December 2002
PORTABLE • BILL STEWART • CONSUMERS POLL RESULTS DENNISDENNIS CHAMBERS,CHAMBERS, KARLKARL PERAZZO,PERAZZO, RAULRAUL REKOWREKOW SSANTANAANTANA’’SS FFINESTINEST RRHYTHMHYTHM TTEAMEAM?? WWEEZEREEZER’’SS PPATAT WWILSONILSON TTHROUGHHROUGH TTHEHE YYEARSEARS WWITHITH TTERRYERRY BBOZZIOOZZIO NNEWEW FFOUNDOUND GGLORYLORY’’SS CCYRUSYRUS BBOLOOKIOLOOKI TTRADINGRADING FFOURSOURS WWITHITH PPHILLYHILLY JJOEOE $4.99US $6.99CAN 12 PPLUSLUS CCARLOSARLOS SSANTANAANTANA TTALKSALKS DDRUMMERSRUMMERS!! 0 74808 01203 9 ContentsContents Volume 27, Number 12 Cover photo by Paul La Raia SANTANA’S DENNIS CHAMBERS, RAUL REKOW, AND KARL PERAZZO The heaviest rhythm section in rock has just gotten heavier. Even Carlos Santana himself is in awe of his new Dennis Chambers–led ensemble. a a by Robin Tolleson i i a a R R a a L L l l u u a a 56 P P UPDATE 24 Portable’s Brian Levy WEEZER’S Wayward Shamans’ Barrett Martin AT ILSON 80 P W Fugazi’s Brendan Canty From Neil Peart obsessive to Muppet hostage, Pat Wilson has Mickey Hart been through a lot in ten years with Daryl Stuermer’s John Calarco pop gods Weezer. Oh, he plays the heck out of the drums, too. by Adam Budofsky MD CONSUMERS POLL RESULTS 50 The best in today’s gear—according to you. A DIFFERENT VIEW 74 a a i i a a NEW FOUND R R CARLOS SANTANA a a L L Just a sample of his drum cohorts over the l l GLORY’S u u a a years: Michael Shrieve, Jack DeJohnette, Horacio P P CYRUS BOLOOKI Hernandez, Tony Williams, Carter Beauford, 150 Chester Thompson, and now, Dennis Chambers. Even a disastrous fall from a Take your seats, class is about to begin.
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