Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59

REVIEW Open Access Viral hijacking of cellular Shivani K. Thaker1†, James Ch’ng2† and Heather R. Christofk1,3,4*

Abstract [1, 2]. Increased and biosynthesis are two other metabolic alterations associated with This review discusses the current state of the viral tumorigenesis and rapid cell proliferation that are also metabolism field and gaps in knowledge that will be seen in various virus infections [1–8]. However, it remains important for future studies to investigate. We discuss to be determined whether metabolic reprogramming by metabolic rewiring caused by viruses, the influence of cancer-causing viruses contributes to oncogenesis. Here oncogenic viruses on host cell metabolism, and the we discuss what is currently known about the metabolic use of viruses as guides to identify critical metabolic reprogramming by different viruses, the effects of onco- nodes for cancer . We also discuss the need genic viruses on host cell metabolism, and the use of vi- for more mechanistic studies identifying viral ruses as a guide to identify critical metabolic nodes for responsible for metabolic hijacking and for in vivo cancer anabolism. Throughout, we point out gaps in studies of viral-induced metabolic rewiring. Improved knowledge and important unknowns in the viral metabol- technologies for detailed metabolic measurements ism field that will hopefully be elucidated in future studies. and genetic manipulation will lead to important discoveries over the next decade. Virus infection induces metabolic reprogramming in host cells Introduction In this section, we describe what is currently known Although it’s been known for over half a century that about how different viruses rewire host cell metabolism viral infection alters host cell metabolism, the mecha- to facilitate optimal viral replication. Both DNA and nisms and consequences of virus-induced metabolic re- RNA viruses have been shown to reprogram various as- programming have only begun to be studied in detail pects of host central carbon metabolism, including in- over the past decade (Fig. 1). Viruses clearly rely on host creased , elevated pentose activity to cell machinery to propagate—they promote anabolism support generation of , gener- for generation of macromolecules needed for virion rep- ation, and lipid synthesis (Fig. 2). While several viruses lication and assembly. Therefore, it is not surprising that upregulate consumption of key nutrients like glucose viral infection triggers metabolic reprogramming in host and and converge on similar metabolic path- cells to facilitate optimal virus production. Metabolic ways for anabolism, the precise metabolic changes in- phenotypes conferred by virus infection often mirror duced by specific viruses are often context-dependent metabolic changes seen in cancer cells, such as upregu- and can vary even within the same family of viruses or lation of nutrient consumption and anabolism to sup- depend on the host cell type that is infected. While im- port viral replication or rapid cell growth, respectively. proved technologies have enabled a more in-depth ana- For example, cancer cells and virus-infected cells com- lysis of how different viruses alter host cell metabolism monly both exhibit the Warburg effect: increased glyco- to promote virus replication, future studies are needed lytic metabolism in the presence of adequate oxygen for to further uncover mechanisms involved in viral meta- oxidative phosphorylation, to supply reducing equiva- bolic reprogramming. lents and precursors for macromolecule biosynthesis Adenovirus * Correspondence: [email protected] Adenovirus is a double-stranded DNA virus that relies †Shivani K. Thaker and James Ch’ng contributed equally to this work. entirely on host cell machinery for replication [9]. 1 Department of Biological Chemistry, David Geffen School of Medicine, Several early studies in the 1950s through 1970s de- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA 3Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA scribed increases in glycolysis during adenovirus infec- Full list of author information is available at the end of the article tion [10, 11]. However, recent technological advances

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 2 of 15

Fig. 1 Metabolic pathways altered by virus infection. Figure includes alterations demonstrated by changes in metabolite levels, flux, and tracing. *Herpesvirus family; #Flavivirus family; &virus downregulates this metabolic activity; @KSHV upregulates lipid synthesis but downregulates synthesis. Created with have enabled more detailed analysis of the metabolic changes in glutamine metabolism are all dependent on changes induced during adenovirus infection, and poten- E4ORF1 binding to cellular MYC. Pharmacologic inhib- tial mechanisms by which metabolic reprogramming ition of GLS by CB-839 reduces optimal replication of may occur. Wild-type adenovirus 5 (ADWT) infection not only adenovirus, but also diverse viruses including of human breast and bronchial epithelial cells leads to HSV-1 and influenza A virus [12]. increased glucose consumption and lactate production Although adenovirus-encoded E4ORF1 activation of as well as decreased oxygen consumption rates [2]. Glu- MYC is responsible for the reported changes in glucose cose is used to generate pentose phosphate pathway in- and glutamine metabolism during viral infection, the re- termediates and nucleotides during infection, likely to duced respiration in adenovirus-infected cells seems to support viral genome replication [2]. The ADWT- occur independent of E4ORF1 and MYC. The D68A induced increases in glycolysis are mediated by early mutant adenovirus deficient in E4ORF1 binding to MYC adenovirus gene product E4ORF1 binding to cellular reduces respiration in infected human breast epithelial MYC to direct transcription of specific glycolytic en- cells [2]. It will be interesting for future studies to iden- zymes, including HK2 and PFKM, and an adenovirus tify the molecular mechanism by which adenovirus alters containing the D68A point mutation in E4ORF1 that host cell respiration and to decipher whether and how prevents binding to MYC does not replicate as well as this may be beneficial for viral replication. ADWT [2]. In addition to altering cellular glucose metabolism, ADWT infection of human bronchial epithelial cells re- Herpes family (HSV-1, HCMV) sults in increased glutamine consumption and activity of Herpesviruses are DNA viruses that undergo both glutaminase (GLS) [12]. Glutamine tracing studies show lytic and latent phases of their viral reproduction that glutamine undergoes reductive carboxylation during cycle. While there are more than 100 known herpes- ADWT infection, potentially as a source of citrate [12]. viruses, about eight are known to infect human cells Additionally, glutamine is used to generate amino acids exclusively, and can lead to latent infection in specific and hexosamine pathway intermediates [12]. These human tissues [13]. Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 3 of 15

