Brazoria County Master Gardeners

Association Presents 19th Annual Spring Sale Saturday April 8, 2017

8:00 am — 12:00 pm B.E.E.S.

Brazoria County Environmental Education Station 799 E Hospital Drive Corner of Hospital Drive/CR 171 Angleton, TX 77515

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Brazoria County Heirloom Extension Office Stephen Brueggerhoff, CEA Texas Native & Adapted Plants 21017 CR 171 Angleton, TX 77515 979-864-1558 Summer Vegetables For more information call: 979-864-1558

Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating

The Brazoria County Master Gardener Association (BCMG) is affiliated with Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Service. We are a 501c3 organization under IRS statutes. Monies collected from this sale support educational programming and the Brazoria Environmental Education Station (B.E.E.S.) education and demonstration garden, located at the corner of Hospital Drive and CR 171. The garden is open to the public on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8 am-12pm, as well as every third Saturday of the month from 9am-12pm. Special topic programs are offered on various dates for public attendance and are advertised on our Facebook page, through the Brazoria County AgriLife Extension Horticulture website and in local newspapers. Demonstration bed themes include herbs, native plants, Texas Superstars, organics, vegetables, roses, tropicals and more. BCMG makes every effort to provide the public with information on plants offered. Other than assuring the public that we offer plants sources from licensed nurseries, BCMG cannot assure garden success. The contents of this brochure utilizes multiple resources from leading agricultural universities, Texas and other state and national organizations. Past demand and individual interviews after each years’ sale help us determine plant volume and select new varieties offered. We thank you for your patronage and support! Jim Verboon—President Propagation Team: Dana Morisse- John Flickinger—1st Vice President Arnold, Carole Brannon, Linda Erdman, Linda Ulmer—Second Vice President Carol Farmer, John Flickinger, Daniel Terry Bohr—Treasurer Haney, Sandra Lockhart, Michael Ruth Aimone—Secretary Mayfield, Trisha Meiller, Margaret JoAnne Knodel—Plant Sale Chair Purdum, Kim Richardson, Janet Rudd, Stephen Brueggerhoff—Editor, Donie Stowers, Linda Ulmer, Carole Brazoria County Extension Agent Wenny

Do you have questions about your home landscape or plants? Brazoria County Master Gardeners are available on Wednesdays from 9 am to 12 pm to find answers to all your basic gardening questions

Phone: 979-864-1558 Email: [email protected]


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Who are Texas Master Gardeners?

Texas Master Gardeners are members of the local community who take an active interest in the culture of lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are passionate plant ambassadors, offering sound horticultural advice to our local communities and beyond. Texas Master Gardeners take specialized training from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, expanding their knowledge base to assist a broad and diverse audience. In exchange for their training, Texas Master Gardeners contribute service to the community as volunteers, working through their county Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office to provide horticultural-related information and educational programs.

Is the Master Gardener Program for Me?

To help you decide if you should apply to be a Master Gardener, ask yourself these questions: • Do I want to learn more about the culture and maintenance of many types of plants? • Am I eager to participate in a practical and intensive training program? • Do I look forward to sharing my knowledge with people in my community? • Do I have enough time to attend training, complete the volunteer service requirement, and to continue volunteering in order to support the organization in providing horticultural education to the community?

If you answered yes to these questions, the Master Gardener program could be for you!

To learn more about the Texas Master Gardener program in Brazoria County, visit or call 979-864-1558 to speak with Stephen Brueggerhoff, Horticulture County Extension Agent.

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Plant Descriptions

Annuals & Perennials

African Iris (Dietes sp.) – Plant African Iris in full sun or part shade, 2 to 3 feet apart, and fertilize about twice a year after establishment. After this, they will be tolerant of drier conditions. They will grow up to 3’ in height in a clump of sword-like foliage. Blooms last only a few days; however, one bloom spike will continue to furnish new flowers. Plant in landscape with Hamelia patens or Rosemary for a pretty, easy-care landscape combination.

Agapanthus, Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus africanus) – Agapanthus is a landscape staple in warm winter regions. This easy-to-grow perennial produces colorful globes of blue or white trumpet-shaped flowers in summer and fall. Evergreen strap-like leaves add texture to beds, borders and containers. Plant in full sun, well-drained soil and water regularly to keep plant moist. Spreads to 3’ wide in clumps and should be divided periodically.

Airplane Plant or Spider Plant, variegated or green (Chlorophytum comosum) – This plant is grown for its pretty foliage. Blooms in late winter and early spring with small, inconspicuous white flowers. It will grow 18-24” tall and has trailing growth when it puts on its baby airplanes or baby spiders. It likes part sun in moist, well-draining soil and is gorgeous in hanging baskets. All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested.

Barleria, Purple (Barleria sp.) - Beautiful purple flowers blooming late spring through the summer. Plant in sun to partial shade and provide moderate water. Grows from 4-6 feet tall. This plant can become invasive so it is best to separate it from other plants.

Bleeding Heart, red and white (Dicentra spectabilis) – Twining climber with heart- shaped leaves and panicles of solid red or white “hearts” with a drop of red at the tip of each flower. Blooms all summer in moist, well-drained soil in partial shade. May go dormant and return in the spring.

