no of street Tba work of tbo Boon was practically Interruption with the ex's o* (bailing proceeds her*, lb* preen ptlso Bar la Mis (Jwlog to tbo atyla of tho BLIZZARD HITS MAKE. terries oity. tb* violently partisan looal Unban organ, vigorously. PORTO RICA) TARIFF. notion, tho Bom arc bound to ohow HALIFAX GKid IT. eommeate favorably npon thorn. tie whoaoror they arc obliged to 10.— A storm Tb* Onto Libre wtaleh I* entageoletle opn, Hallfaa, N. February laa*o tho if sn* and boll by a gats to tbo governor gen—1 enya tbs gen—1 koploo._ accompanied ■f wind from Ms southeast oommsossd ord— — "merely n brisk Is prolan* Ike ESCAPED. CRONJE * Terrific Snow Storm De- ibis mom sod aoaood o Heavy era. American ooeapatloo,"_ EXCHANGE OP SHELLS. lag Debate Begins in the It Is still blowing bard. CONFERENCE AT BRUNSWICK scends on State. House Today. MACRUM FULL OF FKiHT. nixty.nve Trather* mt Fitting Srhasle Met Bowdala Faealty. loth Sides Owipy Strong Uolug to Waalilngtoa In Order to bs on the Ground. tirnoAL to Tax raxes.) of a Gave Doer General Positions Trolley Care Went Oat of Business 17—Today Day Pittsburg, Pa., February 18.- Charles Will be Memorable in History of Bruaewlok. February Delay assistant* of ii E. Macrum, former U. 3. oonuil at tome slxty-llre principals, Bangor. in I South left for This Ike Mala* High eohoole and sonde on, Pretoria, Africa, Washlng- Congress. IT.— with tb* and to Retreat. Bird. BItot, Saturday, V.bruary oq at 10 o'clock on the Bslll- la eeaf—nee Chance tonight met pneldaat Tho Boar Dotdrrobt now la that faculty or Bowdala oolleg*. Tb# morning portion nore and Ohio road. Before leaving he Boar, a hill aorlb of session, whisk was bold la tbo Beorles tba ooaopy atroag taid: Presi- tbo town and that tbo Brltlah hold a com- • Helenes building, —a opened by All Trains Late Into the "I do not withdraw a word of mjr that tbs eon- manding post to tbo Booth. Both are Republicans Favor Im- dent Hyde who explained barges against the British officials in soiled In If maintaining a brink axobanga of aballa frreaoe bad bean order, pos- South Africa. If I am called I Dordrvobt. City. upon, of te about a oloeer ooaaeetton •*ar position Duty. sible, bring tin prepared at any lime to testify to between tb* teoondary eohoole aad the tioaaral lira brae t'o bona, 2.000 atrong, Force Would ——————— furnish evidence of their truth- Otherwise Entire tba marab from Baa Hook hern and college and ale* to promo** a better com- commenced I : morn o*ao o traoklaaa *aM« fulness." mon understanding between them. In Thursday lug S a mouatalaoua and dUBoult Mr. Macrum is evidently delighted order to do tbie tk* carious oubjeot* In Have Been Surrounded. and through Storm Serere Exceptionally >ver the effect of his statement made Mr. liilllrfleU Will Oppose the the eolPgo requirements would ho taken oauatry. thag wore Baud a pan and last weok and that np In turn aad thoroughly examined. Early Friday Along Kennebec. mobile says although osBtlauod oil and wall In- with Bill. Tbo subject would be lntroduoed by the tho Bring day is Is not acquainted Congressman tbo bowl of the department In oolleg* and to tbo night, tho British clearing iVlieeler of Kentucky, who introduced a Boon oat of euoc >eilve under a then thrown opts tor general dlsansston. poaltlona, esolutlon in tho House a-klng for an excel- terrltlo rifle lira lotting eight boura. Tbie plan waa productive of moat nvestigation of his case, lie will call Toward tba Brltlah lent reeult* rlnoe It not only explained midnight Friday, Bangor, February 18.—A snow blizzard h'm tomorrow or next The of tbo ipon day. 18.-The House the bat sleo foioad tba Bcera at tbo point of descended on Bangor at Washington, February the position of oellege, Lord Roberts’ Other Moves Ex- great fury ix consul says ho is not going to Wash- an tomorrow will enter upon the considera- the views of the prepara- bayonat oat of tbalr I eat poaltloo, about seven o'clock this morning ltd mowed clearly on any mission, but wants tbe Dcrilrooht. ngion special te!) of ths Put rfco Kico tariff bill and schools on nil them subjects. The Important ona overlooking continued all day with unabated foroe. tory ;o l>e on the ground to give his testi- debate on It to be memorable In continued until noon when on Time- The artillery duel wan continued today. waa low throughout tbe pronalsts discussion ecuted Tna temperature should it be needed. The vital Apparently cmualtloo killed, nony the history of this Congress. the visitors were Invited to Inspect the Tbo llrltleb weroolgnt day and tte driving mow and outtlng whether Crallan and Lieut. question at Issae in tbe bill Is oellege buildings. laoludlng Captain wind made It almost impossible to travel ITALY KXCKP'JKD. the constitution Chandler auit wounded. run oars that clause of providing At 1.80 a dinner wee served to the eight any dlstanoe. Ho attempt to London, February 19.—Lord ilcssbeiry for of Impost taxes throughout at The Brltlah aome prleonera railroad In town equality guests end members of the faculty opturad was made by tbe street writes to the Times expeuing bis regrets United States territory extends over tbe Meadow* Inn. mt at and a quantity of forage and provlelona. Uldtown llue to get New Beventy-four tbougb tbe managed .her, In a recent speech te tergot to men- Island of Porto Kloo and In this is In- President line or tbrre the tabbs After tne dinner a oar through over tbelr twu tion the singular Instance of open volved. the detenu 1 nation of tbe from Another or tdnloe Central perhaps, Hyde called for Informal remark* Duller is Attempting Crossing ENEMY IH PATiC. times during tbe day. Tbe friendliness displayed by Italy during the future status and government of our new the from Boston at 11.80 tome of the visitors Among speakers paper train due bera present war. The In framing possessions. Kepubllcats were Principal Cbase of Portland, White the Tugelu. a. m. did not arrive until 4.85 tonight, the the bill have proceeded upon theory of Bangor, Moody of the Kilward Little and tbe other train# over tbe road were that tbe constitution and Its Immunities High sohool, Libby of Lewiston High, also late. Tbe storm In tbe eoutbeaitern Kloo. The do not extend over Porto Johnson of Coburn Classical Institute, Position on Modder River Hurriedly part cf tbe atote waa not §0 severe, as the Democrats are solidly arrayed upon Cook of Augusta, Hampson of Thornton wen* •'.her side and In committee they Academy, Cole of Bath, Know of Yar- Evaeuatfd. rived nearly on time. No oosualvlei from one Mr. MoCall of joined by Kepubltcun, mouth Academy, Dutch of Hallowell and exposure have yet been reported. Massaobusstt-8. tbe 4.50 a. m. —It li where In london thli evening that Gen- Professors MacDonald and Lee of London, February l

a aad bad urged blm aftirwaed to got for big your qneatlon ns to whether they had ao- ■IM'lCt.l.AUlCOl'a. MUM Popalleta aid Sliver Kepnblleeaa, | _IIIKKLUSKOEI. KLLANKOCI._ unlawful TO BECOME 1 SENATOR. ha vMtnonltoiadi oonrse beeonee tao rata of tbo mem bar ba bad epokea of. thorlty te pay out mosey fee It raaultsd U the nomlaatlon of people Hafsrrlng to Mr. Warroo'a itits meat purposes. They had no authority to pay out for other then fair and le- who war# not Democrat*. Tba objeol that hla tao* bat boon dlsahargad from moeey any meat Clark'• Mr. waa to so organise to trsak down tbs employ at lattaaoa, gitimate purposes. The examination Is chief net eouoloed Are Can C" RHEUMATISH? “on* man nawar" In the Mata. Afte Clark taM ba did aot know that War- WELL aasertalalag thass faote tbs Boost or said ren had nay eons. at 4.(0 p .in. y°u What it Costs in State to Mr.Clark admitted that ba bad In sxeoutlva cession tbe oommltlee de- we that ha had very relootaotly agiaad thaugbt and—, cided not reeelve Falk's testimony on I ha propealilon of hla friends to aseUA wall of Mr. Caooa. aot only booaneo of to A. W. MOORE’S of Montana. effort at Push them flnanalally, famishing saoh fond* tbe letter at In trod cotton be brought, bat concerning Whiteside's reported a notion In a alaa boeeueo Canon tad been with hie bilbery hot It le understood that BLOOD AND NERVE MEDICINE as wars aoeolui* ly naaaaaary piudant at. friends In n oemmlsslon ot Democrats bed been cf a motion tot rvoonsld- dead you way to accomplish the object aimed given Mr. Clark aald at tbla prellmlaary meet- end Hepnbllonne In n onmpalgn In Botte. c ration. YOU. the advis- center by. WILL CURE he nad stated distinctly that ht la reply In a enggeetlon of Mr. Chand- The oemmlttea also dleenoerd is on its ing Thin Medicine has and selling f t wltneanse for tbe Paid Out Over a candidate for the Senate ler, Mr. Clark eatd ba bad wrlttea a let- ability cf sending when vou talcs care of the Senator Cl irk would not b* A s In the direction will start the merits alone, tbe cf ight push right engine care hla mind ter to the Hopublloan oaaeoe of tbo Mon- purpose of Impeeoblag tenllmeay blood and nerves, they will take of end that he had not changed but rrnobed can neither rub af toaa legislature, his attlt ade wltnsssse already beard, they your Rheumatism, you 1100,000. until a'ter the election the legislature. outlining when 100 pounds of steam fails. As the is fast on tha tariff. Its bad tint no eonolnelon. There are about (0 such nor Physic, it out. public UAVE UVKK 1100,000. question finding out. and that is what gives this orison In tbo leglslatleo campaign la wltneesea wanted cn raob side and tbe "Uld yoa. In aeoordance with yonr Perhaps you are pushing on a dead center. remedy, the demand of the thinking peo- Yellowstone end he had at that ef them here weald bt with friends at that eounty expense bringing it and tell your friends the re- agreement your ple, try early data written a letter to Mr. Foster about $19,0(10 or 190,(00. sults. meeting, make any oontrlbntlon* to tke If so, we can help you. for Im- of that oonaty. Writing to the obalr- The oommltten adjourned until Mon- Nothing Used campaign fundi" Mr. Faulkner asked. man of the cituous ha bad re- was the “Some Kepublloan day. We want six solicitors, of the kind wa have been "Fee, air," reply. _ just JOHN W. PERKINS CO., Agents, iterate! the rlewe la the Footer proper Purposes. days after this meting 1 gave the expreaeed TURNED BLACK IN HALF AN letter He bad not pnosreed n of talking about, between 25 and 50 years of age, with desk- Wholesale Portland, Me. amount wbiob It had been estimated copy HOUR. Cruggist, That tbo Is tter, but If one could be found he fyn^ would te necessary to begin with. Feb. 17.—A wblta man Would be to It. (Senator Kenorba, Wfie., room and at Portland Office. amount wax The second contri- gled produce headquarters $33,000. turned as blaok ae ths ace of tpadot Fri- and amount- Chandler Insisted that tha letter should bution was made In Octoler and all In less than half an hour. Address: It e at eetdeaoe of the day Oiio Hundred Dollars Was (liven I contributed be found aa plsdga ed to £0,100. In November From tbe tips of bis toes to tbs top of bis I elected I ba bad made to scours Kepublloan foies. PURE SEEDS $10,100, and after waa gave bead Alsxandsr Wsrteaen Is ns black as to Church. Mr. Clark said bt had mat tha latter to C. W. a check foe about my eon, Clam, n negro, and from no apparent cause. THE LIFE Me. Hobson, oh airman of tha Hspubll- EQUITABLE 133.103 to pay expenses Incurred during His fellow workmen, frightened, ran Helene. oan caucus. Mr. Clark stated tbe son- thi silting of the legislature In from blm, and be le now at borne ASSURANCE SOCIETY. tents of tbo letter to tbo oaueua He sold away were all that BY MAIL. These fonr contributions wondering wbat be baa dons or what na- with that be had taken the position that "in the were made by ms la connection ture arcana blot from white F. H. 1IA/.KI.TON Jt MANAGERS FOB February 17.—Before distil button tbe dutli k on rarloua by changing CO., MAINE, PORTLAND, Washington, Senator tbs of You the of the the tba oempatga. Kxplalnlng to to blaok. get pick Big- Senate ocinrolttee began Its work In he that raw material a drat oou aiteles, thought word want Hear, Mr. Clark said that the Wcrtenc-i Is In tbs of tbs Clark Investigation today tbs should bo for and share to the employ of 0 0 was In or proelded grst and Best stock of Flower was tributton $33 neoeaaary Kenrsha tannery. He wee at work ns around I bat Senator Clark blmeelt of tbo protootlee tariff to the the rxsoutlve adeantago Senator was not ganlstng fer campaign. usual Friday morning nod was Isellog to lake tbe stand. The extent of materials In oar own Seeds and Garden Seeds in asked Mr. Faulkner, produosd the when the oommlttee "Hid you evar," peifsotly wtlL Boon be notloed ttbat present, however, stats, such as wcol, lead, hides and bar- "directly or lodlreotiy make any money workmen were looking at blm qucrrly ESTATE and Jnatloe REAL You wouldn’t receive was called to order, Plggott Maine. to sc- ley." ooort waa re- or other volunteer oontrttutlons and then their nstonlehment gave away of the Montana anpreme Returning to Ceson, Mr. Clark eald he hla tes- our* the vote of any member of the leg- to fear. He arked wbat was tbe matter better treatment if you called to make some additions to tbe ad- SOLD OR EXCHANGED. any Sene- kad sent o oheok for f£0) after BOUCHT, other islature for you for United States anil was told that be was tnralng blaok. timony. lie raid among things, of tbe legislature. This he us in than tor?" journment of tbs E. C. BITI.DIMO LOTS—All price*, in and around tlie city. 100 visited person you'll that he and Justloe Hunt had oonsnlted Tbe manager tannery, everywhere bad doae because Caaoa had eomplalnad lot* tlie Ii section. I never," tba wit- was called and be first class in crinR as to tbe wisdom of orlmlnal proceedings “No, air, responded Thiers, lramsdlately of our to blm of the oondltlon ot hie ftuanoea COYLE 1‘AIIK Is acknowledged by goo 1 judges to bo by far tlie finest get by availing yourself aoooont cf his ad- ness. told tbs man to go boms. By that time apnlnst Ur. Traoey on and beoanse of tbe good opinion be bad suburb In Maine. Several fine bouses arc to bo built there In the early s ruing. “Ho yon know of yonr own personal be was Ink blaok from hand to foot. vances toward Jostle# Hunt In connec- | Prices will surely advance there s ion Make vour selection, make a.small pay- Mail Order You nn-d of him. Department. Wellooine disbarment eaea kuowlodga of any money being Among those wto raw tbe men after ment to Insure sale and I will wait for the balance. Now is tlio time. tion with tte of tbe Kepublloan rotes cast to InQusnoe vote* In yosr be- Hpeaklng he bnd turned blaok and are willing to know we have the aud our He Mid that both eeemed to ooonr that oorruptly goods this for him, Mr. Clark said be had told all for snob notion half?” waa the next question. To swear to tbe phenomenon are E. C. the eltuntlon did net oall members of tbs th* Senator Kepublloan legislature William in the business is a Ur. waa more replied: Thiers, manager of tbe tannery; L. M. LEIGHTON, years guaran- as they thought Traoey that be srould not their rotes if wr terlaa Lodge. he had met Ha thinks tba nndergrourd la amemteroftbe Mr. Clark admitted that majority of the HeputUenn oanons. Ml'hlgan. Tbe Chief Justice work bad to do with bis present condi- FEDERAL & TEMPLE STS. Mark Hewitt often during the sitting of The letters to and from Ur. Ector were board of trustees, and Senator Clark Is tion. lie Is abonl 30 yesrs of sge and un- St. Their conversations one of his DALTON & 53 president. Tbe wltnero said Ur. Martin the leglrlsture. had, then taken np. Explaining married. CO., Exchange Portland, Me. he been so de- letters to the said he thonght came to his offloe and showed him a let- however, said, oomplrtely doctor,he febi7*?t of feature that he did not remem- to THE LUMBER DEALERS. ter signed by Senator Clark,one s-ntenoe the matter related Kspresentoallve ber of them. He was sure he had Blokford wai af- of which Is as follows: “Sea Justloe any Wood and Mr. looking - - REWARD. In Teeth- never ss the latter had tes- the Artificial told Hewitt, ter that matter. Htnee expression a Brantley and ask him not to allow that Their Monthl) tlatherluK at Hlvrrtou Superior We, the offer a that he considered Whiteside reli- 'That matter U left entire- nature that can bemad© undersigned druggists, man Wellcome to be disbarred. tified, bis letter that Our. m IT CO that are made *t my offloo coma the nearest to pr.sslldy good Plmtaut and what reward of 50 cents to who he had never told after Blokford." r With guarantee you are sure'to get the very best iuhi any person After the letter Jnstice Brant- able; that Hewitt, ly In the bends of Mr. Ln I to by anyone. injr leading you want, a perfect fit and natural appearance, of us two 25 cent boxes of Whltes'de so-ealled thu Mr. Wood# wet purchases said he handed It baok saying he was the exposure, they Be had not known ley of Mandrake Bitters if it would make the | eopls believe that Mr. In nebt aathat bad never Lein Ihe La ruber Dealers* aeeoolatlon Baxter’s Tablets, only one member cf the court and oould subject Y. M. C. I. had furnished tbe used by attention. He had Portland bald Its monthly meeting, ban- DR. E. P. BLANCHARD, fails to cure constipation, biliousness, cot control Its action nor would he If Delay 110,0X1 brought to ble expect- B«iWjn|. Whiteside lo that and that be Blokford wonld look after and social Saturday evening at tbe sick loss of appetite, be could. He bad also assured Ur. Mar- exposure, ed that Mr. quet headache, jaundice, WHEN IN TRY Th.. h»*s Itcvl thf I-.iofTtirl. had nover told Hewitt that he would Mr. Wood's vote. He bad had no person- Klvarton oaalno After tne banquet tbe DOUBT, sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint, lin that there was no prejudice In the and have cured thousands cl or of association to icasei of Mr. Wellcome and that he have hit eon Charles or Weilooms any al Interview with Mr. Woods until after members tbe adjourned V I KllNn Nervous Diseases, such or any of the diseases for which it is re- court agalns', O I SlUIlU (at Debiiitv. Dirzinest, Sleepless* one else s e with a vlaw room where a eoolal evening, chief Tom Lyon* the eleotlon. the saoklng ness commended. Price 25 cents for either would have a fair trial. The jus- legislative 1 ft I III I and Varicocele.Atrophy.&c. to him. He re- said he was In the habit of , eto., was enjoyed. The rlear the brain, strengthen said that he was net sore that tbe eatlefylog did, howevir, Mr. Clerk Including All AIN They tablets or We will also refund tice WUWIH I the circulation, make digestion liquid. member that Hewitt had told him that matters of detail over to others musical programme for tbe occasion was showed him by Ur. Martin was In tnrnlng and a healthy the uu one of either if it letter perfect, impart money package was some trouble abont matters In hand. He furnished Messrs. Eugene U. Winslow, the whole All drains and losses are checked Unless patients Senator Clark's bandwriting. Lyons making having particular by vigor to being f«rm,tn*ntly. often worries them into or Death. fails to give satisfaction. In the senatorial he to Mr. Blokford on Leavitt and Patoy are properly cured, their Condition Insanity, Consumption that Ur. his expenses oampalga. knew, spoken George Dailey,Samuel or Senator Chandler announced had, Mailed sealed. Price |i per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to Cure refund th« and violin se- With rrftrrnoe to tha of and he It M. Greene In piano, banjo oo. Send tor free book. Address. PEAL MEDICIME CO., Cleveland, 0. C. H. CUPPY & CO.f Martin had been sent for and that Ur. t.stlmony Leg- tbs subject thought probable money, f.s islator Jaokton of Utab.Mr.Clark said be that he had turned the letter over to him. lections. The party numbered about C. H. GUPPY A CO.. AGENTS, PORTLAND, ME. Monument Square, Traory was now on his way to Washing- had no noolltctlon whatever of "Mr. Mr. Clark In An enjoyable evening PORTLAND,MK. ton. having Blokford," said, tblity persons. the met that gentleman and thst he was sure to a question from Senator Hoar, was spent. The following oamroaed bKKATOK CLAHK CALLKU. reply thst bs had not tried to InQueno* Jaok- "was the only one I Knew well In Mr. parly: Edward S. Doten, W. Jf. Wads- Senator Clark was than called to tbe Wins- son to vote for Mr.McCune fur United Wood’s locutlty and I would naturally worth, James W. Parker, Howard Mr. Clark’s oaused a stand. appearanoe States Senator from Utah. He was turn the matter over to him. He hed no low, C. W. Richardson, U. S. Richard of Interest throughout the room. C. ripple equally sure that be had made uo ooirupt authority to aot for me exoept In a legiti- •on, P, J. Daerlug, Robert Henry, After being sworn In Mr. Faulkner be- lea W. W. W. Insurance takes or Improper proporuls to Jaokson In that mate way. All I expeotsd was that he E. Deerlng, Chat Slake, The Xew York _ife Company Immediately his the tlrst C. gan questions, connection. should hold Woods In line and prevent Higgs, A w. Drown. I. A. Lovell. in to the citizens of this State of which out the facta concern- pleasure announcing brooght the by whom be wee surrounded D. Howau, uo bert Lowe, J. M. Lane, CLAKK AND HANNA. people offices are located at Ex- ing Mr. Clark's earaer, polltloal and J. V. Ar- that its Maine branch 90 certain wee he that ha had nev- who were unfrlenoly to me, from getting George T. Edwards, Maoey, otherwise. He said be had resided In Equally from me. He was author- thur W. Pieros, A. S. Mann, Rufus Lc- Portland, Maine, and cordial Primary. ami Tertiary Blood Poison er said to Mr. Jaokaon or any one else Woods away change St., exlends|a Secondary I Montana since 1MU, most of tbs time In Frederick Dud- Permanently Cured. You can e treated at that Senator Hanna of Ohio had securad ized “to use only pertUAflve neioa aod grow, U. J. MoDonald, invitation to all holders Portland to under tame If you have taken and had bsen In policy visiting borne guarantee. Butte, engaged many to ns: money. 1 E. S. William Westwood, Iodide and still have aches bis eleetlon to the Senate was not authorized any ley, Phillips, mercury. jiotash, of were (Haana’e) by at the new where a desk and other con- Patches In Sore rccupatlons, the principal which In mind and Lewis. call offices, and pains, Mucus Mouth. means. had nothing improper ray Gapt. Copi>er Colored Spots, Ulcers and oorrupl Throat, Pimples. merchandizing, banking, mining reason to that Mr. At tba oonolualon of dinner a business are offered for their use at all times. of the Hair or "I am said Sena- I bad ao suppose veniences on any psrt body, Eyebrows said be had absolutely poaltlve," tcbitittt write the reduction of ores. Be In hie." was bald In tba card room. falling out, tor "and I want to tbat every Blokford had anything Improper meeting tn Clark, say taken an active part polltlos sspeclol- be of the In- of a publlo nature was done, ex- COOK REMEDY CO. word of Jaokson’s testimony which re- He knew nothing, said, Nothing )y far tbs past lb years. renoh whlob It was routine business. S28 Masonic Temple, Chtcaco. III., for proofs me was ebaolctelr false debtedness of Wood’s ojpt of be lated to of cures, t apilal *506,two. We solicit the most (^Coming to the oawpalgn ltft»8, be oarrled fur him At this luaotorj a member of tbe oom- proposed should obstinate cases. We have cured the worst It at the solicitation OFFK.NDh.KS. said he bad entered said to mo EPENUBSCOl cues ill 15 to 35 days, loo-pane book free. millet asked Mr. Clark la regard to the "Nothing was by any llrlng Dir UI WIHI uuu unj 17.—In the DOV2TdU 01 a Buna irHOIlt, lend me to or Bangor, February Sutreine letter of Ur. Martin of the Montana col- person whloh wonld 9Uipeot me to help them organise the atate existed." oourt today, thu prisoners found guilty concerning which Chief Jnstlee suppose that such a condition 14, 1897. what waa called the lege were In 'the oaae of THE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND, Aug. ajalnat Daly powei, a to him when sentenoed. l'eroy had teetitied earlier In the He said It wae surprise of Pa. MR. C. K. NEWCOMB : 1 to do with their aid and biantley day. for and and Philadelphia, which agreed of the transac tion for the reilel Southard, breaking entering mm k MCALLISTER Doar Sir.—For teu years or more 1 was Mr. Clark replied that he had no recollec- the details assistance." the laroeny of a oow, the oounty attorney ASSETS DEC. 31, 1899. n sufferer from sour rf Woods' moetzage by hie son and Mr. great dyspepsia, tion concerning the letter. He thought Estate. He then referred to the < « a s_ M I_t. —V. ant tea Olo tutfl. nol the charge of breaking and Real and heartburn. I had used preliminary proceed 0 stomach, he might bare written It aa his relation Mortgage Loans.. 900.00 in the shape of patent medi- meeting of hi] frlende, the paitloulare entering and the prisoner was saatenoed Collateral Loans. n.oon.oo everything with Ur. Martin wae eery Intimate. moaj. cines I ever heard of, some affording of which were related by Dot. Hauser, upon the lndlotment of lsroeny to one Stocks and Bonds ;«i.i4i.7?i *'l did nut go to the extent of LIFTING A MOHTUAGK. Cs«h In Office and Bank. 3>\7fll 7.' relief only. In the winter of be made the above oertelnly in the state temporary Is wbleb agreement year prison. Bills Receivable. t,120.82 COAL. 1 so had that for six weeks 1 had asking him to suggest to Judge Brantley Mr. Blokford'i '97 got related by agreeing to pay all tbe ex- Questioned closely upon John Banlsy, who pleaded guilty to Agents’ Balances. 39.011.2." to sit bolstered in bed from three to that the against Welloome to lift Wooda'i Interest and Kents. joi.b* up do tbe proceedings to Mlaaoula and " suffered such pense* If tbe otbere would orga- taking I’,000 the oharge of breaking entering, L’nctdlecied Premiums. nc six hours every night, I should be If I did write It, I that he had the work stopped. mortgage Mr. Clark repealed was elk months In All other assets... 74_vv A friend of mine Induced me to ulzlnu and perforin necessary given prison. palD. did so to hsye Dr. Martin uas hla whatev- in the simply not at the time known anything Von for horse I Assortment ol end Free- try your wonderful mediciue, namely Dr. campaign. Alfred Steppe, stealing, Cross Asset-*. t.v.\672.7 Fail Lehigh Influence with Judgs lr^entley to aae that It. He had not known that hit o.ot Abak's Stomach and Blood Remedy. Helatlng farther the motives actuating er about was sentenoed to one year end six months Deduct Items not admitted. was Mr. Wslloonsa.'* un- Coals tor Domestic Use. to say, sinoe the first dose Into tbla justloe doae eon had the money to Bickford Burning Strange taking him in entering onmpalgu given in prison. Admitted Assets.t>8,e 72.7; I havo never had to sit up a minute after Mr. Clark was at 111 on tbs eland when mutter waa out In the tee which waa for a few of the state officer* til the brought In the oaae of Slats vs. Smith for lar- LIABILITIES DEC. 31, 1899. I’ocnbontAs (Seml-BItumlnous) ami to After four a receu going bod. taking piut the committee took until 8.15 here. M" and for member* of the legislature, ha tlmony ceny, the sentenoe was live months In Net unpaid losses • 130.21 Coals are bottles of your valuable inediolne, 1 l.'rorget Creek Cumberland ont nma friend* to p. m. “Did your aon have aooasa to yoor ao Unearned Premiums 229,992.3:. it but always ■aid ha had aought jail- atopped taking regularly, _ All other steam ami He also stat- GAVE TO THE GUUKCU. oonnta. ao that he oonld have given Mr. liabilities.. unsurpassed for general it me. 1 consider I am all right fee) the pale* of the state. keep by THE BANliOK SEMINARY. _ Mr. that amount of in your Total. §267, l«.* now and have been for more than a year, ed that Democratic politics In tbe atate Whan the oommlttee reassembled, Blokford money lorge use. 17.—It Is Cash Capital. oun.