Fig. 2 Non-oncogenic viruses and metabolic alterations in host cells during infection

Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 infected cells include increased levels of pentose phos- Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are phate pathway intermediates and deoxypyrimidines and 13 common viruses that typically cause cold sores and increased kinetic labeling of UTP by U- C5-glutamine, genital herpes, respectively. After entry into the host, indicative of elevated de novo nucleotide both viruses replicate in epithelial cells before ascend- synthesis [3]. HSV-1 upregulates pyrimidine nucleotide ing into the neural ganglia where latent infection is biosynthesis by increasing aspartate generation, both established [13]. More is known about the metabolic through elevated glucose flux into the TCA cycle through reprogramming conferred by HSV-1 infection than pyruvate carboxylase (PC) and from glutamine anaplero- HSV-2 infection. sis, followed by subsequent metabolism by glutamic- HSV-1 alters glucose metabolism variably in different oxaloacetic acid transaminase 2 (GOT2) to form aspartate, contexts. A study in the 1960s showed that HSV-1 virus which contributes to the pyrimidine backbone [3, 16]. production is impaired in the absence of glucose in Consistently, knockdown of PC and GOT2 decrease opti- growth media [14]. HSV-1 infection of human foreskin mal HSV-1 replication [3]. A long noncoding RNA, fibroblast (HFF) cells by the KOS strain of HSV-1 does lncRNA-ACOD1, binds GOT2 and enhances its catalytic not lead to a change in glucose consumption and lactate activity while deficiency of the lncRNA decreases viral production [3]. However, infection of African monkey replication of HSV-1, vaccinia virus, and vesicular stoma- kidney epithelial (Vero) cells by the acyclovir-resistant titis virus [17]. Since aspartate is an important source of AR-29 HSV-1 strain promotes increased glucose con- carbons for nucleotide synthesis, knockdown of sumption and lactate production as well as increased that deplete aspartate, including argininosuccinate synthe- phosphofructokinase (PFK-1) activity and expression tase (AS1), increases viral titers by increasing aspartate [15]. The variable metabolic phenotypes may partially be availability for virus replication [16]. context-dependent since different cell types and HSV-1 Since HSV-1 is a large double-stranded DNA virus with a viral strains were used in both studies. genome of approximately 152 base pairs, viral replication Recent studies utilizing liquid chromatography coupled necessitates a large pool of nucleotides [18]. Interestingly, to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and isotope tracers have HSV-1 encodes some of its own nucleotide metabolism en- analyzed the metabolic changes induced by HSV-1 infec- zymes, including , dUTPase, -DNA tion of host cells. HSV-1 infection leads to increased levels glycosylase, and [19]. It has been of glycolytic intermediates upstream of phosphoenolpyr- hypothesized that HSV-1 has evolved to promote nucleo- uvate (PEP) [3]. Notable metabolic phenotypes of HSV-1 tide biosynthesis in host cells since the virus infects and Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 4 of 15

