
A Alvar (see Great Alvar, Oeland) Alydus calcaratus 286 Abies nordmanniana 135 AMAE (see Animal Movement Analyst –, selectivity index 135 Extension) Acer ammonium 258, 259, 261–267 –, campestre 135 analysis –, degree of browsing 137 –, economic 35, 404 –, selectivity index 135 –, large-scale grazing system 85 –, platanoides 135 –, multivariate 75 –, selectivity index 135 –, socio-economic 301 –, pseudoplatanus 135, 136, 138 animal –, degree of browsing 137, 138 –, behavior 95 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, number 341 Acrotylus insubricus 215, 216 –, species 34 activity 87 Animal Movement Analyst Extension (AMAE) –, agricultural 3 88 –, behavior 163, 174 Annelida 118 –, rhythm 89 Anthericum Aegopinella sp. 286 –, liliago 345 aerial –, ramosum 153, 334, 345 –, photograph Anthriscus sylvestris 133, 261 –, analysis 65 Apatura iris 112 –, recording 65 Aphantopus hyperantus 228, 229 –, photography 307 Aphodius 118 Agenda 21 3 –, depressus 122, 123 Aglais urticae 228, 229 –, fossor 120, 126 agriculture –, population density 120 –, change, structural 6 –, rufipes 123–127 –, intensification 4 –, colonization 123–126 –, paradigm shift 16 Araneae 286 –, position 418 Araschnia levana 228, 229 –, preservation 424 ArcView 90, 105 Agrostis capillaris 48 Arcyptera fusca 216 air temperature 225 area aircraft, ultralight 68 –, disturbed, grazing-Induced 111 Alnus –, peripheral 4 –, glutinosa 135, 138, 139 –, size effects 447 –, degree of browsing 137 Argynnis 233 –, selectivity index 135 –, aglaja 228, 229 –, incana 135 –, paphia 228, 229 –, selectivity index 135 Arnica montana 48 464 Index

Artemisia –, investigation area 32 –, absinthum 344, 345 Blackbird (see Turdus merula) –, oelandica 334, 345 Blackcap (see Sylvia atricapilla) –, rupestris 334 Black-headed Bunting (see Emberiza –, sp. 55 melanocephala) –, steppes 214, 215, 217, 220, 221 Blasenberg/Ipf (Baden-Württemberg, ) aurochs 18, 19 50 BMBF (see German Ministry for Research and B Education) Bologna (Italy) 14 Bacillus 267 Boloria Bakuriani (Georgia) 446 –, dia 228, 229, 233 basalt 257 –, selene 228, 229 Bavaria (Germany) 44, 419, 426 Bonferroni correction 134 beaver 5 Bovine Spongiform Enzephalopathy (BSE) 367, Bee Eater (see Merops apiaster) 375 beef cattle farming 379, 386, 389, 390, 392, 395, Box-Whiskers plot 149 399 BP (see breeding pair) beetle dung 118 breed grazing, ecological effect 29 behavior breeding –, activity 163 –, heifer 370 –, individual 205 –, pair (BP) 217, 221 –, locomotion 171, 179 Bromus erectus 284, 285 –, pattern 166, 167, 204 browsing 160, 203 –, seasonally-dependent 166 –, behavior 135, 136, 146, 148 –, type 203 –, classification 149 Berchtesgaden National Park 9 –, effects Betula pendula 135, 136, 139, 144, 151, 152 –, on solitary trees 147, 150 –, degree of browsing 138 –, on tree groups 147, 150 –, mode parameters 151 –, grade 129 –, mode value of browsing classification –, height, classification 149 149 –, of woody vegetation 144 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, places, classification 146 biodiversity 3, 5, 14, 15 Bryodema tuberculata 58 –, as a consequence of land use activities BSE (see Bovine Spongiform Enzephalopathy) 5 buffalo population 10 –, protection 12 bullock fattening 326, 355, 358, 359, 361, 367, 376, biomass 239, 241 383, 384, 386, 388–390, 394, 395, 397, 400, 402, –, utilisation 6 427 bird 213, 217 Buriatia (Russian Federation) 9 –, species 218 bush bison 18, 29 –, growth 58, 59, 214, 241, 246, 253, 309, 455 Black Forest, South (Germany) 48 –, hedge 134 –, behavior patterns 167 –, removal 18 –, browsing Busovesko (Ukraine) –, behavior 136 –, cattle pasture 297 –, for woody species 138 –, community 56 –, frequency 134 –, land use 296 –, effects butterfly 112 –, of cattle browsing 128, 157 –, Canonical Correspondence Analysis –, of large-scale grazing 237 (CCA) 232 –, grazing system, development 306 –, communities 228, 229 –, habitat types 169 –, environmental parameters 231 –, inactivity 165 –, microhabitats 111 Index 465