* can set before me. I oontlnuad hla direct examina- aeked Mr. Hoar. Bangor, February sxpeotsd and eat anything bad been running wild for some year*. Faulkner lntorest!” Surplus over all liabilities. I0l,ft20.ix (lenulne Franklin, recommend that two measures which will ooias be- 1ykens Sailer would moat heartily your Tbe Democrat* bad be«n fu«lng with tion cf Henator Clark. Ha asked Mr. “Xha aon la a man of wealth hlinaelf.’' that be afflicted as fore tbe next wll have to do Total liabilities and surplus. $308,672.77 and American Canned medicine to any may Clark ooneernlng kla with eald Hr. Falkner. legislature! CuglUb aoqualntaaee MORSE A U LPT ILL. Agent. 1 was before uiing your medicine. with tbs removal of tbe Bangor Thsolog Ree. B. E. H. Warren, the Melbodlat | “Lot the wltneaa answer," slid Senatoi fsbSdlawSwM Portland, Ma ne. Constant- you success for your wonder- Bowdola under Above Coals Wishing who teetitied for the leal seminary to oollege, ful and considering it all you minister, proeeou- Chandler. remedy, oheoka whose It is proposed to contin- LOMiTII^IONEK S NOTICE. On Hand. claim it to tloa. Mr. Clark said Mr. Warren kad Mr. Clark—“My aon had drawn patronage ly be, men for I'LI.I'PHONE ... ItlO-'i not do so In ue the work of training yonag SS. 1 am yours truly, cone to him during tha senatorial con- ub my aooount, bat he did CUMBK.RI.ASI). Pneumonia a Portland. Maine. 10. A. P. 1900. W. C. oonld have drawn the mlnletry and tbe establishment of Februaay LORING, test, expressing great Interest In hie osin- thla oaae. Ha easily We. Hie undersUned, having beeu duly ap- OFFICE: oaae of th e re- Steam Fire Engine No. 12. leaves the on hla own ao- new normal school. In tho Honorable of Probate Engineer always lungs pslgn and told him that there was a this amount of money pMuted by Judge For Set. by I>. \V. IIESEI.T1NE A CO., moval of tbe seminary to Brunswick the wtthm and for said County, commissioners to & 70 arc member of the whoee name he oonnt.” upon the claims of the • ■■<1 C. K. NEWCOMB, 63 Vesper St. weak. Weak legislature receive aud decide 7^Commercial Exchan^Sts. lungs he eald that hli seminary buildings would be admirably of E. Underwood, late of said leblSeodlw* did not mention, whose rote could be had In reply to a question, creditors llenry to normal school uses and n Portland, deceased, whose estate has been for the had even alnoo the feet* of thli adapted breeding grounds for Mr. Clark. aon not, represente 1 Insolvent, hereby give public inurement In that line Is talked of. The "I told him." said Mr. Clark, "that transaction were brought out In thla In- notice agreeably to ths order of said Judge, that cause seminary and after February 7. germs consump- to He had Bangor Theological that si* month) from WM. M. I would It him. paid to that would U> nice and that quiry, explained olldings are a large ohapal, dormitory, 190). have been allowed to said creditors MARKS, also aervloea Ereient their olaima and that we will SEVEN tion. Chronic bronchitis like to hare the role. Mr. Warren then Blokford nothing for hla except gymnasium, boarding house and profes- present and prove 10 the duties assigned us at the oftice ol and hla regular salary. sors’ lealdsnoso. attend often follows said that to git the rote would require hla expenses Charles J. Nichols, w Exchange street. In said SUTHERLAND pneumonia. Mr. Clark to a by Mr.Fenlknei Portland on March 10th and August Oth. 1900 al some money. 1 Sold him," Replying question A NEW CANDIDATE. two o'olock. p. in., of each ol said days. If have had not to aaoore the relation to hlmaelf of hla Card went on, "that I did expect oonoernlng CHABLEH J. NICHOLS, ( SISTERS’ you pneumonia, Un Saturday tha aame of Dr. Xopllil commissioner*L °«™nnsionere. Book, A. 1 Mats Orestes and Soalp Olaanar. rotes as tha resalt of n pecuniary son, O. W. Clark. Wrloome, Blekford, W. J. KNOWLTON, any men- that will rectors the bair the of Mc- of tha Dearlug district was being febl2dlaw-3wM Are the only preparations germs consumption consideration." J. Davidson, A. J. Steele, William AND- to its healthy condition. At ali Dem- original drofglsts-^ Senator Clark eald: tioned as a likely oandidate for thu are at work. Don't let After that Mr. Warren had asked him Dermott and others, NOTICE. to me In the of ocratic nomination for mayor. for a contribution for hie uhuroh and “They stood position Stover, bai a I my wife. Lillian C. them foothold. Interest! 1 forbid all get Begin bad aaked him to send the eheek If ha friends promoting my political WHEREASdeserted me without cause. WOMAN to harbor her or trust her on ac- EVERY He and some cf them oompoeed a committal persons my JOB a at (Mice and take one at all, to him personally. K. BTOV EK. PRINTER, Sometime* reeds reliable gars count. CHARLES to dishorns fundi feblfidlw* mouthlj regulating medicine. bad promised to do this and bad after, which had undertakes Pownel, Feb. itb. 1900. PRINTERS' EXCHANGE, SC CT’S who war* PEAL’S EMULSION; sent him a oheek for 8100 for the In the oampalgn and author- DR. wards 07 1-0 Exchange St.. Poitluu l making It to Mr. Warren ised to look sfiar matters generally. it will drive out the germs ohuiob, payalli » PENNYROYAL piLLS, Ha bad nerer had more ooa- “Had they any authority to do any- PIANO TUNING. personally. and customers Are safe and certain la result. The ream- the more u This Is to Inform my friends prompt, aarratlon Gun this with Mr. Warren and In a Onauolal way than a; C. FINE JOB PRINTINB A SPECIALTY. Ine Peal's) never Sent anywhere^ by making lungs stronger thing that my order slate can be found C. (Dr. disappoint. orders mail er telspbune orouioH, f 1.00. Peal Medicine Co., Cleveland, O. he as ataolntely false the pay lnoldratal expense*!” It AWES, Jr., Music Store. 431 Congress street. All bj than are. pronounced fottteodluio* attended to. aeptsoedu they had not, if I am to understand H. E. MILLS, Piano Tuner, C. a.GUPPY & COw Portland. Me. and all statement mad# by Warren that "Clark" “They Agtt. k >et. f i.o*, drugfifllfc Naturally the notl notable erect I There Is • nog (ration of fnn and lenghti AN OVATION connection with this convention at Was! ! SALE STOPPED I lo tha Terr aamts of Ward aad Vote* lngfoo, waa the celebration of Miss Si whether n fa bseaoar three two faro-11 ean B. Anthony’s eightieth birthday on i ootaartfars hare become so tborongtil of that Mrs. Day spoke In detail. Th » Identified with fnn in oil He obes e n aodlenoe, she said, waa an enormous on* not, or whether one Immediately think and that tha the vet ere * e and Given Miss Laughlin al praeenta glean Of Woodbury & Moul _ of rldlonloi ‘'Petey Harold" ekotol worker w»rs many and varied. The pro they did s> bog. It la hard ta ary- Cor Suffrage Convention. gramme opened with a tong by Mr ton Securities, tain It 'a however, tiat thesa oomedtam Hntohlnaton, which was followed by ad hare solidly retabPeool thaws >lrae »• dreseeeo of greeting from the president o r reports In tbs fnn bcxlaeaa, and tbo on the National an d International Women* “* nonnoemeot of tbslr aomlag ganernll; Connell; from the Muoonbees, the Dual moans good business for the theatre a ness You are on the lookout for a Women; from the Colored Women* 1 which they appear. something for Spring Gown. A Mamifiwnt Tribute to a Purl lam It Whs Forbidden the Trailee hi I League, and from the four enfranchisec by They bring a company of forty poaph Have looked here ? states, Utah am and a aasntc dress for the twi you you did a few Honan. Wyoming, Colorado, complete Perhaps days ago. Idaho. Vn Day also meailoned taper Riferw. acb In which tba Hour walking takaa come and see what we lally tha beautiful tribute accorded Mis plaoa. It la said that tka Ward and Veto Well again have now. a few inches on Anthony by the daughter of Mrs. Kllza management hare ealipaad all their pro a nose a b»th Cady Stanton, adding that ahe fal i Tloos efforts along tbo lino of rich dross man's makes difference you know. So also does a few t-fce whole oocasl'm to have bten a inoe 'ng. and that tha wardrobe of tba present Annual of Local There li , in our dress Meeting remarkable one. It seemed t) her won Securities Held by Chap offering la aimpiy stunning. day's goods department. derful and beautiful that Miss Antbon; a large ohorna of pretty gllrs aad such si New ideas are at a A Organization. had lived to receive snob a apontaneou > man Bank, well known farce oomody principals prem- heavier Venetian, just and Vckee, Thi overwhelming tribute, after all so* Lacy Laly, Margaret Daly ium, and we have tried to the right weight for Jacket had been called ti suffer from th* Caloago Ladles Quart very price $1.50. Programme Next Year Pre- ride of those especially In oonnertloi As Collateral for a Loan of Flvi oompany Is almost Identlaal with tba oni Suits. The Tailor-Made stylish, with the suffrage movement, reception* roan In Ward and Vokea's run of twi sented. Thousand. Suit like the summer girl, being given her by the president, anc months lo Caloago during the psst aim- front GOODS Homespuns are desirable, also by Mrs Jenderaon, wife of ex-Sen- mir. During Vailed Prophet week "Xbi comes boldly to the at-or Henderson, at whlob functions Mlsa Floor Walken" nttraoted to the Oottirj each season and holds its -AND- they wear—well really there’s Anthony waa dresaeu In garnet ve’vei tbeatsr, tit. Loots, tba largest sreak'i place no matter what other no wear out to them. Fash- The tempting of thp Kqnal Suffrage club and point lacs. attendance In tbs bistory of that theatre. la aeoordanoe with an advsrtleemen be for- was one of special interest Saturday af- In all her story of the convention, Mrs. 'I hire are nearly twenty rausloal and styles may brought ionable mixtures in red whlob appeared In the dally paper*. K blue, ternoon, on aooount of tbe reports of tbe Day said no word of the part she hertel) racderllla numbers in tha programme tc ward. U. Bailey Jtr Co., auctioneer*, were to I LININGS. or are in demand. two delegates to tre National convention took In the meet legs, but word hits com* ha offi red. green, Saturday securities deeorlbed ee follow* at W ashing toe, mB well an the fact that It In other ways that her address at the HKOPKN1NU OK JKFFKKiiON. inches 44(00 of Crystal Water Co., Julgewater, N One of the most elegant Some know Fifty-six wide, at was tbe annual inerting. Work C inference, on "Prograininsai people just Y., lirst mortgage^ per eent (Old bond* There la general rejoicing among thr what want for Tbe Mrs. was Id How to Prepare was most fa fabrics is Satin Fared exactly they *1.25. president, Mgelovr, Them," >0 tort theatre-goers of Portland that the JtifTar- due 1010; 115 Smith, Achaean, To we the ch«ir. After the roll call tbe nominat- vorably received and called forth manj linings. those people Water Co. 0 per cent Ur it eonsolldatM e in reopens tonight under Its new man- Whipcord. It is full fifty ing oommtttem t rough! In the report of (tattering comments for the excellent aug would say “we think you will mortgage (old bonds, dun 1010; (loM ogiment after an Inter-rrgunm of two inches wide and comes in a Then there are the "Wide tbm officers of tbs ensuing which gfstlons she made on this Important sub- find it, whatever it be at year, Omaha Water Co., ooneol(dated inort works, which, however, has been moat may Was voted upon In the order cf business ject. Mrs. Day was also appointed, on of shades, biown, our Wale” Homespuns, very gags gold load*, 4 141 per cent to 1001, pioOtably spent In an all around houie variety lining department. and the offlo-ru wore elsoted: tb* financial so It would following committee, ap- ooine cadet mode thereafter & per cent, doe le l1.46 1 hear cleaning. Messrs. Cahn and Urant blue, blue, green, To others (that much will iind President—Mrs. K. li Line low. pear that the ability of Maine's woman larg- nobby. You quality erourltles are a of the annate of he.-e with a most enviable In Vice Presidents—Mis N. S. pert reputation and at *1.38. er class of who do Gardner, representative ut Washington had been red, priced people) in these You A?re. George G. Frje Aire. Ghrrles Day. Wcodbuty & Moulton. Before tbe bout tba tbsatrloal field, Indtel that of tha not like to homespuns. recognized nr quickly as la that of the know but be told ;; According Error# Lury—Mbs Sarah F. *et for tbe tain It wae prohibited by an senior member of tbs firm la world Another favorite will be Colburn. men, who have been sent there. At the about the new ideas in linings will feel correctly dressed order tlgned by Keferee ijswls Pierce and wlda They premia* to bring to the Ji ffar- Corresponding Secretary—Mies Anne ‘dose of Mrs. uay’s tdk the la lles present the Zibeline Camel’s Hair, we will mention these. Trustee Anion W. Coomb*, who bam In a >n tha alaiw of plays to which the bourn when wearing them, Burgess. expressed themaalv&s as being delighted fifty-six Treasurer—Mies Alice Blanchard. hand the oate of Woodbury & Meuitoo la entitled and so far as their bookings similar to Camel’s Hair For Coat Linings, also with the account ahe had given, and the inches is the width and the The olub Is to ba congratulated on its The eeouritlea mentioned In tkla idler hare been mode public they are certainly Broadcloth. It has a for Petticoats and Shirt meottng atijoarntd till next month, high elbi-ut board. lUsment appear In the Woodbury & Moul- keeping their promltas. Ward and Vokea Waists the Mercerized Cot- $1.25. when it will be held with Mrs. Juwtlna lustrous finish and the price Tup question ot repeat lug tbe public ton tebndulna at baring been placid with are one of the strongest stylish tons are Worcester, Xnoinas street. very pretty. They »ntertalniiiect which wes so sue- the National bank for a loan ol la the farce-oomed i colors are blue, battle- given Chapman (rttmotlons brown, have a silky finish and come < e last culled forth a Hi and the value of tbe eaonrttlee a« ■in* In the country and aa Port- sfully year good }501 ship gray and cardinal. This in the new spring shades of For rough and ready suits, de l of discuss*. >n, but It wai lindy vot- listed In the snbedulsnroonnttd to (5,100. land play-zoers understand this, the new is inches wide and the blues, reds and foi the that want ed to ret eu' 1:, and as the former chair- Mmo. Karat stars at laav» broken her management L run to be encouraged by fifty greens, gown you full benches on this tbelr orenlng night. biowns, also violet and black. man. Mts Zjuqs Thompson, felt unable sl’onoa Id regard to giving acfvloe to MUSIC AND DRAMA. price $1.50. to look well and not to The latest shades and a yet t> fC3ept her position, Alls* Anne Bur- ! youthful e spirants for the grand opera 1 “THE UTILE MIMSTKK." iiM< »aa nrnoinii'il in hnr ah«.u! to innnlr awl the siort s'iw con* taffeta finish are found wear for stage, article POMTLAND 1UKATKK Last season’s Venetian high dressy occasions, Says au exnhange: “There are tiro all vacancies, uv it was understood that trltufH to Inst week’s liazar Is written in “Spun Glass,” one of the That big and happy fun maker, Geo. olaaers of people to be found In the audl- Cloth was very popular and why not get a Cheviot? We some of the 1 idles who took part last from the point of view of the eernts‘* prettiest of linings. W. klunroe, will be the attraotlon of this eneee of 'Tbe Little Minister,' those who we it year might not be able to rerve again. It and enthusiastic artist, hhe s aus the again tind elbowing its Percalines as well have what we call Cheviot week at the Portland when he hove read It In It* novel and those Fancy from the com.non s-rse Theatre, furm, w*k a’so suggested that the entertainment c*se, too, and the as a will present his latest and happiest hit, who have net. Xbue, than, always ar's a way past broadcloths, good assortment of 450. It’s a and be given In tbe latter nart of March, but praot'oal s'de of the question, and It style beauty ‘‘Mrs. B O'Shsughnesey,'* wash lady, a a great question, whether tbe novel or because it does its staple grays, browns and no definite action was taken. s’eir s cs If her words would have weight preserve we can recommend it h feroe comedy that le not adapted from the !e the more attractivef It Is an black. ghly Mrs. Noah iiurgt sj, as ermirman of the wltn sensible students, although she s .ys play line tinish afler much wear— the French. The engagement opeos with undeniable foot that no work of llotlon new—Mercer- as it Is full inches pre^ramme committee, brought In an in- pertinently, that >he realm* s how tmp< s- inches wide in all the Something wide, fifty a special matinee Thursday (Washing- heretofore dealing with Scottish life, fifty ized resembles tat- teresting report for tbe work of tbe ensu- slbie It «s to give a word of warning to Taffetas, and it isn’t Come ton's Birthday) and extends over until pres ss s the charm of "Thu Little Minis- fashionable shades such as expensive. ing y^ar, which It was 11 rally voted to ac- women, when it eonoerns love or a career fata strongly, 4<> cents. Saturday night with the usual matinee ter.' Whether it has been turned Into in and at cept, and h va printed. Tbe principal Her d» sirlption of tb« rigorous dm and s mode, brown, blue, cadet, Haircloth and linen crino- look it. Price Saturday. dramatic form In a manner t> ■ lit a fas- subject to be considered was naturally of her art moy well discourage the Tooth- heliotrope- plum and castor. lines. $100. Thl« new vehicle which Monroe one* to tidious Its,* or not, Is an open question; the one for which the club slant's, ful nsplrunt, who experts to take a good pieroat his Inimitable personality Is but nobody denies that toe is a •‘Suffrage.** Miss llurgtss in ter report -'hare of pleasure along with her work, play claimed to be the beat of his many happy charming one from beginning of tbe convention at Washington spoke and her statement of how she fe»)s her- thoroughly bits to end. It may not follow exactly the especially of the hei; twin es of tbe meet- '•If obliged even to give up theatre-going, The story of **Mrs. B. O'Sbaughnossy'* lints of the hot where lt*bas dif- Bros. & Bancroft. Eastman Eros. & Bancroft. Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. ings .calk'd "Work Conferences, "In which shows how oonscleniious she Is In her book, Eastman Is this: The widow, Bridget O’Hhaagh- fered from tbe original roroaoos. It cer- method* war* »!Nous*aJ, tbi nsoe>sUy u! s tlate devo Jon to her work. 1 ness/, li a poor washwoman icoattd in tainly has done so with a eptrlt of Im- for organization bslug a point upon hliue. Karnes's development each year Paradise alley. New York city, left with Things have been so turned NOTICE. whtoh particular strfs* wn* laid. Micr- is ample proof of her s'ngl-aess of pur* provement. the legacy of three daughters, eaoh en- that there has not been tbe 'east suspen- Hurgts- also speke admiringly of the eve- pc»3, and though it was sild by critics a dowed with ideas distinctly individual, sion of lnsenst from beginning to end." it h com.' to our uoiirt ning acdrreeee, but left that part foi ew yeais ago, that she had reached the uving and who are to her the only rays of sun* Tbe mere announcement of lls coming Hull m r lire re|>«ricd ns hiivltisi Mrs. Djv to of at knutb. oil max of her fame, the success she has speak Ilic of the Mind thine in her life. By the death of a rsla- engagement means every stat slid long given up tig.'n«‘) We’re now the *tt.sinad this In The Infe r ral report which Mrs. l ay winter, especially Aida, mnn Pimm, We deem fl onr .Inij doing tlve she Inherits an extensive baton the airlvrs. Mr. Frob- demon stratus conolus that a brain | lortune, company gova was most Interesting to all, for sne veiy lo (lie public, nnd «ur.clvc« I. *nd to gratify the lofty ambition of her mao who boa given us so many axoellen*. tell exactly what her listeners wanted to end will, combined with steadiness of Muir lh»l wr Mill ronirol III. girls to enlsr society, she pure buses a plays, and companies, has gona to a great male of llir lluidmutt P.mio, nn«l hear, aud quite got them Into the spirit puri cs), will accomplish marvellous our and moves to Filth avenue. seleot tbe in mansion deal of trouble and expense to ahull conlinur n* lirrrloforr Id of the woadnrfnl convention. She said things In the way of progress. “Salutatory” Through the machinations of one who proper people to portray the very diffi- rnri) in Murk n full line ol what sha was Impressed each year with heretofore professed friendship and In cult oharnoters In this beautiful Scottish those renowned luslruinrulw. tbe personnel of the wora^n gathered THE LATH ORRIN 8. POUU. whom she had plao>*d implicit confidence, story. It will be seen here at the .Teffer- si. si rm iti a so.\.s < there and also with tbe fact that so many ©„ Wall she Is on the of her matinee The directors of the verge losing estate, Da next Saturday and] night t Hired Paper Department. Cumberland Na- 517 of the speakers wore young women, all oiigrena a savicr In the of tional bink have when appears person and already the demand tor e»ts shows cf nr bom and cftec ulnptel tbs following That U, sampling and arranging this large and varied stock of spoke readily, easily a T. C. resolutions in of Mlohael Casey, big-hearted Irishman, that the oompany and play will ba thor- ncOOVLDBIC, Mgr. There were two and memory the late Orrln eloquently. between, f apring wall hangings for the convenient to our who 8. who unravels the wen of entanglements oughly appreciated by our theatregoers, j displaying patron* three hundred delegates, but Fogg: j| qualified end the widow's thus the be a will soon bo That In the death of Orrln changes name, and that they will greeted by repre- % making selections for house interior decorating. at all the the* audiences ware heaolvcd, be Identical with those mtn at He Em- meetings le told. The effort of this one 8. bogii, who bad for many y**ars Ijeen story briefly M sentative audience and that will j large, ami In the full to over- theatre. New daring the rut are the variod and artistic the rich and evening, oonueotnd with the Cumberland Nation hone*t, but Illiterate washwoman to arowd the theatre. pire York, Many patterns, designs, flowing. al bank and for the last 21 as Its of the play. * yoart launch her daughters Into soolely, her decorative the colorings in this the largest and best w ill paper stock it teller, the bank baa loat a true and trust- AL FIELD’S MINSTKKLS. Mrb Day specified some of the most In- own to en- ed who wf wall for it’ll soon to Mon In whiob he her been ently happy oonaltlou, picture ing paper art, bo time bo up’ placed. are of their centered In tbe enthusiastic report she and a humorous crea- noted for the many features Whleh Also Selected Officers. Resolved, That In bis death tbe city rarely portrayed, and > In addition to the min- doing. made of the very fluttering way in which 1ms lost a public spirited oltUeu, a man tion that le without a duplicate upon the performance. big a former towuswoinnu, Miss Uall Laugh* of sound judgment and unswerving iu trju'n. From tlm t.lina th« curtain rldMi strel bill they have a list of specialties The annual cf the Western lln, waa received. Mias Laughlin was tsgrity. wbloh would make an evening s enter- meeting ws upon her home In Pared lee alley until It Resolved, That tender to his widow Maine Musical aesolatlou was hell In introduced by Miss as a tainment. This popular oompany Is Anthony ‘'wage and family our heartfelt sympathy iu closer upen her sumptuous apartments In JOHNSTON BAILEY thU on afternoon and tha and as therefor© their sill lot ion. larger and better than ever before. Ths city Saturday C0^~ earner,1' being qualified great Fifth avenue It Is one oantlnnous laugh on bnve oonlldenoe In AL U. Field following officers wrre ohoaen: to speak the subjsot of tbe Condi- so oloeely linked an* the humorous situa- people and bis show. Mis sneoaee is President—Edwin A. Noyee of Portland. tions of tbe Wage kerning Woman of our tions. the sev popular 190-192 Midilla St., Portland, Ms. interspersed throughout Vloj President— brederlo E. Pootbby .1 A WORTHY OBJECT. deserved. For fifteen yeeri he has asoend- Country." oral ants are bright specialties, oatohy Portland. ed the ladder of enoh Mrs. said that Mica The anneal coffee of hi. Patrick's and clover so ar- fame, succeeding- Broretary and Unelm-s. Manager—S. Day Laughlin's parly songs danoea, nloely f«t> a better snow taan tne C, Whitmore of Brunswick. 1!>-2I was an admirable one from ever'* Conference of 1st. Vincent de Paul oc- as net to retard the motion of tbs year preventing speech ranged 'treasurer—John M. Mould cf Portland curs st hall I receding year. It la no surprise to aee point of view, for she not only made her City next Wednesday even star/. Mr. Memos Is said to be sur- Kzeoutlve Committee—Meaers Noyea. him at the head of the line at a eaterer points wltb clearness and earnesta*??, lug. Tbe object Is a most worthy one, rounded by a capable company, which Koothby, Whitmore, Mould and Irving to the A pretty musical novelty K. cf Yarntouth. but bht also presented the pathetic side of is tbe money raid'd la expended among Includes the wall known and popular publlo. True BOSTON CHEATED. la to Introduce Use entire en- Town and the sweat shop question, with dequeue* tbe poor ot the parish. The following baritone, John Turton. arranged Mr. W. H. Chapman of New York, tbs Social and force At tbe close of ber xre the expenditures of this oonferenee semble of the oompaoy In n very taking wall known director, waa present at tha telling | (Jm llrokrn Solti Aa MU. UUHYON HOLMES AT THE and effective manner. Before the I.mih|i« Ipmiil speech, she was greeted with the hearties; luring tbe past year: qat- meeting and with the a (hoars taformally UKAND CANYON. tain ascends drums are heard In the dis- Junk. sort of that toe next speaker, Lirocerles and bread. $ 489.7:* dlsouaaad the plans for tbs next festival. and Mr*. i*«lsn A. bhaw of Massachusetts, Clohlng shies, 91.87 M. Holmes’ lecture on the Grand Can- tance giving tha effect of the minstrels LIBRARIES Kent and board, 4KV f 0 DEAD UN HU VKSHKL.. to of Arlxona, which will be at on parade. As the onrtaln rolls up there v«rj graa'o sly explained the audience b uel, 6u 00 yon glean la dlaoloeed to the audience ona of the Com. John A. Ko»e of tbo oohuouor Boston, February 17.—The Transorlpt Supplied with who Mits 1 a*.*Rblln waa, of ber being a SdlHoellaneous, ifi.Lo City hall on Thursday evening next, la, I ever It LiltlU wan found (load in hU buak Hark with lha aid of graduate of Wellesley, and of Cornell without doubt, pletorlally the rncst uiag- prettiest stage settings designed. aaya: "Mayer $1,090.69 la an of a beau- on board bla initl yrotordaj iiiuinlug Holder 'llnkham, has made re- Law school, and something of the ho nor Dlticent of this year's series. Haring the exquisite representation Gsorgo tiful with bower# ot rosea, lJaalb Is to bass Leon duo to a Investigation of the she bad^won|in tbe two oollegee. So much last summer a second expedition was park,festooned tbougbt cently thorongh 'l'be hand Is seen the boon failure. Hose woo 67 jrari and as the result of the Interest was evlnoed by tbe WARD ONE CLUB. made to the Canyon for the purpose of marohlag through Captain lamp department audience, old and Used In NEW tioorgotown. oontract with a Hun street BOOKS terraces to an air. Hahlad ‘itlstng that at the close of the meeting she re- A special meeting of tbe Ward One Re- obtaining a larger and more oompreben- Inspiring It waa found to he in called a ovation alve oolleotlon of merlon of them maroblug In soldierly fashion la tha Lighting Go.,’ real whioh to Mrs. Day publican club will be held this era- pictures LI KI T. LYNCH’8 CANE. AT company of singers. As tha stagers pretty bad stupa, owing to the alleged was a matter of great satisfaction and sing. It Is Important that every member this glorious creation than Mr Holmes take their the strains of a oake- way la whlsh olty piopaity had pride. ihonld be present. rvaa able to obtain the summer before plaoea joareltsi walk are beard and tlx little lute been bandied. As a result of the Investi- Next Thursday evening tha ettixeasof pretty Ills Attorneys C laim ll»« Court Martial It casonablc Prices. ere seen leading In a fantastic uahe walk gation Mr. Hart asked Mr. Donovan for Portland and vicinity will also have tbs Was Illegal. me end men. At th» Unlab of the his whlsh was ten- privilege of seereg the Klondike region, eight resignation qnlekly coon the entire ensemble breaks dered. The investigation disclosed the aa Ur. Holmes hag kindly consented to melody j luto tbs drinking oborus from "Hustl- fact that a great many gas lanterns, eto., axil bit a series of motion pictures of the Washington, February IT.