2012 Officers Vice President’s Note Inside this issue: Gail Wilfing—President Early Birds of Hoosierland (574) 232-6521 CTCI Region 2, Chapter 45 Volume 3, Issue 11
[email protected] December 2012 http://clubs.hemmings.com/ Diane Kopscick-Vice President earlybirdshoosierland/ (740) 427-2637 Gold Medallion Award Winner
[email protected] 2011-Gold Award Winner 2012 What FUN we had at the lovely home of Joe http://www.ctci.org Ken Shaw-Treasurer and Jan Baker on November 10. Over 40 mem- bers of Early Birds of Hoosierland gathered to (812) 294-4898 celebrate Thanksgiving and commemorate Vet- eran’s Day. As usual the food was delicious and Club Officers 1
[email protected] & Vice President’s Note plentiful. Thanks to all members who brought their favorite dishes to share with the group. Duane Johnson-Adv. Council Rep. Meeting Minutes 2 Bobby Carroll offered the blessing, then we all (765) 628-7668 dug in. The weather was nice enough that some Club News & T-Birds Facts 3 dined out on the patio. This makes about five
[email protected] November Meeting Photos 4-5 out of the last six Thanksgivings at the Bakers where the weather was wonderful. During our Meeting Info & T-Bird Facts 6 Ron Marchand-Two-Year Director meeting, Bruno Uryga asked that we recognize all club members who are veterans. Our veter- Calendar of Events 7 (574) 967-3640 ans stood and got a round of applause. Joe and
[email protected] Jan deserve all credit and our thanks for making this such a fun event.