replicates in non-proliferative cell types such as neurons. selectively inhibit GLUT4 activity, reduces glucose uptake Consistent with evidence of nucleotide metabolism playing and HCMV virus replication [30]. GLUT4 upregulation is an important role in HSV-1 replication, current first-line dependent on carbohydrate-response element binding therapeutics to treat HSV infections include nucleoside an- (ChREBP), which is highly elevated at both the alogs such as acyclovir and ganciclovir, which exert their ef- mRNA and protein levels during HCMV infection, and fects on infected cells after being metabolized by viral ChREBP knockdown reduces GLUT4 mRNA levels and thymidine kinase [20]. However, resistance to these conven- subsequently glucose consumption and lactate production tional drugs has been emerging, and a better understanding [33]. ChREBP knockdown in host cells also decreases of whether and how drug-resistant HSV strains reprogram HCMV replication [33]. AMP-activated protein kinase host cell metabolism, including AR-29, a strain of HSV-1 (AMPK) is also more active in HCMV-infected cells, that is resistant to acyclovir, could lend insight to treating and blocking AMPK signaling reduces glycolysis in- resistant infections [21]. duced by infection and virus replication [34]. Whether modulation of glycolysis impacts HSV-1 rep- In addition to promoting increased glucose uptake lication is not completely understood. Treatment of and glycolysis, HCMV also promotes increased 13 HSV-infected human embryonic lung cells with 2- U- C6-glucose labeling of TCA cycle intermediates, deoxyglucose (2-DG), a commonly used inhibitor of glu- particularly citrate, which is kinetically labeled by glu- cose metabolism, leads to reduced of viral cose more rapidly in HCMV-infected cells compared 13 and decreased viral-induced cell fusion, to mock controls [29]. Studies with U- C6-glucose which is important for cell-to-cell spread of HSV [22]. 2- have shown that an increased fraction of glucose is DG treatment has also been shown to attenuate HSV-1 used to generate fatty acid and moieties of replication [23, 24], and a clinical trial in which female in HCMV-infected cells [3]. Glucose can be patients with genital herpes were treated with either pla- used to form acetyl CoA, which is a critical precursor cebo drug or 2-DG for a 3-week period concluded that for lipid synthesis and can be generated by ATP- 2-DG decreases viral shedding and improves symptoms citrate lyase (ACLY) and acetyl-CoA synthetase short- [25]. However, this finding was directly challenged by chain family member 2 (ACSS2) [35]. ACSS2, but not another group that argued that 2-DG treatment is not ACLY, is important for HCMV-induced efficacious in reducing HSV-1 and HSV-2 virulence in and virus replication [35]. HCMV also induces lipo- mouse and guinea pig models [26]. Inhibition of glycoly- genesis and expression of key lipogenic enzymes dur- sis through genetic means may help shed light on ing infection through sterol regulatory element whether or not glucose metabolism is important for binding protein 1 and 2 (SREBP1 and 2) cleavage and HSV replication. Future studies examining metabolic ef- activation and induction of PKR-like endoplasmic fects of different strains of HSV-1 on host cells as well reticulum (ER) kinase (PERK) [36, 37]. as tropism based on cell type would enhance under- HCMV infection promotes glutaminolysis in infected standing of HSV-induced metabolic reprogramming. cells [31]. Consistently, the activities of gluta- minase (GLS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) are Human cytomegalovirus also elevated upon HCMV infection [31]. Since glucose Infection by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), another is routed towards lipid synthesis during HCMV infec- herpesvirus family member, is asymptomatic in immuno- tion, glutamine is used to replenish the TCA cycle in competent adults but can lead to more serious complica- host cells and contributes to increased ATP production tions like retinitis, interstitial pneumonitis, and encephalitis [31]. Glutamine withdrawal decreases virus titer and in immunocompromised patients [27]. ATP production, both of which can be rescued, at least HCMV promotes increased glucose consumption in part, by addition of alpha-ketoglutarate, oxaloacetate, and lactate production in infected human fibroblasts, or pyruvate [31]. and glucose withdrawal during infection reduces virus replication [3, 28–31]. HCMV promotes increased glycolytic flux [29], likely through inducing increased Flaviviruses expression of several glycolytic enzymes and activity Flaviviruses are a genus of positive, single-stranded RNA of PFK [32]. Mechanistically, HCMV-encoded major viruses that are typically transmitted to humans through immediate-early protein IE72 alters expression of glu- arthropod vectors, including mosquitoes, and undergo cose transporters in infected cells—it eliminates lytic replication [38]. The Flaviviridae family consists of GLUT1 protein and, by an unknown mechanism, in- viruses known to cause serious diseases, including den- creases mRNA and protein levels of GLUT4, which has gue virus (DENV), West Nile virus (WNV), Japanese en- three times higher affinity for glucose than GLUT1 [30]. cephalitis virus (JENV), Zika virus (ZIKV), and hepatitis Treatment of cells with the drug indinavir, thought to C virus. Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 5 of 15

Dengue virus variola virus that causes smallpox. VACV is unique in As with many other viruses, DENV infection of primary that it replicates in the cytoplasm of the host cell instead HFF cells increases glycolysis and alters levels of glyco- of the nucleus like most DNA viruses [46]. One study lytic intermediates compared to uninfected cells [39]. suggested that VACV infection of HFFs increases intra- DENV infection of HFFs also induces upregulation of cellular glutamine and glutamate levels at multiple time GLUT1 protein levels and increases in hexokinase 2 points post-infection [47]. Consistently, VACV infection (HK2) mRNA and protein levels [39]. Consistently, glu- of glutamine-starved cells leads to significant decreases cose withdrawal in host HFF cells leads to a nearly 2-log in virus replication and treatment of VACV-infected decrease in DENV replication, and 2-DG treatment of cells with BPTES, a glutaminase inhibitor, also results in HFF and immortalized endothelial (TIME) cells during reduced virus titers [47]. Exogenous supplementation of infection reduces virus replication [39]. Intracellular glu- α-ketoglutarate, oxaloacetate, or pyruvate during VACV tamine and glutamate levels also increase during DENV infection in glutamine-depleted media can partially res- infection, although glutamine withdrawal in cell medium cue the defects in virus replication, suggesting that glu- during infection leads to a minimal change in infectious tamine is an important anaplerotic substrate for the DENV production [39]. TCA cycle during VACV infection. Glutamine with- While studies examining glucose utilization during drawal has no effect on VACV transcription but signifi- DENV infection via glucose tracers remain to be com- cantly reduces early and late VACV protein synthesis. pleted, a likely use of glucose is in the TCA cycle and for Interestingly, glutamine, but not glucose, is a critical nu- citrate production to generate lipids. DENV infection trient for VACV replication as glucose withdrawal in leads to elevated fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity in VACV-infected cells causes no change in viral yield [47]. host cells, and radiolabeled acetate and malonyl-CoA Future studies using heavy carbon- and nitrogen-labeled incorporation into lipids increases in infected versus glutamine tracers would be interesting to further assess non-infected host human embryonic lung cells [40]. the role of glutamine in VACV-infected cells. Mechanistically, DENV nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) De novo fatty acid (FA) biosynthesis also plays a role recruits FAS to sites of DENV particle replication and in VACV replication. Inhibition of fatty acid synthase by stimulates FAS activity. Consistently, FAS inhibitors, cer- C75 and of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) by TOFA in ulenin and C75, reduce DENV replication [40]. DENV VACV-infected cells reduces viral yield, both of which also induces autophagy to release free fatty acids and in- can be partially rescued by exogenous palmitate, the first crease cellular β-oxidation during infection via stimula- fatty acid generated from FA synthesis and a precursor tion of AMPK signaling [4, 41]. Other flaviviruses, to longer fatty acids [48]. Mitochondrial import and β- including WNV and JEV, have also been shown to rely oxidation of palmitate is important for VACV replication on for optimal replication [42, 43]. since treatment of infected cells with etomoxir, an in- hibitor of mitochondrial import of long-chain fatty acids, Zika virus and trimetazidine, an inhibitor of β-oxidation, both re- ZIKV is a flavivirus that has been emerging as a public duce viral yield compared to DMSO-treated cells. Con- health concern. It can infect a broad range of cell types, sistent with VACV-induced β-oxidation, infection of including neural progenitor cells, which may lead to HFFs also leads to increased oxygen consumption and microcephaly and developmental abnormalities in in- ATP production. Inhibition of mitochondrial import and fected fetuses [44]. β-oxidation mildly reduce viral DNA replication and Metabolically, ZIKV infection of both human and protein synthesis; however, VACV-infected BSC40 cells mosquito cells leads to increased glycolysis [45]. ZIKV- treated with TOFA and C75 showed decreased viral as- infected HFFs use increased glucose to generate TCA sembly, suggesting that de novo fatty acid biosynthesis cycle intermediates, whereas infected mosquito cells use plays an important role in virion assembly. increased glucose for pentose phosphate pathway gener- While VACV has been shown to induce and rely on al- ation [45]. Interestingly, nucleotide triphosphates are de- tered metabolism in host cells, the mechanisms by which pleted in human cells but not mosquito cells, leading to VACV causes these changes are still being studied. The AMPK activation and caspase-mediated cell death in hu- VACV genome encodes approximately 200 proteins in- man cells [45]. The molecular mechanism by which volved in various processes that assist virus replication. One ZIKV alters specific metabolic pathways in human versus study showed that the VACV-encoded C16 protein pro- mosquito cells remains to be determined. motes HIF-1α stabilization through binding to the prolylhy- droxylase domain-containing protein (PHD)2, a cellular Vaccinia virus oxygen sensor [49]. Since HIF-1α is an important cellular Vaccinia virus (VACV) is a large, enveloped DNA virus transcription factor for numerous metabolic genes dysregu- and member of the poxvirus family, which includes the lated in cancers [50], future studies should explore whether Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 6 of 15

