Noncommutative Counterparts of Celebrated Conjectures
NONCOMMUTATIVE COUNTERPARTS OF CELEBRATED CONJECTURES GONC¸ALO TABUADA Abstract. In this survey, written for the proceedings of the conference K- theory in algebra, analysis and topology, Buenos Aires, Argentina (satellite event of the ICM 2018), we give a rigorous overview of the noncommuta- tive counterparts of some celebrated conjectures of Grothendieck, Voevodsky, Beilinson, Weil, Tate, Parshin, Kimura, Schur, and others. Contents Introduction1 1. Celebrated conjectures1 2. Noncommutative counterparts5 3. Applications to commutative geometry 10 4. Applications to noncommutative geometry 17 References 21 Introduction Some celebrated conjectures of Grothendieck, Voevodsky, Beilinson, Weil, Tate, Parshin, Kimura, Schur, and others, were recently extended from the realm of alge- braic geometry to the broad noncommutative setting of differential graded (=dg) categories. This noncommutative viewpoint led to a proof of these celebrated con- jectures in several new cases. Moreover, it enabled a proof of the noncommutative counterparts of the celebrated conjectures in many interesting cases. The purpose of this survey, written for a broad mathematical audience, is to give a rigorous overview of these recent developments. Notations. Given a perfect base field k of characteristic p > 0, we will write W (k) for its ring of p-typical Witt vectors and K := W (k)1=p for the fraction field of W (k). For example, when k = Fp, we have W (k) = Zp and K = Qp. 1. Celebrated conjectures In this section, we briefly recall some celebrated conjectures of Grothendieck, Voevodsky, Beilinson, Weil, Tate, Parshin, and Kimura (concerning smooth proper schemes), as well as a conjecture of Schur (concerning smooth schemes). Date: January 14, 2019.
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