mu t be ubmitted to the ence activities generally, which is an executive func­ faculties of the constituent members. If any faculty tion. rejects the measure during that peri d it must be Each Conference member de ignate a faculty reconsidered at the next meeting of the Conference. repre entative, who i a faculty member who doe But if then approved by a majority it becomes not receive pay l rimarily for services connected effective. with the departments of athletic or physical educa­ The presidents of the Conference members are tion. The ten faculty representatives are the princi­ constituted a a "Council of Ten," and they are a pal legislative authority of the Conference and in part of Conference machinery to the extent that keeping with a fundamental principle of faculty con­ they meet annually with the faculty representatives trol, are the supreme authority in all Conference or the joint group to review and discu s the athletic matters. program of the Conference and further, they ap­ The athletic directors from each school, together point the conference commis ioner upon recommen­ with the commissioner, constitute the executive or­ dation of the faculty representative . STAN DWYER NEIL ERICKSON FRANCIS LENTVORSKY ganization directing the athletic program under The conference commis ioner is the executive offi­ No. 73- Tackle No. 17- Quarlerback No. 48- Halfback Conference legislation. cer of the Conference and its enforcement officer, The faculty representatives have exclusive au­ having broad disciplinary powers subject only to thority in making rules of eligibility, but have dele­ review by special appellate boards. gated legislative power in certain areas. The area The faculty repre entative and the athletic direc­ delegated to the Athletic Directors, formerly known tor meet emi-annually in December and May or as "Directors' Agreements", consists of " pecial upon special call, and the directors also meet in Regulations", having to do with such administrative March. matter as playing rule , ofncials, financial settle­ The present group of faculty representatives and ments, and so forth. thletic Director consist of:

School Faculty Represetita.'ivrs Athletic Directors Illinois ------Robert B. Browne Dougla R. 1ill Indiana ------John Mee Frank Allen Iowa ______Paul J. Blommer Paul Brechler Michigan ------Marcus Plant H. 0. Cri !er Michigan State ------__Leslie W. cott Clarence Munn Minnesota ______Henry Rottschaefer Ike Armstrong orthwe tern ______George Seulberger Ted Pay eur Ohio State ______Dr. Wendell D. Po tie Richard C. Larkins Purdue ______Verne Freeman Guy Mackey JAMES THOMPSON TED RINGER GEORGE MOYERS Wisconsin - --··-- ______George Young Guy Sundt No. 38- Fullback No. 57- Center No. 40- Halfback 19 18 • • Meet The Northwestern Wildcats •

\VO of the \\'ildcal ' brawni t player', tackle End FRED NO AL and BOB MORM TJOH1T Sl\[lTH and aplain ANFORD were hicago prep tar . Fred mov cl to the flank S I , arc al o top in the cla room. Both po - spot after a ophomore year a · one of the finest »e A-minu- ·chola lie average , John in engineer­ guards in the conference. Bob wa rated the be t ino- and ". andy'' in commerce. They wer prep team­ pas · catcher on la t year· team ... Elgin' JOH1 T That is, Wilke makes • mate at Cleveland Height , .... Three more key 1.0 HBA 'ER \\'aS pre ed into action again t Ohio For pre-game player hail from the am mall Illinoi hio-h chooL .· talc last year, and hi s fine performance earned him • ·'-uarterback D LE PIE TA, halfback J l i\I TR - a ftrst tring berth . . . • ophomore linemen B B The Team a Stronger one! • Jwi . . (//Id CU , and ·ophomore end, LIFF I EART, were Kl ~LI .Y and Bl ~N FROL~LI JI, are pre-med ma­ • po t·gome teammates at Hall Town ·hip high of . prino- \ 'alley. jors ... The latter is the son of Dr. Bernard J. • Pienta, a brilliant defen­ Froelich, fullback on the 1926 N.U. squad ... Half­ • celebrations sive man, intercepted back JI.\I Tll(DIPS X 11·as fast enough to patrol • three pa ·cs in one hal( center field for :;\fansfield • • a

20 21 Our Great State is proud of the Oltio State loot/Jal! 7:eam ( Last Year's National Champions) SPENCER-WALKER .. and year After Year an Admirable Representative of Ohio in the Football World and THE NEW 2~-HILTON PRESS, INC. 1s also receiving its share of praises The entire Mid-West is complimenting the Hotel on its Fabulous NEW LOOK. $2,500,000 Has Been Spent to Make the Deshler~Hilton one of America's Finest Hotels. D UBLI CATIO N YOU 'LL THRILL AT f RINTER S * * * • 32 WARREN STREET COLUMBUS 8, OHIO PHONE: AX . 9-4185

the new, beoutifvl COFFEE HOUSE I t Atmosphere fcatur· C_heerful. P,casdish~. economicallv ,np: Jppet,zdp:with bst service. • priced an ;o a.m. Open from 6 · until II p.m. EXCLUSIVELY LETTERPRESS

Printers of the OSU Football Programs


22 NORTHWESTERN PRO BABLE STARTING LINEUP OHIO STATE No . Name Position Probable Starting Line-up 84 JACK STILL W ELL ______LE No. Nome Position 71 SANFORD SACKS ______LT 89 BILL MICHAEL ______LE 67 JOHN LOH BAUER ______LG 75 DICK GUY ______LT 57 TED RIN GER ______C 62 JIM PARKER ______LG 68 A L VIOLA ______RG 59 KEN VARGO ______C 72 JOHN SMITH ______RT 60 DAVE WEAVER ______RG 80 FRED NOSAL ______RE 79 FRANCIS MACHINSKY __ RT ______RE 27 JACK ELLIS ------QB 85 LEO BROWN ______LH ______QB 49 OLIVER LINDBORG 24 JERRY WEBER ______RH HOWARD CASSADY ____ LH 12 40 FOSTER ______FB 44 JERRY HARKRADER ______RH 39 JOHN 33 DON VICIC ______FB THE WI LDCAT SQUAD 9 Reed, T 58 McGuire, G THE BUCKEYE SQUAD 10 W idmark, HB 60 Will iams, G 10 Ledman, QB 59 Vargo, C 11 Comer, HB 61 Pasko, G 14 Beerman, LH 60 Weaver, RG 12 Weber, HB 62 Partoyan, C 15 Disher, LE 61 Ramser, RG 14 Zimmerman, E 63 Kluever, G 16 Cannavino, LH 62 Parker, LG 17 Erickson, QB 64 Krueger, G 18 Williams, FB 63 Jobko, LG 18 Troglio, HB 65 Remien, G 23 Crawford, QB 64 Thomas, RG 19 Splinter, HB 66 Eld ridge, G 24 Ellwood, QB 65 Wassmund, RG 21 Pienta, QB 67 Lohbauer, G 25 Karow, QB 66 Cole, LG 22 Jeske, HB 68 Viola, G 26 Theis, QB 67 Baldacci, LG 25 Rearden, QB 69 Rabas, T 27 Lilienthal, QB 68 Provenza, LG 26 Gregory, QB 70 Kelly, T 28 Booth, QB 69 Facchine, RG 27 Ellis, QB 71 Sacks, T 33 Vicic, FB 70 Nagy, LT 30 Napolski, FB 72 Smith, T 35 Trivisonno, FB 71 Perry, RT 31 Zamzow, HB 73 Dwyer, T 36 Cisco, FB 72 Whetstone, RT 32 Finger, G 74 Fitzpatrick, T 40 Cassady, LH 73 Cummings, RT 33 Glassman, FB 75 Zagol, T 43 Roseboro, RH 74 Stoeckel, LT 35 Johnston, HB 77 Weyhrich, T 44 Harkrader, RH 75 Guy, LT 37 Quinn, FB 78 Erickson, T 45 Sutherin, LH 77 Cook, LT 38 Thompson, HB 80 Nosal, E 46 Thompson, RH 78 Ebinger, LT 39 Foster, FB 81 Morman, E 47 Wable, RH 79 Machinsky, RT 40 Moyers, HB 82 Apple, E 48 Shedd, LH 80 Zawacki, LE 45 Rasmussen, FB 83 Bielinski, E 49 Richards, RH 81 Kriss, RE 47 King, HB 84 Stillwell, E 50 Dillman, C 83 Niederhauser, RE 48 Lentvorsky, HB 86 Froelich, E 51 Holdren, RG 85 Brown, RE 49 Lindborg, HB 87 Michalek, E 52 Bond,C 86 Humbert, LE 51 Carley, E 89 Peart, E 53 Barnes, C Hysell, E 87 Collmar, RE 52 Evashavi k, T 90 54 Sommer, C Bittner, C 91 Walker, T 88 Spears, LE 53 55 Breehl, C 54 Keating, C 94 Centofante, QB 89 Michael, LE 57 Martin, RT 55 Laws, C 95 Jerasa, G 58 Quinn, LT 91 Trittipo, RE 56 Windey, C 96 Demos, G 57 Ringer, C 97 Tomko, T