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp.) - Tropical thorny vine. Deciduous if there is a dry season. Bracts which surround the small white flower can be pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white or yellow. Likes full sun, slightly acidic and well-drained soil, and a relatively hot and dry climate. Height 15 feet.

Brake Fern, variegated (Pteris cretica var. albolineata and Plteris ensiformis ‘Evergemiensis’) - Beautiful variegated cream and green fronds add interest to any garden. A hardy plant that tolerates moist to dry soils. Well suited for landscape and container gardens. Loves filtered sunlight.

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) – As its common name suggests, this plant is tough and will survive low light, infrequent watering and extreme heat. Great shade plant with glossy green leaves that make a nice mass planting or house plant. Grows slowly in a clump of dark green leaves up to 2’ tall.

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Clivia, Bush Lily (Clivia miniata) – Beautiful, robust-looking evergreen perennial is terrific in shady borders adding accent color where other plants won't grow. Excellent in containers. with large, intense, deep red-orange flower heads. Plant in full shade and water regularly. Grows up to 3’ tall.

Coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides) – An easy annual to grow and propagate. Requires fertile, well drained soil and performs best in partial shade. Stunning foliage with a wide variety of leaf color sizes and shapes. Mix a variety together in a garden bed or hanging basket.

Coneflowers (Echinacea sp.) – Easy to care for and relatively drought-tolerant plant that grows to 2’ tall. Flowers in the summer with a purple daisy-like flower that makes a great cut flower. Butterfly attractor. Deer resistant.

Crinum Lily, red (Crinum sp.) – Aggie horticulturists claim that no Crinum Lily has ever died. A must-have bulb for the southern garden. Plant in sun or light shade in wet or dry soil in spring or fall. Lovely, large red flower. Pinch off the old bloom and a new one will appear, blooming spring through fall. Over time the clump can be divided and shared with friends.

Dianthus, Pretty Pink (Dianthus sp.) - Fragrant pink flowers stand above compact blue-green foliage. Grows 4-6 inches tall in full sun, well-drained soil and average water. Attracts bees and butterflies!

Elephant Ear, Alocasia (Alocasia sp.) – Shade loving plant with large green or purple leaves. The more sun an Alocasia receives, the smaller the leaf. The higher humidity, the faster they grow. Plant where it receives morning sun and afternoon shade in rich, organic soil where it will receive regular watering. Dies back in the winter. Alocasia plants have stiff leaf stems (petioles) extending into the leaves so that the leaves point upward.

Elephant Ear, Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) – Large green or purple leaves distinguish this plant. The petioles connect down from the notches in the leaves so that the leaves droop or hang at an angle toward the ground. Prefers more sun than the Alocasia. Colocasia thrives in wet, fertile soil and can be grown in a bog or pond.

Hibiscus, Shirley Temple, pink (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Shirley Temple’) – Vigorous bush or tree that grows 4-6’ tall. It has wide pink starry blooms all summer long. It likes moist, well-drained soil and attracts butterflies.

Hibiscus, Double Coral (Hibiscus sp.) – Vigorous woody bush or tree that grows 4-6’ tall. May be susceptible to freezing temperatures, but will make a come-back in the spring. It likes moist, well-drained soil and attracts butterflies.

Hirt’s Button Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia) - This easy to grow fern needs very bright but indirect sunlight. Keep evenly moist, but not too wet or dry. Great for hanging baskets, pot plants or as a house plant.

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Ivy, Arrowhead (Syngonium podophyllum) - This plant is easy to grow, needs indirect sunlight, and is great as a house plant, hanging basket or pot plant. Unless pruned, it will want to spread out, and can be easily trained to a pole or trellis. Water thoroughly, but allow the plant to dry out a bit between watering as it can get root rot. If outdoors, reduce watering in late fall through winter.

Lavender Tree (Lavandula angustifolia) - This is a stunning plant for your landscape or as a patio plant. If planted in your landscape, allow 36 inch spacing between plants. Water until established, and maintain with little additional care. Regular watering may be needed in summer if used as a patio plant.

Ligularia, Giant (Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum) - Evergreen perennial for shade. Large dark green, glossy round leaves. A tropical looking accent that grows into a 3’ clump. Blooms with clusters of yellow daisy-like flowers on 4’ stalks in the fall. Shade. Best in moist, well-drained soil.

Little Volcano ( thunbergii ssp. thunbergii ‘Little Volcano’) - A graceful, deciduous shrub that erupts with bright rose-wine flowers in the fall; can surprise with a bloom cycle in the spring. Upright, clumping branches are covered with small, dark green leaves. Forms a mound 5’ tall by 8’ wide. Sun. Well drained soil.

Loropetalum, Chinese Fringe Plant (Loropetalum chinense) – Very low maintenance shrub that grows in part to full sun, preferring rich soil, but also grows in clay soil. Drought tolerant Grows to 5’. Often used in a wildscape hedge or group planting. Red foliage and rich red flower spikes make this shrub a show-stopper in the garden.

