Behavior Therapy 44 (2013) 199–212


The Science of

Stefan G. Hofmann Boston University

Gordon J.G. Asmundson University of Regina

Aaron T. Beck University of Pennsylvania

that the United Kingdom will spend £300 million Cognitive therapy (CT) refers to a family of interventions ($600 million) to initiate a 6-year program with the and a general scientific approach to psychological disorders. goal to provide people with psychological problems, This family has evolved from a specific treatment model into such as disorders and , better a scientific approach that incorporates a wide variety of access to empirically supported therapies, especially disorder-specific interventions and treatment techniques. CT. The plan is to train a total of 8,000 new therapists The goal of this article is to describe the scientific approach in these evidence-based interventions for mood and of CT, review the efficacy and validity of the CT model, and anxiety disorders. This change in health care delivery exemplify important differences and commonalities of the was based on economic data showing that provision CT approaches based on two specific disorders, posttrau- of CT for common mental disorders is more cost- matic stress disorder and health anxiety. efficient than pharmacotherapy or other interven- tions (for more information, see Rachman & Wilson, 2008). Similarly, the Australian government recom- Keywords: cognitive therapy; acceptance and commitment therapy; mended in 1996 the provision of CT and introduced a ; cognitive science; neuroscience plan to provide better access to these services. Although impressive in magnitude, the recent COGNITIVE THERAPY (CT) is one of the big success development in the United Kingdom and other stories of contemporary . The most recent countries is not surprising to us. It appears to be a development in the United Kingdom is a very clear logical next step from the clear scientific evidence of example of the enormous influence CT has gained. In CT efficacy and effectiveness (e.g., Butler, Chapman, October 2007, the UK health secretary announced Forman, & Beck, 2006; Hofmann & Smits, 2008)to Stefan G. Hofmann is supported by grant R01MH078308 from its dissemination. Unfortunately, the United States, the National Institute of Mental Health and is a paid consultant by Canada, and other developed countries are still Organon (Schering-Plough) for issues and projects unrelated to lagging behind other nations, such as the United this article and is an advisor to the DSM-V Anxiety, Obsessive- Compulsive Spectrum, Posttraumatic, and Dissociative Disorders Kingdom and Australia, in necessary dissemination Work Group. Gordon J. G. Asmundson is supported by a Canadian efforts of CT. Therefore, wider dissemination efforts Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Investigator Award. We thank of CT in the United States and other countries should Kelly G. Wilson, Murray Abrams, and Kelsey Collimore for their comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. be a priority for future research. Address correspondence to Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D., Moreover, more research is necessary on the Department of Psychology, Boston University, 648 Beacon Street, mechanisms of treatment change. Although recent – 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02215 2002; e-mail: [email protected]. studies have provided direct empirical support for 0005-7894/44/199–212/$1.00/0 © 2011 for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Published by some core assumptions of the CT model, a number Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. of authors have criticized its validity. As we outlined 200 hofmann et al. in an earlier paper (Hofmann & Asmundson, 2008), contribute to the maintenance of psychopathology. this critique against CT is factually incorrect and/or It should be noted that the relationship between based on an incorrect interpretation of the cogni- emotions and cognitions is bidirectional because tive model. Instead of reiterating and elaborating changes in emotions can also lead to changes in on these criticisms, we will expand our discussion cognitions. The CT model simply builds on the fact beyond these criticisms and clarify the scientific that emotions are strongly, and causally, influenced approach of CT, review a number of recent studies by the perception of events or situations. This view and exciting new research providing strong support is in stark contrast to other theorists who reject for the CT model, and describe the general and the notion that cognitions can cause emotions and disorder-specific CT models. More specifically, behaviors (Wilson, 1997; Wilson, Hayes, & Gifford, we (a) describe the philosophical roots of CT, 1997). For example, Wilson and colleagues have (b) explain the interplay of cognition and emotion stated that “Cognition plays an important role in the in CT, (c) specify the treatment goals of CT, regulationofotherformsofbehaviors...,butitis (d) explain the hypothesized mechanisms of treat- not a causal role” (p. 56). We agree with Wilson and ment change, (e) provide an overview of the rela- colleagues in that this issue appears to be the most tionship of cognitive models with medical models critical and possibly irreconcilable difference be- and associated diagnostic systems, (f) summarize tween behavior analysis and CT at a theoretical and emerging empirical findings that support postulates philosophical level. of the CT model and address key criticisms noted When using cognitive techniques, focus is placed above, and (g) provide concrete illustrations of upon the cognitive realm first and foremost, although important general and disorder-specific consider- the physiological, emotional, and behavioral compo- ations of CT. Our intent is to correct some of the nents are clearly recognized for the role that they play. misperceptions about modern CT and, importantly, In short, from the CT perspective, it is the way one to stimulate continuing research and collegial dis- thinks about a situation or experience that influences cussions that will ultimately serve to improve the way he or she feels and behaves in the context of therapeutic tools and outcomes for those whose that situation or experience. Negative emotions and lives are impacted by psychopathology. harmful behaviors are products of dysfunctional thoughts and cognitive distortions. An important The Model of Scientific Development aspect of CT is targeting all aspects of psychopathol- CT is not specifically linked to a particular philo- ogy, regulating emotional distress via interventions sophical tradition. The philosophical foundation that directly target dysfunctional cognitions and most closely associated with CT is critical rational- related behaviors. A combination of cognitive ism, an epistemological philosophy (Popper, 1959) restructuring techniques and behavioral experiments that shares its philosophical roots with the natural (i.e., in vivo hypothesis testing), as described above, sciences. The core assumption of critical rationalism canbeusedtomodifymaladaptivethoughtsand is that knowledge can only be gained by attempting to cognitive distortions. This serves to increase perceived falsify hypotheses that are derived from scientific ability of coping, reduces