HIF-1α is responsible for the metabolic changes induced induced changes to host metabolism and may even shed during VACV infection. light on viral tropism. A major limitation in our current understanding of Influenza viral-induced metabolic reprogramming stems from the Influenza A, which is an RNA virus in the Orthomyxovi- fact that most of the work characterizing viral alterations rus family, causes acute respiratory disease and is a to host cell metabolism so far has been carried out in major public health burden [51]. vitro. However, metabolism in vivo is known to be quite Influenza A virus has been reported to increase gly- different from that found in vitro in cell culture condi- colysis, enhancing glucose uptake and lactate production tions. In vivo models to assess metabolic changes in- at early time points post-infection, as well as increase duced by virus infection are needed to have a more oxygen consumption rates [52–54]. Compared to mock- accurate understanding of viral metabolism and facilitate infection, influenza A infection leads to elevated levels therapeutic antiviral strategies. of upper glycolytic intermediates and reduced levels of Additionally, many viruses, including HSV-1 and nucleotide triphosphates at early time points [52]. HCMV, undergo both lytic and latent phases of infection Pediatric patients with respiratory infections showed in host cells, but most studies characterizing metabolism higher PET signal in influenza A-infected lungs com- by both viruses have focused only on the lytic phase. De- pared to lungs that had cleared the infection and tested termining whether metabolic changes are unique at dif- influenza negative [54]. Treatment with a putative PI3K/ ferent phases of infection would be of interest. mTOR inhibitor, BEZ235, decreases glycolysis and re- The interplay between metabolism and the immune duces virus replication at an uncharacterized step fol- system during virus infection is also understudied. Since lowing viral genome replication, resulting in decreased immune cells also rely on some similar nutrients and mortality in a mouse model of influenza infection [54]. pathways perturbed by viruses, understanding the effects of modulating metabolic pathways in vivo will be im- portant in assessing the overall impact to the host. Miscellaneous viruses While glutamine metabolism has been shown to be im- While all the previously mentioned viruses alter the me- portant for HSV-1 replication in vitro [31], glutamine tabolism of host mammalian cells, viruses that infect supplementation in HSV-infected mice actually represses invertebrate hosts have also been shown to alter metabol- reactivation of HSV-1 since it enhances the activity of ism. The invertebrate virus white spot syndrome virus IFN-γ-producing CD8 T cells [57]. Whether or not an (WSSV) that infects shrimp hemocytes induces glycolysis individual’s diet may also impact virus replication would in infected cells versus normal cells in a PI3K-Akt-mTOR- be an interesting area for further investigation. dependent manner [55, 56]. DENV infection of mosquito Future studies should determine whether viruses dis- cells leads to increased lipid biosynthesis in infected cells play tropism for specific cell types and cause different [5]. The fact that metabolic reprogramming by viruses is cellular outcomes depending on the metabolic environ- conserved throughout species, even in invertebrates, pro- ment and machinery present in the cells. Hints of this vides further evidence that metabolic reprogramming is concept already exist. For example, HSV-1 increases de critical for replication of diverse viruses. novo nucleotide biosynthesis and encodes its own nu- cleotide metabolism enzymes because HSV-1 infects Limitations of current studies and future directions neurons, which do not actively divide [3]. On the other While diverse viruses have been shown to reprogram hand, HCMV typically infects growth-arrested cells, like host cell metabolism, many of the molecular mecha- fibroblasts, and pushes arrested cells into the G1/S cell nisms by which viruses induce these changes remain un- cycle phase to promote nucleotide synthesis without known. A number of viruses, in addition to HSV-1, host cell DNA replication [3]. Additionally, it is intri- encode their own metabolic enzymes—usually involved guing that infection by the same virus can have contrast- in nucleotide biosynthesis—to facilitate viral replication ing effects on different types of host cells, as is the case in host cells. For instance, VACV encodes its own thymi- in ZIKV-infected human versus mosquito cells. dylate kinase, and HSV-1 encodes RRM2. Side-by-side comparisons of the virally encoded versus human cell Influence of oncogenic viruses on host cell encoded versions of these enzymes may help decipher metabolism potential differences in activity or regulation. For those Nearly 10% of all new cancer cases worldwide are attrib- viruses that rely on hijacking host cell machinery for utable to oncogenic viruses. These viruses include hu- metabolic reprogramming, identifying the viral gene man papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis (HBV), products that interact with host cell factors to modulate hepatitis C virus (HCV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), metabolism will deepen our understanding of viral- Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), and Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 7 of 15

