66 AG17 Abstracts IP1 of more tools from algebraic geometry. In particular, the Uses of Algebraic Geometry and Representation building blocks of the constructions could include pieces Theory in Complexity Theory of real, affine algebraic curves, surfaces, and threefolds, or higher degree splines, or toric varieties. In this talk, I will I will discuss two central problems in complexity theory discuss various examples, drawing on results from the EU and how they can be approached geometrically. In 1968, networks GAIA and SAGA. Strassen discovered that the usual algorithm for multiply- ing matrices is not the optimal one, which motivated a vast Ragni Piene body of research to determine just how efficiently nxn ma- Department of Mathematics trices can be multiplied. The standard algorithm uses on University of Oslo the order of n3 arithmetic operations, but thanks to this re-
[email protected] search, it is conjectured that asymptotically, it is nearly as easy to multiply matrices as it is to add them, that is that one can multiply matrices using close to n2 multiplications. IP4 In 1978 L. Valiant proposed an algebraic version of the fa- Polynomial Dynamical Systems, Toric Differential mous P v. NP problem. This was modified by Mulmuley Inclusions, and the Global Attractor Conjecture and Sohoni to a problem in algebraic geometry: Geomet- ric Complexity Theory (GCT), which rephrases Valiant’s Polynomial dynamical systems (i.e., systems of differen- question in terms of inclusions of orbit closures. I will tial equations with polynomial right-hand sides) appear discuss matrix multiplication, GCT, and the geometry in- in many important problems in mathematics and applica- volved, including: secant varieties, dual varieties, minimal tions.