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A people of Life KNIGHT’S LIFELINE and for Life Published by the Knights of Columbus Office of Pro-life, Marriage and Family Values

K OF C “DAY OF THE UNBORN CHILD” “WINNING WORDS OF LIFE” Thursday, March 25, the Feast of the FLYER NOW AVAILABLE Annunciation, is the date for this year’s observance A new flyer, “Winning Words of Life” (#2275), of the annual Knights of Columbus “Day of the suggests how to build a “Culture of Life” by Unborn Child.” Councils are encouraged to hold offering responses to common pro- pro-life activities, such as a Rosary for Life, a arguments. The flyer may be ordered from the special Mass on behalf of the unborn, a baby-bottle Supply Department in reasonable quantities, at no campaign fund-raising drive on behalf of a charge, except for shipping. pregnancy care center, or other spiritual and service The four-page, full-color flyer describes how programs on behalf of unborn children and their the pro-life movement today has a distinct “women- mothers on March 25th. See the “Pro-life” pages in centered” approach that recognizes the unbreakable the “Service Programs” section of the website at bond between mother and child. for more pro-life program ideas. The flyer tells about recent national polls that show the majority of the MARCH FOR LIFE - PHILIPPINES respondents now consider This year the Third Annual March for Life in themselves “pro-life.” It the Philippines, instead of being held on the same also tells how over 2,300 day, will be held on different days in the three pregnancy care centers are jurisdictions. The Marches in Visayas will be held open nationwide to not on Saturday, March 5, 2011, in Cebu City, Iloilo only save unborn lives, City, Tagbilaran City and Bacolod City. In but to help new mothers Mindanao, the Marches will be held on Sunday, make moral, informed March 20, 2011, in Davao City, Cagayan de Oro choices based on medical City, and Butuan City. In Luzon, the Marches will facts and real alternatives be on Saturday, March 26, 2011, in Manila, Baguio to abortion. City, Tuguegarao City, and in other major Luzon The flyer addresses why abortion is never the cities. answer, even in the so-called “hard” cases, where Knights, Squires, their families, and other the violence of rape and incest can never be undone parishioners, are encouraged to turn out in force in or healed by the additional violence of abortion, and support of building up the nation’s Culture of Life how in every pregnancy a doctor has at least two by defending existing pro-life laws. patients under his care and that he must always try For the past decade the Philippine bishops have to save the life of the mother and the life of her opposed various versions of a “reproductive health” unborn child. bill (RH bill) which would fund widespread Another section of the flyer describes how the distribution of contraceptives. In January, Order’s Ultrasound Initiative provides women with opposition to the RH Bill caused the government to a “window to the womb” to see the developing begin promoting a “responsible parenthood” bill. child and to hear the baby’s heartbeat. The flyer Church leaders want to know what “responsible tells how disabled children, such as those with parenthood” means in the bill. Secretary General Down Syndrome, can bring joy to a family as they Msgr. Juanito Figura of the Catholic Bishops learn to love without limit. It also holds up adoption Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said if the as a loving option to help a woman make a good life bill is simply “a rehash of the RH bill, then, for both herself and her child. definitely the Church will reject” it. Meanwhile, Finally, the flyer tells how Project Rachel offers Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, Archbishop of Manila, post-abortive women, and men, compassionate is promoting training in natural family planning for assistance to aid in healing and invites them to married couples as the best moral alternative return home to the Church by telling them of the available to promote responsible parenthood. good news of God’s mercy and forgiveness. KnightsLifeline 2_11_KLL Feb2011 2/23/11 11:56 AM Page 2