Only Chesterfield is Made the TH IS I S I T ! L&M has the pure~t an~ best filter your lips ever touched ... the pure, white M1r~cle Modern Way-with Ac.cu.Rfli/ Tip. What's more, L&M gives you a rich, good tasting, Today-discover for yourself what modern science ~an and fully satisfying smoke. No wonder smokers every- do to increase your cigarette enjoyment! Try Chesterfield where say, ' ' L&M's got everyth' ing. 1" -the cigarette made the modern way ... measurably smoother ... cooler ... best for you! liM _Americas Best Filter Cigarette! THE FORT HAYES HOTEL COLUMBUS

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Scotts Lawns are neighborhood show places • fro1n Maine to California . . . " FOR W ELL-SPEN T DAYS You can easily have one ... Sow lOOo/o perennial Scotts Lawn Seed for a permanent turf. For vigorous HOTEL FORT HAYES " growth and sparkling color feed regularly with Turf Builder, the complete grass food. •

Write for LAWN CARE bulletin service. These informative Recommended in Duncan Hines' Books, pamphlets tell how to treat the lawn year around. "Adventures in Good Eating" and

" Lodging for a Night".

R. I. GRIFFIT H, Mana ging Director lawn making is fun and done in a breeze with a SCOTTS Spreader Also Cranbury, N. J. - Des Moines, Iowa 27 The Ohio State University Marching Band Presents


JACK 0 . EVANS, Director GEORGE E. W . SOUDER, Drum Major

FORREST D. STOLL, Assistant Director RICHARD HEINE, Music Arranger

CHARLES L. SPOHN, Assistant Director TOM JOHNSON, Announcer

Visit The New Fireplace Room

FOHMATIO MU LC Doersam's ENTR E ·---· ·------_ Theme STATE OF TE A ______" Yellow Ro e of Texas" 13 W. Broad St. BA1 JO. ____ "Hey, Mr . Ban;o" 00 !SKI HAT ND RIFLE _" Davy Crockett" TWO AT _ "Siam ese Cat ong" COWBOY _ ----- _ ------. _ "Th e M.a11 From Laram-ie' FINE STEAKS AND CHICKEN OLD AH _" hake, Rattle, and Roll" _" Go lorth western" All Legal Beverages M01 OGRAM OHIO _ _ _ ------. "Th e Buckeye Battle Cry" 45 Years at Broad and High "Carmen Ohio"

28 29 HOPPY'S FAVORITE Haffllony-raJt/tnJ.. PASTEURllED · STANDARDIZED Harmony HOMOGENIZED ~ t DAIRY SOFT-CURD '( 'w 1~h,u,,fU/Vl'rt..g....._ PRODUCTS JIMMY ROSEBORO DON STOECKEL FRANKLYN THEIS No. 43- Halfback No. 74- Tackle No. 26- Quarterback look for the harmony belles Milk BUCKEYES Photos by House of Portraits

call FE 7423 for home delivery

, Pennineton 's Complinients Of Columbus Taxicab

WILUAM CUMMINGS ROBERT (Bud) BOND WlltlAM BOOTH No. 73-Tcckle No. 52-Center No. 28- Qucrterback Association

COLUMBUS TAX ICAB ___ CA 8-2623 HOT DOG BUNS EAST SIDE ______FE 5511 Served Here Exclusively GREEN ______CA 4-4141 11They 1 re Always Fresh 11 HILLS ______CA 1-1313 NORTHWAY _AX 9-1191 RADIO ______CA 4-2222 RED TOP ______CA 8-2623 SAFETY ______CA 8-2623 YELLOW . __ ·-- --· ______CA 4-4141 WllllAM COLLMAR LEO BROWN DAVE WEAVER ASK FOR PENNINGTON No. 87- End No. 85- End No. 60- Guard SOFT BREAD AT YOUR GROCERS 30 31 Your Friendly Chrysler-Plymouth Dea/,ers ·'Since 1924 Good Places to Deal" Northwestern University McCLURE-MAIN WOOD-MOTORS

T HERE are no undertakings more important to MOTOR CO. INC. the advancement of human welfare than those 1505 E. Main St. 611 E. Broad St. conducted by the leading institutions of higher learn­ ing. The services they render to society have never Complete 011e Stop Service • 24 Hour Service Harold Wood '31, President been greater than they are today.

