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Friday, September 6, 2019 Vol. 134 | No. 143 Rack–50¢/Delivery–39¢

Northaven residents voice concerns to Mayor Harris, county officials

OMER YUSUF Beautifying the neighbor- Harris plans to ask the County we deliver the background on the community meetings and bring Courtesy of The Daily Memphian hood was one of several concerns Commission to consider bring- issue, and make sure they know something for the County Com- Northaven residents asked Mayor Lee Harris, Commissioner ing county sanitation services to what’s going on and what op- mission to vote on.” Shelby County officials this week Amber Mills and other county of- Northaven in about 60 days. tions we’re considering to solve Northaven is a community of for help to eliminate blight and ficials heard when they met with Harris said bringing sanita- the problem,” Harris said. about 5,000 people in unincor- illegal dumping in their commu- about 40 Northaven residents tion services there is an achiev- “After we lay down the porated Shelby County, located nity and for its long-term vision Tuesday night at Northaven El- able goal. groundwork with the County for the area. ementary School. “It’ll be a presentation where Commission, we’ll do some more NORTHAVEN CONTINUED ON P2

black women with HIV as sex workers, recovering drug addicts or something adjacent of both,” says Joyce, 39. Memphian determined to give voice The result, she says, is a diagnosis that feels like a death sentence. In Shelby County, 13 of 14 women diagnosed with HIV are black women. to black women living with HIV “We don’t have anything geared to education or prevention,” Joyce said. “If it was the flu and white women, it would be the greatest cause of attention. There would be public outcry.” The metro Memphis area has the seventh-high- est incidence of new HIV cases in the nation and is 10th-highest for new AIDS cases. Of the 16,190 people in with HIV, 40% live in Shelby County. Of that number, 82% are Af- rican American. In 2017, the last year for which there are statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 280 new HIV cases were reported in Shelby County. Publicly funded campaigns tend to be directed to gay men, who are still the largest segment of the population contracting HIV. But behind white gay men (No. 1) and black gay men (No. 2) are black women, the third largest group of people living with HIV/AIDS. In her search to find support in Memphis, she’s found little that reflects her life experience. Joyce is a marketing manager with Counterpart Communication Design, currently working on a large contract for a big Memphis employer. She founded and owns Luxuriant Travel, a bou- tique travel agency, and theDROP, a beauty-supply concierge service. She was raised in the Church of God in Christ. She volunteers across the city. She’s a member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority and is LáDeia Joyce was diagnosed with HIV three years ago. “We don’t have anything geared to education or prevention,” Joyce said working with SisterReach on research about what of black women. “If it was the flu and white women, it would be the greatest cause of attention. There would be public outcry.” African American women in Shelby County know (Mark Weber/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian) about HIV. JANE ROBERTS three years ago, the MBA in marketing black women. “So far, the oldest participant graduated in 1982. Courtesy of The Daily Memphian took a year to read the room, so to speak. When they did, the conversations To hear what they were taught in 1982 and now, noth- By her own definition, LáDeia Joyce And then she got busy. were so loaded with negative stereo- ing has really changed,” Joyce says. is a marketer, a doer and a disruptor. Few here or, for that matter, across types, the “doer and the disruptor” in “It’s ‘here is pregnancy’ and ‘don’t get pregnant.’ All three are so entwined in her DNA the South, were talking much at all her flew into action. that when she was diagnosed with HIV about women living with HIV, let alone “For so long, media have stereotyped HIV CONTINUED ON P3

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Cash back? Kroger now charges for a ‘yes’

TOM BAILEY customers money compared to using an Courtesy of The Daily Memphian ATM machine, local Kroger spokeswom- Kroger has started charging for some- an Teresa Dickerson told The Daily Mem- thing competitors like Walmart and Tar- phian in an email response to questions. get still do for free: The cash-back service “It allows customers to get cash in offered to customers who use a debit card the safety and convenience of our check in the card-reading machine at the check- stands,” Dickerson said. out counter. Kroger’s withdrawal limit of $300 is Kroger now charges 50 cents to cus- much higher than what its competitors tomers requesting $100 or less for the dispense, she indicated. ATM-like service. Those requesting $100 That proved true during a report- to $300 are charged $3. er’s visit to a Memphis-area Target and A spokeswoman for Kroger’s Memphis Walmart store on Tuesday. region, Delta Division, did not comment The Target cash-back service offered on why Kroger started imposing the fee up to $40, and the Walmart cash-back in July. service offered up to $100. However, a Cincinnati Enquirer report However, neither Target nor Walmart on July 30 cited a Kroger tweet as stating: charged a fee. “We have a fee due to banks & other re- Kroger’s cash-back service does not tailers raising ATM fees and limiting the charge a fee to customers using an Elec- amount of cashback. We want to offer our tronics Benefit Transfer (EBT) card to get customers a convenient, low cost, way to Shoppers check out at the Union Avenue Kroger store. The grocery chain now charges cash back, nor to Kroger employees get- get their money.” customers a fee for getting cash back when using a debit card. (Courtesy of The Daily Memphian) ting cash back from their payroll debit Kroger’s cash-back service still saves cards, Dickerson said.

NORTHAVEN CONTINUED FROM P1 livable wage for all public-sector employ- ees and improving public transit. between Frayser and Millington. Government services for Northaven residents come solely from county govern- I SHOULD ment, as opposed to incorporated areas which have city or town governments in PROBABLY addition to the county. Harris also mentioned the possibility of GET A using some SkyCop cameras purchased by the county this year as surveillance cam- RIDE eras to reduce illegal dumping in the area. HOME. The commission allocated $1.6 million for 25 SkyCop cameras for each of the 13 commission districts. The additional cameras are also a pri- ority for Mills, whose district includes Northaven. “They’re (Northaven) definitely going to get some of the cameras,” she said. Residents also asked county officials for a long-term plan for the area. Northaven resident Michael Phillips heads to his next job mowing yards for folks in the While county officials admitted to not neighborhood on Sept. 3. (Jim Weber/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian) having one Tuesday, officials say they will look at developing one for northern Shelby County. Northaven, where I want to be. This is “I’ve been around here a long time, and Donna Tate, who has lived in Northav- where my family is, my wonderful neigh- I’ve seen too many dogs, and I don’t feel like en for a year, has heard about new develop- bors are here.” it’s right that I got to step out in my own ments in nearby Frayser in recent months. Northaven resident James Hall was one yard and watch where I step.” Those developments include a new library of several residents who voiced concerns Harris admitted to not knowing much and renovated community center, both about stray dogs in the area, particularly about the issue of stray dogs, but said the funded by the city of Memphis. Northaven near North Circle Street, and asked how county is trying to work with the Memphis currently has neither. the county could better assist them in ad- Animal Shelter as one possible solution. BUZZED DRIVING “(I hear about) Frayser is coming up, dressing the issue. Harris also told residents about some IS DRUNK DRIVING Frayser is doing this,” Tate said. “It’s been going on for quite a few years,” of his broader initiatives during his first “I’m not hearing anything about he said. year as mayor, including a $15-an-hour

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Publisher & CEO Administrative Assistant The Daily News (USPS 144-300) is published Tuesday through Friday by: THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ERIC BARNES WHITNEY LOGAN 193 Jefferson Avenue Memphis, TN 38103 • P.O. Box 3663 Memphis, TN 38173-0663 Tel: 901.523.1561 • Fax: 901.526.5813 • Public Notice Director Circulation/Distribution Coordinator The Daily News is a general interest newspaper covering business, law, government DON FANCHER KENDRA WOOTEN and real estate and development throughout the Memphis metropolitan area. The Daily News, the successor of the Daily Record, The Daily Court Reporter, and The Daily Court News, was founded in 1886. Public Notices Coordinator Pressman Periodicals Postage Paid at Memphis, TN 38103 TERESA STRAIT MULLALLY PETE MITCHELL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily News, P.O. Box 3663, Memphis, TN 38173-0663. Friday, September 6, 2019 Page 3 38126 Center to ‘transform key, strategic corner’ of Soulsville

The center will provide 20 jobs, on the CDC, which plans to spend $70,000 of its low end of estimates, according to Higgs. own cash reserves, has received a $15,000 “It will create real jobs for people in the grant from Community LIFT and a $30,000 neighborhood without having to have col- grant from the city of Memphis. It has ap- lege degrees,” he said. plied for a $500,000 grant from the U.S. De- Higgs said Aperion Global approached partment of Health and Human Services. the CDC about a year ago with the idea of On Wednesday, Sept. 4, a finance com- adding a technology innovation center to mittee of the Economic Development LeMoyne-Owen’s campus. The organiza- Growth Engine for Memphis and Shelby tion decided it would be better to create it County (EDGE) approved a $25,000 forgiv- as a separate entity. able Inner City Economic Development “This was a franchise opportunity that (ICED) loan for the project. we bought into,” Higgs said. “We don’t have any coffee in Soulsville The 38126 Center’s proposed tenants either,” Higgs said at the EDGE meeting, a include Aperion Global, BraveDog Games, reference to an earlier presentation made Tri-State Defender Podcast studio, Crucial by principals of the future Muggin’ Coffee- Music Studios, Rickey Anderson Enter- house in Whitehaven. Another proposed tainment Law Center, Benjamin Crump tenant for the 38126 Center is 2 Friends & A Social Justice Institute and The Urban In- Chef Coffee shop. The EDGE finance com- cubator. BraveDog CEO Dustin Mack said mittee also approved on Sept. 4 a $15,000 his company’s mission centers on creat- forgivable ICED loan for the Whitehaven ing an inclusive global video game ecosys- coffee business, led by Mary and Ken Olds. The 38126 Center, to be located at the corner of Boulevard and Walker Avenue, tem that will have a positive generational Demand for the Soulsville center is high, is directly across from The Four Way restaurant. (Courtesy of Self-Tucker Architects) impact.“Similar to many cities and locales according to Higgs. outside of the major tech hubs such as Sili- He is receiving calls from potential ten- ELLE PERRY South Memphis Renewal Community con Valley, Seattle and Los Angeles, Mem- ants that could necessitate the development Courtesy of The Daily Memphian Development Corporation is partnering phis has a diverse population with strong adding square footage, potentially going The proposed 38126 Innovation & Tech- with technology language training com- interest in the video game and tech space, into the parking lot in front of the build- nology Center is poised to turn a vacant re- pany Aperion Global Institute on the center. but lacks the developed ecosystem that will ing. Over the next week, architects will tail strip – and an adjacent vacant lot – into The goals are to fill the digital divide provide opportunities for the community determine if the current building is viable nearly 11,000 square feet of retail, commer- with access to computers and the internet, to enter the video game and eSports indus- or if it will need to be torn down because of cial and office space. improve health and wellness services and tries,” Mack said. roof damage. The 38126 Center, to be located at the close the job-skills gap. “Our goal is to assist the city in building Either way, Higgs estimates that con- corner of Mississippi Boulevard and Walker South Memphis Renewal CDC execu- that sustainable tech ecosystem that ben- struction could take nine months to a year. Avenue, is directly across from The Four tive director Jeffrey Higgs said the center efits the community of Memphis.” At Wednesday’s meeting, Higgs said Way restaurant and less than half a mile would “transform a key, strategic corner The costs for the 38126 Center, named the project also had secured a $500,000 from LeMoyne-Owen College. of Soulsville.” for its ZIP code, could exceed $670,000.The bank loan.

HIV CONTINUED FROM P1 “It was the first time I had said it outside “All four have individually unique sto- The asking, she says, is a way for listeners There is no talk about condom usage, where my immediate tribe,” Joyce said. ries,” Gaitens said. to gauge how much empathy they are will- to go if you are interested in having sex and There’s something about saying it out “They are each doing a series of talks ing to give and make judgments. healthy sexual experiences or where to get loud.” The room got quiet, mostly, she around the country organized by AIDS ser- “HIV/AIDS is the only chronic illness tested.” says, because no one had any context for vice organizations or patient organizations.” in which people put the illness before the She blames a complicity of forces – in- talking about the raging epidemic of HIV/ The point of contact between genders person. It ties mortality to human experi- cluding silence from the African American AIDS among African American women in varies enormously. ences,” she said, noting the mode of trans- church and a weak public-school sex educa- Memphis. In Shelby County, for instance, the mission does not change the reality of the tion curriculum – for muzzling a conversa- And if they do, they don’t expect the vast majority of cases among men (74% in disease. tion that could spare women and girls the face of the disease to be a professional in 2016) are the result of homosexual contact. “It just is. It’s here now. What are we go- diagnosis, plus give them facts on where designer eyewear, with a perfect manicure, Among women, 92% of the transmission is ing to do,” she said matter-of-factly, noting to get tested and how to require that their a big job and the courage to talk out. “The from heterosexual sex. Joyce knows she’s she has normal life expectancy and consid- sexual partners do too. While she would like film sparked a lot of discussion. People said, making a difference in the anecdotal evi- ers herself healthier than most because she to be invited to speak in public schools here, ‘How can this happen?’ dence she receives on social media and in sees a doctor regularly and is acutely aware states that adhere to abstinence-based sex “At this point, it is no longer dismissive.” the passing things people say. “It’s humbling of stressing her immune system. education programs don’t invite speakers The conversation set off a public jour- when it’s one of your friends,” she said, “who “I eat to support my immune sys- who disagree, she says. “I can’t do this with- ney for Joyce that last week included the thanks you for saying XYZ. It makes me tem. I try not to get stressed. It is learned out a full 360-degree sex talk,” Joyce says, release of ViiV Healthcare’s multimedia want to go harder. The disconnect in infor- behavior.” shaking her head. advertising campaign for Dovato, an HIV mation and knowledge is big. We’re talking She speaks several a times a month, “You do the students a great disservice viral-suppressant prescription approved about educated women who have a whole mostly in other cities, in public events or to when you don’t have the thorough discus- by the FDA in April. bunch of degrees. Women who’ve put some medical professionals interested in learn- sion. One of the fastest-rising populations The ad features Joyce and what has be- time into social mobility and rising up the ing how to improve the way they diagnose is the age group 13-24.” come the litmus of her life: Refusing to let ranks of their careers.” and talk to people who are HIV-positive. She planned her own “disclose” party a three-letter diagnosis define who she is. She hopes her role in the ad campaign She has become a public voice out of neces- two years ago this month. “What made LáDeia attractive to us was helps black women see themselves. sity, she says. She reached out to filmmakers that pro- all her strong advocacy work,” said Robin “If you are a black woman, represen- “It is extremely bittersweet because it is duced “90 Days,” the captivating story of Gaitens, ViiV spokeswoman. tation matters. When you have a major, attached to something so demonized. I have an affluent African American couple who “She was also very comfortable in the chronic illness that is affecting black wom- to remind people that HIV is more mental date 90 days before the female reveals her process and very willing to be the national en, and no one is talking, you feel seen, you than physical,” she said. HIV status. face.” feel heard,” she said. “You are always processing the internal Schedulers skipped Memphis when the The campaign is running in the 13 U.S. As the person trying to engage discus- and external stigma. It’s not right or wrong, film was released in 2016. She sold tickets markets with the largest number of new sion of HIV, it falls on her to teach the man- it just is.” and got corporate sponsors for a screening HIV diagnoses, including Memphis. ners of the conversation, including ques- She could make a living being the voice and panel discussion at The Haven on G.E. Later in the year, ViiV intends to run it tions about her point of contact. “It’s rude for women living with HIV, but it would Patterson. nationally. It also includes segments featur- to ask,” she said ticking off the five ways mean less time in Memphis. When the film ended, she told the room ing an African American man, a Hispanic people can be exposed. “I like to think globally, act locally,” she her secret. man and a white man. “Those five ways have not changed.” said. “For me, acting locally is Memphis.” NEW MADRID RANDOLPH CLAY LAKE OBION


Page 4 DYER The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019


CRAIGHEAD CROCKETT Law & GovernmentLAUDERDALE HAYWOOD Coverage Area – Public Records 9:00 AM Jim Grisham V Eric David Dipzinski, Pltf(s): Jim Grisham, Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 9/4/2019, CT-3892-19 POINSETT State Of Tennessee V CE Smith, Pltf(s): State Of Tennes- Pltf Atty(s): John N Bean, Def(s): Eric David Dipzinski, Def Atty(s): MADISON N/A, Hearing, CH-18-1201 see, Ex Rel, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): N/A, Def Atty(s):DECATUR R Grattan Divorces TIPTON Brown, Motion Calendar, 5945 Alternative Wealth Builders V Trinity Home, Pltf(s): CHESTER CooksHARDEMAN Roofing V St Paul Travelers,Pltf(s): Cook's Roof- Alternative Wealth Builders, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): J Vincent Perry- Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Memphis ing, Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Everett Gibson, Thomas F Jackson, Def(s): man, Def(s): Trinity Home & Investment LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, Attorneys, Filing Date, and Docket Number. CROSS Chenault Insurance Agency Inc, St Paul Travelers, Augustine Motion Calendar, CH-19-0682 SHELBY MCNAIRY Brian Littleton VS Nancy Littleton, Pltf(s): Brian Lee Little- CRITTENDEN Chaidez, The Hartford Underwriters Insurance Co, Def Atty(s): 10:30 AM ton, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Nancy Katharine Skeen FAYETTE Lori D Parish, Ben M Rose, Blakeley D Matthews, Steven W Keyt, David Bales Gallagher V Adrienne Dawn Gallagher, Littleton, Def Atty(s): N/A, 9/4/2019, CT-3897-19 HARDIN Joshua D Arters, Motion Calendar, CH-07-1140 WAYNE Pltf(s): David Bales Gallagher, Pltf Atty(s): Gail R Sevier, Ashley Walter Cathey VS Arnette Cathey, Pltf(s): Walter Earl Cathey, ST. FRANCIS Brenda Oats Williams V Memphis Area Legal Ser- Austin Martin, Abigail D Hall, Def(s): Adrienne Dawn Gallagher, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Arnette Ford Cathey, Def Atty(s): N/A, vices, Pltf(s): Brenda J Oats-Williams, Pltf Atty(s): Darrell Def Atty(s): Daniel Loyd Taylor, John N Bean, Motion Calendar, 9/4/2019, CT-3900-19 J O'Neal, Linda Kendall Garner, Def(s): Memphis Area LegalLAUDERDALE CH-16-0822 DESOTO Services Inc, Def Atty(s): Paul E Prather, Pamela R Irons, Lisa BENTON ALCORN Regions Bank V Spencer and Sons, Inc, Et Al, Pltf(s): Calendar A Lichterman, Kimberly Brown-Gibbs, Sheerin Mehdian, Motion Regions Bank, Pltf Atty(s): Jamie Morton, Def(s): Spencer and Calendar, CH-07-2335TIPPAH Sons, Inc, James Spencer, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, September 6, 2019 TISHOMINGO LEE Shelby CountyMARSHALL Richard Moseley Hardin V Jennyfer Kathleen Hardin, CH-18-0696 Pltf(s): Richard Moseley Hardin, Pltf Atty(s): Sam Blaiss, C Su- Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their TATE 11:00 AM Chancery Court zanne Landers, Carrie Eaker Kerley, Sharon A Fortner, Def(s):COLBERT Attorneys, Case Type, and Docket Number. Jennyfer Kathleen Hardin,PRENTISS Def Atty(s): Johnny Q Rasberry, Leah Ralph Taylor Et Al V Olymbec USA LLC, Pltf(s): Ralph Taylor, Angela D Watson, Pltf Atty(s): Handel R Durham, Jonathan Div 2 TUNICA B Lloyd Hillis, Motion Calendar, CH-11-1268 Thomas Mosely, Def(s): Olymbec USA LLC, Def Atty(s): S Joshua LAFAYETTE 9:00 AM Chancellors First South Financial CU V Douglas E Burks Et Al, Kahane, N/A, CH-18-0319 PHILLIPS UNIONPltf(s): First South Financial Credit Union, Pltf Atty(s): Roger A Jasmine Boone VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Breyanna Boone, WalterPANOLA L. Evans, Part 1 Stone, Curt Runger, Brittan W Robinson, Def(s): Douglas E Burks, Wiljerrie Jamar Horn V Ingrid Yvette Horn, Pltf(s): Jasmine Boone, Santonio Boone, Tara Montgomery, Tiara ITAWAMBA Wiljerrie Jamar Horn, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Ingrid Yvette Donelson, Pltf Atty(s): Louis P Chiozza Jr, Def(s): John Doe, Def LisaPONTOTOC Burks, Def Atty(s): LEEN/A, Motion Calendar, CH-11-2098 Jim Kyle, Part 2 Horn, Def Atty(s): Anne Johnson, Elizabeth W Fyke, Jeffrey Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-000044-17 COAHOMA SIH Family Acquisition LLC V Joseph Weinstein, JoeDae L Jenkins, Part 3 Lucas Sanderson, N/A, CH-18-1131 Jamie Alvine VS Brad Alvine, Pltf(s): Jamie Hatfield Alvine, Pltf(s): SIH Family Acquisition LLC, Pltf Atty(s): John J Heflin,MARION Pltf Atty(s): Jason R Ridenour, Leslie Gattas, Def(s): Brad Michael W. Aaron Hall Def(s): Joseph Weinstein, Def Atty(s): Sean Antone Hunt, Motion QUITMAN Calendar, CH-12-0782 Chancery Court's Current Calendar can be Alvine, Def Atty(s): Andrew Zachary Graham, Daniel Loyd Taylor, Interim Clerk & MasterYALOBUSHA John N Bean, Divorce, CT-000318-18 TALLAHATCHIE Tel: 222-3900 CALHOUN Toles Construction Co Inc V CaneMONROE Creek Missionary, viewed on Chancery Court's website at - Pltf(s): Toles Construction Co, Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Scott A Frick, Delane Reynolds VS Audra Reynolds, Pltf(s): Delane 140 Adams, Room 308 Def(s): Cane Creek Missionary Baptist Church Of Memphis, Cedric Reynolds, Pltf Atty(s): Bradley C Ball, Def(s): Audra Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. Ralph G Arnold, Bobby L Myers, Percy L Porter, Nathaniel Nelson, indexDC.xhtml Lee Reynolds, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT- Clarence Barbee, Lewis E Ward, Def Atty(s): John L Dolan, Motion 000869-17 Complaints & Petitions Calendar, CH-14-1117 Zurich American Ins VS Best Pallet Inc, Pltf(s): Zurich Mary Elizabeth Gentry V Jerry Lee Gentry III, Pltf(s): Shelby County American Insurance Company, Zurich American Insurance Com- Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Mary Elizabeth Gentry, Pltf Atty(s): G Coble Caperton, Mary L pany Of Illinois, Pltf Atty(s): Alan Kleiman, Def(s): Best Pallet Inc, Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number. Wagner, Warren P Campbell, Kelly Ann Peevyhouse, Def(s): Jerry Circuit Court Def Atty(s): Bo Luxman, Breach Of Contract, CT-001512-17 Builder Mutual Insurance Company V Griffin Homes, Lee Gentry, Def Atty(s): Gail R Sevier, Abigail D Hall, Motion Yolanda Toney VS Erik Woodard, Pltf(s): Yolanda Toney, Pltf(s): Builders Mutual Insurance Company, Pltf Atty(s): James Calendar, CH-14-1810 Pltf Atty(s): Robert Hardy Jr, Def(s): Erik Woodard, Def Atty(s): Stuart, Def(s): Griffin Home LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet/Enroll Silvia Pena Rivas V Rodolfo Nelson Benitez, Pltf(s): Judges Andrew H Williamson, Bradley W Eskins, Auto Accident, CT- Foreign Judgment, 9/4/2019, CH-19-1247 Silvia Pena Rivas, Pltf Atty(s): Juliet Hill Akines, John A Feild, 001806-18 Def(s): Rodolfo Nelson Benitez, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Cal- Felicia Corbin-Johnson, Div. 1 Michael Hunter VS Kevin Mitchell, Pltf(s): Michael Divorces endar, CH-17-0896 James F. Russell, Div. 2 Hunter, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Kevin Mitchell, National Lloyds Stephanie Fifer, V Seneca Specialty Insurance Co, Insurance Company, Def Atty(s): Joy Robertson, Keely N Wilson, Valerie L. Smith, Div. 3 Breach Of Contract, CT-002003-18 Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Pltf(s): Stephanie Fifer, Pltf Atty(s): Randall J Fishman, Joseph Gina C. Higgins, Div. 4 Attorneys, Filing Date, and Docket Number. B Baker, Def(s): Seneca Specialty Insurance Company, Vayudev Kasey Lee VS Bonefish Grill, LLC,Pltf(s): Kasey Lee, Pltf Inc DBA Delux, Def Atty(s): Parks T Chastain, Motion Calendar, Rhynette Hurd, Div. 5 Atty(s): Martin R Kriger, Def(s): Bonefish Grill LLC, Def Atty(s): Laura L Plawecki Byars V Mark E Byars, Pltf(s): Laura CH-17-1211 Jerry Stokes, Div. 6 Barret S Albritton, Martha C Burgett, Tort, CT-002770-18 Louise Byars, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Mark Edwards Byars, Def Atty(s): N/A, 9/4/2019, CH-19-1244 H Saga Intl Et Al V Mobil Cardiac Imaging Et Al, Pltf(s): Mary Wagner, Div. 7 Lauren Baird VS Matthew Mock, Pltf(s): Lauren Sutton H Saga International, Inc, Republic Medical Finance, Inc, Pltf Robert S. Weiss, Div. 8 Baird, Scott Kendall Baird, Pltf Atty(s): Joseph B Baker, Loys Atty(s): Steven N Douglass, John L Ryder, Pablo Adrian Varela, Yolanda R. Kight, Div. 9 A Jordan, Matthew R Macaw, Def(s): Matthew R Mock, Def Def(s): Mobile Cardiac Imaging, LLC, Colleen Payne, Ancillary Atty(s): Christopher M Sobczak, Russell B Jordan, Auto Ac- Calendar Healthcare Management, LLC, Def Atty(s): Carl Wyatt, Lewis W cident, CT-003150-16 Temiika Gipson Lyons, Motion Calendar, CH-18-0661 Greta Marshall VS Brian Marshall, Pltf(s): Greta Denise September 6, 2019 Clerk Sandra Ardis V Patrick Ardis, Pltf(s): Sandra Ardis, Pltf Marshall, Pltf Atty(s): G Coble Caperton, Joseph E Garrett, War- Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Zachary M Moore, Zachary M Tel: 222-3800 ren P Campbell, Def(s): Brian Lee Marshall, Def Atty(s): N/A, Attorneys, Case Type, and Docket Number. Moore, Def(s): Patrick Michael Ardis, Def Atty(s): Larry Rice, JD 140 Adams, Room 324 Divorce With Children, CT-003167-06 Barton, Faith Sanford, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1067 Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. Tracey Clifton VS David Clifton, Pltf(s): Tracey Ellen Psalms Inc V Rae A Savage, Pltf(s): Psalms Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Clifton, Pltf Atty(s): Lori R Holyfield, Def(s): David Sheffield Roger A Stone, Def(s): Rae Savage, Def Atty(s): Nicholas Tansey, Complaints & Petitions Clifton, Def Atty(s): Ronald W Harvey, Divorce With Children, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1530 CT-003172-15 Aly Diallo, Et Al V Baba Deme, Et Al, Pltf(s): Aly Diallo, Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their James Marotti VS Gwen Smith, Pltf(s): James Marotti, Pltf Abdoulaye Dia, Masjid At Taqwa, Pltf Atty(s): Beth Buchwald Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number. Atty(s): Andrew W McClelland Jr, Bradford J Spicer, Peter Byron Brooks, Def(s): Baba Deme, Abou Fall, Babacar Baussom, Def Brigette Mahmood VS Rehan Mahmood, Pltf(s): Brigette Gee, Def(s): Edwin Manker, Gwen Smith, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Atty(s): Larry A Weissman, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1615 Susanne Mahmood, Pltf Atty(s): Zachary M Moore, Def(s): Rehan Owens, Auto Accident, CT-003309-16 MHFY V Methodist Healthcare, Pltf(s): MHFY, LLC, Pltf Sajjad Mahmood, Def Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, 9/4/2019, Patricia Dodd VS Jimmie Dodd, Pltf(s): Patricia Ann Atty(s): Roger A Stone, Def(s): Methodist Healthcare, Def Atty(s): CT-3898-19 Dodd, Pltf Atty(s): Julie D Byrd Ashworth, Def(s): Jimmie S Joshua Kahane, Motion Calendar, CH-19-0314 Charles Hardaway VS Ashley Settles, Pltf(s): Charles Dodd, Def Atty(s): Larry E Fitzgerald, Divorce With Children, DEADLINE FOR SHELBY Caesar M Banks Et Al V Makarem Najib, Pltf(s): Caesar Hardaway, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Ashley Settles, Def Atty(s): CT-003635-16 Marcell Banks, Kym F Faull, Pltf Atty(s): Marti L Kaufman, N/A, Breach Of Contract, 9/4/2019, CT-3894-19 Jimi Johnson VS Melissa Johnson, Pltf(s): Jimi Brice COUNTY, TN COURT FILED Def(s): Makarem Najib, To God Be The Glory Ministry, Any Other Henderson Hutcherson McCul VS Shelly Perry, Pltf(s): Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): Shannon A Jones, Def(s): Melissa Sue Unknown Parties Claiming Interest In 3251 Old Getwell Rd, Def Henderson, Hutcherson, and McCullough, Pltf Atty(s): George Johnson, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-003840- NOTICES Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-19-0410 T Wheeler, Def(s): Shelly Perry, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of 17 Contract, 9/4/2019, CT-3909-19 Robert L Rhodes V Brett Patterson Et Al, Pltf(s): Robert Kevin Bean VS Alvin Williams, Pltf(s): Kevin Bean, Pltf Octavio Sanchez-Marin VS Sonia Ramos-Rodriguez, The deadline for publication of L Rhodes, Shuntell Hatch, Pltf Atty(s): Marti L Kaufman, Def(s): Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Alvin Williams, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Pltf(s): Octavio Sanchez-Marin, Pltf Atty(s): Wendy Nicole Vil- Brett Patterson, Charlene Christian, Any Unknown Heirs Of Scott Of Contract, 9/4/2019, CT-3896-19 lafana, Def(s): Soniia Marilu Ramos-Rodriguez, Def Atty(s): Chancery, Circuit and Probate Court Patterson, Any Unknown Heirs Of Carl D Patterson, Def Atty(s): Lil Cai VS Hanna Moore, Pltf(s): Lili Cai, Yu Cai, Kyle Cai, Katie Jeffrey Jones, Divorce With Children, CT-004335-17 notices is 3 business days prior to N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-19-0528 Cai, Pltf Atty(s): J Vance Montgomery, Def(s): Hanna Moore, Lawanda Burns VS Ebony Wilkerson, Pltf(s): Alexus Madison Hastings V Charles Hastings, Pltf(s): Madi- Russell Moore, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 9/4/2019, Burns, Lawanda Burns, Pltf Atty(s): Louis P Chiozza Jr, Def(s): publication. son Nicole Hastings, Pltf Atty(s): Autumn B Chastain, Def(s): CT-3902-19 Christoper Page, Ebony Wilkerson, Ernestine Page, Def Atty(s): Charles Andrew Hastings, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, Marcellus Fields VS Richard Mabon Sr, Pltf(s): Marcellus Alex C Elder, H Lynne Smith, Lawrence W White, Auto Accident, For example, if the notice is filed CH-19-0700 Fields, Pltf Atty(s): Derek Fairchilds, Def(s): Richard Mabon, CT-004353-18 on a Friday, it can begin publication Psalms Inc V Pete Scarmoutsos, Pltf(s): Psalms Inc, Cn Transportation Limited, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, Lakesha Brooks VS Jason Brooks, Pltf(s): Lakesha Brooks, Pltf Atty(s): Roger A Stone, Def(s): Pete Scarmoutsos, The 9/4/2019, CT-3899-19 Pltf Atty(s): Iclem Jaber, Def(s): Jason Brooks, Def Atty(s): N/A, Wednesday; if the notice is filed Conservatorship Of James R Smith Sr, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Margarette Bland VS Purple Haze LLC, Pltf(s): Margarette Divorce With Children, CT-004528-18 Bland, Pltf Atty(s): Steven Marshall, Howard B Manis, Def(s): Calendar, CH-19-0725 Marilyn Perry VS All State Insurance Company, Pltf(s): on a Monday, publication can begin Purple Haze, LLC, Johns and Janes Doe, Def Atty(s): N/A, Anise Clark V Derrick V Stamps, Pltf(s): Anise Clark, Marilyn Perry, Pltf Atty(s): Anidra Jenene Lomax, Craig Barnes, Personal Injury, 9/4/2019, CT-3907-19 Pltf Atty(s): Kerry Krauch, Def(s): Derrick Vashun Stamps, Def Def(s): Allstate Insurance Company, Def Atty(s): H Chase Pitt- Thursday. Renew Riverview VS Corrine Jones, Pltf(s): Renew Riv- Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-19-0832 man, R Layne Holley, Breach Of Contract, CT-004831-16 **PLEASE INCLUDE CONTACT erview, Pltf Atty(s): S Joshua Kahane, Def(s): Corrine Jones, Balfour Beatty V Edwards Steel Solutions, Et Al, Def Atty(s): Dewun R Settle, Breach Of Contract, 9/4/2019, Jaquanna Henderson VS City Of Memphis TN, Pltf(s): INFORMATION ON YOUR Pltf(s): Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Jack R CT-3895-19 Jaquanna Henderson, Pltf Atty(s): Henry E Reaves, James Dodson, Def(s): Edwards Steel Solutions, LLC, 3938 Runway Rubin Williams VS Methodist Healthcare Memphis, Robert Davis, Jennifer H Collins, Def(s): Memphis Area Transit NOTICE, telephone number or Road LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-19-1191 Pltf(s): Rubin Williams, Mary Williams, Pltf Atty(s): Les Jones, Authority, Mid-South Transportation Management, Inc, Def email. This information will NOT be 10:00 AM Charles Silvestri Higgins, Def(s): Methodist Healthcare Mem- Atty(s): Scott L Kirkpatrick III, Auto Accident, CT-004940-18 P Landon Whittington V Gary E Kennedy, Pltf(s): Paul phis Hospital, Def Atty(s): N/A, Healthcare Liability, 9/4/2019, Tamika Saulsberry VS Equus Capital, Pltf(s): N/A, Pltf published.** Landon Whittington, Pltf Atty(s): Matthew P Gabriel, Jacob CT-3908-19 Atty(s): J Bennett Fox, Def(s): N/A, Def Atty(s): N/A, Minor Brown, Def(s): Gary E Kennedy, Def Atty(s): Bruce S Kramer, Steven Smith VS Pearline Wheeler, Pltf(s): Steven Smith, Settlement, CT-005063-18 Elaine Sheng, Shea S Wellford, Motion Calendar, CH-15-0345 Pltf Atty(s): Stephen R Leffler, Def(s): Pearline Wheeler, Def Justin Carter VS Myra Clark, Pltf(s): Justin Carter, Pltf

