25 May 2021 To Members of Eckington Parish Council

Dear Member, I hereby give you notice that the next meeting of the Council will be held in the Bluebell Suite at Eckington Civic Centre. Tuesday 1st June 2021 at 7pm All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving the business to be transacted as set out in the following agenda. Please note FACE MASKS TO BE WORN

Yours sincerely


1. To receive apologies for absence. 2. Variation of order of business. 3. To receive Declaration of Members Interest. a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve request for dispensations from Members on matters of which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest.

4. Public speaking a) A maximum of three minutes or at the Chairman’s discretion will be made for members of the public to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted. b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

5. To determine which items if any from part 1 of the agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms:- “In view of the confidential nature of item … to consider a resolution to exclude the Press and Public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings Act) 1960. S1. In order to discuss the item”.

6. To receive and approve Minutes 21/1351 – 21/1392 of a Council Meetings held 4th May 2021. 7. The Chair to sign and date the Council Minutes. 8. To receive and approve Minutes of a Communications Working Party meeting held 17th May 2021. 9. To consider requests and approve recommendations from Minutes of Committee Meetings. 10. To consider items for a decision and information: a) To consider nominating a parish charity for the municipal year of 2021/22. b) To consider a grant application received from Chesterfield Canal Trust. c) To consider a grant application received from Citizens Advice Bureau. d) To consider Camms School grant application. e) To consider and adopt Environmental policy.

11. CEMETERY a) To consider Assistant Clerk’s cemetery report. b) To consider the cemetery equipment repair and service report.

12. FINANCE If Councillors require any additional information in relation to any of the finance items set out on the agenda, please contact the Finance Officer before the meeting. a) To note April 2021 Account/Bank reconciliation figures. b) To note April 2021 accounts overview. c) To note cheque/Bacs payments and receipts since the last meeting. d) To note budget summary. e) To note the name of the Councillors who carried out the internal audit. f) To note the April 2021 Civic Centre and Cemetery Management Accounts. g) To note the Renishaw and Spinkhill Community Hall Management accounts.

14 PLANNING APPLICATION a) To note the list of planning applications previously circulated. b) To note the list of planning decisions. c) To consider planning applications circulated at the meeting.


1. To consider quotations for a new alarm system at Eckington Cemetery. 2. To consider approve recommendations of a Staff Working Party meeting held 25th May 2021.

Minutes of the Eckington Parish Council meeting held remotely on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7pm

Attendance Councillors- C Renwick, P Allan, J Archer, J Boyce, C Harper, J Ibbotson, J Kenyon, J Ridgway, O Gomez-Reaney, I Tagg, C Tite, P Wheelhouse Others- M Gazur (RFO), R Bullimore (Clerk), R Hill (Assistant Clerk) 21/1351 Election of Chairman RESOLVED Councillor Carolyn Renwick was elected Chairman. Councillor Renwick accepted the election of Chairman 21/1352 Declaration of Office RESOLVED Councillor Renwick signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 21/1353 Apologies for absence Apologies received from Councillors Deffley (work) Landall (family issue) Dye (internet connection problem) 21/1354 Election of Vice Chair RESOLVED Councillor Jennifer Archer elected Vice Chairman. 21/1355 Appointment of the Open Spaces Committee /Working Party RESOLVED Members agreed to change the Open Spaces Committee to a working party to enable them to have the option of remote or face to face meetings. Councillors Archer, Boyce, Deffley, Dye, Hunt, Kenyon, Landall, Renwick, Ridgway, Tite and Wheelhouse appointed as members of the Open Spaces Working Party. 21/1356 Appointment of the Community Hall and Premises Committee/Working Party RESOLVED Members agreed to change the Community Hall and Premises Committee to a working party to enable them to have the option of remote or face to face meetings. Councillors Allan, Archer, Boyce, Deffley, Renwick, Ridgway, Tagg, Tite and Wheelhouse appointed as Community Hall and Premises Working Party. 21/1357 Appointment of Staff Working Party RESOLVED Councillors Archer, Boyce, Dye, Hunt, Harper, Landall and Renwick appointed on the Staff Working Party. 21/1358 Appointment of Finance Working Party RESOLVED Councillors Archer, Landall, Kenyon, Renwick, Tagg and Tite appointed on the Finance Working Party. 21/1359 Appointment of Communications Committee/Working Party RESOLVED Members agreed to change the Communications Committee to a working party to enable them to have the option of remote or face to face meetings. Councillor Allan, Archer, Kenyon, Gomez Reaney and Renwick appointed on the Communications Working Party.


21/1360 Appointment of Environmental Committee RESOLVED Members agreed to change the Environmental Committee to a working party to enable them to have the option of remote or face to face meetings. Councillors Archer, Deffley, Gomez-Reaney, Kenyon and Renwick appointed on the Environmental Working Party. 21/1361 The Appointment of Cheque Signatories RESOLVED Councillors Renwick, Gomez-Reaney, Wheelhouse and Harper appointed bank signatories. 21/1362 Standing Orders RESOLVED to add Working Parties. 21/1363 Amendments to Financial Regulations RESOLVED to adopt 5.2 a) online banking payments procedure. 21/1364 Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies RESOLVED to continue with subscriptions to SLCC, ICCM, National Allotment Association Society and DALC 21/1365 Clerks Delegated Powers RESOLVED to reaffirm Clerks delegated powers. 21/1366 Terms of Reference of Committees/Working Parties RESOLVED Clerk to amend the Terms of References for the Open Spaces, Community Hall and Premises, Communications and Environmental from Committees to working parties to enable to have the option to hold remote and face to face meetings. RESOLVED to note the working parties cannot make a decision on behalf of the council, but they can explore options and present these to the council for a decision.

21/1367 Chairman’s Annual Report RESOLVED to note the Chairman’s report previously circulated. 21/1368 Calendar of Meetings RESOLVED to approve the 2021/2022 calendar of meetings. 21/1369 Action Plan Policy RESOLVED community engagements and funding to be added to the policy, such as Eckington Summer Festival and Farmers markets. 21/1370 Allotment Strategy Policy RESOLVED to be reviewed by Open Spaces Working Party. 21/1371 Business Continuity Plan Policy Members discussed the need for an emergency access pack containing access codes, keys and contact details to be held in a secure location, in the event all officers are taken ill simultaneously. RESOLVED to create an emergency access pack.


21/1372 Health and Safety Policy Members discussed the need for links to all health and safety policies and statutory obligations to be added to the document. RESOLVED Update the Health and Safety policy with all required links for the next meeting. 21/1373 Staff Organisation Chart RESOLVED to note the staff organisation chart. 21/1374 Variation of order of business RESOLVED Agenda item 5 from part 2 Exempt items, To Consider return of face to face meetings, moved to item 29F for discussion in open Council. 21/1375 Minutes of Parish Council Meetings held 6th April 2021. RESOLVED Minutes 20/1328-21/1350 received and approved. The Chairman duly signed minutes. 21/1376 Minutes of a Communications Committee held 6th April 2021. RESOLVED Minutes 55/21-60/21 received and approved. 21/1377 Minutes of an Annual Parish Meeting held 8th April 2021. RESOLVED Minutes 21/1-21/7 Received and Approved. 21/1378 Staff Working Party held 14th April 2021. RESOLVED to note the Minutes of the Staff Working Party held 14th April 2021. 21/1379 County Council Speed Reduction Proposal B6388 RESOLVED to note Derbyshire County Council’s proposals to reduce the speed limits to assist Derbyshire Police with their enforcement duties (B6388 AND ADJACENT ROAD) (30MPH, 40MPH AND DERESTRICTED SPEED LIMIT) ORDER 2021 previously circulated. 21/1380 Derbyshire County Council Speed Reduction Proposal B6056 RESOLVED to note Derbyshire County Council’s proposals to reduce the speed limits to assist Derbyshire Police with their enforcement duties (B6056 DRONFIELD WOODHOUSE TO ECKINGTON) (30MPH, 40MPH AND 50MPH) ORDER 2021 previously circulated. 21/1381 Request for Tree maintenance The Clerk reported that a request from a resident for tree maintenance on the Golden Ball playing field Renishaw had been received. A further request for tree maintenance had also been received for School Road, Marsh Lane. RESOLVED Anderson tree care to be asked to inspect the trees and provide advice. 21/1382 Donation of Litter Picking Equipment to Eckington Litter Pickers Members discussed the recent request from Eckington Litter Pickers for a donation of litter picking equipment. RESOLVED to purchase additional equipment and allow the group to use it long term. 21/1383 Return of Face to Face Meetings The Clerk informed members that from 7th May remote Council and Committee meetings would not be legal. RESOLVED to dissolve Committees and create Working Parties this will enable the Council to have the option of remote and face to face meetings for these groups.


21/1384 European Regional Development Welcome Back Fund The District Council has been allocated £90,043 which the parish Council can make a bid for to help improve the town centre. RESOLVED Clerk to arrange a meeting to discuss the bid.

21/1385 Cemetery Report The Assistant clerk reported that there have been 6 burials since the last meeting, 0 new graves, 3 new ashes and 3 re-open graves. The Assistant Clerk updated members that 5 graves had been dug by Garratt & Son’s to complete a row. A further 18 graves where dug, refilled, compacted and excess spoil removed from site. Cemetery staff will now tidy the area and seed it.

21/1386 Cemetery Service and Repairs REOLVED The Assistant Clerk gave a verbal report on the current servicing of the equipment. The Assistant Clerk updated members on another repair for the ride on lawn mower and recommended staff discontinue its use, as it is not fit for purpose in the cemetery.

21/1387 Cemetery Surround Application The Assistant Clerk reported on an application made to install a kerb set in the New Section of the Cemetery. The Assistant Clerk informed members that the grave was in a section where there are already multiple surrounds. RESOLVED Kerb set application approved.

21/1388 Appointment of Handyperson/ Gardener RESOLVED to note the Clerk reported on the appointment of a seasonal handman. 21/1389 Finance

RESOLVED to approve:

a) March 2021 bank/reconciliation figures.

ACCOUNTS Starting balance £491,450.06 Receipts £16,271.46 Payments £32,852.05 End Balance £474,869.47 BANK STATEMENTS Total of accounts £475,396.51 Unpresented payments £527.04 Balance £474.869.47 b) March accounts overview. c) noting of payments and receipts since the last meeting. d) Budget summary e) Councillor Renwick and Archer completed the internal audit. f) March 2021 Civic Centre and Cemetery Accounts. g) Renishaw and Spinkhill Community Hall management accounts. h) Year end account bank reconciliation for 31st March 2021 i) To note income and expenditure accounts year end 31st March 2021 j) To note Creditors, Debtors, Receipts and Payments in Advance. k) Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 l) Annual Statement 2020/21 j) Date of commencement of the period of exercise of public rights (14th June 2021 to 23rd July 2021)


21/1390 Arrangements for Insurance Cover RESOLVED to note all insurance cover is in place with BHIB. Clerk to arrange a follow up meeting with the new insurance company.

21/1391 Review Internal Audit Procedure RESOLVED Finance Working Party to review the internal audit procedure.

21/1392 Planning RESOLVED To note the list of planning applications received since 1st April 2021.

RESOLVED to note the list of planning decisions received since 1st April 2021.


Minutes of the Eckington Parish Council Communications Committee meeting held remotely on 17th May 2021 at 11am Attendance Councillors- O Gomes-Reaney, J Archer, C Renwick Others- R Bullimore (Clerk) R Hill (Assistant Clerk)

61/21 Appointment of Chairman Councillor Jennifer Archer appointed Chairman. 62/21 Appointment of Vice Chairman Councillor Oscar Gomez-Reaney appointed Vice Chairman

63/21 Minutes of Communications Meeting held 6th April 2021 RESOLVED Minutes 55/21-60/21 approved and received.

The chairman duly signed the minutes.

64/21 Terms of Reference RESOLVED Terms of Reference to include Chairman, Vice Chairman and up to 7 Councillors.

65/21 Parish Newsletter RECOMMEND aim for a newsletter to be circulated in July.

Items for inclusion: • New play equipment • Bus shelter repairs • Community Litter picks • Holiday Hunger Community Pantry project and the Community Shop • Beer Festival • Summer Festival • Cemetery Volunteers • Consultation on the proposed pedestrianisation of Eckington town centre precinct • Details of the OPE project • Eckington Leisure Centre • Election results • Launch of the Neighbourhood Watch • Speed Watch initiative and the speed checking at Renishaw • Community Cinema • Councillor Surgery 7th August 2021 at the Civic Centre • Photographs and Quotes of Community Projects provided by Councillors.

66/21 Eckington Summer Festival RECOMMEND the Parish Council has a stall at the Summer Festival to promote the launch of the Neighbourhood Watch and other Council events and initiatives. RECOMMEND £500 budget for purchasing Parish Council Logo printed stationary which can be handed out at the Festival. RESOLVED Clerk to circulate previous Community Survey to Councillors for adapting to take to the Festival.

GRANTS Below £200 FORM 1

General Information Please complete all fields

Name of Community Chesterfield Canal Trust Ltd. Group

Applicant’s Name Rod Auton

Address Greenfields, Middle Handley, , S21 5RN

Telephone 01246 434762

E-mail address [email protected]

Applicant’s Position Publicity Officer

Second Contact David Blackburn Person’s Name

Address 50 Ashford Road, Dronfield Woodhouse, S18 8RT

Telephone 01246 417984

E-mail address [email protected] The Chesterfield Canal Trust is a charitable company run by volunteers. It received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2017. It is currently campaigning Briefly state the to complete the full restoration by 2027 – the 250th aims/purpose of your Anniversary of its opening. Amongst other activities, organisation the Trust runs four trip boats, towing demonstrations with a replica Cuckoo boat and Volunteer Work Parties. It will be holding a Festival at Staveley Town Basin in June.

Does your group have a Yes How long has your group 44 years constitution? been operating?

Where do you meet? Usually at Hollingwood Hub, but recently online.

When and how often do The Trustees meet about six times a year. There are you meet? various groups working almost every week, e.g. tripboat crews, Work Party, maintenance volunteers.

1 January 2020

GRANTS Below £200 FORM 1

Who can join your Anyone group?

How many members do c. 2000 How many of your members 50? you have? live in the parish of Eckington?

Is this your first application to Eckington Parish Council? No

If you are awarded a grant do you agree to supply the Parish Yes Council with details of how the grant has been used in 6 to 9 months time?

How much money are you applying for? £100

If awarded how do you We would use it for our brochure and the booking intend to use your grant? system. c. £2,200 in total.

Are you applying to other funders for this projects? Yes

Please give details of The Canal & River Trust has donated £1000. where you have applied We have a DCC Action Grant of £500 for funding and for how and £100 from Misterton Parish Council. much

2 January 2020

GRANTS Below £200 FORM 1

Financial Information

• if you are a new group please provide as much information as you can • if you need any help completing this section please contact the Clerk

How did your organisation meet its operating costs last year?

Members Contributions £20,802

Grants from Eckington £0 Parish Council

Fund Raising £585

Other Incomes £358,593

Other Grants £8,250

For other income and Tripboat income, Legacies, Gift Aid, Advertising, grants please specify Sales, Interest, Shop. where from

Please give the following balances for:

Cash in Hand £1,717

Current and Deposit £327,798 Accounts

Investments £0

If you have been operating for over 12 months please supply a copy of your latest balance sheet.

N.B. These figures are from our draft Annual Report for 2018/19. I can send a copy when it is finalised. In the meantime, I have sent the previous year’s report.

If you are awarded a grant please specify to whom the cheque should be Chesterfield Canal Trust Ltd. made payable

3 January 2020

GRANTS Below £200 FORM 1

Please provide any additional information in support of your application

Last year’s Chesterfield Canal Walking Festival was cancelled because of Covid; the year before it attracted nearly 700 walkers on 51 different walks.

This year, there will be a great variety of walks from various points along the entire 46 miles from Chesterfield to West Stockwith, including lots of speciality walks such as History, Wildlife, Nature, Restoration and Family Friendly. There will be Boats & Boots which combine a walk with a cruise on one of the Trust’s tripboats.

The Trust will again be producing a brochure with about 6,000 copies. All sponsors’ logos will be on the front cover of the brochure and on the Trust’s website. Major sponsors (£500+) will have an advert on the back cover of the brochure and will feature in Press Releases.

I am well aware that you may be amazed by some of the figures for the Trust’s income. Having been blighted by HS2 since 2013, we have been building up funds for years. In 2019 we appointed a full-time Development Manager – our first ever employee – and things are moving apace. We are now spending our funds rapidly, e.g. we are about to buy land in the Doe Lea valley to enable the restoration to get from Staveley to Renishaw. We will spend well into six figures on the Rewatering Renishaw project.

Thank you very much for considering our request.

4 January 2020

GRANTS Above £200 FORM 2

General Information Please complete all fields

Name of Community Group/Charity Charity Number: 1118194

Applicant’s Name Citizens Advice

Coney Green Business Centre Address Wingfield View Clay Cross Derbyshire S45 9JW

Telephone 07593518326

E-mail address [email protected]

Applicant’s Position CEO

Second Contact Ben Youngs Person’s Name

Coney Green Business Centre Address Wingfield View Clay Cross Derbyshire S45 9JW

Telephone 01246 252343

E-mail address [email protected]

Citizens Advice North East Derbyshire provides free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects to anyone Briefly state the living in the area. We work with people to sort out aims/purpose of your debt worries and benefits claims as well as helping organisation with housing and employment problems, queries about consumer or tax issues, legal matters, immigration and family and personal matters.

We offer tribunal representation for welfare rights and specialist multi-debt casework. We speak up for change in social policies; from our clients' experiences we can see where services and policies are failing. We are a member of Citizens Advice,

1 January 2020

GRANTS Above £200 FORM 2

which provides the extensive information system we use to advise clients and sets our standards for advice, training, equal opportunities and accessibility.

Does your group have a Yes How long has your group 44 years constitution? been operating?

We have an office at Coney Green Business Centre Where do you meet? but work with our communities in community venues including Eckington Library.

When and how often do N/A you meet?

0 How many members do How many of your members you have? live in the parish of Eckington?

Is this your first application to Eckington Parish Council? Yes although we have received a grant in other years

If you are awarded a grant do you agree to supply the Parish Yes Council with details of how the grant has been used in 6 to 9 months time?

How much money are you applying for? £3,416

It is our intention to continue to hold surgeries in Eckington Library in order for local people from If awarded how do you Eckington to be able to access free, confidential, intend to use your grant? impartial and independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects, in a locality that is accessible for them. The grant pays for adviser time to hold a surgery plus resulting casework.

2 January 2020

GRANTS Above £200 FORM 2

Are you applying to other funders for this projects? No

Please give details of where you have applied for funding and for how much

3 January 2020

GRANTS Above £200 FORM 2

Financial Information

• if you are a new group please provide as much information as you can • if you need any help completing this section please contact the Clerk

How did your organisation meet its operating costs last year?

Members Contributions £0

Grants from Eckington £3,250 Parish Council

Fund Raising £0

Other Incomes £549,381

Other Grants £118,268 Other incomes: contractual payment for provision of services to DCC, Feeding Britain, DWP, Money For other income and Advice and Pension Service, Derbyshire PCC. grants please specify where from Other Grants: grant from North East Derbyshire District Council and Bolsover District Council.

Please give the following balances for:

Cash in Hand £620

Current Account £5,022

Deposit Account £178,440

Investments £0

If you have been operating for over 12 months please supply a copy of your latest balance sheet

If you are awarded a grant please Citizens Advice North East specify to whom the cheque should be Derbyshire made payable

4 January 2020

GRANTS Above £200 FORM 2

Please provide any additional information in support of your application

We have been providing an advice service in Eckington Library for some years, supported by the Parish Council. In 2019/20 we saw 190 clients, giving advice on 872 issues: this is using the Council’s grant at a cost of £17.11 per client and £3.73 per issue. Our presence in Eckington means that we are able to provide free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information to the local community on a wide range of subjects, in addition to this being a gateway for people in to our more specialist tribunal representation for welfare rights and specialist debt service.

I have attached the latest report provided for the Council to this funding application.

5 January 2020

Environmental Policy


Eckington Parish Council has adopted this Statement of Internal Controls to provide a sound structure to the way it conducts its business ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Eckington Parish Council By adopting this policy document Eckington Parish Council (EPC) is committed to the whole of the parish becoming cleaner and greener with the lowest carbon footprint possible. EPC is seeking a high quality built and natural environment for the benefit of all. And recognises the need to use its powers and influence to protect and improve the environment. EPC recognises that the day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the environment. We aim to protect and improve the environment through good management and by adopting best practice wherever possible. We will work to integrate environmental considerations into our operational decisions and adopt greener alternatives wherever possible. In order to discharge its responsibilities, the Management will: • bring this Environmental Policy Statement to the attention of all stakeholders • carry out regular audits of the environmental management system • comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations at International, National and Local levels • eliminate risks to the environment, where possible, through selection and design of materials, buildings, facilities, equipment and processes • ensure that emergency procedures are in place at all locations for dealing with environmental issues


Version: 001

Council Meeting Minute Number: Cemetery report May 2021

Burials in New graves since last meeting- 1

Burials in New Ashes plots since last meeting- 0

Re-open graves- 2

Re-open ashes plots- 3

This chart shows you the numbers for interment over the past 5 years and a rolling tally for the current year.

YEAR NEW GRAVE RE-OPEN NEW ASHES RE-OPEN ASHES 2015 24 24 15 5 2016 16 31 17 3 2017 17 24 4 1 2018 18 24 11 1 2019 21 30 4 6 2020 to 17/12/20 16 35 7 5 01/01/21 to 4 13 5 3 01/06/21

1 unauthorised surround will be removed from a grave when the headstone is installed.


No issues or faults on equipment

Please see the attached spreadsheet for costs.



DATE VAN TRACTOR BACK ACTOR RIDE ON MOWER HUSVARNA MOWER HONDA JZZY 1619728 HONDA JZZY 1596326 HONDA GCV160 NEXT DUE Sep-20 01/09/2021 15/10/2020 £794.01 14/10/2021 20/11/2020 mot £45 19/11/2021 08/02/2021 £85 08/02/2022 15/04/2021 £659.92 15/04/2022 30/03/2021 £98.80 £85.00 30/03/2022 30/03/2021 £300.96 30/03/2022 DATE STRIMMER HEDGE CUTTER LEAF BLOWERGENERATOR WATER PUMP AIR COMPRESSOR JET WASHER NEXT DUE Sep-20 service 01/09/2021 03/12/2020 £88.12 03/12/2021 25/01/2021 £58.00 25/01/2022 08/02/2021 £62 08/02/2022 REPAIRS

DATE VAN TRACTOR BACK ACTOR RIDE ON MOWER HUSVARNA MOWER HONDA JZZY 1619728HONDA JZZY 1596326HONDA GCV160 Sep-20 28/10/2020 repair to fue system £186.6 fluid leak repair £71 26/10/2020 new drive belt, belt cable spring and control cable fitted £154.42 27/11/2020 timing belt & fob £800 15/04/2021 Welding 15/04/2021 new drive belts HANDYMAN EQUIPMENT

DATE SERVICEDHUSQVARNA MOWER NEXT DUE 25/01/2021 Service kit, new Drive belt and new drive control cable. Clean down, service & blade sharpen £150 25/01/2022 HEDGECUTTER 25/01/2021 Needs a service kit, Clean down service/checks. Approx £58.00 25/01/2022 LONG REACH STRIMMER 08/02/2021 Service £64 08/02/2022 ECKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL


£ £

Brought Frwd from March Accounts £ 474,869.47

Add April Receipts £ 165,050.59

Less April Payments £ 22,342.90

BALANCE £ 617,577.16


Bank Balances at date shown Statement date

Co-op '00' Current Account (0%) £ 2,500.00 28-Apr-21 Co-op '50' Instant Access Account (0.03%) £ 114,270.83 30-Apr-21 Co-op '56' - 14 Day Account (0.03%) £ 95,413.55 1-Apr-21 Unity Trust Bank Current Account (0%) £ 319,113.02 30-Apr-21 Cambridge Building Society (0.1%) £ 85,429.76 31-Dec-20 Cash float at Civic Centre £ 800.00 Cash float at Cemetery £ 50.00 Money transferred but not shown £ - £ 617,577.16

Less Unpresented Cheques

None £ -

£ -

Add Income Not Shown £ -

BALANCE £ 617,577.16

Difference £ - Eckington Parish Council ACCOUNTS OVERVIEW Net of VAT Apr-20

Funds at start of month £ 474,869.47

Payments for the month

Apr-21 Employment costs £ 12,452.40 Apr-21 Officers' expenses £ 89.59 14/04/2021 Electricity at cemetery £ 16.12 14/04/2021 Shelter Maintenance Ltd - repair to bus shelter at Ash Crescent £ 1,942.00 14/04/2021 MS Office licence £ 104.99 14/04/2021 BHIB Insurance Brokers - crime policy £ 2,044.00 14/04/2021 Service and repair gardening machinery £ 484.76 14/04/2021 Photocopying £ 20.87 27/04/2021 Excess of Loss insurance policy £ 370.31 27/04/2021 Ice maker for Civic Centre £ 367.49 27/04/2021 Domain Forwarder annual fee £ 40.00 27/04/2021 Institute of Crematorium and Cemetery Management - annual subs £ 95.00 27/04/2021 IT site visit £ 91.84 27/04/2021 Skip at cemetery £ 170.00 27/04/2021 Plaque for cemetery £ 221.14 27/04/2021 M&H Engineering Services Ltd - service and repair machinery £ 659.92 27/04/2021 Postage £ 9.03 06/04/2021 Mobile phones for staff £ 69.26 09/04/2021 Gas/electricity at Renishaw & Spinkhill Community Centre £ 77.04 13/04/2021 Fuel for van and gardening equipment £ 95.84 15/04/2021 NEDDC - rates for cemetery £ 744.00 15/04/2021 NEDDC - rates for Civic Centre £ 875.50 16/04/2021 Bar gas (CO2) for Civic Centre £ 14.85 26/04/2021 Telephones £ 39.29 28/04/2021 NEDDC - Rates for Lodge £ 128.58 19/04/2021 Broadband £ 29.09 20/04/2021 Bank charges £ 58.64 20/04/2021 Card purchases £ 131.83 Apr-21 VAT £ 899.52

£ 22,342.90

Receipts for the month

Bank interest £ 16.43 HMRC JRS Grant £ 1,161.23 Cemetery fees £ 6,556.77 Precept £ 156,225.00 Miscellaneous £ 159.49 Allotment rent £ 176.00 Hire fees at Renishaw and Spinkhill Community Centre £ 714.00 VAT £ 41.67

Total receipts for the month £ 165,050.59

Funds at end of month £ 617,577.16 ECKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL


For presentation at the June 2021 meeting

Date Cheque Detail Gross No Amount

17/05/2021 UTB001866 Remuneration ref 3 - month 2 - balance owing £ 143.00 17/05/2021 UTB001867 Remuneration ref 5 - month 2 £ 1,068.86 17/05/2021 UTB001868 Remuneration ref 14 - month 2 £ 1,148.49 17/05/2021 UTB001869 Remuneration ref 89 - month 2 £ 1,891.60 17/05/2021 UTB001870 Remuneration ref 97 - month 2 £ 1,123.68 17/05/2021 UTB001871 Remuneration ref 106 - month 2 £ 1,401.86 17/05/2021 UTB001872 Remuneration ref 117 - month 2 £ 658.67 26/05/2021 UTB001873 HMRC - tax and NIC month 2 (FPS submitted 05/05/2021) £ 2,174.38 26/05/2021 UTB001874 DCC - pension month 2 (May 2021) (CR1 emailed 11/05/2021) (iC 20/05/2021) £ 2,389.81 12/05/2021 UTB001875 M Gazur - expenses for April £ 38.62 12/05/2021 UTB001876 Unite the Union - subs deducted from wages x 2 employees £ 32.50 12/05/2021 UTB001877 Elite Industrial Supplies - pro forma invoice 391098 - Hi Viz vests £ 270.00 12/05/2021 UTB001878 R Hill - refund re postage and keys £ 17.11 12/05/2021 UTB001879 F H Garratt & Sons - inv 6592 - grave digging £ 240.00 12/05/2021 UTB001880 Empire Fire & Safety Ltd - inv 15647 - install new fire alarm at Civic Centre £ 5,359.93 12/05/2021 UTB001881 Empire Fire & Safety Ltd - inv 15646 - upgrade fire alarm at Renishaw £ 2,487.58 12/05/2021 UTB001882 Cubit Ultrasonic - inv 8101 - test lighting columns £ 650.00 12/05/2021 UTB001883 Copytec Ltd - inv 96329 - photocopying £ 18.00 12/05/2021 UTB001884 Joanne Taylor - inv 400 - year end internal audit £ 135.00

£ 21,249.09

Certified as approved by the Eckington Parish Council ………………………………..

Date …………………………………….. ECKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL


Date Voucher Nominal Cheque Detail Gross VAT VAT VAT on VAT on Cost to Scribe No Code No Amount category R exempt act. Civic PE act. Eckington ref ✔ 16/04/2021 1 E020 UTB001841 Remuneration ref 3 - month 1 - balance owing £ 188.00 X ✔ £ 188.00 16/04/2021 E020 UTB001842 Remuneration ref 5 - month 1 £ 1,069.06 X ✔ £ 1,069.06 16/04/2021 E018 UTB001843 Remuneration ref 14 - month 1 £ 1,148.49 X ✔ £ 1,148.49 16/04/2021 E018 UTB001844 Remuneration ref 89 - month 1 £ 1,962.47 X ✔ £ 1,962.47 16/04/2021 E018 UTB001845 Remuneration ref 97 - month 1 £ 1,123.88 X ✔ £ 1,123.88 16/04/2021 E019 UTB001846 Remuneration ref 106 - month 1 £ 1,334.90 X ✔ £ 1,334.90 26/04/2021 E021 UTB001847 HMRC - tax and NIC month 1 (FPS submitted 08/04/2021) £ 2,205.37 X ✔ £ 2,205.37 26/04/2021 E022 UTB001848 DCC - pension month 1 (April 2021) (CR1 emailed 12/4/2021) (iC 05/05/2021 £ 2,407.73 X ✔ £ 2,407.73 14/04/2021 * UTB001849 M Gazur - expenses for March £ 89.59 X/E ✔ £ 89.59 14/04/2021 E020 UTB001850 Unite the Union - subs deducted from wages x 2 employees £ 32.50 E ✔ £ 32.50 14/04/2021 B032 UTB001851 SSE - inv 851625633/0078 - electricity at cemetery £ 16.92 L ✔ £ 0.80 £ 16.12 14/04/2021 J015 UTB001852 Shelter Maintenance Ltd - inv 13577 - repair at Ash Crescent £ 2,330.40 S ✔ £ 388.40 £ 1,942.00 14/04/2021 A065 UTB001853 Supake Ltd - inv 5382 - MS Office licence £ 125.99 S ✔ £ 21.00 £ 104.99 14/04/2021 A013 UTB001854 BHIB Insurance Brokers - inv 37335 - crime policy £ 2,044.00 E ✔ £ 2,044.00 14/04/2021 B015 UTB001855 M&H Engineering Services Ltd - inv CHI1532 - service and repair machinery £ 581.71 S ✔ £ 96.95 £ 484.76 14/04/2021 A002 UTB001856 Copytec - inv 96119 - photocopying £ 25.04 S ✔ £ 4.17 £ 20.87 27/04/2021 A013 UTB001857 BHIB Insurance Brokers - inv 37693 - excess of loss policy £ 370.31 E ✔ £ 370.31 27/04/2021 H037 UTB001858 Nisbets - inv 22563142 - ice maker for Civic Centre £ 440.98 S ✔ £ 73.49 £ 73.49 £ 367.49 27/04/2021 A069 UTB001859 Supake Ltd - inv 5426 - Domain Forwarder £ 48.00 S ✔ £ 8.00 £ 40.00 27/04/2021 A012 UTB001860 ICCM - inv 4545/2021/22 - annual subs £ 95.00 E ✔ £ 95.00 27/04/2021 A065 UTB001861 Supake Ltd - inv 5420 - site visit £ 110.21 S ✔ £ 18.37 £ 91.84 27/04/2021 B034 UTB001862 Hopkinson Waste Management - inv 79328 - skip at cemetery £ 204.00 S ✔ £ 34.00 £ 170.00 27/04/2021 B016 UTB001863 Europa Engineering Ltd - inv 015148 - plaque for cemetery £ 265.37 S ✔ £ 44.23 £ 221.14 27/04/2021 B015 UTB001864 M&H Engineering Services Ltd - inv CHI1539 - service and repair machinery £ 791.90 S ✔ £ 131.98 £ 659.92 27/04/2021 A006 UTB001865 R Hill - refund for postage £ 9.03 E ✔ £ 9.03 06/04/2021 2 A004 Co-op DD EE - mobile phones for Clerk, Assistant Clerk and Cemetery Supervisor £ 83.11 S ✔ 13.85 £ 69.26 06/04/2021 1 E020 Co-op SO Remuneration ref 3 - month 1 (in weekly instalments) £ 245.00 X ✔ £ 245.00 09/04/2021 3 F031 Co-op DD Octopus Energy - gas/electricty at Renishaw & Spinkhill Community Centre £ 77.04 X ✔ £ 77.04 12/04/2021 1 E020 Co-op SO Remuneration ref 3 - month 1 (in weekly instalments) £ 245.00 X ✔ £ 245.00 13/04/2021 4 V028 Co-op DD Fuel Genie - fuel account at Morrisons/Tesco (vns, trctr, lawnmwrs) £ 115.00 S ✔ £ 19.16 £ 95.84 15/04/2021 5 B030 Co-op DD NEDDC - Rates for Cemetery £ 744.00 X ✔ £ 744.00 15/04/2021 6 H030 Co-op DD NEDDC - Rates for Civic Centre £ 875.50 X ✔ £ 875.50 16/04/2021 7 H078 Co-op DD Gas & Hire Ltd - bar gas (CO2) for Civic Centre £ 17.82 S ✔ 2.97 2.97 £ 14.85 19/04/2021 1 E020 Co-op SO Remuneration ref 3 - month 1 (in weekly instalments) £ 245.00 X ✔ £ 245.00 26/04/2021 8 A003 Co-op DD Challenger Communications Ltd - telephones £ 47.14 S ✔ £ 7.85 £ 39.29 26/04/2021 1 E020 Co-op SO Remuneration ref 3 - month 1 (in weekly instalments) £ 245.00 X ✔ £ 245.00 28/04/2021 9 A072 Co-op DD NEDDC - Rates for Lodge £ 128.58 X ✔ £ 128.58 19/04/2021 10 A003 UTB DD BT Group - broadband £ 34.91 S ✔ £ 5.82 £ 29.09 20/04/2021 11 A066 UTB DD Wordlpay - charges for card payments £ 64.14 S/E ✔ £ 5.50 £ 58.64 20/04/2021 12 Various UTB DD Lloyds Card (Zm, Amz Prm, MWB, bags, tamper, till rolls, tarpaulin, screws) £ 154.81 S/E ✔ £ 22.98 £ 131.83

Totals £ 22,342.90 £ 899.52 £ - £ 76.46 £ 21,443.38

* A001 A002 A005 A006 A007 A010 A016 VAT Grand Total Office Supp Photocop Telephone Post Print/Stationery Travel Misc Total 0.00 0.00 35.16 22.44 31.99 0.00 0.00 89.59 0.00 89.59


RECEIPTS SCHEDULE - April 2021 Grants & Date of Receipt/ Detail Bank Office Market Civic Plaques Burial Memorial Allotments Misc VAT VAT to Gross Receipts Bank Scribe Banking Inv No interest Rent Rents Income & Benches Fees Fees category Re-pay Income to Eckington a/c ref

06/04/2021 1 Allotment and cemetery fees 171.60 5.00 E 176.60 £ 176.60 Co-op 23/04/2021 2 Cemetery fees 1747.20 85.80 E 1833.00 £ 1,833.00 Co-op 26/04/2021 Refund by Octopus re energy at Ren. 159.49 X 159.49 £ 159.49 Co-op 01/04/2021 Bank interest 16.43 E 16.43 £ 16.43 Co-op 06/04/2021 Hall hire at Renishaw and Spinkhill CC 114.00 X 114.00 £ 114.00 UTB 08/04/2021 3 Allotment fees 56.00 E 56.00 £ 56.00 UTB 08/04/2021 Allotment fees 36.00 E 36.00 £ 36.00 UTB 09/04/2021 4 Allotment fees 28.00 E 28.00 £ 28.00 UTB 15/04/2021 5 Cemetery fees 1996.80 68.64 E 2065.44 £ 2,065.44 UTB 16/04/2021 6 Precept 156225.00 X 156225.00 £ 156,225.00 UTB 16/04/2021 7 Cemetery fees 1048.32 771.44 E 1819.76 £ 1,819.76 UTB 20/04/2021 8 HMRC JRS Grant (furlough reclaim) 1161.23 X 1161.23 £ 1,161.23 UTB 26/04/2021 9 Cemetery fees 218.40 E 218.40 £ 218.40 UTB 26/04/2021 10 Allotment fees 51.00 E 51.00 £ 51.00 UTB 27/04/2021 Hall hire at Renishaw and Spinkhill CC 600.00 X 600.00 £ 600.00 UTB 28/04/2021 11 Cemetery fees 240.24 E 240.24 £ 240.24 UTB 29/04/2021 12 Cemetery fees 208.33 S 41.67 250.00 £ 208.33 UTB 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ - 0.00 £ -

£ 157,402.66 £ - £ - £ - £ 208.33 £ 5,010.72 £ 1,337.72 £ 176.00 £ 873.49 £ 41.67 £ 165,050.59 £ 165,008.92 £ 165,008.92 EPC_manaccounts_21_22 ECKINGTON PARISH COUNCIL - BUDGET SUMMARY 2021/2022 Including April figures

EXPENDITURE HEADINGS Budget Payments (Over)/under Actual & Anticipated Budget ADMINISTRATION 41228 41028 200 EMPLOYMENT 172400 172356 44 VEHICLES 5570 5412 158 CIVIC CENTRE 63315 61997 1318 MARSH LANE COMMUNITY HALL 1040 1040 0 RENISHAW COMMUNITY HALL 2600 1532 1068 SMALL PROJECTS 0 0 0 ALLOTMENTS 1800 1799 1 BUS SHELTERS 3500 3500 0 CEMETERY 28300 28244 56 MARKET/SUMMER EVENT 2000 2000 0 PROPERTY REPAIRS / IMPROVEMENTS 2000 1869 131 PLAYING FIELDS 54038 54036 2 SPECIAL PROJECTS 0 0 0 RENISHAW PLAYING FIELD & PAVILION 570 570 0 WAR MEMORIAL/RENISHAW CLOCK 100 99 1 ENVIRONMENT MATTERS 11900 11434 466 GRANTS & DONATIONS 2500 2500 0 GENERAL 14178 14177 1 BANK ACCOUNT TRANSFERS 0 0 0 CONTINGENCY RESERVES 47000 47000 0

TOTAL PAYMENTS 454039 450594 3445

INCOME HEADINGS Budget Receipts Over/(under) Actual & Anticipated Budget ADMINISTRATION including PRECEPT 312764 313925 1161 Furlough grant £1161 CIVIC CENTRE 69500 69500 0 RENTS 210 210 0 BUS SHELTER AGENCY 0 0 0 SPORTS PAVILION CHANGING ROOMS 165 165 0 ALLOTMENTS 2400 2400 0 CEMETERY 69000 69170 170 BANK ACCOUNT TRANSFERS 0 0 0

TOTAL RECEIPTS 454039 455371 1332

SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR YEAR 0 4777 2020/2021 Eckington cemetery Management Accounts 2021/2022 Rolling Actuals ACTUALS UP TO AND INCLUDING April 2021 12 months Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total *Remuneration includes RH at 50% * Wages (take home) 38607 2832 2723 2969 2905 2724 3047 3786 3891 3600 3508 3317 3227 38529 Tax & NIC (employer & employee) 9381 554 736 736 864 736 791 831 921 893 822 703 480 9067 Pension (employer & employee) 11297 513 843 843 911 843 873 1045 1094 1078 1041 955 857 10896 Other Costs (see below) 19191 2438 929 1891 1971 1577 1362 2377 1587 3440 1272 1597 795 21236 Total Costs 78476 6337 5231 6439 6651 5880 6073 8039 7493 9011 6643 6572 5359 79728

Burials 83338 5011 5205 7745 9776 4258 8448 10377 2003 10774 3661 11341 8472 87071 Memorials 4219 1338 451 152 810 529 445 453 0 0 365 402 612 5557 Plaques, benches & record search 2028 208 137 100 208 208 0 0 208 334 0 0 833 2236 Cemetery lodge 354 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89939 6557 5793 7997 10794 4995 8893 10830 2211 11108 4026 11743 9917 94864

Net Gain/Loss to EPC 11463 220 562 1558 4143 -885 2820 2791 -5282 2097 -2617 5171 4558 15136

Other Costs Miscellaneous -760 13 0 105 25 0 17 50 0 0 64 299 0 573 Plaques (for resale) 768 221 0 0 114 0 114 114 0 84 228 0 114 989 Service equipment 1000 485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 0 266 211 1050 Repair equipment 54 660 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 714 Repair tractor 1048 0 0 0 0 0 0 1048 0 0 0 0 0 1048 Repair ride on mower 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 0 0 0 0 154 Buy equipment 50 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Grounds related repairs 198 0 0 129 0 0 0 27 42 0 0 0 0 198 Grave digging 580 0 0 180 0 200 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 580 Level and seed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waste skips 1700 170 0 170 170 170 170 170 0 170 0 340 170 1700 Top soil 1308 0 0 0 272 0 0 0 518 259 0 0 259 1308 Spoil removal 1870 0 0 370 0 0 0 0 0 1500 0 0 0 1870 Fencing/grave covers 231 0 0 0 0 169 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 231 Electricity 656 16 38 36 56 29 31 41 0 159 107 75 15 603 Intruder alarm 400 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 305 0 400 Water 1001 0 18 0 461 28 0 0 0 29 0 0 26 562 Cleaning materials 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Telephone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Special projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Litter bins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Benches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fuel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cemetery lodge 1764 129 129 157 129 187 129 129 129 207 129 312 0 1766 Rates 7169 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 0 0 7440

19191 2438 929 1891 1971 1577 1362 2377 1587 3440 1272 1597 795 21236 2020/2021 Eckington Civic Centre Management Accounts 2021/2022 Rolling Actuals ACTUALS UP TO AND INCLUDING April 2021 12 months Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Total

Wages (take home) 53145 1335 1334 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 22669 Furlough refund -27960 -1161 -800 -800 -800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3561 Tax & NIC 9346 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 3828 Pension (employer & employee) 8438 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 4680 Food Payments 398 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bar Payments 1017 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 180 Other Costs (see below) 10033 1249 1094 1711 1430 2850 887 1289 1056 2422 4075 714 5 18782 Total Costs 54417 2147 2352 3635 3354 5574 3611 4013 3780 5146 6799 3438 2729 46578

Food Receipts 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bar Reciepts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hire of Hall 1669 0 -210 -54 0 0 -42 21 -75 67 220 0 1742 1669 Solar panels 1816 0 568 0 0 802 0 0 446 0 0 0 0 1816 3835 0 358 -54 0 802 -42 21 371 67 220 0 1742 3485

Net Gain/Loss to EPC -50582 -2147 -1994 -3689 -3354 -4772 -3653 -3992 -3409 -5079 -6579 -3438 -987 -43093

Other Costs Gas 883 0 0 0 0 883 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 883 Electricity 2948 0 0 626 0 1036 0 0 0 0 1286 0 0 2948 Water/Sewerage 2166 0 218 0 550 0 0 413 0 0 821 0 0 2002 Refuse collection 364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 364 0 364 Security System 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 0 130 Telephone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cleaning materials 160 0 0 156 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 New furniture/ equip 0 367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 367 Replacement Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Artists / films -60 0 0 0 0 -60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -60 Licences 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 0 180 Performing rights 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marketing 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rates 0 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 876 0 0 8760 Stock Check 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Repairs renewals 2081 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1200 650 220 0 2081 Tableware/decorations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Petty cash miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Receipt books 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ink cartridges 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kitchen supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Service/repair cellar cooler 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 First aid supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TV Licence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Safety checks 903 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 346 442 0 0 903 Other misc expenditure 58 6 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 64

1033 1249 1094 1711 1430 2850 887 1289 1056 2422 4075 714 5 18782 Renishaw & Spinkhill Community Centre account Credit Debit Balance £ £ £ 2021 20/01/2021 32.26 9,179.19 Screwfix (paint) 15/12/2020 143.92 9,035.27 Water Plus (water) 24/12/2020 237.06 8,798.21 Business Stream (sewerage) 19/01/2021 89.00 8,709.21 'Ring' door bell 27/01/2021 39.00 8,670.21 PAT testing 27/01/2021 175.20 8,495.01 Empire Fire & Safety (extinguisher checks) 28/01/2021 600.00 9,095.01 Safe Haven (BACS) 24/02/2021 104.98 8,990.03 Business Stream (sewerage) 24/02/2021 59.94 8,930.09 Trade UK (paint) 24/02/2021 150.31 8,779.78 Water Plus (water) 24/02/2021 32.26 8,747.52 Trade UK (paint) 05/03/2021 162.00 8,909.52 Twinkle Toes (BACS) 09/03/2021 600.00 9,509.52 Safe Haven (BACS) 30/03/2021 25.55 9,483.97 Business Stream (sewerage) 06/04/2021 114.00 9,597.97 Twinkle Toes (BACS) 29/03/2021 92.97 9,690.94 British Gas (refund) 09/03/2021 520.57 9,170.37 Octopus (electricity) 09/03/2021 344.55 8,825.82 Octopus (gas) 27/04/2021 600.00 9,425.82 Safe Haven (BACS)


21/00341/TPO Application to reduce the southeast aspect of crown and remove deadwood of 3no Beech trees with in TPO 99 (Area A5) The Lodge College Road Spinkhill 21/00289/FL Conversion of the former Immaculate Conception Primary School into a single family dwelling at Immaculate Conception Catholic Primary School College Road Spinkhill 21/00341/TPO Application to reduce the southeast aspect of crown and remove deadwood of 3no Beech trees with in TPO 99 (Area A5) at The Lodge College Road Spinkhill 21/00356/DISCON Discharge of condition 2 (Samples) pursuant of 20/00471/LB at Fold Farm Cottage Main Road 21/00376/FLH Application for first floor side extension, removal of rear gable replaced with new ridge parallel to main ridge, removal of first floor conservatory and replaced with first floor rear extension, single storey rear extension and replacement of roof (Conservation Area, Affecting the setting of a Listed Building) at The Grange 56 Main Road Troway 21/00373/DISCON Application to discharge condition 14 (Phase 1 Desk Study) pursuant to planning application 19/01212/FL at Oaks Farm Sicklebrook Lane 21/00387/FLH Application for a single storey rear extension with glazed lantern at 29 John Street Eckington 21/00394/FLH Application to vary condition 2 of planning application 20/00572/FLH to allow brick finish to rear and side extension at 70 Main Road Ridgeway 21/00398/FL Application for a two storey office block with storage at Suite 6 Rotherside Court Rotherside Road 21/00404/FLH Application to link outhouse to dwelling and convert to bathroom and make changes to openings at 100 Lansbury Road Eckington 21/00415/LB Listed Building application to remove and replace roof covering (Listed Building)(Conservation Area) at 28 Church Street Eckington 21/00571/CATPO Notification of intention to crown reduce 1no Cherry and fell 1no Larch located within the Moss Valley Conservation Area at Snowdon Farm Snowdon Lane Troway

21/00423/FLH Demolition of existing conservatory to rear elevation and erection of replacement larger extension (Conservation Area) 21 Penny Engine Lane Eckington

21/00333/AFULD Application for prior notification of agricultural building for shelter and storage Troway Hall Main Road Troway Marsh Lane Sheffield

21/00412/FLH Application to re-clad in brick an existing concrete panel pre-fabricated semi- detached dwelling (Conservation Area) 26 Lowfield Avenue Ridgeway

21/00452/FL Application for new timber stable, associated yard area, grassed access and repositioned field gate (Revised scheme 20/00809/FL) (Conservation Area) Land Between The Brook And 41 Snowdon Lane Troway Marsh Lane

21/00471/FLH Partial demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension and alteration to openings 60 Staniforth Avenue Eckington.

PLANNING DECISIONS Agenda Item 14 B 21/00089/FLH Application to install replacement windows (Conservation Area) at 96 High Street Eckington CONDITIONALLY APPROVED - 14 May 2021 21/00395/AMEND Non-material amendment pursuant of 20/00572/FLH for the installation of an additional CK02 velux roof window on the rear roof slope of the two storey side extension at 70 Main Road Ridgeway APPROVED - 10 May 2021 21/00478/CATPO Notification of intention to carry out works to trees located within the Moss Valley Conservation Area at Bramley Park Marsh Lane NO OBJECTION - 14 May 2021 21/00076/FLH Detached double garage with stairs to storage in attic space (Amended Plans) at 2 Ashmore Avenue Eckington CONDITIONALLY APPROVED - 30 April 2021 21/00260/FLH Erection of single storey outbuilding to rear (Listed Building/Conservation Area) at 70 Church Street Eckington CONDITIONALLY APPROVED - 30 April 2021 21/00270/FLH Application for a two-storey side extension (revised scheme of 19/00873/FLH) at 8 Laurel Close Eckington CONDITIONALLY APPROVED - 27 April 2021 21/00203/DISCON Discharge of conditions 13 (Validation report) and 14 (Final stage remediation report) pursuant of 18/00099/FL at Depot Building Between 2 And 4 Peveril Road Eckington for Mr Lee Castle -Rossadilisk Properties Limited CONDITIONS DISCHARGED - 5 May 2021 21/00308/CATPO Notification of intention to prune 1no Conifer located within the Moss Valley Conservation Area at Post Office 60 Main Road Ridgeway NO OBJECTION - 6 May 2021 21/00424/CATPO Application to fell 1no Monkey Puzzle and 1no Conifer within Moss Valley conservation area at 98 Main Road Ridgeway NO OBJECTION - 4 May 2021

ASI Quote for New Alarm System at Eckington Cemetery Following on from my site visit on Tuesday morning I can confirm as follows the work and costs we discussed.

1. Alterations to security in the tractor and mower sheds. A new overhead cable will be installed from the main panel in the office across to the tractor shed. A new heavy-duty door contact will be fitted on the main door. 2. The cable across to the mower shed will be replaced and a new heavy-duty contact fitted on the mower shed door.

All existing security equipment in both sheds will be disconnected and removed.

The cost of items 1 & 2 would be £450.00 + Vat.

3. The Chapel. It appears that that the hardware in the chapel has been affected by the environmental conditions in the chapel and has failed to operate. The equipment can be replaced with a new Grade 2 intruder alarm system which I suggest needs to be placed within an IP rated external enclosure to offer some protection from the cold damp conditions. The system will comprise of the following items.

. Main control panel with Digiair signalling reporting to our ARC. The Arc will action intruder alarm signals to keyholders. . Keypad with proximity reader and 4 no. user tokens. . Door contacts to both sets of main doors to the chapel. . External sounder mounted internally due to graded title of building.

The Total cost of the new system to include the first years signalling and maintenance would be £981.70 + vat. The ongoing monitoring and maintenance after t he first year would be Maintenance £136.00 + vat, Monitoring £175.00 + vat.

If the above is of interest to you, please let me know and I will send you a formal quotation with an acceptance to sign and return.

For the attention of Rosanna Hill Eckington Cemetery Windsmill Greenway Eckington SHEFFIELD South Yorkshire S21 4LP

Date: 10/05/21 Our Reference for this Quotation is 9613

Quotation for additional work to the existing Intruder Alarm Systems

Dear Rosanna,

Further to our recent visit on 10/05/21, as promised I have pleasure in confirming the cost of £850 + VAT to alter/upgrade your alarm systems as follows.

1. Alterations to security in the tractor and mower sheds. A new overhead cable will be installed from the main panel in the office across to the tractor shed. A new heavy-duty contact will be fitted on the tractor shed main door. 2. The cable across to the mower shed will be replaced and a new heavy duty contact fitted on the mower shed door.

All existing security equipment in both sheds will be disconnected and removed

3. The Chapel – it appears that the hardware in the chapel has been affected by the environmental conditions in the chapel and has failed to operate. The equipment can be replaced with a new Grade 2 intruder alarm system which I suggest needs to be placed within an IP rated external enclosure to offer some protection from the cold damp conditions. The system will comprise of the following items:-

(a) Main control panel with Digi Air signalling reporting to our ARC. The ARC will action intruder alarm signals to keyholders (b) Keypad with proximity reader and 4 no. user tokens (c) Door contacts to both sets of main doors to the chapel (d) External sounder mounted internally due to graded title of building

Annual DigiAir (ATS 2) monitoring charges is £98 +VAT per year. This offers a "single path" communication to Custodian Monitoring Centre an NSI approved Alarm Receiving Centre by utilising all mobile phone networks via a radio path. DigiAir monitors its radio communication path continuously and faults will be displayed on the keypad. In addition, Gemini continuously monitors the polling calls from the DigiAir to detect and report to the ARC total path or equipment failure

The new works to be covered by a twelve months warranty for both parts and labour . Please note this quotation remains valid for 30 days from 10/05/21

The quotation is based on normal working hours i.e. 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and it is the customers responsibility to arrange access during this time for the work to take place. I trust the above is sufficient for your needs and should you wish to proceed please telephone 01246 434349 and we will make the necessary arrangements.

Yours sincerely Ray Smart

Intruder Alarm Systems 62 Market Street, Eckington, Sheffield. S21 4JH Tel: 0114 2345630 Page 1


Cables will be concealed where possible. Where it is not, they will be installed in PVC trunking or conduit at the engineer’s discretion. The Company is not responsible for any repair or re-instatement of the fabric of the building or decoration.

If the mains supply is likely to be unavailable for longer than 8 hours, then the company should be notified.

It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they are available on completion, to handover the system and receive instructions on the correct operation. If it is necessary to return to carry out a demonstration due to no fault of our Company a revisit charge will be applied.

Engineering access.

The system will be programmed to allow direct authorised engineer access without the input from an end user, your signing of the contract applying to this specification authorises the Company to perform this function.

Intruder Alarm Systems 62 Market Street, Eckington, Sheffield. S21 4JH Tel: 01246 43 43 49 Quote Ref: 9613 Page 2