ON IIIB M AJE BTY'S BE R VICE !t0%0M ï 1% > Envelope bà gumnung tlus Label across Flap gTéTjgKEq! o. pen ss catung Labez 'nstead of arm: Envelom

. .. 'x c/ ASIAII REGISTRY COBRT SBCTIOX ,.,,,e' z '' )V, zr *** ! 'f ? 3 eo- su ? , ak F TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 0F TH E COLONY A N D PROTECTORA TE 0F K EN YA Pubhshed under the A uthtm ty of H ls Excellency the G o&ernor of the C olony and Protectorate of K enya

V o1 X L- N O 45 N A IR O BI, Septem ber 6, 1938 Prlce 50 Cents RegG ered as a N ewspaper at the G P O Publxshed e&erv Tuesday

. .- - - - . . Q . ( - q T--.L-.ZLU L-Z - - . -


PAGE G ovt N otlce N o 675- A rr!&als, D epartures, A gpolntm ents etc 1168 Plodam atlon N o 75- The D lseases of A nlm als Ordlnance 1169 G ovt N otlces N os 676-7- The Prlsons Ordlnance, lg3o- Appom tm ents 1169 G ovt N otlce N o 678- The Local Governm ent (M unlclpalltles) Ordlnancea 1928- N om 1nat1ons 1169

5: 5. 679- 1-1 M Court of A ppeal for Eastern A fnca- A ppom tm ent 1170 680- A s1an Clerlcal Staff C nErm atlon Exam m atlon- N otlfcatlon 1170 G eneral 'qotlces '4os 1229-1265 1170



G OVSRNMENT N ozqcs N o 675 A R RIV A LS

N am e l R ank . From Leave or on I$ D ate of Leavzng D ate of D ate of Armval lst Appomtment t England Embarkatzon at 1 Mrs M A Bell Ladryo lCogleprckal, SBe rvEz ceA Meteo Leave ! 23rd July 1938 .-. 20th Aug , 1938 D xls SRM HM Xslsa: 'e' C' '' Mc ldru'! 1 eOe Ct ll'; a t l - ln Mole Teclmzcal Instructor, Educa I uon c (? Plumb Forester lst Appolntzrent l Capt C T' R ouse B attez'y Com m ander, Coast D efence U nlt, K A R Leave 30th J'uly, 1938 31st J'uly, 1938 * w A Grm sted M eteorologzst, B E A M eteo rologzcal Semuee ,, 13th J'uly, 1938 13th Aug , 1938 1

* Marsezlles 1. Aden

D EPA RT U RES N am e R On Leave or Term m atyon ank D ate of D eparture of Appom tm ent

M Crom bze 1 Asmstant Audxtor Leave pmor to transfer to 20th August, 1938 M alaya D r W M Chapm an M edzcal Om cer Leave T G R Jones Laboratory A sqzstant M edlcal D ept C W A W aterë Postm aster Leave pmor ,t,o retlrem ent M lss U M zlstead Clerk, R egzstrar General's D epartm ent Temnm atzon of appolntm ent due to reslgnatm n ,,


D R K ENNETH A LLAN THOMAS M ARTIN, M D , CH B , D P t4 , to be Actlng Sentor M edlcal O œ cer, wlth esect from the 14th February, 1938 A NTONY CUTHBERT SPURLING to be R esldent M aglstrate, K lsum u, wlth esect from the 31st A ugust, 1938 G EOFFREY BIJRKITT W HITCOMB R uoo to be R esldent M aglstrate, N alrobl, w lth elect from the 1st Sep- tem ber, 1938 PRELIM IN A RY O RA L SW A H ILI EX AM IN A TIO N PAss M lss F B W atklns, Prlntlng and Statlonery D epartm ent

A DE V W A D E, C/1IcJ Sect etary

K EN YA A N D U G A N D A RA ILW A Y S A N D H A R BOU RS JOHN W ILLIAM TERRINGTON, D lstrlct Traflic Superln- tendent, Class lI, to be A sslstant Superm tendentx Class 1, wlth eftect from 22nd June, 1938 CO R RIG EN D U M G ovelnm ent N otlce N o 600, publlshed ln Oë clal G azette N o 39, dated A ugust 2, 1938 M lnlng Loca- tlons, N o 2 A rea- For 29/9 read 92/9 Septem ber 6. 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE TTE 1 169

C olony and Protectorate of lcenya

PRocr-w Azqox N o 75 G ovBitxwum 'r N olqcE N o 676

TH E D ISEA SES OF A N IM A LS O RD IN AN CE TH E PRISON S O RD IN A N CE, 1930 (Chaptel 1 oj the Revlsed Edltlon, sectlon 13) N oTlcE M D IN EX ERCISE of the powels conferred upon hlm by TH E IN TERPRETA TIO N A N D G EN ERA L sectlon 22 (1) of the Prlsons Ordlnance, 1930, H ls Ex- CLA U SES O R D IN A N CE cellency the G overnor has been m eased to appolnt (Chapter 1 o.f the Revlsed f7l/fltp/i, sectlon 13) W Swaln, Esq , as a Vlsltlng Justlee to K ltale Pnson G OG RNMEN'I- N o-rlcE N o 231 oF 1919 laRoctaw A-nox By Com m and of H ls Excellency the G overnor IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby declare the follom ng areas to be lnfected areas N alrobl for the purposes of the sald D lseases of A nlm als O rdln- D ated thls 31st day of A ugust, 1938 ance - A Dil V W A D E, RINDERPESZ Chld Seo etary L R N os 5191 and 6328, A lec A rm strong, Esq , Rum urutl, Lalklpla D lstrlct L R N o 6316, K M D Robertson, Esq , P O Tlm au, N orth N yerz D lstrlct L R N o 2389, C A Forrester, Esq , Rum urutl, G OVERNMBNT N o'rlcs N O 677 Lalklpla D lstrlct TH E PRISON S O RD IN A N CE L R N o 6319, B H Curly, Esq , M utara Estates, , 1930 Rum urutl, Lalklpla D lstnct N o'ncE L R N o 3804, J C O llvler, Esq , Trans N zola D ls- IN EX ERCISE of the pow ers conferred upon h1m by tryc,t sectlon 22 (1) of the Pnsons Ordlnance, 1930, H 1s Ex- L R N os 6310 and 6311, Captaln L T S Bower, cellency the G overnor has been pleased to appolnt Rev R um urutl, Lalklpla D lstrlct John Cam pbell-M organ as a V lsltlng Justlce to N ym l Prlson A nd further I hereby declare the follow lng portlons of Ploclam atlons to be revoked By Com m and of H ls Excellency the G overnor That portlon of Proclam atlon N o 56, dated the 4th day of July, 1938, declarm g- N alrobls L R N os 1781 and 1782, H H olland, Esq , P O D ated thls 29th day of A ugust, 1938 N aro M oru, N orth N yerl D lstrlct, to be an m fected area (Rlnderpest) A DE V W A DE, That portlon of Proclam atlon N o 67s dated the 27th Chtej Secretary day of July, 1938, declarlng- L R N o 2809, A D ouglas, Esq , P O Tlm au, N orth N yert D lstrlct, to be an lnfected area (Rlnderpest) G OVERNMENT N o'rlcE N o 678 Those portlons of Proclam atlon N o 70, dated the 3rd day of A ugust, 1938, declarlng- TH E LOCAL GOVERN M EN T (M U NICIPA LITIES) L R N os 2452 and 3176, M alor H D W hlte, O RD IN A N CE, 1928 o s o , N durum o, Ltd , R um urutl, Lazklpla D lstrlet, M D L R N os 3175 and 6983, P J P K er, Esq , 01 TH E ELECTIO N RU LES, 1938 N galua, R um urutl, Lalklpla D lstrlct, IN EX ERCISE of the powers confelred upon hlm by L R N o 2480, C H A dam s, Esq , Rum urutl, Lalklpla D lstrlct, sectlon 9 (2) ot the Local Governm ent (M unlclpalltles) O ldlnance 1928, and Rule 2 of the Electlon R ules. 1938, to be lnfected areas (Rlnderoest) H 1s Excellency the G overnor has been pleased to Those portlons of Proclam atlon N o 72, dated the nom nate the tollowlng persons to be m em bers of the 17th day of A ugust, 1938, declarlng- M unlclpal Board of M om basa for a perlod of one year L R 6386, and an area of unallenated Crown Lands 1,1th efïect flom the 1st Septem ber, 1938 known as Banyaban, G de P Colvlle, Esq , Lanak M r J C W hlte, Estate, Rum urutl, Lalklpla D lstrlct, L R 4608/ R, G S Baker, Esq , Thom son's Falls, Captaln H P W ebster Lalklpla D lstrlct, By Com m and of H 1s Excellency the G overnor to be lnfected areas (Rlnderpest) G lven under m y hand at K abete thls 31st day of N alrobla A ugust, 1938 2nd Septem ber, 1938 E J M U LLIG A N , A DE V W A D E, A cttng .D/? ectot o)' F c/e', tnary Set vtces Clltej Secretary 1170 TH E O FFICIA L G A Z ETTE Septem ber 6, 1938

G OVERNMENT N olqcE N o 679 G BNBRAL N oaqcE N o 1231

H IS M A JESTY 'S CO U RT O F A PPEA L FO R TH E D ESTRU CTIO N OF CO U RT RECO R D S EA STERN A FR ICA (Cap 23, Laws of K enyaj A PPOINTMENT N oTfcs or INTENDED D ESTRUCTION OF COURT RECORDS W ITH reference to G overnm ent N otlces N os 517, TH R EE m onths after the date of thls notlce 1 lntend 2.52, 465, and 567 appearlng at pages 1284, 601, 654 to apply to H ls H onour the Chlef Justlce for leave to and 928 of the O ë clal G azette of 23rd D ecem ber, 1925, destroy the Clvll Court records enum erated ln the 15th M ay, 1928, 21st June, 1938, and 19th July, 1938, sehedule hereto respectlvely, lt ,s hereby notlhed that H ls M alesty's A ny pel son deslrlng the return of an exhlblt ln any Pzlnclpal Seeretary of State for the Colonles has m ade of the cases m entloned m ust m ake good hls clalm the followlng addltlonal appolntm ent - before the 19th N ovem ber, 1938 To be a D eputy R eglstrar of H ls M alesty's Court A 1l exhlblts to whlch no clalm ts substanttated as of A ppeal for Eastern A frlca- above w1l1 be llable to be lnd uded ln the order for The D eputy Reglstrar of the H lgh Court of destructlon Zanzlbar D lstlxct Com m lssloner's O flk e, N alrob 1, N akuru, 29th A ugust, 1938 20th A ugust, 1938 G ovsxxm x'r N oaucs N o 680 J G H A M ILTON -RO SS, Flrst C'/tzç? M aglstrate A SIA N CLERICA L STA FF CON FIR M ATIO N EX A M IN A TIO N SCH ED U LE SEN SMBER, 1938 R allway M aglsttate, Sabatla TH E above exam m atlon w111 be held at centres 1922 N os 1 to 39, 41 to 43, 45 to 48, 50, 51, 55, m roughout the Colony on W ednesday, Thursday and 57, 58, 62, 65, 66 Frlday, 28th, 29th and 30th Septem ber, 1938 1923 N os 1 to 5, 7 to 22, 24 to 33, 35 to 58 Entlles should be sent to the A ctlng D lrector of 1924 N os 1 to 11, 13 Educatlon befole the 12th Septem ber, 1938, on whlch date the 11st wl1l be closed Fllst C'/tzsw Court, N alvasha 1924 N os 1, 78, 82, 86 to 88 Entrles should be m ade ln duphcate on the proper form , whlch m ay be obtalned on appllcatlon from the Second Class Coult, N alvasha oë ce of the D lrector of Educatlon 1924 N os 5, 6, 9 The condltlons of the exam lnatlon are as prescrlbed Flrst C'/tzaxj Court, Eldanta R avlne m Chapter XXI (page 153) of the Code of Regulatlons 1922 N os 1 to 5 H L BRA D SH AW , 1923 N os 1 to 10, 12 to 16, 18 to 42 jor Achng D lrector ol Educatlon 1924 N os 1 to 14, 19 to 44 1925 N os 1 to 31, 35 to 38, 40, 40A, 33 G BNERAL N oTlcE N o 1229 1926 N os 1 to 4, 6 to 12 M U N ICIPA L CO U N CIL OF N A IROBI Second Class Court, Eldam a R avlne 1921 N os 1 to 18, 20 to 46, 48, 49 THE Locztt- GOVERNMENT (RATING) ORDINANCE, 1928 1922 N os 1 to 14 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the first slttlng of the 1923 N os 1 to 6, 9 to 22 Valuatlon Court to hear objectlons to the Thlrd Supple- 1924 N os 2, 5 to 7, 9, 15, 18 to 21, 26 to 28 m ental V aluatlon Roll of the N alrobl M unlclpallty 1926 N os 1 to 4, 5, 6, 7 wl1l be held ln the Com m lttee Room , Town H all, N alrobl, at 10 o'clock ln the folenoon on Thursday Thlrd C'/tB'.C Court, Eldam a R avlne the 15th day of Septem ber, 1938 1921 N os 2 to 8 D ated thls 1st day of Septem ber, 1938 1922 N os 1 to 18 1925 N os 1 to 6, 10, 11, 13 to 21 Town H all, F S ECK ERSLEY , 1926 N os 1 to 7, 9 to 12, 14 to 16 N alrobl Town Clerk

G ENERAL N o-ricE N o 1230 G ENERAL N oxqcE N o 1232 N OTICE IT ls notlhed for general lnform atlon that under TH E TRA D E M A RK S O RD IN A N CE, 1930 the provlslons of sectlon 7 ( 1) of the Employm ent of TRADE M ARK RSNBW ED Servants Ordlnance, 1937, the followlng oG cer has been duly authorlzed by m e ln wrltlng to approve and attest Trade Advertzsed zn Forelgn Contracts of Servlce, ln addltlon to the oë cers M ark the Om czal N am e of Appllcant Class detalled ln G eneral N otlces N o 829 of the 61 June, N um ber Gazette 1938, and N o 1157 of the 11th A ugust, 1938 The D lstllct Com m lssloner, M om basa D lstrlct 1042 17 9 1924 The R alelgh Cycle Co 22 N allobl, Thls 1st day of Septem ber, 1938 Llmlted f A oB V W A DE, N 3a1lrsot bAt,u gust, 1938 for Rcgz/rtzr Lo f RT raFdIeS HMFaArk,s Chlef Secletary Septem ber 6, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZET TE 1171

G ENERAL N oTlcs N o 1233 G Exsmœ N oTlcE N o 1236 TH E LA N D A N D A G RIC ULTU RA L BA N K OF H ON O RA RY PER M IT ISSU E RS K EN Y A IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by TH E LA N D A N D A G RICU LTU RA L BA N K R ules N os 20 and 63 of the D lseases of A m m als O rdln- A M EN D M EN T O RD IN A N CE, 1933 ance Rules, 1931, I hereby declare the underm entloned N oTlcs gentlem an to be an H onorary Perm lt lssuer for the IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon the purposes of the sald Rules - Board by seetlon 4 of the above-nam ed O rdm ance T Louw , Esq , notlce ls hereby glven that the undernoted leasehold propertles wlll be ofered for sale by publlc auctlon on K aptagat Tuesday, O ctober 18th, 1938, by M r T H C hettle, K abete, A uctloneer, N akuru, at hls opices at 12 noon sharp Thls 31st day of A ugust, 1938 D BSCRIPTION E J M U LLIG A N , 1 Solal - A ll that plece or parcel of land contalnlng by adm easurem ent one thousand four hundred and Actlng D lrector of Veterlnary Sermces forty-two acres or thereabouts, belng subdlvlslon N o 4 of Sectlon N o IV of portlon N o 473, sltuate near Lake Solal ln the Rlft V alley Pro plnce 'RENERAL N oTlcs N o 1234 , m ore pa1 tlcularly dellneated and descllbed on Plan N o 4694 annexed to H O N O RA RY PER M IT TSSU ER S an Indenture m ade the 13th day of July , 1915, between IN EX ERCISE of the pow ers conferred upon m e by Frank W atklns and H enry Thom as W atkm s of the one Rule 26 (2) of the D lseases of A nlm als Ordlnance Rules, part and D avld D erw ent Jam es Fawcus of the other 1931, I hereby declare that the underm entloned part and by a subsequent Indenture dated the 18th day H onorary Issuer of Perm lts, ls authorlzed to lssue of M alch, 1925, asslgned for al1 the resldue unexplred perm lts for m ovem ent by rall for slaughter stock only of the term of nm ety-nlne years from 1st July , 1906, by K APTAGAT A RSA D avld D erwent Jam es Fawcus to M ulugl, Llm lted T Louw, Esq , sublect to the rent, covenants, condltlons and provlslons reserved ln the head lease m ade the 29th day of June K aptagat , K abete, 1909, belng Reglstratlon N o 72 of A ugust, 1909 Thls property wlll be offeled as a golng concern wlth Thls 31st day of A ugust, 1938 m achlnery and eqm pm ent, lm plem ents, carts, tools and E J M U LLIG AN , utenslls now on the property, the lncluslon of the A ctlltg D llector (?J Vetellnary Servlces m ovables havlng been duly authorlzed by the Recelver appolnted by the Land and A grlcultural Bank of K enya G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 1235 ln 1ts capaclty as debenture holder 2 M uhotonl - A ll that pjece or parcel of land sltuate IN LEG ISLA TIVE CO U N CIL to north of M uhoronl ln the K lsum u D lstrlct of the OCTOilriR, 1938, SEsszox N yanza Provm ce contalnlng by adm easurem ent one N O TICE ls hereby glven under Standlng R ule and thousand tw o hundred and forty-two acres or there- O ldel N o 94 tnat perm lsslon havlng been glven to the abouts, less an area of ffty-four acres m ore ol less m respect of road reselve, that ls to say L O N o 1632 of M cM lllan M em orlal Llbraly R eglstered Trustees, M erldlonal D lstrlct south A 36 w hlch sald plece of land nam ely Lleutenant-colonel R alph Beresford Tm ner, 1: I a t-oqApanlon ot the M ost D lstlngulshed Order of Salnt wlth the dlm enslons, abbuttals and boundarles thereof M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Com pam on of the D lstln- ls dellneated on the plan N o 5414 annexed to a G rant gulshed Servlce O rdel, Edœard G ilbert M orrls, Esq , dated the 16th day ot M ay, 1924, and reglstered m the O lhcer of the M ost Excellent Order of the Bntlsh Reglstry of Tltles at N alrobl as N o 1 R 815/ 1 The Em plre, D lrector of Educatlon, G eorge Beresford perlod of the lease ls nlne hundred and nlnety-nlne years Stooke, Esq , R N (RETIRED), D eputy Treasurer, trom October 1st, 1919, sublect to lhe annual rent of G wladys Lady D elam ere, and A rthur A lexander Legat, Sh 237/60 revlsable as provlded ln the sald Grant Esq , Oë cer of the M ost Excetlent O rder of the Brltlsh CONDITIONS oF SALE Emplre (belng the present Trustees of the Trust D eed 1 The hlghest bldder shall be the purchaser of I'he M cM lllan M em orlal Llbrary'' dated the 30th 2 The purchaser shalt lm m edtately after the sale pay day of June, 193 1, and who are reglstered under the to the auctloneer a deposlt of 25 per cent of the am ount Land Pelpetual Successlon O rdlnance as a body of the purchase m oney and sign an agreem ent to com - '-xrporate) to lntroduce m to Leglslatlve Councll a Blll plete the purchase and pay the balance agalnst leglstra- to enlarge, extend and revlse the oblects and scope of tlon of the transtel of the tltle lnto hls or he1 nam e the Charltable Trust created by the sald Trust D eed 3 The tltle deed m ay be lnspected at any tlm e before and the powers and responslbllltles of the Trustees the sale al tne ofik e of the Land and A grleultural Bank thereof , to m ake certaln further am endm ents and of K enya, N alrobl, or at the oflices of M r T H Chettle, addltlons to the Constltutlon and Trusts of the sald N akuru, on the day ol the sale and the purchaser shall Charltable Trust and to dlvers docum ents subsldyary be deem ed to have full notlce of each and every thereto, and to consolldate and declare the Constltu- provlslon theleln contalned tlon and Trusts as so m odlfed 4 The descnptlon of the property ln the partlculars The sald Bll1 (a copy of whlch can be lnspected at the and plans ls btlleved and shall be deem ed to be correct oë ces of H am llton, H arrlson & M athews, Sollcltors, and no clalm shall be valld ln respect of any error of N alrobl House, N alrobl) w1l1 accordlngly be m troduced descrlptlon, should such be found lnto Leglslatlve Councll at the next Sesslon thereof to 5 The Board through 1ts authorlzed representatlve be held towards the end of O ctober, 1938 has the rlght to b1d 6 Sublect and m addltlon to the foregolng the con- D ated the 2nd day of Septem ber, 1938 dltlons oi sale usually prescrlbed by the aucttoneer m H A M ILTO N , H A R RISON & M A TH EW S, thls dlstrlct shall apply Sollcltors jot the above-named Trustees, N alrobl, S TH O RN TO N N alrobl 29th A ugust, 1938 Secretary 1172 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938 6 G lm zaxt N o'ncl N o 1237 fdoersetrcuasct lmonv aslcoanm lpna Olgcnt oblenr oft hesec apnees lgfrhobmou trhheo opdre senotf LOCU ST R EPORT, 1sT SEPTEM EER , 1938 K hartoum THE AFRICNN M IGRATORY LOCUST (LOCI4Sta mlgl ator fl THB RED Locus'r (Nom odacrls septemfasctata) mlgratolloldes) K enya - N o reports of the presence ln the Colony of Sltuatlon ln K enya --slnce the publlcatlon of the last thls locust have been recelved slnce the 14th July Locust Report, dated 18th A ugust, 1938, reports re- celved lndicate that the swarm s whlch entered K enya Uganda Report dated 23,# A ugtnt /t?? the m onth ()/ from the north-west through the K aram ola at tbe end July - -fhere w as llttle change ln the dlstrlbutlon of of July and early m A ugust, and walch proceeded ln locusts and very few fhghts w ere observed Som e roughly a south-easterly dlrectlon as far as the N orth f urther egg-laylng by sm all scattered swarm s occlzrred N yen and M eru reglon, have rem alned clrcllng m that ln south-west Teso and by a swarm ln southern Lango reglon They have m ostly been thln swarm s w lth no A m arked reductlon of the hopper lnfestatlon m M engo delinlte dltectlon of fhght and lt has been lm posslble and the Eastern Provlnce w as efected by the actlon to keep tlack of each lndlvldual sw arm R epolts lndl- of local lnhabltants Thls report appears to m dlcate cate that yellowlng of the lnsects, whlch ls a slgn of that the danger of the R ed locust enterlng K enya from lncreaslng m aturlty, has com m enced the Eastern Provm ce ot U ganda ls lessened From about the 16th A ugust onw ard m ore sw arm s Subm lsslon (:)/ speclnlens - swarms of the Afrlcan entered K eaya from the Sudan vta K atam ola The area M lgratory locust now ln K enya are m aturlng and lt ls trom whlch thls fresh lnvaslon was reported w as even m ore lm portant that speclm ens should accom pany approxlm ately ln the latltudes and longltudes 1 o 20 ' N reports, especlally when any yellom ng ls notlced m the to 40 45/' N and 34O 50// E to 36 O E Thls m vaslon swarm U p to now the m alollty of speclm ens recelved also m oceeded ln a south-easterly dllectlon but wlth by the Entom o1oglst have arnved ln a decom posed a m ore southerly trend Sw arm s w ere reported on the condltlon because they have been packed m sm all con- east slde of Elgon and ln the W est Suk R eserve on the talners, wlth too m any locusts ln the contalner, fre- 26th, on the 27th swarm s were reported from East Suk, quently wlthout any access for aIr and wlth green on the 30th from Southern Suk and on that date also, vegetable m aterlal packed m th them The effect of thls at a polnt 7 m lles east of Eldam a R avlne Thls last has been to lncrease the m olsture ln the contalner and sw arm was reported to be yellow lng Latest leports to decom pose the loeusts It ls requested that locusts thus lndlcate that the fresh lnvaslon reached the should be sent m large, ally containers wlth no green Eldam a Ballngo area on about the 30th A ugust lt ls m aterlal ln them and that lf a large num ber of locusts probable, of course, tnat othel sectlons of thls m vaslon ls sent the contalner should be proportlonately large ale ln the desert countly ln the nelghbourhood of It ls deslrable to send as m any locusts as posslble m Balsalol, also proceedlng m a south-easterly dlrectlon, order to ensure that several m em bers of both sexes are but no 'eports of thls have been recmved sent, but the lnsul ance of arrlval ln good condltlon Is equally lm portant The U asln G lshu and Fort H all dlstrlcts have been reported to be free of locusts up to the 25th and 29th D ePp aOr tmBeonxt o3f3 8A, gNrlaclurlotbulr e,jor J E P BOOTH , A ugust respectlvely The good ralns of M eru stlll D lrector 0/ Agrkculture appeal to attract sw arm s of thls specles The spread of ralns ln other dlstrlcts m ay cause locusts to rem aln at other polnts on their route fzom the nolth-w est to the south-east Speclm ens recelved G BNERAL N olqcE N o 1238 by the Entom o1oglst from Rum urutl and from several places ln the nelghbourhood of M eru, from swarm s K EN YA A N D U G A N D A R A ILW A YS A N D whlch entered K enya at the beglnnlng of A ugust, sho hv H AR BOU RS that the locusts are stlll lm m ature bat that the ovarles TENDERS FOR DRESSED SI-ONB AND QUARRY CHIPS are developlng and that a few of the m ales have a de- TEN D ER S are m vlted tor the supply of the under- finlte yellom ng of the hlnd legs lt ls especlally 1m - m zntlonea ctressed stone and quarry chlps - portant that watch should be kept on these earllel D 1 essed stone D lm enslons, 9'' x 9'' quantlty, swarm s ln the M eru-N anyukl dlstrlct It ls requested 1 10,000 r ft , 9'? x 4'' 7quantlty, 180,000 r ft that the presence of com pletely yellow lndlvlduals Qualry chlps 200,000 c ft should be reported lm m edlately D ellverles to be m ade at elther llne slde or at the Latest repott //0- the Sudan --x'he latest repo; t fiom Landle Locatlon Slte, N alrobl the Sudan lndlcates that egg-laylng and the em elgence The A um lnlstratlon reserves the rlght to m ake part of hoppers has only occurred between latltudes 13 O 0'' contracts at the prlces tendered and tenderers m ay, I and 18 O 0'' N and longttudes 31 O 0'' and 37 O 0'' E unable to tender for the w hole quantlty asked for, except for a sm all am ount ln the extrem e west of the quote for a portlon of the stated requllem ents tetrltoly near French Equatorlal A fllca Fllers are 1 e- ported m alnly from the sam e areas wlth one or tw o Full detalls, tender form s and speclm en contract scattered swarm s ln the Equatorlal Provlnce, north-west agreem ent form s m ay be ob*alnzd on appllcatlon to of Juba The general tendency ls to spread ln northerly the Chlef Eng,neer, K enya and U ganda Rallways and and north-eastelly dlrectlons throughout the Central H albours, P O Box 79, N alrobl and N orthern Sudan, to as far as iatltude 1 l O N Tenders ln sealed envelopes m arked Ev enders for Control m eastues are now belng taken agalnst a11 Dressed Stone and Quarry Chlps'' should be addressed hopper swarm s and the sltuatlon ls repol ted to be well to the Chalrm an of the Tender Board, P O Box 570, ln hand It ls surm lsed that In the Sudan the present N alrobl, and be recelved before noon on the 14th Sep- hopper swarm s whlch escape destructlon w 1ll reach tem ber, 1938, after whlch tlm e and date no tender w11l m aturlty dunng the latter half of Septem ber, so a be consldeled m lgratlon southwards of these potentlal swarm s m ay The lowest or any tender wl11 not necessarlly be be expected to start m October accepted lt ls evldent that the swarm s whlch have entered K enya are out-lyers of the m aln group and lt ls N alrobl, A E H A M P, posslble that there wl11 be no furtl'er m vaslon untll thç 29th A ugust/ 1938 A c+ n,g G elteral M anager September 6, 1938 :11E OFR CIAL GAZETTV 1173