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Law & Government

Atty(s): Julian T Bolton, Def(s): Anthony Clark, Myra L Clark, Johnson, Wrongful Death, CT-004665-18 State Farm Fire and Casualty Co VS Keatris Austin, Martha Ford VS Ian Gaillard, Pltf(s): James Milton Ford, Def Atty(s): Effie V Cozart, Thomas P Cassidy, Auto Accident, Jonah Anders VS Mayla Anders, Pltf(s): Jonah Paul Pltf(s): State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, Pltf Atty(s): Martha Sandra Ford, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas J Long, Def(s): Bernie CT-005151-15 Anders, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Mayla Casacop Ander, Def Matthew L Fink, Def(s): Keatris Austin, Def Atty(s): J Vincent Clemons, Ian T Gaillard, Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare, Maurice King VS Rufus Roebuck, Pltf(s): Mansour El- Atty(s): Jonathan Stokes, Richard Glassman, Theresa H Pat- Perryman, Breach Of Contract, CT-000693-18 Primary Care Group LLC, Def Atty(s): Jill M Steinberg, Mason Amin, Maurice King, Pltf Atty(s): Austin Louis Alders, Brittany terson, Divorce With Children, CT-005367-14 April Taylor VS Nicholas Taylor, Pltf(s): April Taylor, Pltf W Wilson, Mitchell Ashkenaz, Stephen W Vescovo, Healthcare Liability, CT-000356-18 Neal, Eric J Lewellyn, Def(s): Magness Oil Company, Rufus Empl Mutual Co VS Domingo Aceytuno-Espinoza, Atty(s): Vickie Hardy Jones, Def(s): Nicholas Taylor, Def Atty(s): Roebuck, Def Atty(s): Earl W Houston, Garth Carson, Auto Ac- Pltf(s): Employers Mutual Casualty Co, Pltf Atty(s): Michael J Eiko Harris, Divorce With Children, CT-001322-18 Progressive Casualty VS Latischia Boyd, Pltf(s): Leslie cident, CT-005472-18 Stanuszek, Def(s): Domingo Acceytuno-Espinoza, Def Atty(s): Marsha Pointer VS Marie Lomax, Pltf(s): Marsha Pointer, Graves, Progressive Casualty Insurance Company, Pltf Atty(s): Monica Bowman VS Jonathan Sistrunk, Pltf(s): Monica N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-0514-19 Pltf Atty(s): Austin Louis Alders, Def(s): Marie Lomax, Def Matthew L Fink, Def(s): Latishcha Boyd, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-0011-19 Bowman, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Jonathan Sistrunk, Zhydarious Smith VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Zhydarious Smith, Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Def Atty(s): Eiko Harris, Divorce, CT-005545-18 Pltf Atty(s): James B Stephens, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): Auto Accident, CT-003958-18 Brenda Cobb VS James Skefos, Pltf(s): Adrian Ueal, Memphis Folding Stairs VS Estate Of Dwight Henry, Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Auto Efteker Ahmed VS Brandon Malloy, Pltf(s): Efteker Adrianne V Cobb, Brenda F Cobb, Pltf Atty(s): Charles Wesley Pltf(s): Memphis Folding Stairs, Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas D Yea- Accident, CT-0980-19 Ahmed, TA Ahmed, Pltf Atty(s): Jennifer L Miller, Def(s): Brandon Fowler, Jennifer Sutch, Scott D Delius, Def(s): Bel-Air Properties glin, Def(s): Estate Of Dwight Douglas Henry, Linda C Rogers, Def Thomas Malloy, Joshua T Malloy, Sahera Saavedra, Def Atty(s): Inc, Club 296, Louis Carter, Louis Cole, Maurico Brown, Memphis Caterra Anderson VS Lorenzo Bates, Pltf(s): Caterra Rehearsal Complex, One Sound Studio, Def Atty(s): Michael H Atty(s): John R Candy, Breach Of Contract, CT-005653-18 Anderson, Pltf Atty(s): James Robert Davis, Jennifer H Collins, Brian Chadwick Rickman, Jennifer Sutch, John P Wade, Auto Accident, CT-004707-15 Johnson, Stephen Toof Brown III, Steven W Keyt, Wrongful Bonnie Burgette VS Joshua McNinch, Pltf(s): Bonnie Def(s): Lisa T Adams, Lorenzo D Bates, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Death, CT-002900-11 Burgette, Pltf Atty(s): Jada L Brisentine, Tim J Thompson, Def(s): Owens, Auto Accident, CT-1919-19 Kenneth Briggs VS Party Concepts Inc, Pltf(s): Ken- Kortlund Robinson VS Mujahid Muhammad, Pltf(s): Joshua McNinch, Def Atty(s): Bailey L Walden, Bradford D Box, Div 5 neth L Briggs, Pltf Atty(s): Juan T Williams, Matthew David Auto Accident, CT-0140-19 Stombaugh, Def(s): Larry D Epps, Party Concepts, Inc, Def Kortlund J Robinson, Pltf Atty(s): William Hackett, Def(s): Glenda 9:00 AM Hillie, M Matthew Thornton, Administrator, Mujahid J Muham- Kenneth Southerland VS Gwendolyn Southerland, Atty(s): David Darnell, Tracy A Overstreet, Auto Accident, Ashley Vaughn VS Kenny York Sr, Pltf(s): Ashley Vaughn, CT-004783-18 mad, Def Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Pltf(s): Kenneth Ray Southerland, Pltf Atty(s): Rachel L Lambert, Spragins, Auto Accident, CT-005674-18 Def(s): Gwendolyn Diane Millender Southerland, Def Atty(s): J Pltf Atty(s): Psonya Hackett, Def(s): Kenny R York, Def Atty(s): Katherine Lewis VS Methodist Healthcare Mphs Steven Anderson, Divorce, CT-0167-19 N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-002720-13 Hosp, Pltf(s): Betty Lewis, Katherine Lewis, Pltf Atty(s): J Denise Ransom VS Jason Ransom, Pltf(s): Denise Anjelica Mary Lowrance VS Baptist Memorial Hospital, Pltf(s): Mark Benfield, Madison C Patey, Def(s): Methodist Healthcare- Ransom, Pltf Atty(s): Urura W Mayers, Def(s): Jason Adam Ran- Kenneth Hayes VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Kenneth Hayes, som, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-1230-19 Pltf Atty(s): James B Stephens, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): David Lowrance, Mary Lowrance, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas R Greer, Memphis Hospitals, Def Atty(s): Buckner Wellford, Heather Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Auto Def(s): Baptist Memorial Hospital, Clifford Posman, DHP Of Cubine Colturi, Jennie Vee Silk, Marcy D Magee, Natalie Bursi, Kimberlynn Alexander VS Anthony Alexander II, Accident, CT-0979-19 Tennessee PC, Jim Hudson, Kera L Bergeron, Def Atty(s): Healthcare Liability, CT-005106-17 Pltf(s): Kimberlynn Michelle Alexander, Pltf Atty(s): Kim G Sims, Barrett Frederick, Emily L Huseth, James T McColgan III, Jef- Def(s): Anthony K Alexander, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Erskine Russell VS Brucene Harrison, Pltf(s): Erskine Pamela Arata VS William Arata, Pltf(s): Pamela Tracy- frey L Griffin, Joseph Stuart Miller, Kevin Baskette, Healthcare Crudup Arata, Pltf Atty(s): Aubrey L Brown, William L Bomar, Children, CT-2588-19 Russell, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Brucene Harrison, Def Atty(s): Liability, CT-002950-18 Kevin A Snider, Breach Of Contract, CT-1000-19 Def(s): Elizabeth J Arata, William M Arata, William R Arata, Stellar Property Mgmt VS Christopher Kennedy, Catherine Wiener VS Bailey Wiener Jr, Pltf(s): Catherine William Scott Arata, Def Atty(s): Ivan D Harris, John D Horne, Pltf(s): Stellar Property Management, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Reginald Walker VS Fannie Lamar, Pltf(s): Reginald L Eleazer Wiener, Pltf Atty(s): Amy H Cannon, Rebecca A Bobo, Divorce, CT-0883-19 Whitlock, Jason Michael Goldstein, Def(s): Christopher Ken- Walker, Pltf Atty(s): Jerome C Payne, Def(s): Fannie C Lamar, Def Def(s): Bailey Lee Wiener, Def Atty(s): Lara E Butler, Divorce nedy, Stefeni Kennedy, Def Atty(s): Jacob Brown, Breach Of Atty(s): Darryl D Gresham, Auto Accident, CT-1311-19 Darlisa Wooten VS Jeffrey Wooten, Pltf(s): Darlisa L With Children, CT-003022-16 Wooten, Pltf Atty(s): Cornelius K Bostick, Princess Woodard, Contract, CT-3775-19 Christopher Donahoo VS Terah Donahoo, Pltf(s): Pearline Parker VS Memphis Light Gas and Water, Def(s): Jeffrey Ray Wooten, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT- 10:00 AM Christopher Donahoo, Pltf Atty(s): Melinda P Jewell, Def(s): Pltf(s): Pearline Parker, Pltf Atty(s): James E Blount IV, Shannon 1315-19 William Lucas VS Suzanne Lucas, Pltf(s): William Anthony Terah Donahoo, Def Atty(s): Kirkland Bible, Mitchell D Moskovitz, D Elsea, Def(s): Memphis Light, Gas and Water, Def Atty(s): Divorce, CT-1538-19 Camille Black VS Taylor Antonsen, Pltf(s): Camille Black, Lucas, Pltf Atty(s): Charles E Rich, Def(s): Suzanne Alexandria Austin Taylor Rainey, Chris Patterson, Lang Wiseman, Will Pat- Pltf Atty(s): Brittany M Smith, Def(s): Maryam M Mula Khel, Lucas, Def Atty(s): Claire D Reno, Divorce With Children, CT- B And L Trailer Sales Serv VS Kristen Jackson, Pltf(s): terson, Personal Injury, CT-003996-18 Taylor G Antonsen, Def Atty(s): Christopher M Sobczak, Auto 000185-13 B and L Trailer Sales and Service Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Brent R Laman, Kate Thakkar VS Pravin Thakkar Jr, Pltf(s): Kate Cannon Accident, CT-2063-19 Nicole Finley VS Christine Gibbs, Pltf(s): Nicole Finley, Pltf Kristi M Pickens, Ryan C Edens, Def(s): Kristen F Jackson, Def Thakkar, Pltf Atty(s): Kirkland Bible, Mitchell D Moskovitz, Def(s): Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-1629-19 Property Solution Group VS Dareous Smith, Pltf(s): Atty(s): Bill M Wade, Jared W Eastlack, Def(s): Christine Other Pravin Chandara J Thakkar, Def Atty(s): Leslie Gattas, Timothy Property Solutions Group LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Bruce L Feldbaum, Mother's Child Care, Ernest Gibbs, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Core-Mark Distributors VS Lutfi Ahmed,Pltf(s): Core- M Ginski, Divorce With Children, CT-0760-19 Def(s): Dareous Smith, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, Injury, CT-001609-18 Mark Distributors Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Michelle Strocher Crawford, Julie Martin VS FedEx Corporate Serv, Pltf(s): Julie CT-3522-19 Def(s): Linda King, Lutfi Ahmed, Ziad Ozrail, Def Atty(s): N/A, Jacqueline Thomas VS Chadwick Thomas, Pltf(s): Martin, Pltf Atty(s): Alan G Crone, Bailey Hill, Laura Ann Bailey, 10:00 AM Jacqueline Reeves Thomas, Pltf Atty(s): Joshua A Wallis, Lucie Breach Of Contract, CT-1755-19 Def(s): FedEx Corporate Services, Def Atty(s): Joseph B Reaf- Alexandria Maclin Pelly VS Cameron Pelly, Pltf(s): K Brackin, Def(s): Chadwick Keith Thomas, Def Atty(s): R Linley Jacobus Energy VS Impact Express LLC, Pltf(s): snyder, Miscellaneous, CT-0938-19 Richter Jr, Divorce, CT-0411-19 Jacobus Energy Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Henry Talbot, Robert F Miller, Alexandria Christine Maclin-Pelly, Pltf Atty(s): Kimberly Avery- Leroy Mitchell VS Deja Renfroe, Pltf(s): Ernest McBrien, Patterson, Def(s): Cameron Pelly, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Lashuanna Couch VS Lorenzo Couch, Pltf(s): Lashuanna Def(s): Impact Express LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce Joseph Powell, Leroy Mitchell, Pltf Atty(s): Jason J Yasinsky, For Jdgmnt, CT-2359-19 Children, CT-000288-18 Nyesha Couch, Pltf Atty(s): Beth Brooks, Def(s): Lorenzo Lewis Def(s): Deja Renfroe, Robert Renfroe, Def Atty(s): Christopher Couch, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-1474-19 Memphis Housing Authority VS Stephanie Vester, M Sobczak, Auto Accident, CT-1378-19 Lisa Hoover VS Roger Hoover, Pltf(s): Lisa Diane Hoover, Pltf(s): Memphis Housing Authority, Pltf Atty(s): Barbara Pltf Atty(s): Bradley C Ball, J Vincent Perryman, Def(s): Roger Lee Div 9 Anthony Walker VS Rivertrail Crossing, Pltf(s): Anthony Hoover, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-000325-10 Deans, Def(s): Stephanie Vester, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Walker, Dana Davis, Pltf Atty(s): Jefferson D Gilder, Def(s): Keith 9:00 AM Contract, CT-2435-19 S Collins Company, LLC, Patrick Nelius, Rivertrail Crossing Hom- Pamela Arata VS William Arata, Pltf(s): Pamela Tracy- Joseph Facello VS Luis Hernandez, Pltf(s): Joseph Dennis Jones Sr VS Kim Murrell, Pltf(s): Dennis Ray eowner's Association, Inc, Def Atty(s): Christopher L Vescovo, Crudup Arata, Pltf Atty(s): Aubrey L Brown, William L Bomar, Facello, Pltf Atty(s): Linda L Holmes, Def(s): Doushana L Smith, Jones, Pltf Atty(s): Julie D Byrd Ashworth, Def(s): Kim Yvette Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Justin Def(s): Elizabeth J Arata, William M Arata, William R Arata, El Toro Loco, Luis Hernandez, Def Atty(s): Jon Tidwell, Richard Murrell, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-2465-19 N Joy, Nicholas J Owens, Personal Injury, CT-1718-19 William Scott Arata, Def Atty(s): Ivan D Harris, John D Horne, Sorin, Personal Injury, CT-000156-18 Divorce, CT-0883-19 Billy Washington VS Cassandra Burnett, Pltf(s): Progressive Hawaii Ins Co VS Shawon Gibson, Pltf(s): B:7.875”Paychex Inc VS 901 Transport LLC, Pltf(s): Paychex Inc, Billy Mareano Washington, Pltf Atty(s): Julie D Byrd Ashworth, Progressive Hawaii Insurance Corporation-Oich, Pltf Atty(s): Div 8 Pltf Atty(s): Paul I Mendelson, Def(s): 901 Transport LLC, Willie T:7.875” Def(s): Cassandra Faye Burnett, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, Matthew L Fink, Def(s): Shawon D Gibson, Def Atty(s): N/A, 9:00 AM Continued on page 6 CT-2549-19 Breach Of Contract, CT-1735-19 S:7.375” Tara O'Quinn VS Loyalty Investments LLC, Pltf(s): Tara Stephanie Wright VS Micheal Wright II, Pltf(s): O'Quinn, Pltf Atty(s): Robin Eugene Warren, Def(s): Loyalty Stephanie Wright, Pltf Atty(s): Lori R Holyfield, Def(s): Micheal Investments, LLC, Def Atty(s): Kenneth M Margolis, Breach Of Neil Wright, Def Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Divorce With Children, Contract, CT-2668-19 CT-2310-19 Dennis Bishop VS Linda McFarlane, Pltf(s): Dennis Div 6 Bishop, Pltf Atty(s): Shannon D Elsea, Def(s): Allan F McFar- 8:45 AM lane, Linda F McFarlane, Def Atty(s): Shaterra L Reed, Auto Accident, CT-2711-19 Kristopher McMickens VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Kristopher McMickens, Pltf Atty(s): Daryl Andre Gray, Def(s): Estate Of St Paul Fire and Marine Insur Co VS Serpro Inc, Pltf(s): Alfred G Farmer, John Doe, Def Atty(s): Craig J Lazarov, Russell St Paul Fire and Main Insurance Co Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Aubrey B C Rutledge, Auto Accident, CT-002948-17 Greer, Def(s): Serpro, Inc, Def Atty(s): Lee L Piovarcy, Samuel M Fargotstein, Breach Of Contract, CT-2743-19 Carl Allen VS Shelby County, Pltf(s): Carl Allen, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Shelby County, Def Atty(s): Sanjeev Memula, 10:00 AM Miscellaneous, CT-2197-19 Kimbrell Brewer VS Kevin Brewer, Pltf(s): Kimbrell (Kim) 9:00 AM Brewer, Pltf Atty(s): Jasen Durrence, Leslie Gattas, Sheree L Hoffman, Def(s): Kevin M Brewer, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Mary Scott VS Ryan Adams, Pltf(s): Henry Anderson, Mary Children, CT-003132-03 L Scott, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Ryan C Adams, Def Atty(s): Melanie M Stewart, Auto Accident, CT-000898-18 Kimberly Hennessy VS Leo Hennessy, Pltf(s): Kimberly Anne Hennessy, Pltf Atty(s): G Hite McLean, Valorie H Smith, Kathy Rhodes VS Leon De Armond II, Pltf(s): Kathy Fay Def(s): Leo Vincent Hennessy, Def Atty(s): Elizabeth Wafula, Rhodes, Pltf Atty(s): Joseph S Ozment, Def(s): Leon Vessier De James B Fisher, Rachel L Lambert, Divorce With Children, Armond, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-002378-17 CT-003420-11 Evelyn Frison-Townsel VS Century Management LLC, Jason Piyavunno VS Trinity Piyvavunno, Pltf(s): Jason Pltf(s): Evelyn Frison-Townsel, Pltf Atty(s): Bradford J Spicer, Patrick Piyavunno, Pltf Atty(s): Rachel L Lambert, Def(s): Trinity Jennifer L Miller, Kristen J Downey, Def(s): Century Manage- Leighton Reed Piyavunno, Def Atty(s): Jenna Hoffman McDon- ment, LLC DBA McDonalds Resturant, Tchulahoma Enterprise ald, Sheree L Hoffman, Divorce With Children, CT-003979-16 DBA McDonalds Resturant, Def Atty(s): David Weatherman, M Dean Norris, Stephen Toof Brown III, Personal Injury, Mitzi Anderson-Batts VS Jerrod Batts, Pltf(s): Mitzi B:10.5” CT-002866-18 T:10.5” Anne Anderson-Batts, Pltf Atty(s): Melissa C Berry, Stephanie S:10” Bada Romo, William Alton Young, Def(s): Jerrod Allen Batts, Def Ronnie Anderson VS FedEx Ground Package Inc, Atty(s): J Steven Anderson, Kevin G Patterson, R Linley Richter Pltf(s): Henrietta Anderson, Ronnie Anderson, Pltf Atty(s): Ste- Jr, Ryan C Smith, Divorce With Children, CT-005027-13 phen F Libby, Def(s): FedEx Ground Package Inc, Sammy Ballard, Def Atty(s): Thomas P Cassidy, Auto Accident, CT-0145-19 Brenda Bridges VS Calvin Bridges, Pltf(s): Brenda Kaye Bridges, Pltf Atty(s): Katherine Beasley Anderson, Def(s): Yasser Sharhan VS Angela McIntyre, Pltf(s): Amar Calvin Lee Bridges, Def Atty(s): Michael Mitchell, Divorce, Sharhan, Amr Sharhan, Oqbah Sharhan, Yasser Sharhan, Yussra CT-005128-18 Sharhan, Pltf Atty(s): James W Curry, Def(s): Angela McIntyre, Dss Trust, Durham School Services, Def Atty(s): Andre B Mathis, Daniel Riffey VS Stephanie Riffey, Pltf(s): Daniel Riffey, John I Houseal, Auto Accident, CT-2009-19 Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Stephanie Riffey, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-005206-18 Stephanie Bailey VS Tressa Ogles, Pltf(s): Brice A Bailey, Stephanie D Bailey, Pltf Atty(s): Bruce S Kramer, Jacob Brown, Christopher Donahoo VS Terah Donahoo, Pltf(s): Janelle A Crandall, William B Ryan, Def(s): Tressa E Ogles, Christopher Donahoo, Pltf Atty(s): Melinda P Jewell, Def(s): William M Ogles, Def Atty(s): Aubrey B Greer, Ross E Webster, Terah Donahoo, Def Atty(s): Kirkland Bible, Mitchell D Moskovitz, Tort, CT-2341-19 Divorce, CT-1538-19 Warren Berg VS Birtha Berg, Pltf(s): Warren Berg, Pltf Div 4 Atty(s): Jeremy A Davis, Def(s): Birtha Berg, Def Atty(s): N/A, 9:00 AM Divorce, CT-3312-19 Brian Dietz VS Cortney Allen, Pltf(s): Brian Dietz, Pltf 10:00 AM Atty(s): Allen Gressett, Def(s): Cortney M Allen, Def Atty(s): Francisco Sanchez VS Arthur Perry III, Pltf(s): Francisco Bradford D Box, Darryl D Gresham, Jessica Benton, W Chris- Sanchez, Pltf Atty(s): John A Feild, Def(s): Arthur Perry, Def topher Frulla, Auto Accident, CT-002684-18 Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, CT-1883-19 Christie Cunningham VS Patsy Ervin, Pltf(s): Christie 11:00 AM Cunningham, Pltf Atty(s): Timothy Joel Williams, W Ray Glasgow, Def(s): Patsy J Ervin, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Auto Ac- BJ Wade VS Ex Parte, Appeal, Pltf(s): BJ Wade, Pltf Atty(s): cident, CT-004533-17 Marti L Kaufman, Roger A Maness, Def(s): Ex Parte, Def Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, CT-000116-18 Hannah Bleavins VS City Of Memphis, Tennessee, Pltf(s): Baromiano Perez Hernandez, Hannah Bleavins, Pltf Div 7 Atty(s): Aaron Neglia, Murray B Wells, Def(s): City Of Memphis, 9:00 AM John Doe 1-20, Michael W Rallings, Def Atty(s): Florence M

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Law & Government

Circuit Court Fitzgerald, Pltf Atty(s): Michael G Derrick, Def(s): Bailey Ed- Administrations Ptr(1): Charlotte R Johnson, 1753 Liverpool Drive #1, 38116, wards, David Edwards, Def Atty(s): Sam R Marney III, Auto Atty: Michael J Baloga, 019-26980 Continued from page 5 Accident, CT-1228-19 Shown here: Subject and Docket Number. Ptr(1): Lakesha L Reed, 345 Charles E Blake #102, 38126, Atty: Trexis Ins Corp VS Jose Ortega Barrera, Pltf(s): Trexis Michael J Baloga, 019-26981 Haynes, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-002006-18 Administrator was appointed for the estate of Tom Ervin Jr with Ptr(1): Kenneth Jones, 1810 Black Bear Circle West, 38016, Atty: Insurance Company, Pltf Atty(s): Harry W Lebair, Def(s): Ean bond, PR014829 Donna Scott VS CWI Hotel LLC, Pltf(s): Darrell L Castle, Ptr(2): Sharon J Jones, 1810 Black Bear Circle Holdings, LLC, Jose A Ortega Barrera, Kelly J Brroks, Maria Administrator was appointed for the estate of Jimmy Sherlock Donna Scott, Pltf Atty(s): Kristen J Downey, Def(s): CWI Beale West, 38016, Atty: Darrell L Castle, 019-26982 Romero De Ortega, Miguel Romero, Suntrust Bank, Def Atty(s): with bond, PR014833 Street Hotel, LLC DBA Hampton Inn, Def Atty(s): Effie V Cozart, Ptr(1): Deborah D Gardner, 1583 Bridgewater Rd, 38018, Atty: Carl Wyatt, Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spra- Administrator was appointed for the estate of Ashlyn Whitmore Personal Injury, CT-002364-18 gins, J Patrick Kilgore, Breach Of Contract, CT-2085-19 Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-26983 with bond, PR014834 Ptr(1): April L Gilmore, 1743 Singing Trees Drive Apt 4, 38116, Lakeya Jordan VS Zachery Doty, Pltf(s): Lakeya Jordan, Gregory Shears VS Hattie Shears, Pltf(s): Gregory Lester Administrator was appointed for the estate of Sylvia Denise Tapp Atty: Gene Bell, 019-26986 Pltf Atty(s): Brittany Neal, Def(s): Jeffrey Stafford, Zachery O Shears, Pltf Atty(s): Stuart B Breakstone, Def(s): Hattie Phine with bond, PR014837 Ptr(1): Ieasha Davis, 2335 Pendelton St #K-54, 38114, Atty: Doty, Def Atty(s): Brian Chadwick Rickman, Jennifer Sutch, Auto Shears, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-2292-19 Administrator was appointed for the estate of Elizabeth J Young Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-26987 Accident, CT-002596-17 Nancy Barry VS Warren Barry Jr, Pltf(s): Nancy Kennedy with bond, PR014838 Ptr(1): Amber M Ragland, 5435 Hudgins Rd Apt #3, 38116, Atty: Shauna Cooke VS Peter Cooke, Pltf(s): Shauna Michelle Barry, Pltf Atty(s): David C Garrett, Leslie Gattas, Def(s): Warren Herbert D Hurst, 019-26989 Cooke, Pltf Atty(s): Leigh Taylor White, Megan Warden, Taylor Hood Barry, Def Atty(s): Daniel Loyd Taylor, John N Bean, Divorce Wills Ptr(1): Regina B Perkins, 3327 Macon Rd, 38122, Atty: Ben G R Oyaas, Def(s): Peter Loren Cooke, Def Atty(s): Anne B With Children, CT-3135-19 Sissman, 019-26990 Davis, Anne Hamer, Jeffrey Jones, Divorce With Children, 10:00 AM Shown here: Estate Name, Attorney, and Docket Number. Ptr(1): David J Lee, 1420 Austin St, 38108, Atty: BD Sweeney, CT-002806-18 019-26991 Tiffany Sutton VS Philip Sutton, Pltf(s): Tiffany Lynn Petition filed for the will ofCharlotte R Halicki to Probate. Atty: Ptr(1): Lequetta A Marable, 6873 Waterview Circle, 38119, Atty: Steven Santore VS Karloss Stevenson, Pltf(s): Stephanie Sutton, Pltf Atty(s): Lara E Butler, Def(s): Philip Chase Sut- Jones, Lindsay A, PR014832 Jimmy E McElroy, 019-26992 Santore, Steven J Santore, Pltf Atty(s): Glenn K Vines, Mark N ton, Def Atty(s): Dennis J Sossaman, Divorce With Children, Petition filed for the will ofClaribelle H Weaver to Probate. Atty: Ptr(1): Latoya B McKinney, 420 S Lauderdale St #102, 38126, Geller, Russell D Marlin, Def(s): Averitt Express Inc, Cordova CT-003012-13 McCleskey, Steven H, PR014830 Atty: Joseph S Ozment, 019-26993 Concrete, Inc, George EB Gaertner, John Doe, Karloss Ste- Petition filed for the will ofJoe Max Davis to Probate. Atty: Tual, venson, Def Atty(s): Andre B Mathis, Brandon Pettes, John I Kenny Medlin VS Jennifer Rezba, Pltf(s): Kenny Ray Ptr(1): Detris Hunter, 8818 Cattail Cove, 38671, Atty: James A Medlin, Pltf Atty(s): Ivan D Harris, Def(s): Jennifer Ann Rezba, Blanchard E, PR014835 Cohen, 019-26994 Houseal, Martin Zummach, Richard J Myers, Thomas F Preston, Petition filed for the will ofQC Wyrick Jr to Probate. Atty: Campbell, Auto Accident, CT-002966-14 Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-2982-19 Ptr(1): Jovan B Douglas, PO Box 902290, 38190, Atty: Thomas Warren P, PR014836 C Fila, 019-26995 Sindy Davis VS Joseph Reinagel, Pltf(s): Sindy Davis, Pltf Nancy Barry VS Warren Barry Jr, Pltf(s): Nancy Barry, Ptr(1): Marquez Jones, 3266 Cosmic Circle Apt 5, 38115, Atty: Atty(s): Daryl Andre Gray, Def(s): Joseph Reinagel, Kari Keuter, Pltf Atty(s): Leslie Gattas, Def(s): Warren Barry, Def Atty(s): Thomas C Fila, 019-26996 Def Atty(s): Nicholas J Owens, Auto Accident, CT-003148-18 Daniel Loyd Taylor, John N Bean, Transfer From Shelby Co, US District Court CT-3307-19 Ptr(1): Koya R Valentine, 2835 Treasure Island W, 38115, Atty: Benny Evans Jr VS Angel Evans, Pltf(s): Benny Ray Evans, Jimmy E McElroy, 019-26998 Pltf Atty(s): R Miles Mason, Def(s): Angel Latrice Evans, Def Ptr(1): Shideh Moktari, 2885 Elm Ridge Cove, 38138, Atty: Steven Atty(s): Psonya Hackett, Divorce With Children, CT-003786-18 Circuit Court's Current Calendar can be viewed Judges & Magistrates F Bilsky, 019-26999 Morgan Expose VS Party City Corp, Pltf(s): Morgan on Circuit Court's website at - Ptr(1): Robert C Coats, 1968 Carver Avenue #2, 38114, Atty: Expose, Pltf Atty(s): Bradford J Spicer, Jennifer L Miller, Def(s): S. Thomas Anderson, Chief Judge Michael J Baloga, 019-27000 Party City Corporation, Def Atty(s): Jeffrey K Moore, Tracy A John T. Fowlkes, Jr., District Judge Ptr(1): Dorothy Hayes, 3793 Blue Jay, 38116, Atty: James A Overstreet, Personal Injury, CT-003908-18 indexDC.xhtml Sheryl H. Lipman, District Judge Cohen, 019-27003 Earl Gray VS Pamela Kinney, Pltf(s): Earl Stanley Gray, Ptr(1): Dewayne E Holloway, 2493 Vandale Ave, 38108, Atty: Thomas L. Parker, District Judge Michael J Baloga, 019-27004 Robin Ginnell Gray, Pltf Atty(s): Van Davis Turner Jr, Def(s): Mark S. Norris, District Judge Pamela K Kinney, Def Atty(s): Gary H Nichols, Auto Accident, Shelby County Ptr(1): Allegra S Black-Thomas, 242 Cochran St #C, 38105, CT-005186-18 James D. Todd, Senior District Judge Atty: Jimmy E McElroy, 019-27005 Probate Court Jon P. McCalla, Senior District Judge Ptr(1): Susan I Reynolds, 4015 McWeeny Ave, 38128, Atty: Jimmy Girthie Lynch VS Clara Webb, Pltf(s): Girthie Lynch, Pltf E McElroy, 019-27007 Atty(s): Andrew W McClelland Jr, William Hackett, Def(s): Billy Samuel H. Mays, Jr., Senior District Judge Ptr(1): Tanika Bond, 4336 Bow Street, 38109, Atty: Thomas C Webb, Clara Webb, Def Atty(s): Bradford J Spicer, Lawrence W J. Daniel Breen, Senior District Judge Fila, 019-27008 White, Personal Injury, CT-005610-18 Judges Diane K. Vescovo, Chief U.S. Magistrate Judge Ptr(1): Annie B Moody, 5496 Emerald Hill Dr, 38115, Atty: Jimmy Melissa Corbett VS Danny Joyner, Pltf(s): Melissa Faye Tu M. Pham, U.S. Magistrate Judge E McElroy, 019-27009 Corbett, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Danny Dewayne Kathleen N. Gomes, Judge, 222-3761 Ptr(1): Tonya R Atanasson, 1407 Lapoloma #3, 38114, Atty: Charmiane G. Claxton, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joyner, Def Atty(s): Jonathan W Davis, Divorce, CT-0210-19 Karen D. Webster, Judge, 222-3767 Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-27010 Undra Hayes VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Undra Hayes, Pltf Jon A. York, U.S. Magistrate Judge Ptr(1): Tonia L Lane, 263 E Butler Ave Apt 417, 38126, Atty: Joseph Atty(s): James B Stephens, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): Bill Morrison, Clerk D Fox, 019-27011 Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Auto Tel. 222-3768 Thomas M. Gould, Clerk Ptr(1): Christopher Jones Sr, 1152 W Raines Road, 38109, Atty: Accident, CT-0978-19 Tel. 495-1200 Michael J Baloga, 019-27012 140 Adams, Room 124 Ptr(1): Carlos J Jefferson, 6323 Shelby Briar Drive Apt 201, 38134, Hunter Fitzgerald VS David Edwards, Pltf(s): Hunter Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. Atty: Laura L Sanford, 019-27013 Bankruptcy Court Judges Ptr(1): Michael R Nolan, 1006 Colgate Rd, 38106, Atty: Gene Bell, 019-27015 David S. Kennedy, Chief Judge Ptr(1): Kenneth D Foster, 3023 Gulf Ave, 38114, Atty: Joseph D Jennie D. Latta, Judge Fox, 019-27016 George W. Emerson Jr., Judge Ptr(1): Allene M Lewellen, 4540 Devanwoods, 38002, Atty: BD Paulette J. Delk, Judge Sweeney, 019-27018 Ptr(1): Charlotte R Jones, 461 Ferncliff Cove, 38127, Atty: John Jimmy L. Croom, Judge E Dunlap, 019-27022 Ptr(1): Alana M McKinnon, 9241 Speerberry Lane, 38016, Atty: Kathleen A. Ford Edwin C Lenow, 019-27023 Clerk of Court Ptr(1): Narcissus K Baker, 2077 Wellons Avenue, 38127, Atty: Tel. 328-3500 Michael J Baloga, 019-27024 Ptr(1): Mark Q Hudson, 27 Crescent Bluff, 38106, Atty: Thomas C Fila, 019-27025 Bankruptcy Petitions Ptr(1): Eunice Poole, 635 Leavert Ave, 38127, Atty: Jimmy E McElroy, 019-27026 Shown here: Petitioner (Ptr), Address, Petitioner's Attorney, Ptr(1): Gail D Robinson, 959 Greencliff Road, 38017, Atty: Brad Docket Number. Multiple petitioners noted with a number. Sorted George, 019-27028 by Filing City, Type, then Docket Number. Ptr(1): Terri L McClain, 3387 W Winchester Place #7, 38116, Atty: Darrell L Castle, 019-27030 Bankruptcy Definitions • Chapter 7 - Liquidation (Bankruptcy trustee sells non-exempt assets and Ptr(1): Tayunurkay T Williams, 2001 Carver Ave #2, 38114, Atty: in return individual debtors receive discharges from certain debts.) Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-27032 • Chapter 9 - Adjustment of Debts of a Municipality Ptr(1): Antonio D Calloway, 3609 Capricorn Dr, 38128, Atty: • Chapter 11 - Reorganization Herbert D Hurst, 019-27033 • Chapter 12 - Adjustment of Debts of a Family Farmer with Regular Ptr(1): Sherrell A Mcwright, 3688 Faxon Ave, 38122, Atty: Earnest Annual Income E Fiveash Jr, 019-27035 • Chapter 13 - Adjustment of Debts of an Individual with Regular Income Ptr(1): Lisa Echols, 4080 Leweir St, 38127, Atty: Holly W Schump- (A so-called "wage earner case") ert, 019-27036 Ptr(1): Arlando Archie, 3487 Graceland Dr Apt 3, 38116, Atty: Arthur Byrd, 019-27037 Memphis Ptr(1): Shundrekia R Henderson, 4125 Second Northside Dr Apt Chapter 7 2, 38127, Atty: Gene Bell, 019-27038 Ptr(1): Kiara S Bond, 4047 Kerwin Dr, 38128, Atty: Earnest E Ptr(1): Christopher H Heflin, 55 Faulkner Heights, 38004, Atty: Fiveash Jr, 019-27039 Laura L Sanford, Ptr(2): Monacha A Heflin,55 Faulkner Heights, Ptr(1): David A Hall, 1972 Peabody Avenue, 38104, Atty: Jerome 38004, Atty: Laura L Sanford, 019-26984 C Payne, 019-27040 Ptr(1): Sandra J Branch, 997 Ramona St, 38108, Atty: Earnest E Ptr(1): Erica S Crutison, 168 Hester Road, 38116, Atty: Jerome Fiveash Jr, 019-26985 C Payne, 019-27041 Ptr(1): Kelly H Lemay, 6320 Baird Ln, 38135, Atty: Danny Camper, Ptr(1): Erica M Arrington, 4433 Castle Heights Dr, 38141, Atty: 019-26988 Ian D Garrott, 019-27043 Ptr(1): Robert J Padgett, 1772 Denison St, 38111, Atty: James D Gentry, 019-26997 Jackson Ptr(1): Kenya M Farmer, 4707 Kassel, 38116, Atty: Veronica F EVERY AMERICAN WASTES Chapter 7 Miller, 019-27002 Ptr(1): Lula M Blue, 1627 Beaver Trail Drive, 38016, Atty: Barbara Ptr(1): Brandy N Crawford, 93 Buttonwood Dr, 38305, Atty: 290 POUNDS OF FOOD A YEAR R Loevy, 019-27006 Gayra Hall, 019-11936 Ptr(1): Ruby S Webb, 7191 Devine St, 38133, Atty: BD Sweeney, 019-27014 Chapter 13 Ptr(1): Rickey G Bryant, 7106 Tulip Trail Dr, 38133, Atty: Jimmy Ptr(1): Joe F Williams, 1634 Drew Street, 38024, Atty: Richard E McElroy, 019-27017 H Walker, Ptr(2): Lelia P Williams, 1634 Drew Street, 38024, Ptr(1): Johnnie R Candy, 7860 Grove Brook Court #102, 38138, Atty: Richard H Walker, 019-11932 Atty: John E Dunlap, 019-27019 Ptr(1): Felisha Gamble, 1903 Key Corner Rd, 38040, Atty: CJ Teel Ptr(1): Helen M Hall, 3267 Mountain Terrace, 38127, Atty: LD Jr, Ptr(2): Timothy Gamble, 1903 Key Corner Rd, 38040, Atty: Buchanan, 019-27020 CJ Teel Jr, 019-11933 Ptr(1): Sandra G Richards, 1404 Willie Mitchel Blvd, 38106, Atty: Ptr(1): Austin D Campbell Jr, 108 Tyler Street, 38059, Atty: Brian Glass, 019-27021 Gayra Hall, 019-11934 Ptr(1): Louis C Hayslett, 299 Capital Way E38, 38004, Atty: Brian Ptr(1): Tiffany P Runions, 1722 Wilson Road, 38345, Atty: Gayra Glass, 019-27031 Hall, 019-11935 Ptr(1): Dennis E Weaver, 5659 Blackburg, 38135, Atty: Jimmy E Ptr(1): Donnell Flagg, 147 Elmer Warren Dr, 38012, Atty: Sherry McElroy, 019-27034 M Percival, 019-11937 Ptr(1): Sally F Theodore, 8216 San Augustine Ln, 38138, Atty: Ptr(1): Stacey Mays, 2836 Christmasville Rd, 38305, Atty: CJ Teel Arthur Byrd, 019-27042 Jr, 019-11938 Chapter 13 Ptr(1): Tarreas Currie, 118 Mount St, 38301, Atty: CJ Teel Jr, 019-11939 Ptr(1): Arthur Faulkner Jr, 1636 Gill Ave, 38106, Atty: Jimmy E Ptr(1): Antonio M Terry, 117 Woodrow St, 38301, Atty: Gayra McElroy, 019-26977 Hall, 019-11940 Ptr(1): Maurice Henderson, 2836 Curtis St, 38118, Atty: Brian Ptr(1): Hannah L Hargrove, PO Box 395, 38337, Atty: Ken M Glass, 019-26978 Walker, 019-11941 Ptr(1): Mary L Johnson, 597 E Dempster Avenue, 38106, Atty: Ptr(1): Donna K Lawson, 373 Ezra Street, 38363, Atty: Richard SJ Garrett, 019-26979 H Walker, 019-11942 NEW MADRID RANDOLPH CLAY LAKE OBION


