Biogas in : Actual situation and perspectives

Christos Zafiris Agriculture engineer Biomass dept



 Biogas in Greece  Biomass potential for biogas production in Greece  Barriers  Requirements for the design and implementation of biogas projects  Investment opportunities  Legal status  Conclusions

In Greece of financial recession there are challenges ……

 Lack of financial liquidity

 Incomplete legal framework

 Unstable tax system

 Lack of long-term policies

The response to these challenges is really difficult but it is possible if accompanied by a comprehensive plan, coordination, cooperation and systematic monitoring of the implementation of the necessary actions.

It needs a thorough reading of existing opportunities in combination with a realistic and critical depiction of Greek reality

…..but also opportunities

The biogas sector offers significant opportunities that can boost entrepreneurship and contribute to financial recovery.

The opportunities lie in the unused and huge potential of organic wastes:

 17.000.000 tons of wastes from 30.000 cattle-pig-poultry breeding farms  In total there are 240,000 SMEs of the primary sector

The spatial distribution of those plants favor the decentralized biogas production, the planning of small economically viable projects of 100-300 kWe capacity, according to the German concept. GEOGRAPHICAL BREAKDOWN &INSTALLED POWER (MW) Biogas UNITS in the interconnected system (Article 9 L.3468 / 2006)

Source: ΛΑΓΗΕ-Operator of electricity market Biogas plants in Greece

Biogas plants of 47.34 MWe capacity are operating, mostly at solid waste landfills (SWL) and municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTP). The most important in: SWL of Ano Liossia a co-generation plant of 23.4 ΜWe capacity is in operation. MWTP of Psyttalia a co-generation plant of 11.4 MWe capacity is in operation. SWL of Tagarades in Salonica a co-generation plant of 5 MWe capacity is in operation.

Biogas plants in Greece

Thermal Electrical Annual Biogas S/ ENERGY FUEL- Capacity Capacity Production

N TYPE TYPE Location (MWth) (MWe) (m3/yr)

1 ELE SWL 5.04 22,000,000 2 CHP MWTP Larisa 1.83 0.60 897,120 3 CHP MWTP Patra 0.70 0.02 577,012 4 HEAT MWTP Chalkida 2.21 240,000 5 HEAT MWTP Alex/poli 0.33 328,000 6 HEAT MWTP Rodos 0.58 90,000 7 CHP MWTP Hraklio 0.53 0.19 672,000 8 CHP MWTP Chania 0.29 0.16 200,000 9 CHP MWTP 17.20 11.4 25,774,000 10 CHP SWL Athens 4.00 23.4 107,000,000 11 CHP MWTP Volos 1.11 0.33 0 12 ELE SWL Volos 0.00 1.25 3,783,632

TOTAL 28.77 42.401 161,561,764 Biogas plants in Greece

Thermal Electrical S/ ENERGY FUEL- Capacity Capacity

N TYPE TYPE Location (MWth) (MWe)

1 HEAT FOOD Thessaloniki 0.64 2 HEAT FOOD Athens 0.40 3 CHP AGRI Preveza 0.15 0.98 4 ELE AGRI 0.25 5 CHP AGRI Komotini 0.49 6 CHP AGRI 0.25 7 CHP AGRI LARISA 0.49 8 CHP AGRI Attiki 0.50 9 CHP AGRI Thessaloniki 0.99 10 CHP AGRI 0.99

TOTAL 1.19 4.94 Biogas plant in Ano Liossia 23.5 MWe

Source: HELECTOR Biogas plant in Psyttalia 11.4 MWe

Source: EYDAP Biogas plant in Tagarades 5 MWe

Source: HELECTOR Biogas agricultural plants

CHITAS FARMA S.A Gasnakis Antonios S.A 1MW 0.25MW

Karanikas Antonios S.A Bioaerio Komotinis S.A 0.25ΜW 0.50MW

Source: ΤΕΤΩΡΟΣ Biogas agricultural plants

Seiti Bros S.A Bioaerio Megaron S.A

0.5 MWe 0.5MWe

Source: ΤΕΤΩΡΟΣ Expected to be operational in 2016. Βioenergeiaki Mantineias S.A

Source: KAFSIS - ΤΕΤΩΡΟΣ Bio energy in the electricity market

 Up to present, RΑΕ has issued 83 licenses for bioelectricity production, with total installed capacity of 441.4 ΜW.  146.5 MW (46 plants) refer to biogas production • 7 licenses for MSW (41.33 MW) • 7 licenses for water treatment plants (17.06 MW) • 26 licenses for agricultural/animal breeding wastes (72.0 MW) • 3 licenses for agricultural wastes (12.0 MW) • 3 licenses for animal breeding wastes (4.12 MW)  294.9 MW (37 plants) refer to biomass combustion plants

Licence applications according to L.4152/2013


ATTIKI 46 66.67 4 24.3 MAKEDONIA- THRAKI 125 112 21 25 WEST GREECE 110 64.24 5 6.32 CENTRAL GREECE 119 103.4 7 11.9

TOTAL 400 346.31 37 67.52 Theoretical biomass potential in Greece

FUEL MAIN CAPACITY ORGANIC CAPACITY CATEGORIES UNITS (MW) WASTES (T/Y) (MW) 726,013 CATTLE 25,530 cattle 13,601,970 233 147,920 SOWS 2,560 Sows 2,277,072 36 SYSTEMATIC POULTRY 1,972 33,875,054 813,001 86 DAIRY ESTABLISH- MENT 696 1,175,319 822,723 14