—An Intereat- , oana" alter whloh the whlsh were not needed when the boule- Klondike at the Moss of hla Gr ind Can they slag Magyar in* P°*n* has been raised by the atiov- MG. SHORTS HARMON. chorus from the Fortune Teller and sev- vard lamps were substituted for the old yon lecture on that evening. Three pic- neys for Flrtl Lieut. James W. Lynob febtt eutUf eral other vocal numbers had been taken to the various olty H— tures ware taken last summer by Mr. lively of the Marine Corps, who was oonrlet kind, varda and there broken up and sold for Louis Francis brown, agont for Mr. THE FESTIVAL CHORUS. sd by a coart-martial in Cavite of so in da- ! Willow old It was also ta Furniture and -v^y^jnS*^ and Mr. Uacar 11. In- conduol a jnnk. apparent Washing | Holmes, L'epus, The usual Monday evening rehearsal of Ions In Filipino dwelling 1 Unvor Hurt that a great deal of pioperty Wicker Chairs I ventor of the Uepue Chrooomatograpbe. the Festival Chorus will be abanged to and sentenosd to the loos of ton num- WHICH DO YOU PREFER? had been stolen dealers and the Uns of tbs flosst be rhoo> Hear by junk Wicker chairs pictures will as the hall was for bers In bis grade. Admiral Watson soon become soiled, bat they ■ Wednesday, engaged ilka Tlnkbam's It the Celebrated White Ucr*e Pace and Hy Alderman report L- can be cleaned to look like new with ^1 ®! lng that date seme time approved the findings of the court I ego. Is shown that and j W^^mKr' 'NfKAjF To see this alone will 4,071 lamps 7,4(il Itaplda. picture Mr. has made a at effort far warded the papers to the navy depart- Uhapmao gr ! standards have and Cold Dust be worth the of admission. These already disappeared - Washing Powder I prioe to ooine to Maine fer a week of relies reels ment According to the naval law* court* of that oelv- only a port of them have been aoooubted \'k?) are the only motion plotores the and will be there that martial cannot be ordered or the findings iU; ud warm w.t.r, I'ae a .crabbing bruah; whan I C3t5 Through State, for.” brated region, and everybody will want noted on a naval i-flicer In the waters water becomea tbe Irani aoitod, c« Irub; folio* I d»»te> KS evening His preeeuoe will naturally by j.Sie&n KjtSjj to see them. No extra for tickets or r of the Cult: d such with s soft, dry cheese cloth, and wipe dry B * I charge ensure a as It la a long **rriLory h'cetcs, large attendance, author1 in A mer'.oan waters or terri- MADE IT HOT FOE HIS WIFE, Whiee iron esa Two for ihs of oas. ty beds slso be washed by thib n attractions prioe llmv since be has ronduoted the chorus ^ K#iyHpWS^|^g tory being vested solely In tfco President 18 : > method, but must be N on sale at Jones i.ewlstcn, February —Dennis .Sulli- wiped dry quickly. ^ 1 ! Evening tlokets Crestey, and the Secretary of the Navy. In other P.K.4-S JOHN DREW NEXT WEEK van of 1’ark assaulted I Is wife & Allen’s. w the claim Is forward that as street, Thi abow la Uksn fretn our fro* bookloS R F^jp *1 | >rds, put iBoL,. run aut-snaon*" B Charles Frohman’s polished and popu- the Philippines belong to the United three tin es today, unoe throwing a tstila •ooLP^nuua WAUD AND VOliKS. WMCfUPliPftfflkfcr lar star, John Draw, la his newest and Mates Admiral Watson was not In for- of hot water scalding one foot and ler jj THI N. IL PAMBANK COMPANY. | ^ eign waters and coaid not legally erdrr a N^! Ward and Vokes come to the Jefferson most snaosssful “Xhe Tyranny of body very badly. Sullivan was arrested play, o mrt-msrdal without the asthonfiy uf "Th5Tflhi»*Sifd Otimiirt^ POftTt ANDfuAlKE. this lsth. Ip after a severs evening, hehrnary Teirs,*'wlll be seen at the Jefferson thru tbs President and the Secretary of tne by Officer An*ell fght. the lorce oomedy ’’Ibo Floor Walkers.1 tre soon. The cast and production will Nary. Mrs. Sullivan Is lu a orltioal condition AQlMotftt raw-ia raw raw «»r«»Tiwnt»im will ba entirely original, tha character* good crrizmiiir. wall chosen, ana tha ooatnaias Will Have little to ba desired la tha way af effect. MAINE'S GREATEST STORE. An evening of thorough enjoyment In prom lend to all. &> r;.'~v:r: u When You are a ffiMh DH&bbii The Young People's RENOMINATED. Buying Sewing | “He that excel* in SERVICE, wine Public Favor.” That’* our atore motto, Christian Union Major Rrjaolda le Again the Repeblt- Machine You Consider. on our walls. We-and our to work It Into ven hlonitnre. you’ll find It on printed cards employes-try every business transaction. several things:-looks, general convenience, atlatrbuseuts-speed, Mr. Kdward O. Raynolda waa renoml- ease of running, durability. the value of Hie guaraaiee behind It,— Hoar Vldrtss on This Snhjcel at nntad by tbe Kepahlloan mayoralty con- and, If yon are wine, the possibility of getting supplies and extra Im- eve- of “Just-Received” vention of Sooth Portland, Saturday part* without tedious delays. Maybe, loo. yon like the Idea of Second Opening an uaiulmous vote. The threat- of Messiah. having a ten day's free trial, and the possibility of bas ing your old _^Church ened to Mr. Reynold#'* re- oppoeltlon machine taken In exchange. Wash Goods noraloatlon did not materialize and tbe ported ohotoa of tbe convention woe made with That's why our sewing machine ante* enthusiasm. are Increasing by leaps ami bounds. We from Over-Sea. wn* held In the Kolght- Views on The convention hare a complete line of all styles ranging This morning wo exhibit in Dress* Prof. Perry’s vllle bote home. Three delegate* were in mice from 119 to »7Y assy osse of Coods-Avenue, a collection of Foreign present from eaoh of tbe seven wards, This Matter. xvliis'ls »e pnt on a ten day’s fteo trial, the attention of K. nenlty af Ward 2, oalled the grafts well worth every tieurg* an the as Mlky as sidered the question obtainable, makes good* from France: prettier liutre. would do were be nn American cltl/.en. mayor. Mlk ami of permanent than in any previous season, Satin 34 inch. 2Be I ic. Inch. i’.l>e felt certain that Christ Mr. David K. Moulton then placed In simulating Foulard ;;5lnch. ::oc 14« inch. 76o Ho said that he roil A 71 l im n PllirE-th« "Reliable.” Kellable In durability, Unique figure* Three Stripes and other designs, grades, 50 Hush, u«ic 150 inch. f 1.00 would be an advocate of prohibition, nomination the name of Kdward 0. Rey- the New Domestic 19c reliable in simplicity, reliable in quality, .'lade by Company Silk, Twen'y Style*, 20, 22, 37! jC 45 liu’li. 65C | civil service reform nolds. He made a vt'-y handsome nomi- women’s suffrage, (only docs not boar that name) aud is the equal of any machine manufactures!—bar- the of the In support of Mr ltey- and world advocate rights nating spreob the ■ quit niMiTlIc*. Twenty-live vtylev, ling only Domestic. small and large similar Good for early man. He would be as ready to Dulds. lie sold: "Wo meet here tonight CORDED TAFFETAS, YICCL'REUX. labaring rather trust of at tbe Agures, many patterns, to spring, lilt his voice In support of every reform, charged with the placing box $43 up. Ordinary fop, a tino down trodden, the tloket a man of the more light weight, but firm in tflture: to protvot the weak and bead of worthy Drop Head Stflr, $33. Dimity but having a heavier pro- the Made eome In collection of and lie would make no exoeptlon whether respeot of every oltlzsn end who will SILK STRIFE nounced Cord. 19° colorings, both plain nm. in or black, ths of voter. 1 feel France, illuminated. mao was rich poor, white, merit support every CHALLIES. And many others un-advertised. be "nm:Rro.v< the yellow, red or brown. He would that the responsibility bae been plooed tiermauy, 41 Inch, 75c i 50 inch, $1.00 iu -- to make a selec- lu rolor and warneni/ nuu »»»*/ upon onr shoulders good High at low Silk Stripes are permanent quality ex- NEW WOOL SPUING GOODS. Us would not ns one who would deplore tion and upon us mast rest the reepon- price. tVo do not finish, and the piiuled pattei ns are HENRIETTA. Made over-seas,fine be .ikiiiic if na mlaAlr »n nnwnrthv i'ho'ot*. "’c and Stic •Vila anil wish tbat eonothing might claim It is the cheap- quisite, Two grades, close surface: snug lie would bs ns and oltl- est machine can German Waist Plaids*and Stripes, done and still do nothing, It Is our duty Republican* you weaving, very lustrous, 38 inch, f>0c a but that it is the a leader of reforms, the command* r-!n- zrns of fours Pert Und In obooslng buy, something entirely now. the 38 inch, O', to 140 inch, 75o to best value for IS ohlef of the forots. I know tho attitude mayor t > select one who will bring AFFLE A soft filing aplder- There are Stripes as well as Plaids, money In a low priced PINE whlob 1 thluk Christ would assume In that ollloa the ability, dignity and tha In- webby ground on in all. machine that has ever TISSUE. styles All wool extra I can’t con- One NEW Cuba, In the Philippines. tegrity which It merits. year ago boen offered. Simple which is printed The Surface has a Chndilah weave, tine soft, ceive of Jesus bolding office. I oau’t the citizens of South Portland oonsldsred in light hot Summer CHEVRONS. texture, construction, pretty designs suggestive of soft, nappy and .Silky, 75c an office seeker honored In In thla running, easily man- silky finish, very ooncelve of Jesus being themselves plaolng Two •’Oc and fife We will let .lays, grades, some of them office bad a small salary and one whose master band framed aged. you dressy, shed dust readily; bn* If the office A new have one for :en day’s SATIN PRUNELLA. him and the work was bard I the eharter In the legislature and good for street er traveling purposes, sought olty trial nltnolillel)' A rare col- and very ex- PIOUE-ENCLI5H ond believe Jesus would take It. who brought to the new olty the aud will semi mixed colorings others. free, le o tlo n In dressy goods. Full width, many colors, I don’t believe Jesus would accept an perience of a legislator and of the lawyer. an experienced man 38 inch, 30c and combined, M'+c *1.50 office In the Custom Houst where tbe Mr. Moulton then placed before the to glvo you instruc- stripes figures 43 and 30 inch, $1.00 to do tions in its salary Is large and there Is nothing convention the name of Kdward C. Rey- operations And half a score othor weaves, new wit bout but sit! about. If Jesus took an office nolds und the nomination was trade charge Every SATINE. Uenulne Al- ENCLISH SERCE. Double warp, machine is absolutely FRENCH and attract ivc. I don’t believe he would run It In favor no othe* name being sace make, firm texture, unanimous, pre- guaranteed for ten or or his but would >n. of 75c of his family party sented to the conventl We stake our imitations a full line of Hear Spring shades, years. charming patterns; perfect NECKWEAR riio balance of our administer Its affairs for tho good of all Messrs. Krnrst Henry, David K* Mod- It. Four 25, », reputation upon best Foulard Silk, grades, SURPRISE. 50 cent Neckties for wrre fairs I believe tbat He would WHIUm A. lobb were round and see or If Jeans ton and appointed dust go and 31c. Twenty five styles the other low :)7'a PLAIDS. Men. ses that unless some things are a committee to wait UDon Mr. Reyaolde price all manner of com- eoded_the offered in more, are tbe end and machines dnya of the republlo nearing and noth/ him of tie nomination lots Idack is tlio city. Then come AMS. About binations. Ono line back, Hows, Four- and I believe He would do something him to uddree.i the convention. SCOTCH CINCH Tecks, request end see the Riverton, two 14 Inches wide, for unlined Skirts, *1.21 on to that soon found and com- The speaker then went say Mr. Reynolds was all wo in-II That's ask. in texture, and*, Imperials, because oenvenllon. hundred very fine i many people might feel ebecked piled with the request of the styles, corded and 42 inches wide, R he had thus attempted to tell what he He made a brief speech In which he said checks, stripes, plaids, CHEVIOT. Puffs. To close them lace Two Me believed Jesus would do If Ho were an that he felt highly honored by tbs nomi- Three styles— crinkled surfaces; also effects, colors. •n<1 ** out at once. American oltlzen but that he was regard- nation and folly appreciated It. He 8 drawer $10. 5 drawer $93. Drop Head $95. grades, as tho son of hs hod made weave ing Jesus as the man, not then went on to say that We deliver them anywhere, freight free. HOMESPUN. New, unique The price will bo for hu- of ‘•nl wear. Hod. He thought It were bettor up his mind at the beginning ANDERSON’S aie for general manity to regurd Jesus as a man and of his lerni as mayor of the new olty that broioered effects, 38 and 40 Inch, all rotors. 10c 19 cents had CINCHAMS. tho earth, earthy, than as tbe spirit In he should serve but ooe year, but It others have Satin 54 inch, brown, oxford and old blue. Heaven titling at the right hand of Hod been pointed out to him by bit friends and the only difference between Him and that It might be welt for the interssts Uod being that Hod's throne was a little of the olty for him to reoonvlder this de- J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY GO. hit higher and above that occupied by cision as one who hud had some experi- j. R. LIBBY CO. Jesus. ence in the office during the past year The next speaker was Augustas K. might be of servloe la the office another I* sill OKI saying. i>:ii me snip- Moulton whose address on what consti- year. He bad, therefore, consented to HAIIBOU JtEtV.S. tuted good citizenship was scholarly and the use of bis name und was highly Receipts smd System* wc The substance of his address llattered at tho .itaolmout nomination ping; eloquent. Strainer* from Tills T Tlurr Departed GOOD was tbat In order to reform the state It which he had reoelreJ. He went on to sire onto Hie .Tlsirket Port Saturday. pushing If he was Is necessary to reform tbe Individual. vny that In accepting this position \ I.sihor the morality of the individuals compos- taking the chance of defeat and It bz- sire \ew, Up-to-date, ef Use sfutners or the foreign ing the state ie ut a low ebb the morality booved all of the good Republicans In | Three PUSH IT on and this re- Savers. of the state Is low also. He illustrated the city to unite and make the sucoees of lines sailed Saturday! In the large number of ten this by pointing out the fats oftbelfrenoh the Republican ticket certain. Mr. Rey- duction In on Friday, great- republic alter the revolution where the nolds said that It was his Idta that the which bad Lesn port In i'siet sill Hie illsinifolil the orowded condition of ALONG" Ideal of the state was high but the people taxes of the olty should be kept at the ly relieved affaire. Kaoh of the three steamers got Hinders. IS Or- wore so Immoral, oorrupt and Ignorant lowest possible rate and that it would Goods older*, before sunset ana on Saturday that tho republlo came to an end and le his endeavor In tho oomlng year to away affairs assumed the'r der I.oose Leal' ledg- the state loll Into a worse (late than it see that tbiB ware dune. He said that evening onse.inora Hooks, usual state along the Urand Trank was before. the citizens should not expeot too muob, I.oose B.eaf B>e- although there were still sevtn ers, Systems, -‘You oan't reform nations by law,’’ however, as it was necessary to have wharves, left and as this war more than said Mr. Moulton. “When you have taxes in order to support the government > tea users Ifilsiiik* and insiiiy oili- business wse vet posit enacted a statute yon have net grafted end it would not do lor the city to take the average number, which minis of men brisk. The trio of steamers make sire lo till wsiuts. that prlnoipls in the any Uaokward steps. He said that If prelty er* we were the Planet Meroury of the eMnuUp uau uc nviumiuioucu uustoo eleoted fur another term to this position, sailed the Vancouver of I,el us lilI wsnils next public sentiment is behind the law. he would pledge himself to honestly and Klder-Dempstsr lino, your line, and the Almsrlsn of Nothing In the world Is so helpless as is. fearlessly work for the lnterert of every the Dominion We silso submit the line. The Planet.Uerrury lime. B*rices, a law whtob has not public sentiment part of the city. At tho conclusion of hie Layland a faw mlDUtes before nine o’clock behind it.” Mr. Moulton compared suoh marks Mr. Reynolds was heartily ap- left at lor llie a siking. uud to Bristol direct. She takes Sample*, etc., a law to an eDgine of the moat powerful plauded. goes tons anti also 138 heart of aad finest construction stalled In the curge of 4,300 The Vancouver with u oat tie and 15ti sheep. snow with the fires extinguished, TO PORTLAND. CALLED at 3.30 bound for Liver- sword without the arm to wield It. lie departed o’olock, the of Halifax. tsh# had argued that the beat oltUeuahlp was to pool by way MANIFOLD and 20 BACON CO., 17 Intermediate E. b F. and aboard saloon, glte up to high standard* personally Itev* Frankllu li. McKecver luvllnl |to and at Halifax vnora • -• In the education of others to jnat steerage ’passengers • ME. to aid Beetime Pastor First Baptist t'liureb. 184 MIDDLE ST„ PCRTIANO, will be taken, bhe had also PRINTERS. BOOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS, __ us it standard. passengers high _i----——- ...... m, ..t, it. I riT» n r bocti ANn 3,200 tons of cargo. The Almertan, hound K wits of To the 8 «rs ol the SutherUud Gold COHNKH HIUH AntwerD. left towards the latter part had > In tills city. February in. Ross toehold liLUtfliltJtH Y a of the first Kyi* A. Kao* which 3,C0 pounds, t At business meeting aged 31 years J mouths. uiopany. ,, __ a Patrick .1 Murphy, animal meet- SCHOOL. of the afternoon, baring aboeid cargo the Glad wbloh had pounds, r You are herein noiilicd UuH the ohurch lost was unani- Tidings, 2,000 | Notice ot funeral li.reullf ) G »l«t Electors of (he Baptist ing of Hie Stockholders of the Sutherland To tlie of tone. whioh had pounds, services on Tuesday afternoon et »*ni- the first frnita of the new year retell to mrlle tbe Kev. franklin 4,330 the Chsrokee, 8,000 Funeral omp uiv will ba held a! the ufllre of the —Among mously at tils Isle residence. No. u:i I >C'.i;it Insoec- Nettle wbloh had 2,000 o'clock y, t» wit. the office of George F. Gould, of Portland. to be s discriminating public (i. Ah iieever of New London, Bonn,, to to Saturday, «'> ‘be ouatuui- and tbs May diet. Friends plea»e omit Mon. laud City pluoited by Up street ! Peeling ^111oora s, No. ftl h*eh.v.Ke sneer. I*e» I of over accounts, T'h» smaller boats also cams In, please eop*. of March at will be the graduating exsrolaea the become tbe pastor of Ibis churob, The tore ate led, In looking pounds. ers. Boston papers Maine, ou Monday the ftfin lay Notice is Hereby given tint the Hoard of Reg- V. nHe ...... a«*t lltf to be steamer season the fare of about 5,000 Ill thir Cits. Feb. 18. Beteey two o'etprk In the aitcrooon, lo upui istration of voters of said city, will be in lllueberry Corner High School, was attended, and tbe during tba present their consisting 74 and It) open meeting largely late Alexander Carson, aged years follow.Ug hbunott: session at Room Number Eleven ( 1) Cilv Build- on Wed- most cordial lines have brought To receit* and aet any reports held In the btcoud Parish vestry sentiment of the ; churob foreign steamship pounds.__ mouths. Firs*. upon ing. upon each of the Twelve secular davs prior In of tne officer*. to be Itofdeu on next. lne Sun no less than 7,030 casks of the First IFiinerit Tuesday forenoon at "dock, to the Municipal Elections neiday evening piograinme and hearty. Air. MoKeever spent to thle port Thors will be a meeting^! Heioud. To elect officers for the ensuing of from her Into residence. 193 Oktord street. Moi.d ty, the fifth day March. UK#>, being with the ohuroh and China olay. Xbla Is an unusually large at 7.83. Busi- year nluetceuth to tlie third day of Mnrcb. day, February 11, Baptist society this evening North Peering. Feb. 18, William that l ebmary whloh hat In this city. Third. To tranwet any otirar bii.Uies* inclusive. The first nine secular du>s of said a most favorable Impression. number audit Ibis standard will bs oonsidsrsd, 73 13 days. erealttl ness of lmportauoa llaggell. aged years utuy lerrullt come Urlora .aid lueauut'. ses-d*»n» \i/ Pehranry nluetceuth *o ♦*♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tba remainder at 3 o'clock, He has lieen of the First Baptist boon raised Is kept iup for attendance Is oatled for. [Funeral on Tuesday afternoon Par o.tltr l'rf.ldert, Erbrunry twenty-eight, lucluelve, wilt Do You Understand This ? 2 pastor A full No. 41. i. UOl l I- > ;; will have bsen from his late residence, Washington labl .id GKO. i>e for tho of receiving evidence touch- oburoh of Nsw London for over seven of the season, this year purpose ■ The strong and vigorous cannot un- a A venue. the o! voters iu said city, and In Port- ing qualification > most successful In his one for this business MARRIAGES. wife of William |{nit»\ tl. notice. tho of the sev- derstand the hopeless sensations of the ♦ years and has be*n a banner In this city, Feb.' 18. Nellie 10 revise and correct voting Jlsts ■ > *' Bom o’clock In the actually weak. The consetousness of the whole More Cblna olay by a good deal ltiu uliam, aged 62 years 7 mouths. About March ltt. Ilia Ktiisrr Manularturlne eral wards therein. .nine * and 1s respected by land. work M Mwood will r. i.iova thnr lieabiuai lara loreuoau to one o'clock in the ufiornoou, from lnfsrlorltytsnoverabaent fi -m theman this lu this Feb. JO. bv Her. J on Tuesday alternoou at 2 o’clock, Comuany \ Mr. MoKeever Is a graduate has been brought to this port during city, [Funeral •root their present »«*ca three five o'clock iu the afternoon and fmm vital powers have been destroy community. Kalnsh.rd \v. Thorne ami Mrs. Maryl erry. reeldenoo. 14H Neal slreel. Ru [om< «■ and Salesroom! till whoso [ from her late have been for nine In tin evening, on the and Rochester semi- season than to any port In the United Uarbor. Kelk II. Joseph Dosnrt of of tloi» at *’1 Free street, where they seven till excepting | ed nervous exhaustion, overwork.,. Brown anlversity In liar rial at convenience family. ,, wliou by 1 ounden of H«»9iou. Adolf, ch.ld of the twenty year*, to jw Congress »ire«t, day of said seesion (February 28tl»,) or indiscretion His interest.. of tbs baa to cime from liar Harbor and Margaret In lint etty Fob. 16. Arvil only past o’clock In the ..excess and is a member of the examining States, All olay Feb. Ralph J. Robin- 7 monihe Block, lug a part ol the store it will uot be «u session after five < > nary, South-west Harbor. 0, Ida t. It. Add.-, aged Baiter oerup> ■ ■ fled. In 8 one Ad oil arid .’nd d in life Is gone, htsambition Sleep- Institution. and the part of It Is with Jones m Alien. attemoon. The sessions on March 1st, % ■ ■ > > Loard of Newton Tbeologlctl Liverpool greater Cressey. less nights follow dull davs. and the White and MAM I A< 11 RING CO., ;rd will re for the purpose to enable tho Board > 8.'Joseph nlteruoon at 2 o'clock THE SINGER « > to Cnd a useless existence < Invitation will be to the manufactories this Monday of said lot• and to temptatK.u It Is hoped that the sent large paper ,0fB*“raul)er^Ms’es?Feb- 3[Funeral street.*Prttale. [Incorporated j to verily tl.e correctness > The message of<. from No. 33 Beoket of said ses- frcduentty follows. Yarmouth and Uardlnsr. Feb. 8. ltobert Atkins sad Infant son the Urust and Beat Organized eomnleteaud close up Its records of. ■ In Westbrook, In this 17th lust.. .Tamos, Operating Dr Greene to such men is a prinnise accepted. ^irfcranoerry'lsles, city. o_f tin* World for the Manufacture of AUtU KTUBF. GER1SH, > > >cars, 7 Factories iu ■ > In manufacture of and rmberlne Mahoney. agetI restoration, end that sufferer Is ’Xbls olay Is used the or sud Jam?" fcbl* Ijw JAMES N. READ. certain < > C. Gray Bluchlll Sew lug Machines. ■ > who does Dot avail him- MiV Btookhn,Uauiftn' months. 2d Uavs. K. AllEARN. tnflee Jfooli«n it Is the commodity wblob oi S«d*wick. Tuesday after- ROBERT ■ RIVKRION PARTIKS. and Hattie A. Closson Providence, F. I.. • fit 0 reeno'e offer of free consul- paper Miss Lot- [Fuueral at Board of of Voters, sHfof ■ • Ruford B, Leach and lllsa Registration > can be Its and gloee In Penobacot. noon. latloh and adrlce. Such aavloe about li& members gives to the paper weight port’ d. l'eb. \9, 1000. feMgdaw ■ < • Monday evening copy. ■ seoreov and con- whloh Providence, F. I. PftPfre please feeureawnh absolute vear a of the olay 11. Belaud C. Blackinetoo of A. K. > • List portion Feb Feb. 10. tipsier A., wife ndeuce by writftorR this great special- and friends of the Wllllston Congrega- U*ln WaKoboro. Waldo- In Lewiston. > 'rora aud Miss Elva Osier of 66 and .* ■ • Mass nr < to PoitlsiUd arrived of Rockland Litchfield. of Monmouth, aged years 1st »» St Boston. a and wea brought TemplSTjace. < > tional churoh; are to enjoy baisqoet Upon him The discoverer of ns well as b and • sections of Kngland Feb. Brslnard Burns Mr*. Johanna ■ Dr. Greene's Servota Under- > Widal at Hirer ton casino. On Tocslay other ll? RockUnd. 11, ^In Bangor. Feb. 10. Began. $100 Reward. ithre knows how to aid It" the city of Bristol, shar- aud a of 1:15 of tha members of from Liverpool, j. Hatch and Miss of discovered * > evening party FeA Iti Ralph Feb. 10. .Mrs. Mary K.. wife will else Jin Be lias business with Liverpool. "i”Banger,* ‘Vn iluchUs, rril E Portland Electric Light Company is In Ml many otlier< Portland of Ooluiubas are to ing the Mabel F. Ferkius. A. Partin, aged 61 yeare. will turnlsn treatment the Knights (jcorge 7» 1 pay $loo to any one who ey'** ■ < ► ttsh had been brougnl In Feb. Susanna Bartlett, aged fi:i!y curative remedies for the and sooial at Up to noon no In Calais, 7, STEPHEN BERRY, deuce that will eouvlct tamper- * enjoy a banquet evening any persoqot int OomMalnts. AH whose vital- to beoerne anxlaua. DEATHS. with their lamps o> machinery. ■ and the dealers began the of the ing lines, impaired or who are run down tbe oaelno. committal service of body COMPANY ■ the yTfte will FOIUl.AM) UGHT lytrupg should Consult Dr.Oreene and buu. In the 'afternoon, however, quantl- late Mrs. Aon M. Smardon ail Carl Thursday the annual meeting at 2 oclock takejplaceiUiteat 1 Job Printer, ^KgTH^ vessels district.Gilman (1. Lida Monday ailernoou K\crgrecn M, 31 PLlh ITIIKBT. of the Revolution ! ties were realised for four Urge lu this city. Deerlng MO. »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ quet of the Maine Mans 22 day s. Cemetery. fleet arrived. were the aged 70 years 1 month [ will lw held at tbe oasln*. of the larger They