Narcissus (Narcissus anemone) - Yellow flowers on 12 inch stems that appear in early spring, may be used as a border in front of woody landscape plants. After blooming allow the foliage to live six more weeks then cut them back. After a few years, the plant will be ready to be divided and bulbs shared with friends.

Oxalis, Charmed Wine (Oxalis sp.) - Annual with beautiful deep purple, shamrock- shaped leaves and white to pale pink flowers. Likes part shade to full shade and average water. Grows in a mounded shape 12-14” tall and wide. Deer resistant.

Oxalis, Sunset Velvet Wood Sorrel (Oxalis siliquosa) - 8 inches high sprawling ground cover. Leaves are orange and gold with dainty yellow flowers. This plant works well in a rock garden or as a ground cover. Add to a bowl of succulents and they will cascade over the edge of the bowl.

Ribbon Bush (Homalocladium platycladum) - Grows to a height of 4 to 5 feet. Hardy evergreen plant that is drought tolerant. Segmented stems are perfectly flat and weave their way up, forming a tall bushy mass of ribbons. Use as a background to a flowering border, also grows well in pots.

Thunbergia, Fairy Moon, Bush Clock Vine (Thunbergia erecta) - An exotic and easily grown tropical shrub-like perennial with deep dark, glossy green foliage, with 2 inch pale bluish-purple blooms with white edges. It can be grown as a container plant and will bloom late spring through early fall or it can be grown in the ground with good winter

6 | Page protection; it may be slow to recover and will be back to blooming by midsummer. Grows 3-6’ tall & 5-7’ wide. Likes part sun to part shade.

Thunbergia, Mercer Blue (Thunbergia battiscombei) - This vine produces a brilliant blue trumpet-shaped flower with a yellow throat. This perennial is not as heavy flowering as the other Thunbergia . It does have weak stems and after several months of growth it tends to be somewhat vine-like. This Thunbergia makes an excellent container plant. It cannot take low freezing temperatures. Light frosts kills it back to the ground but plant returns the following spring. Grows 1-2’ in height.

Wood Fern (Dryopteris sp.) - Evergreen fern with 24-36 inches upright, arching fronds. Likes to have its fronds trimmed back in early spring and likes moist, well-drained soil in part sun to shade. Readily re-seeds itself.

Texas Superstars Texas Natives & Adapted

African Daisy (Ganzia sp.) - A member of the Asteraceae family along with Shasta Daises and Zinnias. African Daisy has interesting blooms a variety of colors and multi-color stripes on a single bloom. These are hardy perenniels in Brazoria County. Plant in full sun to part shade and provide moderate water. Grow to 2 feet tall. Great for cut flowers. In the hottest summer months, the plants may go dormant. Keep watering and they will begin blooming again in the fall. Butterfly attractor.

Alternanthera, Little Ruby (Alternanthera brasiliana ‘Little Ruby’) – Texas Superstar. Small leafy plant grown mostly for its beautiful foliage as a ground cover, it grows 8-16 inches tall & wide in full sun to part shade and moist well-draining soil. It is a real showoff in the landscape with its bright maroon and green coloring. Related to heirloom plant Joseph’s Coat.

Bauhinia, Orchid Tree (Bauhinia lunarioides) - Grows 6 to 12 feet high. Silvery-grey bark, with light green leaves and fragrant white blooms that occur from March to May. A Texas native plant that attracts butterflies and bees.

Beautyberry, Snow Storm (Callicarpa japonica ‘Snow Storm’) - This dramatic addition to the beautyberry group has unique, white-cream-green variegated foliage, clusters of pink flowers in the summer and loads of rose-purple berries in the fall. ‘Snow Storm’ forms a nice compact shrub mounding to 4’x4’. Prefers light shade and a moist, well- drained soil. Deciduous. Beautyberries are a food source for up to 40 of birds!

Black Foot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum) – Low, round and bushy perennial that grows to 12 inches in height and twice as wide. Abundant small white daisy-like flowers bloom spring through fall. Prefers sun or part shade and well-drained soil. Great for rock gardens or in sandy soil.

Bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis) – Texas Superstar. Native annual that grows in full sun and well-drained soil to 12 inches in height. Named for the shape of the flower which

7 | Page resembles a pioneer women’s bonnet. Bluebonnets bloom early spring; the plant will reseed, producing a larger crop each year with good weather conditions.

Butterfly Blue/Pincushion Flower (Scabiosa sp.) – 15-inch perennial with multiple blue pincushion shaped flowers that produce all season. Tolerates full to half sun. Needs well drained soil. Attracts birds and butterflies. Beneficial to pollinators. Good for cut flowers.

Brazilian Red Cloak (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys) - Semi-tropical, evergreen plant that can grow to 15’ tall & 10’ wide. It has large, lush green, oval leaves and beautiful pinkish-red plume flowers that last almost all summer long. It likes part sun to filtered shade in moist, well-draining soil. It needs protection on the coldest nights.

Cape Honeysuckle, apricot (Tecoma capensis) - Stays compact and is often kept clipped in a low hedge as it is fast growing and likes to put out runners. Very hardy for our area; it may die back in extreme winters it readily returns in spring. It likes full sun and well-drained soil and blooms fall through spring with long tubular flowers. Attracts hummingbirds & butterflies!