TOTAL 30,758 17,514,766 369

Source: C. Zafiris/CRES Potential daily production of animal wastes in Greece

18 Mt animal wastes from cattle, pig and poultry 5.6 PJ annual energy production Cattle breeding mainly in northern Greece Pig breeding equally distributed over Greece Poultry farming mainly in three regions

Source: CRES/Biomass dept Spatial planning of the Sows breeding farms in Greece

• 1000 sows • 100 sows Source: Union of pig breeders in Greece. Agricultural residues

 Theoretical potential : ~8.7 Mtons dm/year  Theoretically available potential: ~5.5 Mtons dm/year  Energy potential: ~99 PJ/year (~ 27.7 TWh) Theoretical potential of straw

 Theoretical potential ~1.15 million tons DM/year (65MWe biogas plant)

 Regions: , Thessaloniki, Evros, Phiotida, , Κozani, Κilkis Theoretical potential residues of maize

 Theoretical potential : ~0.6 Mtons DM/year (34ΜW)

 Regions : Serres, Κavala, Xanthi, Drama, Ilia, Etolia- Akarnania, Larissa , Trikala ,Pella Biogas from biodegradable MW REGION MSW (t/y) BMW (t/y) ΜWe E. Makedonia & Thraki 278500 123376 5 C. Makedonia 933900 413718 17 W. Makedonia 153100 67823 3 Thessalia 411400 182250 7 Ipiros 96700 42838 2 Ionian Islands 147700 65431 3 W. Greece 308500 136666 5 C. Greece 307100 136045 5 Peloponnissos 137900 61090 2 Attiki 2492400 1104133 44 N. Aegean 81400 36060 1 S.Aegean 227500 100783 4 Kriti 428500 189826 8 TOTAL 6004600 2660038 107 Potential spatial distribution of biogas plants

Foustani Agios Athanasios Wastes: 680,000t Wastes: 2,000,000t Installed capacity: 13.5MW Installed capacity: 40MW

Tagarades Landfill Installed capacity: 5MW Oinophyta Wastes: 200,000t Installed capacity: 4MW Phillira Wastes: 800,000t Installed capacity:15MW Ano Liossia Landfill Installed capacity: 23.5MW Filippiada Wastes: 730,000t Installed capacity:14.5MW Psyttalia (WWTP) Wastes: 700,000t/day Installed capacity: 11,4MW Stratos Wastes: 982,000t Installed capacity: 19MW Pethymno Wastes: 60,500t Installed capacity:1.5MW Plant proposed

Plant in operation

Possible Injection Anogeia point in natural gas Wastes: 34,000t grid Installed capacity: 1MW Source: C. Zafiris/CRES


 Availability and supply of raw materials  Lack of public awareness  Social acceptance  Environmental licensing  PPC monopoly  Inefficiency of Greek policy framework (gate fee)  Huge bureaucracy  Absence of spatial planning for biomass plants  Lack of financial incentives  Complicated structure of public services

Requirements for the design and implementation of biogas projects

 Institutional measures to implement the concept of 'gate fee'  Simplification of licensing procedures, setting up 'one stop shop'  Incentives for projects up 250kWe, according to the German model  Setting up of a price for the heat production, the solid (50-100 €/t) and liquid digestate (0-10 €/t) Investment Opportunities

 Unexploited Greek Biogas market. Unique investment opportunity due to the up-to-now totally unexploited Greek biogas production market, combined with the immediate need for decontamination of organic waste throughout the country. There is now sharply increasing interest in the biogas industry.

 The Law 3851/2010 offers all necessary financial elements, as well as a very positive legal framework for the development of profitable biogas units.

 High sales price of each ΜWh: 230 €/MWh without any development cost subsidy. The sales price has been in force since June 2010 following voting of new law 3851/2010 regarding Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

Legal status  Law 3851/2010 “Accelerating the development of Renewable Energy Sources to deal with climate change and other regulations addressing issues under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change”  Ministerial Decision (MD) digestion of biomass (Official Gazette 554 03/08/2013). “Additional obligations for the environmental permitting process of power plants and thermal energy using biogas from anaerobic digestion of biomass (Official Gazette 554 03/08/2013)”.  L.4152 (09/05/2013)  L.4203 (01/11/2013)

Greece is a beautiful country…. Conclusions

 The biogas sector offers significant opportunities that can boost entrepreneurship and contribute to financial recovery.  There is huge potential of organic wastes • 17 million tons of wastes from 30.000 cattle-pig-poultry breeding farms out of the 240,000 SMEs of the primary sector • 2 million tons of agricultural residues from maize and straw

 The spatial distribution of those plants favor the planning of small economically viable projects of 100-300 kWe capacity, according to the German concept.

 Unexploited Greek Biogas market.

 The Law 3851/2010 offers all necessary financial elements, as well as a very positive legal framework.

 High feed-in tariff of each ΜWh: 230 €/MWh.

Thank you for your attention

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