1 — ■' ■ " ■■ ~ '■ ■■ '■ ■— —* -g=8g== * racAnciAi._ -_rwAiitui._ _AMir«Bi«r)fTfc imniMim PKKHK. ! f.a i— 'mIu IW ten m bMi «f TIE! ARE IE. TITT^ ttekr «WB, uf an willing *• Mtodlf ten THE JEFFERSON. aoMin. rami> Wk MS fuMaw a Harare distort on. Maoh C«m ft (1HAXT, I.KWr.M AXD MARAafm. Mon Id aafMf ant nra wa* woo'd te willing n alladty rattan nitetfl *'*> Danville Street & Railway Light Co., TONIGHT, FEB’Y --- I1AII.T PRRRO- dlataltea Tte klad at naa that the 19, 27 Policemen Who Were ■ ~ ■ ■ «c at tba end al at tM should waa t DANVII.LE, ILLINOIS. Ry lha rw. K la ndyaaee rr ••eat maXrlty people 1JLf A O In ibelr nnw mi:il> an oof* HH JA VV II Anil Their of cal farce rerkw, iRayaat. aad ahonhl an* to «>< ana at liig Company Turned Out. lu n:opu: lb# mo®lb. ISC recta. ateat eteoagth cf rhnraesor aaJ ladopoe Ily RONDS. Including Hh aoaa ta an aosardlag «a Wntr oonetesnas FIVE PER CERT REFUNDING MORTGAGE GOLD I ncv oonao hafoto tton. DALY, Tba liAll.T PH FI'S la delivered a< that# OP eoeey not or that January 1, 1910 to 1914, inclusive, & Margaret Dalr Vokeyll.ttie liernunU liVago r.ornln* U> »ut«eril>«r* Is »U pmu si A raaa who ha* pledged hlanalf ta any Maturing $6,000 annually, tlDDR1 •very a iJKtlea' Will Susis m mm gtiartelle. We,t. (leorge Sidney, I’urtlMMl, mhi is Wirtlrm ss4 fort- tic a eg to oot at men to m^ corpora any prefer and tha remainder January 1, 1925. Jobn K. Early and two dozen preity glrla usd. tootv laiaroatr to tho stt| 'a, or who la 1 Hiddefonl Case Dffidfd the Law ^a WALKER. HTATK I* UFA* iWSSfclT- hy MAINK coaor euoh la corporation Urn oMIgatlona any December (899: toe year. »l » ad ranee, or |I.H al Earning* and- Expense* year ending 31, ACTIOW—A I, FILI.D'N MINETRr.U. By or nt at not at to naha It In probable _AfTR and of tbo year. Coart tin* ho aoa an independently oogbt to -8148,236.88 Foraiiwa' rent*; lor tore# ami.tba Cross earning* , I'ORTLAiiD H oaiua te norelteoely tnrtoi down. Wo boar ----- 69,758.58 TIIEATItK, _ Operating eapen***, It taltmeted that earloao orrpnrattor* a ara car ball rare. I ------rhuraday, Friday and Nlahta. with ?-i»roial Matlnor* Fnbacrlbers bom papora era wohlng to pal men lata the ennoall Saturday Thnraday Net earning* 78,478.31 and Feb promptly ara roi«esl«4 to uaOly Use oRlea of (naahlairtoa'N Hirthday) Saturday. 22d, 2:ld and 24th. pledged to taka care of their Intonate. Interest on outstanding bonds, 26,490.00 Iba DAILY No. 07 Exshaag* atreet. Board of Po- FRKAS, Wo boar It latlmntod that there am ana Powers of THE HAPPY Portland Me. COMEDIAN, dldatao la a I moot orery ward whn bare Surplus earning* ,------8 48,988.31 lice Commissioners. GEO. W. prortleally ptedged than nIron la rot- MUNROE, Patrona ot tba PRRRS who ara tearing towu Id tli® Greatest of Hi® Many Orest lilt®, ca eel tain that may arlar am trmpniailly may hare ttia addraaaaa ot their qoesilm* NET EARNINGS NEARLY THREE TIMES THE INTEREST ON BONUS- lo tho dkMntlaa of ootalde per- papora changed aa oltau al they aaay alaalra by ranting MRS. “B. O’SH tba ofllce la obart tbal ttey bate eooeonlrd AUCHNESSEY,” notlsrti.g tten, Bonds are secured a Sinking Fund provision under (WASH LADY.) to boootao ir» re poppefe If there am by will A P«rw NOT Adapted front the French. on the ballot §6,000 of the bonds ir the leg 1st .rial-. atpaB«o of going to •ay rack men tboy Iiliideford Knm Sellers Must which, beginning January I, 1910, Mould rhe Happiest Farce ever written Old of The Hmata from Montana la Mill 0 0 roan ouaht to bo defeated. Tbo rctero be Comedy ("The Homestead") Hilarity. tbo retired annually. Success of the Season. list oar* Now Look Out. Laughing Pure, Clean, Wholesome. bnt tbo r labia I man can ovar aaplro to aeao orery sam* oo tbo eery controls all of the Street Electric tF N®at® »n M«le Tuesday. And there which Company Railway, _ that honor, lint are do not bollara that fully, aad If I Ivy nay of who Mom te moron to Gas and Steam business in the City It la. ba do not bailor* tbo money ron- heloag lo neu Lighting, Heating UNDERWOOD 9PRINC, war all Had bailee* am oo allied to ray Inter- most substantial and trltoted by tienator l lark oloaoly Danville, Illinois, one of the progressive Spacious Dining Hall always opon. Musle that Sard and Smoking Hoorn*, all for legitimate psrpota. est aa to ineko It Improbable they with op-n Ares cities of its size in the Central States. brilliantly lighted bv aleetr.clty and healed Annual Coffee should aorateh A law Cuurt declaton of Inter- by Casa act tadopaadeatly general ileaxn. decorated with and Party palms annual cf striking evergreen. Iba perfurtnitana Mon. ret. ood nf apeolel Internet to the city of An excellent menu from which to order. ....IN Ain OF.... In _ interest. Hume and Aan dlnrers a out tl-a olell srralo* appropriation Lldileford, woe ben. ed down Saturday. IOI and specialty. Price, Arrangements made for Dinner, or whole to restors It Dancing committee of lit only IMF VIEWS It * the action of the lilddeford po- 'aid parties with or without special cats at ST. PRESIDENTS circular on >fflce of i'ortland A Yarmnutn Electric lun- PATRICK'S CONFERENCE, 111 the House has Just Iron gone through lice hoard In romsvlog from tie polio, Special application. ar y Co., office 440 Congress sticew, I* w# have Telephone with W bat I be objest of It s yrar ego met 87 oftioer*. I1M. novZfcltf I oacei alaa Har P«s*e#oloM* la Ik* ta- force, fell, It nr- AT CITY niter been able to tifidsrabsnil. All of thoee removal) were only tpeelal HALL, 11Ilee aad ixirvt to lias that Philippines. FI\A*(IAD. oo:npilab'*s nothing officers, end aa epeelnle reoelve pay only Wednesday Eve., Fcl*. 21st. tteic la » cnnalderoble numLnr of non- when actually erapl .yel, toe quertloo New IT.—Tbo World to- & graftsmen who wonlt like to kill elrll York, I'obrcnry decided by the (oli teoob la not one of N. W. HARRIS COMPANY, Minstrel fnneert from S to t>. morrow will that Mr. Henry Loomis aorrlco reform If they could do #o wltbuiit my Ibe enlt agalnat the dnneapet. police Cents* Ticket* :^c. Ladies' 25c. NolsiB.forn vr etllor of Harpor'r Weekly, BANKERS, getting found out, anl why any oongr-at- board wee brought by Leonard Andrewa, Suppc served In tiie Reception If til from on Presides! G.aotuli. mtt should be aoxioua to demonaUa'e re'rnily called blcmlnlay who the to the CITY Supper tickets 25c. rcbi;»dl* cuort quoth BUTTE prillloaed bow 07 31 ilk Boston, 31ass. ~ that be bad not tbo courage ot bla cunrln bad (be oouatry'e ooloblal problaaia boord the Street, irderufthe polloa whereby feblG-Ot for aotltement farmed Me chief FI KMT ANNEAL CONCEKT ticus Is u mystery. I raealng plaintiff and A) olbera were aiamleaed Mr. Nelson — HV IU top’o of eonrer*tlioB. from Ike force. bn*- at tfc> pulton M'e 1!« doubt that preeent anmnied for the World the 1’reekSenl ’■ op the oaee Uret oame np In the Supreme WATER CO. H. la a PORTLAND LADIES' time the Hon Jo.epb Manley atewa ae falluwa: ORCHESTRA, court In Y»rk coonty, and wee eent np assisted scry enthusiastic tax reformer belief nod It will by it la Mr. MeKln.vy'a to the full bench on of lew. tax reform queatlone Mrs. r. II. Mbs l.ou bnt to carry through bo bla to carry tbo belief into PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BONDS & COUPONS. Dinnou, purpose the Andrewa claimed that under eprclal If fit.* Slm- will a stout hrari and doe* not irding, Aiikusio require operation, that Ms constitution atatute the the A*I> certain ureatleg police b?ard, macln'V, voEiilbis. fir* Ahnn- dauntless courage, and episode* of our now Islands, Mat lb* apply lo any romml-alonete had no right to duuulea l-«*uy's onr#*r ars ctlo..l»te) lit far soil poop)* of M* Wlands are not ullicere from the force without and SCRIP BOUGHT and SOLD. f,r Trolioii, violinist. fire. I'. C. oherso- oaute, to create a sunplcloa that theft' that for Hanson, rona« ii*( ..oseminent teyood proposed without a hearing. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS, tftctsilci are cut hts. No man who hat nuat Hawaii; Mat our now poaousslons The oohimlaelonan’ defense was At Y. M. A. and police Hall, Friday evening, ever pur his hand to tba plough of our 87 AND 89 EXCHANGE STREET. not bo per lull tel to Injuiv any that Ahdrewr woe Ulainbw d under rule at S o’clock. baa February S3, the a tnrnrd bw k—who voted and that free trad* prut Interest*, Est, of the board', rJ1 whlob prorlda a 3.»r. be ectrustrd with Tickets For sale at ( ressey. .iones Si 'quit"—should w t'oiti Uleo Is baanus.* our ltd Hgbt that In oaee they onnalder tha force In- of lliisines* 1800: RN, Allen's, at tne do _>r, and of members of fie Statement of the Condition at the Close February 17, tax »nd we all remember ai iitiui, Hd will n it If lniartHl Orchestra. feblTdtd reform, effective on account of tha number ol IlESOUIiCES. I.IAiilU 1 1EJ3. thereby. may remote re 40 STATE at officers, they regular, o»> ST., 4 cx-rtalo of Mr, Mnal.y’e In res- U>an» on Time, f767.oafl.l7 Capital Stock, $200,000 EIGHTH perloruiarci On* tiling l« settled definitely eerred or .postal olUeare without preju- and other bonds, 761.399,76 Surplus, 100,000.00 St. Lcutu that the LKo. Samuel t'uinn door Municipal Mass. pect to the Philippine*. Ibe open dice. Sinking Funds Investments, 4fll.fl 1.62 Undivided Profits less expenses Boston, den of uttered tho*» famou* 13.892.02 and met paid. f.MTfl.lH feblfeodlw Connecticut Is net t» Bs lo them. 'Ibe He- Trust Investments, appl’el Ibe Law o>urt decide In the Detltlon- 2.014.M Sinking Funds for Corporations, 473,307.59 words “Col Almighty bat*e a quitter." Kencwal Fur.d Investments, publlcsn pstly will bit oonsrnt to glee to er's favor, and order* the writ petitioned Furniture ami hixtures, 160.00 KsUtes In Trust, 14.536.14 ANNUAL BALL Senegal 2..» Deposit*, 1,769,00339 In tbs Pblllppln. > free of dnty, oaa* a* 620.B08.C8 Moil alia’ed by hl» •«* voyage there It* geode 1* fallow*: L. in wbstefsr inollHel tariff there mi Ralph Mice* In Bart* Merrill, ought to he tllrrlng enjoy York, $2,627,21 J. 90 I $2,627,213.30 PINE TREE DIV. NO. 66. be establish* I between tbo Leonard Andrew*, petitioner for writ a hen he gut* (here. Me bur announced may Philip- of oertiomrl vs. Police Hoard of Bldds- OHDEIC OF lie aod ibis ununtry. bis Intention to obellenge Koday*. pine* ford. BANK R AND BROKER, to Nelson the Prwldeai the editor of Figaro, to a duel, and If be Aooonliog Mr. lieeerlpt. Hsnkfll, J —Petition for Accounts of Firm*. Individuals, Hanks, Trustees. Ktrrntors. Administrators, bill now before order of tbe Hoard aud received on favorable terms. loss not. eeoepl breih *rery bon* In llitnke that tb* pending certiorari to quash the Guard la us, AuIhui-m, torporaliou* of l'oiloe In the olty of Blddeford, dUir lo- Mi llie. Cor Union Sis.. Portland. Me. els however, Caetrl- tbe two bouses of Congress, reducing tha body. Very likely, sing the plaintiff and twenty-six others rates on aod exports between otre wlli on further rrtleotlcn deem It Import* fmtu the polls* foroe. I Statu to 111 President, JAMES P. It \ VTKIl, Vice President, to jeopardise ht* enjoyment of l'orto Hloo and IS United lb* act of lhlki, o. 026. established a \VM. <». DAVIH, Is tbe result toarJ of In with ‘au- II \KI(1 HrTLKB, Treasurer, JOSHUA V. UHUV, Asst, Treasurer. INVESTMENTS. the t-1 tuU.ClO h* ho* trrrovr.*1 from per cent of tb* i'ingley bill polio* Blddeford, to establish nnd CITY HALL, f-es trade sod be thority appoint, organise TR18TEES to a s wile * relations, as he would do if h> of ute message urglhg 1 have offer choico bonds yielding tbe police foroe or eetd olty, Inoludlng W. I.. Jus. I’. Sid- think* that Wm (. navis Franklin R. Barrett, William Brown. Clinton Baxter. Baxter, | rom 2 to o per cent, all of which have ingot el to a duel, the outcome of wlboi. still Itspubllean Congress- the marshal and lepuiy marshal, and to Geo. F. Clias. F. Frederick M. PORTLAND, ME. nevW '1 bn x ter, David W. Snow. Evans, Libby, llobie, Ann. a to views be remove the same cause and make all G. 1 hissed rigid examination of experts must Le or undertook to carry men will yet oome bit far, for Wrlsli t II Butler, t lias. O. Baucroft W. II. Walker. Waller Davis. leblDJlf doubtful, ind are tbs ne>*dful rube and regulations for It* gov endorsed by 'fading attorneys rut his threat of breatlng eiory hone tn says tbo tobasco m»D of Connecticut eminent, control and sftlclenoy. It rom all parts of the TUESDAY .’VIXIXO. FEB. ‘-’7. l!):iO. will be beBeflUel free trad* country. Lie body, which couid baldly Talley by the board the name for Koduys's gave power gov- .tlL'MlC U lUoii'a Orrliratra. Porto Hloo nod me men are [aovcriimenf, Siuic, .i|uni< ipul, te srcjiut ll-hed nltauut some phy cal will sugar erning the poll** then vested In tbe olty tb* establish- lligli Carude ICuilroud ttud lamnge t > bln so f. merely lighting against government, exoept as provided by the Ticket* admitting Gentleman and o ^ eo'.. It continued In iwrvloe the Electric* Ilonil*. ment of a preceded dreading what might existing II). *1.00. fores until removed by the hoard lady, Lcrd notarise operation* north of the 11 tbe (reo trade pulley should be police of the barton of police, it prohibited the appointment rom all parts United State*. Extra Ladidi* tickets, 25c. Modder Ulver have a very different to the at-.d to Cuta Particulars put ap piled Philip pinee * f more than the olty government might upon application. Afrtoa. au Zinc Ltd. listed on A New This liiili at fee** on the tn South then thereafter wards nten Bonds the Boston onupelgo appoint, except Co., opens promptly .Slock and sold Ns ouly have tmy relieved Kimberley, IO blAGGKK LUiiANUY. ihcr!s«U ly the “olty." k'oik Exchanges bought 8.30 with the In tbs existing foroe wa> ADVANCE TO $1. >u tho usual commission. Two-slop. but whai IS more Import :nt they hove l et rear* If.—Mr. Michael abort, police SHARES London, continued In rsrvloa under tbe control of one *f Lb* two main armies of lu FEBJ4TH hie fat the compelled Uaeltt, who r-elgeed the board cf police, which might removr abandon their fortliud Such re- to the Boer* to posi- Hong) of Commune aa a protest against for os use, and appoint not exceeding tbe Purchasers at present price, applications, accompanied by Last Dance Previous Lent. toward authorized the govern- (ehl.HiHt tion a**d leal a h*--.5y retreat Great lirllnln'e pulley towards tbe Trans- number by city mittance, will he received at either of the ment. Tie manifest nurpese of the act Bloemfontein. Ihe Knglleh are in hot n'gsrts far South Africa next week, anal, vm to create a ratio* not sob>ct of the fiscal the force, 85c Per Share. following offices agents, pursuit, and If they do not capture in an lot re lew with a repr-eeatettre of to from toe result of recurring BONDS change The ( lass of Naughty-Naught, whole or a large pari of Ueneral Cronje’w tbe A stool .1 d 1’rsss t >i«y. he said: cl otlooe, but with a tenure to be cut secure II per cent on tlielr invest- -hori for os use. That mean* cause army, ttey will very largely reduce Its "iiy re.olse to *o to South Africa has only ftvcting the Individual to be removed ment and tlio regular monthly dividend, JOSHUA BROWN & BLUEBERRY COR ER Its uornle. no but CO., jtlicisncy tj distroylng absolutely pollt'cal signldoabc<• It Com n<»t mwau oauae to the that applicable 1st to ail share holders ol h urtharmore It lsaltogelhtr probable my doctor oiderod n ohuug* of oilmate foro* In g*<»e ir oollootlvely. It dost uot payable March Him SCHOOL (HADILATION, means the of rursu that tbe foroe may t»« discharge I 89 State St., Boston. I OF Cronje's retreat alao retreat and 1 am going where eearybody'a record Feb. 24th. 5ITY WESTBROOK, ME., Evening, F Ik 21. by wholesale beoaus they rosy not be Wednesday Jnubert from his fortltied posi- are centered, to set anu lealn thoughts eg re* n He to tbe board )f com in Iss?oners Exercise* lu*l__4. U<__ ■ IS * .... rule 41: "Trials of officers Khali on since October. No luettor how the police be held at ruck tin ts as n av to ordered Feb. 24th, 1900. 409 The ltool ery, ( hicago. retreat* General Bultor ought to be able will raise the Saturday, tivu ap nr ■ » n v uniiF riNAKflAL. struggle ends. It biggest by the board of police N< tloe of the falil9.It.23.fl I him and Iblll^t the 13 (.lastly purer.* Internalicunl problem of tin. eeuta.-y In time and place of tbe trial, together with Jill ur DCLrAil, WAIEC, and the anil Man:* kind of damage that Trench Europe, while the varying fcrtunc* ot tho a copy lit charges ep-oiiioauonr mall le ••rr<-d oo tba ucopaert pnrty at -FOR Kvllj-Kenney are lulTctlrg upon CroRje combatants are o rtalu to extrolse a REFUNDINC FOURS, l#wt tail 'lay* before tba time of trial, BONDS. lnlluenc* on ths Prsaldeotlal The gold standard bill when It b» mitrhtd including tba day cf eervloe," «t«. P. Due 10IS. elootlon In Amertca. W hether ns a victor Again, rula iW, any mauibar of tba Cornish, the ty George comes a law settles only currency foroa might ba disciplined or dlauilaaad or os vanquished, England Is about to FEBRUARY stauduid while it tva-blna law. Like all for any one of twaoty-tbraa oflrnatr FOR SALE BY Couoty of Washington. Me., 4's, 1923 8 face a moment jus crisis, the political out other laws it l-i sutiject to repeal. A sil- apeolitcaUy unwed Tax Exempt. none of which may radii ally affect the tba* tba was MERCHANT ver treats and House acd a silver Trail It.Uag'aail petitioner TAILOR, whole fabric of her empire. 1 Intend to duly nppolntrn .iad aa a polloa dent in tfce White House can the qualified JN VESTMENTS Maine Central Railroad 7's 1912 officer July lews. Tbat on September visit Caj e Colony and the ’iran.vaal and 3. law and make silver the standard. it law*, the board ailoplad rule 50: lesra the real foots regarding t' e racial 14, SWAN & BARRETT Maine Central Riilrai. 5’s. 1912 will be seen, then f jre, that to maintain Wbeiiete* the board of police consider 571 1-2 St. light between the Urltlsh and A'rlc inf- tha nitre foroa Invlltcllre on aeoount of Rooms, Congress WE OFFER the geld standard we have gof; to main- | Aroostook Railroad 5 s. 1943 ers. The liasl lssus of the war will have tta niimtiar of police ollioair—regular,' & a In with the Hankers, tain government sympathy rearm d or In remorrd for to be fought out In the Transvaal and 1 aparial. may gold standard. The gm*t mujcrlty of the tbe following oauaa, rl< to teak* mora A Div. 5 s, 1943 to reach there before the great old Bangor Piscataquis Ucinccratlo nnmbcrj or both *hs Hinge hope eftecllre tta pell, e ferae aa tba Ixitrd of I shall March Municipal Bonds, PORTLAND, MAINE. open 1st, 1900, 11 dlf and the hereto little cunaldrr pruper therefor -noolfenae j ill and b'en"t3 voted the bill which president republlo West Turnel, 5’s, 1SD9 against such fli with an and com- Chicago launches the blow which Is to ’stagger Clio*tug charged agalnot police er*, exceptionally large makes gold the atauiiard, nnd the great ah' the -ani" rear be iluhe whiiovef a-dil Water Works T TU B r--== humanity.’ stock ot ltrilish con- Bonds, Rai road Co., 5 s, 1918 m 'jorlty of the Uemooratlo party ap- board of polio* ounalcer tba a bore named plete Woolens, Quincy oau»* exlet* with no dlacredlt of proves cf that voto. Therefore the Hemo- pereoaal sisting of: TOM). I'fflwu nrotoTrd uion order of aald Portland A Yarmouth Railroad 4’s, 1919 as at constituted is BRIEFLY Bailroad catic party present # board " unexcelled in Bonds, of Overcoaliugs, <{uali- Bank a menace to the penranenoy ins golu 'I ber. eft*rwardx on tba aawe day that Casco National Oakland Me., Water Co., 5 s, 1908-18 standard. To tote fer its candidates la role Id *>i aduptru tbe board of polio* and .OF. cl the .\»« /c ty style. ‘ine *tcckhaJd*r* ordered, Upon due ooa*ld*ratlob aad Bank Stock. to pnf th*- gold standard In jeopardy. Me Water Co 4’s. 1929 ti n Base ball c»ub io Halit mo*** bat* In ce-llga:lob the board of polio* oooaldar The latest designs in Scotch and PORTLAND, MAINE. Newport B.>luf8* men must net forget that. They to make the foroa of tilddeforn decided to re lain thflr organisation in ll'iit police ouna'der A wide Other Choice « must net suffer themselves to be thrown more effective, whlob aald hoard English Suiting*. variety And Investments- the the ilu? be organised 1824. hope league neaeri, and that tha following Incorporated off their guard by statements to the >ry proper in and Flannel Descriptive Circular sent on applica- another name# Serges Suitings. M ltPLl'S Special year. named men, whoaa appear upon CAPITAL AMD tlou. effect that ths gold standard will be he Gen. fc?b*frer says h* think* th« Tagal tn> raourda of aatd board a* oltioar- A lino of and Scotch secure w non the gold standard bill be- nni nr> r. morel by rlrtuo of rul* large English in umriicn is broken but that garrisons heivby thl» la tbe osier H. £« f thU bond, and M, & Go. comes law. Turn o* <*»•*. In the lir- seringa. Payson vrHi te 17 I’Mllj p1n«*s ol avid toard rli Le mard Andrewa" MERCANTILE TRUST CO., tuucUBes vter. and o'hera whoaa namaa ap- 32 EXCHANCE MILLION for the selec- White Dress and ST. ONE The .Republican twenty-ala Fancy Vestings. Cortland, ’le. in tha record of the board of polio*. tion of oandldat-s for al lermen aud ter ator Klklnb fell on an toy ilJawalk pear Ike prcrw-dlng waa wlttout charge All aro in Jan27dtffe after- In ami was oon«ld*rably my goods bought single ccuncilmen will be held Wedtntlay Washington againal any mmh r of tha polio* I or on or no two and no ether neon and evening. Our citizens sra v#*ry brcisMl. nolle- to nay on* o! Ih* yolloemeo rr- pattern.; alike, DOLLARS. wor'.r email, to tuft the bor- of thorlaad to remave for oauae.aad inch re- Any C o.. doing bunnies* in tiio City Toledo, rower. on Household Furniture, FUnos. Or- the Mayor has com;aralirtly little power. moval la a ao«. to l * roed* GF.ORGK P. CORNISH. New Couuty and btato :t(o:*aakl, mii<1 that said firm judicial only Trenton, Jersey, Draffs drawn ou .Nntlonal Provincial pins. 8ti :k and Fixture#. also Faunhitf Stuck, 1M»L State vr Don or He may stop come things from being will p.iy the sum of ONK lil'NDKKL) open n dice end bearing. lank ofKuglsuil. London. In large lii.i .e-, t rri.iii •«. &c.. the same to remain _ and LAKS for e.reh and ev -ry ease of Catarrh that M) Ma. Andcawe va. 11 Gas Electric, mail for aslr alcarrrtti rates. We will oil but he cannot do without, ntan. 4i»; king, ; amounts, | w tin the o*uer. pay furniture ucl*', uny iking II in.’* v atakuh * cauuolhe cured hv the used hi* 3*4. Writ to latte. ( Di rmt Aa-uuiiti rru hril oti favor- lea si and ad vane.1 money .it rate# as low a# the cf a of if«e board First Cold 6’s, duo 1949. bit tea ms. be cooperation majority TAt Pi t> art Awful am b fat In the Stale. All loans may naht t l^vNK J. CIIENEY While h>r Andrawa doaa not npwl pe- First upon C orres|»oni!ence solicited from ludt- ■*> installments, each pa. nient reducing both of Alderman av.d ths C. miuon Council 1 bad .ugeietl tor An absolutely Mortgage Sworn to before mo ami subscribed l« my »h« onlv md el-ctrlc lfxhtmg eye- 1 l«l«iuls, ('orporstloiM, ltank* nnil and interest. F al estate liinrl^ i^es o-mlary b-nallt to wnrw from hla rain- IV ,. ,r,. Sul urwl gas principal To have an efficient municipal adminis- preseuce, this cth day of December, A. 1>. lf*ab. tear of ireot^n. N. J. ropu'aUeu « liters desiring tc» optn uocunsti «• wtll negotiated. Dullness atriutiy confldeuti.d. -- A. W. GM ASON. Ra.ll> Uul kl> t !lnu It* stutament cn tha police will giro 74,000. « s from those a lulling to Ubuihi tration, an adminUtrathn that can do I'uUic. •uSsAnir r,, rai*. auopUcd, a KAL Autary *»rta lie biiulurtsutHU}’ description iltrutigJt j him authority bo warrant* plaeod .,. rc. things, there must bs berir.ony b* tv* n j or III.S S.IIS.r H1.1(, Util roil SALE BY Ills Buu I* Hall's Catarrh Cur* I* taken Internally and In hla ban J», aa authority that b* la II ar.., I.r.Hui. aad « uu.|.l«»« II.- b ana a at lea&t of the I Mayor majority tel* diret

r~ ^ v ■I. DYER THE jPTMKSS. SEASON’S WORST STORE THE ROLLING RILLS. WITHDRAWS. Am M to Bstollt by a The for n.patf collector atm IKW AUVKRTUKMKSTI TODAY* Th«r Ubib Ob. & if OWEN, MOORE CO Oren Hooper's Sons. J. R. Llbpv. Kastman Pros. A Bancroft Ever torn tha harming of tba Portland *ho talk nf Mb depaty aallatorablp of Johnston. Halley & Co. a vlattom enlac- ton port, which qu toted down after It tutor national Zinc Co. rolling atlato, yaar m Fall of Snow and after to-dav It. K Big tha om tha Moo and ttalaa boaowii known that Oollvoeor Moom fK<« Carpenter. ing atty is til te Underwear Counter A nit led. Mackintoshes. V. K. Bacon. rln to fair. ham seen tba pile of Mao and wondered ■nM not rooonttaoad a change omll Removal Notice. Gales. February 19 19001 Not loo—Southerland Gold Company. High why, with railroad supplies rolling nl after the Dialer steamship badness was Portland, Two lota of A lot of & Hon. Jersey navy blue, 11. H. Iisy and tma manufacturing crrer, hea revived wtthla tha last day or Oweu. Ml ore & Co. high prices two. Councilman Herbert a five consecu- ribbed Combination double texture Mackin- AMUSEMENTS. plantain other parti of tbo country Oyer, who, mllla horn not a fow weeks was to have the Ballway Conductor* Ball. working overltaaa, thaoa ago thoagkt our and tosh Garments with > tive weeks Suits, Balbriggan Kutrri ilnmei.t at Second Parish eftry. baan rebuilt.' She death of Wanton If, 1 aside trank, baa tamed a siren Ur let- F^OK FINANCIAL. tor at Mllllkea, one of the landing owner! of announcing hla withdrawal, aad era- Bar- merino, 50c and G9c, double cape, at $3.98, Portland Trust Co. Railroads Were Sot Monday Seriously tba mllla. waa In part ravertible lag bio onpportofo to transfer their in- But to City Water Co. rolling Sales have .collided marked from 75c and marked down from 8.00. for the lash of ret lml of that Industry dorsement to bnmael B. Kelsey. Mr. gain I .ost. Found Discommoded. New Wants. To lot,For Hale, lint tha alto ana what remain* of tha Dyer le said to barn had the banking of weather. No advertisements will be found under with bad $1.00. Counter. and similar donators Trimmings on 6. mllla ham been sold to a tyndleet* fry* end Male. hair appropriate heads page Just evidence of the of oapItaUata from another state, and | With the announcement sf Candidate stronger Children's Undcnvear. One lot of Trim- la ■ withdrawal somee tha nows that Juby Mn. U lmlon'i Sootblnu Syrup. aa Immediate bn tiding at tba mllla Dyer1 great value of these week- At tha of tea Booth former Alderman frank H. Little, who One lot of Oncita and blue, at Has been used over Fifty Years oy millions of antlolpaaad. moating ming, pink Lines Snow Portland aonaall teat n rapra- waa roomily a eaadldahe for tha Portland could be had u ethers for their children while Teething, Trolley Kept olty weak, ly offerings 22c a marked down and Pootmnotor Union Suits, white and yard, with per foci success. It soothes the child, aantatim of the ayndloato praoentad on paslmoeterehlp. gam than the fact that the cures Wind a clone serve from 3Gc. Also an *oltens Ui# gums, alleys Tain, Plows Going. ontUne of tbo plant for rebuilding, non- Barker oheeo, would like to natural wool,- to go at as and is the best Colic, regulates C3* bowels, pled with request that tba Indnttry b* Oolleolor Moose as deputy, aad It using dreadfully unpropitions sorted lot of colored silk letcedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from hie to ad- cent dis- exempt from taxation for o term of ten postmaetorehlp basking good not annihi- twenty-five per teething or other causes. For sale by Drug- weather has year*. He said the oompany will be In- vantage In that dliootlon. count from and worsted at gists in every oart of llie world. He sure and regular prices Gimps, within two week*, wltb a Tha other avowed otndldetre for the lated them It ask lor Mis. Wiualow's boothlng byrup, 26 ctr corporated entirely. 8c a marked from capital of and that building oper- deputy oollectonblp are Uorbort V. Lib- to-day. yard, a bottle Four Hairier Trying to Hake (76,mr, also shows that these ations will be begun at onoe. At Urat by, recently deputy dark ot oourta, aad 12 l-2c and 15c. Uoa. WllUam a former Harbor Driven Away. flfly man will b* amployad, and It 1* tha W. Merrill, Monday Bargain Sales Infants' Outfits. CASTOR TA hoped within a abort lima to be able to mayor of Hearing. Aa appointment U Notions Counter. have an established colors of fine Bears the signature of Char. H. Fi.etcher. double tba eraw. net expected before April. Nino A lot of silk In use for more than thirty years, and The city oaunoll panned a r-solntlon in the estimation of elastic WOMEN UN TUB SCHOOL HOAUD. place French Flannelettes, for The Ximd You /fait Always Taught, favoring exemption of tax** on the asw wise which Garter black February lOita may be Ml down by tbe plant, providing youth Portland work- To (Ae Editor of the J’reee; shoppers shirtwaists and children’s Webbing, CASTORIA of Waatern Maine as tbe date on aa aa and at 8c a people men are employed far poaalbl*. lbs Women’s Connoli, an organisation even the elements are at 12 l-2c colors, yard, Bears the signature of Cm as. H. Fx.rTCKR». Urst real anow atom of drecscs, yard, wtloh the big both notional aad local. In Ita character, marked down from 12c. In use for more than and winter ooonrred. tbet anow OBITUARY. to thirty years, tbe Mot baa represents by Ho eonstltuecorseveral han- powerless dissipate. been 19c. One lot of The Kind You Have Always Bought, oot {alien before but it be* not ooiot In women of At a dled of the Portland. A good That so we’ve nainsook Short same counter lot of large qaantltlee nor hae It been aooom- deal of time and effort hoe been being Dresses, CASTORIA Ufl.llAM OAKLAND LANK. expanded a wind wblob beads for Kinder- panlcd by gale of oeuaed by the Council la preparing a llet sf the for children six months fancy Bents the signature of CtAl II. Fletcher. prepared following anow Mr. U 11man Uarlaod Lana, who on tha muoh drifting. The began to oome candidates who will not decline to serve, at 1c a ior more than and garten uses, Jo use thirty years, uhuut ten o’olook Ibth Into, nt Deerlng Heater, at 6 It a. list for to three at box, down Saturday night and who are eipeolally oompetsot for to-day’s selling years, 38c, The Bind You Halt Always Bought and it f*U fait and furloue ell end m., a passed to that uodlaoaverad country were 8c. night tha position. Why encounter refusals or with the hope that its marked down from 50c. well into forenoon. In all four- from whose bourn* no traveler returns, Bunday risk a lack of time for ascertaining the teen or llfteen Inobee ot anow fell on a waa born at Uxford, Oxford oounty. attractiveness will Also a lot of and fitness of new candidates? They ne-s bring grey Hosiery. on lbs IM ot 1*77. He larrl bat It drifted so much tbet It U Me., Deeember, selected with great cere. Location was out be the fair brown embroid- BKIEF JOTTINGS. trade and taken Into aooount ae In the case of Datr- you day Flannel, A lot of fleece bard to eay juat how deep tbe anew la early learned the of carpenter Onyx Mg; but party wr s deemed nen-eeaeotUI In tbe the drift* ran Joiner and In partnerahlp with Leonard or foul. ered in at 58c a oounlry pretty slaoe Hepuhlloans and Democrats alike colors, lined cotton did n suooeesful buslnam Hosiery, bigh In plaoea and caused the auburban Day (daosased) would U was welcome the op- though! y y < was 3 commit iu were 75c. Also a slate members of Ward nuro uus ta II tun u tu v.ui In Haaraohnsetta, here offered. Six names KJIUULS .It f The city uiwu iu vj nv building cpiratloas portunity yard, (women's) black, be at wltb handed In that there be a rarac ot too are requested to headquarters North Yarmouth on the Urand Trunk ■ particularly In Cambridge where might lot of enolos. It was far from tbs thought cf women’s worsted and at mark- at 7.8U HI* brown, .'He, on Monday evening, January 18th train au (tailed fcr seme time on ac- Dll JUUUtf Wild) BUliUSD INHIMU One lot of best mow presenting inis list to no more loan qual- at to look over the check lift. one tower of old Harvard, bs tint brunt seme woman Toilet 75c, ed down from 50c. o’clock, count of of tbeae giant drift!. express the uhutoe of the women's two Slippers, the Portland have re- master of bit own houae. Id 1801 ba who were instrumental In women ity clasp Keoently police Freights were cot moved very faat on the plaolng marked down from who upon tbe beard; nod the coart-sy of the $1.00. ceived many complaints from people Brand Truuk on and the moved to Wealbrouk, afterwards I).wring, dark col. Children's Counter. Sunday Kngllib oommlttos who suggested Joint and Mocha Gloves, Hosiery men to residence have employed travelling enlarge r business was set one now Portland, and built a Dos steam' b^tk Jost non-psrtlsan notion in this matter should at marked Underwear, Muz tin. prized on Pleasant la whlob be and bis as a on ors, $1.25, One lot of four photographs, frequently highly day on Ibis aoeount. The Mains Central street, oertalnly not be oonetrued dealre heavy their It hns been have slnoe resided. About JO part to put aotlon Into tbe by possessors. usually trains were bothered by drifting snow n family anyone's down from 1.50 and 2.00. ribbed bends of a few. Any carefully chosen A lot of fine French thread black the case that the agent pretende.1 to years ago bo formed copartnership with Onyx little and ware all from ball an hour to list bonded In prior to the tluse of nomi- only for the frame and Leonard 0. and later At same a lot cotton at 18c ohcrgo picture an bour lata during the day bat along Mr. Hurnbam, nation would of course reoelse the tame counter, Corset Covers, assorted Stockings, It An exorbitant de- Arm Mr. U. Hutch attention as that from the Wo- Used upon prica, towards they were running well adding to the Joseph coming two night b. of men’s Jouvin round and a were 25c—sizes 0 to return the unless he an eitemdv* business men’s Council. styles, square pair, clining original up to their sohedule time. The storm Ins, did building received the mon y demanded. The vio- as and Westbrook's best streets Kid tan to 9 1-2. wo: not as heavy on the line of the Moun- UeeriDg clasp Gloves, neck, trimmed with lace women, have the tlnus, usually paid price onus will testify. tain division and id little trouble. 44 and suede finish, and at rather than 1 >se the and then man cl strict bis Ilfs and Ease brown, original On the lioatou and Maine the storm de- A Integrity Think of deep embroidery, Leather Goods Counter. came afterward to the police to enter a actions oould best rellecl hie boneit at marked down layed the irales a little but they ware all pur- $1.25, 79c each, been §1.00 and oom life. Mr. Laos * An assorted lot of plaint. moving within half an hoar of.thelr poses through Politically be In Maine in- But Work On.” fioni 2.00. 1.12. liowdoin will not the schedules. was a steady golag unwavering Demo- Pocket Books, (single tercollegiate baseball league this yetr crat. He served tbs town of Hearing as even The Portland railroads kept Its plows If your blood is impure you cannot Counter. and a large number of games will bn tell r man and assessor In 1878, and was Linings Corse/s Counter. ones of their at going ail day and nil night ns the mow 04think of ease/* The blood is the kind,) pltyed with colleges outside the state eleoted In 18t0 by a substantial continued to drllt after it had cessed to again sustainer the body and when lots of An has been made to satisfaction on greatest of Four One lot of French l,I\ half price today. arrangement play tall. The oar servloe about the llns» majority both terms with fancy olty it Hood's Sarsa- tin's s with one at Lewiston you make pure by taking gam Bates, was exoeilenl however and tltongb there tbe part of bis constituent*. Tbe fact 30 inches Goods Counter. have the health in Skirtings, wide, 1).” Corsets, black and Fancy April 24. another there Juno 6, and one was eleotsd to tbe board as parilla you perfect were not many paopleiaoviog.ubont, those that be twloe In Brunswick June 15. which even hard work becomes easy. at 10c a marked at who were forced to I rave the cold wind a Democrat In a distinctly Kspublloao yard, white, long waist, A lot of round beaded 'ihe Ccsmoe club will inert with Mr?. that his friends had nothing to complain cf Id regard to town la sofficleotevldenee down from 18c. Also a marked down from silver D. 2U4 ft reel, were wblok time be §2.50, John William?, Congress the oar sett 1elry Counter. ant sup. Pocket and half pairs of Lace corded and r u til e d /tn storm. It was an experlenoe which tbe and Mre. D. K. Hall, Qulucy, Mass. L'f» Insurance company if this city, was lot of sil- oaptatn and orew of that vessel would Curtains, Irish at marked One sterling the recipient Saturday of a check for $6Cb Mliti. CAKOL1NK |F. HKMKNWA Y. including flounce, 79c, not oare to repeat. Just at dnrk on Sat- Comb us a present from the oompany for five Point, Clu- from ver Manicure Tools, at a four masted schooner was In the death of Mrs. William Uemen- Nottingham, down §1.00. ara continuous eervioea with the compa- urday is such a convenience, y oooured tbe friends wil* sighted oil tlis oapos trying to get Into waywhlsi February 10.h, Swiss and 49c, marked down ny. Mr. liapgoo’i’a many ready for a finishing ney, Bobinet, fromJJ She could not make It however and loss of neir relatives la shared by a always Worsted Goods Counter. congratulate bl:u on his good luck. port. to at -18c to 75c. was furoed to run off shore. T his vessel olrole ot devoted friends. Though ndvanoed touch. Muslin, go F. B. Dyer of Portland, was In Capt. retained bar lots of Is to he the J. S. In years, Mrs. Hemenway a Two cider towu to look over the four- supposed Window, Wo have largo assortment the Counter yesterday nod $10.00 pair—these Stationery flu as tbs vessels which wera fondness for tbe yonng for all masted 6chcoaer, Carrie A. Lane. Capt. (.apt. lib, of them iu cases ami without Down things and her hospitable and are on Dressing Sacks, the tlrst commander to In In company with the Winslow on Friday youtbfnl sample pairs One lot of line cream Dyer was go aud from hard boro arrived in Boston on No alleotlonste greeting wai ever ready for rubber, assorted colors, at 75c the Lane. She was built for him In 1667 Saturday. which we have cut the || laid and Enve- is felt for the thus who sought Its ebcerful Influence. and celluloid. Paper and ho ren&ined iu her until 1812 In anxiety Wflnslow, however, and §1.00, marked down >is she Is a staunch vessel and In Mre. Hemenway wae born In Provi- to rid of them 1869 be made the trip around the Horn good flood ones for 10c, and tiro price, get in big quantity dence and resided later In sod lopes, Ban hands. Danger from 1.00 and 1.50. At from Baltimore to Franoisoo, carry- best ami for 20c. were for a period of some twenty-live years In largest quickly. box, at 15c, 25c. ing the lint cargo cf that was over same a lot of Moehlas, where bar husband was engage! Have one in your pocket. counter, carried ovtr that route iu a three-masted ST. BUKlii'S CATHBUBAL. Ribbons Counter. One lot of In lumber and township Interests. Hinoe fancy Tally schooner. Tho Lane wa3 wrecked last worsted Cards of admission to tbe Cathedral on fancy- 1878 Mrs. Hemenway bat lived In Poit- Toques, embossed vein ter and to this and Cards, corners, Ml brought city the occasion of the ocucooratlon of tbe Middle One lot of taffeta land. Hhe leaves odu Mrs. D. H. H, HAY & SON, St. pure at been 25c. a four-iossed daughter, colors, 19c, made over Into sohoontr of Maine be had ou at 2c each. Bishop may applica- W. rinow, at whose borne tbe died and silk at and is oomtuaudtd by Capt. Fletcher. tion to the committee at tbe Parish striped Ribbons, two sons, one liy a former Neckwear Women's. Bho for Bavannah to load marriage, Counter, Toilet Goods Counter. sailed yesterday House street) ou Monday afternoon 38c a been 50c. (Purk Nathaniel Budd of Leering; and rne yard, for Philadelphia. Capt. Dyer was pleased from two to o'olook aud on live-thirty Charles P. of this One lot of Tourist made in the Lane and Hemenway olty. One lot of with the changes Monday and Tuesday evenings between Bring us oue of your Linens Counter. Japan Lily she would bo a tetter craft and WILLIAM UUltNHAM. in six thought tbe hours of seven and nine. The com- MHti. fndrd drr»»e« mill Knehing, yard Toilet Soap, “fine piece more serviceable than when he used to — go mittee regret that owing to the large of Mrs. William will It One lot of GO inch The many friends qultkly dye boxes, at 10c, were 25c. of at 3c a cake. In her. Capt. Dyer is at present engaged number Of for these cards goods,” requests they Uurnham. will tie pained to hoar of her lomr |ileiiftiug color linen table Damask, uun aw aw so pure An assorted lot of silk i#vwvD»w»y “Pr death, which cccrrred as her home on ilial will reuiuln One lot of Lav- sons Portland—bath Alenin. Tappan’s two In to the attendants at the Cathe- regular Neal street, at 1 a. m., after a linn nod look as at -12c a One lot Ar;hur left fc’nn Franci-ah* Tues- Sunday yard. Stock Collars, at Sewall and Paul’* ehurcb. mem- 15c, eiidar Salt,nick- dral St. The and severe Illness. She was a Smelling the Southern A’aclUo rail* long lady well as new. day night, via of St. oan obtain of linen Damask ber* Stephen’* parish of the most and naturs. Tray been 25c to 50c. eled screw ton at home. will at New genial loving bottles, road for He stop Or- card* of their rootor. She was very prominent In religious at 17e, were 25c. leans fer the MarJi Urns festival and at FOSTER’S Cloths, Embroideries Counter. lac. 23c. work, holding several otlloes In various regular price Washington, so It will probably be three M JNTQOMKKY OUAKUB BALI,. religious and obarltable sci'letlss. Tte ME One lot of Mediterranean or four woeks before be reaches lUth. Silks Counter. One lot of tucked next the friend* of the Mont- funeral will occur at her late reeldenoo. • He takes this southern route so that ho rsdoy HOUSE, at 10c. Great No. 139 Neal on at 3 m. and rutiled Muslin Pi.low uoolinaated rather than gomery Uuanla will greet the ocinpany street, luetduy p. One lot of narrow Sponges may gradually get 13 Treble St., Treble House. up- their annual drill and ball opp. from the warm weather at at MHS. KUZABKIH W. SI LSD Y. at a coming directly Cy-Kbl J loves t lcaused Every Day. assorted Shams, §1.00 pair, bargain. of Honolulu and San Frauoisco, to the City hall. The oommlttee this year pre- Mrs. Kllaabeth W. Slleby, who died In holstery Fringes, an Innovation In tb* of round been 1.50. One lot of rigorous cold of a Maine February. rents way Saoo last week,was the widow of the lata kinds and colors, not all Haberdashery. from to nine The Mrs. Ueo. H. King of Deeriog street, dacolng eight o'clock. Capt. Samuel A. Slleby of Portland. hemstitched at will follow To Be Sold Shams, An assorted lot of who has been spending the past three drill by the company and it Is Capt. Silabv was captain of tho brig Immediate!/, perfect, regular prices will If not were 1.25. we'k.s in Providence with her sUter.Mra. sild this equal surpass Potasl that oleared at Portland for 12 l-2c to 38c, to go at ^50, men’s silk and satin those of former years. Tbe demand for VV. W. Coates, returned last Thursday. Cardenas, December 1st, ISM. The vessel to- at marked tickets this year has bs*n great and they half day. Laces Counter. Neckties, 29c, Mr. Mlohael ii Sullivan of this city never arrived at the latter port and was The House price ore assured of a large As this Printing has reoontiy received from u friend a copy gathering. supposed to have been wrecked ofl tbe from 30c. Is the hist dance of the sines -at- Counter. An assorted lot of of the Christinas Issue of the "Manila company's Florida ocatt, as a vessel's stern, house Needlework ltSSlO It will bs tbe nrst publlo exhibi- Basemen!. Freedom." It oontalus twelve pages of and quarter deck drifted eshure at Abaco, Tuxedo Xct Veilings, at tion of tbe slnoe Its enlistment and 44 Portland. One lot of embroid- reading matter and shows company IfcSS with name Potasl on 421 Exchange St., interesting February 1st, 18c a marked lot of In the United states eervtoe and this fact yard, down One glass Water that the newspaper men cf Manila are a the steru. hllzakcth W. Slleby removed ered India Silk Table anils to the Interest of the publlo In their at marked wideawake and enterprising olass. to Saco about twenty-Uvs years rgo with SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED PRINTING from 25e. Giraffes, (32c, drill. A PLANT that caunot ho new fur Mr. F. E. ttundletl will pass the week h.-r the late Daniel for- replaced Cloths, stand covers, from One lather, Walker, leu then $ti.oo>. douw u business of $3,000 anu u down $1.00. in thn lia-t^n aid Now York markets, merly of Portland. Danlrl Walker died In ally, and having facilities (or doing three times mantel Mens Undenvcar Counter. water POK’lLANU CLUB. that amount. This must ba sold at lambrequins, etc., lot of Tea- buying silk novelties for the silk depart Saco Jauuary 0, 1F80. Capt. Sllsty wrs property drop one*. It I* desired to sell to parties w bo will inert of the Flies lirothe s o The Portland club will a ssa embroidered and with wicker mpsny. give reception one of the aid oaptalna who sailed out cunimue tlio business, as it is oue o! the best richly A lot of heavy wool pots, bale, Miss to th* locations In the city, hiving two entrances on Campbell Wullte of Hausport, N this evening recently appointed cf Portland foity or more years ago. The at 9c each. One lot of Exchange street, with two flooi.s and basement, wliich have fleeced Shirts and Draw- 8.,who has been visiting her federal olliolaia, Collector Moses. so far as fringed, father,Capt, Ap- only other capteln known now while I bo reut is very reasonable. I be euuip- at c insist .'i in ler 30x8 Dishes, Wallie, rf the bark Mury A. Troop, lef praiser Ilswey, Postmaster Barker and living who sailed out it Poitiand In hie ineui «) press, been 98c to at were 50c. pressed glass don Uxi'.i, U Gordon press 7xit. 1 Go! 1- §7.00 each, ers, 39c, cn to the remainder Aetlst '.nt Postmaster The press, One lot of Saturday spend cf King. regular Is Isaac Knight cf Portland. 10*13. paper eu'ier 3J in. day Capt. lng press. (Dooley), to at half price. the vriatvr In Savannah, Ha. weekly supper will he served. bawl wheel and steam fxtures, with i» knives, go half to-day. at 19o a card shears 30 inch, be .t in tin- city; card cut- Mens Hosiery Counter Tumblers, dozen, Rev. A. A. Sen brother of Mrs. TDK SHIPPING COMMISSIONKH. nett, ter ruie and lea 1 curcr, rub) iniUnmg machine. POd more marked down from 23c. Thurou Scully of this city, wss ordalnea WILLISiON PKUPLK. Another federal tfllus In this ottr is Ty ue» cases, than one ihoisjtul dml »rs, Handkerchiefs Counter. of and as Good as now; si.mils, ca«es One lot extra to the at the Canadian col- The cxbluets, qual- Ouo lot of priesthood people cf Willi.too church go to about to fall Into new ban 's. Col. John leads, rue. galleys, buiuei saint ornament*, fancy Candles, on lOth. and border, and ss natural wool Half lege, Home, February Kivertou tonight for a good time. Special D. Prlndable, n meuibar cf Governor wood type dry press pr One lot of soiled Swiss ity at were 8c. One lot " boards, live Imposing stones, snafilug Gc, Mr, Charlei F. Netllcton of tho Man- car* pulleys to aocommndate them will run up Powers’ staff, and the Lincoln ulub'b uud belt*, two !«*sKs a’.ui odnr InmiiU'u and Handker- at made to oth r embroidered hose, 14c, of rattan Heat- Union, was In this city yesterday. Spring street, errlvlug at Carroll street master of la slated for tho fixtures, wlthmuiy articles eiseulia iu a Carpet oeiemonics, job printing establishment. Mr. Arthur W i^ealo baa been eJoo'.ed nt ti.lM at the gond sell at 25c. at been 23c. u’olook, Kye nod f ar In- berth of shipping commissioner, new li not sold immediate.y to oue party, it will bo chiefs, at three for 25c. ers, 17c, of in » teller of the Cumberland National bank firmary at 0.18 o’olock, thenre down held by George Telman. Col. Prlndable disposed manner to suit parcha-crs. Ail j Interested In tlie purchase ol pnulmg m.iiena In plies of ibe lute Orrla S. and it net at Fogg, Congress arriving Congress has long been a prominent llgure in local aro invited to call and ispecs, any p iri ul liio W. has been may des ro »t the W.Duffett, Jr., 'lecud Look- squaro nt 0.15 o’alook anl will laate the politics, and bis appointment vrtil glv plant the; ARA.NSvllil’l PRINTING HOU'K. kce;er. head cf Preble sloet at & MOORE & CO. MOOIi E & CO. 0.17 o'clock. g-naral satisfaction. 4J 1-- e..d it Exchange St OWEN, MOOUE CO. OWEN, OWEN, Open Tiiesday, Feb. 20,8 O Clock A. M. POSTER, AVERY & CO., CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, MEN’S FURNISHERS, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Slightly Wet, Lie Damaged, Greatest Bargains Ever Offered for Reliable Mer- chandise. All Goods to be Sold Before Repairs Begin.

______During This, the Greatest Bargain-Giving Fire and Water Sale Ever Offered on Earth of Reliable, Dependable Merchandise *** Wa **Sap'™s ls " 0PP0™ITr- mrntlmm™ m mmm?

• ■ -- -- —. r I. —V FOSTER, AVERY & CO., RELIABLE OUTFITTERS, - - - - PORTLAND. An adjourn*! meeting of tht Want- hr tto Mala* Ooatrai railroad. traded the convention of the faculty of brook otty government la to bo bold Mon- 1'ba Twilight olub will to entertained Bowdota college. High eehool rad Mate Sl:BUHS. homo of Mr*. _THE day evenlDg at tbaoounoll ohamlar. Monday afternoon, at to my tanohera of the aUtte at Brunewtak Tba Da is octal* of Weaabrook are ta bold 11. C. Cobb, Oceanvale. Saturday. their ward eauoneaa Monday evening at Ilia Charlotte Harm on. Fore it arena*, Mr. Fraak F. Hlade of Now York city, on the the aavaral ward room* Tbe mayoralty la to give a ball at Boegg’a hall, who oamr to attend the foncrol of hie of UN. on tendon la to be bald Friday avail ag, aiaalng February mother, Hit B F. Hlade, le the facet wko baa been Nominations of West- Feb. £34, at tba Odd Fellows' ball, Wsat Mr. Pool J. Chlbaok, of hie brother, Abel C. HI ode, Milo Nod. employed In Now York for nearly a year etreet. Are beneficial to some one. an ax- brook A party of about tOO of tba taaiabara of now, la making hi* faaally qnke Mile Cobb gave a fine rataetooary ad- always Republicans. Brentwood Peter Waodland lodga, K of F, of tended vUtt at thalr horn* dr pee at the Bohool treat M. E. ohnroh at week. Lynn, Maas are to vlalt Praanaepaeot reel. loot . In this case it is to oon Valley lodga af Cnatbrrlaad Mill* on Merer*. Smith and Bamrry, Mr. H. B. Eaton, who hoe been visit- on Wednesday and Tnnraday of tbl* wash. treetore and builders. are engaged ing friends here, lett for hla home lo Mabel Candidates for the City On Wednesday •-rselng tbe degree team the ooaetrnotlon of a boom oa Farmington, Botorday. Strong of Peter Woodland lodga will exemplify etreat, Hearing Center. Be rare I of oar young people attended Stolen* Portland theatre laet week and tha third rank and on Thors lay evening Mr. and Mra. U. W. Uoagg, the MHimiHniiniiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiinininiHiMHii Offices. a reieral week* Proem) soct Valley lodge wl'l confer tha arena** left Tbureday for apeak la high prelee of Wise Hober's Halt In lioetcn. New York and Washing- com same rank. puny. YOU UMi. W. W. Woodman of t o Bar- CITIZENS’ NOMINATIONS. Principal Mr. Frank I*. Wlneblp, tb* Barring ham High eehool and wife, alao Him Bo- uenena Saturday are- At tba eltiseaa’ centerdruggist, I* reoorartng «lowly from rah Kldloa, oeeletont teaobor, attended of the in nlnjr, Mr. Pater 8. Uraham preaided and News Day tale reoact lllnaaa. the ooavontlon at Llrnnswiok Saturday TO “for new and now enroute from Mr. Krovit noted as moretary. MAKE ROOM pods bought large ^ Uragdon Tbe Bearing Canter Union Sanday of the Bowdoln college faonlty, high About. Mr. Cbarls* W. Wentwortn, the nomine* Places Round ■obool ban changed It* hour of moating lobool and aoaderay mutters of the ctato. of the laat year, waa named aa the our next party to X.:'0 o’clock. Tb* obaag* waa mad*|to Mr. Frank F. Hinds of Now York olty, manufacturers," will be endeaver for the week. v candidate for mayor oy aor tarnation. aooommodate many who, on aroooot of wno came to attend the funeral of hit City Clerk Lamb waa renominated for completing with the txotnlng chnroh aar- mother, Mrs. B. F. Hindi, Is the gueet our xlore nurl we will »how’ what our effort* linve that receiving HI rotas to 17 for €ome to you position, vloea, were unable to attend. Tbl* sobool of hie brother, Abel C. Hindi, Main at Morrill* aud Kdward H. Smith, the Uepnblloan nomi- The Happening* baa had a remarkable growth aiaae It* street. l'on do the rewt,—BUY. nee. iteeoinpllnhed. organisation a faw month* ago, starting Mice Cash af Portland gave a fine homo Woodford*. For alderman at large Fir. Lnthar A. with a mere handful, until today It haa miselunary address leet week at the Bohool for a hint or two as Prlee*. at present an alderman from Wc have npaee only regard* Frank, 75 teacher* anl aoholar* enrol led. street M. E. ohnroh. Ward 1, and Ur. Ceorge A. McCobray. Mia* Mattie Polluter, who baa teen U1 Mr. II. U. Eaton, who has been visit- formerly a member of the board of alder- for aeaeral la now able to to out friends here lrft Saturday for his Old Price. New tble week*, ing Old Price. New. tbs weak tbe Kepublloans men, were placed In nomination. Ur 1 n ils past again. home In Farm In, ton. 02.00 40.00 20 Oak Rockers, 3.75 2.98 caucuses for lime the official timber had become near- I 3 pc niligy Chamlier Set, Fancy of Vie: tfcrcck held thrlr ward Newton Bean of our attended “ “ Mr. Maamehnartta, Several of young poopla “ “ “ t 6.50 3.75 and exhausted end sareral whose name! I .3 55.00 34.00 flir nonitesUfO of ward officers, ly the wall known oharaot Portland theatre leet week. All pc impersonator, the speak “ “ “ “ 4.50 was were mentioned deollned to accept the 1 8 onk 50.00 33.00 1 7.50 on a heoeral oauous he Merohant of pc mhgy Friday rveoing arlzed lo monologue 1 In klgh praise of Mice Kober and bor “ “ “ bouse when nomination for the third place. There- A 3 ash “ “ 20.00 14.50 1 4.00 2.25 h-Md at the Westbrook opera Venloa," at CroaDy ball, Bearing High oompany. pc other fore It was voted to empower the city “ “ “ 24.00 15.00 1 Willow 15.50 11.00 a candidate for mayor and oity Sobool building, Friday evening, before a 1 3 pc cheval Rocker, upltol. scat, lt># oommllteo to all the vacancy. “ “ 1 “ “ 14.50 10.00 officials were placed In nomination. good aland audlenoe for the Dsoetit of the YARMOUTH. A 3 pc oak 20.00 17.50 “ “ the sst- “ “ “ 1 13.50 9.50 tickets placed in nomination by •obool room decoration fond. 1 3 pc 40.00 28.00 t-ral wards and the gem-ral caucus nomi- SOUTH cf sobool I the dace af WOO, l^OllTLASD. The olaae 11100, Deerlng High Thursday evening 1 full size Iron Beil, brass trimmed, 14.00 8.50 lie* Couchca. nations are strong and the noon le to the unusually belli a olaae meeting Saturday for Yarmouth High eehool, preeont «» «• »* The Demooretle convention t 20.00 14.00 Westbrook ahoold this mayoralty the of relative to drama "Enlisted for the 1 All Hair Couch in 22.00 17.00 puMioan party>f purpses making plane •tlrrlng military «» “ “ Velour, will be held at kalghtvllle tble evening. 1 G.50 4.25 “ “ “ “ year pnt up a strong fight for mnnlolpal the ooBitnanosinoat exarolaea. K. U. War; or the Home Guard.” The drama 1 25.00 15.00 *« •» ** of euooess. Ihcte It talk of nominating a straight 1 C.75 4.00 “ “ “ honors, with strong prospeot* Boody, Mlaaae Kttol Wesoott and Kthrl Is to l>a presented at Moeoalo hall. 1 Plush, 82.00 22.00 the out Democrat but the Is Dr. Jif cob h. Hoir is tho candidate of general opinion and Soanlon ware Yarmouth school will give an These arc less than cost. Brighton Timothy F. grammar present Our Leader nt 10.00 la a much that the Hopubllcan nomination will be party for mayor. Dr. liorr ehorea at a oommlttea oa elan pictures. entertainment at Mnoonlc boll on Friday, A Ladies' Pressing Table, either oak, and will make a sttong endorsed. exerelees after The of the 1 5 Broe. Parlor 100.00 70.00 rsipsoted citizen, It was voted to hold olaaa February 3d. talry etory or fi.OO 4.75 pc Suite, Edward Turner and wife of Koene, N. maple rnhgy, “ “ for the mayoralty, with ycry good tbe exerciser. The Gooee will be In euatome, 1 5 55.00 37.00 fight regular graduation Golden glren 1 Chid front 28.00 18.00 pc Dr. lierr was born U., are visiting Mra. Turner's parents, Folding Bed, “ prospect** for suooese eonimsnoament rxeralwa are bo oonotat of olio a fairy dance. 1 5 i>c Plush 48.00 30.00 at Me. Mr. and Mrs. William Cue)broth at l'laaa- 1 swivel and Otlice 7.00 4.50 “ “ December 111, 1841, Wafcrfurd, teo parte divided In two parts which The Portland Christian Endeavor spring Chair, 1 C 50.00 34.00 «* »« “ pc He wai son of Stephan and Hannah autdala. 1 8.50 5.50 “ the will represent tbe salutatory and vale- Union will meet Wednesday evening, 1 3 pc Damask 25.00 17.00 Horr. His mother was a dlreot Kigbt oases of truanoy have bean re- “ “ 0.50 4.00 (Adams) dictory by obolee cf the elaaa. March with the Endeavor moiety or 1 Typewriter Chair, 6.50 8.85 Bohoole Officer Fowler Ttb, 1 (jtd. Oak Parlor Tabic, descendant of the historical Adams family turned to tbe by hla 2.00 Matter WUUe U. Caudal I oorervsd the First Pariah ohuroh 5 oak Arm Chairs, 4.00 “ “ tbs Some of the oases Congregational 1 7.50 4.85 of Massachusetts. Dr. Horr obtained bis during past year. afternoon at “ “ sixth birthday Saturday tb* of Yarmouth. Dr. H. M. Mokerson of 2 5.00 2.75 “ “ later were cf and one In 1 8.00 4.00 education In tbs town sobools, and long standing particu- bom* cf hl« Mr.and Mrs. parents, Ueorge and others arc expected to sing “ “ of lar had not attended school tor nearly a Portluod, 1 8 ft. Oak Table, round, 15.50 '.