Welcome to the Kissimmee Waterway
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Brochure.KissWaterway.20080917.qxd:Brochure.KissWaterway.20080917 9/25/08 2:24 PM Page 1 Orlando Service Center are (407) 858-6100 and (800) 250-4250. (800) and 858-6100 (407) are Center Service Orlando (863) 462-5260 or (800) 250-4200. The phone numbers for the for numbers phone The 250-4200. (800) or 462-5260 (863) District. The Okeechobee Service Center can be reached at reached be can Center Service Okeechobee The District. Service Center of the South Florida Water Management Water Florida South the of Center Service • Similarly, several shorebird species including American Orlando or Okeechobee the either contact River, Kissimmee River Restoration Land Acquisition Birds Flock Back to Physically the on navigation about information up-to-date receive To avocet, black-necked stilt, dowitcher, greater yellowlegs, Expands Recreation Areas Restored Sections of the River semipalmated plover, least sandpiper, spotted sandpiper and western sandpiper have also returned to the river sites. construction to material fill move to waterway As more natural flow Phase I restoration construction was completed in channelized the across built be will bridges earthen cases, and floodplain. econnect historic oxbows. In some In oxbows. historic econnect regimes are returned February 2001. Approximately 7.5 miles of flood control canal r to channel the recarve will channel, so dredges so channel, to the meandering was backfilled, 1.3 mile of river channel was recarved and a • The number of wading birds, including white ibis, great egret, river historic the of miles nine destroyed Kissimmee River, the spillway (S-65B) was demolished. This action reestablished snowy egret and little blue heron, has increased significantly, construction canal The navigation. block temporarily will South Florida Water flow to 14 miles of continuous river channel and allows for in some years more than double the restoration target. activities some and phases, some during river the of portions Management District intermittent inundation of 5,792 acres of floodplain. Another • Organic deposits on the river bottom decreased by 71 has acquired the construction phase (Phase IVA) was completed in September percent, reestablishing sand bars and providing new habitat associated lands 2007. This reconnected four additional miles of historical river for shorebirds and invertebrates, including native clams. needed to allow the channel by backfilling two more miles of the canal, and is river to overflow its expected to recover 512 acres of floodplain wetlands. • Dissolved oxygen levels have doubled, which is critical for ecosystem. banks and re-inundate the long-term survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. floodplain Kissimmee's floodplain habitats. All backfilling construction the of animals and (Phases IVB and II/III) is • During the extreme drought of 2006-07, the physically plants of hundreds the Approximately 102,000 acres have been purchased along the scheduled to be completed restored riverine ecosystem adapted to the extreme weather benefit to restoration conditions much more readily than the channelized river. ambitious an of site the river and around Lakes Kissimmee, Cypress, Hatchineha and by 2013. Ecological monitoring along travel inhibit will construction boaters, and anglers of Today the river is is river the Today achieved its flood protection goal, but dramatically altered altered dramatically but goal, protection flood its achieved Tiger. This land is critical to the Kissimmee River Restoration, will extend through 2018. • experience outdoor the enhance greatly and ecosystem an Largemouth bass and sunfishes now comprise 63 percent canal 30-foot-deep and 300-foot-wide The canal. C-38 56-mile and almost all of it is open to public recreation. Along the restore to seeks Restoration River Kissimmee the While of the fish community, up from 38 percent. the into River Kissimmee 103-mile the transformed project The river and its floodplain river, public land will allow the river to rise and inundate its million. $575 than more of cost a at 2013 by complete have improved in remarkable Scientists with the South Florida Water Management District channelization 1960s the flooding, periodic to response In floodplain. Land purchases around the lakes will allow 1.5 feet be to scheduled Engineers–is of Corps Army U.S. the and ways, surpassing at times continue to carefully monitor and document ecosystem was channelized. was the restoration. the of additional lake level fluctuation. This will create additional District Management Water Florida South the of partnership changes in response to the physical changes to the river. the environmental response river the 1970s, early 300 species of fish and wildlife are expected to benefit from benefit to expected are wildlife and fish of species 300 storage in the four southern-most lakes in the chain and 50-50 project–a restoration The ecosystem. river/floodplain anticipated by scientists For more information on the environmental perspective, and 1960s the In wildlife viewing and nature study. When complete, more than more