DEVO:N":-HIRE. [ KELLY's • Earved Dwarf Oak .Screens, Given by Mrs
354 DEVO:N":-HIRE. [ KELLY'S • earved dwarf oak .screens, given by Mrs. Lewis, placed at peculiar beverage into the d}strict to the surgeon of a "their head: the west window has been fi!Jed with German regiment which was at one time quartered stained glass, and also a window in the north aisle in he:re. Citrons and oranges are grown here to a large memory of Mrs. Ingles: there are 500 sittings. The size. There are agricultural implement works, and earliest existing parish register dates from the yea1 several commercial wharves. By a charter of Hen. Ill. · xps, many ancient documents and registers having ~ated 7 Jan. l256-7, an important cattle market is held perished in a fire at Langwell House about r83o. The on the third Wednesday in every month, and is attended liring is a rectory, net yearly value £2ro, with 14 acres by large numbers of butchers and agriculturists; an of glebe and residence, in the gift of Mrs. Lewi~, and open ilquare near the centre of the town, called Market lteld since 1915 by the Rev. Douglas Hilton Briggs M.A. Cross, is devoted to the purposes of this market. Under ef St. John's College, Oxford. The rectory house was the same charter the king granted a two-days fair, to be enlarged in 1897· The United Methodist chapel, erected held on the vigil and festival..-of St. Mary Magdalene, Qt 1867, will seat 250 persons. The Kingsbridge and July 21 and 22. John Walcot M.D. better known as South Hams Constitutional Club, established in June, ~'Peter Pindar," the celebrated lyric and satirical poet , 1887, occupies p:remises near the Quay.
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