Northwestern University, the only privately-sup­ ported university in the Big Ten, considers the ohli ­ gation to be of service, as basic to all teaching, re­ nature of the facilities the teacher is able to utilize­ search and clinical programs it undertakes. These has benefited immeasurably from a recent large ad­ programs are conducted on two campuses, one in dition to the educational plant, Kresge Centennial The NEWEST Evanston, where the University was founded in 1851 Hall, dedicated in June. The building contains on the shore of Lake Michigan, and the other in Chi ­ classroom space for 1.300 students. plus laboratories cago, also on the lakeshore near the loop. The facult,· and offices. on both campuses totals 1,700. Northwestern has long realized, however, that a ~ The Evanston campus is the home of the Collegt· student's education does not end in the classroom. RESTAURANT of Liberal Arts, the Schools of Commerce. Speech. The University was the first in the nation to require 77 S. HIGH STREET Journalism, Education, and Music, the Technological that the dormitories of students belonging to social Institute, and the Graduate School. Total full-time organizations be erected under a University-controll­ FLAVOR enrollment in these schools is 6,500. This division ed plan along with dormitories of those who are not of the University permits the student to obtain a affiliated. This means that both affiliated and unaffi­ AGED 4 YEARS broad liberal arts background combined with special­ liated students live in common quadrangles, the IN WOOD ized training. housing units of each being substantially alike. Two additions to housing facilities were opened this year. -your good-will On the Chicago campus are the professional These are McCulloch Hall and the Dwight St. John rendering a satisfying schools-the Medical, Dental, and Law Schools-the Bobb Memorial Building, two dormitories for fresh ­ and efficient food service. Commerce School Graduate Division, and the Eve­ men men which together house 400 students. An enlarged dining place of superb James Vernor Co. ning Divisions. The professional schools have a total beauty. See the Master Mural depicting the Beau­ enrollment of 1,300 students and each year about Looking toward the future, Northwestern has an­ tiful and Historic Ohio. FE. 5385 9,000 part-time students enroll in evening studies. nounced a 138.Yz million dollar long-term develop­ Other Miiis Restaurants In Cleveland and Cincinnati. In Oelrolt, Greenlleld's Restaurants under some manage ment. ment plan to improve further its contributions not A great stride forward in the Northwestern re­ only to student education but to society at large. The search program was taken recently when the Morton program encompasses all teaching, research and clini­ Medical Research Building was completed. Located cal aspects of the University. The plan is the latest on the Chicago campus, the seven-story building is expression of the confidence shown by the founders a key addition to the Medical Center there, where of Northwestern when they pledged themselves to TELLING teaching, research and clinics combine in a three-' establish in a near wilderne5s a "university of the front attack on medical and dental diseases. highest order of excellence to serve the entire North­ ICE CREAM COMPANY The teaching program of the University-depeu­ west Territory." Today the scope is broader. But 245 East Town Street dent both upon the quality of in struction and the the pledge to serve remains the same. COLUMBUS, OHIO

32 33 .Time out ... Have a Coke

I .j~~ J

GARY KLUEVER JOHN SMITH OLIVER LINDBORG No . 63-Guard No. 72- Tackle No. 49- Halfback

Northwestern Players

" Coke'" is o registered trode-mork.

"Another Landmark For Hungry Americans" Howard Johnson1 s Restaurant E. ELFORD JOHN FOSTER NORBERT PASKO DICK WIDMARK No. 39-Fullback No . 61-Guard No. 10- Halfback (Motel Accommodations Adjoining) & SON, INC. •

5090 North High Street

AM. 8-1264 Contractors •

(15 Minutes North of the Stadium on U.S. Route 23) • COLUMBUS, OHIO


and NEVER A PARKING PROBLEM ROBERT KELLY THOMAS WILLIAMS JERRY WEBER No. 70- Tackle No. 60-Guard No. 12-Halfback 34 35 Finest of Visit Our . AFTER THE GAME . American and Beverage . Italian Foods Enjoy Yourself at Lounge . . . Presuttis Villa . Known Coast to Coast . ' • 1692 W. Fifth Ave. Open 11 A.M., Close 1 A.M. HU. 8-6440 . p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

JAMES TROGLIO JACK ELLIS DALE PIENTA No. 18-Halfback No. 27-Quarterback No. 21-Quarterback ICE THE Northwestern Players COAL HISS STAMP and COMPANY Stoker COAL


DON MICHALEK THEODORE HYSELL EDWARD ZAGOL 1334 EDGEHILL RD. 195 EAST LONG STREET No. 87-End No. 90-End No. 75-Tackle 24-Hour P'lat/orm Service COLUMBUS, OHIO AX. 9-1151 AX. 9-1152

For Fastest Service-Finest Food CHARBERT'S Sandwich Shops


11 12 E. 15th AVE. 1912 N. HIGH CHAR-BURGERS" Gate To Campus Between 16th & 17th 7 A.M.-12:30 A .M . NEVER CLOSES The Deluxe Big Sandwich Fri.-Sat.-7 A .M.-2:30 A .M. 808 MORMAN JACK STILLWELL DICK ERICKSON No. 81-End No. 84-End No. 78-Tackle 36 37 A fter The Game ... ~_,,. Let's Go To aramon Columbus' ationally Famous Restaurant Be Sure To Visit Our Unique Gift Shop 137 East Broad Street CApital 4-4161