–, species –, spatial use patterns 202 –, hygrophilic 228, 229 –, stocks 300 –, mesophilic forest 228, 229 –, underwater grazing 451 –, mesophilic of transition zone 228, –, walking activity 90 229 –, Yellow Franconian 428 –, mesophilic open land 228, 229 –, young, breeding 389, 392, 395, 399 –, ubiquists 228, 229 CBD (see Convention on Biological Diversity) –, xero-thermophilic 228, 229 CCA (see Canonical Correspondence Analysis) Celes variabilis carbonaria 215, 216, 221 C Centaurea jacea 113 Central Asia 10 Cadaques (Spain) 7 Central Georgia 9 Calliptamus italicus 215, 216, 221 –, investigation area 32 –, density distribution 217 Cerasus Calluna 7, 373 –, avium 135, 136 –, heath 7 –, degree of browsing 137 camel population 10 –, selectivity index 135, 136 camera 67, 69, 70, 96–100, 102 –, vulgaris 135 Cañadas (Spain) 283 –, selectivity index 135 Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) 226, chemical 231, 232, 464, 469 –, contamination 6 Caprimulgus europaeus 218 –, fertiliser 12 carcass weight (CW) 375 chicken population 10 Carduelis Chiffchaff (see Phylloscopus collybita) –, carduelis 218 Chorthippus –, chloris 218 –, albomarginatus 227 Carlina acaulis 48 –, biguttulus 227, 245, 285, 286 Carpathia (Ukraine) 446 –, brunneus 227, 245 Carpinus betulus 135 –, montanus 245 –, degree of browsing 137 –, parallelus 227, 244, 245, 285, 286 –, selectivity index 135 CIR image (see color-infrared image) Carpocoris pupuripennis 286 Circaetus gallicus 218 Castanea sativa 139 Cirsium 343 cattle 19 clay, loamy 257 –, animal number 341 clearing 340 –, beef farming 389, 392, 395, 399 climate 225 –, behavior pattern 164, 166 CM (see Contribution Margin) –, breeding 317, 364, 376, 386, 392, 414, 457 Coccothraustes coccothraustes 218 –, browsing 144 Coenonympha –, effect on vegetation 128 –, glycerion 112, 114–116 –, cropping height 146 –, distribution 115 –, ecological effects 449 –, pamphilus 228, 229 –, enterprise 408 Coleoptera 286 –, farming, model calculations 352 Colias hyale 228, 229 –, frequency of defecation 206 colonization 121, 125 –, grazing 44, 60, 104 –, conditions 6 –, management 294 –, process 123–126 –, Heck 29 color-infrared (CIR) image 68–70, 387 –, life requirements 450 Common Stonechat (see Saxicola torquata) –, mesoscale effects 157 Common Whitethroat (see Sylvia communis) –, pastures as a flower resource 273 community –, production procedures 364 –, deadwood 5 –, profitability 392, 396, 399, 403 –, record 34 –, shepherded, effects 213 competitor, control 20 466 Index

condition, nutrient-poor 16 dairy farming 36, 38, 315, 321, 355, 358, 361, 364, conservation 383, 384, 386, 388–395, 398, 399, 404, 407, 415, –, contractual system 6 423, 457 –, nature 3, 453 Dama dama 335 –, strategy 3, 6 damage, environmental 10 –, American 5 data, high-frequency 104 –, European 5, 15 Daucus carota 345 contact, social 203 decision grid 429, 431, 434 contamination level 6 –, criteria 432 Contribution Margin (CM) 353, 385, 386 Decticus Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 3 –, albifrons 216, 217, 221 Coracius garrulus 218 –, verrucivorus 215, 216, 221, 234, 245 Corn Bunting (see Miliaria calandra) –, density distribution 217 Cornus sanguinea 135, 136 deer 29 –, degree of browsing 137 defecation 203 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, frequency 206 corridor system 281 denudation 113 Corvus corax 218 Deschampsia cespitosa 259, 261 Corylus avellana 133, 135, 136, 138, 141, 142, 336 development –, degree of browsing 137, 138 –, historical 294 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, sustainable 16 cost –, concept 13 –, calculation 352, 356, 357, 360, 361 –, definition 16 –, efficiency 19 diaspores 284 –, minimisation 6 Digital Site Model (DSM) 68 –, procedural 353 (Germany) 351 Cotoneaster integerrimus 148 Diptera 118 Coturnix coturnix 218 dispersion cow –, distance 119 –, density 34 –, passive 34 –, farming 38, 157, 326, 355, 358, 359, 361, 367, disturbance 18 371, 376, 377, 383–386, 389, 394, 395, 397, –, event 20 400, 402, 404, 407, 412, 415, 423, 427 diversity Crataegus –, level 15 –, laevigata 131, 135, 136, 138, 139 –, of land use 15 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 –, structural 34, 239 –, laevigata/monogyna 135, 136, 138, 139 Dnister (Ukraine) –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, River 56, 111, 290, 297 –, monogyna 148 –, Valley (Ukraine) 289, 290 Crested Lark (see Galerida cristata) dominance 203 crickets 213 drinking 160, 203, 205 crop cultivation 4 dry mass, yield 406 cropping height DSM (see Digital Site Model) –, classification 146 dung 225 Cuckoo (see Cuculus canorus) –, beetle 118 Cuculus canorus 218 Durban (South Africa) 14 cultural landscape, rural 431 CW (see carcass weight) E

D Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro 3 East Carpathians (Ukraine) 56, 297 Dactylis –, grazing systems 289 –, glomerata 49 –, land use 290 –, polygama 133 (Germany) 351 Index 467 ecosystem 6 –, landscape –, degradation 12 –, characteristics 13 –, diversity 3 –, favoured areas 4 –, herbivore-dominated 16 –, historical 12 –, nutrient-poor 4, 12 –, transition 4 effect –, livestock farming –, ecological 447 –, historical development 11 –, economic 411 –, in global comparison 11 –, mesoscale 157 –, sustainable 10 –, microscale 111 –, mountain regions 7 –, neighborhood 239 –, nature conservation 3, 5, 6 –, on landscape level 273 –, production conditions 4 efficiency, ecological 6 European Goldfinch (see Carduelis carduelis) Egyptian Vulture (see Neophron percnopterus) Euthystira brachyptera 245, 285 Ehrenberg (Hessian Rhoen, Germany) 351 eutrophication 10, 12 –, farmers 325 evaluation 81 –, farming situation 326 evenness 227 –, future prospects 327 example, enterprise 408, 411–415 –, land use scenario use 326, 390, 391, 393, excrement 118 394, 397, 398, 400, 401 Exmoor pony 30 elements, structural 208 exposure, southern 239 elk 18 extensive, concept of 19, 20 Ellenbogen (Germany) 128, 130, 157–161, 164–166, 170, 185, 190, 194, 197–200, 224, 227–229, 260 F Emberiza –, cia 218 Fabriciana niobe 112 –, hortulana 218 facility, residential and recreational 4 –, melanocephala 218, 219 Fagus sylvatica 133, 135, 136, 139, 142, 290 emigration 120 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 emission, atmospheric 12 –, selectivity index 135, 136 energy transfer 13 farming enterprise, agricultural –, dairy 392 –, cost calculation 352 –, hobby 386, 387 –, example 408, 411–415 –, livestock 7 environment –, military training area 373 –, abiotic 225 –, organization 407 –, scheme 332 –, procedures, viability 388 –, European 338 –, scenarios 328, 330 Environmental Quality in Less Favored Areas –, semi-wild livestock 372 (EQULFA) Project 418 –, suckler cow 355 EQULFA Project (see Environmental Quality in –, use of resources 20 Less Favored Areas Project) feeding 160, 166–168 Erebia –, time 165 –, aethiops 112 fertilizer 7, 12, 112, 239, 251, 267, 280, 297, 304, 307, –, ligea 228, 229, 233 309, 319, 320, 322, 323, 410, 444 Erigone –, chemical 12 –, atra 286 –, mineral 5 –, dentipalpis 286 –, over-use 16 Euphrasia rostkoviana 285 fertilizing 239, 241, 242, 244, 251, 323 Europe 11 Festuca rubra 48 –, agriculture, historical 12 fire 20 –, biodiversity 13 flock –, farming activity 11 –, behavior 34 –, grazing land 9 –, movement 90 468 Index

flooding 20 –, investigation area 53 flower –, keeping systems 300 –, availability 185, 194, 195, 197 –, unherded pigs 447 –, classes 196 Geranium robertianum 133 –, cover 275, 276, 278, 279 German Ministry for Research and Education –, classes 274 (BMBF) 30, 31, 56, 117, 417 –, density 225 Germany, state subsidy 5 –, distribution 276, 278 (Rhoen, Germany) 45, 351 –, occurrence 81 Geschwend (South Black Forest, Germany) 307 –, resource 273 –, land use 311–316 food production, European 11 –, work times 319 forage, green 410 Geum urbanum 133 –, costs 354 GIS (see Geographic Information System) forest GLM (see Generalized Linear Model) –, influenced by livestock farming 7 Global Positioning System (GPS) 84–95, 106, –, pasture 9 145, 147, 163, 202, 204, 340 forward motion 244 –, collar 34, 86, 87 Frangula alnus 139, 148 –, D- 163 –, mode value of browsing classification 149 –, data logger 107 Frankfurt Zoological Society (ZGF) 424 –, hand-held unit 88 Fraxinus excelsior 135, 136, 336 globalization 4 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 Globularia vulgaris 334 –, mode parameters 151 goat population 10 –, selectivity index 135, 136 Goldcrest (see Regulus regulus) Gomphocerus rufus 245 G Gonopteryx rhamni 228, 229 Gorigljadi (Ukraine) 293 Galerida cristata 218 GPS (see Global Positioning System) Galium GPS-PLUS 2TD 86 –, odoratum 133 grasshoppers 213, 215, 245, 249 –, oelandicum 334 –, abundance 115, 248 –, verum 285 –, Canonical Correspondence Analysis Garden Warbler (see Sylvia borin) (CCA) 231 GARMIN-GPS 12 88 –, communities 227 Garralus glandarius 218 –, distribution 244, 252 garrigue 4, 7 –, environmental parameters 231 Gastropoda 286 –, fauna 237 Geisaer Land 423 –, microhabitats 111 Generalized Linear Model (GLM) 240, 242, 245, –, occurrence 216 248 –, species 116 Genistella sagittalis 48 –, numbers 246–248 Gentiana verna 285 –, xero-thermophilic 227 Geographic Information System (GIS) 30, 78, Grasshopper Warbler (see Locustella naevia) 81, 84, 85, 88, 90, 95, 97, 105, 108, 128, 204, 90, grassland 5 307 317, 387 405, 411 –, calcareous 9, 18, 223, 230, 232, 235, 238, –, evaluation 88 242, 285, 333, 366, 371 Georgia 52 –, energy density 406 –, cattle –, extensive, grasshopper species 227 –, grazing 104 –, fresh 162, 170, 238 –, shepherded 213 –, index 241 –, stocks 300 –, intensive, grasshopper species 227 –, grazing –, mesophilic 162, 170, 223, 242 –, system 300 –, mountain pasture 162, 170 –, livestock 54, 55 –, natural 10 Index 469

