Bastar Development Plan
BASTAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN STA11B PLANNING BOARD, MA0H[YA PRADESH NIEPA DC SN1027 No. 3251/SPB/WG STATE PLANNING BOARD GOVERNMENT OF MADHYA PRADESH Bhopal, dated the 31.12.1984 R.C. Singh Deo, Chairman, Working Group, Bastar Development Plan, To The Chief Minister, Madhya Pradesh, BHOPAU .Sir, I forward herewith the report of the Working Group set up by the Government of Madhya Pradesh in Planning, Economics and Statistics Department by Notification No.50/81/23/P-2/83 dated 15th January, 1983, for preparing a separate development plan for Bastar district, 2. There has, indeed, been a delay which may appear in ordinate in the preparation of the Bastar Development Plan, but this was unavoidable for the reason that considerable time was taken in collecj:ing the statistical data needed for the preparation of s.uch a comprehensive district level plan. >. I like to place on record that but for the zeal and untiring efforts of Shri M.R. Sivaramanj Member-Secretary, state Planning Board, Shri L.S.U.P.B. Singh, Director of Economics and Statistics and Shri U.S. Trivedi, Adviser, state Planning Board, it would not have been possible to prepare this plan. My thanks are alsBO due to all ttie non officials and officials who gave thei.r valuable assistance and advice in the preparation of thisf plan. 4. I tak6 this opportunity to esxpress our gratitude to the Hon'ble Chief Minister for his; endearing interest in the development of tribal areas anid for providing all encouragement and facilities to us. 5. In conclusion, I would requesit the State Government to send this Development Plan of Basttar to the Planning Commission for study and consideratiOm for special assistance, Yojurs faithfully, .
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