Courier Gazette
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Issued Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday By Tbe Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St, THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80................. Number 75. Established January, 1846. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, June 23, 1925.' TOWARD THE FROZEN NORTH STORY HOUR KIDS The Courier-Gazette AN APPRECIATION THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK 'ublic Library Work Which SOMETHING NEW Commander MacMillan 1* Now Headed—Impressive Fare ALL THE HOME NEWS Is To Be Highly Com Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— IN Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad well At Wiscasset With Many Notables Present. mended. vance; slnifle copies three cents. A recent settler in Rockland may possibly bring a fresher ap Advertising rates based upon circulation preciation of what be finds, than a ilife-long resident. At any and very reasonab’e. Several automobiles filled full of AUTOMOBILE NEWSPAPER HISTORY Sailing Northward in the hope of Baby," and her brother, Robert E. rate, I wish to express my admiration for tbe resourcefulness The Rockland Gazette was established In finding an unknown and uncharted I’eary, Jr., also were there. smiling kiddies made their way 1846 In 1874 the Courier was established and versatility maintained in tbe production of The Courier-Ga and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. land, Donald Baxter MacMillan and Major General A. W. Greeley, the zette. It is one of the worn platitudes in every place to fall through Main street Friday morning The Free Press was established In 1855, and his gallant party of Arctic explorers first American explorer of note and, enroute for Ingraham’s Bill Beach. INSURANCE In 1891 changed Its name to the Tribune. back upon certain disparaging remarks concerning tbe local can still hear the echo of the lURty These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. who 41 years ago reached the farthest Here, augmented by those who had cheers which marked their departure northern point that any explorer had newspaper, when tbe meager conversational range has been ex from Wiscasset Saturday afternoon, hausted. How few realize that tlieir paper is a faithful mirror traveled by pony, bicycle or on foot, You want automobile COLLISION insurance, la ••• •• c »< ••• ••••♦• H reached at tiiat time, came from ••• and again when they made their Washington to shake the hand of| of community life. It may be perfected by able management the youngsters spent a long-to-be- so that yop will be protected against DAMAGE They fall, and they a'. .., who ••• final getaway from Monhegan Sun the younger man who was starting ami trained editorial supervision, but looking into its paper the remembered day. The picnic marked Bailey — ••• have not striven.—Thomas day morning. on a journey to a point even farther the end of the Saturday morning TO YOUR OWN CAR—we don’t blame you. community sees its own composite reflection. ••• Aldrich. The daily newspapers have spoken north than he had gone. Story hours which form so important The contents and makeup of 'flic Courier-Gazette reflect the |p ••• ••• .«• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• , ••• ••• ja, in graphic terms of the wonderful Tlie Peary slipped away from tlie a part of the Public Library’s work demonstration at Wiscasset, and the character of this city and section. It is first of all conservative. You don’t want the policy offered by other com pier a short time before the Bowdoin with children. Some 40 youngsters GROWTH OF ROTARY zeal of tlie staff writers has led sailed, but she lay in tlie middle oi I\o attempt at scare-heads. It is among country papers what there were, all faithful attendants of panies, because you either have to pay a pro them considerably beyond the the stream waiting for tlie corn- tbe Boston Transcript is among Hub dailies, and this analogy the winter Story Hours, and in charge This Famous Organization Has 2000 bounds of accuracy. One writer said mander’s sTiip to lead tlie way, be- of this lively group were the librarian. obtains in its quality as well as its appearance. hibitive premium or else you have to deduct $50 Clubs In 30 Nations. that 1000 boats would escort the ex hlnd escort of two Navy Eagle Boats. Miss Kathleen Snow, and the chil or $100 from each and every claim—We don’t plover to Monhegan, and a Portland It is to the airplanes and the radio (Jf course it reflects in its local items tbe petty things, which dren’s librarian, Miss Hazel Marshall. Classification of each business and newspaper seriously Informs ltf that the explorers look for safety