Cat Whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) – Perennial that grows to 2’ in height with delicate tubular flowers that have long, curved stamens that extend an inch or two past the petals, giving the long bloom spikes an attractive, whisker-like appearance. Blooms in the late summer through fall. Plant in part shade and do not let it dry out between watering. Attracts Butterflies. Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested.

Clerodendrum, Blue Butterfly Bush (Clerodendrum ugandense) - Open, evergreen shrub reaching 6 to 10 feet tall by 6 feet wide. The delicate and intricate flowers, suggestive of a butterfly in flight, appear from spring through fall. Prefers partial shade and frost free climate; it is root hardy and will return from its roots in spring. Reduce watering in winter.

Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) – Small shrub that spreads in the shade and serves as a good understory plant in a wildscape garden. Greenish white to pink blooms appear in the spring. Small purple-pink berries add color in the autumn and the birds will feast on them. Grows 2-6 feet.

Coral Vine (Antigonon leptopus) - Fast growing deciduous vine with dark green foliage and bright pink flowers from late summer through fall. Prefers sun or light shade. Can reach 20-30’ tall, 10-20’ wide. Drought tolerant. Can be invasive, may want to grow in containers.

Culphea, pink (Cuphea ignea) - Grow in full sun or part shade in containers or in the ground. Grows 18-24 inches high. Drought tolerant, but likes regular watering. Unique flowers that look like a mouse’s face or bunny ears. Blooms most of the year in Brazoria County. May freeze in a harsh winter and will return in the spring.

Dutchman’s Pipe Vine (Aristolochia sp.) – Woody, twining vine that has very striking leaves and flowers shaped like a pipe. Host plant for swallowtail butterflies and is a

8 | Page great addition to any butterfly garden. Plant in full to part sun where soil is moist and well drained.

Duranta, Sky Flower, white and lavender (Duranta erecta) – This fabulous long blooming root hardy plant forms a large, full, shrub and is covered with tight clusters of small in heavy bloom cycles late spring thru fall. It also produces dangling clusters of yellow berries. A must for any butterfly or hummingbird garden! Prefers full sun but will take light shade. Grows 6-8’ tall and wide.

Esperanza, Gold Star (Tecoma stans) – Texas Superstar. Heat-loving shrub with golden-yellow, bell-shaped flowers that bloom late spring through fall. Grows to 4’ in height to 3’ wide. Prefers full sun, well-drained soil and average water. Butterfly and hummingbird attractor.

Euphorbia Glitz/Diamond Frost (Euphorbia sp. ‘Diamond Frost’) – Plant in full to partial sun in rich, moist soil with good drainage. Grows 1’ to 3’ in a 3’ clump. Apple green foliage covered with small white flowers year-round in Brazoria County. Can handle the hot summers. A great border plant or soft, low hedge. Deer tolerant.

Firecracker, Fountain Plant, coral (Russelia equisetiformis) – Multi-branching evergreen with 4-5’ long arching stems that have very small scale-like leaflets. Spring through fall branch tips produce bright red tubular flowers. It prefers morning sun and afternoon shade in well-drained soil with regular watering. It may freeze to the ground in harsh winters but returns in early spring. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Firespike, pink or lavender (Odontonema sp.) – Firespike are an evergreen perennial with large, glossy, dark green foliage and red tubular flowers, growing 4-6’ tall and 24- 40 inches wide. It likes full sun and average water. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.

Gold Emu Bush (Eremophila glabra) – Lush evergreen shrub with small, narrow, dark green leaves. Light yellow flowers bloom in late winter through early spring. Requires well-drained soil and moderate water. Prune after spring blooms fade to maintain it’s thick, compact shape. Grows to 5’ high and 5’ wide. Attracts birds.

Gomphrena, Fireworks, Bachelor’s Button (Gomphrena sp.) – Vigorous, low maintenance, drought tolerant plants that explode with color in landscapes from late spring through fall. Excellent for mixed cut flower bouquets. Plant in sun. 48 inches height by 48 inches wide.

Hibiscus, Terri’s Pink (Hibiscus x paramutabilis ‘Terri’s Pink’) – Known as the Single Red Confederate Rose Hibiscus, though it is not a true Confederate Rose. Plant in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. Requires moderate water. Introduced by Heidi Sheesley at Treesearch Farms in Houston. Pinkish-red blooms from late spring to first frost are 6-8 inches in diameter.

Hibiscus, Texas Star (Hibiscus coccineus) – Native Texas evergreen that grows 6-8’ tall and has red flowers with 5 petals like a star all summer long. It likes moist, well- drained soil and attracts butterflies.

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Hummingbird Bush or Texas Firebush (Hamelia patens) – Texas Superstar. Once established, a very heat and drought tolerant evergreen shrub that grows to 3’ in height. Blooms summer through fall with terminal clusters of scarlet tubular blossoms. Requires full sun and well-drained soil. Butterfly and hummingbird attractor.