perceptions of personal theories. Based on this philosophy, knowledge is vulnerability, and reduces emotional distress. objective and, thereby, shows properties and conse- The techniques of CT are compatible with recent quences that are not reducible to whatever one prefers emotion research, as described by Gross's emotion- the truth to be. Following the same philosophical generative process model (Gross, 1998, 2002; Gross principle, patients in CT are encouraged to generate & John, 2003; Gross & Levenson, 1997). Gross's hypotheses based on their beliefs (theories) about the process model of emotions emphasizes the evaluation world, themselves, and their future. This approach is of external or internal emotional cues. Once these combined with the Socratic method, in which a series cues are processed, a set of physiological, behavioral, of questions are posed to help a person determine his and experiential responses are activated, and these or her underlying beliefs. Through a process charac- responses are influenced by emotion-regulation terized as “collaborative empiricism,” patients falsify tendencies. Based on the time point at which a hypotheses devised to test dysfunctional beliefs. They person engages in emotion regulation, the techniques are then encouraged to revise their belief system, can be divided into antecedent-focused and response- which results in reduced emotional distress. focused strategies. Antecedent-focused emotion- regulation strategies occur before the emotional The Interplay of Cognition and Emotion in CT response has been fully activated. Examples include The core model of CT holds that cognitions causally cognitive reappraisal, situation modification, and influence emotions and behaviors and, in the case attention deployment. In contrast, response-focused of dysfunctional thoughts and cognitive distortions, emotion-regulation strategies are attempts to alter the science of ct 201 the expression or experience of an emotion after behaviors and emotions. When CT was first the response tendency has been initiated. Examples developed, little empirical support existed for this include strategies to suppress or tolerate the activated basic model (Hollon & Beck, 1986). However, as emotional response. statisticians developed strategies to test for treat- As we have described in detail elsewhere (Hofmann ment mediation, data has since accumulated to & Asmundson, 2008), a core element of CT is support the cognitive model for the treatment of cognitive reappraisal, which is an example of an panic disorder (Hofmann et al., 2007), social anxiety adaptive antecedent-focused emotion-regulation disorder (Hofmann, 2004; Smits, Rosenfield, Telch, strategy. Other techniques, including acceptance and & McDonald, 2006), obsessive-compulsive disorder mindfulness-based practices, primarily target mal- (Moore & Abramowitz, 2007), depression (Kaysen, adaptive response-focused strategies by discouraging Scher, Mastnak, & Resick, 2005; Tang, DeRubeis, emotional suppression. Many traditional CT pro- Beberman, & Pham, 2005), and pain (Price, 2000), tocols include response-focused strategies (e.g., relax- to name only a few. ation techniques and other stress-reduction methods), The statistical procedures for mediation have and more recent CT protocols have incorporated been well defined since the seminal paper by Baron mindfulness-based exercises (e.g., Roemer & Orsillo, and Kenny (1986); yet, mediation investigations of 2002; Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2001). treatment change are still in their infancy. In contrast to the Baron and Kenny criteria, which The Treatment Goals outline mediation tests for cross-sectional data, Emotional disorders are typically associated with mediation of treatment change requires significantly negatively valenced emotional responses, such as more complex methodologies. Recently, for exam- , sadness, anger, and heightened level of distress. ple, investigators have proposed criteria to study The goal of CT is not to eliminate or regulate these mediation of change using regression discontinua- emotions in general. Instead, the goal is to foster the tion and interrupted time series for single-group abilities of patients to provide for themselves more study designs (Doss & Atkins, 2006), structural realistic and accurate appraisals of the situations that equation modeling procedures for longitudinal tests they face. Cognitive techniques do not ask patients to (Cole & Maxwell, 2003), multilevel models (Kenny, think positively but rather more realistically. Korchmaros, & Bolger, 2003), and linear regression As described above, the underlying core model of models for randomized controlled trials (RCTs; CT is that cognitions profoundly and causally Kraemer, Wilson, Fairburn, & Agras, 2002). influence emotions and behaviors and, thereby, Although the methodological recommendations contribute to the maintenance of psychopathology. are complex and have been published only recently, As we have discussed elsewhere (Hofmann & an impressive number of studies demonstrating cog- Asmundson, 2008), targeting the way one thinks nitive mediation have already been published. For about emotion-eliciting situations and experiences is example, the Kraemer et al. (2002) criteria of different from approaches that attempt to regulate mediation state that a meditational relationship exists emotion through reduction of if (a) the proposed mediator correlates with treatment (e.g., by embracing anxiety or pain). These latter assignment, (b) the mediator has either a main or strategies are characteristic of those employed by interactive effect on outcome, and (c) changes in the acceptance and commitmenttherapy(ACT)practi- mediator variable precede changes in the dependent tioners (e.g., Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, variable. One of us (Hofmann, 2004) adopted these 2006); however, they are not incompatible with a CT criteria to study cognitive mediation in CT for social approach. Indeed, based on evidence that individuals by comparing CT, habitually employ either cognitive reappraisal or without explicit cognitive techniques, and a wait-list suppression to regulate emotion (Gross & John, control condition. In order to examine whether 2003), and that flexibility in emotional expression is treatment changes in estimation of social cost (how important to long-term emotional adjustment (Bon- bad it would be if the social situation did not go well) nanno, Papa, Lalande, Westphal, & Cifman, 2004), mediated changes in the dependent variable (social we strongly urge that future research efforts target the anxiety), patients were assessed at pretest, posttest, impact of flexibility in application of different and follow-up. This design limits the mediation emotion-regulation strategies on treatment outcome analyses because, in order to conduct an adequate for various forms of psychopathology. test of mediation, assessments are necessary at time points when the changes in the proposed mediator Hypothesized Mechanism of Treatment Change are believed to causally affect the changes in the In its simplest form, the CT model predicts that dependent variable. Due to design limitations, only changes in cognitions causally lead to changes in pre- to postchanges in the proposed mediator 202 hofmann et al.