Friday, September 6, 2019 DYER The Daily News, Memphis Page 7


CRAIGHEAD CROCKETT Business & LAUDERDALEPeople HAYWOOD Miguel's Body Shop LLC, Miguel's Body Shop LLC, 5075 Violet Dr, Memphis, TN Progress Memphis, LLC, 1516 Beringer Dr, Cordova POINSETT Coverage Area – Public Records Pleasant View Road, Memphis, TN 38134 38053 MADISON Next Generation Towing, Champion, Brandon,DECATUR 1809 Bartlett Mario Holmes, 39, & Monique Crenshaw, 39, 1336 Son- Abigail Taylor Armfield, 7629 Sledge Rd, Millington TIPTON Rd, Memphis, TN net Cv, Memphis, TN 38104 ServerHARDEMAN Room Rehab, CHESTERHowe, Brady, 2165 Meadow Glade 38135 Michael J Bauermeisper, 2115 Harbert Ave, Memphis Memphis Ln, Memphis, TN Chase D Privett, 26, & Taylor R Roberts, 24, 6009 Colo- Seylen Smith, 1011 Peabody Ave #3, Memphis CROSS 38135 nyhill Dr, Memphis, TN 38108 SHELBY Memphis Plumbing, Tran,MCNAIRY Quan, 4111 Fairway View Circle, 38141 Nicholas Borjas, 4171 Grey Rd, Memphis CRITTENDEN Bartlett, TN Clarence L Rhinehardt, 48, & Sceva A Cummings, 45, 38115 FAYETTE 38141 HARDIN WAYNE 6485 Summer Crk E, Memphis, TN Andre Wesley, 6041 Fox Ridge Dr, Memphis ST. FRANCIS Empire Home Services, Glaspie, William, 4581 Ross Rd, 38611 Rosalyn Wesley, 3392 W Village Grove Pl #5, Memphis Memphis, TN Steven C Brigance, 27, & Abigale J White, 23, 110 38116 J&M Construction, Martinez, Juan, 4709 Valene Cv, Mem- Holiday Dr, Byhalia, MS Juanita Garrett, 4563 Hancock Dr, Memphis phis, TN LAUDERDALE 38618 38117 DESOTO BENTON ALCORN 38174 Todd A Fox, 57, & Jennifer A Pate, 43, 49 Hornbuckle Andrew Garrett Hamilton, 5172 Princeton Rd, Memphis Mirror Reflections Cleaning Service LLC,Mirror Reflec- Rd, Coldwater, MS Carol Lemmon, 1133 Colonial Rd, Memphis tions CleaningTIPPAH Service LLC, 812 N Claybrook, Memphis, TN 38654 Mark A Pinkston, 5034 N Peg Ln, Memphis TISHOMINGO LEE Business LicensesMARSHALL 38181 Larry Lucas Jr, 31, & Heather C Perry, 28, 6822 Saint 38118 Precision Technology Solution Inc, Precision Technology Micheals, Olive Branch, MS Pineda Gendy, 3393 Wingate Cove, Memphis TATE New and renewed business licenses issued by the County Clerk's Solution Inc, 4170 Pidgeon Roost Rd, Memphis, TN COLBERT 72007 David Munoz-Herrera, 3071 Brookdale St, Memphis Office. Shown here: Business Name, Licensee, Address, City, and PRENTISS38183 Sean P Divver, 35, & Amanda R Llanes, 33, 154 Weather- 38119 TUNICAState. Sorted by Zip Code, then Business Name. Sharif Transportation, LLC, Sharif Transportation, LLC, 4676 ing Dr, Austin, AR Cody C Robinson, 1655 Estate Dr, Memphis LAFAYETTE Northwood Hills Dr, Germantown, TN 72301 38120 PHILLIPS Wanda Halbert, County Clerk UNION William C Odell, 44, & Angela V Walker, 39, 1007 Mimosa, Katherine Glenn, 5302 Brenton Ave, Memphis PANOLA West Memphis, AR Ari Lowell, 529 Berkeley Sq, Memphis Tel. 222-3003 Corporate ChartersITAWAMBA PONTOTOC LEE 89413 38122 John C Deane, 72, & Mary L Carr, 65, 140 Dirigo Court, Rocco Joseph Maurice, 3310 Cicalla Ave, Memphis COAHOMA 35217 Corporations registered with the county. Shown here: Corporation Glenbrook, NV 38125 Abba Contract, Inc, Kelley, Rick, 2500 Cone Drive, Birming- Name, Address, City, State, Number of Shares, Filing Date, NameMARION 92104 Progress Memphis, LLC, 4960 Gertrude Dr, Memphis ham, AL and Charter Number. Sorted by Zip Code, then Corporation Name. QUITMAN 38016 Rebecka M Handler, 29, & Eric B Feinsilber, 31, 4223 38126 Texas St Apt 52, San Diego, CA Bertha May Campbell, 969 College Park Dr, Memphis Panache Styles, Panache Styles, 2558YALOBUSHA Niblik Pass, Cordova, TN TALLAHATCHIE CALHOUN Shelandra Ford, CountyMONROE Register 38127 Superior Cuts, Boyd, Jaycameron, 1975 Mt Badon Lane, Tel. 222-8100 Newcomers Canassa Lenee Carlisle, 3437 Mountain Terrace St, Cordova, TN Memphis 38002 Martha De Jesus Rubio, 4993 Ruthie Cove, Memphis 38019 Kiwanis Club Of Northeast Shelby County Founda- MLG&W customers with new utility hookups. Shown here: Cus- Daniel Insulation, Daniel, William, 2808 Bride Road, Cov- Kendrea Leona Ross, 2954 Grenadier Cove, Memphis tion, Mott St, Arlington, TN, 0, 6/21/2019, Donny Mayo Et tomer Name, Address and City. Sorted by Zip Code, then Customer 38128 ington, TN Al, 19090266 Name. 38053 Lee Burnett Jordan, 3935 Kerwin Dr, Memphis 38018 38002 Michele M Lancaster, 3326 Fairbanks St, Memphis Barretville General Store LLC, Barretville Gerneral Store, Broken Mirrors, Trinity Rd, Cordova, TN, 0, 7/12/2019, Helen Robin A Pledge, 11971 Brown St, Arlington 38133 LLC, 9053 Barret Rd, Millington, TN Flagg Et Al, 19089615 38103 38017 Jose Manuel Castor, 2622 Lake Country Cove, Bartlett 38118 Rajasingh Johnson, 1709 Crossberry Cove, Collierville Caren Yasmin Guevara Ordaz, 2061 Lauren Ln, Bartlett Chestnut & Strafford, Rucker, Kirsten, 130 S Front St, Squeaky Lots Inc, Edison Cv, Memphis, TN, 5,000, 8/28/2019, Hoang Nguyen, 853 Deep Woods Rd, Collierville 38134 Memphis, TN Babetta G Boggs, 19090518 Ritual Arts and Esoterica, Janus, Jacqueline, 1223 Isle Barbara J Witthoft, 895 Barbara Lynn Dr, Collierville MD Sakhawat Hossain, 6680 Century Arbor Pl #102, 38125 38018 Bartlett View Dr, Memphis, TN DLB Innovative Projects Inc, New Found Gap Rd, Memphis, Hugo Caballero, 1118 Breezy Valley Dr, Cordova 38135 38104 TN, 2,000, 8/26/2019, Darren Brooks, 19090717 Designer Junky, Hill, Daryl, 1910 Madison Avenue, Memphis, Gregory B Coleman, 778 Cairn Creek Dr, Cordova Joseph Gallina, 6281 Lake View Cove, Bartlett 38141 Rodriguez Pons Yusin, 3466 Stone Chase Cove TN Purple Ponderosa Ministries, Riverdale Rd, Memphis, TN, Orion Holdings, LLC, Palmer, Ryamond Jr, 2157 Madison 0, 8/26/2019, LegalzoomCom Inc, 19087581 Ave, Memphis, TN 38106 C&M Cleaning Services, Carbins, Michael, 891 Dempster Marriage Licenses Street, Memphis, TN 38109 Marriage licenses issued by the County Clerk's Office. Shown here: Mulani Fashions, Ward, Latonya, 1906 Andover Cove, Groom’s Name and Age, Bride’s Name and Age, and Couple’s Ad- Memphis, TN dress. Sorted by Zip Code, then Groom's Name. 38114 Economy Inn, Patel, Rajesh, 2344 Ketchum Road, Memphis, Wanda Halbert, County Clerk TN Notable Events, Perkins, Joshua, 1924 South Parkway East, Tel. 222-3003 Memphis, TN 38016 Royal Cleaning Service, Harvey, Lasonya, 2312 Lowell Ave, Anthony S Williams, 26, & Tiffany J Vann, 26, 9050 Deer Memphis, TN Meadow Cv, Cordova, TN 38115 38017 Clean Haven, Boddie, Jaazaniah, 6560 Whitetail, Memphis, TN Abd Rahman Odatallah, 42, & Maha A Abu Amri, 53, 38116 570 Johnash Ct, Collierville, TN Simplify Professional Resumee Services, Bell, Laquita, 38018 1356 Finley Road, Memphis, TN Teal S Vickrey, 25, & Eduardo V Rengel Jara, 27, 6820 The Ninth Hour, Martin, Kimberley, 3297 East Rosita Circle, Kamali Ave, Cordova, TN Memphis, TN 38103 Willow Bees Honey Trail, Legrone, Kisha, 1095 Craigwood Matthew G McCurdy, 49, & Maureen F Reynolds, 63, Drive, Memphis, TN 1306 Armand Dr Apt 1, Memphis, TN 38117 Jan Totland, 63, & Aase Inderdal, 56, 100 N Front St, Hero & Sage Salon, Barnett, Babara, 5151 White Cliff Drive, Memphis, TN Memphis, TN 38106 38118 Malcolm J McClenon, 32, & Kimberly D Swain, 39, 1412 Mallory Alexander International Logistics, LLC, Mal- Azalia Street, Memphis, TN lory Alexander International Logistic, 4905 Southridge Blvd, Oliver G Moore, 52, & Cara C Lewis, 56, 1550 Waverly Memphis, TN Avenue, Memphis, TN Mallory Alexander International Logistics, LLC, Arthur L Shipp II, 47, & Kaneisha T Oliver, 44, 1610 Cane Mallory Alexander International Logistic, 4294 Swinnea Rd, Meadow Cir, Memphis, TN Foreclosure Effect Report on Your Home Memphis, TN 38115 In today’s market, you United Collection Services, LLC, United Collection Ser- Get a complete list of all foreclosed properties in Emmon C Echols, 29, & Rosa D Davis, 26, 4722 Queenslace $ vices, LLC, 2851 Lamb Place Pl Ste 11, Memphis, TN need to know when 10 the past two years within a ¼ of a mile of your Cour, Memphis, TN home and see the potential effect they have on 38122 38116 homes foreclose in your your home’s value. Chiefs Pressure Washing, Wikstrom, Nathaniel, 667 North Antwon F Guffin,30, & Terrica L Brown, 30, 1137 Whitaker neighborhood and how Holmes Street, Memphis, TN Drive, Memphis, TN Detailed Comparable Sales Report with Photos 38125 Lenard D Thomas, 56, & Quantedtra T Levingston, 42, those foreclosures could Gain access to all sales in your neighborhood Chashea Boutique, Shephard, Sherbrina, 4103 Barnstable 1624 Finley Road, Memphis, TN $25 within the past two years including bank Cove, Memphis, TN be impacting the value 38117 foreclosure sales, investor purchases, individual Stow & Go Couriers, White, Jasmine, 3801 Gwyllim Cove, Kristin E Glosson, 26, & Graham A Lewis, 28, 806 Creek- of your property. home sales and for sale by owner sales. Memphis, TN side Dr, Memphis, TN The Counseling Cafe & Notary, Lopez, Tresie, 8295 Tourna- Whitney R Jones, 25, & Evan A Bailey, 24, 1508 Vera ment Dr Ste 15, Memphis, TN Cruz St, Memphis, TN 38128 38122 Chandler Reports has been JR Express Corporation, JR Express Corporation Of TN, Kyle B Anderson, 26, & Diana A Suarez, 28, 3684 Philwood providing Top Real Estate 3040 East Road, Memphis, TN Ave, Memphis, TN Odum's Kitchen, Odum, Doneisha, 2579 Courtney Drive, 38125 Professionals and Homeowners Memphis, TN Korbin M Gipson, 24, & Kadijah A Pearson, 24, 8936 E with unbiased Real Estate Data 38133 Turnberry Place, Memphis, TN for more than 45 years! Signs First Digital, BBK Management, Inc, 8410 Wolf Lake Shaughn M Kelley, 34, & Jade R Coleman, 29, 7183 Dr, Bartlett, TN Bristol Meadow, Memphis, TN 38134 38133 üĄþſ !! -.*)ſ1 )0 ſĕſ (+#$.ĐſſþăüûþſĕſĄûüďÿĀăďāÿüĄſĕſ222ď(4#) ' -- +*-/.ď*( Memphis Fitness Kickboxing, Memphis Fitness Kickboxing, Ashley B Fisher, 45, & Raymond G Baltz, 49, 2087 Wild 714 N Germantown Pkwy, Memphis, TN

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CRAIGHEAD CROCKETT Real EstateLAUDERDALE & Development HAYWOOD Coverage Area – Public Records POINSETT Real Estate Transactions MADISON DECATUR TIPTON Shelandra Ford, County Register Warranty Deeds, Trust Deeds, and other special deeds are compiled daily from the records of the Shelby County Register’s office. CHESTER Warranty Deeds usually convey title to real estate from the seller to the buyer. HARDEMAN Tel. 222-8100 Memphis Trust Deeds, in effect, convey a lien on the real estate from a borrower, guarantor, person or firm putting up the real estate as collateral or CROSS security for some purpose, to a lender, person or firm receiving collateral or security for some purpose. A lender is usually designated by its SHELBY Copyright © 2019, The Daily News Publishing Company, Memphis, MCNAIRY trustee. In many instances, the borrower is at the same time a buyer of the real estate, and is executing a purchase money mortgage. CRITTENDEN TN 38103. All rights to reproduction and/or republication to materials FAYETTE herein are reserved by the publisher. When that occurs, the Warranty Deed and Trust Deed will usually have consecutive, or nearly consecutive, instrument numbers. HARDIN WAYNEOther special deeds also transfer an interest in the real estate from the grantor to the grantee. ST. FRANCIS

Shelby County real estate information can be viewed on the Shelby County Register's website at - LAUDERDALE DESOTO BENTON Warranty DeedsALCORN Zip/Price TIPPAH Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. TISHOMINGO LEE Building PermitsMARSHALL 38002 TATE $635,000 10085 Highway 70 Jose Flores Driver, Christine Lot 5, Rivera Estates Sub 19090682 $400,000 6060 Brandon Brook Dr Michelle R MillardCOLBERT McAlpin, Miriam Lot 13, Windsor Place PD Ph 1 Sub 19090654 Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement $333,500 12260 Grand PRENTISSRidge Ln Carol J Haynes, Jeffrey D Haynes Pohland, Patricia A Lot 6, Chapel Ridge Sec A Sub 19090249 Office. Shown here: Construction Value, Address, Contractor, TUNICA $303,000 12433 Dusty Field Rd Jean Wilson, James L Massey Stalcup, Elaine M Lot 63, Kensington PD Sub 19090238 Property Owner, and Description. Sorted by Zip, thenLAFAYETTE Value. $245,000 7775 Shadow Hills Dr Peter Gaddy, Vonne Gaddy Marsh, Kurt D Lot 198, Shadowlawn Place Sec C 2 Sub 19090578 PHILLIPS UNION$228,800 11595 Beldin Cv Patrick J Wilson Kang, Meredith P Lot 152, Village Of Summer Meadows PD 19090181 PANOLADerrick Mink, $203,000 8119 Jack Bond Rd Colette Hipp, Randy Hipp Wells, Amber I Lot 2, Marvin Payne Sub 19090493 ITAWAMBA Construction Code Enforcement PONTOTOC$116,500 2701 Java DrLEE Fairway Capital Partners LLC Jeram, Dipak Lot 63, Morning Sun PD Sub 19090420 COAHOMA Tel. 385-5073 38016 $235,000 9960 Oban Cv Chante N Wilkins Millrany, Benjamin E Lot 144, Glen Lakes PD Ph 2 Sub 19090218 MARION 38002 $167,000 7534 Dexter Grove Dr Jacqueline Mosby, Robert Mosby Anderson, Lawrence D Lot 1, Cordova Woods Sec A Sub 19090170 38017 $30,000, QUITMAN11635 US Highway 70, The Kroger Co, Remodel Existing Counsel Room At Pharmacy $905,000 10394 Duncan Woods Dr Kevin Ford, Stephanie Ford Marquis Companies LLC Lot 15, Hartwell Sub 19090236 YALOBUSHA TALLAHATCHIE 38053 CALHOUN $585,000 1709 Crossberry Cv SouthMONROE Sheeja Rajasingh, Rajasingh Johnson Thomas, Terry M Lot 302, Ranch PD Ph IV Sub 19090220 $800,000, 6584 US Highway 72, Jay Kumar, Renovate Office $500,000 1738 Hartwell Manor Cv Michael S Wiggins, Robin J Wiggins Strawn, Amanda Lot 166, Almadale Farms PD Ph 5 Sub 19090509 $114,280, 6515 US Highway 72, Grinder, Taber & Grinder, Inc $259,900 136 East Lawnwood Dr Brittany Holmes Vaughan, Paula L Lot 105, Peterson Lake Gardens Sec B 19090394 (B000), John Pettey III, Tenant Infill $245,000 1517 Castle Pines Cir Janis W Mayes, John B Mayes Jr Bolton, Jack E Lot 7, Crossings At Porter Farms PD 19090644 $50,000, 8445 N US Highway 51, Walmart Real Estate Business $216,000 895 Barbara Lynn Dr Barbara Witthoft Carver, Morgan L Lot 210, Green Hill Sec C 1st Addn Sub 19090184 Trust, Install Asset Protection Gates $0 360 South Shea Rd Captola C Crites, William L Crites Goldstein, Amy M Lot 6, Villages At Porter Farms PD Ph 19090210 $40,000, 6448 Raleigh Millington Rd, Jay Aman Devji, C Store 38018 $13,267, 8863 Wells Rd, Transform Sr Home Improvement Products, $260,000 1087 Portside Dr David L Boyle Petzinger, Lisa Lot 239, Cordova Club Ph V Sec G Sub 19090533 LLC (Hi), Petra Maeshall, Vinyl Window Installation $245,000 1205 Palmina Cv Joseph R Carson, Kelli Carson Bridges, Kenneth W Lot 445, Cordova Club PD Ph XI Sec E 19090725 38103 $197,500 8646 Sunnyvale St North James E Burchett, Rebecca A Burchett Crj Properties LLC Lot 164, Walnut Run Ph 6 1st Addn Sub 19090564 $805,000, 150 Madison Ave, Grinder & Haizlip Construction, Inc $167,000 1262 Breezy Valley Dr Yamasa Co Ltd Simmons, Matt Lot 63, Cordova Ridge PD Ph 1 Sub 19090695 (B000), Kevin Crowe, Dana Burke, Interior, Fascade Renovation $165,000 6946 Parkbrook Ln Lance Rossetto Chickasaw Ventures LLC Lot 16, Shelby Place PD Sub 19090538 $18,000, 607 Monroe Ave, Dwayne A Jones Construction (B000), Me- $0 8646 Sunnyvale St North Crj Properties LLC Geronimo, Eileen Lot 164, Walnut Run Ph 6 1st Addn Sub 19090563 docal District Collaborate, Build 2 Trusses, Walkway, 2 Platforms 38028 $1,750,000 45 Preservation Court J Michelle McCarty, Michael McCarty David B Skudder Jr Revocable Living Trust Lot N/A, Preserve Of Notting Hill Sub 19090223 38111 38053 $12,000, 3268 N Waynoka Cr, Fred Dorse, Kitchen/Dining Room $150,000 6569 Chase Rd Spencer C Linley Burnett, Anthony Lot 5, Robert S Inmans Home Acres 19090392 38116 $75,000 7726 Mahoney Rd Jill R Hobbs Shafer, Yukie Lot 32, Pinehaven Inc Project No 1 Sub 19090548 $355,356, 3965 Airways Blvd, B&B Specialty Contrs, Inc (B000), 38103 FedEx, Tenant Alterations $317,000 435 South Front St No 202 Paula M Payne, William S Payne Askew, Barbara G Lot 202, Nettleton Condominium Sub 19090183 38118 $190,000 648 Riverside Dr Unit No 215 Brian E Lintner, Katherine A Lintner Skelton, Leslie R Lot 215, Riverside 648 Condominium Sub 19090213 $200,000, 3303 E Holmes Rd, Mick Leazer, Install Pick Modules $0 505 Tennessee St No 411 Laurie K Major Tr, Mitchell C Major Tr Major, Laurie Lot 411, Lofts At South Bluffs Condominium 19090498 38122 38104 $55,000, 735 N Holmes St, Obispo Ramso Ledezma, Add Addition $227,000 1965 Felix Ave Rebekah Loyd, Christopher Shelton Ramsey, Ana M Lot 119, McLaughlin Land Company Sub 19090571 38125 $215,000 2275 Elzey Ave Elizabeth H Berglund, Gary F Berglund Jr Nelson, Kelly J Lot 79, Central Avenue East End Parkway 19090543 $25,000, 8441 S Silverwind Dr, Bennett Construction Company 38107 (B000), Jim Hines, Convert Existing Porch To Enclosed Sunroom $223,500 1803 Tutwiler Brandon W Brawner, Ramona W Brawner Washburn, Mary E Lot 8, University Park Blk 1 Sub 19090409 38141 $145,000 910 University St Alice C Carpenter, Taylor M Carpenter Morris, Misti D Lot 6, Hall Wood Crest Sub 19090191 N/A, 6186 Village Park Rd, Denise R Woods, Build Storage Shed 38109 Zip Code N/A $216,000 5258 Blue Diamond St Mario Foster Cherry Homes LLC Lot 86, Gemstone PD Ph 5 Sub 19090207 $32,963,498, 145 Lt George W Lee Ave, Grinder, Taber & Grinder, $84,900 4780 Hillbrook St Phillip N Lotz Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Lot 341, Smith Turley Sec B Sub 19090485 Inc (B000), Somera Road, Interior Tenant Finish $25,000 306 Stoneham Rd Jeffrey A Smith Jr, Chelsea L Dunehew Bishop, James M Lot 4, Park Hills 2nd Addn Sub 19090387 $25,000 4413 Bluebell St Homewood Realty Group LLC, Et Al Stewart, Wayne L Lot 226, Westwood Downs Sec D Sub 19090712 38111 Electrical Permits $200,000 3520 Central Ave No 103 Barbara G Askew Goodloe, Billie F Lot 103, Laurels Condominiums Sub 19090177 $96,400 754 Patterson St Brennan Wilbanks Dwyer Tn Memphis LLC Various Lots, RW Rosebrough Sub 19090522 Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement $82,500 203 Waynoka Ln Ck Properties LLC Hoffman, Amanda Lot 130, North Poplar Park Sub 19090720 Office. Shown here: Address, Contractor, Property Owner, and $0 232 South Highland St Apt 606 Cheryl L Halle, David A Halle Jiang, Qingyang Lot 606, Edinborough Condominiums Sub 19090634 Description. Sorted by Zip, then Address. 38112 $229,000 2395 Eastwood Ave Nelson N Hewlett, Janessa N Jordan Badak Investments LLC Lot 24, Eastwood Place Sub 19090443 38114 Derrick Mink, $28,600 1728 East Alcy Rd Neighborhood Preservation Inc Perales, Pascual A Lot 6, Manchester Heights Sub 19090187 Construction Code Enforcement $18,000 2933 North Radford Rd Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Joiner, Marvin L Lot 59, Semmesdale Sub 19090471 Tel. 385-5073 $0 2699 Fizer Rd Mid South Homebuyers Gp Jones, Sherika S Lot 43, Barron Heights Sub 19090536 38116 38002 $221,000 1203 Lions Gate Dr Camille Curry, Frederick W Curry Hall, Vicki N Lot 61, Lions Gate PUD Sub 19090674 7225 S Bolton Heights Cove, Greenway Home Services LLC $150,000 5099 Pilgrim Amberly Curry, Jean M Hutch Curry, Camille Lot 33, Jamestown Estates Sub 19090647 (M000), Install Condenser $114,000 5178 Cresser St Marcus Smith Memphis Turnkey Properties Gp Lot 59, Whitehaven View Sec A 2nd Addn 19090211 5389 Milton Ridge Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $65,500 1123 Brownlee Rd Rei Nation LLC Hershman, Peter Lot 4, Brownlee Sub 19090569 Install Condenser $60,000 4906 Lochinvar Rd Muhammad U Memon White, Rayford Lot 318, Whitehaven View Sec B 1st Addn 19090714 38016 $60,000 1030 East Raines Rd Edna B Hawkins Royalty Tax Service Of Memphis LLC Lot 17, Lacey Mosbys Whitehaven Park 19090580 2425 Oak Springs Cove, American Residential Services (E000), 38117 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $214,000 5088 Helene Rd Jackson G Brown Seedtick Properties LLC Lot 1110, Country Club Estates Sec M 19090641 1654 Camille Wy, American Residential Services (E000), Replace $122,000 4948 Quince Rd Marky A Suazo, Erika L Tang Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Lot 19, Colonial Hills Sub 19090487 AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser 38118 1921 Appling Rd, Engineered Comfort, Inc (M000), Replace $2,597,750 4070 Willow Lake Blvd Fp Gimel Tn LP 4070 Willow Lake Blvd Partners LLC Lot 3, Willow Lake Business Park Sub 19090173 Existing HVAC System, Whip Only $107,900 3222 Lynmouth St Rose T Mann, William E Mann Rei Nation LLC Lot 383, Knightwoods Sec D Sub 19090570 1921 Appling Rd, Engineered Comfort, Inc (M000), Replace $70,000 3117 Christine Rd Brecken Pitts Ingram, Kevin Lot 460, Kensington Gerdens Sec E 1 Sub 19090715 Existing HVAC System, Whip Only $57,000 3021 South Perkins Rd Marilyn J Cassedy Csma Sfr Holdings II Lse LLC Lot 22, Parkway Village Revised Plat 19090500 38018 38119 8935 Woodmark Dr, American Residential Services (E000), $215,000 5380 Quince Rd Robert Young, Tanya Young Malone, Patrick M Lot 134, Glen Park Sec E 2 6th Addn Sub 19090406 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $185,000 1655 Estate Dr Cody C Robinson Berglund, Elizabeth H Lot 168, Glen Park Sec E 3 6th Addn Sub 19090554 8897 Plantation Place Cove, American Residential Services $181,000 2843 McVay Trail Dr Diane Edwards, Jeremy Edwards Batten, Denise R Lot 20, McVay Place Sec E Sub 19090414 (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $75,000 1203 Chamberlain Dr Apt 102 Ramon Gomez Dittmar, Guillermo J Lot 1203, Chatham Village Condominiums 19090529 8445 Shady Elm Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, 38120 Change Whip $225,000 198 Sylben Cv Pauleen A Kocak Few, Janice S Lot 19, Shady Grove Village CUP Ph II 19090661 8812 E Plantation Oaks Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heat- 38122 $91,000 971 Frankfort St Matthew A Hawkins Lloyd, Terry J Lot 51, Avon Gardens Sec B 2nd Addn 19090430 ing, Change Whip $60,000 3441 Vernon Ave Divvy Homes Warehouse II LLC Garcia, German Lot 20, ED Bailey Land Company Blk 2 19090520 38053 $35,000 4457 Ferndale Rd Mackenzie Dossett, Morgan Dossett Dewey Lee Jenkins Trust Lot 44, Berclair Park 2nd Addn Sub 19090697 6750 US Highway 72, Progressive Technologies, Inc (E000), (LV), 38125 Install LV Communications Cable, Access Control Cabling $110,000 4077 Shelby Trace Cv Melanie B Cole Jones, Demetrica Lot 22, Shelby Crossing Sub 19090596 3160 West Union Rd, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $0 7165 Chevy Chase Diara Logan Housing and Urban Development Lot 103, Georgetown Village Sub 19091136 Install Condenser 38127 8808 Rosemark Rd, American Residential Services (E000), $64,000 2291 Ardmore Cv Geno Reed Jobes, Cynthia M Lot 9, Agee 1st Addn Sub 19090251 (E000), (LV), N/A 38128 38103 $90,000 3495 Panbrook Cv Christine Turner, Todd Turner Genent LLC Lot 343, Raleigh Hills Sec H Sub 19090504

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Real Estate & Development

930 Madison Ave, Tippit Electric Co (E000), Lights, Pump Hook Up 38133 38104 $329,900 8423 Butterfly View Cv Cedric M Brooks, Krista G Brooks Southern Home Crafters LLC Lot 93, Richland Valley PD Ph 4 Sub 19090490 1860 Union Ave, Brown Refrigeration Inc (M000), Install New $131,500 7176 Butterfly Dr Susan M Mueller Sanchez, Octavio Lot 470, Hillshire Sec G Sub 19090198 Package Unit, Mount Box To Unit $112,000 7534 Spinola Ln Allison Nolan Caldwell, James T Lot 88, Bellevue Hills West Sec B Sub 19090201 1265 Union Ave, Progressive Technologies, Inc (E000), (LV), Low 38134 Voltage 5 Data Lines $400,000 0 Pleasant View Rd Kelly Richardson Investments LLC Reichen, Jeffrey W Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090397 1265 Union Ave, Progressive Technologies, Inc (E000), (LV), LV $237,900 5992 Diplomat Place Willie M Campbell Murphy, Jessica A Lot 20, Country Club Estates Sub 19090590 251 S Claybrook St, Progressive Technologies, Inc (E000), $218,500 2569 Honey Bee Ln Meagan A Caldwell, James T Caldwell Jr McHugh, David C Lot 109, Bartlett Woods Sec A Sub 19090451 (LV), LV $213,000 2545 Jumper Ln Laith Almatarneh, Ibrahim Kouli Allen, Cynthia Lot 33, Surrey Woods Sec C Sub 19090263 1215 Central Ave, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), Install $203,000 2752 Juneway Dr Robert M Crews Wyatt, Jimmy D Lot 14, JD and JA Kearney Sub 19090189 Condenser $159,900 5703 Falling Bark Dr Martin W Snow Rei Nation LLC Lot 168, Sycamore View Road PD Ph 5 Sub 19090652 38106 $154,000 6736 Stone Garden Dr Latresha Y Holt Brooks, Cedric Lot 17, Cornerstone PD Sub 19090224 454 Shawnee Ave, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $145,000 6263 Northampton Dr Ragan Coleman Claiborne, Rachel Lot 109, Bartlett Hills Sec B Sub 19090240 Install Condenser $115,000 6159 Northampton Dr Danny Freeman Trepkoski, Jerome R Lot 235, Bartlett Hills Sec A Sub 19090205 38109 $112,500 5548 Montpelier Dr Paul D Stott, Trina R Stott Matkin, Austin R Lot 295, Bartlett Estates Sec B Sub 19090169 1195 Nora Rd, Electrical Services (E000), Lights, Receptacles $40,000 1766 6th Crompton Square Shironda Brown Askins, Arlene Lot 27, Crompton Place Condominiums 19090432 772 Ledbetter Ave, Sullivan, William (E000), Build New 200 Amp 38135 Service, Wire New Home, Low Voltage $212,000 6034 Bartley Ridge Rd Kelly Tran Clark, Kevin Lot 133, Bartlett Estates East Sec D 19090502 38138 1403 W Shelby Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, Change $480,000 3107 Steeplegate Dr Kimberly C Clark, Michael A Clark Peery, Patrick A Lot 23, Steeplegate Sec A Sub 19090552 Whip $375,000 2845 Old Elm Ln Gaia Robilio, Lillian Robilio Matthews, David M Lot 4, Forest Glen Sec A Sub 19090558 38111 $348,000 2685 Brook Bridge Cv Cynthia D Allen, Robert C Allen Sawyer, Robert A Lot 68, Fox Creek Sec D Sub 19090246 344 Grandview St, American Residential Services (E000), Replace $300,000 2731 Sweet Oaks Cir Vanessa L Shumaker, Susan E Woods Shumaker, James Lot 11, Sweet Oaks Sub 19090456 AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $0 2971 Oaksedge Cv Laurie K Major Tr, Mitchell C Major Tr Major, Laurie K Lot 7, Willow Oak Estates Sub 19090499 3992 Dunn Ave, American Residential Services (E000), Replace 38139 AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $689,000 3268 Duke Cir Bryan T Foley, Sara R Foley Cohen, Stephanie Lot 19, Bedford Planation Ph 1 Sub 19090230 4343 Judy Cove, Memphis Air Care Htg and Cooling, LLC (M000), $450,000 1946 Brigance Cv Yuling Shi, Zhaohui Wu Sanders, Daniel L Lot 53, Duntreath Park Ph 2 Sub 19090228 Condenser 38141 38112 $98,000 6593 Mallard Nest Cv D Brady Investments LLC Hill, Darrell Lot 68, Mallard Ridge 1st Addn Sub 19090179 624 N Trezevant St, CL Griffin & Sons Electric Co, Inc (E000), $73,000 4524 Country Brook Dr Malayer Tn Holding LLC Brown, Carolyn Lot 228, Holly Ridge Sec B Sub 19090437 Remodel Kitchen N/A 38114 $9,267,000 3347 Person Fp Gimel Tn LP Memphis Pearson Investors LLC Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090193 2055 Southern Ave, Culver Electrical Inspections PC (E000), $1,300,000 0 Lamar Ave Pekin Properties LLC Bauman, S Richard Tr Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090609 TMC $82,500 0 Sycamore View Rd Kelly Richardson Investments LLC Estate Of Catherine Long Various Lots, JR and RA Cleaves Sub 19090396 38115 $70,000 N/A Deda J Smith, Roland K Smith Hinders, Eileen M Lot 2, Hinders Minor Sub 19090252 4125 Oakbend Dr, American Residential Services (E000), Replace $0 N/A Jsr Properties LLC Dfs Services LLC Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090640 AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $0 N/A Louise Biedenharn, James Biedenharn III Van Namen, Jacob C Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090403 38116 $0 N/A John D Strawn Moore, Vencent G Lot 166, Almadale Farms PD Ph 5 Sub 19090507 3500 Blvd, Frank Balton & Co, Inc (E036), Pole Sign, Wall Sign 38117 Trust Deeds 170 S Perkins Rd, Higgins Electric, LLC (E000), Wire House Zip/Price Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. 38118 4800 Pleasant Hill Rd, CMS Services, LLC, Reconnect Electrical Commercial On 75 Package Unit 38016 3814 Oak Side Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $40,000 1881 Berryhill Rd Haman Construction LLC CPM LLC Lot N/A, Berryhill Plaza Sc 1 Sub 19090282 Install Condenser 38104 3394 Bentley Cove, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, $910,000 1246 Lamar Ave Pekin Properties LLC Citizens Equity First Credit Union Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090610 38109 Change Whip $50,500 4413 Bluebell St Homewood Realty Group LLC Jayco Capital Resources LLC Lot 226, Westwood Downs Sec D Sub 19090713 38119 $45,000 3493 Cane Ridge Dr Topstone Inv Mem 1 LLC Zitofsky Capital Management Lot 42, Southland Hills Sec C 1 Sub 19090718 3115 Autumn Gold Ln, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), 38111 Install Condenser $80,000 4322 Rhodes Ave Front Porch Investments LLC Sycamore Bank Lot 66, Polo Club Estates Sub 19090423 38120 38114 6746 Fossil Creek Dr, Higgins Electric, LLC (E000), Wire House $32,000 2933 North Radford Rd Memphis Investment Propertis II LLC Paragon Bank Lot 59, Semmesdale Sub 19090472 240 S Yates Rd, American Residential Services (E000), Replace $0 1728 East Alcy Rd Neighborhood Preservation Inc Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 6, Manchester Heights Sub 19090188 AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser 38118 5229 Lexington Rd, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $1,952,927 4070 Willow Lake Fp Gimel Tn LP Keybank National Association Lot 3, Willow Lake Business Park Sub 19090175 Install Condenser $73,125 3430 Boxdale St Brian J White Tr, White Family Trust Geneva Financial LLC Lot 134, Wooddale Sub 19090206 1551 Poplar Ridge Dr, American Residential Services (E000), 38127 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $0 2247 Gayle Ave Frayser Community Development Corp Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 54, Westwood Manor Sec B Sub 19090172 38122 38138 4677 Marcel Ave, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), Condenser $1,200,000 7880 Radford Ridge Rd Anthony Salvaggio Tr, Tamara Salvaggio Tr Pinnacle Bank Lot 10, Radford PD Sub 19090454 38125 $100,000 7734 Poplar Pike Salvaggio Group LLC First Citizens National Bank Lot 2, N/A Sub 19090556 7344 Portsmouth Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), N/A Install Condenser $10,000,000 N/A Guest House At Graceland LLC Iberiabank Various Lots, Hickory View Sub 19090232 7262 German Creek Pk, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $6,604,444 N/A Fp Gimel Tn LP Keybank National Association Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090195 Install Condenser $100,000 N/A TEG Field Services Of Tennessee Inc Florida Health Investors Various Lots, Highland Park Blk 1 Sub 19090475 5509 Riverstone Dr, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Wire House, Residential Telephones, TVs 37153 5513 Riverstone Dr, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Wire House, $63,000 5845 Hampden Ave Angela M Benzy, Michael J Benzy FedEx Employees Credit Assoc Federal Credit Lot 118, New Salem Sec V Sub 19090428 Telephones, TVs 38002 5510 Riverstone Dr, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Wire House, $508,000 10085 Highway 70 Christy Flores, Jose Flores Patriot Bank Lot 5, Rivera Estates Sub 19090683 Telephones, TVs $320,000 6060 Brandon Brook Dr Michelle R Millard Tiaa FSB Lot 13, Windsor Place PD Ph I Sub 19090655 5516 Riverstone Dr, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Wire House, $275,000 N/A Deda J Smith, Roland K Smith Bank Of Fayette County Lot 2, Hinders Manor Sub 19090253 Telephones, TVs $266,800 12260 Grand Ridge Ln Carol J Haynes, Jeffrey D Haynes Renasant Bank Lot 6, Chapel Ridge Sec A Sub 19090250 7765 Gosbrook Ln, American Residential Services (E000), $228,800 11595 Beldin Cv Patrick J Wilson Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 152, Village Of Summer Meadows PD 19090182 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $141,600 4862 Valley Von Way Clay H Alexander, Pam H Alexander Carrington Mortgage Services LLC Lot 35, Valley At Brunswick PD Sub 19090723 7434 Woodshire Rd, American Residential Services (E000), $40,000 12764 Breezy Trail Gabriel E Rapalo, Virginia A Rapalo First South Financial Credit Union Lot 25, Belmont PUD Ph 1 Sub 19090519 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $0 5108 Grassland Dr Arnetria Montague, Arnett Montague III Housing and Urban Development Lot 57, Walker Farms PD Ph 1 Sub 19090608 38127 38016 3325 Parham, Schwartz Electric Co Inc (E000), Resecure SE Cable, $230,743 9960 Oban Dr Chante N Wilkins Mortgage Investors Group Lot 144, Glen Lakes PD Ph 2 Sub 19090219 New SE Cable Weatherhead, Install Box On Loose Romex $227,934 10464 Redmond Cir North Deterrious Hill, Jessica Hill Clearpath Lending Lot 41, Taluswood PD Sub 19090541 38128 $188,000 8830 Carrollwood Ln East Eleece Nephew, Darrell F Nephew III Quicken Loans Inc Lot 132, Carrollwood Lakes Sec F Sub 19090606 4326 Gladstone St, Michael Scott DBA Arlington Mechanical $151,500 9890 Greenalder Cv South Yiqing Shen, Jun Xiao Ivy Mortgage Inc Lot 463, Lee Line Farms PD Ph 5 Sub 19090422 (M000), Repairs To Meter Base, Replace Panel $135,352 8891 Hidden Springs Cv Jason D Wilkerson Mr Cooper Lot 273, Reflections Of Carrollwood PD 19090278 38133 $5,000 8267 Shallow Glen Trail Linda Pollion Trustmark National Bank Lot 66, Germantown Glen Ph 1 Sec B Sub 19090425 2558 Arborgreen Cove, American Residential Services (E000), $0 9269 Chimneyrock Blvd Brian D Brown Housing and Urban Development Lot 18, Windchase Of Berryhill Ph 1 19090721 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $0 8285 Chippingham Dr Edgar C Santana Bank Of England Lot 134, Country Wood Sec A Sub 19090681 7549 Port Albert Ln, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Condenser 38017 38138 $484,350 10394 North Duncan Woods Dr Kevin Ford, Stephanie Ford Triumph Mortgage Lot 15, Hartwell Sub 19090237 3068 Holly Heath Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $468,000 1709 Crossberry Cv South Sheeja Rajasingh, Rajasingh Johnson Trustmark National Bank Lot 302, Wolf River Ranch PD Ph IV Sub 19090221 Install Condenser $351,250 1160 Sunriver Cv Joseph L Walthour, Rebecca A Walthour Pennymac Loan Services LLC Lot 73, Wellington Ridge Ph 1 Sub 19090178 2490 Lennox Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, Change $329,900 4915 Windsong Park Dr Deron S Monroe, Michelle S Monroe Patriot Bank Lot 13, Windsong Park Estates Sec A 19090694 Whip $30,000 445 Ashton Woods Ct Diane W Olson, Marc T Olson FedEx Employees Credit Assoc Federal Credit Lot 3, Ashton Woods Ph 1 Sub 19090413 38018 1805 Boulinwood Ln, American Residential Services (E000), $189,500 8779 Overcup Oaks Dr Theresa J Woodard Keller Mortgage Lot 15, Sunset Downs PD Ph 12 Sub 19090568 Replace AC Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $100,000 8260 Byre Hollow Cv Sandra J Clamp, Susan L Johnson Evolve Bank and Trust Lot 27, Walnut Grove Lake Sec H 1 Sub 19090573 1901 Hazelton Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), Install 38028 Condenser $285,838 11000 Forest Lane Cv Luke R Poe, Morgan D Poe Freedom Mortgage Corp Lot 6, Forest Lane Cove Sub 19090630 8164 Kimridge Dr, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), 38053 Install Condenser $75,757 7726 Mahoney Rd Jill R Hobbs Patriot Bank Lot 32, Pinehaven Inc Project No 1 Sub 19090549 38139 $55,000 5976 Hamlet Rd Arlene T Fields, Reginald A Fields First South Financial Credit Union Lot 2, Fisher Sub 19090521 8669 Sycamore Trail Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, 38104 Change Whip $179,100 664 South McLean Blvd James T Calcaterra Triumph Mortgage Lot 664, McLean Place Condominiums Sub 19090290 9430 Groveview Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $0 1160 Sledge Ave Gregory Anderson Housing and Urban Development Lot 107, South Annesdale Sub 19090597 Install Condenser 38107 2574 Park Creek Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $145,000 910 University St Taylor M Carpenter, Alice C Carpenter Bank Of Fayette County Lot 6, Hall Wood Crest Sub 19090192 Install Condenser $24,000 1051 Lagrange Ave Lashunda Clegg, Larry Springfield Pinnacle Bank Lot 7, Resident Heights Sub 19090575 2444 Clandon Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), 38109 Install Condenser $67,920 4780 Hillbrook Rd Phillip N Lotz Bank Of Springfield Lot 341, Smith Turley Sec B Sub 19090486 9027 E Grovelawn Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), 38111 Install Condenser $475,000 517 Goodwyn St Stephen L Gipson, Kristy A Street Gipson Suntrust Bank Various Lots, Buntyn Sub 19090295 38141 $96,400 754 Patterson St Brennan Wilbanks Triumph Mortgage Various Lots, RW Rosebrough Sub 19090523 5844 Jardin Pl, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), Install $30,000 103 South Humes St Michael D Rutter Regions Bank Lot 2, Normandy Knoll Sub 19090582 Condenser 38112 6917 Fox Hedge, American Residential Services (E000), Replace $260,200 220 North Avalon St Henry B Strauch Jr, Charles A Weatherall Community Mortgage Corp Various Lots, Avalon Heights Blk 2 Sub 19090300 38116 Ac Disconnect, Whip, Install Condenser $221,000 1203 North Lions Gate Dr Camille H Curry, Frederick W Curry Sr Pinnacle Bank Lot 61, Lions Gate PUD Sub 19090675 4211 Wesgate Tl, John Winfrey (DBA Winfrey Air Conditioning $142,500 5099 Pilgrim Rd Amberly Curry, Jean M Hutch Orion Federal Credit Union Lot 33, Jamestown Estates Sub 19090648 Htg & Plbg Services Co), Connect Whip AC $91,200 5178 Cresser St Marcus D Smith Bank Of America National Association Lot 59, Whitehaven View Sec A 2nd Addn 19090212 6763 Castlegate Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $48,000 1030 East Raines Rd Edna B Hawkins Pinnacle Bank Lot 17, Lacey Mosbys Whitehaven Park 19090581 Install Condenser 38117 Zip Code N/A $482,000 231 Wakefield Dr Robert Neal, Michele Neal Pinnacle Bank Lot 57, Laurelwood Sub 19090261 10536 N Lawrenceburg Ln, Security Solutions (E029), Security $302,706 190 Magnolia Dr Amy F Smythe, Eb Brooks Smythe Loandepot Com LLC Lot 66, Magnolia Hills Sub 19090617 Solutions (E029), LV, Cables, Telephones, Surround Sound, Etc $218,601 5088 Helene Rd Jackson G Brown Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 1110, Country Club Estates Sec M 19090642 5071 Adagio Ln, Security Solutions (E029), Security Solutions $122,500 119 Pinehurst Leslie H Drummond, William C Drummond Triumph Bank Lot 45, Wood Grove Park Sub 19090646

