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Deconstruction Solo Painting Exhiortron Kazi Salahuddin Ahmed Bangladesh National Museum 7th to 14th [anoar-y 2003 Art Association of Harrisburg 4th Apnl To 6th May 2004 This Exhrbmon 1s Dedicated to : Late RJb1;a. Khatun. Aysha KIHLun l-leherunesba Salrna Begum Photography Kall Sayed Ahmed, DeSJgn Km Salahuddm Ahmed Cornp1tcr Graphic Mun,r Chowdh�ry Scan L,m,t ..d Pnn1111g : Grepbosr-tan K.eproJuc!Kn & Printing r, • 5 5� X !8 0m .iCT)k C<1 P?p<' 2()12 Dematertahsanon of Reality Tl� pcoce,, , ,i,,,nlill,.,..J\JI a'lJ ever1 tnst, tot me wco'flf' nth.,,- f't"'diantr.& lo strn , p K.J1 'MW"Y.ddn s wcrk 0Cif' may <<l start w'.t tti� lt-.e He , a fC<CMc act.7, bJt bdlnd 00 p"Olkacy thec, � a dc,7,ed'y Jetermned rm,, with eye, set or, d parter+i ,r- hm de.e'med tTCJLgh-:,,,t th, last ch:a"" o' the pre',\Olll centu'y List twe<,e veers of",\ ,:ar,,er Has t!ie trre �f -�.m rg h� r!,,ntrt:, w1 Ii> r "'" SlJC)"'TM 1� t-e o-cu-os-anres ,n real wcrl:J anc 1t was also a tme that ,aw 1 m ceclairn. t!1rc<JRh h, 111>.� of l� a wide lJe<...f',\'T' d r.s,'JI ,e, LJ tl1Jl w,.r�J r-1, tTer ;,ur'd, as ford, h, ar L re-,ea� cons sts of a CJJe teoce-cy 0-.e 1.1 h� ,warf'!1ess ot tre pie,;e he Ms ,n Te cfr part of Dhc.b.
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