G ENERAL N olqcE N o 1239 G BXERAI, N o-tqcu N o 1241

TH E W A TER O RD IN A N CE, 1929 TH E W A TER OR D IN A N CE, 1929 N oTlcE or A PPLICATION FoR W M ER R IGHT N OTICE OF A PPLICATION F0R W ATER RIGHT IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater Ordlnance, 1929, IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W atez O ldlnance, 1929, notlce ls hereby glven that W A Tunstalk Esq , of notlce ls hereby glven that Buku Estate, Ltd , of N alrotu N loro has hled an appllcation, whlch has been regls- has filed an app-lcation, w hlcll was reglwteled by the teled by the s'>zater Board for a Sanctlon, to dlvert W ater Board on 1 /tl1 A ugust, 1938, foz a sanctlon to f -om the N loro Rlvel at a polnt on L R N o 528A , dlvert from 'lates Stream a- a polnt oa L R 'No 120/ 1, 800 gallons per day and 1,100 gallons per m onth for 1,000, 500, 72.,0:)0 and 12,000 gallons per day (of whlch the purposes of dom estlc use and use m cattle d1p approxlm ately 80,000 galtons pe1 day w 1l1 be returned l espectlvely on L R N o 528A to Tates Stleam), for tha pulposes of domestlc use, m m or lrrlgation, powez to czrn e a hydlaullc ram , and The proposed works w lll conslst of a pum p and pulpm g and washlng of coffee respectlvely on L R l

W M A TU N STA LL, S C FICH AT, Apphcant ot Lawjully Authotlzed Agent, Appllcant or Lawfully Wl:/àt/?lzcl Agent, Thurland, P 0 3ox 1042, N artobl N w ro

G ENBRAL N o'ncE N o 1242

G ENERAL N orlcE N o 1240 TH E W A TER O RD IN AN CE, 1929 N OTlcs olp Alapl-lcArlox roR W ATER RIGHT/SANCTION TH E W A TER O RD IN A N CE, 1929 IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater O rdlnance, 1929, notlce ls hereby glven that R osterm an G old M m es, Ltd , N OTICE OF A PPLICATION FOR W ATER R IGHT of K akam ega have filed an appllcatlon, w hleh was IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater Ordlnance, 1929, reglstered by the W ater Board on 20th A ugust, 1938, notlce ls hereby glven that Captaln F C D avles for a W atel Sanction, to dl&ert from Rostelm an Sprlngs of N akuru has filed an appllcatlon, whlch w as regls- at a polnt m N orth K avlrondo N atlve Rescrve, 6,000 teled by the W ater Board on 20th A ugust, 1938, for a gallons per dav for the purpose of dom estlc use on W ater Sanctlon to dlvert from the M erelonl Rlver M lnlng Lease M T 5 at a polnt on L R N o 440/7, 2,000 gallons per day for T ue pi oposed w orks w1l1 conslst of a glavltv plpe the purpose of dom estlc use on L R N o 4631 Lne The proposed works w 11l conslst of a wm dm lll and A plan of the proposed works m ay be seen at the Plpe llne oë ce of the D lrector of PublTc W orks, N alrobl, and at the Publlc W orks D epartm ent O ë ce, K akam ega A plan of the proposed works m ay be seen at the oT ce of the D lrectol of Publlc W orks, N alrobla and The appllcatlon w111 subsequently be consldered for at the oë ce of the N akuru D lstnct Cotm cll, N akttru a W ater Rlght A ny oblectlons to the grant of the W ater R lght The appllcatlon w1l1 subsequently be consldered for ancl /or Sanctlon applled for should be filed, ln dupll- a W ater Rlght cate, wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, A ny oblectlons to the grant of the W ater R lght wlthln slxty days from the date of the first publlcatlon and/ or Sanctlon applled for should be filed, ln dupll- of thls notxce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be cate, wlth tne W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, sarved by the oblector on the tlnderslgned at the address wlthln slxtl days flom the date of the lirst publlcatlon glven below of thls notlce, and a copy of the oblectlon m ust be served by the oblector on the underslgned at the address For and on behalf of glven below Rosterm an G old M m es, Ltd , D K ER R C RO SS, F CA RR D A V IES, Supel !n/c?;Jc?z/,

Appbcant ol Lam'jully A uthorlzed W ,gcll/ Appllcant ()/ Lawjully ztuthorlzed Agent Box 140, N akuru P 0 Box 24, K akam ega 1174 THE OFFICIAL GAZVTTE Septem ber 6. 1938

G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 1243

TTIE TRAN SPOR T LICEN SIN G ORD I-N AN CE , 1937 A N D TH E VEH ICLE S LICEN SIN G R EGU LA TION S, 1938 A PPLICA TION S A N D D ECISION S N o 13 6TlT SEPTEMBSR, 1938 APPLIOATION S- TIAe Llcenszng Authomty zs not responslble for the contents of applzcatzons , zts responstbzlzty zs conflned to seezng tha,t the notlces zn thzs publlcatlon agree w zth the apphcatlons recelved These publlshed notlees w 1ll be the only notlce w lnch w zll be gzven of these appllcatlons Thls notzce as prznted w lll L;e In aecordance w 1th the partzculazs supplzed by the applzeants The orzgznal applzeatlons, w hzch zn som e cases gzve ftzller detazls, can be znspected at the office of tlle Llcensm g Authorlty, c./() the Attozney Genezal's Om ce, Nalrobz, betw een the hours of 8 30 a m and 4 p m from M onday to F rzday and betw een the hot'trs of 8 .$0 a m and 12 noon on Saturday Any pelson w llo w zshes to obgeet to the grant of any of the lzcences applzed for m ust subm zt h;s oblectlon, on the presem bed fozm , so u,s to zeach the L lcensm g A utholzry not later than fourteen days from the date hezeof A copy of every stteh oblpstton m ust be qent by the oblector to the apphcant at the sam e tlm e as lt zs sont to the Lleensm g A uthorzty The L lcenslng A utlaorlty m ay at 1ts cllsuretlon eonslde r oblectzono, aotw zthstandtng that they m ay not have been recelved w zthm the prescm bed pemowl, but lt ls partzcularly requested that, so faz as posstble, a1l oblectlons shall be m ade v zthzn the prescrlbed pezlod Coples of the prescrzbed form of oblectlon m ay be obtam ed from the Lzcensm g A uthomty, P O B ox l l2, N alrobl, the Central R evenue Offlce, P O B ox 520, or irom the D lstrzet Com m lsszoner, , lslolo, K ertcllo, K zstl, K zsum u. K ltale, Lam u, M achakos, M om basa, N akuru, N yerl, R um lzrutl

A ppu cA-rioxs RECEIVED FOR EW '' LICENCES TLB 282- M oham ed bIn Sallm , P O Box 416, M om - TLB 735- W alganJo K lm anga, K lam bu V ehlcle N o basa Vehlcle N o A 2330 (11. tons) T 1546 (11. tons) Carrlage of natlve Carnage of general cargo ln M om basa produce from K lam bu D lstnct to N alrobl M unzclpal area Rates Sh 2/50 per ton and, sugar, natlve foodstufs, salt, bread, TLB 765- La1Jl N anabhal and Co , K crlcho Vehlcles oll, soap, and sm all paleels for natlve N os C 2182 (1J tons) and C 2070 (2 tons) dukas from N alrobl to K lam bu D lstrlct C arrtage of country m oduce and m erchan- R ates 50 cents per ton m lle dlse from Lum bw a to K erlcho and from TLB - 486- Saleh M ahom ed, P O Box 333, M om - K encho to Sotlk and m the K erlcho basa Vehlcle N o A 2709 (11. tons) D lstllct Rates 50 uents per ton m ile Carrlage ot plece goods, scrap m etal, TLB 1059- M oham ed Sald, M oyale, N F D Vehlcle stone, sand, bulldlng m aterlals and food- N o T 5951 (5,600 lb ) Canlage of general stuffs ln M om basa and occasxonally be- trade goods and bulldlng m aterlals be- tween M om basa-G azl, M om basa-R am lsl, tween A Ioyale-N anyukl, M oyale-Lam u M om basa-ltlllh R ates Sh 1 per ton R ates Sh 7 per load of 60 lb from m lle for long dlstance, Sh 4 per ton m lle M oyale to N anyukl Sh 4 per 36 lb for sllort dlstance M oyale to Lam u TLB 7O9--R )zek1 bm Fa1 e1, P O Box 416, M om basa TLB 187- H aJ1 M oham ed Saleh M ahom ed, P O Box Vehlcle A 3027 (1i tons) Carrlage of 333, M ombasa Vehicles N os A 3278 (2 genel al m erchandlse m M om basa town, tons), A 3379 (2J tons), A 2952 (1.1 tons) and fl om M om basa to Shem o-la--lhwl and C arrlage of foodstuffq, posho, bulldlng M om basa to R anusl Rates ln M om - m aterlals, slm -slm , charcoal and copra between M om basa and M azeras, and basa, Sh 2/50 per ton load M om basa- vegetables flom R abal to M om basa A lso Tlwl, Sh 11 pel load, net (Pontoon cllarges to be pald by owners of goods ) local transport wolk R ates Sh 1 pel M om basa-ftam lsl, Sh 1 per ton load ton m ile for long dlstance, Sh 4 per ton m lle for short dlstance and local w ork Vehlcle A 3689 (2 tons) Carrlage of m llk from M om basa to M arlakanl R ates TLB M s- D avld O wen 'Thom as, P O Box 71, M om - not p ven V ehlcles A 2799 antl T 1325 basa Y ehlcles N os A 3226, A 3227, (both IJ tons) Calnage of general A 3228 (2i tons) Carrlage of general m erchandlse ln M om basa town R ates m erchandlse on M om basa Island Rates Sh 2/:0 per l-ton load Sh 4 per ton 1 A PPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR TGB'' ICENCES TLB 423- Fazal M oham ed and N oorm oham ed, R e- TLB 1O5 A l1 slgara, M oyale, N F D V ehlcles N os . oeiro street, N airobl T 6553 (2.1 tons) A 2962 and T 3458 (5,600 lb ) Carrlage Calrlage of goods for or m connexlon bot goods for or ln connexlon m th h1s own wtth thetr own buslness and, for hlre or tuslness and, for hlre or reward, general rade goods and bulldlng m atenals be- reward, sand, stone, earth, m urram and v oyale tw een - N anyukl, M oyale-Lam u other sim llar bulldlng m aterlal and m anule p ates sh 7 per load of 60 lb from

wlthln a radtus of 100 m lles of N alzobl M oyale to N anyukl, Sh 4 per 36 lb from R ates 50 cents per ton m lle M oyale to Lam u leptember 6. 1938 THE OFFICIAL GAM TTE l17S

APPLICATIONS RBCEIVED FOR GEW ' LICENCES-VCOW J ) TLB 1060- LalJI M angalll, M oyale Vehlcle N o A Statlon and N alrobl, and general goods 3287 (5,600 lb ) Carrlage of goods for from N alrobi to K lam bu only R ates ln connexlon wtth ls own buslness andy 50 cents pel ton m lle for hlre Or reward, general trade goods TLB 628- D harm Pa1 Chadha, P O Box 853, N alrobl and bulldlng m aterlals betw een M oyale- Vehlcle N o T 6345 (21 tons) Carl lage of N anyukl, M oyale-Lam u R ates Sh 7 goods for or ln conneh ton w lth ls own per load ot 60 lb from M oyale to N an- buslness as a fuel m erchant and, for hlre yukl, Sh 4 per 36 lb from M oyale to or reward, w attle bark and m alze from Lam u K llungu to Sultan H am ed R allway Statlon 'FLB lo6l- M asham Om ar, M oyale, N F D Yehlcle Rates Sh 1 per m lle N o T 3478 (5,600 lb ) Carrlage of goods T LB 64zl- A llm oham ed Esm all W allee, P O Box 787, for or m connexlon m th bls own buslness N alrobl VehJcle N o A 3537 (3 tons) and, for hlre ol reward, general tlade Carryage of goods for or ln connexlon goods and bullulng m aterlals between wlth h1s own buslness as a stone and soll M oyale-N anyukl, M oyale-Lam u Rates m erchant and, for hlre ol rewal d, stone, Sh 7 per load of 60 lb from M oyale to cem ent, soll, sand, m anure, bulldlng and N anyukl, Sh 4 per 36 lb from M oyale road m aklng m aterlals betw een K lam bu- to Lam u Llm uru-N gong and m thln a radlus of 30 m lles of N alrobl R ates 50 cents per TLB 3Y-Hablb Vlra, c/o Ahamed Vlra, P O Box ton m ile N alrobl Eieven à 3to4n, s)K, Lls u8m1 ua nd VLe h74lc l(e2sJ Ntonos ), LE 6193, 0L4 37(5, TLB 211- G hal Blos , P O Box 582, 2.). ton vehlcles Carllage of goods for or L 70, L 67 (2 tons) These vehlcles are ln connexlon wlth thell own buslness as used for the carrlage of goods for or ln connexlon with ls own buslness and, for Shopkeepers and, fol hlre or reward, the appllcants wlsh to use these vehlcles for hlre or leward, posho, m lnlng poles, petrol. the carrlage of goods anywhere ln the oll and stones ln the K lsll D lstrlct Rates Colony The appllcants have a contract 70 ents per ton m lle for the calrlage of goods betw een M ohoru TLB 1265= otlram Tulsllam , P O K lam bu N ew Bay and M ara M lnes R ates Varpng vehlcle (3 tons) unreglstered Carrlage of from 40 cents to Sh 1 per ton m lle accord- goods for ol ln connexion w lth h1s own lng to the goods carrled Ten of these buslness as a shopkeeper and, farm pro- vehlcles fall wlthln the provlslons of sec- duce from K lam bu D lstrlct to K ahawa tlon 12 of the O rdlnance, 19.37

A taptacA-rloxs R EcstvEo FoR ROAD SBRVICE LICENCES TLB 326- K atar Slngh A ttar Slngh, P O Box 1183 TLB 754--Chanan Ram , P O Box 3$ Eldoret Vehlcle N o T 6744 Thls vehlcle carrles Vehlcle No E 1781 (10 pasengers and thelr 25 passengers and thelr luggage tw lce a luggage) or a new' vehlde ln place thereof week between N alrobl and K lsum u v1a Thls vehlcle operates on a dally servlce J K lbigorl Rates per person N alrobl- between Eldoret-K ltale Rates per person, K lsum u, Sh 10, N alrobl-N akulu, Sh 5 slngle Journey Sh 2 Vehlcle N o T 3982 A ppllcant wlshes to 'rt ws 778- Osm an 'ï altub and Co , P O Box 169, - operate thls vehlcle carrylng 25 passengers hlalrobl, shopkeepel at N allobl and M elu, and thelr luggage on a dally servlce be- applles for a llcence In respect of a new tween N alrobl, Fort H all and M aragua vehlcle N o T 6800 Thls vehlcle the (Em bu road) Rates per person N alrobl appllcant w lshes to operate a regular ser- '- M aragua, Sh 3, N alrobt-Thlka, Sh 1 vlce twlce a week between N alrobl and (Note - vehlcle N o T 6744 falls wlthln lslolo, carrylng passengers and provlslops. the provlslons of sectlon 12 of the T L O , native produce, frm t, cotton goods 1937 ) Passenger rates per person N alrobl-M eru, TLB 565= N athoo K aram shl, shopkeeper at K ltul Sh 8 M eru-lslolo, Sh 2, M eru-M atwatl. V ehld e N o T 5399 Thls vehlcle carrles Sh 2 G oods N allobl-M eru, Sh 4 per 20 passengers and country produce, plece 100 lb , M eru-lslolo, Sh 1 per 100 lb goods, natlve household goods, ekc , on a TLB 33 /A- M era11l Bus Servlce, P O Box 1468, regular servlce between K ltul-K lbwezl , N alrobl, apply for a llcence ln respect of K ltul--fhlka Passenger rates Sh 4 to 8 vehleles as lollows N o T 6334 calrles K lbwezl, Sh 4 to ThlKa 25 passengers and natlve pl oduce on a TLB 107- S W aneyaga s/o W ashanla, N yerl regular servlce between K lsum u-ogenyu Vehlde No T 5655 (15 passengers and Passenger rates Sh 3, G oods, Sll 1 per thclr luggage) Thls vehlcle operates on 100 lb N os T 4584 and T 3616 earry a regular servlce every other day between 25 passenge s each and m erchandlse and N yerl and N atrobl Passenger rates Sh al1 classes of goods on a regular service 4, slngle Journey from N alrobl to M achakos, and natlve TLB 304- K lm burl M utangl, N yerl V ehlcle N o produce only from M achakos to N alrot,l T 5101 (19 passengers and thelr luggage) Passenger rates Sh 1 each, G oods, Sh 1 Thls vehlde operates on a regular setvlce per 100 lb N o T 4792, or a new vehlcle three tlm es a week bztween N yerl-N an- ln place thereof, carrles 25 passengers and yukl-Rum urutt--fhom son's Falls R ates m erchandlse and any elass of gooqs on a pet pelson slngle Journey N yerl-N anyukl, legular servlce between N alrobl-Ltm gldo Sh 2, N yet i-ltum urutl, Sh 4, N yerl- Passenger rates Sh 4 each, G oods Sh Thom son's Falls, Sh 5 2/50 per 100 lb N os T 5622, T 5623, 1176 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938