*.50 25 3.00 1.50 from Brldgton academy a rente. Games were Qtd. Pining graduated Uoodsll, Allen suloe. There Is to be a soolal hour In the “ “ year. 1 6 ft. square, 10.00 7.00 15 Oak 1.75 1.00 and nfteahraonta were served. followed eervloee Stands, played chapel fiom 7 to S, by “ “ “ liowdoln Medical college, Mra. Ueardsworth and Alisa Nellie 1 8 ft. 18.00 12.00 1 13.50 8.50 of study at About thirty of bis young friends from In *>u nKurnh wwhlnh It la honpil fchft DBO- Onyx Table, Part “ “ “ lo the class of ’69. After his Heitris worth, of JDauforth street, 1 8 ft. 9.00 fi.00 1 “ “ • 9.75 C.25 gradual log South Portland, also Portland and vicin- pie of Yarmouth will attend in large be located In the town of Ox- land, spent Thursday afternoon ns guests “ “ 11.50 7.50 “ graduation ity were present. number* 1 8 ft. 1 Jardiniere Stand, 7.00 4.00 of ou Sum- whro he remained for three years. Air. and Airs. L. D. Keynolds “ “ ford, One of tke olasses of the Baptist bun- 3 “ box seat Chairs, 2.00 1.25 1 5.25 3.50 to West- mer street. In March, 187.'% the doctor moved “ “ WOODFOKDS. day school will fornDb the entertainment 1 “ “ Arm 4.50 2.35 3 Oak 1.65 1.00 he has been Letters received from Air. hrook, where for ii7 years reoently “ at ths next social et their church next “ “ “ 3.00 2.00 5 “ 1.00 .65 In his practice. Dr. Charles Hlohardsjn locate him In San 2 successfully engaged 1. “ “ bo !s mooli Mr, George Pblnney hae recently pnr- Wednesday evening, February « “ “ 5.00 3.50 7 .70 .49 Harr is a member of the We.-ttrook Mfcth* Francisco, with whloh place 1 A was tendered last Wednes- with olimate and chared the house on Conoord street ooon. reception “ 31.00 1 Music 10.00 7.50 odist church. Ho Is ako a member of plea&^d, both people. 1 Sideboard, 42.00 J Mhgy Cabinet, Mr. Albert Cobb. day evening to Hev. C. D. Crane, patter “ “ Temple lodge* of Masons, Angle chapter of 13. Frank Hayden, Bowdoin, 'usJ. was pled by 1 “ “ 34.00 22.00 1 11.50 9.00 Xbn next meeting of tbe Sbattuok Par- of the First Pariah ohorob. Ab>ot 160 Wtsibrook and fct. Albau Commander y, a Knest of his mother and brother Prince 1 •* «• 45.00 .30.00 2 Oak Coinbination Book 28.00 20.00 held at tbe borne to in the Case, over last momentary elub will be perrons gathered participate « < ■ L 1 E EA 1 lA Knight Templars of Portland. Ho is also Sunday. 1 “ “ 52.00 38.00 Is of of Mrs. Chas. York on Moadoy. social. the Medical aisocta- Whist the attention *’ “ “ “ a member cf Maine engrossing IUiUV 1 used 8 40.00 15.00 Penis little, two he has many of our and older Mice Myabrall, Arlington street, tion, and for the past years young people, THE CTMBKKLAM) HAK. “ “ 12.00 Best Brussells at 95c and has been obliged to leave where 1 16.50 250 yds. Body $1.05 per yd been a visitor from that association to ones as well. Quits a number around Colby, she was ber studies on aooouat “ 500 Ta|>estry at 45c, 5 c and 00c the Maine Medical school. Dr. Horr has the crowing are ardent devotees of the pursuing 1 China Closet, 25.00 18.00 yds. Carpets yd of trouble wltb ber eyas. Held at (lac Fal- “ 300 Velvet at 79c held the office of city physician and dur- ; silent gnme, ami parties are held almost I fa Auaunl Bauqurt 1 15.50 10.00 yds. Ta|iestry yd with two or four tables Mrs. Thistle of Heading, Mass, has •* “ 700 Woolen at 50c log the past year has served the city as a every evening uiwwtb Uo(rl. 2 11.50 7.50 yds. Carpet yd been tbs of ber tleoied 'lbe regular wenkly rehearsal of the recently guest daughter. member of the board ol aldermen, 1 “ 25.00 1C.00 Curtains. choir of the let ■. k. Church was Held1 Mrs. Carleton, Coyle street and Forest Chiffonier,' Tapestry at large. annual of the mem tars •* “ avenue. Ths banquet 1 10.00 18.50 A tot nominees for alderman at ut the home of Airs. J. Olyinn Mountforl 2 Curtains, 5.50 3.25 large of the Cumberland Bar took at the “ “ pr Tapestry Mrs J. Putnam Stevens, place l 13.50 9.50 “ “ A. Warren, on Friday evening. xhe members will Coyle ak'eet, 1 5.50 3.00 this year, Messrs. Joseph hotel on pr who bas Isko 111 at ber Falmouth baturday evening “ “ 8.00 and Win. U furnish special music for the service on dangerously 1 12.50 “ “ 4.75 2.70 Isaac A. Halley Hogget?, Uuoe a the members meet In a 2 pr Is now as out of year “ “ Wairvn ba> and are busy with new boms. reported being 1 9.00 5.50 are strong candidates Mr. .Sunday night, social and the and a speedy recovery la looked purely oooskIod, banquet served in the beard of aldermen for tb»* j anthems to be given in the near future. danger, 1 Hook Case, 12.00 8.00 I^aee Curtain*. baturday night wes one of the most de- glass front, Mia. J. F. the foi “ “ past three yeais, the pa*t year aa prsa!- ! Chaplin ably perform*d 1 11.00 7.00 3 Nott. 4.25 2.50 Mrs. Alible U. Merrill has been tbe lightful affairs that the members have pr l.ace, deot of the connoll. Mr. liailsy has also duties of choir leader. “ 18.50 8.50 “ “ “ • ver About 50 gentlemen were 1 open front, 4 1.00 .05 for some gu.’it of ber daughter, Mrs. Joseph F. enjoyed. two as alderman | Mrs Harry Gough hns been Hi “ “ “ “ served the past years in attendance. 1 6.25 4.00 20“ .70 .45 Chute, Woodford attest, for a few days. from ward one. Mr. comes from time, but is somewhat Improved at pres- “ Haggett F. Moulton was the “ 4.20 2.50 “ “ “ ent. Mias Abble Harris left Friday night for lion. Augustus 1 2 0.00 3.50 a strong Deincor. tic ward, but the party “ “ Mrs. Hobart Thomas hns returned to Boston, where she will spend tbe Febru- toastmaster, and first introduced Klch 3 “ 2.25 1.35 are of his election on the 1 Ladies’ Desk, oak, 15.00 10.00 hopeful Kepub- ard Webb, who gave the address of the qtd. “ “ “ her hone in Greene, after a pleasant visit ary vacation at the guest of Mias Helen “ “ 4 0.50 3.50 lloau ticket. 1 13.50 8.50 alia her Mrs. S Lom- evening. Hon. Cltrenoa Hale responded “ “ Ed- daughter. Lortng f.iwyer “ “ 3 I. P. 7.00 4.25 The candidate f>r city clerk, Mr. Bar 1 9.50 0.00 bard, on bumrnor strevt. Miss Genevieve Matthews, Pleasant to the toust, "The Association;" “ “ “ has nerred the “ “ 4 6.00 3.75 ward H. bruitb, city pre- Hon. M. to '‘Modern t 6.50 4.00 It la the best of news to many in even ns. Is ta Birth- Usorge belders, “ “ “ credit people enjoy Washington's “ 5.00 viously Lu that petition with great “ or 5.00 8.25 3 2.85 this that the mills will start wltb friends In Boaioa. Litigation;" Charles A. btrout. to "Tbs 1 mhgy, The two city rolling day to bungelf and the party. past In L. “ 22.00 up peon. The small spike mill will be Mrs. Jilin 11. Kted, Ocean arena*. Is Lawyer Politics;" Leroy Hight, 1 Morris Chair, 15.00 on ticket and has 9 years he hrs Loco the Hon. Enoch Crockery. nit. at work immediately, mid by the lit reported as quits seriously 111 at bar fcu "Corporation Counsel;" Spring seat, hair cushions. run ah*ai of the ticket, and lust yew 1 Toilet Set, 12 8.00 5.25 of H Id that Foster to "The Old Members of the 25.00 1C.50 pcs., of the May expec.oJ, employment boms. 1 Morris Chair, qtd. oak, “ “ “ lacked twelve votes securing posi- and Frank D. Marshall to "The 1 12 0.50 4.50 will be for between Mlis Mary Urerlng avenue, left Bar," “ 23.00 1C.00 are to make a deter- reec.dy something Wataon, 1 “ “ tion. His friends Members of the Bar." mhgy, 1 •• 10 0.00 3.50 fifty and one hundred men. Pinos are Friday for a week's visit wltb friends In Younger “ 9.00 effort tills to eeeura his elec- 1 claw foot, G.75 “ “ mined year Webb, Wlswsll, Haskell, Whits- 1 “ 10 4.00 2.75 being mane for the new building, which Cyan anil Wheels Island Judge 4.85 tion. btrout were called Our Special, “ “ “ will a addition to the Miss Alios B* a taaobsr at the houre and upon and 8 10 2.50 1.79 Miss M. bafford cf Woodford* groat -‘Camp.” Sawyer, 17.50 11.00 Agues I 1 large Plush Rocker, “ “ * Mr*. Moore Is Miss Saunders street left Friday responds briefly. 1 112 11.00 7.50 Passes” Heriy entsrtalnlng sohool, night “ Dinner will recite Drowning's Pippa the Chandler’s orchestra 1 13.50 9.(Mi Nellie Whitteiuore, of Way land, Mass., for Boston, fmm whence she will go to During supper 1 “ “ 112 “ 17.00 12.50 music. “ 13.50 9.00 at her borne on Elm street. and tbs variation furnished 1 Velour Rocker, “ “ “ for lbe bereiit of Melrose spend February 1 130 14.50 9.50 Congref atlunsl church, “ 25.00 10.50 A lcrge number of from here ere with her Mr. and Mrs John K. t Plush Turkish Rocker, “ “ “ people parents, ano. A. at*. OiUAUUVA. 1 130 23.00 17.00 the King’s Daughters. “ “ 6.50 plan ring to go to Lewlstm with Ivy Sawyer, formerly of Woodforda. 1 Trimmed Clmir, 4.00 The Citizens* party of Westbrook are to Mrs. Ann M. Smardon, widow of tbe j Heli^kah Ijodge on the :J7th Inst Hearing lodge of Marons will observe 1 Oak Chair, broc. seat, 9.00 5.00 All Decorated Lumps at cost. hold their ward caacuees Wednesday late bam net Smardon of thli city, past-1 Fancy j Air. ltobart Logan. Sr., is unite HI with at Ionic at for the ‘‘ladles' night" Monday evening evening. Feb. 21, 7.3U, purpose away February loth. In Lewiston, la pneumuoU at his home on Chestnut unit, vuu v cnu n■ uwv>| nwvwiw*>i*. of nominating watd officers. wbtob ebe baa made her home for tLe street. school alumni asso- olty tribe of Bed Men a The Hearing high Pequnwket paid past twenty yean. She waa well known Mr. Will G. Taylor has returned to his ciation le planning to bold a grand an- fraternal visit to Bocknmeeoook tribe cf In both cities aa a faithful ntiree aud duties with Foster Avery, after an attack naal sometime early In April, Stoves Morrill’s Cor- banquet Our Full Line of Parlor Bed Men at their wigwam, kind friend, and will be greatly mUead. of tonsilitla. probably at Hlrorton park. ner. Tbe funeral wee bald Saturday tba 17lb tier. r. A. Leitoh will give n lecture Tbe work ef renumbering Woodford The funeral services over the remains at tba Ckurob cf tbe Heavenly itevt In on Washington, bunday evening at the Etroet will commence at an early date. of the late Mrs. Maggie Aube, wife or Anburn. Hev. Hndvon Sawyer rector. 1st M. E. and the choir have Tbe numbering le to start from tbe toot AT 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Mr. Joauph Aube, were held tiatuiday cburob, music. All are cordially Invited of tbe old Woodford street. morning at eight o’olook from tit. Hya- 0. s. msxmcx coutu. to be Tbe fnoeral servlore of tbs late Ham- clntbe’a church The burial was at tit. present. ilton Hawkts are to le held Sunday A rankroptny aeaeton of tbe district Hyacintht*'«s oeme tsiy. afternoon from the residence of hie auut, ouurt was held Saturday morning and Out 8-20 and $25.00 The funeral services over the retrains of mobbillsT" Special Range High Shelf, Mrs. ltoyal 30J Sorest arenas, several petitioners wan a.jugrd Inaolvent tbo infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lelgbtoa, Woodfordt. Mi. llawkee was a member Petitions have baas tiled by WlUard B. Bloux were held tiaturday morning at Several iad!ea In this vicinity Interest- of Maine Lodge of Odd Fellows. Several Pike of Calais, Erasmus A. Pond, Bangor 10 30 o’oloak, from tit. Uy aolutbes ed in the Home for Fxienditsv Boys," THE TERMS. months ago bs wne afflicted wltb a stroke and Edward E. Carlton of Portland THE DATE. THE PLACE. eh u oh. lhe burial was at tit. Hya- will give a whl.t party at Kiverton, Hat- at paralytic, and an Thursday of the poet Naturalisation papan wen granted to •inthe's cemetery. urday evening, February -'Uh, lor ths to SI. CASH. week he was afflicted with a second William J. Nlohol of Saco. February 19 25. 1088 Fxehantge iiNDKAVOU CONVEN- bsuelit of that institution. lUKItiTLtN stroke wbioh terminated In his death, The Unity ohib will meet luesday DKATH UP MBS. NELLIE BURN TION. Sriday evening. The third annual ooavention of tbs evening, February 30, with Mies Eva BAM. The annual supper auder tbe aaeploee Cumberland County Christian Endeavor Boll, BHd btowns avenue KoH call from Nellie Burnham wile of Mr. Wil- of the gentlemen of tbe Woodford* Unl- Mrs. Union will Im held at the Warren Con modern English posts. liam Bnrnbnm died at bar home In versailst soelety wm bald Friday evening church afternoon Mr. end Mr*. A If red Stereos, bts?ea« this olty tu Saturday evening. Tbe ar- gregatlonal Wednesday wee attended over at lew Is hall, and by for Ute funeral have nat and evening, February £L There is to he avenue, were called to Brookline, Mass., rangements yet JOH pareoas Tbe hall wo* tastily bees oamplstad. no postponement on account of weather. the peat weak ou aorount of the death of deoomted and tbe tables wsrs bountifully HOUSEHOLD mmm The following programme has been ar- a relative. IN MEMORY CP PRANCES W1LLAKU spread with a obuloe list of eatables. The range!: The aaaual reunion or the Westbrook inset at o'clock wee much Chicago, February 17.—Special memori- & I entertain eight S. DAVIS 2.10. Praise and devotional service. Seminary Alumni will be held at Elver- IR. al service. In commemoration of tbs sec- CO., and Inaluded the 2.4o. Business; roll ooll of enjoyed following pro- AOBNTS societies; ton, Wednesday evening, February JML ol tba arath of Pranoee appointment of uomlnallng uomiulltee. gramme: and anniversary RANGES. RANGES. -** with a dinner followed by short K. Willard. fooedsr of tbe Woman's 3.10 Paprr What Constitutes a liuod post Mandolin Bend March, Christian union, were held In Prayer Meeting Lexderf** Miss Florence prendial exercises, dancing and whisk Miss Annie (J. Mandolin Clnb Xempranoe Worlds Finest. Swesey’e of tba world today wbare there fabl 7 M. Portland. Ths Y. P. C. of All bools' Univer- Ate— Boat evtry rliy Thompson, U., Q tart Song, of tbe B.16 Paper—“The Argus of the T. P. 0. W. are branebee crgaulr.ntlon. se Hit ohuich, will postpone iU kilo. V. W. Briggs. Mr. Briggs. ti. C. E.," Mrs. J. K Portland. meeting Or. W. b. Wilson, Miss Uectrude E Berry, PAIllilti O. WbA*U. of )ii n aojit-d the fantral oy to corporations that ars oltlzsns of 8 30 Diamond C. this evening lo attend tne meeting of the SXOLE A SWEATER. PUN bit AL Ob' pHixoim* Address—“The of c Coleman their respective states, as much as ordin- tbe to the foot of liroan street. hndeavorer,'* Bev. C. K. Flanders, Cumtnc*ofre, Y*nn .February 17.—Suit allowing liarry Hathaway .*/ Fall New wall-banglnge there wns a large attendance of f.lends Involuntary proceedings agairut 7.15. Tralee servtoe end devotion. Love Song. ail ruber oil isens. are the of Mr. Sung—Toreador's will soon be tbe of ba« been iiltd In the Federal court here T 80. Business; report of nornlaAtlQg Klver, Mass., guests Ur. Coleman rating "spring" topic and there were many beautlfol lloral the Hanover National bank of New cumulitoe and fixation of otfic> re. George W. Leighton, 403 Foiest avenue. June Hoses Waltz, Banjo Club conversation aud dlscoselun In many Included In the list being a by TUK SKW LKAUUJfi. offerings, of 7.45. Address—“Flint Faocd Chris- are on their Cob ere c a. Somes la and about Por'.tand. not York, attacking the constitutionality * They wedding journey. Quartette, Why shield froui the members of the police tian*. Bev. Win. ti. PoitJand. 8t. Louis, Mo., February 17.—The local Bovard, Mias Ella tbe and the National bankrupt ay aot. — Perry. Washington avenue, aettle properly prornp services were conducted b.. 0 Cuooea'allou or hour, in quaetkn foroe. The by j rest era of the new American Associ- quiet Ja l.dmsd that tbe act voioea the pro of »Vm. her- Ocean vale, b*s returned from a visit to GORHAM. inanklg a lltt of tbe rtqulrtinent? the of the H ebargo Bev. U. Maun, Cuts ly by her. J, M. Atwood, pastor ation baseball dabs are detcrirlned not Isnd Mills. Boston. for each nod writing over thl< Federal constitution In that It is not uni- room, Church of the Messiah and a quartette to quit tba vork nf organizing Today cars Uo ■ to form aiul app'liable to all cltl- Eleotrio will Hath the ohurub after Mrs K. H. Sawyer enjoyed the pint Principal M. W. Woodman of tie list. "Per Ifcesi go Johmt m-Pallet cctuposed cf Ur Aiokerson and Manors. equally tieorac IX SphaeVr be- telegraphed the tbs close of lbe on this ground Is both sessions for Portland week at Mrpavanikoag, visiting her bam Mtgh school, with his wife and Co, whsro Is the largest stock and tbe Plore.Merrui and Uarnurd rendered eev- aecH. objection local mag oak, § and from rhar replies is Via Wood fords. who is at that Miss Borah Hldlon assistant at- that tne aot denies voluntary bankru yt- husband, employed place teacher, oorrsot price*." eial appro; r ata f elections. A battalion "7*"“ — Sm -J TOUPT. PARTING. nim. n« noticed tnat ma com pa ai an ex REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. _FOR IAUL_ bows with several of tha ladies A State Convention Forty words lassrtsd ssdrr this head changed AWAY HE WENT. Republican Fsrtjr words lossrtsd sndrr this hsod aung, Jumped « o'clock p. m , to aoloot Are legs Wed., April 11th. 1900 DALTON Si Co., 63 Exchange to her as she passed to the cashier's change street. 8t._17-1 ■at we In the shadowed garden form eaok Ward M attend the J9^1 desk. RepabUeaa At II O'Clsvfc, A. M. RALE-Close to Fouare. of our *8 AND APARTMENTS-We have Longfellow 8peaking parting long. and Took to Woods. State Convention to be bald la elty ball, FORbrick bouse. 9 rooms and In “The committee pays all the bills,” she Horsthe largest list of houses and apartments bath, complete for the of selecting six candi- repair, hot and cold water, ample heal, excel- of the unknown futur% had said to aud he was forced to Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday, April purpose for sale and to let of any Real Estate office In Wondering Jack, lent location lor a physician: price $5000. easy — dates for electors of Presided and Vice- Portland. Our Is mort- What for ua It held in store rest content. “I taka It for at 11 o'alaak a. aa., for the specialty nerotlatlng terms. W. II. WALDRON it 1*0 Middle granted,” 11th, 1800, and gages, collecting rents, and economical CO.. Sweetest meeting like the present President of the United States, four the street. she added to him when they reached the of seleotlag ala oan did alee for management of real estate. first Nat- 17-1 Or farewell for porpoao delegatee at large end four alternates to Office, evermore; ional Bank FREDERICK 8. VA1LU sidewalk, "that you have no other en- else tore of President aad Vise President of attend the National Republican Conven- Building, BALE—Property 124 Pleasant street, be- 1 FORtween High and Pant streets, fine Whether, with earth’* light* around u% gagement for the afternoon?” tbs Untied and fonr tion to he held at ___17 neigh- Was Too Good a for States, delegatea-st- Philadelphia, Pennsyl- borhood and very sunny, shorn 12.- W* ahould each other * "It is to Jake Sprinter Deputy IlKNT— Very desirable lower tenement comprising clasp hand. your privilege anything aad foor alternates to attend the vania, on Tuesday, June If), 1900, and ftco feet of land. 10 > feet on street, with house 14 lavge No. 60 Psne street; seven rooms, bath, Or, beyond these narrow limit*. for said the other business tlrat FOR rooms, bath and stable, you please granted,” gallant to ba transacting any may and store room: steam all modern laundry, carriage In yon vaat mysterious land, Sheriff Davis. National Republican Convention pantry heat; houses and will he sold for Jack. come baforo it. convenience*. Immediate BEN- garden; lets than on properly possession. valuation. to M. II. bald at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, JAMIN 811 AW A 01 street. Apply FOSTER. if.-t met with knit “Then, as it is Wednesday afternoon,! The basis of representation will be ns CO#, Mi Exchange Ppirit spirit, up select Has 16-1 we will attend the matinee at the Tuesday. Jon* 18, 1800| alao lo Town and planta- Threads of life that broke below. opera follows: Each City, RALE—Two miles front Portland, a from sash ward to attend tba one F'OR■mall seven Telling in each other's bosom bouse,” said the black eyed committee. delegates tion will he entitled to delegate, and LET -Large sunny corner rooms, steam place of ami one-half acres, * new one and one-half house and All tha trouble and the woe, "I have the she Portland Oanven- for each votes cast for llte heated, furnished or unfurnished, with «>r story stable, scats,” quickly added, HopnbUaan Mayoralty seventy-live TO near without board, references Apply at electrics, everything In first clsss condi- and thus headed off any move Jack ttoo for tba of a can- Itepiibllrnn candidate for Governor In required. tion. For further and In the recollection porpoao noalnatlng 307 Cumberland street, corner Elm street. i>;trtlrt}lars prise, apply Happy Accused of the an additional and for a to might have made toward the box office. Robbing date for and three female candi- IH00, delegate, MRS. COLWELL. 16-1 ALPHKUM L. IIANMCOME. 1*5 Middle »t.. Of tho fated hour we met. Mayor, Rooms 5 and Ga. 15-1 The was a a uow- fraction of forty votes In excess of sev- Perfect love and peso* succeeding play pretty comedy, dates for members of tbo School Commit- and Jack enty-five votes, an additional delegato. LET—First class storage on Union 8t.. Every longing and regret. ly imported Ixmdon success, Noyes Cottage. IjMtR SALE—Two setts clarinets, 13 tee, also to nominate candidates for each In the of TO near Middle, with elevator and broad buffet, —T. P. Johnston in Chambers’ Journal. its wit and raillery to the ut- Vacancies delegation any wily very A key. 4 1 standard silver enjoyed easy stairs, no either one or two flights, very rings. plated ward aa follows, to will Oaa Alderman, Town or Plantation can be filled cornet. fine Cloos’ time, a number vio- most. No doubt his enjoyment was only by dry and desirable for household goods, low In- large a tu lins. Mandolins, Outtars and at bar- of his three Counollmen, Warden, Cletk, and resident of the county which the surance. For of R. 8. DAV- banjos, ..Ia.A.U.A. .I.Alt much increased by the presence particulars Inquire gains. violin, and exists. IS A CO.. 106 8t. 1M Superior banjo guitar and two and in Wards S, ft and vacancy Exchange for sale st. charming sympathetic companion. Coaatablsa; 1, 4, nil he In session stilrgs, by IIAWF.S, 4.4 Congress The State committee 14 1 She smiled over all the good things that 8, a onndldate far member of tbo School tenements No. 67 llo Got Away From the Officer In the reception room of the hail at nine LET—Upper and lower HOLBROOK l he did, catching the witty points as fast Committee) alao to aoloot for each ward TO Wllmot street, also flow priced rents RALE- Deerlng Avenue. Fessenden on the morning of the conven- * {THE as and her o’clock, corner (irove and Portland streets. Apply to 1jU)RPara, new nine <9» room win they were uttered, merry on Use merob ra of the the cre- house, every Saturday.; Republican City tion, for the purpose of receiving KINK8 BROS. 14-1 modern convenience; location RECEPTION COMMITTEE. ; comments were quite as good as the dia- unsurpassed, Committee for tho onsnlag yaar. dentials of delegate,. Delegatee In order electric cars and lights, baths, etc Prl *» only logue. fFO LET—Four or live rooms furnished for terms. DALTON & M * Tbo will be at four o'ulock to lie eligible to In tho con- $3,690. Easy CO., Ex- 1 The Committee Was a Pretty ba polls open participate a also furnished house street Aud Jack felt that he couldn't too must he elected to light housegeeping; change febtr-tf ^ and Bhe Entertained and will lemaln until nine o'clock vention, subsequent for table board of two persons. HI. Girl, * to her for not insisting upon the open Congress *i grateful the date of the call for this convention; One furnished or unfurnished. House, RALE— five the Stranyer Admirably. aad for as cottage, Deerlng Highlands, (A) ele- right to assume the seat next the aisle. p. m.. aaob further time any should not next I snd delegates, under this call, Washington avenue, ukey’s bridge. r*ORgant new houses dTieetly on car line. It was during the intermission preced- Deputy Sheriff John K. Deris ef Brldg- naocua may vote. be elected to the State convention to be House, (south Portland Rents 94 to |tr». 8. L. Every modern convenience; prices range from W. R. ROSE. CA HI.ETON, Congress aud Ht. Lawrence. to and terms are and BY ing the last act that the committee sud- tan wired Deputy Sheriff A. C. Chut* of A check list prepared by the Reepobll- hereafter called for the purpose of noml A2,aoo $4,6*0 right ea*y. j [ r«*|>erty Is Dooming remember. said: a for _12-2 Deerlng denly Westbrook Saturday that he bad oaptared een City Committee will be used In esob nating candidate governor. DA Li ON Si CO., 61 Exchange NT fel»tf "I declare If the aren't All electors of Maine without to Hungcrfords AI lie Wentworth of East llillwln, a led ward, and any person whose name baa regard built man who stood at over to to us!” who are In RALE—No. 367 Forest Avenue. Wood- The well young coming speak con- been past political difference., tj'OR of dtteen years, who Is wanted In not marked thereon as a Republi- WE TEST EYES ■ fords, house inis * rooms and 10.000 lect of was a here come. See here; witli the sentiments expressed the hotel entrance evidently "Yes, yes; they sympathy land and will at for nection with Clarenoe P. Sanborn, a lad can, la not Included lo tbla call and will in the call of the National Free of charge. We have the largest stock of be sold once f 1$0U: only In the He looked about we must pretend that we are old Republican $300 down, balance $16 month for it. utranger city. arrested Eye Olasers and Hneetrcles In tho bolid per pays friends." of s-ventoen years, who war not be allowed to vote or take any part Committee for the Republican National city, Remember It's on Forest Avenne. DAI.TON a of curios- Hold, Hold Filled. Aluminum and Nlckle him with strong suggestion are Invited to unite & C'O., M St. feb9-tf "All said Jack. "What’s your Thursday and brought to Portland jail In aald oauoaa. Convention, cordially Frames. We guanritee a perfect fit Our Exchange Anon he stared at the un- right," ity. upward Said ohenk be with tho Republicans of the state In elec- prices are (he lowest, our glasses the best, name?" on a obargs of breaking and entering lists will verlfled by the arrived with a carload of wonted mingling of smoko and sky- ting delegates to this Convention. McKKNNEY THE OPTICIAN. Monument horse*, six "Ladle. And yours?" with larc-ny. It Is alleged that there respective ward ooinmlttees and all errors Square. Jani’Cdtf FL’STextra pairs weighing 220O to 3000. aiso Bcrapers. Per onler Republican State Committee. sonte very idee family horses with and "Jack." are the thieves who a week or omissions In the will speed This observant young man's name was hoys ego, marking thereof, JOSEPH II. Chairman some business block*. O. P. ( at MANLEY, good llAFFIN, And then the Hungcrfords were Mr. be aald at A. i s » Jack Holbrook. He was a New Eng- btoke Into the summer rssldsnee of corrected upon application to BY RON BOYD. Secretary. J. rafton ‘tab e, ambutland Mi I*. hand. They smilingly greeted Jack’s 13-1 a Harvard man, a mining engi- E. A. Noyes of this oltj at East Set-ego Ward Committees, who will ba In aaaslon Augusta, Maine, Thursday, Jan. 4, 1000. CLOCK WON T go: lander, committee and looked at was west of inquiringly RAM.—A neer, and this his first visit Among other things a rifle and oompasa for that purpose at Republican Head- do the DOM thoroughly bu ll house on Jack. There were two vacant seats in Send postal or bring It to us. We only r at Forest avenue; In p-rfect repair; corner Albany. Ho bad come to Cleveland wars Wentworth woe taken Room Brown 537 Con- Klee tors Most All lie best of work, and have mate a specialty of It the row and these the stolen. Young quarters, ft. blook, Preahleutial lot of the best locations on avenue. In ahead, Ilungcr- for All work warranted. McKKNNEY (one the earnest arid oft repeated invitation of Davis here from 7.30 to 8 years. 130 FOREST AVEN I fords took. Then Jack’s committee to the home of Deputy Sheriff gress street, Portland, Chosen in State Con rent ion. 1 HE JKWF.LKtt. Monument Square. j-nJGdtf HUire K._13-1 his college mate and very dear friend, a in Mrs. he was bald In custody. It was the Inten- o'olook In the evening, of the 18th and SALE- Home and lot at Willard. South and be had arrived a caught peculiar gleam pretty RENT—Store No. 263 Middle street. Tom Plympton, ) IJtOR 1*oKPortland; house contains 7 rooms and b ith. Iluugerford's eye. tion of the deputy to take young Went- 8Mb of February, and at any thus prior HEADQUARTERS • Possession given April 1st, 1900. For day ahead of time. He had meant to > Sebsgo. furnace, screens lor door and window*; “Oh, excuse me!" she murmured. "1 as far as to ft o'"look on the of the but Republican State Committee, terms apply to D. F EMERY Jr., First Nat- for a few hours' confer- worth on the afternoon train day oaucua, lot 601*0; new house; will be>old at a great etoii at Buffalo Jan. 4, 1900. ional Hank Building or W. M. BRADLEY, 166 forgot that you had been away. You where was no of kind will be made Augusta, Maine, ) bargain if sold at once. AopytoC. .1. MC- ence with a mining export, but on the Utram Deputy Sheriff Chute oorrectloni any Middle haven’t n»et Jack, have you? Jack, this To the Republicans of Maine:—Prior street._fet>3dlf DONALD Si CO., 106 A Exchange 8t., City. train had received a telegram from him to taka him and carry him to the Portland •Iter the hour above mentioned, provided 13-1 is Mr. aud Mrs. Bob Hungcrford." to 189*2 two Presidential electors at large, TO LET—A1267 Congress street Ap^ stating that he had suddenly been called jail. Daring the afternoon Wentworth that Republloaaa who register on Monday to the two United States STORK.ply to JAMB8 CUNNINGHAM. 277 Con- "Oh, yes," said Jack the diffident as he corresponding BALK—Lodging house, 16 rooms nice y to Toronto In connection with an Impor- naked to go luto an and to, and on the were nominated in Slate con- gress street._dec23dtf smiled and bowed, “I really feel as If 1 permission adjoining Tuesday previous senators, FORfurnish© i; hue location; rooms all lei; case and him to deter tant legal asking room a minute. was of the and whose names have ami the remaining electors, cor- LET—Four elegant rents in Deerlng, In reason for sell! >g Is to leave the city; ought' to know you. Ladle mentioned for The privilege day oaucua, vention, r|K> party his Buffalo visit. So Jack had come the 1 l»est residential section, steam heat, lights, the furniture in condition, nearly new; as vote to the members of United good your names several times when she granted and as he did not re-apprar not been marked on aald Hat may responding architects between two car lines, house heated steam. For further straight through to Cleveland, ami, be- Cinln. Itmian rtf WnnraiPtitallvna Bern belli, plans, by particulars wrote. Are congratulations a little late?" quickly as he had promised the deputy upon presentation of satisfactory evidence everything u„ to date and are new. ai-l'iy uj v. j. .'ii hu.'AI.ims w.i iw a ex- ing of a slightly diffident disposition, had nominated by tho several congressional change street. Itooni “Rather," said the male Ilungerford, looked Into the room. The window In the that have and after satis- 4._1J1 gone to a hotel instead of proceeding at they registered district conventions. once. Look at them before you settle aoy- event toon some six BALE—Three houses at on home. At the hotel "tne nappy place room woe found Sanborn fying the Ward Committee that they are The of the Australian Ballot whcre. DaLTON dJ Exchange St. 2ft-tf once to his friend's opened. Young passage F’ORone of the best streets on line of electrics; months ago.” Un- he had telephoned and asked for his had mode hts eesape by Jumping a die Kepubllcane. law entirely changed the procedure. 1JOR SENT—l.ouse 14$ Pine street. Posses- these houses are In first class repair, lot con- "I think,” said Jack, without a trace a ■T at PORT- friend, but the servant who answered tanoe of abont fifteen feet to the All are to eee der the law, all Conventions aro por- slon given Immediately. Enquire tains feet of land; Income $00 per month; ground. Republicans requested *3 street. of embarrassment, “that your happy tion of our election and tills LAND SAVINGS BANK, Exchange $- ooo will buy this property and give vou a his call stated that Mr. Tom had gone 11a made tracks for tbe tbs that their namee are marked system, Me. faces made me that were not woods, depu- correctly to be good trade. Address box 1577, Port and. but would return late in the forget you ballot act requires that candidates _1-if to Akron, In bot Tbs upon tble llat, and to be present and lake KM still In the first quarter of the houey- ty pursuit. youthful prison- voted for by tho Voters throughout the LET—Bummer visitors uke notice the afternoon. Thereupon he had spelled r|*0s moon.” er was too fast a runner for tbe dspn part In tbelr reepeotlee ward canonsee. whole State must be placed in nomina- Balne House is centrally located 69 Spring SALE OR EXCHANGE—Fine traveling out his name for the domestic and added street, cor. OAK. rooms aud board. Price $1.00 “That’a very nice,” aald pretty Mrs ty and succeeded In making good bla es A plurality of rotes oast In any ward tion by a convention no less F'OHoutfit. Fleasan'. easy, sure and large the name of the hotel, the maid promis- representing par day._LVti profits also flue magic lantern outfit, slide, live with a little nod of thauka. As soon as tbs realised that caucus will be to nominate can- a than the whole State. to deliver both name and address to Hnngerford, oape. deputy required constituency topics, everything complete. Fortune for one ing of a for streef. Then she looked at Lucile, and if evei be bad loot bla be wired didates for office. Hence, ail the candidates party 1NOR RENT-House No. 63 Gray Nine or two live men; acetylene gas outfit. Tom as soon as he returned. prleoaer Deputy » rooms beside halls, bath and store rooms; a woman’s glance asked “Is this the fa- Presidential electois must be nominated Success guaranteed. Address BOX 12, Knlght- Jack strolled out in front of the Chute not to start for Hiram- A oarefal To accommodate those residing In tbe hot and told set tubs, furnace Then in State Convention, and I have there- water, heat; vllle. vored youth?” little Mrs. Uuugerford's with room. All In first class order. _8-g big hostelry and watched the tide of hu- s. Fitwhere everything else falls. It Is guaran- story on near sw ung in a little closer. Arrauftrmruta and tage Property ) Cape electric line, said. “Jack Is an at It of candldatas for said delegates and ward tee I not to iue most sensitive skm. to suit the wants of tenant she with much adept slang. Injure building Cape Casino. Home o! the advantages are good “Pardon me," said tlou on Saturday Meat. to FUKA l'URA Box 1567. includ- isn't so bad either, is it—'in the hands officers will be place ! npon Ibese ballots Mend postal CO., equip it with all modern facilities streets, excellent car service, Belugo water, gravity, “but am I mistaken in assuming Portland, Me. I can electric light', fine be?ch, up to date restaurant of the committee?’ un such to be made to _17-i ing power, elevator, etc., provided In town?" request, request oni the only desirable no that you arc a stranger the Harvard Middle lease the whole or a for a term of grounds, parties, And then the curtain went up. Within tbe few active on at Studio, 236Mi part *lrst class. was and musical and just patt days prepa- tbe chairman of tbe City Committee cheap coltsges, everything strictly Her voice low street for For the next to 1-1 Plum fron- « When Jack and his committee filed out CALI, your photographs. yeara; lot number 5 St., Prices and at our office. DALTON A O.. was rations have been made for tbe oonseera- noon on lo we will make one dozen cabinet, plans very to the ear, and Jack or before twelve o'olook Tuesday, days on 85 with a pleasant the Lucile tage Plum St., feet, depth 53 Excha gc street.Janj6iltf ex- of house, suddenly giggled. t'on cf Robert plntium finish, for $1.76 a dozen, first class. still more firmly convinced of her Hlsbop-eleot Codman, Jr., February 80th, WOO, but any ctbei writ- of 50 feet, light on three sides and a “Those stupid Huugerfords gave me a Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. SALK—The drug store lu thriving treme degree of prettiness. Both these of tbe Epleoopal dlooese of Maine. The or not In Imllstlon 16-1 on the south aido in addition only bad five minutes,” she said, “but 1 ten printed ballots, drive-way 1J»OBmanufacturirg village wl h largo surround- facts themselves upon oonseoratlon services will take at to Plum street to draw fixtures, firmly impressed sent plaoe of the official ballot, will be received. frontago. ing country from, good snail, rather think 1 them away eating ADIKS—Have the bottom of your dress clean Address DRUG S 1 his mind, although he was quite stunned rit. Luke's cathedral at 10.90 o'olook Sat- stock, low price OKK, their hearts out with curiosity.” Ibe chairmen and secretary of each I ^ skirls brushed, cleansed and re bound lor Box for the moment by the unexpected en- Goods led for 1657^_nur27-tf “I wonder why you didn't tell them all urday foienoou and tbe oooaslon will be a caucus will make a record of the names 60c, also coats re-modeled. ca counter. and delivered. Portland Skirt Binding Co.. li» T3oil HALF—Magnificent double house, (every- about the committee and its noble work,” ■remorable one In the blctory cf the of all for whom ballot! are oast below former ELIAS “I am a struffsj’ In this particular persons High St., I1r>t house Decting Ml., THOMAS, $- tiling entirely separate,) on Brown street- said honest Jack. oburob In Maine. for each of 16 Lira Mt. 15-1 fire- he managed to^cply, “but not en- and the number of vote* oeet ly (now Norwood street,* Deerlng, open city," But the committee 184 1-2 Middle Street. places, steam heat, piazzas, bays, very suuuv. to only giggled. Tbe oblef consecrator representing the and and deliver the tirely a stranger city ways." candidate, certify AGENTS—We pay express on all doilar uear two lines of electrics, a modern ho’jse In “How would you like to ride behind a presiding blsb op will be lilabop Niles cf feblTdtf “It Is evident," said the young woman, aamr, together with the obeok llet at He- NO packages: pure waier does good work. every respect, architects plans and built by tho good horse?" she Inquired a moment later. New Hampshire and tbe two other bish- WHITE MOUNTAIN STEAM LAUNDRY. day; you can live In one rent and let the other with an increase of gravity, “that you Immediately “Why not?” quoth reckless Jack. ops who will take part In.tbe consecra- publlean Headquarters North Conway, N. II. febt4-2 KKJIALK HELP WANTED. for $300 per yew; look It over; call afternoons, read the newspapers." tion service will be Doans cf Al- tbe of tbe oaneue. 63 Exchange And, lo! as if by magic, a tall dogcart Blabnpe after adjournment DALTON, street._25-tt “It is a habit that I have never at- t aau Brewster cf Connecticut WONKY TO LOAN—On first and second drawn a mettlesome black horse, ap- any Tbe delegates ft*looted to attend the BALE—New nouses In Deerlng. on street to said Jack. by two will be lilsb- •*»! mortgages on real estate ; also on stocks, Girl for general housework. Ap- tempted conceal,” Tbe presiding bishop# FORcar for $i«.00, $2000, $2400 aud $2800; peared beside them, a drab coated driver State Convention at Lewiston, are re- bonds or any other good securities. A. C. UrANTED—111 CLARK line, There was a moment’s silence. ona Lawrence if Massachusetts and Hal) _ply STREET._10-1 all modern conveniences, heat, bath room, fire- out and hsuded the reins to the LIBBY & CO.. 42 1-2 Exchange stepped of Vermont. quested to meet at Hepnbllean Head- >L_1(V3_ etc. Terms of paymsut same as rent; The jouug woman had, as It were, ANTED— A for house- places, young woman, and a moment later she Hun cf Central New at ONnY TO LO A k —On first and second capable girl general remember our houses are new aud into an unconscious en- Bishop tlngton on Thursday, February 88d, kf Hr work. at 49 DKfcKING ST., eve- entirely mesmerized Jack quarters mortgages on Real Estate, life insurance Apply have never been occupied. Call anu see them. and Jack were speeding away toward the York will tbe consecration aerroon. * IS-1 with her as she preach lour o'olook ru., (or tbe purooee of ae- ies when three ye rs old, personal prop nings, front 6 lo o'clock. 63 deavor to keep step also that Mac- p. polit DALTON, Exchange street._'26-tf suburbs. It was a most delightful 40 I> Is probable Bishops diamonds or ant other good collateral slowly moved toward the avenue. tbree drlegatee-at-large. erty, minutes' ride, and then the tall cart was Vloker of Rheds Island, Klngdon cf lectlng security. W. F. CARR, Room 4, Oxford Build- 8A1.E-House lots at Woodfords. Fast “You look," she said, “like an honest and cf The selected to attend the street 4-8 WANTED. (JOB and ( enter, for 4c and fto drawn in front of a hand- Fredericton, N. B., Duan Quebec delegatee lug, 185 Middle Deerlng Deerlng suddenly up per laud is rapidly advancing and now Is young man." will be Id uttendanoe at tbe services. Convention are to foot; some residence as a young man came Mayoralty requested sufferers from that terrible the time to secure a lot at old prices. Easy like commented WANTED—All hire a modern and pleasant- “Honesty, beauty," down the meet at Headquarters on Fri- vv address to Call afternoons. DALTON, 63 Ex- The running 6tep§. Kepublloan disease asthma, to send thetr ly situated home, furnished or unfur- payments. Jack, “is sometimes but skin deep. WIT AND WISDOM. BOX Me., and learn of something WANTED—Te change street It was Tom. day, Feburery 83d, at four a’elock In tbe AM, Portland, nished. In upper portion of the citv, for a family _■*■*•*» fact is, 1 a in really an accomplished pick- lor which will be the rest of their as he an out- they grateful of two adults. BENJAMIN SHAW & CO., SALE-Bargains In our “made strong “Jack!” he cried gripped afternoon lor tbe purpose of nominating lives. 'i'i 1 you will kindly notlco 61 street. 16-1 w« «ell tor ti.oo. 1.26, 2.00 pocket. Perhaps Then he ”1 see of Provldeaeo. v* Exchange I30Rtrouser*" stretched hand. added, A Favorite a oandldate (or and thraa female for the the shabby looking man who is appar- Mayor, and 2.60 per pair. Best value money found you all right.” are derived If not on examin- absorbed in the window Tricksy candidates (or members cl tha School FORTUNES being WANTED-Parties wishing first class hall sold anywhere. satisfactory ently jeweler's * cultivation of coffee, rubber, will be refunded by returning to ISNORMOU8from the vf for halls, whist and entertainments, to ation money across the That’s a famous de- Committee. let us before having been worn. HASH ELI. ft way? Then lie remembered that Tom had oc- oranges and other iroplcai products; know that Red Men’s Hall has a first class us send tree a U.tie showing how you Lancaster Building. Monument Square. tective who is dogging my footsteps." Per order ot the Republican City Com- you book, ttoor. and whist tables, banquet JoNKS, casionally mentioned a sister, and some- In these without con- stage scenery, Maine. the with a may participate profits hall, and convenience of a fir-*t class hall. Portland. _31-4 “I see," said pretty girl that mittees business. The every how he had formed the impreasion flicting with your regular For terms to WM. M. LEIGHTON, 273 OTIC E—Goss ft Wilson, auctioneers, re- maiming; smue, mm juu me u umuuusi UEO. H. Chairman. OAXACA 620 Fullertou Building, ML apply she was a fence climbing hoiden In clip- ALLAN', I'O, Middle Bt. H* moved to 154 to 160 Middle 8L, corner of os a It is a THOMAS A. iinia M.r feblkiAW as well pickpocket. pleasant curls and short skirts— LOWKN. Secretary. Sliver St. I would ped extremely I'nrtlunil Ian SHl lltOfl recreation and in time think you child. AT ONCE—Character ladv. male just a scatter brained, romping RENT—Two pleasant tenements of 6 shine at it. But pardon me, Mr. Pick- lead, and heavy for an amateur And this lovely girl was the real Tricksy. IVORrooms each at South Portland, convenient WANTEDJuvenile As are theatrical company; between the age of six- pocket, if I briefly digress. you not to to electrics ai.d ferry. The above lias been put What a blooming idiot he had been teen and Y. it. C. A., room 46. be ex 17 NIT ED STATES BRANCH. in condition and will make right to twenty. Apply : REPAIRING s stranger in town you cannot good price between 8.30 and 10. By mail JEWELRY guess it before! desirable families; desirable locality. PRANK Friday evening to know about our cus- care Press office. 13-1 the Premiere. pected anything “No wonder she found you,** continued b. SHEPHERD Si CO.. Real Estate Office, 45 MANAGER, In Our Factory Ou that 1 toms. Kindly understand, then, Tom. “She’s stolen all of you Exchange street.17-1 my photos all kinds We make this a In our business. am an active member of an am now ready to buy principal organization and stuck them all over her room- WANTED—I the utmost to execute your up North British & Mercantile WOUND—At corner of State and Sts., It of cast ofl ladles', genu’ and children’s Wo take pains of Cleveland women who are bunded to- Spring whether that he for a Diamond jack in football togs over the mantel, r cbateiain Owner can have the l more than any purchaser In order proitetjy, the INSURANCE COMPANY bag. clothing, pay repair McKhN- gether for the purpose of extending same at 91 STATE and the Semi letters to MR. or MK8. De- Seulugortlie cheapest Job. Jack starting for the Orinoco on the by calling ST., proving city. Monument so- Of Loudon and Kdluburgh, til. Britain 17-1 76 Middle St. Jaufidlw-tf NEV. tbe Jeweler. Square. hospitalities of our city to all worthy Jack"— property._ GKOOT, dresser, l.\(OKPOH ATLD 1\ 1800. Jan23dtf journers within Its gates. We are ex- the “Tom," cried blushing Lucile, nH LAMB’S SSPOMA cures Eryslpelae. Bur ham's Beef, Wine and Iron to meet and Commenced Busbies# in U. S. in I860. pected strangers impress “you’re horrid!" Then she turned to SJ Scrofula. Eczema. Salt Kheutn and all WANTED-for sale by druggists and grocers; with our beauties.” the V. 8. K. O. Richard* l amb wae a with glasses, in stock them city’s Jack. Mgr. of Branch, diseases of the skin. Ur. graduate bargain cases, graduate WANTED- glTCATICIN*. Diffident Jack boldly interrupted her. Asst. Mgr. of the U. 8. Branch, J. F. Hastings of Harvard University. Mrs. Lainb under- for sale at Cbas.'McLeugbltn A Co., Conant. “The committee on reception will take them her H. 8. Meicher Co.. Cook, Everett "Hit do ’pear ltk Providence la on my — stands the medicines and sells since Patrick & Co.. "You have certainly impressed me with 13-1 Protee- a brief recess," she laughed. aide," said the colored brother. “You husband'* death at 837 CONGRESS ST. Not & Penned and jobbers generally. WANTED—Situation in Portland by one of lie said. "I don’t think 1 STATEMENT JAN. IK, 1900. 17-1 et aa houeekeeper or them," “Make It very brief," said diffident soli by druggists._ taut woman, working know I loa' my let’ arm In de aawmill laa’ AiMtf, Dec. 31, lHtfti. near city. Will give work In small ol adults or com- care to see the others.” Jack. farm, general family hive now located at 388 in store, tine hall and tenement, and nurse to Invalid, no Uftlng. no, woman year?" Stock! and Bonds owned by the VOTICE—I Congress WANTED—Goodexchange panion The smiling young slightly “What fresh nonsense has Lucila been is I a two hours drive from Portland. Call at Y. W. C asso- "Yea.” Company, market va’ue, $3.512,966.00 street, opposite (Tty Hall, where have In good village, much time out required. flushed. choice line of watches, chslns to make easy living. No Incum- ciation Rooms or write stating requirements In up to?" cried puzzled Tom. ter ea Caeh In the Company's principal clocks, rings, Chance good bo "Well, I got 150 damage dat, snd of all kinds. 1 make a of brance; also property to exchange. full. A. Y W. C. A. Rooms. "When the stranger happens to But Jack chuckled. — Cleveland office a««l Woo maul adelphia Preaa. from your old gold. MckKNNkY, jSeouiueut noo,tbuAaal*tt Id turing Jeweler, Monument Square Janeedtl Square. JknMdif fgmehow drew out tfrs frgfrt |gert was 1 .l e old otblotto debt. I Beaton. KTF.AMKRfl. Ateblm. tot. • ouu rt ft. .. 90% BteoiMT RayStor Dennieon. f* m npow«lrr -*»•»._ Stramer Levy HU«ttnc...3 BtfUM. * M Atilt. ..1M Woodbury, (v(9B) Drooett,< Dee 10. let 17 a. Ion 31 W. atrip L flhcTp. Ken- ANOMSMRCIAL do ae. cruUiitf. da 11, FINANCIAL sch Kllen M Mltchel', Bryant. Calais for New fromNenYoikfnrllekodeie^^^^^^ Drop shot. 25 lbs.>1*45 con ...... 66 .1 70 OO common...... IX York. It and larger fled Sarah A for New Maine -utr*... .160 Heed,Clark, Dennyarltl* IN THE CAGE. Unioni Pacific..... 49% York. 8t for New York. Pressed .$147$16 Union Pacific uto...... 76% hell Alice Maud, John, Nl'. of Tioduets in tilt hch 8 K Nightingale. Alien, Eaatport for Boe- Qnetations Staple Loom Ua>-....-•'•flSfiftiS onrrtt ...... 7«1 Heit Itelen*! nollerm *y*nl III* Pint Straw, car lots.f lOftfl'J ton. Amor* bo ueD ... .680 8ch H’llow. King. Fast port fm Boston. at In t.'ffeet 4, INW. Lfsthfi. Am ...tear, ronm in.**112% Day Ring Mug. December larkrtx. Mlidiod M Condon, Broo.isvlll*. leading York— do nfd. 8cn ay. New _ .111% lit .2' | 8eh Aico Maud. (Bn Jon*. NB. fur Boston Trains leave Onion 8tattoo, Hallway Hfjoaro. Light. ■ Hch* Lett! May. Moses B Ltose.itt. Nellie New York, February IT,— Holand 13. tor stations unim >1 amt Intel medial** “la Uoua ai MM Welt lit of Stock* N.i* Y«»rkQnni*UM« and Bonds Kva A M l ired. Rislufr Allow. Kva Hace, ami 10.23 a. ni., Bams. M eerly, an 1 Lrwlalon via Brunswick 7.00 ami 10.25 Dennison, alter New 49. ref...1.84 184% tan. ■leaping soundly. Xoday leave ■ st.» mi r Aimer (Itr) Parker, Antwerp— nnfelv Franklin Wharf, Portland, jini White wood New 4s, .134 184% a m.,*12.33,15.10 and *11.00 p. m. l or ltnckland F l/4*s| «Ol| Co. had a half honr'a exercise ootrlde hie oell IndU Wharf, Hostrn, at 7.00 in. ex- No 1*2. 1 In.$407145 New 4s. ll4% 7.00 a. m., 12.36 an 15-10 m. For Wkosrhe- p. dally, reu...... 114% Christiania, (tier) Hclirotter, Ilam p. cept Sunday. NKW YOU*, Fob. 17. Snpe. I In. 35® 40 New coup.J 1 r. HteamsiUp end received a llelt from hie mother gnn l.oo .1. in. 1.10 and 11.00 p m. K<>r Fn«- 4s, % 116%, It ambiinr- A mm lean Co. These steamers meet every demand of Common, 1 in. 2H a :rj Denver A 1st.I0H1« bnrg rrofi nnd.Oreen vlllr 1.20 and 11.00 p.m. For Money on cnll was nominal; no loans; 101% Steamer P-aaet Mercury (Ur) Kelly, Glasgow. After Mrs. Mollneux left be |o»lled for rtodorn steamship service in safety. st»eed, 1 in No 1*2. ...$40®$45 Erlo iron. 4a.*70% 70% •Inckaport 7.00 a. m., 12.33 and 11.01 p. ill. For | at It Heford A Co. « comfort ami luxury of traveling. close —• Prime iMi»*r 4a.f»pei Nurtu arolina Pine— Mo. Kan. & Tex. 2d.s.6.'»% 66 id arithmetic and paeeed scvernl hours Has llaibnr 12.3. and 11 00 p. in. For tJreeii- steamer noratlo Hall. Bragg. New York—J F Through tickets for Providence, i,owoll, rent. hxchang© flrrr.v itli actual busi- 1 in* li. No 1 .*2 «.$3o Kansas A Pacific consols... vlllr mill llmilion via O’diown and It. Merlin* •• It over. New York etc., etc. Jn.f3J Llscntub. looking A. ns. Waah- Worcester, « « do- 'o.2 .$2 Oregon Nov. 1st.,..110 110 Ik F. K. 12.36 it' d 11.00 p For ness in bankers bills at 4 87*4 4 88| Steamer K.nterrrlfe, Kao*. booth Bristol and J. F. LfaooMB, tien. Manager 1lfc, IV# and 2 Inch. No. I.$30 .$40 Texas Pacific. L. G. lsts.... J *X% l'rlson 1'hyitcian Irvine called at Moll- • iigf«• 11 t o. It. It. 12 715 and *11.00 in. for 4 '<»r su.) d 115% Boothbav. p THOMAS M BARTLETT, man.l and 4 84'4-» 84’a ;.y- post No 2.$28*138 oo ick. .. 64 f>4 Mati»WHinlira| 7.00 a. m I 2’i and ! 1.00 n. Tn Mar? A Troop,Walley, Bueno* Ayres. neux’a cell and bad a abort interview tfeeiodtf 4 85 and 4 8814. oimuerelal bills 4 83'* Cyprus— Union 1’nclAe Is Itsr.jiie For Vmirsboro. si. sirphra. lionltan rate* 40 I*.104% 104% Dudlev ( o. Saps. 1 In. 35® vjuoiatUmi. of stocks— Frank with hlag. Dr. Irtlne foand Mollneux \Vo«»il«(r»vk and HI. Job 11 7.00 a. III. <20d v« 4 8.1*4. 28 « 32 Hcli K'ilv A Cointnoii. 1 In. Feb. 17. Feb. 16. Maples, Taiuter, Wmterport- 11.0Op. nt. For Aahlnari, lair, 40 Keascli A T*l»or. lo good phyaloal coadltloa. Silver certificate* 50*4 £C0',4. Soul hern pi no. $30® Atchison. 2o ton <• 11 Fat Silver 50^4. pine— Aiebl^op inn... v>3% 03* i liead Keeper Connaughton end Warden K. p. III. For I#* ul«loii ll M«rlmal< Grain Co. Falla Co. cnlrai .... jo a. ai 1.10 and 5.13 p. in. For Hhw- International reeino.. — morntaa Steamship Mexican dollars 471.*. Meta W C Pendleton, Webber, Damarlscntta Johnston visited Mollaeax tbtr foril and 8.30 Cbes. ft OKU. 29% Fnlla, K«rinln(t«ii Phillips -- FOR ■■ Kn>e ootnmou- .. 4f»«t 65 591* J H I'dake. Governments strong. Cbieatro. Bur. X umner.124% 124% and tha prlaon, r soon mad* ft lends with а. HI., 1.10 p, m. For Fteinla and Itangeley Spruce — I. 10 and RaiUoad bonds linn. I*;*’ 14 Dei. ft Had, ( anal to.IIft 115% SAI LFI> Steamers Vancouver. Almerlan, he p.m. ror l.evelolon, W'lnfhrop Hemlock 12® 1 them, lo Worden Johnston expressed Watervilla H Etstnort Lubtn Cs'nli. Si. John *9 .Ha'Hai 'J.S. Del. loick. Ai West.180% 179% and Planet Mercury. JO a in.. 1.10 p. III. C laphoards— hla hla oeh and then Trains Portland 11.00 and all of New Brunswick, Novi Scotia, Illilea. « 35 itenver® li. G. Ill’s 19% SUNDAY. Feb 18. satisfaction with having p in., parts spruce .. ?2 d«*«» no! connect to Dover Prime Edward Island and Hinton. I lie ►lie. new. 12% 12% asked If he would be to receive ba'tirday, Belfast, Cape The tollo* tnr quotations represenr in« pav Arrived. permitted and Foxrroft or bevotid oxeept to KUs- favorite route to C'ampobclio .uni bt. Andrews, 2d clear. 26& 27 Erie 1st pld. .16% 36% Bangor, big prices In this market: Steamer Greetlandfl. the The w* r Jen told him worili and Washington Co. 1C. K.. and leaving N. R. u No 1. lfr® 20 (Br) Coulllard, Sydney, dally j apsis. Cowan! steers...*.7 I mols Central.113% 113% with eoal to II A A Allan. II. no p. in. Sunday does not connect to 8kovv- Winter «* Pine 25 a, oO Kne A West. It waa tbe rules, but offered to Arrangement. Hulls a:id star*.*.0 Lxk* 20% 20% Tug < reek, with barge < from BalU- against begau. Minis—No 1 ...... 10c Shingles—. Lake Shore.194 194 Gcorge* On and after Jan. 22, Steamer will qualUy 50 more -eoal to Randall A McAllister. let him have any book la tbe prlaon libra- Monday, No X e X cedar .3_25«/3 l outs & Naso. KO% 81% WIIITK MOUNTAIN DIVISION. leave Railroad Portland, on Monday ..*.8 no« 3 75 hch Italph Kussell, shore fishing. Wharf, No 3 .C olt < tear cedar.2 Manhattan Klevatea. 98 98% ry. Molloeux waa alco told that he would si 6 So p. in. Returning, leave St. John X No cedar.1 2»« For Hariieti 8.50 a m.. I.00 and ft.50 p. vn. Culls .. J 7._» Mexican Central.. 12 12 be to wrlle aa often aa be Kastport and Lubec Ttaursdayonly. sed and to reoalva letters б. 30 p. ni. For Berlin, tJroveton, laleud Iletnll Grocers’ Hugar Merkel. laths, spee.- Minn. A St. Uoms. 6?% 03 ROCK POUT. lamprey, pie every day, to destination. ty Freight received up to Lot Boat >ii. Pond, l.anraatrr. Sin. Stratford and Lime—Crmt ..<• MInn. as m. toms nfd..... 93 931 lUissiMill, all mall be p. m. Portland marKet—cut Inal 7c: confectioner* Stinson. Boston. thoogh will examined. Bercher Falla 8.30 a. 111. and 1.00 Ui. For Missouri Pacific.. 46 4*>»« Bailed, sen Uudev, p. For tickets and stat-rooms apply at me Pine at coffee llAUitolt. Feb 17 In port, sell When Mr*. of the ’lonlrml, < l»l» .»gn, HI. Ho; powdered at Oo: grauulated otic; lime +» cask. ...85®0O New Jersey ( cniral...117 116% BOOTHIIA Y Mollneux, luotner Lnurnbarg, Tree Ticket Office, Monument or for 00 I-aura B Hock land New Paul, l.lnia judge and A^neher 8 30 a. m. Harare, crusueu 6e; 4Vbo. ( on ...1 30 «0 New York Central .138% 194% Rnbtmon, irgaas. |1or warden eonduotvd other information at ( ompauj’s Grace. yellow Da Vis do for Si Antho- prboner, arrived, tbe Mntrliri. Northern Pacific com. 62% 68% York; Silver Spray. db; 8U1VDAYI. Wharf, foot of Mate street. John. NIL for New York: Daim- her to murdererv' row. Mollaeax wae Northern Pacific uftl. 74% 74% ny. neater, fit For l,esvIH011 via Brunswick, Water* III* J. F. supt Exports. Star ctla A Johanna. Haggetts Cove (or do; Francis, ^ gross 00*5} Northwestern. 