MARCH FOR LIFE - CANADA estimates ranged from well over 100,000 to as many The National March for Life and associated as 400,000 marchers. pro-life events will be held in Ottawa, May 11-13. The Knights of Columbus emblem was visible on This annual event begins on Wednesday, May countless council banners, hats, and jackets 11th, with a noon pro-life prayer service at Christ the throughout the March, as well as on 10,000 “Defend Saviour Orthodox Church and a 7:30 PM Mass at Life” signs provided to marchers by Knights from St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish. At 9:00 PM the District of Columbia jurisdiction. Other Knights there will be a Candlelight Vigil at the Canadian served as marshals for the March, and, at the Tribute to Human Rights Monument followed at 10 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate PM by all-night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Conception the night before, served as ushers for up at St. Patrick’s Basilica. to 10,000 people attending the standing-room-only On May 12th at 10 a.m. there are Masses at both National Prayer Vigil for Life Mass, celebrated by Notre Dame Cathedral and St. Patrick’s Basilica. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, along with other Marchers will begin gathering at noon on cardinals, dozens of bishops, and scores of priests. Parliament Hill with the introduction of dignitaries Previously, on Saturday, January 22, 2011, in San and select speeches. The March begins at 1:30 PM. Francisco, an estimated 40,000 people joined the The Silent No More Awareness Campaign will make Walk for Life – West Coast. Immediately following a presentation on the Hill about 2:45 PM. At 4 PM the Eastern Catholic Chaplaincy of Ottawa will lead a closing Prayer Service. The Rose Dinner, at 6 PM, will feature David Beriet, national director of 40 Days for Life, as the keynote speaker. On Friday, May 13th, a Mass for Pro-Life Youth will begin at 7:30 AM at the Hampton Inn and Conference Center, followed by the Pro-life Youth Conference from 9 AM to 2:30 PM. Call 613-729-0379 or 800-730-5358 for more information, or go to Book a seat on a bus now! No bus? Have your council reserve a bus to take a busload of Knights! the Walk for Life, about 3,000 youths participated Canadian Knights – “Defend Life!” in the first pro-life Youth Rally, of which the Knights of Columbus was the Grand Sponsor. MASSIVE PRO-LIFE CROWDS AT Other pro-life rallies and marches, large and WASHINGTON, D.C. MARCH FOR LIFE, small, were held at state capitols and cities and SAN FRANCISCO WALK FOR LIFE! towns throughout the . On Monday, January 24, 2011, the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, pro-life activists from LEGISLATIVE UPDATE across the country, including thousands of Knights, U.S. CONGRESS crowded the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and Three major pro-life bills are currently pending walked up Capitol Hill to the U.S. Supreme Court in the United States Congress that would prohibit in the annual March for Life. federal funds for abortion and protect conscience Before the March, the Verizon Center and the rights of health care workers and institutions. D.C. Armory were both filled to capacity with a The first bill, the bipartisan Protect Life Act, total of about 30,000 pro-life youths for pre-March H.R. 358, introduced January 20th by Reps. Daniel Masses and rallies. At noon, these young people Lipinski (D-IL) and Joseph Pitts (R-PA) and 88 co- joined tens of thousands of other youths and adults sponsors, would apply to the new national health for the rally on the Mall, where Knights of care program Hyde-Amendment type funding Columbus Supreme Advocate John Marrella led the restrictions on abortion and conscience protections Pledge of Allegiance. Following the rally, the for health care workers. March for Life began, with marchers filling six The second bill is the No Taxpayer Funding of lanes of roadway from curb-to-curb, and taking Abortion Act, H.R. 3, introduced by Rep. Chris nearly two hours to pass a single point. Crowd Smith (R-NJ) with 160 co-sponsors, which would KnightsLifeline 2_11_KLL Feb2011 2/23/11 11:56 AM Page 3