on after all make up tbe most of life and give it substance. The Sky was never clearer nor weather blame you. profession and the election of but one readers that there were 40,000 peo their trip into an unknown area.' comings and goings, tbe births, deaths and marriages, tbe in more favorable than for this picnic. ple in Wiscasset Saturday, and 4000 member from each classification, was Commander MacMillan does not be ception of small enterprises, tbe chances and changes which Conditions were of the best for wad the unique fundamental of llotary, automobiles. lieve lt safe to sail the two ships ing and swimming, and when the tide form the theme of our common experience—these of necessity We have a special proposition SOLD BY NO said (ieorge T. Guernsey, Jr., chair A reporter of The Courier-Gazette beyond Etah, Greenland, and instead went down there was ideal chance OTHER COMPANY—low cost—and you don’t man of the classifications committee, who rubbed elbows with the big wf bucking through the snow and occupy most space. And it is probable that these are reported for games on the sand. Of course pic in telling Itotary International’s con- crowU from the time lt began to as Ice behind dog teams these modern as accurately as the life which they reflect is lived. nic lunch was the all important and have to deduct $50 or $100 from every claim. j vention Friday that it now is com- semble until the Bowdoin and Peary Vikings ure taking the latest means It is in what I call the Magazine Features, that The Courier- ever present amusement for the day, pulled away from the ancient dock ] posed of more than 2000 clubs in 30 of transportation developed hy man Gazette seems to me to excel, and in these it can only reflect the hut even this could he left long I nations with a membership of more feels that he Is giving an outside es and have equipped them with the enough to compete in the running and cultural life of the people whom it seryes. i than 107,000. timate when he says that there were latest means of communication, the Jumping races and games and always, The "American Companies Only” Agency "Rotary is not a club made up of less than 10,000 people, not more radio, so that when Commander To discuss the various departments would exceed the limits when one wished to listen, a chance to personalities, hut it is composed of than 1500 automobiles, and certainly ’MacMillan flies out from Etah to es of this letter. I mention certain ones as significant. There is hear again those best-loved stories business and professional classifica not more than 50 boats in the fiotila tablish his base at Cape Thomas the element of local biography. Knox County must be rich in of the Story hour. The day passed which sailed away with the explor Hubbard, on Axel Heiberg Island, tions,” the speaker declared. "That deed in personality, since it can afford material for so much bi all too soon, and with the return of is why our idea has been copied and ers. And the ”3000 balloons" which and flies from there out over that the automobiles the happily tired E. t MORAN 4 CO. were sent up carried one cipher too ography as has appeared within the last six mouths. “Memories why Rotary is a dominant force in jugcharted Polar -Sea. he will he kiddies were taken back to their many. able to accomplish in two hours what of an Active Life” is a conspicuous illustration of what is con GTNERAL AGENTS FOR THE STATE OF MAINE 1 community life. After 20 years of homes. A remarkable day It had success the value of the classifica- All this Is said In the Interest ol once took months, and at tlie same tinually being produced in this department. heen, and with no casualties more LOWEST RATES LOCAL CLAIM SERVICE 1 tion idea is so well known there is accuracy, and without the slightest time will be able to keep in touch Not every community could furnish either material for or serious than a barnacle scratch ! intention of belittling the most In with civilization all the time he is j little -need to urge that, if Rotary is appreciation of such cultural departments as those addressed Thus endeth the third annual Story 425 Main Street. Rockland, Maine I to truly function, we must he honest teresting and most Important event away. « I Hour party, which yearly marks to -Music Lovers Nature, Students and Readers of Literature ! in our classifications.” Maine has known in many years Accompanying the expedition to closer contact between the children Wiscasset handled the matter In a Sydney, N. S., where tlie two ships provided in this valuable magazine. Poetry, too, is not left out, I of our city and their Public Library. way that redounds to its everlasting will stop for fuel, are l)r. Gilbert and local poets here sing of their own ito their own.