The Clan Centre Remember your ancestors with a special plaque on the wall in the MacMillan Garden Buy a clan history book, or a copy of the chief’s verse - email
[email protected] for prices Year of Homecoming Gathering in Scotland This issue includes: The Clan Chattan Connection Issue No. 13 Family of Charles McMillan & Caroline Lake Nov / Dec 2009 Got Matar Update CMSNA Gathering 2010 Order now from Profile of Lt. Gen. Sir John MacMillan 20 1 Some scenes from the Homecoming 2009 The Companions of the Tonsured Servant invested at Kilmory who are named on the opposite page, along with George & Blanche. Gathering Below are scenes from the events at Kilmory, with thanks to photographers Susan Drinkwater and Pauline. in Scotland The chiefly family in the Clan MacMillan George welcomes visitors from Australia tent at The Gathering in Edinburgh to the Clan MacMillan tent Susan Drinkwater presents George with Seated: June Danks, Australia, his chiefly chef’s apron from Canada and Jane Strauss, ME, USA. Ed McMillan, TN, USA Standing in front: Mike Drotar, NH, USA Above: The Norwegian clan at Castle Sween Below: The youngest member of the Norwegian clan, Vikki Sydskjor, receives Above: The Bell family on the ferry Above: Fran & Robert Jones, her birthday gift from George and Pauline Below: Nigel, Gordon, and Sheila GA, USA. at the dinner in Greenock Macmillan at Castle Sween Below: Teresa McMillan, MS, USA. 2 19 Clan MacMillan’s ‘Community of the Tonsured Servant’ (CTS) Founded in 1995: Supporting the Clan MacMillan International Centre (CMIC) at Finlaystone, Scotland, and providing educational materials & events for Clan MacMillan & Sept members around the world.