–, rich 113, 242, 273, 417 Grey Wagtail (see Motacilla cinerea) –, ruderal 162, 170 grooming 203 –, Scotland 7 –, behavior 160 –, yield index 239 ground moisture 239 grazing 3, 18, 160, 205, 209, 244 Gryllus campestris 245 –, cattle 60, 104 –, density 34 H –, grasshopper abundance 115 –, development 320 habitat –, ecological effects 7 –, diversity 34 –, economic analysis 404 –, resource change 34 –, extensive 19, 20, 29 –, structure 34, 213 –, forms 19 –, types 169 –, historical 7 –, use 161, 168, 170, 176 –, intensity 116, 215 Hawfinch (see Coccothraustes coccothraustes) –, large-scale Heck cattle 19, 29 –, effects on spatial structure 237 hedge 129 –, implementation 349 heifer –, land 9 –, activity rhythms 89 –, global area 10 –, rearing 359 –, livestock –, cost calculation 360, 361 –, decision grid 431 height 239 –, future scenarios 383 –, relative 239, 241, 242, 250, 251 –, management 17, 294, 318 HEKUL (see Hessian Cultural Landscape –, parameters 230 Programme) –, pattern 80, 240, 249 Helianthemum –, permanent 455 –, nummularium 285 –, reorganization 408 –, oelandicum 58, 153, 334 –, residue 79, 81, 184, 185, 198, 199, 201, 223, ssp. oelandicum 334 226, 232, 233, 235, 279, 406 Helicella itala 286 –, routes 105 Helictotrichon pratense 259, 261 –, scenarios 388, 390, 394, 398 HELP (see Hessian Landscape Stewardship –, sheep 9, 60, 365 Programme) –, steppe 10 Hemschenberg (Germany) 83, 128, 130–133, 157, –, structure 170, 184, 185, 187, 190–194, 232 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 190, 194, 196, 197, 199, –, summer 7, 409 201, 224, 227–230, 260, 277, 279, 280, 470 –, system 318 –, flower densities 83 –, analysis 85 herbivores 4, 5, 17, 20 –, anthropogenic 20 herd –, East Carpathians 289 –, accompanying 107 –, establishment 418 –, activity 204 –, historical 443 –, behavior pattern 205 –, rotational 66 –, movement 92, 160, 173, 208 –, socio-economic structure 300 –, position 203 –, underwater 451 Hesperia comma 228, 229 –, variants 223 (Germany) 421, 426 Great Alvar (also Stora Alvaret, Oeland) 57, 58, –, farm enterprises 350 85, 86, 144, 202, 333 Hessian Cultural Landscape Programme –, livestock grazing 60 (HEKUL) 328, 358, 359, 376, 377, 382, 389 –, location 86 Hessian Landscape Stewardship Programme –, pastures 58, 59 (HELP) 328, 358, 376, 377, 382, 389 Great Tit (see Parus major) Heteroptera 286 Greenfinch (see Carduelis chloris) Hieracium pilosella 48 greenhouse gas 10 high mountains 4 470 Index

Hilders (Germany) 351 Juniperus communis 136, 139, 148, 337, 338, 340, 343 Histeridae 118 –, selectivity index 136 hobby farming 393 Jynx torquila 218 (Germany) 351 homogeneity 225 K Honey Buzzard (see Pernis apivorus) Hoopoe (see Upupa epops) Kalmar County (Sweden) horse 19 –, number of cattle 341 –, animal number 342 –, number of horses 342 –, breeds 19 –, number of sheep 342 –, population 10 Kaltensundheim (, Germany) 47, 157, human 275–278, 407 –, co-evolution with nature 15 karst 4 –, labour 12 keeping humidity 225 –, forms 302 husbandry, wild to semi-wild all-year outdoor –, systems 300 19 kite, captive 69 Hydrophilidae 118 Koropetz (Ukraine) 293 hypothesis Künzell (Germany) 351 –, mosaic cycle 18 –, working 36 L

I labour, human 12 Lacerta agilis 286 IA (see investigation area) lagerflur 242 ice age 12 land use image –, degradational 16 –, classification 73 –, degrading 12 –, processing, object-orientated 71 –, development 310 –, segmentation 71 –, diversity 15 immigration 120 –, nutrient-removing 16 impact, intensity classes 106 –, technology 13 implementation, lage-scale grazing 349 landscape Inachis io 228, 229 –, agricultural, biodiversity 13 inactivity 160, 165–168 –, change 336 individual activity 204 –, cultural 15, 424 information, spatial 89 –, European 13 infrared image, color (CIR) 68–70, 387 –, development 3 input, atmospheric 5 –, sustainable 3 intensification 4 –, diversity 15 intervention, mechanical 20 –, farmed 3 invertebrate 223 –, hypertrophied 17 investigation –, level 273 –, area (IA) 53, 154, 214, 215, 217, 221, 289–295, –, management 5, 6, 12 297, 298 –, natural 15 –, design 68 –, over-farmed 11 Iphiclides podalirius 112 –, pastoral 45 Isabelline Wheatear (see Oenanthe isabellina) –, preservation 10 Isophya kraussi 227 –, semi-open mosaic 6, 10, 12 –, species-rich 14 J –, stewardship 372 –, sugar-beet 14 Jay (see Garralus glandarius) Lange Rhoen (Germany), cultural landscape Juniper, fighting 344 419 Index 471