APPLICATIONS RECEIVBD FOR R O ND SERVICE LICENCES-VC/K/J ) T 6859 (25 passengers) and T 5888 (31 T 4897, 25 passengers and thelr luggage passengers and thelr luggage) These These vehlcles operate on an ln egular vehlcles operate on a dally servlce between servlce between the followlng places N alrobl and K lsum u v1a K lblgon or N alrobl to N yerl and al1 m term ealate Eldol et ln the ralny season Rates pel plpces, N alrobl to Em bu and a11 m ter- passengcr Sh 7 m edlate places, N alrobl to Fort H all and na lve reserve, N alrobl to N akuru and a11 TLB jc-ltNaoch raT B6h3a3g5w anjTl,h lPs Ov ehTlchllek a carVrleesh lc2l0e lntelm edlate places Rates per passcnger l4 passengms and general goods on an N alrobl-N yeil, Sh 5, N alrobl-Em bu, Sh A llregulal seivlce between Thlka--rala 3, N alrobl-Fort H all, Sh 2, N alrobl- (M achakos D lstllct) Thlka-lkltul Thlka- N akuru, Sh 4 N allobl R ates per pasenger, slngle TLB 614A - D R G hal and Sons, P O K lam bu Joulney Tm lva--f a1a Sh 1, Thlka-K ltul, V ehlcle T 5818 Thls vehlcle carrles 16 Sh zl , Thlka-lçalrobl, Sn 1 G oods, 50 passengers and thelr luggage and operates eents pe1 ton m lle on an nregular servlce between N alrobi TLB 1179- A bdu1all Jlw all and Co , M achakos Two and Em bu twxce each day, N alrobl and new M ercedes Benz buses (passenge, s and K lam bu, twlce each day and N alrobl and thelr luggage) The appucant wlshes to N yum bl, tA/lce each day Rates per operate on a legular servlce bdw een passenger N allobl-Em bu, Sh 3, N alrobl K lbwezl - K ltul - N alrobl, M achakos - - K lam bu 50 cents, N alrobl-N yum bl, N alrobl Rates per passenger Flont Sh 3 seat, Sh zl , Flrst class, Sh 3, Sucond class, TLB 476- N e1son Nlugana, c/o M R Ghal and Sons, Sh 2 N alrobl Vehlcle N o A 3620 (25 pas- TLB 396- Jesung Popat, P O Box 967, N allobl sengers and thell luggage) Thls vehlcle Vehlcle N o T 4964, or a new vehlcle m Operates on an lrregular servlce between Y1 place tlw reof Tlus vehtele carnes 17 N allobl and Em bu Passetlger rates 4 % PZSSCIXgCFS axd Flêttlve J)1 Oduce, m alze, Sh 3 F vI nuts, etc , and occaslonally sugar and salt TLB 821- 51 C G nal, c/o P O Box 582, N alrobl . betw een N alrobl-Thlka--fala R ates per ' V ehicle N o T 5457 Thls vehlcle carrles passengei Sh 2 slngle Journey G oods, 27 passengers and locai products, sugar, 50 cents per ton m lle m alze, etc , on an llregular servlce between TLB 231A - G haI and Co , P O Box 582, N all ob1 N allobl-M eru and N orthern Frontler V ehlcle T 5241 Thls vehlcle carrles 19 dlstrlcts vla Thlka, Fort H all, K aratlna, passengels and local produce, such as N ym l and Islolo Passenger rates Sh m alze, sugar, tea, etc A lso lm ported 8 per pm son to M eru, Sh 20 per pe1 son to goods, such as grocelles, llon goocas, p ece W allr and M arsablt, G oods, from 50 cents goods, etc , to N orthern Frontler and to Sh 1 per ton m lle

M elu dlstrlct, natlve m arkets m Central 'r. LS 289- R am Pelshad G hal, P O Box 582, N alrobl and Ukam ba Pro glnee (Fort H all, N yerl, Vehlcles N os T 6447 (23 passengers and N anyukl, Sagana, Em bu, M achakos, etc ) thelr luggage), T 6581 (15 passengers and R ates Varylng from 50 ccnts to Sh 1 per thmr luggage), T 4014 (9 passengels and ton m lle, accordlng to the quallty of goods thelr luggage), T 3958 (9 passengers and transpolted thelr luggage) These vehlcles operate on TLB 21 1A- G haI Bros , P O Bov .582, N alrobl, an lrregular sexvlce betw een N alrobl- T 4238, 9 passengers and thelr luggage, K lsum u and lnterm edlate places, N alrobl- T 4407, 25 passengers and thelr luggage, N yell and lntelm edlate places, N alrobl- T 5427, 19 passengm s and thezr luggage, Em bu ancl lnterm edlate places Rates per T 5093, 22 passengers and thell luggage, pelson N allobl-K lsum u, Sh 8, N allobl- T 4718, 9 passengers and thelr luggage, N yerl, Sh 4, N alrobl-Em bu, Sh 3 A PPLICATIONS RECEIN ED FOR ExcawuslvE ROAD SEftvicE LICENCES TLB 822- The O wen Thom as Transport, P O Pox course The class of goods to be calrled 71, M om basa, anu V trjl Bhatht Ruparel, w ould bo geneial Passanger rates 1st P O Box 9, M om basa, have applled Jolntly class Sh 60, return Sh 90, 2nd class Sh fo1 an excluslve llcence for a perlod of 10 30, leLuln Sh 60, 3rd class Sh 10, return years to operate a goods calrylng servlce Sh 20, G oods, R allw ay xates on M om basa Island The dass of goods to be earrled would be gcneral m erchan- Tt.B 1 pB- lkoadways (K enya), Ltd , P O Box 70, dlse and the rates to be charged would be K lsam u, apply to1 the followlng excluswe Sh 3 per ton, dead welght, or accordlng llcencas far a perlod of live to seven years to m easurem ent, whlchever ls the hlgtler Passenger selvlces between- lklsum u and TLB 16/A- The lnter-terntonal Bus Servlce, P O K akam ega, K lsum u and Busla, K lsum u Box 88 A lusha, apply for an excluslve and N o 2 G oid M lnlng A rea, K lsum u and hcence for a penod of five yeats ln lespect K alm osa - K apsabet - Eldoret-soy--rurbo- of vehlcles Nos A R 600 (20 passengezs) H oey's Blldge-lkltale The com pany are and D S 2968 (5 passengers) to opelate a at present opelatlng regular servlues on passenger and goods carrylng servlce these routes wlth the followm g vehlcles between A rusha and N alrobl vka Longldo E 1152, 29 passengers, goods and parcels, and N am anga The selvlce w ould be E 1165, 29 passengers, goods and parcels, operated on a regular tlm e-table as F, 1205, 6 passengers, goods and parcels, follow's Leave A rusha on Tuesday at 7 F 1b91, 6 passengers, goods and palcels a m A rrlve N allobl on Tuesday at 4 30 Rates, as shown ln tlm e-table In the p m D epart N alrobl Thursday at 7 30 a m cvent of the appllcation for excluslve A rrlve A l usha Thursday at 5 p m A d- llcences be,ng unsuccesstul, the Com pany dltlonal vehlcles would bt. added lf and wlsh these appllcations to be treated as when clrcum stances warranted such a appllcatlons for llcences for the yeal 1939 Septem ber 6, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE TTE 1177

N o-rlcEs ol7 A tapl-lcA-l-loxs R BcBlvBo FoR ZLB'' LlcEpqcEs z In all these cases //?c appllcanthas been asked to sublnlt Jllrf/lcr detalls TLB 450- A m ed Y akub, P O Box 21a M eru Thlka-K ltul-M achakos-K lbw ezl, Thlka- ehlcles T 6301 and T 5183 (both 2.). tons) Fort H all-Em bu-M eru-N yerl, Thlka- %x . arrlage of goods for or ln connexlon Islolo-W allr, Thlka-N alrobl, Thlka- wlth h1s ow n bulsness, and, for hlre or re- K lam bu Rates 40 to 50 cents per ton w ard, all klnds of tlade goods and local m lle produce m the Central Provlnce and the TLB 1260- Suguro1 Stores, P O N goblt V ehlcle N o N orthern Frontler dlstrlets R ates 50 C 2007 (2 tons) Carrlage of goods for or cents per ton m lle, varvm g accordlng to m connexlon m th thelr own buslness and, arket condltlons for hlre or reward, a11 classes of goods TLB 105$ m ar A bdulla M oyale V ehlcle T 6137 between N goblt-Thom son's Falls-R um u- (21 tons) Carrlage of goods for or ln rutl-N anyukl-N yerl and throughout K enya connexlon wlth h1s own buslness and, for Colony, U ganda and Tanganylka R ates hlre or rew ard, between M oyale, Lam u, 75 cents per ton m lle M eru, N anyukl and al1 lnterm edlate TLB 1261- The M olo Stores, M olo V ehlcle N o statlons R ates not glven C 2254 (21. tons) and a new 3-ton vehlcle

TLB 374- M - - Qx Jadela, P O Thxka Vehlcles Carrlage of goods for or m connexlon 16 and T 5150 (3 tons) Carrlage of m th thelr own buslness and, for hlre or goods for or ln connexlon wlth h1s own rewal d, all classes of goods between M olo buslness as a general trader and, for hlre and farm s ln the dlstrlct Rates 75 cents or reward, al1 classes of goods between per ton m lle

A PPLICU Ioxs RscBivEo FoR ROAD SBRVICE LICENCES In all these cases the appllcant has been asked to subm lt jurther detatls TLB 222- Jum a bln H am lsl, c fo D hanll M avll, R am lsl Sugar Co , to transport thelr K tsum u V ehlcle N o T 5227 Thls labourers and sugar Rates Sh 11 per vehlcle carrles 25 passengers and m erchan- ton to Ram lsl, Sh 14 per ton on return,

J% dlse and produce on a regular servlce be- Porters, Sh 1 per head and staff free, ' X . < tween Klsum u and Kltale K lsum u-K aka- Publlc, 75 cents per 100 lb , 5 cents per - , -- m ega,K lsum u-slo Rlver Passenger rates passenger slngle Journey Two new vehlcles per pelson K lsum u-K ltale, Sh 3, K lsum u (each 25 passengers) The appllcant - S,o Sh 3, K lsum u-K akam ega, Sh 1 wlshes to operate a servlce as and when 1e- G oods 75 cents per ton m lle qulred for the carrylng of passengers and goods between M om bpsa and Tanga TL 395- H ablb V lra, P O Box 34, K lsum u V eblcle Passenger rates, per person Sh 10, slngle .J N o L 89 Thls vetllcle carlles 15 Z d eneral m lnlng m aterlals Joulney, goods, 60 to 75 cents per ton . passengers an g , m lle z posho, etc , between K lsll-suna-M ohuru TLB 721 JA- Bukanslngh M ayasm gh, Klsll Vehxcle ' Passenger rates not glven, goods, 70 cents per ton m lle N o L 54 Carrlage of 15 passengers and general goods, produce, etc , between K lsll TLB 366/A- Ram slngh Kararll, P 0 Box 647, M om - '- loendu Baye yusl-sakwa-M agorl-M asara basa V elalcle N o A 3554 Carrlage of '- M ohuru Bay Occaslonally betw een 25 passengels and goods w lthm the M om - K lsll-Lolgorlen and K lsll-K lsum u basa M unlclpal area and a regulal dally Passenger rates Sh 1 per person for 15 servlce to R am lsl under contract w lth the m lles, goods, -1% cents per ton m lle

A ptarwlcAlqoxs R ECEIVED I7OR CW '' LlcEwcEs The jollowlng appllcattons wcrc lecelved jor 1938, but the appllcants /lfzvc not yet stated whether or not f/icy wlsh thelr apptlcatlons to be consldeted jor 1939 R em tnders have, âtlwtllzdr, been ,çd??f out and the appll- cants have been asked to glve jurthet parttculars TLB 482- saslngh c/o N araln Slngh, P O Box 368, TLB 246- V alllm oham ed A ham ed, M eru V ehlcle ombasa Vehlcle N o A 1889 (11 tons) No T 5466 (21. tons) Carrlagc of petrol, Carrlage of general m erchandlse on M om - c10th and hardware between lslolo and basa lsland R ates Sh 4 per ton M oyale R ates 50 cents per ton m lle TLB 508- H usem M oham ed, P O Box 134, M om - TLB 683- NJoroge wa K am au, D agorettl V ehlcle basa Vehlcle N o A 2803 (2 tons) Local N o B 8231 (1J tons) Carrlage of wattle transport, general m erchandlse at M om - bark, m alze, charcopl, and a11 natlve goods basa R ates Sh 4 per ton between D agorettl and N alrobl and ln the K lam bu D lstrlct R ates W attle bark, 50 TLB 619- Rattan Slngh, P O Box 927, N alrobl cents per ton m lle M alze, 15 cents per Vehlcle N o T 3995 (2 tons) Cazrlage of bag from D agorettl to N alrobl Charcoal, sand, cem ent, poles, etc , between N alrobl 25 cents per bag from D agorettl to and M achakos, N airobl and N gong, N alrobl N alrobt and K lam bu and Thlka R ates TLB 167- M D K arm all, K aratlna Vehlcle T 5904 50 cents per ton m lle )X-= tons) Carrlage of genelal merchan- TLB 999- Sal1m b1n M oham ed, P O Box 416, M om - dlse, produce, w attle balk, cotton, etc , basa Vehlcle No A 2459 (1J tons) betw een N alrobt and the N ortlzern Carrlage of general cargo bewtren M om - Frontler D lstrlct, and durlng the cotton basa-K w ala-K lnongo-Ram lsl and back season, K lsum u to U ganda border Rates Rates Sh 1 per ton m lle 50 cents per ton m lle 1 l78 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZETTE Septem ber 6. 193t

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED F()R KW '' LIcBNcEs- (Ct?n/# ) TLB 181- S1dl K ala, M eru Vehlcle T 6587 (2i tons) hardware, bulldlng m aterlal, a11 types of C arnage of general m erchandlse and pro- produce, cotton, etc , ln all parts of the duce between N alrobz and the N orthern N yanza Provm ce R ates 75 cents per Frontler D lstrlct Rates 50 cents pel ton m lle ton m lle TLB 451- M u1llth1 s/o M utungl, c/o Chlef M uhoya TLB 219- Jusaf Sldl, K aglo, P O Sagana V ehlcle South N yerl, P O N yert V ehlcle C 1498 A 3505 (2J tons) Carrlage of country (1. ton) Carl lage of foodstufs, m alze, produce and other goods between Em bu beans, vegetables, etc , from N yerl to to M eru, dlrect R ates 50 cents per ton R um urutl and Thom son's Falls R ates m lle Sh 4 per 200 lb from N yerl to Thom son's fl Falls TLB 220- A bdul K arlm R ehem tulla, K eragoya, P O 1/ Sagana Vehlcle C 2245 (11 tons) TLB 791- M u1J1 H arg, Fort H all Vehlcle T 2246 Carrlage of clothes, provlslons and gralns (2 tons) Carrlage of country produce, wlthln the Em bu D lstrlct R ates 50 cents wattle bark, etc , ln the Fort H all N atlve per ton m lle R eserve wlthln a radlus of 30 m lles of 36 Fort H all R ate 50 cents per ton m lle TLB zl--lagllvan Chhltabhal P- .ale- 1, P O Box 2, Kakam ega Vehlcle C 2224 (21 tons) TLB 964 - Rattan Slngh Azlz s/o Sundar Slngh, Carrlage of a11 kmds of m erchandlse and K alatlna Vehlcle T 2132 (2 tons) produce, tlm ber, charcoal, sand, etc , ln Carrlage of country produce m the N orth the Central and N orth K avlrondo and South N yen N atlve R eserves R ates D lstrlcts, and from K akam ega to Eldoret 50 cents per ton m tle J and Kltale WLB looz-Devllbhal Purshootam, Vehlcle TLB 4ll- M ohan K eshav, P O Box 18, K lsum u E 1320 (3 tons) Calrlage of al1 trade Vehlcles T 4639 and E 919 (21. and 2 tons goods m thln a radlus of 50 m lles of K aka- respectlvely) Carrlage of shop goods, m ega Rates Sh 1 per ton m lle A PPLICATIONS REcElvso FoR CEB'' LlcExcEs The jo//tpwlng appllcatlons were recelved jor 1938,but the appltcants have not yet stated whether or not they wlsh thetr appllcattons to be consldered lor 1939 R em lnders have, however, been sent out and the t?p#/;- cants have been asked to gtve jurther Ftzr/lcl/zuza TLB 3l- rfum an Slngh, P O Box 368, N alrobl contractor and, for hlle oz reward, all Vehldes N os A 3536 (2i tons) and T klnds of goods and bulldlng m aterlals 3190 (2 tons) Carrlage of goods for or m thln a radlus of 200 m lles of N alrobl ln connexlon wlth hls own buslness as a ates 40 cents per ton m lle shopkeeper and m lller at K lam bu, and, for hlre or reward, charcoal, fuel, posho, TLB 74 i M oham ed Sayed Shah N awaz Shah, P O m anure, colee to N alrobl, and sundry Box 314, N alrobl V ehlcles N os C 1629 goods to farm ers between N alrobl and (3 tons) and T 3394 (2J tons) Carrlage K lam bu R ates 50 cents per ton m lle of goods for or tn connexlou wlth hls own buslness and, for hlre or reward, con- TLB 438- G urdlal Stngh M angaty P O Box 877, tractols goods, sand, stone, m anure, N alrobl Vehlcle No T 4928 (21 tons) bones, fuel, m elchandlsc and furnlture Carrlage of goods for or ln connexlon wlthln a radlus of 200 m lles between wlth hls own garage and, for hlre or N alronl-lkltul, N alrobl-A rusha, N alrobl- ' - -' reward, all classes of goods wlthln a radlus N arok, N alrobl-M asal Resen e, and of 110 m lles of N alrobl R ates Sh 1 N alrobl-M eru and the N orthern Frontier per 2 ton m lle, sublect to revlslon depend- D lstrlct R ates 50 cents per ton m lle tng on weatlzer condttlons R ates Sh 1 TLB 737- Sohan Slngh, K aratlna V ehlcle N o T per 2 tons per m lle 5410 (2 tons) Carrlage of goods for or TLB 555- R am J1 Jlwa, K lsll v1a K lsum u Vehlcle m connexlon with hls own business and, N o L 86 Carrlage of goods for or ln foz hlre or reward, country produce and connexlon wlth hls own buslness as a m erchandlse between N anyukl and shoem aker and, for hlre or reward, N alrobl Rates Sh 3 per bag general goods ln South K avlrondo Rates TLB 763- Sunder Sm gh, P O Llm uru Vehlcle N o N 75 cents per ton m lle T 2208 (11. tons) Carrlage of goods m Z connexlon wlth h1s own buslness as a T/é 61 -K11l1rpa Ram Umerdass, Eastlelgh, Sectlon fuel m erchant and, for hlre or rew ard, * , N alrobl Vehlcle N o C 2363 (3 tons) sugar, posho, m alze, wattle bark, wood, C arriage of goods for or m connexion etc , ln the K lam bu and N alrobl D lstrlcts wlth h1s own buslness as a quarry dealer R ates 50 cents per ton m lle and, for lure or rew ard, stone, earth and road m aklng and bulldlng m atenals wlthm TLB 79- K anJl La1J1, Saba Saba V ehlcle N o A 'N a radlus of 30 m lles of N alrobl Rates Iz 3473 (3 tons) Carrlage of goods for or ' 50 cents per ton m lle 1 ldnu cCeO nmne=rXclhOann tW a1tnhd hploS sbhou slmnellslse ra sa nad , pfl o0r- TLB 6so--m amodardas Vaghap Sachawla, P O Box hire or reward, local produce and m er- 1036, Nalrobl Vehlcle N o T 4479 (2 chandlse between N alrobl and Sagana and tons) Carrlage of goods for oz m con- som etlm es ln the M eru and K ltul D lstrtcts nexlon wlth hls own buslness as a bulldlng R ates 50 cents per ton m lle Septem ber 6, 1938 THE OFFICIAL GA ZETTE 1179

Appt,lcA-rloxs REcElvso FoR ECB'' LIcBNcEs- (CbnlJ )

