Book Reviews
BOOK REVIEWS Samuel Bawlf. Sir Francis Drake's Secret these places to a few foreign map makers in Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, AD contravention of English policies of secrecy. 1579. Salt Spring Island, B.C.: Sir Francis Drake It is a meticulously detailed study, and Publications, 2001. x + 149 pp., illustrations, to discuss all his points would require a book as tables, appendix, notes, bibliography. CDN long as his first one. Bawlfs principal ideas are $100.00, cloth; ISBN 0-96885-280-7 and The clear, however. This is a conspiracy theory, in Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, 1577-1580. which Bawlf claims to have "decoded" Vancouver, B.C.; Douglas & Mclntyre Publishing deliberately "encyphered" "cryptograms" in the Group, 2003. 464 maps and discovered Elizabethan "rules" pp., illustrations, table, notes, bibliography, enabling him to do so. One such "rule" is that index. CDN $24.95, paper; ISBN 1-55365- no latitude higher than 48 degrees was permitted 0417. to be mentioned in any Elizabethan document for fear of disclosing that Drake had really Samuel Bawlfs self-published Sir Francis discovered the coast of Canada leading to the Drake's Secret Voyage is a handsomely hoped-for Northwest Passage, or Strait of Anian produced book, lavishly illustrated with many - Drake's true and overriding objective in the sharply reproduced late-sixteenth- and early- voyage of circumnavigation, according to Bawlf. seventeenth-century maps. In this 2001 book, Another "rule" is that the latitudes given in the Bawlf claims that during his 1577 to 1580 maps and documents must be raised by 10 voyage of circumnavigation, Francis Drake degrees to identify the true locations of Drake's traveled 2,000 miles exploring the northwest activities.
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