Lanius –, limitations 453 –, collurio 218 –, nature conservation 17, 439 –, minor 218 –, possibilities 453 large herbivore theory 19 –, summer 7 Lasiommata –, sustainable 16 –, maera 228, 229 –, traditional 16 –, megera 112–114, 116, 228–230, 232 –, keeping 317 layer, intersection 89 –, nomadic 281 leap, evolutionary 4 –, levels 308 Leontodon hispidus 113 –, pasture, stakeholders 454 Leptida sinapis 228, 229, 232 –, procedure costs 374 Lesser Caucasus 53 –, semi-wild 372 Lesser Grey Shrike (see Lanius minor) –, unit (LU, LSU) 47, 115, 116, 226, 277, 357, Lesser Whitethroat (see Silvia curruca) 455 level loam 257 –, of contamination 6 locomotion 160, 166–168 –, spatial 33 –, behavior 171 Lichtenau (Germany) 83, 128, 157, 158, 160–162, –, time 164 164, 165, 183, 184, 190, 194, 196, 224, 227–229, Locustella naevia 218 277, 471 locusts 213 –, grazing residue 83 Lonicera xylosteum 135, 136 LIFE-Project 338 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 lime 258, 259 –, selectivity index 135, 136 Limenitis Lotte Valley (Kaltensundheim, Thuringia, –, camilla 112 Germany) –, populi 112 –, flower distribution 276–278 livestock –, land use 275 –, behavior 17, 34, 107 LU, LSU (see livestock unit) –, biomass 10 Luscinia megarynchos 218 –, breed 29 Lycaena –, competition with wild animals 10 –, hippothoe 112 –, cost –, phlaeas 228, 229 –, comparison 373 –, tityrus 228, 229 –, structure 368, 369 lying 160, 203 –, dung 7 –, effects 107 M –, excrement 118 –, farming 4, 7, 431 Maculinea arion 112 –, endangered ecosystems 18 Magpie (see Pica pica) –, environmental damage 10 Malus –, European 11 –, domestica 135, 136, 139, 141 –, extensive 29 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, global level 10 –, sylvestris 147 –, image 11 man, influence 334 –, increase 10 Maniola jurtina 228, 229 –, sustainable 10 Mantis religiosa 216, 217, 221 –, feedstuff production 10 map –, grazing 3, 17 –, historical 34, 307 –, development project 31 –, vegetation 89 –, diversity level 17 market –, ecological effects 7, 29 –, data 375 –, establishment 429 –, earning 353, 377, 414 –, future scenarios 383 MCP test (see Monte Carlo Permutation test) –, historical 7 ME (see Metabolizable Energy) 472 Index

meadow multivariate analysis 75 –, mowing 18 Mycelis muralis 133 –, ruderal 162, 170 Myrmeleotettix maculatus 227, 230, 232, 245 measure, controlling 4 meat production 370 N Medicago lupulina 285 Mediterranean region 4 National Park High Tauern (Austria) 9 –, abandoned grazing lands 7 nature –, garrigue 7 –, conservation 3, 5, 6, 14, 18, 44, 439 –, historical over-grazing 11 –, chance 5 –, macchie 7 –, contractual system 6 –, production areas 4 –, management 18, 29 Melanargia galathea 228–230 –, development area 5 Melitaea diamina 228, 229 neighborhood effect 241, 242 Melperts 66 NEL (see Net Energy Lactation) Merops apiaster 218 Nemobius sylvestris 245 Metabolizable Energy (ME) 353, 357–359 Neolithic revolution 4 metapopulation, concept 18 Neophron percnopterus 218 method 67, 86, 96, 104, 111, 128, 145, 157, 184, 202, Net Energy Lactation (NEL) 363, 378 213, 223, 237, 256, 274, 289, 301, 306, 326, 383, Nightingale (see Luscinia megarynchos) 405 Nightjar (see Caprimulgus europaeus) –, development 65 nitrate 258, 259, 261–267 –, evaluation 100 Nitrobacter 267 –, limitations 84, 106 nitrogen 258, 259, 261–267 –, possibilities 106 Nitrosolobus 267 –, restoration 338 Nitrosomonas 267 –, vegetation structure analysis 79 Nitrosospira 267 Metrioptera nomadic livestock keeping 281 –, bicolor 234, 245, 285, 286 Nusttal (Germany) 351 –, brachyptera 227, 245 nutrients 258, 259, 261–267 –, roeselii 227, 244, 245, 285 –, availability 12 microhabitat –, contamination 6 –, butterfly 111 –, patterns 256 –, grasshopper 111 Nymphalis microrelief 238, 239, 243, 246 –, antiopa 112 microscale, effect 111 –, polychloros 112 Middle Ages 4 migration, direction 282 O Miliaria calandra 218 Milium effusum 133 oak, pasture 5 milk production 362, 363 objective Miramella alpina 245 –, economic 14 Mistle Thrush (see Turdus viscivorus) –, social 14 model observation, behavioral 158 –, ecological 18 Ochledes sylvanus 228, 229 –, linear, generalized 240 Oedaleus decorus 216 –, regression 248 Oedipoda caerulescens 215, 216 Moeckelmossen, lake 91 Oeland (Sweden) 58, 60, 262 moisture 241 –, cattle Monte Carlo Permutation (MCP) test 230, 232 –, browsing 144 Motacilla cinerea 218 –, movement 90 movement 209 –, use patterns 202 –, directed 203, 205 –, investigation area 32 –, undirected 203, 205 –, large-scale grazing system 85 Index 473