(estimated social cost) predict pre- to follow-up treatment component analyses have not consistent- changes in the dependent variable (social anxiety) ly demonstrated that the cognitive component is were examined. The results showed that short-term more effective than exposure without explicit changes in estimated social cost mediated later . This is not a valid criticism treatment changes in both treatment conditions because a component analysis is neither a necessary from pre- to posttest. Only participants who received nor a sufficient test for the cognitive model CT showed continued improvement from posttest to (Hofmann, 2008b). 6-month follow-up. These long-term changes in A component analysis cannot answer the ques- social anxiety were associated with a reduction of tion of mediation for a number of methodological estimated social cost from pre- to posttest. This and logical reasons. First, the treatment length and suggests that cognitive intervention is mediated the number of treatment components are two con- through changes in estimated social cost, especially founded variables in component studies. In other among patients who received CT. words, a 1-hour exposure treatment does not in- Additional evidence for the cognitive mediation clude the same exposure component as a 1-hour model comes from tightly controlled laboratory exposure therapy with added direct cognitive studies. A case in point is the cognitive model of techniques, simply because the amount of exposure (Clark & Wells, 1995; therapy is different in the two treatments. If the Hofmann, 2007a; Rapee & Heimberg, 1997). amount of exposure time is kept constant, then the One of the concrete predictions of the model is treatment with more components will take more that, when confronted with social threat, socially time than the treatment with fewer components; anxious individuals focus their attention inwardly because therapist contact time is correlated with onto negative self-focused cognitions, leading to treatment success, it is impossible to directly com- heightened social anxiety and subsequent avoid- pare the treatments that differ in the number of ance behaviors, resulting in the maintenance of components. Second, cognitions can change and the problem. Consistent with this model are mediate treatment through a number of ways, not correlational and mediation studies showing that only through direct cognitive challenges. For successful treatment is associated with decreased example, a person with spider who exposes self-focused attention (Hofmann, 2000; Wells & him- or herself to spiders without experiencing Papageorgiou, 1998; Woody, Chambless, & Glass, any of the feared consequences will show a re- 1997), which is correlated with changes in social duction in harm expectancy, even without explicit anxiety, especially among individuals who receive . Therefore, a trial showing cognitive interventions (Hofmann, Moscovitch, Kim, that treatment (or treatment component) X is more & Taylor, 2004). efficacious than another treatment (or treatment A recent laboratory study similarly demonstrated component) Y simply shows that treatment X re- that anxiety in anticipation of a socially threatening duces symptoms more than treatment Y, but the situation is cognitively mediated (Schulz, Alpers, mechanism of change in treatment X or Y remains & Hofmann, 2008). This study assessed anxious unclear. Similarly, a null finding in the efficacy be- responding during anticipation of public speaking. tween two treatments does not rule out differences in To examine the role of cognitions as a mediator, mediation between the treatments. It is also possible the study induced negative self-focused cognitions that both or neither treatment components are me- as compared to relaxation that encouraged partic- diated via variable Z. The crucial question remains— ipants to focus their attention away from negative do changes in cognitions (e.g., harm expectancy) cognitions. As predicted, negative self-focused mediate changes in symptoms (e.g., fear of spiders)? cognitions fully mediated the effects of trait social Accordingly, the critical tests for the cognitive model anxiety on self-reported anxiety and heart rate are mediation studies, not component analyses. This variability during negative anticipation. More- call for mediation analyses is consistent with many over, trait social anxiety predicted increased startle other authors (e.g., Hayes et al., 2006; Zettle & amplitudes. Hayes, 1986). In summary, a wealth of experimental evidence clearly supports the central assumptions of the Relationship to the Medical Model and Its cognitive model of anxiety and other disorders. Diagnostic System This evidence comes from studies of mediation Many contemporary cognitive models of psycho- using both clinical treatment samples as well as pathology are aligned with medical classification samples participating in controlled laboratory in- systems of mental disorders, such as that provided vestigations. It should be noted that an argument of by the DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Associ- some critics of CT is that the CT is invalid because ation, 2000) and the International Classification of the science of ct 203

Diseases-10 (ICD-10; World Health Organization, Efficacy of CT 1992, 1993). Cognitive-behavioral researchers and A review of the efficacy of CT for mental disorders clinicians have taken advantage of the semblance of would easily fill a textbook. A recent review of 16 order that these atheoretical classification systems meta-analytic studies found large controlled effect offer to the field of psychopathology and, from that sizes for CT for unipolar depression, generalized order, have developed models for a wide range of anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without conditions. These models most often focus on , social phobia (i.e., social anxiety understanding and explaining psychopathology disorder), PTSD, and childhood depressive and reflected by specific DSM/ICD diagnostic categories anxiety disorders, and medium controlled effect (e.g., social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety sizes for CT of chronic pain, childhood somatic disorder, major depressive disorder), although there disorders, marital distress, and anger (Butler et al., are some exceptions. Cognitive models of health 2006). Furthermore, large uncontrolled effect sizes anxiety diverge from a criteria-based categorical were found for bulimia nervosa and schizophrenia. conceptualization, viewing the cognitive features of Similarly, a recent review of methodologically conditions characterized by severe health anxiety as rigorous, randomized placebo-controlled studies of occurring along a continuum ranging from adap- anxiety disorders indicated that CT yielded medium tive to maladaptive. Likewise, cognitive models of to large effect sizes over placebo (Hofmann & Smits, chronic pain behavior are neither rooted in the 2008). Large effect sizes were observed for obsessive- traditional biomedical model of pain nor DSM- compulsive disorder and acute stress disorder. defined pain disorder. They are, instead, integrative Moreover, the various CT treatment protocols models that account for complex interplay between showed clear disorder specificity, because depression biological, psychological, and sociocultural mech- changed to a significantly lesser degree than the anisms (e.g., Asmundson & Wright, 2004). All targeted anxiety disorder. In sum, CT is clearly an — cognitive models of psychopathology whether effective treatment for a range of psychopathology. based on DSM/ICD diagnostic categories, dimen- The effects of CT have been replicated many times in sional conceptualization, mechanistic conceptuali- well-controlled studies. As a result, many CT pro- — zation, or some other system serve to guide, and tocols have been classified as empirically supported are informed by, research and development of treatments as defined by the APA Division 12 Task treatment techniques. Force in 1995 (Chambless et al., 1998). General alignment of cognitive models with In contrast, much less is known about the efficacy medical classification systems of mental disorders of ACT. A recent review by Öst (2008) examined 13 is not without controversy (e.g., Andersson & RCTs in ACT and dialectic behavior therapy (DT), 1 Ghaderi, 2006). A number of specific issues are at in cognitive behavioral analysis system of psycho- the heart of the controversy but, in essence, it therapy, and 2 in integrative behavioral couple revolves around whether classifying people into therapy. The results showed that the RCTs used a criteria-based psychiatric diagnostic categories is significantly less stringent research methodology. The compatible with and the practice of mean effect size of the available studies was moderate behavioral analysis. There are also numerous other for both ACT and DT. None of these therapies issues being discussed and debated as the process of fulfilled the criteria for empirically supported treat- revising the DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 takes flight ments as defined by the Division 12 Task Force. (e.g., Andrews, Anderson, Slade, & Sunderland, 2008). Despite the issues of current discussion and The Biological Correlates of Cognitions debate, the evidence is clear that the development and CT and refinement of cognitive models for various The cognitive and affective neuroscience literature DSM-IV-TR/ICD-10 diagnoses has permitted ap- convincingly shows that changes in cognitions due plication of specific treatment techniques across a to CT are associated with changes in brain activity. diverse range of psychopathologies for which The literature on the effects of cognitions on brain outcomes have been favorable (see below). More- activity is enormous, and we can provide only a over, another benefit of this alignment is evidenced glimpse into this exciting literature. in the development of novel ways for combining CT with short-term pharmacotherapy in exposure effects of cognitions on brain activity treatment (Hofmann, 2007b; Hofmann, Pollack, & A number of studies from the field of neuroscience Otto, 2006). Approaches such as these have sub- support the notion that changes in cognitions and stantial potential for further increasing the effective- conscious self-regulation of emotions directly influ- ness of the treatments available for various forms of ence the electrochemical dynamics in the brain (e.g., psychopathology. Beauregard, Levesque, & Bourgouin, 2001; Blair 204 hofmann et al. et al., 2007; Bunge, Ochsner, Desmond, Glover, & situational contexts. The functional magnetic reso- Gabrieli, 2001; LeDoux, 1996; Ochsner, Bungem, nance imaging (fMRI) data showed that Gross, & Gabrieli, 2002; Ochsner & Gross, 2005; activation was modulated up or down in accordance Ochsner et al., 2004). For example, Ochsner and with the regulatory goal. Whereas up regulation colleagues (2002) observed a causal relationship recruited the anterior , MPFC, left between reappraisal of negative stimuli, improve- LPFC, and the left amygdala, down regulation ment in mood, and brain activity patterns. In this recruited the left LPFC and the left orbitofrontal study, negatively valenced and neutral pictures cortex. Moreover, self-focused regulation was asso- were presented to 15 healthy female participants. ciated with MPFC regions, whereas situation- For each trial, participants were instructed to view focused regulation recruited lateral prefrontal re- the picture and fully experience any emotional gions. These findings indicate that there are both response it might elicit. The picture remained on the common and distinct neural systems that support screen for an additional period of time with the various forms of reappraisal. The specific prefrontal instructions either to attend or to reappraise the systems that modulate the amygdala appear to be stimulus. On the attend trials, participants were contingent on the regulatory goal and strategy that is asked to be aware of the picture, but not to try to used. In sum, these findings demonstrate that modify any feelings induced by the picture. As cognitive reappraisal selectively alters the way the part of the reappraisal instructions, participants brain processes and reacts to emotional stimuli (see were asked to reinterpret the negative picture so Beauregard, 2007, for a review). that it no longer generated the negative emotional response. Reappraisal of the negative pictures effects of ct on brain activity lessened negative affect and was associated with A number of studies have examined changes in brain increased activity in the dorsal and ventral regions activity from before to after CT. In fact, enough data of the left lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) and the have accumulated for no fewer than three systematic dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), but review articles on the effects of CT on changes in decreased activity in the amygdala and orbitofron- brain functioning (Frewen, Dozois, & Lanius, 2008; tal cortex. The medial (MOFC) Linden, 2006; Roffman, Marci, Glick, Dougherty, & showed greater activation for most negative pic- Rauch, 2005). Studies included in these meta-analyses tures on attend than on reappraise trials. Further- examined CT for obsessive-compulsive disorder more, increased activation in the ventrolateral (Baxter et al., 1992; Nakao et al., 2005; Nakatani prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) was correlated with et al., 2003; Schwartz, Stoessel, Baxter, Martin, & decreased activation in the amygdala, suggesting Phelps, 1996), social anxiety disorder (Furmark et al., that the VLPFC may play an important role in 2002), spider phobia (Paquette et al., 2003; Straube, conscious and voluntary regulation of emotional Glauer, Dilger, Mentzel, & Miltner, 2006), panic processes. disorder (Prasko et al., 2004), PTSD (Felmingham et These findings seem to suggest that reappraisal al., 2007), and major depressive disorder (Goldapple instructions modulate the emotion processes imple- et al., 2004). In addition, two studies examined mented in the amygdala and MOFC and are involved neural changes as a result of interpersonal therapy in the evaluation of the emotional significance and for depression (Brody et al., 1998; Martin, Martin, contextual relevance of the stimulus. The finding that Rai, Richardson, & Royall, 2001). ventral LPFC activation was inversely associated When interpreting these results, it should be with activation of the amygdala and MOFC suggests taken into consideration that all of the studies were that the VLPFC may play an important role in based on a relatively small number of participants conscious and voluntary regulation of emotional and used different techniques to study changes in processes. The data further suggest that limbic and brain activation, ranging from glucose metabolism, ventral prefrontal structures generate negative affect blood flow, and task-induced blood oxygenation in response to certain stimuli, whereas dorsal (i.e., the BOLD signal of fMRI). These physiologic prefrontal regions may be engaged through reap- parameters are governed by different regulatory praisal techniques to dampen this outflow from more systems and are, therefore, prone to influences from ventral structures. different confounding variables. However, despite In a later study by the same research group the differences in methodology and the preliminary (Ochsner et al., 2004), 24 healthy female participants nature of these studies, a number of consistent were instructed to up or down regulate negative findings emerged. The studies collectively support emotion either by internally on the self- the notion that response to CT for mood and relevance of aversive scenes or by focusing externally anxiety disorders is associated with changes in on alternative meanings of picture actions and their brain regions that are consistent with neural models the science of ct 205 of affective regulation and self-regulation (Davidson, Modern learning theories of assume 2000; Lieberman, 2007; Ochsner & Gross, 2005), that conditioning happens as participants form and suggest that CT alters brain functioning representations of the relevant cues (CS and US) associated with problem solving, affect regulation, and situational contexts, and as they acquire and self-referential and relational processing. For information about the association between these example, CT is associated with changes in anterior cues and the situations (see Myers & Davis, 2002,for and posterior cortical midline structures that are a review). These associations can be either excitatory related to self-referential processing (Northoff et al., (i.e., activation of one representation activates 2006). CT was further associated with changes in another) or inhibitory (i.e., activation of one regions that are involved in the regulation of negative representation inhibits activation of another). Ac- affect (Ochsner & Gross, 2005), including the quisition of conditioned responses is explained by the ventral and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, formation of an excitatory association between MPFC, and the right ventrolateral and inferior representations of the CS and the US. The US re- frontal cortex. Moreover, activity within the left presentation is activated indirectly through its asso- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was modulated by CT ciation with the CS representation that, in turn, for mood and anxiety disorders, suggesting that CT triggers the conditioned response. Extinction is leads to increased executive functioning by enhanc- assumed to proceed through multiple mechanisms ing deployment of working memory in problem- (Myers & Davis, 2002) that also include new solving solutions to difficult emotional and stressful learning that inhibits the excitatory association situations (e.g., Frewen et al., 2008). For a review of between the CS and the US (e.g., Bouton, 1993; the recent literature on the neurobiological correlates Myers, Ressler, & Davis, 2006). As part of this new of cognitions and CT, see Hofmann, Ellard and form of learning, the participant changes the CS–US Siegle (in press) contingency in such a way that the CS no longer signals an aversive event and thereby inhibits the The Role of Cognitions in Extinction and expression of the fear response (e.g., Bouton, 1993; Conditioning Processes Myers & Davis, 2002). Even basic learning is moderated and possibly This brief review of the animal literature suggests mediated via cognitions. In the case of fear learning, that fear acquisition, extinction learning, and expo- it has been shown that fear can be acquired without sure therapy involve higher-order cognitive process- directly experiencing the conditioned stimulus (CS) es. Thus, it can be concluded that a reduction in US and unconditioned stimulus (US). For example, expectancy mediates extinction learning and expo- Rhesus monkeys learn quickly to acquire a fear of sure therapy, as well as CT (Hofmann, 2008a). This snakes simply by observing another monkey respond view is also consistent