DONALD SUTHERIN AURELIUS THOMAS FRED KRISS No. 45- Holfbock No. 64- Guard No. 81 - End - Genuinely Friendly- The Virginia Hotel ''looks'' BUCKEYES Long a tradition with university students a nd Photos by House of Portraits football followe rs, has kept abreast of chang­ like a ing trends and today offers EXCELLENT-MODERNIZED million ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS

The fi nest food, prepared under the supervision of an out­

stonding Dieti tian a nd served in lovely, redeco rated Dining


And beverages- prepared for you by men who have serv­

ed our Patrons here over a period of several years- in

o ur de lig htful Mayfair Cocktail Lo unge a nd Bar. - Every Modern Hotel Convenience- THE DEAN & BARRY CO. Third and Gay Streets CA. 1-3101 COLUMBUS, OHIO TOM DILLMAN JOE CANNAVINO " O ne Block North of Ohio' s Histori cal Capitol" No. 50-Center No. 36-Fullback No. 16- Halfback BILL DUNN, Manager



OHIO STATE FOOTBALL ROSTER Hotel New Seneca One of Columbus' Finest No. Name Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Class Home Town 10 Ledman, Kenneth ----····-·--PK 195 6·1 20 Junior Columbus For Your 14 Beerman, Raymond _____ LH 177 5-11 19 Sophomore Toledo 15 Disher, Larry LE 182 5-11 19 Sophomore Waterville 16 Cannavino, Joseph ______LH 168 5-11 21 Sophomore Cleveland PLEASURE 18 Williams, Lee -----·----·---FB 171 5-10 21 Junior Springfield 23 Crawford, Thomas --···-·---·---QB 172 5-11 19 Sophomore Toledo After The Game 24 Ellwood, Franklin ···--·--··-··-QB 193 5-11 20 Junior Dover 25 Karow, Robert -·--··-··-····-QB 180 5-11 20 Sophomore Columbus 26 Theis, Franklyn ---·-··-···--QB 192 5-10 20 Junior Nyack, N.Y. 27 Lilienthal, Robert ···-··-··-·---QB 178 6-0 20 Junior Cambridge Dancing Saturdays a.t 9:00 P.M. 28 * *Booth, William --···--···--- QB 190 6-0 21 Senior Youngstown 33 *Vicic, Donald ··-··--·-···--·--·-·FB 211 6-1 20 Junior Euclid Serving Delicious Food at Sensible Prices 35 Trivisonno, Joseph ---·-···-- FB 210 5-11 22 Sophomore Cleveland Visit Our Small But Comfortable Beverage Lounge 36 Cisco, Galen ______FB 209 5· 11 19 Sophomore St. Marys 40 ***Cassady, Howard --··--·----LH 175 5-10 21 Senior Columbus OUR OWN GARAGE FOR PARKIN G 43 *Roseboro, James ··--·-····---RH 174 5.9 20 Junior Ashland 250 COMFORTABLE BROAD AT GRA NT 44 **Harkrader, Jerry ______RH 189 5.9 21 Senior Middletown ROOMS AND SUITES PHONE CApital 8-6611 45 Su therin, Donald --····-·····-·-·· LH 199 5-10 19 Sophomore Toronto (Perfect Facilities for Sales Meetings, Luncheons, Dinners and 46 Thompson, Kenneth ··-····· ______RH 193 6-0 21 Junior Dayton Wedding Receptions. Exceptional, but not expensive) . 