–, location 57, 58 –, management 20 –, number –, reorganization 411 –, of cattle 341 –, nutrient patterns 256 –, of horses 342 –, remnants 225 –, of sheep 342 –, semi-open 372 –, nutrients 263–265 –, structural element 208, 209 Oenanthe isabellina 218 –, type 169 Omocestus –, vegetation structure change 65 –, haemorrhoidalis 245 pasturing 225 –, rufipes 245 –, large-scale –, viridulus 227, 244, 245 –, extensive 424 Oostvadersplassen Reserve (The Netherlands) –, Rhoen Biosphere Reserve (Germany) 19 417 open land 4–6, 10, 20, 45, 90, 128, 142, 162, 168–171, patch selection 250 176, 202, 203, 207, 208, 213, 215, 221, 230, 232, pattern 238, 252, 262, 308, 312, 314, 315, 317, 321, 323, –, behavioral 204 336, 337, 372, 393, 401, 402, 418, 421, 422, 442 –, grazing 80, 249 operating resources 20 –, nutrient 256 Ophisaurus apodus 219, 220, 222 –, use, spatial 207 Opir (Ukraine) 56 payments 377 Opir Valley (Ukraine) 446 –, regional area 376 opposite slope photography 95, 98, 99, 101 PCA (see Principal Component Analysis) –, error sources 102 Pernis apivorus 218 –, method comparison 103 Pholidoptera Orbeti (Georgia) 53 –, griseoaptera 227, 230, 245 organism, adaptation 5 –, noxia 216, 217, 221 Origanum vulgare 285 phosphate 258, 259, 261, 263–267 Oriole (see Oriolus oriolus) photograph Oriolus oriolus 218 –, aerial 68, 69 Orphean Warbler (see Sylvia hortensis) –, classification 72–75 orthophoto, digital 89 –, segmentation 72, 73 Orthoptera 213, 221, 285 photography Ortolan Bunting (see Emberiza hortulana) –, aerial 34, 307 overgrazing 9, 344 –, equipment 96 over-production 4 –, opposite slope 34, 95, 98, 99, 101, 107 over-use 7 –, error sources 102 –, local 17 –, method comparison 103 Phylloscopus collybita 218 P Pica pica 218 Picea abies 135, 136 Paliurus spina-christi 55 –, selectivity index 135, 136 Papilio machaon 112, 228, 229, 233 Pieris parameter –, brassicae 228, 229 –, environmental 225 –, napi 228, 229 –, structural 185 –, rapae 228, 229 Pararge aegeria 228, 229, 233 pig 19 Parus major 218 –, population 10 pastoral landscape 45 Pinus sylvestris 148 pasture –, mode parameters 151 –, as flower resource 273 –, mode value of browsing classification –, development 34 149 –, forest 9 –, selectivity index 135 –, functional areas 210 pitfall 121 –, landscape 332 –, trap 121, 122 474 Index

plaggen 7 –, degree of browsing 137 plant –, selectivity index 135 –, eutrophic 261 –, serotina 139, 140 –, oligotrophic 261 –, spinosa 58, 133, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 148, –, species 284 298 –, number 239 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 –, structure 136 –, selectivity index 135, 136 Plantago lanceolata 334 Pseudomonas 267 Platycleis albopunctata 245 Pupilla 286 muscorum 286 Poa Pyrus pyraster 141 –, alpina 334 –, pratensis angustifolia 259, 261 Q Poaceae 284 policy, structural 378 Quail (see Coturnix coturnix) Polygonia c-album 228, 229 Quercus robur 135, 139 Polyommatus –, degree of browsing 137, 138 –, coridon 228, 229, 232 –, selectivity index 135 –, icarus 228, 229 –, semiargus 228–230 R Poppenhausen (Germany) 351 population Rangifer tarandus 337 –, density 120 Ranunculus illyricus 334, 345 –, size, minimum 18 (Germany) 351 Populus tremula 135, 136, 139, 140, 150 Raven (see Corvus corax) –, degree of browsing 137 Red-backed Shrike (see Lanius collurio) –, selectivity index 135, 136 regeneration, ecological 14 potassium 258, 259, 261, 263–267 regression model 248 Potentilla fruticosa 58, 59, 148, 337–339, 343, 345, regulation, ecological 14 455 Regulus regulus 218 Praeg Glacier Valley (South Black Forest, reindeer 7 Germany) 48, 49, 97, 238, 246, 307 renaturalization 5 –, land use 311–316 reorganization, pasture management 411 –, opposite slope photography 99 reptiles 213, 219 –, use intensities 240 Reptilia 286 –, vegetation types 238 residue –, work times 319 –, grazing 81 premium product, earnings 399 –, medium grazing 81 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 75–77, 476 resistance, spatial 225, 232, 243, 246 process, ecological 6 rest station 169 –, protection 5 resting 89, 91, 104, 108, 137, 159, 162, 170, 175, 176, product 178, 204–209, 211, 241, 243, 244, 251, 253, 257– –, distribution 4 267, 305, 448–451, 453 –, marketing 4 –, places 225 –, quality 6 restoration, method 338 proportion restructuring 410 –, dwarf shrub 241 revolution –, herbaceous 241, 246 –, Neolithic 4 –, open ground 246 –, technical 4 Prunella vulgaris 114 Rhoen (Germany) 43, 259 Prunus –, agricultural situation 418, 419, 421, 423 –, domestica 135, 141 –, Bavarian –, degree of browsing 137 –, farm development 420 –, selectivity index 135 –, livestock development 420 –, padus 135 –, Biosphere Reserve Index 475

