Arnold Bennett Papers
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SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES TEL: 01782 733237 EMAIL: [email protected] LIBRARY Ref code: GB 172 AB A list of Arnold Bennett Papers Updated April 2014 Librarian: Paul Reynolds Library Telephone: (01782) 733232 Fax: (01782) 734502 Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1782 732000 KEELE UNIVERSITY ( Lists of Archives ) Accession No, or Code: - Name and Address of Owner: Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire. Accumulation or Collection: Purchased material: George Beardmore Esq. Class: Private Reference Date: Item: No: CORRFSPONDFNCE 1. [I907 or earlier] Postcard, Arnold Bennett to Mlle. Marguerite sol6 [sic]. Postcards (2), and Christmas card, Jehan ~d6s(1 907), John and Ada Galsworthy (1 909), and unidentified (1909) to Mr and Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters, notes and postcards (18 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mlle. Marguerite solie [sic], later Mrs Arnold Bennett. [One item numbered in series (?) by Mrs Arnold Bennett, but dated in another hand 19091. Postcards (21), Arnold Bennett to his mother-in-law, Mme. ~ouli6,at Toulouse. Postcards (2), Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. 6. Undated, 1908-191 5 Letters and postcards (30 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, William Archer (1915), Hilaire Belloc (1 91 I), Lilah Granville Barker (undated), Leon Brodzky (191 I), Geor es dlEspagnat (undated), John Galsworthy (1 914), Andre9 Gide (undated), Charles Hawtrey (undated) Laurence Irving (1 91 I), F[?rederick] M[?arriott] (1909), H.W. Massingham (undated), Marcel Prevost (191 I), Stephen Reynolds (191I), Romain Rolland (1 91 I), Thomas Seccombe (1 91 I), G.B.Shaw (191 I), Josiah C.Wedgwood (1911), H.G.Wells (undated), Wish Wynne (1914), and others, some unidentified, to Arnold Bennett. Letters, notes and postcards (15 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. [See also under 19071. Letters, postcards and telegrams (78 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. 10. Undated, 1911-1939 Letters and postcards (1 14 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Henry Ainley (1914,1916,l 924), J.M. (k6 il 1 Barrie (191 9), W.Boyd Carpenter (191 5), Jeanne Casalis (1929), Gladys Cooper (1 91 6), Marten Cumberland pb .r \I a o,t!tt (1 929,1930,l 931), Mrs Marten Cumberland (1 929,1932), John Drinkwater (1924), T.S.Eliot (1924), St John Ervine (1921,1927), John Galsworthy (191 I), Eugene Goosens (1921), Charles,Hawtrey (1 91 6), Violet Hueffer (Hunt, undated,1932), Aldous Huxley (1920), Henry Irving (191 6), Frederick Keeble (1915), Edward Knoblock (undated, 1913, + cFcd 191 6), Georges Lafourcade (1936,1939), Gilbert [?Ledwqrd] ,t id-.,, ,k p~ (1-dy (1 914), Mrs Belloc Lowpdes (1936,1938,1939), ~ndr6 i>. :t E r" Maurois (1931), Lilah McCarthy (1918),Lottie Oppenheimer (1 916), Eden Philipotts (1936), Nigel Playfair (1922), Maurice Ravel (1 91 1,1 914), Cecil Roberts (1922),Naomi Royd~Smith (1 928), Siegfried Sa$soon (1921), Herbert Sharpe (1 914, 1916), Mrs C.F.Shaw (1 921), J.St Loe Strachey (1916) Ernest Thesiger (1 927), Horace Thorogood (1 922), Irene Vanbrugh (undated), J.E.Vedrenne (191 6), Hugh Walpole (undated, 1917,1918,1921,1931,1932,1935), Josiah C. Wedgwood (1918), Mrs H.G. Wells (undated), Mary Moore (Wyndham,l916), and others, some unidentified, to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters, postcards and a telegram (56 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. 12. [l91 2 or later] Postcard, Arnold Bennett to Robert Bion, c/o Mrs Arnold Bennett. 13. 1913 Letters and postcards (25 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett, including a letter-card with a pencil sketch of Arnold Bennett and a friend, by Arnold Bennett. Letters and postcards (27 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters and postcards (31 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett Letters and postcards (16 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters, postcards and a note (51 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. 18. Undated, 1918 Letters and postcards (4 pieces), including the last three lines only of a letter from Joyce Carey, and a postcard subscribed (inter alia) by Georges Lafourcade, to (?) Arnold and/or Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters, notes and a telegram (37 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. [One dated (?) by Mrs Arnold Bennett '? 