April 2021

Tamkinat Rauf Department of , 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 [email protected]


Stanford University Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, 2016-present Dissertation committee: Jeremy Freese (chair), David B. Grusky, and Florencia Torche

The University of Chicago Master of Public Policy, 2015

Government College Lahore, Pakistan Undergraduate, major; Mathematics and Statistics minor, 2007 Graduated with distinction


Torche, Florencia and Tamkinat Rauf. 2021. “The Political Context and Infant Health in the .” American Sociological Review. [Forthcoming]

Rauf, Tamkinat. 2021. “How College Makes Liberals (Or Conservatives).” Socius 7: 1-13. [Link]. *Download the replication code from OSF.

Rauf, Tamkinat. 2020. “Getting a Job, Again: New Evidence Against Subjective Well-being Scarring.” Social Forces. [Link]

Torche, Florencia, and Tamkinat Rauf. 2020. “Transition to Fatherhood and the Health of Men.” Journal of Marriage and Family 83(2): 446-465. [Link]

Salganik, Matt, Ian Lundberg, Alexander Kindel, … Tamkinat Rauf… Sara McLanahan. 2020. “Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(5): 8398-8403. [Link]


Rauf, Tamkinat. “Differential Sensitivity to Adversity by Income.”

Rauf, Tamkinat, Catherine Heaney, Ann Hsing, and Shankuan Zhu. “Chronic Cardiovascular Disease and Wellbeing in Urban China.”

Li, Si Mei (Amy), Tamkinat Rauf, Xueyin Zhao, Yan Min, Ann W. Hsing, Shankuan Zhu, Catherine Heaney. “Diabetes and Well-being in Urban China.”

1 April 2021


Sociology Dissertation Research Opportunity Grant, Stanford University ($1,000), 2021. Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS) Research Data Grant, Stanford University ($1,200), 2020. Graduate Public Service Fellowship, Haas Center, Stanford University, 2018-2019. Wells Family Fellowship, Stanford University, 2016-2018. Irving B. Harris Fellowship, University of Chicago (tuition scholarship and stipend), 2013-2015. University of Chicago Survey Lab, Conference Travel Award, 2015.


Rauf, Tamkinat, and Florencia Torche. 2020. “The Political Context and Infant Health in the United States.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. [Virtual]

Rauf, Tamkinat. 2020. “How College Makes Liberals (Or Conservatives)”. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. [Virtual]

Florencia Torche, and Tamkinat Rauf. 2020. “The Effect of Fatherhood on Men's Health.” Population Association of America Annual Meeting. [Meeting cancelled]

Rauf, Tamkinat, and Florencia Torche. 2020. “The Political Context and Infant Health in the United States.” Paper accepted for Population Association of America Annual Meeting. [Meeting cancelled]

Rauf, Tamkinat. 2019. “Getting a Job, Again: Does Unemployment Scar for Life?” Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Austin TX.

Rauf, Tamkinat. 2018. “Selecting into Social Influence: Political Identity Development in College”. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA.

TEACHING * Indicates graduate-level course

Wellbeing and Society Instructor, Stanford University, Summer 2020 - A lecture and discussion course on social structural forces shaping individual well-being with 22 undergraduate students.

Sociological Methodology III: Models for Discrete Outcomes* Teaching assistant to Jeremy Freese, Stanford University, Spring 2018 & Spring 2019

Junior Seminar: Preparation for Research

2 April 2021

Teaching assistant to Doug McAdam, Stanford University, Winter 2018

Economic Sociology Teaching assistant to Mark Granovetter, Stanford University, Fall 2018

Politics and Policy Teaching assistant to Christopher R. Berry, University of Chicago, Fall 2014

Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity: Senior Seminar Research mentor for senior thesis, Stanford University, Fall 2020


Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS), Project Assistant, 2018-2021 Co-PIs James Druckman and Jeremy Freese

Stanford Department of Medicine, WELL for Life, Research Assistant, 2019 With Dr. Catherine Heaney; PI: Dr. Ann Hsing

National Opinion Research Center (NORC), Graduate Research Assistant, 2015-2016 Survey of Doctorate Recipients Changing Landscape of Publicly-funded Center-based Childcare (PI: Dr. Rupa Datta)

University of Chicago Survey Lab, Research Assistant, 2014 Projects on primary healthcare access in the US; consumption of art and culture in California

State Bank of Pakistan, Economic Analyst, 2008-2013 Co-author of the central bank’s official reports on The State of Pakistan’s Economy (chapters on Economic Growth and Fiscal Policy)


Text Data Mining Proquest TDM Studio Workbench Training, [Virtual] 2021

Structural Equation Modeling using Stata StataCorp, [Virtual] 2020

Non-Probability Sampling American Association of Public Opinion Research, Hollywood, FL, 2015

Macroeconomic Forecasting (Link) International Monetary Fund, Singapore, 2013

Financial Programming and Policies (Link) International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, 2012

3 April 2021


Judge, Stanford Undergraduate Research Conference, Stanford University, Spring 2021. Invited speaker, workshop on Publishing in Academic Journals, Stanford Sociology Department, Fall 2020. Outreach volunteer, WELL for Life, Stanford Department of Medicine, 2018-2019. Professional development chair, Stanford Association of Sociology Graduate Students, 2018-19. Graduate admissions committee, Stanford Sociology Department, 2017-18. Staff writer. Chicago Policy Review, University of Chicago (graduate student-run publication aimed at translating social science research into actionable policy insights), 2013-15. Occasional peer reviewer American Journal of Sociology American Sociological Review Social Science & Medicine


American Sociological Association Population Association of America National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity