Variance swap payoffs, risk premia and extreme market conditions Jeroen V.K. Rombouts1, Lars Stentoft2 and Francesco Violante3 June 5, 2017 Abstract This paper estimates the Variance Risk Premium (VRP) directly from synthetic variance swap payoffs. Since variance swap payoffs are highly volatile, we extract the VRP by using signal extraction techniques based on a state-space representation of our model in combination with a simple economic constraint. Our approach, only requiring option implied volatilities and daily returns for the underlying, provides measurement error free estimates of the part of the VRP related to normal market conditions, and allows constructing variables indicating agents' expectations under extreme market conditions. The latter variables and the VRP generate different re- turn predictability on the major US indices. A factor model is proposed to extract a market VRP which turns out to be priced when considering Fama and French port- folios. Keywords: Variance risk premium; Variance swaps; Return predictability; Factor Model, Kalman filter, CAPM. JEL Classification: C12, C22, G12, G13 1ESSEC Business School, Av. B. Hirsch, Cergy Pontoise, France 95021. Phone: +33 1 3443 3049 - E-mail:
[email protected] 2Department of Economics and Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, University of Western Ontario, Social Science Centre, London, ON, Canada N6A 5C2, Phone: +1 519 661 2111 ext. 85311 - E-mail:
[email protected] 3MEMOTEF - Sapienza Universit´adi Roma, Via del Castro Laurenziano 9, Roma, Italy 00161, and