human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) promotes its dimeric state. This decreases PKM2’s affin- (Fig. 3)[58]. Another recently discovered oncogenic ity for PEP in the final step of glycolysis and may be a virus, Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), was discov- means of diverting glycolytic intermediates for anabolic ered in 2008 in association with the rare malignancy purposes while compensating for the decreased energy Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) [59]. Still other viruses, production with upregulated glutamine metabolism [64, such as adenovirus type 12, that are not known to be 65]. However, this phenomenon has yet to be examined oncogenic in humans have been shown to be capable of using modern techniques such as metabolite tracing that inducing transformation and oncogenesis in other could confirm this altered nutrient utilization. Addition- animals [60]. ally, the HPV viral protein E2 has been shown to interact As our understanding of how viruses contribute to the directly with the mitochondrial membrane and induce development of cancer grows, an emerging area of study release of ROS as well as to upregulate HIF-1α [66]. is how oncogenic viruses manipulate the metabolism of the host cell. The similarities between the metabolic re- programming that occurs during viral infection and that Hepatitis B virus which occurs in cancer cells makes the contribution of HBV is a double-strand DNA virus associated with the viral infection to cancer metabolism an important topic. development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The In this section, we discuss the metabolic changes that worldwide prevalence of hepatitis B infection is esti- occur during infection by known oncogenic viruses. mated at 257 million people, with the virus and its com- plications causing 887,000 deaths in 2015 [67]. In 2012, Human papillomavirus 420,000 new cancer cases were attributed to HBV [58]. HPV is a double-stranded DNA virus and is the onco- HBV infection has broad effects on host cell metabol- genic virus found in the largest number of cancer cases, ism, impacting lipid, glucose, amino acid, , estimated to cause 4.5% of all cancers worldwide, with , and metabolism [68, 69]. A combined cervical cancer comprising 83% of these cases while metabolomics and proteomics approach to evaluating other anogenital cancers and head and neck cancers changes in HBV infection demonstrated evidence for up- make up the rest [61]. regulation of hexosamine biosynthesis, phosphatidylcho- Studies suggest that HPV infection produces a number line biosynthesis, central carbon metabolism, nucleotide of viral proteins that affect host cell metabolism. The synthesis, and oxidative stress [6]. HBV core protein HPV viral proteins E6 and E7 augment HIF-1α, which (HBc) has been shown to upregulate multiple metabolic may result in an enhanced glycolytic phenotype in a pathways, including glycolysis and amino acid metabolism hypoxic solid tumor microenvironment. E6 stabilizes [70]. Studies have suggested potential specific metabolic HIF-1α under hypoxic conditions by inhibiting VHL as- effects of HBV viral proteins on glucose metabolism. The sociation with and ubiquitination of HIF-1α [62]. In cells HBV pre-S2 mutant protein upregulates GLUT1 expres- treated with hypoxia mimetic deferoxamine mesylate, E7 sion and plasma membrane localization [71]. HBV X pro- is able to enhance HIF-1α activation of target genes [63]. tein (HBx) upregulates G6PD and expression of multiple HPV type 16 E7 interacts directly with PKM2 and genes involved in [72, 73].

Fig. 3 Metabolic reprogramming by oncogenic viruses Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 8 of 15

