Page 1 (1) The monthly meeting of the Council was held on Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 6:30pm in Canolfan Dyffryn; the Chairperson, Cllr Anne McCreary, presided. Present: Cllr Jackie Brown, Cllr Gethin Davies, Cllr Rosemarie Chaffers-Jones, Cllr Robin Young, Cllr Nicola Jennings, Cllr Sue Lewis and Mrs Vanessa Owens (Clerk)

1. Apologies/Personal matters Ymddiheuriadau/Materion Personol (2) Apologies were received from Cllr Dai Ogilvie, Cllr Gary Wilkes and Cllr Aled Thomas

2. To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below Datgelu diddordeb personol ac ariannol dan eitemau busnes sydd wedi eu rhestru isod (3) Cllr Nicola Jennings declared her interests related to co-option of new Councillors

3. Confirmation and signing of previous minutes Cadarnhau a llofnodi cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf (4) Cllr Jackie Brown proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as correct; this was seconded by Cllr Rosemarie Chafffers-Jones and agreed unanimously.

4. Financial business Busnes Ariannol (5) There were no items for payment

5. Notified Business Busnes a rag-hysbyswyd (6) The Clerk had received three applications to the Council for co-option although one outside the closing date. Cllr Nicola Jennings left the room. The Councillors were all in agreement not to accept the third application; they felt strongly that they wanted to be transparent in their appointment process. Cllr Jackie Brown proposed that the two applications were accepted and appointed the two vacant seats; this was seconded by Cllr Sue Lewis. It was agreed unanimously to co-opt Samuel Trevor and David Addison. Clerk to contact them and recommend they attend code of conduct training on the 18th Febuary and provide information on the Module 1 to be held in .

(7) Cllr Sue Lewis informed the meeting that the signs on the slipway to Dyffryn beachwere in poor condition and very confusing with one even detailing old local authority infromation; the area needs tidying up. Clerk to contact eredigion County Council.

(8) Cllr Robin Young advised the meeting that he had been door to door with a flyer detailing the speed watch scheme. He has recruited 7 volunteers to date. Clerk has put the information onto the community facebook page and will refer any interest to Cllr Young. Cllr Anne McCreary thanked him for taking the initiative and the work he had done. Cllr Sue Lewis noted her concerns that the flyer was in English and requested in future the Council ensures things are done bilingually.

6. Reports Addroddiadau Clerks Report/Adroddiad y Clerc (9) A meeting between the Monitoring Officer and Clerks of Town and Community Councils to discuss general matters and any issues of concern will be held on Monday, 28 January 2019 at the Chamber, Neuadd Cyngor , Penmorfa, between 6.30pm and 8.00pm.

(10) The Council has been unsuccessful in the bid to purchase playground equipment but have been given a free bench which is to be delivered.

Signed______Date______Minutes Ref:34

Page 2 (11) Clerk has worked through majority of the paperwork held and destroyed old documentation. Will arrange with village hall to remove existing furniture in the office to allow for Councils things to be moved.

County Councillor Report/Adroddiad y Cynghorwr y Sir (12) Cllr Gethin Davies reported that it has been a quiet month. He advised that an Eisteddfod meeting has been arranged for 31st January at 7pm in village hall. There is a County meeting on 17th. He noted the problems of drugs in the parish and was pleased that the police have acted on information and it will hopefully help to reduce the issues.

Chairmans Report/Adroddiad y Cadeirydd (13) Cllr Anne McCreary had met with the Clerk to pay invoices; she had attended the meithrin and playgroup joint Christmas Carol Service; the community Christmas concert in the village hall was a successful night of local talent and praised the brownies for their use of sign language; 18th met with clerk to work on budgets; attended the Blaenporth Christmas lunch which was lovely; finance meeting to discuss budget proposals; she had spoken and met with councillors about various issues. Cllr Nicola Jennings has a new job which entails travelling back and for to Aberystwyth; she had met with the Chair to advise she can’t commit to Chair for next year. Cllr McCreary had spoken with Pauline Rhodes who is looking to revisit the poetry trail book that she wrote. Cllr Sue Lewis enquired about the condition of the poetry trail and it was agreed that it is a shame it has been left unmaintained; she suggested applying for a grant to redo it and recognise Dic Jones; toinclude an interpretation panel. Cllr Nicola Jennings felt it would fit with the Eisteddfod coming to Ceredigion. Cllr Anne McCreary to contact Pauline Rhodes for an initial discussion on a wider project.