TLB 285- Lakham shl La1Jl, A rusha V ehlcle N o A * 1th hls ow n buslness as a shopkeeper 3475 (3 tons) Carrlage of goods for or and, for hlle or reward, a1l classes of In connexlon wlth h1s own buslness as a goods wlthln the N orthern Frontler D ls- ploduee m erchant and retall trader and, trlct to Lam u and M eru and occaslonally lor hlI e or reward, all clasqes of goods to N anyukl and N alrobl R ates Sh between A lusha-N alrobl-saba Saba- 2/ 50 per 36 lb to , Sh 2/ 50 per Sagana-M eiu-K ltul, and ln the Tanga- 36 lb to M eru, Sh 1/25 per 36 lb to nylka D lstnct Rates 50 cents per ton lvioyale, Sh 2/50 per 36 lb to M andera, m lle Sh 3 per load to N anyukl TLB 936 / TLB 327- 11:u ugo s /o Llm am , P O lum uru Vehzcle - LalJl M angalll & Co , W .llr V ehlcle N o N o B 8370 (1i tons) Carrlage of goods T 5564 (21 tons) Cazrlage of goods for for ol ln connexlon w lth hls own buslness or ln connexlon w lth h1s own buslness as a charcoal trader and vegetable grower and, tor hlre or reward, m erchandlse and, for hlre or rew ard, charcoal and between W allr-N alrobl, W alll-M oyale, vegetables betw een Llm uru and N alrobl W alll-M andru, W allr-M eru, W allr-laam u and K lam bu and between K am lnthu and Rates 50 eents per ton m lle K abete and K lam bu R ates Sh 10 to Sh 15 TLB lolg- A hm ad b1n Sallm Ba Y usuf, G arlssa, z- N F D Vehlcle N o I 4419 (2 tons) TLB 543- G eorge G lthuka & Zakarla N K arla, ' C arrlage of goods ln connexton w1th hls Thlka Vehlcle N o A 3691 (3 tons) own buslness as a shopkeeper and, for C arrlage of goods for or ln connexlon hlre or reward, a1l trade goods and pro- w lth thelr own buslness as shopkeepers vlslons ln the N orthern Frontler D lstrlct and, for hlre or reward, w attle bark, and to Lam u Rates 2 cents per m lle per country produce and other goods between 100 lb Thlka-M eru, Thlka-N alrobl, and ln the Thlka Reserve R ates 50 eents per ton TLB 1032- Phares G achuru wa K anyonl, c/o H ead- m lle m an G athlngo, K lam bu D lstrlct Vehlcle TLB 578- % adlng and Recrultm g A gency, P 0 K lsll N o B 7424 (1 ton) Carrlage of goods Vehlcles N os L 60 and E 1296 (2J tons) for or ln connexlon w lth h1s own busm ess C arrlage of goods for or ln connexlon as charcoal m erchant and, for hlre or w lth thelr ow n buslness as farm ers and, reward, trade goods foz natlve shop- for hlre or rew ard, posho to the m lnes m owners between N alrobl and K ahuhu the M asara D lstrlct and general transport /market Rates Sh 1 per bag as Rallway agents from M ohuru Bay to TLB 130- S P Patel, M aragua Vehlcle T 5503 (3 m lnlng com panles Rates 75 cents per tons) Carnage of bulldlng m aterlals for ton m lle from M ohuru Bay to M asara or ln connexlon wlth hls own busm ess as M lnes a trader ln bulldlng m aterlals from TLB 817- W J Phllllps, P O K lsll V ehlcle N o E N alrobl, and, for hlre or rew ard, 647 (2 tons) or a new 3-ton lorry ln place m achlnery and goods from N alrobl to thereof Carrlage of goods for or ln con- Thlka D lstrlct and to the Reselve Rates nexlon m th h1s own buslness as a posho 35 cents per ton m lle m lller and storekeeper and, for hlre or TLB zsl- D ahyabhal & A shabha 1 , Ruanze, Em bu reward, produce, m lnlng m aterlal, G overn- vehlcle N o T 6456 (2*a tons) Carrlage m ent loads and trade goods between of goods for or ln connexton w lth thelr K lsll-K endu-suna-Lolgorlen, K adem - own buslness as shopkeepers and, for M ohul u and South K avlrondo D lstnct hlre or reward, country produce, sugar, R ates 60 cents per ton m lle varylng natlve goods, etc , between Ruanze- accord,ng to bulk of load M eru v1a N yerl, R uanze-N alrobl, TLB 809- Fazaldln and Sadu Slngh, Butere V ehlcle Ruanze-lwlm uru R ates 50 cents per ton N o E 1083 (2.) tons) Carrlage of goods m lle for or ln connexlon w lth thelr own business and, for hlre or reward, bulldlng TLB 284, M athew M uguta, & S N M aklna, Fort m aterlals and other m erchandlse ln the H all V ehlcle N o A 3601 (21 tons) N yaqza Provlnce and U asln G lshu D ls- Carrlage of goods for or ln connexlon rlct Rates 50 cents per ton m lle with hls own buslness at a natlve pro- TLB 93+- S,re Elm l, W allr V ehlcles N os T 6023 duce trader and, for hlre or reward, all klnds of m erchandlse and goods wlth a and T 3374 (21 tons) Carrlage of goods tor or ln connexlon wlth h1s own buslness 1 adlus of 150 m lles of Fort H all R ates as a shopkeeper and, for hlre or reward, 75 cents per bag of 203 lb between N alrobl and Fort H all, and 60 cents per all classes of goods between W allr to bag for every 12 m lles or part thereof m Lam u and between W allr and M eru v1a Islolo, w lthln a radlus of 370 m lles of other cases W allr, occaslonally to N anyukl and TLB 287- Shah Cham shl Telshl, P O Box 38, N yerl N auobl Rates Sh 2 /50 per 36 lb to Vehlcle N o T 5933 (3 tons) Carrlage gf goods for or ln connexlon wlth h1s own Lamu, Sh 2/50 per 36 lb to M andera, # Sh 1 /25 per 36 lb to M oyale, Sh 3/50 -* buslness as a general m erchant and, for per load to N alrobl, Sh 3 per load to hlre or reward, al1 klnds of goods between N anyukl N yerl-K lbwezl v1a K aratlna, Sagana, TLB 935- O m ar Basabra, W allr V ehlcles N os A Fort H all, Thlka and K ltul, N yerl-lslolo- 3294 (2i tons) and T 4426 (2 tons) M eru, N yerl-Thom son's Falls Rates 50 Carrlage of goods for or ln conntxlon cents per ton m lle 1180 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE Septem ber 6. 1938

APPLICATIONS REcyAvlm lvoR ECB'' LIcBNcBs- (Ctm lJ ) TLB 290- N yanza Slsal, Ltd , P O A sem bo Bay or ln connexlon W 1th thelr oWn buslness Vehlcle N o E 1306 (3 tons) Carrlage as shopkeepers at K akuzl and, for hlre of goods for or m connexlon wlth thelr or reward, general transport between own busm ess and, for hlre or reward, K akuzl and Thlka and m tlle Thlka D ls- slsal, m alze, etc , ln Central K aw rondo trlct Rates 40 to 50 cents per ton m lle Rates N ot glven TLB 732- Y usuf H am P O Box 9, M eru, Vehlcles TLB 337- Charan D ass, P O Box 34> Eldoret N os 43 (2i tons) and V 18 (2 tons) v/vehlcle N o F 1144 (11 tons) Carrlage Carrlage of goods ln connexlon wlth hls / of goods for or ln connexlon m th hls own own buslness as a shopkeeper at M eru busm ess as a charcoal dealer and, for and M aralal and, for hlre or reward, hlre or reward, m alze, wheat, sand, genel al trade goods between M eru- cem ent, etc , between Eldoret-K lsum u- M aralal vla R um urutl and Thom son's N akuru, Eldoret-K ltale, Eldoret-K aka- Falls, M eru-lslolo-M oyale-Lam u Rates m ega W lthln a radlus of 200 m lles of N ot glven Eldoret R ates M alze, etc , 4 cents per TLB N g- N oorm oham ed Bhola & Co , H om a Bay, bag per m lle M lrogl Vehlcle N o L 83 (3 tons) TLB 370- Shah D evshl Jlvral, P O Thlka V ehlcles Carrlage of goods for or ln connexlon /N os T 5468 and T 5056 (21 tons) m th thelr own buslness and, for hlre or Carrlage of goods for or m connexlon rew ard, general m erchandlse and country w lth hls ow n buslness as shopkeeper at produce between M lrogl and H om a Bay Jw a and K ltm and, for hlre or reward, and w lthln the South K avlrondo D lstrlct all classes of goods between Thtka-W ajlr, Rates 50 cents per ton m lle Thlka-N alrobl, Thlka-K lbw ezl and m ter- TLB 818- Sant Ram , Em bu V ehlcle N o G 244 m edlate dlstrlcts and Thlka D lstrlct (1i tons) Carrlage of goods for or ln Rates Sh 1 per m lle speclal trlp. connexlon wlth h1s own buslness and, for m lnlm um charge, 50 cents per package of hlre Or rew ardy m alze, m alze m eal and 100 lb , Sh 6 to W apr not exceedlng 100 Other m erchandlse between Em bu-sagana, lb , Sh 2/50 per 100 lb from Thlka to Em bu-M eru-N anyukl Rates 50 cents llbwezl per ton m lle TLB 434-Xhah Meghll Hemral, P O Thlka Vehlcle TLB 86 Fulchand M eghll Shah, M aragua N o A 3465 (3 tons) Carrlage of goods for ol ln connexlon wlth hls own buslness $ gVoeoludcs lef oNr oo rT l n5 5c2o9n (n3e xtolonns ) wlCtha rhr1lsa goe wonf as a general trader and, for hlre or reward, $ buslness as a retall trader and, for hlre a1l classes of goods between Thlka-K ltul, or reward, general m erchandlse and local Thlka-M achakos, Thlka-Fort H all-N yerl, .- produce between N yerl-N alrobl, and Thlka-Em bu-M eru, Thlka-Llm uru Thlka wlthln a radlus of 30 m lles of Thlka - N alrobl-D agorettl R ates 40 to 50 Rates 40 cents pe1 ton m lle cents per ton m lle TLB 892- Dkau1at Smgh & Balwant Slngh, TLB 564- Chatluge1 M ohadeugel G osal, Locatlon .? ehlcle N o C 2434 (3 tons) Carrlage Road, Nakuru Vehlcles N os C 2172 (3 of goods for or ln connexlon wlth hls own tons) and C 1082 (1i tons) Carrlage of buslness as a contractor and, for hlre or goods for or m connexlon wlth hls own rew ald, general m erchandlse between buslness and, for hlre or rew ard, farm N akuru-Eldoret, N akuru-K lsum u, produce, sand, stone, ballast and general N akuru-Thom son's Falls and ln the R lft goods between N akuru-Rongal-K am m - Valley Rates Sh 1 /50 per mtle ya-M oto-sabukla-solal, N akuru-Elburgon TLB 1056- ls1am b1n Sahm , M oyale, N F D V ehlcle - M olo-l-ondlanl-Eldoret Rates Sh 1 l N o A 3643 (5,600 lb ) Carnage of goods per ton m lle for or ln connexlon w lth hls own buslness TLB 686- Shah Devra) M u1J1 & Co , c/o Kakuzl and, for hlre or reward, between M oyale- Flbre Lands, Ltd , M ltublrl Vehlcle N o Lam u-M eru-N anyukl and al1 lnterm edlate T 2898 (11- tons) Carrlage of goods for statlons

A1+LIcATloNs Rllcyalvb,o PoR ROAo SERVICB Llclm cBs The lollowlng appltcatlons wcre recelved Jtv 1938,but the appllcants have not yet stated whether or not they wlsh thetr appllcatlons to be conskdered for 1939 R em m do s have, however, been Jenl out and the aJw/I- cants have been asked to gtve Jl/r//ldr partlculars TLB 185= A m r1t Sana Ram , P O Box 1455, N alrobl TLB 475- M arlgl & N leroge, P O Box 582, N alrobl Vehlcle N o T 5889 (14 passengers and Vehtcle N o T 5305 (25 passengers and thelr luggage) Thls vehlcle operates on thelr luggage) Thls vehlcle operates an a dally servlce between N alrobl and lrregular servlce between N alrobl and K lsum u Rates per passenger N alrobl- N yen R ates Sh 4 per passenger K lsum u, Sh 8, N alrobl-N akuru, Sh 4, N alrobmfhlgll, Sh 3 TLB '/67/A--Blshanslngh Chadha, K erlcho Posho TLB 18O M rs Am rltsarla Ram Jam na D ass, P O M 111s, P O Box 30, K erlcho Vehlcle N o Box 1455, N atrobl V ehlcle N o T 5551 - C 2318 Thls vehlcle carrles 15 passen- (15 passengers and thelr luggage) Thls gers and m erchandlse on a regular servlce vehlcle operates on a dally servlce between N alrobl and K lsum u Rates per passen- between K erlcho-Lum bwa, K erlcho- ger N alrobl-K lsum u, Sh 8, N alrobz- K lsll-sotlk, v1a Sondo, M arabol, Ekonge N akuru, Sh 4, N alrobl-G llgll, Sh 3 Rates are not glven September 6, 1938 'I'HZ OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1181

A PPLICATIONS RscEivlm rolt RoAo SERVICE LlcExcEs- tct?nll ) TLB 708/A- Sa11m bln Farel, P O Box 416, M om - TLB 436- Shanker Slngh, N akuru Velucle N o T basa V ehlcle N o A 3322 Thls vehlcle 6430 (26 passengers and thmr luggage) carrles 10 passengers and sm all cargo on Thls vehlcle operates on an lrregular a regular servlce between M om basa and servlce between N alrobl and K lsum u Shlm o-la--fewa, v1a K lsaunl R ates Sh Passenger rates 1st class, Sh 12, slngle 1 per passenger wlth sm all luggage from Journey, 2nd class, Sh 8, slngle Journey, Shlm o-la--fewa to M om basa, 30 cents per 3rd class, Sh 7, slngle Journey Passen- passenger from K lsaum to M om basa gers' luggage, Sh 3 per bag G oods, 60 cents per 100 lb TLB log- M anguyl s/o M alngl, Embu Vehlcle TLB 491 JA- M oham ed K han Rahlm Kham P O N o T 6361 (15 passengers and thelr Box 333, M om basa Vehlcle N o A 3495 luggage) Thls vehlcle operates on a regu- Thls vehlcle carrles 30 passengers and 1ar servlce every other day between general m erchandlse and goods for N alrobl and Em bu Passenger rates Sh M sam bwenl G overnm ent H ospltal on a 4 per sm gle Journey dally servlce betw een M sam bwenl and TLB 1 lo- G llbert N K arlm l & Co , P O Sagana M om basa v1a G azâ, Tiw l, W aa and Vehlcle N o T 6348 (30 passengers and Llkonl lf suë clent passengers and goods thelr luggage) Thls vehlcle operates on are avallable the selw ce zs extended to a regulal servlce every other day between R am lsl Passenger rates 1st class, Sh N alrobl-M utlra-Em bu Passenger rates 2/50 to W aa, thlrd class, 50 centsa 1st Sh 4, slngle Journey class, Sh 3 to Tlwl, 3rd class 60 cents, TLB llz- Eshlton K K arurl, Fort H all V ehlcles 1st class, Sh 4 to G azl, 3rd class, Sh 1, N os T 6076 (30 passengers and thelr 1st class, Sh 5 to M sam bw enl, 3rd class, luggage) and T 5032 (22 passengers and Sh 1 /50, 1st clasq, Sh 7/50 to Ram lsl, thelr luggage) These vehlcles operate on 3rd class, Sh 2 G oods, 75 cents per ton a dally servlce betw een N alrobl-G akurwe m lle for long dlstance, Sh 2 per ton m lle (Fort H all D lstrlct) Passenger rates Sh for short dlstance 47 slngle Journey TLB 295 C M da Costa, P O Box 11, Eldoret TLB 634- punda M llla Stores, P O Box 36, Thlka Vehlcle N o F 1345 (10 passengers and V ehlcle N o A 3376 Thls vehlcle carnes thelr luggage) Thls vehlde operates on 15 passengers and general m erchandlse a dally servlee between Eldoret and between N alrobl-Thlka-K ltul-K lbwezl, K ltale Sh 2 to Sh 3 per person N alrobl - Thlka - M aragua Passenger TLB 322- Frances K G athongo & K ocam a s/o rates N alrobl-Thlka, Sh 1, Thlka- K am ond, c/o K K Sayanl, Fort H all K ltul, Sh 2, K ltul-K lbw ezl, Sh 2, Thlka- Vehlcle N o T 5845 (15 passengers and M aragua, Sh 1 G oods N alrobl-Thlka, tbelr luggage) Thls vehlcle operates on 50 cents per bag, Thjka-K ltul, Sh 2 per a dally servlce between K aratlna-N anyukl bag K ttul-K lbw ezl, Sh 2 per bag, - Rum urutl R ates Sh 2 per passenger Thlka-M aragua, 50 cents per bag A zx zczt'rzoNs REcrzvfo F0R INLAND XVATER TRANSPORT TICENCES 1 Vlctorla Lake N avlgatlon Co , M wanza, T T 7 Ladha M eghlee, M wynza Three dhow s M ZA M Z 108 (43 70 tons) Thls steel m otor vessel 43 (52 33 tons), carrymg 47 passengers, M ZA 1 carrles 43 passengers to a1l ports on Lake 24 91 tons), carrylng 25 passengers, M ZA 62 V lctorla 21 98 tons), carrylng 21 passengers, to a1l Lake 2 Gethm & Dawson, Ltd , Klsll M 5 (7.) tons) Thls ports m otor launch (steel hull 32 ft ) carrles 26 passen- 8 M oham ed A llbhal, M wanzaa Tanganylka Terntory gers from K lsum u to K endu and K endu to Four dhows M 3-(69 43 tons), carrylng 70 K lsum u A lso tw o llghters carrylng 62 passen- passengers, M Z 64 (51 tons), carrymg 51 passen- gers each from K lsum u to K endu and K endu to gers, M Z 42 (17 20 tons), carrylng 17 passengers, K lsum u M Z 107 (12 18 tons), carrylng 12 passengers, to 3 Roadways (), Ltd , Klsufflu N os 82 and a1l poI ts on Lake Vlctona 83, 7) and 5 tons respectlvely) These two m otor Saldina A lyoole & Bros , M w anza, Tanganylka launches carry 61 and 50 passengers respectlvely, 9 Terrltory M Z 23 (15 d4 tons) Thls dhow N o 82 from K lsum u to K usa, and N o 83 from carrles 15 passengers to all ports on Lake K lsum u to K endu, Sem e, A sem bo, M um bo Vlctorla (U yom a), H om a Polnt and H om a 4 N urmohamed Jesa, Mr anza, T T M Z 19 (59 69 10 H K Sherlfï, M wanza M Z 78 (14 56 tons) Thls tons) Thls dhow c-a-rnes 59 passengers to alI dhow carrles 14 passengers to all ports on Lake ports on Lake V lctona V lctorla 5 Rugnath G okaldas & Co , K lsum u Seven dhows, 11 G H A bdul Rasul & Co , M w anza, T T Three all carrylng goods D 44, 55 tons, M Z 97, 66 44 dhows M Z 53 (16 21 tons), 16 passengers, tons, M Z 94, 60 94 tons, M Z 89, 55 10 tons, M Z 59 (47 17 tons), 47 passengers, M Z 37 (37 84 M Z 31, 15 tons, M Z 31, 12 tons, M Z 25, 12 tons), 38 passengers tons, from K lsum u to U ganda ports and Tanga- 12 K assam Am arshl, M wanza, T T M Z 38 (18 47 nylka ports and vlce versa tons) R lus dho carrles D -passengers to all 6 H I L-a-kh-anl, K lsum u Three dhows D 40, ports on Lake V lctorla 19 9 tons, D 45, 10 2 tons, Y 168, 14 5 tons, one m otor boat, M 7, 3 3 tons A 1l these vessels 13 G ulam H usselo Rahem tulla, M wanza, T T M Z 2 operate from K lsum u to al1 Lake ports when (21 ,18 tons) Thls dhow calx e'-zl passengers to and where the servlce ls dem anded a1l ports on Lake W ctorla 1 182 Tllà OFFICIAL GAZEYT; September 6, 1938

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR INLAND SMATER TRANSPORT LICENCES--ICOD/J ) 14 Nurmohamed Damll, V sxipzp.s T T MZ 4 (41 78 23 F G M wanll, M wanza, T T Tw o dhows M Z tons) Thls dhow carrles 41 passengers to all 55 (47 62 tons), carrylng 47 passengels, M Z 16 ports on Lake Vlctorla (19 29 tons), carrpng 10 passengers, to a1l ports on Lake V lctorla 15 Sulem an M anll, M w anza, T T M Z 101 45 03 tons) Thls dhow carrles 45 passengers to a1l 24 H assam K assam Lakha, K am pala, U ganda M Z ports on Lake Vlctona 85 (36 41 tons) Thls dhow carrles 36 passen- gers to all ports on Lake V lctol la 16 Rahlm Jlvral & Co , M wanza, T T Two dhow s 25 Prem ll Babul, M wanza, T T Four dhows M Z M Z 61 (16 69 tons), carrles 16 passengers. M Z 24 76 (49 93 tons), carrymg 50 passengers, M Z 15 (28 32 tons), carrles 28 passengers, to all ports (15 86 tons), carrylng 15 passengers, M Z 46 on Lake Vlctorla (34 51 tons), carrylng 34 passengers, M Z 50 17 K urg A rjan, M wialza, T T M SO 18 (76 77 tons) (88 40 tons), carrymg 88 passengels Thls dhow cwarrler/x -/àssengers to all ports on 26 G Ebrahlm V1rJ1 & Co , P O Box 28, M usom a, Lake Vlctorla T T N o 22 (15 10 tons) Thls dhow carrles goods to a11 ports on Lake V lctorla 18 M am bo Leo Store, M wanza, T T M Z 91 (37 68 tons) Thls dhow calrles 37 passengers to al1 27 K uljl Ralan, M usom a, T T Two dhows M Z 49 ports on Lake Vltetona (18 49 tons), M SO 3 (8 63 tons) Both these vessels carly goods to a1l pozts on Lake V lctorla 19 K assam Jaeob, M wanza, T T M Z 111 (51 27 28 G ulam H usseln N azarail, M usom a, T T Three tons) Thls vehl-de carrles 51 passengers to all dhows M SO 12 (29 30 tons), carrylng 10 passen- ports on Lake V lctorla gers, M SO 6 (29 92 tons), carrylng 10 passengers, 20 R ugnath G okaldas & Co , M wanza, T T M Z 106 M Z 6 (17 95 tons), calrylng 10 passengers (59 76 tons) Thts dhow carrtes 59 passengers 29 Nanakchand, Ltd , Musoma X 'L No 9 (19 7 to al1 ports on Lake Vlctorla tons) Thls dhow carrles goods-from M usoma to K enya and U ganda ports

21 Karamll Jtlma, M wanzja-rf- ; MZ 73 (30 70 tons) Thls dhow cairles 0 passengers to a1l ports on 30 H assam K assam & Co , M usom a, T T Two dhows M SO 4 (17 84 ton-j), carrylng 10 passen- Lake V lctorla gels, M Z 34, carrylng 10 ppsçengers, to all ports 22 K hanm oham ed H asham , M wanza, T T Three on Lake V lctorla dhows M Z 71 (20 14 tonsl-,-carrylng 20 passen- K urll Ralan M usom a, T T Two ûlhow s M SO 3 gers, M Z 40 (15 63 tons), carrylng 15 passengers, (8 63 tono); 5'1Z 49 (18 49 tone) Both these M Z 26 (19 46 tons), carrylng 19 passengers, to vehldes carry goods to all ports on Lake a1l ports on Lake V lctorla V lctorla