HBV transgenic mice have higher transcription of lipid HCV infection is associated with induction of oxida- biosynthesis genes [74]. Similarly, transgenic mice with tive stress and altered maintenance of redox balance. In the HBV pre-S2 mutant antigen exhibited increased lipid HCV core protein transgenic mouse models, mice were droplet accumulation and upregulation of several lipo- found to have core protein accumulation at the mito- genic enzymes [7]. HBV X protein (HBx) has been chondrial membrane, higher levels of liver ROS, lower shown to activate lipid synthesis and uptake and inhibit ratios of reduced to total glutathione, and increased ApoB secretion [75–77]. signs of oxidative damage, including higher levels of lipid Other metabolic changes induced by HBV infection in- peroxidation and earlier signs of mtDNA damage [94, clude upregulation of proteins involved in the metabolism 95]. HCV-infected cells have increased superoxide pro- of retinol, which is interesting because retinoic acid in the duction [96], and studies suggest that the HCV core pro- presence of retinoic X receptor (RXRα) has been shown to tein and HCV nonstructural proteins NS5A and NS3 are regulate HBV gene expression [78, 79]. HBV infection also capable of inducing increased ROS [97–100]. HCV core enhances proteins involved in the metabolism of choles- protein may induce ROS by inhibiting mitochondrial terol and biosynthesis of bile acids [80]. complex I, which disrupts the and generates ROS [95]. HCV core protein interacts with Hepatitis C virus the mitochondrial chaperone protein prohibitin, increas- HCV is a single-stranded RNA virus that is associated ing its stability and levels but impairing its ability to with the development of HCC. HCV was estimated to interact with cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunits, po- be linked to 170,000 new cases of cancer in 2012 [58]. In tentially resulting in disrupted COX assembly that could contrast to the global predominance of HBV as an eti- lead to increased ROS [101]. HCV core protein increases ology of HCC, in some areas, including Japan, Italy, mitochondrial Ca2+ influx, which is thought to induce France, and Spain, the majority of HCC cases appear to ROS production [95, 102]. HCV infection increases ex- be associated with HCV infection. In the United States, pression of NADPH oxidases Nox1 and Nox4 via evidence of HCV infection is found in 30–50% of pa- TGFβ1, resulting in increased ROS production, and tients with HCC [81, 82]. HCV core on its own appears to increase ROS produc- HCV infection has been shown to alter metabolism at tion via TGFβ1-mediated increases in Nox4 expression both the cellular and whole organism level. At the cellu- and activity [103, 104]. lar level, major metabolic changes include upregulation HCV infection perturbs glucose metabolism, resulting of lipogenesis and altered lipid utilization, manipulation in increased insulin resistance and gluconeogenesis. This of glucose uptake and metabolism, and induction of oxi- is manifested clinically in patients with HCV infection as dative stress through mitochondrial dysfunction [83]. those with sustained responses to antiviral therapy dem- Many of the HCV-induced alterations in lipid metabol- onstrate decreased insulin resistance and increased IRS1/2 ism stem from the HCV core protein. HCV core expression [105]. Transgenic mice with expression of protein-expressing transgenic mice develop hepatic stea- HCV core protein in the liver demonstrate evidence of in- tosis at grades correlative to the HCV core protein level, creased insulin resistance [106]. At the cellular level, HCV and subsequent liver lesions with histologic similarity to core protein has been observed to increase IRS1 phos- HCC, suggesting that the core protein plays a role in phorylation and impair insulin activation of Akt [107]. lipid metabolism rewiring that occurs at an organ level Core also decreases IRS1 and IRS2 levels and inhibits 6- preceding HCC development [84, 85]. HCV core protein phosphofructo-2-kinase activation [108]. The HCV non- within the cell accumulates in a globular pattern around structural protein NS5A has been found to increase the lipid droplets by means of interaction with DGAT1, hepatic gluconeogenesis through induction of ROS, lead- and DGAT1−/− mice do not develop steatosis induced ing to increased PEPCK and G6Pase expression and by HCV core protein [86–88]. Studies have suggested decreased glucokinase expression [109]. that HCV core protein can alter lipid metabolism HCV is also capable of altering glutamine metabolism, through inhibition of microsomal triglyceride transfer and recent studies suggest that HCV infection both protein (MTP), activation of the Srebp-1c promoter upregulates enzymes of glutaminolysis and induces glu- (HCV nonstructural protein 2 has also been suggested tamine addiction in the infected cell for both cell growth to perform this function), and increasing proteolytic and for HCV viral replication [110]. cleavage of sterol regulatory element binding proteins to their mature forms (HCV nonstructural protein S4B has Epstein-Barr virus also been suggested to play a role in this) among others EBV is an oncogenic γ-herpesvirus associated with [89–92]. Additionally, transcriptomics studies suggest multiple malignancies, most prominently lymphoma that the HCV microRNA miR-146a-5p upregulates tran- but also nasopharyngeal carcinoma, gastric carcinoma, scription of genes involved in [93]. and leiomyosarcoma, and an estimated 120,000 new Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 9 of 15