1918' and (?) in another hand, '1931 '1. Letters and postcards (30 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters, postcards and a telegram (74 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters, postcards, notes and telegrams (78 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes and including some enclosures, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. With, (i) holograph draft of one of the letters above. Letters and postcards (31 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters and postcards (26 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letter, Arnold Bennett to 'Mon cher Georges' Letters (16 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letter, Arnold Bennett to 'Ma chere Juliette'. Letter, Arnold Bennett to 'Mon cher Georges'. Letters and postcards (17 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters (20 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters and postcards (1 0 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters and a postcard (12 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters and postcards (12 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letters and postcards (18 pieces), together with a number of original envelopes, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett. Letter, Arnold Bennett to Mrs Arnold Bennett, together with original envelope. [See also under 19181. LITERARY MSS. 36. [I8198 lnstalments or chapters, numbered VII-XI, by Arnold Bennett, author's MS.,55pp., inscribed by the author 'instal- begun Thursday [,] 24 Nov[., 18198'. 37. [1900 or later] Note-book, of Arnold Bennett, entitled 'The Five Towns', containing some information relating to the 'Staffs stories finished', including 'A Letter Home', 'Frances other Father' (c.June 1898), 'The Idiot' (c.June 1898), 'A Feud in the Five Towns' (1 900), 'Tiddy Gol-lol' (1 900), 'An Unfair Advantage' (1900), 'May [?I Beechmoor', and 'Elixir of Youth' (1 901), including also information relating to characters, and a newspaper article, 'A Curious case of Forgery' (Manchesw Guardian, 24 Feb.1900), 12 pp. of notes. Journal, vol.VI, of Arnold Bennett, 21 Sept. 1906 - 18 July, I. 'j * tjtb 0.1 I I" 1907, holograph. Bound. ! . The Amateur at the Opera, by Arnold Bennett, author's MS., 4 PP. 41. Undated Schooldays in the Five Towns, by Arnold Bennett, author's MS., 4pp. @.Hzl., .30 My Educatkn, by Arnold Bennett, author's MS., 2pp. 43. Undated Jock at a Venture, by Arnold Bennett, author's MS., 41 pp. Stitched. NON-ARCHIVF 46. 19th-20th cent. Collection, of autograph letters, cards, etc., made by Arnold Bennett and arranged under seven headings, viz: American; Literary; Military, Social, Political, Indian, etc; Painters, Sculptors, etc; Special; Theatrical, Musical etc; Unidentified. With (i) note, (?) by Mrs Arnold Bennett, to the effect that the above were put together by Arnold Bennett in 1917. Photograph, Mrs Eden Phillpotts and Arnold Bennett, San Remo. Wheels, editied Edith Sitwell, inscribed (?) by the same,'To Mr and Mrs Arnold Bennett with the authors' homage'. ' The Sources of Bennett's 'Old Wives'Tale' ', Lafourcade, Georges, reprint, London Mercury, Feb.1937. [ Inscribed, to Mrs Arnold Bennett, by the author]. Photographs (2), of portrait bust of Mrs Arnold Bennett, executed 1912 by Gilbert Ledward; photograph of ~olibre,the house in ~k~re~elisse,near Montauban, occupied by Mrs Arnold Bennett. Photographs taken by George Beardmore, 1961. 51. Undated Pencil sketch, 'Sir Hiram', (?) by Arnold Bennett. N.B. The items relating to Arnold Bennett and Mrs Arnold Bennett, including Bennett's Journal. Vol VI, have been published by Penguin. There are no numbers 9,39,44 or 45 in this accession, those items having been found to belong to a different accession of Arnold Bennett material. I.H.C.F. 15.10.66 H.B. 9.7.98 (Lists of -Archives) Accession No. or Code: t!/1339. ,tame and liddrssa Vnivereity of Keele, lieel@, Staffonishire. of Ihner; Accmulation or ibchased material : executors of G .To 2agguley -::aq. Collection: Class r LiXian, by Arnold ihnnett, author's 'IS. !:ouuitl. 4kime and Mdross University of Keele, Keele, Staffmishire. of 3rsner: Accumulation or k'urcbased material : .A.CNsle tt Esq. Collection: Glass : Private. ;IlsuGiy ;.&* I. 1922 iievitrwerg, by iirnold Pannett, author's i!S., 2 pp. hcceeaion No. or Coder ($2021.) b liarno and fddress ki.versit.y of Keel@, Keele, Staffordshire. of .3wnsr: iicctumilation or Wchased materid: i4 .k.Chisle tt ksq. Collection: Undated, !,otters (3) and a card, ~kncildh-tt to 5olbrook 1911 Ja~k80n. bonnet, acknavledging receipt of an orlnance aurvey of Forest IUl, by lznold Gennett. Typescript, signed. ..'ells aniJC his Ii;;ew i.:~rld~;by Arnold Pknnett, 'Book ~f the Eu'eekt artA.cle, author's ::S. , 5 I.H.C.F.