Committee Representative Reports/Adroddiadau Cynrychioliadol y Pwyllgor

Planning/Cynllunio (14) There were no applications

Finance/Cyllido (15) Minutes of finance meeting were provided and information relating to budget calculations for 2019-2020. The Committees proposal was no increase in precept Cllr Jackie Brown proposed that the budget be accepted; this was seconded by Cllr Sue Lewis and agreed unanimously. Cllr Jackie Brown proposed tha there be no increase in the precept; this was seconded by Cllr Rosemarie Chaffers- Jones and agreed unanimously.

(16) The Clerk had obtained a quote for the defibrillator; it was agreed to purchase from reserves and replace the funds form next years precept. Cllr Rosemarie Chaffers –Jones advised that the phone box needs to be done. Clerk has had permission to locate the defibrillator at the old school premises until the box is ready.


Footpaths & Maintenance/Llwybrau Troed a Chynnal a Chadw (17) Cllr Gethin Davies advised that hedges need cutting back along the safe route to school.

Emergency Plan Committee/Pwyllgor Cynllun Argyfwng (18) Cllr Anne McCreary had nothing to report; the new Ceredigion Officer was meant to attend the meeting but she has now given him the February meeting date.

Procedures Review Committee/Pwyllgor Adoygu Trefn

Community Welcome Audit/Archwiliad Croeso Cymuned

Tidy Towns/Trefi Taclus (19) Plastic Free committee had arranged a beach clear up. Cllr Gethin Davies noted that the beach was very clean although Cllr Sue Lewis was disappointed in the amount of dog poo bags that are being left around.

Signed______Date______Minutes Ref:35

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Outside Bodies Representative Reports/Adroddiadau Cynrychioliadol Cyrff Allanol (20) Cllr Robin Young provided photographs of the interior of St Davids church; work has started and the toilet area has been constructed though the architects drawing for toilet does not comply with disabled access requirements. He highlighted a number of issues that have arisen between the two committees and that the project is on stop. Concerns were noted about a conflict of interests within both committees and the architects office. It was agreed that the Chair would write to both organisations raising concerns with a request for clarification on what is happening with regards to the project. The Council was advised that there is a meeting on 17th January at Gogerddan and the Chair would request to be able to attend.

(21) There is a new teacher in Canolfan y Don, Aberporth School. Ms June Smart has retired.

(22) Clerk reported that Aberporth Bilingual Playgroup Estyn report goes live on 12th January.

Beaches/ Traethau

Correspondence/Gohectbiaeth (23) Email from Ceredigion County Council: Walking, cycling and riding opportunities Email from One Voice : SUDS Implementation 7 Jan 2019 MARCH 2019 ONE VOICE WALES TRAINING SESSIONS Toolkit / Pecyn Cymorth First Minister's new Cabinet announced 2019-20 National Pay Agreement Other Email: Hywel Dda: Shaping our priorities for 2019-20 Welsh Gov: Community & Town Council update Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Ceredigion 2020 Ceredigion GTACGC GDPR - MWWFRS GDPR Correspondence was noted

7. Review Diary Adolygu Dyddiadur (24) Grants and Church graveyard payments on next months agenda

8. Emergency Any Other Business Unrhyw Faterion Brys Arall (25) Cllr Nicola Jennings advised that there is to be a public meeting regarding the road between Newcastle Emlyn and Cynwyl Elfed; a section of the lower road is still closed due to slippage but she noted concerns about both routes and the lack of maintenance.

(26) A public meeting is to be held at Cardigan swimming pool on 14th January to disuss the future of the pool.

(27) Cllr Anne McCreary proposed that the annual dinner normally held as a Sunday lunch be changed to Friday evening 10th May at Morlan 7pm. Everyone was in agreement.

9. Date of next meeting Dyddiad y Cyfarfod Nesaf (28) Date of next meeting is Tuesday 12th February 2019

(29) There being no further business the meeting was closed at 08.05pm

Signed______Date______Minutes Ref: 36