with a number of earlier fearfully to them. Similarly, observing another models that emphasize the predic- monkey responding nonfearfully can effectively tion of harm during exposure procedures (Foa & prevent the acquisition of this fear following later Kozak, 1986). exposure to models behaving fearfully (e.g., Mineka Recognizing the importance of cognitive pro- & Zinbarg, 2006). Therefore, fear can be acquired cesses in fear acquisition, extinction, and exposure by observing two events contiguous in time—the therapy offers a new possibility for intervention snake and the fear response to the snake exhibited by research, namely, to improve the effects of expo- another monkey. This points to the involvement of sure therapy with pharmacological intervention higher-order cognitive processes. that are believed to act as cognitive enhancers. Similarly, extinction learning involves cognitive Animal research has shown that fear and extinction processes. Evidence against the notion that extinc- learning are both blocked by antagonists at the tion is merely due to an unlearning or erasure of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) re- previously acquired fear include the observations ceptor, which is critically involved in learning and that the original fear response returns after the passage memory. For example, intra-amygdala infusions of time (spontaneous recovery; e.g., Robbins, 1990), of an NMDA receptor antagonist shortly before after a change of context from the extinction context extinction training dose-dependently blocks extinc- (renewal; e.g., Bouton & Bolles, 1979; Rodriguez, tion (Falls, Miserendino, & Davis, 1992). Moreover, Craske, Mineka, & Hladeck, 1999), or after d-cycloserine (DCS), a partial NMDA agonist dose- unsignaled presentations of the US that occur within dependently enhances extinction in rats (Ledgerwood, the context of the retention test (reinstatement; e.g., Richardson, & Cranney, 2003, 2004; Walker, Bouton & Swartzentruber, 1991; Dirikx, Hermans, Ressler, Lu, & Davis, 2002). Similarly, DCS has Vansteenwegen, Baeyens, & Eelen, 2004; Hermans been shown to enhance exposure therapy of height et al., 2005; Rescorla & Heth, 1975). phobia (Ressler et al., 2004), social anxiety disorder 206 hofmann et al.

(Guastella et al., 2008; Hofmann, Meuret, et al., we have chosen to highlight PTSD and health anxiety. 2006), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (Kushner We have selected these conditions for several reasons. et al., 2007; Wilhelm et al., 2008). The CT model of PTSD provides an excellent illu- stration of how cognitions add explanatory value to The Family of CTs simple conditioning learning. The CT model of health Psychology is most commonly defined in contempo- anxiety clearly illustrates that it is cognitive restruc- rary textbooks as the scientific study of behavior and turing, not symptom reduction or elimination, that is mental processes. CT, which is rooted in behavioral important in reducing psychopathology. Both exam- and cognitive sciences, targets psychotherapy as the ples further illustrate two crucial points that are often object of scientific study. Since its initial development, questioned by critics: First, there is a direct causal link CT has undergone extensive scientific scrutiny between cognitions and emotions, and second, through comparisons in RCTs, component analyses, changing maladaptive cognitions leads to improve- and mediation analyses (as discussed above). Pre- ments in psychopathology. dictions of aspects of the intervention have been tested in laboratory experiments, and knowledge gained Examples of CT Models and Treatments about the psychopathology of a disorder has been CT, as with every advanced science, has many integrated into existing CT protocols for specific subdisciplines. All CT approaches are connected by disorders. Therefore, the evolution of CT reflects the the same basic model (i.e., cognitions causally affect progress of psychology as a science. emotions and behaviors), but the various tech- CT is not a single-treatment protocol, and it is niques and models show a number of unique inappropriate to talk about the cognitive therapy or features, depending on the targeted disorder. the cognitive model. The specific model and treat- Although traditional CT protocols are more ment techniques depend on the symptoms that are effective than placebo treatments, there is clearly targeted. Therefore, as researchers and practitioners, still room for improvement. For example, the average we are forced to select a specific CT model for specific effect size of CT for anxiety disorders is 0.73 harmful dysfunctions to exemplify the link between (Hofmann & Smits, 2008). Since CT was first the theory and the specific treatment techniques. formulated, knowledge from the experimental liter- More recently, some authors have begun to develop ature has been translated into improved therapeutic unified CT protocols that cut across diagnostic techniques that have since been incorporated into categories that are focused on specific dysfunctional improved treatment protocols to specifically target emotion-regulation strategies (e.g., Barlow, Allen, & the maintenance factors of a disorder. A comprehen- Choate, 2004). Thus, CT describes a family of sive review of these modifications is outside the scope interventions that share the same basic elements of of this paper. Below are two recent examples. the CT model that focus on the importance of cognitive processes for emotion regulation (for a thecognitivemodelofptsd recent review, see Hofmann, 2011). PTSD is only one of many examples that illustrate We do not consider this to be a weakness of CT. how cognitive theory provides an alternative and Instead, it is a sign that CT is a maturing scientific more heuristically useful model for a disorder that is discipline rather than an assembly of specific more in line with empirical data than the behavior- treatment techniques. The reason for this is the istic models of fear acquisition and extinction strong commitment to the scientific enterprise and (Mineka & Zinbarg, 2006). Pavlovian fear condi- openness to translate and integrate new empirical tioning is an obvious animal model for the study of findings of the psychopathology of a disorder into a PTSD in humans (e.g., Charney, 2004; Pitman, working CT model of the disorder. This is an 1997). After repeated pairing