DVDS Aftershock 130 mins ; China, 2010 Feature movie based on real events following the Great Tangshan of 1976

Brian Draper's Teme Valley Hazelwood Videos A journey down the Teme valley

Chasing ice 76 mins ; Dogwood, 2012 James Balog record of changing glaciers in the Arctic

Deep Impact Movie with star cast , 1998 Feature movie about an enormous comet coming towards earth Earth Story presented by Aubrey BBC, 2006 A BBC series explores key Manning features of the planet Earth The Power of the Planet BBC, 2008 A BBC series about natural presented by Iain Stewart disasters and showing the power of the earth to regenerate Earthlight (Earth from above) Mill Reef, 1998 A film seeing earth from the space shuttle Exploring the Kalahari St.Pierre White / Main A safari looking at the landscape and the people Eyes on the World ( J P Davidson A visit to Java to see its land and Mountains) people First life with David 120 mins ; BBC, 2010 A look at key developments in Attenborough the evolution of life Glaciers – Alaska’s River of Ice USGS, 2003 The distribution of glaciers, their formation and ecosystem

A global warning 100 mins ; History Channel ; A look at the past and future of 2011 earth's climate (from 3 disc Our Planet - past, present and future) Himalaya (3 discs) with Michael BBC, 2004 Michael Palin’s journey in the Palin How Earth made us presented BBC, 2010 How natural forces have shaped by Iain Stewart our history How the Earth was Made 191 mins ; History Channel ; How physical processes have 2011 shaped the planet (from 3 disc Our Planet - past, present and future) How the Earth was Made (4 History Channel, 2010 How the earth evolved over parts) Season2 millions of years How to grow a planet by Prof 176 mins ; BBC ; 2012 The story of the evolutionary Iain Stewart force of plants Inside Planet Earth , 2010 The story of the earth's interior and the balance of the sun and the energy in the earth’s core , Welcome to 108 mins ; History Channel ; Shows how the planet will earth. Polulation zero. 2011 change with no people (from 3 disc Our Planet - past, present and future) Living Rock USGS, 2002 An introduction to the of the earth Mountain- exploring Britain’s BBC, 2007 Exploration of the high areas in high places with Gryff Rhys Britain plus the history and lives Jones of those living there today

Natural Wonders – Antarctica Discovery Channel, 2007 Werner Herzog makes an Antarctica journey Natural Wonders – The Grand Discovery Channel, 2007 How the Grand Canyon Canyon was formed Nostalgia for the light 90 mins ; New Wave films, 2010 Aclaimed documentary about the politics and geology of Chile's Atacama desert

The penguins' story 60 mins ; Boulevard, 2002 A bird's eye view of these incredible creatures Picnic in Siluria Produced by Paul Olver ; 25 Re-enactment of 1850s mins ; The Woolhope Club, 2008 geological field trip led by Sir Roderick Murchison to Croft Ambrey The planets - the inner planets 44 mins ; History Channel, Mercury & Venus [2011] The planets - the Earth & the 176 mins ; History Channel, Moon, Mars & Jupiter [2011] The planets - Saturn & the outer 88 mins ; History Channel, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and planets [2011] Pluto Raging Planet Angry Earth) Discovery Channel , 2007 Part of an eight part series Raging Planet () Discovery Channel , 2007 about various aspects of earth Raging Planet (Planet Storm) Discovery Channel , 2007 such as volcanoes, avalanches, El Nino etc. Raging Planet (Savage Sun) Discovery Channel , 2007 Raging Planet (When Discovery Channel , 2007 Nature Rules) Raging Planet (El Nino) Discovery Channel , 2007 Raging Planet (Fireballs from Discovery Channel , 2007 Space) Raging Planet (Volcanoes) Discovery Channel, 2007 Rise of the continents presented 200 mins ; BBC, 2013 4 part series looks at the by Prof Iain Stewart formation and character of the continents Sahara with Michael Palin BBC, 2002 Palin’s journey across the Sahara Solar Max Museum of science, 2003 An exploration through time and space to experience the sun’s force. Supervolcano (Beneath Earth’s Discovery Channel, 2005 The story of what could happen surface) to the earth if a supervolcano erupted Universe - Aliens and Time Discovery, 2011 Guide to the universe as seen by Travel by Stephen Hawking Hawking Universe-the Story of Everything Discovery, 2011 Hawking’s ideas about time by Stephen Hawking travel and the possibility of aliens occupying earth