47 Wable, Robert --··----·--······---RH 167 5-10 18 Sophomore Sistersville, W.Vo Under The Personal Supervision of 48 Shedd, Jan -----··--··-··--LH 177 5-10 21 Senior Columbus 49 Richards, David -··-··-·-·--·--·-RH 162 i -9 21 Junior Ba rnesville Your Host 50 *Dillman, Thomas -·-·--··-·-----C 200 6-2 20 Junior Middletown 51 Holdren, Richard ______RG 198 5-8 18 Sophomore West Liberty Jimmy Michos 52 ***Bond, Robert ______( 184 5-11 22 Senior Akron Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 53 Barnes, Ronald ·-·····-·--··-···-··· PK 200 6-0 25 Sophomore Portsmouth 54 Sommer, Karl ---·-·-········--··--- C 224 6-2 20 Jun;or Martins Ferry 55 Breehl, Edward ______: c 178 6-0 19 Sophomore New Ph iladelphia 57 Martin, John --·------···-RT 208 5·11 19 Sophomore Waverly 58 Quinn, Thomas ····-·--··---LT 190 5-10 20 Junior Portsmouth 59 **Vargo, Kenneth ______C 200 6-1 21 Senior Martins Ferry 60 **Weaver, David --········-··-··---RG 191 5-8 21 Senior Hamilton 61 *Ramser, Richard -·---······-··---RG 198 5-11 21 Senior Shadyside Celebrate 62 *Parker, James ···-··-·····-·--·- LG 248 6-3 21 Junior Toledo 63 *Jobko, William -·-·--··---··-·····-LG 192 6-1 20 Junior Lansing w ith 64 Thomas, Aurelius ______RG 200 6-1 20 Sophomore Columbus 65 Wassmund, James --·-·---·----RG 200 6-0 20 Junior Toledo 66 Cole, Robert --···-·-·······--·-·LG 200 5-10 20 Junior Carey 67 Baldacci, Thomas ····--·····-·---LG 201 6-0 18 Sophomore Akron Ice 68 Provenza, Russell -··------···-·· LG 196 5-10 19 Sophomore Lorain 69 Facchine, Richard ----··-·-RG 208 5.9 19 Sophomore Vandergrift, Po 70 Nogy, Alex -----······-···-··-···- LT 218 6-2 18 Sophomore Warren 71 Perry, Charles ------······---RT 219 5· 11 24 Sophomore Columbus 72 *Whetstone, Robert ______RT 210 5-11 21 Junior Barberton at home 248 6-2 20 73 Cummings, William -·------RT Junior Toledo - jtttm the or at the 74 **Stoeckel, Donald ······-·-·····---LT 206 6-0 21 Senior Hamilton 75 *Guy, Richard ______LT 218 6-3 20 Junior Mansfield fountain 77 Cook, Ronald -----··---.-LT 205 6-1 19 Sophomore Lima O'tdlnat'I ! 78 Ebinger, Elbert ·--·--·--··-···--LT 250 6-3 21 Senior Hamilton 79 ** Machinsky, Fronds ______RT 224 6-0 21 Senior Uniontown, Po. and 80 Zawacki, Charles ______LE 200 6-2 19 Sophomore Uniontown, Pa. 81 *Kriss, Frederick ______RE 194 5-11 19 Junior El Paso, Tex. At Meal Time 83 Niederhauser, Donald ______RE 202 6-5 19 Sophomore Toledo 85 Brown, Leo ·------··-RE 168 5-10 21 Sophomore Portsmouth • be 86 Humbert, Stanley ______LE 207 6-2 20 Junior Cincinnati Continuous Service 87 *Collmar, William ______RE 173 6-1 21 Senior Martins Ferry 6:30 a .m.-9:00 p.m. 88 **Spears, Thomas ---···-·--···-- - LE 199 6-0 20 Senior Wheeling, W.Vo. sure 89 *Michael, William ______LE 222 6-1 19 Junior Hamilton BREAKFAST- LUNCH- DINNER 91 Trittipo, John ------·------· RE 168 6-0 23 Sophomore Gambier Open nnily Including Sundays & Holiday.< it's • indicates letter weights certified correct, Sept. 7 ~·~ the 19 4 Dining N. HIGH ST. Rooms best NEXT DOOR TO DESHLER-HILTON HOTEL 7Jortlens "The Official Watch for Timing This Game is Longines- the World's Most Honored Watch" 40 41 NORTHWESTERN FOOTBALL ROSTER