–, agriculture 418 Salix –, grazing project 425 –, caprea 133, 135, 136, 148 –, initialization of large-scale pasturing –, degree of browsing 137, 138 424 –, mode parameters 151 –, large-scale pasturing 417, 425 –, mode value of browsing classification –, cultural landscape 424, 427 149 –, Hessian –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, farm development 422 –, viminalis 135, 138 –, land use types 351 –, degree of browsing 137 –, livestock development 422 –, selectivity index 135 –, High 44 Saltatoria 285 –, impacts of different grazing variants 223 Sambucus –, investigation areas 32, 43 –, nigra 133, 135, 136, 142 –, Thuringian 46, 47, 134 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 –, behavior patterns 167, 168 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, browsing for woody species 137 –, racemosa 135 –, cattle enterprise 408 –, selectivity index 135 –, economic analysis 404 Satyrium acaciae 112 –, effects of cattle browsing 128 savannah 10, 16 –, habitat types 169 Saxicola –, inactivity 165 –, rubetra 218 –, investigation areas 80 –, torquata 218 –, mesoscale effects of cattle 157 Scabiosa columbaria 285 –, mesoscale vegetation structure 183 scale, effect on biodiversity 15 –, nutrient numbers 262 Scandinavia, landscapes 7 –, soil 257, 260, 261 scenario –, vegetation use 171 –, agricultural policy 388 Rivetina baetica 216, 217 –, development 383 roaming, historical 283 –, ecological services 394 Rock Bunting (see Emberiza cia) –, liberalization 390 Roller (see Coracius garrulus) –, premium products 398 Roman Empire 11 schist, calcareous 257 Rosa canina 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142 Schönau Forest (Black Forest, Germany) 307 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 Scotland, grasslands 7 –, selectivity index 135, 136 SD (see standard deviation) Rosaceae 139 segmentation, 71 rotation pastures (UW) 230 Seiferts (Germany) 66 Rotenhauck (Germany) 82, 128, 157–166, 170, 173, selectivity index 135 185–187, 190, 191, 194, 197, 199–201, 224, 227– Senecio 230, 260, 477 –, jacobaea 345 –, grazing pattern 82 –, ssp. gotlandicus 345 –, vegetation height 82 –, ovatus 133 rubbing 203 services, ecological, payments for 377 Rubus Shannon index 227 –, fruticosus 136, 139, 140 sheep 19, 281 –, selectivity index 136 –, animal number 342 –, idaeus 139 –, as vectors 284 –, spec., degree of browsing 138 –, coat, animal transport 285, 286 Rumex obtusifolius 49, 261 –, farming, costs 366 –, grazing 9, 18, 60, 365 S –, population 10 shepherding, stationary 18 Saga ephippigera 216, 217 shifting cultivation 4 Saiga antelope 10 Short-toed Eagle (see Circaetus gallicus) 476 Index