Lantana, yellow, white, gold (Lantana camara) - Lantanas are bushy, tender perennials that grow up to 5’ tall and wide and bloom spring through fall with beautiful clusters of small flowers in multiple colors. They like full sun with medium water and are drought tolerant once established. They are deer resistant and can be trimmed back to one third if they become too bushy. Hummingbirds and butterflies love them!

Lantana, Imperial Purple Trailing (Lantana montevidensis) – Evergreen plant that blooms year around in Brazoria County. Grows 12-18 inches high and spreads up to 6’. Plant in full or part sun in well-drained soil. Drought tolerant and heat-loving. Attracts butterflies.

Mexican Flame Vine (Pseudogynoxus chenopodioides) - Rapid growing vine that grows to 12 feet and is a favorite of Monarch butterflies searching for nectar. Plant in full sun and provide moderate water. Prolific bloomer beginning early spring and continuing through the summer months.

Mexican Heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia) - This hummingbird attractor performs best with filtered shade. It likes consistently moist and well-drained soil. Planting tip: mix compost into your soil, space the plants 36 inches apart, then mulch around the plant with the mulch about 6 inches from the base of the plant. Water until it is established, then only water if the plant is wilting.

Mexican Honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera) - Happy hummingbirds will visit your garden for this outstanding performer. This plant likes dappled or partial shade and is deer resistant. It will grow up to 3 feet tall, and will benefit from an occasional deep watering during drought. Prune in late winter; if there is a hard freeze, prune after the last freeze date for your area.

Mexican Passion Vine (Passiflora sp.) – Blooms from late summer to fall with strange looking green and violet flowers that are followed by fruit. The plant is a host plant for the Gulf Fritillary larva. Texas adapted vine that thrives in filtered sun. Butterfly attractor.

Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) – Host plant for the Monarch Butterfly larva to consume, grow and develop. Plant in an area of the garden where you don’t mind having a plant where the leaves are stripped off by the caterpillars in the spring and fall during migration. Watch for green, yellow and black striped caterpillars to consume the leaves and build their chrysalis. Showy orange flowers. Butterfly attractor.

Morning Glory Bush (Ipomoea arborescens) – Large shrub that can be pruned to a small tree that grows up to 12’ in height. Plant in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. Blooms repeatedly and will bloom all year-round in Brazoria County. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

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Morning Star Sweetspire (Itea virginica) – Native East Texas evergreen shrub that grows 4-6’ tall. Grows in sun or shade and can tolerate wet areas. Blooms early spring with fragrant 6 inch racemes of white flowers. The leaves turn red to purple in the fall.

Petunia, Laura Bush, purple (Petunia X ‘Violacea Solanaceae’) - Texas Superstar. Spreading in form and making a mound, these petunias work great as a container plant and as annuals in the garden. Their blooms are slightly smaller than average but produce more than the standard petunia. It likes full sun in well composted soil and regular watering. Bi-monthly applications of fertilizer will ensure beautiful blooms spring through fall!

Pink Surprise Shell Bush (Orthosiphon labiatus) - Also called Pink Cat Whiskers Bush, 3 ft. by 3 ft. bush with pink salvia like flowers that bloom from late spring to early fall. Plant in full sun to partial shade. Attracts Hummingbirds.

Plumbago, Cape Plumbago, blue and white (Plumbago auriculata) – Texas Superstar. Perennial with profuse blue or white flowers which thrives in Texas summers. Plant in full or part sun. Grows to 4’ tall and 5’ wide.Attracts butterflies.

Porterweed, blue (Stachytarpheta cayennensis) – Deep indigo 1/4 inch blooms adorn the long spike-like bloom stems from spring to frost above the rich green glossy foliage. Plant in full to part-sun. Drought-tolerant. Great butterfly attractor.

Salvia, Black and Blue (Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’) - Perennial Salvia that forms a large clump up to 6’ tall & 5’ wide, fuzzy, spade shaped leaves with an anise scent and beautiful neon-blue flower spikes with black calyx summer to frost. Hummingbirds love it.

Salvia, Mexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha) - Texas Superstar. Perennial that grows into a 3’ tall and wide clump in full sun to part shade. Likes well-drained soil and medium moisture. Blooms late summer to fall with tall spikes of bright furry-like purple flowers that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Salvia, Mealy Blue Sage (Salvia farinacea) - Hardy, upright to sprawling perennial, native to Texas with violet-blue flowers blooming March to November. Likes well- drained soil in full sun and is drought tolerant once established. Grows 12-24 inches tall and wide and attracts butterflies.

Salvia, Misty Mountain Sage (Salvia miniata) – An adapted Salvia and differs from other salvia’s because it prefers part-shade and will wilt in hotter spots. Can grow to 3’ in height with bright red flowers that may bloom year-round. Plant in well-drained soil. Butterfly and hummingbird attractor.

Salvia, Mystic Spires (Salvia sp. ‘Mystic Spires’) - Perennial that readily reseeds itself. Likes full sun to part shade in well-drained soil and low moisture. Bright blue flowers blooming spring through fall. Grows to 24 inches tall and wide and attracts butterflies.