permanently ban taxpayer funding of Pregnancy Care Centers - There are over 2,300 throughout the federal government. Rather than pro-life pregnancy care centers across the country needing to apply Hyde-type spending restrictions that help pregnant women find positive alternatives annually to various spending bills, this bill would to abortion and provide women with free pregnancy permanently apply to all federal funding bills. This tests, maternity and baby clothes, furniture, diapers bill would also codify the Hyde/Weldon amendment and other services. that has ensured that federal agencies and state and Despite all the good that these centers do to local governments that receive federal funds do not support pregnant women and their babies (while discriminate against health care providers because also saving cash-starved states large sums of they do not perform or provide abortions. money), some cities and states have tried to hinder Also, Reps. John Fleming (R-LA) and Dan their work or even to shut them down. Boren (D-OK) have introduced the Abortion Non- The city of Baltimore, Maryland approved an Discrimination Act (ANDA), H.R. 361, to ordinance to fine pregnancy care centers $150 a day strengthen existing federal conscience protection if they do not post signs saying they do not perform laws. The bill affirms the principle that no health abortions. Similar bills to put restrictive regulations care entity should be forced by government to on pregnancy care centers have been passed in perform or participate in abortions. Montgomery County, MD, and in Austin, TX, and bills have been introduced this year in CANADIAN AND PROVINCIAL City, in the New York, Virginia and Washington PARLIAMENTS/STATE LEGISLATURES legislatures, and in Congress. State legislatures and the Canadian and However, when the Washington state House provincial parliaments are back in session and recently held a public hearing on the bill, over 500 considering bills such as parental involvement laws pregnancy care center supporters turned out to concerning abortion, pregnancy care centers, the oppose it, far outnumbering pro-abortion forces. right of a women to give birth, and the right of an Moreover, in January a U.S. District Court unborn child to be born. judge ruled the Baltimore ordinance to be an Women’s Right to Give Birth/Unborn Child’s unconstitutional infringement on pregnancy care Right to be Born - In December, 2010, the centers’ First Amendment right to free speech. Canadian Parliament considered a bill, C-150, A bill, H.B. 1217, introduced in the South known as “Roxanne’s Law,” named for Roxanne Dakota legislature, rather than attacking pregnancy Fernando. When Roxanne, a Manitoba woman, care centers, praises them and would require any became pregnant in 2007, her boyfriend tried to women seeking an abortion to get counseling at a coerce her into having an abortion. After Roxanne pregnancy care center. Americans United for Life refused to kill her unborn child, her boyfriend beat (, has model legislation (Joint her and left her to die in a snow bank. Roxanne’s Resolution Honoring Pregnancy Care Centers) to death raises two issues - how to better protect a recognize pregnancy care centers for their pregnant woman’s unborn child from fetal homicide outstanding work on behalf of life. or , and how to better protect the Parental Involvement Laws - Laws requiring pregnant woman herself from becoming a victim of parental involvement when a minor girl seeks an homicide when she refuses to abort her child. abortion give parents a chance to guide their A fetal homicide bill, “Concerning Unborn daughters towards positive alternatives to abortion. Victims of Violence,” S.B. 354, has been introduced States have experienced reductions of 13-19% in in the Connecticut legislature this year. In Rhode the number of abortions after the laws have gone Island, H.B. 5027 has been introduced in the into effect. Thirty-eight states have parental General Assembly to prohibit anyone from forcing a involvement laws in effect while five other state woman to get an abortion against her will. laws are being challenged in court. Seven states – Americans United for Life (, the Connecticut, Hawaii, New Hampshire, New York, pro-life legal group, has proposed model statues Oregon, Vermont and Washington - have no prohibiting fetal homicide (Crimes Against the parental involvement laws. However, four parental Unborn Child Act, also referred to as the Unborn notification bills have been introduced in the Victims of Violence Act) and forced abortion Connecticut legislature this year – H.B. 5098, H.B. (Pregnant Women’s Protection Act). 5262, H.B. 5790, and H.B. 6246. KnightsLifeline 2_11_KLL Feb2011 2/23/11 11:56 AM Page 4

KNIGHT’S LIFELINE 1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326

40 DAYS FOR LIFE ULTRASOUND INITIATIVE 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful witness Five new grants have been approved by the outside abortion clinics around-the-clock for 40 Supreme Council office to match funds raised by consecutive days and nights. councils for the purpose of purchasing ultrasound The next 40 Days for Life campaign is set for machines. A total of 82 grants have been approved March 9 to April 17, 2011, coinciding with Lent. so far. The councils that raised the funds and the Details are available at pregnancy care centers receiving these new It will be held in 243 locations throughout the matching grants are: United States, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Belize, Spain, Georgia and Armenia. All Saints CO 14475 Many dioceses participate in the campaign by Palmetto Pregnancy Center (Clover, SC) signing up parishes to provide parishioners to be at the on one or more of the 40 days. Minnesota State CO/Fr. Findley CO 4374 Over 13,000 church congregations have participated Life Care Center East (St. Paul, MN) in 40 Days for Life campaigns. At least 3,599 babies are known to have been Solanus Casey CO 1632 saved from abortion through past campaigns. In Saint Croix Life Care Center (Stillwater, MN) addition, 43 abortion clinic workers have quit their jobs and nine abortion centers have shut down Point Loma CO 3947 following 40 Days for Life campaigns targeted at Pregnancy Resource Center (Vista, CA) them. Over 400,000 people have participated by praying and fasting for an end to abortion. Oregon State CO/ Eugene CO 1430 1st Way Life Center (Eugene, OR) “DEFEND LIFE” SIGNS These signs measure 13”x 20” and are for Ultrasound Initiative forms are available at carrying in a march or in a walk for life, while for the use of councils sidewalk counseling, or during similar public interested in raising funds and applying for demonstrations or displays. Call 203-752-4403 to matching funds to purchase an ultrasound machine. order signs.