of a CS with a US, ongoing and iterative process; for example, CT for the CS comes to elicit conditioned fear responses. a specific anxiety disorder 10 years ago looks very Similarly, a soldier in combat may associate the different from CT for the same disorder today. sound of a helicopter (CS) with a severe traumatic Although the core assumption of CT remains the event (US), leading to a conditioned fear response same—changes in cognitions causally predict when exposed to stimuli that resemble the original changes in negative emotions and maladaptive CS. This model assumes that, as with fear extinction behavior—the specific treatment techniques have training in animals, the association between a CS and certainly changed and will continue to change as a US can be weakened if the CS no longer predicts the basic research on psychopathology progresses. US (e.g., Milad, Rauch, Pitman, & Quirk, 2006). To illustrate the link between the underlying CT However, such a simple animal model does not ex- model and the specific models that are informed by plain other prominent features of PTSD in humans, empirical research and specific treatment techniques, ranging from depression and feelings of guilt to social the science of ct 207 isolation and emotional numbing. Therefore, cogni- treatment consisted of 12 weekly treatment sessions tive models of PTSD have been formulated to (the first session lasted 90 minutes, and remaining account for these and other issues (e.g., Ehlers & sessions lasted 60 minutes). The assessment instru- Clark, 2000; Resick & Schnicke, 1993). ments included standard self-report and independent The most recent version of the cognitive model of evaluator assessments, including the Post-traumatic PTSD has been formulated by Ehlers and Clark Diagnostic Scale (Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, (2000). This model posits that individuals develop 1997) and the clinician-administered PTSD scale persistent PTSD if they process the traumatic event for DSM-IV (Blake et al., 1995). The intent-to-treat and/or its sequelae in a way that produces a sense of effect sizes for the change in PTSD symptoms from a serious current threat. This sense of current threat pre- to posttreatment ranged between 2.07 and 2.82. is thought to be the result of (a) excessively negative The controlled effect sizes for the treatment versus appraisals of the trauma and/or its sequelae, and the wait-list group at posttreatment ranged between (b) a disturbance of the memory processing of the 2.18 and 2.25. Treatment outcome was positively trauma due to poor elaboration and appraisal. associated with changes in dysfunctional posttrau- Once these processes are activated, the perception matic cognitions (Ehlers et al., 2005). A more recent of current threat is then accompanied by arousal, study further showed that cognitive changes predict anxiety, other emotional responses, intrusions, and disorder-specific PTSD symptoms above and beyond reexperiencing symptoms. Persistent reexperiencing what could be predicted by the initial symptom levels symptoms are assumed to be caused by deficits in or other commonly found predictors of PTSD (Ehring, the trauma memory. The model further assumes Ehlers, & Glucksman, 2008). that the perceived threat motivates a series of be- havioral and cognitive responses that are intended the cognitive model of health anxiety to reduce perceived threat and distress in the short Health anxiety refers to anxiety stemming from the term. However, these maladaptive attempts do not belief that bodily “noise” (i.e., bodily sensations resolve the problems but, rather, prevent cognitive and/or changes) are indicative of disease. The extent change and thereby contribute to the maintenance to which one experiences health anxiety varies of the problem. considerably from person to person. Like other forms of anxiety, health anxiety can serve an cognitive therapy of ptsd adaptive function in that it sometimes motivates This model has concrete treatment implications us to seek medical care when such care is needed. (Ehlers, Clark, Hackmann, McManus, & Fennell, Potentially maladaptive expressions of health anx- 2005). Based on this model, effective treatment of iety, including full and abridged forms of hypo- PTSD will have to identify the relevant appraisals, chondriasis, typically occur when the anxiety memory characteristics and triggers, and the cogni- experienced is out of proportion with the objective tive and behavioral variables that maintain PTSD. degree of medical risk. Health anxiety often arises The specific treatment techniques to achieve this when a person is under stress, seriously ill, or objective include strategies to (a) modify excessively recovering from a serious illness, or has suffered the negative appraisals of the trauma and/or its sequelae loss of a family member (Barsky & Klerman, 1983). by examining the meaning of the moments of greatest The cognitive model of health anxiety is supported distress in the trauma memory (the hot spots), by a good deal of empirical research (see Taylor & (b) elaborate the trauma memories and discriminate Asmundson, 2004, for a review) and, importantly, the triggers that lead to the reexperiencing of the has led to effective treatment (Salkovskis, Warwick, trauma, and (c) eliminate dysfunctional cognitive & Deale, 2003; Taylor & Asmundson, 2004). factors that lead to the maintenance of PTSD. Health anxiety is posited to arise from dysfunctional A cognitive treatment protocol with these cognitive beliefs about sickness, health, and health care; in strategies shows impressive results for treating particular, people with severe health anxiety are chronic PTSD (Ehlers et al., 2005). As compared to convinced that the bodily “noise” that they experi- a wait-list control group, the treatment led to large ence is due to some sort of serious physical malady reductions in PTSD symptoms, disability, depression, rather than somatic sensations arising from benign and anxiety at posttest and 6-month follow-up. The bodily perturbations (e.g., trembling associated with authors conducted a consecutive case series analysis muscle tension, a blemish on the skin), symptoms of with 20 participants with PTSD and also an RCT minor disease (e.g., chest pain associated with comparing 14 participants with PTSD who under- dyspepsia), and autonomic nervous system arousal went cognitive