No. Name Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Class Home Town

10 Widmark, Richard . _ ·--·-······ _____ HB 175 6-0 19 Sophomore Chicago 11 Comer, Norman ········-··-··-··-····HB 180 6-0 20 Sophomore E. Chicago, Ind. 12 Weber, Jerry ········------HB 185 5-11 22 Senior Jamestown, N.D. 17 Erickson, Neil ______QB 162 5-11 19 Sophomore Manitowoc, Wis. 18 Traglio, James --·····------HB 173 5-10 21 Senior Spring Valley 19 Splinter, Bradley ______HB 166 5-9 19 Sophomore Milwaukee 21 Pienta, Dale . . ···-·······------QB 195 6-0 20 Junior Spring Valley 22 Jeske, Frank -· ····-···· ·-·····--·HB 181 5-11 21 Senior Chicago 25 Rearden, John ------__ QB 175 6-0 21 Senior Evanston RONALD COOK RICHARD RAMSER JOHN MARTIN 168 5. 10 20 Junior Rock Island No. 77- Tockle No. 61 - Guord No. 57- Tackle 27 Ellis, Jock ·-········-·-··········--·--··--QB 30 Napolski, Ben -···-······-·····------FB 217 6-2 19 Sophomore Berwyn 32 Finger, Richard _ ---·--·----- G 200 5-10 21 Sophomore Chicago 33 Glassman, Wayne ······-····-·······- FB 189 5-10 22 Senior LaPorte, Ind. 37 Quinn, Edward --·-··-····------FB 195 6-0 20 Junior Pittsburg, Kans. 38 Thompson, James ______HB 195 5-11 19 Sophomore Mansfield, 0 . 39 Foster, John --··············------FB 200 6-0 20 Junior Evanston 40 Moyers, George ______HB 186 6-1 21 Senior Hinsdale BUCKEYES 47 King, Robert ______HB 178 6-1 22 Senior Fond du lac, Wis. Photos by H ouse of Portraits 49 Lindborg, Oliver .. ______HB 185 6-0 25 Sophomore Michigan City, Ind. 51 Carley, Jerry ---·· ·------···········E 180 6-1 20 Junior Chicago 52 Evashavik, Bucky __ ---···-·· ______T 203 6-2 19 Sophomore Turtle Creek, Pa. 53 Bittner, Carl ------____C 195 6-0 19 Sophomore Chicago 54 Keating, John . ------·-······- C 198 6-2 21 Sophomore Evanston 55 Laws, Charles . ······- ·····------C 204 6-2 19 Sophomore Moline 56 Windey, Roger ...... • ---·-···---- C 200 6-0 20 Sophomore Evanston 57 Ringer, Ted ...... ------C 200 6-1 20 Junior South Bend, Ind. 60 Williams, Tom -·····------··· G 200 5-11 20 Junior East Mo line 61 Pasko, Norbert ______G 216 6-0 19 Sophomore Hammond, Ind. 63 Kluever, Gary -----·------G 218 6-Y, 19 Sophomore Pekin 64 Krueger, Kurt --·-····------G 205 6-2 22 Senior Granger, Ind. 66 Eldridge, John ______G 215 5-11 24 Sophomore Michigan City, Ind. 67 Lohbauer, John ______,_G 197 5-11 20 Junior Elgin 68 Viola, Al ---··· ··-·····------G 210 5-10 23 Sophomore Maynard, Mass. 69 Rabas, Donald __ --··· . T 197 6-1 19 Junior Maribel, Wis. 70 Kelly, Robert ------T 219 6-3 19 Sophomore Beaver Fal ls, Po. 71 Sacks, Sanford __ ···------T 236 6-3 22 Senior Cleveland Heights, 0 . 72 Smith, John ___ __ ------· T 249 6-4 22 Senior Cleveland Heights, O. Chicago THOMAS BALDACCI DONALD NIEDERHAUSER ALEX NAGY 73 Dwyer, Stanley ------········--· T 221 6-2 24 Junior No. 67- Guard No. 83- End No. 70- Tackle 74 Fitzpatrick, Richard ------·-· T 215 6-0 20 Junior Moli ne 75 Zagol, Edward T 215 6-1 21 Senior Downers Grove 77 Weyhrich, Alan ····-······------T 225 6-4 19 Sophomore Pekin 78 Erickson, Richard ______T 223 6-3 20 Sophomore Denver, Colo. 80 Nosal, Fred ______E 196 6-1 21 Senior Chicago 81 Morman, Robert ------·-·····-----E 190 6-1 21 Senior Chicago 84 Stillwell, Jack ------E 195 6-3 20 Junior Wilmette 86 Froelich, Ben ------E 185 6-2 21 Sophomore Evanston 87 Michalek, Donald ·········-···-··------E 215 6-4 20 Sophomore Chicago 89 Peart, Clifford ···----··············------·E 212 6-1 20 Sophomore Ladd 90 Hysell, Theodore ------E 190 6-4 20 Sophomore New Lisbon, Wis. 94 Centofonte, Donald ···········--·-···QB 177 5-10¥2 19 Sophomore Compbell, O . 95 Jerasa, Charles ------G 201 6-1 20 Sophomore Johnstown, Pa. 96 Demas, James ------· G 200 5-10 20 Sophomore Evanston 97 Tomko, Joseph ------·-··· T 200 6-1 20 Sophomore Aliquippa, Pa.

KENNETH THOMPSON TOM SPEARS ELBERT EBINGER No. 46- Halfback No. 88- End No. 78- Tackle "The Official Watch for Timing This Game is Longines- the World's Most Honored Watcli" 42 43 NATIONAL TITLE TROPHY ACCEPTED FROM NOTRE DAME


Ohio Stole University's undefeated Buckeyes of 1954 ore passessars of the Rev. J, Hugh O' Donnell trophy, Notre Dame Univer• MARTY KAROW ROBERT KEPLER HERMAN WIRTHWEIN sity's award to the national championship team. The presentation was made to Coach " Woody" Hayes by Notre Dame Assistant Coach Baseball Golf Tennis William Earley (left).