complete, When study. nature and viewing wildlife allow the Kissimmee River to receive flows similar to the of miles square 40 about restore and channel historic river’s working on the project. Comprehensive monitoring of the visit www.sfwmd.gov (click on “ecosystem restoration”). This restoration creates opportunities for improved fishing, improved for opportunities creates restoration This historic condition. the of miles 43 to flow return will Restoration River Kissimmee physically restored sections of the Kissimmee River has meandering through its historic and wetland-rich floodplain. wetland-rich and historic its through meandering Although all four lakes are already among the best bass documented these results: the Ultimately backfilled. being are counties Okeechobee and ago, sections of the Kissimmee River are already once again once already are River Kissimmee the of sections ago, angling lakes in Florida, the greater water fluctuation in Highlands in midsection canal’s the of stretch 22-mile a while Instead of the straight, deep and wide canal dug 40 years years 40 dug canal wide and deep straight, the of Instead Lakes Kissimmee, Cypress, Hatchineha and Tiger will • Wading bird populations in the restored river and floodplain remain will 38 Canal of portions lower and upper the project, region have more than tripled. channelization the of benefits protection flood the preserve To expand the lakes’ littoral zones, enhancing fish and channelization. after and once meandered freely. meandered once to restore an ecosystem that was nearly destroyed during during destroyed nearly was that ecosystem an restore to wildlife habitat throughout. • Duck species including fulvous whistling duck, northern pasture. cattle into transformed primarily were floodplain in its natural state, state, natural its in as the Kissimmee River Restoration project moves forward forward moves project Restoration River Kissimmee the as and diverse wetland plant communities of the Kissimmee River Kissimmee the of communities plant wetland diverse and pintail, northern shoveler, American wigeon and ring-necked River, Kissimmee The To learn more about the public lands in the Kissimmee River anglers with new challenges and even greater opportunities greater even and challenges new with anglers duck have returned to the floodplain after being absent vast The fishery. bass largemouth once-renowned this in thrive Basin, visit www.sfwmd.gov (click on “Recreation”) or call The Kissimmee River continues to greet boaters and and boaters greet to continues River Kissimmee The during the 40-plus years that the system was channelized. gar, and bowfin as such fish, Rough disappeared. largely birds your nearest South Florida Water Management District waterfowl population no longer used the system and wading and system the used longer no population waterfowl Service Center and request a free Recreational Guide. Habitats and Curves Natural Restoring fish and wildlife habitat. About 90 percent of the wintering the of percent 90 About habitat. wildlife and fish SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Flood Control Structures, River Weir Require Boater Caution Lock Information Freddy’s Welcome to the Six navigation locks Top Ten Rules are located between Weekday Hours for Locks Kissimmee Waterway . the city of Kissimmee for Boater Safety S-61, S-65, S-65A, S-65C, S-65D, S-65E one of the most beautiful and exciting recreation and Lake Okeechobee. Monday – Friday, all year, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. areas in the state. Whether beginning in the Each lock measures headwaters of the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, 30 by 90 feet and has Weekend Hours for Locks 1. Remember all Coast Guard boating regulations and the Lake Okeechobee or any place in between, an average depth of six S-61, S-65, S-65A, S-65C, S-65D, S-65E Florida boat safety laws apply in these waters. Please you are sure to witness some of Florida’s most feet. From downtown March 1 – October 31, 5:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. obey posted signs and speed limits. spectacular natural areas. Kissimmee to Lake November 1 – February 28, 5:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 2. Okeechobee, six bridges Always wear a personal flotation device while the The Kissimmee Chain of Lakes and the S-65B has been removed as part of the boat is in motion. Kissimmee River offer sites and experiences are located along the Kissimmee River Restoration. waterway, all having 3. Boaters encountering a spray crew applying herbicide enjoyed by Floridians and visitors for generations. vertical clearances of 11.5 feet or more. Approximate time to go through locks is15 minutes. should maintain a distance of at least 500 feet and A new era is under way for the Kissimmee River slow to avoid creating a large wake. The South Florida Basin as the ongoing Kissimmee River Restoration The Kissimmee River between State Road 60 and Lake There is no charge for going through locks during Water Management District airboats are clearly project restores habitat that will benefit more than Okeechobee consists of three features – the main flood posted hours.