Jürgen Doering Costume Designer


Silvia Llaguno Associate Agent Shannon Black [email protected] +44 (0) 20 3214 0889



Production Company Notes WASP NETWORK CG Cinéma / Nostromo Dir: 2019 Pictures / RT Features / Prods: , Rodrigo Scope Pictures Teixeira, Lourenço Sant'Anna

ROADS Missing Link Films Dir: Sebastian Schipper 2019 Prods: David Keitsch, Sebastian Schipper

L'ADIEU À LA NUIT (FAREWELL Curiosa Films Dir: André Téchiné TO THE NIGHT) Prod: Olivier Delbosc 2019 With

UNE JEUNESSE DORÉE (GOLDEN Macassar Productions Dir: Eva Ionesco YOUTH) Prods: Damien Couvreur, Mélita 2019 Toscan du Plantier, Marie-Jeanne Pascal, Julien Rouch With

DOUBLES-VIES (NON-FICTION) CG Cinéma Dir: Olivier Assayas 2018 Prod: Charles Gillibert With and

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E [email protected] Production Company Notes L'AMOUR EST UNE FÊTE ( Curiosa Films / Sunrise Dir: Cédric Anger PIGALLE) Films / Umedia Prods: Olivier Delbosc, Anne 2018 Rapczyk With Guillaume Canet

TOUS NOUS SÉPARE (ALL THAT Les Films du Kiosque / Dir: Thierry Klifa DIVIDES US) Nolita Cinema Prods: Maxime Delauney, 2017 François Kraus, Denis Pineau- Valencienne, Romain Rousseau With Catherine Deneuve and

POLINA Everybody on the Deck Dirs: Valérie Müller | Angelin 2016 Preljocaj Prods: Maxim Ajjawi, Gaëlle Bayssière, Didier Creste

VOR DER MORGENRÖTE (STEFAN Dir: ZWEIG: FAREWELL TO EUROPE) Prods: Stefan Arndt, Danny 2016 Krausz, Denis Poncet, Uwe Schott * Won: Audience Award, 2017

PERSONAL SHOPPER CG Cinéma Dir: Olivier Assayas 2016 Prod: Charles Gillibert With * Nominated: Palme d'Or, 2016

LA BELLE SAISON (SUMMERTIME) Chaz Productions / Dir: Catherine Corsini 2015 Pyramide Productions Prod: Elisabeth Perez With Cécile de France

LA PROCHAINE FOIS JE VISERAI Sunrise Films Dir: Cédric Anger LE COEUR (NEXT TIME I'LL AIM Prods: Alain Attal, Anne Rapczyk FOR THE HEART) With Guillaume Canet 2014

CHEBA LOUISA Legato Films Dir: Françoise Charpiat 2013 Prod: Anne Derré

RUE MANDAR Manchester Films / Dir: Idit Cebula 2012 Thelma Films Prods: Catherine Bozorgan, Christine Gozlan

CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA CG Cinema Dir: Olivier Assayas 2014 Prod: Charles Gillibert With Juliette Binoche, Kristen Stewart and Chloë Grace Moretz * Nominated: Palme d'Or, Cannes Film Festival 2014

OUF (NUTS) Taba Tabo Films Dir: Yann Coridian 2012 Prod:

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E [email protected] Production Company Notes APRÈS MAI (SOMETHING IN THE MK2 Productions Dir: Olivier Assayas AIR) Prods: Charles Gillibert, 2012 Nathanaël Karmitz

MA PREMIÈRE FOIS Loma Nasha Dir: Marie-Castille Mention- 2012 Schaar Prods: Pierre Kubel, Marie- Castille Mention-Schaar

ET SI ON VIVAIT TOUS Les Films de la Butte Dir: Stéphane Robelin ENSEMBLE? (ALL TOGETHER) Prods: Christophe Bruncher, 2011 Philippe Gompel, Aurélia Grossmann

LA CONQUÊTE (THE CONQUEST) Mandarin Films / Gaumont Dir: Xavier Durringer 2011 Prods: Eric Altmayer, Nicolas Altmayer

LOL Pathé Dir: Lisa Azuelos COSTUMER Prod: Romain Le Grand 2008

L'HEURE D’ÉTÉ () MK2 Productions Dir: Olivier Assayas 2008 Prods: Charles Gillibert, Marin Karmitz, Nathanaël Karmitz

DEMONLOVER Elizabeth Films Dir: Olivier Assayas COSTUMER Prod: Xavier Giannoli 2002

IRREVERSIBLE Les Cinémas de la Zone / Dir: Gaspar Noé 2002 Nord-Ouest Productions / Prod: Christophe Rossignon StudioCanal


Production Company Notes VERNON SUBUTEX Canal + Dir: Cathy Verney 2018 With

LA MORT DANS L'ÂME En Voiture Simone Dir: Xavier Durringer (DEATH IN THE SOUL) 2018

KABOUL KITCHEN Scarlett Production / Euro SERIES 3 Media / Chic Films / Canal+ 2017

ROUGE SANG Scarlett Production Dir: Xavier Durringer 2014 Prod: Joëy Faré

MA VIE AU GRAND AIR Mother Production Dir: Nicolas Herdt 2013 Prods: Aurélien Larger, Harold Valentin

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E [email protected] Production Company Notes LA SOURCE Barjac Production / Dir: Xavier Durringer 2013 Chabraque Productions / Prods: Laurence Bachman, Clémentine France 2 Dabadie

LE MÊTIS DE DIEU (THE Arte France / TV5 Monde Dir: Ilan Duran Cohen JEWISH CARDINAL) Prod: Joëy Faré 2018

TIGER LILY, 4 FEMMES France 2 Dir: Benoît Cohen DANS LA VIE Prods: Pascale Breugnot, Vincent 2013 Mouluquet

HIVER ROUGE (CRIMSON Astharté et compagnie Dir: Xavier Durringer WINTER) Prod: Sophie Deloche 2011

LES BEAUX MECS France 2 Dir: Gilles Bannier 2010 Prod: Christine de Bourbon Busset

CARLOS Dir: Oliver Assayas 2010 Prod: Daniel Leconte, Jens Meurer * Won: Best Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television, Golden Globes 2011 * Won: Best Foreign Language Film, National Society of Film Critics Awards, 2011 * Won: Best Foreign Language Film, New York Film Critics Circle Awards, 2010 * Won: Best Foreign Film, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, 2010

REPORTERS Capa Drama 2009

VENUS AND APOLLO Tabo Tabo Films 2009


Production Company Notes SQUARESPACE: JOHN Smuggler / Dir: Miles Jay MALKOVICH JohnXHannes * Won: Outstanding Commercial, Creative 2017 Arts Emmys 2017 - "Calling JohnMalovich.com"

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E [email protected] Theatre

Production Company Notes LE PROBLÈME Théâtre du Rond-Point, Paris Dir: François Bégaudeau 2011

United Agents | 12-26 Lexington Street London W1F OLE | T +44 (0) 20 3214 0800 | F +44 (0) 20 3214 0801 | E [email protected]