cases of cancer were attributed to EBV infection in inducing glycolysis in these cells and thereby supporting 2012 [58, 111]. the growth of the latently infected cells [129]. EBV infection alters host cell glucose metabolism pri- KSHV latent infection induces lipid droplet formation marily through viral protein LMP1. Studies suggest that and alters lipid metabolism by upregulating lipid biosyn- LMP1 promotes glycolysis via FGF2 and FGR1 activation thesis as well as peroxisome biosynthesis and associated and that this mechanism is also important for the in- proteins involved in very long chain fatty acid metabol- fected cells’ transformation characteristics, including ism [8, 130, 131]. KSHV viral miRNAs also inhibit chol- proliferation, migration, and invasiveness [112]. LMP1 esterol synthesis, possibly suppressing cellular innate also enhances glycolysis by upregulating HK2, a change immune functions [132]. that correlates with increased cell viability and prolifera- Studies suggest that latent KSHV infection also upre- tion. Increased HK2 expression was also noted in some gulates glutamine metabolism, inducing protein expres- cases of EBV-associated NPC and was negatively corre- sion of the glutamine transporter SLC1A5 (ASCT2) as lated with survival [113]. LMP1 enhances expression, well as MondoA and its downstream targets involved in stability, and plasma localization of GLUT1, contributing regulation of glutaminolysis and making the infected to increased glycolysis [114, 115]. Studies also suggest cells reliant on glutaminolysis for survival [133]. Meta- that LMP1 may upregulate glycolysis by repressing HOX bolomics studies have demonstrated increased levels of genes [116]. LMP1 also promotes glycolysis by upregu- pentose phosphate pathway intermediates in KSHV- lating PDK1 and PKM2 via upregulation of HIF-1α [117, infected cells, suggesting that the viral infection may also 118]. LMP1 promotes HIF-1α stabilization by enhancing alter nucleotide biosynthesis [8]. the degradation of prolyl HIF-hydroxylases PHD1 and PHD3 [119]. Additionally, the EBV viral proteins EBNA3 and EBNA5 bind to PHD2 and PHD1, respectively, per- Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 haps representing another mechanism by which EBV in- HTLV-1 is an oncogenic virus of the deltaretrovirus fam- fection stabilizes HIF-1α to promote glycolysis [120]. ily that is estimated to infect approximately 5–10 million EBV infection also produces the miRNA EBV-miR- people worldwide and is linked to the development of Bart1-5P that has been shown to promote a glycolytic adult T-cell leukemia, estimated to be associated with phenotype [121]. 3000 new cases of cancer in 2015 [58, 134, 135]. EBV infection alters lipid metabolism in part through While host cell metabolic factors, particularly the degree EBV-encoded (EBERs), which leads to upregula- of hypoxia, glycolytic function, and electron transport tion of fatty acid synthase (FAS) and low-density lipo- chain function, appear to influence HTLV-1 reactivation protein receptor (LDLR) [122]. During lytic reactivation, and plus-strand transcription, very little is known about expression of one of the EBV immediate-early proteins, how HTLV-1 infection alters cellular metabolism [136]. BRLF1, results in FAS upregulation [123]. Studies from over a decade ago suggest that GLUT1 can Additionally, EBV infection-induced metabolic changes function as a receptor for HTLV-1 to bind to cells, confer- appear to be linked to modulation of the immune re- ring cell susceptibility to the virus, and that HTLV-1 sup- sponse, and studies suggest that LMP1 mediates upregula- presses glucose consumption and lactate production when tion of GLUT1 resulting in increased cytokine secretion binding to GLUT1 [137, 138]. Unfortunately, there have and expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells [114]. not been many other studies examining the effects of HTLV-1 infection on metabolism, making this an area Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus with great potential for discovery. KSHV, also known as human herpesvirus 8, is an onco- genic γ-herpesvirus known to cause Kaposi’s sarcoma, resulting in 44,000 new cancer cases in 2012, and is also Merkel cell polyomavirus associated with primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and MCPyV is a relatively recently discovered oncogenic multicentric Castleman’s disease [58, 124, 125]. polyomavirus. Despite MCPyV infection being widely KSHV alters host cell glucose metabolism. KSHV infec- prevalent, ranging from 50 to 80% of the population de- tion promotes glycolysis by upregulating HIF-1α and its pending on age, its associated malignancy, Merkel cell glycolytic target genes, including PKM2, HK, GLUT1,and carcinoma (MCC), is rare [59, 139]. While little is yet PDK1, and by reducing mitochondrial biogenesis via tar- known about the metabolism of MCPyV infection, re- geting of mitochondrial heat shock protein HSPA9,and cent studies utilizing transcriptomics have suggested that these changes result in increased cell growth [126–128]. the MCPyV small tumor antigen (ST) is able to promote Additionally, studies suggest that miRNAs produced dur- a glycolytic phenotype by upregulating multiple glyco- ing latent KSHV infection are also secreted in exosomes lytic genes, including SLC16A1 (MCT1) and SLC2A1 that infiltrate neighboring cells in the microenvironment, (GLUT1) [140]. Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 10 of 15

Limitations of current studies and future directions similarity to metabolic perturbations in cancer cells, also In addition to studies describing how viral infections promote cellular transformation. Proving that these alter host cell metabolism, there have been studies changes are necessary or sufficient for transformation examining how the host cell metabolic environment af- will require well-designed in vivo studies. Careful mech- fects the progression of some oncogenic viral infections, anistic experiments using viral mutants are needed to such as EBV. Studies have suggested that in early EBV clarify the metabolic effects of specific viral proteins infection, metabolic stresses such as decreased mito- expressed at physiological levels as well as to truly dem- chondrial respiration or autophagic imbalance present a onstrate which metabolic changes are important for cell barrier to cell proliferation [141]. Additionally, hypoxia transformation and how they contribute to oncogenesis. is able to induce EBV lytic reactivation via binding of Metabolic phenotypes that have been inferred by alter- HIF-1α to the promoter of the EBV lytic reactivation ations in metabolic enzymes should be examined using gene BZLF1 [142]. Hypoxia also induces KSHV lytic rep- LC-MS and metabolite tracing to strengthen our under- lication through the interaction of viral proteins with standing of nutrient utilization during infection by vari- HIF-1α [143, 144]. Studies suggest that KSHV also relies ous viruses. on different components of host cell metabolic infra- structure for different stages of viral replication, with Viruses as cancer discovery tools and therapies glycolysis important for viral gene transcription, gluta- DNA viral proteins and tumor cell mutations converge minolysis important for viral protein translation, and on many of the same molecular pathways to promote important for virion assembly and viral or cellular replication, including anabolic pathways. release [145]. Upregulation of glycolytic metabolism and Key oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, including lipogenesis appears to be important for maintenance of Src kinase, p53, PI3-kinase, and others, were originally KSHV latently infected cells as inhibition of these pro- discovered by identifying host pathways that DNA viral cesses results in increased apoptosis in infected cells proteins interact with to promote viral replication [150]. compared to mock-infected cells [8, 146]. While this re- While new tools are continually being developed to fur- view has focused on the effects of viral infections on me- ther cancer research, cancer genome instability and tabolism, the related question of how existing host cell short evolutionary life-span make it difficult to distin- metabolism affects viral infections is also intriguing as guish passenger versus molecular drivers of tumorigen- cell metabolic infrastructure can provide receptors for esis [150]. On the other hand, viruses, such as viral access and metabolic sensors can act as transcrip- adenoviruses, have evolved to be efficient and alter key tion factors for viral genes. It will be interesting to deter- pathways in host cells that enable them to replicate ef- mine whether reliance on certain metabolic pathways fectively [150]. makes some cells more hospitable for certain viral infec- Since adenoviruses have undergone strong selective tions than others. pressure for efficiency, and they completely rely on host In some studies, including several referenced in this cell machinery for replication, the specific metabolic review, viral proteins are linked to major metabolic regu- nodes they hijack for their replicative needs may repre- lators without demonstrating that this link is responsible sent especially important metabolic nodes for anabolism for a metabolic phenotype. For example, in addition to (Fig. 4). As a proof-of-principle, a few years ago we the previously mentioned link to HIF-1α, many studies found that adenovirus infection increases GLS protein have shown that EBV infection and its viral proteins are levels and activity [12]. GLS is already a cancer metabol- linked to AMPK and MYC [147]. In another example, ism drug target—the GLS inhibitor CB-839 is currently HBV X protein (HBx) has been shown to activate major being used in clinical trials to treat certain types of solid metabolic regulators mTORC1 and AMPK [148]. Studies and hematological malignancies that also rely on GLS have suggested that despite their well-established con- activity. We found that treatment of adenovirus infected nection with metabolism, major metabolic regulators cells with CB-839 reduces viral titers. Additionally, we can have shifting levels of metabolic importance between also found that adenovirus infection selectively increases different forms of infection by a single virus such as expression of asparagine synthetase (ASNS), which is EBV [149]. This demonstrates the importance of directly critical for proliferation of various cancer cell lines connecting suggested mechanisms with metabolic phe- through its role as an amino acid exchange factor [151]. notypes to determine which are truly important meta- Adenovirus infection increases ASNS protein expression bolic pathways during viral infection. and knocking down ASNS levels decreases adenovirus The studies discussed above have laid the groundwork replication (unpublished observation). These results are for understanding metabolic alterations by oncogenic vi- examples that metabolic enzymes and pathways critical ruses. One major question that remains is whether the for optimal virus replication may also be important for virally induced metabolic changes, which bear striking cancer cell proliferation. Understanding how a rapidly Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 11 of 15

Fig. 4 Comparison of a cell infected with wild-type adenovirus and a cancer cell. While cancer cells have numerous mutations and perturbation of whole metabolic pathways (green), adenovirus-infected cells upregulate only key metabolic nodes for virion replication replicating virus like adenovirus alters host cell metabol- idiosyncratic to cancer cells, which can include metabolic ism during infection will likely reveal critical anabolic functions. For instance, adenoviral mutants that are un- nodes that are important in different cancers, just as un- able to perturb cell cycle machinery, including p53 and derstanding how viruses reprogram host retinoblastoma (Rb), needed for replication may replicate and transcriptional machinery helped identify key onco- in tumor cells that already have dysregulated signaling of genes and tumor suppressor genes in the 1970s and both these proteins [150]. Oncolytic virus design could 1980s [150]. benefit from incorporation of metabolic strategies to achieve better cancer cell specificity. For instance, many Oncolytic viruses DNA viruses have evolved mechanisms to increase dNTP Oncolytic viruses are viruses that are engineered to se- levels in host cells since dNTP levels can be low in cells lectively kill tumor cells and trigger systemic anti-tumor that are not cycling actively [154]. Oncolytic viruses immunity [152]. Compared to traditional approaches to that lack viral proteins responsible for increased treat cancers, use of oncolytic viruses as a treatment dNTP synthesis or acquisition would be predicted to strategy may be advantageous in that normal tissues replicate only in cells that have upregulated dNTP should not suffer adverse effects to the same extent as metabolism (i.e., cancer cells). Consistently, the D68A with chemotherapeutics due to increased specificity for mutant form of adenovirus type 5 deficient in tumor tissue. Additionally, direct cell lysis by oncolytic E4ORF1 activation of MYC and increased nucleotide viruses would avoid the problem of drug resistance biosynthesis was deficient in replication in primary [153]. Despite many potential advantages, however, lung epithelial cells but not in immortalized breast safety concerns have prevented widespread use of onco- epithelial cells that had enhanced nucleotide biosyn- lytic viruses as a cancer treatment. thesis rates [2]. A stronger understanding of the The specificity of tumor cell killing by oncolytic viruses mechanisms by which viral proteins perturb metabol- is based on the virus’s requirement for cell functions ism in host cells will be helpful for oncolytic virus Thaker et al. BMC Biology (2019) 17:59 Page 12 of 15

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