Salvia, Painted Lady (Salvia blepharophylla) - Small, eyelash-like hairs on the edge of its leaves give this Salvia its name. Compact and gently mounding growth with bright

11 | Page orange-red flowers. Likes full sun to part shade in well-drained soil and low moisture. Attracts butterflies.

Salvia, Scarlet (Salvia coccinea) - Perennial that readily reseeds itself. Likes full sun to part shade in well-drained soil and low moisture. Bright red flowers blooming spring through fall. Grows 18 inches tall and wide and attracts butterflies.

Shrimp Plant, Red and Lemon Sorbet (Justicia sp.) – Plants grow in many stemmed clumps with oval, light green leaves with bracts that hold many tiny flowers similar to the shape and texture of a gulf shrimp. Plant in part shade in well-drained soil. Likes humidity but don’t keep its feet wet. Blooms continuously providing lots of texture to the garden.

Spider Lily, white (Hymenocallis liriosme) - An elegant and unusual-looking flower, the spider lily has a stem 1-3 feet high, with 2 or 3 blossoms at the top. The flower has 3 white sepals and petals which are alike and unite to form a tube 2-4 inches long, narrow but spreading and curving backward slightly as they age. The flowers are quite fragrant. The glossy leaves, at the base of the plant, are 6-30 inches long and 1 inch wide.

Spider Lily, red - (Lycoris radiata) – Showy red softball size blooms from late summer to early fall. Grows 12 – 16” tall. Plant in sunny or partial shade location with loose well drained soil. Can be used as a border in front of perennial shrubs. Also called “British Soldiers”. Attracts Butterflies.

Thyrallis, Golden Showers (Thryallis sp.) – Bright yellow flowers from spring to frost with evergreen foliage. Plant in full sun with moderate water. Deer resistant. Grows to 5’ high and wide. Butterfly attractor.

Turk’s Cap, red (Malvaviscus drummondii) –Texas native that grows 3- 4’ tall and wide. Herbaceous perennial. Blooms spring through fall and likes sun to shade. Grows well in most soils and has low water requirements once established. It has small red fruit that birds and animals like. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Turk’s Cap, Pam’s Pink (Malvaviscus X ‘Pam Puryear’s Pink’) – Native Texas plant and Texas Superstar, this variety of Turks Cap has beautiful pink blooms and small red berries that birds and animals like. Likes full to part sun, grows in most soils and has low water requirements. Herbaceous perennial that blooms spring through fall and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Verbena, Homestead Purple (Verbena canadensis) – Vigorously spreading, deep purple clusters blooming June to November. It has deep green foliage with a spreading habit. Grows 10-12 inches tall and spreads up to 36 inches wide. It likes full sun in well- drained soil and occasional fertilization. Butterfly attractor.

Verbena, Moss (Glandularia pulchella) - Freely branching tender perennial that can get about 1’ tall but usually sprawls over and spreads along the ground. Has very fine foliage and pretty clusters of blooms. Likes well-drained soil in part sun to part shade and is drought tolerant once established. Blooms spring to frost and attracts butterflies.

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Verbena, Purple Butterfly Magnet (Verbena bonariensis) – Grows quickly with deep purple clusters blooming June to November. It has deep green foliage with a spreading habit. Grows 3-4’ tall and spreads up to 3’ wide. It likes full sun in well-drained soil and occasional fertilization. Butterfly attractor.


Belinda’s Dream Rose (Rosa sp. ‘Belinda's Dream’) – Texas Superstar. Beautiful pink rose with 100+ petals to each bloom. Successive flushes of bloom from spring through fall. Grows to 5’ in height and width. Very hardy and low maintenance rose. Plant in full sun with good air circulation. Keep moist until well established and then requires average water through growing season.

Drift Rose, peach, red and pink (Rosa sp.’Drift Rose’) – Drift roses derive from the heirloom miniature rose. A new variety from the folks that brought you the ‘Knock-Out’, Drift Roses are hardy, disease tolerant and bloom repeatedly in “drifts” of multi-petal flowers. The bush remains small, growing up to 2’ in height. Loves full sun and good drainage.

Peggy Martin Rose (Rosa sp. ‘Peggy Martin’) – Peggy Martin, also known as the Hurricane Katrina Rose, is a vigorous climber that can easily reach 15 plus feet. It bears clusters of pink shaded flowers that occur from spring through fall. Thornless with prickles on the backs of the leaves. Blooms repeatedly spring through fall with minimal care. Very disease resistant. Plant in full sun with plenty of room to climb.

Tropicals and Succulents

African Hosta (Ledebouria petiolata) – Tolerant of both heat and drought, African Hosta prefers light shade and well-draining but slightly moist soil. Since the foliage is deciduous and dies down in winter, the bulb is protected beneath the soil. A layer of organic mulch will help protect the bulb in areas of marginal hardiness.

Aloe (Aloe vera) - Soft succulent that is extremely frost tender. Its inner leaf gel is great to use on burns or insect bites. Simply break one of its spikes open and rub the gel on the affected area. These are best grown in pots that can be placed outdoors in summer and brought inside in winter to sit in a sunny window. It does have a shallow spreading root system; choose a wide container rather than a deep one when repotting.