1956 Sept. 29-Nebraska, here '.\lov . 3------At Northwest­ Oct. 6--Stanford, here ern Oct. 13------At Illinois Nov. 10-Indiana, here Oct. 20-Penn State. here Nov . 17-At Iowa Oct. 27-Wisconsin. here Nov. 24-Michigan. hert'

1957 CASEY FREDERICKS JOSEPH HEWLETT ROBERT KAPLAN Wrestlil\g Gyml\astics Fe .. cing Sept. 28-Tex. Christian. N' n\' . 2-Northwestern. here here Oct. 5-At Washington \:ov. 9-Purdue, here Oct. 12-Illinois, here Oct. 19-Indiana, here :--iov. 16--Iowa, here Oct. 26--At Wisconsin :-Jm- . 23-At Michigan

1958 Sept. 27-So. Methodist. Oct. 25-Wisconsin, here here '.'Jov. I-At Northwest- Oct. 4-Washington. ern TODAY ' S COVER here '.'Jov. 8-Purdue, here features the St. John Arena, now under construction, along Oct. 11-At Illinois N'ov. 14-At Iowa with the Ohio State Un iversity field house. For further details see pages 10 and 11 . Program covers feature campus scenes, Oct. 18-Indiana, here 'fov. 22-Michigan. here taken by members of the University photographic department HOWARD KNUTTGEN CHARLES BEETHAM CARL WIRTHWEIN with 5x7 view cameras. Soccer and LaCrosse Asst. Track Asst. Swimming and Tenni,

45 ,.... ,.r°'. - ...,... --~ ') ~ •' . ,-.4"'>, ...... , .... ,<"'- ,..,....- --,...... ,.. ---- _,.... ~-r::..: O o ut> ...... - ' ,.. " ,...... 'Y" 'I - r' ,....,.... L) -~) ,...... , ~ ,,...- 0 ,<-' ,.,r-."' 0(1(1 - n () Oc> 0) V"I ..,, ('\ ( ) ,..... - · ()D , ..... () '"" ..,._.. 40\" -~ ...... - ,y"\ l \ "" ,r, --- - [) L) 06 (> ~ ....

Scores through the years

1913 Ohio State 58, Northwestern O 1914 Ohio State 27, Northwestern O 1915 Ohio State 34, Northwestern O 1916 Ohio State 23, Northwestern 3 1917 Ohio State 40, Northwestern O 1927 Ohio State 13, Northwestern 1 8 1928 Ohio State 1 0, Northwestern O " It's some dame wanting to know if this is Glotz's Market and would we please send her several bags of 1929 Ohio State 6, Northwestern l 8 those delicious Buckeye Potato Chips." 1930 Ohio State 2, Northwestern 19 1931 Ohio State 0, Northwestern 10 1932 Ohio State 20, Northwestern 6 1933 Ohio State 12, Northwestern O ALL NEW 1934 Ohio State 28, Northwestern 6 Whatever 1935 Ohio State 28, Northwestern 7 1936 Ohio State 13, Northwestern 14 GRANDVIEW INN Your Flooring Problem 1937 Ohio State 7, Northwestern O 1938 Ohio State 0, Northwestern O 1127 Dublin Rd . WE WILL BE HAPPY 1939 Ohio State 13, Northwestern O 1940 Ohio State 3, Northwestern 6 Come See The Most TO SERVE YOU! 1941 Ohio State 7, Northwestern 14 1942 Ohio State 20, Northwestern 6 Beautiful Dining Room In Ohio We Stock and Expertly Install: 1943 Ohio State 0, Northwestern 13 1945 Ohio State 16, Northwestern 14 • • Armstrong Linoleum, (orion, 1946 Ohio State 39, Northwestern 27 linotile and Cork 1947 Ohio State 7, Northwestern 6 1948 Ohio State 7, Northwestern 21 The Best Steak Dinner • Kentile Asphalt Tile 1949 Ohio State 24, Northwestern 7 in Town • Rubber and Vinyl Tiles 1950 Ohio State 32, Northwestern O • Miraplas Plastic Wall Tile 1951 Ohio State 24, Northwestern 7 1952 Ohio State 24, Northwestern 21 • Formica • 1953 Ohio State 27, Northwestern 13 Chicken-Sea Food- Frog Legs • Carpet from America's leading Mills 1954 Ohio State 14, Northwestern 7 The B&T cARPET AND CO Ohio State Won 22, lost 9, Tied l All Legal Beverages LINOLEUM • BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY Open Until 2:30 A.M . 204 S. High St. CA. 1-4418 COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY COLUMBUS, O HIO Spencer~Walker Press 46 LUCKIES TASTE BETTER Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother!