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The Senate of Pakistan Debates THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Thursday, December 30, 2010 (67 th Session) Volume XI. No.1 (No. 01) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran..................................................... 1 2. Panel of Presiding Officers…….………….……………................ 2 3. Motion Re: Suspension of Questions Hour……...……………….. 2 4. Questions and Answers…………………………………………… 3-38 5. Leave of Absence…………………………………………............. 39-40 6. Legislative Business: The Constitution (19 th Amendment) Bill, 2010………………………………………………..…………...… 41-103 7. Speech by Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan.. 104-111 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad Volume XI SP.XI(01)/2010 No.01 130 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Thursday, December 30, 2010 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad at sixteen minutes past eleven in the morning with Mr. Chairman (Mr. Farooq Hamid Naek) in the Chair. Recitation from the Holy Quran „ fl‚ Í „ fl‚ fl ‡ „ ‡ fl o· · 3 ∑· ï… â∞3 ∑¥· · ¼¾“`c;· øú3 „ fl‚ Í Ó fl‚ „ · s· ∑ · µs ¼¾“· ≥Ö· · fl Í fl fl fl ‡ fl ‡ flfl fl‡‡fl‚flfl‚ ‹ fl Í Ó fl fl fl ‚ flÓ ‡ fl fl fl ¡±ùh§ Køùo~g Ó Ó Œ `π…∞3Ó· ≥≠∏3MÓÓ `ldú fl ≥≠π©±w `µ∏3fl 2dÖ343Ó · ‡ Ó fl‚ Ó fl fl Ó fl ÓÓÓ fl ‡‚ fl fl ‡ fl‚fl Í Ò fl ‡‚‡fl Ó fl Ó ‡ ‚Í Dz» ∑¥ M ≥»~≠¤∞3· · ?FG∞3· 4 < @Cøº Œ 3·· >?3 Œ @ߤ3;3 ´±µ∞3· ¼¾“3 flËËfl‚‚‡‡fl flÓ fl fl fl ‚fl Ë fl fl fl flT fl ÍÍ‹ Í ‚ fl fl Œ ª∏3·· Lªc<ÁÁ·· zπú·· ªc`Ös `µ∏`§· Mªc >? K`º~cÓ Œ ~w3fl `NO3 ¼¾“3· PQ Ó „ ‡ Í Ó fl Ó‚Í ‡Ó Ófl fl Ó fl flÓ fl Ó fl‚ fl‚ fl fl Ó ‡ Ó ‡ Z[µs3· · \[w f∏3M ≥s<3M UV†3· 4<· Ø®M KMUV≠¤∞3· ‡WX•»· 0 0 L 0 0 0 8LLM O8 D 8 464+4+4<=>4?@EF9G 47:; 4>A9:J1 47 -KF 4B9 N 4? H 464+434?PP EG H ,4C7; : I 4+ 9 F 4647:; 435 4 :+-./ , 1 9L 9 9 ` d9efI L ` D 0 V MN8 W 4Z7aF [74\. [email protected] 4]7 bc9Mg 74\4^P h.8 4_>434 5 Y?U 4=Q>4B9 4,; 4R3X 4S7JF 4T<7 - PD L o L V npq ` 8 4_>4?H 4v.I 4<=>44Y ?@G 4i74746g l m 9 4Sjr 4B9MN 4[3 .est 4k34<=>4>34?u ; 5 ; 4S>4?@ G 0 L V M 8 L u ; I t 0 4R7. bI 47 m 4S>43H 4B 9 N 4A:x 4k34S74?;JF; 4S>4k 4v. 4><7 yJH 434 ; [ 4<=>4w78 a 4? ; V L L MF M N 8 0 8 ` | 4T>43h€ <=>4 Y?U 4B9 74BJF 9 4R7. ~ 4j74i4?}• m a H 74Y z34]74?PG P { ; 4R<4?. ; 4\ > L /0 0 / Y?@G 4•>=4? H ,; 46 <4‚„N.8 4? x 4^. x 434<=>4, H ; 46 <4<=>4, ; 4ƒ7†t 4R<4T‚. 9 „… 0 0 L L ˆ 0 ( ( 118 7F115 44R79F Q> ) ]3et 3 ‡ >4Z<3 5 1 Panel of Presiding Officers nI / • .H V L 4Y69 ,X >4BL Ž ‡ , X >4_>46 4:BL 9Ml ‚„:9 JI 4R7. :.I In pursuance of sub Rule (1) of Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 1988, I nominate the following Members in order of precedence to form a Panel of Presiding Officers for the 67 th Session of the Senate of Pakistan: 1. Senator Muhammad Kazim Khan 2. Senator Farhat Abbas 3. Senator Dr. Abdul Malik L Y^. I 7™ 4˜<7 ~ .8 4˘\./ 4 Motion Re: Suspension of Questions Hour Senator Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari (Leader of the House): Sir, in view of the decision of the Business Advisory Committee, it was decided that the questions may not be taken today as there is another important business on the agenda and that is the Bill which the honourable Adviser to Prime Minister would be introducing in the House, that is 19 th Amendment Bill. So, I beg to move a motion for that. Mr. Chairman : Please move the motion. Senator Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari : I beg to move that under Rule 236 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 1988, the requirements of Rule 38 of the said rules regarding Questions Hour be dispensed with. The 2 questions and their printed replies placed on the table of the House be taken as read. Mr. Chairman : It has been moved that under Rule 236 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Senate, 1988, the requirements of Rule 38 of the said rules regarding Questions Hour be dispensed with. The questions and their printed replies placed on the table of the House be taken as read. (The motion was carried) Questions and Answers 1. *Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood : Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state: (a) the names of doctors who are not paid salaries in Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad; and (b) the reasons for not paying salaries to those doctors? Makhdoom Shahabuddin: (a) Salary is being paid to all the doctors of Federal Government Services Hospital Islamabad. (b) Nil. 2. *Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state: (a) the names and place of domicile of the doctors working on contract basis in Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad, indicating also the period of contract and the date since when they are working on contract in each case; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to regularize the services of those doctors, if so, when? 3 Makhdoom Shahabuddin: (a) 48 doctors are working on contract basis in Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. The detail is at Annex-A. 4 (b) There is no proposal to regularize these doctors under consideration of the Government at present. However, the requisition to fill up 30 posts of Medical Offices out of 48 has been sent to FPSC and the remaining 18 posts will be sent shortly. 