JSSE Journal of Social Science Education
Journal of Social Science JSSE Education What’s Wrong With Secondary School Economics and How Teachers Can Make it Right - Methodological Critique and Pedagogical Possibilities Jacek Wiktor Brant About the Use of the Word “Market” in the Teaching of Economics: The Lexicon at Work at the High School and at the University Hervé Blanchard, Yves-Patrick Coléno Why We Need to Question the Democratic Engagement of Adolescents in Europe Isolde de Groot, Wiel Veugelers Iranian EFL Teachers’ Voices on the Pedagogy of Word and World Parvin Safari, Nasser Rashidi What’s Wrong With (Secondary School) Economics and How Teachers Can Make it Right Martin Tolich, Bonnie Scarth, Kerry Shephard Economics from a Different Point of View - Good Practice in Teacher Training: How to Handle, Use and Judge External Standardized Tests in Schools Julia Prieß-Buchheit 20th AEEE Conference and 1st ENSECASS Symposium, Aix-Marseille University, 27-29 August 2014: Summary and Perspectives 20ème Conférence de l’AEEE et 1er Colloque ENSECOSS, Université d’Aix-Marseille, 27-29 août 2014: Eléments de bilan et perspectives Alain Legardez, Hans-Jürgen Schloesser Civics and citizenship education in the Nordic Conference on Subject Didactics NoFa-5, May 26 – 28, 2015, Helsinki, Finland Jan Löfström Journal of Social Science Education Volume 14, Number 4, Winter 2015 ISSN 1618–5293 Masthead Editors: Reinhold Hedtke, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology Ian Davies, Department of Educational Studies, University of York Andreas Fischer, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty
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