Honduras – ERUS – Universal Energy Access Program (PAUE) - SREP Submission - Cover page Page 1 of 5 Cover Page for Project/Program Approval Request 2. CIF Project 1. Country/Region: Honduras To be assigned by CIF AU ID#: 3. Source of Funding: FIP PPCR SREP 4. Project/Program Title: ERUS Universal Energy Access Program (PAUE) 5. Type of CIF Investment: Public Private Mixed 6. Funding Request in Grant: Non-Grant: million USD equivalent: 6.551 0 7. Implementing MDB(s): Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) 8. National Implementing Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica (ENEE) Agency: 9. MDB Focal Point and Headquarters- Focal Point: TTL: Project/Program Task Claudio Alatorre Carlos Jácome Team Leader (TTL): (
[email protected]) (
[email protected]) 10. Project/Program Description (including objectives and expected outcomes): Fit with the Investment Plan of Honduras: The original SREP Investment Plan (IP) for Honduras, approved by the SREP Sub-Committee on November 4th, 2011, included the Sustainable Rural Energization (Energización Rural Sostenible, ERUS) Component, with a total resource allocation of USD10.2 million. This component is divided in two subcomponents: (i) rural electrification; and (ii) clean cook-stoves. The Revised SREP Investment Plan for Honduras, approved by the SREP Sub-Committee on April 28th, 2017, proposed a new approach for the rural electrification subcomponent, introducing a Universal Energy Access Program (PAUE), which would build on the institutional platform offered by the Social Fund for Electric Power Development (FOSODE), maintaining the original SREP resource allocation for the ERUS component of the IP (a total of USD10.2 million). The ERUS-PAUE project appears on the Revised IP with a budget of USD 7.481 million.