GSNEILAL N orncE N o 1244 G SNERAL N olqcE N o 1245

TH E W A TER O RD IN A N CE, 1929 TH E REG ISTRA TION OF TITLES O RD IN A N CE N olqcB oF A PPLICATION FoR W ATBR RIGHT (Chapter 1J2 of the Revlsed Ftflflon, Laws OJ K enyaj W H EREA S A bdulhusseln M am ull A m lll of M om - IN telm s of sectlon 27 of the W ater Ordlnance, 1929, basa lrt the K enya Protectorate has executed a transfer notlce ls hereby glven that M rs J H om ewood of lvgong nas filed an appllcatlon, whlch was reglstered by to H 1s M ost G racious M alesty K m g G eorge the Slxth of a1l hls rlght tltle and lnterest ln Plot N o 107 of tbe W atel Boaru on 20th August, 193% for a W ater Sectlon 111, M om basa, held by the sald A bdulhusseln Rlght, to dlvert from the M bagathl Rlver at a polnt on L R N o 4944, 400 gallons per day for the purpose of M am ujl A m lJ1 under Certllk ate of Ow nershlp N o 9076 whlch ls reglstered ln the Coast R eglstry, M om basa, dom estlc use on L R N o 7318 as N o C R 7970/ 1 and whereas the sald lnstrument of transfer has been presented for regtstratlon and where- The proposed works m ll conslst of a plpe lm e as the sald A bdulhusseln M am w l A m lll has filed an aë davlt ln term s of sectlon 65 (h) of the sald Ordlnance declarlng that the sald certlûcate of ownershlp has A plan of the proposed works m ay be seen at the been lost and has not been deposlted by h1m by way ollk z of the D lreetor of Pubhc W orks, N atrobl of charge ol as sccurlty for any loan N otlce ls hereby glven that after the explratlon of 30 days from the date A ny oblectlons to the grant of the W ater R lght of the pubhcation of thls notice provlded that no applled for should be liled, ln dupllcate, w lth the W ater oblect'ons have been recelved wlthln that perlod, 1 Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, wlthm mxty days from Intend to dlspense m th the productlon of the sald cer- the date of the first publlcatlon of thls notlce, and a tlicate of ownershlp and to proceed m th the reglstra- copy of the objectlon m ust be served by the oblector tlon of the sald transfer on the underslgned at the address glven below M om basa, dated thls 24th day of A ugust, 1938 J H O M EW OO D , Appllcant or Lawjully A uthortzed Agent, E B LLO Y D , P O N gong Reglstrar 5/ Tltles jeptember 6, 1938 TH/ OF/ICIAL GA/E'/I'/ 1183


To M ,L W uoM IT M Av CONCEAN TAK E N OTICE that the aetzons sat out m the Sehedule hereto stand credzted m the books of the R eszdent M aglstzate, K tBum u, w zth the respectlve sum s set oub agalnst each actlon ykny person clalm lng to be entztled to any sllm so credzted should apply w lthln three m onths from the date of publlcatzon of thls notlce to the R eszdent M aglstrate, K zsllm u, for pajrm ent out of the sam e A ny s'lrn not clalm ed w lthln the above perlod w zll be pazd m to the G enezal R evenue of the Colony K lsvMr, G B RU DD , 25- A TJGTJST, 1938 R em dent M agIetrate, A 'levzp,'?x SCH EDVTLE

D ate Case N o and N am e Partzes Am otm t of Cotu't

SIT cfy LxgAra D EroslTs * 18-3-33 Cr C No 503/33 Crown r K alan H assan s/o M oham ed 5 00 22-3-33 C C No 95/33 W ajlst W akltu 'p N gurunyu W aklslba l 1 00 6-6-33 C C X o 599/32 K aranga wa Kam au v W angong K lkuyu 30 4-5-33 Cz C No 424/33 Crown 'tl K ulu 4 00 8-6-33 Cr C No 2126/31 Crown 'p Rahare and Mwata 54 15 PETTY D lposlTs S N T 272/32 Olung s/o Szgar '?7 Onyango Obola 4 C C 326/32 E P Flrth 'p Capt L M M acdonald 2 C C 440/32 W allz H asham & Co w R ahem tulla K ara 2 C C 371/32 V X D e Costa '? T Strange 15 C C 553/32 M oham ed Bux & Son w Inder Slngh 3 C C 429/32 M aldev J'adev v Vzram M andan 4 C C 61/32 M oham ed Bux & Son 'p Noor Elahl 4 C C 577/32 D C , Klsum u-luondzant 't) J'erem tah Okelo 4 C C 590/32 Nem ll Dhanll r M oham ed Shahgz 2 C C 660/31 M otor M art & Exchange, Ltd '& P Boonfleld 4 C C 135/32 Afrlcart M etcantlle Co w M oham ed Saleh Cash fotm d m excess 1 C C l 1/33 Anselzm o & Son 't) Seth's Stores Cr C 24/33 Crown through Labolzr Om cer r Saboo K han 7 C C 552/32 Moham ed Bux & Son r Gulam M oham ed 14 C C 637/32 Vallz Sham gz & Co 'p N azarall H m t and anotlaer 4 Eldoret C C 3/33 Motor M art & Exchange r O Bonfleld 4 C C 12/33 J'aramu Oklho 't) M lhlk Oloo 4 C C 7/33 Issa Sharm ah 1) Hamud Adan l C C 546/32 Tum bo Stores 'à) H ussem Alt 4 C C 'p D hapatram Shlvll 10 Cz C 1/33 D auch Odela t) W zlson and another 10 C C 61/31 M oham ed Bux & Son '/ Noor Ilaht 2 C C 90/33 Otleno s/o Onyango 't) Oballa Opnando 2 C C 141/33 K achoht wa W andlm gu 'c Mttrul va Kaguru 6 C C 2 11/33 S R Sethl w Rub Chum a 4 C C 271/33 W N Rutherford w Farm er's Mart 3 C C 219/33 H ablb W ra r C P Conner 2 C C 209/33 Npau W athzka n Ruben wa Chege 1 K ertcho C C 34/33 Tmkam bhat H Patel '?J R enlal 4 C C 267/33 Nyanza Iron Foundry w G Taylor 4 C C 287/33 J C D Hope '?7 S J Murdock 1 NRB C C 2417/33 Nazrobz Cycle Mart r S S Patel 4 NRB C C 255/33 J'ardm Phzpson & Co 't7 K am pla M oto S S 4 C C 293/33 Fehzam us M ahage w Abrum u Obznge 4 P & A 6/33 R e D hanpatraz K ohll- D eceased 8 C C 309/33 Chlef M almm zp M G H aughton N T C C 214/33 Om bou.r s/o Ayom a r Oehango Oram a 4 C C 19/33 Chhagan Glga 'p A M Gulam all 10 C C 37 1/33 Button & M asson Mznes, Ltd Nahagwa 2 S C C C 12/33 M Lobo w G L Suttel 2 C C 19/33 Chhagan Glga '& A M Gulam all 10 C C 286/33/11 Olwang s/o M avloro 'p Anbogo Atheno 4 N N T 66/32 Okora arap K zbol v Ondugtzra Yonge 4 C C 372/32 Am ar Sm gh w J'eram Slaglga 20 C C 344/33 Dullabhll S & Bros r J'adavll R 4 C C 469/33 Omarl bm Am arl z/ Ism all Okelo 4 NRB C C 3983/33 A H W aldle & Co r W Baker 4 C C 266/33 F Burns '/ C J' Laughter and another 4 C C 7/34 Akuaha s/o Aytzbu 'p Mzs J S Sagam 4 N T C C 39/34 Abuto s/o Nyadero r Abonyo s/o Owzno 4 1 184 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938


D ate Case N o and N am e p altles Am otm t of Court

Sh cfxv

6-3-34 C C 346/33 Azab Salf H ashld w H ayat & Ram hl 20 3-2-34 77 N T 46/33 Bonyo s/o Otlondo w Osolo s/o W aluando 4 15-3-34 N N T 156/34 Obunya s/o Obol r Abaso s/o Abuor 4 23-3-34 C C 91/34 E P Ftrth w E G H oward 1 3-4-34 P & A 3/34 Re R attanll Ranehhod- Deceased 8 l 1-4-34 N N T C C 262/34 J Andeyo Awuor r 01111 Alzdladtz 4 13-4-34 N N T 100/34 M am be Vo Nyam amenya 'p Atone M um be 4 14-4-34 C C C C 545/32 M rs M ascezzanhas t? N azalall Chater and anobhez l 1-6-34 K erlcho C C 31/34 L E W alnwrlght w L Narbheram 14-6-34 C C 38/34 La1J1 K alyangl & Blos o Laehllam ansmgh 20-6-34 C C 66/34 C I-I Edwalds z? T C , Lbd 23-6-34 NIRB C C 1630/34 Taws, Ltd w D M Evans 9-7-34 Cr C 1213/34 Crown 'p M wlta M acharla 12-7-34 C C 135/34 Bulasto Obm o w M enlo w/o J'oseph 16-7-34 Kerzcho C C 44/34 Vallabhdas Anandgl v Sandu Smgh 16-7-34 N N T C C 100/34 M um be s/o Nyam aranll p Atone M tzm be 18-7-34 N N T C C 461/34 Bonyo Olodno r Osore W altznclo 24-7-34 C 0 308/34/11 Odlma Okwanyo 'p Obonyo Aylle 24-7-24 Kerzcho C C 31/34 L E W alnwrzght w L Narbheram 3-8-34 C C 69/34 Dam odar J'amnadas r Rugnath Lallt . . 2* 8-34 N N T C C 352/34 Rayala Adem be w Rlagu Gendez 24-8-34 S C C C 20/34 The Old C A Co , Ltd w Alom ed Saleh 25-8-34 S C C C 24/34 H ayat Posho M tlls w Nyanza Garage, Ltd 5-9-34 N N T 198/34 Oyzeho Lwege r Oneznbo Oyore 13-10-34 C C 22/34 M G Pandy a v J' Barclay 20-9-34 R N T C C 248/34 M oshak Obzezo 't) M alkazelek Othege l 8-10-34 C C 315/34 M zee bm Borutl r Ondlkl bzn J'um a 27-10-34 NKU C C 505/34 Chhaganlal M orazgz r K enya Sugar, Ltd 1-11-34 S C C C 23/34 Taylor & D am el w Farm er's M azt 17-1 1-34 C C 461/34 and 462/34 Court fees 3 27-1 1-34 Eldoret C C 336/34 Ploneer Garage w Leteher 4 27-11-34 Cr C 1580/34 Rex w W B H avelock 22-12-34 C C 243/34 M lss M Kram m er r H Pabot 4 24-12-34 N EB C C 2097/34 Belnam Parlm al & Co w Brown & Barrett 4 3-1-35 NRB S C C C 244/34 U lzlch H olesh 't) Brown & Barzett 4 5-1-35 C C 388/32 K aku Popat w K hln K avsada 1 12-1-35 NRB C C 5/35 The Colom al Soap Factory w F P Thom as 4 12-1-35 NRB C C 2816/34 The N ew Pungab H otel '?7 K alam Slngh 12 2-2-35 C C 32/35 Ibrahzm K arlm bux, Ltd r M rs M M llnez 4 15-2-35 C C l l 1/35 Kerzcho Stores r F R I-I H opley 2 14-2-35 C C 129/34 M awgt Ism all r H argovznd J'twan 2 8-3-35 C C 51/35 D C , K lsum u-lzondlam r Ahm ed Rehem ttnlla 2 8-3-35 C C 92/35 D C , K lsumtz-Londzanz '?? Ahnaed Rehem tulla 2 8-3-35 C C 148/35 Ebrahma Kasgam w D J Pzennar 8 30-3-35 NK'U C C 47/35 H G Faxdon, Lbd v M zs M zlrtel 4 10-4-35 Cr C 629/35 Crown 'p K lploboch A Chepslror 10 17-4-35 C C 208/34 M ohanlal Tulst & Bros r S Pohquoto 4 24-4-35 C C 469/34 K assam M adhavll w M angz K arlm 4 22-5-35 C C 275/34 Sham lt H argl & Blos 'p Lake Flshezzt s 4 22-5-35 C C 306/34 Dhanlz M anll w Lake Fzshezles 4 31-5-35 S C C C 13/35 Palsmgh 'p Arnar Slngh 4 18-6-35 C C 337/35 M ohanlal Tulsl & Bros r M Cxam er 11 18-6-35 C C 179/35 J C Andrade & Co r R Ltonnet 4 20-6-35 C C 275/34 Shamll H arll & Bros r D1 Pabqt 4 28-6-35 C C 341/35 Ebrahlm Kassam w A H Gtum ell 2 29-6-35 B C 1/35 Re J E F Degean- Debtor 17 6-7-35 Nalvasha C C 109/33 J M Carvalho w I-I 1-I Dugm ore 4 13-7-35 C C 218/31 Chhaganlal K aram shl & Co w Odoga 16 29-7-35 C C 7 1/33 M ohanlal Tulsz & Bros n Jagat Szngh 4 6-8-35 Cr C 1543/35 K enya Polzce '& Parsxam H atlram 15 6-8-35 C C 239/34 H asham Saudln 't) R K anz 1 8-8-35 P C 3/35 Re Dzwan Chand Khanna- Debtoa 8 12-8-35 S C C C 21/35 E K assam n S R H azold and two othezs 2 13-8-35 C C 438/35 Owzno s/o Ochangu n Ajab Abdalh l 13-8-35 C C 439/35 R B Patel w G B Patel 24-8-35 P & A C 6/33 J?c D R K ohll- D eceased 8 24-8-35 C C 373/35 B G Patel 'p D M Patel 4 Scptem ber 6, 1938 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 1185

G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 7JpJ 7 Sublect to the provlso contalned ln Condltlon N o 6, lf the am ounts thereln m entloned are not pald as TH E CRO MFN LAN D S O RD IN A N CE thereln lald down vzlthln seven days of a dem and belng Irade therefol, the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay order W hapter 140 of the R evlsed Edltlon) the ueposlt m ade by the purchaser to be forfelted, and K ERICHO TOW NSHIP PLOTS the purchaser shall have no further clalm to the grant N OTICE of the plot N OTICE ls hereby glven that grants m 1 espect of the plots at K erlcho specllied ln the Schedule hereto, w1ll (:) General be sold by auctlon ln the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's 1 The G ovcrnm ent or such person or authorlty as O ë ce, K erlcho, on Satulday the 1st October, 1938, m av be appolnted for the purpose shall have the nght com m enclng at 10 a m to enter upon any plot and lay and have access to A plan of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap water rnalns, servlce plpes, telegraph or telephone w lres, O flke attached to the St'rvey and Reglstratlon D lvlsion, and electrlc m alns of all descrlptlons whether overhead N alrobl, and at the oG ce of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner or underglound, and the grantees shall not erect any at K erlcho, or m ay be had on appllcatlon to the bulldlng ln stlcl: a way as to cover or lnterfere w lth any D lrector of Surveys on paym ent of Sh 3 post free exlstlng routes, m am or serplez plpes or the telegraph or telephone w dres and electnc m alns aforem entloned The rlght to wlthdraw jny plot flom the auctlon ls reserved to the Com m lssloner of Lands 2 N o bulldlng shall be erected on any plot unless plans (lncludlng block plans showlng the pomtlon of ln the followlng G eneral and Speclal Condltlons of the bulldlngs), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons Sale, the term GfA uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct Com - thereof shall have been prevlously approved by the m lssloner, K erlcho, or such other M unlclpal A uthonty A uthorlty, and by the Com m lssloner of Lands, or such as m ay be hereafter establlshed by law othel person as he m ay appolnt Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted In trlpllcate to ttle D lstrlct Com m lssloner, CONDITIONS oF SAI-B K erlcho, for necessary actlon (t7) Auctlon 3 G rants w lll be m ade under the Crown Lands 1 Each plot wl11 be auct'oned separately O rdlnance and tltles w11l be lssued under the Reglstra- tlon of Tltles Ozdlnance The term of the grants wlll 2 The am ount of the advance of each bld w lll be be 99 years from the 1st day of N ovem ber, 1938 regulated by the auctloneer, and no blddlng shall be retracted 4 Tlze grantee m ay at any tlm e durlng the currency of the grant redeem up to three-quarters of the rent 3 The hlghest bldder wl 1 be the purchaser, but lf of the plot on the basls of twenty years purchase any dlspute anse as to any bld, the plot wl11 be re- 5 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdkvlde the ogered at the last undlsputed b1d plot, or asslgn, sublet or otherwlse dlspose of any portlons of the plot wlthout the prevlous w rltten con- 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer Im - sent of the G overnor m edlately on the fall of the ham œ er, a deposlt of 25 per cent of the purchase m oney In default of such 6 A ny bm ldlng erected shall conform to a bulldlng paym ent, the plot m ay be lm m edlately reolered for llne declded upon by the A uthorlty sale, and any subsequent b1d by the person who has m ade default m ay be lgnored or refused (0 Speclal 1 Each purchaser of a plot shall erect m thln two 5 Each purchaser shall on paym g the deposlt lnform years of the com m encem ent of hls grant a bulldlng of the auctloneer of tqe nam e or nam es of the person oz approved deslgn constructed of stone, burnt brlck or persons on whose behalf the plot ls purchased, the concrete, on proper f oundatlons grant m ll be lssued ln accordance wlth tlus pnform atlon 2 N o bulldlng shall at any tlm e durlng the term 6 The balance of the purchase m oney, together wlth of the grant be used fo1 any other purpose than a the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1938, shall be pald dwelllng-house to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, K erlcho 3 A t no tlm e durlng the term of the grant shall The survey fees, the fees payable for the preparatlon m ore than one dwelllng-house wlth the necessary oë ces and reglstratlon of the grant (Sh 120) and the stam p and out-bulldlngs be erected on any plot wlthout the duty payable ln respect of the grant, approxlm ately 2 consent of the G overnor per cent oq upszt prlce and l ent, and a1l other expenses, 4 The grantee shall not at any tlm e durlng the term lf any, shall be pald to the D lrector of Surveys, N alrobl of the grant erect any bulldlng or bulldlngs so as to cover m ore than one-half of the area of the plot A 11 these am ounts shall be pald wlthln seven days of a dem and belng m ade therefor 5 A 1l out-bulldlngs, oë ces, etc , shall be properly slted and screened from vlew to the satlsfactlon of the U pon such paym ents belng duly m ade, the purchaser A uthorlty or such other person as m ay be appolnted, shall, sublect to the provlslons of the Crown Lands and shall be kept so screened durlng the term of the Oldlnance (Chapter 140, Revlsed Edltlon), and to the grant Condltlons of Sale havlng been com pllcd w1th, be en- tltled to a gl ant of the plot, wnlch grant shall be pre- N ote - lntendlng purchasels should note that these sented to hlm duly executed as soon as convem ently ploïs have not yet been surveyed and that no adlust- m ay be m ent of purchase prlce or rent w lll be m ade on account of any m lnor dlferences ln area revealed on survey Provlded that the balance of the purchase m oney shall Purchasers who start bulldlng before the plots have not be payable wlthln the tlm e stated or thereafter, un- been surveyed should satlsfy them selves that such less and untll the Com m lssloner of Lands can present bm ldlngs are w lthln the boundarles of the plot as to the purchaser the grant duly executed lndlcated on the aforesald plan 1186 I'H: OFFICIAL GAZVTTE September 6, 1938

SCH ED U LE Plot N o Sectzon N o A rea U pset R ent per Proportzonate rent Eurvev A cres Przce an nu m from 1 11 38 Fees (APIBOX ) to 31 12 38 Bh kS% cl: Blt cl.9 Bh 10/1 North 1 5 9 800 108 00 18 00 l00 10/2 North I 5 9 800 l08 00 18 00 100 4/l I 4 5 6l3 82 00 14 00 100 2/l I 4 4 600 80 00 13 00 100 10/1 South I 3 4 278 37 00 6 16 l00 10/2 South I 3 8 3l1 42 00 1 (0 l00 4/2 I 5 0 4l0 54 00 9 00 100 2/2 I 6 0 490 66 00 11 00 l00

N alrobl, C E M O RTIM ER, 26th A ugust, 1938 Actlng tN z/lzzlla&xçltp/zer jor Local Government, Lands and Settlem ent


N olqcE ov A PPLICATTON FOR W ATER R IGHI TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the supply of the under-

IN term s of sectlon 27 of the W ater O rdlnance, 1929, m entloned foodstufs requlred by the Supply and Trans- notlce ls hereby gtven that M rs D V alpy of K ltale has port Corps D epot, M eru, durlng the perlod from 1st liled an appllcatlon, whlch was reglstered by the W ater O ctober, 1938, to 31st D ecem ber, 1938 - Board on 17-2-37, fo1 a Sanctlon to dlvert from a sprlng M ajze m eal t , 560,000 lb rlbutary to the M achewa Rlver, at a polnt on L R P N o 5368 otatoes, 9,000 lb , 0 006 cusecs for the ptlrpose of m tnor trrlga- tlon, on L R N o 5368 Salt (coarse), 15,680 lb The proposed works w lll conslst of a pum p and Tenderers should state place of deltvery and should Plplng subm lt sam ples A plan of the ploposed works m ay be seen at the Tenders ln sealed envelopes m arked E

G ExcpM- N oTlcs N o 1247 G ENERAL N OTICE N O 1248 IN H IS M A JESTY 'S SU PREM E CO U RT O F K EN YA TH E BAN K RU PTCY O RD IN A N CE A T N A IRO BI x owfcs os D lvlrmxo m soLvyaxcv Juzusolcaqox ' D ebtor s nalne- F ram roze cawasll K ham batta CAUSB N 0 71 or 1921

A ddress - N alrobl R e cuam -cs w m taw K sl'ru cavlaclxo, lxsocvsx,r x enya and 0N appllcatlon dated the 17th day of M ay D escrlptlon - Form erly an englne drlver, , 1938, filed by C harles W llham K elth Cam plm g the above U ganda Rallways and H arbours - C nam ed lnsolvent and on readm g hls aë daw t sworn at outt - H M Suprem e C ourt, N alrobl sondlam m the Colony of K enya on the 17th day of N um bet oj matter - 27 of 1937 M aya 1938, jn support thereof as also the report m ade A m ount per J - shjlllngs seven and cents thlrty ln the by the O l m al Recelver and on hearlng the O ë clal f (Sh 7 / 30 ln the f) Recelver and the lnsolvent m the absence of the 1711st or Iinal or otherwlse - F1rSt and final Credltors of the estate duly served lt ls ordeled that HV?c?7 payable - 2nd Septem ber, 1938 the m solvent be dlscharged but that such order be W hel e payable --o ë clal Recelver ,s os ce , Law Stlspended for seven days from today and that he be Courts, N alrobl San (j ls jjereby djscharged wltit elect from 2nd day of eptem ber, 1938 N G lven under m y hand and the Seal of the Court at alrobl, N alrobl thls 26th day of A ugust 1938 31st A ugust, 1938 , R s sH Aw L R FISH ER, Judg5e, jor Of/îcltzf Recelver Supreme Court oj Kenya september 6, 1938 '1'lm OFFICIAL GAM W E 118t

G BNBRM- N oRqcs N o 1249 G ENBRAL N o'ncs N o 1252

PR OBA TE A N D A D M IN ISTRA TION TH E FR AU D U LEN T TR AN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES O R D IN AN CE, 1930 CAUSB N o 104 or 1936 PU RSU A N T to the provlslons of the above-m en- IN THE XJATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAUDm M U DU , tloned O rdlnanee notlce ls hereby glven that the under- D ECEASBD m entloned buslness lately carrled on by Joseph M eradou PIJRSUA N T to an order of H ls M alesty's Suprem e and G abnel Castel at N alrobl ln the Colony of K enya Court of K enya at N alrobl dated the 3rd day of A prll, under the nam e or style of Eçchez G aby'' has been trans- 1937, whereby letters of adm m lstratlon zn respect of ferred to R ose A dal and Sezge A dal, as set out m the the above deceased s estate were granted to H assanalll partlculars hereunder - Ralan tfuij lJ1 and Meghll Ahmed Nam es and address 0/ transferors - loseph M eradou and G abrlel C astel, 170th of N alrobl T a k#yajaolntlscte ththe ate satal1t e poerf sothnes abnod vefi- rms havlng anj clalm nam ed decease N am cs and address oj transjerees .- Rose Adal and who Ied at N alrobl on the 21st day of A ugust, 1936, Serge A dal, both of N alrobl are equlred to lodge and prove such clalm s w lth the t' erslgned on or before the 1st day of N ovem ber, The transferees are taklng over the sald buslness and 1 38, after w hlch date the cla,m s so proved wlll be lntend to carry on the sam e under the sald nam e or style of Etchez G aby'' at the prem lses where the sam e ) aldll oabnld the estate dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw has been form erly carrled on by the transferors , The transferees do not m tend to assum e any of the 31st A ugust, 1938 llabllltles lncurred m the sald busm ess by the trans- ferors , x N A ZA RETH & M EH TA , :' r / ,.p' D ated thls 2nd day of Septem ber 1938 z, Advocates jor the sald , ;#' H assanallt R q an fdc//f J M ER A D OU , and M dg/vl A hm ed G CA STEL, Ttansjerors R A D AT-, G ENBRAL N ozqcE N o 1250 S A D A L, Transferees IN H 1S M A JESTY 'S SU PREM E CO U RT O F K EN Y A A T M O M BA SA D ISTRICT REG ISTRY GrNERAL N oTlcs N o 1253 FRO BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTRATIO N CAuss N o 41 or 1938 TH E M ON EY -LEN D ERS O RD IN A N CE, 1932 N o'rlcE or A PPLICATION 17OR PROBATE OF THE W ILL OF AND ASHAJBINTI MOHAMED SHIRAZI, LATE OF MOm ASA, TH E M ONEY-LEN DERS (APPLICATION FOR K ENYA PROTECTORATE, tmcsAsb.D CERTIFICATE) RULES, 1933 TA K E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade IN THE M AU ER or AN A PPLICATION BY M LI K Assw ln thls Court bv A ll b1n K ham ls of M om basa, K enya oF ELDORET l7oR G RANT ()F A CSRTIFICATE UNDER Plotectolate, the sole executor and trustee nam ed ln the THE A BOVE-MBNTIONED O RDINANCE wlll of A sha bzntl M oham ed Shlrazl, deceased, for N OTICE ls hereby glven that A lll K assam resldlng at probate ot the sald wlll of the sald deceased late of the corner of U ganda Road and G rlgg Strcet, Eldoret, M om basa aforesald, who dled at M om basa on the 18th has applled for a grant of a certlhcate authorlzlng h1m day of A ugtlst, 1938, thls C ourt w ll1 proceed to lssue the grant of a m oney-lender's llcence to carry on the the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and buslness of a m oney-lender under the nam e or style of appaarance ln thls respect entered on or before the 20th X111 Kassam & Sons on the premls% Sectlon XVII, Gay of Septem ber, 1938 Plot 1, sltuate at the corner of U ganda R oad and G rlgg Street, Eldoret, and that the sald appllcatlon w l11 be M om basa, J O 'B K ELLY , heard at the R esldent M aglstrate's Court at Eldoret on 30th A ugust, 1938 D lsh lct R eglstrar, W ednesday the 21st day of Septem ber, 1938, at 2 15 H M Supreme Court oj Kenya p m or as soon thereafter as the sam e can be heard N ote .- -f'he wlll above m entloned ls now deposlted ln D ated at Eldoret thls 30th day of A ugust, 1938 Court and open to lnspectlon durlng offke hours G REEN & A N G U S, Advocates for the Apollcant G ENERAC N o'rfcE N o 1251 G ENEXAL N oTIcE N o 1254 PR OBA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR ATION Puel-lc Tat/sTEE's CAusB N o 60 or 1938 N OTICE OF D ISSOLU TION O F PA RTN ER SH IP IN rHE A4ATTER OF JOHANNES AQEINTJES, DECEASED N OTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp hereto- fore subslstm g between G ulam H usseln K arlm and To a!1 who 'n lt m ay concern Abdul Sakur b0th of lslolo (N F D ), carrylng on TA K E N OTICE that on or after the 20th day ef buslness together at Islolo under the firm or style of Septem ber, 1938, I lntend to apply to H M Suprem e G H A bdul Sakur & Co has been dlssolved by m utual Court ot K enya at N alrobl for letters of adm lnlstratlon consent as from the 29th day of July, 1938, the sald to the estate of the above-nam ed Johannes M elntles who buslness havlng been closed from the aforesald date dled at K am pala on the 31st day of Julym 1938 A ll debts due by and owlng to the sald firm shall N alrobl, be pald and recelved by the sald G tllam H usseln K arlm 29th A ugust, 1938 D ated at N alrobz thls 31st day of A ugust, 1938 L R FISY ER, G ULA M H U SSEIN K ARIM , jor Publlc Trustee Partner 1188 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE Septem ber 6. 1 930

G ENERAL N orlcs N o 1255 G ENSR,G N orrlcs N o 1258

TH E TRA D E M A RK S O RD IN AN CE 1930 TH E TR AD E M A RK S O R D IN AN CE 1930 A PPLICATION N O 2509 A PPLICATION N o 2512 lLl8lL 4ESd4I TA K E N O TICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstra- TA K E N O TICE that an applzcatlon fo1 the reglstra- tlon of the tlade m ark shown above ln Class 3 ln res- tzon of the trade m azk show n above ln Class 3 m res- pect of chem lcal substances prepaled for use In m edlclne pect of chem lcal substances prepared for use ln m edlclne and pharm acy has been lodged by A W ander, Ltd , and pharm acv has been lodged by A W ander, Ltd of 184, Queen's Gate, London, S W , England, m anufac- of 184, Queen's G ate, London, S W , England, manufac- turlng chem ists, whose address for servlce ln the Colony turlng chem lsts, whose addless for servlce ln the Colony ls c/o M essls Atklnson, Bown, M orrlson & Alnslje, ls c/o M essrs Atklnson, Bown, M orrlson & Alnslle, A dvozates, P O Box 29, M om basa A dvocates, P O Box 29, M om basa Tbe salcl tlacle m ark w lll be reglstered aftel the ex- The sald trade m alk wl1l be reglstered after the ex- plratlon of ninety days from the date of thls G azette, plratlon of nlnety days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no no Ice of opposltlon ls recelved piovlded no notlce of opgosltlon ls recelved N alrobl, R H SH ER , N alrobl, 31st A ugust, 1938 fot Reglstrat OJ Trade M arks :: 1st A ugust, 1938 L R FISH ER, G ENSRAL N oTIcE N o 1259 jor Reglstrar oj Ttade M arks TH E TRA D E M A RK S O RD IN A N CE 1930 A PPLICATION N o 2513 QyENERAL pkoTlcE Fko 1256

TH E TRA D E M A R K S O RD IN A N CE 1930 kl IL OL A PPLICATION N O 2510 TA K E N OTICE that an appltcatton for the reglstra- tlon of the trade m ark shown above m Class 3 m res- pect of chem lcal substances prepared for use ln m edlcm e ILOCOL and pharm acy has been lodged by A W ander, Ltd , TA K E N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstra- of 184, Queen's Gate, London, S W , England, m anufac- tloa of the trade m ark show n above ln Class 3 ln res- turlng chem lsts, whose addl ess for servlce ln the Colony pect of chem ical substanees prepared fo1 use ln m edlmne ls c Jo M essrs Atktnson, Bown, M orrlson & Am slle, and pharm acy has been lodged by A W ander, Ltd , A dvocates, P O Box 29, M om basa of 184, Queen's G ate, London, S W , England, m anufac- The sald trade m ark wl1l be reglstered after the ex- tunng chem lsts, whose address for serw ce ln the Colony plratlon of nlnety days from the date of thls G azette, ls c/o M essrs A tklnson, Bown, M orrlson & Alnslle, provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved A dvocates, P O Box 29, M om basa N alrobl, L R FISH ER, The sald trade m ark w1l1 be reglstered after the ex- 31st A ugust, 1933 plratzon of nlnety days from the date of thls G azette, jor Reglstrar oj D ade M arks provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved G ENERAL N oTIcE N o 1260 N alrobl, 31st A ugust, 1938 TH E TRA D E M A RK S O RD IN A N CE, 1930 L R FISH ER , A pa lcm ox N o B 2514 jor Reglstrar 0/ Trade M alks A ld2E8 88182 G ENER,U- N tm cs N o 1257 TA K E N O TICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstra- tlon of the trade m ark show n above ln Class 3 ln res- TH E TR AD E M A R K S O R DIN A N CE 1930 pect of granulated glycerophosphates, granulated kola A PPLICATION N o 2511 glycerophosphates, granulated kola qulnlne, leclthln pastllles, com pound blsm uth dragees, com pound leclthln dragees, aeldulated pepsin dragees, phenolphthalem 22l8T0Llï pastllles, tam ailnd laxatlves, m enthol dragees, m enthol TA K E N O TICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstla- and cocalne dragees, ham orrholdal salve, borated tlon of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 3 ln res- o'ntm ent, preparatlons for nasal catarrh, antam d pect of chem lcal substances prepared for use ln m edlclne lozenges, antlseptlc lozenges for chest and throat, and and pharm acy has been lodged by A W ander, Ltd , m edlcated m alt preparatlons, a11 belng m edlclnal pre- of 184, Queen's G ate, London, S W , England, m anufac- paratlons for hum an use, has been lodged by A tul 1ng chem lsts, whose address for servlce ln the Colony W ander, Ltd , of 184, Queen's Gate, London, S W , ls c/o M essrs Atkm son, Bown, M orrlson & A lnslle, England, m anufacturlng chem lsts, whose address for A dvocates, P O Box 29, M om basa servlce ln the Colony ls c po M essrs Atklnson, Bown, The sald trade m ark wl11 be reglstered after the ex- M orrlson & A lnslle, A dvocates, P O Box 29, M om basa pllatlon of nlnety days from the date of thls G azette, Tlae sald trade m ark w1ll be reglstered after the ex- plovlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved plratlon of n'nety days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved N alrobl, 31st August, 1938 U ser clalm cd from 6th D ecem ber, 1913 L R FISH ER N alrobl, L R FISH ER , Ior Reglstrat 0/ Trade M arks 31st A ugust, 1938 yor Reglstrar oj Trade M arks Septem ber 6, 1938 T H E O FFICIA L G A ZE TTE 1189

G ENERAL N olqcs N o 1169 Provlded that the balance of the purchase m oney shall not be pasable w lthln the tlm e stated or there- TH E N A TIVE LA N D S TRU SF O RD IN A N CE, 1930 after, unless and untll the Chlef N atlve Com m lssloner can present to the purchaser the grant duly executed Y ALA Towxslup Ptao'rs N otlce 7 If the am ounts m entloned ln Condltlon N o 6 are not pald as thereln lald down wlthln seven days of a N O TICE ls hereby glven that grants ln respect of dem and belng m ade therefor, the Chlef N atlve Com - the plots at Y ala speclsed ln the Schedule hereto, wl11 m lsslonar m ay order the deposlt m ade by the purchaser be sold by auctlon at the oK ce of the D lstrlct Com - to be forfelted, and the purchaser shall have no further m lssloner, Central K avlrondo, K lsum u, on 24th Septem - clalm to the grant of the plot ber, 1938, com m enclng at 10 a m Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap (b) General Oë ce attached to the Survey and Reglstratlon D lvlslon, 1 The G overnm ent or such person or authorlty as N alrobl, and at the oë ce of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, m ay be appolnted for the purgose shall have the rlght Central K avlrondo, at K lsum u, or m ay be had on appll- to enter upon any plot and lay and have access to catlon to the D lrector of Surveys, P O Box 89, N alrobl, water m alns, servlce plpes, telegraph or telephone wlres, on paym ent of Sh 3, post free and electrlc m alns of a11 descrlptlons, whether overhead The rlght to w lthdraw any plot from the auctlon ls or underground, and the grantees shall not erect any reserved to the Chlef N atlve Com m lssloner bulldlng ln such a way as to cover or lnterfere wlth any exlstlng routes, m aln or servlce plpes or the telegraph In the follow lng G eneral and Speclal Condltlons of or telephone wlres and electrlc m alns aforem entloned Sale the term çW uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct Com m ls- sloner, Central K avlrondo, or such other M unlclpal 2 N o bulldlng shall be erected on any plot unless A uthorlty as m ay be hereafter establlshed by 1aw plans (lncludlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the bulldings), drawlngs, elevatlons and specllkatlons thereof shall have been prevlously approved by the CONDITIONS oF S% E A uthorlty, and by the Provlnclal Com m lssloner, N yanza Provlnce, K lsum u, or such other person as he m ay (J) Auctlon appolnt Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted ln trlpll- 1 Each plot wl1l be auctloned separately * cate, to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Central K avlrondo, K lsum u, for nzcessary actlon O ne copy of the plans 2 Tha am ount of the advance of each b1d wl11 be m ust be drawn or pl lnted on llnen or llnen paper regulated by the auctloneer, and no blddlng shall be retracted 3 G rants wlll be sublect to the provlslons of the N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance, 1930, and w111 be lssued 3 The hlghest bldder w ll1 be the purchaser, but lf under the Reglstratlon of Tltles Ordlnance (Chapter any dlspute arlse as to any bld, the plot w lll be reolered 142 of the Revlsed Edltlon) The term of the grants at the last undlsputed bld w1l1 be 33 yeal s from the 1st day of Q ctober, 1938 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auetloneer lm m edl- 4 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the ately on the fall of the ham m er, a deposlt of 25 per plot, or asslgn, sublet or otherwlse dlspose of the whole cent of the purcnase m oney In default of such pay- m ent, thz plot m ay be lm m edlately reofered for sale, or any portlon of the plot wlthout the plevlous wrltten and any subsequent bld by the person w ho has m ade consent of the N atlve Lands Trust Board default m ay be lgnored or refused 5 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a bulldlng 5 Each purchaser shall on paym g the deposlt lnform llne declded upon by the A uthorlty the auctloneer of the nam e or nam es of the person or persons on whose behalf the plot ls purchased, the 6 V erandas m ay be erected w lthln a road reserve grant wll1 be lssued ln accordance w lth thls lnform atlon wlth the prevlous consant of the A uthorlty, and m ust conform to a bulldlng llne declded upon by such 6 The balance of the purchase m oney, together wlth A uthorlty the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1938, shall be pald to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Central K avlrondo, at K lsum u (c') Speclal 1 The plots m ay be used for buslness purposes only , The survey fees, the fees payable for the preparatlon or for the com blned purposes of buslness and resldence and reglswratlon of the grant (Sh 120) and the stamp duty payable ln respect of the grant, and a1l other Plovlded that ln the event of any plot belng used expenscs, lf any, shall be pald to the D lrector of for the sald com blned pulposes, then not m ore than one-half of the area thereof shall be bullt upon Surveys, N alrobl , other- wlse not m ore than 90 per cent of the area thereof A 1l these am ounts shall be pald w lthln seven days of shall be bullt upon a dem and belng m ade therefor 2 In no case shall the area of any plot used solely U pon the paym ent of the purchase prlce and the for buslness purposes requlred to rcm aln unbullt on be other paym ents speclhed above belng duly m ade the less than 300 square feet or 10 per cent , , whjchever ls purchaser shall, sublect to the provlslons of the N atw e the greater, and the sald area shall be free from any Lands Trust O rdlnance, 1930, and to tlle Condtttons of erectlon thereon above the level of the ground except Sale having beeq com plled wlth, be entltled to a grant latrine accom m odatlon constrtlcted ln accordance wlth of the plot, whzch grant snall be presented to h1m duly all law s and by-laws ln force relatlng thereto, and ln exectlted as soon as convenlently m ay be accordance wlth a deslgn approved by the A uthorlty 1190 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938

Such open space shall be at the rear of the bulldlng, approved deslgn constructed Of stone, burnt brlck or and shall extend along the entlre w ldth of the bulldlng, concrete on proper foundatlons or for a dlstance of not less than 30 feet, w hlchever shall 4 A t no tlm e durlng the term of the gl ant shall any be the less, and the dlstance across such open space plot or any portlon thereof, or any bu,ldlng erected on from every part of the bulldlng to the rear boundary the plot be used for the pulpose of carrylng on any of the plot shall be not less than 10 feet trade or buslness whlch has been or m ay be declared 3 Each purchasel of a plot shall elect wlthln two to ba dangerous or oienslve by notlce ln tbe Oflk lal years of the com m encem ent of h1s grant a bulldlng of G azette SCH ED U LE B vsx ss ProTs Plot N'o Sectlon N o A rea R ent per U pset Prlce Survey Proportzonate renb ztcres annnm Feee from 1 38 to 31 12 38 8h Sh 8h Sh 4 V I 0 1286 l92 25 70 -- 6 V I 0 l 331 192 25 70 3 III 0 l 286 l92 25 70 -- 1 III 0 1286 192 25 70 4 IV 0 l 286 l92 25 70 -- N alrobl, E B H OSK IN G , 13th A ugust, 1938 Chlef N atlve Com nllssloner

G ENERAL N oerzcE N o 1170 9 The term of the grant w 1ll be 99 years from the 1st day of O ctober, 1938, and the grant w111 be lssued TH E CROW N LA N D S O RD IN A N CE under the Reglstratlon of Tltles Ordlnance (Cap 142 (Cap 140, Revlsed Edltlon) of the Revised Edltlon) TENDERS rOR G RANT OF PLOT, A6OMBASA 10 The grantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the TEN D ERS are m vlted for a grant of the Plot ln plot or asslgn, sublet or otherwlse dlspose of any portlon M om basa speclûed ln the Schedule hereto of the ,lot wlthout the prevlous consent of the G over- 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the Survey n or Ol ces, N alrobl or M om basa, or m ay be had on appll- 11 The grantee of the plot shall pay to the D lstrlct catlon to the D lrector of Surveys, N alrobl, or the D ls- Surveyor, M om basa, wlthln 7 days of the acceptance trlct Surveyor, M om basa, on paym ent of Sh 3, post of hl$ tender, 25 per cent of the purchase m oney, to- free gether wlth the rent due to lhe 31st D ecem ber, 1938 3 The grantee of the plot w11l be requlred to erect ln default of such paym ent the sale of the plot m ay on the plot w lthm 5 years from the com m encem ent of be cancelled the grant a bultdlng of approved deslgn constructed of stone, brlck or concrete on proper foundatlons 12 The balance of the purchase m oney shall be pald to the D lstrlct Surveyor, M om basa The survey fees, 4 The plot m ay be used only for the purpose of an the fees payable for the preparatlon and reglstratlon of accom m odatlon garage or for other purposes ln con- the grant (Sh 120), and the stam p duty payable ln res- nexlon wlth a hotel, but shall under no clrcum stances pect ot the grant (approxlmately 2 per cent on the stand be used fol a com m erclal garage prem lum and on the rent), and all other expenses, if 5 N o bulldlng shall be erected on the plot unless any, shall be pald to the D lrector of Surveys, N alrobl plans (Includlng block plan showlng the posltlon of A 1l these am ounts shall be pald wlthln seven days of the bulldlngs), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclscatlons a request for paym ent belng m ade, w hen the glant ls thereof shall have been prevlously approved by the ready for executlon If these am ounts be not pald. Local Authorlty and by the Com m lssloner of Lands, w ithln the tlm e stated the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay or such other pelson as he m ay appolnt Such plans, order the deposlt m ade by the grantee to be forfelted etc , shall be subm ltted ln trlpllcate to the Town Clerk, and the grantee shall have no further claim to the grant M om basa, for necessary actlon of the plot 6 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a bulldlng 13 N o tender of less than the am ount stated ln the llne demded upon by the Local A uthorlty Schedule hereto wll1 be consldered 7 A veranda m ay be erected wlthln a road reserve wlth the prevlous consent of the Local A uthorlty 14 Tenders, ln wrltlng, m ust be subm ltted to the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, M om basa, ln sealed envelopes 8 A t no tlm e dullng the term of the grant shall the m arked çE-fender for Portlon of Plot 17395 on or before plot or any portlon thereof or any bulldlng erected the 21st day of Septem bel, 1938 thereoz'l or be used for the purpose of carrylng on any trade or buslness whtch has been or m ay be deelared 15 The hlghest or any tender w11l not necessallly to be ofenslve by notlce ln the Oë clal G azette be accepted SCH ED U LE Plot N o Sectzon N o Area R ent per M lnlm um Tendez Survey Proportlonate rent A eres A nnum Stand Prem zum Fe'es 1 10 38 to 11 l 2 38 ta,pprox ) éW ,SW éA US/I P ortlon of l 73 X X I 1 0 800 4,000 220 200

N alrobl, C E M O RTIM ER , 14tl1 A ugtlst, 1938 Actlng Comm lssloner /t7? Local Govetnment. Lands and Settlcnlent Septem ber 6, 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE 1191

G ENERAL N orrlcE N o 1171 Provlded that the balance of the purchase m oney shall not be payable wlthln the tlm e stated ol thereafter, un- TH E C ROW N LA N D S O RD IN AN CE less and untll the Com m lssloner for Local G overnm ent, (Chapter 140 of f/zd Revlsed Edktton) Lands and Settlem ent can present to tlae purchaser the grant duly executed K lBw Ezl Tow xsm p PLo'rs N ozqcE 7 Sublect to the provlso contalned ln Condltlon N o N O TICE ls hereby glven that grants ln respect of 6, lf the am ounks thereln m entloned are not pald as the plots at K lbwezl speclled In the Schedules hereto, thereln lald down wlthln seven days of a dem and belng wlll be sold by auctlon at the D lstnct Com m lssloner's m ade therefor the Com m lsslonel of Lands m ay order OG ce, N alrobl, on the 28th Septem ber, 1938, com - the deposlt m ade by the purchaser to be forfelted, and the purchaser shall have no further clalm to the m enclng at 11 a m grant of the plot Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap O flice attached to the Survey and Reglstratlon D m slon, (â) General N alrobl, and at the oë ces of the D lstrlct Com m lssloners 1 The G overnm ent or such person or authorlty as at M achakos and N alrobl, or m ay be had on appllca- m ay be appom ted for the purpose shall have the rlght tlon to the D lrector of Surveys on palm ent of Sh 2 to enter upon any plot and lay and have access to water post free m alns, serw ce plpes, telcgraph or telephone m res, and electrlc m alns of a1l descrlptlons whether overhead The nght to wlthdraw any plot from the auctlon ls or undelground, and the grantees shal, not erect any reserved to the Com m lssloner of Lands bulldlng ln such a way as to cover ol Interfere w lth any exlstlng routes, m aln or selvlce plpes or the tele- ln the followlng G eneral and Speclal Condltlons of graph or telephone wlres and electrlc m alns afore- Sale, the term EçA uthorlty'' m eans the D lstrlct Com - m entloned m lssloner, M achakos, or such other M unlclpal A uthorlty 2 N o bulldlng shall be elected on any plot unless as m ay be hereafter establlshed by 1aw plans (lncludlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the bulldlngs), drawlngs, elevatlons and specllkatlons Coxm -noxs or Sauz thereof shall have been prevlously approved by the A uthorlty, and by the Com m lssloner of Lands or such

(a) Auctïon other person as he m ay appolnt Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted ln trlpllcate to the D lstr ct Com m ls- Each plot w1ll be auctloned separately sloner, M achakos, for necessary actlon 2 The am ount of the advance of each bld w l11 be regulated by the auctloneer, and no blddlng shall be 3 G rants w lll be m ade under the Crown Lands Ordlnance and tltles w 1ll be lssued under the Reglstra- retracted tlon of Tltles O rdlnance The term of the grants wlll 3 The hlghest bldder w l11 be the purchaser, but lf be 25 years from the 1st day of October, 1938, sublect any dlspute arlse as to any bld, the plot w l11 be re- to extenslon to 99 years as provlded ln Speclal Con- oflered at the last undlsputed bld dltlon N o 4 4 Each purchaser shall pay to the auctloneer lm - 4 The grantee m ay at any tlm e dullng the curzency m edlately on the fall of the ham m er, a deposlt of 25 of the grant redeem up to thi ee-quarters of the rent of per cent of the purchase m oney In default of such the plot on the basls of twenty years purchase paym ent, the plot m ay be lm m edlately re-osered for 5 The grantee shall no at any tlm e subdlvlde the sale, and any subsequent b,d by the person w ho has plot, or asslgn, sublet or otherwlse dlspose of any m ade default m ay be lgnored or refused portlons ot the plot wlthout the pzevlous wrltten con- sent of the G overnor 5 Each purchaser shall on paylng the deposlt lnform the auctloneer of the nam e or nam es of the person 6 A ny bulldlng erected shall conform to a bulldlng or pel sons on whose behalf the plot ls purchased, the llne declded upon by the A uthorlty grant wll1 be lssued ln accordance wlth thls m form atlon 6 The balance of the purchase m oney, together wlth (c) Speclal the rent due to the 31st D ecem ber, 1938, shall be pald Speclal C'clnfflptpn.$ ln respect oj Buslness Plots to the Land A sslstant, N alrobl 1 The plots enum erated ln the Schedule m ay be used for buslness purposes only, or for the com blned pur- The survey fees, the fees pavable for the preparatlon poses of buslness and lesldence and reglstraïloa of the grant (Sh 120) and the stamp duty payable ln respect of the grant, approxlm ately 2 Provlded that ln thz event of tne plots belng used for per cent on the stand prem lum and on the rent, and all the sald com blned purgoses, then not m ore than one- other expenses, lf any, shall be pald to the D lrector half of the area theleof shall be btallt upon, otherm se of Surveys, N alrobl not m ore than nlnety per cent of tha area thereof shall be bullt upon A ll these am ounts shall be pald w lthln seven days of a dem and belng m ade therefor 2 ln no case shall the area of any plot speelfed ln the Schedule used solely for business pulposes re- U pon such paym ents belng duly m ade, the purchaser qulred to I em aln unbullt on be less than 300 square shall, sublect to the provlslons of the Crown Lands feat, or 10 per cent ot the are-z whlchevel shall be Ordlnance (Chapter 140, Revlsed Edltlon), and to the the greater, and the sald area shall be frec from any Condltlons of Sale havlng been com plled wlth, be erectlon thereon above the level of the gl ound except entltled to a grant of the plot, whlch grant shall be latrlne accom m odatlon constructed m accordance wlth presented to h1m duly executed as soon as convenlently all law s and by-law s ln force relatlng thereto, and ln m ay be acçordançç w lth a deslgn approved by the A uthorlty 1192 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938

Such open spacc shall be at the rear of the bulldlng, any plot, the grantee shall be entltled to an extenslon and shall extend along the entlre wldth of the bulldlng, of the term of the grant to 99 years from the 1st day or for a dlstance of not less than 30 feet w hlchever of October, 1938 shall be the less, and the dlstance across such open space from every part of the bm ldlng to the rear 5 A t no tlm e durlng the term of the grant shall any boundary of the plot shall be not less than 10 feet plot or any portlon thereof, or any bm ldlng erected on the plot be used for the purpose of carrylng on any 3 Each purchaser of a plot shall erect w lthln two trade or buslness whlch has been or m ay be declared to years of the com m encem ent of h1s grant a bulldlng of be dangerous or olenslve by notlce ln the O ë clal approved deslgn constructed of stone, burnt brlck, con- G azette crete, or w ood and lron on proper foundatlons 6 V erandas m ay be erected wlthln a road reserve 4 lf at any tlm e durlng the term of the glant a m aln wlth the prevlous consent of the A uthorlty, and m ust bulldlng of approved deslgn constructed of stonc, burnt conform to a bulldlng hne dectded upon by such brlck or concrete on proper founuatlons be erected on Authorlty N alrobl, C E M O RTIM ER , 19th A ugust, 1938 Actlng Colnm lssloner for Local Government, Lands and Settlem ent SCH ED U LE

Proportzonaze A TJ set A nnual R ent from 1st survey Sectlon Plob rea p N o N o A Przl e R ent O etober to 31st yves cres p eoera berz zaas SA Bk SA I 2 0 1148 750 120 30 70 I 3 0 1148 750 l20 30 70 I 9 0 1 16 1 750 l20 30 70 11 2 0 1067 700 108 27 70 11 4 0 1237 825 132 33 70 11 5 0 1226 825 l32 33 70 11 6 0 l 144 750 120 30 70 11 7 0 1 l 35 750 120 30 70

G ENERAL No'rlcB N o 841 SESSION S of H Is M alesty s Supl em e Court of K enya wl1l be held on the dates and pt the places heleuncler set out durlng the year 1938 SupRc?dr, COURT SPECIAL SESSIONS AT N AIROBI, 29-8-38 Cr C N o 93 tl 38 Rex v.ç Cyrll Edwm A nsell SUPREME COURT ScssloNs AT N AKURU, 5-9-38 Ur C N o 113/35 Rex vx Karuga wa M uthal Cr C N o 79/38 Rex vx M athenge s/o M urlem oi Cr App N o 148/ 38 A J Slm pson v,N D lstrlct Councll of N akuru (H earlng of notlce of m otlon ) SUPREMB COURT SEssloxs AT N Am oBl, 5-9-38 Cr C N o 82/38 Rex v.ç M ungola wa M ungele SIJPREME COURT SEsstoxs AT ELoou 'r, 8-9-38 Cr C N o 81/38 Rex vy M alit arap Cheblegor Cr C No 83/38 Rex vx K om en arap Chelal and 50 others Cr C N o 90/38 Rex vl K lpkllee arap K oslta Cr C N o 92/38 Rex vx Chum a arap Sang SUPREME COURT SESSIONS AT K ISUMU, 12-9-38 Cr C No 91/38 Rex v.ç Nur M ohamed In C'/7tzrzille? ç - C C N o 20 / 37 Ghulam Fatm a v: Gharlb Shah C C N o 30/35 European Stores, Ltd , v: J Slmpson SIJrRBME COURT SEssloNs AT K AKAMEGA, 15-9-38 Cr C N o 76/ 38 Rex A'J N aktare s/o W awlre Cr C No 84/38 Rex v.ç Atlta s/o Odundo


The last Sesslons at N akuru to be follow ed ln each case by Sesslons at Eldoret, K lsum u and such othel places as m ay be notlsed N alrobls ED W A RD J O T A R RELL ,

18th A ugust, 1938 Reglstrar, Suprem e Court 0/ K ensa Septem ber 6, 1938 THE OFFICIAL GA ZCTTE 1193


qchaptel 140 o./ the Wctlk/ccl Eddton) A ppllcatlons for the dzzcct alzenat on of the land noted ln the Schedule hereunder haze been recezved for conszderaizon Thls znttm atzon ls publzshed for publze lnform atton before a declholon ls gtven Jtrly zeznazks on the applzcatzon or any counter clatm s for consideratzon m ust be subm lttecl to the underszgned before noon on A'Vednesda, the 7th Septem ber, 1938 Plans of the areas m ay 1àe seen zn the Om ce of tl e D lreetol of Sulveys N azrobl, or m ay be obtalned from hm l on paym ent of Sh 3 each post free N xznonl', C E M OR TIAIE R , 5th August, 1938 ActIn,g tifozzèrp,lgesptpn6? Joz Tzoctzl Goreî ,'z0?z6w,1, Lande and zskrf/tlp?ezzl Azea 1 1 Rate Rent stuvey L R N o L ocallty A cres A ppllcant pcr per F ees (Approx ) Acre Annum (Approx ) Sh cts ts'h cte 5W 2197/2/2/- Katale (c) 550 B Steyn (:) ll0 00 (d) 2174 Trans N zola 408 (1) G C A M ore (11) 1-1 M Bowker 25 00 81 60 (#) M ount E lgon adlolnm g L R 5712 37 E M H lrde Clarke (6) 10 00 ((@) 2082 Tzans Nzola (c) 2,363 G 5V U lyate 18 00 472 60 (tf) I-T A D Afaltsn 4098/3/- Tagabl Kertcho 3 K enya Farm ers' Assoczatzon, Ltd (J)400 00 80 00 ((f) 1549/.8, Longonot 2 ,660 R Hkggm s 5 00 532 00 ((f) 1888 )- Kedowa 993 )s R W Cobb 15 00 l98 60 ((f) 1889j 545.7 l09 00 5107 Ngobzt 2,007 (z) E C B Ellzott (11) A L Randall 9 00 200 70 9l6 23945 'k Uaso Nyzro 54,060306 ) ((11) RS RG FaClrzfbfaolrrdn e Mcphee and B Allen 1l 50 25301 350). 23986 Uaso Nylro 4,487101 ((H1) R GT RClmlfftoorudl 1 500 22430 505 )'2,574 2879 N orth Nyerl (c) 90 M rs M C M cDonogh 10 00 10 00 (#) 3190 N orth N yerz 2,006 W K B astard 2 50 l00 00 916 2384 Uaso N yzro (W est) 2,449 (1) I N K Tomlznson (11) S R Faubazrne M cphee and B Allen 1 50 l22 45 996 2735 2,143 (l) M B E andall and .Kmg 2 00 l07 15 3213 North Nyerz 2, 162 (z1) R N Thompson l 25 108 10 1,556 3214 2,291 1 25 ll4 55 2737) 2,474 2 00 123 70 3215 / North Nyerz 2,474 L Slmpson l 25 l23 70 1,636 3216/ 2 293 l 25 114 65 3220 N orth N yerl 2,450 (1) L H ook (z) S R Fanbalrne M cphee and B Allen l 50 122 50 996 Afukogodo, E ast of L R 5162 6,000 R G Cltffold (6) 1 00 300 00 (ts) M ukogodo, W est of L R 2795 10,000 M E Southey (c) 1 00 500 00 (#) M ukogodo, N 01th of L R 6374 10,000 A F Aj're (e) i 00 500 00 fd) 2389 M atara Rlvel, Lazkzpla 4,623 G R P Phlhpp (??) 231 15 1,316 2:92 M atara Rlver, Lalklpla 4,689 (l) G R P Phzllpp (1z) R T Rlntoul (5) 234 45 1,344 2529 204 2527 160 3304 M atara Rlver, Lalkzpla l60 D A 5m 1th (5) 48 70 (tf) 3305 145 r 3306 145 2511 l60 2660 R tunlzrutl 4.355 R F J'ezm m gs l 75 2l7 75 1,290 2382 R um m m tl 4,702 R F Tennm gs 1 75 235 10 1,316 2628/12/ South N dalagua 319 T P O 'Bzltan 10 ()0 63 80 800 2628/5/1 Ndaragua 800 L E Sm lth 8 00 40 00 (d) 2628/5+ Ndaragua 80l G C Aggett 8 00 40 05 ((J) 2628/6 Ndaragtza 1,151 G C Aggett 8 00 57 55 930 1547/2 M au 1,269 (1) N W Ballm ger (zz) E I-I Crake 20 00 2,53 80 730 A dlolnzng L R 2662 S W Lake Nazvasha (c)l,680 I-I A M urray 1 50 336 00 (#) 2383 Uaso (South) 2,490 S R FalrbazTne M cphee and B Allen (5) 124 50 996 2385 Uaso N arok (South) 4,645 S R Falrbaune M cphee and B Allen (è) 232 25 1,316 3221 Uasp Nazok (South) 2,490 l S R Fazrbazzne 3.!cp1aee azzd B Allen (b) 124 50 996 t $ 1. 1194 I'VIE OFFICIAL GAZETTE September 6. 1938


A rea R ate R ent Survey L R N o L ocahty A cres A pphcant per per F ees (Approx ) Acze Azm um (Approx ) 81b tlf,: s'h cts 8h 282/1 -) Thzka 1,065)- (l) H Black 4 50 213 00 (d) j > 222 j (1z) Anglo Frencll Slsal Co , 28728/23 Thzka 1,677 (1) Anglo French Szsal Co ,statd 4 50 44 40 (lz) %ï D J' Bothm a 4 50 335 40 ((f) 279/1 Thzka 550 Anglo French Slsal Co , Ltd 5 00 l 10 00 (#) 1218/R Embakasl 1,813 G fI Pedler 5 00 362 60 864

2357 ). Athz Rwer 2,175 ). A B Cooley 4 00 435 00 ((f) 2712J 1,960 j 4 00 392 00 2353 Athl Rlver 1,975 Ptet 5m 1th 5 00 395 00 (d) A dlom m g L R 1116, M akzndu 162 Klluda Bux 8 00 32 40 ((f)

(c) Subjecb to stzrvey (è) Pendg assessm ent by Cronn Land Valuatlon Board (&) Outspan to be exmsed from thts alea (#) Fees to be assessed after survey (e) Rate qublect to consrm attorl by Crovrn Land Valuatton Board (X Sh 400/00 zs the stand prem lum for the whole plot G ENERM- N oencB N o 1162 H IS M A JESTY 'S CO U RT OF APPEAL FO R EA STERN A FRICA TH E next Sesslons of H ls M alesty's Cotzrt of A ppeal the R eglstrar, H M Suprem e Coult of K enya, N alrobl, for Eastern A frlca have been lixed to be holden at ol wlth the D lstrlct R eglstrar, H M Suprem e Court of D ar es Salaam to com m ence on Tuesday the 18th day K enya, M om basa, not later than 17th day of Septem ber, of October, 1938, at 10 a m or as qoon thereafter as 1938 cases can be heard N alrobl, E J O 'FA R RELL, To ensure appeals belng set down for hearlng at these 18th A ugust, 1938 R eglstrar, Sesslons, m emoranda of appeal should be filed wlth H M Court OJ Appeal for E x4 CAU SE LIST Fon H EABINC ox' TH;E 18TA DAY ol OcToBss, 1938, AT D AR Es SALARM A Ctvll oz O rlglnal N o ppeal N o C ! A ppelianf R espondent ç c A PPO I from rzm m a o ase 1 12û of 1938 Crm unal A J M ccalthv R ex Cr Case H B M Hhgh Court of Zanzz N o 1/38 bar at Zanzzbar l 21 of 1938 Gatheeha w a K am butu R ex Cr Case H M Suprem e Court of K enya N o 75/38 at Nalrobl 122 of 1938 N dzm ulw ango bm Pwag R ex Cr Case H M H zgh Court of Tanga- wam o No l 14/38 nyzka a,b Klgom a l23 of 1938 yy Sam ale bzn M agagwe R ex Cr Case dztto N o 121/38 124 of 1938 V llazanzanye bIn Luke R ex dztto dztto sha 125 of 1 938 M ashzm ba bzn Shlpem ba R ex Cr Case H M H zgh Court of T anga- No 81/38 nyzka at Tabora 126 of 1938 ,, N urdm M zta K assum R ex Cz Case I-I M H zgh Court of Tanga- No 74/38 nylka at Lmdl 127 of 1938 M ahega bzn K zohushu R ex Cr A ppeal H M H ëgh Court of T ang t- No 2/38 nvtka at Dar es Salt,am l28 of 1938 K om bo bzn N aslbu allas R ex Cr Case H B M H lgh Court of Zanm Songoro N o 2/38 bar at Chake Chake l29 of 1938 ,, W azbl s/o Kalende Rex Cr Case T-I M H lgh Court of Uganda N o 109/38 at Jhnla 130 of 1938 D anlel allas Tew esa R ex Cr Case H M H zgh Couzt of Nyasaland No 24/38 at Blantyre 8 of 1938 G vzl Om clal R ecezver, Tanga Gerhard Sontag Czvll Case H M H lgh Court of Tanga- nylka Terrttory, as No 42/36 nykka at Dar es Falaam L lquzdator of B agam oyo P lantm g & T radm g Co Ltd , m Lzqulda tton 13 of 1938 Em m anuel M avroudls A ntony A lterrnath Clvzl Caqe H M R zgh Court of Tanga and Another and Another N o l 1/37 nyzka of theArusha Dlstzlct R eglstry at M oshl 14 of 1938 N asserallF azal M ollom ed G hul am hu seln Clvll Case H B M H zgh Couzt of Zanz; Sherzff, Executoz of H all Thaver, N o 44/37 bar at Zanzzbar Fazal M ohom ed Shemff tradm g as I'Ialt Thaver & Co 17 of 1938 R A H K ltehm g I Conforzz Czvll Case H M H zgh Couzt of N yasaland No 5/38 at Blantyre September 6, 1938 THE OFFICIAL GAZXTTE 119$