Bromeliads – A variety of bromeliads from local gardens are featured in our plant sale. The plants have thick, unusual foliage that grows in a natural rosette and are red or green-hued in color. Can grow outdoors in filtered light or indoors in a shallow pot with bright, indirect light. Most like heat and humidity and require little care. Commonly grown as a house or patio plant.

Canna Lily, red and orange (Canna sp.) - The Canna Lily plant is a rhizomatous perennial with tropical-like foliage and large flowers that resemble that of iris. Plant in

13 | Page full or partial sun and provide moderate water. Over time the rhizomes should be thinned and shared with friends.

Crown of Thorns, red, pink and yellow (Euphorbia milii) – Slow-growing evergreen succulent with beautiful open-faced blooms and dark green or variegated leaves. There are several species that range in size from 10-12 inches tall up to 12-24 inches tall; some with single flowers on each stem and some with clusters of flowers on their stems. Excellent container plants they like full sun and medium water. Works well in the landscape.

Cup of Gold (Solandra maxima) - Shrubby climber with lots of branching stems. Cup- shaped flowers are yellow with purple veins and are fragrant. Can grow to 40-50’ tall but can be pruned as a shrub. Prefers full sun and well-drained soil; will be okay in partial shade. Not drought tolerant so water regularly. Attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.

Dwarf Pineapple (Ananas comosus) – Though the fruit is edible, most people enjoy this plant as an ornamental. Grow in rich soil in a sunny location with regular watering. The plant and fruit are pretty and prickly.

Ficus, Triangle (Ficus triangularis) - One of the least fussy Ficus, a tropical perennial that can grow to 8’ tall by 4’ wide. It has dark green leaves that do not drop easily. Is hardy in our area to about 17-18 degrees and prefers light shade and occasional water and fertilizer.

Gold Fingers (Juanulloa aurantiaca) - Exotic vine-like tropical and epiphytic shrub. Plant in loose, well-draining, fertile orchid type media. Protect from frost and freeze. Matures to 6’x6’. Flowers resemble bright golden orange gloved fingers from June to September. Nectar attracts many birds, especially hummingbirds.

Irisene, Bloodleaf Plant (Iresine herbstii) – Member of the Amaranth plant family. This low-growing tender perennial provides striking colors with foliage ranging from blood-red to shades of purple. Often grown indoors as a container plant, it can be used as an annual ground cover in the landscape.

Kalanchoe, red, pink and yellow (Kalanchoe sp.) – Perennial that grows 1-3’ tall and includes over 125 species. A favorite container plant for the house or porch because of its attractive, succulent leaves and clusters of brightly colored flowers that blooms any time of the year in bright light. Plant in well-draining potting mix and allow the soil to become dry between watering. Place in south-facing window or porch and keep plant above 50 degrees.

Mexican Oleander, yellow (Thevetia peruviana) - Large, evergreen shrub, growing 10’ tall and wide. Blooms all summer with yellow blooms and can be trained into a single trunk tree. It likes full sun & moist, well-drained soil. Attracts butterflies & birds.

Papaya (Carica papaya) – Tropical perennial with a single trunk that can grow up to 30 feet tall. Lobed leaves can grow up to 3 feet in width. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Papaya trees have shallow roots and cannot tolerate wet conditions. The yellow- orange tropical fruit is high in vitamins and antioxidants.

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Pink Ice Plant (Oscularia deltoides) - Low growing succulent that is less than 1 foot tall, but may spread to 2 or 3 feet. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Regular irrigation will lead to plumper leaves. The is from the Latin word for “open mouth” as leaves appear as little open mouths.

Redbird Flower (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) - Grow to a height of 2 to 6 ft, with a spread of 1 to 3 ft. Scarlet flowers bloom from late spring to early summer. Moderate water is needed for this succulent shrub. Also called “Devil’s Backbone” because of the zigzag stem.

Snake Plant or Whale Fin Plant (Sansevieria masoniana) – African tropical perennial that is stemless and evergreen. Prefers warm, sunny locations with protection from the hot afternoon sun and can thrive in low-light or shade. Distinctive leaves grow to 4’ tall in its native habitat. Make a great house or patio plant grown in a container. Water regularly in spring and summer a reduce water in the winter.

Spiderwort, White Velvet (Tradescantia sillamontana) - Distinctive succulent with thick succulent stems holding gray-green leaves covered with cobwebby, silver-white hairs. Small magenta flowers appear in the summer. Grows up to 18 inches tall. Plant in partial shade and keep the soil moist. Great container plant and a fast grower.

Spotted Squill (Scilla sp.) – Drought tolerant tropical plant that can be grown indoors or used outdoors in xeriscaping or rock garden. Plant grows to 6 inches in height and has attractive, spotted leaves and a near-white flower that bloom in the spring.

Yucca, Soft Leaf (Yucca sp.) – Gracefully bending leaves of the Yucca create an interesting architectural quality in the garden. Stunning blooms erupt from a tall flower spike that last a long time in the summer garden. Plant in full sun and provide occasional water once established. Can grow 6-8 feet tall.

Zebra Cactus (Haworthia pentagona) – Haworthias look like miniature aloes consisting of soft and rubbery to firm succulent leaves. They are ideal for container gardening. Plant in full to part sun and allow the soil to dry out between watering.


Angel Trumpet, yellow, peach or double white flowers (Brugmansia sp.) – Tropical- looking small tree growing 6-10’ tall and wide. It is treated as a large, root hardy perennial that may or may not freeze depending on our winter conditions. It has magnificent 12 inch trumpet-shaped blooms that hang downward. This is absolutely gorgeous at the back of the bed or as a major accent. It likes sun to part shade in well- draining soil. All parts of this plant are toxic.

Banana Tree (Musa sp.) – Plant in rich, dark fertile soil with lots of mulch and keep moist. Useful for its fruit and makes a good windbreaker when several are planted together. Banana trees are not true trees; they are perennial plants that produce fruit

15 | Page within 9 months of growth. The mother plant dies and new plants grow from the rhizome.

Barbados cherry (Malpighia glabra) - Texas native. This perennial makes a bushy shrub or small tree. It grows 6- 9’ tall & wide with very fragrant clusters of pink flowers spring through fall that often appear simultaneously with its small, glossy, edible red fruit. It likes sun to part sun in well-draining soil. Attracts bees and butterflies.

Changshou Kumquat – This naturally small tree is very ornamental and is thorn less. Fruit is 1.5 inches long, oval with depressed apex. Flesh is deep orange, acidic and contains few seeds. Big time favorite for gardening in container plants and will do well inside a sunny window. Fragrant white flowers with extended bloom late winter to spring. Thin skin, the entire fruit can be eaten whole.

Cocktail Grapefruit, Mandelo – A cross between ‘Fruit Mandarin’ and Pummelo. This exceptionally sweet and juicy fruit was developed by U.C. Riverside. It has a thin, deep yellow skin, is fragrant and extremely succulent. Fruit is seedy. Juice is delicious and can be used in cocktail, smoothies, jams or frozen desserts. The taste of this cultivar is unparalleled with a sub-acid flavor.


Sweet Basil Garlic Chives Italian Parsley Sage Mojito Mint Golden Oregano Stevia Rosemary Thyme


Tomatoes Peppers Other Vegetables

Beefsteak Jalapeno – “Fooled You” Arugala Bella Roma Jalapeno – Hot Cantaloupe Bird’s Eye Jalapeno – Early Cucumber Cherokee Purple Jalapeno – TAM Eggplant Ciliegia Nano Tabasco Okra Datterino Cayenne Summer Squash Super-Sweet 100 Chili Pequin A&M 8849

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FULL SUN: Direct sunlight; 6 – 8 hours PARTIAL SHADE: Dappled shade; 4 – 5 hours direct sunlight or dappled all day FULL SHADE: No direct sunlight on plant; only reflected, indirect


PERENNIAL: Plants that live more than one year; typically produce flowers and seeds each year after reaching maturity ANNUAL: Pass through their entire life cycle, from seed germination to seed production, in one growing season

FERTILIZATION TIPS Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K)

Nitrogen(N): important part of proteins, vital for plant vigor and health; rainfall releases nitrates absorbed in the atmosphere.

Phosphorus (P): transfers energy; influences plant color and vitality, time of blooming and maturity; increases seed size and stimulates root development.

Potassium(K): regulator of metabolic processes; deficiencies cause increased vulnerability to insects, disease, drought, frost and high salt content in soil.

Note: On all fertilizer/plant food products, N, P, K are always listed in order- nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Example: 19-5-9 19=nitrogen, 5= phosphorus, 9=potassium.


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Calculating the Amount of Soil or Compost Needed for a Project:

1. Multiply the length x width of the area = square feet 2. Multiply square feet by the depth = number of yards needed

Example: L X W = Sq. Ft x Depth = Cubic Yards

Depth Factors: 1 inch depth = .003125 6 inch depth = 01875 2 inch depth = .00625 8 inch depth = .025 3 inch depth = .009375 12 inch depth = .0375


• What is a soil test? A process to measure the available nutrients, pH and organic matter in soil. • Why would I need a soil test? Determine the exact amount and kind of fertilizer to use – thus eliminating waste, cost, and promote environmental quality. • Where do I sample? Any given area of the lawn or garden. Sample areas separately if you wish to learn about specific a landscape location. • Collecting a soil sample: Use trowel to scrape away any non- decomposed plant tissue and materials; cut soil core or divot 6” deep and place into a clean container. Repeat step 8-10 times where testing. Mix all soil thoroughly, removing any roots or visible plant matter. Air dry if the soil feels wet. Place 2-3 cups into one quart-size re-sealable plastic bag. Label with permanent marker. • Sending sample for analysis: Obtain Urban Homeowner Soil Sample Information form from Brazoria Extension Office, or visit: Print form and follow specific mailing and payment instructions.

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Brazoria County Master Gardeners Association

Brazoria County Master Gardeners Facebook Page

Texas A&M (Aggie) Horticulture


Soil Testing

Vegetable, Home Fruits, Nuts and Variety Selection

Plant Disease Handbook

Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

Beneficial Insects

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