Continued on page 10 Continued on page 10 Page 10 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Real Estate & Development

Electrical Permits Trust Deeds Continued from page 9 Continued from page 9

(E029), Low Voltage, Telephones, Cables, Surround Sound, Etc $97,600 4948 Quince Rd Marky A Suazo, Erika L Tang Bank Of Springfield Lot 19, Colonial Hills Sub 19090488 2694 Sprankel Ave, Southern Co, Inc, The (E000), Southern Co, Inc, 38118 The (E000), Wire Pumps For Deicing Tanks, Tank, Monitoring Equip $42,750 3021 South Perkins Rd Marilyn Cassedy Northpointe Bank Lot 22, Parkway Village Revised Plat 19090501 620 N Reid Hooker Rd, Ellendale Electric Co, Inc (E000), 38119 Ellendale Electric Co, Inc (E000), New Home, LV, Telephone, $350,000 6233 Lochlevin Cv Brett A Seal, Mary P Seal Financial Federal Bank Lot 226, Balmoral Estates Blk C 3 Sub 19090442 Security, Cable $238,000 7740 October Rose Dr Erma J Branch, John H Branch Cbc National Bank Mortgage Lot 109, Roseleigh 1st Addn Sub 19090429 11248 Fourwinds Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), Best $211,105 5380 Quince Rd Robert M Young, Tanya C Catching Young Pinnacle Bank Lot 134, Glen Park Sec E 2 6th Addn Sub 19090407 Care Home Services, LLC (M000), Install Condenser $179,200 2714 Greenmill Dr Kevin D Brasfield Trustmark National Bank Lot 77, Dan Turley Stout Road Sub 19090255 5346 Crossfield Rd, Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, $177,721 2843 McVay Trail Dr Diane M Edwards, Jeremy N Edwards BancorpSouth Bank Lot 20, McVay Place Sec E Sub 19090415 Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, Wire New House, 200 $12,000 6332 Solway Dr Chad Fisher, Kimberly D Brown First South Financial Credit Union Lot 43, Glenkindle Sub 19090542 Amp Service, Telephone, Cable 38122 5342 Crossfield Rd, Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, $89,351 971 Frankfort St Matthew A Hawkins Everett Financial Inc Lot 51, Avon Gardens Sec B 2nd Addn 19090431 Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, Wire New House, 200 $35,000 4457 Ferndale Rd Mackenzie Dossett, Morgan Dossett Dewey Lee Jenkins Trust Lot 44, Berclair Park 2nd Addn Sub 19090698 38125 Amp Service, Telephone, Cable $196,499 4387 Old North Bridge Dr Houston D Richmond, Patricia A Richmond Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 10, Revised Concord Place Sub 19090623 5307 Crossfield Rd, Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, $48,000 7085 Snyder Rd Andy Mason Financial Planning Group Of Memphis Inc Lot 32, Ridge Sub 19090419 Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, Wire New House, 200 38128 Amp Service, Telephone, Cable $90,000 3923 Laura Springs Dr Scottie Mitchell FedEx Employees Credit Association Lot 57, Raleigh Estates PD Ph III Sub 19090688 5331 Crossfield Rd, Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, $67,500 3495 Panbrook Cv Christine Turner, Todd Turner American Internet Mortgage Inc Lot 343, Raleigh Hills Sec H Sub 19090505 Precision Electric & Lighting Services, LLC, Wire New House, 200 $30,000 4833 Craigmont Dr Lavelle W Byrd First Tennessee Bank National Association Various Lots, Raleigh Bartlett Sec D Sub 19090203 Amp Service, Telephone, Cable 38133 $320,336 8423 Butterfly View Cv Cedric M Brooks, Krista G Brooks Churchill Mortgage Corp Lot 93, Richland Valley PD Ph 4 Sub 19090491 Mechanical Permits $210,000 9019 Pembroke Ellis Dr David T Gadd, Jane L Gadd Southern Security Federal Credit Union Lot 452, Plantation Estates-Davieshire 19090691 $118,350 7176 Butterfly Dr Susan M Mueller BancorpSouth Bank Lot 470, Hillshire Sec G Sub 19090199 Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement $112,000 7534 Spinola Ln Allison Nolan Regions Bank Lot 88, Bellevue Hills West Sec B Sub 19090202 38134 Office. Shown here: Construction Value, Address, Contractor, Prop- $192,850 2752 Juneway Dr Robert M Crews Evolve Bank and Trust Lot 14, JD and JA Kearney Sub 19090190 erty Owner, and Description. Sorted by Zip, then Value. $166,250 6000 Explorer Ave Harold L Edwards Bartlett Mortgage Inc Lot 43, Surrey Woods Sub 19090303 $142,373 6263 Northampton Dr Ragan Coleman Fcn ~ First Citizens National Bank Lot 109, Bartlett Hills Sec B Sub 19090241 Derrick Mink, $139,800 6058 North Porter Square Bernice Alexander Roundpoint Mortgage Servicing Corp Lot 35, Ole Bartlett Village Ph 2 Sub 19090602 Construction Code Enforcement $127,500 5703 Falling Bark Dr Martin W Snow Mortgage Services III LLC Lot 168, Sycamore View Road PD Ph 5 Sub 19090653 Tel. 385-5073 $58,400 2349 East Lake Oaks Dr Kelvin J Sego, Frances C Sego BancorpSouth Bank Lot 21, Lakewood Of Bartlett Sub 19090474 38135 38002 $178,000 3492 Christy Ln Jill H Dillon, Steven W Dillon Carrington Mortgage Services LLC Lot 69, Bartlett Estates East Sec D 19090626 $7,372, 11182 Goat Dr, Patton Plumbing Heating & A/C (M000), $125,000 6589 Country Bluff Dr Carolyn A Sfakianos, Lloyd W Sfakianos First Tennessee Bank National Association Lot 102, Daybreak Sec A Sub 19090283 Patton Plumbing Heating & A/C (M000), N/A 38138 $1,000, 12665 Forrest St, Wilder LP Gas Co (M000), Wilder LP Gas $384,000 3107 Steeplegate Dr Kimberly C Clark, Michael A Clark Community Mortgage Corp Lot 23, Steeplegate Sec A Sub 19090553 Co (M000), Install Propane Line $377,200 1789 Miller Farms Rd Christopher L Lacy, Sarah H Lacy Triumph Mortgage Lot 10, Oak Run 1st Addn Sub 19090186 38016 $353,703 2685 Brook Bridge Cv Cynthia D Allen, Robert C Allen Bank Of Fayette County Lot 68, Fox Creek Sec D Sub 19090248 $42,500, 9915 Macon Rd, CMS Services, LLC (M000), CMS Services, $294,405 8038 Circleshade Dr Charles T Phillips, Diana Phillips Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 188, Germantown Park Sec B 1 Sub 19090297 LLC (M000), Replace 2 5 Tons, 4 Ton Roof Top HVAC Units With $191,000 6890 Trowbridge Cv Jonathan R Fratesi, Jennifer M Fratesi Mortgage Inv estors Group Lot 239, Poplar Estates Sec E Sub 19090514 Gas Heat, Rework Ductwork, Install Air Distribution Throughout, $180,000 2731 Sweet Oaks Cir Vanessa L Shumaker, Susan E Woods Trustmark National Bank Lot 11, Sweet Oaks Sub 19090457 2 Ton Mini-Split In Laundry Room, Dryer Vent, 6 Ceiling Mounted $35,000 7259 Jemyn Cv Steven W Starnes, Glenda F Starnes First South Financial Credit Union Lot 367, Wildwood Oaks Sec E 2 Sub 19090441 Exhaust Fans 38139 $8,000, 8744 Grandbury Pl, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), $484,350 3103 Weatherby Dr Archana Agrawal, Sudhir K Agrawal FirstBank Lot 90, Devonshire Gardens PD Ph II 19090574 Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), Install HVAC $387,000 3268 Duke Cir Bryan T Foley, Sara R Foley Cbc National Bank Mortgage Lot 19, Bedford Plantation Ph 1 Sub 19090231 $7,000, 1654 Camille Wy, American Residential Services, LLC DBA $35,000 9517 Dogwood Estates Dr James B Harbert, Kimberly Harbert FedEx Employees Credit Assoc Federal Credit Lot 40, Dogwood Grove Sec A Sub 19090408 Conway Services (M000), American Residential Services, LLC DBA 38141 $55,000 6865 Finch Rd Mary A Waddell Third Federal Savings and Loan Assoc Of Clev Lot 54, Meadows Of Kindlewood Sub 19090180 Conway Services (M000), Replace Condenser, Coil N/A 38018 $100,500 N/A Daniel T Hale Patriot Bank Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090217 $7,000, 10182 Sorrento Pl, B&L Heating & Air (M000), B&L Heating $35,000 N/A Patrick Surratt, Robert R Zacher Creative Contractors LLC Lot 114, Pope Land Co Sub 19090649 & Air (M000), Replace Evap Coils, Condensers $0 N/A Paul L Luster, Jasmine V Stewart Iberiabank Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090512 $5,000, 1182 Breezy Oak Cove, B&L Heating & Air (M000), B&L Heating & Air (M000), Replace HVAC System $4,000, 8812 E Plantation Oaks Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heat- ing, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, 35 Ton Condenser, Coil Quit Claim Deeds 38053 Zip/Price Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. $2,100, 6263 US Highway 72, State Systems, Inc (M000), State Sys- 38002 tems, Inc (M000), Install New Fire Suppresion System, Hook Up Test $1 5686 Wolf Pack Dr Jessica Tate Terry Tate Lot 143, Arlington Station Sec B Sub 19090378 38104 38016 $1,675, 2069 Vinton Ave, Smith's Plumbing Services Inc (P000), $10 9890 Greenalder Cv South Yiqing Shen Jun Xiao Lot 463, Lee Line Farms PD Ph 5 Sub 19090421 Smith's Plumbing Services Inc (P000), Gas Water Heater $10 2582 Hearth Stone Dr Adelaide M Andrews Irrevocable Adelaide M Andrews Lot 98, Countrywood East Ph II Sub 19090496 38109 38017 $4,600, 5312 Norma Rd, Esquivel Heating & Air Conditioning $10 1001 Fall Springs Rd Uthayavanna Thurairajah Uthayavanna Thurairajah Lot 17, Southridge Ph 1 Sub 19090453 (M000), Esquivel Heating & Air Conditioning (M000), 3 Ton 38053 Furnace, Coil, Condensing Unit, Ductwork, Gas Piping 2 Outlets, $118,280 8150 Singleton Pkwy Daniel T Hale Industrial Dev Board Of The City Of Millington Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090216 Gas Air Test $10 4631 Chadwell Cv Steven M Combs Karen D Combs Lot 226, Waverly Plantation PD Ph 6 Sub 19090277 38106 38111 $0 779 Bullington Ave Quintella Griffin Loving Hands Loving Hearts Inc Lot 28, RE Bullington Sub 19090537 $8,900, 3789 Douglass Ave, Glyn Herndon Heating & Air (M041), Glyn 38108 Herndon Heating & Air (M041), Install 4 Ton Gas Pac, Run Line $4,000 1584 Short St Bonita Hutchins Tate Betty Woods Lot 523, Union Land and Improvement 19090357 $3,000, 4343 Judy Cove, Memphis Air Care Htg and Cooling, $0 1518 Willis St Shelia P Mitchell George C Price Jr Lot 19, Douglass Place Blk 22 Sub 19090362 LLC (M000), Memphis Air Care Htg and Cooling, LLC (M000), AH, 38109 Condenser $1 530 Jenson Willie R Harris Jr Harriett Harris Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090328 $300, 4060 Philsdale Ave, Southwest Design Build & Consulting 38111 (M053), Southwest Design Build & Consulting (M053), Air Test $0 1271 Oak Ridge Dr Johnny To Tung Thanh Lot 79, Park Acres Sec A Sub 19090560 38114 $0 4147 Kimball Ave Hanh T To Thanh V To Lot 126, Cherry Gardens Sec D Sub 19090562 $1,400, 2596 Kenner Ave, Callie Services LLC (DBA) Roto-Rooter 38114 (P000), Callie Services LLC (DBA) Roto-Rooter (P000), Replace WH $15,000 1066 Oakview Hermelindo W Ramos Michael Hunter Various Lots, Lamar Park Sub 19090254 $850, 1858 Carver Ave, Mid-South Plumbing Solutions, Mid-South $0 1847 Kendale Ave Ezekiel Owens Anne B Jackson Various Lots, Parkway Terrace Sub 19090388 Plumbing Solutions, Install Gas Piping, WH 38115 38117 $0 3802 South Mendenhall Seven Brothers Properties LLC Mohammad Ibrahim Various Lots, Windenhall Sec B 1st Addn Sub 19090234 $60,395, 814 Mount Moriah Rd, Memphis Mechanical Services Inc $0 5676 Newberry Ave Robert V Dennis Tr Lydia Ortiz Lot 136, Heritage Colony Sec G Sub 19090479 (M000), Memphis Mechanical Services Inc (M000), N/A 38118 $3,500, 4315 Tuckahoe Rd, Terhune, Glenn Plumbing Co, Inc (M000), $10 4070 Willow Lake Blvd Fp Gimel Tn LP 4070 Willow Lake Blvd Partners LLC Lot 3, Willow Lake Business Park Sub 19090174 Terhune, Glenn Plumbing Co, Inc (M000), Replace 3 Gas WHs $0 0 American Way Jason McNeary All Nations The House Of Prayer Lot 0, Johns Creek PD Sec 180c Sub 19090323 $450, 779 Saint Nick Rd, Wells Building Supply, LLC (M054), Wells $0 5200 Ogunquit Ln Johnny To Thanh V To Lot 552, Tamble Terrace Sec D Sub 19090561 Building Supply, LLC (M054), Install Fireplace 38119 $0 6875 Stornaway Dr Michael Smith Dorothy Francis Lot 114, Keswick Sec G 2 Sub 19090402 38118 38120 $5,000, 3201 Christine Rd, American Residential Services, LLC DBA $0 1564 Kirby Parkway Robert H Clement Elizabeth M Dewitt Trust Lot 12, Chateau Deville Townhomes PD 19090286 Conway Services (M000), American Residential Services, LLC DBA 38122 Conway Services (M000), Replace Furnace, Coil $10 918 Isabelle St Rose A Uselton David W Smith Lot 94, Wrenwood Sub 19090245 $1,400, 4200 Navaho Ave, Callie Services LLC (DBA) Roto-Rooter $0 866 Bowen Cv Dana E Dunlap Norma Dunlap Lot 152, Tutwiler Sec B Sub 19090233 (P000), Callie Services LLC (DBA) Roto-Rooter (P000), Replace WH 38125 38119 $0 7855 Marsha Woods Cv Rovbert V Dennis Tr Lydia Ortiz Lot 209, Barry Farms PD Ph II Sec B Sub 19090480 $1,675, 1675 Hayne Rd, Smith's Plumbing Services Inc (P000), 38127 Smith's Plumbing Services Inc (P000), Gas WH $0 4361 Ryan Robert L Boyd Robert L Boyd Lot 196, Ridge Grove Sec B Sub 19090235 38120 38139 $6,000, 240 S Yates Rd, American Residential Services, LLC DBA $10 1765 Groveway Dr Charlotte A Nuckles Tr Charlotte Nuckles Lot 146, Grove Park Ph V 1st Addn Sub 19090635 Conway Services (M000), American Residential Services, LLC DBA 38141 Conway Services (M000), Replace Condenser, Coil $0 4415 Winterpark Dr Robert V Dennis Tr Lydia Ortiz Lot 80, Castle Heights Sec B Sub 19090478 N/A 38122 $350, 915 Chatwood St, Legacy Plumbing Co, Inc (M000), Legacy $10 3347 Person Fp Gimel Tn LP Memphis Pearson Investors LLC Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19090194 Plumbing Co, Inc (M000), Gas Pressure Test $0 N/A Vencent G Moore Karen S Moore Lot 166, Almadale Farms PD Ph 5 Sub 19090506 $0 N/A Amanda Strawn John D Strawn Lot 166, Almadale Farms PD Ph 5 Sub 19090508 38125 $5,000, 7765 Gosbrook Ln, American Residential Services, LLC DBA Conway Services (M000), American Residential Services, LLC DBA Conway Services (M000), Replace Condenser, Coil Trustee Deeds 38133 Zip/Price Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. $12,000, 2558 Arborgreen Cove, American Residential Services, LLC 38107 DBA Conway Services (M000), American Residential Services, LLC $109,100 697 North 47th St Investments Inc Rubin Lublin Tn PLLC S Tr Lot 4, Uptown Redevelopment Sub 19090557 DBA Conway Services (M000), Replace Condenser, Coil, Furnace 38109 38138 $31,300 5130 Pickett Cv Williams Realty and Investments LLC Rubin Lublin Tn PLLC S Tr Lot 137, Holmes Road 1st Addn Sub 19090738 $6,000, 2490 Lennox Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, Cho- 38111 ate's Air Conditioning & Heating, 3 Ton Complete System $42,500 571 Haynes St Belgravia Square LLC Rubin Lublin Tn PLLC S Tr Lot 6, Dudley Dunn Third Sub 19090256 38139 38118 $5,000, 8669 Sycamore Trail Dr, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heat- $21,061 4795 Townhouse Way Reed Holdings LLC Weiss, Arnold M S Tr Lot 77, Townhouse Village Winchester 19090515 ing, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating, 35 Ton Condenser, Coil 38127 $1,400, 3287 Bedford Ln, Callie Services LLC (DBA) Roto-Rooter $0 969 Floyd Ave Federal National Mortgage Association Shapiro and Ingle Llp S Tr Lot 9, Patricia Heights Sec F Blk 6 19090696 (P000), Callie Services LLC (DBA) Roto-Rooter (P000), Replace WH 38128 $79,000 2718 Battle Creek Dr Belgravia Square LLC S Tr Shapiro and Ingle Llp S Tr Lot 20, Hidden Woods PD Ph VIII Sub 19090257 Zip Code N/A 38134 $17,550, 10640 Sparkle Creek Cove, Patton Plumbing Heating & A/C $16,951 6655 Elmore Woods Cv A and S Station LLC Wilson and Associates PLLC S Tr Lot 85, Elmore Trace Sec C Sub 19090618 (M000), Patton Plumbing Heating & A/C (M000), Install Gas Line Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 11

Public Notices

to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal applicable homeowners’ association Successor Trustee, all of record in the tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Foreclosure Notices checks will be accepted. To this end, dues or assessments; all claims or other Shelby County Register’s Office. Default which case the purchaser shall have no you must bring sufficient funds to out- matters, whether of record or not, which has occurred in the performance of remedy. The real property will be sold Shelby County bid the lender and any other bidders. may encumber the purchaser’s title and the covenants, terms, and conditions AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Insufficient funds will not be accepted. any matter that an accurate survey of of said Deed of Trust and the entire representations of any kind, express or Amounts received in excess of the the premises might disclose. indebtedness has been declared due implied, including without limitation, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE winning bid will be refunded to the The following parties may claim an and payable. warranties regarding condition of the Sale at public auction will be on successful purchaser at the time the interest in the above-referenced property Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: property or marketability of title. September 19, 2019 at 10:00AM local foreclosure deed is delivered. to be affected by the foreclosure: any Trustmark National Bank, its successors This office may be a debt collector. time, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 This property is being sold with the judgment creditor or lien holder with and assigns. This may be an attempt to collect a debt N. Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 express reservation that the sale is an interest subordinate to the said The real estate located in Shelby and any information obtained may be pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by subject to confirmation by the lender or Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, County, Tennessee, and described in used for that purpose. Brandy Skinner, to Franklin American trustee. This sale may be rescinded only through, or under any of the foregoing. the said Deed of Trust will be sold to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP Mortgage Company on May 23, 2003 by the Substitute Trustee at any time. Such parties known to the Substitute the highest call bidder. The terms of Substitute Trustee at Instrument No. 03103909; and If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the Trustee may include: None. the said Deed of Trust may be modi- 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 modified by agreement recorded Janu- sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled Terms of Sale will be public auction, fied by other instruments appearing in Charlotte, NC 28216 ary 16, 2019 in Instrument 19004780; to a return of any money paid towards for cash, free and clear of rights of the public record. Additional identifying Phone: (704) 333-8107 conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, the purchase price and shall have no homestead, redemption and dower to information regarding the collateral Fax: (704) 333-8156 having been appointed Substitute or other recourse. Once the purchaser the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, property is below and is believed to Successor Trustee, all of record in the tenders the purchase price, the Substi- and the rights of Stevenson Polania, be accurate, but no representation or File No. 19-118871 Shelby County Register’s Office. Default tute Trustee may deem the sale final in and those claiming through him/her/ warrant is intended. Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71057 has occurred in the performance of which case the purchaser shall have no it/them. Street Address: 1019 Little John Dr, the covenants, terms, and conditions remedy. The real property will be sold Any right of equity of redemption, Memphis, Tennessee 38111 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE of said Deed of Trust and the entire AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or statutory and otherwise, and homestead Parcel Number: 058053 00010 Sale at public auction will be on indebtedness has been declared due representations of any kind, express or are waived in accord with the terms of Current Owner(s) of Property: David September 20, 2019 at 12:00PM and payable. implied, including without limitation, said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- Moore local time, at the southwest door, Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: warranties regarding condition of the lieved to be good, but the undersigned This sale is subject to, without limita- Shelby County Courthouse, 140 Adams Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors property or marketability of title. will sell and convey only as Substitute tion, all matters shown on any applicable Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee pursuant and assigns. This office may be a debt collector. Trustee. recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any to Deed of Trust executed by Brian M The real estate located in Shelby This may be an attempt to collect a debt The right is reserved to adjourn the restrictive covenants, easements, or Mcniell and Andrea Mcniell, to T. Har- County, Tennessee, and described in and any information obtained may be day of the sale to another day, time, and setback lines that may be applicable; ris Collier, III, Trustee, as trustee for the said Deed of Trust will be sold to used for that purpose. place certain without further publication, any statutory right of redemption of any Trustmark National Bank on September the highest call bidder. The terms of Shapiro & Ingle, LLP upon announcement at the time and governmental agency, state or federal; 22, 2005 at Instrument No. 05159905; the said Deed of Trust may be modi- Substitute Trustee place for the sale set forth above. If you any prior liens or encumbrances includ- conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, fied by other instruments appearing in 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 purchase a property at the foreclosure ing those created by a fixture filing or any having been appointed Substitute or the public record. Additional identifying Charlotte, NC 28216 sale, the entire purchase price is due applicable homeowners’ association Successor Trustee, all of record in the information regarding the collateral Phone: (704) 333-8107 and payable at the conclusion of the dues or assessments; all claims or other Shelby County Register’s Office. Default property is below and is believed to Fax: (704) 333-8156 auction in the form of a certified/bank matters, whether of record or not, which has occurred in the performance of be accurate, but no representation or check made payable to or endorsed may encumber the purchaser’s title and the covenants, terms, and conditions warrant is intended. File No. 11-027751 to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal any matter that an accurate survey of of said Deed of Trust and the entire Street Address: 3693 Tessland Road, Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71032 checks will be accepted. To this end, the premises might disclose. indebtedness has been declared due Memphis, Tennessee 38128 you must bring sufficient funds to out- The following parties may claim an and payable. Parcel Number: 090049 00001 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE bid the lender and any other bidders. interest in the above-referenced property Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Current Owner(s) of Property: Brandy Sale at public auction will be on Insufficient funds will not be accepted. to be affected by the foreclosure: any Trustmark National Bank, its successors Skinner, an unmarried person September 20, 2019 at 12:00PM lo- Amounts received in excess of the judgment creditor or lien holder with and assigns. This sale is subject to, without limita- cal time, at the southwest door, Shelby winning bid will be refunded to the an interest subordinate to the said The real estate located in Shelby tion, all matters shown on any applicable County Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, successful purchaser at the time the Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, County, Tennessee, and described in recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Memphis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed foreclosure deed is delivered. through, or under any of the foregoing. the said Deed of Trust will be sold to restrictive covenants, easements, or of Trust executed by Stevenson Polania, This property is being sold with the Such parties known to the Substitute the highest call bidder. The terms of setback lines that may be applicable; to Robert M Wilson Jr., Trustee, as express reservation that the sale is Trustee may include: Citibank. the said Deed of Trust may be modi- any statutory right of redemption of any trustee for Mortgage Electronic Regis- subject to confirmation by the lender or Terms of Sale will be public auction, fied by other instruments appearing in governmental agency, state or federal; tration Systems, Inc. as nominee for trustee. This sale may be rescinded only for cash, free and clear of rights of the public record. Additional identifying any prior liens or encumbrances includ- America’s Wholesale Lender on January by the Substitute Trustee at any time. homestead, redemption and dower to information regarding the collateral ing those created by a fixture filing or any 24, 2007 at Instrument No. 07021295; If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, property is below and is believed to applicable homeowners’ association conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled and the rights of David Moore, and those be accurate, but no representation or dues or assessments; all claims or other having been appointed Substitute or to a return of any money paid towards claiming through him/her/it/them. warrant is intended. matters, whether of record or not, which Successor Trustee, all of record in the the purchase price and shall have no Any right of equity of redemption, Street Address: 8764 S Steeplegate may encumber the purchaser’s title and Shelby County Register’s Office. Default other recourse. Once the purchaser statutory and otherwise, and homestead Dr, Germantown, Tennessee 38138 any matter that an accurate survey of has occurred in the performance of tenders the purchase price, the Substi- are waived in accord with the terms of Parcel Number: G0231B K00008 the premises might disclose. the covenants, terms, and conditions tute Trustee may deem the sale final in said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- Current Owner(s) of Property: Brian M. The following parties may claim an of said Deed of Trust and the entire which case the purchaser shall have no lieved to be good, but the undersigned McNiell and Andrea McNiell interest in the above-referenced property indebtedness has been declared due remedy. The real property will be sold will sell and convey only as Substitute This sale is subject to, without limita- to be affected by the foreclosure: any and payable. AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Trustee. tion, all matters shown on any applicable judgment creditor or lien holder with Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: representations of any kind, express or The right is reserved to adjourn the recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any an interest subordinate to the said The Bank of New York Mellon as Trustee implied, including without limitation, day of the sale to another day, time, and restrictive covenants, easements, or Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, for CWABS, Inc. Asset-Backed Certifi- warranties regarding condition of the place certain without further publication, setback lines that may be applicable; through, or under any of the foregoing. cates, Series 2007-2, its successors property or marketability of title. upon announcement at the time and any statutory right of redemption of any Such parties known to the Substitute and assigns. This office may be a debt collector. place for the sale set forth above. If you governmental agency, state or federal; Trustee may include: Asset Acceptance The real estate located in Shelby This may be an attempt to collect a debt purchase a property at the foreclosure any prior liens or encumbrances includ- LLC ASO Wells Fargo Bank, NA. County, Tennessee, and described in and any information obtained may be sale, the entire purchase price is due ing those created by a fixture filing or any Terms of Sale will be public auction, the said Deed of Trust will be sold to used for that purpose. and payable at the conclusion of the applicable homeowners’ association for cash, free and clear of rights of home- the highest call bidder. The terms of Shapiro & Ingle, LLP auction in the form of a certified/bank dues or assessments; all claims or other stead, redemption and dower to the the said Deed of Trust may be modi- Substitute Trustee check made payable to or endorsed matters, whether of record or not, which extent disclaimed or inapplicable, and fied by other instruments appearing in 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal may encumber the purchaser’s title and the rights of Brandy Skinner, and those the public record. Additional identifying Charlotte, NC 28216 checks will be accepted. To this end, any matter that an accurate survey of claiming through him/her/it/them. information regarding the collateral Phone: (704) 333-8107 you must bring sufficient funds to out- the premises might disclose. Any right of equity of redemption, property is below and is believed to Fax: (704) 333-8156 bid the lender and any other bidders. The following parties may claim an statutory and otherwise, and homestead be accurate, but no representation or Insufficient funds will not be accepted. interest in the above-referenced property are waived in accord with the terms of warrant is intended. File No. 17-113515 Amounts received in excess of the to be affected by the foreclosure: any said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- Street Address: 7025 Beringer Dr Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71056 winning bid will be refunded to the judgment creditor or lien holder with lieved to be good, but the undersigned South, Cordova, Tennessee 38018 successful purchaser at the time the an interest subordinate to the said will sell and convey only as Substitute Parcel Number: D0207G C00019 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE foreclosure deed is delivered. Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Trustee. Current Owner(s) of Property: Steven- Sale at public auction will be on This property is being sold with the through, or under any of the foregoing. The right is reserved to adjourn the son Polania September 19, 2019 at 10:00AM local express reservation that the sale is Such parties known to the Substitute day of the sale to another day, time, and This sale is subject to, without limita- time, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 subject to confirmation by the lender or Trustee may include: Internal Revenue place certain without further publication, tion, all matters shown on any applicable N. Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 trustee. This sale may be rescinded only Service, Area Director - Compliance; upon announcement at the time and recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by by the Substitute Trustee at any time. American Express Bank c/o Zwicker & place for the sale set forth above. If you restrictive covenants, easements, or David Moore, to Williams, McDaniel, If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the Associates. purchase a property at the foreclosure setback lines that may be applicable; Wolfe, and Womack, Trustee, as trustee sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled The United States Internal Revenue sale, the entire purchase price is due any statutory right of redemption of any for Delta Trust Mortgage Corp. on August to a return of any money paid towards Service has filed notice(s) of lien at: IRS and payable at the conclusion of the governmental agency, state or federal; 30, 2004 at Instrument No. 04147262; the purchase price and shall have no Lien at 16039323 04/19/2016 Shelby auction in the form of a certified/bank any prior liens or encumbrances includ- conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, other recourse. Once the purchaser check made payable to or endorsed ing those created by a fixture filing or any having been appointed Substitute or tenders the purchase price, the Substi- Continued on Page 12

RELATED INFO Public Records Online About Public Notices Foreclosures – Tenn. requires foreclosure notices Beer Permits – Memphis requires requests for beer Court Filings...... 4 to run 3 times, in 3 consecutive weeks. Foreclosure permits to run once at least 1 day prior to the meeting Bankruptcies...... 6 sales are conducted by a Trustee, usually an officer or at which the permit is considered. Go to The Daily News online to search more Building Permits...... 8 employee of the lender. Often, the Trustee is replaced Notice to Creditors – Tenn. requires 2 consecutive than 15 million names & addresses: with a Substitute Trustee or Successor Trustee – an Real Estate Transactions...... 8 weekly notices announcing the estate’s representative - Foreclosure Notices - Tax Liens attorney or other party who is hired to conduct the to run within 30 days of the appointment of an executor. foreclosure sale. - Bid Notices - Corporate Charters Self-Storage Lien Sales – Tenn. requires notices of Bid Notices & Request for Proposals – Tenn. self-storage facility sales to run 1 time. - Court Notices - Bankruptcies requires county bid notices to run at least once 5 or more days prior to the bid deadline. City of Memphis bid Other – Other public notices run according to state or - Money Judgments - UCC Filings notices run 2 consecutive days at least one week before local requirements. the bid deadline. Page 12 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices Current Owner(s) of Property: Bryan and the entire indebtedness has been performance of the covenants, terms, nominee for Ditech Financial LLC dated Continued from Page 11 T. Ham declared due and payable. and conditions of said Deed of Trust has September 19, 2016, and recorded This sale is subject to, without limita- Party entitled to enforce the debt: Ditech been made; and the entire indebtedness in Instrument No.: 16102807, in the County Registry. Notice required by 26 tion, all matters shown on any applicable Financial LLC has been declared due and payable. Register’s Office for Shelby County, U.S.C. § 7425(b) to be given to the recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any The hereinafter described real property Party entitled to enforce the debt: Ditech Tennessee (“Deed of Trust”), conducted United States has been timely given. restrictive covenants, easements, or located in Shelby County will be sold Financial LLC by Padgett Law Group, having been The sale of the land described above setback lines that may be applicable; to the highest call bidder subject to all Other interested parties: Bank of appointed Substitute Trustee, all of will be subject to the right of the United any statutory right of redemption of any unpaid taxes, prior liens and encum- America, N.A. record in the Shelby County Register’s States to redeem the land as provided governmental agency, state or federal; brances of record: The hereinafter described real property Office. Default in the performance of for in 26 U.S.C. § 7425(d)(1). any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Legal Description: Lot 8, Section A, located in Shelby County will be sold the covenants, terms, and conditions Terms of Sale will be public auction, ing those created by a fixture filing or any Greenberry Hills Subdivision, as shown to the highest call bidder subject to all of said Deed of Trust has been made; for cash, free and clear of rights of applicable homeowners’ association on plat of record in Plat Book 110, Page unpaid taxes, prior liens and encum- and the entire indebtedness has been homestead, redemption and dower to dues or assessments; all claims or other 33, in the Register`s office of Shelby brances of record: declared due and payable. the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, matters, whether of record or not, which County, Tennessee, to which plat refer- Legal Description: LOT 103, COOPER Party entitled to enforce the debt: Ditech and the rights of Brian M Mcniell and may encumber the purchaser’s title and ence is hereby made for a more particu- AND CENTRAL AVENUE PLACE SUBDIVI- Financial LLC Andrea Mcniell, and those claiming any matter that an accurate survey of lar description of said property. SION, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF RECORD The hereinafter described real property through him/her/it/them. the premises might disclose. Street Address: The street address of IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGES 99 AND 100, located in Shelby County will be sold Any right of equity of redemption, The following parties may claim an the property is believed to be 4556 Sun- IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF SHELBY to the highest call bidder subject to all statutory and otherwise, and homestead interest in the above-referenced property nyslope Street, Memphis, TN 38141, COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH PLAT unpaid taxes, prior liens and encum- are waived in accord with the terms of to be affected by the foreclosure: any but such address is not part of the legal REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A brances of record: said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- judgment creditor or lien holder with description of the property. In the event MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF Legal Description: Situated in the County lieved to be good, but the undersigned an interest subordinate to the said of any discrepancy, the legal description SAID PROPERTY. of Shelby, State of Tennessee, to-wit: will sell and convey only as Substitute Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, herein shall control. Street Address: The street address of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 18 of South Mem- Trustee. through, or under any of the foregoing. Map/Parcel Number: 093725 J00008 the property is believed to be 2081 Elzey phis Land Company`s Subdivision and The right is reserved to adjourn the Such parties known to the Substitute Current owner(s) of Record: Blanca Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104, but such which land conveyed is more particularly day of the sale to another day, time, and Trustee may include: None. Vazquez, unmarried address is not part of the legal descrip- described as follows: place certain without further publication, Terms of Sale will be public auction, This sale is subject to all matters shown tion of the property. In the event of any Beginning at the point of intersection of upon announcement at the time and for cash, free and clear of rights of on any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; discrepancy, the legal description herein the south line of McKeller Avenue with place for the sale set forth above. If you homestead, redemption and dower to any unpaid taxes and assessments; any shall control. the east line of Shelby Street; thence purchase a property at the foreclosure the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, restrictive covenants, easements or Map/Parcel Number: 031131 00004 running eastwardly along the south line sale, the entire purchase price is due and the rights of Bryan T. Ham, and those setback lines that may be applicable; Current owner(s) of Record: James T. of McKeller Avenue a distance of 100 and payable at the conclusion of the claiming through him/her/it/them. rights of redemption, equity, statutory Motto and Janet K. Motto, as husband feet; thence southwardly parallel with auction in the form of a certified/bank Any right of equity of redemption, or otherwise, not otherwise waived and wife Shelby Street 150 feet; thence west- check made payable to or endorsed statutory and otherwise, and homestead in the Deed of Trust, including rights This sale is subject to all matters shown wardly parallel with McKeller Avenue to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal are waived in accord with the terms of of redemption of any government on any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; 100 feet to a point in the east line of checks will be accepted. To this end, said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- agency, state or federal; and any and any unpaid taxes and assessments; any Shelby Street; thence northwardly along you must bring sufficient funds to out- lieved to be good, but the undersigned all prior deeds of trust, liens, dues, restrictive covenants, easements or the east line of Shelby Street 150 feet bid the lender and any other bidders. will sell and convey only as Substitute assessments, encumbrances, defects, setback lines that may be applicable; to the point of beginning. Insufficient funds will not be accepted. Trustee. adverse claims and other matters that rights of redemption, equity, statutory Street Address: The street address of Amounts received in excess of the The right is reserved to adjourn the may take priority over the Deed of Trust or otherwise, not otherwise waived the property is believed to be 77 East winning bid will be refunded to the day of the sale to another day, time, and upon which this foreclosure sale is in the Deed of Trust, including rights McKellar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38109, successful purchaser at the time the place certain without further publication, conducted or are not extinguished by of redemption of any government but such address is not part of the legal foreclosure deed is delivered. upon announcement at the time and this Foreclosure Sale. agency, state or federal; and any and description of the property. In the event This property is being sold with the place for the sale set forth above. If you THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY all prior deeds of trust, liens, dues, of any discrepancy, the legal description express reservation that the sale is purchase a property at the foreclosure REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, assessments, encumbrances, defects, herein shall control. subject to confirmation by the lender or sale, the entire purchase price is due EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, RELATING adverse claims and other matters that Map/Parcel Number: 050067 00001 trustee. This sale may be rescinded only and payable at the conclusion of the TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY OF TITLE, may take priority over the Deed of Trust Current owner(s) of Record: Ephraim by the Substitute Trustee at any time. auction in the form of a certified/bank POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR upon which this foreclosure sale is Holmes, unmarried If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the check made payable to or endorsed THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL conducted or are not extinguished by This sale is subject to all matters shown sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. this Foreclosure Sale. on any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; to a return of any money paid towards checks will be accepted. To this end, The title is believed to be good, but the THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY any unpaid taxes and assessments; any the purchase price and shall have no you must bring sufficient funds to out- undersigned will sell and convey only as REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, restrictive covenants, easements or other recourse. Once the purchaser bid the lender and any other bidders. Substitute Trustee. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, RELATING setback lines that may be applicable; tenders the purchase price, the Substi- Insufficient funds will not be accepted. The right is reserved to adjourn the sale TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY OF TITLE, rights of redemption, equity, statutory tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Amounts received in excess of the to another time certain or to another day, POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR or otherwise, not otherwise waived which case the purchaser shall have no winning bid will be refunded to the time, and place certain, without further THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL in the Deed of Trust, including rights remedy. The real property will be sold successful purchaser at the time the publication upon announcement on the OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. of redemption of any government AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or foreclosure deed is delivered. day, time, and place of sale set forth The title is believed to be good, but the agency, state or federal; and any and representations of any kind, express or This property is being sold with the above or any subsequent adjourned day, undersigned will sell and convey only as all prior deeds of trust, liens, dues, implied, including without limitation, express reservation that the sale is time, and place of sale. Substitute Trustee. assessments, encumbrances, defects, warranties regarding condition of the subject to confirmation by the lender or If you purchase a property at the fore- The right is reserved to adjourn the sale adverse claims and other matters that property or marketability of title. trustee. This sale may be rescinded only closure sale, the entire purchase price to another time certain or to another day, may take priority over the Deed of Trust This office may be a debt collector. by the Substitute Trustee at any time. is due and payable at the conclusion time, and place certain, without further upon which this foreclosure sale is This may be an attempt to collect a debt If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the of the auction in the form of a certified publication upon announcement on the conducted or are not extinguished by and any information obtained may be sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled check made payable to or endorsed to day, time, and place of sale set forth this Foreclosure Sale. used for that purpose. to a return of any money paid towards Padgett Law Group. No personal checks above or any subsequent adjourned day, THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY Shapiro & Ingle, LLP the purchase price and shall have no will be accepted. To this end, you must time, and place of sale. REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, Substitute Trustee other recourse. Once the purchaser bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender If you purchase a property at the fore- EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, RELATING 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 tenders the purchase price, the Substi- and any other bidders. Insufficient funds closure sale, the entire purchase price TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY OF TITLE, Charlotte, NC 28216 tute Trustee may deem the sale final in will not be accepted. Amounts received is due and payable at the conclusion POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR Phone: (704) 333-8107 which case the purchaser shall have no in excess of the winning bid will be of the auction in the form of a certified THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL Fax: (704) 333-8156 remedy. The real property will be sold refunded to the successful purchaser check made payable to or endorsed to OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or at the time the foreclosure deed is Padgett Law Group. No personal checks The title is believed to be good, but the File No. 19-118866 representations of any kind, express or delivered. will be accepted. To this end, you must undersigned will sell and convey only as Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71058 implied, including without limitation, This property is being sold with the bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender Substitute Trustee. warranties regarding condition of the express reservation that the sale is and any other bidders. Insufficient funds The right is reserved to adjourn the sale SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE property or marketability of title. subject to confirmation by the lender or will not be accepted. Amounts received to another time certain or to another day, Sale at public auction will be on Octo- This office may be a debt collector. trustee. This sale may be rescinded by in excess of the winning bid will be time, and place certain, without further ber 3, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, at This may be an attempt to collect a debt the Substitute Trustee at any time. refunded to the successful purchaser publication upon announcement on the the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front and any information obtained may be THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT at the time the foreclosure deed is day, time, and place of sale set forth Street, Memphis, TN 38103 pursuant used for that purpose. A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION delivered. above or any subsequent adjourned day, to Deed of Trust executed by Bryan T. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT This property is being sold with the time, and place of sale. Ham, to Emmett James House or Bill Substitute Trustee PURPOSE. express reservation that the sale is If you purchase a property at the fore- R. McLaughlin, Trustee, as trustee for 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Padgett Law Group, Substitute Trust- subject to confirmation by the lender or closure sale, the entire purchase price Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage Charlotte, NC 28216 ee trustee. This sale may be rescinded by is due and payable at the conclusion on August 25, 2005 at Instrument No. Phone: (704) 333-8107 6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203 the Substitute Trustee at any time. of the auction in the form of a certified 05152154; conducted by Shapiro & Fax: (704) 333-8156 Tallahassee, FL 32312 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT check made payable to or endorsed to Ingle, LLP, having been appointed (850) 422-2520 (telephone) A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION Padgett Law Group. No personal checks Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of File No. 18-116772 (850) 422-2567 (facsimile) OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT will be accepted. To this end, you must record in the Shelby County Register’s Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71077 [email protected] PURPOSE. bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender Office. Default has occurred in the PLG# 19-010593-1 Padgett Law Group, Substitute Trust- and any other bidders. Insufficient funds performance of the covenants, terms, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71106 ee will not be accepted. Amounts received and conditions of said Deed of Trust SALE 6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203 in excess of the winning bid will be and the entire indebtedness has been Sale at public auction will be on October SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF Tallahassee, FL 32312 refunded to the successful purchaser declared due and payable. 3, 2019, at or about 10:00 AM, local SALE (850) 422-2520 (telephone) at the time the foreclosure deed is Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Ev- time, in the room of the Sale at public auction will be on October (850) 422-2567 (facsimile) delivered. erBank, its successors and assigns. Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front 3, 2019, at or about 10:00 AM, local [email protected] This property is being sold with the The real estate located in Shelby Street, Memphis, TN 38103, pursuant time, in the room of the PLG# 18-003105-3 express reservation that the sale is County, Tennessee, and described in to the Deed of Trust executed by Blanca Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71107 subject to confirmation by the lender or the said Deed of Trust will be sold to Vasquez, unmarried, to PRLAP, Inc., Street, Memphis, TN 38103, pursuant trustee. This sale may be rescinded by the highest call bidder. The terms of as Trustee for Bank of America, N.A. to the Deed of Trust executed by James SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF the Substitute Trustee at any time. the said Deed of Trust may be modi- dated August 12, 2005, and recorded T. Motto and Janet K. Motto, married to SALE THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT fied by other instruments appearing in in Instrument No.: 05135995, in the each other, to PRLAP, Inc., as Trustee for Sale at public auction will be on October A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION the public record. Additional identifying Register’s Office for Shelby County, Bank of America, N.A. dated November 3, 2019, at or about 10:00 AM, local OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT information regarding the collateral Tennessee (“Deed of Trust”), conducted 2, 2005, and recorded in Instrument time, in the room of the PURPOSE. property is below and is believed to by Padgett Law Group, having been No. 05188795, in the Register’s Office Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front Padgett Law Group, Substitute Trust- be accurate, but no representation or appointed Substitute Trustee, all of for Shelby County, Tennessee (“Deed Street, Memphis, TN 38103, pursu- ee warrant is intended. record in the Shelby County Register’s of Trust”), conducted by Padgett Law ant to the Deed of Trust executed by 6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203 Street Address: 2042 Felix Ave, Mem- Office. Default in the performance of Group, having been appointed Substi- Ephraim Holmes, unmarried, to Joseph Tallahassee, FL 32312 phis, Tennessee 38104 the covenants, terms, and conditions tute Trustee, all of record in the Shelby B. Pitt, Jr., as Trustee for Mortgage (850) 422-2520 (telephone) Parcel Number: 031122 00035 of said Deed of Trust has been made; County Register’s Office. Default in the Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as (850) 422-2567 (facsimile) Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 13

Public Notices [email protected] PURPOSE. No. KU9173, and modified on December is reserved to adjourn the day of the of those certain easements of record PLG# 19-013394-1 Padgett Law Group, Substitute Trust- 4, 2013, Document No. 13144229 in sale to another day, time, and place in Book 5884, Page 161; Instrument Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71108 ee Office of the Register of Deeds for Shelby certain without further publication, No. E4 1741, E4 8833, E9 8519, F7 6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203 County, Tennessee, executed by Patrick L upon announcement at the time and 9934, G3 7336, G8 6693, H4 1168, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF Tallahassee, FL 32312 Johnson and Sharon L Johnson, convey- place for the sale set forth above. In the L7 8090, P9 7890, and 13021586; the SALE (850) 422-2520 (telephone) ing certain property therein described to event of inclement weather, the trustee rights of tenants in possession under Sale at public auction will be on October (850) 422-2567 (facsimile) H. Ray Beliles as Trustee for Crossman hereby announces that the sale will be unrecorded leases (if any); any and all 3, 2019, at or about 10:00 AM, local [email protected] Mortgage Corp.; and the undersigned, postponed for a period of two weeks. In rights of the debtor (if any) under the time, in the room of the PLG# 19-013727-1 Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having such situations, notices will be mailed Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act, Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71109 been appointed Successor Trustee by to interested parties of record. W&A 50 U.S.C. App. § 501, et seq., as such Street, Memphis, TN 38103, pursuant Ditech Financial LLC. No. 341066 may be amended from time to time; and to the Deed of Trust executed by James NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby DATED August 21, 2019 tenants in possession under unrecorded Dan Cheek, to National Registered WHEREAS, default has occurred given that the entire indebtedness has WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., leases (if any). Agents, Inc., as Trustee for Mortgage in the performance of the covenants, been declared due and payable; and Successor Trustee All right and equity of redemption, Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust that an agent of Wilson & Associates, Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71130 homestead, and dower, and all other nominee for Nationstar Mortgage LLC Note dated August 7, 2003, and the P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue exemptions waived in said Master Deed dated February 21, 2013, and recorded Deed of Trust of even date securing of the power, duty, and authority vested NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE and the title is believed to be good, but in Instrument No.: 13027454, in the the same, recorded August 18, 2003, in and imposed upon said Successor Default having been made in the pay- the undersigned will sell and convey only Register’s Office for Shelby County, Document No. 03164054, in Office of Trustee, by Ditech Financial LLC, will, ment of assessments, dues, interest, as the substitute trustee of the Chatham Tennessee (“Deed of Trust”), conducted the Register of Deeds for Shelby County, on October 1, 2019 on or about 12:00 debts, and obligations owing CHATHAM Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a by Padgett Law Group, having been Tennessee, executed by Dan E Hender- PM, at the Shelby County Courthouse, VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA- Tennessee non-profit corporation, and appointed Substitute Trustee, all of son and Donna C Henderson, conveying Memphis, Tennessee, offer for sale cer- TION, INC., by CLAUDETTE PHILLIPS not further or otherwise. record in the Shelby County Register’s certain property therein described to tain property hereinafter described to the and MADELINE PHILLIPS, owners of If the highest bidder cannot pay the Office. Default in the performance of Kathryn L. Harris as Trustee for Mortgage highest bidder FOR certified funds paid Unit #5841-2, Chatham Village Condo- bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the the covenants, terms, and conditions Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as at the conclusion of the sale, or credit miniums, municipally known as 5841 sale, the next highest bidder, at their of said Deed of Trust has been made; beneficiary, as nominee for Community bid from a bank or other lending entity Park Avenue, Unit #5841-2; Memphis, highest bid, will be deemed the suc- and the entire indebtedness has been Mortgage Corporation, its successors pre-approved by the successor trustee. Tennessee 38120, as established by cessful bidder. declared due and payable. and assigns; and the undersigned, The sale is free from all exemptions, that certain Master Deed for Chatham THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Party entitled to enforce the debt: Nation- Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., hav- which are expressly waived in the Deed Village Condominiums, dated August THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT star Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper ing been appointed Successor Trustee of Trust, said property being real estate 22, 1979, of record in the Register’s A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION The hereinafter described real property by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National situated in Shelby County, Tennessee, Office of Shelby County, Tennes- OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT located in Shelby County will be sold Association. and being more particularly described see, as Instrument No. P7 0660, as PURPOSE. to the highest call bidder subject to all NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby as follows: amended by Instrument Nos. P8 0094 M. Wayne Mink, Jr. unpaid taxes, prior liens and encum- given that the entire indebtedness has Lot 152, Phase VI, Diamond Estates and 05131165, to be paid under the Substitute Trustee for Chatham brances of record: been declared due and payable; and Subdivision, as shown on plat of re- Master Deed, and the undersigned: (i) Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Legal Description: Real Estate, situated that an agent of Wilson & Associates, cord in Plat Book 185, Page 46, in the having been appointed as the Substi- DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN and being in the County of Shelby, State P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue Register’s Office of Shelby County, tute Trustee of the Association by the & MINK, PLLC of Tennessee: of the power, duty, and authority vested Tennessee, reference to which plat Board of Directors of Chatham Village Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71073 Lot 15, First addition, Macon Stratford in and imposed upon said Successor is hereby made for a more particular Homeowners Association, Inc., as Subdivision, as shown on Plat of Record Trustee, by JPMorgan Chase Bank, description of said property. evidenced by that certain Appointment NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S in Plat Book 15, Page 1, in the Register`s National Association, will, on September ALSO KNOWN AS: 752 Sapphire of Substitute Trustee recorded in the SALE Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, to 13, 2019 on or about 11:00 AM, at Avenue, Memphis, TN 38109 aforementioned Register’s Office as In- Default having been made in the pay- which Plat reference is hereby made the Shelby County Courthouse, Mem- This sale is subject to all matters strument No. 19007713, and (ii) having ment of the debts and obligations for a more particular description of phis, Tennessee, offer for sale certain shown on any applicable recorded plat; been directed to advertise and sell the described in and secured by a certain said Lot. property hereinafter described to the any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- property described below for unpaid ho- Deed of Trust executed by DEBORAH M. Street Address: The street address of highest bidder FOR certified fundspaid enants, easements, or setback lines meowner’s association assessments, PARKINS to Amelia A. Shreve , Trustee, the property is believed to be 4502 at the conclusion of the sale, or credit that may be applicable; any statutory said indebtedness remaining unpaid, as recorded June 9, 2011 in Shelby County Sandy Cove, Memphis, TN 38122, but bid from a bank or other lending entity rights of redemption of any governmental well as other indebtedness due under Register’s Office at Inst#11055486 and such address is not part of the legal pre-approved by the successor trustee. agency, state or federal; any prior liens the aforementioned Master Deed, and the beneficial interest of said Deed of description of the property. In the event The sale is free from all exemptions, or encumbrances as well as any prior- the power of sale being granted under Trust is owned by FIRST TENNESSEE of any discrepancy, the legal description which are expressly waived in the Deed ity created by a fixture filing; and to any Section 10(b) of the aforementioned BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, and the herein shall control. of Trust, said property being real estate matter that an accurate survey of the Master Deed. undersigned having been appointed Suc- Map/Parcel Number: 063001 00023 situated in Shelby County, Tennessee, premises might disclose. In addition, the THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the cessor Trustee by instrument recorded Current owner(s) of Record: James and being more particularly described following parties may claim an interest undersigned will, on in said Register’s Office, this is notice Dan Cheek as follows: in the above-referenced property: Friday, September 27, 2019. that the undersigned will on October This sale is subject to all matters shown Lot 798, 1st Addition, Berryhill Farms Patrick L Johnson commencing at 12:00 noon at the 8, 2019 at 1:00PM local time, at the on any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; Subdivision, as shown on plat of record Sharon L Johnson southwest corner of the Courthouse, Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, any unpaid taxes and assessments; any in Plat Book 204, Page 13, in the The City of Memphis Division of Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, Tennessee will proceed to sell at public restrictive covenants, easements or Register’s Office of Shelby County, Housing and Community Develop- and at the Adams Avenue entrance outcry to the highest and best bidder setback lines that may be applicable; Tennessee, to which plat reference is ment thereof, proceed to sell at public out- for cash the following property located rights of redemption, equity, statutory made for a more particular description Credit Acceptance Corp. cry to the highest and best bidder for in Shelby County, Tennessee, will be or otherwise, not otherwise waived of said property. Cook Sales Inc. cash, the following described property, sold to the highest call bidder subject in the Deed of Trust, including rights ALSO KNOWN AS: 1802 Turtle Hill, Springleaf Financial Services, to wit: to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and of redemption of any government Cordova, TN 38016 Inc. Unit 5841-2, Chatham Village Condo- encumbrances of record. agency, state or federal; and any and This sale is subject to all matters Cresnet Bank & Trust miniums, as more particularly shown Described property is located in Shelby all prior deeds of trust, liens, dues, shown on any applicable recorded plat; Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. and described in that certain Master County, Tennessee, being Lot 295, assessments, encumbrances, defects, any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- Gemstones Community Homeown- Deed for Chatham Village Condomini- Section B, Bartlett Estates Subdivi- adverse claims and other matters that enants, easements, or setback lines ers Association, Inc. ums, dated August 22, 1979, of record sion, as per plat of record in Plat Book may take priority over the Deed of Trust that may be applicable; any statutory INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE in the Register’s Office of Shelby 48, Page 45. Being the same property upon which this foreclosure sale is rights of redemption of any governmen- Attention: Wendy Smoot County, Tennessee, as Instrument No. conveyed to Billy L. Parkins and wife, conducted or are not extinguished by tal agency, state or federal; any prior The Secretary of Housing and P7 0660, as amended by Instrument Deborah Parkins, recorded 5/7/1980, this Foreclosure Sale. liens or encumbrances as well as any Urban Development Nos. P8 0094 and 05131165, all of at Inst#R42092, in the Register’s Office THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY priority created by a fixture filing; and On or about May 10, 2018, the United record in the aforementioned Regis- of Shelby County, Tennessee. REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, to any matter that an accurate survey States of America, Internal Revenue ter’s Office, to which Master Deed Property Address: 5548 Montpelier Dr., EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, RELATING of the premises might disclose. In ad- Service, filed a federal tax lien against reference is hereby made for a more Memphis, TN 38134 TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY OF TITLE, dition, the following parties may claim the Defendant, Patrick & Sharon John- particular description of the said unit, TAX ID: B0156K0B001430 POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR an interest in the above- referenced son, recorded in the Register’s Office of together with a 0.3665% undivided Current Owner(s) of Property: DEBORAH THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL property: Shelby County, Tennessee, Instrument interest in all general common and M. PARKINS OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. DAN E HENDERSON No. 18049473. On or about May 10, limited common areas declared in The street address of the above de- The title is believed to be good, but the DONNA C HENDERSON 2018, the United States of America, said Master Deed to be appurtenant scribed property is believed to be 5548 undersigned will sell and convey only as REGIONS BANK Internal Revenue Service, filed a federal to said unit. Montpelier Dr., Memphis, TN 38134 but Substitute Trustee. PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOC. LLC, tax lien against the Defendant, Patrick Property Address: 5841 Park Avenue, such address is not part of the legal The right is reserved to adjourn the sale ASSIGNEE OF PROVIDIAN NAT’I BANK, Johnson, recorded in the Register’s Unit #5841-2, Memphis, Tennessee description of the property sold herein to another time certain or to another day, CAVALRY SPV I LLC, Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, 38120 and in the event of any discrepancy, time, and place certain, without further CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORP., Instrument No. 18049474. Any interest Owner(s) of Property: Claudette Phil- the legal description referenced herein publication upon announcement on the The sale held pursuant to this Notice in the property held by the United States lips and Madeline Phillips shall control. day, time, and place of sale set forth may be rescinded at the Successor of America, Internal Revenue Service, Other Interested Parties: NationStar SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS above or any subsequent adjourned day, Trustee’s option at any time. The right by virtue of the aforementioned federal Mortgage, LLC; Robert M. Wilson, IN POSSESSION. time, and place of sale. is reserved to adjourn the day of the tax lien is both junior and inferior to Successor Trustee; and Tenants in If applicable, the notice requirements of If you purchase a property at the fore- sale to another day, time, and place the interests held by Ditech Financial possession (if any) T.C.A. 35-5-117 have been met. closure sale, the entire purchase price certain without further publication, upon LLC. Provided, however, that the United Parcel Number: 081004-A00002 Other Interested Parties: Estate of is due and payable at the conclusion announcement at the time and place States of America, Internal Revenue This sale is expressly subject to the Deborah M. Parkins; Rosemary Frances of the auction in the form of a certified for the sale set forth above. In the Service, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §7425 lien of any real estate taxes assessed Matkin; Austin Royce Alan Matkin check made payable to or endorsed to event of inclement weather, the trustee and 28 U.S.C. §2410(c), shall have one against the Unit due and owing; prior All right of equity of redemption, statu- Padgett Law Group. No personal checks hereby announces that the sale will be hundred and twenty (120) days from the liens; encumbrances; easements; any tory and otherwise, and homestead will be accepted. To this end, you must postponed for a period of two weeks. date of the sale within which to redeem other instruments of record; matters are expressly waived in said Deed of bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender In such situations, notices will be the property by virtue of its tax lien(s) which would be disclosed by an ac- Trust, and the title is believed to be and any other bidders. Insufficient funds mailed to interested parties of record. herein by payment of the actual amount curate survey; that certain Deed of good, but the undersigned will sell and will not be accepted. Amounts received W&A No. 341548 paid by the purchaser at the foreclosure Trust of record as Instrument No. Y8 convey only as Substitute Trustee. The in excess of the winning bid will be DATED August 21, 2019 sale, plus any amount in excess of 3843, re-recorded as Instrument No. right is reserved to adjourn the sale to refunded to the successful purchaser WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., the expenses necessarily incurred in Z2 0851, modified by Instrument No. another day, time and place certain at the time the foreclosure deed is Successor Trustee connection with such property, less JX 7594, substitute trustee appointed without further publication, upon an- delivered. Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Fod71126 the income from such property, plus a at Instrument No. GR 4042, and as- nouncement of the time and place for This property is being sold with the reasonable rental value of such property. signed by Instrument Nos. 13118109 the sale set forth above. If you purchase express reservation that the sale is NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE As required by 26 U.S.C. §7425(b), and 14018856; the contents of that the property at the foreclosure sale, the subject to confirmation by the lender or WHEREAS, default has occurred in the the United States of America, Internal certain Master Deed for Chatham Vil- entire purchase price is due and payable trustee. This sale may be rescinded by performance of the covenants, terms, Revenue Service has been given timely lage Condominiums, of record in the at the conclusion of the auction in the the Substitute Trustee at any time. and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note notice of this action. Register’s Office as Instrument No. P7 form of certified bank check made pay- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT dated January 19, 2001, and the Deed The sale held pursuant to this Notice 0660, as amended by Instrument Nos. able to Solomon Baggett, LLC Escrow A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION of Trust of even date securing the same, may be rescinded at the Successor P8 0094 and 05131165, modified by OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT recorded January 29, 2001, Document Trustee’s option at any time. The right Instrument No. 19007713; the contents Continued on Page 14 Page 14 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices certain easements of record in Instru- c/o John R. Cheadle Jr.. tion, all matters shown on any applicable indebtedness has been declared due Continued from Page 13 ment Nos. 04129565 and 04214395; Terms of Sale will be public auction, recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any and payable. the charter of Mid-Summer Common PD for cash, free and clear of rights of restrictive covenants, easements, or Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Account. No personal checks will be – South Homeowner’s Association, Inc., homestead, redemption and dower to setback lines that may be applicable; Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors accepted. You must bring sufficient of record as Instrument No. 05069543; the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, any statutory right of redemption of any and assigns. funds to outbid the lender and any other subdivision restrictions, building lines, and the rights of Korrick M. Brown and governmental agency, state or federal; The real estate located in Shelby bidders. Insufficient funds will not be and easements of record in Plat Book Stephanie R. Brown, and those claiming any prior liens or encumbrances includ- County, Tennessee, and described in accepted. Amounts received in excess 185, Page 12; Plat Book 192, Page through him/her/it/them. ing those created by a fixture filing or any the said Deed of Trust will be sold to of the winning bid will be refunded to 5; Plat Book 205, Page 23; Plat Book Any right of equity of redemption, applicable homeowners’ association the highest call bidder. The terms of the successful purchaser at the time 214, Page 9; and Plat Book 217, Page statutory and otherwise, and homestead dues or assessments; all claims or other the said Deed of Trust may be modi- the foreclosure deed is delivered. This 40; the rights of tenants in possession are waived in accord with the terms of matters, whether of record or not, which fied by other instruments appearing in property is being sold with the express under unrecorded leases (if any); and said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- may encumber the purchaser’s title and the public record. Additional identifying reservation that the sale is subject to any and all rights of the debtor (if any) lieved to be good, but the undersigned any matter that an accurate survey of information regarding the collateral confirmation by the lender or trustee. under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil will sell and convey only as Substitute the premises might disclose. property is below and is believed to This sale may be rescinded by the Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501, et Trustee. The following parties may claim an be accurate, but no representation or Substitute Trustee at any time. seq., as such may be amended from The right is reserved to adjourn the interest in the above-referenced property warrant is intended. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT time to time. day of the sale to another day, time, and to be affected by the foreclosure: any Street Address: 7010 Cross Timber COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO All right and equity of redemption, place certain without further publication, judgment creditor or lien holder with an Ln, Memphis, Tennessee 38125 COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION homestead, and dower, and all other upon announcement at the time and interest subordinate to the said Deed of Parcel Number: 093523 N00068 OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT exemptions waived in said Declaration place for the sale set forth above. If you Trust or any party claiming by, through, or Current Owner(s) of Property: Moynette PURPOSE. and the title is believed to be good, but purchase a property at the foreclosure under any of the foregoing. Such parties D. Barnes Robert J. Solomon the undersigned will sell and convey only sale, the entire purchase price is due known to the Substitute Trustee may This sale is subject to, without limita- Substitute Trustee as the designated agent of the Board and payable at the conclusion of the include: The Secretary of Housing and tion, all matters shown on any applicable Solomon Baggett, LLC of Directors of Mid-Summer Common auction in the form of a certified/bank Urban Development; Cresney Bank & recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any 3763 Rogers Bridge Road PD – South Homeowner’s Association, check made payable to or endorsed Trust; Capital One Bank USA, N.A.; Credit restrictive covenants, easements, or Duluth, Georgia 30097 Inc., a Tennessee non-profit corporation, to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal Acceptance Corp; Capital One Bank USA setback lines that may be applicable; (678) 243-2512 and not further or otherwise. checks will be accepted. To this end, NA c/o Kimberly P. Gloss. any statutory right of redemption of any Our File No. NDS. 01875 If the highest bidder cannot pay the you must bring sufficient funds to out- Terms of Sale will be public auction, governmental agency, state or federal; Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71122 bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the bid the lender and any other bidders. for cash, free and clear of rights of any prior liens or encumbrances includ- sale, the next highest bidder, at their Insufficient funds will not be accepted. homestead, redemption and dower to ing those created by a fixture filing or any NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE highest bid, will be deemed the suc- Amounts received in excess of the the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, applicable homeowners’ association Default having been made in the cessful bidder. winning bid will be refunded to the and the rights of Rande J. Johnson and dues or assessments; all claims or other payment of assessments, dues, in- THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. successful purchaser at the time the Sharon L. Johnson, and those claiming matters, whether of record or not, which terest, debts, and obligations owing THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT foreclosure deed is delivered. through him/her/it/them. may encumber the purchaser’s title and MID-SUMMER COMMON PD – SOUTH A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION This property is being sold with the Any right of equity of redemption, any matter that an accurate survey of HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION, Inc., OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT express reservation that the sale is statutory and otherwise, and homestead the premises might disclose. by JIMMY BRYSON and wife, LATONYA PURPOSE. subject to confirmation by the lender or are waived in accord with the terms of The following parties may claim an BRYSON, owner of Lot 25, Mid-Summer M. Wayne Mink, Jr. trustee. This sale may be rescinded only said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- interest in the above-referenced property Commons PD South, municipally known Designated Agent for Mid-Summer by the Substitute Trustee at any time. lieved to be good, but the undersigned to be affected by the foreclosure: any as 5116 Wemberley Drive, Memphis, Common PD – South Homeowner’s If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the will sell and convey only as Substitute judgment creditor or lien holder with an Tennessee 38125, as established by Association, Inc. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled Trustee. interest subordinate to the said Deed of that certain Declaration of Covenants, DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN to a return of any money paid towards The right is reserved to adjourn the Trust or any party claiming by, through, or Conditions and Restrictions for Mid- & MINK, PLLC the purchase price and shall have no day of the sale to another day, time, and under any of the foregoing. Such parties Summer Common PD – South, dated Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71190 other recourse. Once the purchaser place certain without further publication, known to the Substitute Trustee may May 3, 2005, as recorded as Instru- tenders the purchase price, the Substi- upon announcement at the time and include: Internal Revenue Service, Area ment No. 05070116, in the Register’s SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE tute Trustee may deem the sale final in place for the sale set forth above. If you Director - Compliance; BMH Memphis Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, to Sale at public auction will be on Octo- which case the purchaser shall have no purchase a property at the foreclosure c/o Valerie Fisher, Attorney; State of be paid under the Declaration, and the ber 3, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, at remedy. The real property will be sold sale, the entire purchase price is due Tennessee Department of Labor and undersigned having been authorized by the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or and payable at the conclusion of the Workforce Development. the Board of Directors of Mid-Summer Street, Memphis, TN 38103 pursuant representations of any kind, express or auction in the form of a certified/bank The United States Internal Revenue Common PD – South Homeowner’s to Deed of Trust executed by Korrick implied, including without limitation, check made payable to or endorsed Service has filed notice(s) of lien at: IRS Association, Inc., to advertise and sell M. Brown and Stephanie R. Brown, to warranties regarding condition of the to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal Lien at 14106592 10/17/2014 Shelby the property described below for unpaid Michael A. Fearnley, Trustee, as trustee property or marketability of title. checks will be accepted. To this end, County Registry. Notice required by 26 homeowner’s association dues, said for Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- This office may be a debt collector. you must bring sufficient funds to out- U.S.C. § 7425(b) to be given to the indebtedness remaining unpaid, as well tems, Inc. (“MERS”), solely as nominee This may be an attempt to collect a debt bid the lender and any other bidders. United States has been timely given. as other indebtedness due under the for Transland Financial Services, Inc. and any information obtained may be Insufficient funds will not be accepted. The sale of the land described above aforementioned Declaration, and the on September 9, 2003 at Instrument used for that purpose. Amounts received in excess of the will be subject to the right of the United power of sale being granted under Article No. 03189183; conducted by Shapiro Shapiro & Ingle, LLP winning bid will be refunded to the States to redeem the land as provided VII, Section 7.05 of the aforementioned & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed Substitute Trustee successful purchaser at the time the for in 26 U.S.C. § 7425(d)(1). Declaration. Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 foreclosure deed is delivered. The State of Tennessee THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the record in the Shelby County Register’s Charlotte, NC 28216 This property is being sold with the Department of Labor has filed notice(s) undersigned will, on Office. Default has occurred in the Phone: (704) 333-8107 express reservation that the sale is of lien at: State Tax Lien at 14070833 Friday, October 4, 2019. performance of the covenants, terms, Fax: (704) 333-8156 subject to confirmation by the lender or 07/11/2014 Shelby County Registry. commencing at 12:00 P.M. noon at the and conditions of said Deed of Trust trustee. This sale may be rescinded only Notice required by § 50-7-404(i)(2)(B) of southwest corner of the Courthouse, and the entire indebtedness has been File No. 14-057255 by the Substitute Trustee at any time. the Tennessee Code to be given to the Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, declared due and payable. Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71224 If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the Commissioner of Labor has been timely and at the Adams Avenue entrance Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled given. The sale of the land described thereof, proceed to sell at public out- Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE to a return of any money paid towards above will be subject to the right of the cry to the highest and best bidder for and assigns. Sale at public auction will be on Oc- the purchase price and shall have no State of Tennessee to redeem the land cash, the following described property, The real estate located in Shelby tober 3, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, other recourse. Once the purchaser as provided for in § 50-7-404(i)(3) of the to wit: County, Tennessee, and described in at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. tenders the purchase price, the Substi- Tennessee Code. Lot 25, Mid-Summer Commons PD the said Deed of Trust will be sold to Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 pursu- tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Terms of Sale will be public auction, South, as shown on plat of record the highest call bidder. The terms of ant to Deed of Trust executed by Rande which case the purchaser shall have no for cash, free and clear of rights of in Plat Book 217, Page 40, in the the said Deed of Trust may be modi- J. Johnson and Sharon L. Johnson, to remedy. The real property will be sold homestead, redemption and dower to Register’s Office of Shelby County, fied by other instruments appearing in Kathryn L. Harris, Trustee, as trustee AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, Tennessee, to which plat reference the public record. Additional identifying for Community Mortgage Corporation representations of any kind, express or and the rights of Moynette D. Barnes and is hereby made for a more particular information regarding the collateral on October 6, 1997 at Instrument No. implied, including without limitation, Joshla Henderson, and those claiming description of said property. property is below and is believed to GX 6668; conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, warranties regarding condition of the through him/her/it/them. Property Address: 5116 Wemberley be accurate, but no representation or LLP, having been appointed Substitute property or marketability of title. Any right of equity of redemption, Drive, Memphis, Tennessee 38125 warrant is intended. or Successor Trustee, all of record in This office may be a debt collector. statutory and otherwise, and homestead Owner(s) of Property: Jimmy Bryson Street Address: 1306 Siskin Drive, the Shelby County Register’s Office. This may be an attempt to collect a debt are waived in accord with the terms of and wife, Latonya Bryson Cordova, Tennessee 38016 Default has occurred in the performance and any information obtained may be said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- Other Interested Parties: Southern Parcel Number: D0215W C00051 of the covenants, terms, and conditions used for that purpose. lieved to be good, but the undersigned Trust Title, Trustee; Mortgage Electron- Current Owner(s) of Property: Kor- of said Deed of Trust and the entire Shapiro & Ingle, LLP will sell and convey only as Substitute ic Registration Systems; U.S. Bank, rick M. Brown and wife, Stephanie indebtedness has been declared due Substitute Trustee Trustee. National Association, as successor R. Brown and payable. 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 The right is reserved to adjourn the trustee to Bank of America, N.A., as This sale is subject to, without limita- Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Charlotte, NC 28216 day of the sale to another day, time, and successor by merger to LaSalle Bank, tion, all matters shown on any applicable Government Loan Securitization Trust Phone: (704) 333-8107 place certain without further publication, N.A., as trustee for Merrill Lynch First recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any 2011-FV1, U.S. Bank Trust National Fax: (704) 333-8156 upon announcement at the time and Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust, Mort- restrictive covenants, easements, or Association, not in its individual capacity place for the sale set forth above. If you gage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, setback lines that may be applicable; but solely as Delaware trustee and U.S. File No. 12-044657 purchase a property at the foreclosure Series 2007-1; First Franklin Financial any statutory right of redemption of any Bank National Association, not in its indi- Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71257 sale, the entire purchase price is due Corp.; NationStar Mortgage, LLC; Ten- governmental agency, state or federal; vidual capacity but solely as Co-Trustee, and payable at the conclusion of the nessee Department of Revenue; and any prior liens or encumbrances includ- its successors and assigns. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE auction in the form of a certified/bank Tenant in Possession (if any). ing those created by a fixture filing or any The real estate located in Shelby Sale at public auction will be on check made payable to or endorsed Parcel Number: D0256M-B00025 applicable homeowners’ association County, Tennessee, and described in October 3, 2019 at 10:00AM local to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal This sale is expressly subject to the dues or assessments; all claims or other the said Deed of Trust will be sold to time, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, checks will be accepted. To this end, lien of any real estate taxes assessed matters, whether of record or not, which the highest call bidder. The terms of 100 N. Front Street, Memphis, TN you must bring sufficient funds to out- against the Lot due and owing; prior may encumber the purchaser’s title and the said Deed of Trust may be modi- 38103 pursuant to Deed of Trust bid the lender and any other bidders. liens; encumbrances; easements; any any matter that an accurate survey of fied by other instruments appearing in executed by Moynette D. Barnes and Insufficient funds will not be accepted. other instruments of record; matters the premises might disclose. the public record. Additional identifying Joshla Henderson, to Fearnley and Amounts received in excess of the which would be disclosed by an ac- The following parties may claim an information regarding the collateral Califf, Attorneys, Trustee, as trustee winning bid will be refunded to the curate survey; those certain deeds of interest in the above-referenced property property is below and is believed to for First National Security Corporation successful purchaser at the time the trust of record as: (i) Instrument No. to be affected by the foreclosure: any be accurate, but no representation or on August 28, 1998 at Instrument No. foreclosure deed is delivered. 07018139, as assigned by Instrument judgment creditor or lien holder with an warrant is intended. HT3699; conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, This property is being sold with the No. 09092098 and (ii) Instrument No. interest subordinate to the said Deed of Street Address: 3760 Walden Meadow LLP, having been appointed Substitute express reservation that the sale is 07018140; that certain Notice of State Trust or any party claiming by, through, or Drive, Memphis, Tennessee 38135 or Successor Trustee, all of record in subject to confirmation by the lender or Tax Lien of record as Instrument No. under any of the foregoing. Such parties Parcel Number: D0147A D00021 the Shelby County Register’s Office. trustee. This sale may be rescinded only 14066793; subject to the provisions of known to the Substitute Trustee may Current Owner(s) of Property: Rande J. Default has occurred in the performance by the Substitute Trustee at any time. the Declaration of record as Instrument include: Secretary of Housing and Urban Johnson and Sharon L. Johnson of the covenants, terms, and conditions If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the No. 05070116; the contents of those Development; Erie Insurance Exchange This sale is subject to, without limita- of said Deed of Trust and the entire sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 15