G ENERAL N o'ricE N o 1261


Im ports for H om e U nzt of Total Tm ports Consum lltlon G ovenzm ent Im pozts AltTlcruEs Qtzantlty (tncludm g Govern- (m cluded ln prevtous m ent Goods) columns) Quantlty Value Qtzantzty Value Quantzty Value ks'lt Sh ls'h 1 R zce Cw t 15,822 164,945 15,794 164,440 - - 2 W heat M eal and Flour ,, 1,819 19,575 1,793 19,296 3 A le, B eer, Stout, etc Im p ga1 14,250 44,702 1l,2bl 39,136 - 4 Ghee Cwt 1,026 76,050 1,030 76,480 5 M zlk, Condensed or otherwqse Preserved ,, 795 28,194 787 27,411 1 6 Spzrlts (c)Tm p and Proof gal 5,555 134,579 6,241 152,012 - 7 Sugar (Refmed) Cwt l 14 3,214 1l3 3, l86 8 Tea ,, 18 3,222 24 4,298 - 9 W lnes Im p gal 2,363 32 005 2,237 30,061 - 10 czgarettes Lb 50,063 162,074 56,997 181,750 11 T obacco ,, 29,597 53,978 31,185 58,554 12 W ood and Tzm ber Cubzc ft 10,180 27,188 10,180 27,188 - 13 Cem ent, B m ldm g Ton 2,101 107,698 2,101 107,698 1,214 67,227 14 Galvanzzed Iron Sheets, Cor- rugated ,, 80 31,394 l48 57,972 4 1,655 15 H ollow -ware, Enam elled ,, 38 32,356 44 38,693 1,214 16 Tubes, Plpes and thelr fittm gs ,, 247 165,572 247 165,478 67,344 17 Iron and Steel M antzfactures V alue - 472,601 - 458,21 l 205,519 18 H ardw are Cw t 2l8 14,887 217 14,775 2 406 19 shovels, Spades, etc N um ber 22,446 21,425 22,446 21,425 1,880 6,I l l 20 M achm es and M acllm ery V alue 1,020,810 - 1,017, 592 l 16,654 Cotton Pzece Goods- 21 Grey, U nbleached L1n yard 1,964,900 4p,2 Tuy 1,635,750 ,ya 3,300 S ' 1 546 239 335,1 425 1,063 q yard 1,847,697 , , 4, 22 B leached ,, 126,388 ,0 (jrtj 192,137 56 :; 120 . ,82 - ,422 ' 177,010 23 Prlnted (K hangas) ,, 40,749 !?; ?;$)g 36,165 !6 (ja6 50,896 ' 45,346 ' . - 24 Prlnted, other Sorts ,, 364,498 jjg 6gg 323,509 1 46: 299 , 9 , - ,782 275,053 25 D yed m the Plece 369,326 590,684 270 36,802 189 860 ,1$) , 26 Coloured (M antzfactttred 3 867 274,068 a(): j 322 w holly or m part of D yed Y arn) 565,677 158 524,641 530 ,653 152,835 - - ,736 494,294 27 Cotton Blankets N um ber 76,744 109 80,462 C 709 113,925 - w t 1,453 , 1,514 28 Jute B ags and Sacks D ozen 24,245 118 24,245 C 416 118,416 w t 5,694 , 5,694 29 A rtm czal Sllk Pzece G oods Lzn yard 196.942 vg !gj 239,579 Sq yard 139,612 , 206,387 95,128 - - 30 A rulm al Sllk M anufaetures, not elsewhere spemfed (not Apparel) Value - 2,332 - 2,357 - 31 D lsm fectant Cwt l59 5,759 160 5,759 95 2,643 32 Inseetzczdes 723 45,696 723 45,683 90 5,471 33 Palnts, Colours and V arm shes 1,936 85,700 1,794 85,304 638 31,340 34 Candles ,, 75 4,939 58 3,809 - - 35 Fuel 0,.1 Im p gal 332,742 86,513 332,742 86,513 - - 36 Lubrzcatlng Oll ,, 124,105 215,771 95,394 164,230 459 1,186 37 Lubrzcatm g Greases Cw t 1,135 27,586 912 21,408 2 129 38 M otor Splrlt (Pebrol) Imp ga1 1,677,275 560,384 7b6,320 303,408 - - 39 M m eral 0 11, IlbAm m atm g or Bmmmg (Kerosene) ,, 1,062,274 360,536 347,109 123,653 - - 40 Soap, Com m on Cwt 660 20,505 638 19,784 334 7,438 41 Foap, T ollet ,, 185 14,703 2l1 15,576 1 81 42 Cycles (not M otor) Number 1, l97 89,066 1,672 123,280 - 43 M otor Cars l38 433,570 145 460,513 - 44 M otor Lorttes ,, 87 320,068 89 324,828 45 Motor Tractors NlTamonb er 1615 j 141,007 1(;1g 1 141,007 1g yR. 24,768 (Contznn.ed on 'nezf pagej 1 1196 I'HE UFFICIAL dAZETTE jeptembel 6, 1938

PR IN CIPAL A RTICLES IM POR TED IN TO K EN Y A AN D U GA ND A D U R IN G TH E M ON TH EN D ED 30rn JUNE, 1938- (CoaJ(f ) l l Imports foz Home U nzt of Totpl Im ports Consum ptton G oveznm ent Im ports AltTzcruyus Quantlty (lncludlng Govern (mcluded ln prevzous m ent Goods) colum ns) Quantlty Value j Quantlty Value Quantzty t Value SW I Slv S'A 46 M otor Cycles N uw ber 12 7,618 12 7,618 -

487 TByearfdxss and Tubes L,b, 13156,607236703 1 1991,095327 j1l65a,42l39t)52g 'j 11704,213840 zyjl4g0y 1 3,398 49 F ertzhzers and M anures T on 70 l 1,332 70 l 1,332 - - 50 L am ps and Lanterns N um ber 3,828 14,739 4,200 16,037 60 1,071

51 M atches Gr boxes I 11,822 28, 102 8,772 19,351 - - 52 A 11 othq,r aztzcles V alue 5,594,064 - 5,625,360 - 895,630

T OTAL *12,097,785 - *11,710,751 - 1,440,670

T OTAL TnwNs1T IM PORTS -- 104,332 ------

G R A N D T OTA L Sh *12,202,117 - *11,710,751 - 1,440 670

No'.ra - ( 1) $t Total Im ports '' m eanq goods cleared dazect and goods enteled for wazehouslng (2) tçH ozne Consutnptzon '' m eans goods cleared from Customq contzol on landlng and also goods cleared from B onded Stocks (3) 'ç Government Im ports '' m eans m lports dtrect on Governm ent accotm t (mcludmg Razlway) (a,) No allowance m ade for under proof m excess of 12J per cent * Includes Produce of Tanganylka M andated T errltory valued at kbth 1,061,680 and w htcll zs m aznly lm prlrted for re exportatlon Sublect to revzszon on tecezpt of furtller am endm ents to entezed detalls

CvsToM I'IorsE, A W N OR TH R OP, M OMBASA, , 4 clknp Com m u szoner o.f C't4sjoma 30th August, 1938 Kenya and F-Wczldcs September 6. 1938 TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE 1197

G BNBRAL N oaqcB N o 1262

TOTAL V ALU E OF M ER CH AN D ISE IM POR TED IN TO K EN YA AX D U GAN D A FR OM TH E PR INOIPAL SOU R CE S OF 8UPPLY DU R IN G TH E M ON TI'I EN D ED 30TH JU N E , 1938 1 lI Im ports for H om e Corxv.rRa s ol O m gzw Total Consum ptlon G overnm ent Imports (m cludlng Im ports G overnm enb Goods)

8lt ZW 81z

U m ted K m gdom 5,100,218 5,159,273 1,416,289 Trlsh Free State 5,513 6,022 A den 6,396 6,396 Ceylon 3,286 3,286 H ong-K ong 2,8,57 3,023 Indla 495,323 497,657 18,982 Saraw ak 11 8,063 16 727 U m on of South M mca 223,887 219,931 5ll Zanm bar 12,456 12,456 Canada 2(+,069 211,984 A ustraLa 15,842 16,093 B ttrm a 3,431 2,303 Tanganyzka M andated Terrztory 1,061,680 1,061,680 Other Brztzsh Possesszons 6,067 6,565 4 Germ any 413,798 442,707 2,093 A tzstrla 10,845 10,514 B elgo Luxem burg Econom lc U m on 2*4,1 52 305,.530 D enm ark l l 073 12 949 Spam 1 3,970 l l 287 Fm land 24,7.53 25,379 Franco 83,997 85,101 Italy 77,285 76,387 N orway 1 1.225 10 l72 N etherlands 115,070 l 19,833 Poland-D anzlg 3, 124 1,543 Sweden 74,080 ($5,488 556 Swztzerland 42,952 41,240 16 Czechoslovakza 58, l 83 5.2,762 Chm a 11,014 9,174 Japan 1,026,142 1,08 5,790 Persza 192,302 269,170 680 Stam 4,653 4,653 Egypt 21,125 22,391 U m ted States of A m em ca 1,657,002 1 ,628 268 1,539 B elgzan Congo 17,486 17,486 R uanda U rtm dz 29,082 29,082 D utch E ast Indles 623,161 130,473 French Som alz Coast 8,290 8,290 Italzan Som abland 4,900 1,900 O ther Forezgn Countrzes 15,033 14,786

T OTAL k%h 12,097,785 l 1,710,751 1,410,670

N olrs .--subzect to revzszon on recelpt of further am endm ents to entered detallu Cusl'ox I'Ibvsz:y A W N ORTR R OP,

M OM BASA, A ctbn.g Ctip'm rzz@vsa-ttpzper o.f txzqronl-s. 30th A ugust, 1938 K enya and U ganda 1198 THE OFFICIA L GA ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938

G ENERAL N oTlcs N o 1263


(?)) Expozts of (c) (6) R e exports of U nlt of D om estlc Produce Tm ported M erchandlse ARTICLES Quantzty ' Quantzty Value Quantzty j Value gb'lt Sh W heat Cwt l 10 29 297 M azze ,, 35,654 148,506 - R lce ,, 13 203 394 4,852 W heat M eal and Flour ,, 5,658 85,641 l95 2,147 M azze M eal and Flou.r ,, 8,503 52,534 - - Cattle for Food N lam ber l43 7,540 - - Sheep and G oats for F ood ,, 1,238 11,980 Baeon and H am Cwt 93 12,867 - A le, B eer, Stout, etc Im p ga1 652 4 358 l,0b7 3,924 B utter cw t 1,880 157,082 - - Cheese ,, 45 4,037 1 185 Chlllles ,, 32 1,123 - - Coffee, R aw ,, 28,670 738,601 23,628 666,786 Ghee ,, l39 12,232 21 1,971 M llk, Condensed or otherw zse Preserved ,, - - 65 2,832 P otatoes ,, 10,274 45,349 --. - Spzrlts Im p and Proof gal - - 231 5,859

18 Sugar, R eflned Cwt 7,598 89,998 8 253 19 T ea ,, 7,086 845,889 2 493 20 W lnes Im p gal - - 62 1, l50

21 Czgarettes L b 30,959 68,474 6,130 19,219 22 T obacco ,, 42,470 28,857 1,231 3,702 23 W ood and T tm ber Cublc ft 12,956 69,608 552 1,303 24 R aw Cotton Cental of 100 lb 177,236 7,034,319 - - 25 Szsal Fzbre and Tow Ton 2,956 864, l02 - 26 Seeds, Cotton ,, 16,876 801,014 - 27 Seeds, Sesam e ,, 29 6,800 - - 28 Grolm dnutg ,. - - -

29 Coco nut Oll Im p ga1 6,439 8,672 - '-' 30 sesam e Ozl ,, 71 2 1,726 - - 31 H zdes, D I'y and D ry salted Cw t 5,246 234,318 273 13,400 32 Skm s, Sheep and Goab N um ber 150,570 146,356 7,200 9,700 33 R ubber Cental of l00 lb 331 16,924 34 M angrove B ark Cw t - - - -

35 h attle Bark ,, 6,397 39,981 - 36 W attle E xtract ,, 23,426 320,610 - - 37 Ivory, E lephanb ,, 78 43,743 47 21,254 38 W ool cental of 100 lb 63 4,691 --- - 39 Sodm m Carbonate Ton 1,259 114,730 - 16 40 Cem ent, B ulldm g g() 5,065 501 21,745 41 G alvam zed Iron Sheets, Corrugated - - 15 6,161 Cotton n ece Goods- 42 G rey, U nbleached L m yard - 471,014 102 Sq yard 461,214 ,961 43 B leaehed do - - 58,676 1 55 5,296 ,462 44 Prznted (K hangas) do - 37,732 16 47 ,032 ,823 45 Other Sorts do - - 121,688 33 109 ,658 ,678 46 D yed m the P zece do - - 243,821 232 84,189 ,205 47 Coloured (Manufactm ed W holly or zn Paz't of Dyed Yarn) do 188,352 63 187 ,016 ,029 48 Cotton Blankets N lAm ber 24,218 35 Cw t 492 ,708 49 J'ute Bags and Sacks D ozen - 12,082 48 Cw t 2,969 ,265 ô0 Fuel Ozl Im p ga1 - 1,174,936 403,454 Jl M otor Spm t (Petrol) ,, - - 191,218 148,797 fcontm 'ued on aexf pagej Septem ber 6. 1938 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETT E 1199


(è) Exports of (tz) (6) Re exports of U nzt of D om estlc Produce Im ported M erchandlse ARTICLES Quantzty ( Quantlty j Value Quantzty Value Sh ,SW 52 Mm eral Ozl, Illuznlnatmg or Burnm g (K erosene) Im p ga1 - - 54, 148 40,573 53 Soap, Com m on Cwt l92 3,674 36 1,311 54 Soap, Tozlet ,, 1 40 47 2,361 55 M otor Cars Num ber - - 27 75,950 56 Anlm als, not for Food ,, l00 16,680 10 500 57 Gold Bulllon Troy Oz 9,105 1,099,342 ! 2,001 229,341 58 A ll othez aztzcles V alue 707,45 ...... 5. j - 2, 389,955 CXTAL 13,855, 132 - 4,478,61 6 TOTAL TRANSIT EXPORT; - - -- l 0V 332 GR A N D T O TA L Sh 13,855,132 4,582,948

N ou - ((z) Re exports m clude goods the growth, produce or znanufactule of Tangan) 1ka M andated Termtory to the valtze of Sh 999,887 (6) Goods exported as Shzps' Stozss are Included as follows ( 1) Under Dom estlc Expotts to tlle value of L'h 58,874 (2) Under Re-exports to the value of Sh 390,099 Total Slups' Stores k%% 448,973

Subpect to revlslon on recelpt of further am endm ents to entered detazls

Crs'roM H orsF, A W N OR TH R OP, M OMBASA, Act%ng Copzpzlats-loncr ol C'tzafo/n e, 30th A ugust, 1938 K enya and U ganda 1200 TH E OFFICIA L GA ZETTE Septem ber 6, 1938


E xpolts of R e expozts of COUNTRIUS ozn D ESTINATION D om estle Im ported Produce M erchandlso

8h JSW U n ttd K lngdom 4,242,565 462,124 A den 100,742 92,560 B ahrem Islands 707 Ceylon 13,296 H ong K ong 1, 121 14,126 Indla 5,358,799 9,576 B m tzsh M alaya 27,841 Um on of South A frlca 235,633 58,656 M andated Terrztox.y of South MFest Afllca 4,700 4,700 Southern R hodem a 5,3b0 N orth W estern R hodesla 2,047 3l8 Zanzlbar 71,461 36,024 M aurltzus 9,655 600 Seyehelleo 907 35 Ccm ada 234,748 102,077 A ustlalza 32,108 1,280 N ew Zealand l 1,070 600 wtnglo E gyptlan Sudan 46,620 22,051 Tanganylka M andated T ezrztory 558,748 2,297,647 G etm any 80,191 37,898 A ustlla 3,750 60 B elgo L uxem burg E eozlom ze U nlon 340,590 43,300 B ulgarla 6,455 D enm ark 14,091 14,110 Fzance 75,846 16,460 Greece l 1,31 l 10 H ungary. 2,500 L atvza 40,500 N etherlands 335,677 Poland-D anzlg 2,400 P oztugal 23,980 R oum am a 14,000 K m gdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 3,750 Sw eden 6,080 300 Czecho Slovakla 2,730 4 Chm a 47,506 2,500 H adzam aut 4,200 4,010 H edgaz and N epd 5,400 22,000 Iraq 10,600 Japan 1,076,902 l

Palestm e 1,050 12,063 Syrza 53, l 56 3,500 E gypt 20,421 72,987

U nlted States of A m erlca 437,608 279,308 B razll 44,444

B elglan Congo 73,303 281,028 R uanda U zundl 10,471 138,468 French Som all Coast 1,035

M adagascar 168 4,659 Itahan Som alzland 9,208 1,850 M ozam bzque 106,648 23,784 l l

T OTAL 13,796,258 4,088,517 SrElllas' S'rolu s 58,874 390,099 GRAND TOTAL k%h 13,855,132 ! 4,478,616 N oTE --sublecth to revlszon on recezpt of further am endm ents to entered detazls COSTOM H o'tTsE, A W N OR TH R OP, M olvzBxsx, Act bng Comm%smoner oj C'àfyfozz?a, 30th A ugust, 1938 K cnya fz,nd Uganda G ENERAL N o'rlcs N o 1266 COLON Y AN D PR OTECTOR ATE OF K EN YA œ o *U & statem ent of Assets and Liablliues as at 'he 31s' M ay, 1938 Ci

LIA BILITIJ S A SSE R S * g 0Id f e 6f# f 8 6l8 â & Ct8 t 8 flâ APPROPRIATED FUNDS APPROPEIAThD FUNDS ko

IREPOSITS -- INVHSTMLNTS - - A tm am m Pandj,a Scholarshlp Flpnd 192 15 91 Atm aram Pand) a Scholarshlp Fund 1 92 15 91 Indzan Troops Ftm d l79 5 33 Trldltkn Tzoops F und 179 5 33 M aharal Sm gh Fund 27 2 25 M ahsral Slngh Funtl 27 2 25 M zseellaneous Fands 12 097 6 51 Penslons Fund- Aslaf le W ldowsg and , ' 82,405 19 24 Proonvstzodnens t F(Puunnd-d-AAslmatalnc GWvzdllo wSesw' azcned Orphans' 2814 ,521525 9 0512 PrOovrlpdheannt sFund- Aman Cw zl Semnoe 20 1 P ,106 8 17 Rrovzdent Fund- European Czvll Servlce 54,177 14 39 Provydent Fund- E uropean Clvll Ser Reglstrar Generpl Pubhc Trustee etc , F'unds 136 044 14 89 vlce 52,822 b 40 Renew als F'und- lfasum u W ater W orks 4,107 13 12 Publlc Trustee Flm ds 79,273 12 16 R enew als Fund- M om basa W ater W olks 12082 3 92 R enewals Fund- lfasum u W ater enewals Fund- Eàtale W ater W orks 1, R ,040 15 25 W orks 4,107 l l 34 H S enew als runds- M lnor W ater W orks 1,221 6 51 Ronewals Fund- M om basa W ater Savm gs Bauk 533,121 7 54 W orks 12,082 3 92 Stam p D uty R osezve Fund 60 11 5 5 67 Renew als Fund- K ltale W ater > upplem entary Slnkm g Furtd 27, S ,047 17 54 W orks l 040 15 25 Jupplem entary Sm km g Fund- lldozet W atoz W ozlqs 6 292 14 91 R enew als Funds- M lnor W ater W orks l 22l 6 51 Q udlctal D epartm ent 4, >t N ,778 3 45 Savlngs B ank 5l3 560 4 89 Lallob: M um clpahty W atet Supply Slnkm g Fund 6 285 12 42 Starnp D uty R eqerve F'und 58,160 4 43 ocal N atzve Joznt Investm ont Fund 29, ,150 0 00 Supplem entary Slnkm g Fund 25,303 1 67 Savm gs Bank E arnm gs 6 984 l 64 S upp lem entary Slnkzng Fund- hldoret , 1.000,113 19 78 W ater 11 orks 6 l53 l 8 74 > Dcleosl'rs - N lurobl Alunlcvpallty W ater Stlpply r M lscellaneous 300 995 10 41 Flnkm g 14 und 6 285 12 42 Colom al D evel o pm enb F'und 9072 6 59 Local N atlve J'om t Investm ent Fund 27,680 0 01 Q Parham entary Grant 9 ,014 5 35 ------890 .602 8 64 > D CAslx ox' n xxo D srosl'.r - N aAv''l's 3,304 10 57 Judzczal D epartm ent 2,675 3 00 > R M lscellanoous Flm ds 4,327 1 00 H ssCym vs - Reglstrar General Pllbllc Trustee, ete , entral Agmcultural Advances 45 000 0 00 Funds , 46 ,369 10 00 > S Local N atzve Jolnt fnvestm ent Fund 750 0 00 uszyswsyl - S - - - 54 121 14 00 avm gs B ank A dlustm ent A ccount l93 9 75 CAsu opl CIJRRI'NT A ccotTN'r IMnter-D epavtm ental Clearanee Aceount 412 13 10 Judlezal D epazvtm ent 2 103 (h 45 achm ery and Plant 3l7 10 7 1 Rep strar General , , Publle Trustee ete . L Funds 10,401 12 73 OAN FUNDS--SAL:IS oya Elzllosp:rp W &TER W oztxs 24 ,358 14 85 Provzdent Funds- Aman Clvzl Servlce 1,853 19 92 L , - E uropean Clvll OAN FUNDS- U NSPFNT BALANCrS '-.-' f q ct8 Sersqce 182 3 59 :3,500,000 1928 Loan 60 :3 ,515 15 99 Stam p D uty R esezve Fund 91 3 58 ,400,000 1930 Loan 194 :305 ,7 $4 8 61 bupplem entary Slnklng Fund 1,124 11 67 15 756 11 91 ,600 1933 Loan 28 686 19 30 . - . ------960 180 58 :375,000 1:3: Loan 68, - ,757 18 ():9 A ovAxcss Axp Loowyu Loztxs - - 352 b95 1 84 Central Agmcultural Advances Board 86,51b l 5 13 Cereal Industrles- Barloy 425 g 05 Cereal Industrzes- M alze 11 1,459 19 95 Cereal Industrzes- W heat 4,204 9 30 Clvtl Servants' Buzldm g Schem es 12,653 0 25 Eldoret M lm lczpal Board 24,358 14 85 Im pzests 2,080 15 00 C M lscellaneoug l 60 948 8 80 qTerol'ed Jbruurd.-- Roma,n Catholle Misszon Yala 1 613 0 00 404260 12 33 n?M LlABzLzTzss (Exclusw e of PIJBLIC Dxlaa?, SzNxzNg FUND ANo Iuoazvs Fltowz - - - -- , - & ' .I'uEI COLONIAL D >UVELOPMXN'.P Fvzm AMOUNTING olr f101,364) 1,746 078 2 95 C'wrged Jbr-lrd 1 1,364,741 6 91 c

Statem ent of Assets and Llabilltles as at the 21st M ay, t938- (Pow,l# )


Bro eht oxïxz- u-ti'mxyws-aurïswï'.--. (sxeluszve or pvrszac ossx, szxxzwks ty-jo) axo soaxs s l os, ' T '2'zlx C D FUND AMOSNTING To : j-;s 'a )'5s ' s? ouoht yorks-zr-, t''' l l ,t,2 .741 c-)l- tjj-ak , , vnv, SvST'L.NSS - Investment Ao ustment Accouïtta 1 4 91 X f uzkana '.1 ax 330 0 00 > - - - - 3al ()1 U N ilaLoc'xi'r'o SToxss - Q If m g s A fmcan R lfles R atlons 49b 18 75 M K mg s A flzcan R lfles Clothm g R esczve Stozo, London $ 70 5 0 00 Post Ofhce 29 97 3 3 77 7 Publlc W orlxs D epartm ent 32,092 14 54 . 66 a($(j ()(a Q CASI.I > Jom t Colonlal Fund 775 000 0 00 rd W lth Gzow n Agents 2 776 7 22$ W lth Bornba,y Agents 3 264 l 5 65 Q On Ctlxlenb A ecount m th B anlxs qnd at D lstz'lt.t 1 le zsuzTtas 223 2b4 1 l 83 > ln J 1 Anszt betwlen Chests 2 092 16 49 N - - - - - 1 (jtltlyaj)s > H H ExcEss ov AssKT% Ov>214 LIAUILITISS 691 659 1 7 l 5 > TOTAL f 2 4 $7 738 0 10 T O'1 A.L & 2 437 73% 0 1()

N Alaonz. () it LOCK H &R T 29th zlugzlz/t. 1938 Treaqurer