therapy and 14 individuals with PTSD (Taylor & Asmundson, 2004). As a consequence of assigned to a wait-list control group. The treatment disease conviction, people with severe health anxiety and the waiting period lasted for 3 months. The become preoccupied with, and fearful of, the 208 hofmann et al. possibility of having to suffer the agony of having a cognitive or behavioral intervention alone (cognitive serious disease. Recurring images of disease and therapy effect size=.83; exposure and response death, often intrusive in nature, are not uncommon prevention effect size=1.00) or pharmacotherapy in people with severe health anxiety (Warwick & (effect size range=1.07 for nefazadone to 1.92 for Salkovskis, 1989). fluoxetine). This suggests that the combination of Along with disease conviction and preoccupation, cognitive intervention strategies and behavioral other dysfunctional beliefs (e.g., viewing one's self as experiments, the latter of which serve as a means of weak and vulnerable; a need for absolute certainty hypothesis testing to facilitate revision of maladap- regarding medical test results) motivate maladaptive tive beliefs, is more effective than cognitive or coping behaviors (e.g., reassurance seeking, recur- behavioral intervention alone. The meta-analytic rent checking of the body or medical information, findings also indicated that, for the psychosocial avoidance). The cognitions and behavioral responses interventions, gains were most likely to be main- associated with severe health anxiety are intended to tained at 12-month follow-up for those who received reduce perceived threat and distress; however, while CT (mean pre- to follow-up effect size=1.74). effective in the short term, these responses typically prevent cognitive change and thereby serve to Discussion perpetuate and often exacerbate anxiety. CT is a general scientific approach to psychological disorders that has been the foundation of a wide cognitive therapy of health anxiety variety of psychological treatments. The overarching The cognitive model of health anxiety has a number principle of these interventions is that cognitions of specific treatment implications. In essence, CT for causally influence emotional experiences and behav- severe health anxiety begins with identification of iors. We reviewed two prominent CT models to dysfunctional beliefs, including those regarding the illustrate the significant variations in the basic meaning of bodily “noise” and related issues (e.g., assumptions of the maintaining factors of the vulnerability to disease), triggers of these beliefs and disorders and the differences in the disorder-specific associated anxiety, and the behaviors that maintain treatment techniques. The Ehlers and Clark (2000) health anxiety. Once these factors have been CT model of PTSD assumes that dysfunctional identified, the therapist works collaboratively with cognitive processing of a past traumatic event is the individual to discover noncatastrophic (benign) causally linked to the current emotional state alternative explanations for bodily noise, and then associated with this event. As a result, the CT applies behavioral exercises (e.g., exposure, re- techniques focus on the reappraisal and the memory sponse prevention) as a means of facilitating belief of the trauma. In contrast, the CT model of health change (e.g., Taylor & Asmundson, 2004). It is anxiety assumes that it is the dysfunctional cognitive important to note that the goal of CT for severe processes of a multitude of current or future health anxiety is not to reduce bodily noise but, experiences, rather than the dysfunctional processing rather, to find alternative and adaptive non-disease- of an identifiable event in the past, that is associated related explanations for the bodily noise. with emotional distress and maladaptive behaviors. Many uncontrolled trials have suggested that CT This model further assumes that many different can effectively reduce severe health anxiety (e.g., harmless physical sensations or minor and benign Martinez & Botella, 2005; Stern & Fernandez, unexplained pains or aches (bodily “noise”)are 1991). Trials comparing CT to wait-list controls, consistently interpreted as being indicative of a other treatment conditions, and medical treatment as serious physical disease in the present or future. usual have also produced results indicative of the Characteristic features of health anxiety include superiority of CT (e.g., Barsky & Ahern, 2004; Clark disease conviction and preoccupation, as well as et al., 1998; Warwick, Clark, Cobb, & Salkovskis, other dysfunctional beliefs that motivate maladap- 1996). In a recent meta-analytic review of 25 tive coping behaviors. Similar to PTSD, the cogni- treatment trials of full-blown or abridged hypochon- tions and behavioral responses associated with driasis (Taylor, Asmundson, & Coons, 2005), we severe health anxiety are intended to reduce per- found that effect sizes were larger for all psychosocial ceived threat and distress; however, although effec- interventions (e.g., psychoeducation, exposure and tive in the short term, these responses typically response prevention, cognitive therapy, CT, behav- prevent cognitive change and thereby serve to ioral stress management) than for wait-lists. In fact, perpetuate and often exacerbate anxiety. Despite pre- to posttreatment effect sizes from trials of the differences in the cognitive conceptualization of, patients with full were larger for and approach to treating, PTSD and health anxiety, CT (i.e., a combination of cognitive and behavioral they are firmly rooted within the basic CT approach— interventions; effect size=2.05) compared to either namely, that dysfunctional cognitions are causally the science of ct 209 linked to emotional distress, and that correcting Conceptual, strategic and statistical considerations. Journal of – dysfunctional cognitions results in improvement of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173 1182. Barsky, A. J., & Ahern, D. K. (2004). Cognitive behavior therapy emotional distress and maladaptive behaviors. for hypochondriasis: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of CT has had an enormous influence on contempo- the American Medical Association, 291,1464–1470. rary psychology. Aaron T. Beck received the Lasker Barsky, A. J., & Klerman, G. L. 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