Public Notices to a return of any money paid towards plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive on Plat of record in Plat Book 25, an interest in the above- referenced you must bring sufficient funds to out- the purchase price and shall have no covenants, easements, or setback lines Page 17, in the Register’s Office property: bid the lender and any other bidders. other recourse. Once the purchaser that may be applicable; any statutory of Shelby County, Tennessee, to BRYAN WHITEHEAD Insufficient funds will not be accepted. tenders the purchase price, the Substi- rights of redemption of any governmental which Plat reference is hereby made ANJA WHITEHEAD Amounts received in excess of the tute Trustee may deem the sale final in agency, state or federal; any prior liens for a more particular description of The sale held pursuant to this Notice winning bid will be refunded to the which case the purchaser shall have no or encumbrances as well as any priority said property. may be rescinded at the Successor successful purchaser at the time the remedy. The real property will be sold created by a fixture filing; and to any ALSO KNOWN AS: 5578 Cottonwood Trustee’s option at any time. The right foreclosure deed is delivered. AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or matter that an accurate survey of the Road, Memphis, TN 38115 is reserved to adjourn the day of the This property is being sold with the representations of any kind, express or premises might disclose. In addition, the This sale is subject to all matters sale to another day, time, and place express reservation that the sale is implied, including without limitation, following parties may claim an interest shown on any applicable recorded plat; certain without further publication, upon subject to confirmation by the lender or warranties regarding condition of the in the above-referenced property: Judd any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- announcement at the time and place trustee. This sale may be rescinded only property or marketability of title. C Rhodes and Leighann Rhodes. enants, easements, or setback lines for the sale set forth above. In the by the Substitute Trustee at any time. This office may be a debt collector. If the United States or the State of that may be applicable; any statutory event of inclement weather, the trustee If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the This may be an attempt to collect a debt Tennessee have any liens or claimed rights of redemption of any governmen- hereby announces that the sale will be sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled and any information obtained may be lien(s) on the Property, and are named tal agency, state or federal; any prior postponed for a period of two weeks. to a return of any money paid towards used for that purpose. herein as interested parties, timely liens or encumbrances as well as any In such situations, notices will be the purchase price and shall have no Shapiro & Ingle, LLP notice has been given to the applicable priority created by a fixture filing; and mailed to interested parties of record. other recourse. Once the purchaser Substitute Trustee governmental entity, and the sale will to any matter that an accurate survey W&A No. 341605 tenders the purchase price, the Substi- 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 be subject to any applicable rights of of the premises might disclose. In ad- DATED August 28, 2019 tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Charlotte, NC 28216 redemption held by the entity as required dition, the following parties may claim WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., which case the purchaser shall have no Phone: (704) 333-8107 by 26 U.S.C. § 7425 and/or Tennessee an interest in the above- referenced Successor Trustee remedy. The real property will be sold Fax: (704) 333-8156 Code § 67-1-1433. property: Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71282 AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or All right and equity of redemption, WILLIE VALENTINE representations of any kind, express or File No. 19-118706 statutory and otherwise, homestead, ANK PROPERTIES SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE implied, including without limitation, Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71258 and dower are expressly waived in said MEMPHIS BONDING COMPANY Sale at public auction will be on warranties regarding condition of the Deed of Trust, and the title is believed The sale held pursuant to this Notice October 3, 2019 at 10:00AM local property or marketability of title. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE`S to be good; however, the undersigned may be rescinded at the Successor time, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 This office may be a debt collector. SALE will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee’s option at any time. The right N. Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 This may be an attempt to collect a debt WHEREAS, default has occurred Trustee. is reserved to adjourn the day of the pursuant to Deed of Trust executed and any information obtained may be in the performance of the covenants, The transfer shall be AS IS, WHERE sale to another day, time, and place by Falandis V. Norry, to Crawford Mc- used for that purpose. terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and without certain without further publication, upon Donald, Trustee, as trustee for First Shapiro & Ingle, LLP dated December 14, 2016, executed by warranties of any kind, express or im- announcement at the time and place Federal Bank, Federal Savings Bank Substitute Trustee Judd C Rhodes and Leighann Rhodes, plied, as to the condition of the Property for the sale set forth above. In the on December 3, 1996 at Instrument 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 married, to John W. Byrd, Trustee, and the improvements located thereon, event of inclement weather, the trustee No. GG2532; conducted by Shapiro Charlotte, NC 28216 for Mortgage Electronic Registration including merchantability or fitness for hereby announces that the sale will be & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed Phone: (704) 333-8107 Systems, Inc. as nominee for Bartlett particular purpose. Trustee shall make postponed for a period of two weeks. Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of Fax: (704) 333-8156 Mortgage, Inc., its successors and no covenant of seisin or warranty of In such situations, notices will be record in the Shelby County Register’s assigns, and appearing of record on title, express or implied, and will sell mailed to interested parties of record. Office. Default has occurred in the File No. 19-117923 December 15, 2016, in the Register’s and convey the subject real property by W&A No. 341708 performance of the covenants, terms, Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71283 Office ofShelby County, Tennessee, at Substitute Trustee’s Deed only. DATED August 28, 2019 and conditions of said Deed of Trust Instrument Number 16127710. The right is reserved to adjourn the WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., and the entire indebtedness has been SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of day of the sale to another day, time, and Successor Trustee declared due and payable. Sale at public auction will be on said Deed of Trust was last transferred place certain without further publication, Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71281 Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: October 4, 2019 at 12:00PM local and assigned to U.S. BANK NATIONAL upon announcement at the time and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors time, at the southwest door, Shelby ASSOCIATION, the party entitled to place for the sale set forth above. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE and assigns. County Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, enforce said security interest; and This property is being sold with the WHEREAS, default has occurred The real estate located in Shelby Memphis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed having appointed Clear Recon LLC, the express reservation that the sale is in the performance of the covenants, County, Tennessee, and described in of Trust executed by Dwayne M. Jordan, undersigned, as Substitute Trustee by subject to confirmation by the lender or terms, and conditions of a Deed of the said Deed of Trust will be sold to to Handel R. Durham, Jr., Trustee, as instrument filed or being filed for record trustee. This sale may be rescinded by Trust Note dated July 30, 2015, and the highest call bidder. The terms of trustee for Franklin Mortgage Funding in the Register’s Office ofShelby County, the Substitute Trustee at any time. the Deed of Trust of even date secur- the said Deed of Trust may be modi- Inc. on August 18, 2000 at Instrument Tennessee, with all of the rights, powers, THIS OFFICE IS ACTING AS A DEBT ing the same, recorded August 4, 2015, fied by other instruments appearing in No. KR2836; conducted by Shapiro and privileges of the original Trustee COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO Document No. 15076866, in Office the public record. Additional identifying & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed named in said Deed of Trust. COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION of the Register of Deeds for Shelby information regarding the collateral Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT County, Tennessee, executed by Bryan property is below and is believed to record in the Shelby County Register’s given that the entire indebtedness has PURPOSE. Whitehead and Anja Whitehead, convey- be accurate, but no representation or Office. Default has occurred in the been declared due and payable as Clear Recon LLC ing certain property therein described warrant is intended. performance of the covenants, terms, provided in said Deed of Trust, and that Substitute Trustee to First American Title Insurance Street Address: 3825 Brookmeade St, and conditions of said Deed of Trust the undersigned, Clear Recon LLC, as 5751 Uptain Road Company as Trustee for Mortgage Memphis, Tennessee 38127 and the entire indebtedness has been Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed Suite 514 Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as Parcel Number: 072101 00094 declared due and payable. agent, by virtue of the power, duty, and Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411 beneficiary, as nominee for Acceptance Current Owner(s) of Property: Falandis Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: authority vested and imposed upon said Phone: (877) 319-8840 Capital Mortgage Corporation, its succes- V. Norry Ajax Mortgage Loan Trust 2018-C, Substitute Trustee will, on October 3, File No: 1292-1109A sors and assigns; and the undersigned, This sale is subject to, without limita- Mortgage-Backed Securities, Series 2019, at 10:00 AM, local time, at the Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71264 Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having tion, all matters shown on any applicable 2018-C, by U.S. Bank National As- Room, located in the Com- been appointed Successor Trustee by recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any sociation, as Indenture Trustee, its fort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front Street, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Freedom Mortgage Corporation. restrictive covenants, easements, or successors and assigns. Memphis, Tennessee 38103, proceed WHEREAS, default has occurred NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby setback lines that may be applicable; The real estate located in Shelby to sell at public outcry to the highest and in the performance of the covenants, given that the entire indebtedness has any statutory right of redemption of any County, Tennessee, and described in best bidder for cash or certified funds terms, and conditions of a Deed of been declared due and payable; and governmental agency, state or federal; the said Deed of Trust will be sold to ONLY, paid at the conclusion of the sale, Trust Note dated February 9, 2004, that an agent of Wilson & Associates, any prior liens or encumbrances includ- the highest call bidder. The terms of the following described property situated and the Deed of Trust of even date P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue ing those created by a fixture filing or any the said Deed of Trust may be modi- in Shelby County, to wit: securing the same, recorded March of the power, duty, and authority vested applicable homeowners’ association fied by other instruments appearing in The land referred to herein below 11, 2004, Document No. 04040897, in and imposed upon said Successor dues or assessments; all claims or other the public record. Additional identifying is situated in the County of Shelby, in Office of the Register of Deeds for Trustee, by Freedom Mortgage Corpo- matters, whether of record or not, which information regarding the collateral State of Tennessee, and is described Shelby County, Tennessee, executed ration, will, on October 17, 2019 on may encumber the purchaser’s title and property is below and is believed to as follows: by Willie Valentine, conveying certain or about 10:00 AM, at the Comfort any matter that an accurate survey of be accurate, but no representation or Land situated in Shelby County, property therein described to Wesley D. Inn Downtown, Memphis, Tennessee, the premises might disclose. warrant is intended. Tennessee: Turner as Trustee for Argent Mortgage offer for sale certain property hereinafter The following parties may claim an Street Address: 1075 Palmer Rd, Lot 78, Wolf Hollow Subdivision, as Company, LLC; and the undersigned, described to the highest bidder FOR certi- interest in the above-referenced property Memphis, Tennessee 38116 shown on plat of record in Plat Book Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having fied fundspaid at the conclusion of the to be affected by the foreclosure: any Parcel Number: 077073 00022 245, Page 46, in the Register’s Of- been appointed Successor Trustee by sale, or credit bid from a bank or other judgment creditor or lien holder with Current Owner(s) of Property: Dwayne fice of Shelby County, Tennessee, to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, lending entity pre-approved by the suc- an interest subordinate to the said M. Jordan, an unmarried person which plat reference is hereby made as Trustee for Argent Securities Inc., cessor trustee. The sale is free from all Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, This sale is subject to, without limita- for a more particular description of Asset-Backed Pass- Through Certificates, exemptions, which are expressly waived through, or under any of the foregoing. tion, all matters shown on any applicable said Land. Series 2004-W7. in the Deed of Trust, said property being Such parties known to the Substitute recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Being the same property conveyed to NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby real estate situated in Shelby County, Trustee may include: None. restrictive covenants, easements, or Judd C. Rhodes and Leighann Rhodes, given that the entire indebtedness has Tennessee, and being more particularly Terms of Sale will be public auction, setback lines that may be applicable; as husband and wife, via Warranty been declared due and payable; and described as follows: for cash, free and clear of rights of any statutory right of redemption of any Deed from James W. Crumpton and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, LOT 147, PHASE FIVE, THE BLUFFS homestead, redemption and dower to governmental agency, state or federal; Jill A. Crumpton, as husband wife, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue OF WINDING OAKS PLANNED DEVEL- the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, any prior liens or encumbrances includ- recorded on December 15, 2016, as of the power, duty, and authority vested OPMENT, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF and the rights of Falandis V. Norry, ing those created by a fixture filing or any Instrument Number 16127709 in the in and imposed upon said Successor RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 227, PAGE and those claiming through him/her/ applicable homeowners’ association Register of Deeds Office for Shelby Trustee, by Deutsche Bank National 39, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE, it/them. dues or assessments; all claims or other County, Tennessee. Trust Company, as Trustee for Argent Se- SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO Any right of equity of redemption, matters, whether of record or not, which Parcel ID: B0158Q A00078 curities Inc., Asset-Backed Pass- Through WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY statutory and otherwise, and homestead may encumber the purchaser’s title and Commonly known as 8453 Wolf Wil- Certificates, Series 2004-W7, will, on MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR are waived in accord with the terms of any matter that an accurate survey of low Lane, Bartlett, TN 38133 September 19, 2019 on or about 10:00 DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- the premises might disclose. The street address and parcel AM, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, A.P.N.: B01-38DC-00012 lieved to be good, but the undersigned The following parties may claim an number(s) of the above described Memphis, Tennessee, offer for sale ALSO KNOWN AS: 5109 Forest Oasis will sell and convey only as Substitute interest in the above-referenced property property are believed to be correct; certain property hereinafter described Lane, Bartlett, TN 38135 Trustee. to be affected by the foreclosure: any however, such references are not a part to the highest bidder FOR certified funds This sale is subject to all matters The right is reserved to adjourn the judgment creditor or lien holder with of the legal description of the property paid at the conclusion of the sale, or shown on any applicable recorded plat; day of the sale to another day, time, and an interest subordinate to the said sold herein, and, in the event of any credit bid from a bank or other lending any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- place certain without further publication, Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, discrepancy, the legal description herein entity pre-approved by the successor enants, easements, or setback lines upon announcement at the time and through, or under any of the foregoing. shall control trustee. The sale is free from all exemp- that may be applicable; any statutory place for the sale set forth above. If you Such parties known to the Substitute Current Owner(s) of Property: Judd C tions, which are expressly waived in rights of redemption of any governmen- purchase a property at the foreclosure Trustee may include: HIBU Inc. c/o Paul Rhodes and Leighann Rhodes the Deed of Trust, said property being tal agency, state or federal; any prior sale, the entire purchase price is due Mendelson. Other Interested Parties: real estate situated in Shelby County, liens or encumbrances as well as any and payable at the conclusion of the Terms of Sale will be public auction, This sale is subject to tenant(s)/ Tennessee, and being more particularly priority created by a fixture filing; and auction in the form of a certified/bank for cash, free and clear of rights of occupant(s) rights in possession. described as follows: to any matter that an accurate survey check made payable to or endorsed homestead, redemption and dower to This sale is subject to all matters Lot 127, Revised Plan, Section “A-1”, of the premises might disclose. In ad- to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal shown on any applicable recorded Fox Meadows Subdivision, as shown dition, the following parties may claim checks will be accepted. To this end, Continued on Page 16 Page 16 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices but such address is not part of the legal Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, Number 13017751 in the Register’s offer the property to the second high- Continued from Page 15 description of the property. In the event and at the Adams Avenue entrance Office of Shelby County, Tennessee; est bidder for an amount equal to the of any discrepancy, the legal description thereof, proceed to sell at public out- and highest price offered by that bidder. the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, herein shall control. cry to the highest and best bidder for WHEREAS, a default has been made All right and equity of redemption, and the rights of Dwayne M. Jordan, Map/Parcel Number: 096505 cash, the following described property, in the covenants and conditions of the homestead and dower waived in said and those claiming through him/her/ D00020 to wit: Deed of Trust in that the payment due Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to it/them. Current owner(s) of Record: Lucille P. Lot 27, Phase XVII, THE VILLAGE OF on August 14, 2019 was not made and be good, but the undersigned will sell and Any right of equity of redemption, Barnhart, unmarried HOLLY KNOLL IN THE VILLAGES OF remains wholly unpaid as of the date of convey only as Substitute Trustee. There- statutory and otherwise, and homestead This sale is subject to all matters shown BENNINGTON P.U.D., as shown on plat this notice, and no payment has been fore, the Foreclosure Commissioner are waived in accord with the terms of on any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; of record in Plat Book 111, Page 14, in made sufficient to restore the loan to will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- any unpaid taxes and assessments; any the Register’s Office of Shelby County, currency; and upon receipt of the entire purchase lieved to be good, but the undersigned restrictive covenants, easements or Tennessee, to which plat reference WHEREAS, the entire amount price in accordance with the terms of will sell and convey only as Substitute setback lines that may be applicable; is hereby made for a more particular delinquent as of August 14, 2019 is the sale as provided herein. HUD does Trustee. rights of redemption, equity, statutory description of said property. $67,525.53; and not guarantee that the property will be The right is reserved to adjourn the or otherwise, not otherwise waived Property Address: 7421 Iris Cove, WHEREAS by virtue of this default, vacant. day of the sale to another day, time, and in the Deed of Trust, including rights Memphis, Tennessee 38125 the Secretary has declared the entire The scheduled foreclosure sale place certain without further publication, of redemption of any government Owner(s) of Property: Kelvin D. Ford amount of the indebtedness secured shall be cancelled or adjourned if it is upon announcement at the time and agency, state or federal; and any and and Tasha J. Ford by the Deed of Trust to be immediately established, but documented written place for the sale set forth above. If you all prior deeds of trust, liens, dues, Other Interested Parties: Tasha J. due and payable; application of the mortgagor to the purchase a property at the foreclosure assessments, encumbrances, defects, Ford; Jac-Co Construction, Inc.; A&A NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to pow- Foreclosure Commissioner not less sale, the entire purchase price is due adverse claims and other matters that Financial, L.L.C.; and Tenants in Pos- ers vested in me by the Single Family than 3 days before the date of sale, or and payable at the conclusion of the may take priority over the Deed of Trust session Under Unrecorded Leases Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, 12 otherwise, that the default or defaults auction in the form of a certified/bank upon which this foreclosure sale is (if any). U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR part upon which the foreclosure is based check made payable to or endorsed conducted or are not extinguished by Parcel Number: D0255Q-A00027 27, subpart B, and by the Secretary’s did not exist at the time of service of to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal this Foreclosure Sale. This sale is expressly subject to the designation of me as Foreclosure Com- this notice of default and foreclosure checks will be accepted. To this end, THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY lien of any real estate taxes assessed missioner, recorded on December 15, sale, or all amounts due under the you must bring sufficient funds to out- REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, against the Lot due and owing; prior 2017 in Instrument Number 17128061, mortgage agreement are tendered to the bid the lender and any other bidders. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, RELATING liens; encumbrances; easements; any notice is hereby given that on September Foreclosure Commissioner, in the form Insufficient funds will not be accepted. TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY OF TITLE, other instruments of record; matters 30, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. local time, all of certified or cashier’s check payable Amounts received in excess of the POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR which would be disclosed by an accu- real and personal property at or used in to the Secretary of HUD, before public winning bid will be refunded to the THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL rate survey; any ownership interest or connection with the following described auction of the property is completed. successful purchaser at the time the OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. marital interest of Tasha J. Ford in or to premises (“Property”) will be sold at The amount that must be paid in foreclosure deed is delivered. The title is believed to be good, but the the Property; those certain judgments of public auction to the highest bidder: order to satisfy the mortgage prior to This property is being sold with the undersigned will sell and convey only as record as Instrument Nos. 13013112 Situated in the County of Shelby, State the schedule sale is $67,525.53 as express reservation that the sale is Substitute Trustee. and 16115639; subject to the provi- of Tennessee: of August 14, 2019, plus all other subject to confirmation by the lender or The right is reserved to adjourn the sale sions of the Declaration of Covenants, Lot 94, Pine Hill Subdivision, as shown amounts that would be due under the trustee. This sale may be rescinded only to another time certain or to another day, Conditions and Restrictions “Villages of on plat of record in Plat Book 11, Page mortgage agreement if payments under by the Substitute Trustee at any time. time, and place certain, without further Bennington” as recorded as Instrument 30, in the Register’s Office of Shelby the mortgage had not been accelerated, If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the publication upon announcement on the No. S4 4074, as amended and modified County, Tennessee, to which plat refer- advertising costs and postage expenses sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled day, time, and place of sale set forth by those certain instruments of record ence is hereby made for a more particu- incurred in giving notice, mileage by to a return of any money paid towards above or any subsequent adjourned day, as Instrument Nos. W9 5086, EU 9822, lar description of said property. the most reasonable road distance for the purchase price and shall have no time, and place of sale. and EZ 2459; subdivision restrictions, Tax Parcel ID: 049-077-00041 posting notices and for the Foreclo- other recourse. Once the purchaser If you purchase a property at the fore- building lines, and easements of record Commonly known as: 2066 Benton sure Commissioner’s attendance at tenders the purchase price, the Substi- closure sale, the entire purchase price in Plat Book 82, Page 29; Plat Book Street, Memphis, TN 38106 the sale, reasonable and customary tute Trustee may deem the sale final in is due and payable at the conclusion 85, 31; Plat Book 88, Page 30; Plat The sale will be held at the southwest costs incurred for title and lien record which case the purchaser shall have no of the auction in the form of a certified Book 95, Page 56; Plat Book 98, Page corner of the Adams Avenue entrance searches, the necessary out of pocket remedy. The real property will be sold check made payable to or endorsed to 44; Plat Book 105, Page 48; Plat Book of the Shelby County courthouse, Mem- costs incurred by the Foreclosure Com- AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Padgett Law Group. No personal checks 107, Page 3, and Plat Book 111, Page phis, Tennessee. missioner for recording documents, a representations of any kind, express or will be accepted. To this end, you must 14; those certain easements of record Other Interested Parties: Secretary of commission for the Foreclosure Com- implied, including without limitation, bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender as Instrument Nos. X4 1021 and X4 Housing and Urban Development. missioner, and all other costs incurred warranties regarding condition of the and any other bidders. Insufficient funds 3718; that certain charter of record as The Secretary of Housing and Urban in connection with the foreclosure prior property or marketability of title. will not be accepted. Amounts received Instrument No. S2 5878, as amended Development will bid $67,525.53; to reinstatement. This office may be a debt collector. in excess of the winning bid will be by Instrument Nos. Y8 4922 and Z3 There will be no proration of taxes, Tender of payment by certified or This may be an attempt to collect a debt refunded to the successful purchaser 0789; the rights of tenants in posses- rents or other income or liabilities, ex- cashier’s check or application for can- and any information obtained may be at the time the foreclosure deed is sion under unrecorded leases (if any); cept that the purchaser will pay, at or cellation of the foreclosure sale shall used for that purpose. delivered. and any and all rights of the debtor (if before delivery date, his prorate share be submitted to the address of the Shapiro & Ingle, LLP This property is being sold with the any) under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ of any real estate taxes that have been Foreclosure Commissioner provided Substitute Trustee express reservation that the sale is Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501, paid by the Secretary to the date of the below. 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 subject to confirmation by the lender or et seq., as such may be amended from foreclosure sale. Arnold M. Weiss, Attorney at Law Charlotte, NC 28216 trustee. This sale may be rescinded by time to time. When making their bids, all bidders Foreclosure Commissioner and Trustee Phone: (704) 333-8107 the Substitute Trustee at any time. All right and equity of redemption, except the Secretary must submit a 208 Adams Avenue, Fax: (704) 333-8156 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT homestead and dower, and all other deposit totaling at least $6,752.55 Memphis, TN 38103 A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION exemptions are expressly waived in (10% of the Secretary’s bid) in the form Telephone: 901-526-8296 File No. 19-118979 OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT the Order and the title is believed to be of a certified check or cashier’s check Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71288 Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71284 PURPOSE. good, but the undersigned will sell and made out or endorsed to the Secretary Padgett Law Group, Substitute Trust- convey only as the designated agent of HUD. A deposit need not accompany SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF ee of the Board of Directors of Southwind each oral bid. If the successful bid is Sale at public auction will be on SALE 6267 Old Water Oak Road, Suite 203 Residential Properties Association, Inc., oral, a deposit of $6,752.55 must be October 3, 2019 at 12:00PM local Sale at public auction will be on Septem- Tallahassee, FL 32312 a Tennessee non-profit corporation, pur- presented before the bidding is closed. time, at the southwest door, Shelby ber 26, 2019, at or about 10:00 AM, (850) 422-2520 (telephone) suant to the terms and provisions of the The deposit is nonrefundable. The re- County Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, local time, at the southwest door of the (850) 422-2567 (facsimile) Order and not further or otherwise. mainder of the purchase price must be Memphis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed Shelby County Courthouse, 140 Adams [email protected] If the highest bidder cannot pay the delivered within 30 days of the sale or of Trust executed by Hazel M. Spencer Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38103, PLG# 19-015439-1 bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the at such other time as the Secretary may and Willie Spencer, to Brandon G Polito, pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Fod71290 sale, the next highest bidder, at their determine for good cause shown, time Trustee, as trustee for Wells Fargo Bank, by Lucille P. Barnhart, unmarried, to highest bid, will be deemed the suc- being of the essence. This amount, like N.A. on December 16, 2008 at Instru- FMLS, Inc., as Trustee for Regions Bank NOTICE OF JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE cessful bidder. the bid deposits must be delivered in ment No. 09004459; conducted by Sha- dated January 26, 2015, and recorded SALE THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. the form of a certified or cashier’s check piro & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed in Instrument No.: 15018551, in the Default having been made in the pay- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT made out or endorsed to the Secretary Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of Register’s Office for Shelby County, ment of assessments, dues, interest, A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION of HUD. If the Secretary is the highest record in the Shelby County Register’s Tennessee (“Deed of Trust”), conducted debts, and obligations owing SOUTH- OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT bidder, he need not pay the bid amount Office. Default has occurred in the by Padgett Law Group, having been WIND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES AS- PURPOSE. in cash. The successful bidder will pay all performance of the covenants, terms, appointed Substitute Trustee, all of SOCIATION, INC., by KELVIN D. FORD, M. Wayne Mink, Jr. conveying fees, all real estate and other and conditions of said Deed of Trust record in the Shelby County Register’s an owner of Lot 27, Phase XVII, The Designated Agent for Southwind taxes that are due on or after the delivery and the entire indebtedness has been Office. Default in the performance of Village of Holly Knoll in the Villages of Residential Properties date of the remainder of the payment declared due and payable. the covenants, terms, and conditions Bennington P.U.D., municipally known Association, Inc. and all other costs associated with the Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: of said Deed of Trust has been made; as 7421 Iris Cove; Memphis, Ten- DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN transfer of title. At the conclusion of the Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors and the entire indebtedness has been nessee 38125, and the undersigned & MINK, PLLC sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful and assigns. declared due and payable. having been authorized by the Board of Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71286 bidders will be returned to them. The real estate located in Shelby Party entitled to enforce the debt: Directors of Southwind Residential Hom- The Secretary may grant an exten- County, Tennessee, and described in Regions Bank eowners Association, Inc., to advertise NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND sion of time within which to deliver the the said Deed of Trust will be sold to The hereinafter described real property and sell the property described below FORECLOSURE SALE remainder of the payment. All exten- the highest call bidder. The terms of located in Shelby County will be sold for unpaid homeowner’s association WHEREAS, on July 23, 2004, a sions will be for 15 day increments the said Deed of Trust may be modi- to the highest call bidder subject to all dues and assessments in accordance certain Deed of Trust was executed by for a fee of $500.00 paid in advance. fied by other instruments appearing in unpaid taxes, prior liens and encum- with such authority provided to the Gustella Conley, an unmarried man, The extension fee shall be in the form the public record. Additional identifying brances of record: aforementioned association by the as mortgagor in favor of Wells Fargo of a certified or cashier’s check made information regarding the collateral Legal Description: A CERTAIN TRACT OR Chancery Court of the Thirtieth Judicial Bank, N.A. as beneficiary and James V. payable to the Secretary of HUD. If the property is below and is believed to PARCEL OF LAND IN SHELBY COUNTY, District Shelby County, Tennessee, in Webb as Trustee, and was recorded on high bidder closes the sale prior to the be accurate, but no representation or STATE OF TENNESSEE, DESCRIBED AS that certain Order of Final Judgment August 27, 2004, in Instrument Number expiration of any extension period, the warrant is intended. FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: (Case No. CH 19-0527) (the “Order”), 4145202 in the Register’s Office of unused portion of the extension fee shall Street Address: 8067 Claypool Rd, LOT 105, SECTION B, CORDOVA entered June 10, 2019, a copy of which Shelby, Tennessee; and be applied toward the amount due. Arlington, Tennessee 38002 WOODS SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN is recorded in the Register’s Office as WHEREAS the Deed of Trust was If the high bidder is unable to close Parcel Number: B0149 A00156C ON PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK Instrument No. 201906240061450, insured by the United States Secretary the sale within the required period, or Current Owner(s) of Property: Hazel 140, PAGE 69, OF THE RECORDS OF said indebtedness remaining unpaid, of Housing and Urban Development within any extensions of time granted M. Spencer THE REGISTERS OFFICE OF SHELBY as well as such other indebtedness (the Secretary) pursuant to the National by the Secretary, the high bidder may This sale is subject to, without limita- COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH PLAT due and owing the aforementioned as- Housing Act for the purpose of providing be required to forfeit the cash deposit tion, all matters shown on any applicable REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A sociation. single family housing; and or, at the election of the foreclosure recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the WHEREAS the beneficial interest in commissioner after consultation with restrictive covenants, easements, or SAID PROPERTY. undersigned will, on the Deed of Trust is now owned by the the HUD representative, will be liable to setback lines that may be applicable; Street Address: The street address of Friday, October 11, 2019. Secretary, pursuant to an assignment HUD for any costs incurred as a result of any statutory right of redemption of any the property is believed to be 7606 commencing at 12:00 noon at the dated January 14, 2013, and recorded such failure. The Commissioner may, at governmental agency, state or federal; Dexter Manor Drive, Cordova, TN 38016, southwest corner of the Courthouse, on February 8, 2013, in Instrument the direction of the HUD representative, any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 17

Public Notices ing those created by a fixture filing or any given that the entire indebtedness has Substitute Trustee’s Deed only. day of the sale to another day, time, and Such parties known to the Substitute applicable homeowners’ association been declared due and payable as The right is reserved to adjourn the place certain without further publication, Trustee may include: LVNV Funding, dues or assessments; all claims or other provided in said Deed of Trust, and that day of the sale to another day, time, and upon announcement at the time and LLC; All parties claiming by, through, or matters, whether of record or not, which the undersigned, Clear Recon LLC, as place certain without further publication, place for the sale set forth above. If you under Julia Payne, Deceased. may encumber the purchaser’s title and Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed upon announcement at the time and purchase a property at the foreclosure Terms of Sale will be public auction, any matter that an accurate survey of agent, by virtue of the power, duty, and place for the sale set forth above. sale, the entire purchase price is due for cash, free and clear of rights of home- the premises might disclose. authority vested and imposed upon said This property is being sold with the and payable at the conclusion of the stead, redemption and dower to the The following parties may claim an Substitute Trustee will, on October 3, express reservation that the sale is auction in the form of a certified/bank extent disclaimed or inapplicable, and interest in the above-referenced property 2019, at 12:00 PM, local time, at the subject to confirmation by the lender or check made payable to or endorsed the rights of Julia L. Payne, and those to be affected by the foreclosure: any Shelby County Courthouse, located in trustee. This sale may be rescinded by to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal claiming through him/her/it/them. judgment creditor or lien holder with Memphis, Tennessee, proceed to sell the Substitute Trustee at any time. checks will be accepted. To this end, Any right of equity of redemption, an interest subordinate to the said at public outcry to the highest and best THIS OFFICE IS ACTING AS A DEBT you must bring sufficient funds to out- statutory and otherwise, and homestead Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, bidder for cash or certified funds ONLY, COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO bid the lender and any other bidders. are waived in accord with the terms of through, or under any of the foregoing. paid at the conclusion of the sale, the COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Insufficient funds will not be accepted. said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- Such parties known to the Substitute following described property situated in OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT Amounts received in excess of the lieved to be good, but the undersigned Trustee may include: Shelby County Shelby County, to wit: PURPOSE. winning bid will be refunded to the will sell and convey only as Substitute Department of Housing. The land referred to herein below Clear Recon LLC successful purchaser at the time the Trustee. Terms of Sale will be public auction, is situated in the County of Shelby, Substitute Trustee foreclosure deed is delivered. The right is reserved to adjourn the for cash, free and clear of rights of State of Tennessee, and is described 5751 Uptain Road This property is being sold with the day of the sale to another day, time, and homestead, redemption and dower to as follows: Suite 514 express reservation that the sale is place certain without further publication, the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, LOT 263, SECTION A-3, NAM NI ES- Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411 subject to confirmation by the lender or upon announcement at the time and and the rights of Hazel M. Spencer TATES SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON Phone: (877) 319-8840 trustee. This sale may be rescinded only place for the sale set forth above. If you and Willie Spencer, and those claiming PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 117, File No: 2191-1550A by the Substitute Trustee at any time. purchase a property at the foreclosure through him/her/it/them. PAGE 4, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE Newspaper: Memphis News If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the sale, the entire purchase price is due Any right of equity of redemption, OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, Publication Dates: 9/6/2019, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled and payable at the conclusion of the statutory and otherwise, and homestead TO WHICH REFERENCE IS HEREBY 9/13/2019, 9/20/2019 to a return of any money paid towards auction in the form of a certified/bank are waived in accord with the terms of MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71360 the purchase price and shall have no check made payable to or endorsed said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. other recourse. Once the purchaser to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal lieved to be good, but the undersigned BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CON- SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE tenders the purchase price, the Substi- checks will be accepted. To this end, will sell and convey only as Substitute VEYED TO GARY HURT, A SINGLE Sale at public auction will be on tute Trustee may deem the sale final in you must bring sufficient funds to out- Trustee. MAN, BY RODNEY D. MCCRAY AND October 4, 2019 at 12:00PM local which case the purchaser shall have no bid the lender and any other bidders. The right is reserved to adjourn the RYLUNDRA K. MCCRAY, ON AUGUST time, at the southwest door, Shelby remedy. The real property will be sold Insufficient funds will not be accepted. day of the sale to another day, time, and 22, 2001 VIA WARRANTY DEED RE- County Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Amounts received in excess of the place certain without further publication, CORDED AT INSTRUMENT NUMBER Memphis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed representations of any kind, express or winning bid will be refunded to the upon announcement at the time and LH0837 IN THE REGISTER OF DEEDS of Trust executed by Priscilla Walton and implied, including without limitation, successful purchaser at the time the place for the sale set forth above. If you OFFICE FOR SHELBY COUNTY, TEN- Anthony Walton, to Arnold M. Weiss, warranties regarding condition of the foreclosure deed is delivered. purchase a property at the foreclosure NESSEE. SAID PROPERTY BEING attorney, Trustee, as trustee for Mort- property or marketability of title. This property is being sold with the sale, the entire purchase price is due SUBSEQUENTLY CONVEYED BY gage Electronic Registration Systems, This office may be a debt collector. express reservation that the sale is and payable at the conclusion of the QUITCLAIM DEED TO GARY HURT Inc. as nominee for GE Money Bank, a This may be an attempt to collect a debt subject to confirmation by the lender or auction in the form of a certified/bank AND CHRISTINE NAILOR, BOTH UN- Federal Savings Bank on January 12, and any information obtained may be trustee. This sale may be rescinded only check made payable to or endorsed MARRIED PARTIES, BY GARY HURT, 2007 at Instrument No. 07014173; used for that purpose. by the Substitute Trustee at any time. to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal A SINGLE MAN, VIA QUITCLAIM DEED conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, Shapiro & Ingle, LLP If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the checks will be accepted. To this end, DATED OCTOBER 19, 2001, AND RE- having been appointed Substitute or Substitute Trustee sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled you must bring sufficient funds to out- CORDED ON NOVEMBER 02, 2001, Successor Trustee, all of record in the 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 to a return of any money paid towards bid the lender and any other bidders. AT INSTRUMENT NUMBER LL3673, Shelby County Register’s Office. Default Charlotte, NC 28216 the purchase price and shall have no Insufficient funds will not be accepted. SAID REGISTER’S OFFICE. has occurred in the performance of Phone: (704) 333-8107 other recourse. Once the purchaser Amounts received in excess of the Parcel ID: 090044 00023 the covenants, terms, and conditions Fax: (704) 333-8156 tenders the purchase price, the Substi- winning bid will be refunded to the Commonly known as 3774 Windy of said Deed of Trust and the entire tute Trustee may deem the sale final in successful purchaser at the time the Avenue, Memphis, TN 38128 indebtedness has been declared due File No. 19-118657 which case the purchaser shall have no foreclosure deed is delivered. The street address and parcel and payable. Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71368 remedy. The real property will be sold This property is being sold with the number(s) of the above described Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or express reservation that the sale is property are believed to be correct; Partners for Payment Relief DE IV LLC, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE representations of any kind, express or subject to confirmation by the lender or however, such references are not a part its successors and assigns. Sale at public auction will be on implied, including without limitation, trustee. This sale may be rescinded only of the legal description of the property The real estate located in Shelby October 4, 2019 at 12:00PM local warranties regarding condition of the by the Substitute Trustee at any time. sold herein, and, in the event of any County, Tennessee, and described in time, at the southwest door, Shelby property or marketability of title. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the discrepancy, the legal description herein the said Deed of Trust will be sold to County Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, This office may be a debt collector. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled shall control the highest call bidder. The terms of Memphis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed This may be an attempt to collect a debt to a return of any money paid towards Current Owner(s) of Property: Gary the said Deed of Trust may be modi- of Trust executed by Julia L. Payne, to and any information obtained may be the purchase price and shall have no Hurt and Christine Nailor fied by other instruments appearing in All-Star Title Inc., Trustee, as trustee used for that purpose. other recourse. Once the purchaser Other Interested Parties: Secretary the public record. Additional identifying for Yale Mortgage Corporation on May Shapiro & Ingle, LLP tenders the purchase price, the Substi- of Housing and Urban Development; information regarding the collateral 22, 2007 at Instrument No. 07090916; Substitute Trustee tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Capital One Bank; Gault Financial LLC; property is below and is believed to conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 which case the purchaser shall have no Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC; be accurate, but no representation or having been appointed Substitute or Charlotte, NC 28216 remedy. The real property will be sold Advantage Assets II warrant is intended. Successor Trustee, all of record in the Phone: (704) 333-8107 AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or This sale is subject to tenant(s)/ Street Address: 4771 Callaway Hills Shelby County Register’s Office. Default Fax: (704) 333-8156 representations of any kind, express or occupant(s) rights in possession. Dr, Memphis, Tennessee 38125 has occurred in the performance of implied, including without limitation, This sale is subject to all matters Parcel Number: D0255U B00013 the covenants, terms, and conditions File No. 19-117987 warranties regarding condition of the shown on any applicable recorded Current Owner(s) of Property: Anthony of said Deed of Trust and the entire Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71369 property or marketability of title. plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive Walton and wife, Priscilla Walton indebtedness has been declared due This office may be a debt collector. covenants, easements, or setback lines This sale is subject to, without limita- and payable. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE This may be an attempt to collect a debt that may be applicable; any statutory tion, all matters shown on any applicable Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Sale at public auction will be on Oc- and any information obtained may be rights of redemption of any governmental recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Muller Real Estate Holdings, LLC, its tober 4, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, used for that purpose. agency, state or federal; any prior liens restrictive covenants, easements, or successors and assigns. at the southwest door, Shelby County Shapiro & Ingle, LLP or encumbrances as well as any priority setback lines that may be applicable; The real estate located in Shelby Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, Mem- Substitute Trustee created by a fixture filing; and to any any statutory right of redemption of any County, Tennessee, and described in phis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 matter that an accurate survey of the governmental agency, state or federal; the said Deed of Trust will be sold to Trust executed by Steven M. Ballou and Charlotte, NC 28216 premises might disclose. In addition, any prior liens or encumbrances includ- the highest call bidder. The terms of Debra Ballou, to Resource Real Estate Phone: (704) 333-8107 the following parties may claim an inter- ing those created by a fixture filing or any the said Deed of Trust may be modi- Services, LLC, Trustee, as trustee for Fax: (704) 333-8156 est in the above-referenced property: applicable homeowners’ association fied by other instruments appearing in Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Gary Hurt; Christine Nailor; Secretary dues or assessments; all claims or other the public record. Additional identifying tems, Inc. as nominee for Congressional File No. 16-105643 of Housing and Urban Development; matters, whether of record or not, which information regarding the collateral Bank on April 17, 2017 at Instrument Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71324 Capital One Bank; Gault Financial LLC; may encumber the purchaser’s title and property is below and is believed to No. 17063821; conducted by Shapiro Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC; any matter that an accurate survey of be accurate, but no representation or & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE`S Advantage Assets II. the premises might disclose. warrant is intended. Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of SALE If the United States or the State of The following parties may claim an Street Address: 3182 Maple Hill Dr, record in the Shelby County Register’s WHEREAS, default has occurred Tennessee have any liens or claimed interest in the above-referenced property Memphis, Tennessee 38118 Office. Default has occurred in the in the performance of the covenants, lien(s) on the Property, and are named to be affected by the foreclosure: any Parcel Number: 094401 B00072 performance of the covenants, terms, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust herein as interested parties, timely judgment creditor or lien holder with Current Owner(s) of Property: The Heirs and conditions of said Deed of Trust dated August 22, 2001, executed by notice has been given to the applicable an interest subordinate to the said of Julia L. Payne and the entire indebtedness has been Gary Hurt, a single man, to Steven J. governmental entity, and the sale will Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, This sale is subject to, without limita- declared due and payable. Williams, Trustee, for Reserve Mort- be subject to any applicable rights of through, or under any of the foregoing. tion, all matters shown on any applicable Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: gage Investments LLC, its successors redemption held by the entity as required Such parties known to the Substitute recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any The Money Source Inc., its successors and assigns, and appearing of record on by 26 U.S.C. § 7425 and/or Tennessee Trustee may include: Baptist Memo- restrictive covenants, easements, or and assigns. September 7, 2001, in the Register’s Code § 67-1-1433. rial Hospital c/o Nicholas J .Tansey, setback lines that may be applicable; The real estate located in Shelby Office ofShelby County, Tennessee, at All right and equity of redemption, attorney; Memphis Bonding Company any statutory right of redemption of any County, Tennessee, and described in Instrument Number LH0838. statutory and otherwise, homestead, c/o Paul Mendelson. governmental agency, state or federal; the said Deed of Trust will be sold to WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of and dower are expressly waived in said Terms of Sale will be public auction, any prior liens or encumbrances includ- the highest call bidder. The terms of said Deed of Trust was last transferred Deed of Trust, and the title is believed for cash, free and clear of rights of ing those created by a fixture filing or any the said Deed of Trust may be modi- and assigned to WILMINGTON SAVINGS to be good; however, the undersigned homestead, redemption and dower to applicable homeowners’ association fied by other instruments appearing in FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF will sell and convey only as Substitute the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, dues or assessments; all claims or other the public record. Additional identifying STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST Trustee. and the rights of Priscilla Walton and matters, whether of record or not, which information regarding the collateral E, the party entitled to enforce said The transfer shall be AS IS, WHERE Anthony Walton, and those claiming may encumber the purchaser’s title and property is below and is believed to security interest; and having appointed IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and without through him/her/it/them. any matter that an accurate survey of be accurate, but no representation or Clear Recon LLC, the undersigned, as warranties of any kind, express or im- Any right of equity of redemption, the premises might disclose. warrant is intended. Substitute Trustee by instrument filed plied, as to the condition of the Property statutory and otherwise, and homestead The following parties may claim an Street Address: 5877 Cedar Oak Cv, or being filed for record in the Register’s and the improvements located thereon, are waived in accord with the terms of interest in the above-referenced property Bartlett, Tennessee 38134 Office ofShelby County, Tennessee, with including merchantability or fitness for said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- to be affected by the foreclosure: any Secondary Property Address: Bar- all of the rights, powers, and privileges particular purpose. Trustee shall make lieved to be good, but the undersigned judgment creditor or lien holder with tlett of the original Trustee named in said no covenant of seisin or warranty of will sell and convey only as Substitute an interest subordinate to the said Parcel Number: B0156AA00019 Deed of Trust. title, express or implied, and will sell Trustee. Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby and convey the subject real property by The right is reserved to adjourn the through, or under any of the foregoing. Continued on Page 18 Page 18 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices bid the lender and any other bidders. indebtedness has been declared due said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- The following parties may claim an Continued from Page 17 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. and payable. lieved to be good, but the undersigned interest in the above-referenced property Amounts received in excess of the Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: will sell and convey only as Substitute to be affected by the foreclosure: any Current Owner(s) of Property: Steven winning bid will be refunded to the Specialized Loan Servicing LLC, its suc- Trustee. judgment creditor or lien holder with M. Ballou, married successful purchaser at the time the cessors and assigns. The right is reserved to adjourn the an interest subordinate to the said This sale is subject to, without limita- foreclosure deed is delivered. The real estate located in Shelby day of the sale to another day, time, and Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, tion, all matters shown on any applicable This property is being sold with the County, Tennessee, and described in place certain without further publication, through, or under any of the foregoing. recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any express reservation that the sale is the said Deed of Trust will be sold to upon announcement at the time and Such parties known to the Substitute restrictive covenants, easements, or subject to confirmation by the lender or the highest call bidder. The terms of place for the sale set forth above. If you Trustee may include: None. setback lines that may be applicable; trustee. This sale may be rescinded only the said Deed of Trust may be modi- purchase a property at the foreclosure Terms of Sale will be public auction, any statutory right of redemption of any by the Substitute Trustee at any time. fied by other instruments appearing in sale, the entire purchase price is due for cash, free and clear of rights of home- governmental agency, state or federal; If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the the public record. Additional identifying and payable at the conclusion of the stead, redemption and dower to the any prior liens or encumbrances includ- sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled information regarding the collateral auction in the form of a certified/bank extent disclaimed or inapplicable, and ing those created by a fixture filing or any to a return of any money paid towards property is below and is believed to check made payable to or endorsed the rights of Seatrice Cole, and those applicable homeowners’ association the purchase price and shall have no be accurate, but no representation or to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal claiming through him/her/it/them. dues or assessments; all claims or other other recourse. Once the purchaser warrant is intended. checks will be accepted. To this end, Any right of equity of redemption, matters, whether of record or not, which tenders the purchase price, the Substi- Street Address: 751 Hawthorne St, you must bring sufficient funds to out- statutory and otherwise, and homestead may encumber the purchaser’s title and tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Memphis, Tennessee 38107 bid the lender and any other bidders. are waived in accord with the terms of any matter that an accurate survey of which case the purchaser shall have no Parcel Number: 036053 00007 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- the premises might disclose. remedy. The real property will be sold Current Owner(s) of Property: Elizabeth Amounts received in excess of the lieved to be good, but the undersigned The following parties may claim an AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Lenora Mathis winning bid will be refunded to the will sell and convey only as Substitute interest in the above-referenced property representations of any kind, express or This sale is subject to, without limita- successful purchaser at the time the Trustee. to be affected by the foreclosure: any implied, including without limitation, tion, all matters shown on any applicable foreclosure deed is delivered. The right is reserved to adjourn the judgment creditor or lien holder with warranties regarding condition of the recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any This property is being sold with the day of the sale to another day, time, and an interest subordinate to the said property or marketability of title. restrictive covenants, easements, or express reservation that the sale is place certain without further publication, Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, This office may be a debt collector. setback lines that may be applicable; subject to confirmation by the lender or upon announcement at the time and through, or under any of the foregoing. This may be an attempt to collect a debt any statutory right of redemption of any trustee. This sale may be rescinded only place for the sale set forth above. If you Such parties known to the Substitute and any information obtained may be governmental agency, state or federal; by the Substitute Trustee at any time. purchase a property at the foreclosure Trustee may include: None. used for that purpose. any prior liens or encumbrances includ- If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the sale, the entire purchase price is due Terms of Sale will be public auction, Shapiro & Ingle, LLP ing those created by a fixture filing or any sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled and payable at the conclusion of the for cash, free and clear of rights of Substitute Trustee applicable homeowners’ association to a return of any money paid towards auction in the form of a certified/bank homestead, redemption and dower to 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 dues or assessments; all claims or other the purchase price and shall have no check made payable to or endorsed the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, Charlotte, NC 28216 matters, whether of record or not, which other recourse. Once the purchaser to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal and the rights of Steven M. Ballou Phone: (704) 333-8107 may encumber the purchaser’s title and tenders the purchase price, the Substi- checks will be accepted. To this end, and Debra Ballou, and those claiming Fax: (704) 333-8156 any matter that an accurate survey of tute Trustee may deem the sale final in you must bring sufficient funds to out- through him/her/it/them. the premises might disclose. which case the purchaser shall have no bid the lender and any other bidders. Any right of equity of redemption, File No. 19-118850 The following parties may claim an remedy. The real property will be sold Insufficient funds will not be accepted. statutory and otherwise, and homestead Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71370 interest in the above-referenced property AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Amounts received in excess of the are waived in accord with the terms of to be affected by the foreclosure: any representations of any kind, express or winning bid will be refunded to the said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE judgment creditor or lien holder with implied, including without limitation, successful purchaser at the time the lieved to be good, but the undersigned Sale at public auction will be on an interest subordinate to the said warranties regarding condition of the foreclosure deed is delivered. will sell and convey only as Substitute October 3, 2019 at 10:00AM local Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, property or marketability of title. This property is being sold with the Trustee. time, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 through, or under any of the foregoing. This office may be a debt collector. express reservation that the sale is The right is reserved to adjourn the N. Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 Such parties known to the Substitute This may be an attempt to collect a debt subject to confirmation by the lender or day of the sale to another day, time, and pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Trustee may include: JPMorgan Chase and any information obtained may be trustee. This sale may be rescinded only place certain without further publication, Elizabeth L. Mathis, to Arnold M. Weiss, Bank, NA. used for that purpose. by the Substitute Trustee at any time. upon announcement at the time and Esq., Trustee, as trustee for Wells Terms of Sale will be public auction, Shapiro & Ingle, LLP If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the place for the sale set forth above. If you Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. on June for cash, free and clear of rights of Substitute Trustee sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled purchase a property at the foreclosure 17, 2002 at Instrument No. 02106764; homestead, redemption and dower to 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 to a return of any money paid towards sale, the entire purchase price is due conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, Charlotte, NC 28216 the purchase price and shall have no and payable at the conclusion of the having been appointed Substitute or and the rights of Elizabeth L. Mathis, Phone: (704) 333-8107 other recourse. Once the purchaser auction in the form of a certified/bank Successor Trustee, all of record in the and those claiming through him/her/ Fax: (704) 333-8156 tenders the purchase price, the Substi- check made payable to or endorsed Shelby County Register’s Office. Default it/them. tute Trustee may deem the sale final in to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal has occurred in the performance of Any right of equity of redemption, File No. 16-105132 which case the purchaser shall have no checks will be accepted. To this end, the covenants, terms, and conditions statutory and otherwise, and homestead Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71398 remedy. The real property will be sold you must bring sufficient funds to out- of said Deed of Trust and the entire are waived in accord with the terms of AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE representations of any kind, express or Sale at public auction will be on implied, including without limitation, November 8, 2019 at 12:00PM local warranties regarding condition of the time, at the southwest door, Shelby property or marketability of title. County Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, This office may be a debt collector. Memphis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed This may be an attempt to collect a debt of Trust executed by Seatrice Cole, and any information obtained may be TEXTING to Arnold M Weiss, Esq., Trustee, as used for that purpose. trustee for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. on July Shapiro & Ingle, LLP 25, 2012 at Instrument No. 12086330; Substitute Trustee conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 having been appointed Substitute or Charlotte, NC 28216 AND DRIVING Successor Trustee, all of record in the Phone: (704) 333-8107 Shelby County Register’s Office. Default Fax: (704) 333-8156 has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions File No. 18-115007 of said Deed of Trust and the entire Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71399 indebtedness has been declared due MAKES and payable. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: WHEREAS, default has occurred U.S. Bank National Association, not in its in the performance of the covenants, individual capacity but solely as trustee terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust for the RMAC Trust, Series 2018 G-CTT, Note dated January 21, 2004, and the GOOD PEOPLE its successors and assigns. Deed of Trust of even date securing The real estate located in Shelby the same, recorded February 9, 2004, County, Tennessee, and described in Document No. 04021249, and modified the said Deed of Trust will be sold to on January 8, 2013, Document No. the highest call bidder. The terms of 13003110 in Office of the Register of LOOK BAD. the said Deed of Trust may be modi- Deeds for Shelby County, Tennessee, fied by other instruments appearing in executed by Thomas McGee, Jr and the public record. Additional identifying Sondra D McGee, conveying certain information regarding the collateral property therein described to Raymond E. property is below and is believed to Lacy as Trustee for Oak Street Mortgage be accurate, but no representation or of Tennessee LLC; and the undersigned, warrant is intended. Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having Street Address: 6393 Fawn Hollow Cir been appointed Successor Trustee by North, Memphis, Tennessee 38141 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Parcel Number: 093725 B00052 Company, National Association fka The STOPTEXTSSTOPWRECKS.ORG Current Owner(s) of Property: Sea- Bank of New York Trust Company, trice Cole N.A. as successor to JPMorgan Chase This sale is subject to, without limita- Bank, as Trustee for Residential Asset tion, all matters shown on any applicable Mortgage Products, Inc., Home Equity recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through restrictive covenants, easements, or Certificates, Series 2004-KR1. setback lines that may be applicable; NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby any statutory right of redemption of any given that the entire indebtedness has governmental agency, state or federal; been declared due and payable; and any prior liens or encumbrances includ- that an agent of Wilson & Associates, ing those created by a fixture filing or any P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue applicable homeowners’ association of the power, duty, and authority vested dues or assessments; all claims or other in and imposed upon said Successor matters, whether of record or not, which Trustee, by The Bank of New York Mellon may encumber the purchaser’s title and Trust Company, National Association fka any matter that an accurate survey of The Bank of New York Trust Company, the premises might disclose. N.A. as successor to JPMorgan Chase Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 19