shrub Spiraea 217, 219 –, formation 16 SRB (see Svensk rödbrokig boskap – Swedish Red –, grasshopper species 227 Cattle) –, transects 149 standard deviation (SD) 73, 76, 116 Silvia curruca 218 standing 160, 203, 205 Sisymbrium supinum 345 Staphylinidae 118 Sitonia sp. 286 Stari-Frankivsk (Ukraine) 56 SLB (see Svensk låglands boskap – Swedish Stauroderus scalaris 245 Holstein Cattle) Stenobothrus slope angle 239, 241, 244, 246, 247, 249–251, 253 –, lineatus 227, 230, 232, 245, 285 social behavior 160 –, stigmaticus 116, 245 soil steppe 10, 16 –, characteristics 257 –, grazing 10 –, damage 14 stewardship –, degradation 10 –, arrangement 6 –, denudation 113, 114 –, landscape 372 –, devastation 4 stocking pastures (SW) 212, 230, 333, 334 –, erosion 10 Stora Alvaret (see Great Alvar, Oeland, Sweden) –, moisture 225, 244, 246 structural parameter 185 –, nutrients 260, 261 structure –, over-use 7 –, diversity 245 solitary tree 151 –, horizontal 238, 243–247, 249, 252 Song Thrush (see Turdus philomelos) –, habitat 213 Sorbus –, spatial 230, 237, 239 –, aria 135, 136, 138 –, vegetation 239 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 subsidies 5, 76 –, selectivity index 135, 136 subsistence 4 –, aucuparia 135, 136, 139, 141 –, herding 446 –, degree of browsing 137, 138 suckler cow 356, 357 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, scenario calculations 385 –, chamaemespilus 136 summer grazing 7, 409 –, selectivity index 136 supply, network 4 –, intermedia surveying 34 –, mode parameters 151 –, high-resolution 34 south exposure 241 Sus scrofa 335 South Africa 10, 14 sustainability 14, 17 South Black Forest (see Black Forest, Germany) Svensk space patterns 243 –, låglands boskap – Swedish Holstein spatial structure 230, 237, 239, 251 Cattle (SLB) 202, 210 species –, rödbrokig boskap – Swedish Red Cattle –, abundance 115 (SRB) 202, 210 –, adaptation 13 SW (see stocking pastures) –, depletion 12 Swabian Alb (Germany) 9, 51 –, diversity 230 –, investigation area 32 –, frequency 230 –, investigation areas 51 –, open-land 6 –, landscape 50 –, parameter, classification 129 Switzerland, state subsidy 5 –, preferences 137 Sylvia –, protection 6 –, atricapilla 218 –, transects 145 –, borin 218 –, utilization 129 –, communis 218 –, visited 139 –, curruca 219 –, woody 137 –, hortensis 218 –, occurrence 145 system, grazing 318 Index 477


Tann (Germany) 351 Ukraine 56 Taraxacum officinale 49 –, livestock secondary income farms 291 Tbilisi (Georgia) 53–55 –, pasture 111 technical revolution 4 Ulmus glabra 135, 136, 336 technology 332 –, selectivity index 135, 136 temperature 87 Ulsteraue (Germany) 423 Testudo g raeca 219, 222 Ulstertal (Hessian Rhoen, Germany) 46 –, ibera 219, 222 –, Upper 44 Tetrix ultralight aircraft 68 –, bipunctata 227, 232 under-grazing 16 –, undulate 227 underwater grazing 451 Tettigonia undirected movement 205 –, cantans 227, 245 Unterweid (Thuringian Rhoen, Germany) 46 –, viridissima 216, 217, 227 Upupa epops 218 Thaiden 66 Urtica dioica 133, 261 Thecla betula 228, 229 use theory, large herbivore 19 –, density 240 think global, act local 3 –, habitat 168, 176 Thuringia (Germany) 423, 426 –, intensity 240–244, 250, 251 Thymelicus –, pattern 89 –, lineola 228, 229, 232 –, spatial 91, 202, 207 –, sylvestris 228–230 –, vegetation 170, 178 Thymus pulegioides 48, 285 utilization, active 225 Tilia cordata 336 UW (see rotation pastures) tillage 6 Torilis japonica 133 V Tortella rigens 345 traces variable, reduction 75 –, feeding 225 vegetation 225 –, trampling 225 –, cover 225 trampling 239 –, density, classification 147 transect –, diversity 238, 239, 243–247, 249, 252 –, shrub 149 –, eutrophic 242 –, species 145 –, height 65, 73, 79, 80, 82, 88, 132, 184–186, –, survey 34 188, 189, 199, 200, 225, 232, 235, 239, 246, 250 transhumance 282 –, classes 82 –, route 282 –, map 89 tree –, nutrient numbers 262 –, grasshopper species 227 –, parameter 34 –, hedge 129, 134 –, structure 34, 239, 243, 251 –, removal 20 –, analysis 79 –, single 129 –, mesoscale 183 Trichia cf. plebeja 286 –, methods 79 Tunau (South Black Forest, Germany) –, type 93, 108, 162, 170, 214, 220, 238, 239, 307 242, 250, 252, 418, 453 –, cattle numbers 317 –, unit 274 –, land use 311–316 –, use 162, 170, 178 –, work times 319 –, woody 128 Turdus –, browsing 144 –, merula 218 –, formation 133, 134 –, philomelos 218 –, species 135 –, viscivorus 218 –, structure 140 478 Index

Viburnum opulus 135, 136 wood 129, 134 –, degree of browsing 137 –, edge 134 –, selectivity index 135, 136 –, formation 129 Viola canina 48 –, proximity 169 visit, density 242 woodland Vystra (Ukraine) 293 –, decay 4, 5 –, edge 129 W –, grazing 9 –, mixed 5 walking 160 –, pasturing 7 Wall Brown (see Lasiommata megera) –, pollarding 7 water –, succession 20 –, availability 91, 92 work force (WF) 327 –, supply 162, 168, 169, 177, 319, 430, 453 Wryneck (see Jynx torquila) weather 225 Wüstensachsen (Germany) 66, 69 wet land 162, 170, 178 WF (see work force) Y Whinchat (see Saxicola rubetra) wild Yellow Franconian Cow 427, 428 –, animal, grazing 17 –, horse 18 Z –, husbandry 19 wilderness, creation 6 Zadar (Croatia) 11 wind force 225 ZGF (see Frankfurt Zoological Society)