5 3. *Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state: (a) the details of machinery and equipment purchased for PIMS during the last three years indicating also the names of firms and companies from which the same were purchased and the purchase price in each case; and (b) the procedure adopted for those purchases? Makhdoom Shahabuddin: (a) The requisite reply is at Annex A. (b) The open tender procedure was adopted for the purchase of machinery and equipments in accordance with Public Procure Rules. 6 7 8 9 10 4. *Senator Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain : Will the Minister for Food and Agriculture be pleased to state the names, designation, educational qualifications and experience of the persons appointed in PARC (Pakistan Agricultural Research Council) during the last two years? Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal: The information is being collected from the PARC. The same will be submitted in the House as soon as it is received. 5. *Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi: Will the Minister for Food and Agriculture be pleased to state: (a) the production of potato and tomato in the country during the last three years with year-wise break up; and (b) the steps taken by the government to increase the yield and the results achieved? Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal: (a) The production of potato and tomato during the last three years with year-wise break- up is as under:ê Potato (Production ‘000’ tons) Year Production 2007-08 2539.0 2008-09 2941.3 2009-10 3141.4 Tomato (Production ‘000’ tons) Year Production 2007-08 536.2 2008-09 561.9 2009-10 476.8 11 (b) Following steps have been taken to increase the production of potato and tomato and the results achieved. i. The agriculture research institutes in the country are developing high yielding varieties of potato and tomato to increase production. ii. A number of projects have been started at national and provincial levels to increase production of potato and tomato and promotion of new technologies like tunnel vegetable production. iii. Special initiatives are started for strengthening research on production of hybrid varieties of potato and tomato and starting hybrid seed production of potato and tomato. iv. Efforts are underway to enhance supply of certified potato seed to the growers for increasing production. v. Coordination/linkage being developed of public sector tissue culture laboratories & private sector seed companies to promote domestic seed potato production. Resultantly the potato production from 2539 thousand tons (2007-08) has increased to 3141 thousand tons (2009-10). Tomato production from 536 thousand tons (2007-08) increased to 561.9 thousand tons (2008-09). Decrease in production during 2009-10 is mainly due to flood damage to crop in KPK, Sindh and Balochistan. 6. *Senator Dr. Muhammad Ismail Buledi: Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state: (a) the total number of lady health workers in the country with province-wise break-up; 12 (b) the number of the lady health workers appointed during the last five years with year-wise and province-wise break-up; and (c) the salary, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to a lady health worker? Makhdoom Shahabuddin: (a) Total number of Lady Health Workers (LHWs) is 99,017. Detail is given below:ê êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Province No. of LHWs êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Punjab 49,753 Sindh 22,631 KPK 13,684 Balochistan 6,726 AJK 3,119 Gilgit Baltistan 1,332 FATA 1,437 ICT 335 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê TOTAL 99,017 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê (b) Detail of LHWs appointed during last five years is as following; êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Year Province Number of new recruited LHWs êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Punjab 1,154 Sindh 485 13 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 335 Balochistan 138 2006 AJK 103 Gilgit Baltistan 48 FATA 87 ICT 27 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê TOTAL 2,377 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Punjab 3,131 Sindh 1,315 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 874 Balochistan 381 2007 AJK 163 Gilgit Baltistan 73 FATA 87 ICT 10 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê TOTAL 6,034 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Year Province Number of new recruited LHWs êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Punjab 826 Sindh 353 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 247 Balochistan 98 2008 AJK 47 Gilgit Baltistan 20 14 FATA 26 ICT 5 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê TOTAL 1,622 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Punjab 1,023 Sindh 270 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 175 Balochistan 280 2009 AJK 359 Gilgit Baltistan 82 FATA 118 ICT 62 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê TOTAL 2,369 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Punjab 3,690 Sindh 1,675 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1,145 Balochistan 870 2010 AJK 110 Gilgit Baltistan 28 FATA 87 ICT 15 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê TOTAL 7,620 êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê (c) The stipend of lady health worker is Rs.7,000/- per month.
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