Public Notices

Bank, as Trustee for Residential Asset is hereby made for a more particular TRUSTEE OF THE PATRICIA D. MCGRATH the post office address of said parent General Sessions in the Shelby County Mortgage Products, Inc., Home Equity description of said Land. REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, RECORDED cannot be ascertained, and therefore, Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through ALSO KNOWN AS: 6887 Coral Hill IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 16030255, the ordinary process of law cannot be the day, date, and time set out above, Certificates, Series 2004-KR1, will, on Drive, Bartlett, TN 38135 IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE OF SHELBY served upon the mother, it is ordered and defend said suit within the time October 3, 2019 on or about 10:00 This sale is subject to all matters COUNTY, TENNESSEE. that Stephanie Louis Lovette enter her prescribed by law, or the same may AM, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, shown on any applicable recorded plat; THIS IS IMPROVED PROPERTY KNOWN appearance herein on Thursday the be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Memphis, Tennessee, offer for sale any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- AS 4663 SHADOW TREE COVE, ARLING- 19th day of September, 2019 at 9:00 FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this certain property hereinafter described to enants, easements, or setback lines TON, TN 38002. a.m., at the Juvenile Court of Memphis order be published once a week for four the highest bidder FOR certified funds that may be applicable; any statutory PARCEL ID: B01495 B00042 and Shelby County, located at 616 weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, paid at the conclusion of the sale, or rights of redemption of any governmen- THE SALE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY Adams Avenue, Memphis TN 38105, Tennessee. This order is hereby entered credit bid from a bank or other lending tal agency, state or federal; any prior IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, and plead or answer to the petition in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. entity pre-approved by the successor liens or encumbrances as well as any AND IS FURTHER SUBJECT TO THE filed herein, a copy of which may be Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- trustee. The sale is free from all ex- priority created by a fixture filing; and RIGHT OF ANY TENANT(S) OR OTHER obtained from the Clerk of the Court. nessee on this date: August 7, 2019. emptions, which are expressly waived to any matter that an accurate survey PARTIES OR ENTITIES’ IN POSSESSION JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT will be taken A True Copy-Attest: in the Deed of Trust, said property being of the premises might disclose. In ad- OF THE PROPERTY. ANY REPRESENTA- against you should you fail to appear EDWARD L. STANTON JR. real estate situated in Shelby County, dition, the following parties may claim TION CONCERNING ANY ASPECT OF THE and answer, and that a copy of this General Sessions Court Clerk Tennessee, and being more particularly an interest in the above- referenced SUBJECT PROPERTY BY A THIRD PARTY Order be published for four consecutive By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. described as follows: property: IS NOT THE REPRESENTATION/RESPON- weeks in the Daily News. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Lot 89, Pecan Hill Subdivision, as CAROL PATTERSON SIBILITY OF TRUSTEE(S)/ SUBSTITUTE a newspaper published in Shelby Wright shown on plat of record in Plat Book CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORP. TRUSTEE(S) OR THEIR OFFICE. County. Tennessee. Attorney for Plaintiff 156, Page 68, in the Register’s Of- SHELBY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID JAN IS FULLILOVE, Clerk of the Court Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod70866 fice of Shelby County, Tennessee, to HOUSING TAXES, IF ANY, ANY PRIOR LIENS OR By Daisy Bouie D.C. which plat reference is hereby made The sale held pursuant to this Notice ENCUMBRANCES, LEASES, EASE- 8/12/19 IN THE COURT OF GENERAL for a more particular description of may be rescinded at the Successor MENTS AND ALL OTHER MATTERS OF David J. Krchcr SESSIONS said property. Trustee’s option at any time. The right RECORD INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED Guardian ad Litem SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE ALSO KNOWN AS: 4427 Pecan Creek is reserved to adjourn the day of the TO THE PRIORITY OF ANY FIXTURE Aug. 16, 23, 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Cod70973 Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Circle North, Memphis, TN 38128 sale to another day, time, and place FILING. IF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Appear And For Publication In Lieu This sale is subject to all matters certain without further publication, upon THE TREASURY/INTERNAL REVENUE IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Of Personal Service On A Summons shown on any applicable recorded plat; announcement at the time and place SERVICE, THE STATE OF TENNESSEE SESSIONS And/Or An Attachment any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- for the sale set forth above. In the DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, OR THE SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Case ID: 1919512 enants, easements, or setback lines event of inclement weather, the trustee STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Royal Furniture Company that may be applicable; any statutory hereby announces that the sale will be OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVEL- Appear And For Publication In Lieu Plaintiff(s) rights of redemption of any governmen- postponed for a period of two weeks. OPMENT ARE LISTED AS INTERESTED Of Personal Service On A Summons VS. tal agency, state or federal; any prior In such situations, notices will be PARTIES IN THE ADVERTISEMENT, THEN And/Or An Attachment Markevious Griffin liens or encumbrances as well as any mailed to interested parties of record. THE NOTICE OF THIS FORECLOSURE IS Case ID: 1959649 Defendant(s) priority created by a fixture filing; and W&A No. 341572 BEING GIVEN TO THEM, AND THE SALE Royal Furniture Company Plaintiff’s Claim: $3,543.92 to any matter that an accurate survey DATED September 4, 2019 WILL BE SUBJECT TO ALL APPLICABLE Plaintiff(s) Hearing Date: September 20, 2019 of the premises might disclose. In ad- WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES RIGHT VS. Time: 10:00 A.M. dition, the following parties may claim Successor Trustee TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY, ALL AS Micheala Anderson In this cause a summons and/or an an interest in the above- referenced Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71401 REQUIRED BY 26 U.S.C. 7425, T.C.A. Defendant(s) attachment has been issued out under property: 67-1-1433, AND 28 U.S.C. 2410 (C). Plaintiff’s Claim: $1,048.90 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having THOMAS MCGEE, JR SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF T.C.A. Hearing Date: September 20, 2019 been made that defendant(s) is justly SONDRA D MCGEE FORECLOSURE SALE 35-5-101 ET SEQ. HAVE BEEN MET. Time: 10:00 A.M. indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount DISCOVER BANK Default having been made in the terms, THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ADJOURN In this cause a summons and/or an shown above, and no summons having The sale held pursuant to this Notice conditions, and payments provided in THE DAY OF THE SALE TO ANOTHER attachment has been issued out under been executed on the defendant(s), and may be rescinded at the Successor a certain Deed of Trust dated MARCH DAY, TIME AND PLACE CERTAIN WITH- T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having the attachment having been returned Trustee’s option at any time. The right 24, 2016, executed by CORY MAXWELL OUT FURTHER PUBLICATION, UPON been made that defendant(s) is justly levied upon the personal property of is reserved to adjourn the day of the CHAPMAN (A/K/A CORY CHAPMAN) ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TIME AND indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: sale to another day, time, and place AND EMILY MARIE CHAPMAN (A/K/A PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH shown above, and no summons having Roadrunner Intermodal Attn: Payroll, certain without further publication, upon EMILY CHAPMAN), HUSBAND AND ABOVE. THE TRUSTEE/SUBSTITUTE been executed on the defendant(s), and 700 Westpark Dr., Ste. 250, Peachtree announcement at the time and place WIFE, to MICHAEL E. GOLDSTEIN, 999 TRUSTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO the attachment having been returned City, GA 30269. for the sale set forth above. In the S. SHADY GROVE # 300, MEMPHIS, RESCIND THE SALE levied upon the personal property of IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the event of inclement weather, the trustee TENNESSEE 38120, A RESIDENT IF YOU PURCHASE A PROPERTY AT the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: defendant(s) make a personal appear- hereby announces that the sale will be OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, THE FORECLOSURE SALE, THE ENTIRE Shelby County Schools, 160 S. Holly- ance before the Shelby County Court of postponed for a period of two weeks. Trustee, of record in INSTRUMENT NO. PURCHASE PRICE IS DUE AND PAYABLE wood St., Memphis, TN 38112. General Sessions in the Shelby County In such situations, notices will be 16030256, for the benefit of MORT- AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AUCTION IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on mailed to interested parties of record. GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFIED/BANK defendant(s) make a personal appear- the day, date, and time set out above, W&A No. 333222 SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR RE- CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO OR EN- ance before the Shelby County Court of and defend said suit within the time DATED September 4, 2019 NASANT BANK, A MISSISSIPPI CORPO- DORSED TO LAW OFFICE OF J. PHILLIP General Sessions in the Shelby County prescribed by law, or the same may WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., RATION, EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS JONES. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Successor Trustee OF MISSISSIPPI, 2001 PARK PLACE ACCEPTED. TO THIS END, YOU MUST the day, date, and time set out above, FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71400 NORTH, SUITE # 650, BIRMINGHAM, BRING SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO OUTBID and defend said suit within the time order be published once a week for four ALABAMA 35203, in the Register’s Of- THE LENDER AND ANY OTHER BIDDERS. prescribed by law, or the same may weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE fice forSHELBY County, Tennessee and INSUFFICIENT FUNDS WILL NOT BE be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Tennessee. This order is hereby entered WHEREAS, default has occurred to J. PHILLIP JONES AND/OR JESSICA ACCEPTED. AMOUNTS RECEIVED IN FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. in the performance of the covenants, D. BINKLEY, either of whom may act, EXCESS OF THE WINNING BID WILL order be published once a week for four Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- terms, and conditions of a Deed of appointed as Substitute Trustee in an BE REFUNDED TO THE SUCCESSFUL weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, nessee on this date: August 7, 2019. Trust Note dated November 14, 2017, instrument of record in the Register’s PURCHASER AT THE TIME THE FORE- Tennessee. This order is hereby entered A True Copy-Attest: and the Deed of Trust of even date se- Office forSHELBY County, Tennessee, CLOSURE DEED IS DELIVERED. in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. curing the same, recorded November to secure the indebtedness described; OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: TENNES- Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- General Sessions Court Clerk 16, 2017, Document No. 17118607, WHEREAS, the said Deed of Trust was SEE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY nessee on this date: August 7, 2019. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. in Office of the Register of Deeds for last assigned to TENNESSEE HOUSING GREAT CHOICE PLUS LOAN PROGRAM A True Copy-Attest: Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Shelby County, Tennessee, executed DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, the entire THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Wright by Carol Patterson, conveying certain indebtedness having been declared due AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL General Sessions Court Clerk Attorney for Plaintiff property therein described to Clos- and payable by TENNESSEE HOUSING BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod70867 etrak LLC as Trustee for Mortgage DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, being the This is improved property known as Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., present owner/holder or authorized 4663 SHADOW TREE COVE, ARLINGTON, Wright ORDER OF PUBLICATION as beneficiary, Pacific Union Financial, agent, designee or servicer of the TN 38002. Attorney for Plaintiff In the CHANCERY COURT of Shelby LLC, its successors and assigns; and holder/owner of said indebtedness, has J. PHILLIP JONES/JESSICA D. BINKLEY, Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod70865 County, Tennessee the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, requested foreclosure proceedings to be SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE No. CH-19-1154-2 P.L.L.C., having been appointed Succes- instituted; and as provided in said Deed 1800 HAYES STREET IN THE COURT OF GENERAL WILMA DANITA ALDRIDGE, sor Trustee by Nationstar Mortgage LLC of Trust, I, J. PHILLIP JONES/ JESSICA NASHVILLE, TN 37203 SESSIONS Plaintiff(s) d/b/a Mr. Cooper. D. BINKLEY, will by virtue of the power (615) 254-4430 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE vs. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby and authority vested in me as Substitute Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To SHEDRICK LEE LETT AND MARSHA given that the entire indebtedness has Trustee, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, Appear And For Publication In Lieu MABRY LETT, AND ANY UNKNOWN been declared due and payable; and 2019, AT 10:00 A.M. , LOCAL TIME, F19-0189 Of Personal Service On A Summons HEIRS OF SHEDRICK LEE LETT AND that an agent of Wilson & Associates, AT THE FRONT STEPS OF THE SHELBY Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Fod71402 And/Or An Attachment MARSHA MABRY LETT, G.E. MONEY P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue COUNTY COURTHOUSE, IN MEMPHIS, Case ID: 1938755 BANK, SECURITIES ALARM GROUP, of the power, duty, and authority vested SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, sell to Royal Furniture Company AND/OR OTHER UNKNOWN PARTIES in and imposed upon said Successor the highest bidder for cash, free from the Court Notices Plaintiff(s) CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN 605 E. Trustee, by Nationstar Mortgage LLC equity of redemption, homestead, and VS. DEMPSTER. MEMPHIS, SHELBY d/b/a Mr. Cooper, will, on October 31, dower, and all other exemptions which Deandre Grandison COUNTY. TENNESSEE, 2019 on or about 10:00 AM, at the are expressly waived, and subject to Shelby County Defendant(s) Defendant(s). Comfort Inn Downtown, Memphis, any unpaid taxes, if any, the following Plaintiff’s Claim: $4,043.99 It appearing from the complaint in this Tennessee, offer for sale certain described property in SHELBY County, IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Hearing Date: September 20, 2019 cause which is sworn to that pursuant property hereinafter described to the Tennessee, to wit: MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, Time: 10:00 A.M. to Tennessee Code Annotated 21-l- highest bidder FOR certified fundspaid PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE COUNTY TENNESSEE In this cause a summons and/or an 203(a)(4 and 5) and Rule 4.08 of the at the conclusion of the sale, or credit OF SHELBY, TENNESSEE: Docket Number W7533 attachment has been issued out under Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, bid from a bank or other lending entity LOT 58, SECTION B, SHADOWLAWN IN THE MATTER OF: T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having the Defendants, G.E. Money Bank: any pre-approved by the successor trustee. PLACE SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON Sarah Jean Lovette, been made that defendant(s) is justly unknown heirs of Shedrick Lee Lett and The sale is free from all exemptions, PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 152, D.O.B.: 10/20/2014 A Child under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Marsha Mabry Lett and any unknown which are expressly waived in the PAGE 67, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE 18 years of age shown above, and no summons having parties claiming an interest in 605 E. Deed of Trust, said property being OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO ORDER OF PUBLICATION been executed on the defendant(s), and DEMPSTER. Memphis, Shelby County, real estate situated in Shelby County, WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY In this cause, it appearing to the the attachment having been returned Tennessee, shall be served via publica- Tennessee, and being more particularly MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DE- Court from the allegations of the levied upon the personal property of the tion in a newspaper of general circulation described as follows: SCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. petition filed, and duly sworn to. that defendant(s), to wit sums due from: City in Shelby County, Tennessee for the Lot 721, Section E-1, Easthill Sub- BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CON- the residences of the Respondent of Memphis Attn: Payroll, 125 N. Main purposes of pursuing in rem relief in division, as shown on plat of record VEYED TO CORY CHAPMAN AND EM- mother is unknown and cannot be Rm. 354, Memphis, TN 38103. the Complaint to Quiet Title. in Plat Book 66, Page 3, in the ILY CHAPMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, ascertained by diligent search and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the It is therefore ordered that G.E. Money Register’s Office of Shelby County, BY WARRANTY DEED DATED MARCH inquiry; and that the whereabouts of defendant(s) make a personal appear- Tennessee, to which plat reference 24, 2016 FROM PATRICIA MCGRATH, the Respondent cannot be found or ance before the Shelby County Court of Continued on Page 20 Page 20 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

Court Notices IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Attorneys for Petitioner the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Space Center Drive, Lee’s Summit, Continued from Page 19 defendant appear in Circuit Court in the Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20, 2019 Cod71191 AT&T Mobility Services c/o CT Corpora- MO 64064. Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, tion System, 800 S. Gay Street Ste. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Bank: any unknown heirs of Shedrick Tennessee within 30 days of the last NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2021, Knoxville, TN 37929. defendant(s) make a personal appear- Lee Lett and Marsha Mabry Lett and date of this publication, and, plead, Docket: PR014791 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the ance before the Shelby County Court of any unknown parties claiming an inter- answer or demur to complainant’s bill In Re the Matter of: Nina M. Hamilton defendant(s) make a personal appear- General Sessions in the Shelby County est in 605 E. Dempster, Memphis, for divorce, or the same will be taken Notice is hereby given that on the 28th ance before the Shelby County Court of Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Shelby County, Tennessee make their for confessed as to the defendant and day of Aug., 2019, Letters Testamentary General Sessions in the Shelby County the day, date, and time set out above, appearance herein at the Court House this cause proceeded with ex parte, and in respect of Nina M. Hamilton, who Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on and defend said suit within the time of Shelby County, in the city of Memphis, that a copy of this order be published died Feb. 26, 2019, were issued to the day, date, and time set out above, prescribed by law, or the same may Shelby County, TN on October 18, 2019, once a week for four consecutive weeks the undersigned by the Probate Court and defend said suit within the time be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS and answer plaintiffs’ complaint for in The Daily News. of Shelby County, Tennessee. prescribed by law, or the same may FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this QUIET TITLE or the same will be taken This 21st day of August, 2019. All persons, resident and non-resident, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS order be published once a week for four for confessed as to defendant(s), and Temiika Gipson, Circuit Court Clerk having claims, matured or unmatured, FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, set for hearing ex parte, and that a Kat Minton, Deputy Clerk against the estate are required to file order be published once a week for four Tennessee. This order is hereby entered copy of this order be published once a Iclem Jaber the same with the Clerk of the above weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. week for four successive weeks in the Attorney for Complainant named Court on or before the earlier Tennessee. This order is hereby entered Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Daily News. Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71117 of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Tennessee on this date: August 26, This 20th day of August, 2019. otherwise their claims will be forever Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, 2019. A True Copy-Attest: IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF barred. Tennessee on this date: August 26, A True Copy-Attest: By Alexander Graham, D.C.&M. MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date 2019. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. W. Aaron Hall, Interim Clerk & Master TENNESSEE of the first publication (or posting, as A True Copy-Attest: General Sessions Court Clerk John B. Philip Docket No.: T2421 the case may be) of this notice if the EDWARD L. STANTON JR. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Attorney for Petitioner In the Matter of: creditor received an actual copy of General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran Uhlmann Abney Duck & Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71071 Katherine Ivy Taylor; this Notice to Creditors at least sixty By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright D.O.B.:09/16/2007 (60) days before the date that is four Cochran Uhlmann Abney Duck & Attorney for Plaintiff ORDER OF PUBLICATION A CHILD(REN) UNDER 18 YEARS OF (4) months from the date of the first Wright Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71254 In the Chancery Court of Shelby AGE publication (or posting); or Attorney for Plaintiff County, Tennessee ORDER OF PUBLICATION (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71252 IN THE COURT OF GENERAL No. CH-19-1160-1 In this cause, it appearing to the creditor received an actual copy of SESSIONS Iceberg Properties LLC Court from the allegations of the peti- the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Plaintiff(s) tion filed, and duly sworn to, that the received the copy of the notice less SESSIONS Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To vs residence of the Respondent Father, than sixty (60) days prior to the date SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Appear And For Publication In Lieu Shelby County Trustee, Celeste Brooks Taylor, is unknown and cannot that is four (4) months from the date Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Of Personal Service On A Summons Conner & Any Other Unknown Parties be ascertained by diligent search and of first publication (or posting) as Appear And For Publication In Lieu And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) inquiry; and that the whereabouts of described in (1)(A); or Of Personal Service On A Summons Case ID: 1957274 It appearing from the complaint in the Respondent Father cannot be found (2) Twelve (12) months from the And/Or An Attachment Royal Furniture Company this cause which is sworn to there are or the post office address of said Father decedent’s date of death. Case ID: 1900630 Plaintiff(s) parties known and unknown and as cannot be ascertained, and therefore, This 28th day of Aug., 2019. Royal Furniture Company VS. prayed for in the Petition to Quiet Title the ordinary process of law cannot be Phyllis Eder Executor Plaintiff(s) Alexis Davis filed on August 20, 2019 as to all known served upon said Father, it is ordered Attorney for the Estate: VS. Defendant(s) and unknown previous owners of 1788 that BROOKS TAYLOR enter his appear- Michael R. Gilroy Robert Southgate Plaintiff’s Claim: $3,209.22 Netherwood, Memphis, TN 38114 with ance herein on the second Monday Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Cod71270 Defendant(s) Hearing Date: October 4, 2019 a mailing address of 1790 Netherwood, in August, the date being November Plaintiff’s Claim: $1,089.88 Time: 10:00 A.M. Memphis, TN 38114. 25th, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. and plead NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hearing Date: October 4, 2019 In this cause a summons and/or an It is therefore ordered that they or answer to the petition filed herein, Docket: PR014785 Time: 10:00 A.M. attachment has been issued out under make their appearance herein at the a copy of which may be obtained from In Re the Matter of: Gregory R. Gay In this cause a summons and/or an T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having Court House of Shelby County, in the the clerk of Court. Notice is hereby given that on the attachment has been issued out under been made that defendant(s) is justly city of Memphis, Shelby County, TN on JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT will be 28th day of Aug., 2019, Letters of T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount October 14, 2019 and answer plaintiffs’ taken against you should you fail to Administration in respect of Gregory R. been made that defendant(s) is justly shown above, and no summons having complaint for Petition to Quiet Title or appear and answer, and that a copy of Gay, who died Jan. 1, 2019, were issued indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount been executed on the defendant(s), and the same will be taken for confessed this order be published for four consecu- to the undersigned by the Probate Court shown above, and no summons having the attachment having been returned as to defendant(s) and set for hearing tive weeks in the Daily News of Memphis of Shelby County, Tennessee. been executed on the defendant(s), and levied upon the personal property of ex parte, and that a copy of this order located in Memphis, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, the attachment having been returned the defendant(s), to wit sums due be published once a week for four suc- This 19 day of August, 2019 having claims, matured or unmatured, levied upon the personal property of from: Option Care Attn: Payroll, 3000 cessive weeks in The Daily News. Kinya Jackson against the estate are required to file the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Lakeside Dr., 3rd Floor, Bannockburn, This 20th day of August, 2019. Juvenile Court Magistrate the same with the Clerk of the above Cox Enterprises Inc., 6205 Peachtree IL 60015. A True Copy - Attest: APPROVED FOR ENTRY: named Court on or before the earlier Dunwoody Rd., Atlanta, GA 30328. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the W. Aaron Hall, Interim Clerk & Master Kim D. Meloni of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the defendant(s) make a personal appear- By Carnethia Frye, D.C.&M. Attorney for Mother otherwise their claims will be forever defendant(s) make a personal appear- ance before the Shelby County Court of Jocelyn V. Henderson Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71132 barred. ance before the Shelby County Court of General Sessions in the Shelby County Attorney for Petitioner (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date General Sessions in the Shelby County Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71115 ORDER OF PUBLICATION of the first publication (or posting, as Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on the day, date, and time set out above, IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF SHELBY the case may be) of this notice if the the day, date, and time set out above, and defend said suit within the time ORDER OF PUBLICATION COUNTY, TENNESSEE creditor received an actual copy of and defend said suit within the time prescribed by law, or the same may In the Chancery Court of Shelby No. CH-19-1054-3 this Notice to Creditors at least sixty prescribed by law, or the same may be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS County, Tennessee IN RE: PRINCETON SMITH (DOB: June (60) days before the date that is four be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this No. CH-19-1159-2 26, 2019), (4) months from the date of the first FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be published once a week for four Coehlo Investments USA LLC A Minor, publication (or posting); or order be published once a week for four weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Plaintiff(s) AGAPE CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES, (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Tennessee. This order is hereby entered vs INC., creditor received an actual copy of Tennessee. This order is hereby entered in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Shelby County Trustee, Levell McAfee, Petitioner, the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ariah Phifer & Any Other Unknown vs. received the copy of the notice less Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee on this date: August 26, Parties ROBERT JAMES and ANY UNKNOWN than sixty (60) days prior to the date Tennessee on this date: August 26, 2019. Defendant(s) FATHER, that is four (4) months from the date 2019. A True Copy-Attest: It appearing from the complaint in Respondents. of first publication (or posting) as A True Copy-Attest: EDWARD L. STANTON JR. this cause which is sworn to there are It appearing from the sworn petition described in (1)(A); or EDWARD L. STANTON JR. General Sessions Court Clerk parties known and unknown and as for termination of parental rights filed (2) Twelve (12) months from the General Sessions Court Clerk By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. prayed for in the Petition to Quiet Title in this cause, that the whereabouts of decedent’s date of death. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Cochran Uhlmann Abney Duck & filed on August 20, 2019 as to all previ- the Respondents Robert James and Any This 28th day of Aug., 2019. Cochran Uhlmann Abney Duck & Wright ous owners of 2277 Wellons Avenue, Unknown Father are unknown and can- James Anthony Bradley Wright Attorney for Plaintiff Memphis, TN. not be ascertained upon diligent inquiry. Administrator(s) Attorney for Plaintiff Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71255 It is therefore ordered that they It further appearing that Respondent Attorney for the Estate: Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71253 make their appearance herein at the Robert James is believed to be resid- Cameron Himes NOTICE TO CREDITORS Court House of Shelby County, in the ing in Memphis, Tennessee and is an Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 2019 Cod71271 IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Docket: PR014826 city of Memphis, Shelby County, TN on African-American male, 5’8”, weighing SESSIONS In Re the Matter of: Robert J. October 14, 2019 and answer plaintiffs’ approximately 170 pounds, with black IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Hampton complaint for Petition to Quiet Title or hair, brown eyes, and four tattoos. Con- SESSIONS Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Notice is hereby given that on the the same will be taken for confessed ception of the child occurred on Verdun SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Appear And For Publication In Lieu 3rd day of Sept., 2019, Letters of as to defendant(s) and set for hearing Cove in Memphis, Tennessee. Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Of Personal Service On A Summons Administration in respect of Robert ex parte, and that a copy of this order It is therefore ordered that Respon- Appear And For Publication In Lieu And/Or An Attachment J. Hampton, who died June 7, 2019, be published once a week for four suc- dents, Robert James and Any Unknown Of Personal Service On A Summons Case ID: 1921512 were issued to the undersigned by cessive weeks in The Daily News. Father, make their appearance herein And/Or An Attachment Royal Furniture Company the Probate Court of Shelby County, This 20th day of August, 2019. at the Chancery Court of Shelby County, Case ID: 1892634 Plaintiff(s) Tennessee. A True Copy - Attest: Tennessee, 140 Adams A venue, Royal Furniture Company VS. All persons, resident and non-resident, W. Aaron Hall, Interim Clerk & Master Memphis, Tennessee on Friday, the Plaintiff(s) Brandi Carter having claims, matured or unmatured, By Carnethia Frye, D.C.&M. 1st day of November, 2019, at 9:00 VS. Defendant(s) against the estate are required to file Jocelyn V. Henderson a.m. and answer petitioner’s petition Eric Denton Plaintiff’s Claim: $1,826.38 the same with the Clerk of the above Attorney for Petitioner for termination of parental rights or the Defendant(s) Hearing Date: October 4, 2019 named Court on or before the earlier Aug. 23, 30, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71116 same will be taken for confessed as to Plaintiff’s Claim: $775.74 Time: 10:00 A.M. of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), Respondents and this cause proceeded Hearing Date: October 4, 2019 In this cause a summons and/or an otherwise their claims will be forever ORDER OF PUBLICATION with ex parte, and that a copy of this Time: 10:00 A.M. attachment has been issued out under barred. Case ID: CT-2473-19 order be published once a week for four In this cause a summons and/or an T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date Soracveachay Chhun consecutive weeks in the Daily News of attachment has been issued out under been made that defendant(s) is justly of the first publication (or posting, as VS. Memphis, Tennessee. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the case may be) of this notice if the Annon Aloqili This 23rd day of August, 2019. been made that defendant(s) is justly shown above, and no summons having creditor received an actual copy of It appearing from the sworn petition CHANCERY COURT OF SHELBY indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount been executed on the defendant(s), and this Notice to Creditors at least sixty filed in this case that the residence of COUNTY shown above, and no summons having the attachment having been returned (60) days before the date that is four the defendant, Annon Aloqili is unknown By: Carnethia Frye been executed on the defendant(s), and levied upon the personal property of (4) months from the date of the first and cannot be ascertained upon diligent Kevin W. Weaver the attachment having been returned the defendant(s), to wit sums due publication (or posting); or search and inquiry. WEAVER & CRAIG, P.C. levied upon the personal property of from: Internal Revenue Service, 400 (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 21