100 on ble oil when he heard her • ■».« >8 pic. Kverytblog • ml Ilangor, Au tb'turuiiur. leave Franklin Wharf. Portland, WAbash. «% llarrlaon; 12.13p.m. 6% ( hatham. Feb 17-Tne severest storm of the and at 7 a. m. Thursday and ha turd iy for Lotdsburc. CB. Steamer Greetlaml—128u bottoms.2oe:U 3 cooked In tbe prison kitchen, av nothing Borklmid; 1*2.20 p. 111. King* Tuesday, 17 Wabash pm. 20 • 20% season has hero to-day. the wiud blow Fast at Bo Harbor tns coal to 11 ft A Allan. Ingot.10 ft prevailed Snafnrid, V*hllllpa, I armlnglmi, llrinia, Boothbay, touching Hhbay Boston A Maine 196 miles an K allowed the from outside, lie ing at times irora 40 to 46 hour, whti prisoner Itninford Falla, l.r\« lalon; Ik30 p. in. and So. Bristol. New York and New Inc. Pf** snow. A numfmr of vessels are L r.d at Five Island* <-n VYliolei.i e Market. bund log large spent hla time this Hkos* began, W'ntervllle, AiiKmln, signal. Portlaud Straits.2« "i1? Old 206 nnd will evening convening ALFRED RACE. Colony...205 ai.cbored under Moimmoy. probably Kim k land, Halil; 6.13 p. ill. 81. John, Har oci Idlf Manager. Feb. 17. Antimony..Y « 6 ...116 116 with the and did a little rea l PORTLAND. Coke ..4 75 00 Adams hxpress. weather the gate.- among them are the follow keeper* log Harbor, Arooatook County, Mooaehead 76 American Express.HO 147 The following qnotationslepre mat tao wuole- Spelter... mg: hchs Rodney Parker, J S Winslow, John and writing. I.akeand llauuor 3.4ft p. m. Itangrle*. .. h 46 47 Soldo rxVY.V# U. H. xpress• B Manning. C.ara Goodwin. Forimui. Farmington. Itn 111 ford Falla. I.esvlaton; sale prices for the market; People 106%xd While Den. Mollneux was In 1ft—Sell Isaac II Tilly er, before Slug Slug 8.I011. ni. C lilraga, Montreal, Uuelirc, and II mi Naval Mum. Mi Pacific Mall... 37% re|K»rtcd sunk below Old Point Comfort, has he made of Warden All Wli 'o Mountain points; 1.2fta. m. daily from Tar so;.a 75 Pullman Palace. 18/% 188 teeterday, Inquiries ami low grades.2 4 5**2 09 ytbbl.a been floated and toned here fur repairs. liar Harbor, Ha ngor, Hat h a ml l,e *v la- BOSTON ill PHILADELPHIA. Superfine 113% Johnelon as to whether he could Hsoure Wheat bakers.3 45ad 60 811 gar, common..117% New 1.4union. Feb in— uuMnlities of and 8.50 a. in. Monday, from Spring < Large •«>»»; daily except Till-WEEKLY SAILINGS. W heal patents.4 25a.4 45 Kooflnj! PILcii, 4>s»ilon.11 Western Union.64 84% Inin -er is picked up on the shore of la>ng accommodations near the us he Unite**. M«. liar Harbor, Water- Spring .a so being prison John, Mien, and St. Louisst. roller.3 90a4 OO wii Piti h Southern Hr Island, Indienilug the wreck of some vessel en- vllle and pfC. desired to be near hie eon In cate he wae Augusta. Mich. and St. Louis clear.a 90 Transit. 72% In the lumber trade- From Boston 1, G5<$3 — l.rnri. BrooKlvp Kami 72% gaged •Daily. Tuesda} Thursday, Saturday. 00a.4 16 Nulls— Iron W inter Wheat patents.4 Nails— Federal Bteei .common. os'* *>•»-* wanted. GKO. F. KVA NS, V. P. & O. M. < do 74 In’S BOOTH I! ti. I*. & T. A. Fio.i) ( am unci Feed. Cut.*. .3 r»«3 25 pfd. lioniMiir rori#. F. E. Y. Philadelphi MooJay, Wednesday <244 Wirt?.3 American tobacco.....108"* 1' dcc2dtf Corn, car lots.. 75-4.3 NEW 16th. US transport Burn- miMU*UJL>nAUlJI AC* AlUliaiaa. and lr**n— do ilo...... 13 .*% 1*5** YORK—Ar Friday. Corn,bag lots.4G«47 side. San Juan PR: IlorscUel, Santos; sells ( urninun. a 2’4 Metropolitan street it It .176’ 4 177 v* the From Central Wharf. Hostou. s». m. F.-om Meal, bag lots.\ 44 «*46 II O Dow. Malcolinaou. Water? 11 le, He February 17 —At 3 Tenn.t >al Ai irou..— 1»8Mi 98"* Marv E PortTampn; Wharf, at 3 Oats, car lots. 33 «. 34 Kclined.2"i «, romano & Kumiora tans flue street Philadelphia, p. rn. in- '• Ella F Ci o well. —. Annual of the Maine In’orooll^- wy. •**% If. 8. hubber.32*4 32*4 .... meeting surance el footed at olLc*. Oats, lots.50 a 37 Norway.* I U s bag K« H> Tobacco.32* t 32V* Ar 17th. steamer Campania. Iwpooi; the car O0a.25 50 l nst Steel Continental Track Athlttlo imrelation bold Freight* Tor the West by Pena. R. 1L and Cotum seed, lots.on steamer RutorU. Clenluegos; sch* KiU Prances. glato Mtoesleel.3*4 3, 3^4 in Dec. i iv‘». Pouth forwarded by connecting lines. Cotton Seed, bag lots.0©0Oa2<10o J R Bodwell. do; John Booth. Mill- afternoon the t Ulcers Effect Sheet Iron— flout on Wool Murlux. Rockland; b«ue this following ltouud fU.Ml Sacked bran, cur lots. « oo Calais; Oroxliubo, do; Passage #1X00. Trip ° ington: Madagascar. pkpaim urkh Meals and room iucluded. Sacked bran, bag lots.00 00,al9 00 !U; .4’ » B DOST* >N. February 17.1 SM-The quotations B were •looted for the unfitting year: Freb- <; M Porter, do; Fred Belauo. Rockport; or to F. P car lOt-s.18 0G« 20 oo Gen Jiussla.13Va u, 14 S3*> A. M. and Flt> 1*. M. From Union Hratlon For freight passage apply WINCL Middling, on wool for this market are little changed nom Br'tadler. and J runic G PlUsbury. Rockland; I (lent, W. H. Liam ol Hate*; vice presi- lota.19 0<\a'jn 50 American Urmia...—11 <«, 12 lor 1’oland. Mechanic Falls. Buckfleld. ( an- Agent, O tral Wharf, Huston. Middling, bag, easier— Cumberland. Boston. General Mixed lecu. ^20 00 Galvanized.7 Inally. though the tendency t* dent, F. L. M*r.ln, U of M.; b*oretary, ion, Dlxueld and Rumlo.d Fad-*. E. If. SAMPSON, Treasurer and Cld lOtb, sch Jessie I-ona. Snowman. May- W Finks Lead— Ohio ami Penn WX.38 to 30 1 10 M5 From Union Manager, SlateSU, Host.>14 Sul'H'. Coffee. I'oa. Mnlst*6c,lisll tra fine 6 30 Helen M Atwood. Watts. Kcrnaudina Sugar—I granulated— Mteb. and Wia. X ami aoove.27 Ira €. 5 oo £28 sid 17th. barque Lottie Moore, Perth Amboy. It wan voted also to hold the next Held 1.10 p. m. train connects at Jtuintord Falls (or Sugar—Fx Ohio and Penn. No 1 and A oftee—bio. roasted. 16 clothing City Island—Passed cast 16th, schs t.eorge Bemls and Kan^eley Fakes. J12•* do meet at Brunswick on June Mil. Coflee—.lava and Mocha. 27 n 28 combing.-.38 0*39 Pierce. Port Reading for Newport; Lygoula, VVhale ..6(1*64 Michigan No 1 c to thing A combing 36 tf 38 lor Teaa— \moys. 22.i30 15 Portsmouth. a60 Hank.40,r oi« hiK;in nomine 30 $38 BOSTON Ar 10th. schs A P Emerson. Max- B. V. BRADFORD. Tiafflo Manager. DOMINION l eas—Congous. 27 „42 A BKAK.EU AN KILLED. LINE. 33,0,38 shore.3 F ue unwashed & unmerchantable.24 £27 well New York: Norton. Pierce. Rockport; For ,laud. Maine. leas—Japan. I’orgle.33 «3 1 n 35 «* <15 washed combing.23 030 Geo H Whittemore, from New York for X. L. JAJVKJOY, Snperliitendent, Teas—Formosa. 1 Milts, A freight Irukeiuan In the employ of the Porto Klco. 33<*3»> ard.65,»7« Medium uuwasncu. )ei* JU Ruiuford Falls. Maine Portland to via. Molasses— Castor.t 10*1 26 Liverpool Queenstown 82 **35 Fu»e Texas and .18 sch John F Randall. Crrcker. from lirand Trunk was killed near the Cana- Molasses—Barbadocs... NYatsfool...6 *7t* territory.*. AM^th, From 2 crown.2 0O*i*j26 Win B Palmer. I. Nor New Hajslns, — (»regon.16 028 Pnlladc.phia: dian line on afternoon. His Lead in Saturday A it. From do 3 crown. 2 60 California *8>'-’6 folk; Alice M Colburn. Mil cod. fin Haiti *re; BOSTON MAINE Jt. Liverpool 25^2 Pure .6 6 a7 OO spring.I t<» 1* oriluiid 4 2 ground. Eastern French. 8i Andrews. NB; Jus name woe Welch. He lived on the upper Portland, do crown. 60m 2 76 5( ‘<7 0t» r itifornia fail.13 i*19 Eight. u Rireci on. -id, ujj 7 Ked.« and Bennett. Philadelphia; \ u m. La Isms. Loo>e.Wuseate. V* &9 Ven Ken.2 2;» K •"lucky, Indiana, etc.25 £30 Rothwell. Stephen snd of the road and was well known In Hnlltax._Steamers._2jp. English New Yora II S trom Thur. Jan. hat- Feb. 3 v Mock n et. 1 ..201 £23 Calvin P Harris ; Boynton, l«, <'ainbroninu, l»r Fisll uuil Blue.R 00 eorg ** American ‘>*^7 Lhls No particulars have as yet been WESTERN DIVISION. hat. Wed. »4 nulled. .35 I|u4 Horkpirt ... city. L7, Bounin. Cod. large Shore. 4 75 a5 OO Klee—Sail —Spice*—Mart-It. 7 tVe»'» rn sneer and extra.25 umo bid 10th, schs Hi Thomas, for (larks Point; learned the lent. Trains leave Portlan I. Union Station. f » Thur. Feb. 1, Vancouver, hut. 17 Medium Shore fish. 3 5<>a4 00 iHunesUo rice.6 Mi «# regarding 60,1 1'lack wools...•••••. 14 Geo V Jordan, Portland; George 11 Mills, from Fear l>oro 10.00 a. in.. 5.25 Tbur. 1\ Dominion, hat. Mar. 3 l urks Island Is lb lid.2 2 80 £18 f-'.IL-JL -■ •* Pollock. 2 f»Oa 3 75 salt. 1'. L 4'mrlii Wed. 14 2 23 <* 2 flO sivurM woob...35 lartO New York for Beverly. 9*2(1. p.itt.5 Senrboro Bench, l*ln« Point, 7.00 hat. -4, >tuan, HaddocK. 2 i*r» 2 75 Uvetpool.,.. Slovens. for at Dhniond bb!.. « 2 oil (Wpe (ioud Hoi*0.19 *34 bid 17th, seb Isaac T Campbell, Portland A. lurmouth Klectrtc tty. ( o. 18.00 a. nu, 2U». US. 6.J0 p. nu. Old Or h L Mar. 3, Homan, Wed, Hake.. 2 2.1 a 2 60 Crystal Sat. •* 24 Kale ** % Australian aud New Zealand.34 $60 Savannah. •hard, ksM, BlddafurtL Kmusbunk, 7.00 'Ihur. k, Vancouver, scaled .... ll o 1(1 rains.6j» leave head of Klin street for Underwood •• Herring, j»er box, Mouie video.30 £37 Highland Light—Off here 17lli, barque An s^.». 10.00 a. m.. 6.2", <>.20 Thur. .1*, Dominion. Frt. Api. li Shore Is.....25 00 Spices— (’Alts and Yarmouth at 0.45 a. in., hourly ** « *• Mackerel, 00^.30 pure.21 *22 tioch, from Philadelphia I or Boaiou. Sprtug p. in. Rewiiebenkwnrt. 7.00. 8.4'.. hai. 31. anibionia!). Tins. 17 Micro 2s. Cassia. Far until 7.45 |». iu.. hen 0.15 and 10.43. Extra for Mackerel, Oa llotlon Slock Mamet. APALACHICOLA—Cld l«th, sch Daisy b. rn.. 12.3*1. 3.30. 6.25, n. m. Welle hut. A pi. 7. Homan, Wed. Li 3s. ..UO 41 Yarmouth week ut 3 15 p. m. Large 1C00^$13 lm. Duuum, Ho»to;», and sailed. days Beach, kurtli llrmlrk, Dover, S. 8. ‘‘Homan" carries on Nutmegs... 16 j|»c«r <. at 2.25, passengers. BOSTON, Feb. 00—The SIJ Justin 11 Moore, For Underwood Spring only 1.15, 7.*'0. 8.46, a. '.IU. 3.30, 5.25 Home re worth. Fork. beef..Lard nn oh>trr. ■ 16th, barque Ingersell, Pepper.1*H«-J7 iIOUU > *1 •3.36. 5.05 end 6.15 p. IB. 7 8.4.» 3.30 in. Cloves.* 4 «4ld New York Roe fleeter, OO. a. nu, 12.30, ?». BATHS OF PASSAGE. 0O00J14 50 Leave Yarmouth for Portland at 5.45 a. in., Northern Divis- Pork—Heavy. 6* * *%. l‘RUN8WICK—8Id 16th, sch Nimbus. Stahl. Altmi Bay, Lekeport, ailU Pork—Medium.'mi » Oa 13 60 Ginger.14 until 6.45 nu then 8.15 and 9.4.'*. IT ml Cttbln —$.Vj.oo and Xietnrn * N< w Wesley M Oler. Harninan, do. hourly p. ion, 8.45 a. in., 12 30 p. nu Worcester (via upwards. bocl—licavv.11 60a 12 00 Laundry Hprlnjr patent1 3 90?* 53 York; tor Portion I atfl.10 to ».earner ssarch.a, Aun e Norton New Leave Underwood Spring Boiners worth 7.o() n. in. Ufauclieeter, Concord -vioo.ooand upwards, according 11 OO Gloss.6% *7% Winter patent*. 3 4 33 Sid 17iu, barque lU-cd, lied—light.10 6<>a x. ui.. and hour!) untl*. p.m.. then 1.50, 2.10. end North, 700 a. in.. 3.3 p. m. Dover. E10. and accomodation. Tobacco. ( 'iu- tiPl 3 25*4 York. boneless, half bbls. ia. n 60 strairhi 00. Q. 10, 6.50, 7.10,8.40 1 •. Second Cabin—To or London. $15 He si brands.50 a 07 BALTI.MOUF.-Ar 16tb, schs Alice Holbrook, 1.10, t3.20, 4.10. 4.30, 0.10, 5.40, ter, Haverhill. nwr»uc«, l.owwil, 7.*» 8.46 Liverpool Lara—tes ana halt bbl.Dtire.... 7U a7nn Corn—steamer yellow 44' sc. m-i tn 4 ) London, ^ London* Meiiium.3u®'4R Ellis. Bosion; Isaiah Hart. do. 10.10 p. X III., 12.3". 3.30 p. III. Boston, A ON. 7.0 Hir.-rngr—To Liverpool, Lard—tes ami hall :u C’4 First two and last trips omitted Sunday. 8.46 a. nu. 12.30. 3.3'* l». in. Arrive Boston tlerry, Glasgow, Queenalown, to $-J.3 bid 16 h. barque Hancock, for Sin Juau. PR; Lard—Pans pure. 8»««8: s eego lave stock Mar ««c nov30dtf ordtna to •teatner. Natural.30*70 sch Horatio L Baker. Portland. •3.35 Sunday. t3 Sunday. I 7.25. lo. 15 a. nu. 12.45. 4.10. 7.16 p. in. Leave aci Lard—Palls, compound. fi u 7*>4 t> T. 1*. McGOWAN. 420 C ongress Cld 17th. soli Frank T Minton. Wade, Port- Boston tor Portlan 6.60. 7.30, 8.30 a. nu. 1.20, Ai'plv * .1. B. K F. A TING, room 4. lost Nation- Lard—Pure.Jleai. 9Vj eiltridM. Feb. 17. 1900. —fiatne— land. 4.16 p.m. Arrive in Foil laud 10.10-311-60 a, uu, street. Chickens. 13 a 14 Grata notation*. Hip Unr- al Bank Building. t’HAKLIh AsMinN 047A 100; tgcoa to choice cat le t HATH AM—Passed 16th. tug Geonmj Creek **TI»rough Hefipcrinn 12.10. 6.00. 7.60 p. nu Fowl. 11*12 nominally unchanged («»nare>s «treer, or DAVID TOltltAMJh. 6t Cl! tC AGO BOA KG GP 1RA1K at uOiiO. 0; poor 10 medium 4 « 4 8t»; iul« from B.iiuuiorc lor Portland, with iwo baiges lu dnis of (lie West” l; l.el era at 3 16th. sch Austin I) WHEAT. FKKNaNDINA—SlU chard. Seen,Bhldefnrd, Kcnnabtiuk,North Fi uduVC. //4 75; bulls 2 75a4 40; 5oO«*7 95; K From li. New York, Wm II Sumner,Pen Closing. ught. Berwick, Dover, Kxeter, Haverhill, l.av- beans. Pea. ... 2 3 45 ^Opening. led Texas beeves 111 4 0u«6u tile ton, do. rem Lowell, Beet »•*. 12.66. 4.30, p. in. Ivans. California Pea.2 4(>«*2 bo Feb 6(H4 Ilogs—receipts 20.000; strong to >hade liigli- FALL RIVER—Ar 16 h. sch Oliver S Barrett. “SUNSET LIMITED” e. '4 CSV a Amvu III Buslou 6.18, 8.22 p. IU. Leans Yellow lives.oou«,2 50 May.(‘S cr ;'mixed and butch r* at 4 -0«* »0^-l ;good o Southern non. 60'a OO1.# '1 lie Finest Ihlnpon Wheels. I taua, bed ivlducv.2 5<>a.2 70 July. choice heavv 4 90 u 5 05; rough heavy 4 76& GALVESTON —Ar 17ih, SCh Henry J Smith, EASTERN D1Y1HION. CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. bid..1 « 2 uo 921 V. \m> ns dfstivtioa ake those Onions. 75 Co UN'. 4 Hu. light 4 7‘ ii4 Adams Baltimore. Iloelou and way Malleus U.0O am Biiltle- Potatoes kf bus... Go a.05 Mar. 34*4 S4*i flbeep—receipt* 1 ,000: steady: native woth- GEORGETOWN. SC-Ar 14th, sch John G OEI.liill I FCI. funt, Klttrry, Fort hdiouI h, Newbury Sweet Potatoes, Nortoik. 'a3 50 1 1 lamb* 6 ( 0u7 00: "Western New York. oii‘4 36l. 4 r* at 75«5 60; Gregory, Huiclilusou, port, Snleui, l.vnn, Boston, 2.00^ U.dO a. UU, i iisIkui House Wliuif, Sweets, Yinland. at.4 25 July. 4 lambs LI Ar 2d. wethers at 7oifi5 6j; Western at 5 7o ID'SOU ship Cyrus Wakefield, SUMMER LANDS OF “CALIFORNIA." 12.45, ti.00 p. nu Arrivo Bo»t<>n, 5.57 a. nu, itle. eastern fresh. «* 19 OATS. Curtinixl, Lugs, «d W>. Me Loon. San Francisco. 12.40. 4.00. 9.O.* p. in. Leave U<**«'»u, 7.30. Western fresh. ooaj is Ar sch Cornells tin through trains consisting of sleeping .Vot. IStl0. Fugs, May. 23Vs 23% I1YANMS— 17llt, Soule, Special 9.00 X nu. I2..W, 7.00. 7.41 n. ra. Airlvs P011- (.'onimtncio; Mouday, ltt, held. Ida 14 Camion: J S from ind ulnlng ears will leave New York every sat Legs, July.. 22;4 2'JTa lotion Miirkwu. Newport New* for Winslow, 1»nd. 11.45 X QU, ILOi 4.o0 19.15. 10 11) p. Ill lo ttfcr. t a lie vler earner. *C 2d Haltlm-re f. Boston iortuna. do tor do. jrday and Tuesday, connecting directly with VVKKK l>A\ TIME TABLE. irofts. Limited'’ at New Oilcans. I MIA butter, Vermont. .... 24« 26 Illy Telegraph.* Vll.LE-Cld sch Grace Davis ill* Sunset JACKSON 16th, Ft Kurrttl CTfy IaImiiiI, < heese, N. York and Yer'mt. ...13'a « 14 May. r». io»7% 91 K 17 York. For luu Information. Ire© Illustrated pani- \rw Landing,Penh* Dodge. Now ltlildrford, Klttrry, Porlmnotith, a. 10 07V* PoftoM market was and a!«o lowest rates, : o. 6.45. s.i/0, ;•!.:»■' m.. -.1 t oo. r..n p. in. C'hCe Saga. .. *c 15 July. Ni:\v VOUK—The to-day sch Susan N Haskell, for l*hl**u, maps time tables, l»ui Salem. 2 1 ■> a. m., bid 17th. Pickering, y port, I..» tin, lloaton, 1*, 10.30 a. :i 4.00 at 8* ; do at 9l 3 k cur tickets and checked, np- 1-or ensiling* 6,46, CranUnte* ... .. 5 50^7 00 LAUD. quiet: middling uplands gull Baltimore. t.eeplug baggage 12.45 p. III. Airtve Iloelou, 6.57 a. UU, 4.0) ft sales I'Obaics. S Car- idy to boutUern Pacitio Co., Hut** >t.. Boston, p m. Fruit May. 07% MOBILK-Cl 10th, sch M..ggle Hart. p. in. Leave lloeton, tuoo a. ui„ 7.0), p. nu huh tirent Diamond ass. nov30dM&ThSui Kor I.title Inlonilt, ... 0 16 Si Lemon*. Medina.3 foS4 O0 July. lisle, New York. Arrive Portland, 12.16, 10.30p. nu. Trrfrthru'a l.umltiiu, I’rntni l*lund, 6.30, Kuro]»«HU Uurkitt*. NORFOLK-Ar 16th, sch G M Bralnard, from oranees « .dlforma.3 <>fii£3 60 J’. IBS. A -Dally except Monday. 7.00, S.Oil, 10.20 a. 111.. 2.15. 6.15 |». 111. New York. buldwtiis.3 00** 3 75 .. 6 03% (By Telegraph.) For Police’* Limiting, Long litimtl, MX), Apples, May.,. bid ICtli soli Gem. f *r Brunswick. At Cl ION s.ll.Ks Saturday's quotations. 1.0N »oNT. Feh. 17. 18H9—f’onsol* closed t 10 30 a. III.. -M3 U. 111. Oil* Ttirpentino and Coal. Cal 17th. sell Andie 1* Mel nddtu. Stewart. W. X. A l\ DIVISION. VT. loo >16 for nn and 100 11 16 for account. erai Linseed Wills ncy New York. c. W. T. CODING. Get Manager. baw oh. r.rafil Closing Station Foot of Firblr Street. dil Opening MVI KPOl L. Feb. 17. 190 '.—The C dton ( li :rte:e 1—Si h Nathl T Palmer, to load coal f. vj. UMII.CY alo,*roo« 46 t.xrbsn^e Street. points NEW JHall bbls lc extra. .July.8u% 35 NEW LONDON—Ar 17th. soli .1 Frank Heavy 7.30 a. m. ami 12.30 p. ni. r:i>M roa Kallurlnc D fin 1 or W'aterboro Cumberland. coal. 6 CO 5 5 25 Boston for New York; Ferry, K «>. bAlLXt. C. W. 1UB.. Rochester,, Allred, Co. and ltlvei at 7 30 i. 12 30 ami 3.30 Mains Steamship Stove and furnace c«»ai. retail.. i» F»D May.23% ?8H Wordsworth...New York. .ltloJaneiroFhL>. 2d For Iced lor Baltimore. u..n » ,f Saco in., G in* Islaud Hound I’o Daj'^lu. 1 rank hn. 8 50 July..22% 22% Philadelphia. .New Yonc..LBCtmyra...Feb 20 NOBSK A—Am limed ICth. rarquc Stephen p. 00 Charleston h r sch For Gorham at 7.30 and *.U6 a. m 12.30, 3.03 Tea coal, retail... 6 Lahn.New York. .Bremen .. .Fet>2o Hart. Ribbldge, Weymouth; 3 T 4IPS Pi R WEEK. I PORK, II Rivers. 6.30 and 0.20 p. in. .. ..Portland.. ..Liverpool.. .Feb 21 Lizzie Willey. Apalachicola. Numtdlan Cumberland Out* Cordage—. .. 10 Hem, Haskell For Westbrook. Mflis, Westbrook Rt'tliiccil line* $3.00 Way. May 1*2 *ii York. .Ho’ainpton ..Felt :'l NEW BEDFORD—Ar 10th.sch Cordage— Loins.New and Woo (lord* at July. Bru »>w ick. Junction 7.30, a. HU, lie lloiatlo Kali and Man* American !b.10511 1UUj| oceanic.New York. .Liverpool ..Feb 21 steamships 4> PENSACOLA—Ar 160), sch ( lias L Jeffries, For Women. 12 JO, 3.00. 6.30 ami 6.20 o. m. alternatively l*..v*» Franklin Wharf, (5 17 LA HU. Noor41aM.New York. Antwerp ....Felt 21 Tattar, Manilla..10 Ponce. Dr. Tohnan's lias Trains arrive at l'oriland from Wo roes er at and bolt C. \ IgtlAncta -New York YeraCrux... Feb 21 Monthly Regulator brought oriland, Tueedavs, Thursdays Saturdays Manilla rope.. (5 18} May..... 05 PH iGlli. sch Bull).Shaw. to hundreds <*f anxious women. 1.26 p.m.; from Rochester ai -S.fto in., 1.26, l<*r uirect. La: leave Orinoco.New York. Detnerara •• Feb 22 1LADELPHIA-Ar happiness at tp. iu. New York ..riling, hi*.a!. tfitlOVa July G 13 There is no other known and Alt p. m.; from Gorh un at 6.4o. 8.30 and Saiur- ... 22 Johnson. Boston. positively remedy liar E. and I mcli— Tour&lue New York. Havre.Feb m. 3«, K., Tuesdays. Thursdays U1P-5- 1» laud—Passed ICth, sch Phioess to medical science, that w ill so and 10.60 a. Hi.. 1.1W. 4. RV 3.4* p. in. No 1.32 Audes.New \ ork. < ape llaytl. Feb 24 Brody up quickly Boston days at 5 p. W Iron) Providence lor Nrw York. do the work. Have never had a U J. FLA ND Lit a. G. 1* A T. A. are fitted and tar- No 3.28 May. CB 6 0) Adirondack. New York Klng-'lon.&c Feb 24 Sprague. safely single *1U The**® steamers superbly Island—Passed down 10th, seh Wm L failure. The longest and nio>t ohstlnats eases jeae nished tor trav*d rail uflurd llid most N<- lO. ... 20 Mexico .New York. Havana Fob 24 Reedy passenger are relieved in J without fail. No other route boi vvsoa .13 l’orilnutl Dully Press KtocM 4noU(lon. 13d New York I". Interference with work. Tin* most uiflbuilt und i*. York Rotterdam Feb 24 Pendleton. Brunswick; Major J. F. l.lSCOMli. General AgMit, Hing« Uj M id die street. Bparndarn.New Mews. case* treated corres- STOCKS. Maracaibo.Now York. .S.ui Juan.PUbeb 24 FB-kamlr. do l<»r Newport successfully through TH03. M. liAKTLLTT. A.l ocWdtf A«M Carbolic.6 .gGO POUT Ul AD1NU ( id lfith, sell George A pondence,ami the*most complete satisfaction Acid Oxalic.12 Par Value Bio. Aak**o A Her.New- Y'ork Bremen.Feb 24 Description. Pierce. Pinkhniu. guaranteed in every instance. 1 relieve hun- Acid tart.30 5 48 Canal National Bank...*.. ..too loo 102 Phoenicia.New York llamburir_Feb 24 Newport. Cld 17th. »im Uulcu. Hutchings. Itocklaud dreds of ladies w hom 1 never see. Write for u Campania .... Now York Lavevaooft Feb 24 Ammonia.1%2J asco .Nation h^uk.loo 107 no E A sch John B Pres further All letters .. .Feb PROVIDENT l*tb. A^lo-s. iM,t.B b Cumberland National 1 .auk. 100 loO W- Mesaba.Now York. Londou 24 particular*. truthfully rott. Crowley. Newe. answereo. Free confidential advice In all B chu Leaves..‘5i»_7u National U:uik.100 loo 101 Taormina.New York Pernambuco Feq 24 Newport TRAINS PORTLAND Chapman S d Kith, schs Cliui les E Batch, Crocker, coal mat ter> of a private or delicate nature. Hear LEAVE Pats «♦»/ Fust National Bank .1**0 100 102 Cyrene .New York. Montevideo Feb 2 * c-publa.o;» John 1 htirslou, Now York. in mind this remedy is safe under ALLAN LINE Beesewax .37 Merchants’National Bank.... 76 jOl 102 Sorraleuse. —New York. .Paran.1-Vb 2f> port. DouwUss, absolutely l or Lew Ulun, 8.10 a. in, 1.30. 4.00, ">.00 p. in. g-A'Z PORTSMOUTH -Ai Kith, sch Nimrod Ureen. every possible condition and will |m*itlvely Borax .lOull National'I raders* Bank.loo 08 loo Livorno.New York Klo Janeiro Feb 20 For lklaud Fond. M0 a. 1.30. •6.00 p. ni. New leave no after ill effects upon the health. By in., Halifax & ...... New York. Maranham Feb 28 York.**. 2‘a 6 r<.i tiatnl National bank.100 209 110 Crcgojy mail scaled, $-.00. Dr. K. M.TOL- For Muuirral, t 8.10 a. Liverpool. York. .Genoa SALEM —Ar ICth, sdiK M Sawyer, Boston securely Quebec, Iiteago. in., C’ocafn-*. Muriate, nor oz.6 75 a 6 15 Portland Trust Co.100 145 150 Km*....New .Lel>28 vlAN 170 Tremont St.. Boston, Mass. for hastport. CO., o oo in., Montreal at Cochin ... 40 « 4 t Portland Gas no 90 Friesland .... New York. AntweiuJ.. .Feb .8 p. reaching Portland Service. Company.50 seh F !*tke, for New York. Copperas —.lVa«, 2 Portland WaterCo.100 103 105 Tabiman.New York. Deniarara. ..Frb 28 Slu HJili. Mary and 7.oo o. in. Ar 17th. eehs Georitle Berry, Catawamtoak. Cream tat Portland bt. Railroad Co.,100 140 160 Teutonic. ... Now York* ‘Liverpool... Feb 28 tar.—..27M»£30Wi and M II Reed, from Rockland or New York. From From Kx Lot wood— ... 12 a 15 MaineO ntfal 1G0 l?o state Nebraska New York. .Glasgow....Mch 1 TRAINS ARRIVE From — PORTI.AN^ K’y.100 \ INLY A R DHAYKN Ar loth, sch Cotn- For I Halifax. Gumarubic.70 «i 22 Portland fc Ogdcushurg K.K. 100 60 61 Normandie... New York. .Havre.Mch 1 Liverpool. I 8TEAMFH.I Baud. Glvcorioe.2o5 75 merce, Amboy for Boston. From Lewiatsta, 8.10, 11-10 a. nu, 6.46 and 6.13 BONDS. Dominion.Portland.. ..Liverpool ..Mch 3 | Aloes capo sid ictn. schs E Waterman, ami A W Kill*. P ni. .15(725 120 Pennsylvania New York. Hamburg]. Mch 3 ! 22 Jau. jBuenos Ay roan 7 Feb. unecl Portland 0§. 1907.118 seh for *• Camphor..58 a •• Ar 7Hi. Maud Hewaru, Sluutiigtou ! From lalau«l l'oml, *8.10, 11.30 a. in., 6.46 Portland 4s. 1002—1912 Funding.. 101 103 K.Wilhelm 11..New York..Gonoa.Mch 3 go •Fa.islan io .. 55 New York. Hi. Myirn 52.0 1013. 108 M.utltou.New York.. London... Mch 3 p. 2 Feb. Nuundluu 21 Portland 4s. Funding.1**8 NC Ar seh Melllssa *• Opium.3 85 5.4 85 3 WILMINGTON. 17th, Knack 8 24 25 Feb. Rotterdam. ..New York. Rotterdam ..Mch The 4 *8.10 •Californian Gs. 1005.i Water.112 114 From ItlrngA, Montreal, Uutbu 85c a $1 Bangor Trask. French, New York. Indigo. 101 103 Ihitton.New York. 1* n.ambuco Mch 5 a. in., 3.46 m. 17 Mur. direct Iodine .3 f « ;t eo Bath 4Via. 1007, Municipal... p. **_Mongolian__7 103 .Saale.New York. Bremen.Mch 6 4 4 0a 5 OO BaHi 4\ 1021. Refunding.101 Foreign Ports. • No cattle carried ou these steamer*. Ipecac. derma*.ic.New York.. Liverpool Mch 7 • trains week .loo Belfast 4s. Mann Inal.102 106 Dally. Othei days. Licorice, rl 20 Santiago.New York. .South Cuba Mch 1 Arat Newcastle, NSW, 0th lust, ship Stand- Of Good is Steamers sail from Portland nfier arrival of :i.Vri2 o Calais 4s 1001—It'll Ref uniting-loO 102 Printing Sunday 'rain leaves Portland every Sunday Morpmiic.2 .... Adelaide. Trunk ira u Toronto .103 105 Ililderbrand New York. lara Mch 7 ard. Getohell. in. Grand Hallway leaving Oil bergamot ... .2 75jo.3 2i» I.ewlstonOs/1901. Municipal for Lewiston. Gorham and Beilin at 7.30 a. New York.... New York. S'thanipton Mch 7 Ai Sydney, NSW. Jan 17. ship Moronce, U\- artistic into the 0 a. nt.. or Montreal a.45 p. nu. Friday. Nor. coil liver.I 50a2 00 Lew is l< .i4«. 1913, Municipal.105 107 the insight Southwark.New York. .Antwerp. ..Mch 7 der. for > cwcastle and llouoluiu; JohuC Pot- PttRmau Palace Sleeping Cars on ulght Hivimv and Atr^ric in cod liver.1 00 « 25 Saco 4s. 1901, Municipal.100 102 “ 1 N. It.—The now 8teanv-rs Rretamte.New York..Havre.Mch 8 ter. do do. art of all arts.” Parlor Cara on trains. Lemon .1 G0oo.exton,3n.l02 Scribner, from Norfolk for llouoluiu. treat it as an r’mUe.sOttOO Tortland & gtls.’.ai>0. 1st iiuclu'J 103 Hyde. mechanical—wc RATES OF PASSACE. Potum Opu’i: Jan at foot of India 20 PortUiud tv.,ter c,Vs 4s. 11«7.10S H'7 At Banbury 17, ship BenJ Sewall, Sewall, Ticket OfMce, Depot Chlorate.ltpa AUsv FLBUAKY 1U. London. be treated. Cabin— $:>o.oo to fso.oo. A reduction of 10 i»5 M1*N4«0«» for art should Street. 0‘l23dtl lmllde.3 <5.5.1 cent is allowe ou returu except Bunn-**.. Sld fm Louoou 10th. sietuuer Mac.itou, for per tickets, Quicksilver.7S&78 9Mlm«bul*“'T*‘or vrauri ??? York. Wouldn’t it be wise for to ou the lowe-d rates. Quinine .j4»47 l'oniealle Markets. bud mu. n 22 l- * in New you Brow Head HUli. steamer Lucanla. SECOND Cabin-To Liverpool. London or itheuburb. t.76.a l 50 Moon rises.10 ;iglH«tght.OO Pasted (By Telegraph.) lor LB ci a trial order with us ? 0 $65.50 return. Lt snake.3o«4o from New York pool. place Londonderry—*35.( single; Feb. 17. 1000. ( Sikkkaok—Liverpool, lamdou, Ulasg,vv. Saltpetre. i*al2 Sld Im ape Town, CGH, 10th, barque Nellie DETROIT—Wheat quoted at 78Vhe ior cash Natal. STEAMBOAT GO. Belfast, Londonderry or U-'d He nil*.25 <730 Brett. Lowery. Pori HARPSWELL Queeustown, White; cash Red at <2%e; May 7B%C; July TT citiJN hT IS EWS Sld fm saotos loth. steamer New York. Oct. 2, ltt». steamer Ancocisco Prepaid certificates $24. Canary seed ..4 «. 5 lb Asti, Beginning »V 72% c. Janeiro Jau Eric- will leave Portland Pier. Portland, Sun- Children under 12 years, half fare. Katc.i t» Cardamons .1 25 a 1 At Rio 21, barque Frances, daily. 60 THE THURSTON PRINT or from other points 011 to TOLEDO—Wlieat quiet—casliat 72c; May at p or Portland son. for Baltimore days excepted, at 2.00 p. in. for 1-ong Island, application soda, by carb.3;ii «, 0*4 »ur 4 40 C St., 73%e; July 72%c. Sld fm Clenfuegos 14lh, steamer Sant

\ ....""ini .-. .■.. .—...^ TRIUMPHANT!!

.■ | —-•-.- 1! Nothing: Can Stop It. ■

111 1 ii 'hi Mil 11-- aurt-M.-* ••». t_L>_l. ■. •'. I I 1 | THE GREAT SALE I TUESDAY, FEB. 20, | 9.00 a. m.. | S OF THE I | WE SHALL PUT ON SALE | | STANDARD CLOTHING | Seventeen Thousand Dollars’ ] | CO.’S STOCK Worth, SI 7,000, 1 I OF | S3 i .1... OF I New I Fine j | ! Sr>r:’ .g I ( Clothing f Cloth- 1 BY I , | 1 R.E. CARPENTER (Our Spring and Medium Weight Goods Have Sot Been S§ § Shown Before) = | Spot Cash Buyer of Clothing Stocks. I AT 55 CENTS ON 1 * THE DOLLAR. )

will still be on sale.) balance of the Winter stock, about $12,000.00, = | Styles all new, Desirable Patterns, Choicest Designs. (The I All Goods High Grade. Warranted Perfect and 1 NOT DAMAGED. where WE can do it. | Buy Reliable, Elegant and Standard Made Clothing at 1-2 WHAT OTHERS ASK. We bought at a price g to select from, § FRIDAY, Feb. 23, will be special day for mothers to fit out the Boys. $8,000.00 of Boys'1900 Spring Clothing g in if Look at our Perfect Clothing before buying. You will be dollars pocket. of the but it to walk. i A Sale that never will be repeated in Portland. A little out way, pays § 1 Fifteen Extra Salesmen on the floor. § I I