Public Notices creditor received an actual copy of the case may be) of this notice if the Notice is hereby given that on the the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor creditor received an actual copy of 4th day of Sept., 2019, Letters of received the copy of the notice less In this cause, it appearing to the Court received the copy of the notice less this Notice to Creditors at least sixty Administration in respect of Elizabeth than sixty (60) days prior to the date from the allegations of the motion and than sixty (60) days prior to the date (60) days before the date that is four J. Young, who died Dec. 10, 2017, that is four (4) months from the date petition filed, and duly sworn to, that that is four (4) months from the date (4) months from the date of the first were issued to the undersigned by of first publication (or posting) as the residence of the Respondent is of first publication (or posting) as publication (or posting); or the Probate Court of Shelby County, described in (1)(A); or unknown and cannot be ascertained described in (1)(A); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the Tennessee. (2) Twelve (12) months from the by diligent search and inquiry; and that (2) Twelve (12) months from the creditor received an actual copy of All persons, resident and non-resident, decedent’s date of death. the whereabouts of the Respondent decedent’s date of death. the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor having claims, matured or unmatured, This 4th day of Sept., 2019. cannot be found or the post office ad- This 3rd day of Sept., 2019. received the copy of the notice less against the estate are required to file Patricia McAnally Chambers dress of Respondent parents cannot be Patricia Burton Administrator(s) than sixty (60) days prior to the date the same with the Clerk of the above Administrator(s) ascertained, and therefore, the ordinary Attorney for the Estate: that is four (4) months from the date named Court on or before the earlier Attorney for the Estate: process of law cannot be served upon Chasity S. Grice of first publication (or posting) as of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), Paul N. Royal said Respondent, it is ordered that Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71358 described in (1)(A); or otherwise their claims will be forever Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71386 Jamar K. Harris, and any unknown puta- (2) Twelve (12) months from the barred. tive fathers, enter appearances herein IN THE PROBATE COURT OF SHELBY decedent’s date of death. (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date NOTICE TO CREDITORS on the second Thursday in October, the COUNTY, TENNESSEE This 4th day of Sept., 2019. of the first publication (or posting, as Docket: PR014833 date being October 10, 2019 at 9:00 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Michael Joe Davis Executor the case may be) of this notice if the In Re the Matter of: Jimmy Sherlock a.m. and plead or answer to the peti- OF JOHNNY ADRON BRANTLEY, Attorney for the Estate: creditor received an actual copy of Notice is hereby given that on the tion filed herein, a copy of which may DECEASED Blanchard E. Tual this Notice to Creditors at least sixty 4th day of Sept., 2019, Letters of be obtained from the clerk of the Court. WILLIAM T. BRANTLEY, Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71381 (60) days before the date that is four Administration in respect of Jimmy JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT will be taken CO-ADMINISTRATOR (4) months from the date of the first Sherlock, who died June 5, 2019, against you should you fail to appear and AND J. WESLEY HISAW, NOTICE TO CREDITORS publication (or posting); or were issued to the undersigned by answer, and that a copy of this order be CO-ADMINISTRATOR Docket: PR014832 (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the the Probate Court of Shelby County, published for four consecutives weeks in CAUSE NO. PR-013835 In Re the Matter of: Charlotte R. creditor received an actual copy of Tennessee. the Daily News, a newspaper published WILLIAM T. BRANTLEY & J. WESLEY Halicki the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor All persons, resident and non-resident, in Shelby County, Tennessee. HISAW Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day received the copy of the notice less having claims, matured or unmatured, Janis Fullilove, Clerk of Court PETITIONERS of Sept., 2019, Letters Testamentary than sixty (60) days prior to the date against the estate are required to file By Markita Mills, D.C. vs. in respect of Charlotte R. Halicki, who that is four (4) months from the date the same with the Clerk of the above Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71392 THE HEIRS OF JOHNNY ADRON BRANT- died June 13, 2019, were issued to of first publication (or posting) as named Court on or before the earlier LEY, DECEASED AND ALL PERSONS OR the undersigned by the Probate Court described in (1)(A); or of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), ORDER OF PUBLICATION ENTITIES CLAIMING ANY INTEREST of Shelby County, Tennessee. (2) Twelve (12) months from the otherwise their claims will be forever IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF IN THE ESTATE OF JOHNNY ADRON All persons, resident and non-resident, decedent’s date of death. barred. MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, BRANTLEY, DECEASED RESPON- having claims, matured or unmatured, This 4th day of Sept., 2019. (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date TENNESSEE DENTS against the estate are required to file Stephen W. Vescovo of the first publication (or posting, as Docket Number: X4607 ORDER FOR SERVICE BY the same with the Clerk of the above William Jernigan Administrator(s) the case may be) of this notice if the Charles R. Ingram and Sonya M. PUBLICATION named Court on or before the earlier Attorney for the Estate: creditor received an actual copy of Ingram Based upon the examination of the Mo- of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), Stephen W. Vescovo this Notice to Creditors at least sixty Petitioners, tion the Court hereby finds as follows: otherwise their claims will be forever Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71384 (60) days before the date that is four vs. (1) That the Petitioners filed this barred. (4) months from the date of the first Catrina Blackman, maternal aunt/Legal cause of action on August 13, 2019. The (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date NOTICE TO CREDITORS publication (or posting); or Custodian Petitioners are the Co-Administrators of of the first publication (or posting, as Docket: PR014834 (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the Any Unknown Putative Fathers the above referenced estate and William the case may be) of this notice if the In Re the Matter of: Ashlyn Whitmore creditor received an actual copy of Respondents, T. Brantley is an adult resident citizen of creditor received an actual copy of Notice is hereby given that on the the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor IN THE MATTER OF Shelby County, Tennessee and J. Wesley this Notice to Creditors at least sixty 4th day of Sept., 2019, Letters of received the copy of the notice less Iyanna Shree Blackman, Hisaw is an adult resident citizen of (60) days before the date that is four Administration in respect of Ashlyn than sixty (60) days prior to the date DOB: 08/23/2007, P.A. 12 DeSoto County, Mississippi. All state- (4) months from the date of the first Whitmore, who died Jan. 22, 2019, that is four (4) months from the date Ilaisa Mona Blackman, ments as set forth herein are made of publication (or posting); or were issued to the undersigned by of first publication (or posting) as DOB: 08/04/2010 their personal knowledge. (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the the Probate Court of Shelby County, described in (1)(A); or Emoni Mona Blackman, (2) That Service by process by creditor received an actual copy of Tennessee. (2) Twelve (12) months from the DOB: 09/14/2011 publication is appropriate in this case the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor All persons, resident and non-resident, decedent’s date of death. MINOR CHILD(REN) UNDER THE AGE pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated received the copy of the notice less having claims, matured or unmatured, This 4th day of Sept., 2019. OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS §21-1-203 as the respondents cannot than sixty (60) days prior to the date against the estate are required to file Johnny Sherlock Administrator(s) In this cause, it appearing to the Court be personally serviced with process that is four (4) months from the date the same with the Clerk of the above Attorney for the Estate: from the allegations of the motion and because the name of any respondents of first publication (or posting) as named Court on or before the earlier Russell A. Hayes petition filed, and duly sworn to, that in this case is unknown and cannot described in (1)(A); or of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71387 the residence of the Respondents are be ascertained upon diligent inquiry. (2) Twelve (12) months from the otherwise their claims will be forever unknown and cannot be ascertained by Additionally, the residence of the re- decedent’s date of death. barred. ORDER OF PUBLICATION diligent search and inquiry; and that the spondents is unknown and cannot be This 4th day of Sept., 2019. (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF whereabouts of the Respondents can- ascertained upon diligent inquiry. Susan L. Sharp Executor of the first publication (or posting, as MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, not be found or the post office address IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, AD- Attorney for the Estate: the case may be) of this notice if the TENNESSEE of Respondents and putative parents JUDGED, and DECREED that any the Lindsay A. Jones creditor received an actual copy of IN THE MATTER OF: cannot be ascertained, and therefore, Clerk of this Court is hereby order to Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71382 this Notice to Creditors at least sixty Egypt Warner DOB: 11/25/2013 the ordinary process of law cannot be issue process to The heirs at law of (60) days before the date that is four Docket No. CC1416 served upon said Respondents and puta- Johnny Adron Brantley, deceased and NOTICE TO CREDITORS (4) months from the date of the first A CHILD(ren) UNDER EIGHTEEN (18) tive parents, it is ordered that Catrina all persons or entities claiming any Docket: PR014830 publication (or posting); or YEARS OF AGE Blackman, and any unknown putative interest in the estate of Johnny Adron In Re the Matter of: Claribelle H. (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the In this cause, it appearing to the Court fathers, enter appearances herein on Brantley, deceased. Said Respondents Weaver creditor received an actual copy of from the allegations of the dependency the second Thursday in October, the shall enter an appearance 30 days after Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor and neglect petition, filed, and duly date being October 10, 2019 at 9:00 the last publication and file an answer to of Sept., 2019, Letters Testamentary received the copy of the notice less sworn to, that the residence of Eric a.m. and plead or answer to the peti- the Petition for Determination of Heirs, in respect of Claribelle H. Weaver, who than sixty (60) days prior to the date Warner is unknown and cannot be tion filed herein, a copy of which may or judgment by default may be taken died August 3, 2019, were issued to that is four (4) months from the date ascertained by diligent search and be obtained from the clerk of the Court. against them for the relief demanded the undersigned by the Probate Court of first publication (or posting) as inquiry; and that the whereabouts of JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT will be taken in the Petition on October 29, 2019 at of Shelby County, Tennessee. described in (1)(A); or Eric Warner cannot be found or the post against you should you fail to appear and 10:45 A.M. Said publication shall the All persons, resident and non-resident, (2) Twelve (12) months from the office address of said parent cannot be answer, and that a copy of this order be published in The Daily News located in having claims, matured or unmatured, decedent’s date of death. ascertained, and therefore, the ordinary published for four consecutives weeks in Shelby County, against the estate are required to file This 4th day of Sept., 2019. process of law cannot be served upon the Daily News, a newspaper published IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this the same with the Clerk of the above Sheila Whitmore Administrator(s) said parent, that a provisional hearing in Shelby County, Tennessee. case is set for hearing on October 29, named Court on or before the earlier Attorney for the Estate: will be held on September 27, 2019 at Janis Fullilove, Clerk of Court 2019 at 10:45 A.M. of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), Chasity S. Grice 9:00 a.m. where all other parties have By Markita Mills, D.C. IT IS SO ORDERED this the 30th otherwise their claims will be forever Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71385 been served and a provisional order Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71393 day of August, 2019. barred. will be entered against Respondent, Kathleen N. Gomes (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Respondent is hereby notified that Judge of the first publication (or posting, as Docket: PR014697 the disposition of the order entered at Date: Aug. 30, 2019 the case may be) of this notice if the In Re the Matter of: Marvin Paul the provisional hearing shall become Bid Notices Approved as to form: creditor received an actual copy of Skinner final as to them if they fail to make an Holland & Hisaw this Notice to Creditors at least sixty Notice is hereby given that on the appearance in this matter at that hear- Shelby County By: J. Wesley Hisaw (60) days before the date that is four 4th day of Sept., 2019, Letters of ing, and that a copy of this order be Attorney for the Petitioner (4) months from the date of the first Administration in respect of Marvin published for four consecutive weeks NOTICE TO BIDDERS Holland & Hisaw publication (or posting); or Paul Skinner, who died June 17, 2019, in the Memphis Daily News. Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71359 (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the were issued to the undersigned by Janis Fullilove, Clerk of Court In order to participate in the bid listed creditor received an actual copy of the Probate Court of Shelby County, by Kinya Jackson D.C. below for Shelby County Government, NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor Tennessee. September 4, 2019 you must be registered with our elec- Docket: PR014835 received the copy of the notice less All persons, resident and non-resident, By: tronic bidding system with Mercury In Re the Matter of: Joe Max Davis than sixty (60) days prior to the date having claims, matured or unmatured, Krista Holder-Williams #28359 Commerce. County bids are not avail- Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day that is four (4) months from the date against the estate are required to file Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 Cod71390 able by mail or downloaded directly from of Sept., 2019, Letters Testamentary of first publication (or posting) as the same with the Clerk of the above the County website, unless otherwise in respect of Joe Max Davis, who died described in (1)(A); or named Court on or before the earlier ORDER OF PUBLICATION indicated in the solicitation invitation. All Aug. 3, 2019, were issued to the (2) Twelve (12) months from the of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF vendors who wish to bid are required to undersigned by the Probate Court of decedent’s date of death. otherwise their claims will be forever MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, register with Mercury Commerce Solu- Shelby County, Tennessee. This 4th day of Sept., 2019. barred. TENNESSEE tions in order to be notified of on-line All persons, resident and non-resident, Phoebe Mignon Williams (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date Docket Number: DD7983 bids. There is no charge for registra- having claims, matured or unmatured, Alonzo Weaver III Executor of the first publication (or posting, as LaSonya Marie Harris tion, and it is easy to use. To register: against the estate are required to file Attorney for the Estate: the case may be) of this notice if the Petitioner, the same with the Clerk of the above Steven H. McCleskey creditor received an actual copy of vs. • Go to named Court on or before the earlier Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Cod71383 this Notice to Creditors at least sixty Jamar K. Harris • Go to “Vendors” block at top of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), (60) days before the date that is four Respondent, • Click “Register Now” box otherwise their claims will be forever NOTICE TO CREDITORS (4) months from the date of the first IN THE MATTER OF • Click on “Mercury Commerce Ven- barred. Docket: PR014838 publication (or posting); or Aaliyah Shantel Harris aka Lane, dor Registration” line (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date In Re the Matter of: Elizabeth J. (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the DOB: 01/06/2007, P.A. 12 of the first publication (or posting, as Young creditor received an actual copy of A MINOR CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF Continued on Page 22 Page 22 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

Bid Notices CONTRACT NO. 12121 Insurance Act. by selling personal property belonging STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION Continued from Page 21 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Any person wishing to comment on the to those individuals listed below at the Extra Space Storage will hold a public Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be application may file his or her comments, location indicated: auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien • Complete Vendor Registration received from pre-qualified bidders on in writing, with the Regional Director of 7301 Winchester Rd Memphis, TN by selling personal property belonging process Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at the the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo- 38125, 9/13/2019 12:30 PM to those individuals listed below at the • Submit Contracts Management Office, Memphis ration at its Memphis Regional Office Gail White location indicated: Light, Gas and Water Division (“MLGW” at 6060 Primacy Parkway, Suite 300, 215 2010 W. Poplar Ave If you have any questions about the or “Division”), Room 323, 220 South Memphis, Tennessee 38119, not later John Bradley Collierville, TN 38017 registration process, contact ESM Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee (mail- than September 27, 2019. The non- 302 Date: 09/13/2019 Time: 9:30 A.M. Solutions at (877) 969-7246. If you ing address: P.O. Box 430, Memphis, confidential portions of the application Shani Smith Rosa Wright #310 have any questions about information Tennessee 38101-0430), prior to 4:00 are on file in the regional office and are 242 The auction will be listed and adver- contained in the bid documents, contact PM CDT/CST. If you bring your bid to available for inspection during regular The auction will be listed and adver- tised on the Purchasing Department at (901) MLGW, please allow 30 minutes prior business hours. Photocopies of the non- tised on Purchases must be made with cash only 222-2250 and ask to speak to the Buyer to 4:00 PM CDT/CST for MLGW security confidential portion of the application Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility listed for the bid. clearance and delivery of bids to the Con- will be made available upon request. and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. tracts Management Department. The Aug. 28, Sept. 6, 20, 2019 Mod71221 in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid SEALED BID DUE THURSDAY, SEP- official time of receipt will be established Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until TEMBER 19, 2019 AT 2:00 PM in the Contracts Management Depart- NOTICE and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of ment and not at the main floor security Extra Space Storage will hold a public the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. OIL & GREASE PRODUCTS desk. Bids will be publicly opened and auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien the personal property. Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71346 read on Wednesday, September 11, by selling personal property belonging Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71267 (SB-I000590) (MC# 604) 2019 at 2:00 PM CDT/CST, to furnish to those individuals listed below at the NOTICE equipment, supervision and labor to location indicated: 7222 Riverdale Bend STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION Extra Space Storage will hold a public By order of procure proactive and reactive remote Memphis, TN 38125, September 13, ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE UNITS auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien LEE HARRIS, MAYOR support services for MLGW’s Identity 2019 at 10:00 AM. Extra Space Storage will hold a public by selling personal property belonging SHELBY COUNTY Management Systems (IDM) in strict Garrett Davis auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien to those individuals listed below at the GOVERNMENT accordance as outlined in the Contract 808 by selling personal property belonging location indicated: Sept. 5, 6, 2019 Bod71343 Documents and Specifications. Taneesha Cook to those individuals listed below at the Facility Address, including City, State Sept. 5, 6, 10, 2019 Bod70781 627 location indicated: and Zip Code, Date and Time of Sale LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS Denise Paige 900 N. Germantown Pkwy Extra Space Storage Sealed bids or proposals will be Bartlett City Schools 445 Cordova, TN 38018 4649 Kirby Parkway. received, by Memphis Light, Gas and Bartlett City Schools is requesting dalton tansil September 13, 2019 Memphis, TN 38141 Water Division (MLGW) prior to 4:00 proposals from qualified companies to 386 11:30 AM 901-366-6369 PM CDT/CST Tuesday, September 10, provide a Food Services Program Man- Dana Waller Kim Tucker September/13/[email protected] 2019, Bidders (bidders or respondents) agement for Bartlett High School. 353 Unit #140 E-50 Jamey Crenshaw- Sofa small sofa, must perform a commercially useful Proposals are due no later than 2:00 China Wilson Arnicia Clark boxes, bags function in the performance of the P.M., Central Time, Tuesday, October 490 Unit #470DR A-25 Randy Wilson- Bikes, dresser. agreement. If you choose to bring your 8, 2019, Attn: BCS Purchasing, Bartlett Willie Woods Hillary Edwards boxes, bags, and other household additional supporting documentation to City Schools Administration Offices, 536 Unit #535 items MLGW, please allow 30 minutes prior 5705 Stage Road, Bartlett, Tennessee Daphne Wright Hillary Edwards C-16 Ricky Turner-Household goods to 4:00 PM CDT/CST for MLGW security 38134. All proposals must be time 644 Unit #538 F-145 Ericka Broadnax- Boxes, cloth- clearance and delivery of the documents stamped in BCS Purchasing, Bartlett Reginald Wilson The auction will be listed and adver- ing to the Purchasing Department. The of- City Schools Administration Offices, 120 tised on The auction will be listed and adver- ficial time of receipt of the supporting 5705 Stage Road, Bartlett, Tennessee, Willie Tate Purchases must be made with cash only tised on documentation will be established in 38134, prior to 2:00 P.M., Central Time 281 and paid at the above referenced facility Purchases must be made with cash only the Purchasing Department and not at Tuesday, October 8, 2019. Proposals re- Tiffany Young in order to complete the transaction. and paid at the above referenced facility the main floor security desk. Bids or ceived after the specified date and time 404 Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid in order to complete the transaction. proposals will be publicly opened and will be considered late and will not be The auction will be listed and adver- and may rescind any purchase up until Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid read at 2:00 PM CDT/CST Wednesday, opened. Proposals will not be accepted tised on the winning bidder takes possession of and may rescind any purchase up until September 11, 2019, for furnishing via any form of electronic media. Purchases must be made with cash only the personal property. the winning bidder takes possession of MLGW with: There will be a mandatory pre-bid and paid at the above referenced facility Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71289 the personal property Feeder Monitors and Accessories conference beginning at 10:00 A.M., in order to complete the transaction. Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71347 Sealed bid (RFQ) (or proposal) to be Central Time, Monday, September 23, Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid NOTICE marked “SHELTERED MARKET BID 2019. Interested proposers will meet and may rescind any purchase up until Extra Space Storage auction will be NOTICE (RFQ) ON FEEDER MONITORS AND in front of Bartlett High School, 5688 the winning bidder takes possession of held online at www.storagetreasures. Extra Space Storage will hold a public ACCESSORIES” Woodlawn, Bartlett, Tennessee 38134. the personal property. com, to satisfy Extra Space’s lien by auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien AppXtender Software All interested proposers will be directed Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71207 selling personal property belonging to by selling personal property belonging Sealed Bid (RFQ) supporting docu- to the cafeteria to view operation of those individuals listed below at the to those individuals mentation to be marked “AppXtender lunch periods. NOTICE location indicated: listed below at the location indicated: Software” Food Services Program Management Extra Space Storage will hold a public 8000 Autumn Creek Cordova, TN 2673 Mt Moriah Terrace, Memphis, MLGW has implemented an iSupplier for Bartlett High School Request for auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien 38016, September 13th, 2019 @ TN 38115 09/13/2019 at 09:30 AM Portal system in an effort to be more ac- Proposal #FY20003 can be viewed by selling personal property belonging 11:00am. Ladatric Johnson, Unit 545; Israel cessible to MLGW’s suppliers. You may and downloaded at to those individuals listed below at the Unit 160 Robert Clayton Household Britt-Taylor, Unit 757 and B9308; access the system via MLGW’s website,, under About US click location indicated: goods, Furniture, Electronics, etc. Abriel Coleman, UnitA7417; Jennifer or at Bid & RFP Opportunities. 0506: 381 North Germantown Park- Purchases must be made with cash only Lever, Unit A7401; Keith McKinney; bids. In order to easily access the loca- Sept. 6, 2019 Bod71397 way, Cordova, TN 38018, September and paid at the above referenced facility Unit C3602; Troydaus Campbell; tion, please bookmark the URL. You may 13, 2019 at 12:00 pm in order to complete the transaction. Unit 435; The Memphis CPA Group contact the Purchasing Department at Unit 62: Thomas Terrell Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid INC.; Unit 840; Artis Sullivan; Unit (901) 528-4701 for assistance. Suppli- Unit 154: Brookdale Dogwood Creek and may rescind any purchase up until 763; Anthony Pitts; Unit A7319; ers MUST be registered on the iSupplier Misc. Notices Unit 50: Brookdale Dogwood Creek the winning bidder takes possession of Glory Ministries; Unit N8605; Zachery Portal to submit a bid (RFQ). To register Unit 595: Jancinta Duroncelay the personal property. Hogan; Unit C3004; Kayla Flowers; in the iSupplier Portal, click the following Shelby County Unit 473: Harry Angelos Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71299 Unit A7420; Andre Witcher; Unit B85- and complete the information listed: Unit 48: Ronald Wade 06; Kennon Mapp; Unit 827 MLGW iSupplier Portal (New Suppliers) NOTICE OF MERGER OF BANKS Unit 627: Keysha Jennings NOTICE The auction will be listed and or call MLGW Purchasing Department Notice is hereby given that Guaranty Purchases must be made with cash only Extra Space Storage will hold a public advertised on www.storagetreasures. for assistance. To respond to an open Bank and Trust Company, 210 Hayden and paid at the above referenced facility auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien com. Purchases must be made with RFQ, send an email to the corresponding Street, Belzoni, Mississippi 39038, the in order to complete the transaction. by selling personal property belonging cash only and paid at the above Procurement Specialist and request an wholly-owned subsidiary of Guaranty Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid to those individuals referenced facility in order to invite. MLGW will continue to utilize the Capital Corporation, Belzoni, Missis- and may rescind any purchase up until listed below at the location indicated: complete the transaction. Extra Space Online Bid Notification System for public sippi, has made application to the the winning bidder takes possession of 2625 Mt Moriah Rd, Memphis, TN Storage may refuse any bid and may advertising. Suppliers may continue Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation the personal property. 38115 09/13/2019 at 2:00pm rescind any purchase up to view available bid openings on the for its written consent for First Alliance Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71239 Unit 109 Ashley McCray; dryer fridge until the winning bidder takes Online Bid Notification System but must Bank, 51 Germantown Court, Suite tables couch chairs possession of the personal property. submit quotes via iSupplier Portal. For 100, Cordova, Tennessee 38018, the NOTICE Unit 151 Tamara Kent; household Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71349 questions, please email isuppliersup- wholly-owned subsidiary of First Alliance Extra Space Storage will hold a public items [email protected]. Bancshares, Inc., Cordova, Tennessee, auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien Unit 736 Sherita Richmond; NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE MEMPHIS LIGHT, GAS AND WATER to merge with and into Guaranty Bank by selling personal property belonging household items Pursuant to the Tennessee Self-Service DIVISION and Trust Company. The bank merger to those individuals listed below at the Unit 631 Keion Quinn; 3 bdr home Storage Facility Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §§ RANDY ORSBY, M.B.A. is expected to take place immediately location indicated: Unit 468 Lisa Cain; household items 66-31-101 et seq., a public auction will SUPERVISOR, PURCHASING following (i) the merger of a newly-formed 7954 Patriot Cove Cordova, Tn 38018, Unit 690 Jeffery Moore Sr; household take place on September 12th, 2019 (901) 528-4701 wholly-owned subsidiary of Guaranty 09/13/2019, 1:30 PM furniture at the below-listed Public Storage facili- Sept. 5, 6, 10, 2019 Bod71373 Capital Corporation with and into First Lynette Thomas: Unit 1015, Household Unit 89 Jayna Moore; household ties, for the following units, the contents Alliance Bancshares, Inc., with First Alli- goods items of which shall be sold to satisfy the MEMPHIS LIGHT, GAS AND WATER ance Bancshares, Inc. surviving, and (ii) Valerie Mccoy: Unit 934, House hold Unit 387 Elliot Barnes; household owner’s lien. DIVISION the merger of First Alliance Bancshares, goods items 1. Public Storage located at 390 S Front CITY OF MEMPHIS Inc. with and into Guaranty Capital Cor- The auction will be listed and adver- Unit 358 Kim Hanson; household Street Memphis TN 38103 at 9:30am MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE poration, with Guaranty Capital Corpora- tised on items Units: Name IDENTITY MANAGER SUPPORT tion surviving. Guaranty Bank and Trust Purchases must be made with cash only Unit 665 Lisa Phillips; fridge totes 2002 Octavius Guy (2019-2020) Company will be the resulting entity from and paid at the above referenced facility Unit 187 Karrius Harper; misc. Items 2330 Kanisha Smith the bank merger and the separate cor- in order to complete the transaction. The auction will be listed and 2. Public Storage located at 4910 porate existence of First Alliance Bank Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid advertised on www.storagetreasures. Polar Ave Memphis TN, 38117. Time: will cease. Following the bank merger, and may rescind any purchase up until com. Purchases must be made with 9:45am . Guaranty Bank and Trust Company will the winning bidder takes possession of cash only and paid at the above Units: Name remain a wholly-owned subsidiary of the personal property. referenced facility in order to B140 Dennis Eaton The Daily News Guaranty Capital Corporation. Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71275 complete the transaction. Extra Space B723 Andrea Bragg Call 523-1561 All offices of First Alliance Bank and Storage may refuse any bid and may 3. Public Storage located at 4409 Guaranty Bank and Trust Company will Online AUCTION rescind any purchase up Summer Ave Memphis TN, 38122. Today! continue to be operated following the STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION until the winning bidder takes Time 10:00am. proposed merger transactions. ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE UNITS possession of the personal property. Units: Name This notice is published pursuant to Extra Space Storage will hold a public Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71341 A1067 Steven Hamilton Section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit auction to satisfy Extra Space’s lien A2057 Steven Ogle Friday, September 6, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 23

Public Notices

A2075 Sylvia Thurman the petition blanks from the undersigned V13 BROWN, TYRONE L. F2 Wallace, Lakera U-STOR STAGE A2168 Joe Leaby Commission at 2714 Union Ave. Ex- Z1 Neely, Ozell G11 Grace, Jeffrey 3645 Stage James A2173 Ashton Jackson tended, 1st Floor. 3rd Location J2 Williams, Evette (901-386-0600) G014 Laquinton Mckinney Must be filed no later than Tuesday, U-STOR ELVIS PRESLEY Lanise C1 McShane, Tommie L 4. Public Storage located at 2130 September 17, 2019. 5345 Elvis Presley Blvd M3 Wright, Vince E3 TURNER, GLORIA Sycamore View Rd Memphis TN. 38134 Jared Johnson, Chairman (901-396-4100) T25 Martin, Kevin H4 Jasmine Taylor Time: 10:15 am. Anna Vergos-Blair, Member A8 Fletcher, Marquita V4 Humphrey, Kaylah H5 Booker, Lesheri Units: Name Barry Chase, Member G16 Jones, Jasper 9th Location H14 Holland, Claudette 2010 Yolanda Mellton Erma Hayslett, Member L2 Frye, Crystal U-STOR SUMMER J6 Clear, Brenda 3023 Xavier Perkins Thomas O’Malley, Member L17 Jones, Chandra T. 5570 Summer Ave L8 Reed, Sacordia 3036 Rosie Bond Renee Poe, Member N12 Crawford, Miraca E (901-937-0300) O7 Alexander, Pluria L 4009 Lucius Bond-Hunt Billy Post, Member 4th Location B6 Martin, Aaron A O10 Cunningham, Tanya 7228 Terrye Lively Steven Reid, Member U-STOR MILLBRANCH J1 Kent, Terence P20 Gamble Jr, Marvin 5. Public Storage located at 2878 Johnsie Wallace-Gault, Member 4530 Millbranch J13 Sears, Christopher R8 JOHNSON RAY, LARETA Covington Pike Memphis TN 38129. Joy Touliatos, (901-346-7500) S1 Conner, Glenn R15 Wilkerson, Nicole Time: 10:30 am Executive Secretary, C12 Dodson, Stephanie T8 Conner, Glenn U2 Holland, Claudette Units: Name City of Memphis Alcohol Commission F15 Morgan, Latasha U26 Whaley, Mario V1 Matthews, Michael A1018 CHERYL MOORE Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71380 H5 Lewis, Carla V15 Manley, Carla Dawn Final Location A1084 Lashaun Bryant J6 Williams, Tabitha W1 Allen, John U-STOR FRAYSER A1094 Shamara Price NOTICE R13 Jones, Jaiylah W4 Chambers, Scott 3435 Range Line Rd. A2050 Peggy Milan The following unit will be sold by online R15 Perkins, Priscilla W14 Crume, Melinda (901-357-7300) A2082 Ricki Stacy auction, due to non-payment of rent to S20 Alford, Matthew 10th Location C3 Jackson, Marlon B3005 Tori Eldridge satisfy owner’s lien by Storage Towne W10 White, Ebony U-STOR BARTLETT G14 Driskell, Donald Ray Sr. B3007 Tamela Howell of America 5900 Stage Rd Bartlett TN 5th Location 6440 Hwy. 70 J8 Mcadory, Kevin M. D5008 Gerald Mcneal 38134. U-STOR WINCHESTER (901-382-5300) K14 Parrish, Debra E6017 Vanessa Boone All goods are sold as is and must be 1355 Winchester Rd. B17 Isaac, Sharon O10 Mckinley, Lekiesha 6. Public Storage located at 7495 removed within the time stated online (901)396-9018 F7 Seals, Shannan P5 Borner, Nieshia N. Hwy 64 Memphis TN 38133. Time: after purchase. Owners reserve the right C17 Jacobs, Keisha J5 Isaac, Sharon T6 Ward, Tina 10:45am. to buy or reject any bid. The tenant has C20 McDowell, Tina P1 Desorbo, Brandon T13 Walker, Glenda Units: Name until Monday September 23rd, 2019 F3 Joyner, Lee T3 Washington, Ledaria Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71406 7036 Moses Kimmons at 4:30pm to settle their debt, and I8 Gillum, Tracy D. 11th Location 8210 Rebecca Biggs remove contents from premises at time I21 Joyner, Brittany U-STOR COVINGTON MLGW Board Dates Rescheduled for 8303 Jada Crawford of Payment. K12 Robinson, Ashley R 2835 Covington Pike September and October 9012 Daumonique Lenhardt Eric Winston - 94 N10 Rogers, Marquita (901-382-5600) Please make note that the meetings for 7. Public Storage located at 1546 Michael Jackson c/o Sickle Cell Founda- O3 McVay, Jimmie C5 Jones, Jacquelyn the MLGW Board of Commissioners will N Germantown Parkway Cordova TN tion of Tennessee - 31 Q1 Baldwin, Chandra I9 Claypool, Jessica be rescheduled in September and Octo- 38018. Time: 11:00am. Latonya Gober -220 Q19 Flowers, Malcolm Cole K15 Claypool, Jessica ber from the first and third Wednesdays Units: Name ALL SALES FINAL, Payment at facility R17 Jackson, Antonio L6 Funderburk, Jr., Mark to the second and fourth Wednesdays. 1079 Ashley Potts is CASH ONLY. UNIT TO BE SWEPT 6th Location M9 Felix, Patsy The new dates in September are the 3011 Tiffany Harvey BROOM CLEAN. ALL ITEMS REMOVED. U-STOR PERKINS P19 Albert P. Marsh 11th and 25th and in October the 9th 3098 Leigha Walton-Bayne NO DUMPSTER USE. 4700 Winchester Rd. R3 Claypool, Jessica and 23rd. The meetings will take place 3181 Jennifer Gailes The online auction will be conducted (901-367-2200) R12 Fitz, Maurice at the Administration Building, 220 S. 3191 Bridget Dobbins-Heaton on website A13 Stevenson, Te’Vonna T10 Clark, Pavia L Main at 1 p.m. 3196 Zyyear Green and it will conclude Tuesday September B8 Glover Jr, David 12th Location Sept. 6, 10, 11, 2019 Mod71407 All sales are subject to cancellation. 24th, 2019 at 9:00am C1 Jones, Chandra Public auction terms, rules, and regu- Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71403 D1 Watson, Raven lations will be made available prior to E7 Edwards, Jasmine NOTICE the sale. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE F7 Lang, Marvin The following vehicles will be sold at auction on 10/4/19 at Marion Towing located Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71363 Notice is given that U-STOR auctions G2 Hardy, Hardy at 1601 East Brooks Rd., Memphis, TN 38116. Owner of said vehicles have the will be held September 18th, 2019 (or G9 Glover Jr, David right to make claim prior to the sale date at the above address. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE thereafter) at the below listed locations. J17 Jackson, Catherine Marion Towing contact #901-345-5128 Pursuant to the Tennessee Self-Service Pursuant to Tennessee Code 66-31- K12 Greer, Tonja No. Year Make Model Vehicle Identification Storage Facility Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 101 thru 66-31-107 to satisfy liens M5 White, Ora 1. 2005 Chevrolet QLT 2CNDL73F156036856 66-31-101 et seq., a public auction will due to unpaid rents and charges. The Q2 Rogers, Flesia 2. 2018 Chevrolet Malibu 1G1ZB5ST6JF134539 take place on September 13th, 2019 undersigned will sell at public sale by S6 Brown, Helen 3. 2003 Dodge Neon 1B3ES56C43D188003 at the below-listed Public Storage facili- completive bidding the personal property X15 McNeal, Alicea Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71396 ties, for the following units, the contents heretofore stored with the undersigned X19 Hunt, Donald of which shall be sold to satisfy the to satisfy the owner’s lien. All sales are 7th Location owner’s lien. final. U-Stor reserves the right to refuse U-STOR HICKORY HILL NOTICE 1. PUBLIC STORAGE located at 4500 any bid. “CONSISTING OF HOUSEHOLD 5515 Winchester Rd. TO THE DELINQUENT 2017 REAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS Winchester Memphis TN, 38118 TIME: ITEMS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.” (901-367-0290) OF SHELBY COUNTY, AND THE INCORPORATED MUNICIPALITIES OF 9:30 AM. Wednesday, September 18th, 2019 C18 Glenn, Rodney ARLINGTON, BARTLETT, COLLIERVILLE, GERMANTOWN, LAKELAND, Units: Name D4 Williams, Latricia MEMPHIS & MILLINGTON 1013 Leticia Lewis BEGINNING AT 9:00 AM F13 Wilson, Jashonnia 3004 Deidra McDowell U-STOR LAMAR I2 Taylor, Myiah On Friday, October 25, 2019, a motion for default judgment is scheduled 3056 Destanee House 1801 S. Prescott I9 Dye, Carol to be heard at 9:00 a.m. in Part III of Chancery Court, 140 Adams Avenue, 3066 Dorothy Mays (901-743-7900) K16 Pointer, Erica Memphis, Tennessee. This motion is directed at defendants who have not 3209 Porsche Thornton A10 Crawford, Toya N. N14 Glenn, Rodney responded to the 2017 lawsuit for delinquent real property taxes. The 2017 4002 Booker Howard, lll B13 Vaughn, Verlether O11 Dendy, Roberta Realty Lawsuit was filed on March 29, 2019, pursuant to statute, against 4009 Felicia Dunn E17 Robinson, Shakita L Q4 Greer, Khadreka delinquent taxpayers for 2017 and/or prior Shelby County, and the Incorpo- 4012 Jessica Hunt N10 Nelson, Gary D. T9 Jones, Kelvin B. rated Municipalities of Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Germantown, Lakeland, 4028 Angel Marie White S9 Parks, Charity M. V18 Riley, Michael Memphis and Millington real property taxes. 4042 Tamara Mesteth V4 Thomas, Brittnie S. W9 Craft, David C 4065 Shuntay Crockett Following to Y7 Tucker, James All delinquent property taxes continue to accrue interest and penalties until 5006 Steven Collins U-STOR THIRD STREET 8th Location the taxes are paid in full. To satisfy your tax obligation, contact the Shelby 5042 Jason Jamison 4000 S. Third Street U-STOR RIVERDALE County Trustee’s office at 222-0200. 5062 Vonnie Tillman (901-786-1400) 6900 E Raines Rd. 5075 Mario Baker D15 AUSTIN, ALICIA L. (901-363-9400) John B. Turner Jr., 7003 MedClean Solutionn L15 HUGHES, MELANIE K. A5 Cook, Maria A. Delinquent Tax Attorney 7030 Porsha Williams M1 Drake, Regina A12 Yancy, Keisha Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71352 7120 Corbin Mcintyre M7 Greer, Larry E8 Westbrook, William All sales are subject to cancellation. Public auction terms, rules, and regu- PUBLIC NOTICE lations will be made available prior to Bioenergy Development Group, LLC (Bioenergy) has applied to the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD), Pollution Control Section, for an Initial Synthetic Minor the sale. (Conditional Major) Operating Permit. This Bioenergy facility is located at 2227 Deadrick Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. Operations at this facility consist of biodiesel Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71364 fuel production. The permit will incorporate allowable emissions as follows: Pollutant (tons/12-months)

NOTICE HAP VOC NOx CO SO2 PM/PM10 All Star Automotive Service and Repair (Hazardous Air Pollutants) (Volatile Organic Compounds) (Nitrogen Oxides) (Carbon Monoxide) (Sulfur Dioxide) (Particulate Matter) Inc. 7.12 42.98 38.64 32.47 0.23 2.94 3213 North Watkins, Memphis, TN This facility has chosen these limits to avoid the provisions of City of Memphis Code Section 16-77 [Reference Rules and Regulations of Tennessee, Rule 1200-3-9-.02 38127 (11)] (frequently referred to as the Title V regulations) 901.357.9100 A copy of the application materials used by the Department and a copy of the draft permit are available for public inspection at the Pollution Control Section office during Auction on September 14, 2019 at normal business hours (8:00 am – 4:30 pm). A copy of the application evaluation document and a copy of the draft permit are available on the Shelby County Health 12 noon Department website at http://www. /310/Air-Pollution-Control-Public-Notices. Interested parties are invited to review these materials and provide 2007 Audi A4 written comments. In addition, a public hearing may be requested at which written or oral presentations may be made. To be considered, written comments or requests VIN WAUDF78EX7A064833 for a public hearing must be made within thirty (30) days after the date of this notice and should be addressed to: Sept. 6, 13, 2019 Mod71372 Mr. Robert Rogers, Technical Manager Pollution Control Section NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Shelby County Health Department The following person(s) has asked 814 Jefferson Ave. the City of Memphis Alcohol Commis- Memphis, TN 38105 sion for permission to sell beer for OFF (e-mail [email protected]) premise consumption. Individuals with disabilities who wish to review this information should contact the Department, Pollution Control Section, to discuss any auxiliary aids or services needed APPLICANT: Kashif LLC to facilitate such review. Contact may be in person, in writing, by telephone, or other means, and should be made no less than ten days prior to the end of the public DBA: Kashif LLC comment period to allow time to provide such aid or services. LOCATION: 1758 North Graham Questions concerning the source may be addressed to Mr. Wasim Khokhar at the above referenced address or by calling (901) 222-9587 or by e-mail at wasim. Street [email protected]. Anyone desiring to circulate a peti- A proposed permit will be prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s review following response to any relevant comments. tion FOR or AGAINST said establishment Sept. 6, 2019 Mod71391 selling beer at this location must secure Page 24 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, September 6, 2019

Public Notices

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